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Example 1
Example 2
What are Deep Fakes
• Deepfakes are a form of synthetic media that use artificial
intelligence and machine learning algorithms to create fake
images, videos, or audio recordings that appear to be real. They
are created by manipulating or combining existing content to
produce a realistic result.
• The term "deepfake" comes from the underlying technology
such as deep learning algorithms which teach themselves to
solve problems with large sets of data and can be used to create
fake content of real people.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
19th century
manipulation was
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
20th century
Technology steadily
History of Deep Fake
1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Deepfake technology
has been developed
by researchers at
academic institutions
Technology steadily
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
The first academic
research paper on
deepfake tech.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Deepfakes gained
attention on Reddit.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
The term "deepfake"
became widely used after a
user named "Deepfakes"
posted several videos
featuring the faces of
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
In the same year,
researchers and tech
companies started
developing tools to detect
deepfake content.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Advanced, with new
techniques for manipulating
not only faces but also voices
and even entire bodies.
In the same year, the US
Congress held hearings on
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Deepfake technology
continued to evolve.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Deepfakes remained a
concern, with several
incidents of deepfake
videos being used to
spread disinformation.
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Lots of open-source
software are
developed to create
deep fake easily
History of Deep Fake
century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Point to be Noted
1.How Is A Deepfake Different From
Photoshop or Face swap?
Fake images show up all over the internet these days and are
often harmless. You’re probably familiar with the amusing
effects of “face swapping” on snapchat or other photo apps,
where you can put someone else’s face on your own and
vice versa. Or maybe you participated in the “age yourself”
trend and ran your face through a fake aging app that
showed you what you might look like in your ripe old age.
Point to be Noted
2. So what’s the big deal?
In today’s society, the vast majority of people get their
information about the world and formulate opinions based
on content from the internet. Therefore, anyone with the
capability to create deepfakes can release misinformation
and influence the masses to behave in a way that will
advance the faker’s personal agenda in some way. Deepfake-
based misinformation could produce damage on a micro and
macro scale.
Deepfakes Matter Because
If we see and hear something with our own eyes and ears,
we believe it to exist or to be true, even if it is unlikely.
The brain's visual system can be targeted for misperception,
in the same way optical illusions trick our brains.
Deepfakes Matter Because
The technology of today and tomorrow, will allow all of us to
create fakes that appear real, without a significant
investment in training, data collection, hardware and
However, the accessibility of deepfake technology also
means that it can be used for both good and bad purposes.
How Deep Fake Works
• The main technology for creating deepfakes is deep learning,
a machine learning method used to train deep neural
networks (DNNs).
• DNNs consist of a large set of interconnected artificial
neurons, referred to as units.
• Much like neurons in the brain, while each unit itself
performs a rather simple computation, all units together can
perform complex nonlinear operations.
• In case of deepfakes, this is mapping from an image of one
person to another.
How Deep Fake Works
• Deepfakes are commonly created using a specific deep
network architecture known as autoencoder.
• Autoencoders are trained to recognize key characteristics of
an input image to subsequently recreate it as their output. In
this process, the network performs heavy data compression.
• Autoencoders consist of three subparts:
• an encoder (recognizing key features of an input face)
• a latent space (representing the face as a compressed
• a decoder (reconstructing the input image with all
How Deep Fake Works
Autoencoder: a DNN architecture commonly used for generating deepfakes.
How Deep Fake Works
• Much like an artist drawing an image, the encoder
compresses an image, from originally tens of
thousands of pixels into a few hundred (typically
around 300) measurements.
• These measurements can relate to particular facial
characteristics e.g., eyes are open or closed, the
head pose, the emotional expression, skin color,
How Deep Fake Works
Latent space
• Represents different facial aspects of the person on
which it is trained.
• It is often compared to information bottlenecks so that
the network can learn more general facial
characteristics rather than memorizing all input
examples of specific people.
• The compression achieved by the encoding of an input
image into the latent space can be 0.1% of the memory
needed to store the original input image.
How Deep Fake Works
• Decompresses the information in the latent space to
reconstruct an image as perfectly as possible.
• The performance of the whole autoencoder network
is measured by how much the input and generated
(output) images resemble each other. This task is
made difficult because of the heavy data
compression performed by the encoder.
How Deep Fake Works
The Deep Fake Trick
• Two separate autoencoders trained each on a different
person will be very different and cannot be integrated.
• The trick for creating deepfakes lies in sharing the
encoder across two networks such that they remain
• This way, the image of one person can be used to
compute a compressed latent space representation,
from where the decoder of another person is used to
create the fake.
How Deep Fake Works
The Deep Fake Trick
• Using the same encoder and hence latent space representation for images of two separate people is
key to understanding deepfakes.
• If two autoencoders were trained separately, the latent spaces would not be aligned (Brie, and Carrey
latent space below). Encoder sharing will result in an aligned latent space (grey dots). The
autoencoders can then be used to match from one to another person.
How Deep Fake Works
A shared encoder is key to creating novel facial images of a target person that exhibit the same
emotional expression, head posture, etc. as the original facial characteristics. This new image can then be
doctored back into the original image to create a fake scene.
How Deep Fake Works
Additional Technology required to develop Deep
• GAN neural network technology is used in the development of
all deepfake content, using generator and discriminator
• Convolutional neural networks analyze patterns in visual
data. CNNs are used for facial recognition and movement
• Natural language processing is used to create deepfake
audio. NLP algorithms analyze the attributes of a target's
speech and then generate original text using those attributes.
• High-performance computing is a type of computing that
provides the significant necessary computing power required
by deepfakes.
Applications of Deep Fake
Deepfakes can be used to
create entertaining
content, such as videos or
images that place a
person in a different time
or setting. For example,
deepfakes have been
used to create mashups
of celebrities in movies or
TV shows that they never
actually appeared in.
Applications of Deep Fake
Deepfakes can be used to
create entertaining
content, such as videos or
images that place a
person in a different time
or setting. For example,
deepfakes have been
used to create mashups
of celebrities in movies or
TV shows that they never
actually appeared in.
Advertising and
Deepfakes can be used
to create compelling
marketing content or
advertisements. For
example, a company
could create a deepfake
of a celebrity endorsing
their product, without
actually having to pay
the celebrity for their
Applications of Deep Fake
Deepfakes can be used to
create entertaining
content, such as videos or
images that place a
person in a different time
or setting. For example,
deepfakes have been
used to create mashups
of celebrities in movies or
TV shows that they never
actually appeared in.
Advertising and
Deepfakes can be used
to create compelling
marketing content or
advertisements. For
example, a company
could create a deepfake
of a celebrity endorsing
their product, without
actually having to pay
the celebrity for their
Education and
Deepfakes can be used
to create realistic
simulations for
educational or research
purposes. For example,
they could be used to
simulate historical events
or scientific phenomena.
Applications of Deep Fake
Deepfakes can be used to
create entertaining
content, such as videos or
images that place a
person in a different time
or setting. For example,
deepfakes have been
used to create mashups
of celebrities in movies or
TV shows that they never
actually appeared in.
Advertising and
Deepfakes can be used
to create compelling
marketing content or
advertisements. For
example, a company
could create a deepfake
of a celebrity endorsing
their product, without
actually having to pay
the celebrity for their
Education and
Deepfakes can be used
to create realistic
simulations for
educational or research
purposes. For example,
they could be used to
simulate historical events
or scientific phenomena.
Deepfakes can be used
to improve accessibility
for people with
disabilities. For example,
they could be used to
create sign language
interpretation of spoken
language or to create
more natural-sounding
synthesized speech for
people who use assistive
Companies using Deep Fake
This company uses deep
learning to create virtual
assistants and chatbots
that can interact with
customers in a more
natural and human-like
Companies using Deep Fake
This company uses deep
learning to create virtual
assistants and chatbots
that can interact with
customers in a more
natural and human-like
Modulate is a company
that uses deep learning
to create synthetic voices
that can be used in
gaming and virtual reality
applications. Their
technology can also be
used to create more
natural-sounding voice
Companies using Deep Fake
This company uses deep
learning to create virtual
assistants and chatbots
that can interact with
customers in a more
natural and human-like
Modulate is a company
that uses deep learning
to create synthetic voices
that can be used in
gaming and virtual reality
applications. Their
technology can also be
used to create more
natural-sounding voice
Synthesia uses deep
learning to create videos
of people speaking
different languages or
with different accents.
Their technology can be
used to create more
engaging language
learning content or to
improve accessibility for
people with hearing
Companies using Deep Fake
This company uses deep
learning to create virtual
assistants and chatbots
that can interact with
customers in a more
natural and human-like
Modulate is a company
that uses deep learning
to create synthetic voices
that can be used in
gaming and virtual reality
applications. Their
technology can also be
used to create more
natural-sounding voice
Synthesia uses deep
learning to create videos
of people speaking
different languages or
with different accents.
Their technology can be
used to create more
engaging language
learning content or to
improve accessibility for
people with hearing
Pinch of AI
This company uses deep
learning to create
personalized recipes
based on users' dietary
preferences and
restrictions. Their
technology can also be
used to analyze food
images and recommend
recipes based on the
Dark Side of Deep Fake
Why are they a problem?
• While deepfakes do have a number of beneficial
uses, including political satire, comedy,
entertainment, and education, a number of its
associated dangers are severe, even existential
threats. Since their introduction, deepfake
technology has been utilized extensively to Spread
misinformation and inspire misunderstanding, fear
or disgust. Create false narratives of people.
• The potential for disinformation is the biggest
concern with Deep Fake. It can be used to create
fake news, propaganda, and even blackmail. It can
also be used to manipulate public opinion,
influence elections, and damage reputations.
Dark Side of Deep Fake
Political Manipulation: Deepfakes can be used to manipulate political opinions or elections. For example, a
deepfake video of a political candidate saying something controversial or offensive could be used to sway public
opinion or damage their reputation.
Fraud: Deepfakes can be used for financial fraud or extortion. For example, a deepfake video of a CEO could be
created to instruct an employee to transfer funds to a fraudulent account.
Blackmail: Deepfakes can be used for blackmail. For example, a deepfake video of a person could be created without
their consent and used to extort money or to damage their reputation.
Cyberbullying: Deepfakes can be used for cyberbullying or harassment. For example, a deepfake video or image of a
person could be created to embarrass or humiliate them.
Disinformation: Deepfakes can be used to spread false information or propaganda. For example, a deepfake video
could be created to make it appear as though a public figure said or did something that they did not, which could
damage their reputation or influence public opinion.
Real Life Incident
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was the victim of a deepfake that showed him
boasting about how Facebook "owns" its users. The video was designed to show how
people can use social media platforms such as Facebook to deceive the public.
U.S. President Joe Biden was the victim of numerous deepfakes in 2020 showing him in
exaggerated states of cognitive decline meant to influence the presidential election.
Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump have also been victims of deepfake
videos, some to spread disinformation and some as satire and entertainment.
During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Ukrainian President Volodomyr
Zelenskyy was portrayed telling his troops to surrender to the Russians.
In 2019, a deepfake video of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy
Pelosi, was circulated on social media. The video was manipulated to make it appear as
though Pelosi was slurring her words and drunk, which was used to attack her
credibility and reputation.
What Can We Do?
• As of now, deepfakes aren’t a huge problem, but they’ll likely
increase in prevalence and quality over the next few years.
That doesn’t mean you can’t trust any image or video, but you
should begin to train yourself to be more aware of fake images
and videos, especially when the videos are asking you to send
money or personal information, or making outrageous claims
that seem unusual for the person who appears to be making
• Interestingly, AI may be the answer to detecting deep fakes.
Models can be trained to recognize fake images on dimensions
that the human eye can’t detect. Keep a watchful eye on the
development of the deepfake phenomenon over the next
couple of years, and, as always, remain vigilant
Detection of Deep Fake
• Unusual or awkward facial positioning.
• Unnatural facial or body movement.
• Unnatural coloring.
• Videos that look odd when zoomed in or magnified.
• Inconsistent audio.
• People that don't blink.
• Misspellings.
• Sentences that don't flow naturally.
• Suspicious source email addresses.
• Phrasing that doesn't match the supposed sender.
• Out-of-context messages that aren't relevant to any discussion,
event or issue.
Prevention of Deep Fake
Companies, organizations and government agencies are developing technology to identify
and block deepfakes. Some social media companies use blockchain technology to verify the
source of videos and images before allowing them onto their platforms.
Deepfake protection software is available from the following companies:
• Adobe has a system that lets creators attach a signature to videos and photos with
details about their creation.
• Microsoft has AI-powered deepfake detection software that analyze videos and photos
to provide a confidence score that shows whether the media has been manipulated.
• Operation Minerva uses catalogs of previously discovered deepfakes to tell if a new
video is simply a modification of an existing fake that has been discovered and given a
digital fingerprint.
• Sensity offers a detection platform that uses deep learning to spot indications of
deepfake media in the same way antimalware tools look for virus and malware
signatures. Users are alerted via email when they view a deepfake.
Are Deep Fakes legal?
Deepfakes are generally legal, and there is little law enforcement can
do about them, despite the serious threats they pose. Deepfakes are
only illegal if they violate existing laws such as defamation or hate
The lack of laws against deepfakes is because most people are
unaware of the new technology, its uses and dangers. Because of this,
victims don't get protection under the law in most cases of deepfakes.
Deep Fakes Statistics
How Many People Know What a Deepfake Is?
Globally, 71% of respondents say that they do not know what a deepfake is. Just under a third of global consumers
say they are aware of deepfakes
Deep Fakes Statistics
How Many People Think They Could Spot a Deepfake?
57% of global respondents say they think they could spot a deepfake. 43% admit they would not be able to tell the
difference between a real video and deepfake.
Deep Fakes Statistics
What Do People Think About Deepfakes?
• People are most concerned that deepfakes “could make it hard for us to trust what we see online”.
• The runner up was that “deepfakes are dangerous” – 62% of global respondents agree.
• 58% also agree that deepfakes are a “growing concern”.
• In conclusion, deepfakes have the potential to significantly impact society in both positive and
negative ways. While they can be used for creative and entertainment purposes, the malicious use of
deepfakes can result in the spread of misinformation, defamation, and other forms of harm. The
increasing accessibility and sophistication of deepfake technology has made it difficult to detect and
prevent deepfakes, but efforts are being made to develop effective solutions.
• To address the challenges posed by deepfakes, it is important for individuals, organizations, and
governments to work together to raise awareness about the risks and potential harms associated
with deepfakes, and to develop and implement effective detection and prevention strategies. By
doing so, we can help ensure that the benefits of deepfake technology are realized while minimizing
the risks and potential negative impacts.
Check out this Website
Thank You!

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Deep Fakes Artificial Intelligence.pptx

  • 1. T H E D A R K S I D E O F A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N DEEP-FAKE N I L A Y D E S H M U K H
  • 4. What are Deep Fakes • Deepfakes are a form of synthetic media that use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to create fake images, videos, or audio recordings that appear to be real. They are created by manipulating or combining existing content to produce a realistic result. • The term "deepfake" comes from the underlying technology such as deep learning algorithms which teach themselves to solve problems with large sets of data and can be used to create fake content of real people.
  • 5. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 19th century Photo manipulation was developed
  • 6. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 7. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 8. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 20th century Technology steadily improved.
  • 9. History of Deep Fake 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 19th century 20th century
  • 10. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 11. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1990 Deepfake technology has been developed by researchers at academic institutions Technology steadily improved.
  • 12. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 13. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 14. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2014 The first academic research paper on deepfake tech.
  • 15. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 16. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 17. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2017 Deepfakes gained widespread attention on Reddit.
  • 18. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 19. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 20. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 The term "deepfake" became widely used after a user named "Deepfakes" posted several videos featuring the faces of celebrities.
  • 21. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 22. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 23. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 In the same year, researchers and tech companies started developing tools to detect deepfake content.
  • 24. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 25. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 26. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 Advanced, with new techniques for manipulating not only faces but also voices and even entire bodies. In the same year, the US Congress held hearings on deepfakes.
  • 27. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 28. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 29. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2020 Deepfake technology continued to evolve.
  • 30. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 31. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 32. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2021 Deepfakes remained a concern, with several incidents of deepfake videos being used to spread disinformation.
  • 33. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 34. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 35. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 Lots of open-source software are developed to create deep fake easily
  • 36. History of Deep Fake 19th century 20th century 1990 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
  • 37. Point to be Noted 1.How Is A Deepfake Different From Photoshop or Face swap? Fake images show up all over the internet these days and are often harmless. You’re probably familiar with the amusing effects of “face swapping” on snapchat or other photo apps, where you can put someone else’s face on your own and vice versa. Or maybe you participated in the “age yourself” trend and ran your face through a fake aging app that showed you what you might look like in your ripe old age.
  • 38. Point to be Noted 2. So what’s the big deal? In today’s society, the vast majority of people get their information about the world and formulate opinions based on content from the internet. Therefore, anyone with the capability to create deepfakes can release misinformation and influence the masses to behave in a way that will advance the faker’s personal agenda in some way. Deepfake- based misinformation could produce damage on a micro and macro scale.
  • 39. Deepfakes Matter Because Believability If we see and hear something with our own eyes and ears, we believe it to exist or to be true, even if it is unlikely. The brain's visual system can be targeted for misperception, in the same way optical illusions trick our brains.
  • 40. Deepfakes Matter Because Accessibility The technology of today and tomorrow, will allow all of us to create fakes that appear real, without a significant investment in training, data collection, hardware and software. However, the accessibility of deepfake technology also means that it can be used for both good and bad purposes.
  • 41. How Deep Fake Works • The main technology for creating deepfakes is deep learning, a machine learning method used to train deep neural networks (DNNs). • DNNs consist of a large set of interconnected artificial neurons, referred to as units. • Much like neurons in the brain, while each unit itself performs a rather simple computation, all units together can perform complex nonlinear operations. • In case of deepfakes, this is mapping from an image of one person to another.
  • 42. How Deep Fake Works • Deepfakes are commonly created using a specific deep network architecture known as autoencoder. • Autoencoders are trained to recognize key characteristics of an input image to subsequently recreate it as their output. In this process, the network performs heavy data compression. • Autoencoders consist of three subparts: • an encoder (recognizing key features of an input face) • a latent space (representing the face as a compressed version) • a decoder (reconstructing the input image with all detail)
  • 43. How Deep Fake Works Autoencoder: a DNN architecture commonly used for generating deepfakes.
  • 44. How Deep Fake Works Encoder • Much like an artist drawing an image, the encoder compresses an image, from originally tens of thousands of pixels into a few hundred (typically around 300) measurements. • These measurements can relate to particular facial characteristics e.g., eyes are open or closed, the head pose, the emotional expression, skin color, etc.
  • 45. How Deep Fake Works Latent space • Represents different facial aspects of the person on which it is trained. • It is often compared to information bottlenecks so that the network can learn more general facial characteristics rather than memorizing all input examples of specific people. • The compression achieved by the encoding of an input image into the latent space can be 0.1% of the memory needed to store the original input image.
  • 46. How Deep Fake Works Decoder • Decompresses the information in the latent space to reconstruct an image as perfectly as possible. • The performance of the whole autoencoder network is measured by how much the input and generated (output) images resemble each other. This task is made difficult because of the heavy data compression performed by the encoder.
  • 47. How Deep Fake Works The Deep Fake Trick • Two separate autoencoders trained each on a different person will be very different and cannot be integrated. • The trick for creating deepfakes lies in sharing the encoder across two networks such that they remain compatible. • This way, the image of one person can be used to compute a compressed latent space representation, from where the decoder of another person is used to create the fake.
  • 48. How Deep Fake Works The Deep Fake Trick • Using the same encoder and hence latent space representation for images of two separate people is key to understanding deepfakes. • If two autoencoders were trained separately, the latent spaces would not be aligned (Brie, and Carrey latent space below). Encoder sharing will result in an aligned latent space (grey dots). The autoencoders can then be used to match from one to another person.
  • 49. How Deep Fake Works A shared encoder is key to creating novel facial images of a target person that exhibit the same emotional expression, head posture, etc. as the original facial characteristics. This new image can then be doctored back into the original image to create a fake scene.
  • 50. How Deep Fake Works Additional Technology required to develop Deep Fakes • GAN neural network technology is used in the development of all deepfake content, using generator and discriminator algorithms. • Convolutional neural networks analyze patterns in visual data. CNNs are used for facial recognition and movement tracking. • Natural language processing is used to create deepfake audio. NLP algorithms analyze the attributes of a target's speech and then generate original text using those attributes. • High-performance computing is a type of computing that provides the significant necessary computing power required by deepfakes.
  • 51. Applications of Deep Fake Entertainment Deepfakes can be used to create entertaining content, such as videos or images that place a person in a different time or setting. For example, deepfakes have been used to create mashups of celebrities in movies or TV shows that they never actually appeared in.
  • 52. Applications of Deep Fake Entertainment Deepfakes can be used to create entertaining content, such as videos or images that place a person in a different time or setting. For example, deepfakes have been used to create mashups of celebrities in movies or TV shows that they never actually appeared in. Advertising and Marketing Deepfakes can be used to create compelling marketing content or advertisements. For example, a company could create a deepfake of a celebrity endorsing their product, without actually having to pay the celebrity for their endorsement.
  • 53. Applications of Deep Fake Entertainment Deepfakes can be used to create entertaining content, such as videos or images that place a person in a different time or setting. For example, deepfakes have been used to create mashups of celebrities in movies or TV shows that they never actually appeared in. Advertising and Marketing Deepfakes can be used to create compelling marketing content or advertisements. For example, a company could create a deepfake of a celebrity endorsing their product, without actually having to pay the celebrity for their endorsement. Education and Research Deepfakes can be used to create realistic simulations for educational or research purposes. For example, they could be used to simulate historical events or scientific phenomena.
  • 54. Applications of Deep Fake Entertainment Deepfakes can be used to create entertaining content, such as videos or images that place a person in a different time or setting. For example, deepfakes have been used to create mashups of celebrities in movies or TV shows that they never actually appeared in. Advertising and Marketing Deepfakes can be used to create compelling marketing content or advertisements. For example, a company could create a deepfake of a celebrity endorsing their product, without actually having to pay the celebrity for their endorsement. Education and Research Deepfakes can be used to create realistic simulations for educational or research purposes. For example, they could be used to simulate historical events or scientific phenomena. Accessibility Deepfakes can be used to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. For example, they could be used to create sign language interpretation of spoken language or to create more natural-sounding synthesized speech for people who use assistive technology.
  • 55. Companies using Deep Fake Cognitivescale This company uses deep learning to create virtual assistants and chatbots that can interact with customers in a more natural and human-like way.
  • 56. Companies using Deep Fake Cognitivescale This company uses deep learning to create virtual assistants and chatbots that can interact with customers in a more natural and human-like way. Modulate Modulate is a company that uses deep learning to create synthetic voices that can be used in gaming and virtual reality applications. Their technology can also be used to create more natural-sounding voice assistants
  • 57. Companies using Deep Fake Cognitivescale This company uses deep learning to create virtual assistants and chatbots that can interact with customers in a more natural and human-like way. Modulate Modulate is a company that uses deep learning to create synthetic voices that can be used in gaming and virtual reality applications. Their technology can also be used to create more natural-sounding voice assistants Synthesia Synthesia uses deep learning to create videos of people speaking different languages or with different accents. Their technology can be used to create more engaging language learning content or to improve accessibility for people with hearing impairments.
  • 58. Companies using Deep Fake Cognitivescale This company uses deep learning to create virtual assistants and chatbots that can interact with customers in a more natural and human-like way. Modulate Modulate is a company that uses deep learning to create synthetic voices that can be used in gaming and virtual reality applications. Their technology can also be used to create more natural-sounding voice assistants Synthesia Synthesia uses deep learning to create videos of people speaking different languages or with different accents. Their technology can be used to create more engaging language learning content or to improve accessibility for people with hearing impairments. Pinch of AI This company uses deep learning to create personalized recipes based on users' dietary preferences and restrictions. Their technology can also be used to analyze food images and recommend recipes based on the ingredients.
  • 59. Dark Side of Deep Fake Why are they a problem? • While deepfakes do have a number of beneficial uses, including political satire, comedy, entertainment, and education, a number of its associated dangers are severe, even existential threats. Since their introduction, deepfake technology has been utilized extensively to Spread misinformation and inspire misunderstanding, fear or disgust. Create false narratives of people. • The potential for disinformation is the biggest concern with Deep Fake. It can be used to create fake news, propaganda, and even blackmail. It can also be used to manipulate public opinion, influence elections, and damage reputations.
  • 60. Dark Side of Deep Fake Political Manipulation: Deepfakes can be used to manipulate political opinions or elections. For example, a deepfake video of a political candidate saying something controversial or offensive could be used to sway public opinion or damage their reputation. Fraud: Deepfakes can be used for financial fraud or extortion. For example, a deepfake video of a CEO could be created to instruct an employee to transfer funds to a fraudulent account. Blackmail: Deepfakes can be used for blackmail. For example, a deepfake video of a person could be created without their consent and used to extort money or to damage their reputation. Cyberbullying: Deepfakes can be used for cyberbullying or harassment. For example, a deepfake video or image of a person could be created to embarrass or humiliate them. Disinformation: Deepfakes can be used to spread false information or propaganda. For example, a deepfake video could be created to make it appear as though a public figure said or did something that they did not, which could damage their reputation or influence public opinion.
  • 61. Real Life Incident Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was the victim of a deepfake that showed him boasting about how Facebook "owns" its users. The video was designed to show how people can use social media platforms such as Facebook to deceive the public. U.S. President Joe Biden was the victim of numerous deepfakes in 2020 showing him in exaggerated states of cognitive decline meant to influence the presidential election. Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump have also been victims of deepfake videos, some to spread disinformation and some as satire and entertainment. During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy was portrayed telling his troops to surrender to the Russians. In 2019, a deepfake video of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, was circulated on social media. The video was manipulated to make it appear as though Pelosi was slurring her words and drunk, which was used to attack her credibility and reputation.
  • 62. What Can We Do? • As of now, deepfakes aren’t a huge problem, but they’ll likely increase in prevalence and quality over the next few years. That doesn’t mean you can’t trust any image or video, but you should begin to train yourself to be more aware of fake images and videos, especially when the videos are asking you to send money or personal information, or making outrageous claims that seem unusual for the person who appears to be making them. • • Interestingly, AI may be the answer to detecting deep fakes. Models can be trained to recognize fake images on dimensions that the human eye can’t detect. Keep a watchful eye on the development of the deepfake phenomenon over the next couple of years, and, as always, remain vigilant
  • 63. Detection of Deep Fake • Unusual or awkward facial positioning. • Unnatural facial or body movement. • Unnatural coloring. • Videos that look odd when zoomed in or magnified. • Inconsistent audio. • People that don't blink. • Misspellings. • Sentences that don't flow naturally. • Suspicious source email addresses. • Phrasing that doesn't match the supposed sender. • Out-of-context messages that aren't relevant to any discussion, event or issue.
  • 64. Prevention of Deep Fake Companies, organizations and government agencies are developing technology to identify and block deepfakes. Some social media companies use blockchain technology to verify the source of videos and images before allowing them onto their platforms. Deepfake protection software is available from the following companies: • Adobe has a system that lets creators attach a signature to videos and photos with details about their creation. • Microsoft has AI-powered deepfake detection software that analyze videos and photos to provide a confidence score that shows whether the media has been manipulated. • Operation Minerva uses catalogs of previously discovered deepfakes to tell if a new video is simply a modification of an existing fake that has been discovered and given a digital fingerprint. • Sensity offers a detection platform that uses deep learning to spot indications of deepfake media in the same way antimalware tools look for virus and malware signatures. Users are alerted via email when they view a deepfake.
  • 65. Are Deep Fakes legal? Deepfakes are generally legal, and there is little law enforcement can do about them, despite the serious threats they pose. Deepfakes are only illegal if they violate existing laws such as defamation or hate speech. The lack of laws against deepfakes is because most people are unaware of the new technology, its uses and dangers. Because of this, victims don't get protection under the law in most cases of deepfakes.
  • 66. Deep Fakes Statistics How Many People Know What a Deepfake Is? Globally, 71% of respondents say that they do not know what a deepfake is. Just under a third of global consumers say they are aware of deepfakes
  • 67. Deep Fakes Statistics How Many People Think They Could Spot a Deepfake? 57% of global respondents say they think they could spot a deepfake. 43% admit they would not be able to tell the difference between a real video and deepfake.
  • 68. Deep Fakes Statistics What Do People Think About Deepfakes? • People are most concerned that deepfakes “could make it hard for us to trust what we see online”. • The runner up was that “deepfakes are dangerous” – 62% of global respondents agree. • 58% also agree that deepfakes are a “growing concern”.
  • 69. Conclusion • In conclusion, deepfakes have the potential to significantly impact society in both positive and negative ways. While they can be used for creative and entertainment purposes, the malicious use of deepfakes can result in the spread of misinformation, defamation, and other forms of harm. The increasing accessibility and sophistication of deepfake technology has made it difficult to detect and prevent deepfakes, but efforts are being made to develop effective solutions. • To address the challenges posed by deepfakes, it is important for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together to raise awareness about the risks and potential harms associated with deepfakes, and to develop and implement effective detection and prevention strategies. By doing so, we can help ensure that the benefits of deepfake technology are realized while minimizing the risks and potential negative impacts. Check out this Website
  • 70. Thank You! N I L A Y D E S H M U K H