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DevOps vs GDPR: How to Comply and Stay Agile
A Joint Webinar between Contino & Delphix
Today's Speakers
Adam Bowen
Delphix Strategic Advisor,
Office of the CTO
Ben Saunders
Contino Client Principal Ilker Taskaya
Delphix Senior Solution
Ian Morgan
Contino Technology Strategist
Your organisation can’t ignore regulation…..
Many organisations have been in denial about digital disruption. However, the onset of regulatory compliance is a disruption they can’t refuse
to ignore. If you think your organisation has it’s head in the sand, or has applied the noise cancelling headphones, then now is the time to act
with GDPR deadlines fast approaching.
“Has the legislation been passed
“This isn’t really happening is
it?....breathe in...breathe out”
“We don’t need to worry about
these Challenger Banks…errrrr,
what was that? The EU are banging
on our door?”
What is GDPR and how could it affect your organisation?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...In Layman's Terms
EU Legislation is changing the ways in which organisations
handle, distribute and utilize sensitive customer data with
The intention is to align each member of the european
union (EU) state, to a single set of rules and regulation.
When this legislation comes to fruition, all organisations
that process personally identifiable information (PII) of EU
residents must adhere to a number of provisions and
In the event that organisations fail to adhere to these
standards, then there is a likelihood that they will face
significant fines or penalties.
There is no opting out, every organisation must comply!
So what are the implications of GDPR?
2%The amount of Global Turnover organisations will
be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the
first time of audit.
4%The amount of Global Turnover organisations will
be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the
second time of audit.
Organisations, will be given time to
remediate their data deficiencies once
identified by the regulators. However,
organisations should be more proactive to
how they are going to handle this change
and explore ways in which they can
combine data agility, compliance and
automation as a catalyst for business
GDPR Principles - The Data Controller
1. Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly
and transparently.
2. Personal data can only collected for specified,
explicitly and legitimate purposes.
3. Personal data must be adequate, relevant and
limited to what is necessary for processing.
4. Personal data must be accurate and kept up to
5. Personal data must be kept in a form such the data
subject can be identified as long as necessary for
6. Personal data must be processed in a manner that
ensures its security.
The Data Controller is responsible for demonstrating the principles outlined below. It is also the responsibility of the Data
controller to secure the same assurances from external data processors with whom they contract
Enterprises must be clear on what each of the principles mean for them. Given, the broad interpretation of terms (like
“processing”) a large amount of ambiguity still exists.
GDPR – Data Challenges
Data Protection by Design &
by default
Data Encryption
The notion of building privacy
or data protection measures
into applications or processes
is not new. The regulation,
however makes this mandatory
in Article 26.
Under article 20 of the
Regulation, data subjects can
request a copy of personal
data held on them, and can
also request that this
information is transmitted to
another data controller. The
Regulation doesn’t stipulate
precisely how this information
has to be presented or the
format it has to be in.
Given the extent to which
encryption could mitigate the
impacts of a data breach,
enterprises should extend
encryption to cover all of the
data, processing and storage
GDPR mandates that both the
supervisory authority and the
data subject themselves be
notified of any breach.
There are a number of specific data challenges under the GDPR Regulation that Enterprises need to internalize into their
practice. A number of high-impact considerations are detailed below:
GDPR – Data Challenges
Data Protection by Design &
by default
Data Encryption
The notion of building privacy
or data protection measures
into applications or processes
is not new. The regulation,
however makes this mandatory
in Article 26.
Under article 20 of the
Regulation, data subjects can
request a copy of personal
data held on them, and can
also request that this
information is transmitted to
another data controller. The
Regulation doesn’t stipulate
precisely how this information
has to be presented or the
format it has to be in.
Given the extent to which
encryption could mitigate the
impacts of a data breach,
enterprises should extend
encryption to cover all of the
data, processing and storage
GDPR mandates that both the
supervisory authority and the
data subject themselves be
notified of any breach.
There are a number of specific data challenges under the GDPR Regulation that Enterprises need to internalize into their
practice. A number of high-impact considerations are detailed below:
We will be
focussing on
portions of this
GDPR - A Ticking Time Bomb for Global Organisations
Organisations who do business in the EU.
Organisations, who have customers in the EU.
Organisations that trade with other entities in
the EU.
The right to opt out, or the “right to be
forgotten” enables individuals to request that
their data is removed from an organization's
system/s of record, whereby there is no longer
a legitimate reason for their data to be held.
If a data breach occurs, then organisations must
notify their data protection authority within 72
Audits of organisations control processes
around the end to end data supply chain must
be executed, to ensure they are fit for purpose.
First Audit Failings - 2% GTO
Second Audit Failings - 4% GTO
From there on it will only get
GDPR stipulates that systems and processes
must be designed in a way that data compliance
standards are followed and adhered to.
Privacy by Design - DevOps vs GDPR
The Constraint: RIGHT TO OPT
The right to opt out, or the “right to be
forgotten” enables individuals to request that
their data is removed from an organization's
system/s of record, whereby there is no longer
a legitimate reason for their data to be held.
The Constraint: PRIVACY BY
GDPR stipulates that systems and processes
must be designed in a way that data compliance
standards are followed and adhered to.
The Solution: DEVOPS & DATA
Contino - Continuum
Delphix - Data Masking
AWS - Cloud Environments
Customers have the right to withdraw their consent from allowing organisations to utilise their personal data for the execution of application
testing. As a result, organisations must explore ways in which they can adhere to GDPR compliance but still provision high quality test data at
velocity. The premise of Accountable Empowerment must be adhered to by organisations to ensure they can track Who did What and When
they did it across their delivery pipeline, this can be achieved through integrated DevOps tooling and processes.
End to End Accountable Empowerment - Obfuscation, Control & Visibility: Who, What, When, Where?
Just to add more pressure….You can’t get away from BAU
“We need new functionality delivered in our customer
facing web-app….oh and we need it tomorrow!”
“Damn it. How are we going the release an
environment so we can test this feature?!”
“What do you mean it is going to take us 10 days to
load data into the environment?!”
“Hang on, what do you mean the data is loaded...but
someone has deployed the wrong config?!”
“What? I have already raised an RFQ with your team...
What do you mean it has expired!?”
We are teaming up to help customers address these pains...
Based on the challenges that regulation brings to our joint customers,
in addition to the more traditional BAU delivery bottlenecks, Contino
and Delphix are applying our DevOps expertise, compliance know-
how and technical wizardry to help customers accelerate their
application delivery whilst controlling cost and remaining compliant.
How are we doing this, I hear you say?
Accountable Empowerment - DevOps vs GDPR
Continuum is a Continuous Delivery pipeline tool chain which integrates both open source and enterprise grade tools to enable the creation
of a secure application delivery pipeline in AWS. In order to assist with the provisioning of production like test data, Continuum integrates
with Delphix to leverage its data virtualization and data masking capabilities so that we can provision production grade environments
consistently, whilst complying with GDPR legislation. With DevOps & Data Agility, we enable Accountable Empowerment.
Data Masking
The most advanced data security solution
Continuum, is a platform we deploy within weeks
• Full infrastructure as code
• Multi region, multi availability zone deployments
• Microservice / containerised deployments targeting Kubernetes
• Continuous integration & continuous delivery toolchain
Cloud Migration
Achieve value from cloud projects faster.
Complete the DevOps stack with self-service
DevOps & Data Agility - Future Proof for GDPR
Leading digital companies are operating under a DevOps operating model – ‘You Build It, You Run It.’ Fortunately, these practices are now also viable
for large established enterprises in regulated industries as the tools, practices and approaches are proven.
DevOps teams operate in a more cross functional way and have more control of their stack federated to them, their use of automation tooling will lead
to more tightly controlled and audited environments and increased levels of quality, resilience and compliance within a GDPR context. MASK ONCE AND
Build Unit Test
Continuous Integration or release
automation tooling implements
role based access control, whilst
data can be made available across
development environments.
Infrastructure, middleware and
application deployments are
repeatable using infrastructure as code
playbooks with the capacity to populate
environments with obfuscated data, volumes
at a fraction of the production scale with
Automated approval and deployment
gates incorporated into the pipeline here.
Incorporate Compliant Data Agility Mechanisms with
Delphix at multiple stages of the SDLC.
“Real” data copies extracted from
production systems, obfuscated and
stored in a staging area for environment
loads either through self-service test data,
or predefined automation
Privacy by Design - DevOps vs GDPR
DevOps Delivery Pipeline - Application, Data & Environment Alignment
Planning, Requirements &
Design & Development Repositories &
Integration & Test Implementation & Deployment
1. Developer accepts a defect,
incident or requirement.
7. Developer accepts the
status of the defect, incident or
5. Developer
requests peer
review approval
or automated
3. Developer pulls
dependencies from the
binary repository.
2. Developer pulls
source code from
4. Source code
changes are made
in the local IDE.
Run local code
6. Source code commits
are pushed to central
8. The build server
detects changes in the
VCS, pulls code and
initiates a build. A
successful compilation
triggers automated
9. The build server
uses the build
automation tools to
push the generated
artifacts and
deployables to the
binary repository.
10. Once the changes pass
automated tests, they are
assessed for quality
through SonarQube
Version Control
Code Quality
CI Server
Build Automation
Binary Repository
Defects, Incidents &
Product Team / Squad work across the delivery
pipeline, developing, orchestrating & testing,
where required through automation and the
are pulled from
the binary
The deployment tools pull the artifacts and
propagate them through the deployment
environment across ST, SIT Pre-Prod.
Delivery tools are
used to orchestrate
and manage the
various parts of
delivery pipeline.
management tools are
used to provision
environments and test
data, under version
tools used to
smoke test
and secure
Build - ST-SIT
We can create a coherent Privacy by Design, GDPR compliant DevOps pipeline that ensures people have access to the right tooling to do their jobs, yet
ensuring the correct governance/compliance controls exist to enable secure access to customer data.
Data Management Today
3 TB of Storage, Weeks to Provision/Refresh
Copy, move
1 TB of Storage
How It Works
Installs on any supported hypervisor
Capture application data:
one-time copy of prod
0.3 TB
How It Works
Continuously record unique, incremental changes
March 21
March 22
March 22
0.3 TB
How It Works
Share data blocks instead of duplicating data
0.3 TB
How It Works
0.3 TB
Change the Physics, Change the Game
Test UAT
▪ Have as many copies as you want without
adding storage
▪ Access data in minutes instead of hours,
days, or weeks
▪ Refresh from production at any time
▪ Rewind to any point in history
▪ Bookmark during a test and return to it in
▪ Branch data at-will for troubleshooting,
parallel projects
▪ Integrate with DevOps solutions to deliver
environments on-demand
Software appliance
Any Server, Storage, Cloud
10:27 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:07 P.M.
3 months ago Last Monday Today
21© 2014 Delphix. All Rights Reserved. Private & Confidential.
Cloud On-PremisesPartners
Next-gen data masking
• Easy to use
• Automatic profiling
• Referential integrity
10:27 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:07 P.M.
DEV 1 to N
Embedded native
3 months ago Last Monday Today
TEST 1 to N
UAT 1 to N
Full, Virtual, Self-Service Capability
Bookmark Rewind
✓ Mask Once ✓ Distribute Many ✓ Refresh Anytime
But what is the value to your organisation?
Masking: We reduce the surface area for data leakage risk,
by up to 80% and enable GDPR compliance.
Faster Environments: By utilizing AWS hosted
environments, customers can build environments in ten
minutes, as opposed to waiting days, or weeks.
Faster Test Data: The framework can capture production
data, obfuscate it and deploy it into an environment in under
four minutes, as opposed to 8 hour dump and loads times.
Not to mention the 10 day lead time for requesting data!
Self Service: Our framework has self-service controls to
break down data lead times and ensure compliance with
enable end to end traceability.
Environment Visibility: Our delivery pipeline is fully
configuration managed so we can see who did what, when
to satisfy regulatory controls and compliance needs.
Business Value Indicators
90% Faster
90% Faster
Self Service
Full Traceability
2% or £10MThe amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined,
if they fail to comply with GDPR at the first time of audit.
4% or £20MThe amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined,
if they fail to comply with GDPR at the second time of
Get your house in order and
your organistion will also
avoid huge penalties!
By combining the powers of Continuum, Cloud and Delphix we help customers get compliant, whilst cutting
cost and accelerating application delivery time to market.
80% Less
What have we spoken about today?
 Regulation, regulation, regulation: We have covered the necessity for your organisation to comply with regulatory
controls whist providing insight into how DevOps can help with this.
 GDPR Impact: We have covered the key elements of GDPR and it’s implications on organisations trading within the EU.
 The DevOps Fightback: We have given substance around how DevOps can help you fight back against GDPR and
become more agile in the process.
 Privacy by Design: We have provided an overview of what an end to end “Privacy by Design” DevOps pipeline looks like.
 Mask your data: Adam Bowen has demonstrated the power of the Delphix’s data virtualization & masking capability so
that your organisation can remain GDPR compliant.
What next for your organisation?
 Please feel free to request a demonstration of Continuum or Delphix to understand how both solutions can help you address GDPR
legislation, whilst adopting DevOps and the Cloud!
 We are also working together to execute complimentary GDPR readiness workshops. Feel free to contact Ben or Adam to learn more.
 If you want to learn more about GDPR, visit the Delphix website HERE
 Stay tuned for more joint webinars over the coming months. We are jointly developing a tightly integrated delivery framework. If you
want to road test Delphix, you can now gain access to an engine on the AWS marketplace.
 Please feel free to connect with either Ben or Adam on LinkedIn should you have some follow up questions. You can also email us:
Accountable Empowerment - DevOps, Cloud & Data Agility
It is possible to kill three birds with one stone… by addressing regulatory & compliance controls your organisation can accelerate delivery
by unshackling yourself from monolithic infrastructure and antiquated processes by implementing an integrated DevOps pipeline such as
Continuum, leverage cloud hosted environments and apply data masking capabilities with Delphix to address GDPR.
Three Birds One Stone… That
One Stone is the combination of
Continuum, Delphix and AWS.
A fully integrated cloud ready Continuous Delivery
pipeline that is highly secure in AWS.
A Virtual Data & Masking solution that
enables data agility, without adding risk to
your organisation.
Transformation, Regulation &
Continuous Delivery for
Consistent Environments
Data Masking for GDPR Coverage
Data Agility

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DevOps vs GDPR: How to Comply and Stay Agile

  • 1. WELCOME TO TODAY'S PRESENTATION DevOps vs GDPR: How to Comply and Stay Agile A Joint Webinar between Contino & Delphix
  • 2. Today's Speakers Adam Bowen Delphix Strategic Advisor, Office of the CTO Ben Saunders Contino Client Principal Ilker Taskaya Delphix Senior Solution Engineer Ian Morgan Contino Technology Strategist
  • 3. Your organisation can’t ignore regulation….. Many organisations have been in denial about digital disruption. However, the onset of regulatory compliance is a disruption they can’t refuse to ignore. If you think your organisation has it’s head in the sand, or has applied the noise cancelling headphones, then now is the time to act with GDPR deadlines fast approaching. “Has the legislation been passed yet?” “This isn’t really happening is it?....breathe in...breathe out” “We don’t need to worry about these Challenger Banks…errrrr, what was that? The EU are banging on our door?” What is GDPR and how could it affect your organisation?
  • 4. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...In Layman's Terms EU Legislation is changing the ways in which organisations handle, distribute and utilize sensitive customer data with GDPR The intention is to align each member of the european union (EU) state, to a single set of rules and regulation. When this legislation comes to fruition, all organisations that process personally identifiable information (PII) of EU residents must adhere to a number of provisions and standards. In the event that organisations fail to adhere to these standards, then there is a likelihood that they will face significant fines or penalties. There is no opting out, every organisation must comply! So what are the implications of GDPR? 2%The amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the first time of audit. 4%The amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the second time of audit. Organisations, will be given time to remediate their data deficiencies once identified by the regulators. However, organisations should be more proactive to how they are going to handle this change and explore ways in which they can combine data agility, compliance and automation as a catalyst for business growth.
  • 5. GDPR Principles - The Data Controller GDPR 1. Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. 2. Personal data can only collected for specified, explicitly and legitimate purposes. 3. Personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for processing. 4. Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date. 5. Personal data must be kept in a form such the data subject can be identified as long as necessary for processing. 6. Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures its security. The Data Controller is responsible for demonstrating the principles outlined below. It is also the responsibility of the Data controller to secure the same assurances from external data processors with whom they contract Enterprises must be clear on what each of the principles mean for them. Given, the broad interpretation of terms (like “processing”) a large amount of ambiguity still exists.
  • 6. GDPR – Data Challenges Data Breaches Data Protection by Design & by default Data Portability Data Encryption The notion of building privacy or data protection measures into applications or processes is not new. The regulation, however makes this mandatory in Article 26. Under article 20 of the Regulation, data subjects can request a copy of personal data held on them, and can also request that this information is transmitted to another data controller. The Regulation doesn’t stipulate precisely how this information has to be presented or the format it has to be in. Given the extent to which encryption could mitigate the impacts of a data breach, enterprises should extend encryption to cover all of the data, processing and storage processes GDPR mandates that both the supervisory authority and the data subject themselves be notified of any breach. There are a number of specific data challenges under the GDPR Regulation that Enterprises need to internalize into their practice. A number of high-impact considerations are detailed below:
  • 7. GDPR – Data Challenges Data Breaches Data Protection by Design & by default Data Portability Data Encryption The notion of building privacy or data protection measures into applications or processes is not new. The regulation, however makes this mandatory in Article 26. Under article 20 of the Regulation, data subjects can request a copy of personal data held on them, and can also request that this information is transmitted to another data controller. The Regulation doesn’t stipulate precisely how this information has to be presented or the format it has to be in. Given the extent to which encryption could mitigate the impacts of a data breach, enterprises should extend encryption to cover all of the data, processing and storage processes GDPR mandates that both the supervisory authority and the data subject themselves be notified of any breach. There are a number of specific data challenges under the GDPR Regulation that Enterprises need to internalize into their practice. A number of high-impact considerations are detailed below: We will be focussing on portions of this regulation today.
  • 8. GDPR - A Ticking Time Bomb for Global Organisations WHO IS AFFECTED? Organisations who do business in the EU. Organisations, who have customers in the EU. Organisations that trade with other entities in the EU. RIGHT TO OPT OUT The right to opt out, or the “right to be forgotten” enables individuals to request that their data is removed from an organization's system/s of record, whereby there is no longer a legitimate reason for their data to be held. DATA BREACH & REGULATION If a data breach occurs, then organisations must notify their data protection authority within 72 hours. Audits of organisations control processes around the end to end data supply chain must be executed, to ensure they are fit for purpose. WHAT ARE THE PENALTIES? First Audit Failings - 2% GTO Second Audit Failings - 4% GTO From there on it will only get worse! PRIVACY BY DESIGN GDPR stipulates that systems and processes must be designed in a way that data compliance standards are followed and adhered to.
  • 9. Privacy by Design - DevOps vs GDPR The Constraint: RIGHT TO OPT OUT The right to opt out, or the “right to be forgotten” enables individuals to request that their data is removed from an organization's system/s of record, whereby there is no longer a legitimate reason for their data to be held. The Constraint: PRIVACY BY DESIGN GDPR stipulates that systems and processes must be designed in a way that data compliance standards are followed and adhered to. The Solution: DEVOPS & DATA AGILITY TO TACKLE COMPLIANCE Contino - Continuum Delphix - Data Masking AWS - Cloud Environments Customers have the right to withdraw their consent from allowing organisations to utilise their personal data for the execution of application testing. As a result, organisations must explore ways in which they can adhere to GDPR compliance but still provision high quality test data at velocity. The premise of Accountable Empowerment must be adhered to by organisations to ensure they can track Who did What and When they did it across their delivery pipeline, this can be achieved through integrated DevOps tooling and processes. End to End Accountable Empowerment - Obfuscation, Control & Visibility: Who, What, When, Where?
  • 10. Just to add more pressure….You can’t get away from BAU “We need new functionality delivered in our customer facing web-app….oh and we need it tomorrow!” “Damn it. How are we going the release an environment so we can test this feature?!” “What do you mean it is going to take us 10 days to load data into the environment?!” “Hang on, what do you mean the data is loaded...but someone has deployed the wrong config?!” “What? I have already raised an RFQ with your team... What do you mean it has expired!?”
  • 11. We are teaming up to help customers address these pains... Based on the challenges that regulation brings to our joint customers, in addition to the more traditional BAU delivery bottlenecks, Contino and Delphix are applying our DevOps expertise, compliance know- how and technical wizardry to help customers accelerate their application delivery whilst controlling cost and remaining compliant. How are we doing this, I hear you say?
  • 12. Accountable Empowerment - DevOps vs GDPR Continuum is a Continuous Delivery pipeline tool chain which integrates both open source and enterprise grade tools to enable the creation of a secure application delivery pipeline in AWS. In order to assist with the provisioning of production like test data, Continuum integrates with Delphix to leverage its data virtualization and data masking capabilities so that we can provision production grade environments consistently, whilst complying with GDPR legislation. With DevOps & Data Agility, we enable Accountable Empowerment. Data Masking The most advanced data security solution available. Continuum, is a platform we deploy within weeks • Full infrastructure as code • Multi region, multi availability zone deployments • Microservice / containerised deployments targeting Kubernetes • Continuous integration & continuous delivery toolchain Cloud Migration Achieve value from cloud projects faster. DevOps Complete the DevOps stack with self-service data.
  • 13. DevOps & Data Agility - Future Proof for GDPR Leading digital companies are operating under a DevOps operating model – ‘You Build It, You Run It.’ Fortunately, these practices are now also viable for large established enterprises in regulated industries as the tools, practices and approaches are proven. DevOps teams operate in a more cross functional way and have more control of their stack federated to them, their use of automation tooling will lead to more tightly controlled and audited environments and increased levels of quality, resilience and compliance within a GDPR context. MASK ONCE AND DEPLOY ANYWHERE, CONSISTENTLY AND SECURELY. Build Unit Test Integration Test Dev Deploy Test Deploy Prod Deploy Continuous Integration or release automation tooling implements role based access control, whilst data can be made available across development environments. Infrastructure, middleware and application deployments are repeatable using infrastructure as code playbooks with the capacity to populate environments with obfuscated data, volumes at a fraction of the production scale with Delphix. Automated approval and deployment gates incorporated into the pipeline here. Incorporate Compliant Data Agility Mechanisms with Delphix at multiple stages of the SDLC. “Real” data copies extracted from production systems, obfuscated and stored in a staging area for environment loads either through self-service test data, or predefined automation recipes/playbooks.
  • 14. Privacy by Design - DevOps vs GDPR CONTINUOUS DELIVERY PIPELINE DevOps Delivery Pipeline - Application, Data & Environment Alignment Planning, Requirements & Analysis Design & Development Repositories & Management Integration & Test Implementation & Deployment 1. Developer accepts a defect, incident or requirement. 7. Developer accepts the status of the defect, incident or requirement. 5. Developer requests peer review approval or automated acceptance. 3. Developer pulls dependencies from the binary repository. 2. Developer pulls source code from repository. 4. Source code changes are made in the local IDE. Run local code analytics. 6. Source code commits are pushed to central SCM.VCS. 8. The build server detects changes in the VCS, pulls code and initiates a build. A successful compilation triggers automated tests. 9. The build server uses the build automation tools to push the generated artifacts and deployables to the binary repository. 10. Once the changes pass automated tests, they are assessed for quality through SonarQube checks. Dependency Management Version Control Code Quality CI Server Build Automation Binary Repository IDE Defects, Incidents & Requirements Product Team / Squad work across the delivery pipeline, developing, orchestrating & testing, where required through automation and the mantra of ACCOUNTABLE EMPOWERMENT. Dependencies are pulled from the binary repository The deployment tools pull the artifacts and propagate them through the deployment environment across ST, SIT Pre-Prod. Continuous Delivery tools are used to orchestrate and manage the various parts of delivery pipeline. Environment management tools are used to provision environments and test data, under version control. Quality Assurance tools used to smoke test and secure environment. Environment Build - ST-SIT We can create a coherent Privacy by Design, GDPR compliant DevOps pipeline that ensures people have access to the right tooling to do their jobs, yet ensuring the correct governance/compliance controls exist to enable secure access to customer data.
  • 15. Data Management Today PRODUCTION NON-PRODUCTION DEV TEST STAGE 3 TB of Storage, Weeks to Provision/Refresh Copy, move data STORAGE RDBMS APP STORAGE RDBMS APP STORAGE RDBMS APP STORAGE RDBMS APP 1 TB of Storage
  • 16. How It Works STORAGE: < 1 TB STORAGE: 1 TB RDBMS APP DELPHIX VIRTUAL MACHINE Installs on any supported hypervisor ANY STORAGE Source STEP 1 Capture application data: one-time copy of prod 0.3 TB
  • 17. How It Works STORAGE: 1 TB RDBMS APP STORAGE: < 1 TB Source STEP 2 Continuously record unique, incremental changes March 21 06:11am March 22 12:43pm March 22 08:41pm 0.3 TB
  • 18. How It Works STORAGE: 1 TB RDBMS APP DEV RDBMS APP TEST RDBMS APP STAGE RDBMS APP … STORAGE: < 1 TB Source STEP 3 Share data blocks instead of duplicating data 0.3 TB
  • 20. Change the Physics, Change the Game Dev Test UAT Reporting ▪ Have as many copies as you want without adding storage ▪ Access data in minutes instead of hours, days, or weeks ▪ Refresh from production at any time ▪ Rewind to any point in history ▪ Bookmark during a test and return to it in minutes ▪ Branch data at-will for troubleshooting, parallel projects ▪ Integrate with DevOps solutions to deliver environments on-demand Software appliance Any Server, Storage, Cloud 10:27 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:07 P.M. Virtual Database s 3 months ago Last Monday Today
  • 21. 21© 2014 Delphix. All Rights Reserved. Private & Confidential. Cloud On-PremisesPartners Next-gen data masking • Easy to use • Automatic profiling • Referential integrity 10:27 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:07 P.M. DEV 1 to N Embedded native masking 3 months ago Last Monday Today TEST 1 to N UAT 1 to N Full, Virtual, Self-Service Capability Bookmark Rewind Refresh Synchronize BranchProvision ✓ Mask Once ✓ Distribute Many ✓ Refresh Anytime
  • 22. But what is the value to your organisation? Masking: We reduce the surface area for data leakage risk, by up to 80% and enable GDPR compliance. Faster Environments: By utilizing AWS hosted environments, customers can build environments in ten minutes, as opposed to waiting days, or weeks. Faster Test Data: The framework can capture production data, obfuscate it and deploy it into an environment in under four minutes, as opposed to 8 hour dump and loads times. Not to mention the 10 day lead time for requesting data! Self Service: Our framework has self-service controls to break down data lead times and ensure compliance with enable end to end traceability. Environment Visibility: Our delivery pipeline is fully configuration managed so we can see who did what, when to satisfy regulatory controls and compliance needs. Business Value Indicators 90% Faster 90% Faster Self Service Full Traceability 2% or £10MThe amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the first time of audit. 4% or £20MThe amount of Global Turnover organisations will be fined, if they fail to comply with GDPR at the second time of audit. Get your house in order and your organistion will also avoid huge penalties! By combining the powers of Continuum, Cloud and Delphix we help customers get compliant, whilst cutting cost and accelerating application delivery time to market. 80% Less Risk
  • 23. What have we spoken about today?  Regulation, regulation, regulation: We have covered the necessity for your organisation to comply with regulatory controls whist providing insight into how DevOps can help with this.  GDPR Impact: We have covered the key elements of GDPR and it’s implications on organisations trading within the EU.  The DevOps Fightback: We have given substance around how DevOps can help you fight back against GDPR and become more agile in the process.  Privacy by Design: We have provided an overview of what an end to end “Privacy by Design” DevOps pipeline looks like.  Mask your data: Adam Bowen has demonstrated the power of the Delphix’s data virtualization & masking capability so that your organisation can remain GDPR compliant.
  • 24. What next for your organisation?  Please feel free to request a demonstration of Continuum or Delphix to understand how both solutions can help you address GDPR legislation, whilst adopting DevOps and the Cloud!  We are also working together to execute complimentary GDPR readiness workshops. Feel free to contact Ben or Adam to learn more.  If you want to learn more about GDPR, visit the Delphix website HERE  Stay tuned for more joint webinars over the coming months. We are jointly developing a tightly integrated delivery framework. If you want to road test Delphix, you can now gain access to an engine on the AWS marketplace.  Please feel free to connect with either Ben or Adam on LinkedIn should you have some follow up questions. You can also email us:
  • 26. Accountable Empowerment - DevOps, Cloud & Data Agility It is possible to kill three birds with one stone… by addressing regulatory & compliance controls your organisation can accelerate delivery by unshackling yourself from monolithic infrastructure and antiquated processes by implementing an integrated DevOps pipeline such as Continuum, leverage cloud hosted environments and apply data masking capabilities with Delphix to address GDPR. Three Birds One Stone… That One Stone is the combination of Continuum, Delphix and AWS. A fully integrated cloud ready Continuous Delivery pipeline that is highly secure in AWS. A Virtual Data & Masking solution that enables data agility, without adding risk to your organisation. Transformation, Regulation & Compliance Continuous Delivery for Consistent Environments Data Masking for GDPR Coverage DevOps Data Agility Cloud