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Design d’information
pour le web

Ecole des Gobelins - Décembre 2008
Design d’information pour le web


‣ Introduction : éléments de contexte
‣ 4 axes de conception
‣ 6 questions à se poser
‣ Outils
Design d’information pour le web

“Design is the intermediacy
between information and
          Richard Grefé
          Executive director,
          American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
Design d’information pour le web

“In order to do a better job
of developing, communicating,
and pursuing a strategy,
you need to learn to think like
a designer”
          Tim Brown
          CEO Ideo,
          Strategy by Design, June 2005

Design d’information pour le web
Design d’information pour le web


‣ Emergence d’une profession
‣ Eléments du design d’information
‣ Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

‣   Emergence d’une profession
    ‣   Contributeurs
    ‣   Profils
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession


                                               * Les sciences cognitives regroupent un ensemble
                                               de disciplines scientifiques dédiées à l'étude et la
                                               compréhension des mécanismes de la pensée
                                               humaine, animale ou artificielle, et plus
                                               généralement de tout système cognitif, c'est-à-
                                               dire tout système complexe de traitement de
                                               l'information capable d'acquérir, conserver,
                                               et transmettre des connaissances.

     Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession


          ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines...
      Design        Représentation      Design de         Communication    Typographie et
    d’interface      de données       matériel éducatif      visuelle     design graphique

      Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

Contributeurs des professionnels qui pratiquent en fonction d’intérêts variés...
                                                                                            Analystes et
  de manuels      Chercheurs   Designers   Vulgariseurs   Collectionneurs    Inventeurs                    Documentalistes

          ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines...
      Design              Représentation           Design de                Communication              Typographie et
    d’interface            de données            matériel éducatif             visuelle               design graphique

       Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

Contributeurs                                                          Tiré de : “Information Design”, Robert Jacobson, MIT Press

                               ...une nouvelle profession émerge :
                     LE DESIGN D’INFORMATION des professionnels qui pratiquent en fonction d’intérêts variés...
                                                                                            Analystes et
  de manuels      Chercheurs   Designers   Vulgariseurs   Collectionneurs    Inventeurs                      Documentalistes

          ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines...
      Design              Représentation           Design de                Communication                Typographie et
    d’interface            de données            matériel éducatif             visuelle                 design graphique

       Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

de l’information
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

de l’information


Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

 Management                                                                           Visualisation
de l’information                                                                     de l’information
                         Organisation                        Intégration
                         Stratégie                           Design
                         Séquençage                          Rédaction
                         Standardisation                     Résolution de conflits


Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

Profils                                                                         Inspiré par :

 Management                                                                             Visualisation
de l’information                                                                       de l’information
                         Organisation                        Intégration
                         Stratégie                           Design
                         Séquençage                          Rédaction
                         Standardisation                     Résolution de conflits


Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

 Management                          PROFIL EN T      Visualisation
de l’information                                     de l’information

Design d’information pour le web

                   1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession

                                                                         PROFILS EN T

 Management                            Visualisation      Systèmes                             Visualisation      Management                            Systèmes
de l’information                      de l’information   d’information                        de l’information   de l’information                      d’information

                       Systèmes                                             Management                                               Visualisation
                      d’information                                        de l’information                                         de l’information
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

‣   Eléments du design d’information

 “Information design is the defining, planning, and
 shaping of the contents of a message and the
 environments it is presented in with the intention of
 achieving particular objectives in relation to the
 needs of users.”
 International Institute for Information Design
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

‣   Eléments du design d’information
    ‣   Visualisation de données
    ‣   Visualisation d’information
    ‣   Visualisation de concept
    ‣   Visualisation de stratégie
    ‣   Visualisation métaphorique
    ‣   Visualisation composée
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation de données
Représentation visuelle de données quantitatives sous forme schématique

 Histogram chart

    Pie chart                                          Table chart + Pie Chart
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation d’information
Utilisation d’une représentation interactive de données pour augmenter la cognition.

        Network data map                                                     Interactive map
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation de concept
Elaboration de concepts qualitatifs, d’idées, de plans d’actions et d’analyses.

                                                                                  Concept Map

                                                                                   Gant Chart
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation de strategie
Utilisation de représentation visuel dans l’analyse, le développement, la formulation, la communication de
strategie au sein d’une organisation.

          Decision discovery diagram

              Life Cycle diagram                                          Strategic map
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation métaphorique
Utilisation de métaphores visuelles pour véhiculer une vision à partir de la représentation d’information.
Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information

Visualisation composée
Composition de différents types de représentations au sein
d’un même schéma.

                Graphic facilitation

Design d’information pour le web

1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur

‣   Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur

                                              The Elements of User Experience
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett                                                                                                                               
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;                                                                             30 March 2000
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
           Design d’information pour le web
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
           1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
these various elements.

Web as software interface                             Concrete                                                   Completion                         Web as hypertext system

                                                                                                                                   Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")                                   Visual Design                                           graphic page elements and navigational

Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:                                                                                           Navigation Design: design of interface
design of interface elements to facilitate                                                                                         elements to facilitate the user's movement
user interaction with functionality
                                                                       Interface Design Navigation Design                          through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information                            Information Design                                            Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
                                                                                                                                   designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding                                                                                                        to facilitate understanding

Interaction Design: development of                                     Interaction Information                                     Information Architecture: structural design

application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
                                                                       Design     Architecture                                     of the information space to facilitate
                                                                                                                                   intuitive access to content
site functionality

Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
                                                                      Functional      Content                                      Content Requirements: definition of
                                                                                                                                   content elements required in the site
must include in order to meet user needs                          Specifications Requirements                                      in order to meet user needs

User Needs: externally derived goals                                                                                               User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.                                              User Needs                                          for the site; identified through user research,
                                                                                                                                   ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site                                    Site Objectives                                           Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
                                                                                                                                   internally derived goals for the site
task-oriented                                          Abstract                                                  Conception                               information-oriented

          This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
          that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
          user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett
                                                            périmètre du cours                                                                           
Design d’information pour le web


‣   préambule : contexte métier

‣ Conception stratégique
‣ Design fonctionnel
‣ Structuration de l’information
‣ Spécification logique
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule

‣   Préambule : Contexte métier
Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule


Documentation                                         Conception

Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule


Documentation                                            Conception


Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule


Documentation                                                          Conception



Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule



Documentation                                                          Conception



Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule




Documentation                                                           Conception



Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule




Documentation                                                            Conception



Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule




Documentation                                                            Conception

                           Analyses                        Conception
                          statistiques                     stratégique


Design d’information pour le web

  2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule




Documentation                                                           Conception

                           Analyses                       Conception
                          statistiques                    Stratégique


Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule

                             Structuration     Design      Spécification
                                   de        fonctionnel     logique
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique

‣    Conception stratégique
 ‣   Exploration conceptuelle
 ‣   Définition du contexte, des besoins, des moyens
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique

Mind map
✓   Initier la réflexion
✓   Dépasser les limites du projet

“A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and
arranged radially around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize,
structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making,
and writing.”
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
Design d’information pour le web

                          2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap

      Online training
                                                                                                                                Cahiers d e tendances           Previews

       Libres blancs
                              Peclers "Connect"                                                                                                             Etudes d e c a s

 Accès conférences                                                                                                                                                                      fiches
                                                                                                                                                            p a r thématiques

        Conférences                                                                                                                                                               Objets

                              Evènements                                                                                                                                          Couleurs
  Petits-déjeuners                                           Conseil                                                                                        p a r format
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sons / ambiance
Training / séminaires                                                                                                           Extension d e s cahiers
                                                                                                                                                            p a r saison
                                                                                                                                                                                  Photos / diapo rama

Accompagnement s ur                                                                                                                                                               fiches
     missions                                                                                                                                               inspirations

                                                                                                                                                                  Blog "current brieffing"

                         Ecoles d e design et mod e

                                  Network étudiants         Mentoring                                                                  Veille interactive
                          Laboratoire participatif
  Trend L a b 2.0

                                                                                                                                                                Devenez correspondant
                                                                                                                                                                  ("Trend watcher")

                                                                                                                                                                    cf. Energie L a b
                                                                                                                                        Cahiers sociétaux
                                   Processus d e conception                                                                                                         p a r cible
                                                                                                                                                                    p a r marchés

                     interviews         portraits


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Index p a r thèmes
                                    spécialités                                                                                                                                                  p a r mot-clés
                                                                                                   Référencement                                          Recherche thématique
                                                                                      Visibilité                                                                                                 indexation d e s cahiers d e
                                                                                                   Périodicité d e s contenus                                                                    tendance

                                                                                                   Diffusion                                                                                     Questionnaire créatif

Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique

✓   Définir le périmètre de l’expérience utilisateur
✓   Servir de lguide à la conception des fonctions
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework


                                                                                        What I do

                                                                                 Who I meet

                                                                         Where I go

                                                              Who I am

                                                       My account
                                                       My profile
                                                       My avatar
                                    My bedroom
                                    The school
                                    Adventure places

                  Edutainment modules
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Cas Peclers Paris

Cas : AFII
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework

                                      Information &

   Mise en                                                     Intégration
   relation                                                      réseaux
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Cas Peclers Paris

Cas : Michelin








              }    EQUIPMENT

                                     DATA   MICHELIN



My Account                          Brand website
                                                       Brand website

                             PERSONAL PREFERENCES


                   USER                                 MICHELIN
Dealers input                                                          Dealers input


               User                                 AskAsk Michelin,
                                COLLECTIVE             Wikimedia
            communities                              Wikimedia
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique

Modèle conceptuel
✓   Définir les besoins et les usages
✓   Définir les moyens
✓   Expliquer, éduquer
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Plateforme Gifted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         User concept model
                                                                                                                                  Commande                    Livraisons

                                                                                                         achat                                                                         Produit


                                                            + Groupes

                                           Contenus et offres
                                            personnalisées                                coach
                                                                        conseillent des
                                       personnalise                      nouveautés                          peut renvoyer
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Boutiques en ligne
                                     Interface                                                                            donne
                                    customisée                      reçoit                                                                                                                                         2D
                                                                                  Gifted User                      browse, achète,                                                 Wishlist
                                     Profil                                                                         personnalise des produits
                                   Magazine                                                                            crée
                                   en ligne                  consulte                                                                           Garde                                            ajout de
                                                                                                                   organise                                                                      produits
                                                                  crée                                                                                                                                             3D
                                                                                                                    conseille                    essaient
                                                                         visite                                                                                partagent

                                                  Espaces                regarde,
                                               virtuelles non-           participe

                                                                                                                                         Gifted Friends
                                                                                                         consulte l!avatar
                                                           Evénements                                      de ses amis

                                                                                                                                               des cadeaux

                                                                                                                                                                       conduit à

                                                                                                                                         Service cadeaux

         lundi 21 septembre 2009
Design d’information pour le web

2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel
Mum!s experience concept model                                                                                                                                      I WANT TO TELL OTHERS

                                                                                                    I WANT TO PERSONALIZE

                                                                            I WANT TO KNOW MORE
                                                                                                                                                     specific answer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         specific answer

                                                                                   specific answer                                                                                                        calendar
                                    I WANT ANSWERS                                                       display                                                                     My
                                                                                                                                                 display                           checklist
                                                                              display                                                                            curves                                                              My
                                Brand campaigns                                                                                                                                                                                   Food diary
                                                         specific answer                                                                                                                                   understand
                                 Product info                                                                                               understand                First time                            & track
                                                                                                                                                                     Mum Guide                get
                                                                                                                                                 get practical
                                                                                                                                                   advices                                 organized
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        track & learn
                                                              Semantic                                                                                                                                                                     Calculators
                    want to have product                                                                                                                                          convert user
                        information                                                                                                                                                                                                understand
                                                                                                convert user                                         understand the                                                               what my baby
                                                                              First time                                                            what to feed baby                                                                needs
                                   ask questions in natural                  Mum Guide                                                                                                                        mum
                                         language                                                                                                                           IFP                               mum
                                               want quick answers                             convert user                                                                         convert user                                                           baby!s
                    mum                                                                                                                                                                                                                  check
                                                                                                                                                 get ideas for what to do                                                                                 growth
                                                                                                                                                        with baby                                                                                          curve
                                                 want quick answers                                                get help with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       give opinion
                                                                                                                   daily routine
                                                                                                                               understand trust products
                                                                                                                                  baby                                                                                             track and                          Nestlé
                                                                                                                                                                      Healthy start                                                  cherish
                                                    want to find best milk                                                                                              activities                                                                   First
                                                                                              Milk                                                                                                                                               milestones
             want to retrieve                                                                                                 Baby reader /       Quality and                                                          organize
                                               find solutions for special                   comparison                                                                                                                                              album
          informations about                                                                                                   Translator          security                                              inspiration
            local maternities                                                                                                                                                                             and trend
                                                                                                               Baby                                                                                        spotting
                           want recipe ideas
                                                                                 QuickFinder                  routine                                                                        save
                                                   want to save                   for Infant
                                                                                                             handbook                                                                       money
               Maternity finder                                                     Formula                                                                                                                               My baby

                                         Recipe content                                                                                                                                                  Baby
                                                                                                               drive to a fidelity program
                                                                                                                                                                                     eLoyalty          naming tool



                                                                                                                                                                                                                   family, friends
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
Design d'Information
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Design d'Information
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Design d'Information

  • 1. worldwide Design d’information pour le web Ecole des Gobelins - Décembre 2008
  • 2. Design d’information pour le web SOMMAIRE ‣ Introduction : éléments de contexte ‣ 4 axes de conception ‣ 6 questions à se poser ‣ Outils
  • 3. Design d’information pour le web “Design is the intermediacy between information and understanding” Richard Grefé Executive director, American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
  • 4. Design d’information pour le web “In order to do a better job of developing, communicating, and pursuing a strategy, you need to learn to think like a designer” Tim Brown CEO Ideo, Strategy by Design, June 2005
  • 6. Design d’information pour le web INTRODUCTION ‣ Emergence d’une profession ‣ Eléments du design d’information ‣ Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur
  • 7. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession ‣ Emergence d’une profession ‣ Contributeurs ‣ Profils
  • 8. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Contributeurs * Les sciences cognitives regroupent un ensemble de disciplines scientifiques dédiées à l'étude et la compréhension des mécanismes de la pensée humaine, animale ou artificielle, et plus généralement de tout système cognitif, c'est-à- dire tout système complexe de traitement de l'information capable d'acquérir, conserver, et transmettre des connaissances. Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
  • 9. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Contributeurs ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines... Design Représentation Design de Communication Typographie et d’interface de données matériel éducatif visuelle design graphique Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
  • 10. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Contributeurs des professionnels qui pratiquent en fonction d’intérêts variés... Rédacteurs Analystes et de manuels Chercheurs Designers Vulgariseurs Collectionneurs Inventeurs Documentalistes systémistes d’instruction ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines... Design Représentation Design de Communication Typographie et d’interface de données matériel éducatif visuelle design graphique Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
  • 11. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Contributeurs Tiré de : “Information Design”, Robert Jacobson, MIT Press ...une nouvelle profession émerge : LE DESIGN D’INFORMATION des professionnels qui pratiquent en fonction d’intérêts variés... Rédacteurs Analystes et de manuels Chercheurs Designers Vulgariseurs Collectionneurs Inventeurs Documentalistes systémistes d’instruction ...des recherches appliquées dans de multiples domaines... Design Représentation Design de Communication Typographie et d’interface de données matériel éducatif visuelle design graphique Avec les sciences cognitives* qui établissent les fondamentaux...
  • 12. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils Management de l’information Organisation Stratégie Séquençage Standardisation
  • 13. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils Management de l’information Organisation Stratégie Séquençage Standardisation Technologies Publication Formats Portage Systèmes d’information
  • 14. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils Management Visualisation de l’information de l’information Organisation Intégration Stratégie Design Séquençage Rédaction Standardisation Résolution de conflits Technologies Publication Formats Portage Systèmes d’information
  • 15. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils Inspiré par : Management Visualisation de l’information de l’information Organisation Intégration Stratégie Design Séquençage Rédaction Standardisation Résolution de conflits Technologies Publication Formats Portage Systèmes d’information
  • 16. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils Management PROFIL EN T Visualisation de l’information de l’information Systèmes d’information
  • 17. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Emergence d’une profession Profils PROFILS EN T Management Visualisation Systèmes Visualisation Management Systèmes de l’information de l’information d’information de l’information de l’information d’information Systèmes Management Visualisation d’information de l’information de l’information
  • 18. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information ‣ Eléments du design d’information “Information design is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments it is presented in with the intention of achieving particular objectives in relation to the needs of users.” International Institute for Information Design
  • 19. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information ‣ Eléments du design d’information ‣ Visualisation de données ‣ Visualisation d’information ‣ Visualisation de concept ‣ Visualisation de stratégie ‣ Visualisation métaphorique ‣ Visualisation composée
  • 20. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation de données Représentation visuelle de données quantitatives sous forme schématique Histogram chart Pie chart Table chart + Pie Chart
  • 21. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation d’information Utilisation d’une représentation interactive de données pour augmenter la cognition. Network data map Interactive map
  • 22. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation de concept Elaboration de concepts qualitatifs, d’idées, de plans d’actions et d’analyses. Concept Map Gant Chart
  • 23. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation de strategie Utilisation de représentation visuel dans l’analyse, le développement, la formulation, la communication de strategie au sein d’une organisation. Decision discovery diagram Life Cycle diagram Strategic map
  • 24. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation métaphorique Utilisation de métaphores visuelles pour véhiculer une vision à partir de la représentation d’information.
  • 25. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments du design d’information Visualisation composée Composition de différents types de représentations au sein d’un même schéma. Graphic facilitation Cartoon
  • 26. Design d’information pour le web 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur ‣ Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur The Elements of User Experience
  • 27. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 28. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 29. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 30. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 31. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 32. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 33. A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; 30 March 2000 but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has Design d’information pour le web fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among 1. Introduction / Eléments de l’expérience utilisateur these various elements. Web as software interface Concrete Completion Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Visual Design graphic page elements and navigational components Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: Navigation Design: design of interface design of interface elements to facilitate elements to facilitate the user's movement user interaction with functionality Interface Design Navigation Design through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information Information Design Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding to facilitate understanding Interaction Design: development of Interaction Information Information Architecture: structural design time application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with Design Architecture of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content site functionality Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site Functional Content Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site must include in order to meet user needs Specifications Requirements in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. User Needs for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Site Objectives Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site task-oriented Abstract Conception information-oriented This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. © 2000 Jesse James Garrett périmètre du cours
  • 34. Design d’information pour le web 4 CHAMPS DE CONCEPTION ‣ préambule : contexte métier ‣ Conception stratégique ‣ Design fonctionnel ‣ Structuration de l’information ‣ Spécification logique
  • 35. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule ‣ Préambule : Contexte métier
  • 36. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Documentation Conception Stratégique
  • 37. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Documentation Conception Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 38. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Documentation Conception Conception stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 39. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Design fonctionnel Documentation Conception Conception stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 40. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Structuration de l’information Design fonctionnel Documentation Conception Conception stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 41. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Structuration de l’information Design fonctionnel Spécification logique Documentation Conception Conception stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 42. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Structuration de l’information Design fonctionnel Spécification logique Documentation Conception Analyses Conception statistiques stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 43. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Tactique Structuration de l’information Design fonctionnel Spécification logique Documentation Conception Analyses Conception statistiques Stratégique Etudes stratégiques Stratégique
  • 44. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Préambule Structuration Design Spécification Conception de fonctionnel logique Stratégique l’information
  • 45. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique ‣ Conception stratégique ‣ Exploration conceptuelle ‣ Définition du contexte, des besoins, des moyens
  • 46. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique Mind map ✓ Initier la réflexion ✓ Dépasser les limites du projet “A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.”
  • 47. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
  • 48. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap Ressources Commandes Online training Cahiers d e tendances Previews Libres blancs Peclers "Connect" Etudes d e c a s Articles Accès conférences fiches p a r thématiques Conférences Objets Evènements Couleurs Petits-déjeuners Conseil p a r format Publications Sons / ambiance Training / séminaires Extension d e s cahiers p a r saison Photos / diapo rama Accompagnement s ur fiches missions inspirations Coaching PECLERS Blog "current brieffing" Ecoles d e design et mod e Newsletter Network étudiants Mentoring Veille interactive Podcasts Laboratoire participatif Trend L a b 2.0 Devenez correspondant ("Trend watcher") Veille cf. Energie L a b Etudes Cahiers sociétaux Processus d e conception p a r cible Analyses p a r marchés Design interviews portraits Métier Equipe Index p a r thèmes Accessibilité spécialités p a r mot-clés Référencement Recherche thématique Visibilité indexation d e s cahiers d e Périodicité d e s contenus tendance Missions Diffusion Questionnaire créatif testimonials
  • 49. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
  • 50. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Mindmap
  • 51. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique Framework ✓ Définir le périmètre de l’expérience utilisateur ✓ Servir de lguide à la conception des fonctions
  • 52. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 53. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework Extimate What I do Who I meet Where I go Who I am Intimate 1 My account My profile My avatar 2 My bedroom The school Adventure places 3 Members Friends 4 Edutainment modules Media Games
  • 54. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Cas Peclers Paris Cas : AFII
  • 55. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework Information & documentation Mise en Intégration relation réseaux
  • 56. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 57. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 58. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 59. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 60. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Framework
  • 61. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Cas Peclers Paris Cas : Michelin
  • 65. My Account Brand website Brand website INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL PREFERENCES EQUIPMENT USER MICHELIN ENVIRONMENT Dealers input Dealers input TRAFFIC COMMUNITY User AskAsk Michelin, Michelin, COLLECTIVE Wikimedia communities Wikimedia
  • 66. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique Modèle conceptuel ✓ Définir les besoins et les usages ✓ Définir les moyens ✓ Expliquer, éduquer
  • 67. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel
  • 68. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel Plateforme Gifted 2D post-achat User concept model Commande Livraisons achat Produit Feedbacks pré-achat Conseiller personnel Ambassadeurs + Groupes Contenus et offres personnalisées coach recoit suit conseillent des personnalise nouveautés peut renvoyer Boutiques en ligne Interface donne customisée reçoit 2D personnalise crée Gifted User browse, achète, Wishlist Profil personnalise des produits crée Magazine crée en ligne consulte Garde ajout de organise produits robe crée 3D consultent, conseille essaient visite partagent Avatar Espaces regarde, virtuelles non- participe marchands Gifted Friends consulte l!avatar Evénements de ses amis virtuels envoie des cadeaux conduit à Service cadeaux 3D lundi 21 septembre 2009
  • 69. Design d’information pour le web 2. 4 axes de conception / Conception stratégique / Schéma conceptuel Mum!s experience concept model I WANT TO TELL OTHERS I WANT TO PERSONALIZE I WANT TO KNOW MORE specific answer specific answer My pregnancy specific answer calendar I WANT ANSWERS display My maternity display checklist Growth display curves My Brand campaigns Food diary specific answer understand Product info understand First time & track display Mum Guide get get practical advices organized mum track & learn Semantic Calculators want to have product convert user search information understand convert user understand the what my baby First time what to feed baby needs ask questions in natural Mum Guide mum language IFP mum My want quick answers convert user convert user baby!s mum check get ideas for what to do growth with baby curve IFP want quick answers get help with give opinion daily routine understand trust products baby track and Nestlé Healthy start cherish want to find best milk activities First Milk milestones want to retrieve Baby reader / Quality and organize find solutions for special comparison album informations about Translator security inspiration needs local maternities and trend Baby spotting want recipe ideas QuickFinder routine save want to save for Infant money handbook money Maternity finder Formula My baby handbook inform eCoupons Recipe content Baby drive to a fidelity program eLoyalty naming tool share delegate share inform share family, friends