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Diet & Regimen
By Dr. Jay Sarvaiya
What is “Diet”?
What is “ Regimen” ?
● Diet :-
● food and drink regularly provided or consumed
● habitual nourishment
● the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or
animal for a special reason
(Ref. Marriam webster dictionary)
● Regimen :-
● a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication)
especially when designed to improve and maintain the
health of a patient
(Ref. Marriam webster dictionary)
What is need of knowing Diet &
Regimen as Physicians?
● To diagnose any error in metabolism.
● To advice suitable diets and regimen for a person in disease.
● Diet & Regimen with which patient is used might be maintaining or exciting
cause of a disease.
What are different components of
Healthy Diet?
According to National Health Portal (NHP) of India
Energy rich foods (Carbohydrates and fats)-whole grain cereals, millets,
vegetable oils, ghee, nuts and oilseeds and sugars.
Body building foods (Proteins)- Pulses, nuts and oilseeds, milk and milk
products, meat, fish, poultry.
Protective foods (Vitamins and minerals) - Green leafy vegetables, other
vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and milk products and flesh foods.
Ideal Diet for different Age
Groups :-
● For Infants :-
● Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first 6
months of life.
● Infants should be breastfed continuously until 2 years of age
and beyond.
● From 6 months of age, breast milk should be complemented
with a variety of adequate, safe and nutrient dense
complementary foods.
● For Growing Children:-
● Children require good amount of carbohydrates and fats for energy.
Therefore, it is very essential to give them a daily intake of energy rich foods
as whole grains (wheat, brown rice), nuts, vegetable oils, vegetables like
potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits like banana.
● In case of children, proteins are essentials for muscle building, repair and
growth and building antibodies. So give them diet which has meat, eggs,
fish and dairy products.
● Vitamin D, for growth of the bones.
● For Pregnant & Lactating mothers :-
● Folic acid and iron rich food like green leafy vegetables, legumes and dry
fruits containing iron. Iron can also obtained through sources like meat,
fish and poultry products.
● vitamin C- rich fruits like gooseberries (amla), guava, oranges and citrus
rich fruits for better absorption of iron from your diet.
● calcium rich foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables,
legumes and seafood.
● For Adult Male & Female :-
● Fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed
maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice).
● At least 400grams (5 portions) of fruits and vegetables a day. Potatoes, sweet potatoes,
cassava and other starchy roots are not classified as fruits or vegetables.
● Unsaturated fats (e.g. found in fish, avocado, nuts, sunflower, canola and olive oils) are
preferable to saturated fats (e.g. found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream,
cheese, ghee and lard). Industrial trans fats (found in processed food, fast food, snack food,
fried food, frozen pizza, pies, cookies, margarines and spreads) are not a part of a healthy
● Less than 5 g of salt (equivalent to approximately 1 teaspoon) per day and use iodized salt.
● For Elder people :-
● Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods.
● Avoid fried, salty and spicy foods.
● Consume adequate water to avoid dehydration.
● Avoid smoking, chewing of tobacco and tobacco products (Khaini, Zarda, Paan
masala) and consumption of alcohol.
Diet & Regimen in relation to
“Materia Medica”
In Stomach Symptoms :-
Fatty Food Aggravates complaints in PULSATILLA.
Milk is intolerable in any form in AETHUSA CYNAPIUM.
Desire for Raw Onions in ALLIUM CEPA.
Potato Disagrees in ALUMINA
Intense craving for salt in NATRUM MURIATICUM
In Modality :-
< from Coffee in CANTHARIS
> from Acids in PTELEA
Diet & Regimen in relation to
“Organon of Medicine”
Diet & Regimen In Drug
It is a systemic process of investigating the pathogenetic powers of drugs by
administering them on healthy human beings of both sexes, all age groups and
of different constitutions.
Dieteric restrictions to the provers (footnote to
aphorism 124 &125)
During drug proving, the prover has to avoid all the substances of
medicinal nature. This has to be followed from the first day of proving
to the final day of experimentation.
i. The diet of the prover must be strictly regulated. It should be as much
as possible, devoid of spices. The purely nutritious, simple, vegetable
substances and roots are allowed. Young green peas, green French
beans, boiled potatoes and in all cases, carrots are allowed. These
substances have least medicinal values.
Dieteric restrictions to the provers (footnote to
aphorism 124 &125)
ii. All salads and herbs should better be avoided because even if they
are prepared carefully they possess some disturbing medicinal
iii. The prover must avoid drinks like pure wine, brandy, coffee or tea. If
he is habitual to such substances, he must abstain himself from suc
substances for a considerable period of time because these injurious
beverages either have simulative effect or they are medicinal in nature.
Relation of miasms and
food habits :-
Latent Psora :-
● Repugnance to cooked, warm food especially to meat(principally with
● Repugnance to milk
● Now insatiable hunger, then again want of appetite
● Desires sweets, acids and sour things, hot foods.
● Sometimes desires for fats, greasy things, rich pastry and sweetmeats, which
when eaten will induce billious attacks and all gastric disturbances.
● Often the things that were aggreeable and palatable to them, become
repugnant and they takes a great dislike to them.
● Desires and cravings for unnatural things and narcotics like tea, coffee,
● In fever, there is aversion to sweet.
● Cravings for unusual things in pregnant state
Sycosis :-
● Likes either hot or cold food.
● They are better from hot drinks and prefer warm food.
● Prefers beer, rich gravies and fat, meats well seasoned with salt and
● Craves beer.
Syphilis :-
● Likes cold food.
● Desires cold things to eat and drink.
● An aversion to meat
● Many disturbances caused by too rich food.
Tubercular :-
● Craves meat, many reject the fat.
● Thrive better on fats and fat foods.
● Requires much salt.
● Starches not easily digest
● Desires cold thing to eat and drink.
Aphorism 259 to 263
Organon of Medicine
5th Edition
Homeopathy advocates the application of minute doses of medicines for the
treatment of diseases. Considering this minute dose of the medicine, it is
necessary that everything which can have any medicinal action should be
removed from the diet and regimen of the patient during treatment, so that
the small dose may not be overwhelmed and extinguished or disturbed by
any foreign medicinal irritantsirritants like onion, garlic, exotic plants, etc.
Diet & Regimen in Chronic
Disease :-
Knowledge about the diet and regimen of the patient in chronic diseases is
very important because in chronic miasmatic diseases the diet which has the
medicinal effect can alter the action of the minutest doses of homeopathic
By altering the diet and regimen, some chronic disease because of
maintaining causes, can be controlled very easily.
Things To Be Avoided :-
1. Coffee, chinese and other herbal tea, beer prepared with medicinal,
vegetable substances, are not suitable to the patients suffering with
chronic diseases.
2. Liquors made of medicinal spices, all kinds of punch (punch = a drink
made from wine or spirits, mixed with water, fruit juice, sugar, spices
etc and drunk hot or cold) must be avoided.
3. Spiced chocolates, odorous waters and perfumes of many kind, strong
smelling flowers, tooth powders, and essences and perfumed sachets,
compound drugs are not advisable.
Things To Be Avoided :-
4. Highly spiced dishes and sauces, spiced cakes and ices, crude medicinal
and vegetable soups, dishes of herbs, roots and stalks of plants
possessing medicinal qualities, asparagus with long green tips, hops,
all vegetables possessing medicinal properties, celery, onions, old
cheese and decomposing meats etc must be controlled.
5. The meat which has the medicinal properties like the flesh and fat of
the pork, ducks and geese, or veal (flesh of calf used as meat), sour
viands must be kept out of hands of patients as they should be
6. Excess of food, excess of salt, excess of sugar and spirituous drinks,
undiluted with water are not allowed
Things To Be Avoided :-
7. Heated rooms, woolen clothing to the skins, a sedentary life in closed
apartments, frequent or over exercise like riding, driving, swimming,
must be as far as possible controlled.
8. Prolonged suckling, taking a long siesta (afternoon nap) in recumbent
position in the bed, sitting up long at night, etc must be kept limited.
9. Uncleanliness, unnatural debauchery (immoral sexual acts), enervation
by reading obscene books, reading while lying down, onanism,
imperfect or suppressed intercourse to prevent conception etc, should
be better avoided
Things To Be Avoided :-
10. Anger, grief, vexation, passion for play, over-exertion of mind and
body, especially after meals, dwelling in marshy districts, damp rooms
and bad hygienic life must always be controlled.
11. Any control of diet regimen which very much disturbs regular life of
the patient should not be continued. The above stated things must be,
as far as possible avoided or removed in order to achieve the cure
without any obstacle.
Things To Be Recommended
1. Avoidance of above stated diet and regimen.
2. Encouraging the patient to have good, moral life, and intellectual
3. Active exercise in a well ventilated place like walking, slight physical
work etc.
4. Depending upon nature of the disease and the condition of patient, a
suitable nutritious diet, unmedicinal food and drinks etc.
Diet & Regimen in Acute
Disease :-
In acute diseases, the vital force is well aware of things that relieve its
sufferings. Hence in acute diseases:
1. The physician has to guide the friends and attendents of the patient to
provide those which the patient thinks will relieve his sufferings.
2. In acute diseases, the patient desires such foods and drinks which
palliate his sufferings. If the cravings of the patient are non medicinal
in nature, they can be allowed. But even if the cravings of the patient
are doubted to interfere with the action of the remedy; the
homeopathic medicines in acute cases have the capacity to over come
such obstacles and the vital force can set free itself. The refreshment
follows from taking what has been so ardently longed for.
3. Arrangement of the patient’s room, arrangement of his bed, and control
of his room temperature must be done according to the wishes of the
4. As far as possible the patient must be kept free from all types of overexcretion, mental
tensions and emotions.
Diet  Regimen in relation to
In Chapter “STOMACH” Of Boericke Repertory
Theory of 5 elements (Panchmahabhoota)
Any material in the universe, according to Ayurveda is composed of five
basic elements, the Pancha Mahabhootas, namely Earth (Prithvi),
Water (Aap), Fire (Teja), Air (Vayu) and Ether (Akasha) including
human body and the food. Planning and indulging in the diet balancing
these elements maintain the homoeostasis of body.
Theory of 3 biological humors (Tridoshas)
Theory of three biological humors (Tridoshas): The human body
is similarly constituted from Panchamahabhootas. The Biological
Humors (Tridoshas) i.e. Vata, Pitta  Kapha which constitutes the
body is also made up of Panchamahabhootas. As it is mentioned that;
● Vata is made up of Vayu and Akasha mahabhoota,
● Pitta is made up of Agni mahabhoota and
● Kapha is made up of Jala and Pruthvi
Each food article either has Dosha aggravating or pacifying or balancing
action on human body. To keep the balance of Doshas (health) disturbed
due to various factors like season, age etc., the Ayurveda prescribes
specific diet.
6 basic tastes (Shadrasa)
The food contains six basic tastes and each taste has pre-dominance of particular elements of
Panchamahabhoota which exerts specific effect on the Tridoshas.
Madhura (Sweet) – Prithvi  Aap
• Amla (Sour) – Prithvi  Agni
• Lavana (Salt) – Aap  Agni
• Katu (Pungent) – Agni  Vayu
• Thikta (Bitter) – Vayu  Akash
• Kashaya (Astringent) – Prithvi  Vayu
It is mentioned that,
● drugs having sweet, sour and salty taste alleviate Vata, those having astringent, sweet
● bitter tastes alleviate Pitta
● astringent, pungent and bitter tastes alleviateKapha dosha
Atributes of food according to
Ayirveda explain 8 atributes related to food :-
1. Prakrti –Qualitative characteristics of the food
2. Karana – Processing of food
3. Samyoga – Mixing
4. Rashi – The quantity
5. Desha – Habitat of the person
6. Kala – Time  seasonal variation
7. Upayoga Samstha – Variable digestibility of various
food articles
8. Upayokta – The person who takes the food
Diet  Mind
Diet plays an important role in keeping our mind healthy.
Considering the effect of food on mind following 3 classifications have
been made:
1. Satvik diet – Ideal diet containing vegetarian, non-oily, non-
spicy articles which are congenial to the body
2. Rajasik diet – Too spicy, hot, sour, salty that excites the mind
3. Tamasik diet – Too oily, heavy food that leads to lethargic
Forms of Food
Basically Ayurveda describes four forms of
food preparations :-
1. Ashitam – Eatables
2. Khaditam – Masticable Food
3. Peetam – Drinks, Beverages
4. Leedham – Licking Form
Principles of Diet
1. One should take food in proper quantity which is hot,
unctuous(greasy) and not contradictory in potency and that too, after
the digestion of the previous meal. Food should be taken in
proper place equipped with all the accessories, without talking
and laughing, with concentration of mind and paying due
regard to oneself. The quantity of food to be taken again
depends upon the power of digestion including metabolism.
The amount of food which without disturbing the equilibrium
gets digested as well as metabolised in proper time is to be
regarded as the proper quantity.
2. If the food article is heavy, only three fourth or half of the
stomach capacity is to be filled up.
3. Shushruta advocates intake of food which is easily digestible,
energetic, soft, and warm to be taken in proper quantity only
when one is hungry.
Incompatible / Viruddh Aahar
The food with incompatible or contradictory qualities has poisonous effect on the body
that aggravates Tridoshas intern leading to various disorders viz: Gulma
(Lump), Fever, Allergic Dermatitis, Eczema, Abscess and other Skin
diseases. It also destroys strength, vigour, memory, immunity etc.
● Few contradictory combinations are:
1. Fish or its soup along with milk
2. Milk or milk products with alcoholic beverages
3. Radish consumed with milk
4. Lotus stem with honey etc.
5. Equal quantity of honey with ghee
Seasonal Diet
The Ayurveda prescribes specific diet for different seasons.
● Spring season – Bitter, hot and astringent diet is advised while
salty, sour and sweet food should be avoided. Wheat, barley, honey
syrup, fruits like mango, jack fruit-etc. and meat of forest animals is
advised .
● Summer season – Due to hot climate aggravation of pitta occurs.
Hence pitta pacifying cold, liquid, sweet and oily diet is advised.
Excessive hot, spicy, sour salty diet should be avoided. Intake of rice,
milk, ghee, sugar, grapes, coconut water, meat of forest animals are
advised .
● Rainy season – In this season aggravation of vata occurs due to
cold climate, hence vatashamaka sweet, sour and salty food and drinks
are preferred. The food should be hot, dry, fatty and easily digestible.
Preserved rice, wheat, barley and mutton soups are advised.
● Winter season – Increase of Vata dosha occurs due to cold, dry,
chilly atmosphere in this season hence vataghna, pittavardhaka diet is
recommended. Hot, sweet, sour and salty food, milk, sugarcane, rice,
oils and fats are advised.
● Autumn season – In this season aggravation of Pitta dosha occurs.
Therefore, it is ideal to take ghee processed with bitter drugs; purgation,
bloodletting, coolant, and light diet are advised. Bitter, sweet, pungent
dominant diets are advised.
Diet  Regimen in relation to
● Yoga follows guidelines of Ayurveda for diet  regimen.
● According to YOGA one should have regularity in taking food.
● One should have specific interval between having food and performing Yoga.
Diet  Regimen in relation to
“Yunani” Or “Unani”
The Unani Traditional Healing system of health places great emphasis upon diet. As
Avicenna(Persian Polymath) wrote, Most illnesses arise solely from long-continued
errors of diet and regimen. The manner in which foods affect the body is viewed in Unani
from a simple yet highly interesting vantage point.
There are three aspects of metabolism of food: digestion, assimilation, and residue.
Digestion here means the initial breakdown of foods in the mouth and stomach.
Assimilation refers to the absorption of micronutrients into the blood-stream and cells.
The evacuation of residue implies the amount of waste products that remain after a food
is completely metabolized by the body. All three of these functions must be carried out
According to Unani concept the outer environment influences a person and food quality
very much and therefor the attention is given to external environment in which food is
made as well as in which circumstances it is being consumed.
Diet  Regimen in relation to
According to siddha 'Food is Medicine' (Unavae marunth). It was said by the great siddhar
'Thiruvalluvar' in his famous work 'Thirukkural'. Good nourishing food with all the 6
tastes (sweet, sour, salt, bitter astringent and Pungent) included and with more of sweet
taste is the definition of perfect food. In this context the sweet taste refers to the
carbohydrate food.
In siddha system of medicine, each and every medicine described, are with indication,
contraindication and diet regimen to follow.
● It was said that one should follow Kadumpathyam (Strict regimen) while taking
medicine with mercury.
● While taking medicines with Copper, one should avoid Tamarind.
● Sexual intercourse is even restricted while taking medicines for some particular
Dictionary of Marriam webster
“Organon of Medicine”, by Dr. Samuel hahnemann ,5th edition translated by R. E. Dudgeon and
introduction and commentary by Dr. B. K. Sarkar
“Textbook of Materia Medica”, by Dr. S. K. Dubey
“ Pocket manual of Homeopathic materia Medica including Indian drugs and repertory”, by Dr. William
“Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica”, by Dr. J. T. Kent
“Comprehensive study of organon”, by Dr. G. Nagendra Babu
“A treatise on organon of medicine”, by Dr. A. K. Das
References :-
References :-
Diet & regimen in AYUSH

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Diet & regimen in AYUSH

  • 1. Diet & Regimen By Dr. Jay Sarvaiya
  • 2. What is “Diet”? & What is “ Regimen” ?
  • 3. ● Diet :- ● food and drink regularly provided or consumed ● habitual nourishment ● the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason (Ref. Marriam webster dictionary)
  • 4. ● Regimen :- ● a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient (Ref. Marriam webster dictionary)
  • 5. What is need of knowing Diet & Regimen as Physicians?
  • 6. ● To diagnose any error in metabolism. ● To advice suitable diets and regimen for a person in disease. ● Diet & Regimen with which patient is used might be maintaining or exciting cause of a disease.
  • 7. What are different components of Healthy Diet? According to National Health Portal (NHP) of India
  • 8. Energy rich foods (Carbohydrates and fats)-whole grain cereals, millets, vegetable oils, ghee, nuts and oilseeds and sugars. Body building foods (Proteins)- Pulses, nuts and oilseeds, milk and milk products, meat, fish, poultry. Protective foods (Vitamins and minerals) - Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and milk products and flesh foods.
  • 9. Ideal Diet for different Age Groups :-
  • 10. ● For Infants :- ● Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first 6 months of life. ● Infants should be breastfed continuously until 2 years of age and beyond. ● From 6 months of age, breast milk should be complemented with a variety of adequate, safe and nutrient dense complementary foods.
  • 11. ● For Growing Children:- ● Children require good amount of carbohydrates and fats for energy. Therefore, it is very essential to give them a daily intake of energy rich foods as whole grains (wheat, brown rice), nuts, vegetable oils, vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits like banana. ● In case of children, proteins are essentials for muscle building, repair and growth and building antibodies. So give them diet which has meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. ● Vitamin D, for growth of the bones.
  • 12. ● For Pregnant & Lactating mothers :- ● Folic acid and iron rich food like green leafy vegetables, legumes and dry fruits containing iron. Iron can also obtained through sources like meat, fish and poultry products. ● vitamin C- rich fruits like gooseberries (amla), guava, oranges and citrus rich fruits for better absorption of iron from your diet. ● calcium rich foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables, legumes and seafood.
  • 13. ● For Adult Male & Female :- ● Fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice). ● At least 400grams (5 portions) of fruits and vegetables a day. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots are not classified as fruits or vegetables. ● Unsaturated fats (e.g. found in fish, avocado, nuts, sunflower, canola and olive oils) are preferable to saturated fats (e.g. found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard). Industrial trans fats (found in processed food, fast food, snack food, fried food, frozen pizza, pies, cookies, margarines and spreads) are not a part of a healthy diet. ● Less than 5 g of salt (equivalent to approximately 1 teaspoon) per day and use iodized salt.
  • 14. ● For Elder people :- ● Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. ● Avoid fried, salty and spicy foods. ● Consume adequate water to avoid dehydration. ● Avoid smoking, chewing of tobacco and tobacco products (Khaini, Zarda, Paan masala) and consumption of alcohol.
  • 15. Diet & Regimen in relation to “Materia Medica”
  • 16. In Stomach Symptoms :- Fatty Food Aggravates complaints in PULSATILLA. Milk is intolerable in any form in AETHUSA CYNAPIUM. Desire for Raw Onions in ALLIUM CEPA. Potato Disagrees in ALUMINA Intense craving for salt in NATRUM MURIATICUM
  • 17. In Modality :- < from Acids in ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM, SEPIA < from Coffee in CANTHARIS < from Milk in AETHUSA CYNAPIUM, SULPHUR > from Acids in PTELEA > from Coffee in EUPHRASIA, FLUORICUM ACIDUM
  • 18. Diet & Regimen in relation to “Organon of Medicine”
  • 19. Diet & Regimen In Drug Proving
  • 20. It is a systemic process of investigating the pathogenetic powers of drugs by administering them on healthy human beings of both sexes, all age groups and of different constitutions.
  • 21. Dieteric restrictions to the provers (footnote to aphorism 124 &125) During drug proving, the prover has to avoid all the substances of medicinal nature. This has to be followed from the first day of proving to the final day of experimentation. i. The diet of the prover must be strictly regulated. It should be as much as possible, devoid of spices. The purely nutritious, simple, vegetable substances and roots are allowed. Young green peas, green French beans, boiled potatoes and in all cases, carrots are allowed. These substances have least medicinal values.
  • 22. Dieteric restrictions to the provers (footnote to aphorism 124 &125) ii. All salads and herbs should better be avoided because even if they are prepared carefully they possess some disturbing medicinal qualities. iii. The prover must avoid drinks like pure wine, brandy, coffee or tea. If he is habitual to such substances, he must abstain himself from suc substances for a considerable period of time because these injurious beverages either have simulative effect or they are medicinal in nature.
  • 23. Relation of miasms and food habits :-
  • 24. Latent Psora :- ● Repugnance to cooked, warm food especially to meat(principally with children) ● Repugnance to milk ● Now insatiable hunger, then again want of appetite
  • 25. Psora:- ● Desires sweets, acids and sour things, hot foods. ● Sometimes desires for fats, greasy things, rich pastry and sweetmeats, which when eaten will induce billious attacks and all gastric disturbances. ● Often the things that were aggreeable and palatable to them, become repugnant and they takes a great dislike to them. ● Desires and cravings for unnatural things and narcotics like tea, coffee, tobacco. ● In fever, there is aversion to sweet. ● Cravings for unusual things in pregnant state
  • 26. Sycosis :- ● Likes either hot or cold food. ● They are better from hot drinks and prefer warm food. ● Prefers beer, rich gravies and fat, meats well seasoned with salt and pepper. ● Craves beer.
  • 27. Syphilis :- ● Likes cold food. ● Desires cold things to eat and drink. ● An aversion to meat ● Many disturbances caused by too rich food.
  • 28. Tubercular :- ● Craves meat, many reject the fat. ● Thrive better on fats and fat foods. ● Requires much salt. ● Starches not easily digest ● Desires cold thing to eat and drink.
  • 29. Aphorism 259 to 263 Organon of Medicine 5th Edition
  • 30. Homeopathy advocates the application of minute doses of medicines for the treatment of diseases. Considering this minute dose of the medicine, it is necessary that everything which can have any medicinal action should be removed from the diet and regimen of the patient during treatment, so that the small dose may not be overwhelmed and extinguished or disturbed by any foreign medicinal irritantsirritants like onion, garlic, exotic plants, etc.
  • 31. Diet & Regimen in Chronic Disease :-
  • 32. Knowledge about the diet and regimen of the patient in chronic diseases is very important because in chronic miasmatic diseases the diet which has the medicinal effect can alter the action of the minutest doses of homeopathic remedy. By altering the diet and regimen, some chronic disease because of maintaining causes, can be controlled very easily.
  • 33. Things To Be Avoided :- 1. Coffee, chinese and other herbal tea, beer prepared with medicinal, vegetable substances, are not suitable to the patients suffering with chronic diseases. 2. Liquors made of medicinal spices, all kinds of punch (punch = a drink made from wine or spirits, mixed with water, fruit juice, sugar, spices etc and drunk hot or cold) must be avoided. 3. Spiced chocolates, odorous waters and perfumes of many kind, strong smelling flowers, tooth powders, and essences and perfumed sachets, compound drugs are not advisable.
  • 34. Things To Be Avoided :- 4. Highly spiced dishes and sauces, spiced cakes and ices, crude medicinal and vegetable soups, dishes of herbs, roots and stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities, asparagus with long green tips, hops, all vegetables possessing medicinal properties, celery, onions, old cheese and decomposing meats etc must be controlled. 5. The meat which has the medicinal properties like the flesh and fat of the pork, ducks and geese, or veal (flesh of calf used as meat), sour viands must be kept out of hands of patients as they should be avoided. 6. Excess of food, excess of salt, excess of sugar and spirituous drinks, undiluted with water are not allowed
  • 35. Things To Be Avoided :- 7. Heated rooms, woolen clothing to the skins, a sedentary life in closed apartments, frequent or over exercise like riding, driving, swimming, must be as far as possible controlled. 8. Prolonged suckling, taking a long siesta (afternoon nap) in recumbent position in the bed, sitting up long at night, etc must be kept limited. 9. Uncleanliness, unnatural debauchery (immoral sexual acts), enervation by reading obscene books, reading while lying down, onanism, imperfect or suppressed intercourse to prevent conception etc, should be better avoided
  • 36. Things To Be Avoided :- 10. Anger, grief, vexation, passion for play, over-exertion of mind and body, especially after meals, dwelling in marshy districts, damp rooms and bad hygienic life must always be controlled. 11. Any control of diet regimen which very much disturbs regular life of the patient should not be continued. The above stated things must be, as far as possible avoided or removed in order to achieve the cure without any obstacle.
  • 37. Things To Be Recommended 1. Avoidance of above stated diet and regimen. 2. Encouraging the patient to have good, moral life, and intellectual recreation. 3. Active exercise in a well ventilated place like walking, slight physical work etc. 4. Depending upon nature of the disease and the condition of patient, a suitable nutritious diet, unmedicinal food and drinks etc.
  • 38. Diet & Regimen in Acute Disease :-
  • 39. In acute diseases, the vital force is well aware of things that relieve its sufferings. Hence in acute diseases: 1. The physician has to guide the friends and attendents of the patient to provide those which the patient thinks will relieve his sufferings. 2. In acute diseases, the patient desires such foods and drinks which palliate his sufferings. If the cravings of the patient are non medicinal in nature, they can be allowed. But even if the cravings of the patient are doubted to interfere with the action of the remedy; the homeopathic medicines in acute cases have the capacity to over come such obstacles and the vital force can set free itself. The refreshment follows from taking what has been so ardently longed for. 3. Arrangement of the patient’s room, arrangement of his bed, and control of his room temperature must be done according to the wishes of the patient. 4. As far as possible the patient must be kept free from all types of overexcretion, mental tensions and emotions.
  • 40. Diet Regimen in relation to “Repertory”
  • 44. Theory of 5 elements (Panchmahabhoota) Any material in the universe, according to Ayurveda is composed of five basic elements, the Pancha Mahabhootas, namely Earth (Prithvi), Water (Aap), Fire (Teja), Air (Vayu) and Ether (Akasha) including human body and the food. Planning and indulging in the diet balancing these elements maintain the homoeostasis of body.
  • 45. Theory of 3 biological humors (Tridoshas) Theory of three biological humors (Tridoshas): The human body is similarly constituted from Panchamahabhootas. The Biological Humors (Tridoshas) i.e. Vata, Pitta Kapha which constitutes the body is also made up of Panchamahabhootas. As it is mentioned that; ● Vata is made up of Vayu and Akasha mahabhoota, ● Pitta is made up of Agni mahabhoota and ● Kapha is made up of Jala and Pruthvi Each food article either has Dosha aggravating or pacifying or balancing action on human body. To keep the balance of Doshas (health) disturbed due to various factors like season, age etc., the Ayurveda prescribes specific diet.
  • 46. 6 basic tastes (Shadrasa) The food contains six basic tastes and each taste has pre-dominance of particular elements of Panchamahabhoota which exerts specific effect on the Tridoshas. Madhura (Sweet) – Prithvi Aap • Amla (Sour) – Prithvi Agni • Lavana (Salt) – Aap Agni • Katu (Pungent) – Agni Vayu • Thikta (Bitter) – Vayu Akash • Kashaya (Astringent) – Prithvi Vayu
  • 47. It is mentioned that, ● drugs having sweet, sour and salty taste alleviate Vata, those having astringent, sweet ● bitter tastes alleviate Pitta ● astringent, pungent and bitter tastes alleviateKapha dosha
  • 48. Atributes of food according to Ayurveda
  • 49. Ayirveda explain 8 atributes related to food :- 1. Prakrti –Qualitative characteristics of the food 2. Karana – Processing of food 3. Samyoga – Mixing 4. Rashi – The quantity 5. Desha – Habitat of the person 6. Kala – Time seasonal variation 7. Upayoga Samstha – Variable digestibility of various food articles 8. Upayokta – The person who takes the food
  • 51. Diet plays an important role in keeping our mind healthy. Considering the effect of food on mind following 3 classifications have been made: 1. Satvik diet – Ideal diet containing vegetarian, non-oily, non- spicy articles which are congenial to the body 2. Rajasik diet – Too spicy, hot, sour, salty that excites the mind 3. Tamasik diet – Too oily, heavy food that leads to lethargic mind
  • 53. Basically Ayurveda describes four forms of food preparations :- 1. Ashitam – Eatables 2. Khaditam – Masticable Food 3. Peetam – Drinks, Beverages 4. Leedham – Licking Form
  • 55. 1. One should take food in proper quantity which is hot, unctuous(greasy) and not contradictory in potency and that too, after the digestion of the previous meal. Food should be taken in proper place equipped with all the accessories, without talking and laughing, with concentration of mind and paying due regard to oneself. The quantity of food to be taken again depends upon the power of digestion including metabolism. The amount of food which without disturbing the equilibrium gets digested as well as metabolised in proper time is to be regarded as the proper quantity. 2. If the food article is heavy, only three fourth or half of the stomach capacity is to be filled up. 3. Shushruta advocates intake of food which is easily digestible, energetic, soft, and warm to be taken in proper quantity only when one is hungry.
  • 57. The food with incompatible or contradictory qualities has poisonous effect on the body that aggravates Tridoshas intern leading to various disorders viz: Gulma (Lump), Fever, Allergic Dermatitis, Eczema, Abscess and other Skin diseases. It also destroys strength, vigour, memory, immunity etc. ● Few contradictory combinations are: 1. Fish or its soup along with milk 2. Milk or milk products with alcoholic beverages 3. Radish consumed with milk 4. Lotus stem with honey etc. 5. Equal quantity of honey with ghee
  • 59. The Ayurveda prescribes specific diet for different seasons. ● Spring season – Bitter, hot and astringent diet is advised while salty, sour and sweet food should be avoided. Wheat, barley, honey syrup, fruits like mango, jack fruit-etc. and meat of forest animals is advised . ● Summer season – Due to hot climate aggravation of pitta occurs. Hence pitta pacifying cold, liquid, sweet and oily diet is advised. Excessive hot, spicy, sour salty diet should be avoided. Intake of rice, milk, ghee, sugar, grapes, coconut water, meat of forest animals are advised .
  • 60. ● Rainy season – In this season aggravation of vata occurs due to cold climate, hence vatashamaka sweet, sour and salty food and drinks are preferred. The food should be hot, dry, fatty and easily digestible. Preserved rice, wheat, barley and mutton soups are advised. ● Winter season – Increase of Vata dosha occurs due to cold, dry, chilly atmosphere in this season hence vataghna, pittavardhaka diet is recommended. Hot, sweet, sour and salty food, milk, sugarcane, rice, oils and fats are advised. ● Autumn season – In this season aggravation of Pitta dosha occurs. Therefore, it is ideal to take ghee processed with bitter drugs; purgation, bloodletting, coolant, and light diet are advised. Bitter, sweet, pungent dominant diets are advised.
  • 61. Diet Regimen in relation to “Yoga”
  • 62. ● Yoga follows guidelines of Ayurveda for diet regimen. ● According to YOGA one should have regularity in taking food. ● One should have specific interval between having food and performing Yoga.
  • 63. Diet Regimen in relation to “Yunani” Or “Unani”
  • 64. The Unani Traditional Healing system of health places great emphasis upon diet. As Avicenna(Persian Polymath) wrote, Most illnesses arise solely from long-continued errors of diet and regimen. The manner in which foods affect the body is viewed in Unani from a simple yet highly interesting vantage point. There are three aspects of metabolism of food: digestion, assimilation, and residue. Digestion here means the initial breakdown of foods in the mouth and stomach. Assimilation refers to the absorption of micronutrients into the blood-stream and cells. The evacuation of residue implies the amount of waste products that remain after a food is completely metabolized by the body. All three of these functions must be carried out efficiently.
  • 65. According to Unani concept the outer environment influences a person and food quality very much and therefor the attention is given to external environment in which food is made as well as in which circumstances it is being consumed.
  • 66. Diet Regimen in relation to “Siddha”
  • 67. According to siddha 'Food is Medicine' (Unavae marunth). It was said by the great siddhar 'Thiruvalluvar' in his famous work 'Thirukkural'. Good nourishing food with all the 6 tastes (sweet, sour, salt, bitter astringent and Pungent) included and with more of sweet taste is the definition of perfect food. In this context the sweet taste refers to the carbohydrate food.
  • 68. In siddha system of medicine, each and every medicine described, are with indication, contraindication and diet regimen to follow. ● It was said that one should follow Kadumpathyam (Strict regimen) while taking medicine with mercury. ● While taking medicines with Copper, one should avoid Tamarind. ● Sexual intercourse is even restricted while taking medicines for some particular diseases.
  • 69. Dictionary of Marriam webster “Organon of Medicine”, by Dr. Samuel hahnemann ,5th edition translated by R. E. Dudgeon and introduction and commentary by Dr. B. K. Sarkar “Textbook of Materia Medica”, by Dr. S. K. Dubey “ Pocket manual of Homeopathic materia Medica including Indian drugs and repertory”, by Dr. William Boericke. “Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica”, by Dr. J. T. Kent “Comprehensive study of organon”, by Dr. G. Nagendra Babu “A treatise on organon of medicine”, by Dr. A. K. Das References :-