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Android Design Principles
Android Design Principles
Delight me in surprising ways -
Android Design Principles
Delight me in surprising ways - beautiful surface, a carefully-
  placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect
Android Design Principles
Delight me in surprising ways - beautiful surface, a carefully-
  placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect
Android Design Principles
Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus -
Android Design Principles
Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus - Allow
  people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app
Android Design Principles
Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus - Allow
  people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app
Android Design Principles
Let me make it mine -
Android Design Principles
Let me make it mine - People love to add personal touches
  because it helps them feel at home and in control
Android Design Principles
Let me make it mine - People love to add personal touches
  because it helps them feel at home and in control
Android Design Principles
Get to know me -
Android Design Principles
Get to know me - Learn peoples' preferences over time
Android Design Principles
Get to know me - Learn peoples' preferences over time
Android Design Principles
Keep it brief -
Android Design Principles
Keep it brief - Use short phrases with simple words
Android Design Principles
Keep it brief - Use short phrases with simple words
Android Design Principles
Pictures are faster than words -
Android Design Principles
Pictures are faster than words - Consider using pictures to
   explain ideas
Android Design Principles
Pictures are faster than words - Consider using pictures to
   explain ideas
Android Design Principles
Decide for me but let me have the final say -
Android Design Principles
Decide for me but let me have the final say - Take your best
  guess and act rather than asking first
Android Design Principles
Decide for me but let me have the final say - Take your best
  guess and act rather than asking first
Android Design Principles
Only show what I need when I need it -
Android Design Principles
Only show what I need when I need it - People get overwhelmed
  when they see too much at once
Android Design Principles
Only show what I need when I need it - People get overwhelmed
  when they see too much at once
Android Design Principles
I should always know where I am -
Android Design Principles
I should always know where I am - Give people confidence that
   they know their way around
Android Design Principles
I should always know where I am - Give people confidence that
   they know their way around
Android Design Principles
Never lose my stuff -
Android Design Principles
Never lose my stuff - Save what people took time to create and
  let them access it from anywhere
Android Design Principles
Never lose my stuff - Save what people took time to create and
  let them access it from anywhere
Android Design Principles
If it looks the same, it should act the same -
Android Design Principles
If it looks the same, it should act the same - Help people discern
    functional differences by making them visually distinct rather
    than subtle
Android Design Principles
If it looks the same, it should act the same - Help people discern
    functional differences by making them visually distinct rather
    than subtle
Android Design Principles
Only interrupt me if it's important -
Android Design Principles
Only interrupt me if it's important - Like a good personal
  assistant, shield people from unimportant minutiae
Android Design Principles
Only interrupt me if it's important - Like a good personal
  assistant, shield people from unimportant minutiae
Android Design Principles
Give me tricks that work everywhere -
Android Design Principles
Give me tricks that work everywhere - Make your app easier to
  learn by leveraging visual patterns and muscle memory from
  other Android apps
Android Design Principles
Give me tricks that work everywhere - Make your app easier to
  learn by leveraging visual patterns and muscle memory from
  other Android apps
Android Design Principles
It's not my fault -
Android Design Principles
It's not my fault - Be gentle in how you prompt people to make
Android Design Principles
It's not my fault - Be gentle in how you prompt people to make
Android Design Principles
Sprinkle encouragement -
Android Design Principles
Sprinkle encouragement - Break complex tasks into smaller steps
  that can be easily accomplished
Android Design Principles
Sprinkle encouragement - Break complex tasks into smaller steps
  that can be easily accomplished
Android Design Principles
Do the heavy lifting for me -
Android Design Principles
Do the heavy lifting for me - Make novices feel like experts by
  enabling them to do things they never thought they could
Android Design Principles
Do the heavy lifting for me - Make novices feel like experts by
  enabling them to do things they never thought they could
Android Design Principles
Make important things fast -
Android Design Principles
Make important things fast - Not all actions are equal. Decide
 what's most important in your app and make it easy to find and
 fast to use
Android Design Principles
Make important things fast - Not all actions are equal. Decide
 what's most important in your app and make it easy to find and
 fast to use
System Bars
System Bars
System Bars

1. Status Bar -
System Bars

1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery
   level, or signal strength, on the right.
System Bars

1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery
   level, or signal strength, on the right.
2. Navigation Bar -
System Bars

1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery
   level, or signal strength, on the right.
2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on
   devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys
System Bars

1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery
   level, or signal strength, on the right.
2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on
   devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys
3. Combined Bar -
System Bars

1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery
   level, or signal strength, on the right.
2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on
   devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys
3. Combined Bar - On tablet form factors the status and navigation bars are combined into a
   single bar at the bottom of the screen.
   Notifications are brief messages that users can access
   at any time from the status bar. They provide
   updates, reminders, or information that's important,
   but not critical enough to warrant interrupting the
   user. Open the notifications drawer by swiping down
   on the status bar. Touching a notification opens the
   associated app.

Notifications can be expanded to uncover more details and relevant actions.
When collapsed, notifications have a one-line title and a one-line message.
The recommended layout for a notification includes two lines.
If necessary, you can add a third line.

Swiping a notification right or left removes it from the notification drawer.
Common App UI
Common App UI
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar -
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control -
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control - Allows users to switch between
      the different views that your app provides. Views
      typically consist of different arrangements of
      your data or different functional aspects of your
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control - Allows users to switch between
      the different views that your app provides. Views
      typically consist of different arrangements of
      your data or different functional aspects of your
   3. Content Area -
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control - Allows users to switch between
      the different views that your app provides. Views
      typically consist of different arrangements of
      your data or different functional aspects of your
   3. Content Area - The space where the content of
      your app is displayed.
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control - Allows users to switch between
      the different views that your app provides. Views
      typically consist of different arrangements of
      your data or different functional aspects of your
   3. Content Area - The space where the content of
      your app is displayed.
   4. Split Action Bar -
Common App UI
   1. Main Action Bar - The command and control
      center for your app. The main action bar includes
      elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and
      views, and also surfaces the most important
   2. View Control - Allows users to switch between
      the different views that your app provides. Views
      typically consist of different arrangements of
      your data or different functional aspects of your
   3. Content Area - The space where the content of
      your app is displayed.
   4. Split Action Bar - Split action bars provide a way
      to distribute actions across additional bars
      located below the main action bar or at the
      bottom of the screen. In this example, a split
      action bar moves important actions that won't fit
      in the main bar to the bottom.
Overview of Screens Support
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size -
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density -
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation -
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view.
   This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect
   ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view.
   This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect
   ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
4. Resolution -
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view.
   This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect
   ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When
   adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly
   with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size
   and density
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view.
   This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect
   ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When
   adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly
   with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size
   and density
5. Density-independent pixel (dp) -
Overview of Screens Support
Terms and concepts:
1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the
   screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view.
   This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect
   ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When
   adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly
   with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size
   and density
5. Density-independent pixel (dp) - A virtual pixel unit that you should use
   when defining UI layout, to express layout dimensions or position in a
   density-independent way. The density-independent pixel is equivalent to
   one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen, which is the baseline density
   assumed by the system for a "medium" density screen. The conversion of
   dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160)
Overview of Screens Support
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
1. Four generalized sizes -
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge
2. Four generalized densities -
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge
2. Four generalized densities - ldpi (low), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high),
   and xhdpi (extra high)
Overview of Screens Support
Range of screens supported:
1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge
2. Four generalized densities - ldpi (low), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high),
   and xhdpi (extra high)
Overview of Screens Support
Each generalized screen size has an associated minimum resolution that's
defined by the system

1.   xlarge - at least 960dp x 720dp
2.   large - at least 640dp x 480dp
3.   normal - at least 470dp x 320dp
4.   small - at least 426dp x 320dp
Overview of Screens Support
Resource sizes for different densities:
Overview of Screens Support
Figures 1 and 2 show the difference between an application when it does not
provide density independence and when it does, respectively:

Figure 1

Figure 2
Overview of Screens Support
Following is a list of resource directories in an application that provides
different layout designs for different screen sizes and different bitmap
drawables for medium, high, and extra high density screens:

res/layout/my_layout.xml // layout for normal screen size ("default")
res/layout-small/my_layout.xml // layout for small screen size
res/layout-large/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size
res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large screen size
res/layout-xlarge-land/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large in landscape orientation

res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for medium density
res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for high density
res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for extra high density
Draw 9-patch
                                 1. Define the stretchable patches
                                 2. Define content area (optional)

You can find this tool:
<Android SDK directory>/tools
Additional info

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Design for Android OS training (some technical tips)

  • 2. Android Design Principles Delight me in surprising ways -
  • 3. Android Design Principles Delight me in surprising ways - beautiful surface, a carefully- placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect
  • 4. Android Design Principles Delight me in surprising ways - beautiful surface, a carefully- placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect
  • 5. Android Design Principles Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus -
  • 6. Android Design Principles Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus - Allow people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app
  • 7. Android Design Principles Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus - Allow people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app
  • 8. Android Design Principles Let me make it mine -
  • 9. Android Design Principles Let me make it mine - People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control
  • 10. Android Design Principles Let me make it mine - People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control
  • 12. Android Design Principles Get to know me - Learn peoples' preferences over time
  • 13. Android Design Principles Get to know me - Learn peoples' preferences over time
  • 15. Android Design Principles Keep it brief - Use short phrases with simple words
  • 16. Android Design Principles Keep it brief - Use short phrases with simple words
  • 17. Android Design Principles Pictures are faster than words -
  • 18. Android Design Principles Pictures are faster than words - Consider using pictures to explain ideas
  • 19. Android Design Principles Pictures are faster than words - Consider using pictures to explain ideas
  • 20. Android Design Principles Decide for me but let me have the final say -
  • 21. Android Design Principles Decide for me but let me have the final say - Take your best guess and act rather than asking first
  • 22. Android Design Principles Decide for me but let me have the final say - Take your best guess and act rather than asking first
  • 23. Android Design Principles Only show what I need when I need it -
  • 24. Android Design Principles Only show what I need when I need it - People get overwhelmed when they see too much at once
  • 25. Android Design Principles Only show what I need when I need it - People get overwhelmed when they see too much at once
  • 26. Android Design Principles I should always know where I am -
  • 27. Android Design Principles I should always know where I am - Give people confidence that they know their way around
  • 28. Android Design Principles I should always know where I am - Give people confidence that they know their way around
  • 30. Android Design Principles Never lose my stuff - Save what people took time to create and let them access it from anywhere
  • 31. Android Design Principles Never lose my stuff - Save what people took time to create and let them access it from anywhere
  • 32. Android Design Principles If it looks the same, it should act the same -
  • 33. Android Design Principles If it looks the same, it should act the same - Help people discern functional differences by making them visually distinct rather than subtle
  • 34. Android Design Principles If it looks the same, it should act the same - Help people discern functional differences by making them visually distinct rather than subtle
  • 35. Android Design Principles Only interrupt me if it's important -
  • 36. Android Design Principles Only interrupt me if it's important - Like a good personal assistant, shield people from unimportant minutiae
  • 37. Android Design Principles Only interrupt me if it's important - Like a good personal assistant, shield people from unimportant minutiae
  • 38. Android Design Principles Give me tricks that work everywhere -
  • 39. Android Design Principles Give me tricks that work everywhere - Make your app easier to learn by leveraging visual patterns and muscle memory from other Android apps
  • 40. Android Design Principles Give me tricks that work everywhere - Make your app easier to learn by leveraging visual patterns and muscle memory from other Android apps
  • 42. Android Design Principles It's not my fault - Be gentle in how you prompt people to make corrections
  • 43. Android Design Principles It's not my fault - Be gentle in how you prompt people to make corrections
  • 45. Android Design Principles Sprinkle encouragement - Break complex tasks into smaller steps that can be easily accomplished
  • 46. Android Design Principles Sprinkle encouragement - Break complex tasks into smaller steps that can be easily accomplished
  • 47. Android Design Principles Do the heavy lifting for me -
  • 48. Android Design Principles Do the heavy lifting for me - Make novices feel like experts by enabling them to do things they never thought they could
  • 49. Android Design Principles Do the heavy lifting for me - Make novices feel like experts by enabling them to do things they never thought they could
  • 50. Android Design Principles Make important things fast -
  • 51. Android Design Principles Make important things fast - Not all actions are equal. Decide what's most important in your app and make it easy to find and fast to use
  • 52. Android Design Principles Make important things fast - Not all actions are equal. Decide what's most important in your app and make it easy to find and fast to use
  • 56. System Bars 1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery level, or signal strength, on the right.
  • 57. System Bars 1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery level, or signal strength, on the right. 2. Navigation Bar -
  • 58. System Bars 1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery level, or signal strength, on the right. 2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys
  • 59. System Bars 1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery level, or signal strength, on the right. 2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys 3. Combined Bar -
  • 60. System Bars 1. Status Bar - Displays pending notifications on the left and status, such as time, battery level, or signal strength, on the right. 2. Navigation Bar - New for phones in Android 4.0, the navigation bar is present only on devices that don't have the traditional hardware keys 3. Combined Bar - On tablet form factors the status and navigation bars are combined into a single bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • 61. Notifications Notifications are brief messages that users can access at any time from the status bar. They provide updates, reminders, or information that's important, but not critical enough to warrant interrupting the user. Open the notifications drawer by swiping down on the status bar. Touching a notification opens the associated app.
  • 62. Notifications Notifications can be expanded to uncover more details and relevant actions. When collapsed, notifications have a one-line title and a one-line message. The recommended layout for a notification includes two lines. If necessary, you can add a third line. Swiping a notification right or left removes it from the notification drawer.
  • 65. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar -
  • 66. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions.
  • 67. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control -
  • 68. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control - Allows users to switch between the different views that your app provides. Views typically consist of different arrangements of your data or different functional aspects of your app.
  • 69. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control - Allows users to switch between the different views that your app provides. Views typically consist of different arrangements of your data or different functional aspects of your app. 3. Content Area -
  • 70. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control - Allows users to switch between the different views that your app provides. Views typically consist of different arrangements of your data or different functional aspects of your app. 3. Content Area - The space where the content of your app is displayed.
  • 71. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control - Allows users to switch between the different views that your app provides. Views typically consist of different arrangements of your data or different functional aspects of your app. 3. Content Area - The space where the content of your app is displayed. 4. Split Action Bar -
  • 72. Common App UI 1. Main Action Bar - The command and control center for your app. The main action bar includes elements for navigating your app's hierarchy and views, and also surfaces the most important actions. 2. View Control - Allows users to switch between the different views that your app provides. Views typically consist of different arrangements of your data or different functional aspects of your app. 3. Content Area - The space where the content of your app is displayed. 4. Split Action Bar - Split action bars provide a way to distribute actions across additional bars located below the main action bar or at the bottom of the screen. In this example, a split action bar moves important actions that won't fit in the main bar to the bottom.
  • 74. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts:
  • 75. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size -
  • 76. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal
  • 77. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density -
  • 78. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch)
  • 79. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation -
  • 80. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
  • 81. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively. 4. Resolution -
  • 82. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively. 4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size and density
  • 83. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively. 4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size and density 5. Density-independent pixel (dp) -
  • 84. Overview of Screens Support Terms and concepts: 1. Screen size - Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal 2. Screen density - The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch) 3. Orientation - The orientation of the screen from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively. 4. Resolution - The total number of physical pixels on a screen. When adding support for multiple screens, applications do not work directly with resolution; applications should be concerned only with screen size and density 5. Density-independent pixel (dp) - A virtual pixel unit that you should use when defining UI layout, to express layout dimensions or position in a density-independent way. The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen, which is the baseline density assumed by the system for a "medium" density screen. The conversion of dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160)
  • 86. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported:
  • 87. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported: 1. Four generalized sizes -
  • 88. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported: 1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge
  • 89. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported: 1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge 2. Four generalized densities -
  • 90. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported: 1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge 2. Four generalized densities - ldpi (low), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high), and xhdpi (extra high)
  • 91. Overview of Screens Support Range of screens supported: 1. Four generalized sizes - small, normal, large, and xlarge 2. Four generalized densities - ldpi (low), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high), and xhdpi (extra high)
  • 92. Overview of Screens Support Each generalized screen size has an associated minimum resolution that's defined by the system 1. xlarge - at least 960dp x 720dp 2. large - at least 640dp x 480dp 3. normal - at least 470dp x 320dp 4. small - at least 426dp x 320dp
  • 93. Overview of Screens Support Resource sizes for different densities:
  • 94. Overview of Screens Support Figures 1 and 2 show the difference between an application when it does not provide density independence and when it does, respectively: Figure 1 Figure 2
  • 95. Overview of Screens Support Following is a list of resource directories in an application that provides different layout designs for different screen sizes and different bitmap drawables for medium, high, and extra high density screens: res/layout/my_layout.xml // layout for normal screen size ("default") res/layout-small/my_layout.xml // layout for small screen size res/layout-large/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large screen size res/layout-xlarge-land/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large in landscape orientation res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for medium density res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for high density res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for extra high density
  • 96. Draw 9-patch 1. Define the stretchable patches 2. Define content area (optional) You can find this tool: <Android SDK directory>/tools
  • 97. Additional info 1. 2. 3. resources.html#BestMatch 4. 5. design-tips 6.