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Introduction 3
If You Think Small ... That's What You'll Get 5
Why You Should Be Thinking Bigger 7
The Subconscious Mind Creates Conscious Action 7
How to Deal with the Discomfort of Thinking Bigger 10
Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Where Big Wins Are Found 10
How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life 12
Staying Committed to Your Goals – Overcoming Limiting Habits & Beliefs 14
Change How You Talk to Yourself 14
How to Set (and Achieve) Big Goals 16
How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success 18
Conclusion 19
What does it mean to think bigger? ‘You need to think bigger’ – a phrase
some of us have heard many times before and perhaps even told ourselves.
Sometimes it comes from our employers, or our friends keep saying it
among other pieces of advice we don’t necessarily want at the time. It’s
something many people try to do, some do better and others don’t bother to
do at all.
It’s a phrase which can mean many different things to individual people. At
work, you might be trying to think bigger about a particular project which
you feel has been set too low a bar. You might be trying to think bigger
about your future goals and life in general – maybe you feel like you could
achieve more and are currently aiming too low.
To understand what thinking bigger actually means, it’s important to
understand what it helps to achieve. When a person is able to think bigger,
it generally means that they are able to clearly visualize and imagine what it
is that they want to achieve or where they want to be. For example, a
person may want to gain higher than average marks in an exam. Rather
than simply wanting to pass the exam or finish with an average mark,
people who think bigger often want to achieve more.
For people who naturally or often think bigger, they may also be more
motivated and determined than some other people, since they want to
achieve more and know it takes increased effort. While people are often
encouraged to think bigger, this doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
Thinking bigger is related to personality type, but this doesn’t automatically
exclude people from teaching themselves to think bigger and developing it
over time. Many people don’t think bigger because they’re worried they
won’t be able to achieve their goals if they set them too high. Therefore,
thinking bigger is also closely related to your mindset.
Thinking bigger also refers to seeing the bigger picture. People who think big
can often see that many things are interlinked, and even if specific things
don’t work out exactly the way you wanted them to, you achieved other
good things in the process. Thinking bigger might also mean that you have
to try other routes in order to achieve your aims, and seeing the picture as a
whole and viewing things as opportunities can help you to stay positive and
If You Think Small ... That's What You'll Get
Author and designer Debbie Millman once stated:
“If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve. Do what
you love, and don’t stop until you get what you love. Work as hard as you
can, imagine immensities. Don’t compromise and don’t waste time. In order
to strive for a remarkable life, you have to decide that you want one. Start
now. Not twenty years from now. Not thirty years from now. Not two weeks
from now. Now."
We used to think small. We used to believe our life was ordered and
intended to move in a certain, very predictable and normal path. From
elementary school, Durant always knew he would go to college to play
football and eventually make it to the NFL. Tabitha knew from an early age
that she would pursue a career in accounting and finance and took all the
steps, including attending college and graduate school, to obtain it.
We were dealt our hand in Corporate America until we understood that we
could be the ones dealing. It came to a point in our lives where we realized
we wanted more than what our paychecks allowed us to have. We did not
want anyone or anything to dictate what we could do and when we could do
it. So we made a decision to start thinking bigger to achieve the life we
It's not magic. You create the reality you think about because of the way
your subconscious and conscious minds work. Here's why you should be
thinking bigger, rather than small.
Why You Should Be Thinking Bigger
"We become what we think about most of the time."
That's something that entrepreneur, self-help coach and motivational
speaker Jim Rohn said all of the time.
He understood so much about the power of your thoughts. When he started
out as a young salesperson, he quickly found himself thousands of dollars in
debt. He wasn't a bad salesperson, but he just couldn't create the life he
dreamed of.
He says he would often think of his failures and inabilities. His mounting
debt was always on his mind. He thought about his failures as a salesperson
more than his successes. He began taking courses and programs that
showed him he needed to change his thinking to develop the big life he
In a very short period of time he became one of the highest paid and
most sought after public speakers.
He began giving self-help and personal development seminars. A young man
by the name of Tony Robbins was moved by what Rohn said about how
human thought creates reality. Similar to Rohn, Robbins went from nothing
to global recognition as a life coach and motivational speaker quickly, after
hearing Rohn speak.
Brian Tracy is known as the "goal guru" and is a powerful sales coach. He is
an accomplished author and public speaker. Jack Canfield wrote the
outlandishly successful "Chicken Soup" series of books. Both of those men
see Jim Rohn's teachings as critical to their successes.
One of the simplest and most powerful quotes by Rohn tells us that
whatever we think about most of the time is what's going to shape our
reality. That happens because of the way your subconscious mind works.
The Subconscious Mind Creates Conscious Action
Do you ever experience the same failures or lack of success over and over?
It might be because you're telling your subconscious mind things that lead
to those failures.
Some people don't understand that the subconscious mind controls
their actions.
It is your subconscious that has led to your current reality in so many ways.
This process happens because the job of your subconscious is to constantly
and relentlessly move you in the direction of your thoughts.
Here's what happens.
Let's say you struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight.
You always tell yourself the following things.
● "I've always been heavy."
● "I just can't lose the weight."
● I was meant to be fat, it's just who I am."
Guess what? You are programming your subconscious for weight
loss failure.
Whatever you tell yourself in your internal conversations is what your
subconscious believes. The human subconscious cannot tell the difference
between fantasy and reality, so whatever you tell it, that's what it leads you
In the examples we just covered, you're constantly telling your subconscious
that you are a fat person who can't lose weight, isn't supposed to lose
weight, and was meant to be this way. Your subconscious then leads you to
conscious behaviors that keep you from working out, eating smart and doing
other things which would lead to healthy weight loss.
This is why some people find themselves engaging in negative behaviors
over and over again, and they feel powerless to change their actions. In
actuality, all they have to do is start thinking differently.
In other words, you can think big or think small. Your subconscious
doesn't care. It will tirelessly drive your behaviors and actions in the
direction of the reality you're telling yourself.
We just mentioned that the subconscious mind can't differentiate between
reality and imagination. This is outstanding news. It means you can create
your dream existence, even if it doesn't seem possible right now. You tell
your subconscious whatever it is that you want, the big goals you want to
achieve, and you will move in that direction.
Just remember, you have to keep these thoughts in mind all the time
because you're going to move in the direction of your most dominant
How to Deal with the Discomfort of Thinking Bigger
Sometimes it can be tough to embrace big change. Don't think that this is a
personal problem or that you lack the ability to achieve great things. When
you feel uncomfortable because you're deciding to expect more out of your
life, this happens because of the normal, human survival instinct.
If you are doing okay right now, even if you are just barely getting by, your
brain notices.
Your brain and your nervous system want you to survive. One of their main
jobs is to keep you existing. That means if you're doing okay right now, they
get uncomfortable when you think about doing something differently. Even if
what you are planning is a much greater and more fulfilling reality, you will
feel internal stress and discomfort.
This is normal. It happens to everyone. You need to tell yourself this is a
sign that you are headed in the right direction.
Think about past occasions when you decided to try something difficult. Let's
take a simple example. When a child first learns to ride a bicycle, he might
feel uncomfortable. He doesn't want to fail. He doesn't want his friends to
see him failing.
Even though he might feel less than comfortable about trying to ride a
bicycle, his desire to create that reality is bigger than his discomfort. He tells
himself that he can do this, because he sees all his friends doing it. This
helps him push past his uncomfortable feelings and his fears.
In no time he is riding a bicycle and feels a sense of independence and self-
You can do the same thing. Tell yourself that it's okay to be uncertain. It's
absolutely normal for your mind to tell you that you should stay right where
you are in life, rather than trying to create a bigger and better reality. Then
appreciate that this is a sign that you are headed in the right direction, and
start dreaming bigger.
Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Where Big Wins Are Found
By the way, science has proven that the fear and uncertainty you experience
when you step out of your comfort zone are a price you have to pay for big
achievements. If you're not outside your comfort zone just a little bit, you
can't get the most out of life.
Think about it another way.
What do you have right now? What do you want that's different than what
you have? You're reading this report for a reason. You want to create a
"bigger" reality than you currently have. How can you do that if you keep
doing what you've been doing and stay exactly where you are?
The answer is simple. You can't.
You must step outside your comfort zone, gradually building its size, to
realize new achievements. You have to start trying new things that might
seem difficult or scary in order to grow your skill set. This also boosts your
confidence, which means you have the courage in the future to continue to
grow your comfort zone and achieve new things.
How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life
With so much going on in the world, it can be difficult to stay focused on
your big goals. You could be affected by world events, things happening in
your family or at work, or anxiety, depression and other mental health
problems which can take your focus away from other things. Sometimes you
may wonder what the secrets are to staying focused on your big goals and
achieving them – like many people successfully do.
Learn what distracts you or makes you anxious
Two of the big reasons for a lack of focus on your big goals are:
● Toomanydistractionsandotherfactorsarisingwhichtakeyourmindawayfromyourbiggoals
● Anxietiesandworriesaroundotherthingsinyourlife,orthingsrelatedtoachievingyourgoals
If you feel you can relate to this, you should consider how to minimise
distractions, stresses and worries as much as possible. Some people find
that coming off social media or avoiding spending time with negative people
can be a great step in combating distractions and anxieties. This frees up
more time for you to focus on your big goals, while not filling your mind too
much with negativity and stress.
Create new habits
Depending on what your big goals are will depend on the type of habits you
should develop. It has been proven that the more we get into good habits
and have good routines, the easier it becomes to stick with them and
achieve our aims.
If you need to study a lot to achieve your big goals, find the times during the
day when you are most productive. Get into a habit of doing most of your
work at these times.
If you need to be physically active and push yourself to achieve your goals,
find the days and times when you have the most energy and feel motivated
to work out and train.
Take preventative measures to look after yourself
In order to stay focused on anything, you need to feel healthy and well. This
applies to both your physical and mental health. Rather than waiting until
you’re unwell to start taking the necessary measures, you should seek to
prevent it as much as possible. Maintain a healthy balanced diet, spend time
with positive people, ensure you have the vitamins you need, and get some
regular exercise.
Staying Committed to Your Goals – Overcoming
Limiting Habits & Beliefs
Sometimes, we hold ourselves back from success. Others may see the
potential for amazing things in us. We might see a glimpse of that ourselves,
but then our limiting beliefs and habits kick in. We end up failing again and
again, to the point that we believe this is our deserved reality.
You can keep yourself from achieving big things by engaging in limiting self-
Change How You Talk to Yourself
Don't forget how powerful your subconscious is. When you give it a lot of
information that's focused in the same area, it goes to work. It realizes if
you are thinking these things most of the time, then they are important.
That's what it starts to lead you towards. This means you have to change
that negative self-talk we mentioned earlier.
Let's go back to the example of the person who couldn't lose weight to reach
a healthy body weight.
In that example, you told yourself the following things. You constantly had
negative self-talk conversations.
● "I've always been heavy."
● "I just can't lose the weight."
● "I was meant to be fat, it's just who I am."
When you catch yourself thinking this way, change what you say. Develop a
positive mindset that describes the reality you want to create, rather than
engaging in negative, limiting self-talk. You could say these things instead.
● "I deserve a slim, trim healthy body."
● "I can lose the weight that I need to in order to become healthier."
● "Every day I am moving closer to my ideal body weight. That will
result in better health, a better self-image and more confidence."
You reframe what you're saying. Don't talk about yourself in a negative way,
even if that's your current reality. Talk about your dream reality. Tell your
subconscious to get moving in the direction of what you want, rather than
what you have right now.
Staying committed to your goals means realizing ahead of time that you're
going to have setbacks. Speed bumps appear out of nowhere. You might be
moving along finally in pursuit of some big goal, when life happens.
If you continue to practice positive self-talk, this can give you the motivation
to keep going when commitment is tough.
How to Set (and Achieve) Big Goals
There are really only 3 things you need to do to give yourself the greatest
chance at achieving your big goals. They are ...
1 – Be specific.
2 – Break down a big goal into smaller steps.
3 – Write it down.
A goal to become rich is seldom achieved. It's not specific enough. If instead
your goal is to earn $100,000 per year in the next 365 days by self-
publishing how-to, nonfiction books on Amazon, that goal is much more
likely to be realized.
That goal is extremely specific. It has a timeframe (one year, 365 days) and
a definite target ($100,000). You know what you are going to do to make
that dream a reality (publish nonfiction books on Amazon).
Because you are very specific, you give your subconscious a simple
game plan for it to follow.
Now you have to break that big goal into smaller steps. What if you
published a new book each month? That would mean at the end of one year
you would have 12 books selling on autopilot on Amazon. Do the research.
Have other people done this? Is this a big goal that's realistic?
What if you used each book to collect the email addresses of your biggest
fans? This would give you a list you could sell to that would mean you can
make more money than what you earn from the sales of your book.
Your big goal of making $100,000 per year would be broken down into
figuring out how to make $8,333.33 each month. That's less than $300 per
day. Now this is looking like it's an achievable number. Draw up a game plan
that gives you a formula for researching, creating, publishing and marketing
one new e-book each month.
That game plan breaks down your larger goal into manageable,
doable daily action steps.
Finally, this needs to be written down. You have probably heard of the
research which indicates that you're much more likely to achieve any goal,
big or small, if it's written down. Look at it all the time. Make it big but
realistic, and write it down.
Review it every day. Since you have been specific and broken a big
achievement into realistic, doable steps, take action on the steps every day.
This simple 3-step process has been used by many people to create a bigger
more rewarding life.
How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success
Big dreams and goals – but how do you achieve them? There are many
different routes to making your goals a reality. For some people this is
knowing the right people or being in the right place at the right time,
whereas for other people, it takes more planning, connecting and
strategizing. One of the main ways you can ultimately achieve your goals
and what you consider to be success is by staying motivated and continuing
to strive for what you want. Staying motivated can be challenging enough
itself, so here are some of the ways you can keep your motivation levels
running high.
1. Break your big dreams into smaller goals
Many of us have big dreams that we would love to achieve, but you’re
unlikely to achieve them overnight. In order to give yourself the best chance
of success and avoid getting demotivated, break your goals into a series of
smaller ones.
You could break them down by time, such as what you want to accomplish in
the next six months or a year. Or you could look at your overall goal as a
series of smaller steps you need to make first. Rather than waiting to
achieve one big goal, you can celebrate success along the way and stay
motivated with every achievement.
2. Remember the reasonswhy
If you have a goal in mind simply because you feel you should be doing
something, you’re likely to find it much more difficult to stay motivated on
the journey to achieving it. If, however, there is a reason why you want to
achieve something, it’s easier to keep this in mind and remain motivated.
For example, if you want a change of career and know which qualifications
you need to attain in order to pursue your dream job, it’s easier to get
through the difficult times and keep your motivation levels high.
3. Learn what makes you motivated
To remain motivated for an extended period of time, you need to learn what
helps you along. This will be different for each person, so while talking to
other people can be helpful, remember that you won’t always have the same
or similar experiences. There may be multiple things which help you to stay
motivated, so make a list of them as they come to mind and use them as
much as you can.
You can achieve big things... if you think big. Change your self-talk. Make
your goals big, but not unrealistic. Take daily action and make small steps
outside your comfort zone. These are proven steps for thinking bigger so
you can achieve more and create your dream reality.

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Change your mindset, expand your wealth page numbered-converted

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Introduction 3 If You Think Small ... That's What You'll Get 5 Why You Should Be Thinking Bigger 7 The Subconscious Mind Creates Conscious Action 7 How to Deal with the Discomfort of Thinking Bigger 10 Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Where Big Wins Are Found 10 How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life 12 Staying Committed to Your Goals – Overcoming Limiting Habits & Beliefs 14 Change How You Talk to Yourself 14 How to Set (and Achieve) Big Goals 16 How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success 18 Conclusion 19
  • 3. 3 Introduction What does it mean to think bigger? ‘You need to think bigger’ – a phrase some of us have heard many times before and perhaps even told ourselves. Sometimes it comes from our employers, or our friends keep saying it among other pieces of advice we don’t necessarily want at the time. It’s something many people try to do, some do better and others don’t bother to do at all. It’s a phrase which can mean many different things to individual people. At work, you might be trying to think bigger about a particular project which you feel has been set too low a bar. You might be trying to think bigger about your future goals and life in general – maybe you feel like you could achieve more and are currently aiming too low. To understand what thinking bigger actually means, it’s important to understand what it helps to achieve. When a person is able to think bigger, it generally means that they are able to clearly visualize and imagine what it is that they want to achieve or where they want to be. For example, a person may want to gain higher than average marks in an exam. Rather than simply wanting to pass the exam or finish with an average mark, people who think bigger often want to achieve more. For people who naturally or often think bigger, they may also be more motivated and determined than some other people, since they want to achieve more and know it takes increased effort. While people are often encouraged to think bigger, this doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Thinking bigger is related to personality type, but this doesn’t automatically exclude people from teaching themselves to think bigger and developing it over time. Many people don’t think bigger because they’re worried they won’t be able to achieve their goals if they set them too high. Therefore, thinking bigger is also closely related to your mindset. Thinking bigger also refers to seeing the bigger picture. People who think big can often see that many things are interlinked, and even if specific things don’t work out exactly the way you wanted them to, you achieved other good things in the process. Thinking bigger might also mean that you have to try other routes in order to achieve your aims, and seeing the picture as a
  • 4. 4 whole and viewing things as opportunities can help you to stay positive and open-minded.
  • 5. 5 If You Think Small ... That's What You'll Get Author and designer Debbie Millman once stated: “If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve. Do what you love, and don’t stop until you get what you love. Work as hard as you can, imagine immensities. Don’t compromise and don’t waste time. In order to strive for a remarkable life, you have to decide that you want one. Start now. Not twenty years from now. Not thirty years from now. Not two weeks from now. Now." We used to think small. We used to believe our life was ordered and intended to move in a certain, very predictable and normal path. From elementary school, Durant always knew he would go to college to play football and eventually make it to the NFL. Tabitha knew from an early age that she would pursue a career in accounting and finance and took all the steps, including attending college and graduate school, to obtain it. We were dealt our hand in Corporate America until we understood that we could be the ones dealing. It came to a point in our lives where we realized we wanted more than what our paychecks allowed us to have. We did not want anyone or anything to dictate what we could do and when we could do it. So we made a decision to start thinking bigger to achieve the life we wanted. It's not magic. You create the reality you think about because of the way your subconscious and conscious minds work. Here's why you should be thinking bigger, rather than small.
  • 6. 6 Why You Should Be Thinking Bigger "We become what we think about most of the time." That's something that entrepreneur, self-help coach and motivational speaker Jim Rohn said all of the time. He understood so much about the power of your thoughts. When he started out as a young salesperson, he quickly found himself thousands of dollars in debt. He wasn't a bad salesperson, but he just couldn't create the life he dreamed of. He says he would often think of his failures and inabilities. His mounting debt was always on his mind. He thought about his failures as a salesperson more than his successes. He began taking courses and programs that showed him he needed to change his thinking to develop the big life he wanted. In a very short period of time he became one of the highest paid and most sought after public speakers. He began giving self-help and personal development seminars. A young man by the name of Tony Robbins was moved by what Rohn said about how human thought creates reality. Similar to Rohn, Robbins went from nothing to global recognition as a life coach and motivational speaker quickly, after hearing Rohn speak. Brian Tracy is known as the "goal guru" and is a powerful sales coach. He is an accomplished author and public speaker. Jack Canfield wrote the outlandishly successful "Chicken Soup" series of books. Both of those men see Jim Rohn's teachings as critical to their successes. One of the simplest and most powerful quotes by Rohn tells us that whatever we think about most of the time is what's going to shape our reality. That happens because of the way your subconscious mind works. The Subconscious Mind Creates Conscious Action Do you ever experience the same failures or lack of success over and over? It might be because you're telling your subconscious mind things that lead to those failures.
  • 7. 7 Some people don't understand that the subconscious mind controls their actions. It is your subconscious that has led to your current reality in so many ways. This process happens because the job of your subconscious is to constantly and relentlessly move you in the direction of your thoughts. Here's what happens. Let's say you struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. You always tell yourself the following things. ● "I've always been heavy." ● "I just can't lose the weight." ● I was meant to be fat, it's just who I am." Guess what? You are programming your subconscious for weight loss failure. Whatever you tell yourself in your internal conversations is what your subconscious believes. The human subconscious cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality, so whatever you tell it, that's what it leads you to. In the examples we just covered, you're constantly telling your subconscious that you are a fat person who can't lose weight, isn't supposed to lose weight, and was meant to be this way. Your subconscious then leads you to conscious behaviors that keep you from working out, eating smart and doing other things which would lead to healthy weight loss. This is why some people find themselves engaging in negative behaviors over and over again, and they feel powerless to change their actions. In actuality, all they have to do is start thinking differently. In other words, you can think big or think small. Your subconscious doesn't care. It will tirelessly drive your behaviors and actions in the direction of the reality you're telling yourself. We just mentioned that the subconscious mind can't differentiate between reality and imagination. This is outstanding news. It means you can create your dream existence, even if it doesn't seem possible right now. You tell your subconscious whatever it is that you want, the big goals you want to achieve, and you will move in that direction.
  • 8. 8 Just remember, you have to keep these thoughts in mind all the time because you're going to move in the direction of your most dominant thoughts.
  • 9. 9 How to Deal with the Discomfort of Thinking Bigger Sometimes it can be tough to embrace big change. Don't think that this is a personal problem or that you lack the ability to achieve great things. When you feel uncomfortable because you're deciding to expect more out of your life, this happens because of the normal, human survival instinct. If you are doing okay right now, even if you are just barely getting by, your brain notices. Your brain and your nervous system want you to survive. One of their main jobs is to keep you existing. That means if you're doing okay right now, they get uncomfortable when you think about doing something differently. Even if what you are planning is a much greater and more fulfilling reality, you will feel internal stress and discomfort. This is normal. It happens to everyone. You need to tell yourself this is a sign that you are headed in the right direction. Think about past occasions when you decided to try something difficult. Let's take a simple example. When a child first learns to ride a bicycle, he might feel uncomfortable. He doesn't want to fail. He doesn't want his friends to see him failing. Even though he might feel less than comfortable about trying to ride a bicycle, his desire to create that reality is bigger than his discomfort. He tells himself that he can do this, because he sees all his friends doing it. This helps him push past his uncomfortable feelings and his fears. In no time he is riding a bicycle and feels a sense of independence and self- accomplishment. You can do the same thing. Tell yourself that it's okay to be uncertain. It's absolutely normal for your mind to tell you that you should stay right where you are in life, rather than trying to create a bigger and better reality. Then appreciate that this is a sign that you are headed in the right direction, and start dreaming bigger. Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Where Big Wins Are Found By the way, science has proven that the fear and uncertainty you experience when you step out of your comfort zone are a price you have to pay for big achievements. If you're not outside your comfort zone just a little bit, you can't get the most out of life.
  • 10. 10 Think about it another way. What do you have right now? What do you want that's different than what you have? You're reading this report for a reason. You want to create a "bigger" reality than you currently have. How can you do that if you keep doing what you've been doing and stay exactly where you are? The answer is simple. You can't. You must step outside your comfort zone, gradually building its size, to realize new achievements. You have to start trying new things that might seem difficult or scary in order to grow your skill set. This also boosts your confidence, which means you have the courage in the future to continue to grow your comfort zone and achieve new things.
  • 11. 11 How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life With so much going on in the world, it can be difficult to stay focused on your big goals. You could be affected by world events, things happening in your family or at work, or anxiety, depression and other mental health problems which can take your focus away from other things. Sometimes you may wonder what the secrets are to staying focused on your big goals and achieving them – like many people successfully do. Learn what distracts you or makes you anxious Two of the big reasons for a lack of focus on your big goals are: ● Toomanydistractionsandotherfactorsarisingwhichtakeyourmindawayfromyourbiggoals ● Anxietiesandworriesaroundotherthingsinyourlife,orthingsrelatedtoachievingyourgoals If you feel you can relate to this, you should consider how to minimise distractions, stresses and worries as much as possible. Some people find that coming off social media or avoiding spending time with negative people can be a great step in combating distractions and anxieties. This frees up more time for you to focus on your big goals, while not filling your mind too much with negativity and stress. Create new habits Depending on what your big goals are will depend on the type of habits you should develop. It has been proven that the more we get into good habits and have good routines, the easier it becomes to stick with them and achieve our aims. If you need to study a lot to achieve your big goals, find the times during the day when you are most productive. Get into a habit of doing most of your work at these times. If you need to be physically active and push yourself to achieve your goals, find the days and times when you have the most energy and feel motivated to work out and train. Take preventative measures to look after yourself In order to stay focused on anything, you need to feel healthy and well. This applies to both your physical and mental health. Rather than waiting until you’re unwell to start taking the necessary measures, you should seek to
  • 12. 12 prevent it as much as possible. Maintain a healthy balanced diet, spend time with positive people, ensure you have the vitamins you need, and get some regular exercise.
  • 13. 13 Staying Committed to Your Goals – Overcoming Limiting Habits & Beliefs Sometimes, we hold ourselves back from success. Others may see the potential for amazing things in us. We might see a glimpse of that ourselves, but then our limiting beliefs and habits kick in. We end up failing again and again, to the point that we believe this is our deserved reality. You can keep yourself from achieving big things by engaging in limiting self- talk. Change How You Talk to Yourself Don't forget how powerful your subconscious is. When you give it a lot of information that's focused in the same area, it goes to work. It realizes if you are thinking these things most of the time, then they are important. That's what it starts to lead you towards. This means you have to change that negative self-talk we mentioned earlier. Let's go back to the example of the person who couldn't lose weight to reach a healthy body weight. In that example, you told yourself the following things. You constantly had negative self-talk conversations. ● "I've always been heavy." ● "I just can't lose the weight." ● "I was meant to be fat, it's just who I am." When you catch yourself thinking this way, change what you say. Develop a positive mindset that describes the reality you want to create, rather than engaging in negative, limiting self-talk. You could say these things instead. ● "I deserve a slim, trim healthy body." ● "I can lose the weight that I need to in order to become healthier." ● "Every day I am moving closer to my ideal body weight. That will result in better health, a better self-image and more confidence." You reframe what you're saying. Don't talk about yourself in a negative way, even if that's your current reality. Talk about your dream reality. Tell your subconscious to get moving in the direction of what you want, rather than what you have right now.
  • 14. 14 Staying committed to your goals means realizing ahead of time that you're going to have setbacks. Speed bumps appear out of nowhere. You might be moving along finally in pursuit of some big goal, when life happens. If you continue to practice positive self-talk, this can give you the motivation to keep going when commitment is tough.
  • 15. 15 How to Set (and Achieve) Big Goals There are really only 3 things you need to do to give yourself the greatest chance at achieving your big goals. They are ... 1 – Be specific. 2 – Break down a big goal into smaller steps. 3 – Write it down. A goal to become rich is seldom achieved. It's not specific enough. If instead your goal is to earn $100,000 per year in the next 365 days by self- publishing how-to, nonfiction books on Amazon, that goal is much more likely to be realized. That goal is extremely specific. It has a timeframe (one year, 365 days) and a definite target ($100,000). You know what you are going to do to make that dream a reality (publish nonfiction books on Amazon). Because you are very specific, you give your subconscious a simple game plan for it to follow. Now you have to break that big goal into smaller steps. What if you published a new book each month? That would mean at the end of one year you would have 12 books selling on autopilot on Amazon. Do the research. Have other people done this? Is this a big goal that's realistic? What if you used each book to collect the email addresses of your biggest fans? This would give you a list you could sell to that would mean you can make more money than what you earn from the sales of your book. Your big goal of making $100,000 per year would be broken down into figuring out how to make $8,333.33 each month. That's less than $300 per day. Now this is looking like it's an achievable number. Draw up a game plan that gives you a formula for researching, creating, publishing and marketing one new e-book each month. That game plan breaks down your larger goal into manageable, doable daily action steps. Finally, this needs to be written down. You have probably heard of the research which indicates that you're much more likely to achieve any goal,
  • 16. 16 big or small, if it's written down. Look at it all the time. Make it big but realistic, and write it down. Review it every day. Since you have been specific and broken a big achievement into realistic, doable steps, take action on the steps every day. This simple 3-step process has been used by many people to create a bigger more rewarding life.
  • 17. 17 How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success Big dreams and goals – but how do you achieve them? There are many different routes to making your goals a reality. For some people this is knowing the right people or being in the right place at the right time, whereas for other people, it takes more planning, connecting and strategizing. One of the main ways you can ultimately achieve your goals and what you consider to be success is by staying motivated and continuing to strive for what you want. Staying motivated can be challenging enough itself, so here are some of the ways you can keep your motivation levels running high. 1. Break your big dreams into smaller goals Many of us have big dreams that we would love to achieve, but you’re unlikely to achieve them overnight. In order to give yourself the best chance of success and avoid getting demotivated, break your goals into a series of smaller ones. You could break them down by time, such as what you want to accomplish in the next six months or a year. Or you could look at your overall goal as a series of smaller steps you need to make first. Rather than waiting to achieve one big goal, you can celebrate success along the way and stay motivated with every achievement. 2. Remember the reasonswhy If you have a goal in mind simply because you feel you should be doing something, you’re likely to find it much more difficult to stay motivated on the journey to achieving it. If, however, there is a reason why you want to achieve something, it’s easier to keep this in mind and remain motivated. For example, if you want a change of career and know which qualifications you need to attain in order to pursue your dream job, it’s easier to get through the difficult times and keep your motivation levels high. 3. Learn what makes you motivated To remain motivated for an extended period of time, you need to learn what helps you along. This will be different for each person, so while talking to other people can be helpful, remember that you won’t always have the same or similar experiences. There may be multiple things which help you to stay
  • 18. 18 motivated, so make a list of them as they come to mind and use them as much as you can. Conclusion You can achieve big things... if you think big. Change your self-talk. Make your goals big, but not unrealistic. Take daily action and make small steps outside your comfort zone. These are proven steps for thinking bigger so you can achieve more and create your dream reality.