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DB proxy server test:
run tests on tens of
virtual machines with
Jenkins, Vagrant and
our Vagrant wrapper
Open Source
and Linux Lab
• Test task
• How to prepare test environment
• Upper layer: CI tool
• Our additions
Our setup: product – DB proxy server Maxscale
• Product to build and test: Maxscale – database proxy
• lots of plugins (routers, filters, protocols, etc, etc, etc) = many configurations
• Integration tests, performance tests, “scientific experiments”
• Test environment:
– at least 9 VM (1 Maxscale server, 4 Master/Slave servers, 4-servers Galera cluster)
– libvirt/qemu
– some tests are heavy – powerful AWS virtual machines, but their life is short
– need to configure backend for every test run
– need to carefully clean up
Our setup: why is it so complex to run test?
• dependency on VM provider: it can easily FAIL
• 12 Linux distributions, 4 major MariaDB version, 3 major MySQL version, a lot of
Maxscale plugins – any combination should be testable
INFO: ==> galera_003: Starting domain.
ERROR: There was an error talking to Libvirt.
The error message is shown
ERROR: below:
ERROR: Call to virDomainCreateWithFlags
failed: internal error: process exited while
connecting to monitor: warning: host doesn't
support requested feature: CPUID.01H:EDX.ds
[bit 21]
ERROR: warning: host doesn't support
requested feature: CPUID.01H:EDX.acpi [bit 22]
ERROR: warning: host doesn't support
requested feature: [bit 28]
What does it mean for test management system?
• Several VMs are needed for every test round
• Lots of parameters for every test job
• Cascades of jobs: e.g. prepare backend, install Maxscale, run test, cleanup
• Error processing (e.g. backend VMs preparation failure) – how to do cleanup in this
• Matrix jobs: test a lot of combinations of distros, backend MariaDB version, backend
• very dynamic setup
VM management: Vagrant
• libvirt, AWS, Docker, LXC, DigitalOcean, OpenStack, ...
• write Vagrantfile and 'vagrant up' ...
• but
– it can fail: restart logic is needed
– Vagrantfile is not the simplest thing to write
• Provisioning:
– lots of tools, let's just take simplest – Puppet
– many version of MariaDB/MySQL – need a tool to configure paths to binary repos
• simple human-readable descriptions of VMs
• VM up and provisioning processes monitoring
and restart logic
"node_000" :
"hostname" : "node0",
"box" : "centos_7_libvirt",
"product" : {
"name": "mariadb",
"version": "10.0",
"cnf_template" : "server1.cnf",
"node_001" :
"hostname" : "node1",
"box" : "ubuntu_xenial_libvirt",
"product" : {
"name": "mariadb",
"version": "10.2",
"cnf_template" : "server2.cnf",
"maxscale" :
"hostname" : "maxscale",
"box" : "ubuntu_xenial_libvirt",
"product" : {
"name": "maxscale",
"version": "2.1.7"
Infrastructure as Code!
• a set of binary repositories descriptions for
MariaDB, MySQL, Maxscale
• a set of Vagrant boxes descriptions
"product": "maxscale",
"version": "default",
"repo": "$basearch",
"repo_key": "",
"platform": "centos",
"platform_version": "7"
"ubuntu_xenial_libvirt": {
"provider": "libvirt",
"box": "tnmt/xenial-alpha1",
"platform": "ubuntu",
"platform_version": "xenial"
"centos_7_libvirt": {
"provider": "libvirt",
"box": "centos/7",
"platform": "centos",
"platform_version": "7"
"centos_7_aws_large" : {
"provider": "aws",
"ami": "ami-1c2e8b6b",
"user": "ec2-user",
"default_instance_type": "m1.large",
"platform": "centos",
"platform_version": "7"
"rhel_7_aws" : {
"provider": "aws",
"ami": "ami-25158352",
"user": "ec2-user",
"default_instance_type": "m3.medium",
"platform": "rhel",
"platform_version": "7"
MDBCI vs Vagrantfile
• separate
– high-level test setup description
– VM box description
– Repositories description
– Chef recipes
– Credentials
• hide
– low-level provider-dependent stuff
### Import AWS Provider access config ###
require 'yaml'
aws_config = YAML.load_file('/home/vagrant/mdbci/aws-config.yml')['aws']
## of import AWS Provider access config
### Vagrant configuration block ###
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.omnibus.chef_version = '12.9.38'
### AWS Provider config block ###
########################################################### = "dummy"
config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
aws.keypair_name = "max-tst-02.mariadb.com_daily_test-382-2.1_1505122513"
aws.region = aws_config["region"]
aws.security_groups = aws_config["security_groups"]
aws.user_data = aws_config["user_data"]
override.ssh.private_key_path = "/home/vagrant/vms/daily_test-382-2.1/maxscale.pem"
override.nfs.functional = false
aws.aws_profile = "mdbci"
end ## of AWS Provider config block
# --> Begin definition for machine: node_000
config.vm.define :node_000 do |node_000|
node_000.vm.provider :aws do |aws,override|
aws.ami = "ami-1c2e8b6b"
aws.tags = { "hostname" => "", "username" => "vagrant", "full_config_path
aws.instance_type = "t1.micro"
override.ssh.username = "ec2-user"
node_000.vm.synced_folder "~/build-scripts/test-setup-scripts/cnf", "/home/vagrant/cnf_templates", type: "r
node_000.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 12.9.38'
node_000.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "/home/vagrant/mdbci/recipes/cookbooks/"
chef.roles_path = "."
chef.add_role "node_000"
chef.synced_folder_type = "rsync"
end #<-- end of chef binding
end # <-- End AWS definition for machine: node_000
Upper layer: BuildBot, Jenkins
• Buildbot
– has been in use from very beginning (since middle of 90th
– do we want different tools for every our product?
– there are many useful scripts for BuildBot
• Jenkins
– popular tool
– easy to start
– let's try for Maxscale
Jenkins: Job Builder
• A tool from OpenStack developers
• Pipelines did not exist when we started
• our jobs:
What can we get from JJB?
• All our jobs (>60) are represented as a code (branches, forks, review, pull requests, …)
• Parameters values are in one place for all jobs (easy maintenance of parameters defaults
and lists)
• Automatic validation of jobs takes place at every push to jobs repo
• very easy jobs deployment
• at the beginning: app. 20 jobs, we spent 1 week to convert to JJB code (1.5 persons)
Our “run_test” job: thanks to Parametrized Trigger plugin
Setup backend
Install Maxscale
Run tests
Extract logs, coredumps
cleanup VMs (or not)
Parse logs
Send report email
Put result to DB
Pipelines? may be...
- job:
name: run_test
description: 'This job perform integration testing of maxscale'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/boxes_all_incl.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/products_incl.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/versions_incl.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/test_branch.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/slave.yaml'
- git:
# TODO parametrize this url
- $test_branch
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/create_env_vars.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_initial_env.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/run_test_and_collect.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/parse_build_log.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_build_results.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/create_env_coredumps.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_coredumps_var.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/write_build_results.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser_mail_subject_with_name.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/call_cleanup.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/workspace-cleanup.yaml'
- !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/timeout.yaml'
concurrent: true
name: box
!include: './maxscale_jobs/include/boxes_all.yaml'
description: 'Virtual machine OS (name of Vagrant box)'
- centos_7_libvirt
- centos_6_libvirt
- centos_5_libvirt
- ubuntu_wily_libvirt
- ubuntu_wily_aws
- suse_13_libvirt
scripts/test/ | tee
LD_ID; echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
> result_$BUILD_ID'
recipients: !include-raw: "./maxscale_jobs/include/mail_recipients.yaml"
content-type: default
subject: $DEFAULT_SUBJECT ($name)
body: !include-raw: "./maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser_email_body"
attach-build-log: false
Jenkins: results visualization problem
• Jenkins: all “run_test” jobs are the
same in the list
• any search engine in Jenkins?
• our solution:
– report email
– test script puts results into …
MariaDB, developers query DB
by writing SQL manually
Our additions
• simple wrapper to load jobs
– adds timestamps and git commit ID to job description
– easier way to manage Jenkins creds
– manage Views ('description' contains reference to 'View' to put the job)
• Matrix job killer groovy script
• Job Visualizer (not ready yet, but working)
Job Visualizer: Call Graph
Do you call all the jobs
Do you have cyclic
Job Visualizer: Include Graph
If you change one file,
which jobs you can break?
Jenkins job description pre-processing
description: 'View: test. This job perform integration testing of maxscale'
description: 'View: build. This job builds Maxscale'
• full automatic deployment
• move Jenkins to VM or container
• try JobDSL (via JJB?)
• BuildBot is still in the view
• results visualization: plugin? 3rd
party tool? something own?
• easy to create any number of VMs (described as easy JSON)
• MDBCI does all dirty job
• Jenkins is good for scheduling and logs storing
• setup works!
• results visualization is bad (Buildbot?)
• Pipelines or JobDSL – worth to try
MariaDB Maxscale
Continuous Integration
Open Source
and Linux Lab
in cooperation with
Open Source
and Linux Lab
Open Innovations Association FRUCT
Mark Zaslavskiy <>
Sergey Balandin <>

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DB proxy server test: run tests on tens of virtual machines with Jenkins, Vagrant and our Vagrant wrapper MDBCI

  • 1. DB proxy server test: run tests on tens of virtual machines with Jenkins, Vagrant and our Vagrant wrapper MDBCI Open Source and Linux Lab OSLL
  • 2. • Test task • How to prepare test environment • Upper layer: CI tool • Our additions
  • 3. Our setup: product – DB proxy server Maxscale • Product to build and test: Maxscale – database proxy • lots of plugins (routers, filters, protocols, etc, etc, etc) = many configurations • Integration tests, performance tests, “scientific experiments” • Test environment: – at least 9 VM (1 Maxscale server, 4 Master/Slave servers, 4-servers Galera cluster) – libvirt/qemu – some tests are heavy – powerful AWS virtual machines, but their life is short – need to configure backend for every test run – need to carefully clean up
  • 4. Our setup: why is it so complex to run test? • dependency on VM provider: it can easily FAIL • 12 Linux distributions, 4 major MariaDB version, 3 major MySQL version, a lot of Maxscale plugins – any combination should be testable INFO: ==> galera_003: Starting domain. ERROR: There was an error talking to Libvirt. The error message is shown ERROR: below: ERROR: ERROR: Call to virDomainCreateWithFlags failed: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.01H:EDX.ds [bit 21] ERROR: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.01H:EDX.acpi [bit 22] ERROR: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: [bit 28] ...
  • 5. What does it mean for test management system? • Several VMs are needed for every test round • Lots of parameters for every test job • Cascades of jobs: e.g. prepare backend, install Maxscale, run test, cleanup • Error processing (e.g. backend VMs preparation failure) – how to do cleanup in this case? • Matrix jobs: test a lot of combinations of distros, backend MariaDB version, backend parameters • very dynamic setup
  • 6. VM management: Vagrant • libvirt, AWS, Docker, LXC, DigitalOcean, OpenStack, ... • write Vagrantfile and 'vagrant up' ... • but – it can fail: restart logic is needed – Vagrantfile is not the simplest thing to write • Provisioning: – lots of tools, let's just take simplest – Puppet – many version of MariaDB/MySQL – need a tool to configure paths to binary repos
  • 7. MDBCI • simple human-readable descriptions of VMs • VM up and provisioning processes monitoring and restart logic "node_000" : { "hostname" : "node0", "box" : "centos_7_libvirt", "product" : { "name": "mariadb", "version": "10.0", "cnf_template" : "server1.cnf", } }, "node_001" : { "hostname" : "node1", "box" : "ubuntu_xenial_libvirt", "product" : { "name": "mariadb", "version": "10.2", "cnf_template" : "server2.cnf", } }, "maxscale" : { "hostname" : "maxscale", "box" : "ubuntu_xenial_libvirt", "product" : { "name": "maxscale", "version": "2.1.7" } } simple_test_config.json Infrastructure as Code!
  • 8. MDBCI • a set of binary repositories descriptions for MariaDB, MySQL, Maxscale • a set of Vagrant boxes descriptions [{ "product": "maxscale", "version": "default", "repo": "$basearch", "repo_key": "", "platform": "centos", "platform_version": "7" }] "ubuntu_xenial_libvirt": { "provider": "libvirt", "box": "tnmt/xenial-alpha1", "platform": "ubuntu", "platform_version": "xenial" }, "centos_7_libvirt": { "provider": "libvirt", "box": "centos/7", "platform": "centos", "platform_version": "7" }, …. boxes_libvirt.json "centos_7_aws_large" : { "provider": "aws", "ami": "ami-1c2e8b6b", "user": "ec2-user", "default_instance_type": "m1.large", "platform": "centos", "platform_version": "7" }, "rhel_7_aws" : { "provider": "aws", "ami": "ami-25158352", "user": "ec2-user", "default_instance_type": "m3.medium", "platform": "rhel", "platform_version": "7" }, …. boxes_aws.json repository-config/maxscale-2.1.7-centos_7.json
  • 9. MDBCI vs Vagrantfile • separate – high-level test setup description – VM box description – Repositories description – Chef recipes – Credentials • hide – low-level provider-dependent stuff ### Import AWS Provider access config ### require 'yaml' aws_config = YAML.load_file('/home/vagrant/mdbci/aws-config.yml')['aws'] ## of import AWS Provider access config ### Vagrant configuration block ### #################################### Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.omnibus.chef_version = '12.9.38' ### AWS Provider config block ### ########################################################### = "dummy" config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override| aws.keypair_name = "max-tst-02.mariadb.com_daily_test-382-2.1_1505122513" aws.region = aws_config["region"] aws.security_groups = aws_config["security_groups"] aws.user_data = aws_config["user_data"] override.ssh.private_key_path = "/home/vagrant/vms/daily_test-382-2.1/maxscale.pem" override.nfs.functional = false aws.aws_profile = "mdbci" end ## of AWS Provider config block # --> Begin definition for machine: node_000 config.vm.define :node_000 do |node_000| node_000.vm.provider :aws do |aws,override| aws.ami = "ami-1c2e8b6b" aws.tags = { "hostname" => "", "username" => "vagrant", "full_config_path aws.instance_type = "t1.micro" override.ssh.username = "ec2-user" end node_000.vm.synced_folder "~/build-scripts/test-setup-scripts/cnf", "/home/vagrant/cnf_templates", type: "r node_000.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 12.9.38' node_000.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef| chef.cookbooks_path = "/home/vagrant/mdbci/recipes/cookbooks/" chef.roles_path = "." chef.add_role "node_000" chef.synced_folder_type = "rsync" end #<-- end of chef binding end # <-- End AWS definition for machine: node_000
  • 10. Upper layer: BuildBot, Jenkins • Buildbot – has been in use from very beginning (since middle of 90th ) – do we want different tools for every our product? – there are many useful scripts for BuildBot • Jenkins – popular tool – easy to start – let's try for Maxscale
  • 11. Jenkins: Job Builder • A tool from OpenStack developers • YAML • Pipelines did not exist when we started • our jobs:
  • 12. What can we get from JJB? • All our jobs (>60) are represented as a code (branches, forks, review, pull requests, …) • Parameters values are in one place for all jobs (easy maintenance of parameters defaults and lists) • Automatic validation of jobs takes place at every push to jobs repo • very easy jobs deployment • at the beginning: app. 20 jobs, we spent 1 week to convert to JJB code (1.5 persons)
  • 13. Our “run_test” job: thanks to Parametrized Trigger plugin Build Setup backend Install Maxscale Run tests Extract logs, coredumps cleanup VMs (or not) Parse logs Send report email Put result to DB Pipelines? may be...
  • 14. - job: name: run_test description: 'This job perform integration testing of maxscale' parameters: - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/boxes_all_incl.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/products_incl.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/versions_incl.yaml' .... - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/test_branch.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/slave.yaml' scm: - git: # TODO parametrize this url url: branches: - $test_branch builders: - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/create_env_vars.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_initial_env.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/run_test_and_collect.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/parse_build_log.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_build_results.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/create_env_coredumps.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/inject_coredumps_var.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser/write_build_results.yaml' publishers: - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser_mail_subject_with_name.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/call_cleanup.yaml' wrappers: - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/workspace-cleanup.yaml' - !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/timeout.yaml' concurrent: true choice: name: box choices: !include: './maxscale_jobs/include/boxes_all.yaml' description: 'Virtual machine OS (name of Vagrant box)' - centos_7_libvirt - centos_6_libvirt - centos_5_libvirt - ubuntu_wily_libvirt - ubuntu_wily_aws … - suse_13_libvirt boxes_all_incl.yaml boxes_all_incl.yaml shell: '$HOME/build- scripts/test/ | tee $WORKSPACE/build_log_$BUI LD_ID; echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]} > result_$BUILD_ID' boxes_all_incl.yaml email-ext: recipients: !include-raw: "./maxscale_jobs/include/mail_recipients.yaml" reply-to: $DEFAULT_REPLYTO content-type: default subject: $DEFAULT_SUBJECT ($name) body: !include-raw: "./maxscale_jobs/include/build_parser_email_body" attach-build-log: false ... boxes_all_incl.yaml
  • 15. Jenkins: results visualization problem • Jenkins: all “run_test” jobs are the same in the list • any search engine in Jenkins? • our solution: – report email – test script puts results into … MariaDB, developers query DB by writing SQL manually
  • 16. Our additions • simple wrapper to load jobs – adds timestamps and git commit ID to job description – easier way to manage Jenkins creds – manage Views ('description' contains reference to 'View' to put the job) • Matrix job killer groovy script • Job Visualizer (not ready yet, but working)
  • 17. Job Visualizer: Call Graph ● Do you call all the jobs correctly? ● Do you have cyclic dependencies?
  • 18. Job Visualizer: Include Graph If you change one file, which jobs you can break?
  • 19. Jenkins job description pre-processing description: 'View: test. This job perform integration testing of maxscale' description: 'View: build. This job builds Maxscale'
  • 20. Plans • full automatic deployment • move Jenkins to VM or container • try JobDSL (via JJB?) • BuildBot is still in the view • results visualization: plugin? 3rd party tool? something own?
  • 21. Results • easy to create any number of VMs (described as easy JSON) • MDBCI does all dirty job • Jenkins is good for scheduling and logs storing • setup works! • results visualization is bad (Buildbot?) • Pipelines or JobDSL – worth to try
  • 22. MariaDB Maxscale Continuous Integration Open Source and Linux Lab OSLL in cooperation with Open Source and Linux Lab Open Innovations Association FRUCT and Mark Zaslavskiy <> Sergey Balandin <>