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Debugging on Rails
Mykhaylo Sorochan
Debugged application
Sample app for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Rails 4)
gem 'debugger'
debugger - call debugger
config - .rdebugrc
Debug location

def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
Debugger commands
(rdb:9) help
ruby-debug help v1.6.2
Type 'help <command-name>' for help on a specific command

Available commands:











































Program info
(rdb:4) help info
Generic command for showing things about the program being debugged.
-List of info subcommands:
-info args -- Argument variables of current stack frame
info breakpoints -- Status of user-settable breakpoints
info catch -- Exceptions that can be caught in the current stack frame
info display -- Expressions to display when program stops
info file -- Info about a particular file read in
info files -- File names and timestamps of files read in
info global_variables -- Global variables
info instance_variables -- Instance variables of the current stack frame
info line -- Line number and file name of current position in source file
info locals -- Local variables of the current stack frame
info program -- Execution status of the program
info stack -- Backtrace of the stack
info thread -- List info about thread NUM
info threads -- information of currently-known threads
info variables -- Local and instance variables of the current stack frame
(rdb:1) help list

list forward

l[ist] -

list backward

l[ist] =

list current line

l[ist] nn-mm

list given lines

NOTE - to turn on autolist, use 'set autolist' -> .rdebugrc
Listing: in debug

@user = User.find(params[:id])



=> 14

@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
Listing: l 23,25
l 23,25
[23, 25] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb



sign_in @user


flash[:success] = "Welcome to the Sample App!"
(rdb:4) help break
b[reak] file:line [if expr]
b[reak] class(.|#)method [if expr]
set breakpoint to some position, (optionally) if expr == true
(rdb:4) help delete
del[ete][ nnn...]

delete some or all breakpoints
Set breakpoint
(rdb:4) b ApplicationHelper#full_title
Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper::full_title
(rdb:4) b 18
Breakpoint 2 file */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 18
(rdb:4) info b
Num Enb What
1 y

at ApplicationHelper:full_title

2 y

at */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:18
(rdb:4) help step
s[tep][+-]?[ nnn]

step (into methods) once or nnn times

'+' forces to move to another line.
'-' is the opposite of '+' and disables the force_stepping setting.
(rdb:4) help next
n[ext][+-]?[ nnn]

step over once or nnn times,

'+' forces to move to another line.
'-' is the opposite of '+' and disables the force_stepping setting.
(rdb:4) help up

move to higher frame
Stop at breakpoint
(rdb:4) c
Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper:full_title
[-1, 8] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/helpers/application_helper.rb

module ApplicationHelper

=> 4

# Returns the full title on a per-page basis.
def full_title(page_title)
base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
(rdb:4) help display
disp[lay] <expression>

add expression into display expression list


display expression list

(rdb:4) help undisplay
undisp[lay][ nnn]
Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops.
Display configured
=> 5

def full_title(page_title)
base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
if page_title.empty?

(rdb:4) disp
2: controller_name = users
3: base_title =
Display changed
(rdb:4) n
if page_title.empty?

2: controller_name = users
3: base_title = Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App
[1, 10] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
=> 6

base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
if page_title.empty?
Conditional breakpoint
(rdb:8) b ApplicationHelper#full_title if page_title=="Alexander"
Breakpoint 4 at ApplicationHelper::full_title
(rdb:8) c
Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper:full_title
(rdb:8) help var
v[ar] cl[ass]

show class variables of self

v[ar] co[nst] <object>

show constants of object

v[ar] g[lobal]

show global variables

v[ar] i[nstance] <object>

show instance variables of object. You may pass object id's hex as well.

v[ar] l[ocal]

show local variables
Show variables

@user = User.find(params[:id])



=> 14

@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])


def new

(rdb:12) v i
@_action_has_layout = true
@_action_name = "show"
@_config = {}
@_env = {"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.1", "PATH_INFO"=>"/users/1", "QUERY_STRING"=>"",...
@_headers = {"Content-Type"=>"text/html"}
@_lookup_context = #<ActionView::LookupContext:0x00000008e4b710 @details_key=nil, @details={:loc...
@_params = {"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"users", "id"=>"1"}
@_prefixes = ["users", "application"]
@_request = #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x00000008e4bad0 @env={"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1....
@_response = #<ActionDispatch::Response:0x00000008e4baa8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mo...
@_response_body = nil
@_routes = nil
@_status = 200
@user = #<User id: 1, name: "Alexander", email: "", created_at: "2013-11...
Remote debugger
Debugger.wait_connection = true

# rdebug --client -h

@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])

[9, 18] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb



def show


@user = User.find(params[:id])



=> 14

@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
Call pry from debugger
Debugger commands inside pry:
step, next, continue, breakpoints
jazz_hands is an opinionated set of consolerelated gems and a bit of glue:
pry, awesome_print, hirb, pry-rails, pry-doc, pry-git,
pry-remote, pry-debugger, pry-stack_explorer, coolline,
pry – jazz_hands 1
pry – jazz_hands 2
pry – jazz_hands 3
pry – jazz_hands 4

is used for logging

Log levels

| name

| level |

| :debug


0 |

| :info


1 |

| :warn


2 |

| :error


3 |

| :fatal


4 |

| :unknown |

5 |

development, testing:

log_level = 0 (:debug)

log_level = 1

Messages with equal or higher level are sent to log
Write to log
logger.debug User.inspect
logger.fatal "Help!"
Tagging log messages
logger =
logger.tagged("USER") { "hello" }
=> [USER] hello
Tagged logging
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
logger.tagged("USER") { }

# tail -f log/development.log|grep [USER]
Global variables for tracing

- file name


- line number
Some useful CLI commands
tail -n 100
tail -f
grep, less
Querying logs
# cat log/development.log|grep GET|tail -n 2
Started GET "/assets/users.js?body=1" for at 2013-11-21 23:32:01 +0200
Started GET "/assets/application.js?body=1" for at 2013-11-21 23:32:01 +0200

# cat log/development.log|grep GET|wc -l
Defines the formatter of the Rails logger.
Defaults to


production defaults to

for all modes,


module ActiveSupport
class Logger < ::Logger

# Simple formatter which only displays the message.
class SimpleFormatter < ::Logger::Formatter
# This method is invoked when a log event occurs
def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
"#{String === msg ? msg : msg.inspect}n"
Defaults to


for all modes, production defaults to




config.log_tags = [ :fullpath ]

[/users/1] Started GET "/users/1" for at 2013-11-...

ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms)


[/assets/application.css?body=1] Started GET "/assets/application.css?body=1" for 127...
Accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby Logger class.
Defaults to


with auto flushing off in production mode.
Rails console
rails c
rails c --sandbox

rake routes
> all_routes = Rails.application.routes.routes
> require 'action_dispatch/routing/inspector'
> inspector =
All routes
> puts inspector.format(
Prefix Verb

URI Pattern


following_user GET

/users/:id/following(.:format) users#following

followers_user GET

/users/:id/followers(.:format) users#followers

users GET

















new_user GET
edit_user GET
user GET

DELETE /users/:id(.:format)
sessions POST
new_session GET





session DELETE /sessions/:id(.:format)
microposts POST


micropost DELETE /microposts/:id(.:format)
relationships POST


relationship DELETE /relationships/:id(.:format)
root GET
signup GET






Routes for controller
> puts inspector.format(, 'microposts')
Prefix Verb
microposts POST

URI Pattern




micropost DELETE /microposts/:id(.:format) microposts#destroy
Filtering routes: GET
> puts inspector.format(, 'users').lines.grep(/GET/).join
following_user GET

/users/:id/following(.:format) users#following

followers_user GET

/users/:id/followers(.:format) users#followers

users GET
new_user GET
edit_user GET
user GET
signup GET










Filtering routes: /relation/
> puts inspector.format(
relationships POST


relationship DELETE /relationships/:id(.:format)

Matching routes
> r = Rails.application.routes
> r.recognize_path "/users/47"
=> {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users", :id=>"47"}
> r.recognize_path "/users/87", :method => "PUT"
=> {:action=>"update", :controller=>"users", :id=>"87"}
> r.recognize_path "/users/47.json"
=> {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users", :id=>"47", :format=>"json"}
Named routes
> app.users_path
=> "/users"
> app.users_path(:json)
=> "/users.json"
> app.user_path(1)
=> "/users/1"
> app.user_path(1, :xml)
=> "/users/1.xml"
> app.user_path(1, :count => 4)
=> "/users/1?count=4"
Making requests
> app
=> #<ActionDispatch::Integration::Session:...>

> app.reset!
Get requests
> app.get '/users/1/edit'

Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:24:18 +0200
Processing by UsersController#edit as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/signin
Filter chain halted as :signed_in_user rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)

> app.response.body
=> "<html><body>You are being <a href="http://localhost:3000/signin">redirected</a>.</body></html>"

> app.get_via_redirect '/users/1/edit'

Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:26:44 +0200
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/signin
Started GET "/signin" for at 2013-11-26 23:26:44 +0200
Session cookies
> app.cookies
=> #<Rack::Test::CookieJar...

> app.cookies.to_hash
=> {"_sample_app_session"=>"RC9j...

app.cookies - received/sent cookies
Post requests: signin
> app.response.body.lines.grep /csrf-token/
=> ["<meta content="n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=" name="csrf-token" />n"]

> '/sessions', :authenticity_token => 'n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=',
'session[email]' => '', 'session[password]' => '123456'

Started POST "/sessions" for at 2013-11-26 23:33:01 +0200
Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=", "session"=>{"email"
=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}}
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit
Completed 302 Found in 281ms (ActiveRecord: 7.2ms)

Access to restricted resource
> app.get '/users/1/edit'

Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:38:47 +0200
Processing by UsersController#edit as HTML
Completed 200 OK in 41ms (Views: 35.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
Call helper
> helper
=> #<ActionView::Base:... >
# ApplicationHelper#full_title
> helper.full_title "Sign Up"
=> "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App | Sign Up"
Call helper with cookie
> def cookies; @cookies ||=; end

> helper.current_user
=> #<User id: 1, name: ....
ActiveRecord logging
> ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
> ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!
> # reload!
> User.find 1
D, [2013-12-30T21:55:17.775769 #24810] DEBUG -- :
WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "hello",....

User Load (0.2ms)

SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
ActiveRecord hide logging
> ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
> ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!
> # reload!
> User.find 1
=> #<User id: 1, name: "hello",....
Raw SQL requests
> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("select * from users")
=> #<ActiveRecord::Result:...
> puts _
{"id"=>1, "name"=>"hello", "email"=>"", "created_at"=>"2013-....
Save your helper methods
● routes
● sql logging
● etc
CLI tools
Making HTTP requests with curl

-s silent
-v verbose
-c save cookie
-b use cookie
-data POST data
-data-urlencode URL-encode POST data
Access restricted area
curl -s -v http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit > /dev/null

> GET /users/1/edit HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Location: http://localhost:3000/signin
Visit /signin, get token
curl -s -c hello_cookies http://localhost:3000/signin > /dev/null |grep csrf-token

<meta content="/t/IoUQxKVEL+KR2/HsnxTKmnALUA99jIr/LvjlgPKs=" name="csrf-token" />
Sign in
curl -s -v --data "session[email];session[password]=123456" 
--data-urlencode "authenticity_token=/t/IoUQxKVEL+KR2/HsnxTKmnALUA99jIr/LvjlgPKs=" 
-b hello_cookies -c cookies 
http://localhost:3000/sessions > /dev/null

> POST /sessions HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Location: http://localhost:3000/users/1
Successful access to restricted area
curl -s -v http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit -b cookies > /dev/null
> GET /users/1/edit HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Browser tools

render helpers
debug info
>> User.find 1
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Alexander", email: "", created_at: "2013-11-17 16:19:07",
updated_at: "2013-11-27 21:52:06", password_digest:
"$2a$10$MEICr2zekeBhh9HYCMLmXut3ckOsiL0TkksFWVX4asFf...", remember_token:
"cda4da34a5ee4238ddb78f20d4ec7e52b59fab4e", admin: nil>
>> helper
=> Error: undefined local variable or method `helper' for #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600>
>> app
=> Error: undefined local variable or method `app' for #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600>
>> Rails.root
=> #<Pathname:*/sample_app_rails_4>
>> self
=> #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600 @locals={:u=>#<User id: 1, name: "Alexander"


- activate
Rails Panel
rails-footnotes: Assigns
rails-footnotes: DB
rails-footnotes: disable
better_errors 1
better_errors 2
Provides a set of notifiers for sending
notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails
Preview email in the browser instead of
sending it
exception_notifier + letter_opener
Chrome: Form Editor
Chrome: JunkFill
Chrome: Sight
API calls, sight params response
Chrome: REST console
Chrome: Advanced Rest Client

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Debugging on Rails. Mykhaylo Sorochan

  • 1. kiev.rb #2 kiev #2 .rb Debugging on Rails Mykhaylo Sorochan
  • 3. Debugged application Sample app for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Rails 4)
  • 4. debugger gem 'debugger' debugger - call debugger config - .rdebugrc
  • 5. Debug location UserController#show def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) debugger @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page]) end
  • 6. Debugger commands (rdb:9) help ruby-debug help v1.6.2 Type 'help <command-name>' for help on a specific command Available commands: backtrace delete enable help list pry restart source undisplay break disable eval info method ps save start up catch display exit irb next putl set step var condition down finish jump p quit show thread where continue edit frame kill pp reload skip trace
  • 7. Program info (rdb:4) help info Generic command for showing things about the program being debugged. -List of info subcommands: -info args -- Argument variables of current stack frame info breakpoints -- Status of user-settable breakpoints info catch -- Exceptions that can be caught in the current stack frame info display -- Expressions to display when program stops info file -- Info about a particular file read in info files -- File names and timestamps of files read in info global_variables -- Global variables info instance_variables -- Instance variables of the current stack frame info line -- Line number and file name of current position in source file info locals -- Local variables of the current stack frame info program -- Execution status of the program info stack -- Backtrace of the stack info thread -- List info about thread NUM info threads -- information of currently-known threads info variables -- Local and instance variables of the current stack frame
  • 8. Listing (rdb:1) help list l[ist] list forward l[ist] - list backward l[ist] = list current line l[ist] nn-mm list given lines NOTE - to turn on autolist, use 'set autolist' -> .rdebugrc
  • 9. Listing: in debug 12 @user = User.find(params[:id]) 13 debugger => 14 15 16 @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page]) end
  • 10. Listing: l 23,25 l 23,25 [23, 25] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb 23 if 24 sign_in @user 25 flash[:success] = "Welcome to the Sample App!"
  • 11. Breakpoints (rdb:4) help break b[reak] file:line [if expr] b[reak] class(.|#)method [if expr] set breakpoint to some position, (optionally) if expr == true (rdb:4) help delete del[ete][ nnn...] delete some or all breakpoints
  • 12. Set breakpoint (rdb:4) b ApplicationHelper#full_title Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper::full_title (rdb:4) b 18 Breakpoint 2 file */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 18 (rdb:4) info b Num Enb What 1 y at ApplicationHelper:full_title 2 y at */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:18
  • 13. Navigate (rdb:4) help step s[tep][+-]?[ nnn] step (into methods) once or nnn times '+' forces to move to another line. '-' is the opposite of '+' and disables the force_stepping setting. (rdb:4) help next n[ext][+-]?[ nnn] step over once or nnn times, '+' forces to move to another line. '-' is the opposite of '+' and disables the force_stepping setting. (rdb:4) help up up[count] move to higher frame
  • 14. Stop at breakpoint (rdb:4) c Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper:full_title [-1, 8] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/helpers/application_helper.rb 1 module ApplicationHelper 2 3 => 4 5 # Returns the full title on a per-page basis. def full_title(page_title) base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
  • 15. Display (rdb:4) help display disp[lay] <expression> add expression into display expression list disp[lay] display expression list (rdb:4) help undisplay undisp[lay][ nnn] Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops.
  • 16. Display configured 4 => 5 6 def full_title(page_title) base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App" if page_title.empty? (rdb:4) disp 2: controller_name = users 3: base_title =
  • 17. Display changed (rdb:4) n */sample_app_rails_4/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:6 if page_title.empty? 2: controller_name = users 3: base_title = Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App [1, 10] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/helpers/application_helper.rb 5 => 6 7 base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App" if page_title.empty? base_title
  • 18. Conditional breakpoint (rdb:8) b ApplicationHelper#full_title if page_title=="Alexander" Breakpoint 4 at ApplicationHelper::full_title (rdb:8) c Breakpoint 1 at ApplicationHelper:full_title
  • 19. Variables (rdb:8) help var v[ar] cl[ass] show class variables of self v[ar] co[nst] <object> show constants of object v[ar] g[lobal] show global variables v[ar] i[nstance] <object> show instance variables of object. You may pass object id's hex as well. v[ar] l[ocal] show local variables
  • 20. Show variables 12 @user = User.find(params[:id]) 13 debugger => 14 15 @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page]) end 16 17 def new (rdb:12) v i @_action_has_layout = true @_action_name = "show" @_config = {} @_env = {"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.1", "PATH_INFO"=>"/users/1", "QUERY_STRING"=>"",... @_headers = {"Content-Type"=>"text/html"} @_lookup_context = #<ActionView::LookupContext:0x00000008e4b710 @details_key=nil, @details={:loc... @_params = {"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"users", "id"=>"1"} @_prefixes = ["users", "application"] @_request = #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x00000008e4bad0 @env={"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.... @_response = #<ActionDispatch::Response:0x00000008e4baa8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mo... @_response_body = nil @_routes = nil @_status = 200 @user = #<User id: 1, name: "Alexander", email: "", created_at: "2013-11...
  • 21. Remote debugger Server Debugger.wait_connection = true Debugger.start_remote Client # rdebug --client -h Connected. */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:14 @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page]) [9, 18] in */sample_app_rails_4/app/controllers/users_controller.rb 9 end 10 11 def show 12 @user = User.find(params[:id]) 13 debugger => 14 @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
  • 24. pry-debugger Debugger commands inside pry: step, next, continue, breakpoints
  • 25. jazz_hands jazz_hands is an opinionated set of consolerelated gems and a bit of glue: pry, awesome_print, hirb, pry-rails, pry-doc, pry-git, pry-remote, pry-debugger, pry-stack_explorer, coolline, coderay
  • 30. Logging ActiveSupport::Logger is used for logging Rails.root/log/[environment_name].log
  • 31. Log levels Rails.logger.level | name | level | |----------+-------| | :debug | 0 | | :info | 1 | | :warn | 2 | | :error | 3 | | :fatal | 4 | | :unknown | 5 | development, testing: production: log_level = 0 (:debug) log_level = 1 Messages with equal or higher level are sent to log
  • 32. Write to log logger.debug User.inspect logger.fatal "Help!"
  • 33. Tagging log messages logger = logger.tagged("USER") { "hello" } => [USER] hello
  • 34. Tagged logging def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) logger.tagged("USER") { } # tail -f log/development.log|grep [USER] [USER]
  • 35. Global variables for tracing __FILE__ - file name __LINE__ - line number
  • 36. Some useful CLI commands tail -n 100 tail -f grep, less
  • 37. Querying logs # cat log/development.log|grep GET|tail -n 2 Started GET "/assets/users.js?body=1" for at 2013-11-21 23:32:01 +0200 Started GET "/assets/application.js?body=1" for at 2013-11-21 23:32:01 +0200 # cat log/development.log|grep GET|wc -l 574
  • 38. config.log_formatter Defines the formatter of the Rails logger. Defaults to ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter production defaults to for all modes, Logger::Formatter. module ActiveSupport class Logger < ::Logger # Simple formatter which only displays the message. class SimpleFormatter < ::Logger::Formatter # This method is invoked when a log event occurs def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg) "#{String === msg ? msg : msg.inspect}n" end end
  • 39. config.log_level Defaults to :debug for all modes, production defaults to :info.
  • 40. config.log_tags See ActionDispatch::Request methods. config.log_tags = [ :fullpath ] [/users/1] Started GET "/users/1" for at 2013-11-... [/users/1] ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT ... [/assets/application.css?body=1] Started GET "/assets/application.css?body=1" for 127...
  • 41. config.logger Accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby Logger class. Defaults to ActiveSupport::Logger, with auto flushing off in production mode.
  • 42. Rails console rails c rails c --sandbox irb pry
  • 43. rake routes > all_routes = Rails.application.routes.routes > require 'action_dispatch/routing/inspector' > inspector =
  • 44. All routes > puts inspector.format( Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action following_user GET /users/:id/following(.:format) users#following followers_user GET /users/:id/followers(.:format) users#followers users GET /users(.:format) users#index /users(.:format) users#create /users/new(.:format) users#new /users/:id/edit(.:format) users#edit /users/:id(.:format) users#show PATCH /users/:id(.:format) users#update PUT /users/:id(.:format) users#update POST new_user GET edit_user GET user GET DELETE /users/:id(.:format) sessions POST new_session GET /sessions(.:format) sessions#create /sessions/new(.:format) sessions#new session DELETE /sessions/:id(.:format) microposts POST /microposts(.:format) micropost DELETE /microposts/:id(.:format) relationships POST /relationships(.:format) relationship DELETE /relationships/:id(.:format) root GET signup GET users#destroy sessions#destroy microposts#create microposts#destroy relationships#create relationships#destroy / static_pages#home /signup(.:format) users#new
  • 45. Routes for controller > puts inspector.format(, 'microposts') Prefix Verb microposts POST URI Pattern Controller#Action /microposts(.:format) microposts#create micropost DELETE /microposts/:id(.:format) microposts#destroy
  • 46. Filtering routes: GET > puts inspector.format(, 'users').lines.grep(/GET/).join following_user GET /users/:id/following(.:format) users#following followers_user GET /users/:id/followers(.:format) users#followers users GET new_user GET edit_user GET user GET signup GET /users(.:format) users#index /users/new(.:format) users#new /users/:id/edit(.:format) users#edit /users/:id(.:format) users#show /signup(.:format) users#new
  • 47. Filtering routes: /relation/ > puts inspector.format( relationships POST /relationships(.:format) relationship DELETE /relationships/:id(.:format) relationships#create relationships#destroy
  • 48. Matching routes > r = Rails.application.routes > r.recognize_path "/users/47" => {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users", :id=>"47"} > r.recognize_path "/users/87", :method => "PUT" => {:action=>"update", :controller=>"users", :id=>"87"} > r.recognize_path "/users/47.json" => {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users", :id=>"47", :format=>"json"}
  • 49. Named routes > app.users_path => "/users" > app.users_path(:json) => "/users.json" > app.user_path(1) => "/users/1" > app.user_path(1, :xml) => "/users/1.xml" > app.user_path(1, :count => 4) => "/users/1?count=4"
  • 50. Making requests > app => #<ActionDispatch::Integration::Session:...> > app.reset!
  • 51. Get requests > app.get '/users/1/edit' Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:24:18 +0200 Processing by UsersController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Redirected to http://localhost:3000/signin Filter chain halted as :signed_in_user rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms) > app.response.body => "<html><body>You are being <a href="http://localhost:3000/signin">redirected</a>.</body></html>" > app.get_via_redirect '/users/1/edit' Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:26:44 +0200 Redirected to http://localhost:3000/signin ... Started GET "/signin" for at 2013-11-26 23:26:44 +0200
  • 52. Session cookies > app.cookies => #<Rack::Test::CookieJar... > app.cookies.to_hash => {"_sample_app_session"=>"RC9j... app.cookies - received/sent cookies
  • 53. Post requests: signin > app.response.body.lines.grep /csrf-token/ => ["<meta content="n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=" name="csrf-token" />n"] > '/sessions', :authenticity_token => 'n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=', 'session[email]' => '', 'session[password]' => '123456' Started POST "/sessions" for at 2013-11-26 23:33:01 +0200 Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"n+9uCcG2JJmgwhnNcp4s9jTwOU55RAPOdtAHWstcpKQ=", "session"=>{"email" =>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}} Redirected to http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit Completed 302 Found in 281ms (ActiveRecord: 7.2ms) app.post_via_redirect
  • 54. Access to restricted resource > app.get '/users/1/edit' Started GET "/users/1/edit" for at 2013-11-26 23:38:47 +0200 Processing by UsersController#edit as HTML Completed 200 OK in 41ms (Views: 35.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
  • 55. Call helper > helper => #<ActionView::Base:... > # ApplicationHelper#full_title > helper.full_title "Sign Up" => "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App | Sign Up"
  • 56. Call helper with cookie > def cookies; @cookies ||=; end > helper.current_user => #<User id: 1, name: ....
  • 57. ActiveRecord logging > ActiveRecord::Base.logger = > ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! > # reload! > User.find 1 D, [2013-12-30T21:55:17.775769 #24810] DEBUG -- : WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] => #<User id: 1, name: "hello",.... User Load (0.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
  • 58. ActiveRecord hide logging > ActiveRecord::Base.logger = > ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! > # reload! > User.find 1 => #<User id: 1, name: "hello",....
  • 59. Raw SQL requests > ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("select * from users") => #<ActiveRecord::Result:... > puts _ {"id"=>1, "name"=>"hello", "email"=>"", "created_at"=>"2013-....
  • 60. .irbrc Save your helper methods ● routes ● sql logging ● etc
  • 61. CLI tools Making HTTP requests with curl ● ● ● ● ● ● -s silent -v verbose -c save cookie -b use cookie -data POST data -data-urlencode URL-encode POST data
  • 62. Access restricted area curl -s -v http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit > /dev/null > GET /users/1/edit HTTP/1.1 < HTTP/1.1 302 Found < Location: http://localhost:3000/signin
  • 63. Visit /signin, get token curl -s -c hello_cookies http://localhost:3000/signin > /dev/null |grep csrf-token <meta content="/t/IoUQxKVEL+KR2/HsnxTKmnALUA99jIr/LvjlgPKs=" name="csrf-token" />
  • 64. Sign in curl -s -v --data "session[email];session[password]=123456" --data-urlencode "authenticity_token=/t/IoUQxKVEL+KR2/HsnxTKmnALUA99jIr/LvjlgPKs=" -b hello_cookies -c cookies http://localhost:3000/sessions > /dev/null > POST /sessions HTTP/1.1 < HTTP/1.1 302 Found < Location: http://localhost:3000/users/1
  • 65. Successful access to restricted area curl -s -v http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit -b cookies > /dev/null > GET /users/1/edit HTTP/1.1 < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • 67. rack-webconsole >> User.find 1 => #<User id: 1, name: "Alexander", email: "", created_at: "2013-11-17 16:19:07", updated_at: "2013-11-27 21:52:06", password_digest: "$2a$10$MEICr2zekeBhh9HYCMLmXut3ckOsiL0TkksFWVX4asFf...", remember_token: "cda4da34a5ee4238ddb78f20d4ec7e52b59fab4e", admin: nil> >> helper => Error: undefined local variable or method `helper' for #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600> >> app => Error: undefined local variable or method `app' for #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600> >> Rails.root => #<Pathname:*/sample_app_rails_4> >> self => #<Rack::Webconsole::Sandbox:0x000000089cf600 @locals={:u=>#<User id: 1, name: "Alexander"
  • 76. exception_notifier Provides a set of notifiers for sending notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails application
  • 77. letter_opener Preview email in the browser instead of sending it