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Chapter 16:
Culture and Diversity in Business
Unit 5: Human Resources
Culture in Business
• Describe the effect of culture on doing business globally
• Describe how corporate cultures differ among businesses
Culture in a Global Economy
• Culture: the beliefs, customs, and attitudes of a
distinct group of people
– dress, food, language, art
– history, geography, and religion
• Culture may refer to an entire country, ethnic group,
social group, or institution.
Culture and Business
• In business, culture has two important meanings.
In the broad sense, it refers to the customs
of other countries with which companies
do business. A custom is a practice
followed by people of a particular group or
Business culture refers to the standards of
a particular company.
As companies trade worldwide, they must
be aware of different cultural and business
practices (e.g. etiquette, business customs,
rules for personal interactions)
Culture in a Global Economy
o Companies that trade with other countries
must be aware of differences in
o Language
o Currencies
o Laws
o Eating habits
o even systems of measurements.
• Failure to understand the culture of a country in which you do
business can ruin a deal or lead to a marketing disaster
Consider This . . .
• Why is it important to understand other cultures when doing
business in a global marketplace?
• What are some things that you would do when planning to
conduct business in another country?
Marketing Abroad
• To market products successfully in another country,
companies must research the country’s languages, customs,
and tastes.
Marketing Abroad
Example: Pillsbury translated
“Jolly Green Giant” into Arabic
and it became
“Intimidating Green Ogre”
Coca-Cola changes the amount of
carbonation and sugar in its
products to suit the tastes
of different countries
Doing Business Abroad
• Companies doing business in other countries must be aware
of cultural differences that affect the workplace.
Problems for
- Fear of cultural
- Resistance to
strict dress codes
- Mandatory use
of English in
- 3,000 French
workers quit
Doing Business Abroad
• Think about marketing goods in other countries.
• What are some obstacles you might face?
Business Etiquette
• Business etiquette: conduct that is considered socially
acceptable in business; differs from country to country
• Example:
• In the USA receiving a gift from a potential business partner
could be seen as a bribe. But in Japan it is customary to give
gifts, and there are many rituals involved.
• In India, before doing business it is customary to
have tea.
• In Mexico, throwing documents on a table during a meeting is
considered an insult
Business Etiquette
• Strategies to avoid cultural problems
– Hire local managers “THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL” (e.g. hire a Swedish
person to manage office in Sweden)
– Train American employees to live and work in other countries
• As more countries trade globally, there is an increased
demand for people who have studied other languages and
– Study high-demand language/culture (Spanish, Mandarin/Chinese,
Arabic, etc.)
– Spend a semester or two of college studying abroad
– Teach English in a foreign country
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture: a company’s shared values, beliefs, and
• Culture may be defined
– Formally, through a company code of ethics, a written manual, and the
orientation process
– Informally, through dress codes, work habits, and social activities
• Factors influencing cultures may include
– Company’s founder
– Industry (banking vs. technology)
– Geographic location (NYC vs. Silicon Valley)
Consider This
Why is it important to know something about a firm’s corporate culture
before accepting a job there?
Examples of corporate cultures
o McDonald’s & Disney: stress customer service and family
values. Employees are expected to be clean-cut and
greet each customer with a smile.
o FedEx, Ben & Jerry’s, and Patagonia
stress worker satisfaction and
concerns for environment.
Examples of corporate cultures
o Company founder can influence its culture, William
Hewlett stressed a “people first” culture
o Regional differences: Wall Street firm in NY may expect
to wear a suit and tie. High-tech company in California
might wear T-shirts and shorts to work.
Corporate Culture continued . . .
Formal Culture
• May have a strict hierarchy, or
chain of command
• May have one top decision
maker with several layers of
management below
• Making changes or passing
down decisions may be
• Job titles indicate power/status
• Dress codes and work hours
strictly enforced
Informal Culture
• Employees encouraged to make
decisions on their own; may have
decentralized organization
• Work hours are more flexible;
may also work from home
• May value innovation over
• Job titles are not as important
• Dress code is more casual
Note: There may be different cultures within one company.
Considering Corporate Culture
• Form groups of two to four people. Appoint a timekeeper and
• Discuss the following questions. Your recorder should write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper (to hand in at end
of class).
– Review the descriptions of formal and informal culture. What are
some drawbacks and benefits of each?
– Describe the classroom culture of your favorite class(es). What
classroom rules, work habits, and activities help shape how you work,
act, and deal with problems? How does this culture influence your
work as students? Try to connect your discussion of classroom culture
to the notes on corporate culture.
Videos for culture
• Google NYC -
• Under Armour -
• Google -
• UBRN -
Diversity in the Workplace
• Identify ways in which cultural diversity has an impact on
• Companies are more aware of the growing spending poser of
different consumers groups.
• Human resources managers find ways to draw on the
strengths of culturally diverse workers.
Cultural Diversity
• Companies tend to thrive when they have diversity, a variety
of employees with different backgrounds and identities.
• People are diverse in terms of
– Age
– Fender
– Ethnicity
– Individual needs
– Education
– Marital status
– Income
– Religious beliefs
Cultural Diversity
• Diversity in the workplace means
• Differences in skills, work habits, and approaches to tasks.
• People with the same assignments will carry them out in
different ways
Cultural Diversity
• Some people stereotype others who are different from them
• To stereotype people is to identify them by a single trait or as
a member of a certain group rather than as individuals.
• Your success on the job will depend on how well you work
with and for people who are different fromyou
The Impact of Diversity on Business
● US population is becoming more
ethnically diverse.
● Each year more than 1 million people
come to US
● Growing populations
● Fastest growing population is Hispanic and
o Hispanic- up 60% in TX and CA
The Impact of Diversity on Business
● Population is getting older and living
● More workers age 65 and over are working
past retirement age.
● Women in the labor force expected to rise
slightly faster rate than for men.
● Workers aged 25 -54 are the largest share
of the workforce
Changes in the Workplace
● Women and minorities
are taking more
leadership /
management roles.
● Many workers from
various cultures meet
people of different
ages, ethnic
background, and
Changes in the Marketplace
o More diverse workplace = more diverse marketplace.
o Different groups with spending power
o Target audiences change
o Many ads in multiple languages (English and Spanish)
Changes in the Marketplace
o Baby Boomer Generation: 76 million born between 46-
64 many are reaching retirement age and developing
specific needs
o Millennial Generation: 80 million born early 1980 –
2000’s sometimes called “echo boomers” 1st
generation to grow up with technologies such as
computers and cell phones
Managing Diversity
• Human Resource Managers oversee diversity.
– Try to make the company inclusive by hiring different characteristics,
backgrounds, and ethnicities.
– Leads to more realistic world views, which can lead to competitive
– Diversity is an asset when dealing with clients and customers of
various cultures.
– Draw on the strength of the company’s melting pot
Laws Against Discrimination
• Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or group,
usually because of prejudiced attitudes about race, ethnicity,
age, religion, or gender.
• Many laws have been passed to prevent discrimination.
• In the past, workers over the age of 40 were often fired or
denied jobs in favor of younger workers. This form of
discrimination is called ageism.
Laws Against Discrimination
o Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits
discrimination against workers based on their age.
o Equal Employment Opportunity Act- protects against
discrimination against age (ageism), gender, ethnicity, etc
o Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – prohibits
discrimination against qualifies people who have disabilities.
Employers must make reasonable accommodation for
qualified person with a disability.
Diversity Programs
• Companies offer diversity training programs to promote
tolerance among workers that helps to reduce conflicts
among workers.
• Diversity training breaks down stereotypes
• Managers must avoid stereotypes
• They must create a work environment in which prejudice is
not tolerated and diversity is welcomed and respected.
• They must create a corporate culture that values diversity
Benefits of Diversity
• A diverse workforce offers a broader range of ideas and points
of view
• Greater diversity in the workplace helps a company better
understand and serve diverse markets
• Diversity improves morale among employees and strengthens
their commitment to company goals.
• Companies that value diversity have
– increased productivity and efficiency
– lower turnover rates
– less absenteeism
– Fewer legal costs from employee complaints
Questions 1
In the business arena:
a) Only men should stand for handshaking and
all introductions
b) Only women should stand for handshaking
and all introductions
c) It is not necessary for men or women to stand
for handshaking and all introductions
d) Both men and women should stand for
handshaking and all introductions
Question 2
For easy reading, one’s name badge should be worn:
a) On the left shoulder
b) On the right shoulder
c) On the left hip
d) Around one’s neck
Question 3
When eating bread in a restaurant, you should:
a) Butter the whole piece of bread, pick it up, and eat one bite at
a time.
b) Break off a bite-sized piece of bread and then butter and eat
one bite at a time
Question 4
The best way to meet people at a business or social function is to:
a) Head for the bar or buffet immediately upon arrival
b) Introduce yourself to two people who are standing close and
talking softly
c) Look confident, standing in the center of the room, and wait
for someone to approach you
d) Introduce yourself to a person standing alone
e) Stick close to those you know very well and forget about the
Question 5
When making a business introduction, you should :
a) Wing it
b) Introduce the less important/junior person to the more
important/senior person
c) Introduce the more important/senior person to the less
important/senior person
d) Don’t do anything. It is their responsibility to introduce
Question 6
When expressing thanks to someone who has given you a gift,
a) Send an email because it is faster and more efficient
b) Send a handwritten note within 48 hours
c) Pick up the phone and call within 72 hours
d) Consider a verbal thank you sufficient
Question 7
When you are dining with someone important and your cell
phone rings, you:
a) Answer it within two rings and keep the call brief
b) Ignore it and pretend that someone else’s phone is
c) Apologize and turn the phone on silent mode. The
person you’re with takes priority.
d) Apologize, step away from the table, and take the call
in the lobby or restroom.
Question 8
When you are dining in a restaurant and you accidentally drop
your fork on the floor, you:
a) Pick it up, wipe it off, and use it anyway
b) Pick it up, give it to the server, and ask him to bring
you another one
c) Leave it on the floor and ask the server to bring you
another one
d) Leave it on the floor and use your neighbor’s fork when
he’s not looking
Question 9
When seated at a round or rectangular table:
a) Remember, left to right, B-M-W: bread, meal, water
b) Remember left to right, D-D-R: drink, dinner plate, roll
c) It doesn’t matter. There’s enough water and bread to
go around anyway.
Question 10
When you are finished eating, your napkin should be
a) Folded loosely and placed on the right side of your
b) Folded loosely and placed on the left side of your plate
c) Folded loosely and placed on the center of your plate
d) Folded like a dove or pirate’s hat and placed in the
center of your chair
Question 11
When two business people communicate, how far apart should
they stand?
a) 1.5 feet
b) 3 feet
c) 7 feet
Question 12
It is acceptable to tell a business colleague that his/her
zipper is unzipped.
a) True
b) False
Question 13
When answering a business phone, always answer
a) With a simple hello. It sounds more approachable and
less pretentious.
b) With your name
c) With your name, department, title, and a greeting
Question 14
When you reach a doorway at the same time as another
person, the following rules apply:
a) Whoever arrives first should open it and hold it for those who
are following
b) Men should always open doors for women
c) Women should open doors for men to prove that they are no
longer oppressed
d) Always open the door for someone of either sex if that person
has his or her hands full
Question 15
When exiting an elevator and a more senior person is toward the
back, always:
a) Step aside to let the more important person exit first
b) Exit first if you are closest to the door
Question 16
On “Casual Friday”, which item(s) of clothing is (are) generally
considered inappropriate?
a) Khaki slacks e) Loafers
b) Sweat pants f) Flip flops
c) Baseball caps g) Jeans
d) Polo-type shirts
Question 17
You have just heard a coworker in the cubicle next to yours speak
rudely to a client on the phone. You should:
a) Wait until the call is finished, then tell the person
that their behavior is unacceptable
b) Tell your boss
c) Respect your coworker’s privacy and refrain from commenting
Question 18
You have exchanged a couple of angry emails with a coworker who,
in your opinion, is being unreasonable. It’s getting out of hand.
You should:
a) Stop the communication and let things cool off
b) Send one more blistering email, summarizing the situation
and how upset you are with that person’s behavior, and :cc the
recipient’s supervisor
c) Change the medium. Call the person on the telephone or go
sit down face to face.
Question 19
If you have a morsel of food lodged in your teeth and you
want to remove it, you:
a) Take your knife when no one is looking and remove
the morsel promptly with the blade
b) Raise your napkin to your mouth and discreetly use
a sugar packet or your business card to remove the
c) Politely ask your server for a toothpick
d) Excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick your
teeth in private
Academic Vocabulary
• Distinct - distinguishable to the eye or mind as
discrete; separate
• Ethnic - of or relating to large groups of people
classed according to common racial, national, tribal,
religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background
• Region- a broad geographic area distinguished by
similar features
• Tradition – an inherited, establishes, or customary
pattern of thought, action, or behavior
Academic Vocabulary
• Diverse - differing from one another
• Assignments - a specified task
• Prohibits – forbid by authority
• Accommodation – the provision of what is needed;
adaption or adjustment

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Culture and Diveristy in Business.ppt

  • 1. Chapter 16: Culture and Diversity in Business Unit 5: Human Resources
  • 2. Culture in Business • Describe the effect of culture on doing business globally • Describe how corporate cultures differ among businesses
  • 3. Culture in a Global Economy • Culture: the beliefs, customs, and attitudes of a distinct group of people – dress, food, language, art – history, geography, and religion • Culture may refer to an entire country, ethnic group, social group, or institution.
  • 4. Culture and Business • In business, culture has two important meanings. In the broad sense, it refers to the customs of other countries with which companies do business. A custom is a practice followed by people of a particular group or region Business culture refers to the standards of a particular company.
  • 5. As companies trade worldwide, they must be aware of different cultural and business practices (e.g. etiquette, business customs, rules for personal interactions)
  • 6. Culture in a Global Economy o Companies that trade with other countries must be aware of differences in o Language o Currencies o Laws o Eating habits o even systems of measurements. • Failure to understand the culture of a country in which you do business can ruin a deal or lead to a marketing disaster
  • 7. Consider This . . . • Why is it important to understand other cultures when doing business in a global marketplace? • What are some things that you would do when planning to conduct business in another country?
  • 8. Marketing Abroad • To market products successfully in another country, companies must research the country’s languages, customs, and tastes.
  • 9. Marketing Abroad Example: Pillsbury translated “Jolly Green Giant” into Arabic and it became “Intimidating Green Ogre” Coca-Cola changes the amount of carbonation and sugar in its products to suit the tastes of different countries
  • 10. Doing Business Abroad • Companies doing business in other countries must be aware of cultural differences that affect the workplace. Problems for EuroDisney - Fear of cultural imperialism - Resistance to strict dress codes - Mandatory use of English in meetings - 3,000 French workers quit
  • 11. Doing Business Abroad • Think about marketing goods in other countries. • What are some obstacles you might face?
  • 12. Business Etiquette • Business etiquette: conduct that is considered socially acceptable in business; differs from country to country • Example: • In the USA receiving a gift from a potential business partner could be seen as a bribe. But in Japan it is customary to give gifts, and there are many rituals involved. • In India, before doing business it is customary to have tea. • In Mexico, throwing documents on a table during a meeting is considered an insult
  • 13. Business Etiquette • Strategies to avoid cultural problems – Hire local managers “THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL” (e.g. hire a Swedish person to manage office in Sweden) – Train American employees to live and work in other countries • As more countries trade globally, there is an increased demand for people who have studied other languages and cultures. – Study high-demand language/culture (Spanish, Mandarin/Chinese, Arabic, etc.) – Spend a semester or two of college studying abroad – Teach English in a foreign country
  • 14. Corporate Culture • Corporate culture: a company’s shared values, beliefs, and goals • Culture may be defined – Formally, through a company code of ethics, a written manual, and the orientation process – Informally, through dress codes, work habits, and social activities • Factors influencing cultures may include – Company’s founder – Industry (banking vs. technology) – Geographic location (NYC vs. Silicon Valley) Consider This Why is it important to know something about a firm’s corporate culture before accepting a job there?
  • 15. Examples of corporate cultures o McDonald’s & Disney: stress customer service and family values. Employees are expected to be clean-cut and greet each customer with a smile. o FedEx, Ben & Jerry’s, and Patagonia stress worker satisfaction and concerns for environment.
  • 16. Examples of corporate cultures o Company founder can influence its culture, William Hewlett stressed a “people first” culture o Regional differences: Wall Street firm in NY may expect to wear a suit and tie. High-tech company in California might wear T-shirts and shorts to work.
  • 17. Corporate Culture continued . . . Formal Culture • May have a strict hierarchy, or chain of command • May have one top decision maker with several layers of management below (bureaucracy) • Making changes or passing down decisions may be complicated • Job titles indicate power/status • Dress codes and work hours strictly enforced Informal Culture • Employees encouraged to make decisions on their own; may have decentralized organization • Work hours are more flexible; may also work from home • May value innovation over tradition • Job titles are not as important • Dress code is more casual Note: There may be different cultures within one company.
  • 18. Considering Corporate Culture • Form groups of two to four people. Appoint a timekeeper and recorder. • Discuss the following questions. Your recorder should write your answers on a separate sheet of paper (to hand in at end of class). – Review the descriptions of formal and informal culture. What are some drawbacks and benefits of each? – Describe the classroom culture of your favorite class(es). What classroom rules, work habits, and activities help shape how you work, act, and deal with problems? How does this culture influence your work as students? Try to connect your discussion of classroom culture to the notes on corporate culture.
  • 19. Videos for culture • Google NYC - google-an-exclusive-look-at-its-nyc-office/88595E54- 0ACC-42D0-963B-0D940612BFA9.html • Under Armour - center/51109024#51109024 • Google - • UBRN -
  • 20. Diversity in the Workplace • Identify ways in which cultural diversity has an impact on business • Companies are more aware of the growing spending poser of different consumers groups. • Human resources managers find ways to draw on the strengths of culturally diverse workers.
  • 21. Cultural Diversity • Companies tend to thrive when they have diversity, a variety of employees with different backgrounds and identities. • People are diverse in terms of – Age – Fender – Ethnicity – Individual needs – Education – Marital status – Income – Religious beliefs
  • 22. Cultural Diversity • Diversity in the workplace means • Differences in skills, work habits, and approaches to tasks. • People with the same assignments will carry them out in different ways
  • 23. Cultural Diversity • Some people stereotype others who are different from them • To stereotype people is to identify them by a single trait or as a member of a certain group rather than as individuals. • Your success on the job will depend on how well you work with and for people who are different fromyou
  • 24. The Impact of Diversity on Business ● US population is becoming more ethnically diverse. ● Each year more than 1 million people come to US ● Growing populations ● Fastest growing population is Hispanic and Asian o Hispanic- up 60% in TX and CA
  • 25. The Impact of Diversity on Business ● Population is getting older and living longer. ● More workers age 65 and over are working past retirement age. ● Women in the labor force expected to rise slightly faster rate than for men. ● Workers aged 25 -54 are the largest share of the workforce
  • 26. Changes in the Workplace ● Women and minorities are taking more leadership / management roles. ● Many workers from various cultures meet people of different ages, ethnic background, and abilities
  • 27. Changes in the Marketplace o More diverse workplace = more diverse marketplace. o Different groups with spending power o Target audiences change o Many ads in multiple languages (English and Spanish)
  • 28. Changes in the Marketplace o Baby Boomer Generation: 76 million born between 46- 64 many are reaching retirement age and developing specific needs o Millennial Generation: 80 million born early 1980 – 2000’s sometimes called “echo boomers” 1st generation to grow up with technologies such as computers and cell phones
  • 29. Managing Diversity • Human Resource Managers oversee diversity. – Try to make the company inclusive by hiring different characteristics, backgrounds, and ethnicities. – Leads to more realistic world views, which can lead to competitive advantage – Diversity is an asset when dealing with clients and customers of various cultures. – Draw on the strength of the company’s melting pot
  • 30. Laws Against Discrimination • Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or group, usually because of prejudiced attitudes about race, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender. • Many laws have been passed to prevent discrimination. • In the past, workers over the age of 40 were often fired or denied jobs in favor of younger workers. This form of discrimination is called ageism.
  • 31. Laws Against Discrimination o Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination against workers based on their age. o Equal Employment Opportunity Act- protects against discrimination against age (ageism), gender, ethnicity, etc o Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – prohibits discrimination against qualifies people who have disabilities. Employers must make reasonable accommodation for qualified person with a disability.
  • 32. Diversity Programs • Companies offer diversity training programs to promote tolerance among workers that helps to reduce conflicts among workers. • Diversity training breaks down stereotypes • Managers must avoid stereotypes • They must create a work environment in which prejudice is not tolerated and diversity is welcomed and respected. • They must create a corporate culture that values diversity
  • 33. Benefits of Diversity • A diverse workforce offers a broader range of ideas and points of view • Greater diversity in the workplace helps a company better understand and serve diverse markets • Diversity improves morale among employees and strengthens their commitment to company goals. • Companies that value diversity have – increased productivity and efficiency – lower turnover rates – less absenteeism – Fewer legal costs from employee complaints
  • 34. Questions 1 In the business arena: a) Only men should stand for handshaking and all introductions b) Only women should stand for handshaking and all introductions c) It is not necessary for men or women to stand for handshaking and all introductions d) Both men and women should stand for handshaking and all introductions
  • 35. Question 2 For easy reading, one’s name badge should be worn: a) On the left shoulder b) On the right shoulder c) On the left hip d) Around one’s neck
  • 36. Question 3 When eating bread in a restaurant, you should: a) Butter the whole piece of bread, pick it up, and eat one bite at a time. b) Break off a bite-sized piece of bread and then butter and eat one bite at a time
  • 37. Question 4 The best way to meet people at a business or social function is to: a) Head for the bar or buffet immediately upon arrival b) Introduce yourself to two people who are standing close and talking softly c) Look confident, standing in the center of the room, and wait for someone to approach you d) Introduce yourself to a person standing alone e) Stick close to those you know very well and forget about the rest
  • 38. Question 5 When making a business introduction, you should : a) Wing it b) Introduce the less important/junior person to the more important/senior person c) Introduce the more important/senior person to the less important/senior person d) Don’t do anything. It is their responsibility to introduce themselves.
  • 39. Question 6 When expressing thanks to someone who has given you a gift, you: a) Send an email because it is faster and more efficient b) Send a handwritten note within 48 hours c) Pick up the phone and call within 72 hours d) Consider a verbal thank you sufficient
  • 40. Question 7 When you are dining with someone important and your cell phone rings, you: a) Answer it within two rings and keep the call brief b) Ignore it and pretend that someone else’s phone is ringing c) Apologize and turn the phone on silent mode. The person you’re with takes priority. d) Apologize, step away from the table, and take the call in the lobby or restroom.
  • 41. Question 8 When you are dining in a restaurant and you accidentally drop your fork on the floor, you: a) Pick it up, wipe it off, and use it anyway b) Pick it up, give it to the server, and ask him to bring you another one c) Leave it on the floor and ask the server to bring you another one d) Leave it on the floor and use your neighbor’s fork when he’s not looking
  • 42. Question 9 When seated at a round or rectangular table: a) Remember, left to right, B-M-W: bread, meal, water b) Remember left to right, D-D-R: drink, dinner plate, roll c) It doesn’t matter. There’s enough water and bread to go around anyway.
  • 43. Question 10 When you are finished eating, your napkin should be a) Folded loosely and placed on the right side of your plate b) Folded loosely and placed on the left side of your plate c) Folded loosely and placed on the center of your plate d) Folded like a dove or pirate’s hat and placed in the center of your chair
  • 44. Question 11 When two business people communicate, how far apart should they stand? a) 1.5 feet b) 3 feet c) 7 feet
  • 45. Question 12 It is acceptable to tell a business colleague that his/her zipper is unzipped. a) True b) False
  • 46. Question 13 When answering a business phone, always answer a) With a simple hello. It sounds more approachable and less pretentious. b) With your name c) With your name, department, title, and a greeting
  • 47. Question 14 When you reach a doorway at the same time as another person, the following rules apply: a) Whoever arrives first should open it and hold it for those who are following b) Men should always open doors for women c) Women should open doors for men to prove that they are no longer oppressed d) Always open the door for someone of either sex if that person has his or her hands full
  • 48. Question 15 When exiting an elevator and a more senior person is toward the back, always: a) Step aside to let the more important person exit first b) Exit first if you are closest to the door
  • 49. Question 16 On “Casual Friday”, which item(s) of clothing is (are) generally considered inappropriate? a) Khaki slacks e) Loafers b) Sweat pants f) Flip flops c) Baseball caps g) Jeans d) Polo-type shirts
  • 50. Question 17 You have just heard a coworker in the cubicle next to yours speak rudely to a client on the phone. You should: a) Wait until the call is finished, then tell the person that their behavior is unacceptable b) Tell your boss c) Respect your coworker’s privacy and refrain from commenting
  • 51. Question 18 You have exchanged a couple of angry emails with a coworker who, in your opinion, is being unreasonable. It’s getting out of hand. You should: a) Stop the communication and let things cool off b) Send one more blistering email, summarizing the situation and how upset you are with that person’s behavior, and :cc the recipient’s supervisor c) Change the medium. Call the person on the telephone or go sit down face to face.
  • 52. Question 19 If you have a morsel of food lodged in your teeth and you want to remove it, you: a) Take your knife when no one is looking and remove the morsel promptly with the blade b) Raise your napkin to your mouth and discreetly use a sugar packet or your business card to remove the morsel c) Politely ask your server for a toothpick d) Excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick your teeth in private
  • 53. Academic Vocabulary • Distinct - distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete; separate • Ethnic - of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background • Region- a broad geographic area distinguished by similar features • Tradition – an inherited, establishes, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior
  • 54. Academic Vocabulary • Diverse - differing from one another • Assignments - a specified task • Prohibits – forbid by authority • Accommodation – the provision of what is needed; adaption or adjustment