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Introduction to GIL,
Boost and Generic

Hailin Jin
Advanced Technology Labs
Adobe Systems Incorporated
2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

     GIL
     Boost
     Generic programming
     STL
     Summary

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
What is GIL?

     Generic Image Library
     C++ image library
     Open-source
     Well documented
     The core library only contains header files; No need to link anything
     Thread-safe
     Compatible with most C++ compilers (Visual Studio, gcc, etc)

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
GIL overview

     Image containers
     1-D iterators for traversing rows and columns
     2-D iterators (locator) for arbitrary 2D traversal
     Image views
     Image processing algorithms
     Extensions
              io extension for reading and writing images of popular formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, …)
                              rgb8_image_t im;
                              read_png_image("test.png", im);
              numeric extension for convolutions against fixed and variable-size kernels
                              kernel_1d_fixed<float, 7> kernel;
                              gray8_image_t im_in, im_out;

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     Lubomir Bourdev                                    Hailin Jin   Christian Henning
         Adobe                                           Adobe         Independent

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GIL history

     Started as an Adobe internal project in 2005
     Version 1.0 in June 2006
     Accepted into Boost in November 2006
     Version 2.0 in March 2007
     Constantly updated and patched with Boost releases

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     Initially: MIT license
     Currently: Boost Software License (similar to the MIT license)
     Free to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit, including
      derivative works
     We retain the copyright

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Image processing libraries

     Your own image libraries
     OpenCV
     CImg
     Vigra
     GIL works third-party algorithms, libraries, etc

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     High-quality C++ libraries
     Open-source
     Started in 1998
     Latest version: 1.43.0 on May 6, 2010
     Strict review system
     10 of the Boost libraries are included in the C++ Standard Library TR
     “It is usually a really dumb idea to go and reinvent a wheel that Boost already
      offers. ”
      — Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++

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Boost usage

     Adobe
     Google
     SAP
     McAFee
     Real Networks
     …

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Boost components for computer vision

     Image (GIL)
     Graph (BGL)
     Thread
     Filesystem
     uBLAS
     Program options
     Math related libraries

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Boost Graph Library

     Shortest paths
              Dijkstra's shortest paths
              Bellman-Ford shortest paths
              Johnson's all-Pairs shortest paths
     Minimum spanning trees
              Kruskal's minimum spanning tree
              Prim's minimum spanning tree
     Connected components
              Connected components
              Strongly connected components
     Maximum flow
              Edmonds Karp
              Push-relabel
              Kolmogorov
     Topological sort, sparse matrix ordering, and many more

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     GIL
     Boost
     Generic programming
     STL
     Summary

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GIL design principles

     Followed the paradigm of generic programming
     Clean separation between algorithms and containers
     Work with third-party algorithms, data structures, and libraries
     Toward optimal performance

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Generic programming

     Programming paradigm for developing efficient, reusable software code
     Pioneered by Alexander Stepanov and David Musser
     First successful example is the Standard Template Library (STL) which is now
      part of the C++ standard
     Programming based on parameterization
              Parameterize a data structure with different types (example: a std::vector<> with its
               element types)
              Parameterize an algorithm with different types and algorithms (example: std::sort()
               function for int* and float* and with a comparison function)

     Generalize an algorithm or data structure to its most general and useful form
              Better code
              Fewer bugs

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     Allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface
     Object-oriented programming (OOP)
              Ad-hoc polymorphism
              Class hierarchies: specified inheritance
              Function/method overloading: different and potentially heterogeneous implementations
               depending on a limited range of individually specified types and combinations
              Dynamic dispatch

     Generic programming
              Parametric polymorphism (data structure and algorithms)
              Code is written without mention of any specific type and thus can be used transparently
               with any number of new types
              Static (compile-time) dispatch

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Generic programming: a case study

     Compute the sum of a set of data

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Object-oriented style

          class int_vector {
              int* array;
              int n;
              int accumulate() {
                  int result = 0;
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                          result = result + array[i];
                  return result;

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Separate the algorithm from the container

          int accumulate(int* array, int n) {
               int result = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

          class int_vector {
               int* array;
               int n;
               int size() {return n;}
               int* begin() {return array;}

          int_vector a_vec;
          int result = accumulate(a_vec.begin(), a_vec.size());

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Same algorithm with different types

          int accumulate(int* array, int n) {
               int result = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

          float accumulate(float* array, int n) {
               float result = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

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C++ templates

          template <typename T>
          T accumulate(T* array, int n) {
               T result = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

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String concatenation

          template <typename T>
          T accumulate(T* array, int n) {
               T result = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

          std::string concatenate(std::string* array, int n) {
               std::string result = ””;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

          template <typename T>
          T accumulate(T* array, int n) {
               T result = T();                T result;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   result = result + array[i];
               return result;

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Generalize the interface and type requirements

          template <typename T>
          T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) {
               for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                   init = init + array[i];
               return init;

         Type requirements on T
         •       T must have a copy constructor T(const T&)
         •       T must have an assignment operator=()
         •       T must have a binary operator+(,)

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Linked list

 template <typename T>
 struct list_node {
     list_node<T>* next;
     T value;

 template <typename T>
 T accumulate(list_node<T>* first,
              T init) {
     while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first->value;
         first = first->next;
     return init;

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Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
     T value;                                                     init = init + array[i];
 };                                                          return init;
 template <typename T>
 T accumulate(list_node<T>* first,
              T init) {
     while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first->value;
         first = first->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* first, int n, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     T* last = first + n;
     T value;                                                for (;first!=last;++first) {
 };                                                               init = init + *first;
 template <typename T>                                       return init;
 T accumulate(list_node<T>* first,                      }
              T init) {
     while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first->value;
         first = first->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* first, int n, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     T* last = first + n;
     T value;                                                while (first!=last) {
 };                                                               init = init + *first;
 template <typename T>                                       }
 T accumulate(list_node<T>* first,                           return init;
              T init) {                                 }
     while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first->value;
         first = first->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                                     init = init + *first;
 };                                                               ++first;
 template <typename T>                                       return init;
 T accumulate(list_node<T>* first,                      }
              T init) {
     while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first->value;
         first = first->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                                     init = init + *first;
 };                                                               ++first;
 template <typename T>                                       return init;
 struct list_iterator {                                 }
     list_node<T>* node;

 template <typename T>
 T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,
              T init) {
     while (first.node!=0) {
         init = init + first.node->value;
         first.node = first.node->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                                  template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                                     T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                                     while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                                     init = init + *first;
 };                                                               ++first;
 template <typename T>                                       return init;
 struct list_iterator {                                 }
     list_node<T>* node;

 template <typename T>
 T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,
              list_iterator<T> last,
              T init) {
     while (first!=last) {
         init = init + first.node->value;
         first.node = first.node->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                   T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                   while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                   init = init + *first;
 };                                             ++first;
 template <typename T>                     return init;
 struct list_iterator {               }
     list_node<T>* node;                  template <typename T>
 };                                       bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x,
                                                          list_iterator<T> y) {
 template <typename T>                        return x.node!=y.node;
 T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,     }
              list_iterator<T> last,
              T init) {
     while (first!=last) {
         init = init + first.node->value;
         first.node = first.node->next;
     return init;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                   T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                   while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                   init = init + *first;
 };                                             ++first;
 template <typename T>                     return init;
 struct list_iterator {               }
     list_node<T>* node;                  template <typename T>
 };                                       bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x,
                                                          list_iterator<T> y) {
 template <typename T>                        return x.node!=y.node;
 T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,     }
              list_iterator<T> last,
              T init) {                   template <typename T>
     while (first!=last) {                T operator*(list_iterator<T> x) {
         init = init + first.node->value;     return x.node->value;
         first.node = first.node->next; }
     return init;                         template <typename T>
 }                                        list_iterator<T>&
                                          operator++(list_iterator<T>& x) {
                                              x.node = x.node->next;
                                              return x;

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Unifying linked lists and arrays

 template <typename T>                template <typename T>
 struct list_node {                   T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) {
     list_node<T>* next;                   while (first!=last) {
     T value;                                   init = init + *first;
 };                                             ++first;
 template <typename T>                     return init;
 struct list_iterator {               }
     list_node<T>* node;                  template <typename T>
 };                                       bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x,
                                                          list_iterator<T> y) {
 template <typename T>                        return x.node!=y.node;
 T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,     }
              list_iterator<T> last,
              T init) {                   template <typename T>
     while (first!=last) {                T operator*(list_iterator<T> x) {
         init = init + *first;                return x.node->value;
         ++first;                         }
     return init;                         template <typename T>
 }                                        list_iterator<T>&
                                          operator++(list_iterator<T>& x) {
                                              x.node = x.node->next;
                                              return x;

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Unified version

        template <typename I,
                  typename T>
        T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
            while (first!=last) {
                init = init + *first;
            return init;

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Type requirements

        template <typename I,
                  typename T>
        T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
            while (first!=last) {
                init = init + *first;
            return init;
              • I must have a copy constructor I(const                  I&)
                          •       I must have a binary operator!=(,)
                          •       I must have an operator*()
                          •       I must have an operator++()
                          •       T must have a copy constructor T(const T&)
                          •       T must have an assignment operator=()
                          •       T must have a binary operator+(,)

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Further generalization with function objects

        template <typename I,
                  typename T>
        T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
            while (first!=last) {
                init = init + *first;
            return init;

        template <typename I,
                  typename T,
                  typename B>
        T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) {
            while (first!=last) {
                init = op(init, *first);
            return init;

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Type requirements

       template <typename I,
                 typename T,
                 typename B>
       T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) {
           while (first!=last) {
               init = op(init, *first);
           }              • I must have a copy constructor I(const                                  I&)
           return init;
       }                  • I must have a binary operator!=(,)

                                                        •   I must have an operator*()
                                                        •   I must have an operator++()
                                                        •   T must have a copy constructor T(const T&)
                                                        •   T must have an assignment operator=()
                                                        •   B must have a copy constructor B(const B&)
                                                        •   B must have a binary application operator()(,)

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Function object example

    template <typename T>
    struct moment_2 {
         T m1, m2;
         moment_2(T m1_, T m2_) : m1(m1_), m2(m2_) {}
    template <typename T>
    compute_moment_2(T* first, T* last, moment_2<T> init) {
         while (first!=last) {
             init.m1 += *first;
             init.m2 += *first**first;
         return init;

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Function object example

    template <typename T>
    struct compute_moment_2_s {
         moment_2<T> operator()(moment_2<T> m, T x) const {
             m.m1 += x; m.m2 += x*x;
             return m;
    template <typename T>
    compute_moment_2(T* first, T* last, moment_2<T> init) {
         return accumulate(first, last, init,
    template <typename T>
    struct max_s {
        T operator()(T x, T y) const {return x>y?x:y;}
    template <typename T>
    T range_max(T* first, T* last, T init) {
        return accumulate(first, last, init, max_s());

2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Lessons learned: #1

      Separate between an algorithms and a data structure

                                                        int accumulate(int* array, int n) {
                                                             int result = 0;
                                                             for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                                                                  result = result + array[i];
 class int_vector {
                                                             return result;
     int* array;
     int n;
                                           class int_vector {
                                                int* array;
                                                int n;
     int accumulate() {
          int result = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                  result = result + array[i];
                                                int size() {return n;}
                                                int* begin() {return array;}
          return result;
                                           int_vector a_vec;
                                           int result = accumulate(a_vec.begin()

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Lessons learned: #2

      Generalize an algorithm to a general form

    int accumulate(int* array, int n) {
         int result = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
              result = result + array[i];
                                            template <typename T>
         return result;                     T accumulate(T* array, int n) {
    }                                            T result = T();
                                                 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    float accumulate(float* array, int n) {           result = result + array[i];
         float result = 0;                       return result;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        }
              result = result + array[i];
         return result;

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Lessons learned: #3

      Generalize the interface of an algorithm

                      template <typename T>
                      T accumulate(T* array, int n) {
                           T result = T();
                           for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                               result = result + array[i];
                           return result;

                      template <typename T>
                      T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) {
                           for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                               init = init + array[i];
                           return init;

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Lessons learned: #4

      Generalize through iterators

template <typename T>
T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first,
              T init) {
    while (first!=0) {
         init = init + first.node->value;
                                          template <typename I,
         first.node = first.node->next;
                                                    typename T>
                                          T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
    return init;
                                              while (first!=last) {
                                                  init = init + *first;
template <typename T>                         }
T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) {       return init;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)         }
           init = init + array[i];
      return init;

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Lessons learned: #5

      Generalize through function objects

                                       template <typename I,
                                                 typename T>
                                       T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
                                           while (first!=last) {
                                               init = init + *first;
                                           return init;

                                       template <typename I,
                                                 typename T,
                                                 typename B>
                                       T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) {
                                           while (first!=last) {
                                               init = op(init, *first);
                                           return init;

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     Type requirements
     Concept: description of requirements on one or more types stated in terms
      of the existence and properties of procedures, type attributes, and type
      functions defined on the types
     Model: satisfies all the requirements of a concept
     Example                                           Concept
                                                        •   T must have a copy constructor T(const T&)
template <typename T>
T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { • T must have an assignment operator=()
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        • T must have a binary operator+(,)
          init = init + array[i];
     return init;                       Model
                                        • int, float, std::string, …

     Concepts are not designed or invented. Instead they are discovered

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     An interface between sequential data structures and algorithms
     Separates containers from algorithms
     Models: raw points and linked list iterators

                                       template <typename I,
                                                 typename T>
                                       T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) {
                                           while (first!=last) {
                                               init = init + *first;
                                           return init;
                                        •       I must have a copy constructor I(const I&)
                                        •       I must have a binary operator!=(,)
                                        •       I must have operator*()
                                        •       I must have operator++()

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More models of iterators

        template <typename T>                                            template <typename T>
        class step_pointer {                                             class indirect_pointer {
        privte:                                                          privte:
            T* x;                                                            T* x;
            int step;                                                        int* y;
        public:                                                          public:
            ...                                                              ...
            T operator*() {return *x;}                                       T operator*() {return x[*y];}
            step_pointer& operator++() {                                     step_pointer& operator++() {
                x += step; return *this;                                         ++y; return *this;
            }                                                                }
            ...                                                              ...
        };                                                               };
                                                        template <typename T>
                                                        class value_iterator {
                                                            T x;
                                                            T operator*() {return x;}
                                                            step_pointer& operator++() {
                                                                 ++x; return *this;

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Compilers are working hard for us

     C++ compilers resolves all templates at compile time
     No dynamic (run-time) dispatch
     Function objects can be inlined; No function calls overhead

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     Standard Template Library
     First widespread application of generic programming
     Part of the C++ standard

              Containers                                Iterators   Algorithms

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     Containers
              vector, list, slist
              set, map, multiset, multimap

     Algorithms
              find(), for_each(), fill(), transform(), copy()
              partition(), stable_partition()
              sort(), lower_bound(), nth_element(), merge()
              set_difference(), set_union(), set_intersection()
              accumulate(), inner_product(), partial_sum()

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     GIL
     Boost
     Generic programming
     STL
     Code reuse
     Better understanding of algorithms
     Better code

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Book recommendation

     For those who desire a deep understanding
      of programming

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Cvpr2010 open source vision software, intro and training part-iii introduction to gil , boost and generic programming - jin - unknown - 2010

  • 1. Introduction to GIL, Boost and Generic Programming Hailin Jin Advanced Technology Labs Adobe Systems Incorporated 1 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. Outline  GIL  Boost  Generic programming  STL  Summary 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. What is GIL?  Generic Image Library  C++ image library  Open-source   Well documented  The core library only contains header files; No need to link anything  Thread-safe  Compatible with most C++ compilers (Visual Studio, gcc, etc) 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 4. GIL overview  Image containers  1-D iterators for traversing rows and columns  2-D iterators (locator) for arbitrary 2D traversal  Image views  Image processing algorithms  Extensions  io extension for reading and writing images of popular formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, …) rgb8_image_t im; read_png_image("test.png", im);  numeric extension for convolutions against fixed and variable-size kernels kernel_1d_fixed<float, 7> kernel; gray8_image_t im_in, im_out; convolve_rows_fixed<gray32f_pixel_t>(const_view(im_in), kernel, view(im_out)); 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. People Lubomir Bourdev Hailin Jin Christian Henning Adobe Adobe Independent 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 6. GIL history  Started as an Adobe internal project in 2005  Version 1.0 in June 2006  Accepted into Boost in November 2006  Version 2.0 in March 2007  Constantly updated and patched with Boost releases 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. License  Initially: MIT license  Currently: Boost Software License (similar to the MIT license)  Free to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit, including derivative works  We retain the copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. Image processing libraries  Your own image libraries  OpenCV  CImg  Vigra  GIL works third-party algorithms, libraries, etc 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 9.  High-quality C++ libraries  Open-source  Started in 1998  Latest version: 1.43.0 on May 6, 2010  Strict review system  10 of the Boost libraries are included in the C++ Standard Library TR  “It is usually a really dumb idea to go and reinvent a wheel that Boost already offers. ” — Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++ 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. Boost usage   Adobe  Google  SAP  McAFee  Real Networks  … 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. Boost components for computer vision  Image (GIL)  Graph (BGL)  Thread  Filesystem  uBLAS  Program options  Math related libraries 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 12. Boost Graph Library  Shortest paths  Dijkstra's shortest paths  Bellman-Ford shortest paths  Johnson's all-Pairs shortest paths  Minimum spanning trees  Kruskal's minimum spanning tree  Prim's minimum spanning tree  Connected components  Connected components  Strongly connected components  Maximum flow  Edmonds Karp  Push-relabel  Kolmogorov  Topological sort, sparse matrix ordering, and many more 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 13. Outline  GIL  Boost  Generic programming  STL  Summary 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 14. GIL design principles  Followed the paradigm of generic programming  Clean separation between algorithms and containers  Work with third-party algorithms, data structures, and libraries  Toward optimal performance 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 15. Generic programming  Programming paradigm for developing efficient, reusable software code  Pioneered by Alexander Stepanov and David Musser  First successful example is the Standard Template Library (STL) which is now part of the C++ standard  Programming based on parameterization  Parameterize a data structure with different types (example: a std::vector<> with its element types)  Parameterize an algorithm with different types and algorithms (example: std::sort() function for int* and float* and with a comparison function)  Generalize an algorithm or data structure to its most general and useful form  Better code  Fewer bugs 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 16. Polymorphism  Allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface  Object-oriented programming (OOP)  Ad-hoc polymorphism  Class hierarchies: specified inheritance  Function/method overloading: different and potentially heterogeneous implementations depending on a limited range of individually specified types and combinations  Dynamic dispatch  Generic programming  Parametric polymorphism (data structure and algorithms)  Code is written without mention of any specific type and thus can be used transparently with any number of new types  Static (compile-time) dispatch 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 17. Generic programming: a case study  Compute the sum of a set of data 17 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 18. Object-oriented style class int_vector { private: int* array; int n; ... public: ... int accumulate() { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } ... }; 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 19. Separate the algorithm from the container int accumulate(int* array, int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } class int_vector { private: int* array; int n; ... public: ... int size() {return n;} int* begin() {return array;} ... }; int_vector a_vec; int result = accumulate(a_vec.begin(), a_vec.size()); 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 20. Same algorithm with different types int accumulate(int* array, int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } float accumulate(float* array, int n) { float result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 21. C++ templates template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n) { T result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 22. String concatenation template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n) { T result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } std::string concatenate(std::string* array, int n) { std::string result = ””; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n) { T result = T(); T result; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 23. Generalize the interface and type requirements template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) init = init + array[i]; return init; } Type requirements on T • T must have a copy constructor T(const T&) • T must have an assignment operator=() • T must have a binary operator+(,) 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 24. Linked list template <typename T> struct list_node { list_node<T>* next; T value; }; template <typename T> T accumulate(list_node<T>* first, T init) { while (first!=0) { init = init + first->value; first = first->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 25. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { list_node<T>* next; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) T value; init = init + array[i]; }; return init; } template <typename T> T accumulate(list_node<T>* first, T init) { while (first!=0) { init = init + first->value; first = first->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 26. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, int n, T init) { list_node<T>* next; T* last = first + n; T value; for (;first!=last;++first) { }; init = init + *first; } template <typename T> return init; T accumulate(list_node<T>* first, } T init) { while (first!=0) { init = init + first->value; first = first->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 27. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, int n, T init) { list_node<T>* next; T* last = first + n; T value; while (first!=last) { }; init = init + *first; ++first; template <typename T> } T accumulate(list_node<T>* first, return init; T init) { } while (first!=0) { init = init + first->value; first = first->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 28. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; T accumulate(list_node<T>* first, } T init) { while (first!=0) { init = init + first->value; first = first->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 29. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; struct list_iterator { } list_node<T>* node; }; template <typename T> T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, T init) { while (first.node!=0) { init = init + first.node->value; first.node = first.node->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 30. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; struct list_iterator { } list_node<T>* node; }; template <typename T> T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, list_iterator<T> last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + first.node->value; first.node = first.node->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 31. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; struct list_iterator { } list_node<T>* node; template <typename T> }; bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x, list_iterator<T> y) { template <typename T> return x.node!=y.node; T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, } list_iterator<T> last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + first.node->value; first.node = first.node->next; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 32. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; struct list_iterator { } list_node<T>* node; template <typename T> }; bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x, list_iterator<T> y) { template <typename T> return x.node!=y.node; T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, } list_iterator<T> last, T init) { template <typename T> while (first!=last) { T operator*(list_iterator<T> x) { init = init + first.node->value; return x.node->value; first.node = first.node->next; } } return init; template <typename T> } list_iterator<T>& operator++(list_iterator<T>& x) { x.node = x.node->next; return x; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 33. Unifying linked lists and arrays template <typename T> template <typename T> struct list_node { T accumulate(T* first, T* last, T init) { list_node<T>* next; while (first!=last) { T value; init = init + *first; }; ++first; } template <typename T> return init; struct list_iterator { } list_node<T>* node; template <typename T> }; bool operator!=(list_iterator<T> x, list_iterator<T> y) { template <typename T> return x.node!=y.node; T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, } list_iterator<T> last, T init) { template <typename T> while (first!=last) { T operator*(list_iterator<T> x) { init = init + *first; return x.node->value; ++first; } } return init; template <typename T> } list_iterator<T>& operator++(list_iterator<T>& x) { x.node = x.node->next; return x; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 34. Unified version template <typename I, typename T> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + *first; ++first; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 35. Type requirements template <typename I, typename T> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + *first; ++first; } return init; } • I must have a copy constructor I(const I&) • I must have a binary operator!=(,) • I must have an operator*() • I must have an operator++() • T must have a copy constructor T(const T&) • T must have an assignment operator=() • T must have a binary operator+(,) 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 36. Further generalization with function objects template <typename I, typename T> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + *first; ++first; } return init; } template <typename I, typename T, typename B> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) { while (first!=last) { init = op(init, *first); ++first; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 37. Type requirements template <typename I, typename T, typename B> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) { while (first!=last) { init = op(init, *first); ++first; } • I must have a copy constructor I(const I&) return init; } • I must have a binary operator!=(,) • I must have an operator*() • I must have an operator++() • T must have a copy constructor T(const T&) • T must have an assignment operator=() • B must have a copy constructor B(const B&) • B must have a binary application operator()(,) 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 38. Function object example template <typename T> struct moment_2 { T m1, m2; moment_2(T m1_, T m2_) : m1(m1_), m2(m2_) {} }; template <typename T> moment_2<T> compute_moment_2(T* first, T* last, moment_2<T> init) { while (first!=last) { init.m1 += *first; init.m2 += *first**first; ++first; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 39. Function object example template <typename T> struct compute_moment_2_s { moment_2<T> operator()(moment_2<T> m, T x) const { m.m1 += x; m.m2 += x*x; return m; } }; template <typename T> moment_2<T> compute_moment_2(T* first, T* last, moment_2<T> init) { return accumulate(first, last, init, compute_moment_2_s<T>()); } template <typename T> struct max_s { T operator()(T x, T y) const {return x>y?x:y;} }; template <typename T> T range_max(T* first, T* last, T init) { return accumulate(first, last, init, max_s()); } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 40. Lessons learned: #1  Separate between an algorithms and a data structure int accumulate(int* array, int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; class int_vector { return result; private: } int* array; int n; class int_vector { ... private: public: int* array; ... int n; int accumulate() { ... int result = 0; public: for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) ... result = result + array[i]; int size() {return n;} int* begin() {return array;} return result; ... } }; ... }; int_vector a_vec; int result = accumulate(a_vec.begin() 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 41. Lessons learned: #2  Generalize an algorithm to a general form int accumulate(int* array, int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; template <typename T> return result; T accumulate(T* array, int n) { } T result = T(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) float accumulate(float* array, int n) { result = result + array[i]; float result = 0; return result; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) } result = result + array[i]; return result; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 42. Lessons learned: #3  Generalize the interface of an algorithm template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n) { T result = T(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result = result + array[i]; return result; } template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) init = init + array[i]; return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 43. Lessons learned: #4  Generalize through iterators template <typename T> T accumulate(list_iterator<T> first, T init) { while (first!=0) { init = init + first.node->value; template <typename I, first.node = first.node->next; typename T> } T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { return init; while (first!=last) { } init = init + *first; ++first; template <typename T> } T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { return init; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) } init = init + array[i]; return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 44. Lessons learned: #5  Generalize through function objects template <typename I, typename T> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + *first; ++first; } return init; } template <typename I, typename T, typename B> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init, B op) { while (first!=last) { init = op(init, *first); ++first; } return init; } 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 45. Concepts/Models  Type requirements  Concept: description of requirements on one or more types stated in terms of the existence and properties of procedures, type attributes, and type functions defined on the types  Model: satisfies all the requirements of a concept  Example Concept • T must have a copy constructor T(const T&) template <typename T> T accumulate(T* array, int n, T init) { • T must have an assignment operator=() for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) • T must have a binary operator+(,) init = init + array[i]; return init; Model } • int, float, std::string, …  Concepts are not designed or invented. Instead they are discovered 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 46. Iterators  An interface between sequential data structures and algorithms  Separates containers from algorithms  Models: raw points and linked list iterators template <typename I, typename T> T accumulate(I first, I last, T init) { while (first!=last) { init = init + *first; ++first; } return init; } • I must have a copy constructor I(const I&) • I must have a binary operator!=(,) • I must have operator*() • I must have operator++() 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 47. More models of iterators template <typename T> template <typename T> class step_pointer { class indirect_pointer { privte: privte: T* x; T* x; int step; int* y; public: public: ... ... T operator*() {return *x;} T operator*() {return x[*y];} step_pointer& operator++() { step_pointer& operator++() { x += step; return *this; ++y; return *this; } } ... ... }; }; template <typename T> class value_iterator { privte: T x; public: ... T operator*() {return x;} step_pointer& operator++() { ++x; return *this; } ... }; 47 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 48. Compilers are working hard for us  C++ compilers resolves all templates at compile time  No dynamic (run-time) dispatch  Function objects can be inlined; No function calls overhead 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 49. STL  Standard Template Library   First widespread application of generic programming  Part of the C++ standard Containers Iterators Algorithms 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 50. STL  Containers  vector, list, slist  set, map, multiset, multimap  Algorithms  find(), for_each(), fill(), transform(), copy()  partition(), stable_partition()  sort(), lower_bound(), nth_element(), merge()  set_difference(), set_union(), set_intersection()  accumulate(), inner_product(), partial_sum() 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 51. Summary  GIL  Boost  Generic programming  STL  Code reuse  Better understanding of algorithms  Better code 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 52. Book recommendation  For those who desire a deep understanding of programming 52 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.