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B.Ed. (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)
Course Code: 8613
Theme: Promoting Children's Well-being
Sub-theme: choice making
Topic: Developing ability to make possible choice making in children
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Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):
Govt. Girls Higher School, ------.
Overall background of the participants of the project; area / Area: (socio-economic status,
occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic
quality, and any other special trait of the community where the Area is situated).
This action research was conducted in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------.
School & Participants Background:
This action research was conducted in rural area. The structure of school was huge and lovely.
The school had lovely playground and parking. Classes are better in condition. The environment
of school was great, better for learning and secure for children. The participants of study were
elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in Govt. Girls Higher
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School, ------. I selected elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers which are considered in
total 32 members.
Socio Economic Status:
Most of peoples from this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in a
private offices. Most of parents do not afford children education due to their family expenses and
their low income but some parents support their children at higher level in well reputed
universities. But due to the lack of higher educational institute and low income of their parents,
more than 60% children stop their education after matriculation. Overall the financial status of
this area is not good.
Occupation & Earning Trend:
Parents with Govt. jobs and small businessman are in a better condition to help and support their
children educationally, mentally and profoundly. However, Parents with low income because of
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expenses and low salaries issues can't give satisfactory to up level their children education. The
control of the Parents in this research from this area is normal. A part of the Parents are not
monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their
family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in
private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area,
the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from
taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In present some parents drop their children
at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan
more than 80% children go to school till then matriculation.
Literacy Rate:
In 2019, ------ literacy rate of 66% for females was noticeably lower than the 79% for males.
Q.1Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience /
problem in your classroom / institution.
Making choice are an exciting subject. When I see different children with different mentality I
notice that mostly children are strong in mentally but not strong physically so I decided to
organized some making choice activities for checking mentally and mental skills in different
children and after all I choose this theme because making choice activities give the world and life
and everything in it meaning. Some points are describe below for analyzing this theme &
subtheme: The subjective aspects include things such as how the child is feeling about their life
and how happy they are. The objective aspects include factors that affect the child’s feelings,
for example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and education. Despite a fairly extensive
literature, comparisons between countries and communities are difficult as ‘the field of social
child indication is fragmented and lacking a unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators
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have been identified. Clearly, these attributes are not only important to the individual child but
are also important considerations in relation to the child’s current contribution and engagement
with their peers and family and their future potential contribution to their community and more
broadly to society.
Well-being is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of
policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure
and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years. However, as the metrics for
measuring children’s emotional well-being are developed and a greater understanding of the
complex interplay between the different factors is gained, uncomfortable truths are revealed.
The Children’s Society report identifies the following six priorities for children’s well-being:
1.The conditions to learn and develop, which include opportunities for free play and good
quality and supportive education.
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2.A positive view of themselves and an identity that is respected, which includes being
comfortable with their appearance, being valued for who they are and being healthy.
3.Have enough of what matters, which includes living in an economically stable household
and having the items and experiences that help them fit in.
4.Positive relationships with family and friends such as loving and caring relationships.
5.A safe and suitable home environment and local area, including space where they have
6.Opportunity to take part in positive activities to thrive, such as being able to play outside
and having choice in the activities they engage in.
Q.2What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor
regarding the problem?
After choosing this theme, I discussed this topic with my teachers, friends and supervisor.
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Discussion with Supervisor:
My supervisor pointed out that after a day of thinking, children need to be outside in the fresh air
either playing sport or simply playing. He also pointed that technology available to children
nowadays but it is important to limit the time children spend having screen time. It is easy to use
technology as a babysitting device but children should be restricted to a maximum of two hours
per day, which includes television, computers, iPads et cetera. Setting clear and consistent
guidelines from an early age makes it much easier to reinforce these limits. Most technology has
timers so it easy for children to know when their time is up.
Discussion with Teacher:
My teacher told me that developing positive relationships with others is very important for
possible choice making. The benefits from time spent with friends and family is that they learn to
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share, compromise and listen, as well as develop conflict resolution skills. Fostering these
relationships as a child will also help them maintain relationships in their adult life.
Discussion with Friends:
One of my friend pointed about this subtheme that Sleep is an important element in maintaining
good mental and physical wellbeing. Ensuring your child gets enough sleep each night is one of
the most important practices you can develop as a parent. It is never too late to establish a night
time routine. This may include a bath, reading a story or listening to quiet music. Make sure the
technology gets turned off one or two hours before bedtime to allow your child’s brain to unwind
and relax.
Other friend also said that resilient is one of the most important qualities to develop in children.
The ability to learn from mistakes and accept feedback, be persistent and not give up easily will
help maintain a positive wellbeing in children. Through modelling these qualities yourself,
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parents and educators can help children bounce back and move past mistakes and problems.
Letting go is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy wellbeing.
I concluded that Well-being is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important
concern of policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to
measure and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years.
Q.3 What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles /
Possible choice making belong to productive skill rather than perceptive one. It produces a
message to communicate. Spratt, Paleness, and Williams (2020) state that Possible choice making
learning belong to productive skills. She said that learning and Making choice, particularly,
involve producing content rather than receiving it. The subjective aspects include things such as
how the child is feeling about their life and how happy they are. The objective aspects include
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factors that affect the child’s feelings, for example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and
education. Despite a fairly extensive literature, comparisons between countries and
communities are difficult as ‘the field of social child indication is fragmented and lacking a
unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators have been identified. It means that Possible
choice making learning will produce an output as an indicator that students have learned both
those skills. It is clearly that the output of learning skill can be oral conversation or drama.
Meanwhile, the output of learning skill can be written stories, letters, or other text types. Another
linguist, Hyland (2019), explains that Possible choice making are a way to share personal
meanings. The people construct their own views on topic.
Through being good role models for our children and developing positive thinking and behavior
patterns in them we can help improve our possible choice making, as well as teach them lifelong
skills to maintain this into their adult life. They will share their views on a topic to each other
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then. A person’s views may be different from other people’s views. It depends on their belief.
Therefore, when constructing their views (ideas), the people have to make it understandable and
acceptable. Brown (2019) illustrates that making choice are like swimming. When people want to
be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic ways or tricks to swim,
although the instructor is only their parents or their friends (not professional Parents). After they
get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own style. The more chance they get
to swim, the more perfect they will be. Making choice are the last output after students learn
separate acts continuously. Wallace (2019) states that Making choice are the final product after
students learn several stages of Making choice separately before. Those stages are note-taking,
identifying a central idea, outlining, drafting, and editing. It means that making choice are a
complex skill. It covers many sub skills that have to be passed before producing a good piece of
making choice.
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Making choice seem so complicated with its sub skills, but it is actually can be learn with fun.
Wajnryb (2020) is credited with helping to develop a new way of Possible choice making known
as doctorless. Dictogloss is a relatively recent procedure in content teaching. Those skills are
related to each other. In this case, I am going to focus on making choice activities. Making choice
are a content skill that is very important. Making choice are among the most important skills that
foreign content students need to develop. It is the last stage in making choice content after
listening, learning, and listening. In other Making choice, I can say that making choice are an
indicator whether students have gained all skills before or have not. Before the students have to
learning, they should be able to listen, to speak, and to read.
Making choice activities differs from other skills like learning and listening. Brown (2019) states
that trends in teaching making choice of ESL and other foreign contents are integrated with
teaching other skills, particularly listening and learning. Wajnryb recommends that learners
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should listen to the Possible choice making twice and that both readings should be, as far as
possible, identical. The text is read at natural speed with short pauses between each sentence.
Students are told not to learning anything the first time, ‘but allow the Making choice to wash
over them’. This is to allow students to get an overall feel for the passage. On the second listening
students should take down notes. At this stage the teacher should suggest that learners focus on
noticing and recording key content or information.
Possible choice making are an integrative strategy that was originally used for second content
learners. The purpose of Possible choice making is to improve students' knowledge of text
structure and grammar & learning within an authentic context (Van Patten, Inclezan, Salazar, &
Farley, 2020). As research indicates, effective Making choice instruction focuses on grammar &
learning and text structure within context of use (Bromley, 2019). In this instructional strategy,
students listen to a model of motivation structure and deconstruct it collaboratively before it is
recreated. The collaborative nature of Possible choice making allows all learners, but especially
second content learners and striving readers, to examine an exemplary narrative passage and
discover how the author created it. When students are explicitly instructed in the study of genres
and their textual differences, the quality of their Making choice improves (Calkins, 2019).
Q.4What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions /
description from literature.
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values,
morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational
discussion and directed research.
methods include teaching, training, storytelling,
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Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
“Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your
shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's
being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones.
Making choice:
To make a choice, people decide which of two or more possibilities or alternatives is best.
People make choices every moment about their every thought, feeling, and action. Often,
these choices are made very quickly and below a person's level of conscious awareness.
Possible choice making:
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Promoting well-being involves understanding and addressing child, youth, and caregiver
functioning in physical, behavioral, social, and cognitive areas. This section presents information
on protective factors and child, youth, parent, and caregiver well-being.
Learning through health and wellbeing enables children and young people to: make informed
decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. Experience
challenge and enjoyment. Experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for
Q.5What did you want to achieve in this research project?
Objective / purpose of the study:
The purpose of this action research will be find the developing ability to make possible choice
making in children at Govt. Girls Higher School.
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Objective of this research are:
1.To carried out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children.
2.Developing decision making skills in students and enhancing self-confidence.
3.To discover the role of possible choice making on promoting possible choice making.
Research Question:
This study aims to make an action plan for the effecting of possible choice making of eighth class
students in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. Specifically it seeks to answer the following
 What is the developing ability to make possible choice making in children?
 How making choice effect student’s wellbeing?
 To find out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children?
Q.6 Who were the participants in your project?
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The targeted population was students enrolled in eighth class of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------.
However, in this questionnaire, thirty-two (32) students, taking a related course, were selected in
a Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ as a sample while considering the research control and validity
of this study. This sample included students of the two major medium (English Medium and Urdu
Medium). These participants might generally represent the students in eighth class. The Possible
choice making were developed on the basis of a series of research regarding Making choice
identification and improvement for eighth class students. This curriculum purported to enhance
students' Making choice and depositions through speculating about academic learning and life
issue discussion.
Q.7How did you try to solve the problem?
Action research incorporates little scale deliberate request and contains various stages which
every now and again endure in cycles. Like arranging, activity, perception and reflection. This
sort of research has turned out to be step by step across the board everywhere throughout the
world as a technique for expert learning. It has been particularly created in training, explicitly in
instructing, and is presently utilized extensively over the callings.
Method of the study:
The procedure of this research was involved on an activity research to discover and tackle the
issue. The social wonder under investigation was the Improving the Possible choice making of
eighth class level. Questionnaire, interviews, field notes and perceptions were utilized to gather
the information expected to give the data knowledge important to respond to the research
The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population and we choose the
students of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of
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Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ to accumulate quality data from chosen city and Area. Sample is
smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all the observation that represents the
whole population. The number of observation included in a sample is called size of sample. The
students of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ and their Parents were selected for this class based
action research.
Ethical Consideration:
An action research is considered ‘ethical’ if research design, interpretation and practical
development produced by it have been negotiated with all parties directly concerned with the
situation under research. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and
Area governing body. Permission was sought from Area head. Permission was granted by the
Education Department for this study to take place at the Area where I was teaching. The rights of
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the participants (eighth class students) were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio
recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings.
Data Collection:
The term questionnaire is normally used on the other hand with audit. It is ordinary and
straightforward strategy for data amassing, in actuality, look at. Moreover, it is snappiest, most
affordable, private method for social affair data from respondents. The data was accumulated
through efficient research gadget. So in such sort inspects, it is indispensable during progress of
estimation gadget for quality data to recollect all points of view. Quantitative system was used to
get critical and cautious information. Information was assembled through questionnaire including
simply close completed request in regard to investigate goals. The close by completed overview
was made for data gathering.
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Q.8What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument
Research Instrument:
Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to
answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according
to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to
attain study objectives.
Quantitative research
Quantitative research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed
using performing based methods (in particular statistics)’. Quantitative data contains closed ended
information such as that found on attitude behavior and performance instruments .In this study
the children have been given a questionnaire to find out developing ability to make possible
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choice making in children and this questionnaire has been derived and analyzed in terms of
numerical data. This is why the research falls under quantitative category.
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of
gathering information from respondent’s statistical society. Usually a questionnaire consists of a
number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format .A distinction made
between open ended and closed ended questions .an open ended question ask the respondent to
formulate his own answer, whereas a closed ended question has the respondent pick an answer
from given number of options.
Questionnaire is:
Statements Option
Possible choice making
motivate them in making
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choice. Agree
Possible choice making
helping them to learning
with self-confidence.
Possible choice making
them able in decision
making skill.
The use of Possible choice
making is understandable.
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Can choice effect on
student’s wellbeing.
Can you use the choice
making activities in your
Children wellbeing effects
the life of student.
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Q.9What were the findings and conclusion?
I used scale questionnaires to get students’ responses towards the use for the improvement of
making choice. The results are shown below (Table). Total students in this questionnaire were 32.
Table: The Questionnaire Results on the Implementation of Possible choice making
Statements Option Students’
Possible choice
making motivate them
in making choice.
5 15.62%
Agree 22 68.75%
Disagree 5 15.62%
0 0%
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Possible choice
making helping them
to learning with self-
8 25%
Agree 24 75%
Disagree 0 0%
0 0%
Possible choice
making them able in
decision making skill.
7 21.88%
Agree 23 71.88%
Disagree 2 6.25%
0 0%
The use of Possible
choice making is
2 6.25%
Agree 25 78.12%
Disagree 5 15.62%
0 0%
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The first statement,
making motivate them
This statement was
“Possible choice
in making choice”.
used to know whether
the Possible choice making
choice to
respondents who gave
showed that 15.62 %
very motivated to
Possible choice
68.75% of the students
learning using
their opinion.
students’ Making
There were 32
of the students were
learning using
making. It showed that
were motivated to
Can choice effect on
student’s wellbeing.
6 18.75%
Agree 20 62.5%
Disagree 6 18.75%
0 0%
Can you use the choice
making activities in
your study?
2 6.25%
Agree 26 81.25%
Disagree 4 12.5%
0 0%
Children wellbeing
effects the life of
2 6.25%
Agree 23 71.88%
Disagree 7 21.88%
0 0%
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Possible choice making. The second statement is “Possible choice making helping them to
learning”. So, about 25 % of the students were really helped by the use of Possible choice making
to help them Making choice. It showed that 75 % of the students were helped by Possible choice
making in decision making skill. The third statement shows that there were 21.88 % of the
students who thought that they were able to learning by using the Possible choice making. There
were 71.88 % of the students could learning through motivation. The next statement concluded
that 6.25 % of the students could clearly understand with the steps used in Possible choice
making. So, 78.12 % of the students agreed that the steps in Possible choice making were
understandable for them. The next statement shows that more than 80 % of the students could get
the Making choice from online lesson that would be used as the basic for them to develop and
learning the lesson. The sixth statement will show there were still 4 students who were not able to
develop their Making choice. The last statement showed so, there were more than 70 % of the
students agreed that making choice in making choice were fun.
From the result above, it can be seen that more than 50 % of the students responded that Possible
choice making motivated them in making choice. The use of Possible choice making was
effective to motivate the students, helping them to learning lesson in different content. After
learned using Possible choice making, more than 70 % of the students were able to learning
lesson in different content. It also shows that Possible choice making are understandable and fun
for them. They could follow the steps in Possible choice making periods. More than 50 % of the
students were able to get the key making choice when they used Possible choice making. Then,
they were able to develop the key making choice into a lesson. Possible choice making also
helped the students to understand the generic structure of texts. The result of this research
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revealed the improvements contributed by the implementation of the Possible choice making
periods in the teaching and learning process of making choice in grade ten of Govt. Girls Higher
School, ------. First, Possible choice making could improve students’ Making choice. It was able
to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of making
choice. Besides, Possible choice making could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in
their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process.
Possible choice making could be combined with other media such as pictures or video that could
create various fun learning making choice so it decreased students’ boredom during their learning
process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the
classroom making choice. Third, since the students were motivated and the Making choice class
ran well, the students’ making choice were also improved.
Q.10 Summary of the Project.
This action research was conducted in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. The participants of study
were elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in Govt. Girls Higher
School, ------. I selected elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers which are considered in
total 32 members.
Objective of this research are:
1.To carried out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children.
2.Developing decision making skills in students and enhancing self-confidence.
3.To discover the role of possible choice making on promoting possible choice making.
Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to
answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according
to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to
attain study objectives.
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It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process
of making choice. Besides, Possible choice making could provide the students with illustrations
and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning
process. Possible choice making could be combined with other media such as pictures or video
that could create various fun learning making choice so it decreased students’ boredom during
their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and
active in the classroom making choice. Third, since the students were motivated and the Making
choice class ran well, the students’ making choice were also improved.
Q.11 How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt?
I learnt a lot of new things which I never learnt in my previous life. For example when I talked
with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of writing. When i taught the children
then me counsel dictionary and great writers, businessmen and novels .These all things increased
my Conflict management also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative writers to
teach them. It also helped me to learn new things. This practice also improved my writing skills
I also learnt how to write effectively and accurately I have improved my English grimmer. My
work has been improved. I learnt new methods of improving writing. I learnt how to write stories
in appropriate way. Overall it helped me to develop new writing skills, new way of teaching
writing skills. So I am glad to say that it was unforgettable experience of my life. First of all most
of us numb the uncomfortable emotions, but unknowingly when we do this research we can also
end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace, happiness, and pleasure. We can’t fully have
one without the other.
The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do something
about it. Awareness alone won’t help us stop using Conflict management. Awareness after the
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fact is what I’m talking about here. Starting anything new and trying to create a habit out of it
takes work and time. This is one of the reasons I love researching and attending classes as it’s
basically a scheduled time in the day, where I have no other distractions, to just be in my routine
and notice how I’m feeling. That being said I rarely make it to a class once a week these days, so
I do have to find simple and quick ways to connect.
Q.12 What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher?
It added a lot of new skills in my teaching .It improved my way of teaching. For example when I
talked with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of making choice. When i
taught the students then I counsel dictionary and great learnings, businessmen and novels .These
all things increased my learning .I also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative
learnings to teach them. It also enhanced my knowledge. This practice also improved my Making
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choice too. I also learnt how to learning effectively and accurately. I have learnt how to deal in become confident after this practice. Now I can speak at any forum.
1.In this modern, digital age, Parents need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is
thrown their way. New technologies are developed every day that can change the way
students learn, and the way Parents teach. Likewise, administrators are changing and updating
expectations and learning standards. Being able to adapt is a skill that every modern teacher
must have. If it’s being able to adapt to the way students learn, the behavior their classroom
exhibits, or their lesson plans, it is a definitely a trait that is a must-have.
2.This is likely the single most important skill. Kids these days are stubborn, and many lack the
inherent respect for authority that we were taught at a young age. Spending a single day in a
room full of raucous teenagers is enough to send any human being to the Looney bin, which
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is why every good teacher needs patience in order to find a way to work with his students and
earn their respect.
3.Different kids learn in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good
Parents know how to adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn
optimally. This trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it
4.Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than
using your imagination to create new and motivation ways for your students to learn. You
may be inspired by the work of another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial - it doesn't
matter. All that matters is that you take the initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn
the material.
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5. Parents could have a hard time without a wide variety of support staff around them. If you
feel alone, your Area principal, administrative staff, parent-teacher committee, and more are
often available to provide you help. By working as a team, you may have an easier time
increasing your students' ability to learn and have fun.
6. Sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk. Being a teacher is about
finding a way to get kids to learn, and sometimes these new learning methods can be risky.
Stick to it and you'll soon find that others are following your teaching example.
Q.13 List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition).
Bromley, K. (2019). Best Practices in Teaching Making choice. In L. Gambrel, ed., L. M.
Morrow, ed., & M. Pressley (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (pp. 243–264). New
York: Guilford.
Brown, H. Douglas. (2019). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Content
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Pedagogy. 2nd Ed. San Francisco: Longman.
Calkins, L. (2019). The Art of Teaching Making choice. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Hyland, K. (2019). Second Content Making choice. New York: Cambridge University
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0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739

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  • 1. MANUAL RESEARCH PROJECT B.Ed. (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year) Course Code: 8613 Theme: Promoting Children's Well-being Sub-theme: choice making Topic: Developing ability to make possible choice making in children 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 2. Name of the School (where the action research was conducted): Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. Overall background of the participants of the project; area / Area: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the Area is situated). This action research was conducted in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. School & Participants Background: This action research was conducted in rural area. The structure of school was huge and lovely. The school had lovely playground and parking. Classes are better in condition. The environment of school was great, better for learning and secure for children. The participants of study were elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in Govt. Girls Higher 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 3. School, ------. I selected elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers which are considered in total 32 members. Socio Economic Status: Most of peoples from this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in a private offices. Most of parents do not afford children education due to their family expenses and their low income but some parents support their children at higher level in well reputed universities. But due to the lack of higher educational institute and low income of their parents, more than 60% children stop their education after matriculation. Overall the financial status of this area is not good. Occupation & Earning Trend: Parents with Govt. jobs and small businessman are in a better condition to help and support their children educationally, mentally and profoundly. However, Parents with low income because of 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 4. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 expenses and low salaries issues can't give satisfactory to up level their children education. The control of the Parents in this research from this area is normal. A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In present some parents drop their children at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 80% children go to school till then matriculation. Literacy Rate: In 2019, ------ literacy rate of 66% for females was noticeably lower than the 79% for males.
  • 5. Q.1Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom / institution. Making choice are an exciting subject. When I see different children with different mentality I notice that mostly children are strong in mentally but not strong physically so I decided to organized some making choice activities for checking mentally and mental skills in different children and after all I choose this theme because making choice activities give the world and life and everything in it meaning. Some points are describe below for analyzing this theme & subtheme: The subjective aspects include things such as how the child is feeling about their life and how happy they are. The objective aspects include factors that affect the child’s feelings, for example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and education. Despite a fairly extensive literature, comparisons between countries and communities are difficult as ‘the field of social child indication is fragmented and lacking a unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 6. have been identified. Clearly, these attributes are not only important to the individual child but are also important considerations in relation to the child’s current contribution and engagement with their peers and family and their future potential contribution to their community and more broadly to society. Well-being is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years. However, as the metrics for measuring children’s emotional well-being are developed and a greater understanding of the complex interplay between the different factors is gained, uncomfortable truths are revealed. The Children’s Society report identifies the following six priorities for children’s well-being: 1.The conditions to learn and develop, which include opportunities for free play and good quality and supportive education. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 7. 2.A positive view of themselves and an identity that is respected, which includes being comfortable with their appearance, being valued for who they are and being healthy. 3.Have enough of what matters, which includes living in an economically stable household and having the items and experiences that help them fit in. 4.Positive relationships with family and friends such as loving and caring relationships. 5.A safe and suitable home environment and local area, including space where they have privacy. 6.Opportunity to take part in positive activities to thrive, such as being able to play outside and having choice in the activities they engage in. Q.2What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? After choosing this theme, I discussed this topic with my teachers, friends and supervisor. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 8. Discussion with Supervisor: My supervisor pointed out that after a day of thinking, children need to be outside in the fresh air either playing sport or simply playing. He also pointed that technology available to children nowadays but it is important to limit the time children spend having screen time. It is easy to use technology as a babysitting device but children should be restricted to a maximum of two hours per day, which includes television, computers, iPads et cetera. Setting clear and consistent guidelines from an early age makes it much easier to reinforce these limits. Most technology has timers so it easy for children to know when their time is up. Discussion with Teacher: My teacher told me that developing positive relationships with others is very important for possible choice making. The benefits from time spent with friends and family is that they learn to 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 9. share, compromise and listen, as well as develop conflict resolution skills. Fostering these relationships as a child will also help them maintain relationships in their adult life. Discussion with Friends: One of my friend pointed about this subtheme that Sleep is an important element in maintaining good mental and physical wellbeing. Ensuring your child gets enough sleep each night is one of the most important practices you can develop as a parent. It is never too late to establish a night time routine. This may include a bath, reading a story or listening to quiet music. Make sure the technology gets turned off one or two hours before bedtime to allow your child’s brain to unwind and relax. Other friend also said that resilient is one of the most important qualities to develop in children. The ability to learn from mistakes and accept feedback, be persistent and not give up easily will help maintain a positive wellbeing in children. Through modelling these qualities yourself, 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 10. parents and educators can help children bounce back and move past mistakes and problems. Letting go is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy wellbeing. I concluded that Well-being is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years. Q.3 What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? Possible choice making belong to productive skill rather than perceptive one. It produces a message to communicate. Spratt, Paleness, and Williams (2020) state that Possible choice making learning belong to productive skills. She said that learning and Making choice, particularly, involve producing content rather than receiving it. The subjective aspects include things such as how the child is feeling about their life and how happy they are. The objective aspects include 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 11. factors that affect the child’s feelings, for example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and education. Despite a fairly extensive literature, comparisons between countries and communities are difficult as ‘the field of social child indication is fragmented and lacking a unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators have been identified. It means that Possible choice making learning will produce an output as an indicator that students have learned both those skills. It is clearly that the output of learning skill can be oral conversation or drama. Meanwhile, the output of learning skill can be written stories, letters, or other text types. Another linguist, Hyland (2019), explains that Possible choice making are a way to share personal meanings. The people construct their own views on topic. Through being good role models for our children and developing positive thinking and behavior patterns in them we can help improve our possible choice making, as well as teach them lifelong skills to maintain this into their adult life. They will share their views on a topic to each other 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 12. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 then. A person’s views may be different from other people’s views. It depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their views (ideas), the people have to make it understandable and acceptable. Brown (2019) illustrates that making choice are like swimming. When people want to be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic ways or tricks to swim, although the instructor is only their parents or their friends (not professional Parents). After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own style. The more chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be. Making choice are the last output after students learn separate acts continuously. Wallace (2019) states that Making choice are the final product after students learn several stages of Making choice separately before. Those stages are note-taking, identifying a central idea, outlining, drafting, and editing. It means that making choice are a complex skill. It covers many sub skills that have to be passed before producing a good piece of making choice.
  • 13. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 Making choice seem so complicated with its sub skills, but it is actually can be learn with fun. Wajnryb (2020) is credited with helping to develop a new way of Possible choice making known as doctorless. Dictogloss is a relatively recent procedure in content teaching. Those skills are related to each other. In this case, I am going to focus on making choice activities. Making choice are a content skill that is very important. Making choice are among the most important skills that foreign content students need to develop. It is the last stage in making choice content after listening, learning, and listening. In other Making choice, I can say that making choice are an indicator whether students have gained all skills before or have not. Before the students have to learning, they should be able to listen, to speak, and to read. Making choice activities differs from other skills like learning and listening. Brown (2019) states that trends in teaching making choice of ESL and other foreign contents are integrated with teaching other skills, particularly listening and learning. Wajnryb recommends that learners
  • 14. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 should listen to the Possible choice making twice and that both readings should be, as far as possible, identical. The text is read at natural speed with short pauses between each sentence. Students are told not to learning anything the first time, ‘but allow the Making choice to wash over them’. This is to allow students to get an overall feel for the passage. On the second listening students should take down notes. At this stage the teacher should suggest that learners focus on noticing and recording key content or information. Possible choice making are an integrative strategy that was originally used for second content learners. The purpose of Possible choice making is to improve students' knowledge of text structure and grammar & learning within an authentic context (Van Patten, Inclezan, Salazar, & Farley, 2020). As research indicates, effective Making choice instruction focuses on grammar & learning and text structure within context of use (Bromley, 2019). In this instructional strategy, students listen to a model of motivation structure and deconstruct it collaboratively before it is
  • 15. recreated. The collaborative nature of Possible choice making allows all learners, but especially second content learners and striving readers, to examine an exemplary narrative passage and discover how the author created it. When students are explicitly instructed in the study of genres and their textual differences, the quality of their Making choice improves (Calkins, 2019). Q.4What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from literature. Education: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational discussion and directed research. Health: methods include teaching, training, storytelling, 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 16. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Family: “Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones. Making choice: To make a choice, people decide which of two or more possibilities or alternatives is best. People make choices every moment about their every thought, feeling, and action. Often, these choices are made very quickly and below a person's level of conscious awareness. Possible choice making: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 17. Promoting well-being involves understanding and addressing child, youth, and caregiver functioning in physical, behavioral, social, and cognitive areas. This section presents information on protective factors and child, youth, parent, and caregiver well-being. Promoting: Learning through health and wellbeing enables children and young people to: make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. Experience challenge and enjoyment. Experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves. Q.5What did you want to achieve in this research project? Objective / purpose of the study: The purpose of this action research will be find the developing ability to make possible choice making in children at Govt. Girls Higher School. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 18. Objective of this research are: 1.To carried out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children. 2.Developing decision making skills in students and enhancing self-confidence. 3.To discover the role of possible choice making on promoting possible choice making. Research Question: This study aims to make an action plan for the effecting of possible choice making of eighth class students in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:  What is the developing ability to make possible choice making in children?  How making choice effect student’s wellbeing?  To find out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children? Q.6 Who were the participants in your project? 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 19. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 The targeted population was students enrolled in eighth class of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. However, in this questionnaire, thirty-two (32) students, taking a related course, were selected in a Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ as a sample while considering the research control and validity of this study. This sample included students of the two major medium (English Medium and Urdu Medium). These participants might generally represent the students in eighth class. The Possible choice making were developed on the basis of a series of research regarding Making choice identification and improvement for eighth class students. This curriculum purported to enhance students' Making choice and depositions through speculating about academic learning and life issue discussion. Q.7How did you try to solve the problem? Action research incorporates little scale deliberate request and contains various stages which every now and again endure in cycles. Like arranging, activity, perception and reflection. This
  • 20. sort of research has turned out to be step by step across the board everywhere throughout the world as a technique for expert learning. It has been particularly created in training, explicitly in instructing, and is presently utilized extensively over the callings. Method of the study: The procedure of this research was involved on an activity research to discover and tackle the issue. The social wonder under investigation was the Improving the Possible choice making of eighth class level. Questionnaire, interviews, field notes and perceptions were utilized to gather the information expected to give the data knowledge important to respond to the research questions. Sampling: The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population and we choose the students of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 21. Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ to accumulate quality data from chosen city and Area. Sample is smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all the observation that represents the whole population. The number of observation included in a sample is called size of sample. The students of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------ and their Parents were selected for this class based action research. Ethical Consideration: An action research is considered ‘ethical’ if research design, interpretation and practical development produced by it have been negotiated with all parties directly concerned with the situation under research. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and Area governing body. Permission was sought from Area head. Permission was granted by the Education Department for this study to take place at the Area where I was teaching. The rights of 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 22. the participants (eighth class students) were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings. Data Collection: The term questionnaire is normally used on the other hand with audit. It is ordinary and straightforward strategy for data amassing, in actuality, look at. Moreover, it is snappiest, most affordable, private method for social affair data from respondents. The data was accumulated through efficient research gadget. So in such sort inspects, it is indispensable during progress of estimation gadget for quality data to recollect all points of view. Quantitative system was used to get critical and cautious information. Information was assembled through questionnaire including simply close completed request in regard to investigate goals. The close by completed overview was made for data gathering. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 23. Q.8What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed? Research Instrument: Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives. Quantitative research Quantitative research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using performing based methods (in particular statistics)’. Quantitative data contains closed ended information such as that found on attitude behavior and performance instruments .In this study the children have been given a questionnaire to find out developing ability to make possible 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 24. choice making in children and this questionnaire has been derived and analyzed in terms of numerical data. This is why the research falls under quantitative category. Questionnaire A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondent’s statistical society. Usually a questionnaire consists of a number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format .A distinction made between open ended and closed ended questions .an open ended question ask the respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a closed ended question has the respondent pick an answer from given number of options. Questionnaire is: Statements Option Possible choice making motivate them in making Strongly Agree 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 25. choice. Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Possible choice making helping them to learning with self-confidence. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Possible choice making them able in decision making skill. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The use of Possible choice making is understandable. Strongly Agree 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 26. Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Can choice effect on student’s wellbeing. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Can you use the choice making activities in your study? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Children wellbeing effects the life of student. Strongly Agree 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 27. Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Q.9What were the findings and conclusion? I used scale questionnaires to get students’ responses towards the use for the improvement of making choice. The results are shown below (Table). Total students in this questionnaire were 32. Table: The Questionnaire Results on the Implementation of Possible choice making Statements Option Students’ Choice Possible choice making motivate them in making choice. Strongly Agree 5 15.62% Agree 22 68.75% Disagree 5 15.62% Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 28. Possible choice making helping them to learning with self- confidence. Strongly Agree 8 25% Agree 24 75% Disagree 0 0% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Possible choice making them able in decision making skill. Strongly Agree 7 21.88% Agree 23 71.88% Disagree 2 6.25% Strongly Disagree 0 0% The use of Possible choice making is understandable. Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 25 78.12% Disagree 5 15.62% Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 29. The first statement, making motivate them This statement was “Possible choice in making choice”. used to know whether the Possible choice making choice to improved learning. respondents who gave showed that 15.62 % very motivated to Possible choice 68.75% of the students learning using their opinion. students’ Making There were 32 It of the students were learning using making. It showed that were motivated to Can choice effect on student’s wellbeing. Strongly Agree 6 18.75% Agree 20 62.5% Disagree 6 18.75% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Can you use the choice making activities in your study? Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 26 81.25% Disagree 4 12.5% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Children wellbeing effects the life of student. Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 23 71.88% Disagree 7 21.88% Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 30. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 Possible choice making. The second statement is “Possible choice making helping them to learning”. So, about 25 % of the students were really helped by the use of Possible choice making to help them Making choice. It showed that 75 % of the students were helped by Possible choice making in decision making skill. The third statement shows that there were 21.88 % of the students who thought that they were able to learning by using the Possible choice making. There were 71.88 % of the students could learning through motivation. The next statement concluded that 6.25 % of the students could clearly understand with the steps used in Possible choice making. So, 78.12 % of the students agreed that the steps in Possible choice making were understandable for them. The next statement shows that more than 80 % of the students could get the Making choice from online lesson that would be used as the basic for them to develop and learning the lesson. The sixth statement will show there were still 4 students who were not able to
  • 31. develop their Making choice. The last statement showed so, there were more than 70 % of the students agreed that making choice in making choice were fun. Discussion: From the result above, it can be seen that more than 50 % of the students responded that Possible choice making motivated them in making choice. The use of Possible choice making was effective to motivate the students, helping them to learning lesson in different content. After learned using Possible choice making, more than 70 % of the students were able to learning lesson in different content. It also shows that Possible choice making are understandable and fun for them. They could follow the steps in Possible choice making periods. More than 50 % of the students were able to get the key making choice when they used Possible choice making. Then, they were able to develop the key making choice into a lesson. Possible choice making also helped the students to understand the generic structure of texts. The result of this research 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 32. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 revealed the improvements contributed by the implementation of the Possible choice making periods in the teaching and learning process of making choice in grade ten of Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. First, Possible choice making could improve students’ Making choice. It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of making choice. Besides, Possible choice making could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process. Possible choice making could be combined with other media such as pictures or video that could create various fun learning making choice so it decreased students’ boredom during their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the classroom making choice. Third, since the students were motivated and the Making choice class ran well, the students’ making choice were also improved. Q.10 Summary of the Project.
  • 33. This action research was conducted in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. The participants of study were elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in Govt. Girls Higher School, ------. I selected elementary (8th) grade children and their teachers which are considered in total 32 members. Objective of this research are: 1.To carried out the developing ability to make possible choice making in children. 2.Developing decision making skills in students and enhancing self-confidence. 3.To discover the role of possible choice making on promoting possible choice making. Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 34. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739 It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of making choice. Besides, Possible choice making could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process. Possible choice making could be combined with other media such as pictures or video that could create various fun learning making choice so it decreased students’ boredom during their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the classroom making choice. Third, since the students were motivated and the Making choice class ran well, the students’ making choice were also improved. Q.11 How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? I learnt a lot of new things which I never learnt in my previous life. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of writing. When i taught the children then me counsel dictionary and great writers, businessmen and novels .These all things increased
  • 35. my Conflict management also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative writers to teach them. It also helped me to learn new things. This practice also improved my writing skills too. I also learnt how to write effectively and accurately I have improved my English grimmer. My work has been improved. I learnt new methods of improving writing. I learnt how to write stories in appropriate way. Overall it helped me to develop new writing skills, new way of teaching writing skills. So I am glad to say that it was unforgettable experience of my life. First of all most of us numb the uncomfortable emotions, but unknowingly when we do this research we can also end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace, happiness, and pleasure. We can’t fully have one without the other. The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do something about it. Awareness alone won’t help us stop using Conflict management. Awareness after the 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 36. fact is what I’m talking about here. Starting anything new and trying to create a habit out of it takes work and time. This is one of the reasons I love researching and attending classes as it’s basically a scheduled time in the day, where I have no other distractions, to just be in my routine and notice how I’m feeling. That being said I rarely make it to a class once a week these days, so I do have to find simple and quick ways to connect. Q.12 What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? It added a lot of new skills in my teaching .It improved my way of teaching. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of making choice. When i taught the students then I counsel dictionary and great learnings, businessmen and novels .These all things increased my learning .I also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative learnings to teach them. It also enhanced my knowledge. This practice also improved my Making 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 37. choice too. I also learnt how to learning effectively and accurately. I have learnt how to deal in become confident after this practice. Now I can speak at any forum. 1.In this modern, digital age, Parents need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is thrown their way. New technologies are developed every day that can change the way students learn, and the way Parents teach. Likewise, administrators are changing and updating expectations and learning standards. Being able to adapt is a skill that every modern teacher must have. If it’s being able to adapt to the way students learn, the behavior their classroom exhibits, or their lesson plans, it is a definitely a trait that is a must-have. 2.This is likely the single most important skill. Kids these days are stubborn, and many lack the inherent respect for authority that we were taught at a young age. Spending a single day in a room full of raucous teenagers is enough to send any human being to the Looney bin, which 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 38. is why every good teacher needs patience in order to find a way to work with his students and earn their respect. 3.Different kids learn in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good Parents know how to adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it time. 4.Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than using your imagination to create new and motivation ways for your students to learn. You may be inspired by the work of another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you take the initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn the material. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 39. 5. Parents could have a hard time without a wide variety of support staff around them. If you feel alone, your Area principal, administrative staff, parent-teacher committee, and more are often available to provide you help. By working as a team, you may have an easier time increasing your students' ability to learn and have fun. 6. Sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk. Being a teacher is about finding a way to get kids to learn, and sometimes these new learning methods can be risky. Stick to it and you'll soon find that others are following your teaching example. Q.13 List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition). Bromley, K. (2019). Best Practices in Teaching Making choice. In L. Gambrel, ed., L. M. Morrow, ed., & M. Pressley (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (pp. 243–264). New York: Guilford. Brown, H. Douglas. (2019). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Content 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 40. Pedagogy. 2nd Ed. San Francisco: Longman. Calkins, L. (2019). The Art of Teaching Making choice. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Hyland, K. (2019). Second Content Making choice. New York: Cambridge University Press. Van Patten, B., Inclezan, D., Salazar, H., & Farley, A. (2020). Processing instruction and Dictogloss: A study on object pronouns and word order in Spanish. Foreign Content Annals, 42, 557–576. Wajnryb, Ruth (2020). Grammer & learning Possible choice making. New York: Oxford University Press Wallace, Trudy (2019). Teaching Learning, Listening and Making choice International Academy of Education (Educational Practices Series 1-14). Williams, Melanie (2020). The TKT Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739