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                                     INSTITUTE OF


     Distribution Channels (MKTG 1058)

              LECTURE NOTES
          Outline Chapter Summaries
      Solutions to Computational Exercises
              (Selected Chapters)
                Power Point Slides

                    JANUARY 2011

Please Note: the accompanying chapter summaries are based on the
required text for this course. You are reminded that reading the
assigned chapters are absolutely essential and that the notes
provided are meant to supplement the text chapters. Please ensure
that you complete your reading of the text chapters for the
respective lectures.

Week   Topic                                       Chapter

1.     Perspectives on Retailing                    1&5
       Managing the Supply Chain

2.     Market Selection & Location Analysis          7

3.     Strategic Planning & Operation Management     2&4
       Evaluating the Competition

4.     Retail Customers                              3&6
       Legal & Ethical Behaviour

5.     Store Layout & Design                         13

6.     Managing a Retailer’s Finances                 8

7.     Merchandise Buying & Handling                  9

8.     Merchandise Pricing                           10

9.     Advertising & Promotion                       11

10     Customer Service & Retail Selling            12

11.    Managing People                               14

12.    Course Review (& Catch up lecture)

Lecture One


Perspectives on Retailing
Managing the Supply Chain

 Dunne: Chapters 1 and 5

Chapter 1
                                     Perspectives on Retailing


In this chapter, we acquaint you with the nature and scope of retailing. We present retailing as a
major economic force in the United States and as a significant area for career opportunities.
Finally, we introduce the approach to be used throughout this text as you study and learn about
the operation of retail firms.

Learning Objectives:

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1.      Explain what retailing is.
2.      Explain why retailing is undergoing so much change today.
3.      Describe five methods used to categorize retailers.
4.      Understand what is involved in a retail career and be able to list the prerequisites
        necessary for success in retailing.
5.      Be able to explain the different methods for the study and practice of retailing.


I.     What Is Retailing?
       A.     Retailing - consists of the final activities and steps needed to place a product in
              the hands of the consumer or to provide services to the consumer.
       B.     Can be performed by any firm that sells a product or provides a service to the
              final consumer.

II.    The Nature of Change In Retailing – Retailing, which accounts for 20 percent of the
       worldwide labor force and includes every living individual as a customer, is the largest
       single industry in most nations and is currently undergoing many exciting changes.
       A.      E-tailing – The great unknown for retail managers is what the ultimate role of the
               Internet will be.
               1.      It is still unclear if online shopping will reach its projections for ―every
                       day‖ needs.
               2.      A dramatic change created by e-tailing is a shift in power between
                       retailers and consumers. The information dissemination capabilities of
                       the Internet are making consumers better informed and thus increasing
                       their power when transacting and negotiating with retailers.
       B.      Price Competition - Americans are price conscious, whether shopping at brick &
               mortar stores or on-line, and retailers that are able to cut costs in order to provide
               lower prices will be the winners.
       C.      Demographic Shifts - Other significant changes in retailing over the past decade
               have resulted from changing demographic factors, such as: the fluctuating birth
               rate, the increasing number of immigrants, the growing importance of the 70
               million Generation Y consumers, and the fact that Generation Xers are now
               middle-aged and baby boomers are now reaching retirement.

1.      Profit growth must come by either increasing same store sales at the
                      expense of the competition's market share (Same store sales is a retailing
                      term that compares an individual store's sales to its sales for the same
                      month in the previous year. Market share refers to a retailer's sales as a
                      percentage of total market sales for the product line or service category
                      under consideration.) or by reducing expenses without reducing services
                      to the point of losing customers.
              2.      As a result, today's retail firms are run by professionals who can look at
                      the changing environment and see opportunities, exert enormous buying
                      power over manufacturers, and anticipate future changes before they
                      impact the market, rather than just react to these changes after they occur.
       D.     Store Size - The size of retail stores has increased in recent years because of:
              1.      The phenomenon referred to as scrambled merchandising, whereby
                      stores handle many different unrelated items, and;
              2.      The growth of category killer stores. These retailers got their name from
                      their marketing strategy: carry such a large amount of merchandise in a
                      single category at such good prices that it makes it impossible for the
                      customer to walk-out without purchasing what they needed; thus "killing"
                      the competition.

III.   Categorizing Retailers - There are five popular schemes for categorizing retailers.
       A.     Census Bureau Classification
              1.     North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes -
                     Reflects the type of merchandise a retailer sells. The major portion of a
                     retailer's competition comes from other retailers in its NAICS category.
              2.     Three-digit codes are very broad; four-digit codes provide much more
                     information on the structure of retail competition and are easier to work
       B.     Number of Outlets
              1.     Another method of classifying retailers is by the number of outlets each
                     firm operates. Generally, retailers with several units are a stronger
                     competitive threat because they can spread many fixed costs, such as
                     advertising and top management salaries, over a large number of stores
                     and can achieve economies in purchasing.
              2.     Chain Stores - account 41% of all retail sales.
                     a.       Size categories - Broken down by the Census Bureau into "2 to 10
                              stores," and "11 or more stores" categories.
                     b.       Large chains take advantage of their economies of scale and
                              centralized buying by using:
                              (1)     Standard Stock List - Method whereby all stores in a
                                      chain stock the same merchandise.
                              (2)     Optional Stock List - Method which gives each store in a
                                      retail chain flexibility to adjust its merchandise mix to
                                      local tastes and demands.
                              (3)     Providing Supply Chain Leadership - by directing the
                                      channel and having other channel members do what they
                                      might not otherwise do, the retailer by serving as the
                                      channel advisor can make it more effective.

(4)        Private Label Branding - Chains use their own brand
                                name instead of a manufacturer's brand name; results in
                                lower costs for consumers.
     3.      A shortcoming of using the number of outlets scheme for classifying
             retailers is that it addresses only traditional brick & mortar retailers, or
             those operating in a physical building.
C.   Margin vs. Turnover
     1.      Gross Margin Percentage - Indicates how much gross margin the
             retailer makes as a percentage of sales; gross margin is used to pay the
             retailer's operating expenses.
             a.       Gross Margin - Net sales minus the cost of goods sold.
             b.       Operating Expenses - Expenses the retailer incurs while running
                      the business other than the cost of merchandise [i.e., rent, wages,
                      utilities, depreciation, insurance].
     2.      Inventory Turnover - Number of times per year, on average, that a
             retailer sells its inventory.
     3.      Classifying Retailers by Margin/Turnover
             a.       Low-margin/Low-turnover - These retailers will not be able to
                      generate sufficient profits to remain competitive and survive.
                      There are no good examples of successful retailers using this
             b.       Low-margin/High-turnover - Common in the United States.
                      Examples include the discount department stores, the warehouse
                      clubs, and the category killers. is probably the best
                      known example of low-margin/high-turnover e-tailers.
             c.       High-margin/Low-turnover - The types of retailers in this
                      category include brick & mortar retailers such as furniture stores,
                      high-end women’s specialty stores and furriers, jewelry stores,
                      gift shops, funeral homes and most of the mom-and-pop stores
                      located in small towns across the country. Some click & mortar
                      retailers using this approach include Coach and Sharper Image.
             d.       High-margin/High-turnover - Convenience store retailers fall into
                      this category. Best able to withstand and counter competitive
                      attacks. Because in the early stages of Internet commerce most
                      retailers are trying to achieve a high turnover rate, there are not
                      any examples of e-tailers using this strategy.
     4.      While the Margin/Turnover scheme provides an encompassing
             classification, it fails to capture the complete array of retailers operating
             in today's marketplace. For example, service retailers, and even some e-
             tailers, such as, carry no inventory. Thus, while this scheme
             is a good way of analyzing retail competition, it neglects an important
             type of retailing.
D.   Location - Retailers can improve financial performance results not only by
     improving the sales per square foot of traditional sites but by operating in new
     nontraditional retail areas or over the Internet.
E.   Size - Retailers are often classified by sales volume or by number of employees.
     1.      Operating performance tends to vary according to size; larger firms
             usually have lower operating costs per sales dollar.
     2.      While size has been useful in the past, it is unclear whether the changes
             brought about by technology will not make this obsolete. For example,

imagine a fully automated retailer, where as a consumer places an order
                     on-line, an automated stock picking warehouse packages the selected
                     merchandize and forwards it to the shipping area to be sent by UPS to the

IV.   A Retailing Career
      A.     Exposure to All Business Disciplines - Retailing provides professionals with the
             opportunity to gain knowledge on all facets of the business world. A retailer's role
             may include a combination of the following positions and responsibilities:
             1.      Economist - Forecasting sales growth
             2.      Fashion Expert - Predicting consumer behavior and how it will affect
                     future fashion trends.
             3.      Marketing Manager - Determining how to promote, price, and display
                     your merchandise.
             4.      Financial Analyst - Reducing store expenses.
             5.      Personnel Manager – Hiring the right people, training them to perform
                     their duties in an efficient manner, and developing their work schedules.
             6.      Logistics Manager - Arranging delivery of a ―hot item.‖
             7.      Information System Manager - Analyzing sales and other data to
                     determine opportunities for improved management practices.
             8.      Accountant – Arriving at a profitable bottom line.
      B.     There are two major career paths in Retailing:
             1.      Store Management – Involves responsibility for selecting, training, and
                     evaluating personnel, as well as in-store promotions, displays, customer
                     service, building maintenance, and security.
             2.      Buying – Involves the use of quantitative tools to develop appropriate
                     buying plans for the store’s merchandise lines.
      C.     Common Questions About a Retailing Career
             1.      Salary – Starting salaries in executive training programs will be around
                     $38,000 to $50,000 per year. That, however, is only the short-run
                     perspective. In the long run, the retail manager or buyer is directly
                     rewarded on individual performance. Entry-level retail managers or
                     buyers who do exceptionally well can double or triple their incomes in
                     three to five years and often can have incomes twice those of classmates
                     who chose other career fields.
             2.      Career Progression - The speed of a retail professional's progression is
                     dependent upon an individual's capabilities and the growth of the
                     organization. There is no "standard" career progression for a retailer.
             3.      Geographic Mobility - The willingness and ability to make geographic
                     moves often increases a retail professional's opportunities for
             4.      Women in Retailing - Retailing has always been viewed as a good career
                     for women. Today females constitute over 50 percent of all department
                     store executives, making it the profession where women have attained the
                     highest level of achievement.
             5.      Societal Perspective - Leading retail executives are well-rounded
                     individuals with a high social consciousness. Professionals entering the
                     retail field must develop a sound set of ethical principles by which they
                     may guide their actions.
      D.     Prerequisites for Success

1.      Hard Work - A willingness to work extra hours, evenings and weekends
                    often pays off through career advancements.
            2.      Analytical Skills - An ability to interpret the facts and data that are related
                    to the past and present performance of a store, merchandise lines and
            3.      Creativity - An ability to develop and capitalize on unique ideas and
            4.      Decisiveness - The ability to make rapid decisions, render judgments,
                    take action and commit oneself to a course of action until completion.
            5.      Flexibility - A willingness to and enthusiasm for accommodating change;
                    ability to thrive in an "expect the unexpected" environment.
            6.      Initiative - The ability to originate action.
            7.      Leadership - The ability to inspire others to trust and respect your
                    judgment and an aptitude for delegating, guiding and persuading others.
            8.      Organization - The ability to establish priorities and courses of action and
                    to plan and follow up to achieve results.
            9.      Risk Taking - The willingness to take calculated risks and to accept
                    responsibility for the results.
            10.     Stress Tolerance - Retailing is a fast-paced and demanding career in a
                    changing environment. The retailing leaders of the 21st century must be
                    able to perform consistently under pressure and to thrive on constant
                    change and challenge.
            11.     Perseverance - Successful retailers must have perseverance. All too often
                    retailers may become frustrated due to the many things occurring that
                    they can't control. Individuals that have the ability to persevere and take
                    marketplace changes in stride will find an increasing number of career
                    advancement opportunities.
            12.     Enthusiasm - Successful retailers must have a strong warmth of feeling
                    for their job, otherwise they will convey the wrong image to their
                    customers and associates in their department. Retailers today are training
                    their sales force to smile even when talking to customers on the telephone
                    because it shows through in your voice.

V.   The Study and Practice of Retailing
     A.     Analytical Method – The analytical retail manager is a finder and investigator of
            facts. The use of models and theories of retailing as a means of making
            systematic decisions about all aspects of the business; concentrate on facts.
     B.     Creative Method – The creative retail manager is an idea person. The use of
            insight and intuition in the process of handling retail difficulties; emphasis is on
     C.     Two-Pronged Approach - The combination of creativity and analysis when
            responding to problems.
     D.     A Proposed Orientation - The approach to the study and practice of retailing that
            is reflected in this book is an outgrowth of the previous discussion. This approach
            has four major orientations:
            1.       Environmental Orientation - Allows retailers to continuously adapt to
                     external forces in the environment.
            2.       Management Planning Orientation - Allows retailers to adapt
                     systematically to a changing environment.

3.     Profit Orientation - Allows retailers to focus on the fundamental
                    management of assets, revenues and expenses.
             4.     Decision Making Orientation - Allows retailers to focus efforts on the
                    need to collect and analyze data for making intelligent retail decisions.

VI.   Book Outline
      A.    Introduction to Retailing (Chapters 1-2)
      B.    The Retailing Environment (Chapters 3-6)
      C.    Market Selection and Location Analysis (Chapter 7)
      D.    Managing Retail Operations (Chapters 8-14)

Chapter 5
                                        Channel Behavior


At the outset of this text, we pointed out that retailing is the final movement in the progression
of merchandise from producer to consumer. Many other movements occur through time and
geographical space, and all of them need to be executed properly for the retailer to achieve
optimum performance. Therefore, in this chapter, we examine the retailer's need to analyze
and understand the supply chain in which it operates. After looking at the activities in the
supply chain, the chapter then reviews the various types of supply chains and the benefits
each one offers the retailer. The chapter concludes with some practical suggestions to
improve supply chain relationships, especially the use of a category manager.

Learning Objectives:

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1.      Discuss the retailer's role as one of the institutions involved in the larger supply chain.
2.      Describe the types of supply chains by length, width, and control.
3.      Explain the terms dependency, power, and conflict and their impact on supply chain
4.      Understand the importance of having a collaborative supply chain relationship.


VII.   The Supply Chain – It is important to understand the retailer’s role in the larger supply
       A.     A supply chain, which is often used interchangeably with the term channel, is
              a set of institutions that moves goods from the point of production to the point
              of consumption.
       B.     The supply chain, or channel, is affected by five external forces:
                      1.       Consumer behavior,
                      2.       Competitor behavior,
                      3.       The socioeconomic environment,
                      4.       The technological environment, and
                      5.       The legal and ethical environment.
              These external forces cannot be completely controlled by the retailer or any
              other institution in the supply chain, but they need to be taken into account
              when retailers make decisions.

       C.      Eight marketing functions must be performed by a supply chain or channel:
               1.     Buying,
               2.     Selling,
               3.     Storing,
               4.     Transporting,
               5.     Sorting,
               6.     Financing,
               7.     Information gathering, and
               8.     Risk taking.

- Whether the economic system is capitalistic, socialistic, or communistic,
               these eight marketing functions will exist.
               - These functions cannot be eliminated. They can, however, be shifted or
               divided among the different institutions and the consumer in the supply chain.
               - No member of the supply chain would want, or be able, to perform all eight
               marketing functions. Thus, the retailer must view itself as being dependent on
               others in the supply chain.
        D.     Marketing Institutions
                       1.      Primary marketing institutions are supply chain members
                       that take title to the goods. These include manufacturers, wholesalers,
                       and retailers.
               2.      Facilitating marketing institutions are those that do not actually take
                       title but assist in the marketing process by specializing in the
                       performance of certain functions. These include agents/brokers,
                       financial institutions, market researchers, transporters, advertising
                       agencies, warehouses, and insurers.

VIII.   Types of Supply Chains- There are three strategy decisions to be made when
        designing an efficient and competitive supply chain: supply chain length, width, and
        A.      Supply Chain Length refers to the number of institutions between the
                manufacturer and consumer.
                1.      Supply chains can be direct or indirect.
                        a.      A direct supply chain occurs when manufacturer sell their
                                goods directly to the final consumer or end user.
                        b.      An indirect supply chain occurs once independent channel
                                members (wholesalers and retailers) are added between the
                                manufacturer and the consumer.
                2.      The desired supply chain length is determined by many customer-based
                        factors, such as the size of the customer base, geographical dispersion,
                        behavior patterns, and the particular needs of customers.
        B.      Supply Chain Width - pertains to the number of retailers used to cover a given
                trading area.
                1.      Intensive distribution means that all possible retailers are used in a
                        trade area.
                2.      Selective distribution means that a moderate number of retailers are
                        used in a trade area.
                3.      Exclusive distribution means only one retailer is used to cover a
                        trading area.
        C.      Control of the Supply Chain- A pressing issue for all supply chains is "who
                should control the supply chain." In seeking to control or manage a supply
                chain, there are two basic supply chain patterns: the conventional marketing
                channel and the vertical marketing system.
                1.      A Conventional Marketing Channel is one in which each member of
                        the channel is loosely aligned with the others and takes a short-term
                2.      Vertical Marketing Channels are capital-intensive networks of
                        several levels that are professionally managed and centrally
                        programmed systems to realize the technological, managerial, and
                        promotional economies of long-term relationships.

a.     The basic premise of working as a system is to operate as close
                            as possible to that elusive 100 percent efficiency level.
                     b.     Since vertical channel members now realize that it is impossible
                            to offer consumers "value" without being a low-cost, high
                            efficiency supply chain, they have developed either quick
                            response (QR) systems or ECR (Efficient Consumer Response)
                            Systems and make use of category management techniques.
                     c.     There are three types of vertical marketing channels:
                            (1)     Corporate vertical marketing channels typically
                                    consist of either a manufacturer that has integrated
                                    vertically forward to reach the customer, or a retailer
                                    that has integrated vertically backward to create a self-
                                    supply network.
                            (2)     Contractual vertical marketing channels are supply
                                    chains that use a contract to govern the working
                                    relationship between the members. They include the
                                    following types:
                                    (a)     Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary groups are
                                            created when a wholesaler brings together a
                                            group of independently owned retailers and
                                            offers them a coordinated merchandising and
                                            buying program that will provide these smaller
                                            retailers with economies similar to those
                                            obtained by their chain store rivals.
                                    (b)     Retailer-owned cooperatives are wholesale
                                            operations organized and owned by retailers and
                                            are most common in hardware retailing.
                                    (c)     Franchising is a form of licensing by which the
                                            owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name,
                                            advertising symbol or method obtains
                                            distribution through affiliated dealers.
                            (3)     Administered vertical marketing channels are similar
                                    to conventional marketing channels, but one of the
                                    members takes the initiative to lead the channel by
                                    applying the principles of effective interorganizational
                                    management, which is the management of relationships
                                    between the various organizations in the supply chain.

III.   Managing Retailer-Supplier Relations If retailers want to improve their
       performance in these channels, they must understand the principal concepts of
       interorganizational management. .
       A.      Dependency – None of the respective institutions can isolate itself; each
               depends on others to do an effective job.
       B.      Power is the ability of one member to influence the decisions of the other
               channel members.
               1.     There are six types of power:
                      a.     Reward power is based on the ability of A to provide rewards
                             for B.
                      b.     Expertise power is based on B's perception that A has some
                             special knowledge.

c.     Referent power is based on the identification of B with A. B
                              wants to be associated or identified with A.
                      d.      Coercive power is based on B's belief that A has the capacity to
                              punish or harm B if B doesn't do what A wants.
                      e.      Legitimate power is based on A's right to influence B, or B's
                              belief that B should accept A's influence.
                      f.      Informational power is based on A’s ability to provide B with
                              factual data.
               2.     Retailers and suppliers that use reward, expertise, referent and
                      informational power can foster a healthy working relationship.
               3.     Coercive and legitimate power tend to elicit conflict and destroy
                      cooperation in the channel.
       C.      Conflict – It is inevitable in every channel relationship because retailers and
               suppliers are interdependent; that is, every channel member is dependent on
               every other member to perform some specific task. There are three major
               sources of conflict between retailers and their suppliers:
               1.     Perceptual incongruity occurs when the retailer and supplier have
                      different perceptions of reality.
               2.     Goal incompatibility occurs when achieving the goals of either the
                      supplier or the retailer would hamper the performance of the other.
               3.     Domain disagreements occur when there is disagreement about which
                      member of the marketing channel should make decisions. Examples
                      a.      A diverter is an unauthorized member of a channel who buys
                              and sells excess merchandise to and from authorized channel
                      b.      Gray marketing is when branded merchandise flows through
                              unauthorized channels.
                      c.      Free-riding is when a consumer seeks product information,
                              usage instructions, and sometimes even warranty work from a
                              full-service store but then, armed with the brand’s model
                              number, purchases the product from a limited service discounter
                              or over the Internet.

IV.     Collaboration in the Channel – Although all channels experience some degree of
        the dominant behavior in successful channels is collaboration.
        A.     However, the management of collaborative relations is facilitated by three
               important types of behaviors and attitudes. These are:
               1.     Mutual trust, which occurs when both the retailer and its supplier have
                      faith that each will be truthful and fair in their dealings with the other.
               2.     Two-way communication, which occurs when both the retailer and the
                      supplier openly communicate their ideas, concerns, and plans.
               3.     Solidarity exists when a high value is placed on the relationship
                      between a supplier and retailer.
        B.     Category management – involves the simultaneous management of price, shelf
               space, merchandising strategy, promotional efforts, and other elements of the
               retail mix within the category based on the firm’s goals, the changing
               environment, and consumer behavior.
               1.     Retailers designate a category manager from among their employees

for each category sold in their store. The retailer defines specific
     business goals for each category. Subsequently, the category manager
     leverages detailed knowledge of the consumer and consumer trends,
     detailed POS information, and specific analysis provided by each
     supplier to the category.
2.   In some cases a supplier may serve as the retailer’s category manager.
     Termed category captains and/or category advisors, these suppliers
     work closely with the retail buyer ensuring that the retailer has the best
     assortment and the greatest possible sales.

Lecture Two


Market Selection and Location Analysis

          Dunne: Chapter7

Chapter 7
                         Market Selection and Retail Location Analysis


In this chapter, we will review how retailers select and reach their target markets through the
choice of location. The two broad options for reaching a target market are store-based and
nonstore-based locations. The chapter's major focus is on the decision process used to select
store-based locations. We describe the various demand and supply factors that must be evaluated
within each geographic market area under consideration. We conclude with a discussion of
alternative locations that retailers may consider as they select a specific site.

Learning objectives:

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1.      Explain the criteria used when selecting a target market
2.      Identify the different options, both store-based and nonstore-based, for effectively
        reaching a target market and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of business
        districts, shopping centers, and free-standing units as potential sites for retail location
3.      Define geographic information systems (GIS) and discuss their potential uses in a retail
4.      Describe the factors to consider in identifying the most attractive geographic market for a
        new store
5.      Discuss the attributes to consider in evaluating retail sites within a retail market
6.      Explain how to select the best geographic site for a store


IX.    Selecting a Target Market - To be successful, a retailer must select a target market and
       identify the best way to reach this target market.
       D.      Geographic space and cyberspace must be considered.
               4.      Traditionally, reaching the target market has been associated with
                       selecting the best physical location for a store.
               2.      The Internet is becoming a viable alternative for reaching one’s
                       d.      The equivalence of a store on the Internet is a retailer's World
                               Wide Web (www) site.
                       e.      The retailer's home page is the introductory or first material
                               viewers see when they access a retailer's Internet site. It is
                               equivalent to a retailer's storefront in the physical world.
                       f.      Virtual store is the total collection of all the pages of information
                               on the retailer's Internet site.
                       g.      The counterpart to location on the Internet is the "ease of
                               access." This refers to the consumer’s ability to find a Web site in
                               cyberspace easily and quickly.
       E.      Market segmentation - a method retailers use to segment, or break down,
               heterogeneous consumer populations into smaller, more homogeneous groups
               based on their characteristics.

1.      No single retailer can serve all potential customers; it is important that it
                    segment the market and select a target market(s).
            2.      A target market is the segment of the market that the retailer decides to
                    pursue through its marketing efforts.
            3.      The topics of target market selection and location analysis are combined
                    because a retailer must identify its target market(s) before it decides how
                    best to reach that market(s).
     F.     Identifying a target market - requires meeting three criteria.
            1.      Measurability – a retailer should be able to describe the selected market
                    segment using objective measures for which data is available, such as
                    age, gender, income, education, ethnic group and religion.
            2.      Accessibility – the degree to which the retailer can target its promotional
                    or distribution efforts to a particular market segment.
            3.      Substantialness - the segment must be substantial enough to be
                    profitable for the retailer.

X.   Reaching Your Target Market - once a retailer identifies its target market, it must
     determine the most effective way to reach this market.
     A.     Location of Store-Based Retailers - operate from a fixed store location that
            requires customers to travel to the store in order to view and select merchandise
            and/or services.
            1.      Business Districts. The central business district (CBD) usually consists
                    of an unplanned shopping area around the geographic point at which all
                    public transportation systems converge; it is usually located in the center
                    of the city where the city originated historically.
                    a.       Strengths of the CBD include: easy access to public
                             transportation; wide product assortment; variety in images, prices,
                             and services; and proximity to commercial activities.
                    b.       Weaknesses of the CBD include: inadequate (and usually
                             expensive) parking, older stores, high rents and taxes, traffic and
                             delivery congestion, potentially high crime rate, and the often-
                             decaying conditions of many inner cities.
                    c.       In larger cities, secondary business districts (SBD) and
                             neighborhood business districts (NBD) have developed. A
                             secondary business district is a shopping area that is smaller
                             than the CBD and revolves around at least one department or
                             variety store at a major street intersection. A neighborhood
                             business district is a shopping area that evolves to satisfy the
                             convenience-oriented shopping needs of a neighborhood and
                             generally contains several small stores (with the major retailer
                             being either a supermarket, super drugstore, or a variety store) and
                             is located on a major artery of a residential area.
            2.      Shopping centers/malls - are centrally owned or managed shopping
                    districts that are planned, have balanced tenancy (the stores complement
                    each other in merchandise offerings), and are surrounded by parking
                    a.       A shopping center location can offer a retailer several major
                             advantages over CBD location. These include:
                             (1)      heavy traffic resulting from the wide range of product

(2)     cooperative planning and sharing of common costs
                             (3)     access to highways and availability of parking
                             (4)     lower crime rate
                             (5)     clean, neat environment
                    b.       The disadvantages of locating in a shopping center include:
                             (1)     inflexible store hours
                             (2)     high rents
                             (3)     restrictions on merchandise the retailer may sell
                             (4)     required membership in the center's merchant organization
                             (5)     possibility of too much competition and the fact that much
                                     of the traffic is not interested in a particular product
                             (6)     dominance of the smaller stores by the anchor tenant.
             3.     Free-standing retailer - generally locates along major traffic arteries,
                    without any adjacent retailers selling competing products.
                    a.       This location alternative has the following advantages:
                             (1)     lack of direct competition
                             (2)     generally lower rents
                             (3)     freedom in operations and hours
                             (4)     facilities that can be adapted to individual needs
                             (5)     inexpensive parking
                    b.       Free-standing locations also have multiple disadvantages:
                             (1)     lack of drawing power of from complementary stores
                             (2)     difficulties in attracting customers for the initial visit
                             (3)     higher advertising and promotional costs
                             (4)     operating costs cannot be shared with others
                             (5)     stores may have to be built rather than rented
                             (6)     zoning laws may restrict some activities
             4.     Nontraditional locations - offer more place utility or locational
                    convenience. Examples include stores at military bases, college
                    campuses, airports, hospitals, and cruise ships.
             5.     Nonstore-Based Retailers - include street peddlers, direct sellers, catalog
                    retailers, automated merchandising systems (ATMs), and e-tailers. Since
                    retailing is expected to remain predominantly store-based, we will focus
                    our attention on location analysis for these retailers. However, it should
                    be noted that some innovative retailers are using multiple retail formats to
                    reach their target markets.

XI.   Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - computerized system that combines physical
      geography with cultural geography.
      A.     Thematic maps - use visual techniques such as colors, shading, and lines to
             display cultural characteristics of the physical space.
      B.     GIS can be used for many important retail decisions:
             1.      market selection
             2.      site analysis
             3.      trade area definition
             4.      estimating new store cannibalization
             5.      advertising management
             6.      merchandise management
             7.      evaluation of store managers

XII.   Market Identification - involves three sequential steps. First, the retailer must identify the
       most attractive markets in which to operate. Second, one must evaluate the density of
       demand and supply within each market and identify the most attractive sites that are
       available within each market. Third, select the best site or sites available.
       A.      Retail Location Theories
               1.      Retail gravity theory suggests that there are underlying consistencies in
                       shopping behavior that yield to mathematical analysis and prediction that
                       are based on the notion or concept of gravity.
                       a.      Reilly's law of retail gravitation is based on Newtonian
                               gravitational principles and explains how large urbanized areas
                               attract customers from smaller rural communities.
                       b.      In effect, Reilly's law states that two cities attract trade from an
                               intermediate place approximately in direct proportion to the
                               population of the two cities and in inverse proportion to the square
                               of the distance from these two cities to the intermediate point.
                       c.      Reilly's law was later revised to determine the boundaries of a
                               city's trading area or to establish a point of indifference between
                               two cities.
                               (1)      This point of indifference is the breaking point at which
                                        customers would be indifferent to shopping in either city.
                               (2)      Recent research on outshopping (i.e., leaving your
                                        community to shop) from rural areas suggests that factors
                                        other than those considered by retail gravity theory are
                                        also important.
               2.      Saturation theory examines how the demand for goods and services in a
                       potential trading area is being served by current retail establishments in
                       comparison with other potential markets.
                       a.      Retail store saturation is a condition where there are just enough
                               store facilities, for a given type of store, to efficiently and
                               satisfactorily serve the population and yield a fair profit to the
                       b.      When a market has too few stores to satisfactorily meet the needs
                               of the customer, it is understored.
                       c.      When a market has too many stores to yield a fair return on
                               investment, it is overstored.
                       d.      The index of retail saturation is the ratio of demand for a
                               product divided by available supply. The higher the IRS, the
                               higher the potential for new retail space.
               3.      Buying Power Index - Sales & Marketing Management magazine
                       annually publishes its Survey of Buyer Power.
                       a.      This data is available for metropolitan areas, cities, and states.
                       b.      The buying power index (BPI) is an indicator of a market’s
                               overall retail potential and is comprised of weighted measures of
                               effective buying income (personal income, including all non-tax
                               payments such as social security, minus all taxes), retail sales, and
                       c.      The BPI is weighted in the following manner:

BPI = 0.5 (the area's percentage of U.S. effective buying income)
                              + 0.3 (the area's percentage of U.S. retail sales) + 0.2 (the area's
                              percentage of U.S. population).
        B.      Other Demand and Supply Factors.
                1.     Market demand potential-some of the more important components of
                       market demand potential are:
                       a.     population characteristics
                       b.     buyer behavior characteristics
                       c.     household income
                       d.     household age profile
                       e.     household composition
                       f.     community life cycle
                       g.     population density
                       h.     mobility
                2.     Market supply factors-some of the more important factors include:
                       a.     square feet per store
                       b.     square feet per employee
                       c.     growth in stores
                       d.     quality of competition

XIII.   Site Analysis - is an evaluation of the density of demand and supply within each market
        with the goal of identifying the best retail site(s) available.
        A.      Size of trading area - the trading area of specific sites will need to be estimated.
                1.      Applebaum developed a technique for estimating the trade area of a
                        current store. It involved interviewing a customer for each $100 in weekly
                        sales. The customers were randomly selected and their home addresses
                        obtained. After the home addresses of the shoppers were plotted on a map
                        one could make inferences about the trading area size and the
                2.      For a new store the task is more difficult; however, there are some general
                        rules that apply.
                        a.       Stores that sell convenience will have a smaller trading area than
                                 stores that sell so-called specialty products.
                        b.       As consumer mobility increases, the size of the store's trading area
                        c.       As the size of the store increases, its trading area increases
                                 because it can stock a broader and deeper assortment of
                                 merchandise, which will attract customers from greater distances.
                        d.       As the distance between competing stores increases, their trading
                                 areas will increase.
                        e.       Natural and manmade obstacles such as rivers, mountains,
                                 railroads, and freeways can abruptly stop the boundaries of a
                                 trading area.
        B.      Description of Trading Area - retailers can access, at relatively low cost,
                information concerning the trading area for various retail locations and the buyer
                behavior of the trading area.
        C.      Demand Density - needs to be evaluated for various sites.
                1.      Demand density is the extent to which the potential demand for the
                        retailer's goods and services is concentrated in certain census tracts, ZIP
                        code areas, or parts of the community.

2.     To determine the extent of demand density, retailers need to identify what
                      they believe to be the major variables influencing their potential demand
       D.      Supply density - is the extent to which retailers are concentrated in different
               geographic areas of a community.
       E.      Site availability - one needs to determine which sites are available.

XIV.   Site Selection - once the best available sites within each market have been identified, the
       retailer needs to make the final location decision and select the best site(s). After all, all
       retailers should attempt to find a 100 percent location for their stores. A 100 percent
       location is a location where there is no better use for the site then the retail store that is
       being planned. Retailers should remember that what may be a 100 percent site for one
       store may not be for another. The best location for a supermarket may not be the best
       location for a discount department store. When reviewing a site, a retailer must consider
       A.       Nature of Site – This entails determining whether or not the site is currently a
                vacant store, a vacant parcel of land, or the site of a planned shopping center.
                1.      Traffic Characteristics – The traffic that passes a site, whether it is
                        vehicular or pedestrian, can be an important determinant of the potential
                        sales at that site.
                2.      Types of Neighbors – A good neighboring business will be one that is
                        compatible with the retailer’s line of trade. Store compatibility exists
                        when two similar retail businesses locate next to one another and realize a
                        greater sales volume than they would have achieved had they located
                        apart from each other.
       B.       Terms of Purchase or Lease – The retailer should review the length of the lease,
                the exclusivity clause, the guaranteed traffic rate, and an anchor clause.
       C.       Expected Profitability – The final step in site selection analysis is the construction
                of a pro forma return on asset model for each possible site. This includes:
                1.      Net profit margin
                2.      Asset turnover
                3.      Return on assets

Solutions to computational questions from Chapter 7: Location Analysis

10.    Calculate the buying power indexes for the following three cities:

                       Percent of Effective           Percent of U.S.         Percent of
U.S. City              Buying Income                  Retail Sales            U.S.     Population

Mansfield              0.006                          0.004                   0.006
Springfield            0.009                          0.007                   0.009
Carlyle                0.007                          0.005                   0.007

Tyler (BPI)            =       .5(.006) + .3(.004) + .2(.006)
                       =       .0054
Little Rock (BPI)      =       .5(.009) + .3(.007) + .2(.009)
                       =       .0084
Cheyenne (BPI)         =       .5(.007) + .3(.005) + .2(.007)
                       =       .0064

11.    Compute the index of retail saturation for the following three markets. The data for
department stores are as follows:

        MARKET                           A               B                 C
Retail expenditures per household      $789           $875              $943
Square feet of retail space            600,000        488,000           808,000
Number of households                   121,000        102,000           157,000

Based on these data, which market is most attractive? What additional data would you find
helpful in determining the attractiveness of the three markets?
        SOLUTION (226-227):
IRS (Market A)                  =      (121,000 x $789) / 600,000
                                =      159.12
IRS (Market B)                  =      (102,000 x $875) / 488,000
                                =      182.89
IRS (Market C)                  =      (157,000 x $943) / 808,000
                                =      183.23

The most attractive market is Market-C with an IRS of 183.23 or $183.23 in expected sales per
square foot. It would be helpful if additional information on various factors that influence
market demand potential such as population characteristics, buyer behavior characteristics,
household income, household age profile, household composition, community life cycle,
population density and mobility. In addition supply factors such as square feet per store, square
feet of space per employee, store growth, and the quality of competition should be analyzed.

Planning Your Own Retail Business:

The retail store that you are planning has an estimated circular trade radius of four miles. Within
this four-mile radius, there is an average of 1,145 households per square mile. In a normal year,
you expect that 47 percent of these households would visit your store (referred to as penetration)

an average of 4.3 times (referred to as frequency). Based on these figures, what would you
expect to be the traffic (i.e., number of visitors to your store per year)? (Hint: Traffic can be
viewed as the square miles of the trade area multiplied by the household density multiplied by
penetration, which is in turn multiplied by frequency.)
        Once you answer this question, do some sensitivity analysis, which is an assessment of
how sensitive store traffic is to changes in your assumptions about penetration and frequency.
What happens if penetration drops to 45 percent or rises to 50 percent? What happens if
frequency drops to 4.0 times annually or rises to 4.5 times annually? In this analysis, only change
one thing at a time and hold all other assumptions constant.

Suggested Answer:
One needs to first compute the following.
1.     square miles of trade area     =       r2
                                      =       (22/7)(4)2
                                      =       50.286
2.     traffic =      (square miles in trade area)
                      x (household density)
                      x (penetration)
                      x (frequency)
       traffic =      (50.286) x (1,145) X (47%) X (4.3)
       traffic =      116,364

Next do some sensitivity analysis.
Consider the following possible parameter values

1      50.286    x     1145 x       47%        x 4.3     = 116,364

2      50.286          x       1145    x       45%            x 4.3           = 111,412

3      50.286          x       1145    x       50%            x 4.3           = 123,792

4      50.286          x       1145    x       47%            x 4.0           = 108,246

5      50.286          x       1145    x       47%            x 4.5           = 121,776

Lecture Three


Strategic Planning and Operations

   Evaluating the Competition

    Dunne: Chapters 2 and 4

Chapter 2
                    Retail Strategic Planning and Operations Management


In this chapter, we will explain the importance of planning in successful retail organizations.
To facilitate the discussion, we introduce a retail planning and operations management model,
which will serve as a frame of reference for the remainder of the text. This simple model
illustrates the importance of strategic planning and operations management. These two
activities, if properly conducted, will enable a retail firm to achieve results exceeding those of
the competition.

Learning Objectives:

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1.      Explain why strategic planning is so important and be able to describe the components
        of strategic planning: statement of mission; goals and objectives; an analysis of
        strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and strategy.
2.      Describe the text's retail planning and operation management model which explains
        the two tasks that a retailer must perform and how they lead to higher profit.


I.     Components of Strategic Planning
       A.   Planning - The anticipation and organization of what needs to be done to reach
            an objective.
       B.   One form of planning is strategic planning. This type of planning involves
            adapting the resources of the firm to the opportunities and threats of an
            ever-changing retail environment. The strategic planning process consists of four
            1.      Mission Statement - Basic description of the fundamental nature,
                    rationale, and direction of the firm. While mission statements vary from
                    retailer to retailer, good ones usually include three elements:
                    a.       How the retailer uses or intends to use its resources
                    b.       How it expects to relate to the ever-changing environment
                    c.       The kinds of values it intends to provide in order to serve the
                             needs and wants of the consumer
            2.      Statement of Goals and Objectives - Performance results intended to be
                    brought about through the execution of a strategy. These goals and
                    objectives should be derived from, and give precision and direction to, the
                    retailer’s mission statement.         A retailer's objectives are usually
                    categorized into four dimensions:
                    a.       Market Performance – establish the amount of dominance the
                             retailer has in the marketplace.
                             (1)      Sales volume
                             (2)      Market share – the retailer’s total sales divided by total
                                      market sales.

b.   Financial - A retailer analyzes its ability to provide an adequate
     profit level to continue in business.
     (1)      Profitability - deal directly with the monetary return a
              retailer desires from its business. The most frequently
              encountered profit objectives in a retail enterprise are:
              (a)      Net profit margin - the ratio of net profit (after
                       taxes) to sales and shows how much profit a
                       retailer makes on each dollar of sales after
                       expenses and taxes have been met.
              (b)      Asset turnover – total sales divided by total
                       assets. This measure shows how many dollars of
                       sales a retailer can generate on an annual basis
                       with each dollar invested in assets.
              (c)      Return on assets (ROA) - net profit (after taxes)
                       divided by total assets.
              (d)      Financial leverage - total assets divided by net
                       worth or owners' equity. This measure shows how
                       aggressive the retailer is in its use of debt.
              (e)      Return on net worth (RONW) - net profit (after
                       taxes) divided by owners’ equity.
     (2)      Productivity - Objectives that state how much output the
              retailer desires for each unit of resource input. The major
              resources at the retailer's disposal are:
              (a)      Space productivity - net sales divided by the total
                       square feet of retail floor space. A space
                       productivity objective states how many dollars in
                       sales the retailer wants to generate for each square
                       foot of store space.
              (b)      Labor productivity - net sales divided by the
                       number of full-time-equivalent employees. A
                       labor productivity objective reflects how many
                       dollars in sales the retailer desires to generate for
                       each full-time-equivalent employee.
              (c)      Merchandise productivity - net sales divided by
                       the average dollar investment in inventory. This
                       objective (also known as sales-to-stock ratio)
                       states the dollar sales the retailer desires to
                       generate for each dollar invested in inventory.
c.   Societal - reflect the retailers' desire to help society fulfill some of
     its needs.
     (1)      Employment - relate to the provision of employment
              opportunities for the members of the retailer's community.
     (2)      Payment of taxes - recognizes the retailer's role in
              helping finance societal needs that the government deems
     (3)      Consumer choice – the goal to compete in such a way
              that the consumer will be given real alternatives.
     (4)      Equity - reflects the retailer's desire to treat the consumer
              and suppliers fairly.

(5)      Benefactor - reflects the retailer's desire to underwrite
                      certain community activities.
     d.      Personal - reflect the retailers’ desire to help individuals employed
             in retailing fulfill some of their needs. Generally retailers tend to
             pursue three types of personal objectives.
             (1)      Self gratification - focused on the needs and desires of
                      the owners, managers, or employees of the firm to pursue
                      what they truly want out of life.
             (2)      Status and respect - focus on the owners', managers', or
                      employees' need for status and respect in their community
                      or within their circle of friends.
             (3)      Power and authority - reflect the need of managers and
                      other employees to be in positions of influence.
3.   Strategies - Carefully designed plans for achieving the retailer's goals and
     objectives. It is a course of action that when executed will produce the
     desired levels of performance.
     a.      Some experts believe retailers can operate with three basic
             (1)      Get shoppers into your store. Many retailers think this is
                      one of the most difficult tasks in retailing - getting people
                      to visit your website or to come into your store.
             (2)      Convert these shoppers into customers by having them
                      purchase merchandise. This means having the right
                      merchandise, using the right layout and display, and
                      having the right sales force.
             (3)      Do this at the lowest operating cost possible that is
                      consistent with the level of service that your customers
     b.      Many retailers go further and use strategies that enable them to
             differentiate themselves from the competition in order to
             accomplish these three tasks. They do this by means of
             differentiation -- that is, what sets them apart from their
             (1)      Physical differentiation of the product
             (2)      The selling process by offering outstanding service
             (3)      After-purchase satisfaction by taking care of the customer
                      after the sale has been made
             (4)      Location or the ease with which the customer can get to
                      the retailer
             (5)      Never being out-of-stock on sizes, colors, and styles that
                      the retailer's target market expects the retailer to carry
4.   Identification and analysis of the retailer's strengths and weaknesses as
     well as the threats and opportunities that exist in the environment.
     a.      Before developing differentiation strategies, however, the retailer
             must also be aware of its current market position. It can do this
             with a SWOT Analysis:
             (1)      Strengths -
                      (a)      What major competitive advantage(s) do we have?
                      (b)      What are we good at?
                      (c)      What do customers perceive as our strong points?

(2)     Weaknesses -
                                      (a)     What major competitive advantage(s) do
                                              competitors have over us?
                                      (b)     What are competitors better at than we are?
                                      (c)     What are our major internal weaknesses?
                              (3)     Opportunities -
                                      (a)     What favorable environmental trends may benefit
                                              our firm?
                                      (b)     What is the competition doing in our market?
                                      (c)     What areas of business that are closely related to
                                              ours are undeveloped?
                              (4)     Threats -
                                      (a)     What unfortunate environmental trends exist that
                                              may hurt our future performance?
                                      (b)     What technology is on the horizon that may soon
                                              have an impact on our firm?
                      b.      After performing the SWOT Analysis, the retailer should generate
                              strategies for achieving its goals. The retailer should have a fully
                              developed marketing strategy that should include:
                              (1)     The specific target market or group(s) of customers that
                                      the retailer is seeking to serve.
                              (2)     The location(s) that is consistent with the needs and wants
                                      of the desired target market.
                              (3)     The specific retail mix that the retailer intends to use to
                                      appeal to its target market, and thereby meet its financial
                                      objectives.      The retail mix is the combination of
                                      merchandise, price, advertising and promotion, location,
                                      customer services and selling, and store layout and design,
                                      that the retailer intends to use to appeal to its target market
                                      to meets its financial objectives.

II.   The Retail Strategic Planning and Operations Management Model - A retailer must take
      part in the following types of planning and management tasks:
      A.       Strategic Planning - The process concerned with how the retailer responds to the
               environment in an effort to establish a long-term course of action. The strategic
               plan reflects the line(s) of trade in which the retailer will operate, the market(s) it
               will pursue, and the retail mix it will use. Strategic planning calls for the long-
               term commitment of resources. The strategic planning process requires a retailer
               1.      Define the mission; establish goals and objectives; perform a SWOT
               2.      After assessing the external environment in order to uncover
                       opportunities to gain a differential advantage over competitors, the
                       retailer should develop a strong marketing plan with both market and
                       financial performance objectives. Major environmental factors that need
                       to be considered include:
                       a.       Consumer Behavior - Understand the determinants of
                                consumers' shopping behavior.
                       b.       Competitor Behavior - Develop a competitive strategy that is not
                                easily imitated.

c.      Supply Chain Behavior - Keep abreast of supply chain members'
                     behavior and the possible effects it may have on one's strategy.
             d.      Socioeconomic Environment - Understand how economic and
                     demographic trends will influence future sales.
             e.      Technological Environment - Gather knowledge in regard to
                     opportunities for improving operating efficiency.
             f.      Legal and Ethical Environment - Be familiar with local, state
                     and federal regulations; stay current with evolving legal patterns
                     that may effect the industry while operating at the highest ethical
     3.      In addition, the retailer must consider the location of each retail
             establishment; often an uncontrollable factor.
B.   Operations Management – deals with activities directed at maximizing the
     efficiency of the retailer’s use of resources. It is frequently referred to as day-to-
     day management.
     C.      High Performance Results - Achieved through the development and
     implementation of well-designed strategic, operational, and administrative plans.
     High performance results are indicative of industry leaders. Retailers must set
     high financial performance objectives so that they can at least maintain average
     operating results if planned results are not achieved.

                            Evaluating the Competition in Retailing


The behavior of competitors is an important component of the retail planning and management
model. Effective planning and execution in any retail setting cannot be accomplished without the
proper analysis of competitors. In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the various models of
retail competition. The types of competition in retailing are described next. We then discuss the
evolution of retail competition. Finally, we examine the upcoming retail revolution in nonstore
retailing, developing retail formats, global and technological changes, and the use of private
labels as a strategic weapon.

Learning Objectives:

After reading this chapter you should be able to:
1.      Explain the various models of retail competition
2.      Distinguish between various types of retail competition
3.      Describe the four theories used to explain the evolution of retail competition
4.      Describe the changes that could effect retail competition


I.     Models of Retail Competition – This chapter examines the effects of competition on a
       retailer’s performance. Today’s slower population growth rates have turned retailing into
       a business where successful regional and national retailers can grow only by taking sales
       away from competitors. Thus, a retailer must always be on the offensive by studying the
       changing competitive environment, especially its local competition, and differentiating
       itself from that competition.
       A.       The Competitive Marketplace - Competition can be waged on many fronts, and a
                retailer must be clear about what advantages it will emphasize and where its
                resources will have the greatest effect in attracting and satisfying customers.
       B.       Market Structure
                1.       Economists use four different economic terms to describe the competitive
                         environment in the retailing industry:
                         a.     Pure Competition – occurs when a market has homogeneous
                                products and many buyers and sellers, all having perfect
                                knowledge of the market, and ease of entry for both buyers and
                         b.     Pure Monopoly – occurs when there is only one seller for a
                                product or service.
                         c.     Monopolistic Competition – occurs when the products offered
                                are different, yet viewed as substitutable for each other and the
                                sellers recognize that they compete with sellers of these different
                         d.     Oligopolistic Competition – occurs when relatively few sellers,
                                or many small firms who follow the lead of a few larger firms,

offer essentially homogeneous products and any action by one
                      seller is expected to be noticed and reacted to by the other sellers.
     2.      Retailing can be characterized as monopolistic or, in rare cases,
             oligopolistic competition. The distinction between monopolistic
             competition and oligopolistic competition lies in the number of sellers.
             a.       Conventional economic thought suggests that for oligopoly to
                      occur, the top four firms have to account for over 60 to 80 percent
                      of the market. While some national retailers do have large market
                      shares; oligopolistic competition does not actually occur on a
                      national level. However, it is not uncommon at a local level.
             b.       However, if local prices become too high, merchandise selection
                      too limited, or services too poor, residents of these communities
                      will travel to larger communities to shop. This is known as
C.   Demand Side of Retailing - Most retailers face monopolistic competition where
     they are confronted with a negatively sloping demand curve caused by "the law
     of diminishing returns."
             D.       Nonprice Decisions – Many customers place a value on attributes
             other than price when selecting a place to shop. Therefore, the retailer
             has to make decisions about the other elements (merchandise mix,
             advertising and promotion, customer services and selling, and store layout
             and design) of the retail mix in order to influence the quantity of
             merchandise it sells and the profit level it achieves. Here are some ways a
             retailer could            make use of nonprice competition:
                      1.       The retailer could position itself as different from the
                      competition by altering its merchandise mix to offer higher-
                      quality goods, greater personal service, special-orders handling, or
                      a better selection of large sizes.
                      2.       The retailer can offer private label merchandise that has
                      unique features or offers better value than competitors.
                      3.       The retailer could provide other benefits for the customer.
                      For example, the retailer could effectively lower transportation
                      costs for customers by providing free parking and/or gas.
                      4.       The retailer could master stockkeeping with its basic
                      merchandise assortment.
E.   Competitive Actions - With so many retail establishments competing against
     each other, the profitability of all the retailers suffers.
     1.      Market Equilibrium - When the return on investment is high enough to
             justify keeping capital invested in retailing, but not so high to invite more
     2.      Measure of competitive activity - The number of retail establishments per
             household in a market.
             a.       Overstored Market – a condition in a community when the
                      number of stores in relation to households is so large that to
                      engage in retailing is usally unprofitable or marginally profitable.
             b.       Understored Market – a condition in a community when the
                      number of stores in relation to households is relatively low so that
                      engaging in retailing is an attractive economic endeavor.
F.   Suppliers As Partners And Competitors – A retailer’s suppliers should be
     considered both partners and competitors for the customer’s dollars.

1.     Suppliers as competitors – Suppliers compete for gross margins
                     the supply chain. The retailer must develop a loyal group of patrons that
                     encourages the supplier to accommodate the needs of its retail partner.
              2.     Suppliers as partners – Suppliers can be a critical competitive advantage
                     retailers when they provide a unique product or promotion.

II.    Types of Competition - Competition is quite intense in retailing and various classification
       schemes are used to describe this intensity.
       A.     Intratype and Intertype Competition
              1.      Intratype Competition – occurs when two or more retailers, of the same
                      type, compete with each other for the same household; the most common
                      type of retail competition.
              2.      Intertype Competition – occurs when two or more retailers, of different
                      types, compete directly by attempting to sell the same merchandise lines
                      to the same households.
       B.     Divertive Competition - When retailers intercept or divert customers from
              competing retailers.
              1.      This type of behavior can be either a form of intratype or intertype
              2.      It is significant because many retailers operate close to their break-even
                      point, thus making them susceptible to any downturn in sales.

III.   Theories of the Evolution of Retail Competition - Several theories have been developed
       to explain and describe the evolution of competition in retailing.
       A.      Wheel of Retailing Hypothesis - New retailers enter the market as low-status,
               low-margin, low-price operators. However, as they meet with success, these new
               retailers gradually acquire more sophisticated and elaborate facilities making
               them vulnerable to new types of low-margin retail competitors who progress
               through the same pattern. The three stages are:
               1.       Entry Phase - New retailers enter the market as low-status, low-margin,
                        low-profit operators.
               2.       Trading-Up Phase - The new retailers experience success and acquire
                        more sophisticated and elaborate facilities.
               3.       Vulnerability Phase - Retailers find it necessary to raise prices and
                        margins and therefore become susceptible to new types of low-margin
       B.      The Retail Accordion - Retail institutions evolve from outlets that offer wide
               assortments to specialty stores that offer narrow assortments and then return to
               the wide assortment stores and continue through the pattern again and again.
       C.      The Retail Life Cycle - Some believe that retailing institutions pass through an
               identifiable cycle:
               1.       Introduction - This stage is initiated by an aggressive, bold entrepreneur
                        who is willing and able to develop an approach to retailing that departs
                        from conventional approaches. Sales will grow if consumers perceive the
                        new advantage being offered as particularly significant.
               2.       Growth - Many new competitors enter the market to take part in the
                        success of the new form of retailing; sales and profit growth are
                        explosive. Market share and profits will approach their maximum levels.

3.     Maturity - Market share stabilizes and severe profit declines occur due to
                      inadaptable managerial capabilities, over expansion, and competitive
                      assaults by new forms of retailing.
               4.     Decline - Retailers experience major losses of market share, marginal
                      and an inability to compete. Decline may be postponed by attempts to
                      reposition, modify, or adapt the firm.
       D.      Resource-Advantage Theory – Firms seek superior financial performance in an
               ever-changing environment. Retail demand is dynamic because consumer tastes
               are always changing, and supply is dynamic because, as firms search for a
               superior performance, they are forced to change the elements of their retail mix to
               match changing consumer preference and improve firm performance.
               1.     Superior performance – The result of achieving a competitive advantage
                      in the marketplace as a result of some tangible or intangible entity.
               2.     All retailers cannot achieve superior results at the same time.

IV.    Future Changes in Retail Competition - Retailers in today's ever-changing marketplace
can expect dynamic changes in retail competition. A few of the trends shaping the retail
landscape include:
       A.      Nonstore Retailing - Analysts contend that nonstore retailing (especially those
               that utilize the Internet) will experience significant growth during the next
               1.      Some of the forces contributing to this growth are:
                       a.      Consumers’ need to save time.
                       b.      Consumers’ desire to ―time-shift.‖
                       c.      The erosion of enjoyment in the shopping experience.
                       d.      The lack of qualified sales help in stores to provide information.
                       e.      The explosive development of the telephone, computer, and
                               telecommunications equipment that facilitates nonstore shopping.
                       f.      The consumers' preference for lower prices, which often
                               eliminates the middleman's profit.
               2.      Nonstore retailers include:
                       a.      Direct Selling Establishments – Engage in the sale of a consumer
                               product or service on a person-to-person basis away from a fixed
                               retail location.
                       b.      Direct Marketers – Those who sell products by catalog, mail
                               order, and the Internet.
                       c.      E-Tailing – The general belief by retail experts is that electronic,
                               interactive, at-home shopping is definitely the place to be. Every
                               major player in the retail industry, computer industry,
                               telecommunications industry, and the transaction processing
                               industry is committed to this growth. However, there are six
                               reasons, why Internet sales will fail to reach 50 percent of total
                               retail sales:
                               (1)      26 percent of all retail sales involve automobile dealers.
                                        The taxes paid by new car dealers to their state
                                        governments will ensure that states will continue to ban
                                        Internet sales and protect the current system.

(2)          Discounters, who account for a third of all general
                                  merchandise sales, will have a particularly difficult
                                  problem selling via the Internet.
                         (3)      Half of all food and beverage slaes, are sold by on-
                                  premise restaurants.
                         (4)      The U.S. is currently overstored. Thus, many consumers
                                  will purchase at a bricks & mortar retailer instead of
                                  waiting for an overnight delivery.
                         (5)      Some items, especially fashion clothing, must be tried on
                                  or seen in person before buying.
                         (6)      A final factor limiting e-commerce is the ―security issue.‖
B.   New Retailing Formats - Retailing is continually evolving. Innovation in retailing
     is the result of constant pressure to improve efficiency and effectiveness in
     serving the consumer. The pressure to better serve has also resulted in a shortened
     life cycle for retail formats. As a result, new formats are born and old ones die.
     1.       Supercenters – combine a discount store and grocery store and carry
              80,000 to 100,000 products in order to offer one-stop shopping.
              a.         These stores offer the customer one-stop shopping (and as a result
                         are capable of drawing customers from up to a 60 - 80 mile radius
                         in some rural areas) and lower the customer's total cost of
                         purchasing in terms of time and miles traveled without sacrificing
                         service and variety.
              b.         Recently, the supercenter concept has even branched out into the
                         automobile market.
     2.       Recycled Merchandise Retailers – establishments that sell used and
              reconditioned products.
     3.       Liquidators - With over 15,000 retailers seeking the protection of the
              bankruptcy courts annually, liquidators are needed to come in and
              liquidate leftover merchandise so that the troubled retailer can shut down
              or down-size.
C.   Heightened Global Competition - The rate of change in retailing appears to be
     directly related to the stage and speed of economic development in the countries
     1.       Even the least-developed countries are experiencing dramatic changes in
              retailing activities as newer formats are introduced.
     2.       Retailing in other countries exhibits even greater diversity in its structure
              than retailing in the United States.
     3.       Tthe introduction of new retailing formats in one part of the country will
              impact retailers in other parts of the country. This is true regardless of
              whether the change occurs domestically or internationally.
     4.       Still, it is amazing that retailers from larger countries often do not have
              the level of success when entering a new country as compared to retailers
              from smaller countries. Retail experts attribute this failure by large
              country retailers to two factors.
              a.         a lack of understanding of the new country's culture.
              b.         retailers from smaller countries have always had to deal with
                         international issues if they were to expand.
D.   Integration of Technology - Technology is having and will continue to have a
     dramatic influence on retailing.
     1.       Technological innovations can be viewed under three main areas:

a.       Supply chain management
             b.       Customer management
             c.       Customer satisfaction
     2.      Retailers on the forefront of technology who seek to understand their
             consumers will achieve higher levels of effectiveness in their efforts.
E.   Increasing Use of Private Labels – As retailing continues to change, the increased
     use of private labels has emerged as a key business asset in developing a
     differential advantage for retailers. Private labels can set the retailer apart from
     the competition, get customers into their store, and bring them back. Current
     strategies being used by retailers include:
     1.      Develop a partnership with well-known celebrities, noted experts, and
             institutional authorities.
     2.      Develop a partnership with traditionally higher-end suppliers to bring an
             exclusive variation on their highly regarded brand name to market.
     3.      Reintroduce products with strong name recognition that have fallen from
             the retail scene.
     4.      Brand an entire department or business; not just a product line.

Lecture Four


    Retail Customers

Legal and Ethical Behavior

 Dunne: Chapters 3 and 6

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DC Outline Lecture Notes (Based on Text Chapters)

  • 1. SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Distribution Channels (MKTG 1058) LECTURE NOTES  Outline Chapter Summaries  Solutions to Computational Exercises (Selected Chapters)  Power Point Slides JANUARY 2011 Please Note: the accompanying chapter summaries are based on the required text for this course. You are reminded that reading the assigned chapters are absolutely essential and that the notes provided are meant to supplement the text chapters. Please ensure that you complete your reading of the text chapters for the respective lectures. 1
  • 2. Week Topic Chapter 1. Perspectives on Retailing 1&5 Managing the Supply Chain 2. Market Selection & Location Analysis 7 3. Strategic Planning & Operation Management 2&4 Evaluating the Competition 4. Retail Customers 3&6 Legal & Ethical Behaviour 5. Store Layout & Design 13 6. Managing a Retailer’s Finances 8 7. Merchandise Buying & Handling 9 8. Merchandise Pricing 10 9. Advertising & Promotion 11 10 Customer Service & Retail Selling 12 11. Managing People 14 12. Course Review (& Catch up lecture) 2
  • 3. Lecture One Topics: Perspectives on Retailing Managing the Supply Chain Dunne: Chapters 1 and 5 3
  • 4. Chapter 1 Perspectives on Retailing Overview: In this chapter, we acquaint you with the nature and scope of retailing. We present retailing as a major economic force in the United States and as a significant area for career opportunities. Finally, we introduce the approach to be used throughout this text as you study and learn about the operation of retail firms. Learning Objectives: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Explain what retailing is. 2. Explain why retailing is undergoing so much change today. 3. Describe five methods used to categorize retailers. 4. Understand what is involved in a retail career and be able to list the prerequisites necessary for success in retailing. 5. Be able to explain the different methods for the study and practice of retailing. Outline: I. What Is Retailing? A. Retailing - consists of the final activities and steps needed to place a product in the hands of the consumer or to provide services to the consumer. B. Can be performed by any firm that sells a product or provides a service to the final consumer. II. The Nature of Change In Retailing – Retailing, which accounts for 20 percent of the worldwide labor force and includes every living individual as a customer, is the largest single industry in most nations and is currently undergoing many exciting changes. A. E-tailing – The great unknown for retail managers is what the ultimate role of the Internet will be. 1. It is still unclear if online shopping will reach its projections for ―every day‖ needs. 2. A dramatic change created by e-tailing is a shift in power between retailers and consumers. The information dissemination capabilities of the Internet are making consumers better informed and thus increasing their power when transacting and negotiating with retailers. B. Price Competition - Americans are price conscious, whether shopping at brick & mortar stores or on-line, and retailers that are able to cut costs in order to provide lower prices will be the winners. C. Demographic Shifts - Other significant changes in retailing over the past decade have resulted from changing demographic factors, such as: the fluctuating birth rate, the increasing number of immigrants, the growing importance of the 70 million Generation Y consumers, and the fact that Generation Xers are now middle-aged and baby boomers are now reaching retirement. 4
  • 5. 1. Profit growth must come by either increasing same store sales at the expense of the competition's market share (Same store sales is a retailing term that compares an individual store's sales to its sales for the same month in the previous year. Market share refers to a retailer's sales as a percentage of total market sales for the product line or service category under consideration.) or by reducing expenses without reducing services to the point of losing customers. 2. As a result, today's retail firms are run by professionals who can look at the changing environment and see opportunities, exert enormous buying power over manufacturers, and anticipate future changes before they impact the market, rather than just react to these changes after they occur. D. Store Size - The size of retail stores has increased in recent years because of: 1. The phenomenon referred to as scrambled merchandising, whereby stores handle many different unrelated items, and; 2. The growth of category killer stores. These retailers got their name from their marketing strategy: carry such a large amount of merchandise in a single category at such good prices that it makes it impossible for the customer to walk-out without purchasing what they needed; thus "killing" the competition. III. Categorizing Retailers - There are five popular schemes for categorizing retailers. A. Census Bureau Classification 1. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes - Reflects the type of merchandise a retailer sells. The major portion of a retailer's competition comes from other retailers in its NAICS category. 2. Three-digit codes are very broad; four-digit codes provide much more information on the structure of retail competition and are easier to work with. B. Number of Outlets 1. Another method of classifying retailers is by the number of outlets each firm operates. Generally, retailers with several units are a stronger competitive threat because they can spread many fixed costs, such as advertising and top management salaries, over a large number of stores and can achieve economies in purchasing. 2. Chain Stores - account 41% of all retail sales. a. Size categories - Broken down by the Census Bureau into "2 to 10 stores," and "11 or more stores" categories. b. Large chains take advantage of their economies of scale and centralized buying by using: (1) Standard Stock List - Method whereby all stores in a chain stock the same merchandise. (2) Optional Stock List - Method which gives each store in a retail chain flexibility to adjust its merchandise mix to local tastes and demands. (3) Providing Supply Chain Leadership - by directing the channel and having other channel members do what they might not otherwise do, the retailer by serving as the channel advisor can make it more effective. 5
  • 6. (4) Private Label Branding - Chains use their own brand name instead of a manufacturer's brand name; results in lower costs for consumers. 3. A shortcoming of using the number of outlets scheme for classifying retailers is that it addresses only traditional brick & mortar retailers, or those operating in a physical building. C. Margin vs. Turnover 1. Gross Margin Percentage - Indicates how much gross margin the retailer makes as a percentage of sales; gross margin is used to pay the retailer's operating expenses. a. Gross Margin - Net sales minus the cost of goods sold. b. Operating Expenses - Expenses the retailer incurs while running the business other than the cost of merchandise [i.e., rent, wages, utilities, depreciation, insurance]. 2. Inventory Turnover - Number of times per year, on average, that a retailer sells its inventory. 3. Classifying Retailers by Margin/Turnover a. Low-margin/Low-turnover - These retailers will not be able to generate sufficient profits to remain competitive and survive. There are no good examples of successful retailers using this approach. b. Low-margin/High-turnover - Common in the United States. Examples include the discount department stores, the warehouse clubs, and the category killers. is probably the best known example of low-margin/high-turnover e-tailers. c. High-margin/Low-turnover - The types of retailers in this category include brick & mortar retailers such as furniture stores, high-end women’s specialty stores and furriers, jewelry stores, gift shops, funeral homes and most of the mom-and-pop stores located in small towns across the country. Some click & mortar retailers using this approach include Coach and Sharper Image. d. High-margin/High-turnover - Convenience store retailers fall into this category. Best able to withstand and counter competitive attacks. Because in the early stages of Internet commerce most retailers are trying to achieve a high turnover rate, there are not any examples of e-tailers using this strategy. 4. While the Margin/Turnover scheme provides an encompassing classification, it fails to capture the complete array of retailers operating in today's marketplace. For example, service retailers, and even some e- tailers, such as, carry no inventory. Thus, while this scheme is a good way of analyzing retail competition, it neglects an important type of retailing. D. Location - Retailers can improve financial performance results not only by improving the sales per square foot of traditional sites but by operating in new nontraditional retail areas or over the Internet. E. Size - Retailers are often classified by sales volume or by number of employees. 1. Operating performance tends to vary according to size; larger firms usually have lower operating costs per sales dollar. 2. While size has been useful in the past, it is unclear whether the changes brought about by technology will not make this obsolete. For example, 6
  • 7. imagine a fully automated retailer, where as a consumer places an order on-line, an automated stock picking warehouse packages the selected merchandize and forwards it to the shipping area to be sent by UPS to the customer. IV. A Retailing Career A. Exposure to All Business Disciplines - Retailing provides professionals with the opportunity to gain knowledge on all facets of the business world. A retailer's role may include a combination of the following positions and responsibilities: 1. Economist - Forecasting sales growth 2. Fashion Expert - Predicting consumer behavior and how it will affect future fashion trends. 3. Marketing Manager - Determining how to promote, price, and display your merchandise. 4. Financial Analyst - Reducing store expenses. 5. Personnel Manager – Hiring the right people, training them to perform their duties in an efficient manner, and developing their work schedules. 6. Logistics Manager - Arranging delivery of a ―hot item.‖ 7. Information System Manager - Analyzing sales and other data to determine opportunities for improved management practices. 8. Accountant – Arriving at a profitable bottom line. B. There are two major career paths in Retailing: 1. Store Management – Involves responsibility for selecting, training, and evaluating personnel, as well as in-store promotions, displays, customer service, building maintenance, and security. 2. Buying – Involves the use of quantitative tools to develop appropriate buying plans for the store’s merchandise lines. C. Common Questions About a Retailing Career 1. Salary – Starting salaries in executive training programs will be around $38,000 to $50,000 per year. That, however, is only the short-run perspective. In the long run, the retail manager or buyer is directly rewarded on individual performance. Entry-level retail managers or buyers who do exceptionally well can double or triple their incomes in three to five years and often can have incomes twice those of classmates who chose other career fields. 2. Career Progression - The speed of a retail professional's progression is dependent upon an individual's capabilities and the growth of the organization. There is no "standard" career progression for a retailer. 3. Geographic Mobility - The willingness and ability to make geographic moves often increases a retail professional's opportunities for advancement. 4. Women in Retailing - Retailing has always been viewed as a good career for women. Today females constitute over 50 percent of all department store executives, making it the profession where women have attained the highest level of achievement. 5. Societal Perspective - Leading retail executives are well-rounded individuals with a high social consciousness. Professionals entering the retail field must develop a sound set of ethical principles by which they may guide their actions. D. Prerequisites for Success 7
  • 8. 1. Hard Work - A willingness to work extra hours, evenings and weekends often pays off through career advancements. 2. Analytical Skills - An ability to interpret the facts and data that are related to the past and present performance of a store, merchandise lines and departments. 3. Creativity - An ability to develop and capitalize on unique ideas and opportunities. 4. Decisiveness - The ability to make rapid decisions, render judgments, take action and commit oneself to a course of action until completion. 5. Flexibility - A willingness to and enthusiasm for accommodating change; ability to thrive in an "expect the unexpected" environment. 6. Initiative - The ability to originate action. 7. Leadership - The ability to inspire others to trust and respect your judgment and an aptitude for delegating, guiding and persuading others. 8. Organization - The ability to establish priorities and courses of action and to plan and follow up to achieve results. 9. Risk Taking - The willingness to take calculated risks and to accept responsibility for the results. 10. Stress Tolerance - Retailing is a fast-paced and demanding career in a changing environment. The retailing leaders of the 21st century must be able to perform consistently under pressure and to thrive on constant change and challenge. 11. Perseverance - Successful retailers must have perseverance. All too often retailers may become frustrated due to the many things occurring that they can't control. Individuals that have the ability to persevere and take marketplace changes in stride will find an increasing number of career advancement opportunities. 12. Enthusiasm - Successful retailers must have a strong warmth of feeling for their job, otherwise they will convey the wrong image to their customers and associates in their department. Retailers today are training their sales force to smile even when talking to customers on the telephone because it shows through in your voice. V. The Study and Practice of Retailing A. Analytical Method – The analytical retail manager is a finder and investigator of facts. The use of models and theories of retailing as a means of making systematic decisions about all aspects of the business; concentrate on facts. B. Creative Method – The creative retail manager is an idea person. The use of insight and intuition in the process of handling retail difficulties; emphasis is on ideas C. Two-Pronged Approach - The combination of creativity and analysis when responding to problems. D. A Proposed Orientation - The approach to the study and practice of retailing that is reflected in this book is an outgrowth of the previous discussion. This approach has four major orientations: 1. Environmental Orientation - Allows retailers to continuously adapt to external forces in the environment. 2. Management Planning Orientation - Allows retailers to adapt systematically to a changing environment. 8
  • 9. 3. Profit Orientation - Allows retailers to focus on the fundamental management of assets, revenues and expenses. 4. Decision Making Orientation - Allows retailers to focus efforts on the need to collect and analyze data for making intelligent retail decisions. VI. Book Outline A. Introduction to Retailing (Chapters 1-2) B. The Retailing Environment (Chapters 3-6) C. Market Selection and Location Analysis (Chapter 7) D. Managing Retail Operations (Chapters 8-14) 9
  • 10. Chapter 5 Channel Behavior Overview: At the outset of this text, we pointed out that retailing is the final movement in the progression of merchandise from producer to consumer. Many other movements occur through time and geographical space, and all of them need to be executed properly for the retailer to achieve optimum performance. Therefore, in this chapter, we examine the retailer's need to analyze and understand the supply chain in which it operates. After looking at the activities in the supply chain, the chapter then reviews the various types of supply chains and the benefits each one offers the retailer. The chapter concludes with some practical suggestions to improve supply chain relationships, especially the use of a category manager. Learning Objectives: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Discuss the retailer's role as one of the institutions involved in the larger supply chain. 2. Describe the types of supply chains by length, width, and control. 3. Explain the terms dependency, power, and conflict and their impact on supply chain relations. 4. Understand the importance of having a collaborative supply chain relationship. Outline: VII. The Supply Chain – It is important to understand the retailer’s role in the larger supply chain. A. A supply chain, which is often used interchangeably with the term channel, is a set of institutions that moves goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. B. The supply chain, or channel, is affected by five external forces: 1. Consumer behavior, 2. Competitor behavior, 3. The socioeconomic environment, 4. The technological environment, and 5. The legal and ethical environment. These external forces cannot be completely controlled by the retailer or any other institution in the supply chain, but they need to be taken into account when retailers make decisions. C. Eight marketing functions must be performed by a supply chain or channel: 1. Buying, 2. Selling, 3. Storing, 4. Transporting, 5. Sorting, 6. Financing, 7. Information gathering, and 8. Risk taking. 10
  • 11. - Whether the economic system is capitalistic, socialistic, or communistic, these eight marketing functions will exist. - These functions cannot be eliminated. They can, however, be shifted or divided among the different institutions and the consumer in the supply chain. - No member of the supply chain would want, or be able, to perform all eight marketing functions. Thus, the retailer must view itself as being dependent on others in the supply chain. D. Marketing Institutions 1. Primary marketing institutions are supply chain members that take title to the goods. These include manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. 2. Facilitating marketing institutions are those that do not actually take title but assist in the marketing process by specializing in the performance of certain functions. These include agents/brokers, financial institutions, market researchers, transporters, advertising agencies, warehouses, and insurers. VIII. Types of Supply Chains- There are three strategy decisions to be made when designing an efficient and competitive supply chain: supply chain length, width, and control. A. Supply Chain Length refers to the number of institutions between the manufacturer and consumer. 1. Supply chains can be direct or indirect. a. A direct supply chain occurs when manufacturer sell their goods directly to the final consumer or end user. b. An indirect supply chain occurs once independent channel members (wholesalers and retailers) are added between the manufacturer and the consumer. 2. The desired supply chain length is determined by many customer-based factors, such as the size of the customer base, geographical dispersion, behavior patterns, and the particular needs of customers. B. Supply Chain Width - pertains to the number of retailers used to cover a given trading area. 1. Intensive distribution means that all possible retailers are used in a trade area. 2. Selective distribution means that a moderate number of retailers are used in a trade area. 3. Exclusive distribution means only one retailer is used to cover a trading area. C. Control of the Supply Chain- A pressing issue for all supply chains is "who should control the supply chain." In seeking to control or manage a supply chain, there are two basic supply chain patterns: the conventional marketing channel and the vertical marketing system. 1. A Conventional Marketing Channel is one in which each member of the channel is loosely aligned with the others and takes a short-term orientation. 2. Vertical Marketing Channels are capital-intensive networks of several levels that are professionally managed and centrally programmed systems to realize the technological, managerial, and promotional economies of long-term relationships. 11
  • 12. a. The basic premise of working as a system is to operate as close as possible to that elusive 100 percent efficiency level. b. Since vertical channel members now realize that it is impossible to offer consumers "value" without being a low-cost, high efficiency supply chain, they have developed either quick response (QR) systems or ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) Systems and make use of category management techniques. c. There are three types of vertical marketing channels: (1) Corporate vertical marketing channels typically consist of either a manufacturer that has integrated vertically forward to reach the customer, or a retailer that has integrated vertically backward to create a self- supply network. (2) Contractual vertical marketing channels are supply chains that use a contract to govern the working relationship between the members. They include the following types: (a) Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary groups are created when a wholesaler brings together a group of independently owned retailers and offers them a coordinated merchandising and buying program that will provide these smaller retailers with economies similar to those obtained by their chain store rivals. (b) Retailer-owned cooperatives are wholesale operations organized and owned by retailers and are most common in hardware retailing. (c) Franchising is a form of licensing by which the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name, advertising symbol or method obtains distribution through affiliated dealers. (3) Administered vertical marketing channels are similar to conventional marketing channels, but one of the members takes the initiative to lead the channel by applying the principles of effective interorganizational management, which is the management of relationships between the various organizations in the supply chain. III. Managing Retailer-Supplier Relations If retailers want to improve their performance in these channels, they must understand the principal concepts of interorganizational management. . A. Dependency – None of the respective institutions can isolate itself; each depends on others to do an effective job. B. Power is the ability of one member to influence the decisions of the other channel members. 1. There are six types of power: a. Reward power is based on the ability of A to provide rewards for B. b. Expertise power is based on B's perception that A has some special knowledge. 12
  • 13. c. Referent power is based on the identification of B with A. B wants to be associated or identified with A. d. Coercive power is based on B's belief that A has the capacity to punish or harm B if B doesn't do what A wants. e. Legitimate power is based on A's right to influence B, or B's belief that B should accept A's influence. f. Informational power is based on A’s ability to provide B with factual data. 2. Retailers and suppliers that use reward, expertise, referent and informational power can foster a healthy working relationship. 3. Coercive and legitimate power tend to elicit conflict and destroy cooperation in the channel. C. Conflict – It is inevitable in every channel relationship because retailers and suppliers are interdependent; that is, every channel member is dependent on every other member to perform some specific task. There are three major sources of conflict between retailers and their suppliers: 1. Perceptual incongruity occurs when the retailer and supplier have different perceptions of reality. 2. Goal incompatibility occurs when achieving the goals of either the supplier or the retailer would hamper the performance of the other. 3. Domain disagreements occur when there is disagreement about which member of the marketing channel should make decisions. Examples include: a. A diverter is an unauthorized member of a channel who buys and sells excess merchandise to and from authorized channel members. b. Gray marketing is when branded merchandise flows through unauthorized channels. c. Free-riding is when a consumer seeks product information, usage instructions, and sometimes even warranty work from a full-service store but then, armed with the brand’s model number, purchases the product from a limited service discounter or over the Internet. IV. Collaboration in the Channel – Although all channels experience some degree of conflict, the dominant behavior in successful channels is collaboration. A. However, the management of collaborative relations is facilitated by three important types of behaviors and attitudes. These are: 1. Mutual trust, which occurs when both the retailer and its supplier have faith that each will be truthful and fair in their dealings with the other. 2. Two-way communication, which occurs when both the retailer and the supplier openly communicate their ideas, concerns, and plans. 3. Solidarity exists when a high value is placed on the relationship between a supplier and retailer. B. Category management – involves the simultaneous management of price, shelf space, merchandising strategy, promotional efforts, and other elements of the retail mix within the category based on the firm’s goals, the changing environment, and consumer behavior. 1. Retailers designate a category manager from among their employees 13
  • 14. for each category sold in their store. The retailer defines specific business goals for each category. Subsequently, the category manager leverages detailed knowledge of the consumer and consumer trends, detailed POS information, and specific analysis provided by each supplier to the category. 2. In some cases a supplier may serve as the retailer’s category manager. Termed category captains and/or category advisors, these suppliers work closely with the retail buyer ensuring that the retailer has the best assortment and the greatest possible sales. 14
  • 15. Lecture Two Topic: Market Selection and Location Analysis Dunne: Chapter7 15
  • 16. Chapter 7 Market Selection and Retail Location Analysis Overview: In this chapter, we will review how retailers select and reach their target markets through the choice of location. The two broad options for reaching a target market are store-based and nonstore-based locations. The chapter's major focus is on the decision process used to select store-based locations. We describe the various demand and supply factors that must be evaluated within each geographic market area under consideration. We conclude with a discussion of alternative locations that retailers may consider as they select a specific site. Learning objectives: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Explain the criteria used when selecting a target market 2. Identify the different options, both store-based and nonstore-based, for effectively reaching a target market and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of business districts, shopping centers, and free-standing units as potential sites for retail location 3. Define geographic information systems (GIS) and discuss their potential uses in a retail enterprise 4. Describe the factors to consider in identifying the most attractive geographic market for a new store 5. Discuss the attributes to consider in evaluating retail sites within a retail market 6. Explain how to select the best geographic site for a store Outline: IX. Selecting a Target Market - To be successful, a retailer must select a target market and identify the best way to reach this target market. D. Geographic space and cyberspace must be considered. 4. Traditionally, reaching the target market has been associated with selecting the best physical location for a store. 2. The Internet is becoming a viable alternative for reaching one’s customers. d. The equivalence of a store on the Internet is a retailer's World Wide Web (www) site. e. The retailer's home page is the introductory or first material viewers see when they access a retailer's Internet site. It is equivalent to a retailer's storefront in the physical world. f. Virtual store is the total collection of all the pages of information on the retailer's Internet site. g. The counterpart to location on the Internet is the "ease of access." This refers to the consumer’s ability to find a Web site in cyberspace easily and quickly. E. Market segmentation - a method retailers use to segment, or break down, heterogeneous consumer populations into smaller, more homogeneous groups based on their characteristics. 16
  • 17. 1. No single retailer can serve all potential customers; it is important that it segment the market and select a target market(s). 2. A target market is the segment of the market that the retailer decides to pursue through its marketing efforts. 3. The topics of target market selection and location analysis are combined because a retailer must identify its target market(s) before it decides how best to reach that market(s). F. Identifying a target market - requires meeting three criteria. 1. Measurability – a retailer should be able to describe the selected market segment using objective measures for which data is available, such as age, gender, income, education, ethnic group and religion. 2. Accessibility – the degree to which the retailer can target its promotional or distribution efforts to a particular market segment. 3. Substantialness - the segment must be substantial enough to be profitable for the retailer. X. Reaching Your Target Market - once a retailer identifies its target market, it must determine the most effective way to reach this market. A. Location of Store-Based Retailers - operate from a fixed store location that requires customers to travel to the store in order to view and select merchandise and/or services. 1. Business Districts. The central business district (CBD) usually consists of an unplanned shopping area around the geographic point at which all public transportation systems converge; it is usually located in the center of the city where the city originated historically. a. Strengths of the CBD include: easy access to public transportation; wide product assortment; variety in images, prices, and services; and proximity to commercial activities. b. Weaknesses of the CBD include: inadequate (and usually expensive) parking, older stores, high rents and taxes, traffic and delivery congestion, potentially high crime rate, and the often- decaying conditions of many inner cities. c. In larger cities, secondary business districts (SBD) and neighborhood business districts (NBD) have developed. A secondary business district is a shopping area that is smaller than the CBD and revolves around at least one department or variety store at a major street intersection. A neighborhood business district is a shopping area that evolves to satisfy the convenience-oriented shopping needs of a neighborhood and generally contains several small stores (with the major retailer being either a supermarket, super drugstore, or a variety store) and is located on a major artery of a residential area. 2. Shopping centers/malls - are centrally owned or managed shopping districts that are planned, have balanced tenancy (the stores complement each other in merchandise offerings), and are surrounded by parking facilities. a. A shopping center location can offer a retailer several major advantages over CBD location. These include: (1) heavy traffic resulting from the wide range of product offerings 17
  • 18. (2) cooperative planning and sharing of common costs (3) access to highways and availability of parking (4) lower crime rate (5) clean, neat environment b. The disadvantages of locating in a shopping center include: (1) inflexible store hours (2) high rents (3) restrictions on merchandise the retailer may sell (4) required membership in the center's merchant organization (5) possibility of too much competition and the fact that much of the traffic is not interested in a particular product offering (6) dominance of the smaller stores by the anchor tenant. 3. Free-standing retailer - generally locates along major traffic arteries, without any adjacent retailers selling competing products. a. This location alternative has the following advantages: (1) lack of direct competition (2) generally lower rents (3) freedom in operations and hours (4) facilities that can be adapted to individual needs (5) inexpensive parking b. Free-standing locations also have multiple disadvantages: (1) lack of drawing power of from complementary stores (2) difficulties in attracting customers for the initial visit (3) higher advertising and promotional costs (4) operating costs cannot be shared with others (5) stores may have to be built rather than rented (6) zoning laws may restrict some activities 4. Nontraditional locations - offer more place utility or locational convenience. Examples include stores at military bases, college campuses, airports, hospitals, and cruise ships. 5. Nonstore-Based Retailers - include street peddlers, direct sellers, catalog retailers, automated merchandising systems (ATMs), and e-tailers. Since retailing is expected to remain predominantly store-based, we will focus our attention on location analysis for these retailers. However, it should be noted that some innovative retailers are using multiple retail formats to reach their target markets. XI. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - computerized system that combines physical geography with cultural geography. A. Thematic maps - use visual techniques such as colors, shading, and lines to display cultural characteristics of the physical space. B. GIS can be used for many important retail decisions: 1. market selection 2. site analysis 3. trade area definition 4. estimating new store cannibalization 5. advertising management 6. merchandise management 7. evaluation of store managers 18
  • 19. XII. Market Identification - involves three sequential steps. First, the retailer must identify the most attractive markets in which to operate. Second, one must evaluate the density of demand and supply within each market and identify the most attractive sites that are available within each market. Third, select the best site or sites available. A. Retail Location Theories 1. Retail gravity theory suggests that there are underlying consistencies in shopping behavior that yield to mathematical analysis and prediction that are based on the notion or concept of gravity. a. Reilly's law of retail gravitation is based on Newtonian gravitational principles and explains how large urbanized areas attract customers from smaller rural communities. b. In effect, Reilly's law states that two cities attract trade from an intermediate place approximately in direct proportion to the population of the two cities and in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from these two cities to the intermediate point. c. Reilly's law was later revised to determine the boundaries of a city's trading area or to establish a point of indifference between two cities. (1) This point of indifference is the breaking point at which customers would be indifferent to shopping in either city. (2) Recent research on outshopping (i.e., leaving your community to shop) from rural areas suggests that factors other than those considered by retail gravity theory are also important. 2. Saturation theory examines how the demand for goods and services in a potential trading area is being served by current retail establishments in comparison with other potential markets. a. Retail store saturation is a condition where there are just enough store facilities, for a given type of store, to efficiently and satisfactorily serve the population and yield a fair profit to the owners. b. When a market has too few stores to satisfactorily meet the needs of the customer, it is understored. c. When a market has too many stores to yield a fair return on investment, it is overstored. d. The index of retail saturation is the ratio of demand for a product divided by available supply. The higher the IRS, the higher the potential for new retail space. 3. Buying Power Index - Sales & Marketing Management magazine annually publishes its Survey of Buyer Power. a. This data is available for metropolitan areas, cities, and states. b. The buying power index (BPI) is an indicator of a market’s overall retail potential and is comprised of weighted measures of effective buying income (personal income, including all non-tax payments such as social security, minus all taxes), retail sales, and population. c. The BPI is weighted in the following manner: 19
  • 20. BPI = 0.5 (the area's percentage of U.S. effective buying income) + 0.3 (the area's percentage of U.S. retail sales) + 0.2 (the area's percentage of U.S. population). B. Other Demand and Supply Factors. 1. Market demand potential-some of the more important components of market demand potential are: a. population characteristics b. buyer behavior characteristics c. household income d. household age profile e. household composition f. community life cycle g. population density h. mobility 2. Market supply factors-some of the more important factors include: a. square feet per store b. square feet per employee c. growth in stores d. quality of competition XIII. Site Analysis - is an evaluation of the density of demand and supply within each market with the goal of identifying the best retail site(s) available. A. Size of trading area - the trading area of specific sites will need to be estimated. 1. Applebaum developed a technique for estimating the trade area of a current store. It involved interviewing a customer for each $100 in weekly sales. The customers were randomly selected and their home addresses obtained. After the home addresses of the shoppers were plotted on a map one could make inferences about the trading area size and the competition. 2. For a new store the task is more difficult; however, there are some general rules that apply. a. Stores that sell convenience will have a smaller trading area than stores that sell so-called specialty products. b. As consumer mobility increases, the size of the store's trading area increases. c. As the size of the store increases, its trading area increases because it can stock a broader and deeper assortment of merchandise, which will attract customers from greater distances. d. As the distance between competing stores increases, their trading areas will increase. e. Natural and manmade obstacles such as rivers, mountains, railroads, and freeways can abruptly stop the boundaries of a trading area. B. Description of Trading Area - retailers can access, at relatively low cost, information concerning the trading area for various retail locations and the buyer behavior of the trading area. C. Demand Density - needs to be evaluated for various sites. 1. Demand density is the extent to which the potential demand for the retailer's goods and services is concentrated in certain census tracts, ZIP code areas, or parts of the community. 20
  • 21. 2. To determine the extent of demand density, retailers need to identify what they believe to be the major variables influencing their potential demand D. Supply density - is the extent to which retailers are concentrated in different geographic areas of a community. E. Site availability - one needs to determine which sites are available. XIV. Site Selection - once the best available sites within each market have been identified, the retailer needs to make the final location decision and select the best site(s). After all, all retailers should attempt to find a 100 percent location for their stores. A 100 percent location is a location where there is no better use for the site then the retail store that is being planned. Retailers should remember that what may be a 100 percent site for one store may not be for another. The best location for a supermarket may not be the best location for a discount department store. When reviewing a site, a retailer must consider A. Nature of Site – This entails determining whether or not the site is currently a vacant store, a vacant parcel of land, or the site of a planned shopping center. 1. Traffic Characteristics – The traffic that passes a site, whether it is vehicular or pedestrian, can be an important determinant of the potential sales at that site. 2. Types of Neighbors – A good neighboring business will be one that is compatible with the retailer’s line of trade. Store compatibility exists when two similar retail businesses locate next to one another and realize a greater sales volume than they would have achieved had they located apart from each other. B. Terms of Purchase or Lease – The retailer should review the length of the lease, the exclusivity clause, the guaranteed traffic rate, and an anchor clause. C. Expected Profitability – The final step in site selection analysis is the construction of a pro forma return on asset model for each possible site. This includes: 1. Net profit margin 2. Asset turnover 3. Return on assets 21
  • 22. Solutions to computational questions from Chapter 7: Location Analysis 10. Calculate the buying power indexes for the following three cities: Percent of Effective Percent of U.S. Percent of U.S. City Buying Income Retail Sales U.S. Population Mansfield 0.006 0.004 0.006 Springfield 0.009 0.007 0.009 Carlyle 0.007 0.005 0.007 SOLUTION: (227) Tyler (BPI) = .5(.006) + .3(.004) + .2(.006) = .0054 Little Rock (BPI) = .5(.009) + .3(.007) + .2(.009) = .0084 Cheyenne (BPI) = .5(.007) + .3(.005) + .2(.007) = .0064 11. Compute the index of retail saturation for the following three markets. The data for department stores are as follows: MARKET A B C Retail expenditures per household $789 $875 $943 Square feet of retail space 600,000 488,000 808,000 Number of households 121,000 102,000 157,000 Based on these data, which market is most attractive? What additional data would you find helpful in determining the attractiveness of the three markets? SOLUTION (226-227): IRS (Market A) = (121,000 x $789) / 600,000 = 159.12 IRS (Market B) = (102,000 x $875) / 488,000 = 182.89 IRS (Market C) = (157,000 x $943) / 808,000 = 183.23 The most attractive market is Market-C with an IRS of 183.23 or $183.23 in expected sales per square foot. It would be helpful if additional information on various factors that influence market demand potential such as population characteristics, buyer behavior characteristics, household income, household age profile, household composition, community life cycle, population density and mobility. In addition supply factors such as square feet per store, square feet of space per employee, store growth, and the quality of competition should be analyzed. Planning Your Own Retail Business: The retail store that you are planning has an estimated circular trade radius of four miles. Within this four-mile radius, there is an average of 1,145 households per square mile. In a normal year, you expect that 47 percent of these households would visit your store (referred to as penetration) 22
  • 23. an average of 4.3 times (referred to as frequency). Based on these figures, what would you expect to be the traffic (i.e., number of visitors to your store per year)? (Hint: Traffic can be viewed as the square miles of the trade area multiplied by the household density multiplied by penetration, which is in turn multiplied by frequency.) Once you answer this question, do some sensitivity analysis, which is an assessment of how sensitive store traffic is to changes in your assumptions about penetration and frequency. What happens if penetration drops to 45 percent or rises to 50 percent? What happens if frequency drops to 4.0 times annually or rises to 4.5 times annually? In this analysis, only change one thing at a time and hold all other assumptions constant. Suggested Answer: One needs to first compute the following. 1. square miles of trade area = r2 = (22/7)(4)2 = 50.286 2. traffic = (square miles in trade area) x (household density) x (penetration) x (frequency) traffic = (50.286) x (1,145) X (47%) X (4.3) traffic = 116,364 Next do some sensitivity analysis. Consider the following possible parameter values SQUARE HOUSEHOLD MILES IN (x) DENSITY (x) PENETRATION (x) FREQUENCY = TRAFFIC TRADE AREA 1 50.286 x 1145 x 47% x 4.3 = 116,364 2 50.286 x 1145 x 45% x 4.3 = 111,412 3 50.286 x 1145 x 50% x 4.3 = 123,792 4 50.286 x 1145 x 47% x 4.0 = 108,246 5 50.286 x 1145 x 47% x 4.5 = 121,776 23
  • 24. Lecture Three Topics: Strategic Planning and Operations Management Evaluating the Competition Dunne: Chapters 2 and 4 24
  • 25. Chapter 2 Retail Strategic Planning and Operations Management Overview: In this chapter, we will explain the importance of planning in successful retail organizations. To facilitate the discussion, we introduce a retail planning and operations management model, which will serve as a frame of reference for the remainder of the text. This simple model illustrates the importance of strategic planning and operations management. These two activities, if properly conducted, will enable a retail firm to achieve results exceeding those of the competition. Learning Objectives: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Explain why strategic planning is so important and be able to describe the components of strategic planning: statement of mission; goals and objectives; an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and strategy. 2. Describe the text's retail planning and operation management model which explains the two tasks that a retailer must perform and how they lead to higher profit. Outline: I. Components of Strategic Planning A. Planning - The anticipation and organization of what needs to be done to reach an objective. B. One form of planning is strategic planning. This type of planning involves adapting the resources of the firm to the opportunities and threats of an ever-changing retail environment. The strategic planning process consists of four components: 1. Mission Statement - Basic description of the fundamental nature, rationale, and direction of the firm. While mission statements vary from retailer to retailer, good ones usually include three elements: a. How the retailer uses or intends to use its resources b. How it expects to relate to the ever-changing environment c. The kinds of values it intends to provide in order to serve the needs and wants of the consumer 2. Statement of Goals and Objectives - Performance results intended to be brought about through the execution of a strategy. These goals and objectives should be derived from, and give precision and direction to, the retailer’s mission statement. A retailer's objectives are usually categorized into four dimensions: a. Market Performance – establish the amount of dominance the retailer has in the marketplace. (1) Sales volume (2) Market share – the retailer’s total sales divided by total market sales. 25
  • 26. b. Financial - A retailer analyzes its ability to provide an adequate profit level to continue in business. (1) Profitability - deal directly with the monetary return a retailer desires from its business. The most frequently encountered profit objectives in a retail enterprise are: (a) Net profit margin - the ratio of net profit (after taxes) to sales and shows how much profit a retailer makes on each dollar of sales after expenses and taxes have been met. (b) Asset turnover – total sales divided by total assets. This measure shows how many dollars of sales a retailer can generate on an annual basis with each dollar invested in assets. (c) Return on assets (ROA) - net profit (after taxes) divided by total assets. (d) Financial leverage - total assets divided by net worth or owners' equity. This measure shows how aggressive the retailer is in its use of debt. (e) Return on net worth (RONW) - net profit (after taxes) divided by owners’ equity. (2) Productivity - Objectives that state how much output the retailer desires for each unit of resource input. The major resources at the retailer's disposal are: (a) Space productivity - net sales divided by the total square feet of retail floor space. A space productivity objective states how many dollars in sales the retailer wants to generate for each square foot of store space. (b) Labor productivity - net sales divided by the number of full-time-equivalent employees. A labor productivity objective reflects how many dollars in sales the retailer desires to generate for each full-time-equivalent employee. (c) Merchandise productivity - net sales divided by the average dollar investment in inventory. This objective (also known as sales-to-stock ratio) states the dollar sales the retailer desires to generate for each dollar invested in inventory. c. Societal - reflect the retailers' desire to help society fulfill some of its needs. (1) Employment - relate to the provision of employment opportunities for the members of the retailer's community. (2) Payment of taxes - recognizes the retailer's role in helping finance societal needs that the government deems appropriate. (3) Consumer choice – the goal to compete in such a way that the consumer will be given real alternatives. (4) Equity - reflects the retailer's desire to treat the consumer and suppliers fairly. 26
  • 27. (5) Benefactor - reflects the retailer's desire to underwrite certain community activities. d. Personal - reflect the retailers’ desire to help individuals employed in retailing fulfill some of their needs. Generally retailers tend to pursue three types of personal objectives. (1) Self gratification - focused on the needs and desires of the owners, managers, or employees of the firm to pursue what they truly want out of life. (2) Status and respect - focus on the owners', managers', or employees' need for status and respect in their community or within their circle of friends. (3) Power and authority - reflect the need of managers and other employees to be in positions of influence. 3. Strategies - Carefully designed plans for achieving the retailer's goals and objectives. It is a course of action that when executed will produce the desired levels of performance. a. Some experts believe retailers can operate with three basic strategies: (1) Get shoppers into your store. Many retailers think this is one of the most difficult tasks in retailing - getting people to visit your website or to come into your store. (2) Convert these shoppers into customers by having them purchase merchandise. This means having the right merchandise, using the right layout and display, and having the right sales force. (3) Do this at the lowest operating cost possible that is consistent with the level of service that your customers expect. b. Many retailers go further and use strategies that enable them to differentiate themselves from the competition in order to accomplish these three tasks. They do this by means of differentiation -- that is, what sets them apart from their competition: (1) Physical differentiation of the product (2) The selling process by offering outstanding service (3) After-purchase satisfaction by taking care of the customer after the sale has been made (4) Location or the ease with which the customer can get to the retailer (5) Never being out-of-stock on sizes, colors, and styles that the retailer's target market expects the retailer to carry 4. Identification and analysis of the retailer's strengths and weaknesses as well as the threats and opportunities that exist in the environment. a. Before developing differentiation strategies, however, the retailer must also be aware of its current market position. It can do this with a SWOT Analysis: (1) Strengths - (a) What major competitive advantage(s) do we have? (b) What are we good at? (c) What do customers perceive as our strong points? 27
  • 28. (2) Weaknesses - (a) What major competitive advantage(s) do competitors have over us? (b) What are competitors better at than we are? (c) What are our major internal weaknesses? (3) Opportunities - (a) What favorable environmental trends may benefit our firm? (b) What is the competition doing in our market? (c) What areas of business that are closely related to ours are undeveloped? (4) Threats - (a) What unfortunate environmental trends exist that may hurt our future performance? (b) What technology is on the horizon that may soon have an impact on our firm? b. After performing the SWOT Analysis, the retailer should generate strategies for achieving its goals. The retailer should have a fully developed marketing strategy that should include: (1) The specific target market or group(s) of customers that the retailer is seeking to serve. (2) The location(s) that is consistent with the needs and wants of the desired target market. (3) The specific retail mix that the retailer intends to use to appeal to its target market, and thereby meet its financial objectives. The retail mix is the combination of merchandise, price, advertising and promotion, location, customer services and selling, and store layout and design, that the retailer intends to use to appeal to its target market to meets its financial objectives. II. The Retail Strategic Planning and Operations Management Model - A retailer must take part in the following types of planning and management tasks: A. Strategic Planning - The process concerned with how the retailer responds to the environment in an effort to establish a long-term course of action. The strategic plan reflects the line(s) of trade in which the retailer will operate, the market(s) it will pursue, and the retail mix it will use. Strategic planning calls for the long- term commitment of resources. The strategic planning process requires a retailer to: 1. Define the mission; establish goals and objectives; perform a SWOT analysis. 2. After assessing the external environment in order to uncover opportunities to gain a differential advantage over competitors, the retailer should develop a strong marketing plan with both market and financial performance objectives. Major environmental factors that need to be considered include: a. Consumer Behavior - Understand the determinants of consumers' shopping behavior. b. Competitor Behavior - Develop a competitive strategy that is not easily imitated. 28
  • 29. c. Supply Chain Behavior - Keep abreast of supply chain members' behavior and the possible effects it may have on one's strategy. d. Socioeconomic Environment - Understand how economic and demographic trends will influence future sales. e. Technological Environment - Gather knowledge in regard to opportunities for improving operating efficiency. f. Legal and Ethical Environment - Be familiar with local, state and federal regulations; stay current with evolving legal patterns that may effect the industry while operating at the highest ethical standards. 3. In addition, the retailer must consider the location of each retail establishment; often an uncontrollable factor. B. Operations Management – deals with activities directed at maximizing the efficiency of the retailer’s use of resources. It is frequently referred to as day-to- day management. C. High Performance Results - Achieved through the development and implementation of well-designed strategic, operational, and administrative plans. High performance results are indicative of industry leaders. Retailers must set high financial performance objectives so that they can at least maintain average operating results if planned results are not achieved. 29
  • 30. CHAPTER 4 Evaluating the Competition in Retailing Overview: The behavior of competitors is an important component of the retail planning and management model. Effective planning and execution in any retail setting cannot be accomplished without the proper analysis of competitors. In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the various models of retail competition. The types of competition in retailing are described next. We then discuss the evolution of retail competition. Finally, we examine the upcoming retail revolution in nonstore retailing, developing retail formats, global and technological changes, and the use of private labels as a strategic weapon. Learning Objectives: After reading this chapter you should be able to: 1. Explain the various models of retail competition 2. Distinguish between various types of retail competition 3. Describe the four theories used to explain the evolution of retail competition 4. Describe the changes that could effect retail competition Outline: I. Models of Retail Competition – This chapter examines the effects of competition on a retailer’s performance. Today’s slower population growth rates have turned retailing into a business where successful regional and national retailers can grow only by taking sales away from competitors. Thus, a retailer must always be on the offensive by studying the changing competitive environment, especially its local competition, and differentiating itself from that competition. A. The Competitive Marketplace - Competition can be waged on many fronts, and a retailer must be clear about what advantages it will emphasize and where its resources will have the greatest effect in attracting and satisfying customers. B. Market Structure 1. Economists use four different economic terms to describe the competitive environment in the retailing industry: a. Pure Competition – occurs when a market has homogeneous products and many buyers and sellers, all having perfect knowledge of the market, and ease of entry for both buyers and sellers. b. Pure Monopoly – occurs when there is only one seller for a product or service. c. Monopolistic Competition – occurs when the products offered are different, yet viewed as substitutable for each other and the sellers recognize that they compete with sellers of these different products. d. Oligopolistic Competition – occurs when relatively few sellers, or many small firms who follow the lead of a few larger firms, 30
  • 31. offer essentially homogeneous products and any action by one seller is expected to be noticed and reacted to by the other sellers. 2. Retailing can be characterized as monopolistic or, in rare cases, oligopolistic competition. The distinction between monopolistic competition and oligopolistic competition lies in the number of sellers. a. Conventional economic thought suggests that for oligopoly to occur, the top four firms have to account for over 60 to 80 percent of the market. While some national retailers do have large market shares; oligopolistic competition does not actually occur on a national level. However, it is not uncommon at a local level. b. However, if local prices become too high, merchandise selection too limited, or services too poor, residents of these communities will travel to larger communities to shop. This is known as outshopping. C. Demand Side of Retailing - Most retailers face monopolistic competition where they are confronted with a negatively sloping demand curve caused by "the law of diminishing returns." D. Nonprice Decisions – Many customers place a value on attributes other than price when selecting a place to shop. Therefore, the retailer has to make decisions about the other elements (merchandise mix, advertising and promotion, customer services and selling, and store layout and design) of the retail mix in order to influence the quantity of merchandise it sells and the profit level it achieves. Here are some ways a retailer could make use of nonprice competition: 1. The retailer could position itself as different from the competition by altering its merchandise mix to offer higher- quality goods, greater personal service, special-orders handling, or a better selection of large sizes. 2. The retailer can offer private label merchandise that has unique features or offers better value than competitors. 3. The retailer could provide other benefits for the customer. For example, the retailer could effectively lower transportation costs for customers by providing free parking and/or gas. 4. The retailer could master stockkeeping with its basic merchandise assortment. E. Competitive Actions - With so many retail establishments competing against each other, the profitability of all the retailers suffers. 1. Market Equilibrium - When the return on investment is high enough to justify keeping capital invested in retailing, but not so high to invite more competition. 2. Measure of competitive activity - The number of retail establishments per household in a market. a. Overstored Market – a condition in a community when the number of stores in relation to households is so large that to engage in retailing is usally unprofitable or marginally profitable. b. Understored Market – a condition in a community when the number of stores in relation to households is relatively low so that engaging in retailing is an attractive economic endeavor. F. Suppliers As Partners And Competitors – A retailer’s suppliers should be considered both partners and competitors for the customer’s dollars. 31
  • 32. 1. Suppliers as competitors – Suppliers compete for gross margins throughout the supply chain. The retailer must develop a loyal group of patrons that encourages the supplier to accommodate the needs of its retail partner. 2. Suppliers as partners – Suppliers can be a critical competitive advantage to retailers when they provide a unique product or promotion. II. Types of Competition - Competition is quite intense in retailing and various classification schemes are used to describe this intensity. A. Intratype and Intertype Competition 1. Intratype Competition – occurs when two or more retailers, of the same type, compete with each other for the same household; the most common type of retail competition. 2. Intertype Competition – occurs when two or more retailers, of different types, compete directly by attempting to sell the same merchandise lines to the same households. B. Divertive Competition - When retailers intercept or divert customers from competing retailers. 1. This type of behavior can be either a form of intratype or intertype competition. 2. It is significant because many retailers operate close to their break-even point, thus making them susceptible to any downturn in sales. III. Theories of the Evolution of Retail Competition - Several theories have been developed to explain and describe the evolution of competition in retailing. A. Wheel of Retailing Hypothesis - New retailers enter the market as low-status, low-margin, low-price operators. However, as they meet with success, these new retailers gradually acquire more sophisticated and elaborate facilities making them vulnerable to new types of low-margin retail competitors who progress through the same pattern. The three stages are: 1. Entry Phase - New retailers enter the market as low-status, low-margin, low-profit operators. 2. Trading-Up Phase - The new retailers experience success and acquire more sophisticated and elaborate facilities. 3. Vulnerability Phase - Retailers find it necessary to raise prices and margins and therefore become susceptible to new types of low-margin competition. B. The Retail Accordion - Retail institutions evolve from outlets that offer wide assortments to specialty stores that offer narrow assortments and then return to the wide assortment stores and continue through the pattern again and again. C. The Retail Life Cycle - Some believe that retailing institutions pass through an identifiable cycle: 1. Introduction - This stage is initiated by an aggressive, bold entrepreneur who is willing and able to develop an approach to retailing that departs from conventional approaches. Sales will grow if consumers perceive the new advantage being offered as particularly significant. 2. Growth - Many new competitors enter the market to take part in the success of the new form of retailing; sales and profit growth are explosive. Market share and profits will approach their maximum levels. 32
  • 33. 3. Maturity - Market share stabilizes and severe profit declines occur due to inadaptable managerial capabilities, over expansion, and competitive assaults by new forms of retailing. 4. Decline - Retailers experience major losses of market share, marginal profits and an inability to compete. Decline may be postponed by attempts to reposition, modify, or adapt the firm. D. Resource-Advantage Theory – Firms seek superior financial performance in an ever-changing environment. Retail demand is dynamic because consumer tastes are always changing, and supply is dynamic because, as firms search for a superior performance, they are forced to change the elements of their retail mix to match changing consumer preference and improve firm performance. 1. Superior performance – The result of achieving a competitive advantage in the marketplace as a result of some tangible or intangible entity. 2. All retailers cannot achieve superior results at the same time. IV. Future Changes in Retail Competition - Retailers in today's ever-changing marketplace can expect dynamic changes in retail competition. A few of the trends shaping the retail landscape include: A. Nonstore Retailing - Analysts contend that nonstore retailing (especially those that utilize the Internet) will experience significant growth during the next decade. 1. Some of the forces contributing to this growth are: a. Consumers’ need to save time. b. Consumers’ desire to ―time-shift.‖ c. The erosion of enjoyment in the shopping experience. d. The lack of qualified sales help in stores to provide information. e. The explosive development of the telephone, computer, and telecommunications equipment that facilitates nonstore shopping. f. The consumers' preference for lower prices, which often eliminates the middleman's profit. 2. Nonstore retailers include: a. Direct Selling Establishments – Engage in the sale of a consumer product or service on a person-to-person basis away from a fixed retail location. b. Direct Marketers – Those who sell products by catalog, mail order, and the Internet. c. E-Tailing – The general belief by retail experts is that electronic, interactive, at-home shopping is definitely the place to be. Every major player in the retail industry, computer industry, telecommunications industry, and the transaction processing industry is committed to this growth. However, there are six reasons, why Internet sales will fail to reach 50 percent of total retail sales: (1) 26 percent of all retail sales involve automobile dealers. The taxes paid by new car dealers to their state governments will ensure that states will continue to ban Internet sales and protect the current system. 33
  • 34. (2) Discounters, who account for a third of all general merchandise sales, will have a particularly difficult problem selling via the Internet. (3) Half of all food and beverage slaes, are sold by on- premise restaurants. (4) The U.S. is currently overstored. Thus, many consumers will purchase at a bricks & mortar retailer instead of waiting for an overnight delivery. (5) Some items, especially fashion clothing, must be tried on or seen in person before buying. (6) A final factor limiting e-commerce is the ―security issue.‖ B. New Retailing Formats - Retailing is continually evolving. Innovation in retailing is the result of constant pressure to improve efficiency and effectiveness in serving the consumer. The pressure to better serve has also resulted in a shortened life cycle for retail formats. As a result, new formats are born and old ones die. 1. Supercenters – combine a discount store and grocery store and carry 80,000 to 100,000 products in order to offer one-stop shopping. a. These stores offer the customer one-stop shopping (and as a result are capable of drawing customers from up to a 60 - 80 mile radius in some rural areas) and lower the customer's total cost of purchasing in terms of time and miles traveled without sacrificing service and variety. b. Recently, the supercenter concept has even branched out into the automobile market. 2. Recycled Merchandise Retailers – establishments that sell used and reconditioned products. 3. Liquidators - With over 15,000 retailers seeking the protection of the bankruptcy courts annually, liquidators are needed to come in and liquidate leftover merchandise so that the troubled retailer can shut down or down-size. C. Heightened Global Competition - The rate of change in retailing appears to be directly related to the stage and speed of economic development in the countries concerned. 1. Even the least-developed countries are experiencing dramatic changes in retailing activities as newer formats are introduced. 2. Retailing in other countries exhibits even greater diversity in its structure than retailing in the United States. 3. Tthe introduction of new retailing formats in one part of the country will impact retailers in other parts of the country. This is true regardless of whether the change occurs domestically or internationally. 4. Still, it is amazing that retailers from larger countries often do not have the level of success when entering a new country as compared to retailers from smaller countries. Retail experts attribute this failure by large country retailers to two factors. a. a lack of understanding of the new country's culture. b. retailers from smaller countries have always had to deal with international issues if they were to expand. D. Integration of Technology - Technology is having and will continue to have a dramatic influence on retailing. 1. Technological innovations can be viewed under three main areas: 34
  • 35. a. Supply chain management b. Customer management c. Customer satisfaction 2. Retailers on the forefront of technology who seek to understand their consumers will achieve higher levels of effectiveness in their efforts. E. Increasing Use of Private Labels – As retailing continues to change, the increased use of private labels has emerged as a key business asset in developing a differential advantage for retailers. Private labels can set the retailer apart from the competition, get customers into their store, and bring them back. Current strategies being used by retailers include: 1. Develop a partnership with well-known celebrities, noted experts, and institutional authorities. 2. Develop a partnership with traditionally higher-end suppliers to bring an exclusive variation on their highly regarded brand name to market. 3. Reintroduce products with strong name recognition that have fallen from the retail scene. 4. Brand an entire department or business; not just a product line. 35
  • 36. Lecture Four Topics: Retail Customers Legal and Ethical Behavior Dunne: Chapters 3 and 6 36