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Depression Among the Elderly
Depression is one of the leading mental disorders that can completely take over your life.
Our depression rehab center in Florida is committed to ascertain your recovery by
connecting you with the best depression centers in Florida for the best treatment plans.
Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It's a serious mental health
condition that requires understanding, treatment and a good recovery plan. If depression is left
untreated, it can have devastating mental, physical and social consequences.
Depression in elderly people often goes untreated because many people assume being quiet, low or
tired is a normal part of aging and a natural reaction to chronic illness, loss and social transition.
However, depression symptoms in older people may differ from those found in younger people.
Depression in seniors can essentially be characterized by issues in memory, vague complaints of pain
and delusional behavior. Depression can also be a side effect of some medications commonly
prescribed to older persons, such as medications used to treat hypertension, and conditions such as
heart attack, stroke, hip fracture or macular degeneration. Symptoms of clinical depression can be
triggered by other chronic illnesses common in later life, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's
disease, heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
Florida is home to more than 19 million people. Of these, more than 6.9 million (36.9 percent) are
over the age of 50. Nearly 4.4 million (23.4 percent) are over 60, more than 2.3 million (12.2 percent)
are over 70 and more than 916,000 (4.9 percent) are over 80.
The proportion of Florida's population that is 60 and older is also growing more rapidly than other
components of the population. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 32.5 percent of Florida's
population will be 60 and older by the year 2030, an increase of 34 percent from 2012.
Further statistics demonstrated that more than 3.3 percent of the people served by the Florida mental
health system were aged 65 and older. This represents a total of approximately 9,850 people.
Overall, 12.1 percent of Floridians aged 50 and older reported frequent mental distress (FMD): 13.9
percent of women and 9.8 percent of men.
Older Americans who experienced FMD were also more likely to report their physical health being poor
or fair as opposed to being good. Even though 18 percent of older Americans with no mental distress
reported poor or fair physical health, nearly 60 percent, which is almost triple the rate, of those with
FMD reported poor/fair health characterized by serious health issues.
The Florida Depression Helpline is available at your service 24/7. Rehab centers in Florida cater to
patients of all ages, prioritizing the welfare of each and every one. Our representatives will help
connect you with the best rehab facilities in Florida that offer cutting edge treatment plans, designed
to specifically serve individualized needs. If you or a loved one is struggling, call us right away.
Teens With Depression at Higher Risk of Heart Disease
When dealing with depression, it is important to find help as soon as possible. Depression
rehab center in Florida is one of the leading depression centers in Florida that will ascertain
your sustained recovery.
According to the American Heart association, major depression and bipolar disorder have the potential
to put teenagers at greater risk for heart disease, so much so that they should be considered as
independent risk factors for the condition.
Previous research has indicated positive correlations between mood disorders in adults with greater
risk for heart problems. Moreover, various studies have depicted adults with major depression and
bipolar disorder to be more likely to suffer heart disease at a younger age.
Lead author of the scientific statement Dr. Benjamin I. Goldstein, a child-adolescent psychiatrist at
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto in Canada, and colleagues assessed
previously published research investigating the risk of heart disease among adolescents with mood
The team discovered that teenagers with major depression or bipolar disorder were more susceptible
to an array of risk factors for heart disease. These included hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity,
type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Even though medication for mood disorders is associated with weight gain, hypertension, high
cholesterol and increased blood sugar levels, the majority of the teenagers included in the studies
were not consuming such medication.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2012, around 2.2 million American teenagers
aged 12 to 17 had a major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year, while a 2012 study estimated
that around 2.5 percent of adolescents aged 13 to 18 in the U.S. have met the criteria for bipolar
disorder in their lifetime.
Based on statistics gathered by SAMHSA, about 120,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17, which roughly
translates into 9 percent of the population, experienced at least one MDE per annum in Florida,
between 2009 and 2013. The percentage remained largely stable over this period. In fact, Florida's
percentage of MDE among adolescents was similar to the national percentage in 2012 to 2013.
Based on their findings, Dr. Goldstein and colleagues concluded that major depression and bipolar
disorder should be classified as moderate risk factors for heart disease in teenagers. He stated:
"Mood disorders are often lifelong conditions, and managing cardiovascular risk early and assertively is
tremendously important if we are to be successful in ensuring that the next generation of youth has
better cardiovascular outcomes.These disorders indicate an increased risk of heart disease that
requires increased vigilance and action at the earliest possible stage."
Dr. Goldstein further stated, "Youth with mood disorders are not yet widely recognized as a group at
increased risk for excessive and early heart disease. We hope these guidelines will spur action from
patients, families and health care providers to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among these
Depression programs in Florida attempt to provide you with your best shot at recovery. The Florida
Depression Helpline attempts to connect you with the leading treatment centers for depression that
offer customized treatment plans that specifically suit your individualized needs. Our representatives
are committed to your well-being and strive to ensure a sustained recovery.
Taking Manic Depression Seriously
Manic depression or Bipolar depression is actually considered as one of the worst type of
depression that people usually suffer from.
Characterized by sudden and extreme changes in their mood, Manic depression is said to be called as
such because manic = mania refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'.
A lot of people actually experience erratic changes in their moods, some times, these so-called mood
swings may not just be caused by PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or stress. Doctors actually have
diagnosed mood swings as a common symptom of depression.
But when these so-called mood swings have gone to utmost absurdity, from getting irked even by the
littlest or simplest of thins like not getting your favorite ice cream flavor, this may not be just a sign of
brattiness, but when getting irked means you'll cuss and swear on the ice cream vendor and throw
absurd tantrums, this may already be the start of Manic depression.The so-called 'manic' or 'ups' in
Manic depression is described as to be the times when a person suffering from Manic depression may
experience overly high periods, consisting of heightened energy, a sudden outburst of euphoric mood,
extreme irritability, thoughts racing as well as aggressive behavior.
According to therapists, someone suffering from Manic depression may have these so-called manic
'periods' wherein sudden outbursts of euphoric and elevated mood swings may actually go through
this for as long as not just a day, in can actually go on for as long as one week, even longer than that.
When it comes to the so-called 'low' or 'down' periods, as its name suggests can actually bring
someone who is suffering from Manic depression may experience very similar symptoms to those who
are suffering from actual depression. People who are suffering from Manic depression may actually
experience episodes showing a depressed state of mind - a feeling of worthlessness and being unloved
may start to corrupt the individual's mind. Various symptoms, showing guilt, extreme sadness,
anxiety attacks, feeling of not belonging, extreme pessimism and obvious loss for pleasure. According
to therapists, an individual who is depressed. consistently for more than a week can officially be
diagnosed as someone who is suffering from Manic depression.
In spite of being one of the most common, yet severe type of depressive disorder, Manic depression,
according to doctors can actually be treated. There's no reason to worry too much about it, just follow
the proper procedures that the therapist will instruct you to do, take the proper prescribed
medications as well as the proper dosage in order to help you (or your friend or love one) overcome
Manic depression before it becomes too late. Also, individuals who are suffering from Manic depression
should always be able to see their therapists on a regular basis so as to be able to release their pent
up emotions to some one who can interpret and understand what they're going to a lot better as
compared to "normal" people.
Although positive results for a Manic depressive patient can still be achieved from natural alternatives,
a proper and a more lasting relief from Manic depressive symptoms can still be best acquired through
seeing cognitive behavior therapists. Contrary to some beliefs, when it comes to psychiatric
treatments, psychiatrists, preferably cognitive behavior therapists are still the best ones to consult for
Manic depression, as well as the ones who'll most probably be able to cure Manic depression.
How To Overcome Depression: Know Alternative Treatments For Depression
Too much sadness may be considered as depression. If you feel depressed more often than
not, you should learn how to overcome depression. This article focuses on alternative
treatments for depression that are worth trying
Being sad is a normal feeling as that is our natural reaction to negative stimuli e.g. having a fight with
a loved one, resigning from a job, and so on. Having prolonged sadness, however, that disrupts our
lives e.g. not being to go to work for a number of days, having no desire to eat regularly, etc., may be
described in one word: depression. Whether your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, or by
a negative event, you should understand the right ways of coping with depression.
People who consult doctors with the goal of finding out how to overcome depression may be given
medications that decrease the level of depression, or medicine that work in a way that depressed
patients are given extra energy, or even an increase in hormones that bring about gladness instead of
severe sadness. A pill is not the only cure for depression, however, as there are also alternative
treatments for depression that you can try even without a physician's advise.
If your depression is caused by a certain experience, and not caused by chemical imbalance in your
brain, you may find the following methods for treating depression as more effective than anti
depression pills:
1. Get adequate amount of sleep.
The usual answer you'll receive when you ask most experts how to overcome depression is this:
ensure that you have a good night's sleep regularly. Lack of sleep may play a part in increasing one's
level of depression so it is a must that you sleep at least seven to eight hours in a day.
2. Find time to exercise.
Another possible cure for depression is to perform exercises for at least an hour if you can. A
recommended exercise for depressed individuals is an hour of cardio. How come exercising is one of
the alternative treatments for depression? Well, once you exercise for at least one hour, you are sure
to sweat a lot, and, your body will release more endorphins, which helps people in coping with
depression more easily.
3. Keep yourself hydrated.
Many people may not be aware that another tip on how to overcome depression is to make sure that
they drink the recommended number of glasses of water daily. Drinking around eight glasses of water
in a day gives us proper hydration, and believe it or not, tends to make us more productive and
4. Establish deep friendships
One of the best alternative treatments for depression is to have deep friendships. True friends are
people who can give you support. Deep friendships may also be considered as your 'life force', and
having people who are there for you through thick and thin and give you support is more often than
not an effective way of coping with depression.
There are many resources that can teach you how to overcome depression. You have to remember,
however, that there is usually no single cure for depression. Depressed patients, therefore, get the
best results when anti depression medicine and alternative treatments for depression are combined.
Of course, consulting a physician or a psychotherapist is a must to ensure that one's depression is
safely treated.
Herbal supplements for depression
Depression is a disorder of mind. In depression the brain chemistry gets affected. The
common symptoms of depression are guilty feeling, sadness, suicidal thoughts, lack in
concentration, loss in energy, loss of interest in life etc.
If anyone observes these type of symptoms then he must go to a doctor for consultancy. The patient
can be diagnosed in several ways depending upon his age and situation. He can be treated with
allopathic medicines, by counseling etc. But a better method of diagnosing depression is also
available. in this method the patient is treated with the help of supplements made from herbs which
are present in nature. The advantage of using these supplements is that they have less number of
side effects when compared with other modes of treatment of depression. This treatment is cheap in
comparison to other treatments. The Herbal supplements which are generally used for the treatment
of depression are;
1. St. John's Wort: It can be taken in the form of capsules, tea, oil. It increases the production of
dopamine(a kind of neurotransmitter) in the brain. This herbal supplement is very sensitive towards
sunlight. So care should be taken while keeping this supplement. Proper exercises should be done
during the course of time taking this supplement to reduce the chances of side effects. St. john's wort
is available in different combinations . A few of them are:
a. Lobelia /St.John's wort: Its chemical combination is very much similar to nicotine. But the main
benefit associated with it is that it is non addictive in nature. The combination includes 0.5g hypericin
with 0.5g of Lobelia. It is less expensive herbal supplement. It helps in boosting the respiratory
system.It is generally used from getting rid of smoking habits which is a main cause of depression.
b. Kudzu /St.John's wort: This composition contains 1g hypericin with 1g of diadzin. It is used for
treating alcohol addiction which indirectly is a cause of depression.
The other popular herbal supplements are Kava Kava, Sam-e, Ginseng etc.
The herbal supplements boosts our:
1. Immune system: These supplements generally boosts up our immune system. So you are able to
fight with diseases whose after effect is in the form of depression.
2. Brain: Many factors such as high blood pressure, anxiety etc. creates imperfections in our brain by
affecting the chemical composition of brain. The use of herbal supplements provides optimum supply
to the brain which helps in fighting against the unusual thoughts which leads to depression
Depression Medications
For people who have depression there are a range of depression medications that can be
used. Depending upon their conditions and the symptoms that are displayed there are
certain types of depression medications that doctors will prescribe. The main new types of
depression medications include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclics
and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs).
While the treatment for these medications is continuing, it usually takes a few weeks before there are
any noticeable signs of improvement. Any depression medications that do not show any signs of
progress needs to be gradually phased out. Once your doctor has changed your medication you will
need to continue the treatment for results to show themselves.
With all of the depression medications that are available you need to be aware that there are various
side effects present in these tablets. Many of the side effects are known by doctors who can inform
you of their effects. There are other side effects that are not known as the medications interact with
your body’s biochemistry. Therefore if you experience any unknown side effects you should inform
your doctor immediately so that these effects can be examined to see if they are life threatening.
Dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, sexual problems, nervousness, insomnia, agitation, nausea,
drowsiness, blurred vision, bladder problems and constipation are the known side effects of various
depression medications.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs work by maximizing the natural chemical levels in
the brain. They provide ample amounts of serotonin to the neurotransmitters thus lowering the
depression causing chemicals. Examples of SSRIs are Prozac, Luvox and Zoloft. Any unusual side
effects should be noted and your medical caregiver informed.
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors were prescribed for "atypical" depression. Here the symptoms are
oversleeping, panic attacks, phobias and anxiety. Anyone who is on a course of MAOIs will have
certain dietary restrictions that they must follow. Foods and drinks like cheeses and red wines must be
avoided because they contain high levels of the chemical Tyramine. Any interaction between the
MAOIs and the Tyramine can increase the blood pressure leading to a stroke.
Tricyclics are also prescribed for use in treating Major Depression. Tricyclic depression medications
have a few side effects that are temporary. Even though these side effects are temporary they can be
very annoying. Should any of the side effects persist you should inform your doctor about them. The
side effects include dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, sexual problems, blurred visions,
dizziness and daytime drowsiness.
While there are large number antidepressant medications that you can use, you should find out
everything that you can about the various depression medications. With this information you can
make an informed decision about what medication to take and know the effects that it will have on
your life.

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Depression among the elderly

  • 1. Depression Among the Elderly Depression is one of the leading mental disorders that can completely take over your life. Our depression rehab center in Florida is committed to ascertain your recovery by connecting you with the best depression centers in Florida for the best treatment plans. Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It's a serious mental health condition that requires understanding, treatment and a good recovery plan. If depression is left untreated, it can have devastating mental, physical and social consequences. Depression in elderly people often goes untreated because many people assume being quiet, low or tired is a normal part of aging and a natural reaction to chronic illness, loss and social transition. However, depression symptoms in older people may differ from those found in younger people. Depression in seniors can essentially be characterized by issues in memory, vague complaints of pain and delusional behavior. Depression can also be a side effect of some medications commonly prescribed to older persons, such as medications used to treat hypertension, and conditions such as heart attack, stroke, hip fracture or macular degeneration. Symptoms of clinical depression can be triggered by other chronic illnesses common in later life, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Florida is home to more than 19 million people. Of these, more than 6.9 million (36.9 percent) are over the age of 50. Nearly 4.4 million (23.4 percent) are over 60, more than 2.3 million (12.2 percent) are over 70 and more than 916,000 (4.9 percent) are over 80. The proportion of Florida's population that is 60 and older is also growing more rapidly than other components of the population. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 32.5 percent of Florida's population will be 60 and older by the year 2030, an increase of 34 percent from 2012. Further statistics demonstrated that more than 3.3 percent of the people served by the Florida mental health system were aged 65 and older. This represents a total of approximately 9,850 people. Overall, 12.1 percent of Floridians aged 50 and older reported frequent mental distress (FMD): 13.9 percent of women and 9.8 percent of men. Older Americans who experienced FMD were also more likely to report their physical health being poor or fair as opposed to being good. Even though 18 percent of older Americans with no mental distress reported poor or fair physical health, nearly 60 percent, which is almost triple the rate, of those with FMD reported poor/fair health characterized by serious health issues. The Florida Depression Helpline is available at your service 24/7. Rehab centers in Florida cater to patients of all ages, prioritizing the welfare of each and every one. Our representatives will help connect you with the best rehab facilities in Florida that offer cutting edge treatment plans, designed to specifically serve individualized needs. If you or a loved one is struggling, call us right away. Teens With Depression at Higher Risk of Heart Disease
  • 2. When dealing with depression, it is important to find help as soon as possible. Depression rehab center in Florida is one of the leading depression centers in Florida that will ascertain your sustained recovery. According to the American Heart association, major depression and bipolar disorder have the potential to put teenagers at greater risk for heart disease, so much so that they should be considered as independent risk factors for the condition. Previous research has indicated positive correlations between mood disorders in adults with greater risk for heart problems. Moreover, various studies have depicted adults with major depression and bipolar disorder to be more likely to suffer heart disease at a younger age. Lead author of the scientific statement Dr. Benjamin I. Goldstein, a child-adolescent psychiatrist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto in Canada, and colleagues assessed previously published research investigating the risk of heart disease among adolescents with mood disorders. The team discovered that teenagers with major depression or bipolar disorder were more susceptible to an array of risk factors for heart disease. These included hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Even though medication for mood disorders is associated with weight gain, hypertension, high cholesterol and increased blood sugar levels, the majority of the teenagers included in the studies were not consuming such medication. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2012, around 2.2 million American teenagers aged 12 to 17 had a major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year, while a 2012 study estimated that around 2.5 percent of adolescents aged 13 to 18 in the U.S. have met the criteria for bipolar disorder in their lifetime. Based on statistics gathered by SAMHSA, about 120,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17, which roughly translates into 9 percent of the population, experienced at least one MDE per annum in Florida, between 2009 and 2013. The percentage remained largely stable over this period. In fact, Florida's percentage of MDE among adolescents was similar to the national percentage in 2012 to 2013. Based on their findings, Dr. Goldstein and colleagues concluded that major depression and bipolar disorder should be classified as moderate risk factors for heart disease in teenagers. He stated: "Mood disorders are often lifelong conditions, and managing cardiovascular risk early and assertively is tremendously important if we are to be successful in ensuring that the next generation of youth has better cardiovascular outcomes.These disorders indicate an increased risk of heart disease that requires increased vigilance and action at the earliest possible stage." Dr. Goldstein further stated, "Youth with mood disorders are not yet widely recognized as a group at increased risk for excessive and early heart disease. We hope these guidelines will spur action from patients, families and health care providers to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among these youth." Depression programs in Florida attempt to provide you with your best shot at recovery. The Florida Depression Helpline attempts to connect you with the leading treatment centers for depression that offer customized treatment plans that specifically suit your individualized needs. Our representatives are committed to your well-being and strive to ensure a sustained recovery.
  • 3. Taking Manic Depression Seriously Manic depression or Bipolar depression is actually considered as one of the worst type of depression that people usually suffer from. Characterized by sudden and extreme changes in their mood, Manic depression is said to be called as such because manic = mania refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'. A lot of people actually experience erratic changes in their moods, some times, these so-called mood swings may not just be caused by PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or stress. Doctors actually have diagnosed mood swings as a common symptom of depression. But when these so-called mood swings have gone to utmost absurdity, from getting irked even by the littlest or simplest of thins like not getting your favorite ice cream flavor, this may not be just a sign of brattiness, but when getting irked means you'll cuss and swear on the ice cream vendor and throw absurd tantrums, this may already be the start of Manic depression.The so-called 'manic' or 'ups' in Manic depression is described as to be the times when a person suffering from Manic depression may experience overly high periods, consisting of heightened energy, a sudden outburst of euphoric mood, extreme irritability, thoughts racing as well as aggressive behavior. According to therapists, someone suffering from Manic depression may have these so-called manic 'periods' wherein sudden outbursts of euphoric and elevated mood swings may actually go through this for as long as not just a day, in can actually go on for as long as one week, even longer than that. When it comes to the so-called 'low' or 'down' periods, as its name suggests can actually bring someone who is suffering from Manic depression may experience very similar symptoms to those who are suffering from actual depression. People who are suffering from Manic depression may actually experience episodes showing a depressed state of mind - a feeling of worthlessness and being unloved may start to corrupt the individual's mind. Various symptoms, showing guilt, extreme sadness, anxiety attacks, feeling of not belonging, extreme pessimism and obvious loss for pleasure. According to therapists, an individual who is depressed. consistently for more than a week can officially be diagnosed as someone who is suffering from Manic depression. In spite of being one of the most common, yet severe type of depressive disorder, Manic depression, according to doctors can actually be treated. There's no reason to worry too much about it, just follow the proper procedures that the therapist will instruct you to do, take the proper prescribed medications as well as the proper dosage in order to help you (or your friend or love one) overcome Manic depression before it becomes too late. Also, individuals who are suffering from Manic depression should always be able to see their therapists on a regular basis so as to be able to release their pent up emotions to some one who can interpret and understand what they're going to a lot better as compared to "normal" people. Although positive results for a Manic depressive patient can still be achieved from natural alternatives, a proper and a more lasting relief from Manic depressive symptoms can still be best acquired through seeing cognitive behavior therapists. Contrary to some beliefs, when it comes to psychiatric treatments, psychiatrists, preferably cognitive behavior therapists are still the best ones to consult for Manic depression, as well as the ones who'll most probably be able to cure Manic depression. How To Overcome Depression: Know Alternative Treatments For Depression Too much sadness may be considered as depression. If you feel depressed more often than not, you should learn how to overcome depression. This article focuses on alternative treatments for depression that are worth trying
  • 4. Being sad is a normal feeling as that is our natural reaction to negative stimuli e.g. having a fight with a loved one, resigning from a job, and so on. Having prolonged sadness, however, that disrupts our lives e.g. not being to go to work for a number of days, having no desire to eat regularly, etc., may be described in one word: depression. Whether your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, or by a negative event, you should understand the right ways of coping with depression. People who consult doctors with the goal of finding out how to overcome depression may be given medications that decrease the level of depression, or medicine that work in a way that depressed patients are given extra energy, or even an increase in hormones that bring about gladness instead of severe sadness. A pill is not the only cure for depression, however, as there are also alternative treatments for depression that you can try even without a physician's advise. If your depression is caused by a certain experience, and not caused by chemical imbalance in your brain, you may find the following methods for treating depression as more effective than anti depression pills: 1. Get adequate amount of sleep. The usual answer you'll receive when you ask most experts how to overcome depression is this: ensure that you have a good night's sleep regularly. Lack of sleep may play a part in increasing one's level of depression so it is a must that you sleep at least seven to eight hours in a day. 2. Find time to exercise. Another possible cure for depression is to perform exercises for at least an hour if you can. A recommended exercise for depressed individuals is an hour of cardio. How come exercising is one of the alternative treatments for depression? Well, once you exercise for at least one hour, you are sure to sweat a lot, and, your body will release more endorphins, which helps people in coping with depression more easily. 3. Keep yourself hydrated. Many people may not be aware that another tip on how to overcome depression is to make sure that they drink the recommended number of glasses of water daily. Drinking around eight glasses of water in a day gives us proper hydration, and believe it or not, tends to make us more productive and happier. 4. Establish deep friendships One of the best alternative treatments for depression is to have deep friendships. True friends are people who can give you support. Deep friendships may also be considered as your 'life force', and having people who are there for you through thick and thin and give you support is more often than not an effective way of coping with depression. There are many resources that can teach you how to overcome depression. You have to remember, however, that there is usually no single cure for depression. Depressed patients, therefore, get the best results when anti depression medicine and alternative treatments for depression are combined. Of course, consulting a physician or a psychotherapist is a must to ensure that one's depression is safely treated. Herbal supplements for depression
  • 5. Depression is a disorder of mind. In depression the brain chemistry gets affected. The common symptoms of depression are guilty feeling, sadness, suicidal thoughts, lack in concentration, loss in energy, loss of interest in life etc. If anyone observes these type of symptoms then he must go to a doctor for consultancy. The patient can be diagnosed in several ways depending upon his age and situation. He can be treated with allopathic medicines, by counseling etc. But a better method of diagnosing depression is also available. in this method the patient is treated with the help of supplements made from herbs which are present in nature. The advantage of using these supplements is that they have less number of side effects when compared with other modes of treatment of depression. This treatment is cheap in comparison to other treatments. The Herbal supplements which are generally used for the treatment of depression are; 1. St. John's Wort: It can be taken in the form of capsules, tea, oil. It increases the production of dopamine(a kind of neurotransmitter) in the brain. This herbal supplement is very sensitive towards sunlight. So care should be taken while keeping this supplement. Proper exercises should be done during the course of time taking this supplement to reduce the chances of side effects. St. john's wort is available in different combinations . A few of them are: a. Lobelia /St.John's wort: Its chemical combination is very much similar to nicotine. But the main benefit associated with it is that it is non addictive in nature. The combination includes 0.5g hypericin with 0.5g of Lobelia. It is less expensive herbal supplement. It helps in boosting the respiratory system.It is generally used from getting rid of smoking habits which is a main cause of depression. b. Kudzu /St.John's wort: This composition contains 1g hypericin with 1g of diadzin. It is used for treating alcohol addiction which indirectly is a cause of depression. The other popular herbal supplements are Kava Kava, Sam-e, Ginseng etc. The herbal supplements boosts our: 1. Immune system: These supplements generally boosts up our immune system. So you are able to fight with diseases whose after effect is in the form of depression. 2. Brain: Many factors such as high blood pressure, anxiety etc. creates imperfections in our brain by affecting the chemical composition of brain. The use of herbal supplements provides optimum supply to the brain which helps in fighting against the unusual thoughts which leads to depression Depression Medications For people who have depression there are a range of depression medications that can be used. Depending upon their conditions and the symptoms that are displayed there are certain types of depression medications that doctors will prescribe. The main new types of depression medications include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclics and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). While the treatment for these medications is continuing, it usually takes a few weeks before there are any noticeable signs of improvement. Any depression medications that do not show any signs of progress needs to be gradually phased out. Once your doctor has changed your medication you will need to continue the treatment for results to show themselves.
  • 6. With all of the depression medications that are available you need to be aware that there are various side effects present in these tablets. Many of the side effects are known by doctors who can inform you of their effects. There are other side effects that are not known as the medications interact with your body’s biochemistry. Therefore if you experience any unknown side effects you should inform your doctor immediately so that these effects can be examined to see if they are life threatening. Dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, sexual problems, nervousness, insomnia, agitation, nausea, drowsiness, blurred vision, bladder problems and constipation are the known side effects of various depression medications. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs work by maximizing the natural chemical levels in the brain. They provide ample amounts of serotonin to the neurotransmitters thus lowering the depression causing chemicals. Examples of SSRIs are Prozac, Luvox and Zoloft. Any unusual side effects should be noted and your medical caregiver informed. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors were prescribed for "atypical" depression. Here the symptoms are oversleeping, panic attacks, phobias and anxiety. Anyone who is on a course of MAOIs will have certain dietary restrictions that they must follow. Foods and drinks like cheeses and red wines must be avoided because they contain high levels of the chemical Tyramine. Any interaction between the MAOIs and the Tyramine can increase the blood pressure leading to a stroke. Tricyclics are also prescribed for use in treating Major Depression. Tricyclic depression medications have a few side effects that are temporary. Even though these side effects are temporary they can be very annoying. Should any of the side effects persist you should inform your doctor about them. The side effects include dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, sexual problems, blurred visions, dizziness and daytime drowsiness. While there are large number antidepressant medications that you can use, you should find out everything that you can about the various depression medications. With this information you can make an informed decision about what medication to take and know the effects that it will have on your life.