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Descriptive Essay On A Unforgettable Day
The Unforgettable Day As I crossed the lawn heading towards my grandparent's house, I knew I was never going to be the same again and had
vowed to help those in need. My grandmother had opened the door as I was approaching the threshold of the house. I could smell the cookies that
she had just baked and the house smelled of a chocolate aroma. As I approached the dining room table, I greeted my grandpa and sat down next to
him. Grandma was telling me of the news that I had missed while I was away when I remembered a message that I was supposed to pass on. I
reminded grandma that the groceries were ready for pickup and the woman darted out of the house like a child to go pick them up. As soon as I
finished the cookies that were baked for me, I talked with my grandfather what had been going on until that meeting that day. We had a lovely chat
until my grandfather got up to go to the bathroom. I had decided to walk through the house and look at the pictures of when my grandparents were
younger. I had suddenly heard a loud thud and was curious what had fallen. I rushed up the stairs to find a body collapsed on the ground. My
grandfather had a heart attack while I was downstairs reminiscing about the past. I had rushed to my grandfather's side to diagnose what had
happened. I had felt a pulse, but it was very weak. Panic had started to flood my body like a tidal wave as I was deciding what I should do next. As
the thoughts were crossing my mind, I had already grabbed the nearby telephone. I dialed the emergency line and was able to give the operator
enough information to have them send help. As I waited for assistance, I sat next to my grandfather trying to provide comfort. It was then that I
heard a whisper and realized that my grandfather was conscious but unable to move. It was like a scene straight out of a movie, but I did not know
what to do next. My grandfather had said, "You can go wait outside for help. It's not like I'm going to move from this spot anyway. I'm sorry to put
this burden on you." It was then that I decided to help him by staying with him because that is what I would have wanted if the situation was reversed.
The ambulance had finally arrived and they picked up my grandfather in a stretcher. I
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People always make mistakes that can give them valuable lessons. More lessons come from their childhood because people are not old enough to
think carefully. One of the most unforgettable experience happened to me when I was 10 years old. It gave me a lesson that would go with me
forever. This moment involves three parts: "rescuing" my best friend from his locked house, exchanging a new pair of shoes for ice creams, and
listening to my mom's lecture.
My story starts with rescuing my best friend, whose name is Toan, from his locked house. Toan was my best friend; we had become friend and
neighbor since we were born. We did everything together even when we did splitting caries. Toan was always locked inside the house when his parents
went more content...
Through her eyes, I knew what would happen to us. She ensured that I had created all these plans, and I had to tell her everything. After she heard
that I had exchanged my new shoes for ice creams, she got really angry. She yelled at us, and we started to cry. She gave us a long lecture about
how we should ask the older person before we decided to do anything. Moreover, she told that we could ask her for the old shoes that nobody wanted
to wear anymore to trade for ice creams instead of getting the new ones. After my mom lecture, I realized that I should appreciate the new shoes that
she bought for me, and I supposed not to trade them for anything. I learned that I could not just get everything I wanted without getting permission
from my parents, and I was too young to know about the value of my mother gift, which I should not trade it away. Therefore, I got an unforgettable
experienced after that day. Through that embarrassing and stupid moment, I learned that I must respect my parents, and I should ask for their
agreement before I started to do anything. In addition, I should respect and love anything that my parents bought for me, and I should not trade it away
for any
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My Most Memorable Experience In College
My first semester here at Albright College is definitely one that I'm going to remember. Although it has gone by way too fast, a lot of hilarious and
great memories were made, mostly with the people who are in my First Year Seminar class/POP group. Not only did I make amazing memories, but I
have also changed a bit and even learned more about myself. In addition, I have made quite a few accomplishments, personal and academic since my
midterm reflection. In the beginning of the semester, I came up with a long–term goal which was partially completed throughout the semester. My most
memorable experience this semester would have to be POPs weekend because that is the reason Kaitlyn and I have become so close, as well as Brian
and more content...
I have learned things about myself along with things in general. When I was living at home, my mom likes to have things done her way. As a
result of this somewhat stubborn trait, which I obtained from her, she wouldn't let me do my laundry because she thought I would ruin the washer
or something, I don't even know. Therefore, I learned how to do my own laundry since living on my own, which really isn't difficult at all.
Something surprising I learned about myself is that I'm not as shy as I always thought I was. It used to be hard for me to open up and make many
friends when I was younger. But now, I made several friends the first weekend here, thanks to POPs. I have had a couple of successes during this
semester, personal and academic. I remember getting a low grade on my first chemistry exam this semester, and I stated in my midterm reflection
that a goal I had was to get better grades on the next chemistry exams. Luckily and to my surprise, I got fairly high scores on the last two tests.
During POPs weekends, everyone had to write down a first semester personal goal and put them in an envelope. I don't remember too well, but I'm
almost positive that I wrote down that my goal was to make good friends during the course of the semester. Fortunately, I accomplished this goal and
made very good friends with some the very first people I met on welcoming weekend. For my midterm reflection
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Childhood Memories of my Grandparents' Home Essay
When I think back to the days when I was a child, I think about all of my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish to go back, back to that point in
life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I cannot return. Yet there is still one place I can count on to take
me back to that state of mind, my grandparent's house and the land I love so much.
Their house was old. My grandparents lived in it most of their adult lives. It was white with black trimming, but most of the paint was chipped away.
On the back porch was firewood all year long. No matter if it was winter; spring, summer, or fall the wood was always there. Red, yellow, purple
flowers grew alongside the house all spring and more content...
My grandparents owned 80 acres, and I would roam each and every inch. Running through the soaring weeds, and jumping over any log that would get
in my path just to end up falling to the ground out of complete exhaustion.
There is something to be said about lying on one's back in an open field hour upon hour staring up at a huge blue sky. With no one around and not
another house for miles, it is a great place to be alone, to listen. In that field, I could pick up all the wonderful sounds of nature commonly
misplaced by all the buzz of the city. The wind spoke as it blew across the land, whistling through the tall weeds and the colossal of trees. Crickets
rub their wings composing a song for everyone to hear. I soaked in all the beauty of the surrounding landscape. There was towering groves of trees,
creek beds lined with wildflowers producing delightful fragrances, and sunsets that would take your breath away. Still I walked cautiously, for all
of lands beauty; trouble could still take form, whether it was running into a slithering snake or stumbling across a prickly thistle. The pond was one
of my favorite places, for it was where I learned how to fish and skip rocks across the water. I would sit alongside the banks and listed to the familiar
sound of the bullfrogs bellowing their presents. I think if the pond could tell a story it would be of the one that
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My Unforgettable Experience with My Family
Ma. Aleli M. Rustia PSC21 My Unforgettable Experience with my Family This was the moment when we were down, helpless, and totally
disappointed after we tried hard to earn a name for our family. This was the moment when my mother and other members of the family tried to
console my father to be calm and not to be desperate at all. We advised him also to be positive in everything he does and always believe that there
is always sunshine after the rain. This was also the moment of struggling, in search for truth and justice and how we were able to surpass with all our
trials in life. It all started when my father was relieved from his post, as the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) of Rizal
without any case more content...
During his early time, he became a scholar at the University of the Philippines taking up advanced courses in Economics. He tried to talk to the
RED if he can set aside the order dropping him from the rolls, but the RED was so firm in his decision. My father felt that his constitutional rights
were violated, that he was unjustly treated by the higher management. That he was not given fair chance to explain his side and that letters were
not sent to him for explanation. To top it all, no administrative measures were exhausted to determine the possible cause of his absences. Again, my
father got sick, he was physically and mentally disturbed. He felt he was in great shame as he was morally degraded by the sweeping act of the
RED. At this point, my mother and the rest of the family tried to console him. We hired a lawyer through the help of our relatives and friends
because my father at that time had no more salary. We tried to make things possible to make both ends meet. My father through his lawyer made a
research work and they found out that the RED has no authority to drop employees with salary grade of 24 and above. That it's only the Secretary of
the DENR who has the sole authority to do so. It means to say that there was a great negligence on his part as he has no authority to drop my father
from the rolls, and maybe because he did not conduct further research on
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Essay about The Most Memorable Day of My Life
Gisela Lopez
Ms. S. Nylander
English 1A
August 26, 2012
The Most Memorable Day of my Life
The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high
school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think
of is the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the mean teachers, the hard tests, and of course being a freshman does not help
either. The bus ride to the school was only 30 minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day
ahead of me was about to get a lot more content...
Their names were Susan and Alicia. I called them over and I talked with Susan and Alicia. That is when I introduced myself, then they did the
same and we began to know more about each other, Susan and Alicia asked me where I was from and I said, "I am from Puerto Rico." Then I
asked Susan and Alicia where they were from and Susan said, "She was from New York" and Alicia said, "She was from Indiana". After that, we
spent the rest of the day together until the class was over. I will always remember that day because I had a chance to meet new friends. In addition, I
met the most important friends that I have ever had.
As the school year progressed, I made many more friends that are new and even joined a club. This club was just for members of the football team,
the student staff, and the cheerleaders. My friends and I became members because we were the team equipment managers. The name of our club was
the dog pound. We had t–shirts and worked all the school events when the football team was involved, such as the home coming game and pep rallies,
we had fun all year long. My friends and I were even members of the food service program. We cooked and served meals for different events and for
different people in the school all year long. We also had cooking competitions were we won different types of awards and sometimes we were offered
scholarships to different cooking schools. My friend Asia and I also joined the JROTC class where we were
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An Unforgettable Incident
An Unforgettable Incident on my way home from school :) It was a scorchingly hot day. I was my way home from school and I was perspirating
heavily, beads of sweat rolling of my forehead. The usual 15 minutes walk it took for me to reach home now seemed like an eternity. The sun's
unforgiving rays of light was making me in dire need of water. The trees provided little or no shade as they were few and far between. This was not
unusual for a sprawling city like Kuala Lumpur, but they now proved more a nuisance than ever. Every step was like torture. I couldn't wait to get
home. 5 minutes from home, I spotted something different along the row of shoplots I walked past regularly. At the corner of the shoplots I saw an old
lady manning a more content...
He went over all the buttons, levers and pedals with me carefully. Of course I did not tell him that I had already learnt to drive my friend Tom's old
manual car for a few months now. However, I was unable to get my license, as I had not reached the age limit yet. But next month, I shall celebrate
my 18th birthday and I needed to convince dad that I was ready to drive. As I pushed the auto gear into drive position, dad cautioned me to step on
the gas pedal gently. I thought to myself, that was peanuts! I was very confident that he was going to be impressed with my driving skills. But I was
unused to an auto car and stepped on the gas too hard. What happened next just happened too fast. The car lurched out of the garage, straight into
mom's flowerpots. Unfortunately, my feet got confused between three–pedaled manual car and two–pedaled auto car. Instead of stepping on the brake,
I just kept stepping on the gas. As the car flew out of the driveway, I heard dad shouting like a madman beside me. Suddenly he pulled the handbrakes
and the car did a 360–degree stunt turn and stopped just inches from my neighbour's gate. Luckily we were not hurt. I nervously peeped at my dad
sideways. He sat very still, his face livid. I knew I blew it! 5. The major problems faced by students. The major problems faced by students are
teenage problems. They include peer pressure, exam stress and many growing up problems. Peer pressure is one thing that all
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It happened roughly 16 years ago. It was the September 11th, 2001. We will remember this date as the day of the attacks on the World Trade
Center in New York City. Four airliners were hijacked by terrorists. It was at 8:45 when the first plane hit the first tower block of the World Trade
Center with almost 250 passengers aboard. The second plane, which hits the second tower followed for about 20 minutes later. In the end, the attacks
caused almost 3,000 deaths and countless injured civilians. The date will remain in our minds as a horrific event full of grief and disbelief. While
these attacks will be in our hearts forever, the effects are also felt in other ways. Politicians instantly endeavoured to fix political problems. The first
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An Unforgettable Person Essay
An Unforgettable Person
Parents are–or should be–the teachers of their children in many areas, a natural relationship of handing down what they have learned to their
offspring. But there is something special about the profession of teaching where an individual chooses to make an impact on students ,they hardly
know on Day 1 of class and yet they have a goal of sending those young faces on their way to a well–rounded education in the 180 or so days they will
have them in his or her care.
At Vikas junior college, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have
retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students The bell rings, and all more content...
He always serves me a cup of green tea and I can see what's happening in his room. He loves reading. One day when I entered his classroom to have a
chat, I found him reading ``The Elegant Universe'' by Brian Greene. A few days passed. I saw him having lunch in the school cafeteria. I sat next to
him and asked if he had finished the book. He said, ``Yes. I've got another book, `E=MC2' by David Bodanis.'' It seemed to me that he was eager to
further gain access to the secrets of the universe.
He helps us during our examinations by clearing our doubts he stays with us till the night to clarify the doubts.
A good teacher and the best teacher
A good teacher can tell his students a lot of answers to a lot of questions. But the best teacher can play dumb while helping his students think out the
answers for themselves.
A good teacher is an eager and enthusiastic talker. But the best teacher knows how to be quiet and patient while his students struggle to formulate their
own thoughts in their own words.
A good teacher is humble; he naturally feels that the accumulated wisdom of his subjects is far more important than himself. But the best teacher is
even humbler; for he respects the feeling of young people that they are naturally far more important than a silly old subject.
A good teacher knows that his students ought to be honest, responsible, and good citizens. But the best teacher knows that... [These qualities] are
He has the all the following
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Cause And Effect Of 9 / 11
The twin tower of the world trade center has been attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001. There was 19 terrorists and they were Islamic
terrorists group called al–Qaeda. They hijacked American airlines 11, 77 and United airlines 93, 175 with passengers on board. The terrorists has
been living in America and would blend in with the crowd. They would go on flights and see if they could get away with the weapons they were
going to use when they hijack the planes. Also, they went on the plane to see how they operate inside and find the perfect timing to hijack the
planes. The cause of the 9/11 was they didn't like how much freedom we have , wanted to destroy US. The effect of 9/11 was many innocent
people died, families were separated, economic losses, and government gave little privacy to the Americans. The cause of the attack was because
they didn't like how much freedom we have. They attacked because they were "haters of freedom and democracy is the choice of targets" (Real
Causes of 9/11). The terrorists didn't like democracy because they weren't able to control people. Also they wanted democracy to disappear. They hated
'the freedom–loving people..." (Prospect Magazine). Terrorists didn't like how America could depend on their people. America was also a better
place and where many people wanted to live because of the freedom they would get. They attacked because of our freedom. The 19 terrorists also
wanted to destroy us. They "hope to destroy and bankrupt the U.S."
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Unforgettable Incident
The memory of that night is etched in my mind till now. After all, that was the most eventful day of my life, which changed the person I
was.Everything started on 18th of November when my aunt sent a car to my mother, a beautiful blue Audi, the latest in 2004. It was raining
heavily when we received the car. My brother and I were so excited because we planned to coax mom to give the new car to my brother, as she has
already had a car and she refused to give hers to my brother. The next day we spoke to my father and he agreed to talk to mom and allowed my
brother to have that shining blue car.
My brother, my younger sister and I managed to be the most obedient children in the world, we did everything that more content...
When she heard that my brother has a car, she complained to my mother and asked her to hire him a driver instead. The days ended soon, and we are
back to our same routine back in city.
Once back to the city, we immediately went back to bed because of the exhausting trip. After few weeks myfamily and I were planning to celebrate
Christmas. We finally ended up celebrating it in our house with the family. I went with my mom to buy some provisions; my dad and my brother went
to buy the Christmas tree. That night we decorated the tree as well as the house.
On the Christmas day, we had many people, we could barely step through the crowd, and my mother was busy with her siblings. My brother, sister
and I were glad to meet our cousins but we were more than glad to have them gone, because we couldn't wait to discover what Santa Clause had
brought for us, since mother refused to let us open the gifts early that morning.
After seven days, we celebrated the New Year by wishing everyone a blissful year ahead. The following day my brother and I became very close
until being his best friend. He introduced me to his girlfriend and I was glad that he did. The next day, 25th of January, a close friend of mom came
to visit her, and she dined at home. When she was about to leave, my mom asked my brother to drop her at the nearby taxi stand. He accepted and
asked me to accompany him. I entered my room but something pushed me to stay, I was indecisive; as I wore my shoes and took
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Final Exam : Environmental Health
Final Exam
Environmental Health
Section I
Public health education is a fundamental source to implement programs to improve, prevent and control diseases and several medical conditions in the
community. My passion for public health did not happen in a single instance; it accumulated gradually, during several life events. I have faced many
incidents that made me choose public health as a career. As a new medical student at Baghdad Medical College, I was inspired by a sorrowful and an
unforgettable incident that led me closer to this specialty. A very dear friend of mine, had been a victim of poor chlorination and sanitation in Iraq.
Due to poor infection control, he suffered from cholera epidemic, leading to severe dehydration. He was admitted to the hospital, but experiencing the
ultimate limitations of medicine; he died a few days later, right in front my eyes. Since then, my passion for public health and preventive medicine
flourished. Therefore, I worked hard to finish my medical school and I promptly joined the graduate public health program at Wayne State University.
Within time, my interest was growing into different fields of public health, mainly examining indoor air quality, outdoor air quality, water pollution,
ionizing radiation, non–ionizing radiation, food quality, food safety, hazardous materials, housing sanitation, infectious diseases and occupational
Based on the above, I have enrolled into the "Environmental Health" course at
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The Red Tent By Anita Diamant
The Red Tent – An Unforgettable Testimony to Women's Strength and Power
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant illuminates one of the greatest testimonies to women's strength: childbirth. On a creative level, Diamant did something
extraordinary. She took a small passage from the Bible about the character Dinah, and made her story into an unforgettable testimony to women's
strength and power. Overlooking women's role in Biblical life is easy because there is practically nothing written by or about women. Even though
Diamant's story is fictionalized, there is truth in showing that women did exist, that there was a very important role played by women of that time
period, and in showing the power and strength of women in a way that can never more content...
In the midst of labor, she anguishes over a secret of womanhood revealed only in childbirth; a secret that inspired my piece of visual art, "Dinah:"
Why had no one told me that my body would become a battlefield, a sacrifice, a test? Why did I not know that birth is the pinnacle where women
discover the courage to become mothers? But of course, there is no way to tell this or to hear it. Until you are the woman on the bricks, you have no
idea how death stands in the corner, ready to play his part. Until you are the woman on the bricks, you do not know the power that arises from other
women–even strangers speaking an unknown tongue, invoking the names of unfamiliar goddesses. (Diamant 224)
A pregnant woman is thrown into this "other realm," where her strength is tested. No woman can prepare for the battle her body goes through, or for
the strength and power that arises innately from an unknown place within, which cannot be known to exist until the experience of childbirth.
In an atmosphere of fire and torment, "Dinah" features a woman prevailing despite the symbolic environment of the image. She is looking up, a sign
of hope and faith, with body language exemplifying strength and power. Not only overcoming the physical pain of birth, this woman, who could be
Dinah or any other mother, is enduring the psychological pain that society oppresses upon women. The goal of "Dinah" is to represent mothers in
Dinah's world and in Sethe's world; and even the
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Unforgettable Moment In My Life
Mario E. Martinez
English 1301–108
September 7, 2017
Unforgettable moment of my life
The most unforgettable moment of my life was when 9.79 earthquake struck Nepal in April 2015. There were some warnings for Nepal to be
prepared for a major earthquake since 2001, though it came in 2015 and brought with it death and destruction. After completing middle school, I had
been admitted to a high school in Kathmandu, where I used to live alone. Everything was going well until that day. It was a normal day. I woke up
late in the morning. The wind blew really fast like it was about to rain. I had no reason to believe that a horrific incident was marching towards me. It
was around 11:30 am when I heard a loud knock on my door and it was my neighbor Kamal's daughter Kanxi who was there asking for help with her
math homework. I taught her some methods related to that. And moments after she left it started shaking.
I felt like I was walking on wave of water instead of solid floor. People were shouting, "Earthquake!" After I realized it was a massive one, I thought
there was no point hiding under the table or bed as buildings were going to collapse at any time. So, I rushed downstairs, telling myself, "I am not
going to die on third floor." The shake was so strong that I reached ground floor rolling, while rolling I was waiting for ceiling to fall over me. I
came out of the house alive. While running outside, the front wall of gate fell down and way was blocked completely. I jumped over the next wall
into a garage. While jumping I stepped on a piece of glass and my foot started bleeding.
I t lasted for fifty–six seconds. It was the most scared minute of my life. When it stopped buckling, panic quickly set in. People were scared. I
thought of my family and texted them to discover they were fine. As my foot was bleeding too much, I went nearby hospital but even the ICU was
in road. Most of the people were dying and there were only few doctors so I returned without any treatment. By that time my blood had started
clotting and bleeding was stopped but the piece of glass was still inside and it was paining a lot. After I returned to my apartment area, what I
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The Most Unforgettable Moment Essay
Sitting in the classroom, I was irritated by the unbearably hot and humid air, and silently waiting for the essays we wrote to return to us. The teacher
stood at the front of the classroom. She called my name, saying, "Your writing is good, but the story doesn't have enough depth."
Stating someone's writing is good is the usual rhetoric my teacher used before she tries to make the student feel bad. She had been teaching the same
subject for at least twenty–five years, and she was known to students for never missing any opportunities to point out students mistakes in front of the
class. I remember the essay title was "The Most Unforgettable Moment." The story I wrote is roughly about one day when I was walking on the street,
and I saw a homeless person begging for food. My heart ached for the poor homeless stranger. The only thing he was wearing was a worn out, ripped
blue cotton trousers. I gave him two coins I had in my pocket. He looked up at me and smiled, he said, "It's a nice day today."
I was moved by how he was enjoying the warmth of the sun, but I was stressed out, hurrying walking to next destination without noticing how
wonderful the day was. But according to my teacher's template, a homeless person shall always tell the author how grateful he is. And I as an author
should express how thankful I am to my parents for providing a carefree environment. I didn't really know why the homeless person didn't say thank
you, instead he commented on the weather. For me, I
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The Bombing Of The United States
The unforgettable dates in America's History are the days in which America was deliberately attacked. On these dates American lives were lost– many
women, children, and men died. These dates are the only attacks America has ever had on her homeland. One of those unforgettable dates was
September 11, 2001, where terrorist groups attacked America's cities, a day in which America realized that there was real evil in the World. Another
date that will always be unforgettable is December 7th 1941. On this date American lives were changed forever. America was attacked on our shores
for the first time in our History. Many asked who could ever dare attack America like this, or who could ever find the courage to attack America like
this way? This attack was not done terrorist groups; this time a country deliberately did this attack. On December 7th 1941 Japan decided to attack
America. This attack meant war; this attack was the attack that woke the giant up. The eyes were on America now, how would America respond, how
would America take revenge? Did this mean that America would be involved in another great war? America responded firmly, America showed that the
attack was a huge mistake for Japan. Yes, America lost many lives in this surprise attack, but America would show their mighty strength. This is why
December 7th 1941 is an unforgettable date in America's history. A bright unforgettable Sunday morning, men were sleeping, women were cooking,
and children playing and some
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How did the Manchurian Crisis and its results affect militarism in Japan?
Part A: Plan of Investigation
Through early 1930's Japan was facing difficult economic times and conflict pertaining to the rights that they believed were rightfully theirs. On The
night of September 18, 1931 the Manchurian crisis (Mukden Incident) took place. An explosion destroyed part of the Southern Manchurian railway
which was owned by the Japanese. After this incident Japan started to began to lean into militarism. This event was a huge turning point for the country
of japan as a whole. To what extent did the Manchurian Crisis affect militarism in Japan. This will be investigated through the analysis of the The more content...
Also, since he wasn't actually in Japan he could not have fully understood the effects of the incident he would know some details but he would only
be able to infer the others. However, he was still alive at the time of the events. He is a reliable source for outside information because even though he
was not inside of the country he was able to see some of the effects of the Manchurian crisis
Takehiko Yoshihashi, Conspiracy at Mukden: The Rise of the Japanese Military (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963), http:/
This book was written by Takehiko Yoshihashi in 1963. It was written in order the conspiracy behind the Manchurian Crisis and to show what the
Japanese did in order to take over Manchuria. Since this book was written in 1963 it is not a direct account of the events. He was not their to experience
the actual event of the incident. This is however reliable because the author uses specific information from the time using accounts from people of that
time and using information from other authors.
Part D:
During the early 1930's Japan was growing through difficult times in their economy and their relationships with their neighboring countries. Japan was
weakened by these issues and blamed China for a lot of it. They need to find away to regain power in Asia and the used the Manchurian Crisis to do it.
The Manchurian Crisis affect militarization in
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Essay about Unforgettable experience
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when
they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall
together." Said by Marilyn Monroe. For once, I believed what someone said without a doubt, and most importantly from experience. Everything
happens for a reason, and good things can fall apart so better can fall together. Personal experience's can change people in the sense of who they are
and sometimes their perspective on life depending on the situation. Personally I have had one experience that has made me realize many things in life
and I more content...
I felt the biggest knot in my throat as i tried holding in my tears. Once I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, I felt a shadow of people over me. It
was the most comforting, hurtful crowd ever to surround me, my team. I opened my eyes and saw every one of their faces and thought that I was letting
them down. They were all asking if I was okay and I couldn't help but stand up and walk it off. I walked to the bench with the feeling of a knife
going straight in through one side of my ankle and out the other. I thought about what I can do to keep practicing. I got up, limped all the way to the
trainers room and asked them to tape it as tight as they can without it hurting me. Walking back out on to the field, where my team is still practicing,
I sucked it all up and pulled my coach aside. I explained to him how it only hurt at the moment and a little after I walked it off. Inside, I was dying of
pain. He told me to run around for a little and if I felt comfortable I can join the practice again. I felt like it wasn't such a big deal so I got back on
the field and started running around. Right when practice ended, I walked back to the trainers room. I unwrapped my ankle from all that tape to
find an extra swollen ankle looking as if there were a softball in it. She looked at my ankle, looked at me, and told me there was no way she was
letting me leave her room without getting checked. She told me to lay on my
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Personal Narrative : The End Of The World
THE WORLD WAS finally ending. There were less than 10,000 people–and non people– left on Earth. And the Others were not finished with us.
Unfortunately. There was still Sammy, Ben, Ringer, Teacup, Dombo and Poundcake and I left that I knew personally. But we were all in danger.
No matter what we promised to protect each other. No matter what the circumstance are, or what is at risk. I don't actually want to help save anyone
but myself and Sams. But, I agreed anyway to make everyone happy. It's like insurance, so I guess it won't be that bad. The first couple of days of
the agreement were fine, only because no one was in danger. But then came the next day. Ringer and Ben were out looking for a new place to move
our camp. They more content...
Not that I wanted to die, I just had a promise to keep. Now I understood the purpose of our little agreement. She obeyed out of fear for herself, not
because I told her to. I shot an entire clip before moving around. Ben appeared out of the bush about ten yards to my left and said "Cassie, Ringer
is down! Come quick!" Teacup and I raced over to Ben on the ground next to Ringer. She was bleeding like crazy. It was everywhere. Ringer was
close to bawling her eyes out because she was is so much pain. She was shot in her lower back. None of us really knew what to do, so we just tried
to wrap the wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. That's what Dumbo does... I think. We had to get her back to our camp. Ringer shouts
in pain as we lift her off the ground. But, she doesn't squirm, which is good. What if we lose her?! Let's hope not. Here we come Dumbo. Since
Teacup was too small to carry Ringer, she lead the way and also tried to protect us from the back where the Others still waited. Thank God camp
wasn't far, because Ringer was no Teacup. We get there and Dumbo greets us instantly. He has a worried look on his face that says This is not good
and unexpected. She might not make it. Sams and Poundcake also greet us, not quite as worried though. We all stand around as Dumbo goes into full
surgegen mode. He rips off the bottom half of her shirt and begins cleaning the bullet hole. She winces in agony every time another gauze
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  • 2. People always make mistakes that can give them valuable lessons. More lessons come from their childhood because people are not old enough to think carefully. One of the most unforgettable experience happened to me when I was 10 years old. It gave me a lesson that would go with me forever. This moment involves three parts: "rescuing" my best friend from his locked house, exchanging a new pair of shoes for ice creams, and listening to my mom's lecture. My story starts with rescuing my best friend, whose name is Toan, from his locked house. Toan was my best friend; we had become friend and neighbor since we were born. We did everything together even when we did splitting caries. Toan was always locked inside the house when his parents went more content... Through her eyes, I knew what would happen to us. She ensured that I had created all these plans, and I had to tell her everything. After she heard that I had exchanged my new shoes for ice creams, she got really angry. She yelled at us, and we started to cry. She gave us a long lecture about how we should ask the older person before we decided to do anything. Moreover, she told that we could ask her for the old shoes that nobody wanted to wear anymore to trade for ice creams instead of getting the new ones. After my mom lecture, I realized that I should appreciate the new shoes that she bought for me, and I supposed not to trade them for anything. I learned that I could not just get everything I wanted without getting permission from my parents, and I was too young to know about the value of my mother gift, which I should not trade it away. Therefore, I got an unforgettable experienced after that day. Through that embarrassing and stupid moment, I learned that I must respect my parents, and I should ask for their agreement before I started to do anything. In addition, I should respect and love anything that my parents bought for me, and I should not trade it away for any Get more content on
  • 3. My Most Memorable Experience In College My first semester here at Albright College is definitely one that I'm going to remember. Although it has gone by way too fast, a lot of hilarious and great memories were made, mostly with the people who are in my First Year Seminar class/POP group. Not only did I make amazing memories, but I have also changed a bit and even learned more about myself. In addition, I have made quite a few accomplishments, personal and academic since my midterm reflection. In the beginning of the semester, I came up with a long–term goal which was partially completed throughout the semester. My most memorable experience this semester would have to be POPs weekend because that is the reason Kaitlyn and I have become so close, as well as Brian and more content... I have learned things about myself along with things in general. When I was living at home, my mom likes to have things done her way. As a result of this somewhat stubborn trait, which I obtained from her, she wouldn't let me do my laundry because she thought I would ruin the washer or something, I don't even know. Therefore, I learned how to do my own laundry since living on my own, which really isn't difficult at all. Something surprising I learned about myself is that I'm not as shy as I always thought I was. It used to be hard for me to open up and make many friends when I was younger. But now, I made several friends the first weekend here, thanks to POPs. I have had a couple of successes during this semester, personal and academic. I remember getting a low grade on my first chemistry exam this semester, and I stated in my midterm reflection that a goal I had was to get better grades on the next chemistry exams. Luckily and to my surprise, I got fairly high scores on the last two tests. During POPs weekends, everyone had to write down a first semester personal goal and put them in an envelope. I don't remember too well, but I'm almost positive that I wrote down that my goal was to make good friends during the course of the semester. Fortunately, I accomplished this goal and made very good friends with some the very first people I met on welcoming weekend. For my midterm reflection Get more content on
  • 4. Childhood Memories of my Grandparents' Home Essay When I think back to the days when I was a child, I think about all of my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish to go back, back to that point in life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I cannot return. Yet there is still one place I can count on to take me back to that state of mind, my grandparent's house and the land I love so much. Their house was old. My grandparents lived in it most of their adult lives. It was white with black trimming, but most of the paint was chipped away. On the back porch was firewood all year long. No matter if it was winter; spring, summer, or fall the wood was always there. Red, yellow, purple flowers grew alongside the house all spring and more content... My grandparents owned 80 acres, and I would roam each and every inch. Running through the soaring weeds, and jumping over any log that would get in my path just to end up falling to the ground out of complete exhaustion. There is something to be said about lying on one's back in an open field hour upon hour staring up at a huge blue sky. With no one around and not another house for miles, it is a great place to be alone, to listen. In that field, I could pick up all the wonderful sounds of nature commonly misplaced by all the buzz of the city. The wind spoke as it blew across the land, whistling through the tall weeds and the colossal of trees. Crickets rub their wings composing a song for everyone to hear. I soaked in all the beauty of the surrounding landscape. There was towering groves of trees, creek beds lined with wildflowers producing delightful fragrances, and sunsets that would take your breath away. Still I walked cautiously, for all of lands beauty; trouble could still take form, whether it was running into a slithering snake or stumbling across a prickly thistle. The pond was one of my favorite places, for it was where I learned how to fish and skip rocks across the water. I would sit alongside the banks and listed to the familiar sound of the bullfrogs bellowing their presents. I think if the pond could tell a story it would be of the one that Get more content on
  • 5. My Unforgettable Experience with My Family Ma. Aleli M. Rustia PSC21 My Unforgettable Experience with my Family This was the moment when we were down, helpless, and totally disappointed after we tried hard to earn a name for our family. This was the moment when my mother and other members of the family tried to console my father to be calm and not to be desperate at all. We advised him also to be positive in everything he does and always believe that there is always sunshine after the rain. This was also the moment of struggling, in search for truth and justice and how we were able to surpass with all our trials in life. It all started when my father was relieved from his post, as the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) of Rizal without any case more content... During his early time, he became a scholar at the University of the Philippines taking up advanced courses in Economics. He tried to talk to the RED if he can set aside the order dropping him from the rolls, but the RED was so firm in his decision. My father felt that his constitutional rights were violated, that he was unjustly treated by the higher management. That he was not given fair chance to explain his side and that letters were not sent to him for explanation. To top it all, no administrative measures were exhausted to determine the possible cause of his absences. Again, my father got sick, he was physically and mentally disturbed. He felt he was in great shame as he was morally degraded by the sweeping act of the RED. At this point, my mother and the rest of the family tried to console him. We hired a lawyer through the help of our relatives and friends because my father at that time had no more salary. We tried to make things possible to make both ends meet. My father through his lawyer made a research work and they found out that the RED has no authority to drop employees with salary grade of 24 and above. That it's only the Secretary of the DENR who has the sole authority to do so. It means to say that there was a great negligence on his part as he has no authority to drop my father from the rolls, and maybe because he did not conduct further research on Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about The Most Memorable Day of My Life Gisela Lopez Ms. S. Nylander English 1A Narrative August 26, 2012 The Most Memorable Day of my Life The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of is the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the mean teachers, the hard tests, and of course being a freshman does not help either. The bus ride to the school was only 30 minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day ahead of me was about to get a lot more content... Their names were Susan and Alicia. I called them over and I talked with Susan and Alicia. That is when I introduced myself, then they did the same and we began to know more about each other, Susan and Alicia asked me where I was from and I said, "I am from Puerto Rico." Then I asked Susan and Alicia where they were from and Susan said, "She was from New York" and Alicia said, "She was from Indiana". After that, we spent the rest of the day together until the class was over. I will always remember that day because I had a chance to meet new friends. In addition, I met the most important friends that I have ever had. As the school year progressed, I made many more friends that are new and even joined a club. This club was just for members of the football team, the student staff, and the cheerleaders. My friends and I became members because we were the team equipment managers. The name of our club was the dog pound. We had t–shirts and worked all the school events when the football team was involved, such as the home coming game and pep rallies, we had fun all year long. My friends and I were even members of the food service program. We cooked and served meals for different events and for different people in the school all year long. We also had cooking competitions were we won different types of awards and sometimes we were offered scholarships to different cooking schools. My friend Asia and I also joined the JROTC class where we were Get more content on
  • 7. An Unforgettable Incident An Unforgettable Incident on my way home from school :) It was a scorchingly hot day. I was my way home from school and I was perspirating heavily, beads of sweat rolling of my forehead. The usual 15 minutes walk it took for me to reach home now seemed like an eternity. The sun's unforgiving rays of light was making me in dire need of water. The trees provided little or no shade as they were few and far between. This was not unusual for a sprawling city like Kuala Lumpur, but they now proved more a nuisance than ever. Every step was like torture. I couldn't wait to get home. 5 minutes from home, I spotted something different along the row of shoplots I walked past regularly. At the corner of the shoplots I saw an old lady manning a more content... He went over all the buttons, levers and pedals with me carefully. Of course I did not tell him that I had already learnt to drive my friend Tom's old manual car for a few months now. However, I was unable to get my license, as I had not reached the age limit yet. But next month, I shall celebrate my 18th birthday and I needed to convince dad that I was ready to drive. As I pushed the auto gear into drive position, dad cautioned me to step on the gas pedal gently. I thought to myself, that was peanuts! I was very confident that he was going to be impressed with my driving skills. But I was unused to an auto car and stepped on the gas too hard. What happened next just happened too fast. The car lurched out of the garage, straight into mom's flowerpots. Unfortunately, my feet got confused between three–pedaled manual car and two–pedaled auto car. Instead of stepping on the brake, I just kept stepping on the gas. As the car flew out of the driveway, I heard dad shouting like a madman beside me. Suddenly he pulled the handbrakes and the car did a 360–degree stunt turn and stopped just inches from my neighbour's gate. Luckily we were not hurt. I nervously peeped at my dad sideways. He sat very still, his face livid. I knew I blew it! 5. The major problems faced by students. The major problems faced by students are teenage problems. They include peer pressure, exam stress and many growing up problems. Peer pressure is one thing that all Get more content on
  • 8. It happened roughly 16 years ago. It was the September 11th, 2001. We will remember this date as the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Four airliners were hijacked by terrorists. It was at 8:45 when the first plane hit the first tower block of the World Trade Center with almost 250 passengers aboard. The second plane, which hits the second tower followed for about 20 minutes later. In the end, the attacks caused almost 3,000 deaths and countless injured civilians. The date will remain in our minds as a horrific event full of grief and disbelief. While these attacks will be in our hearts forever, the effects are also felt in other ways. Politicians instantly endeavoured to fix political problems. The first political Get more content on
  • 9. An Unforgettable Person Essay An Unforgettable Person Parents are–or should be–the teachers of their children in many areas, a natural relationship of handing down what they have learned to their offspring. But there is something special about the profession of teaching where an individual chooses to make an impact on students ,they hardly know on Day 1 of class and yet they have a goal of sending those young faces on their way to a well–rounded education in the 180 or so days they will have them in his or her care. At Vikas junior college, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students The bell rings, and all more content... He always serves me a cup of green tea and I can see what's happening in his room. He loves reading. One day when I entered his classroom to have a chat, I found him reading ``The Elegant Universe'' by Brian Greene. A few days passed. I saw him having lunch in the school cafeteria. I sat next to him and asked if he had finished the book. He said, ``Yes. I've got another book, `E=MC2' by David Bodanis.'' It seemed to me that he was eager to further gain access to the secrets of the universe. He helps us during our examinations by clearing our doubts he stays with us till the night to clarify the doubts. A good teacher and the best teacher A good teacher can tell his students a lot of answers to a lot of questions. But the best teacher can play dumb while helping his students think out the answers for themselves. A good teacher is an eager and enthusiastic talker. But the best teacher knows how to be quiet and patient while his students struggle to formulate their own thoughts in their own words. A good teacher is humble; he naturally feels that the accumulated wisdom of his subjects is far more important than himself. But the best teacher is even humbler; for he respects the feeling of young people that they are naturally far more important than a silly old subject.
  • 10. A good teacher knows that his students ought to be honest, responsible, and good citizens. But the best teacher knows that... [These qualities] are He has the all the following Get more content on
  • 11. Cause And Effect Of 9 / 11 The twin tower of the world trade center has been attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001. There was 19 terrorists and they were Islamic terrorists group called al–Qaeda. They hijacked American airlines 11, 77 and United airlines 93, 175 with passengers on board. The terrorists has been living in America and would blend in with the crowd. They would go on flights and see if they could get away with the weapons they were going to use when they hijack the planes. Also, they went on the plane to see how they operate inside and find the perfect timing to hijack the planes. The cause of the 9/11 was they didn't like how much freedom we have , wanted to destroy US. The effect of 9/11 was many innocent people died, families were separated, economic losses, and government gave little privacy to the Americans. The cause of the attack was because they didn't like how much freedom we have. They attacked because they were "haters of freedom and democracy is the choice of targets" (Real Causes of 9/11). The terrorists didn't like democracy because they weren't able to control people. Also they wanted democracy to disappear. They hated 'the freedom–loving people..." (Prospect Magazine). Terrorists didn't like how America could depend on their people. America was also a better place and where many people wanted to live because of the freedom they would get. They attacked because of our freedom. The 19 terrorists also wanted to destroy us. They "hope to destroy and bankrupt the U.S." Get more content on
  • 12. Unforgettable Incident UNFORGETTABLE INCIDENT The memory of that night is etched in my mind till now. After all, that was the most eventful day of my life, which changed the person I was.Everything started on 18th of November when my aunt sent a car to my mother, a beautiful blue Audi, the latest in 2004. It was raining heavily when we received the car. My brother and I were so excited because we planned to coax mom to give the new car to my brother, as she has already had a car and she refused to give hers to my brother. The next day we spoke to my father and he agreed to talk to mom and allowed my brother to have that shining blue car. My brother, my younger sister and I managed to be the most obedient children in the world, we did everything that more content... When she heard that my brother has a car, she complained to my mother and asked her to hire him a driver instead. The days ended soon, and we are back to our same routine back in city. Once back to the city, we immediately went back to bed because of the exhausting trip. After few weeks myfamily and I were planning to celebrate Christmas. We finally ended up celebrating it in our house with the family. I went with my mom to buy some provisions; my dad and my brother went to buy the Christmas tree. That night we decorated the tree as well as the house. On the Christmas day, we had many people, we could barely step through the crowd, and my mother was busy with her siblings. My brother, sister and I were glad to meet our cousins but we were more than glad to have them gone, because we couldn't wait to discover what Santa Clause had brought for us, since mother refused to let us open the gifts early that morning. After seven days, we celebrated the New Year by wishing everyone a blissful year ahead. The following day my brother and I became very close until being his best friend. He introduced me to his girlfriend and I was glad that he did. The next day, 25th of January, a close friend of mom came to visit her, and she dined at home. When she was about to leave, my mom asked my brother to drop her at the nearby taxi stand. He accepted and asked me to accompany him. I entered my room but something pushed me to stay, I was indecisive; as I wore my shoes and took
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  • 14. Final Exam : Environmental Health b FR1629 Final Exam Environmental Health Section I Answer: Public health education is a fundamental source to implement programs to improve, prevent and control diseases and several medical conditions in the community. My passion for public health did not happen in a single instance; it accumulated gradually, during several life events. I have faced many incidents that made me choose public health as a career. As a new medical student at Baghdad Medical College, I was inspired by a sorrowful and an unforgettable incident that led me closer to this specialty. A very dear friend of mine, had been a victim of poor chlorination and sanitation in Iraq. Due to poor infection control, he suffered from cholera epidemic, leading to severe dehydration. He was admitted to the hospital, but experiencing the ultimate limitations of medicine; he died a few days later, right in front my eyes. Since then, my passion for public health and preventive medicine flourished. Therefore, I worked hard to finish my medical school and I promptly joined the graduate public health program at Wayne State University. Within time, my interest was growing into different fields of public health, mainly examining indoor air quality, outdoor air quality, water pollution, ionizing radiation, non–ionizing radiation, food quality, food safety, hazardous materials, housing sanitation, infectious diseases and occupational hazards. Based on the above, I have enrolled into the "Environmental Health" course at Get more content on
  • 15. The Red Tent By Anita Diamant The Red Tent – An Unforgettable Testimony to Women's Strength and Power The Red Tent by Anita Diamant illuminates one of the greatest testimonies to women's strength: childbirth. On a creative level, Diamant did something extraordinary. She took a small passage from the Bible about the character Dinah, and made her story into an unforgettable testimony to women's strength and power. Overlooking women's role in Biblical life is easy because there is practically nothing written by or about women. Even though Diamant's story is fictionalized, there is truth in showing that women did exist, that there was a very important role played by women of that time period, and in showing the power and strength of women in a way that can never more content... In the midst of labor, she anguishes over a secret of womanhood revealed only in childbirth; a secret that inspired my piece of visual art, "Dinah:" Why had no one told me that my body would become a battlefield, a sacrifice, a test? Why did I not know that birth is the pinnacle where women discover the courage to become mothers? But of course, there is no way to tell this or to hear it. Until you are the woman on the bricks, you have no idea how death stands in the corner, ready to play his part. Until you are the woman on the bricks, you do not know the power that arises from other women–even strangers speaking an unknown tongue, invoking the names of unfamiliar goddesses. (Diamant 224) A pregnant woman is thrown into this "other realm," where her strength is tested. No woman can prepare for the battle her body goes through, or for the strength and power that arises innately from an unknown place within, which cannot be known to exist until the experience of childbirth. In an atmosphere of fire and torment, "Dinah" features a woman prevailing despite the symbolic environment of the image. She is looking up, a sign of hope and faith, with body language exemplifying strength and power. Not only overcoming the physical pain of birth, this woman, who could be Dinah or any other mother, is enduring the psychological pain that society oppresses upon women. The goal of "Dinah" is to represent mothers in Dinah's world and in Sethe's world; and even the Get more content on
  • 16. Unforgettable Moment In My Life Prakash Mario E. Martinez English 1301–108 September 7, 2017 Unforgettable moment of my life The most unforgettable moment of my life was when 9.79 earthquake struck Nepal in April 2015. There were some warnings for Nepal to be prepared for a major earthquake since 2001, though it came in 2015 and brought with it death and destruction. After completing middle school, I had been admitted to a high school in Kathmandu, where I used to live alone. Everything was going well until that day. It was a normal day. I woke up late in the morning. The wind blew really fast like it was about to rain. I had no reason to believe that a horrific incident was marching towards me. It was around 11:30 am when I heard a loud knock on my door and it was my neighbor Kamal's daughter Kanxi who was there asking for help with her math homework. I taught her some methods related to that. And moments after she left it started shaking. I felt like I was walking on wave of water instead of solid floor. People were shouting, "Earthquake!" After I realized it was a massive one, I thought there was no point hiding under the table or bed as buildings were going to collapse at any time. So, I rushed downstairs, telling myself, "I am not going to die on third floor." The shake was so strong that I reached ground floor rolling, while rolling I was waiting for ceiling to fall over me. I came out of the house alive. While running outside, the front wall of gate fell down and way was blocked completely. I jumped over the next wall into a garage. While jumping I stepped on a piece of glass and my foot started bleeding. I t lasted for fifty–six seconds. It was the most scared minute of my life. When it stopped buckling, panic quickly set in. People were scared. I thought of my family and texted them to discover they were fine. As my foot was bleeding too much, I went nearby hospital but even the ICU was in road. Most of the people were dying and there were only few doctors so I returned without any treatment. By that time my blood had started clotting and bleeding was stopped but the piece of glass was still inside and it was paining a lot. After I returned to my apartment area, what I Get more content on
  • 17. The Most Unforgettable Moment Essay Sitting in the classroom, I was irritated by the unbearably hot and humid air, and silently waiting for the essays we wrote to return to us. The teacher stood at the front of the classroom. She called my name, saying, "Your writing is good, but the story doesn't have enough depth." Stating someone's writing is good is the usual rhetoric my teacher used before she tries to make the student feel bad. She had been teaching the same subject for at least twenty–five years, and she was known to students for never missing any opportunities to point out students mistakes in front of the class. I remember the essay title was "The Most Unforgettable Moment." The story I wrote is roughly about one day when I was walking on the street, and I saw a homeless person begging for food. My heart ached for the poor homeless stranger. The only thing he was wearing was a worn out, ripped blue cotton trousers. I gave him two coins I had in my pocket. He looked up at me and smiled, he said, "It's a nice day today." I was moved by how he was enjoying the warmth of the sun, but I was stressed out, hurrying walking to next destination without noticing how wonderful the day was. But according to my teacher's template, a homeless person shall always tell the author how grateful he is. And I as an author should express how thankful I am to my parents for providing a carefree environment. I didn't really know why the homeless person didn't say thank you, instead he commented on the weather. For me, I Get more content on
  • 18. The Bombing Of The United States The unforgettable dates in America's History are the days in which America was deliberately attacked. On these dates American lives were lost– many women, children, and men died. These dates are the only attacks America has ever had on her homeland. One of those unforgettable dates was September 11, 2001, where terrorist groups attacked America's cities, a day in which America realized that there was real evil in the World. Another date that will always be unforgettable is December 7th 1941. On this date American lives were changed forever. America was attacked on our shores for the first time in our History. Many asked who could ever dare attack America like this, or who could ever find the courage to attack America like this way? This attack was not done terrorist groups; this time a country deliberately did this attack. On December 7th 1941 Japan decided to attack America. This attack meant war; this attack was the attack that woke the giant up. The eyes were on America now, how would America respond, how would America take revenge? Did this mean that America would be involved in another great war? America responded firmly, America showed that the attack was a huge mistake for Japan. Yes, America lost many lives in this surprise attack, but America would show their mighty strength. This is why December 7th 1941 is an unforgettable date in America's history. A bright unforgettable Sunday morning, men were sleeping, women were cooking, and children playing and some Get more content on
  • 19. How did the Manchurian Crisis and its results affect militarism in Japan? Part A: Plan of Investigation Through early 1930's Japan was facing difficult economic times and conflict pertaining to the rights that they believed were rightfully theirs. On The night of September 18, 1931 the Manchurian crisis (Mukden Incident) took place. An explosion destroyed part of the Southern Manchurian railway which was owned by the Japanese. After this incident Japan started to began to lean into militarism. This event was a huge turning point for the country of japan as a whole. To what extent did the Manchurian Crisis affect militarism in Japan. This will be investigated through the analysis of the The more content... Also, since he wasn't actually in Japan he could not have fully understood the effects of the incident he would know some details but he would only be able to infer the others. However, he was still alive at the time of the events. He is a reliable source for outside information because even though he was not inside of the country he was able to see some of the effects of the Manchurian crisis Takehiko Yoshihashi, Conspiracy at Mukden: The Rise of the Japanese Military (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963), http:/ / This book was written by Takehiko Yoshihashi in 1963. It was written in order the conspiracy behind the Manchurian Crisis and to show what the Japanese did in order to take over Manchuria. Since this book was written in 1963 it is not a direct account of the events. He was not their to experience the actual event of the incident. This is however reliable because the author uses specific information from the time using accounts from people of that time and using information from other authors. Part D: During the early 1930's Japan was growing through difficult times in their economy and their relationships with their neighboring countries. Japan was weakened by these issues and blamed China for a lot of it. They need to find away to regain power in Asia and the used the Manchurian Crisis to do it. The Manchurian Crisis affect militarization in
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  • 21. Essay about Unforgettable experience "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Said by Marilyn Monroe. For once, I believed what someone said without a doubt, and most importantly from experience. Everything happens for a reason, and good things can fall apart so better can fall together. Personal experience's can change people in the sense of who they are and sometimes their perspective on life depending on the situation. Personally I have had one experience that has made me realize many things in life and I more content... I felt the biggest knot in my throat as i tried holding in my tears. Once I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, I felt a shadow of people over me. It was the most comforting, hurtful crowd ever to surround me, my team. I opened my eyes and saw every one of their faces and thought that I was letting them down. They were all asking if I was okay and I couldn't help but stand up and walk it off. I walked to the bench with the feeling of a knife going straight in through one side of my ankle and out the other. I thought about what I can do to keep practicing. I got up, limped all the way to the trainers room and asked them to tape it as tight as they can without it hurting me. Walking back out on to the field, where my team is still practicing, I sucked it all up and pulled my coach aside. I explained to him how it only hurt at the moment and a little after I walked it off. Inside, I was dying of pain. He told me to run around for a little and if I felt comfortable I can join the practice again. I felt like it wasn't such a big deal so I got back on the field and started running around. Right when practice ended, I walked back to the trainers room. I unwrapped my ankle from all that tape to find an extra swollen ankle looking as if there were a softball in it. She looked at my ankle, looked at me, and told me there was no way she was letting me leave her room without getting checked. She told me to lay on my Get more content on
  • 22. Personal Narrative : The End Of The World THE WORLD WAS finally ending. There were less than 10,000 people–and non people– left on Earth. And the Others were not finished with us. Unfortunately. There was still Sammy, Ben, Ringer, Teacup, Dombo and Poundcake and I left that I knew personally. But we were all in danger. No matter what we promised to protect each other. No matter what the circumstance are, or what is at risk. I don't actually want to help save anyone but myself and Sams. But, I agreed anyway to make everyone happy. It's like insurance, so I guess it won't be that bad. The first couple of days of the agreement were fine, only because no one was in danger. But then came the next day. Ringer and Ben were out looking for a new place to move our camp. They more content... Not that I wanted to die, I just had a promise to keep. Now I understood the purpose of our little agreement. She obeyed out of fear for herself, not because I told her to. I shot an entire clip before moving around. Ben appeared out of the bush about ten yards to my left and said "Cassie, Ringer is down! Come quick!" Teacup and I raced over to Ben on the ground next to Ringer. She was bleeding like crazy. It was everywhere. Ringer was close to bawling her eyes out because she was is so much pain. She was shot in her lower back. None of us really knew what to do, so we just tried to wrap the wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. That's what Dumbo does... I think. We had to get her back to our camp. Ringer shouts in pain as we lift her off the ground. But, she doesn't squirm, which is good. What if we lose her?! Let's hope not. Here we come Dumbo. Since Teacup was too small to carry Ringer, she lead the way and also tried to protect us from the back where the Others still waited. Thank God camp wasn't far, because Ringer was no Teacup. We get there and Dumbo greets us instantly. He has a worried look on his face that says This is not good and unexpected. She might not make it. Sams and Poundcake also greet us, not quite as worried though. We all stand around as Dumbo goes into full surgegen mode. He rips off the bottom half of her shirt and begins cleaning the bullet hole. She winces in agony every time another gauze Get more content on