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Damaged Goods
This is your Guide to Project planning, managing failures successfully and inspiring
others to believe that even though you are damaged you are good.
This book was created to help you find direction whether you are on a path or not. If you are
looking to be motivated through experiences, trials and errors you will find comfort in this reading. The
message carries many highs and low of success and failures challenges that drive you to think and be
encouraged with words to move you.
Each chapter is infused with so much rich information to help you learn and grow in a direction
that will help you identify where you want to take your thoughts. Typically in books the tradition is to
carry some message to help you through the reading, but I want to invite the reader to take the
untraditional route since we all come from different walks of life. One thing about life is that it is not
perfect but we will make it there in the end. When you read this book I want you to be impressed with
the knowledge that you already knew some of you are just learning but where ever you are in your
journey I want to convey this message with love.
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Perfection is the enemy of progress which causes us to start project and never finish them. I am
inviting you to step outside the norm and adjust your thinking as well as your seat in order to digest
some thought provoking conversation starters. This book focuses on resolving all types of issues related
to the planning that may arise so it may be easy to jump into a random chapter after reading the
chapter headings. Everyone can get something out of this book which in turn enriches your love and
passion toward your life and eventually set your path ablaze.
Change is inevitable just as much as our interactions with each other, in life we are managing
unwillingly many aspects to better our lives every day. We want to learn to be grateful for the people we
meet whether good or bad because it shines a light on a path and it gets brighter and brighter the more
we identify what makes us happy. Projects motivate us, our mental health is the engine that pushes our
drive so we have to put our brain on a diet in order to practice removing all the toxins from our lives. In
order to master our mind and habits we want constantly remind ourselves to turn our frustrations and
difficulties in to a passion that is fueling the fire inside of you. I want the universe to be able to relate
and appreciate that when life gives you lemons it does not mean the end.
I want to encourage your thinking through this book to have conversations with people that
encourages the thinking that society does not have a plan for each individual on this planet. We all want
to be heard and we want to be clear when we are communicating our feeling thoughts and passions. By
getting rid of distractions that clutter our minds we focus on little things and concepts that will help
guide us back to where we should be. We want to be able to open our months with our best interest in
hand and with this book hopefully you will gain some understanding about the different languages of
communication. Sometimes you have to remove habits from our lives that prevent our creative drive
and every step that we work towards removing those distractions that is another step toward the
positive happenings.
In life we are always under abnormal stress where we can have a good situation at hand but
then a spiraling tornado is heading your way. Your drive is what pushes your insecurities of failures to
the back seat of your vision. This book helps you to answer questions that challenge you and that only
you can answer them. With that reckoning change begins to adjust what happens around you; I
encourage you to write down how you feel when you answer those questions in order to get the
thoughts out of your head and into fruition. This book is the Rosetta stone to stumbling blocks that
come about when you are working on your projects in life in your career or just personals goals. I want
you to gain a deeper appreciation of what work means to you. People love to sell dreams but how good
are you at selling yours?
Every chapter brings a different view of the cost of ambition and one of the chapters is properly
named so because with all our different walks of life we all have that in common. In conclusion I hope
you enjoy the book and can appreciate the different views and find a favorite chapter that can help you
where you are in life right now. Remember to always chase your dreams instead of running from your
fears. Face your fears and trust the timing in your life, what do you have to lose?
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Part 1 - page 6
Do what you have to so you can do what you want to do. Dreams. Plans. Goals.
Poem: Why I run 10/2009
1. Questions to answer
2. Treating everything like a new project
3. When life gives you lemons
4. Motivation vs Distractions
5. Looking beyond the scope
6. How to separate your Plan from Reality:
7. Consistency
8. Ego vs. Expectations
9. You need direction
10. Time management and daily motivation
Part 2 – page 26
Your Progress is your Own- Challenges. Distractions. Communication. Influences
11. Relationships, Mentors and Networks
12. Being connected to the world
13. What are we saying when we communicate
14. Powering through doubts and setbacks
15. Strengths vs. Weaknesses
16. Change Management
17. Breakdowns and burn-outs
18. The future
19. Letting go of control and Being versatile
20. High performance vs. low performance
21. Wearing Hats
22. What inspires you –Creative lessons from an Introvert
23. Uncomfortable conversations
24. Creating codes- machine learning and leaving digital footprints
Part 3 –page 46
Managing Failures Successfully Risk. Inspire. Motivation
25. Feeling the change happen
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26. Failure in the school system
27. What are your priorities when you design?
28. Following, controlling and listening
29. Resilience and fight for survival
30. What are you planning?
31. Strategic planning following through
32. Don’t take it personal
33. The cost of keeping it real
34. With all the challenges that we face we want to take risks.
35. Being Bold enough to take smart risk
36. Own you own story
37. Butterflies and their resilience
38. Managing failure successfully
Part 4 –page 66
Your life is a Project- Change. Believe. Inspire
39. Damaged Goods
40. Meeting people where they are
41. Strength in Confidence building towards determination
42. Don’t lose sight of your vision, protect your dreams
43. You never know who you are inspiring
44. Cost of Ambition
45. Finishing your project
46. Digital currency – what can we learn from it
47. Conclusion
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Why I run (poets corner) 10/09
I’m tired of running…
I ran out my mother womb…
I ran straight to the grave…I can’t stay long though,
I ran from my past…only to catch up with my future…
was I happy? Nope not one bit…
I felt like running away from my weakness…
I remember then but I couldn’t stay
because weakness plans a long stay
so I ran one …I ran one hundred…I ran one thousand,
I ran one million miles away…until…I….hit light yearssss…
I ran past God and he asked me…“why are you running?”
funny…I laughed to keep myself from crying…
the funny thing was no one asked me that before…
so my laughter turned to tears and I cried…I cried…I cried
until I couldn’t cry no more and replied to God…”I don’t know why”
I ran out of words to rhyme…
I’m struggling to find the right words…as I look at the clock,
it’s getting too late so I ran out of thoughts to express, so I kept running and running until there
as nowhere else left to run to or from….
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Part 1
Do what you have to so you can do what you want to do. Dreams. Plans. Goals.
Why am I here? What are the facts?
Projects should consist of measures and outcomes if the outcome is not spelled out within the measure,
and then there will be more issues to deal with further along.
What’s it worth? Why should I be passionate about this?
Is the project valuable enough for me to spend my time, efforts and energy towards it? Is it a good idea,
will I be happy doing what it is that is set out for me. Is there enough space for me to grow when I
decide to move forward? Can you see the vision with you your mind and heart and not your eyes?
What do you know? And what should I be afraid of?
Sometimes you have to ask the persons involved “do you even lift bro!?” Are we getting involved with
folks where they may be in over their heads, and you are the true subject matter. What is the projection
and is it feasible?
Is your theme developmental, experimental, how much information is readily available; is it within my
scope of priorities? What are the major areas of concern? What are the chances of failures are we
prepared to deal with the issues that may come about? What can cause regress, cease, end, retreat,
decline, stop discontinue? Turning tragedy to triumph, overcoming obstacles, making the best of the
situation, turning traumatic experience to a story of success
Why should I believe you? How do resolve Issues?
With the network/team I am involved in are they able to deliver on the outcomes set out? Are you
motivating your team or is your vision motivating your team. How may emotion and passion playout
when delivering results. Do you have all the resources necessary and if not can they be attained in a
reasonable time frame. What are the unknown unknowns? Internal and external risk.
What is so important about this? Most importantly where is this taking me?
Why should I care as much? Can I bring my experience and add to the procurement of the underlying
objective? In 3 to 5 years the are we going to be able to be standing after mitigating the past issues, and
will adjusting to the rapid changes in technology be attainable.
Is there a promotion, prize, goal at the end of the plan? Being able to see with your mind and not with
eyes is what drives the end objective. It is so important to know answers to the questions that will
propel us to our destination.
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Your life is more important than any career/professional goals, educational goals, physical goals
new house, new car, starting a family and/or endeavoring on new projects. And when I say your life I
mean resolving conflicts, figuring out the issues and addressing what is needed in order to survive in the
advanced society. How do you build meaningful relationships that will project you into a space where
you are comfortable but yet excited because tomorrow seems bright and new. Environment is
important when finding the person you want to be and when you are looking to grow.
Soil is as important to plant growth as environment is to personal growth. Would you put your
pot in a sunless airless and waterless place? Of course not, simply because those environmental factors
do not promote growth. As much as we wouldn’t want our plant to succumb in harsh environments we
don’t want our life/seed to succumb in un-nurturing environments because it will affect our growth and
overall well-being.
In this scenario relationships can be compared to the sun, the soil would represent the
information available for learning. You have to ask questions like, is soil optimize for my productivity? Is
this the most fresh and best soil available (education, resources)? Are the people around me shedding
enough light in order to help me to grow? Am I being shaded because of internal or external factors?
After considering those essentials you can make a sound determination where changes need to be made
so that when the season/time comes you will be able to shine!
Environments are not the sole factor that may cause your seed to grow, even though it is very
essential nature shows us that not all seeds are the same. But for this example second example we are
considering unnatural environments.
Now there are certain instances where a rose can grow in the concrete. No matter the
surroundings, that plant objective is greater than the environment during that season of growth. Those
people are “rock stars” that know how to assess what around them, and be able to lead or follow
upwardly and able to adjust to the functionally or environment around them. Whether its professional
or personal development they have the ability to stand out in what they do. They do not give that much
power to their environment to determine their rate of growth. Those are people that have a natural
strength; a lot can be learned based on their ability to adapt and in effect produce results with little to
no input from outside sources.
In order for you plans to survive, in order for your life to grow you have to be passionate about
what it is you are doing. Most importantly be passionate about life and what it has to offer negative or
positive and be able to turn that story from tragedy to triumph.
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Treating everything like a new project
“The key to staying, on top of things
is treat everything like it’s your first project, know what im sayin?
Like it’s your first day like back when you was an intern
Like, that’s how you try to treat things like, just stay hungry”-Notorious BIG
The way we think may set us back, when working on projects we have to have the approach
about everything on the same level. The key to stay on top of things is to treat EVERYTHING like it is a
new project! Treat it like it’s yours first day at a new job, like it’s your first day of school. Life can be
demanding, you will never have enough time and energy to successfully and in order to manage your
stress levels you have to be excited about every aspect from the smallest detail to the biggest of your
life/goals/projects. Your eagerness to learn grow and get things done is what sets apart dreamers from
doers; it’s what sets you apart from the crowd movers and movers in the crowd.
Imaging starting a retail business and it’s your first day grand opening and just imagine the
excitement involved. The hunger drive and that pushed you to see the coming first day, how much fun it
is to do work that you are passionate about and love.
First step is to make up your mind and don’t act dumb
“I suppose it is tempting if the only tool you have is a hammer,
to treat everything as if it were a nail”- Abraham Maslow
Doing things often does not mean we are good at it, it just means we have good method that works
for us. Also we have all this new technology available to us, so would it be right to attack all our same
issues with an “old” hammer now that we know everything is a nail? No, now we don’t want to treat
everything like it’s a nail like Maslow states by attacking everything with same old methodology. In this
case our methods and practices shouldn’t have power over our questions, resources and issues. To
make this concept practical we are going to put this into 4 steps
 Ask as many questions as possible and gather as much data (use your imagination)
 Research and develop an action plan and ways to resolve issues before arising. Are there any
potential risks (environmental, personal, and professional)?
 Have a timeframe for the work ahead
 Be as passionate as possible in what you are doing, and use what new and available and as
things change make sure you are able to adjust to the changes ahead by being observant and
Tools are what can make or break your project and a lot of times the success of the project is
divided between the tools and the passion. This alone will make or break a dream. So entail my greatest
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words of encouragement is to be creative as possible in the beginning. Think outside the box and leave
enough room for error.
Practice Planning and Projecting Management
Practice. Whatever we are planning we want to aim in order to get the best result; whether it’s
personal, professional, academic, emotional or physical goals. How do we manage our goals and
projecting our wants within our routines? Practice management is what consists of when we speak of
routines. Exercising is a great example to help us break practice management down within our goal
setting. When we exercise we do not continue our training from what we learned in the beginning in
fact as our training increases our body adjusts to the routine that we initially laid out.
Picking up new routines and practices are essential to what direction we want to move towards.
It’s the same in academia, what we learned in the 3rd
grade are essential to our growth but our capacity
will grow as we advance towards our degree or goals. The routine that we get stuck in day to day falls
into our practice, so we need to figure out some frame work to introduce a new practice.
Our first job to find new resources, next in the process is to learn all the new information within
our practice. We now have a vast amount of info available to us that was not available before and we
want to take advantage of all the outlets and platforms available to us technology speaking. Your
opportunity is now! How can you plan without learning?
Technology allows our thinking ability to grow so there is no telling what can be accomplished
by taking new practices and projects on and figuring out what it is exactly that we want for ourselves.
Platforms such as YouTube Instagram and Twitter you have out let’s to create forums podcast or even
express your art, designing, fashion or life accomplishments. Twenty years ago we couldn’t accomplish
what we are doing now and at the pace that we are moving; and with all these learning centers that
allow you to take new practices on in order to set goals you can really asses what it is that you want for
yourself. Technology is what runs majority of systems and it is what drives outcomes and we want to
maintain our constructive view on it.
Another part of the practice management is learning where you can help others with what you
know. Can you give back to people with all the outlets available along with the keys you have in order to
open doors to who may never know they could open now that you showed the way? We want to update
our lives the same way we update our phones. We have our techniques and ways we do things but are
these processes applicable to the new world we live in? We may find ourselves associating with people
who are not using their resources effectively; the tools are out there it’s just the willingness to learn and
transferring what we learn to improve our practices and processes.
Sometimes with the help we will find ourselves in places we would never imagined being in if we
apply what we learn into practice. With Change comes new opportunity.
Planning. In goal setting planning is imperative to our mindset. We want to be realistic with our
goal setting and planning. This mindset is you cannot enter until we educate ourselves on what we want
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in order to asses our challenges and the things that are holding us back. Time managements are what
hold the plan together. Whatever it is you are planning and what guides your happiness we want to
include people around us. Our planning focus on a subject matter but we want to surround ourselves
with individuals that will guide our vision towards our planning. Imagine all the people that have similar
plans as you, now imagine if you did not apply what you learned with all the resources through your
research. Now imagine how different everyone’s plan would be, could you see areas to make
improvement in your planning through making simple observations of others? Our plan should be
designed around what drives us to think and act beyond what is given to us in black and white. And
staying motivated is how we can add value in the process within the planning.
Projecting. Why put so much effort into planning? Will it fail because I invested myself less
toward technology? What is that you know that makes you passionate about it and is it put together
well enough to be received by my audience the way I am conveying my message? Are you projecting any
form of negativity? If we go into preparation of our planning we have some idea of projection, but we
want to be able to maximize our efforts with what we are projecting. The way we deal with issues that
we face may be the point that attracts people to see how you come to resolutions. When your mind
envision a certain goal and you properly plan around your problems ahead, you give yourself the
opportunity to allow your goals and ideas to manifest themselves eventually. We must be realistic in all
that we do so that we may get the best results in all our goals and projects.
Every day we have the opportunity to be creative and reach grand heights of accomplishments,
blaze trails and be innovators. We learn how to resolve any new or future challenges, both temporary
and long term. With the new opportunities presented we have the choice to incorporate it into our daily
challenges to reap long term benefits. With each daily challenge comes with an opportunity to turn that
into adventure to recreate who we are so that your future self can be with the present you. No we are
not going to solve all our problems, but what we want to do is take the challenges that are facing us and
turn them into opportunities. What do we investment our time in? How can we turn that to investment
into something worth our time?
If we go to college our expectation is to have degree as an end result. Every day that we
experience our classes, teachers, assignments, labs, dissertations, late turn in, test, experiments turns us
into productive assertive people. It’s what builds up character and helps us understand what it takes to
bring projects classes’ papers and degrees into completion within the time frame expected. Some of us
are beyond colleges and mastered processes because of personal experiences and some are just that
great of leaders with the tremendous eagerness and passion for the ability to learn.
There are enough keys and tools given to us in a day that will help us reconstruct our thinking.
What benefit is it to anyone in the present that could not help us in the future. This is what defines a
leaders’ given ability to determine where things are headed in the near or distant future. We can apply
to our daily lives little reminders that help us with our little goals. These are so significant yet so
undermined because we tend to forget. Once again if we remind ourselves daily of how significant our
little goals are they can really affect the outcome of our bigger and future goals and plans.
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How much time we invest is such a key element in all planning or goal setting. And that there
are no challenges presented that are exactly the same. In fact each challenge and issue is so different we
have to use all our risk management skill to get a foundation on how to address future issue and that’s
how we will be effective with all our objectives. If you love what you do and you are passionate with
your intent you want to take appropriate measures to protect our long or short investments.
Our life is a project and each process is important as all the pieces involved. Our time invested
towards any goal should be in range with how much effort we are capable of exerting. If I have a
deadline in 6 months and all my resources won’t allow me to reach my goal timely I want to evaluate
why I was not able to make it.
It’s a process that takes days, months and years to practice. Before a chef becomes a
professional he/she has not mastered the spices the ingredients temperatures and liquids. Imagine how
many dishes were burned before that chef has mastered his or her craft. We are talking days months
and years of practice and being passionate about your craft because most of what we do in life is an art
and we are creating masterpieces.
Imagine having an idea but the words and actions to make it come alive do not come to you.
Ummm, like, you know what I mean, it’s like, sounds like we are not too sure of what we know and what
we truly want. Extra words can go a long way when speaking on topics or subjects you have no idea
about. But if I don’t know something I want to ask as many questions I need in order to get the outcome
I desired. Now those are conversation fillers worthy of praise!
There are two types of conversation filler and through effective communication of questioning
we can pivot and connect those unknown unknowns. What you center your goals/plans around is what
creates the hopes of projecting that goal into the future changing system. When managing a scope it is
important to evaluate heavily the objective that encompasses where we are, where we would be and
where we should be going. There are a number of relative questions you can ask to help develop your
goals and plans and take it to the next level. Most importantly we want to know how to work through
issues and resolving them and delivering outcomes. The outcomes we want are (aftermath, conclusion,
end product, end result, chain reaction, and conclusion) timely.
When life gives you lemons
Now we all are not Beyoncé where we can take her then failing relationship and literally make
lemonade from what she was given. She is a great example of learning when to adjust to issues when
they arise and create a valuable outcome from what was given. Now I don’t believe that she thought her
relationship was expecting a turn for the worst, but as we can see all her planning is based of decision
making. Along with her issues she was able to use her team around her on board with a live vision to
move forward. Whether it is 1 day of 5-10 year vision she did not waste time dwelling on what went
wrong. Her along with her husband Jay-Z created multi-platinum albums selling music while maintaining
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their relationship; what a way to use lemons right!? One thing they did not do was sit around and felt
sorry for their situation, but rather they made meaningful use of the situation.
When we have an emotional connection to our team goals and objectives it will steer our plan,
so being invested is important as much as what we are attaching our goals to. Your outcomes should be
based on what motivates you; a question you need to ask is “what are you willing to lose?”
Relationships, family, a job, a house, money, or if it’s more commonly our mental health; we want to
keep in mind what is important to us and why.
What now? Most go getters know the answer to this or should I call them hustlers. Let’s define
what constitutes a hustler; a hustler is nothing more than a person who acts aggressively and is willing
to stop at nothing to get what he or she wants. With different viewpoints on the matter there can be
sharp contrast between what people see and what the hustler sees. One of the major lessons and
standards hustlers go by is that “in life is everyone will not share your vision”, and one of the
fundamental needs of a hustler is to constantly strive to improve their process. Good day or bad day
adjustments need to be made constantly and changes need to be made so that the outcome becomes
greater than the hustlers efforts. The positive note to take from hustlers is the ability to adapt to the
changing environment in order to be ahead of the game, time, technology and circumstances. Hustling is
not simply a practice but it is an art a very complexed art which is a key to help many organizations
succeed and grow.
Will Smith in “The Pursuit of Happiness” set a great example on what it means to hustle. One
part of a hustler that I would like to touch up on a little later is the art of negotiation and most hustlers
mastered that.
But what motivates a hustler, or better yet what motivates us?
What motivates us? No matter what motivates us just stay motivated!!!!! We get distracted all the time
so it’s very important to write everything down!!!
To answer what motivates we can say whatever it is that we value. If you don’t get your baby
the latest and greatest toys and clothes are we going to value our children any less? If we started a
project and it’s near completion but we know it will not consist of all the components involved in the
plan, is the project considered invaluable? If our priorities are in order then we can expect to have issues
to come along. But don’t let these issues distract you from the bigger picture which is to value the work
that we do over the mistakes we make. Mistakes are inevitable but how we value them is as important
to the plan as much as the goals we have set out for us. To the extent our goals are centered around
problem solving, we want to change the way we think. Changing our habits and our fixed mindsets can
help us to introduce new ways of thinking that come from an evolve state of visibility and
Motivation vs Distractions
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Our biggest distractions are our failures, because they have a way of reinforcing there selves
through a fixed mindset. The second biggest distraction is the ability to seem busier then what you may
appear. In cars the rear view mirrors has engraved “objects are closer then they appear” but in reality
they are so far away. In the same sense that is how our mind thinks; it maximizes the issues and blocks
your vision from seeing the whole picture or stops us from focusing ahead of us. The objects in our rear
view are our failures and perceived ability to appear busy. Do we value what in front of us or ahead of
us? Or are we subjected to things behind us such as old ways and bad ideas.
Distractions can do you in the truest sense but there is a difference in being active and
unavailable, just ask all the women on Facebook that haven’t replied to unwanted inbox message. Being
busy is about what direction you’re moving, and if it’s not forward then your business is not going to be
moving in that direction either.
“I’m busy; I’m working; I’m occupied; I’m swamped; my plate is full”
Taking on busy work takes away from team leading and guiding. These are probably the most
discouraging and indirect language that frustrates our motivations and in effect interferes with effective
communication. Awareness will help us develop a mindset that can counteract negatives answers we
approach. Best way to develop awareness when understanding distractions or disappointments is by
comparing and making decisions on best choices. Leaning on one source to as your sole solution is one
of the most ineffective ways of accomplishing you goals.
Looking beyond the scope
We have to understand timelines and how they play significant parts in planning and managing
in particular. As surprised as Marty Mc Fly in “Back to the Future” was; when he went into the future
and realized that cars were not flying, we want to carry that much enthusiasm when realizing if
something is outside our long term scope. Like Marty we don’t go in to the future looking for cars
specifically but he did notice that they didn’t exist as he expected. The same way we want to plan with
the idea of what’s expected to come or not to come, even though we see something working in that
Prioritize and being productive are good focal points in order to effectively lead projects.
Priorities can be divided between intrinsic and extrinsic factors which essentially motivates us to be
productive. We want to work smarter and not harder, by adding extrinsic incentives to our roles such as
praising promoting, to get the team involvement and focused towards the end accomplishments. While
keeping everyone on board with the end vision we keep motivating factors as the incentive. Every role
is as important as the next and you have to be certain when describing the role settings, because every
piece/person wants to be certain of the safety in the role that they are playing in the development. An
autonomous system would be the ideal style for managing projects. The growth would be intrinsic in a
sense because the value of the project is instilled in the team which entails processing planning and
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When we project our goals we want our extrinsic factors to consist of what are we doing to
contribute to make a difference whether it’s to ourselves or others. In processing we want to define the
purpose so that it’s so clear that it is autonomous. We have to keep our scope in view within our
purpose and develop a plan that will help address any changes or differential issues; and we want to
have a variety so that our purpose doesn’t get washed away over time.
I have had an experience working for a company where the mission statement and scope did
not match the direction that the organization was going. Instances as such require major changes in
order to makes things different. I was fortunate enough to be a rock star in that organization where I
was able to align the strategic plan along with the changes involved in the everyday workflow and
processes. A few employees were not able to make adjustments because of routine of doing things the
same for so long.
Obviously success can define by communication, because if communication is effective it can
push projects beyond the scope and expectations of any plan. If we are not taught properly we will not
be able to progress so you push put people in a position to sink or swim.
“It’s funny how money change a situation,
Miscommunication leads to complication”
Lost One –Miscommunication of Lauryn hill
Yes miscommunication is the biggest leader to complications, but as a leader or a follower what
process are you taking to adjust and address the issues. Well I have a few points that will help with
effective communications.
The problems that are being created can be avoided by being clear in order to save time. W3e
have to proof read what we communicate because we don’t want to assume that people know what we
are talking about. I have found difficulty being clear and understood when I think that I am being clear.
Giving more information does not make things clearer; it’s a matter of correctly transferring information
that you have fully comprehend and translating it that it can be interpreted clearly. We all assume that
people understand what we talk about when we speak. The ideal of the communication is to get
everyone on the same page and able to point the conversation in a direction that everyone can follow.
I have had a manager that was filled with knowledge but was not able to direct communication
effectively because his style had so many directions and he did not pass information on clearly. But if he
did not know something he was clear about communicating that, so essentially things would not go on
as timely or in a certain way. Being a project coordinator I was able to send out communication on his
behalf to many team members, but I understood why. It was not more about me then it was about one
of my managers. It was more about being able to speak different languages of business and translating it
so that everyone was on board.
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Team meetings are a great way to communicate in order to not miss out on information. The
more correct communication that you distribute the more the less concentration there are of roles in
the team. Clear communication will get the most quality and efficiency and productivity that you desire
and there will be an area that you can worry less about. What’s the worst that could happen if you did
not get your communication, how much of a risk is at stake in the project? How often do we lose out
because we missed an email just simply because we have an overload of email to sort through? There
are steps that can be taken in order to better the process of communicating.
Some leaders were meant to follow and some followers were meant to lead.
I learned that in some organizations many leaders are not managers but are the ones that are
not in charged. I’m not saying that these guys have the ability to run the organization, but they
have the ability to change an organization from the inside out. These folks or rock stars are able
to lead teams and plans without any title. As a manager we want to identify those individuals
and acknowledge their capabilities, it will help develop a sense of security and that plays a major
factor in defining an organizations purpose
 Confidence is sexy and is very contagious. No one likes to hear nervous talk, or boring talk, or
long talks
I hate emails; I would rather speak to folks on the phone or in person in a meeting. Who likes to
follow up on 100 emails a day of duplicated messages? Good relationships are important and it’s
what powers your network. We are in a people business because without people there would be
no business. Effectively you want to nurture your relationships and form real connections as
oppose to being cordial. Professional relationships are important and you have to be confident
and passionate when speaking about any subject that matters to you. Entrepreneurs are very
familiar of the need and importance of contacts, and we need to be on top of this because in
order to stay abreast you must maintain good relationships. Don’t burn bridges because you
have to ask for help. There is power in relationships and in positivity; it allows you to have a
clear outlook.
 An effective leader or follower never minimizes problems. How to turn your mistakes to success.
How can I not make this mistake again? In order to achieve greatness everyone needs help. The
best way to tackle problems to is to add extrinsic value to the resolution. You would think it
came naturally, but often times our reward are intrinsic when resolving issues. Adding value to
finding resolutions is an indirect form of communication that over time we will reap rewards
attached to the goal set.
 Being a mentor you able to show people what does and doesn’t work. Learning how to say yes
or no has to be learned and the best educator is experience. The mentor that best helps your
personal growth, career, business and projects are who you want to align with. Schools are great
grounds to learn but the mindset in projects aren’t naturally systematic and mistakes will be
made. Therefore we need to align with the right people to point us in the right direction. Some
mentors are great story tellers where they can teach through experience to give you a feel of
what there is to expect.
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What defines Success?
“The only separation between people is passion.
It’s what allows you to work hard enough to be successful.
And consistency is the key to all success.
If you can consistently shoot the basketball,
They’re going to need you for the NBA.”- 50 Cent
Success is defined by how well you are able to be consistent in the delivery of a within a system.
That entails that no matter what the product; the cores set system and values that are aligned with a
driven measured output that identifies a real objective. Real objectives of such as tangible measures,
feasible outcomes and a viable product are the same core keys that drive our projects extrinsic values.
You cannot fear success or fear obstacles that may come in your path, because that means you do not
put faith and effort in gathering resources for your brand or lifestyle. Eventually you have to reevaluate
what is causing this creative block in your space. We have to recognize mistakes.
How to separate your Plan from Reality:
In reality we have no time and the American attention span is shorter that it takes longer to
toast a slice of bread then to pay attention to what’s going on in front of them. So entail we have to be
aware of our audience; if we don’t have deliverables that are practical enough for the mind to adapt
swiftly we may be planning for nothing. In planning we have to address the ever changing scope and
industry revolutionizing in technology. If the public can identify with you as a brand that they can place
value and trust in; you will build a consistent stream of interest in the market. If you can be embraced as
the game changer or industry shifter you are a rock star in your own right. If your plan isn’t realistic (e.g.
I want to be as rich as Bill Gate) you set yourself up for great disappointments. Be reasonable with your
outcomes so that they match the efforts you put out into planning. Being able to think independently
you have to be willing to not fall for outside distractions and influences that will feed you the notion of
failure. It’s ok for people to disagree with you but if you are subject matter expert let your confidence
show in what you know. Some folks like to wear a mask and we want to be able to identify those folks
by using the language to separate visionaries from those collecting a paycheck.
Reality is there is a chance for failure, if we plan and act to reach goals and hit certain targets we
also have to prepare for changes in the industry. Success is not a stand still target; what popular today
will be a fad tomorrow. Change management is important to success as much as the strategic planning
aspect of the project. If we have great mentors we can be spearheaded in the right direction so that
when issues do arise we are well prepared and equipped to tackle whatever may develop in front of us.
So if our target moves we will be able to move accordingly with it if we focus on what we place our
values around the outcomes. We have to be decision makers and whether it’s to the left or the right we
have to be able to stick with the decisions that we have made. We don’t want to make decisions based
on emotions we have to have discipline and confidence with what we are doing.
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Imagine being in the music industry and as an artist your ability to make money has been
hindered by the ever growing and fast technology changes and ability to steal or download music for
free. How as an artist can you adapt to the climate surrounding the music industry? Now we all are not
out here to make music as much as we would love to but the reality is it’s hard for artist to make money
doing what they love. For a time there wasn’t YouTube, mp3 downloads, millions of free streaming
online and now an artist plan vs reality almost seems a waste.
This is a perfect example where we can use the success comparison theory. This theory is: What
are you willing to trade of consciously vs what you are willing to trade off unconsciously? You can ask
yourself a series of questions for example (see below)
Are you willing to do what the next artist did in order to stay relevant? Are you willing to
sacrifice your sound to what is relevant on the radio? Are you sacrificing your audience to reach a bigger
audience by compromising your sound and message? Are your career goals aligned with your industry
you are in? Are your results a based off the changing and constantly moving targets in your industry? If
you benchmark in your industry are your chances of success greater or lesser and why? What resources
do you lack or what areas do you overachieve in? Comparing successes does not signify that the
outcomes will be the same results.
What determines a projects success? So what defines success within a project is the ability to
recognize changes and adapt fluidly. If you can consistently adapt vs succumbing to changes you will
align your thinking to operate more efficiently as a business. Separating our emotional psyche vs our
internal coaching will help up react for tangible results. Coaching yourself and preparation vs
psychologically reacting to changes that cause us to react before thinking is important to managing
So if success is a moving target we want to be as accurate as possible when we are aiming. Our
vision must be clear because as we create our project our processes truly never end where we start. But
if we are consistent in understanding how our target moves then it will become a process we can
The best way to hit a moving target is to be consistent, yes you may miss often in the beginning
but that is the challenge you face when taking on new roles and goals. There is no question that you are
going to miss the target more then you will hit but that is what will help you progress. Imagine hitting a
stand still target, that would be easy for everyone to hit and as a result the target and this will be
accepted as the norm. No originality would grow from a situation like that. No one would have their
own space to grow in a way that is so much different from the rest. How you feel is the same as what
you aim towards, and how consistent you are will determine where you will be in the future. But when
you aim and remain consistent your focus will be not on the target but the consistent system that you
have formed and created.
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If every day you develop an objective to go by that aligns you with your goals set you are
creating a consistent way of function to help guide you be successful. Managing consistency is just
important as the effort put forward in developing those patterns. Bad management in some cases will
stall your performance and may even make you miss your target in the long run. Now just imagine
being an employee and waking up every day to go to work but showing up late all the time. Now you
have a consistent approach that you may or may not be in control of that hinders you from arriving on
time. Your boss may allow you to make up the time, and some cases you might get fired. But my point is
not to say if you show up late you will be fired, but your outcomes will be based on how much effort you
put in. If you have a mindset of growth you will grow but your focus depends on your state of mind. If
you do not put it in your mind consistently you will never master anything. In order to reach certain
potential you do not want to put in half work because your results will be in part.
In an advanced world how do you remain consistent in order to do so you don’t want to rest
your ideas on a based mind set which will hinder your advancements in order to adapt to changes.
Practice is a way of being consistent that simplifies how you may be able to manage your ins and outs of
your life and into your goals. How long are you willing to stick with a certain way of thinking in order to
master what it is that motivate you and set your soul on fire?
You have to be the one to consistently set the standard of your field within your planning as the
constant state of things continue changing. Big goal acts as a motivator to develop smaller goals in order
to harness and master your gift. Write your plan set priorities and do something every day and you will
notice changes, you have to be focused. You have to believe in what it is that you are doing and if you
are passionate about something you will always find a way to do it better. Your focus drives your
thoughts and priorities but in order to stay ahead you have to make decisions that benefit your
Browsing warps your focus and resources, and you tend to get nothing done. And then you have
brain fatigue and that does not help in developing and growth. Dopamine goes off in the brain when you
focus on redundant and visually exciting imagery; and as focus you are it does not help you grow. If the
only reason you focus on social media is for entertainment you will not find time to do other things that
will push you into areas that will give you capacity to grow. Lack of energy does not promote effective
results. Being burned out is just as bad as being distracted. Consistency matters more than how much
passion you have towards an objective.
By being consistent in our conversation and what we speak on we will open doors that will allow
us to take on new environments. This ability to rely on people to guide us into new environment that we
may have never experienced gives us new fuel towards our end objective.
Having a mentor that is willing to introduce you into the industry is important for your
foundation and for your long term development. Find someone that will uplift you when giving you
guidance and not just direction; but someone that will send you down a solid path such that is valuable
as an apprenticeship and learn as much as you can. When you are that good at what you do you can
guide others in a way similar as a sailor setting their sail, avoiding waves and winds so that the ship
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won’t capsize. One of the best mentors is player coaches; those are people who are active in the field
and not just teaching or training. Allow yourself to think and train your mind to see processes before
understanding every piece. Why do you even pursue your passions and dreams, why is this a priority?
Consistency is a shift in a mind set and willingness to adapt to changes over time. We don’t want
to wait until we are near death to reach our goals. Your day shouldn’t start until you see your mark at
the beginning. Seeing your mark is different from reaching your goal, it is more along the lines of
projection where the goal isn’t met but everything that needs to be accomplished is on time. You have
to plan out your day and week to determine what it is and what it means to plan. You have to
acknowledge that you don’t know everything you are doing. And over time you allow your selves to be
open to new opportunities by planning around priorities to your benefit. Prioritize time for planning for
resolution of issues and remain consistent you eventually live a more fulfilled life because this will
motivate you to be finite problem solver. But know what your goals are and make them clear in your
We get discourage when we don’t see getting around our failures so it’s important to be
prepared to fail as many time possible. And believe or not we all fail differently, yes it looks the same
but what sets us back is what’s going on in our mind even though the problems may be similar.
Consistency is synonymous with commitment. How much are you committed to your process, plan and
projection? How committed are you to attach yourself to your goals in your career, in your lives, in the
lives of your family and friends. And how prioritized are we in order to reach our end results? The more
you’re ready to tackle your day and what problems that come with it, and are less distracted by the
things around you, the better your results will be because your excitement will cancel out any doubt
that linger to discourage you.
Step outside your comfort zone to get to where you want to go; if you are passionate about
what you are doing break into longing for it so that it does not leave your sight. How many people
wanted to start a business but never developed any plan or attempted to put in any work to get it off
the ground. Having conversations about plans will help you differentiate from the talkers and doers.
Consistent effort makes a difference from wanting to do something and how to do that thing you want
to do. Whether it’s good or bad effort you can be consistent and people will take notice because this
requires a lot of effort and time no matter the productivity. Consistency patters can always be
readjusted as long as we acknowledge that we have the ability to identify the pattern. Most importantly
we need to be eager in order to push ourselves in the right direction. Some chances are not given to us
some of the chances are taken based on how ambitious we are about what drives us.
How do we keep an appetite or hunger for consistency? That fire in our belly should be a
catalyst to our vision. To begin we have use our senses to guide us towards something real and tangible.
Your yearning to find out what you need to know and what you don’t know must outweigh anything
blocking your path. We truly have to crave and have this intense desire not for the outcome but for the
process involved. Being ambitious about seeing thing workout successfully is a way to channel a thinking
patter to help orientate our goals and resources in order to be high-reaching in our endeavors.
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How many people have failed for not trying? How many have had a vision but never made an
attempt to go for it? In order to succeed we have to strive for greatness.
Take LeBron James for example; it took him to leave his team in order to win a championship.
Now before winning a championship he was already successful. But he knew that he was dealing with
distractions which prevented him from focusing on the big goal that he set out for himself.
Environmental factors played a big role on his decision making and view on success which entailed
adjusted the outcome of his career. Adjustments were made where he left a whole organization in order
to pursue his goals. It was obvious that he is an undeniable rock star that any organization would be
lucky to have.
But in terms of striving for greatness we can see that nothing will stop LeBron from reaching
that height of achievement. He eventually went all the way to the NBA finals to win a championship. It’s
not because he trusted his process but he was consistent in his goal setting and objectives regardless of
how he got there. We all have endeavors that we want to fulfil and it’s important to know who’s in your
field and who are you contending with. We have a vision and we have to attempt to make it even if we
fail; so chase your dreams instead of running form your fears of failure.
Ego vs. Expectations
Selfish versus selfless; pleasure versus duty; facetious versus purpose. We have to understand
people’s sense of safety against a sense of crisis. When things don’t make sense immediately and the
language is not plain and clear we often fall towards a fictional story that does not play well out in
planning. “Cool Story Bro”! I love screaming this jargon when something is so unbelievable but my
audience wants me to take them serious. If you are willing to take risk and you love the work you do we
want to be clear on our expectation versus our ego. Ego has so many conflicting points and is a way to
explain the way a processing intrinsic feelings; people that feel through the go about wanting to address
its reasons and this can be easily confused as reassurance.
Ego does not act rationally but acts out of selfishness and it derives from pleasure through
mirroring what’s in our mind. Ego can be healthy but by making clear assessment we can use it to our
betterment. Acting from your ego has to be learned if it is to be used in our everyday communication,
and your ego must not create any internal conflict. Entitlement is what take a lot of our egos into a
mental prison, you become a victim to what you project; and if you project in safety you can unlock the
doors that my hold your true ego back.
Do not stroke my ego and tell me I’m doing a good job when I am not. We want to shape
outcomes based on expectations verses immediate gratification which is one of the greatest motivators
of the ego. If the weather man knew the exact weather patterns there would be no room for human
error and give room to say he/she was wrong in there forecast. Ego tells us that the weather man is right
without researching ourselves; expectation is being prepared for everything no matter what happens.
The ego acts independently from our expectations because it is driven by arrogance and attitude. Ego
tells us we have a goal and it has to be done by a set measure. With expectation everything comes as no
surprise in the beginning therefore it is easier to be disappointed in the end. For instance if we are
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dealing with probability we can conserve energy by focusing on the possibility of error because we set
those expectations for error.
We have to constantly readjust our thinking in order for our brain not to act presumptuously so
that we can act with true confidence in what we do. Expectancy allows you to see what opportunities
are available and maybe see where you can add value to what our process is.
Being in the business is not about the product; it’s about the attention your customers and how
long are you able to maintain it in this ever changing advanced society. Ego says “I need to make sales to
stay afloat’; and expectations says ‘who is my audience’? People do business with who they know, who
they like and wo they trust.
One day you take a look in the mirror and you happen to satisfied with your look, so happy that
you decide to take a selfie. You are so satisfied with this selfie you decide to post it on social media to
share with the world through a picture how you look and feel. Now expectation says I am expecting
warm and direct responses from family and friends. Ego says if I receive no likes that means no one likes
me or I’m not in touch with what society deems as desirable or aesthetically pleasing. If we are seeking
praise as a goal or means of achievement we will only go as far as our ego will let us; or eventually let us
down. The happiest people are those that find purpose in their lives and that outside factors will not
affect our emotional state, so that we are taken from our values that guide us forward. Now imagine if
everyone taking a selfie and imagine all the different outcomes and reactions online. These rewards and
rejections are external but they hold intrinsic value; in particular to those who build their base or brand
of imagery. If we can harness negativity online and make a brand base off it then we have a system that
allows us to communicate and interact with an audience that relates on that level.
Learning to adapt to changes are important but how can we shine from the inside so that our
audience sees our light? Now we are not all weather men but we sure do like a selfie with great lighting.
Today may not be full of sunshine as we initially predicted, but with realistic expectations we can give
our best face and shine whatever the environment may throw at us. If we are looking clearly into our
resources which begin with ourselves, then we can make adjustments for mistakes and opportunities in
each step. But we must begin with placing our ego to the side and realizing that our expectations are
greater than the present and we must not lose track of this. What is success defined by and what is your
ultimate goal when looking in the mirror and setting our expectations?
Success is not measured by how many goals you meet but it is measured on how you set your
expectations and the direction of your progress. Setting multiple goals is great because if we set the
wrong goal we will know we were wrong, and so change will be needed. There is a primary goal
associated with the strategic piece of our planning is centered around smaller interchangeable goals
until what we want to achieve is met. Leading change is imperative to our road to success.
You need direction
Believing in your capacity is primary to figuring out your destination, because if your destination
is out of reach we do not want to set our navigation towards that direction. Focusing on your direction
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will help you maintain your balance from a negative perspective or view. Focusing on your problems or
looking in the rear view never helps; in fact it magnifies your problems. As they say objects in the rear
view appear closer then they appear, so we want to change our behaviors on what direction that we do
look and move towards. While we focus on our direction we are able to assess our resources available
that will help us to reach that destination. Will our train or vehicles capabilities able to handle the
environmental factors that we may be facing in our path.
You don’t need to have authority in order to be a leader. The ability to take responsibility
despite of the consequences is an indirect way of staying motivated while everyone is absent. When we
don’t have the authority or time to do things necessary to make things work or flow we must not let this
dictate our use of all the resources available in order to get exactly what we are looking for to get things
completed. If no one is around to give you directions but you have the map or blueprint we have to give
important attention to these challenges that are faced often. We all struggle with this concept and yes
this is a cold environment; but it should not stop your development towards working with those gaps.
Our mindset must be fixed on the habit of dealing with multiple breaks in communication, and being
aware if our planning did not address these subjective issues. Failure is not an option neither is not
being aware; but if you are not able to accomplish anything towards your goal today how will affect your
chances of completion in the long term? How to deal with indirect issues that affect us directly?
Give the plan direction in order to give the vision guidance. Being put in compromising position
will turn some followers to leaders, and even will cause those that were not fully on board with the
vision and have been wearing the mask all along to jump ship. Direction of the process is as important as
the person directing the process. Increased volume and not having enough resources are answers that
leaders have to address daily in order to avoid failure. How are your techniques helping your team?
Asking questions is an important lesson to figure if your system really is steering you in the right
We don’t want to be going in circles. Start, stop and continue. Gather data formalize action and
execution. Where we start stop and continue is important because it allows us to focus directly to the
actions, we don’t want to shorten our process but make use of our time so that will give us concrete
actions to take us to the next step or phase. What do you need to stop now to be more effective?
Where should you be going in our current state of planning? Measure your success daily and back up
your improvements with real time deliverables. The future is never 100% certain but commitment to
solutions will help the team reach their goal with effectiveness.
Every day presents an opportunity to help us decide what we are going to do with our failures,
and figure out what is it that we are good at and being able to harness of what we need to do more of.
Our approach is our direction and we want to amplify our level of standard. Our approach should differ
slightly every day, if we analyze the data given to us. The way we approach our situation everyday will
influence the level of quality we choose to deliver. Our adjusted styles of thinking from the traditional
way of doing things should reflect our reach and knowledge based changes we’ve acquire.
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Time management and daily motivation. When you know better you do better and when you feel better
you do better.
Set the right kind of priorities, making sure of what’s important and conveying that message
clearly and precise to your team. Making room to be patient about what you learn is a way to be
productive and where you can avoid all the negative anxieties attached to goals. This is the time that
you can use to sort out anything that may be causing you some under-development, such a way that it
can affect your communications and productivity. Setting goals will motivate you to reach them.
Avoiding burn outs and what causes burnouts. Work overload can create burnouts, finding
resources that are scarce can cause burn outs. And with technology there is a fine line on what’s
priorities are and how to make all priorities clear. Don’t fit more in your schedule than you can handle. If
your day has allotted time for you to handle some responsibilities and not all then we need to avoid
Learn to say no when even when it feels good to say yes. Take steps to avoid burning out by
simplifying your priorities and avoiding pressures that may put your health at risk. Remember without
you out you there is no project. Secondly trusting in your values will lead you to the satisfaction that you
desire in your work. Third learn to say no when problems overwhelm you and take over your personal
life. Do not be pressured to take on more work, managing your work load should be a daily task of
figuring out your high priority issues. Finally get as much rest as possible, a major problem we face
dealing with stressful situation is not having enough rest to deal with our problems. Finding balance is a
need that you must fill in order to renew yourself. Major problems occur and you will not resolve
everything in one day, so you have to keep a life balance including recreation and rest.
Make changes to your lifestyle that reflects the attitude you want to present to the world, if you
have to sacrifice something’s in order to gain a peace of mind and some clarity then take the necessary
steps ahead. When you are working on multiple goals you may be pulled in so many different directions,
you may feel emotionally drained and feel unmotivated and often times leads to a disconnect with all
your planning. Reexamine your goals and simplify your process without having to sacrifice anything of
importance to get your desired outcome.
Learning to celebrate little wins and simple accomplishments can be nurturing and create
positive habits, in essence you are teaching everyone to win on your team by those celebrations. You
have to acknowledge any feat big or little because its extrinsic motivations like those that keep a team
stimulated and prepared to take on the next task. Hacking your brain is a way of getting good habit by
adding to your life to focus less on the smaller pieces and focus on the pieces it takes to get things done.
Often times delegating is a form or handling some of the difficult task we may undertake.
Admitting where we fail is a powerful motivator and is commonly over looked as a motivator.
Working through the emotions of failure you can build a constructive pattern that may embrace
difficulties with an objective approach. Miscalculations, misinterpretations, bad customer base, are
common mishaps to prepare for when planning and looking for outcomes. First thing we don’t want to
do is over think and assume the worst. It’s ok to have doubts; in fact it is healthy because it’s the teacher
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of success. Learn to be vulnerable when needed especially when networking amongst your peers, it will
help you be constructive in thinking and over time you will cultivate deep connection with your subject
matter. When you love what you do it makes it so much easier to focus on the issues that come to you.
We all have the same 24 hours in the day to handle our issues so let’s avoid distractions like checking
your ex’s Facebook page at 2 in the morning and get some work done.
Good network is imperative to staying motivated, imagine being on a team and you guys have a
losing record; and your record is so bad you don’t make it to the playoffs. Our team and staff is pinnacle
to advancements just as any professional sports team. Small chats and discussion on forums with peers
regularly helps you stay afloat in whatever industry you are in; and if you are looking for insiders they
should be in your circle. Making sure to help others by sharing your ideas, writing them down and
keeping track of your progress daily will help so that you can visualize your happenings.
If we are starting a family, landing the new job, having your first child or even saving towards a
college degree we all have to plan with determination of what our central focus is. If we are investing
our lives into our planning we do not want to burn-out. Motivation can come from who we surround
ourselves with; if the people we are investing our time in are not adding value to what you are offering
then logic will tell you to take your money other places. As they wasted money is just as bad as wasted
time so we need those around you to value you time as some form of collateral.
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Damaged Crowns
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Part 2
Your Progress is your Own- Challenges. Distractions. Communication.
Relationships, Mentors and Networks
People are our biggest resource; it’s the catalyst that propels us to different avenues and
ventures. The way we treat people should be a reflection of what values that we have to offer.
Continuing to learn people and understanding different values is important to growing and building solid
Increasing bonds and fostering relationships through attachments has a great effect on how we
perceive our world and how we approach our processes. Some people value numbers some people
value words and others value action but we have to listen to understand people so that we can nurture
and help improve the growth in our relationships through communication. Managing relationships is
pivotal to how we manage our projects. There’s a lot of analysis involved when coming up with steps to
build our mutual bond; and honestly relationships are more complex the multiple choice questions.
You have to value your relationships because they influence you to the point where it give you a
role in the direction they are going; we are all essentially connected to each other so that influences our
commitments. We don’t want to be routine with our relationships we have to be able to introduce new
ideas and concepts to keep things excited. People often struggle with the consistency within their
environment but that’s what makes relationships more complex. We have to understand stand the
different styles that individuals carry to help deal with conflicts in particular. How we respond to
behaviors will determine what we value in people, and helps us to be honest about our expectations.
We have to recognize our style on how we interact with individuals as well as ourselves because
behaviors can be changed. How well-spoken are we? What is my relationship towards my own life? Can I
speak in public and reinforce my ideas under dire circumstances? Do we have an elevator pitch? Are we
considerate of the individual time? Is our communication direct when we are looking to build our
relationships up? Relationships are our biggest asset and we have to be sincere so that we make people
feel secure now and in the future. Checking in is a way to make partners feel valued, create good habits
to that you make it clear that that relationship needs are cared for. With all the distractions it’s hard to
keep people focused on one thing at a time, more importantly we don’t want to be taking away from
people set attention span. By checking in with each other we condition the mind so that we can make
real connections with people in a world where no one is really listening. At the end of the day nothing is
more important than the relationships you have and managing them effectively.
Listening and paying attention to physiological responses from individuals helps us be mindful
and be present with people. Being available and responsive helps builds attachments which effectuates
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Our relationships should nurture and motivate us to move beyond our personal scope. We want
to be constantly introduced to new ideas that form our minds into straight thinkers; vision without
determination leaves a plan in a state of limbo. We do not want to sit on plans but rather move around
our goals so that they align with our timing in a manner where our actions play out accordingly. And
centering ourselves in such a way that we are aware of our want and we are able to get deliveries and
outcomes by being in those circles. Imagine having mentors around the clock helping you work out your
issues that may seem at present emotionally difficult to see past. And now imagine yourself taking
action after consulting and constantly reinforcing your ideas day in and out. You are well equipped to
see much further then where you began.
Your mentors should be interchangeable that affords you an opportunity to see different views.
Having an array of mentors in different fields is imperative to planning and the success rate of your
planning is determined by such. The bigger the network of concerned individuals that are passionate
about what they do only helps you be passionate about what you do so much more.
Would you consult a mother of 4 infant children on sleep? No because honestly what would she
know about that; but there is a lesson to learn on what to do and how to adapt under those conditions.
Now seeking a professional help is always the first suggestion when dealing with medical issues, but
there are practical guidance that we can receive from our different relationships to help us have a
personal attachment in what we are reaching towards.
I wouldn’t ask a mechanic what he knows about medical billing let alone do brain surgery. But
his capacity may introduce a source of motivation for you that may help you think beyond what you
think people may have to offer you. That’s why it’s important to ask questions regularly because they
may not have all the answers but they may be able to point you in the direction of the person that could
help you, and in turn opening another door.
Imagine the different individuals a photographer encounters, constantly observing different
patterns and behaviors in people to find the best in them and make it shine. Imagine being a Human
Resources manager going through so many different resume and backgrounds painting vivid pictures of
individuals before even interviewing to see if this person can fit in the scope designed. All of these
professions take a talent of understanding people as they are and putting them in position to gain off
the values they learned or were born with. Some people are so photogenic and others are rock star
CIO/CEO in companies; standing out because they were given a platform where they can express their
talents and gifts. We want to be photographers and Human Resources Managers of life! We encounter
so many people of different backgrounds with skills and talents that we want to not only help our brand
and build our selves towards our goals but help others too in the process as we get to know people. Yes
we have to see and show people where they shine so they can help you to shine.
Dealing with the negative side of relationships is an uphill climb; we have to make adjustments
on how and what we choose we want to associate with. We need to trust the people we surround
ourselves around or the process is not real. Trusting them to see your vision and be realistic with the
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issues involved. Know the difference between someone who takes selfies and who are actual
Even though people are our main resource we do not want be taken either advantage of or our
vision. Do not allow people to trample on your vision regardless if they share the same lane with you. As
most professional artist people will recreate your designs over and over simply to give there feel on it.
But remember you have to constantly reinforce the self-motivation to see why you are doing what it is
that you are doing. Whether it’s raising a child into adulthood or recreating the next Basquiat or being
the next Tech Guru.
Being connected to the world
Our connections with our family and communities are important, and the more involved we are
on a personal level helps us overtime to understand people and how they participate in our lives. Why
people continue to listen to you is a reflection of how connected you are with your environment and
what is going on around you. Life is filled with unforeseen circumstances and unintended consequences
that overwhelm us with burden. If we have all the proper resources within our communities, collectively
we can combat many of stigmas and stereotypes that hold us back from being productive independent
member in this modern society.
Many of us are damaged because of factors that limit our growth whether personal economic
social or political, and our needs are not being met because we lack connection or communication with
resources that could help us overcome our difficulties. Learning how to shift languages to better adapt
and identify what positive actions we can take to help move forward into a better lifestyle. Understand
what your narrative is saying and trying to change the actions in the narrative to change that you are
and how you project yourself.
Support is important to remember if we truly want to help people. Building real relationships
are important even before you decide to take any actions towards any goal or objective. With lack of
good representations as role models in the media it is difficult to build solid positive growth tactics to
adopt into our own lives. Most importantly it is not the responsibility for the media to do so but reality is
that most of our youths are being shaped by the media this is another reason why communication is so
important. You have to be connected to many different support systems in place to see what is good
and what is not good and what should be appropriate for our lives. We want to be relevant and as
culturally sensitive in this modern society. It is easier to get offended in anticipation and harder to relate
nowadays the way these systems are in place. We have to be inclusive of people that are
misrepresented so having and building strong relationships will help us reshape how we interact and
maintain those connections. We want meaningful and relevant connections because all of our lives are
connected and we want to be present with modern development in order to participate.
Institutions are failing in the mission to integrate people positively into a society that does not
want them; they are rather pacifying communities that struggle to have their voices heard. We are
separated by race and class and this is why it’s important to understand where it is that you live and
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how it can create challenges in how we connect and communicate. We want to make sense out of the
social service institutions that have responsibilities towards healthy neighborhoods.
What are we saying when we communicate
We want our language to be clear direct with the focus on your audience. Our language must be
used to make people take action. We don’t want to communicate what we are doing not being able to
translate it plainly. There are message that being deliberately obscured to distract someone from the
hiding issues. Ponzi schemes that took Bernie Madoff down are perfect examples where greed was
deliberately not translated into plain language or conversation. Being a fraud is never the blueprints to
winning or being successful. Especially when something is too good to be true, then it’s probably true.
When everyone profits everyone wins but we know there will be a conflict somewhere on top that will
create risk for people at the bottom so we want to be careful to run with that statement especially if it’s
embedded into the process. If your gut instinct tells you or shows signs different from what you feel
inside it is ok to say no, because you are investing yourself as well as your values and we don’t want to
compromise value for profit.
No one wants to invest in things they do not understand so we want to be clear when we
communicate in our language of business. When we invest our time, money, energy and value into a
product or a process we have to understand that it is our responsibility not theirs to trust and believe in
what we want to believe in even if what we believe in is their services they are providing. That why it’s
important to ask as many questions you can when investing, and Bernie’s poor example made it clear to
the people that numbers can lie. Because of his obscure language many people who invested millions
suffered losses; eventually flipping the market upside down. We don’t want to invest in to things where
the language is not clear. One of the biggest lessons I learned from his investments is keep an eye on
your money and don’t fall for the smoke and mirror trick!
It’s hard to fool anyone when you are writing in plain language. Placing conditions small print
are vague ways of communication that does not guarantee that the process works. Bad mortgage, credit
card agreements, banks and instant loans are common examples of companies not using plain language
in their practices.
When we communicate we want to trust the process, believing in what you are saying. With the
given tools you have what is it that you are saying and are you sure of it. If in the beginning of the plan
you made adjustment to acquire your resources are your goals adjusting so that you can see the end of
the planning vividly? IF we cannot communicate what we see with clear perspective do we understand
completely what we are after? Effective way of communicating is through writing and note taking. We
do want to use all the tools such as through email, text message, instant messaging, video recording
smartphone, tablets or anything that allows us to communicate in this digital age.
We effectively have to communicate that “We are the Best” at what we do. Yes no one can
deliver and give the people what you can because no one has done what you have to produce or get
what you want. You don’t want to say I’m the best you want to say “we are the best” because it’s your
vision that guided you and in order for it to succeed the people will have to believe in what you are
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doing they feel they are as much as a part of the happenings. Getting people involved is another key to
great communication; if we are all working towards a common goal it will contribute as a whole to
bigger planning.
Trust is another key to communicate effectively; the people that you trust are mostly timely and
there scheduling works in assisting your planning. Just as much as you want to trust the process and the
people involved you want to make sure that your time is being considered regardless of who you are
dealing with. Inclusion is a way of communicating that helps people view your project with greater
importance. Creating and sending group text, group chat or group email helps to guide people towards
your vision. If we find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing are we communicating effectively
what separates us from others visions and our vision?
One of the biggest lessons is learning to say I do not know. Information is wealth and with the
increase of information and vast knowledge the greater opportunities you have available. Sometimes we
don’t have the answer and sometimes we may not even have the question but we want to find a way
around that. Mainly we have to know what we want, create a blog of your interest to leave a digital
imprint; it helps to reshape your focus and condition your mind to keep you oriented and open up ways
of communications. Sites like Instagram, twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest are great blogs that can track
your progress and growth in the industry or idea that you are passionate about. Millions and millions of
people traffic these sites and it is a great way to get information. Many people use these platforms to
serve as a portfolio to demonstrate their services along with their resumes. When looking for help we
want to be direct with our communication. Do not be afraid to ask.
Powering through doubts and setbacks
We have many things holding us back and self-doubt has to be the biggest anti-motivator. Some
of the most destructive self-doubt is when it comes from an indirect source. Namely someone is
projecting their fears on to your dreams as determination. Your system in place should allow room for
error and growth so that even if self-doubt may consume you they won’t serve as a distraction over your
priorities. If it affects your ability to learn freely and see your plan clearly you must place less value
towards that direction.
Break the fixed mindset and drive your thinking towards awareness. Take responsibility on how
you feel about what drives you. If people want to communicate to you issues about your plans and goals
let it be subjective and not objective; since opinions are important just as much as comparisons we don’t
want to ignore it in our thinking. This will determine if our planning that was set out is still on course
towards the correct path. Smart, motivated and ambitious people handle issues and responsibilities and
effectively and they become great problem solves based on how the tend to view issues.
We all have choices to make that will determine outcomes and future projections; we have to
start taking conscious look at what is creating a gap stopping you from getting the results that you want.
If we allow our choices to affect us directly we have to adapt based on the decision we made; we want
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to protect our assets and brand with the choices we make. Take ownership of what you represent so
that you do not create internal conflicts. Powering through doubt requires a lot of effort because it
requires us to put our ego aside and place our confidence within our determination. Taking
responsibility is the first action that requires some reevaluation of your work within your process.
Figuring out who to blame is a way of reinforcing self-doubt and avoiding taking ownership of the
problems. Feeling guilt is not taking ownership; in fact taking ownership is taking responsibility and
holding you accountable. Learning to make mistakes is an obligation that we have to do in order to take
the blame away from your process.
Don’t beat yourself up for encountering problems; in fact fail 100 times but be direct when you
fail. Do not feel shame of failure but be direct with your failure; understand the bottom accept the
experience of failure and embrace it without shaming your process. Examine what was given you and
un-condition your mind to get around bad decision making. The more time we dwell on the issues it
damages us intrinsically; and we spend less time allowing ourselves to come to a resolution. We have to
take necessary steps to correct errors so we do not develop any bad patterns. Here is what’s wrong
here’s what we learned and what we shared this and now let’s find a resolution. This is the ideal order
or resolving issues by placing value on it we become mindful of our thought pattern.
We may not reach our goals under budget, sometimes we may not be on time but we don’t
want to blame, justify or ignore the greater responsibility we have towards our doubts. We need the
freedom, choice and power to make choices so that we do not feel trapped so that outside factors will
not interrupt the process or the responsibility to keep the process intact. Protect your brand at any cost
and mind your business. Your determination should outweigh any problems you encounter so that your
ego does not precede your expectations in order to manage your failures successfully.
Strengths vs. Weaknesses
Are we playing offense or defense? Adding value with all your strength and weaknesses is our
objective; and with so many moving pieces we want to capture it all through a recognized style of
management that addresses initiatives. Our weaknesses can be our interest, internal/external factors,
our customer base, wants long term vs needs, competition, and team members. Most can be overcome
by being specific and direct about roles of orientation when giving assignments. If you are investing your
time and energy towards an objective we want to be able to identify what you need to overcome in
order to succeed in projects.
Being honest is the easiest way to deal with the potential risk or weaknesses. Our environmental
knowledge captures most of the info we need to resolve issues at a timely manner. Knowing our
processes inside and out and focusing on solutions to problems than the actual problems will help
overcome our weaknesses.
Identify your weaknesses see if they can be resolved and document whatever process you took to
improve that process. People are your greatest resource and if you network effectively by being a
people person you can guide through your weaknesses through thoughtful and careful planning.
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Change Management - Be the change you want to see in the world
Whatever aspect in your life that you want to focus on change is inevitable to your success and
making your life better adding more fulfillments toward it. Change is difficult because of the internal and
external factors involved. Bad habits are often the hardest and the most unconscious processes to
change. Habits are formed unconsciously through repetition, and you can get rid of bad habits.
One of my bad habits is looking for support where there is no source for motivation. I have
times where I scroll through my Facebook page because of routine staying up all night for hours scrolling
my timeline and not getting anything productive done. Or even the routine of checking my page for one
minute and then 2 hours go by without even noticing. I recognized that I was doing that i was not in
control of it; which was unconsciously reinforcing negative imagery throughout an unstructured day.
The problem is realizing where our focus is; we want to be proactive rather than reactive. Bad habits
essential changes how we think and behave controlling our mind and how we make decisions.
Habits are shortcuts that our mind does without realizing, giving space to not think about the
process as much. We want our habits to enhance our lives so we need to find out what good habits are
and how we can apply changes to make those tools work for our advantage. Change does not come
about unless we take time out to break the bad habits that we are not aware of. What is it that we
would like to change? What will keep us motivated to continue towards the positive change in our lives?
Change begins with will-power; an old school term we want to use is self-discipline but we know
change is more dynamic than that. Whatever our bad habit are whether it is smoking or drinking or bad
planning we want to have some form of motivational guide to help us along the path towards change.
Motivation should be as dynamic as our will to change our bad-habits. Health, fitness and nutrition is a
great area that we all want to make better changes and practice better habits. And our motivators are
evident because the extrinsic value is just as important as the extrinsic. If we are happy inside we will
feel happy outside. When you feel good you do good, but how do we keep our reminders and remain
Change requires energy and time. Knowing what should be changed and where does it line up
on the scale level of importance will help you see if you can achieve what you desire. Learning new
habits come in forms of and changing old habits, in order to do so we need to be disruptive and drive
change with want information we have to help us. Reading and learning new information about our
triggers and behaviors is an action that promotes this drive to change. Understand your habits and what
holds you from change is important because what is holding you back may not be the same as the next
person so it’s important to understand what our will powers and motivations are.
Study shows that humans change every 7 years, so the person we are today will not be the same
person 7 years into the future. We want to highjack our habits and condition our mind to adjustments
towards the change management. We go through extraordinary changes daily without knowing and
decision and planning initiates changes in our lives. Mindfulness is the most innovative way to deal with
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managing the changes we want in our lives. Being mindful helps to focus on the present task and see
how to respond effectively and we want to practice mindfulness daily.
How we focus our attention matter; it takes us off auto-pilot allowing opportunity towards
change personally and professionally. You want to improve your everyday experience or how you view
everyday by finding value and adding incentive towards learning how to manage our minds. Critical
thinking is the next step after mindfulness to get your framework in place in order to deconstruct our
bad habits.
Breakdowns and burn-outs
Health is wealth; if we are not healthy we can’t perform our necessary duties. Work place
burnouts are more then everyday stress, and can be categorize as chronic exhaustion. You suffer
emotionally and you lose motivation and worse it creates health problems. When we are overloaded
and we are dealing with many pressures in life there can be a blur between personal and work life. Our
priorities are not necessarily clear during periods of burnouts. While pursuing goals we can overcommit
ourselves and find ourselves on a road to disaster.
The first thing we need to do in order to deal with burnouts is to evaluate our priorities; figuring
out what is most important to your life is the first key. Priorities differ from all aspects in our life
whether its career wise or personal and we want to be able to tell the difference on where we want to
place the importance of our priorities. As we have time set out to handle our priorities we don’t want
our relationships suffer during burnouts.
In order to reduce stress effectively we have to learn when to say no. If our workload creates
significant problems in our life then we need to take a step back from what we are committed to and
make our expectations realistic. We already anticipate risk external but it is much harder to exercise
restraint on how we deal with matters that affect our health. An agreement does not mean a death
sentence. Renew yourself by taking a step back from the areas that are causing you the most problems.
Exercising and nurturing our minds helps to contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals under a
great deal of pressure. How many people can say they love their job and love what they do? Not many
so it’s important to keep a balance of our daily frustrations. Keeping a balance between work life and
actual recreations can help you work towards minimizing workloads that play major roles on your life.
Running multiple businesses, juggling debt, life goals are a major stress factor that doesn’t allow our
thinking to go beyond the more important things.
Busy working moms suffer a lot from burnouts with the load of caring for the family and career.
Caring for aging parents can cause burnouts that people face every day. These challenges are real and
sometimes invisible that we want to be able to manage the best way we can. Learning to prepare for
burnouts is a proactive way to deal with the crisis before it happens.
Everyone everywhere seems to be busy, but they are busy doing what? Make things that benefit
your life a high priority to avoid being busy on mundane objectives. Technology and time pressures are
catalyst to majority of our problems that we cannot escape, and balancing those things is the way we
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communicate effectively to ourselves how to manage our stress. If work or life is so overwhelming it is
best to seek professional help to explain your commitment and reorganize the order of your priorities.
Elderly family members and young children that require so much attention can cause areas
where we can breakdown in our life. There may come a time where we don’t have the resources or
expertise to do as much as we want. Doctors and nurses suffer much from breakdowns especially after
working 12 hour shifts and dealing with compassion fatigue where they constantly deal with people who
need help that are damaged diseased or injured. Having a child can create a situation that you can find
areas of burnouts.
It takes a village to help us overcome the challenges that you face, but recognize that ahead of
time and creating conversation to oversee the struggle and incorporate it into our life processes. Having
a strong foundation helps us deal with emotions that may come over us and cause us anxiety.
Learning to cope with changes is essential in overcoming burnouts. There are small changes that
we can make so that the adjustment will be less difficult. Its ok to ask for help admitting that you are
overwhelmed will help you address the feelings that are causing a disruption in your health. Recognize
when it’s necessary to say no and sticking to your decision. Sometimes the best solution is not the most
ideal solution and we have to learn to accept that. Once we accept it we can make plans and take
initiatives to move from that place that is holding us. We are never going to be perfect in everything in
life and at times we have to make compromises, you may not achieve everything that you hope for.
Life is full of surprises that come when we believe we are moving in the right direction. Our
definition of success can change after dealing with a breakdown or burnout. Dealing with the next phase
will help us readjust our goals as we get overwhelmed with the way life plays out. Make sure what you
are doing that you love it, your passion will drive you places that planning and goal setting won’t
because your passion follows you wherever you go it just your timing may be off.
What was said and who was involved? And now what? OK this is where we are accepting it and let move
on. Problem solving
The future
Technology is driving all industries around the world where everything is being digitized and
how we work. Who would have thought we would be having self-driving cars. Now even though cars are
not flying like in the Jetsons technology has surprised us especially in the world or work that machines
are handling task effectively. What does it mean for work and employment because it feels like
technology is taking all jobs? Everything is being automated as we are being navigated through the
physical world. We try to understand what is necessary and to what extent can technology accomplish
so many different capabilities.
If you are able to create a Myspace page using HTML then you have the ability to program, code
and design websites. Artificial intelligence through all our devices is growing fast and is being adopted
through all industries. Time and money is spent to put these functionalities together in order to put that
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Damaged Goods edited version

  • 1. P a g e | 1 Damaged Goods This is your Guide to Project planning, managing failures successfully and inspiring others to believe that even though you are damaged you are good. Introduction This book was created to help you find direction whether you are on a path or not. If you are looking to be motivated through experiences, trials and errors you will find comfort in this reading. The message carries many highs and low of success and failures challenges that drive you to think and be encouraged with words to move you. Each chapter is infused with so much rich information to help you learn and grow in a direction that will help you identify where you want to take your thoughts. Typically in books the tradition is to carry some message to help you through the reading, but I want to invite the reader to take the untraditional route since we all come from different walks of life. One thing about life is that it is not perfect but we will make it there in the end. When you read this book I want you to be impressed with the knowledge that you already knew some of you are just learning but where ever you are in your journey I want to convey this message with love.
  • 2. P a g e | 2 Perfection is the enemy of progress which causes us to start project and never finish them. I am inviting you to step outside the norm and adjust your thinking as well as your seat in order to digest some thought provoking conversation starters. This book focuses on resolving all types of issues related to the planning that may arise so it may be easy to jump into a random chapter after reading the chapter headings. Everyone can get something out of this book which in turn enriches your love and passion toward your life and eventually set your path ablaze. Change is inevitable just as much as our interactions with each other, in life we are managing unwillingly many aspects to better our lives every day. We want to learn to be grateful for the people we meet whether good or bad because it shines a light on a path and it gets brighter and brighter the more we identify what makes us happy. Projects motivate us, our mental health is the engine that pushes our drive so we have to put our brain on a diet in order to practice removing all the toxins from our lives. In order to master our mind and habits we want constantly remind ourselves to turn our frustrations and difficulties in to a passion that is fueling the fire inside of you. I want the universe to be able to relate and appreciate that when life gives you lemons it does not mean the end. I want to encourage your thinking through this book to have conversations with people that encourages the thinking that society does not have a plan for each individual on this planet. We all want to be heard and we want to be clear when we are communicating our feeling thoughts and passions. By getting rid of distractions that clutter our minds we focus on little things and concepts that will help guide us back to where we should be. We want to be able to open our months with our best interest in hand and with this book hopefully you will gain some understanding about the different languages of communication. Sometimes you have to remove habits from our lives that prevent our creative drive and every step that we work towards removing those distractions that is another step toward the positive happenings. In life we are always under abnormal stress where we can have a good situation at hand but then a spiraling tornado is heading your way. Your drive is what pushes your insecurities of failures to the back seat of your vision. This book helps you to answer questions that challenge you and that only you can answer them. With that reckoning change begins to adjust what happens around you; I encourage you to write down how you feel when you answer those questions in order to get the thoughts out of your head and into fruition. This book is the Rosetta stone to stumbling blocks that come about when you are working on your projects in life in your career or just personals goals. I want you to gain a deeper appreciation of what work means to you. People love to sell dreams but how good are you at selling yours? Every chapter brings a different view of the cost of ambition and one of the chapters is properly named so because with all our different walks of life we all have that in common. In conclusion I hope you enjoy the book and can appreciate the different views and find a favorite chapter that can help you where you are in life right now. Remember to always chase your dreams instead of running from your fears. Face your fears and trust the timing in your life, what do you have to lose?
  • 3. P a g e | 3 Content Part 1 - page 6 Do what you have to so you can do what you want to do. Dreams. Plans. Goals. Poem: Why I run 10/2009 1. Questions to answer 2. Treating everything like a new project 3. When life gives you lemons 4. Motivation vs Distractions 5. Looking beyond the scope 6. How to separate your Plan from Reality: 7. Consistency 8. Ego vs. Expectations 9. You need direction 10. Time management and daily motivation Part 2 – page 26 Your Progress is your Own- Challenges. Distractions. Communication. Influences 11. Relationships, Mentors and Networks 12. Being connected to the world 13. What are we saying when we communicate 14. Powering through doubts and setbacks 15. Strengths vs. Weaknesses 16. Change Management 17. Breakdowns and burn-outs 18. The future 19. Letting go of control and Being versatile 20. High performance vs. low performance 21. Wearing Hats 22. What inspires you –Creative lessons from an Introvert 23. Uncomfortable conversations 24. Creating codes- machine learning and leaving digital footprints Part 3 –page 46 Managing Failures Successfully Risk. Inspire. Motivation 25. Feeling the change happen
  • 4. P a g e | 4 26. Failure in the school system 27. What are your priorities when you design? 28. Following, controlling and listening 29. Resilience and fight for survival 30. What are you planning? 31. Strategic planning following through 32. Don’t take it personal 33. The cost of keeping it real 34. With all the challenges that we face we want to take risks. 35. Being Bold enough to take smart risk 36. Own you own story 37. Butterflies and their resilience 38. Managing failure successfully Part 4 –page 66 Your life is a Project- Change. Believe. Inspire 39. Damaged Goods 40. Meeting people where they are 41. Strength in Confidence building towards determination 42. Don’t lose sight of your vision, protect your dreams 43. You never know who you are inspiring 44. Cost of Ambition 45. Finishing your project 46. Digital currency – what can we learn from it 47. Conclusion
  • 5. P a g e | 5 Why I run (poets corner) 10/09 I’m tired of running… I ran out my mother womb… I ran straight to the grave…I can’t stay long though, I ran from my past…only to catch up with my future… was I happy? Nope not one bit… I felt like running away from my weakness… I remember then but I couldn’t stay because weakness plans a long stay so I ran one …I ran one hundred…I ran one thousand, I ran one million miles away…until…I….hit light yearssss… I ran past God and he asked me…“why are you running?” funny…I laughed to keep myself from crying… the funny thing was no one asked me that before… so my laughter turned to tears and I cried…I cried…I cried until I couldn’t cry no more and replied to God…”I don’t know why” I ran out of words to rhyme… I’m struggling to find the right words…as I look at the clock, it’s getting too late so I ran out of thoughts to express, so I kept running and running until there as nowhere else left to run to or from….
  • 6. P a g e | 6 Part 1 Do what you have to so you can do what you want to do. Dreams. Plans. Goals. Why am I here? What are the facts? Projects should consist of measures and outcomes if the outcome is not spelled out within the measure, and then there will be more issues to deal with further along. What’s it worth? Why should I be passionate about this? Is the project valuable enough for me to spend my time, efforts and energy towards it? Is it a good idea, will I be happy doing what it is that is set out for me. Is there enough space for me to grow when I decide to move forward? Can you see the vision with you your mind and heart and not your eyes? What do you know? And what should I be afraid of? Sometimes you have to ask the persons involved “do you even lift bro!?” Are we getting involved with folks where they may be in over their heads, and you are the true subject matter. What is the projection and is it feasible? Is your theme developmental, experimental, how much information is readily available; is it within my scope of priorities? What are the major areas of concern? What are the chances of failures are we prepared to deal with the issues that may come about? What can cause regress, cease, end, retreat, decline, stop discontinue? Turning tragedy to triumph, overcoming obstacles, making the best of the situation, turning traumatic experience to a story of success Why should I believe you? How do resolve Issues? With the network/team I am involved in are they able to deliver on the outcomes set out? Are you motivating your team or is your vision motivating your team. How may emotion and passion playout when delivering results. Do you have all the resources necessary and if not can they be attained in a reasonable time frame. What are the unknown unknowns? Internal and external risk. What is so important about this? Most importantly where is this taking me? Why should I care as much? Can I bring my experience and add to the procurement of the underlying objective? In 3 to 5 years the are we going to be able to be standing after mitigating the past issues, and will adjusting to the rapid changes in technology be attainable. Is there a promotion, prize, goal at the end of the plan? Being able to see with your mind and not with eyes is what drives the end objective. It is so important to know answers to the questions that will propel us to our destination.
  • 7. P a g e | 7 Your life is more important than any career/professional goals, educational goals, physical goals new house, new car, starting a family and/or endeavoring on new projects. And when I say your life I mean resolving conflicts, figuring out the issues and addressing what is needed in order to survive in the advanced society. How do you build meaningful relationships that will project you into a space where you are comfortable but yet excited because tomorrow seems bright and new. Environment is important when finding the person you want to be and when you are looking to grow. Soil is as important to plant growth as environment is to personal growth. Would you put your pot in a sunless airless and waterless place? Of course not, simply because those environmental factors do not promote growth. As much as we wouldn’t want our plant to succumb in harsh environments we don’t want our life/seed to succumb in un-nurturing environments because it will affect our growth and overall well-being. In this scenario relationships can be compared to the sun, the soil would represent the information available for learning. You have to ask questions like, is soil optimize for my productivity? Is this the most fresh and best soil available (education, resources)? Are the people around me shedding enough light in order to help me to grow? Am I being shaded because of internal or external factors? After considering those essentials you can make a sound determination where changes need to be made so that when the season/time comes you will be able to shine! Environments are not the sole factor that may cause your seed to grow, even though it is very essential nature shows us that not all seeds are the same. But for this example second example we are considering unnatural environments. Now there are certain instances where a rose can grow in the concrete. No matter the surroundings, that plant objective is greater than the environment during that season of growth. Those people are “rock stars” that know how to assess what around them, and be able to lead or follow upwardly and able to adjust to the functionally or environment around them. Whether its professional or personal development they have the ability to stand out in what they do. They do not give that much power to their environment to determine their rate of growth. Those are people that have a natural strength; a lot can be learned based on their ability to adapt and in effect produce results with little to no input from outside sources. “Whennooneevencared Theroseitgrewfromconcrete Keepingallthesedreams Provingnature’slawswrong Itlearnedhowtowalkwithouthavingfeet Itcamefromconcrete–NikkiGiovanni In order for you plans to survive, in order for your life to grow you have to be passionate about what it is you are doing. Most importantly be passionate about life and what it has to offer negative or positive and be able to turn that story from tragedy to triumph.
  • 8. P a g e | 8 Treating everything like a new project “The key to staying, on top of things is treat everything like it’s your first project, know what im sayin? Like it’s your first day like back when you was an intern Like, that’s how you try to treat things like, just stay hungry”-Notorious BIG The way we think may set us back, when working on projects we have to have the approach about everything on the same level. The key to stay on top of things is to treat EVERYTHING like it is a new project! Treat it like it’s yours first day at a new job, like it’s your first day of school. Life can be demanding, you will never have enough time and energy to successfully and in order to manage your stress levels you have to be excited about every aspect from the smallest detail to the biggest of your life/goals/projects. Your eagerness to learn grow and get things done is what sets apart dreamers from doers; it’s what sets you apart from the crowd movers and movers in the crowd. Imaging starting a retail business and it’s your first day grand opening and just imagine the excitement involved. The hunger drive and that pushed you to see the coming first day, how much fun it is to do work that you are passionate about and love. First step is to make up your mind and don’t act dumb “I suppose it is tempting if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail”- Abraham Maslow Doing things often does not mean we are good at it, it just means we have good method that works for us. Also we have all this new technology available to us, so would it be right to attack all our same issues with an “old” hammer now that we know everything is a nail? No, now we don’t want to treat everything like it’s a nail like Maslow states by attacking everything with same old methodology. In this case our methods and practices shouldn’t have power over our questions, resources and issues. To make this concept practical we are going to put this into 4 steps  Ask as many questions as possible and gather as much data (use your imagination)  Research and develop an action plan and ways to resolve issues before arising. Are there any potential risks (environmental, personal, and professional)?  Have a timeframe for the work ahead  Be as passionate as possible in what you are doing, and use what new and available and as things change make sure you are able to adjust to the changes ahead by being observant and knowledgeable Tools are what can make or break your project and a lot of times the success of the project is divided between the tools and the passion. This alone will make or break a dream. So entail my greatest
  • 9. P a g e | 9 words of encouragement is to be creative as possible in the beginning. Think outside the box and leave enough room for error. Practice Planning and Projecting Management Practice. Whatever we are planning we want to aim in order to get the best result; whether it’s personal, professional, academic, emotional or physical goals. How do we manage our goals and projecting our wants within our routines? Practice management is what consists of when we speak of routines. Exercising is a great example to help us break practice management down within our goal setting. When we exercise we do not continue our training from what we learned in the beginning in fact as our training increases our body adjusts to the routine that we initially laid out. Picking up new routines and practices are essential to what direction we want to move towards. It’s the same in academia, what we learned in the 3rd grade are essential to our growth but our capacity will grow as we advance towards our degree or goals. The routine that we get stuck in day to day falls into our practice, so we need to figure out some frame work to introduce a new practice. Our first job to find new resources, next in the process is to learn all the new information within our practice. We now have a vast amount of info available to us that was not available before and we want to take advantage of all the outlets and platforms available to us technology speaking. Your opportunity is now! How can you plan without learning? Technology allows our thinking ability to grow so there is no telling what can be accomplished by taking new practices and projects on and figuring out what it is exactly that we want for ourselves. Platforms such as YouTube Instagram and Twitter you have out let’s to create forums podcast or even express your art, designing, fashion or life accomplishments. Twenty years ago we couldn’t accomplish what we are doing now and at the pace that we are moving; and with all these learning centers that allow you to take new practices on in order to set goals you can really asses what it is that you want for yourself. Technology is what runs majority of systems and it is what drives outcomes and we want to maintain our constructive view on it. Another part of the practice management is learning where you can help others with what you know. Can you give back to people with all the outlets available along with the keys you have in order to open doors to who may never know they could open now that you showed the way? We want to update our lives the same way we update our phones. We have our techniques and ways we do things but are these processes applicable to the new world we live in? We may find ourselves associating with people who are not using their resources effectively; the tools are out there it’s just the willingness to learn and transferring what we learn to improve our practices and processes. Sometimes with the help we will find ourselves in places we would never imagined being in if we apply what we learn into practice. With Change comes new opportunity. Planning. In goal setting planning is imperative to our mindset. We want to be realistic with our goal setting and planning. This mindset is you cannot enter until we educate ourselves on what we want
  • 10. P a g e | 10 in order to asses our challenges and the things that are holding us back. Time managements are what hold the plan together. Whatever it is you are planning and what guides your happiness we want to include people around us. Our planning focus on a subject matter but we want to surround ourselves with individuals that will guide our vision towards our planning. Imagine all the people that have similar plans as you, now imagine if you did not apply what you learned with all the resources through your research. Now imagine how different everyone’s plan would be, could you see areas to make improvement in your planning through making simple observations of others? Our plan should be designed around what drives us to think and act beyond what is given to us in black and white. And staying motivated is how we can add value in the process within the planning. Projecting. Why put so much effort into planning? Will it fail because I invested myself less toward technology? What is that you know that makes you passionate about it and is it put together well enough to be received by my audience the way I am conveying my message? Are you projecting any form of negativity? If we go into preparation of our planning we have some idea of projection, but we want to be able to maximize our efforts with what we are projecting. The way we deal with issues that we face may be the point that attracts people to see how you come to resolutions. When your mind envision a certain goal and you properly plan around your problems ahead, you give yourself the opportunity to allow your goals and ideas to manifest themselves eventually. We must be realistic in all that we do so that we may get the best results in all our goals and projects. Every day we have the opportunity to be creative and reach grand heights of accomplishments, blaze trails and be innovators. We learn how to resolve any new or future challenges, both temporary and long term. With the new opportunities presented we have the choice to incorporate it into our daily challenges to reap long term benefits. With each daily challenge comes with an opportunity to turn that into adventure to recreate who we are so that your future self can be with the present you. No we are not going to solve all our problems, but what we want to do is take the challenges that are facing us and turn them into opportunities. What do we investment our time in? How can we turn that to investment into something worth our time? If we go to college our expectation is to have degree as an end result. Every day that we experience our classes, teachers, assignments, labs, dissertations, late turn in, test, experiments turns us into productive assertive people. It’s what builds up character and helps us understand what it takes to bring projects classes’ papers and degrees into completion within the time frame expected. Some of us are beyond colleges and mastered processes because of personal experiences and some are just that great of leaders with the tremendous eagerness and passion for the ability to learn. There are enough keys and tools given to us in a day that will help us reconstruct our thinking. What benefit is it to anyone in the present that could not help us in the future. This is what defines a leaders’ given ability to determine where things are headed in the near or distant future. We can apply to our daily lives little reminders that help us with our little goals. These are so significant yet so undermined because we tend to forget. Once again if we remind ourselves daily of how significant our little goals are they can really affect the outcome of our bigger and future goals and plans.
  • 11. P a g e | 11 How much time we invest is such a key element in all planning or goal setting. And that there are no challenges presented that are exactly the same. In fact each challenge and issue is so different we have to use all our risk management skill to get a foundation on how to address future issue and that’s how we will be effective with all our objectives. If you love what you do and you are passionate with your intent you want to take appropriate measures to protect our long or short investments. Our life is a project and each process is important as all the pieces involved. Our time invested towards any goal should be in range with how much effort we are capable of exerting. If I have a deadline in 6 months and all my resources won’t allow me to reach my goal timely I want to evaluate why I was not able to make it. It’s a process that takes days, months and years to practice. Before a chef becomes a professional he/she has not mastered the spices the ingredients temperatures and liquids. Imagine how many dishes were burned before that chef has mastered his or her craft. We are talking days months and years of practice and being passionate about your craft because most of what we do in life is an art and we are creating masterpieces. Imagine having an idea but the words and actions to make it come alive do not come to you. Ummm, like, you know what I mean, it’s like, sounds like we are not too sure of what we know and what we truly want. Extra words can go a long way when speaking on topics or subjects you have no idea about. But if I don’t know something I want to ask as many questions I need in order to get the outcome I desired. Now those are conversation fillers worthy of praise! There are two types of conversation filler and through effective communication of questioning we can pivot and connect those unknown unknowns. What you center your goals/plans around is what creates the hopes of projecting that goal into the future changing system. When managing a scope it is important to evaluate heavily the objective that encompasses where we are, where we would be and where we should be going. There are a number of relative questions you can ask to help develop your goals and plans and take it to the next level. Most importantly we want to know how to work through issues and resolving them and delivering outcomes. The outcomes we want are (aftermath, conclusion, end product, end result, chain reaction, and conclusion) timely. When life gives you lemons Now we all are not Beyoncé where we can take her then failing relationship and literally make lemonade from what she was given. She is a great example of learning when to adjust to issues when they arise and create a valuable outcome from what was given. Now I don’t believe that she thought her relationship was expecting a turn for the worst, but as we can see all her planning is based of decision making. Along with her issues she was able to use her team around her on board with a live vision to move forward. Whether it is 1 day of 5-10 year vision she did not waste time dwelling on what went wrong. Her along with her husband Jay-Z created multi-platinum albums selling music while maintaining
  • 12. P a g e | 12 their relationship; what a way to use lemons right!? One thing they did not do was sit around and felt sorry for their situation, but rather they made meaningful use of the situation. When we have an emotional connection to our team goals and objectives it will steer our plan, so being invested is important as much as what we are attaching our goals to. Your outcomes should be based on what motivates you; a question you need to ask is “what are you willing to lose?” Relationships, family, a job, a house, money, or if it’s more commonly our mental health; we want to keep in mind what is important to us and why. What now? Most go getters know the answer to this or should I call them hustlers. Let’s define what constitutes a hustler; a hustler is nothing more than a person who acts aggressively and is willing to stop at nothing to get what he or she wants. With different viewpoints on the matter there can be sharp contrast between what people see and what the hustler sees. One of the major lessons and standards hustlers go by is that “in life is everyone will not share your vision”, and one of the fundamental needs of a hustler is to constantly strive to improve their process. Good day or bad day adjustments need to be made constantly and changes need to be made so that the outcome becomes greater than the hustlers efforts. The positive note to take from hustlers is the ability to adapt to the changing environment in order to be ahead of the game, time, technology and circumstances. Hustling is not simply a practice but it is an art a very complexed art which is a key to help many organizations succeed and grow. Will Smith in “The Pursuit of Happiness” set a great example on what it means to hustle. One part of a hustler that I would like to touch up on a little later is the art of negotiation and most hustlers mastered that. But what motivates a hustler, or better yet what motivates us? What motivates us? No matter what motivates us just stay motivated!!!!! We get distracted all the time so it’s very important to write everything down!!! To answer what motivates we can say whatever it is that we value. If you don’t get your baby the latest and greatest toys and clothes are we going to value our children any less? If we started a project and it’s near completion but we know it will not consist of all the components involved in the plan, is the project considered invaluable? If our priorities are in order then we can expect to have issues to come along. But don’t let these issues distract you from the bigger picture which is to value the work that we do over the mistakes we make. Mistakes are inevitable but how we value them is as important to the plan as much as the goals we have set out for us. To the extent our goals are centered around problem solving, we want to change the way we think. Changing our habits and our fixed mindsets can help us to introduce new ways of thinking that come from an evolve state of visibility and understanding. Motivation vs Distractions
  • 13. P a g e | 13 Our biggest distractions are our failures, because they have a way of reinforcing there selves through a fixed mindset. The second biggest distraction is the ability to seem busier then what you may appear. In cars the rear view mirrors has engraved “objects are closer then they appear” but in reality they are so far away. In the same sense that is how our mind thinks; it maximizes the issues and blocks your vision from seeing the whole picture or stops us from focusing ahead of us. The objects in our rear view are our failures and perceived ability to appear busy. Do we value what in front of us or ahead of us? Or are we subjected to things behind us such as old ways and bad ideas. Distractions can do you in the truest sense but there is a difference in being active and unavailable, just ask all the women on Facebook that haven’t replied to unwanted inbox message. Being busy is about what direction you’re moving, and if it’s not forward then your business is not going to be moving in that direction either. “I’m busy; I’m working; I’m occupied; I’m swamped; my plate is full” Taking on busy work takes away from team leading and guiding. These are probably the most discouraging and indirect language that frustrates our motivations and in effect interferes with effective communication. Awareness will help us develop a mindset that can counteract negatives answers we approach. Best way to develop awareness when understanding distractions or disappointments is by comparing and making decisions on best choices. Leaning on one source to as your sole solution is one of the most ineffective ways of accomplishing you goals. Looking beyond the scope We have to understand timelines and how they play significant parts in planning and managing in particular. As surprised as Marty Mc Fly in “Back to the Future” was; when he went into the future and realized that cars were not flying, we want to carry that much enthusiasm when realizing if something is outside our long term scope. Like Marty we don’t go in to the future looking for cars specifically but he did notice that they didn’t exist as he expected. The same way we want to plan with the idea of what’s expected to come or not to come, even though we see something working in that direction. Prioritize and being productive are good focal points in order to effectively lead projects. Priorities can be divided between intrinsic and extrinsic factors which essentially motivates us to be productive. We want to work smarter and not harder, by adding extrinsic incentives to our roles such as praising promoting, to get the team involvement and focused towards the end accomplishments. While keeping everyone on board with the end vision we keep motivating factors as the incentive. Every role is as important as the next and you have to be certain when describing the role settings, because every piece/person wants to be certain of the safety in the role that they are playing in the development. An autonomous system would be the ideal style for managing projects. The growth would be intrinsic in a sense because the value of the project is instilled in the team which entails processing planning and projecting.
  • 14. P a g e | 14 When we project our goals we want our extrinsic factors to consist of what are we doing to contribute to make a difference whether it’s to ourselves or others. In processing we want to define the purpose so that it’s so clear that it is autonomous. We have to keep our scope in view within our purpose and develop a plan that will help address any changes or differential issues; and we want to have a variety so that our purpose doesn’t get washed away over time. I have had an experience working for a company where the mission statement and scope did not match the direction that the organization was going. Instances as such require major changes in order to makes things different. I was fortunate enough to be a rock star in that organization where I was able to align the strategic plan along with the changes involved in the everyday workflow and processes. A few employees were not able to make adjustments because of routine of doing things the same for so long. Obviously success can define by communication, because if communication is effective it can push projects beyond the scope and expectations of any plan. If we are not taught properly we will not be able to progress so you push put people in a position to sink or swim. “It’s funny how money change a situation, Miscommunication leads to complication” Lost One –Miscommunication of Lauryn hill Yes miscommunication is the biggest leader to complications, but as a leader or a follower what process are you taking to adjust and address the issues. Well I have a few points that will help with effective communications. The problems that are being created can be avoided by being clear in order to save time. W3e have to proof read what we communicate because we don’t want to assume that people know what we are talking about. I have found difficulty being clear and understood when I think that I am being clear. Giving more information does not make things clearer; it’s a matter of correctly transferring information that you have fully comprehend and translating it that it can be interpreted clearly. We all assume that people understand what we talk about when we speak. The ideal of the communication is to get everyone on the same page and able to point the conversation in a direction that everyone can follow. I have had a manager that was filled with knowledge but was not able to direct communication effectively because his style had so many directions and he did not pass information on clearly. But if he did not know something he was clear about communicating that, so essentially things would not go on as timely or in a certain way. Being a project coordinator I was able to send out communication on his behalf to many team members, but I understood why. It was not more about me then it was about one of my managers. It was more about being able to speak different languages of business and translating it so that everyone was on board.
  • 15. P a g e | 15 Team meetings are a great way to communicate in order to not miss out on information. The more correct communication that you distribute the more the less concentration there are of roles in the team. Clear communication will get the most quality and efficiency and productivity that you desire and there will be an area that you can worry less about. What’s the worst that could happen if you did not get your communication, how much of a risk is at stake in the project? How often do we lose out because we missed an email just simply because we have an overload of email to sort through? There are steps that can be taken in order to better the process of communicating. Some leaders were meant to follow and some followers were meant to lead. I learned that in some organizations many leaders are not managers but are the ones that are not in charged. I’m not saying that these guys have the ability to run the organization, but they have the ability to change an organization from the inside out. These folks or rock stars are able to lead teams and plans without any title. As a manager we want to identify those individuals and acknowledge their capabilities, it will help develop a sense of security and that plays a major factor in defining an organizations purpose  Confidence is sexy and is very contagious. No one likes to hear nervous talk, or boring talk, or long talks I hate emails; I would rather speak to folks on the phone or in person in a meeting. Who likes to follow up on 100 emails a day of duplicated messages? Good relationships are important and it’s what powers your network. We are in a people business because without people there would be no business. Effectively you want to nurture your relationships and form real connections as oppose to being cordial. Professional relationships are important and you have to be confident and passionate when speaking about any subject that matters to you. Entrepreneurs are very familiar of the need and importance of contacts, and we need to be on top of this because in order to stay abreast you must maintain good relationships. Don’t burn bridges because you have to ask for help. There is power in relationships and in positivity; it allows you to have a clear outlook.  An effective leader or follower never minimizes problems. How to turn your mistakes to success. How can I not make this mistake again? In order to achieve greatness everyone needs help. The best way to tackle problems to is to add extrinsic value to the resolution. You would think it came naturally, but often times our reward are intrinsic when resolving issues. Adding value to finding resolutions is an indirect form of communication that over time we will reap rewards attached to the goal set.  Being a mentor you able to show people what does and doesn’t work. Learning how to say yes or no has to be learned and the best educator is experience. The mentor that best helps your personal growth, career, business and projects are who you want to align with. Schools are great grounds to learn but the mindset in projects aren’t naturally systematic and mistakes will be made. Therefore we need to align with the right people to point us in the right direction. Some mentors are great story tellers where they can teach through experience to give you a feel of what there is to expect.
  • 16. P a g e | 16 What defines Success? “The only separation between people is passion. It’s what allows you to work hard enough to be successful. And consistency is the key to all success. If you can consistently shoot the basketball, They’re going to need you for the NBA.”- 50 Cent Success is defined by how well you are able to be consistent in the delivery of a within a system. That entails that no matter what the product; the cores set system and values that are aligned with a driven measured output that identifies a real objective. Real objectives of such as tangible measures, feasible outcomes and a viable product are the same core keys that drive our projects extrinsic values. You cannot fear success or fear obstacles that may come in your path, because that means you do not put faith and effort in gathering resources for your brand or lifestyle. Eventually you have to reevaluate what is causing this creative block in your space. We have to recognize mistakes. How to separate your Plan from Reality: In reality we have no time and the American attention span is shorter that it takes longer to toast a slice of bread then to pay attention to what’s going on in front of them. So entail we have to be aware of our audience; if we don’t have deliverables that are practical enough for the mind to adapt swiftly we may be planning for nothing. In planning we have to address the ever changing scope and industry revolutionizing in technology. If the public can identify with you as a brand that they can place value and trust in; you will build a consistent stream of interest in the market. If you can be embraced as the game changer or industry shifter you are a rock star in your own right. If your plan isn’t realistic (e.g. I want to be as rich as Bill Gate) you set yourself up for great disappointments. Be reasonable with your outcomes so that they match the efforts you put out into planning. Being able to think independently you have to be willing to not fall for outside distractions and influences that will feed you the notion of failure. It’s ok for people to disagree with you but if you are subject matter expert let your confidence show in what you know. Some folks like to wear a mask and we want to be able to identify those folks by using the language to separate visionaries from those collecting a paycheck. Reality is there is a chance for failure, if we plan and act to reach goals and hit certain targets we also have to prepare for changes in the industry. Success is not a stand still target; what popular today will be a fad tomorrow. Change management is important to success as much as the strategic planning aspect of the project. If we have great mentors we can be spearheaded in the right direction so that when issues do arise we are well prepared and equipped to tackle whatever may develop in front of us. So if our target moves we will be able to move accordingly with it if we focus on what we place our values around the outcomes. We have to be decision makers and whether it’s to the left or the right we have to be able to stick with the decisions that we have made. We don’t want to make decisions based on emotions we have to have discipline and confidence with what we are doing.
  • 17. P a g e | 17 Imagine being in the music industry and as an artist your ability to make money has been hindered by the ever growing and fast technology changes and ability to steal or download music for free. How as an artist can you adapt to the climate surrounding the music industry? Now we all are not out here to make music as much as we would love to but the reality is it’s hard for artist to make money doing what they love. For a time there wasn’t YouTube, mp3 downloads, millions of free streaming online and now an artist plan vs reality almost seems a waste. This is a perfect example where we can use the success comparison theory. This theory is: What are you willing to trade of consciously vs what you are willing to trade off unconsciously? You can ask yourself a series of questions for example (see below) Are you willing to do what the next artist did in order to stay relevant? Are you willing to sacrifice your sound to what is relevant on the radio? Are you sacrificing your audience to reach a bigger audience by compromising your sound and message? Are your career goals aligned with your industry you are in? Are your results a based off the changing and constantly moving targets in your industry? If you benchmark in your industry are your chances of success greater or lesser and why? What resources do you lack or what areas do you overachieve in? Comparing successes does not signify that the outcomes will be the same results. What determines a projects success? So what defines success within a project is the ability to recognize changes and adapt fluidly. If you can consistently adapt vs succumbing to changes you will align your thinking to operate more efficiently as a business. Separating our emotional psyche vs our internal coaching will help up react for tangible results. Coaching yourself and preparation vs psychologically reacting to changes that cause us to react before thinking is important to managing changes. Consistency So if success is a moving target we want to be as accurate as possible when we are aiming. Our vision must be clear because as we create our project our processes truly never end where we start. But if we are consistent in understanding how our target moves then it will become a process we can master. The best way to hit a moving target is to be consistent, yes you may miss often in the beginning but that is the challenge you face when taking on new roles and goals. There is no question that you are going to miss the target more then you will hit but that is what will help you progress. Imagine hitting a stand still target, that would be easy for everyone to hit and as a result the target and this will be accepted as the norm. No originality would grow from a situation like that. No one would have their own space to grow in a way that is so much different from the rest. How you feel is the same as what you aim towards, and how consistent you are will determine where you will be in the future. But when you aim and remain consistent your focus will be not on the target but the consistent system that you have formed and created.
  • 18. P a g e | 18 If every day you develop an objective to go by that aligns you with your goals set you are creating a consistent way of function to help guide you be successful. Managing consistency is just important as the effort put forward in developing those patterns. Bad management in some cases will stall your performance and may even make you miss your target in the long run. Now just imagine being an employee and waking up every day to go to work but showing up late all the time. Now you have a consistent approach that you may or may not be in control of that hinders you from arriving on time. Your boss may allow you to make up the time, and some cases you might get fired. But my point is not to say if you show up late you will be fired, but your outcomes will be based on how much effort you put in. If you have a mindset of growth you will grow but your focus depends on your state of mind. If you do not put it in your mind consistently you will never master anything. In order to reach certain potential you do not want to put in half work because your results will be in part. In an advanced world how do you remain consistent in order to do so you don’t want to rest your ideas on a based mind set which will hinder your advancements in order to adapt to changes. Practice is a way of being consistent that simplifies how you may be able to manage your ins and outs of your life and into your goals. How long are you willing to stick with a certain way of thinking in order to master what it is that motivate you and set your soul on fire? You have to be the one to consistently set the standard of your field within your planning as the constant state of things continue changing. Big goal acts as a motivator to develop smaller goals in order to harness and master your gift. Write your plan set priorities and do something every day and you will notice changes, you have to be focused. You have to believe in what it is that you are doing and if you are passionate about something you will always find a way to do it better. Your focus drives your thoughts and priorities but in order to stay ahead you have to make decisions that benefit your objectives. Browsing warps your focus and resources, and you tend to get nothing done. And then you have brain fatigue and that does not help in developing and growth. Dopamine goes off in the brain when you focus on redundant and visually exciting imagery; and as focus you are it does not help you grow. If the only reason you focus on social media is for entertainment you will not find time to do other things that will push you into areas that will give you capacity to grow. Lack of energy does not promote effective results. Being burned out is just as bad as being distracted. Consistency matters more than how much passion you have towards an objective. By being consistent in our conversation and what we speak on we will open doors that will allow us to take on new environments. This ability to rely on people to guide us into new environment that we may have never experienced gives us new fuel towards our end objective. Having a mentor that is willing to introduce you into the industry is important for your foundation and for your long term development. Find someone that will uplift you when giving you guidance and not just direction; but someone that will send you down a solid path such that is valuable as an apprenticeship and learn as much as you can. When you are that good at what you do you can guide others in a way similar as a sailor setting their sail, avoiding waves and winds so that the ship
  • 19. P a g e | 19 won’t capsize. One of the best mentors is player coaches; those are people who are active in the field and not just teaching or training. Allow yourself to think and train your mind to see processes before understanding every piece. Why do you even pursue your passions and dreams, why is this a priority? Consistency is a shift in a mind set and willingness to adapt to changes over time. We don’t want to wait until we are near death to reach our goals. Your day shouldn’t start until you see your mark at the beginning. Seeing your mark is different from reaching your goal, it is more along the lines of projection where the goal isn’t met but everything that needs to be accomplished is on time. You have to plan out your day and week to determine what it is and what it means to plan. You have to acknowledge that you don’t know everything you are doing. And over time you allow your selves to be open to new opportunities by planning around priorities to your benefit. Prioritize time for planning for resolution of issues and remain consistent you eventually live a more fulfilled life because this will motivate you to be finite problem solver. But know what your goals are and make them clear in your outline. We get discourage when we don’t see getting around our failures so it’s important to be prepared to fail as many time possible. And believe or not we all fail differently, yes it looks the same but what sets us back is what’s going on in our mind even though the problems may be similar. Consistency is synonymous with commitment. How much are you committed to your process, plan and projection? How committed are you to attach yourself to your goals in your career, in your lives, in the lives of your family and friends. And how prioritized are we in order to reach our end results? The more you’re ready to tackle your day and what problems that come with it, and are less distracted by the things around you, the better your results will be because your excitement will cancel out any doubt that linger to discourage you. Step outside your comfort zone to get to where you want to go; if you are passionate about what you are doing break into longing for it so that it does not leave your sight. How many people wanted to start a business but never developed any plan or attempted to put in any work to get it off the ground. Having conversations about plans will help you differentiate from the talkers and doers. Consistent effort makes a difference from wanting to do something and how to do that thing you want to do. Whether it’s good or bad effort you can be consistent and people will take notice because this requires a lot of effort and time no matter the productivity. Consistency patters can always be readjusted as long as we acknowledge that we have the ability to identify the pattern. Most importantly we need to be eager in order to push ourselves in the right direction. Some chances are not given to us some of the chances are taken based on how ambitious we are about what drives us. How do we keep an appetite or hunger for consistency? That fire in our belly should be a catalyst to our vision. To begin we have use our senses to guide us towards something real and tangible. Your yearning to find out what you need to know and what you don’t know must outweigh anything blocking your path. We truly have to crave and have this intense desire not for the outcome but for the process involved. Being ambitious about seeing thing workout successfully is a way to channel a thinking patter to help orientate our goals and resources in order to be high-reaching in our endeavors.
  • 20. P a g e | 20 How many people have failed for not trying? How many have had a vision but never made an attempt to go for it? In order to succeed we have to strive for greatness. Take LeBron James for example; it took him to leave his team in order to win a championship. Now before winning a championship he was already successful. But he knew that he was dealing with distractions which prevented him from focusing on the big goal that he set out for himself. Environmental factors played a big role on his decision making and view on success which entailed adjusted the outcome of his career. Adjustments were made where he left a whole organization in order to pursue his goals. It was obvious that he is an undeniable rock star that any organization would be lucky to have. But in terms of striving for greatness we can see that nothing will stop LeBron from reaching that height of achievement. He eventually went all the way to the NBA finals to win a championship. It’s not because he trusted his process but he was consistent in his goal setting and objectives regardless of how he got there. We all have endeavors that we want to fulfil and it’s important to know who’s in your field and who are you contending with. We have a vision and we have to attempt to make it even if we fail; so chase your dreams instead of running form your fears of failure. Ego vs. Expectations Selfish versus selfless; pleasure versus duty; facetious versus purpose. We have to understand people’s sense of safety against a sense of crisis. When things don’t make sense immediately and the language is not plain and clear we often fall towards a fictional story that does not play well out in planning. “Cool Story Bro”! I love screaming this jargon when something is so unbelievable but my audience wants me to take them serious. If you are willing to take risk and you love the work you do we want to be clear on our expectation versus our ego. Ego has so many conflicting points and is a way to explain the way a processing intrinsic feelings; people that feel through the go about wanting to address its reasons and this can be easily confused as reassurance. Ego does not act rationally but acts out of selfishness and it derives from pleasure through mirroring what’s in our mind. Ego can be healthy but by making clear assessment we can use it to our betterment. Acting from your ego has to be learned if it is to be used in our everyday communication, and your ego must not create any internal conflict. Entitlement is what take a lot of our egos into a mental prison, you become a victim to what you project; and if you project in safety you can unlock the doors that my hold your true ego back. Do not stroke my ego and tell me I’m doing a good job when I am not. We want to shape outcomes based on expectations verses immediate gratification which is one of the greatest motivators of the ego. If the weather man knew the exact weather patterns there would be no room for human error and give room to say he/she was wrong in there forecast. Ego tells us that the weather man is right without researching ourselves; expectation is being prepared for everything no matter what happens. The ego acts independently from our expectations because it is driven by arrogance and attitude. Ego tells us we have a goal and it has to be done by a set measure. With expectation everything comes as no surprise in the beginning therefore it is easier to be disappointed in the end. For instance if we are
  • 21. P a g e | 21 dealing with probability we can conserve energy by focusing on the possibility of error because we set those expectations for error. We have to constantly readjust our thinking in order for our brain not to act presumptuously so that we can act with true confidence in what we do. Expectancy allows you to see what opportunities are available and maybe see where you can add value to what our process is. Being in the business is not about the product; it’s about the attention your customers and how long are you able to maintain it in this ever changing advanced society. Ego says “I need to make sales to stay afloat’; and expectations says ‘who is my audience’? People do business with who they know, who they like and wo they trust. One day you take a look in the mirror and you happen to satisfied with your look, so happy that you decide to take a selfie. You are so satisfied with this selfie you decide to post it on social media to share with the world through a picture how you look and feel. Now expectation says I am expecting warm and direct responses from family and friends. Ego says if I receive no likes that means no one likes me or I’m not in touch with what society deems as desirable or aesthetically pleasing. If we are seeking praise as a goal or means of achievement we will only go as far as our ego will let us; or eventually let us down. The happiest people are those that find purpose in their lives and that outside factors will not affect our emotional state, so that we are taken from our values that guide us forward. Now imagine if everyone taking a selfie and imagine all the different outcomes and reactions online. These rewards and rejections are external but they hold intrinsic value; in particular to those who build their base or brand of imagery. If we can harness negativity online and make a brand base off it then we have a system that allows us to communicate and interact with an audience that relates on that level. Learning to adapt to changes are important but how can we shine from the inside so that our audience sees our light? Now we are not all weather men but we sure do like a selfie with great lighting. Today may not be full of sunshine as we initially predicted, but with realistic expectations we can give our best face and shine whatever the environment may throw at us. If we are looking clearly into our resources which begin with ourselves, then we can make adjustments for mistakes and opportunities in each step. But we must begin with placing our ego to the side and realizing that our expectations are greater than the present and we must not lose track of this. What is success defined by and what is your ultimate goal when looking in the mirror and setting our expectations? Success is not measured by how many goals you meet but it is measured on how you set your expectations and the direction of your progress. Setting multiple goals is great because if we set the wrong goal we will know we were wrong, and so change will be needed. There is a primary goal associated with the strategic piece of our planning is centered around smaller interchangeable goals until what we want to achieve is met. Leading change is imperative to our road to success. You need direction Believing in your capacity is primary to figuring out your destination, because if your destination is out of reach we do not want to set our navigation towards that direction. Focusing on your direction
  • 22. P a g e | 22 will help you maintain your balance from a negative perspective or view. Focusing on your problems or looking in the rear view never helps; in fact it magnifies your problems. As they say objects in the rear view appear closer then they appear, so we want to change our behaviors on what direction that we do look and move towards. While we focus on our direction we are able to assess our resources available that will help us to reach that destination. Will our train or vehicles capabilities able to handle the environmental factors that we may be facing in our path. You don’t need to have authority in order to be a leader. The ability to take responsibility despite of the consequences is an indirect way of staying motivated while everyone is absent. When we don’t have the authority or time to do things necessary to make things work or flow we must not let this dictate our use of all the resources available in order to get exactly what we are looking for to get things completed. If no one is around to give you directions but you have the map or blueprint we have to give important attention to these challenges that are faced often. We all struggle with this concept and yes this is a cold environment; but it should not stop your development towards working with those gaps. Our mindset must be fixed on the habit of dealing with multiple breaks in communication, and being aware if our planning did not address these subjective issues. Failure is not an option neither is not being aware; but if you are not able to accomplish anything towards your goal today how will affect your chances of completion in the long term? How to deal with indirect issues that affect us directly? Give the plan direction in order to give the vision guidance. Being put in compromising position will turn some followers to leaders, and even will cause those that were not fully on board with the vision and have been wearing the mask all along to jump ship. Direction of the process is as important as the person directing the process. Increased volume and not having enough resources are answers that leaders have to address daily in order to avoid failure. How are your techniques helping your team? Asking questions is an important lesson to figure if your system really is steering you in the right direction. We don’t want to be going in circles. Start, stop and continue. Gather data formalize action and execution. Where we start stop and continue is important because it allows us to focus directly to the actions, we don’t want to shorten our process but make use of our time so that will give us concrete actions to take us to the next step or phase. What do you need to stop now to be more effective? Where should you be going in our current state of planning? Measure your success daily and back up your improvements with real time deliverables. The future is never 100% certain but commitment to solutions will help the team reach their goal with effectiveness. Every day presents an opportunity to help us decide what we are going to do with our failures, and figure out what is it that we are good at and being able to harness of what we need to do more of. Our approach is our direction and we want to amplify our level of standard. Our approach should differ slightly every day, if we analyze the data given to us. The way we approach our situation everyday will influence the level of quality we choose to deliver. Our adjusted styles of thinking from the traditional way of doing things should reflect our reach and knowledge based changes we’ve acquire.
  • 23. P a g e | 23 Time management and daily motivation. When you know better you do better and when you feel better you do better. Set the right kind of priorities, making sure of what’s important and conveying that message clearly and precise to your team. Making room to be patient about what you learn is a way to be productive and where you can avoid all the negative anxieties attached to goals. This is the time that you can use to sort out anything that may be causing you some under-development, such a way that it can affect your communications and productivity. Setting goals will motivate you to reach them. Avoiding burn outs and what causes burnouts. Work overload can create burnouts, finding resources that are scarce can cause burn outs. And with technology there is a fine line on what’s priorities are and how to make all priorities clear. Don’t fit more in your schedule than you can handle. If your day has allotted time for you to handle some responsibilities and not all then we need to avoid over-committing. Learn to say no when even when it feels good to say yes. Take steps to avoid burning out by simplifying your priorities and avoiding pressures that may put your health at risk. Remember without you out you there is no project. Secondly trusting in your values will lead you to the satisfaction that you desire in your work. Third learn to say no when problems overwhelm you and take over your personal life. Do not be pressured to take on more work, managing your work load should be a daily task of figuring out your high priority issues. Finally get as much rest as possible, a major problem we face dealing with stressful situation is not having enough rest to deal with our problems. Finding balance is a need that you must fill in order to renew yourself. Major problems occur and you will not resolve everything in one day, so you have to keep a life balance including recreation and rest. Make changes to your lifestyle that reflects the attitude you want to present to the world, if you have to sacrifice something’s in order to gain a peace of mind and some clarity then take the necessary steps ahead. When you are working on multiple goals you may be pulled in so many different directions, you may feel emotionally drained and feel unmotivated and often times leads to a disconnect with all your planning. Reexamine your goals and simplify your process without having to sacrifice anything of importance to get your desired outcome. Learning to celebrate little wins and simple accomplishments can be nurturing and create positive habits, in essence you are teaching everyone to win on your team by those celebrations. You have to acknowledge any feat big or little because its extrinsic motivations like those that keep a team stimulated and prepared to take on the next task. Hacking your brain is a way of getting good habit by adding to your life to focus less on the smaller pieces and focus on the pieces it takes to get things done. Often times delegating is a form or handling some of the difficult task we may undertake. Admitting where we fail is a powerful motivator and is commonly over looked as a motivator. Working through the emotions of failure you can build a constructive pattern that may embrace difficulties with an objective approach. Miscalculations, misinterpretations, bad customer base, are common mishaps to prepare for when planning and looking for outcomes. First thing we don’t want to do is over think and assume the worst. It’s ok to have doubts; in fact it is healthy because it’s the teacher
  • 24. P a g e | 24 of success. Learn to be vulnerable when needed especially when networking amongst your peers, it will help you be constructive in thinking and over time you will cultivate deep connection with your subject matter. When you love what you do it makes it so much easier to focus on the issues that come to you. We all have the same 24 hours in the day to handle our issues so let’s avoid distractions like checking your ex’s Facebook page at 2 in the morning and get some work done. Good network is imperative to staying motivated, imagine being on a team and you guys have a losing record; and your record is so bad you don’t make it to the playoffs. Our team and staff is pinnacle to advancements just as any professional sports team. Small chats and discussion on forums with peers regularly helps you stay afloat in whatever industry you are in; and if you are looking for insiders they should be in your circle. Making sure to help others by sharing your ideas, writing them down and keeping track of your progress daily will help so that you can visualize your happenings. If we are starting a family, landing the new job, having your first child or even saving towards a college degree we all have to plan with determination of what our central focus is. If we are investing our lives into our planning we do not want to burn-out. Motivation can come from who we surround ourselves with; if the people we are investing our time in are not adding value to what you are offering then logic will tell you to take your money other places. As they wasted money is just as bad as wasted time so we need those around you to value you time as some form of collateral.
  • 25. P a g e | 25 Damaged Crowns
  • 26. P a g e | 26 Part 2 Your Progress is your Own- Challenges. Distractions. Communication. Influences. Relationships, Mentors and Networks People are our biggest resource; it’s the catalyst that propels us to different avenues and ventures. The way we treat people should be a reflection of what values that we have to offer. Continuing to learn people and understanding different values is important to growing and building solid relationships. Increasing bonds and fostering relationships through attachments has a great effect on how we perceive our world and how we approach our processes. Some people value numbers some people value words and others value action but we have to listen to understand people so that we can nurture and help improve the growth in our relationships through communication. Managing relationships is pivotal to how we manage our projects. There’s a lot of analysis involved when coming up with steps to build our mutual bond; and honestly relationships are more complex the multiple choice questions. You have to value your relationships because they influence you to the point where it give you a role in the direction they are going; we are all essentially connected to each other so that influences our commitments. We don’t want to be routine with our relationships we have to be able to introduce new ideas and concepts to keep things excited. People often struggle with the consistency within their environment but that’s what makes relationships more complex. We have to understand stand the different styles that individuals carry to help deal with conflicts in particular. How we respond to behaviors will determine what we value in people, and helps us to be honest about our expectations. We have to recognize our style on how we interact with individuals as well as ourselves because behaviors can be changed. How well-spoken are we? What is my relationship towards my own life? Can I speak in public and reinforce my ideas under dire circumstances? Do we have an elevator pitch? Are we considerate of the individual time? Is our communication direct when we are looking to build our relationships up? Relationships are our biggest asset and we have to be sincere so that we make people feel secure now and in the future. Checking in is a way to make partners feel valued, create good habits to that you make it clear that that relationship needs are cared for. With all the distractions it’s hard to keep people focused on one thing at a time, more importantly we don’t want to be taking away from people set attention span. By checking in with each other we condition the mind so that we can make real connections with people in a world where no one is really listening. At the end of the day nothing is more important than the relationships you have and managing them effectively. Listening and paying attention to physiological responses from individuals helps us be mindful and be present with people. Being available and responsive helps builds attachments which effectuates relationships.
  • 27. P a g e | 27 Our relationships should nurture and motivate us to move beyond our personal scope. We want to be constantly introduced to new ideas that form our minds into straight thinkers; vision without determination leaves a plan in a state of limbo. We do not want to sit on plans but rather move around our goals so that they align with our timing in a manner where our actions play out accordingly. And centering ourselves in such a way that we are aware of our want and we are able to get deliveries and outcomes by being in those circles. Imagine having mentors around the clock helping you work out your issues that may seem at present emotionally difficult to see past. And now imagine yourself taking action after consulting and constantly reinforcing your ideas day in and out. You are well equipped to see much further then where you began. Your mentors should be interchangeable that affords you an opportunity to see different views. Having an array of mentors in different fields is imperative to planning and the success rate of your planning is determined by such. The bigger the network of concerned individuals that are passionate about what they do only helps you be passionate about what you do so much more. Would you consult a mother of 4 infant children on sleep? No because honestly what would she know about that; but there is a lesson to learn on what to do and how to adapt under those conditions. Now seeking a professional help is always the first suggestion when dealing with medical issues, but there are practical guidance that we can receive from our different relationships to help us have a personal attachment in what we are reaching towards. I wouldn’t ask a mechanic what he knows about medical billing let alone do brain surgery. But his capacity may introduce a source of motivation for you that may help you think beyond what you think people may have to offer you. That’s why it’s important to ask questions regularly because they may not have all the answers but they may be able to point you in the direction of the person that could help you, and in turn opening another door. Imagine the different individuals a photographer encounters, constantly observing different patterns and behaviors in people to find the best in them and make it shine. Imagine being a Human Resources manager going through so many different resume and backgrounds painting vivid pictures of individuals before even interviewing to see if this person can fit in the scope designed. All of these professions take a talent of understanding people as they are and putting them in position to gain off the values they learned or were born with. Some people are so photogenic and others are rock star CIO/CEO in companies; standing out because they were given a platform where they can express their talents and gifts. We want to be photographers and Human Resources Managers of life! We encounter so many people of different backgrounds with skills and talents that we want to not only help our brand and build our selves towards our goals but help others too in the process as we get to know people. Yes we have to see and show people where they shine so they can help you to shine. Dealing with the negative side of relationships is an uphill climb; we have to make adjustments on how and what we choose we want to associate with. We need to trust the people we surround ourselves around or the process is not real. Trusting them to see your vision and be realistic with the
  • 28. P a g e | 28 issues involved. Know the difference between someone who takes selfies and who are actual photographers. Even though people are our main resource we do not want be taken either advantage of or our vision. Do not allow people to trample on your vision regardless if they share the same lane with you. As most professional artist people will recreate your designs over and over simply to give there feel on it. But remember you have to constantly reinforce the self-motivation to see why you are doing what it is that you are doing. Whether it’s raising a child into adulthood or recreating the next Basquiat or being the next Tech Guru. Being connected to the world Our connections with our family and communities are important, and the more involved we are on a personal level helps us overtime to understand people and how they participate in our lives. Why people continue to listen to you is a reflection of how connected you are with your environment and what is going on around you. Life is filled with unforeseen circumstances and unintended consequences that overwhelm us with burden. If we have all the proper resources within our communities, collectively we can combat many of stigmas and stereotypes that hold us back from being productive independent member in this modern society. Many of us are damaged because of factors that limit our growth whether personal economic social or political, and our needs are not being met because we lack connection or communication with resources that could help us overcome our difficulties. Learning how to shift languages to better adapt and identify what positive actions we can take to help move forward into a better lifestyle. Understand what your narrative is saying and trying to change the actions in the narrative to change that you are and how you project yourself. Support is important to remember if we truly want to help people. Building real relationships are important even before you decide to take any actions towards any goal or objective. With lack of good representations as role models in the media it is difficult to build solid positive growth tactics to adopt into our own lives. Most importantly it is not the responsibility for the media to do so but reality is that most of our youths are being shaped by the media this is another reason why communication is so important. You have to be connected to many different support systems in place to see what is good and what is not good and what should be appropriate for our lives. We want to be relevant and as culturally sensitive in this modern society. It is easier to get offended in anticipation and harder to relate nowadays the way these systems are in place. We have to be inclusive of people that are misrepresented so having and building strong relationships will help us reshape how we interact and maintain those connections. We want meaningful and relevant connections because all of our lives are connected and we want to be present with modern development in order to participate. Institutions are failing in the mission to integrate people positively into a society that does not want them; they are rather pacifying communities that struggle to have their voices heard. We are separated by race and class and this is why it’s important to understand where it is that you live and
  • 29. P a g e | 29 how it can create challenges in how we connect and communicate. We want to make sense out of the social service institutions that have responsibilities towards healthy neighborhoods. What are we saying when we communicate We want our language to be clear direct with the focus on your audience. Our language must be used to make people take action. We don’t want to communicate what we are doing not being able to translate it plainly. There are message that being deliberately obscured to distract someone from the hiding issues. Ponzi schemes that took Bernie Madoff down are perfect examples where greed was deliberately not translated into plain language or conversation. Being a fraud is never the blueprints to winning or being successful. Especially when something is too good to be true, then it’s probably true. When everyone profits everyone wins but we know there will be a conflict somewhere on top that will create risk for people at the bottom so we want to be careful to run with that statement especially if it’s embedded into the process. If your gut instinct tells you or shows signs different from what you feel inside it is ok to say no, because you are investing yourself as well as your values and we don’t want to compromise value for profit. No one wants to invest in things they do not understand so we want to be clear when we communicate in our language of business. When we invest our time, money, energy and value into a product or a process we have to understand that it is our responsibility not theirs to trust and believe in what we want to believe in even if what we believe in is their services they are providing. That why it’s important to ask as many questions you can when investing, and Bernie’s poor example made it clear to the people that numbers can lie. Because of his obscure language many people who invested millions suffered losses; eventually flipping the market upside down. We don’t want to invest in to things where the language is not clear. One of the biggest lessons I learned from his investments is keep an eye on your money and don’t fall for the smoke and mirror trick! It’s hard to fool anyone when you are writing in plain language. Placing conditions small print are vague ways of communication that does not guarantee that the process works. Bad mortgage, credit card agreements, banks and instant loans are common examples of companies not using plain language in their practices. When we communicate we want to trust the process, believing in what you are saying. With the given tools you have what is it that you are saying and are you sure of it. If in the beginning of the plan you made adjustment to acquire your resources are your goals adjusting so that you can see the end of the planning vividly? IF we cannot communicate what we see with clear perspective do we understand completely what we are after? Effective way of communicating is through writing and note taking. We do want to use all the tools such as through email, text message, instant messaging, video recording smartphone, tablets or anything that allows us to communicate in this digital age. We effectively have to communicate that “We are the Best” at what we do. Yes no one can deliver and give the people what you can because no one has done what you have to produce or get what you want. You don’t want to say I’m the best you want to say “we are the best” because it’s your vision that guided you and in order for it to succeed the people will have to believe in what you are
  • 30. P a g e | 30 doing they feel they are as much as a part of the happenings. Getting people involved is another key to great communication; if we are all working towards a common goal it will contribute as a whole to bigger planning. Trust is another key to communicate effectively; the people that you trust are mostly timely and there scheduling works in assisting your planning. Just as much as you want to trust the process and the people involved you want to make sure that your time is being considered regardless of who you are dealing with. Inclusion is a way of communicating that helps people view your project with greater importance. Creating and sending group text, group chat or group email helps to guide people towards your vision. If we find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing are we communicating effectively what separates us from others visions and our vision? One of the biggest lessons is learning to say I do not know. Information is wealth and with the increase of information and vast knowledge the greater opportunities you have available. Sometimes we don’t have the answer and sometimes we may not even have the question but we want to find a way around that. Mainly we have to know what we want, create a blog of your interest to leave a digital imprint; it helps to reshape your focus and condition your mind to keep you oriented and open up ways of communications. Sites like Instagram, twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest are great blogs that can track your progress and growth in the industry or idea that you are passionate about. Millions and millions of people traffic these sites and it is a great way to get information. Many people use these platforms to serve as a portfolio to demonstrate their services along with their resumes. When looking for help we want to be direct with our communication. Do not be afraid to ask. Powering through doubts and setbacks We have many things holding us back and self-doubt has to be the biggest anti-motivator. Some of the most destructive self-doubt is when it comes from an indirect source. Namely someone is projecting their fears on to your dreams as determination. Your system in place should allow room for error and growth so that even if self-doubt may consume you they won’t serve as a distraction over your priorities. If it affects your ability to learn freely and see your plan clearly you must place less value towards that direction. Break the fixed mindset and drive your thinking towards awareness. Take responsibility on how you feel about what drives you. If people want to communicate to you issues about your plans and goals let it be subjective and not objective; since opinions are important just as much as comparisons we don’t want to ignore it in our thinking. This will determine if our planning that was set out is still on course towards the correct path. Smart, motivated and ambitious people handle issues and responsibilities and effectively and they become great problem solves based on how the tend to view issues. We all have choices to make that will determine outcomes and future projections; we have to start taking conscious look at what is creating a gap stopping you from getting the results that you want. If we allow our choices to affect us directly we have to adapt based on the decision we made; we want
  • 31. P a g e | 31 to protect our assets and brand with the choices we make. Take ownership of what you represent so that you do not create internal conflicts. Powering through doubt requires a lot of effort because it requires us to put our ego aside and place our confidence within our determination. Taking responsibility is the first action that requires some reevaluation of your work within your process. Figuring out who to blame is a way of reinforcing self-doubt and avoiding taking ownership of the problems. Feeling guilt is not taking ownership; in fact taking ownership is taking responsibility and holding you accountable. Learning to make mistakes is an obligation that we have to do in order to take the blame away from your process. Don’t beat yourself up for encountering problems; in fact fail 100 times but be direct when you fail. Do not feel shame of failure but be direct with your failure; understand the bottom accept the experience of failure and embrace it without shaming your process. Examine what was given you and un-condition your mind to get around bad decision making. The more time we dwell on the issues it damages us intrinsically; and we spend less time allowing ourselves to come to a resolution. We have to take necessary steps to correct errors so we do not develop any bad patterns. Here is what’s wrong here’s what we learned and what we shared this and now let’s find a resolution. This is the ideal order or resolving issues by placing value on it we become mindful of our thought pattern. We may not reach our goals under budget, sometimes we may not be on time but we don’t want to blame, justify or ignore the greater responsibility we have towards our doubts. We need the freedom, choice and power to make choices so that we do not feel trapped so that outside factors will not interrupt the process or the responsibility to keep the process intact. Protect your brand at any cost and mind your business. Your determination should outweigh any problems you encounter so that your ego does not precede your expectations in order to manage your failures successfully. Strengths vs. Weaknesses Are we playing offense or defense? Adding value with all your strength and weaknesses is our objective; and with so many moving pieces we want to capture it all through a recognized style of management that addresses initiatives. Our weaknesses can be our interest, internal/external factors, our customer base, wants long term vs needs, competition, and team members. Most can be overcome by being specific and direct about roles of orientation when giving assignments. If you are investing your time and energy towards an objective we want to be able to identify what you need to overcome in order to succeed in projects. Being honest is the easiest way to deal with the potential risk or weaknesses. Our environmental knowledge captures most of the info we need to resolve issues at a timely manner. Knowing our processes inside and out and focusing on solutions to problems than the actual problems will help overcome our weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses see if they can be resolved and document whatever process you took to improve that process. People are your greatest resource and if you network effectively by being a people person you can guide through your weaknesses through thoughtful and careful planning.
  • 32. P a g e | 32 Change Management - Be the change you want to see in the world Whatever aspect in your life that you want to focus on change is inevitable to your success and making your life better adding more fulfillments toward it. Change is difficult because of the internal and external factors involved. Bad habits are often the hardest and the most unconscious processes to change. Habits are formed unconsciously through repetition, and you can get rid of bad habits. One of my bad habits is looking for support where there is no source for motivation. I have times where I scroll through my Facebook page because of routine staying up all night for hours scrolling my timeline and not getting anything productive done. Or even the routine of checking my page for one minute and then 2 hours go by without even noticing. I recognized that I was doing that i was not in control of it; which was unconsciously reinforcing negative imagery throughout an unstructured day. The problem is realizing where our focus is; we want to be proactive rather than reactive. Bad habits essential changes how we think and behave controlling our mind and how we make decisions. Habits are shortcuts that our mind does without realizing, giving space to not think about the process as much. We want our habits to enhance our lives so we need to find out what good habits are and how we can apply changes to make those tools work for our advantage. Change does not come about unless we take time out to break the bad habits that we are not aware of. What is it that we would like to change? What will keep us motivated to continue towards the positive change in our lives? Change begins with will-power; an old school term we want to use is self-discipline but we know change is more dynamic than that. Whatever our bad habit are whether it is smoking or drinking or bad planning we want to have some form of motivational guide to help us along the path towards change. Motivation should be as dynamic as our will to change our bad-habits. Health, fitness and nutrition is a great area that we all want to make better changes and practice better habits. And our motivators are evident because the extrinsic value is just as important as the extrinsic. If we are happy inside we will feel happy outside. When you feel good you do good, but how do we keep our reminders and remain motivated? Change requires energy and time. Knowing what should be changed and where does it line up on the scale level of importance will help you see if you can achieve what you desire. Learning new habits come in forms of and changing old habits, in order to do so we need to be disruptive and drive change with want information we have to help us. Reading and learning new information about our triggers and behaviors is an action that promotes this drive to change. Understand your habits and what holds you from change is important because what is holding you back may not be the same as the next person so it’s important to understand what our will powers and motivations are. Study shows that humans change every 7 years, so the person we are today will not be the same person 7 years into the future. We want to highjack our habits and condition our mind to adjustments towards the change management. We go through extraordinary changes daily without knowing and decision and planning initiates changes in our lives. Mindfulness is the most innovative way to deal with
  • 33. P a g e | 33 managing the changes we want in our lives. Being mindful helps to focus on the present task and see how to respond effectively and we want to practice mindfulness daily. How we focus our attention matter; it takes us off auto-pilot allowing opportunity towards change personally and professionally. You want to improve your everyday experience or how you view everyday by finding value and adding incentive towards learning how to manage our minds. Critical thinking is the next step after mindfulness to get your framework in place in order to deconstruct our bad habits. Breakdowns and burn-outs Health is wealth; if we are not healthy we can’t perform our necessary duties. Work place burnouts are more then everyday stress, and can be categorize as chronic exhaustion. You suffer emotionally and you lose motivation and worse it creates health problems. When we are overloaded and we are dealing with many pressures in life there can be a blur between personal and work life. Our priorities are not necessarily clear during periods of burnouts. While pursuing goals we can overcommit ourselves and find ourselves on a road to disaster. The first thing we need to do in order to deal with burnouts is to evaluate our priorities; figuring out what is most important to your life is the first key. Priorities differ from all aspects in our life whether its career wise or personal and we want to be able to tell the difference on where we want to place the importance of our priorities. As we have time set out to handle our priorities we don’t want our relationships suffer during burnouts. In order to reduce stress effectively we have to learn when to say no. If our workload creates significant problems in our life then we need to take a step back from what we are committed to and make our expectations realistic. We already anticipate risk external but it is much harder to exercise restraint on how we deal with matters that affect our health. An agreement does not mean a death sentence. Renew yourself by taking a step back from the areas that are causing you the most problems. Exercising and nurturing our minds helps to contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals under a great deal of pressure. How many people can say they love their job and love what they do? Not many so it’s important to keep a balance of our daily frustrations. Keeping a balance between work life and actual recreations can help you work towards minimizing workloads that play major roles on your life. Running multiple businesses, juggling debt, life goals are a major stress factor that doesn’t allow our thinking to go beyond the more important things. Busy working moms suffer a lot from burnouts with the load of caring for the family and career. Caring for aging parents can cause burnouts that people face every day. These challenges are real and sometimes invisible that we want to be able to manage the best way we can. Learning to prepare for burnouts is a proactive way to deal with the crisis before it happens. Everyone everywhere seems to be busy, but they are busy doing what? Make things that benefit your life a high priority to avoid being busy on mundane objectives. Technology and time pressures are catalyst to majority of our problems that we cannot escape, and balancing those things is the way we
  • 34. P a g e | 34 communicate effectively to ourselves how to manage our stress. If work or life is so overwhelming it is best to seek professional help to explain your commitment and reorganize the order of your priorities. Elderly family members and young children that require so much attention can cause areas where we can breakdown in our life. There may come a time where we don’t have the resources or expertise to do as much as we want. Doctors and nurses suffer much from breakdowns especially after working 12 hour shifts and dealing with compassion fatigue where they constantly deal with people who need help that are damaged diseased or injured. Having a child can create a situation that you can find areas of burnouts. It takes a village to help us overcome the challenges that you face, but recognize that ahead of time and creating conversation to oversee the struggle and incorporate it into our life processes. Having a strong foundation helps us deal with emotions that may come over us and cause us anxiety. Learning to cope with changes is essential in overcoming burnouts. There are small changes that we can make so that the adjustment will be less difficult. Its ok to ask for help admitting that you are overwhelmed will help you address the feelings that are causing a disruption in your health. Recognize when it’s necessary to say no and sticking to your decision. Sometimes the best solution is not the most ideal solution and we have to learn to accept that. Once we accept it we can make plans and take initiatives to move from that place that is holding us. We are never going to be perfect in everything in life and at times we have to make compromises, you may not achieve everything that you hope for. Life is full of surprises that come when we believe we are moving in the right direction. Our definition of success can change after dealing with a breakdown or burnout. Dealing with the next phase will help us readjust our goals as we get overwhelmed with the way life plays out. Make sure what you are doing that you love it, your passion will drive you places that planning and goal setting won’t because your passion follows you wherever you go it just your timing may be off. What was said and who was involved? And now what? OK this is where we are accepting it and let move on. Problem solving The future Technology is driving all industries around the world where everything is being digitized and how we work. Who would have thought we would be having self-driving cars. Now even though cars are not flying like in the Jetsons technology has surprised us especially in the world or work that machines are handling task effectively. What does it mean for work and employment because it feels like technology is taking all jobs? Everything is being automated as we are being navigated through the physical world. We try to understand what is necessary and to what extent can technology accomplish so many different capabilities. If you are able to create a Myspace page using HTML then you have the ability to program, code and design websites. Artificial intelligence through all our devices is growing fast and is being adopted through all industries. Time and money is spent to put these functionalities together in order to put that