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Brought to you by:
• To provide you (the marketer) with a
  cursory guide for understanding the ever-
  expanding world being created at the
  intersection of Big Data & Marketing.
Welcome To The World Of Data
THIS Data.
Data Supplied By Media Interaction
Data As The Fuel For The New Economy

                            Analytics       Site

                    CRM                                         Video




                    0  1

Data As The Basis For…

Definition: Big Data

• A collection of data sets so large and complex
  that it becomes awkward to work with using on-
  hand database management tools.

• Difficulties include
  capture, storage, search, sharing, analysis and

• Data that gives you actionable information about
  your              – making you                 !
You Are Making Money And Spending
           Money.. Data Is The Tie That Binds











Where Does Big Data Come From?
How Do Marketers Want To Use Big Data…
What Is The Data Flow That
Informs Customer Marketing?
Definition: Marketing

• The act of buying and selling in a market.

• The total of activities involved in the transfer of
  goods from the producer or seller to the
  consumer or buyer, including
  advertising, shipping, storing and selling.
This Is NOT Marketing
Big Data + Marketing =
       Data-Driven Marketing

• A customer oriented marketing approach that
  relies heavily on using customer data, especially
  customer behavior, to determine the
  targeting, timing and content of marketing

• The ability to craft 360 degree intelligent views
  into your customer and use that for retention
  marketing as well as prospecting efforts.
Create A Relevant Site Experience
Deliver The Right Offer To The
        Right Audience
Why Is It Important?
1. Marketers’ are becoming more dependent on data
and technology to drive efficiency and effectiveness.
                             Only 20% of marketing
                               leaders believe their
2. The volume of data that is available to you, as a
                          organizations have a holistic
marketer, is increasing exponentially.
                           view of the customer.
3. The volume of marketing touchpoints by which you
reach customers is growing almost as fast.
                               (source: Forrester 2012)
4. Future effectiveness in your role as a marketer relies
heavily on your ability to manage and ACTIVATE data!

  Your JOB Depends On It!!
Trust Us – People Are Spending
    On “Big Data” Marketing!
                     Spend (MM)
                 source: Winterberry Analysis


2012                                                    customer
                                     intelligence technologies in
                                        the short or long term
2010                                      (source: Forrester 2011)


       0   200       400              600             800            1000
Everyone Agrees - Data Is Important!
What Challenges Do Marketers
Have With Data-Driven Marketing?

    These all
  challenges for
And Not To Be Repetitive, But…
Understanding Your Customer Journey
     Is Key To Driving Results…
The Customer Journey (as fueled by data)

                                        Use Cases: Prospecting, Lookalike
                                    Modeling, Dynamic Creative Optimization
                                                     Use Cases: Dynamic Creative
                                                   Optimization, LookalikeCases: Site
                                                                        Use Modeling
    Awareness • Targeted Reach                                  Personalization, Dynamic Creative
                                                                          Optimization Lookalike
                                                                              Use Cases:
            Mindset     • Interest or Intent
                                                                           Modeling, Retargeting, Site
                    Trigger          • Interaction, Visit, Lead Gen

                               Investigation    • Frequency, Fair-Value Exchange

                                          Acquisition      • Conversion, Transaction, Purchase

                                                    Retention       • Decision-Support, Increased LTV
      Use Cases: Site
Personalization, Offer/Message                                  Advocate       • Communication, Share-Enablement
          Use Cases: Retargeting, CRM
    Management, Ongoing Message Delivery
                      Use Cases: Retargeting, CRM
                      Management, Social Targeting
The (Short) Evolution Of Data…
The Data Has Been There, But It
         Was Not Able To Be Activated!

                   • Data was collected in mass amounts and
Data Warehousing
                     “warehoused” so analysts could crunch the
                     numbers and find out more about their

                   • Useful for forecasting and business
                     planning, but not useful in terms of being
                     able to be “actioned” for marketing
The Internet Ad Business Emerged
    & Exponentially Created More Data

                    • The Internet created massive amounts of
Data Warehousing
                      additional data points around your customers
                      in a faster fashion than ever before.

                   Internet Advertising

                     • Every digital media partner started creating
                       segmentation opportunities that were
                       silo’d and only indicative of their site visitors.
Ad Networks Emerged To Provide
       Long-Tail Data-Driven Advertising

                    • The business quickly shifted from content-
Data Warehousing
                      focused publisher opportunities to long-
                      tail, aggregated content targeting.

                              Ad Networks

                   Internet Advertising

                     • Reach increased.
                     • Performance decreased.
Ad Exchanges Created The Larger
  Chance To Integrate Behavioral Data
                   • Behavioral targeting was birthed by companies
                     like Tacoda and Revenue Science.
Data Warehousing


                              Ad Networks       Ad Exchanges

                   Internet Advertising

                     • Reach increased even more.
                     • Performance increased quickly.
                     • Efficiency increased even quicker.
Around The Same Time, BlueKai
    Launched The First Data Exchange
                   • Opportunity to buy 3rd party data from a host of
                     branded and unbranded parties, including
Data Warehousing
                     intent or in-market data, for targeting.
                                          Behavioral              Data
                                          Targeting            Exchanges

                              Ad Networks       Ad Exchanges

                   Internet Advertising

                     • Reach continues to grow.
                     • Performance increased dramatically.
                     • Efficiency increased again (less waste).
The DSP’s & Trading Desk’s Emerged
To Drive More Audience (Data) Buying
                   • Additional data beyond standard behavioral
                     data is integrated into increased audience
Data Warehousing
                     buying opportunities.
                                          Behavioral                Data
                                          Targeting              Exchanges

                              Ad Networks       Ad Exchanges   Desks, DSPs, e

                   Internet Advertising

                     • Reach continues to grow.
                     • Performance increased further.
                     • Efficiency increased even more.
Marketers Said “Yes” To Targeting. 1st
  Party Data Integrated With DMP’s
                   • Data management platforms allowed for 1st party
                     data to be integrated with 3rd party data, all to
Data Warehousing
                     create a 360 degree view of the customer.
                                              Behavioral                Data
                                              Targeting              Exchanges

                                  Ad Networks       Ad Exchanges   Desks, DSPs, e
                                                                         tc.           BlueKai
                                                                                    launched first
                       Internet Advertising                                         industry DMP

                         • You see the trend here…
                                – Efficiency up!
                                – Performance up!
Marketers WANT These Solutions In-
House (Hence The Rise Of The DMP)
Enter The Age Of (Data) Activation
Data Activation Is…
 • Classifying, segmenting data to build
   actionable customer profiles.

 • Permissioning and sharing active
   customer profiles while maintaining

 • Informing ALL your marketing
   touchpoints with real, usable customer
Data Activation Is…

Some Interesting Facts
   About Data & Data Activation…
• 82% of marketers believe digital marketing has
  potential to provide
              than any other type of marketing
  (source: DataXu 2012).

• Over 75% feel customer data generated through
  digital marketing can
                        (source: DataXu 2012).

• 88% of advertiser and agency buyers planned to
                                  in 2011 (source:
Basic Data Terminology
What are some of the key terms you need to know
• The core measure of internet
  advertising, it refers to the exposure of a
  message to the the user.
• The industry standard tool for data
  acquisition and aggregation.
• The core measurement of impressions to
  price for internet advertising.
• The core term referring to an “attribute” of
  data for any individual user.
• The reference point for passing back and
  forth the sum of attributes for any
  individual user (multiple stamps per
  transaction refer to one user).
• An impression measure that counts
  impressions INFORMED by data.
Industry Benchmarks

• There are at least
  served on the internet every month
  – (source: 5.5 Trillion per year based on quarterly estimates from Comscore)

• BlueKai currently (September 2012)
  processes approximately
                          per month
Behavioral Data Targeted
    Impressions Perform, On
Average,     Better Than Industry
The Landscape
Who are the players and how do we decipher them?
Where Do We Start When Thinking
About The Digital Media Landscape?

        Where else…?
The LUMAscape!!
Or The Conversation Prism…
Or The Data Landscape?
Or Maybe Look At This Landscape…
Or Focus On Your Digital Dashboard?
The Business Of Digital Media Is
Complicated. With So Much Data
 Being Created & Collected, You
        An Activation Platform!!
What Is Data Activation?
• Step 1: A single unifying platform that
               ,              and                 data.

• Step 2: A single, centralized platform that enables you
                for use in customer experience

      •   Media planning & buying
      •   Website customization
      •   CRM and retention efforts
      •   Direct mail and offline touchpoints
What Are Data Activators?

Some activators provide a service for the                               DSP
utilization of data segments across a single
platform (i.e. DSP, DMP or Ad Exchange)…                                DMP

                                                                     (media only)

                                                Premium non-
    Search                      Site/Commerce
             Analytics   CRM                         RTB       Ads
What Are Data Activators?

…Stronger Activation occurs across multiple                                   DSP
platforms, unifying your marketing mix with a
single platform for data management.                                          DMP

                                                                           (media only)

                                                      Premium non-
    Search                            Site/Commerce
             Analytics     CRM                             RTB       Ads

               Across All Platforms
Why Focus On
 Rather Than “Data Management”

More data means you know
more about your audience.
  customers, prospects and
  competitive conquests!
Why Focus On
Rather Than “Data Management”

Merge   1st   and   3 rd   party data.
 –Creates a
  of who your customer REALLY
Why Focus On
 Rather Than “Data Management”

Dramatically improve
 –By integrating data in real time to
  power       your marketing efforts!
Why Focus On
 Rather Than “Data Management”

Unify all your marketing partners
 –Save time and resources by
  creating a
  approach to all your marketing
Data Management Is Finite – It’s a Black Box –
 You Need To      Data, Not Simply Store It
Over The Next 3 Years, Data
Activation Will Become The Norm.
Data Activation Allows You, The
  Marketer, To Take Control.
Use Cases For Data Activation
     (where you control the scale and efficiency)

•   Prospect Targeting (New Customers)
•   Retargeting (Current Customers)
•   Lookalike Targeting (Prospects)
•   Site Personalization (Visitors)
•   CRM (Message Delivery)
•   Dynamic Creative Optimization (All)

        aka: “Data To The Edges”
Data Activation: Prospecting

                                               With a DMP that connects to a 3rd party data       They set up a prospecting campaign to reach
     A wireless carrier leverages Data        exchange, the wireless carrier is able to acquire       people who have shown an intent to
Activation to reach targeted audiences who      and target users who have shown intent to              purchase a wireless device or tech
are interested in wireless products (beyond      purchase a wireless device on other web            gadget, along with relevant demographic
                                                                properties.                              attributes such as age range.
       people who come to website.)

  When they identify his group of targets
    across their chosen ad network or          As an Activationist, they are able to do
 exchange, they are able to show them a        the most efficient prospecting by only
 more relevant smartphone ad and drive          purchasing new audiences who they
       new traffic to their website.              have not seen on their own site.
Data Activation: ReTargeting

                                                                                                      Browsing activity across the retailer's
                  A retailer gets a ton of shopping traffic on their site, but over                  website is stored in DMP, audiences are
                  90% of those visitors do not convert. Activation can be used                       segmented based on a mix of behaviors
                    to intelligently re-target users after they leave their site.                         that indicate purchase intent.

 To target most effectively, the retailer can
 exclude users who have already made a                     Relevant ads can be shown to them            Consumer sees the relevant ad and
purchase on the website within a particular              across the Internet (via ad network or ad        clicks to come back to make a
   date range and limit frequency of ad                    exchange) to bring them back to the         purchase. (Consumer will stop seeing
     exposure to any given audience.                        retailer site to make the purchase.             the ads after the purchase)
Data Activation: Lookalikes/ Analytics
                                                 Audience analytics from a Data Activation System can answer questions like:

                                                                                            What is the profile of people who are
                                                   What is the profile of people who are    looking for business travel and what
                                                           visiting my website?                       else do they buy?

  A large US online travel agency (OTA) uses
  Data Activation to aggregate various data on
   their visitors. They can then contrast this
      information against a larger Internet                                                 What other interesting attributes can
    population to learn more about their site      What is the profile of people who are    I learn about my audience to better
       visitors, ad clickers and converters.         responding to my campaign?                        engage them?
Data Activation: Site Personalization

   With many lines of products across computers, printers, MP3
    players, a large computer manufacturer wants to leverage             The Activation Platform is able to extract 1st-party advertiser
 audience data to deliver the most guided and relevant experience        data (ie. Website browsing data) and acquired 3rd-party data
         for their shoppers when they visit their website.                 to decipher what message to feature on their homepage.

     Rather than showing a generic homepage, this marketer might
 choose to feature their newest home laser printer series with a quick   The Activation Platform comes pre-integrated with many of the
  link to a comparison chart, drawing this consumer closer to a sale.         major site optimization companies in the industry.
Data Activation: Dynamic Creative

A DMP can transfer 1st and 3rd party audience                 A wireless carrier shows a specific          Additional layer of shopping cart data can
    data directly to creative optimizations                 smartphone ad if they know a group of           be applied to target special messages to
   companies to influence ad messages for                 users has exhibited specific interest in that   cart abandoners to drive them back to finish
            specific group of users.                                    type of phone.                                   their purchase.

                                                                                                                  Your data

          The result is a more relevant ad experience for the consumer while ensuring the                 A DMP comes pre-integrated with many of
         marketer's dollars are well spend on not only reaching the right audience, but also               the major dynamic creative optimization
                                 showing the best ad to drive results.                                           companies in the industry.
Additional/Future Use Cases Include…

•   CRM Customization
•   Mobile Ad Delivery
•   Video Ad Customization
•   Informing offline marketing touchpoints:
    – Direct mail
    – Addressable TV (set-top box)
    – Point-of-sale & loyalty card coupon delivery
Why Take Control?
If You Control Your Data, You Control…

• Scale

• Efficiency

• Partner Optimization
• Most one-off solutions only scale with the
  audience they can immediately see.

  – If you control your data, you can

    information to provide for opportunities to
• Relying on one-off partners’ data means
  they control matching and prioritize based
  on their revenue opportunities.

  – If you control the data, you
    they report to you when your impressions win
    for bids.
Partner Optimization
• Too many partners using too many
  different segments results in overlap and
  difficulties in attribution + lower

  – When you control the segments + data, you
                                   and who
    see’s which successive message against the
Beyond The Use Cases For Data
Activation… Trust In The
The Atomic Unit Of Marketing Is Data

 – All of marketing serves to deliver a relevant message to the right
   audience at the right time to create an action.
 – The best way to do this to be targeted and targeting requires data.

 – The most important output of marketing, other than the result of driving
   a customer, is to create data and specifically to create data around
   customer attributes.

 – Without data you are throwing ideas at an audience and hoping they
   work. Data informs your marketing and gives it weight. It gives it
   relevance. It makes it work.
“I know that half of my advertising doesn’t work. The
    problem is, I don’t know which half”- John Wanamaker
There Is A Definitive Value To Data

•   The industry will eventually calculate a reliable                                  metric

•   The formula includes:
     – Total cost (for integrating data into impressions)
          • Estimate of how much budget is allocated to data-informed imps
     – Total stamps (as proxy for depth of attributes)
          • More attributes = deeper knowledge of customer = increased targetability
     – Total impressions (informed by data)
          • Total reach against targeted users
     – % effect on performance (standard for interaction/click)
: Data At Rest Tends To Stay At
   Rest. Data In Motion Is Activated.

Marketing Creates                            Amounts Of Data
– The average web page creates 6 pieces of usable datapoints
– An avg. online campaign generates approximately 6MM usable datapoints
– Your average online campaign activates 16 tactical execution partners
    • (publishers, ad-serving, creative, reporting, etc.)

Once The Data Is Live, It Creates
– Cross-partner data usage
– Perpetual data aggregation drives ongoing optimization
– Avoids silo’d execution of your partners
: Scale x Depth = Efficiency
               (the formula for success)

•   Reliant on establishing a base of signal from noise in data – a little good data is
    better than a lot of bad data.
•   More data, more stamps, more attributes, therefore the more you know about your
    audience and the more you can tailor a message to them at the right time.

•   If you can port your data and the profiles you’ve created to many different places
    then you can scale. If you can’t, then you’re stuck.
•   There is more intrinsic value in a partner thaat is chanel agnostic than one who is
    tied to a single execution layer (i.e. a DSP)
: For Every Partner, There Is
 An Effective & Efficient Activation.

• The eco-system is              rather than consolidating.
• Every partner that you work with will benefit from data
               their execution.
• If you            the data, you control the execution of
  your partners.
: Data Entropy – Customer Data Tends To
 Stay Fragmented Unless It Is Actively Organized
            (Also Known As Chaotic Data Theorem)

• Data is accumulated on a minute by minute
  basis and the volume grows exponentially.

• Unless you have a system in place to manage
  and activate it, it is a wasted opportunity.

• You need to establish a classification
  methodology, and implement through to full data
  activation to turn bits and bytes into customers.
What To Look For When Selecting
   An             Partner…
When Examining Partners For Data
Activation, Consider The Following
1. Ability to ingest, classify and activate offline data
2. Size of their partner network (established activations)
3. Experience in activating across channel
   1. Display, video, mobile, social, offline
4. Past performance of their data partners
5. Scope of the integration with their key customers
   1. Server to server, etc.
6. Ask what limitations they have in activating data
   1. Overlap, match vs. passback
• Data Activation is the core of marketing in 2013 and beyond.

• Activation requires cross-channel capabilities.

• It is complicated, so you need to select the right partner.

• Do your homework.
Recommended Reading

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Data Activation For (Not So Much) Dummies

  • 2. Purpose • To provide you (the marketer) with a cursory guide for understanding the ever- expanding world being created at the intersection of Big Data & Marketing.
  • 3. Welcome To The World Of Data
  • 6. Data Supplied By Media Interaction
  • 7. Data As The Fuel For The New Economy Analytics Site Customization CRM Video Email Store Mobile Offline 0 1 0 1
  • 8. Data As The Basis For… Customer Intelligence
  • 9. Definition: Big Data • A collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes awkward to work with using on- hand database management tools. • Difficulties include capture, storage, search, sharing, analysis and visualization. • Data that gives you actionable information about your – making you !
  • 10. You Are Making Money And Spending Money.. Data Is The Tie That Binds 100101001011010010100101010101001010010001011011100110101010011100110001100101001011010010100101010101001011 001010010100101010100101011101010101010100001001111001101101010010101001001010010100101010100101011101010101 1010010100100111011011101000101010010101011010100101011010101010101001111010010100100111011011101000101010010 0101011011010101001001010110101010101001110101100001010111101010110011101010101101101010100100101011010101010 100101001011010010100101010101001010010001011011100110101010011100100101100101001011010010100101010101001010 001010010100101010100101011101010101010100001001111001101101010011001010001010010100101010100101011101010101 1010010100100111011011101000101010010101011010100101011010101010101100101010010100100111011011101000101010010 010101101101010100100101011010101010100111010110000101011110101010101001010101101101010100100101011010101010 100101001011010010100101010101001010010001011011100110101010011100101001100101001011010010100101010101001010 001010010100101010100101011101010101010100001001111001101101010011010100001010010100101010100101011101010101 101001010010011101101110100010101001010101101010010101101010101010100101101001010010011101101110100010101001 010101101101010100100101011010101010100111010110000101011110101010100101010101101101010100100101011010101010
  • 11. Where Does Big Data Come From?
  • 12. How Do Marketers Want To Use Big Data…
  • 13. What Is The Data Flow That Informs Customer Marketing?
  • 14. Definition: Marketing • The act of buying and selling in a market. • The total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing and selling.
  • 15. This Is NOT Marketing
  • 16. Big Data + Marketing = Data-Driven Marketing • A customer oriented marketing approach that relies heavily on using customer data, especially customer behavior, to determine the targeting, timing and content of marketing promotions. • The ability to craft 360 degree intelligent views into your customer and use that for retention marketing as well as prospecting efforts.
  • 17. Create A Relevant Site Experience
  • 18. Deliver The Right Offer To The Right Audience
  • 19. Why Is It Important? 1. Marketers’ are becoming more dependent on data and technology to drive efficiency and effectiveness. Only 20% of marketing leaders believe their 2. The volume of data that is available to you, as a organizations have a holistic marketer, is increasing exponentially. view of the customer. 3. The volume of marketing touchpoints by which you reach customers is growing almost as fast. (source: Forrester 2012) 4. Future effectiveness in your role as a marketer relies heavily on your ability to manage and ACTIVATE data! Your JOB Depends On It!!
  • 20. Trust Us – People Are Spending On “Big Data” Marketing! Spend (MM) source: Winterberry Analysis 2014 2012 customer intelligence technologies in the short or long term 2010 (source: Forrester 2011) 2008 0 200 400 600 800 1000
  • 21. Everyone Agrees - Data Is Important!
  • 22. What Challenges Do Marketers Have With Data-Driven Marketing? These all represent activation challenges for marketers!
  • 23. And Not To Be Repetitive, But…
  • 24. Understanding Your Customer Journey Is Key To Driving Results…
  • 25. The Customer Journey (as fueled by data) Use Cases: Prospecting, Lookalike Modeling, Dynamic Creative Optimization Use Cases: Dynamic Creative Optimization, LookalikeCases: Site Use Modeling Awareness • Targeted Reach Personalization, Dynamic Creative Optimization Lookalike Use Cases: Mindset • Interest or Intent Modeling, Retargeting, Site Trigger • Interaction, Visit, Lead Gen Personalization Investigation • Frequency, Fair-Value Exchange Acquisition • Conversion, Transaction, Purchase Retention • Decision-Support, Increased LTV Use Cases: Site Personalization, Offer/Message Advocate • Communication, Share-Enablement Personalization Use Cases: Retargeting, CRM Management, Ongoing Message Delivery Use Cases: Retargeting, CRM Management, Social Targeting
  • 26. The (Short) Evolution Of Data…
  • 27. The Data Has Been There, But It Was Not Able To Be Activated! • Data was collected in mass amounts and Data Warehousing “warehoused” so analysts could crunch the numbers and find out more about their customers. • Useful for forecasting and business planning, but not useful in terms of being able to be “actioned” for marketing purposes.
  • 28. The Internet Ad Business Emerged & Exponentially Created More Data • The Internet created massive amounts of Data Warehousing additional data points around your customers in a faster fashion than ever before. Internet Advertising • Every digital media partner started creating segmentation opportunities that were silo’d and only indicative of their site visitors.
  • 29. Ad Networks Emerged To Provide Long-Tail Data-Driven Advertising • The business quickly shifted from content- Data Warehousing focused publisher opportunities to long- tail, aggregated content targeting. Ad Networks Internet Advertising • Reach increased. • Performance decreased.
  • 30. Ad Exchanges Created The Larger Chance To Integrate Behavioral Data • Behavioral targeting was birthed by companies like Tacoda and Revenue Science. Data Warehousing Behavioral Targeting Ad Networks Ad Exchanges Internet Advertising • Reach increased even more. • Performance increased quickly. • Efficiency increased even quicker.
  • 31. Around The Same Time, BlueKai Launched The First Data Exchange • Opportunity to buy 3rd party data from a host of branded and unbranded parties, including Data Warehousing intent or in-market data, for targeting. Behavioral Data Targeting Exchanges Ad Networks Ad Exchanges Internet Advertising • Reach continues to grow. • Performance increased dramatically. • Efficiency increased again (less waste).
  • 32. The DSP’s & Trading Desk’s Emerged To Drive More Audience (Data) Buying • Additional data beyond standard behavioral data is integrated into increased audience Data Warehousing buying opportunities. Behavioral Data Targeting Exchanges Trading Ad Networks Ad Exchanges Desks, DSPs, e tc. Internet Advertising • Reach continues to grow. • Performance increased further. • Efficiency increased even more.
  • 33. Marketers Said “Yes” To Targeting. 1st Party Data Integrated With DMP’s • Data management platforms allowed for 1st party data to be integrated with 3rd party data, all to Data Warehousing create a 360 degree view of the customer. Behavioral Data DMP’s Targeting Exchanges Trading Ad Networks Ad Exchanges Desks, DSPs, e tc. BlueKai launched first Internet Advertising industry DMP • You see the trend here… – Efficiency up! – Performance up!
  • 34. Marketers WANT These Solutions In- House (Hence The Rise Of The DMP)
  • 35. Enter The Age Of (Data) Activation
  • 36. Data Activation Is… • Classifying, segmenting data to build actionable customer profiles. • Permissioning and sharing active customer profiles while maintaining control. • Informing ALL your marketing touchpoints with real, usable customer data.
  • 37. Data Activation Is… Customer Intelligence
  • 38. Some Interesting Facts About Data & Data Activation… • 82% of marketers believe digital marketing has potential to provide than any other type of marketing (source: DataXu 2012). • Over 75% feel customer data generated through digital marketing can (source: DataXu 2012). • 88% of advertiser and agency buyers planned to in 2011 (source: Google/Doubleclick).
  • 39. Basic Data Terminology What are some of the key terms you need to know
  • 40. Impressions • The core measure of internet advertising, it refers to the exposure of a message to the the user.
  • 41. Cookie • The industry standard tool for data acquisition and aggregation.
  • 42. CPM • The core measurement of impressions to price for internet advertising.
  • 43. Stamps • The core term referring to an “attribute” of data for any individual user.
  • 44. Transactions • The reference point for passing back and forth the sum of attributes for any individual user (multiple stamps per transaction refer to one user).
  • 45. iCPM • An impression measure that counts impressions INFORMED by data.
  • 46. Industry Benchmarks • There are at least served on the internet every month – (source: 5.5 Trillion per year based on quarterly estimates from Comscore) • BlueKai currently (September 2012) processes approximately per month
  • 47. Behavioral Data Targeted Impressions Perform, On Average, Better Than Industry Average.
  • 48. The Landscape Who are the players and how do we decipher them?
  • 49. Where Do We Start When Thinking About The Digital Media Landscape? Where else…?
  • 52. Or The Data Landscape?
  • 53. Or Maybe Look At This Landscape…
  • 54. Or Focus On Your Digital Dashboard?
  • 56. The Business Of Digital Media Is Complicated. With So Much Data Being Created & Collected, You An Activation Platform!!
  • 57. What Is Data Activation? • Step 1: A single unifying platform that , and data. • Step 2: A single, centralized platform that enables you to for use in customer experience optimization. • Media planning & buying • Website customization • CRM and retention efforts • Direct mail and offline touchpoints
  • 58. What Are Data Activators? Adnets Some activators provide a service for the DSP utilization of data segments across a single platform (i.e. DSP, DMP or Ad Exchange)… DMP Exchange (media only) Mobile Premium non- Search Site/Commerce Analytics CRM RTB Ads Social inventory
  • 59. What Are Data Activators? Adnets …Stronger Activation occurs across multiple DSP platforms, unifying your marketing mix with a single platform for data management. DMP Exchange (media only) Mobile Premium non- Search Site/Commerce Analytics CRM RTB Ads Social inventory Across All Platforms
  • 60. Why Focus On Rather Than “Data Management” More data means you know more about your audience. between customers, prospects and competitive conquests!
  • 61. Why Focus On Rather Than “Data Management” Merge 1st and 3 rd party data. –Creates a of who your customer REALLY is!
  • 62. Why Focus On Rather Than “Data Management” Dramatically improve conversions. –By integrating data in real time to power your marketing efforts!
  • 63. Why Focus On Rather Than “Data Management” Unify all your marketing partners –Save time and resources by creating a approach to all your marketing efforts!
  • 64. Data Management Is Finite – It’s a Black Box – You Need To Data, Not Simply Store It
  • 65. Over The Next 3 Years, Data Activation Will Become The Norm.
  • 66. Data Activation Allows You, The Marketer, To Take Control.
  • 67. Use Cases For Data Activation (where you control the scale and efficiency) • Prospect Targeting (New Customers) • Retargeting (Current Customers) • Lookalike Targeting (Prospects) • Site Personalization (Visitors) • CRM (Message Delivery) • Dynamic Creative Optimization (All) aka: “Data To The Edges”
  • 68. Data Activation: Prospecting With a DMP that connects to a 3rd party data They set up a prospecting campaign to reach A wireless carrier leverages Data exchange, the wireless carrier is able to acquire people who have shown an intent to Activation to reach targeted audiences who and target users who have shown intent to purchase a wireless device or tech are interested in wireless products (beyond purchase a wireless device on other web gadget, along with relevant demographic properties. attributes such as age range. people who come to website.) When they identify his group of targets across their chosen ad network or As an Activationist, they are able to do exchange, they are able to show them a the most efficient prospecting by only more relevant smartphone ad and drive purchasing new audiences who they new traffic to their website. have not seen on their own site.
  • 69. Data Activation: ReTargeting Browsing activity across the retailer's A retailer gets a ton of shopping traffic on their site, but over website is stored in DMP, audiences are 90% of those visitors do not convert. Activation can be used segmented based on a mix of behaviors to intelligently re-target users after they leave their site. that indicate purchase intent. To target most effectively, the retailer can exclude users who have already made a Relevant ads can be shown to them Consumer sees the relevant ad and purchase on the website within a particular across the Internet (via ad network or ad clicks to come back to make a date range and limit frequency of ad exchange) to bring them back to the purchase. (Consumer will stop seeing exposure to any given audience. retailer site to make the purchase. the ads after the purchase)
  • 70. Data Activation: Lookalikes/ Analytics Audience analytics from a Data Activation System can answer questions like: What is the profile of people who are What is the profile of people who are looking for business travel and what visiting my website? else do they buy? A large US online travel agency (OTA) uses Data Activation to aggregate various data on their visitors. They can then contrast this information against a larger Internet What other interesting attributes can population to learn more about their site What is the profile of people who are I learn about my audience to better visitors, ad clickers and converters. responding to my campaign? engage them?
  • 71. Data Activation: Site Personalization With many lines of products across computers, printers, MP3 players, a large computer manufacturer wants to leverage The Activation Platform is able to extract 1st-party advertiser audience data to deliver the most guided and relevant experience data (ie. Website browsing data) and acquired 3rd-party data for their shoppers when they visit their website. to decipher what message to feature on their homepage. Rather than showing a generic homepage, this marketer might choose to feature their newest home laser printer series with a quick The Activation Platform comes pre-integrated with many of the link to a comparison chart, drawing this consumer closer to a sale. major site optimization companies in the industry.
  • 72. Data Activation: Dynamic Creative A DMP can transfer 1st and 3rd party audience A wireless carrier shows a specific Additional layer of shopping cart data can data directly to creative optimizations smartphone ad if they know a group of be applied to target special messages to companies to influence ad messages for users has exhibited specific interest in that cart abandoners to drive them back to finish specific group of users. type of phone. their purchase. The right ad Your data The result is a more relevant ad experience for the consumer while ensuring the A DMP comes pre-integrated with many of marketer's dollars are well spend on not only reaching the right audience, but also the major dynamic creative optimization showing the best ad to drive results. companies in the industry.
  • 73. Additional/Future Use Cases Include… • CRM Customization • Mobile Ad Delivery • Video Ad Customization • Informing offline marketing touchpoints: – Direct mail – Addressable TV (set-top box) – Point-of-sale & loyalty card coupon delivery
  • 75. If You Control Your Data, You Control… • Scale • Efficiency • Partner Optimization
  • 76. Scale • Most one-off solutions only scale with the audience they can immediately see. – If you control your data, you can information to provide for opportunities to target.
  • 77. Efficiency • Relying on one-off partners’ data means they control matching and prioritize based on their revenue opportunities. – If you control the data, you and they report to you when your impressions win for bids.
  • 78. Partner Optimization • Too many partners using too many different segments results in overlap and difficulties in attribution + lower performance. – When you control the segments + data, you and who see’s which successive message against the target.
  • 79. Beyond The Use Cases For Data Activation… Trust In The
  • 80. : The Atomic Unit Of Marketing Is Data – All of marketing serves to deliver a relevant message to the right audience at the right time to create an action. – The best way to do this to be targeted and targeting requires data. – The most important output of marketing, other than the result of driving a customer, is to create data and specifically to create data around customer attributes. – Without data you are throwing ideas at an audience and hoping they work. Data informs your marketing and gives it weight. It gives it relevance. It makes it work.
  • 81. “I know that half of my advertising doesn’t work. The problem is, I don’t know which half”- John Wanamaker
  • 82. There Is A Definitive Value To Data • The industry will eventually calculate a reliable metric • The formula includes: – Total cost (for integrating data into impressions) • Estimate of how much budget is allocated to data-informed imps – Total stamps (as proxy for depth of attributes) • More attributes = deeper knowledge of customer = increased targetability – Total impressions (informed by data) • Total reach against targeted users – % effect on performance (standard for interaction/click)
  • 83. : Data At Rest Tends To Stay At Rest. Data In Motion Is Activated. Marketing Creates Amounts Of Data – The average web page creates 6 pieces of usable datapoints – An avg. online campaign generates approximately 6MM usable datapoints – Your average online campaign activates 16 tactical execution partners • (publishers, ad-serving, creative, reporting, etc.) Once The Data Is Live, It Creates – Cross-partner data usage – Perpetual data aggregation drives ongoing optimization – Avoids silo’d execution of your partners
  • 84. : Scale x Depth = Efficiency (the formula for success) • Reliant on establishing a base of signal from noise in data – a little good data is better than a lot of bad data. • More data, more stamps, more attributes, therefore the more you know about your audience and the more you can tailor a message to them at the right time. • If you can port your data and the profiles you’ve created to many different places then you can scale. If you can’t, then you’re stuck. • There is more intrinsic value in a partner thaat is chanel agnostic than one who is tied to a single execution layer (i.e. a DSP)
  • 85. : For Every Partner, There Is An Effective & Efficient Activation. • The eco-system is rather than consolidating. • Every partner that you work with will benefit from data their execution. • If you the data, you control the execution of your partners.
  • 86. : Data Entropy – Customer Data Tends To Stay Fragmented Unless It Is Actively Organized (Also Known As Chaotic Data Theorem) . • Data is accumulated on a minute by minute basis and the volume grows exponentially. • Unless you have a system in place to manage and activate it, it is a wasted opportunity. • You need to establish a classification methodology, and implement through to full data activation to turn bits and bytes into customers.
  • 87. What To Look For When Selecting An Partner…
  • 88. When Examining Partners For Data Activation, Consider The Following 1. Ability to ingest, classify and activate offline data 2. Size of their partner network (established activations) 3. Experience in activating across channel 1. Display, video, mobile, social, offline 4. Past performance of their data partners 5. Scope of the integration with their key customers 1. Server to server, etc. 6. Ask what limitations they have in activating data 1. Overlap, match vs. passback
  • 89. Summary • Data Activation is the core of marketing in 2013 and beyond. • Activation requires cross-channel capabilities. • It is complicated, so you need to select the right partner. • Do your homework.