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Cultural Leadership
at Waag & DesignLab University of Twente
Frank Kresin - - @kresin
Managing Director DesignLab - Fellow Waag Society - Supervisory Board TETEM & V2_
Cultural Leadership
Cultural leadership is the act of leading the cultural sector. Like culture itself, it comes
from many different people and can be practised in many different ways. It concerns senior
managers and directors in subsidized cultural institutions; public officials developing and
implementing policy for the cultural sector; and a huge range of producers, innovators and
entrepreneurs in small companies, production houses and teams. In the cultural world,
nobody has a monopoly on leadership. 

Leading the cultural sector is practised in two different ways. First, it concerns competently
managing the organisations of the cultural sector, ensuring that they are financially
viable, legal and with well-organised staff. Second, it means leading culture itself - making
work, productions and projects which show different ways of thinking, feeling and
experiencing the world - bringing dynamism to the economy and wider society.
British Council
Cultural organisations are geared towards producing new ideas. It is their production of
these new ideas as performances, exhibitions, styles and sounds which makes them
cultural. Balancing this priority, with the need to run a financially sustainable organisation
and hopefully one that makes a positive difference to the world, is which gives cultural
leaders a unique set of challenges

• Defining value: never self-evident
• Working in networks: never alone
• Living dangerously: never repeat oneself

• Societal impact: never self-self-possessed
British Council
European Agenda
New European Agenda for Culture 2018
The European Agenda for Culture aims to “harness the full potential of
culture to help build a more inclusive and fairer Union, supporting innovation,
creativity and sustainable jobs and growth”. For this, the Agenda has three
strategic objectives:

1. Social dimension – Harnessing the power of culture and cultural
diversity for social cohesion and well-being.

2. Economic dimension – Supporting culture-based creativity in education
and innovation, and for jobs and growth.

3. External dimension - Strengthening international cultural relations.
Global Societal Challenges -
Technological Epiphanies -
Increasingly Networked -
Declining Trust -
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals -
The Role of

Cultural Institutions
in Societal Innovation

Arts and Design

• Arts & Design

• Technology & Innovation

• Ethics & Philosophy


• Activism

• Creativity

• Ownership 

• Collaboration

• Empowerment
Upper Ground: Dominant Institutions
Middle Ground: Cultural Institutions
Lower Ground: Individuals, Activist Groups, Avant Garde & Change Makers
Middle Ground Organisations
Middle Ground: Cultural Institutions
Upper Ground: Dominant Institutions
Lower Ground: Individuals, Activist Groups, Avant Garde & Change Makers
Middle Ground Organisations
David John Snowden - Cynefin Framework -
Waag, Institute for Art, Science & Technology -
DesignLab University of Twente -
V2_ Lab for Unstable Media Rotterdam -
Tetem Kunstruimte -
Societal Impact
1. the action of one object coming forcibly into
contact with another.

"there was the sound of a third impact"
2. a marked effect or influence.

“our regional measures have had a significant
impact on unemployment"
1. come into forcible contact with another object.

"the shell impacted twenty yards away”
2. have a strong effect on someone or something.

"high interest rates have impacted on retail
users as




learning by

critical design

if you can’t open it,
you don’t own it
*a set of artistic practices which take as their
theoretical and practical point of departure the
whole of human relations and their social
context, rather than an independent and
private space
Nicholas Bourriaud
Multiple Strategies for Impact
Research &
Spin offs
Books Services
Creative Research
Form - Context - Transformation
Users as Designers -
Users as DesignersUsers as Designers -
Science 2 Design 4 Society -
Multiple Research Themes






Waag Research -
Sample Outcomes
DIY Biohacking Toolkit -
FairPhone - the Sustainable Smartphone -

Smart Citizens
Amsterdam Smart Citizens Lab - Sense -
Making Sense -
Strategy &
One Page Strategies
One Page Strategy 2017, v1.1
2016 © Waag Society september 2016
Technologie is een bepalende en normerende factor in de samenleving. Het kritisch, ontwerpend onderzoek naar de grondslagen daarvan is essentieel voor het
vormgeven van de maatschappij. Daarom geeft Waag Society met makers, gebruikers, kunstenaars en wetenschappers vorm aan open, eerlijke en sociale technologie.
Waag Society draagt bij aan het ontwikkelen van open, eerlijke en sociale technologie. Daartoe bieden wij een unieke context voor interdisciplinair creatief onderzoek. We
streven naar een zo groot mogelijke impact door het ontwikkelen van pilots en prototypen, opleiden van mensen, een publieksprogramma, opinievorming en incubatie.
Strategie Aanpak Resultaten
Onderzoek en
ñ Uitwerken en uitvoeren van Research Agenda 2017-2020
ñ Kwaliteitszorg vooraf, tijdens en na projecten inrichten
ñ Actief participeren in lokalen, nationale en internationale netwerken
ñ Onderzoek naar nieuwe labs
ñ Structurele middelen voor 20% naar vrije ruimte
ñ Interne reflectie tav. overkoepelende thema’s organiseren
ñ Beeldbepalende projecten, prototypen en evenementen
ñ Kwaliteit wordt expliciet, inzichtelijk en consistenter
ñ Participatie in 5 nieuwe EU projecten
ñ Minimaal één nieuw lab ziet in de komende twee jaar het licht
ñ Per lab minimaal één goed beschreven vrij experiment
ñ Minimaal vier nieuwe publicaties
Communicatie en
ñ Iconische projecten identificeren en versterken
ñ Regelmatige rapportage van bereikcijfers
ñ Medewerkers in de spotlight zetten
ñ Sociale mediastrategie opstellen en uitvoeren
ñ Ruimte reserveren in publieksprogramma voor actualiteit
ñ Actieve deelname aan prijsvragen en awards
ñ Merk & impact WS versterken
ñ Inzicht in en vergroting van effectiviteit communicatie
ñ Medewerkers worden extern en intern als expert gezien
ñ Toegenomen bereik en impact middels sociale media
ñ Vijf bijeenkomsten aan de hand van actuele thema’s
ñ Projecten en medewerkers vallen in de prijzen
Valorisatie en
ñ Marketing opzetten / versterken
ñ uitbouwen
ñ Relatie WS – Waag Products versterken
ñ Academy programma opzetten
ñ Nieuwe opdrachtgevers en opdrachten binden
ñ Nieuwe producten en een grotere omzet
ñ Twee nieuwe Waag spin-offs in de komende vier jaar
ñ Academy gaat van ad-hoc naar structureel
Organisatie en
ñ Intern talent signaleren en versterken
ñ Versterken structurele financiering en balanspositie
ñ Versterken managerial skills programma managers en projectleiders
ñ Invoeren nieuw projectmanagement systeem
ñ Salarishuis bijstellen
ñ Opnieuw inrichten ICT infrastructuur
ñ Mensen krijgen de kans om zich te ontwikkelen
ñ Meer ruimte voor experimenten en publieksprogramma
ñ Beter geëquipeerde programma managers & projectleiders
ñ Meer inzicht in gerealiseerde & verwachte omzet en budgetten
ñ Salarishuis is rechtvaardig en financieel haalbaar
ñ Betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid ICT is vergroot
Date:	11/12/17	 	 ©	2017	/	2018	DL	
DesignLab	will	realize	new	connections	between	university	and	society,	by	linking	academic	research	and	education	to	societal	issues	and	challenges.	We	use	creativity	
and	interdisciplinarity	to	co-design	answers	to	societal	questions,	and	to	anticipate	social	implications	of	technology	during	the	process	of	innovation.	By	engaging	
students	in	our	work,	we	establish	new	connections	between	research	and	education.	By	focusing	on	projects	that	are	both	scientifically	challenging	and	societally	
relevant,	we	open	up	new	sources	of	impact,	and	new	sources	of	funding,	combining	private	and	public	sources.		
DesignLab	will	be	the	obvious	place	to	go	to	for	research	and	advice	on	complex,	interdisciplinary	questions	involving	the	interactions	between	technology	and	society	
that	require	a	creative	and	cross-disciplinary	approach.	DesignLab	will	become	a	well-known	and	respected,	sustainable	hub	for	Design	Thinking	for	societal	challenges.	It	
is	closely	aligned	with	Dutch,	European	and	UN	societal	and	sustainable	challenges	and	builds	up	a	wide	portfolio	of	projects,	and	a	network	of	talented	and	motivated	
researchers,	designers	and	students.	
Strategy:	 Approach:	 Results:	
Ø Establish	DesignLab	research	programmes	
Ø Extend	Fellowship	Programme	
Ø Establish	Living	Labs	
Ø Deepen	Collaboration	BMS	Lab	
Ø Projects,	Consortia,	Research	Portfolio,	Budget	
Ø Commitment,	(contract)	research,	advocacy	&	mentorship	
Ø Playgrounds	for	research	&	societal	impact	
Ø Enhance	HTHT	profile	of	research	
Ø Host	UT-wide	Educational	Programmes	
Ø Establish	DesignLab	Educational	Model	
Ø Develop	Educational	Modules	in	S2D4S	
Ø Showcase	Design	@	UTwente	
Ø Attract	more	students,	work	on	projects,	enhance	education	
Ø Unique	design	thinking	profile	to	attract	new	students	to	UT	
Ø Distribute/disseminate	skills	and	student	assignments	
Ø Unified	premium	brand	for	design	education	and	research	
Ø Organise	Cross-	&	Transdisciplinary	Events	
Ø DesignLab	University	&	Lectures	
Ø Co-location	with	Student	Teams	
Ø Demonstrator	Lab	/	Maker	Nights	
Ø Attract	people	from	various	faculties	&	external	stakeholders	
Ø Empowered	students	and	staff	with	design	(research)	skills	
Ø Enhanced	results,	attraction	and	innovation	buzz	
Ø More	activity	in	‘fuzzy	front-end’	of	innovation	
Ø Extend	Product	Portfolio	
Ø Market	Product	Portfolio	
Ø Extend	Design	Thinking	Leadership	
Ø Extend	(Inter)national	Affiliations	
Ø Assignments	and	research	portfolio	
Ø Visibility,	partnerships	and	assignments	
Ø Income,	research	portfolio,	legitimacy		
Ø DesignLab	becomes	internationally	recognized	platform	
Ø Enhance	sustainability		
Ø Staff	for	Success	
Ø Establish	new	‘home’	within	UT2020	&	Governance	
Ø Implement	Agile	&	Lean	work	methodology		
Ø Lowered	ecological	footprint;	thought	leadership		
Ø Enhanced	capacity	for	research	and	facilitation	
Ø Wider	impact	within	UT	
Ø Power	to	deliver	&	team	alignment
Empowering Vision & Mission

DesignLab will realize new connections between university and society,
by linking academic research and education to societal issues and
challenges. We use creativity and interdisciplinarity to co-design
answers to societal questions, and to anticipate social implications of
technology during the process of innovation. By engaging students in
our work, we establish new connections between research and
education. By focusing on projects that are both scientifically
challenging and societally relevant, we open up new sources of impact,
and new sources of funding, combining private and public sources. 


DesignLab will be the obvious place to go to for research and advice on
complex, interdisciplinary questions involving the interactions between
technology and society that require a creative and cross-disciplinary
approach. DesignLab will become a well-known and respected,
sustainable hub for Design Thinking for societal challenges. It is closely
aligned with Dutch, European and UN societal and sustainable
challenges and builds up a wide portfolio of projects, and a network of
talented and motivated researchers, designers and students.
Team Effort - Daniel Pink -
Abraham Maslow - Motivation & Personality (1954)
Artist / Scientist / Designer / Professional
Annual Budget
3,5 M euro
Local Government
Arts Funding
Creative Industries
& Arts Fund
National Research

& Arts Funding
EU Research

& Arts Funding
Training Fees
Specific Domain
Innovation Funding
Local Government
Innovation Funds
Waag Annual Financial Report (Dutch) -
• Take your existence for granted 

• Keep doing what you are good at

• Succeed in all your efforts

• Forget to build internal leadership capacity

• Don’t invest in your network

• Get carried away by content

• Engage in group thinking

• Don’t talk to your audience
Build & Maintain Networks
Diverse, wide, complementary, dependable
Value Quintuple Helix
Involving governments, universities, businesses, non-profits, nature
Engage in Local Context
Into towns, villages, communities, living labs
Empower Citizens
Make people perform, think, express, doubt & act at their best
Tell Stories
Make memorable stories - small acts, large image, big impact
Engage in Societal Debate
Presentations, Articles, Rallies, Television Programmes
Learn from Transition Management
And find the artistic / cultural niche to make Societal Change happen
But How?

(cultural values)
It’s not the product
It's the system
It’s not the method

It's the stance
It’s not the present
It's the future
It’s not (TM)
It's (CC)
It’s not you
It is us
Cultural Leadership
at Waag & DesignLab University of Twente
Frank Kresin - - @kresin
Managing Director DesignLab - Fellow Waag Society - Supervisory Board TETEM & V2_

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Cultural Leadership Forum Taipei

  • 1. Cultural Leadership at Waag & DesignLab University of Twente Frank Kresin - - @kresin Managing Director DesignLab - Fellow Waag Society - Supervisory Board TETEM & V2_
  • 2. Cultural Leadership Cultural leadership is the act of leading the cultural sector. Like culture itself, it comes from many different people and can be practised in many different ways. It concerns senior managers and directors in subsidized cultural institutions; public officials developing and implementing policy for the cultural sector; and a huge range of producers, innovators and entrepreneurs in small companies, production houses and teams. In the cultural world, nobody has a monopoly on leadership. Leading the cultural sector is practised in two different ways. First, it concerns competently managing the organisations of the cultural sector, ensuring that they are financially viable, legal and with well-organised staff. Second, it means leading culture itself - making work, productions and projects which show different ways of thinking, feeling and experiencing the world - bringing dynamism to the economy and wider society. British Council
  • 3. Challenges Cultural organisations are geared towards producing new ideas. It is their production of these new ideas as performances, exhibitions, styles and sounds which makes them cultural. Balancing this priority, with the need to run a financially sustainable organisation and hopefully one that makes a positive difference to the world, is which gives cultural leaders a unique set of challenges • Defining value: never self-evident • Working in networks: never alone • Living dangerously: never repeat oneself • Societal impact: never self-self-possessed British Council
  • 4. European Agenda New European Agenda for Culture 2018 The European Agenda for Culture aims to “harness the full potential of culture to help build a more inclusive and fairer Union, supporting innovation, creativity and sustainable jobs and growth”. For this, the Agenda has three strategic objectives: 1. Social dimension – Harnessing the power of culture and cultural diversity for social cohesion and well-being. 2. Economic dimension – Supporting culture-based creativity in education and innovation, and for jobs and growth. 3. External dimension - Strengthening international cultural relations.
  • 6. Global Societal Challenges -
  • 7. Technological Epiphanies -
  • 8. Increasingly Networked -
  • 9. Declining Trust -
  • 10. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals -
  • 11. The Role of
 Cultural Institutions in Societal Innovation
  • 12. Responsible
 Arts and Design R&D Combining • Arts & Design • Technology & Innovation • Ethics & Philosophy Featuring • Activism • Creativity • Ownership • Collaboration • Empowerment
  • 13. Upper Ground: Dominant Institutions Middle Ground: Cultural Institutions Lower Ground: Individuals, Activist Groups, Avant Garde & Change Makers Middle Ground Organisations
  • 14. Middle Ground: Cultural Institutions Upper Ground: Dominant Institutions Lower Ground: Individuals, Activist Groups, Avant Garde & Change Makers Middle Ground Organisations
  • 15. David John Snowden - Cynefin Framework -
  • 16. Waag, Institute for Art, Science & Technology -
  • 17. DesignLab University of Twente -
  • 18. V2_ Lab for Unstable Media Rotterdam -
  • 19. Tetem Kunstruimte -
  • 20. Societal Impact noun /ˈɪmpakt/ 1. the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
 "there was the sound of a third impact" 2. a marked effect or influence.
 “our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment" verb /ɪmˈpakt/ 1. come into forcible contact with another object.
 "the shell impacted twenty yards away” 2. have a strong effect on someone or something.
 "high interest rates have impacted on retail spending"
  • 21. relational aesthetics* users as
 culture learning by making 
 critical design 
 if you can’t open it, you don’t own it *a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space Nicholas Bourriaud
  • 22. Multiple Strategies for Impact Society Events Teaching Artistic Research & Development Spin offs Books Services Lobby
  • 23. Creative Research Form - Context - Transformation Users as Designers -
  • 24. Users as DesignersUsers as Designers -
  • 25. Science 2 Design 4 Society -
  • 28. DIY Biohacking Toolkit -
  • 29. FairPhone - the Sustainable Smartphone -
  • 31. Amsterdam Smart Citizens Lab -
  • 33.
  • 34. Making Sense -
  • 36. One Page Strategies One Page Strategy 2017, v1.1 2016 © Waag Society september 2016 Visie: Technologie is een bepalende en normerende factor in de samenleving. Het kritisch, ontwerpend onderzoek naar de grondslagen daarvan is essentieel voor het vormgeven van de maatschappij. Daarom geeft Waag Society met makers, gebruikers, kunstenaars en wetenschappers vorm aan open, eerlijke en sociale technologie. Missie: Waag Society draagt bij aan het ontwikkelen van open, eerlijke en sociale technologie. Daartoe bieden wij een unieke context voor interdisciplinair creatief onderzoek. We streven naar een zo groot mogelijke impact door het ontwikkelen van pilots en prototypen, opleiden van mensen, een publieksprogramma, opinievorming en incubatie. Strategie Aanpak Resultaten Onderzoek en ontwikkeling ñ Uitwerken en uitvoeren van Research Agenda 2017-2020 ñ Kwaliteitszorg vooraf, tijdens en na projecten inrichten ñ Actief participeren in lokalen, nationale en internationale netwerken ñ Onderzoek naar nieuwe labs ñ Structurele middelen voor 20% naar vrije ruimte ñ Interne reflectie tav. overkoepelende thema’s organiseren ñ Beeldbepalende projecten, prototypen en evenementen ñ Kwaliteit wordt expliciet, inzichtelijk en consistenter ñ Participatie in 5 nieuwe EU projecten ñ Minimaal één nieuw lab ziet in de komende twee jaar het licht ñ Per lab minimaal één goed beschreven vrij experiment ñ Minimaal vier nieuwe publicaties Communicatie en publieksprogramma ñ Iconische projecten identificeren en versterken ñ Regelmatige rapportage van bereikcijfers ñ Medewerkers in de spotlight zetten ñ Sociale mediastrategie opstellen en uitvoeren ñ Ruimte reserveren in publieksprogramma voor actualiteit ñ Actieve deelname aan prijsvragen en awards ñ Merk & impact WS versterken ñ Inzicht in en vergroting van effectiviteit communicatie ñ Medewerkers worden extern en intern als expert gezien ñ Toegenomen bereik en impact middels sociale media ñ Vijf bijeenkomsten aan de hand van actuele thema’s ñ Projecten en medewerkers vallen in de prijzen Valorisatie en incubatie ñ Marketing opzetten / versterken ñ uitbouwen ñ Relatie WS – Waag Products versterken ñ Academy programma opzetten ñ Nieuwe opdrachtgevers en opdrachten binden ñ Nieuwe producten en een grotere omzet ñ Twee nieuwe Waag spin-offs in de komende vier jaar ñ Academy gaat van ad-hoc naar structureel Organisatie en financiën ñ Intern talent signaleren en versterken ñ Versterken structurele financiering en balanspositie ñ Versterken managerial skills programma managers en projectleiders ñ Invoeren nieuw projectmanagement systeem ñ Salarishuis bijstellen ñ Opnieuw inrichten ICT infrastructuur ñ Mensen krijgen de kans om zich te ontwikkelen ñ Meer ruimte voor experimenten en publieksprogramma ñ Beter geëquipeerde programma managers & projectleiders ñ Meer inzicht in gerealiseerde & verwachte omzet en budgetten ñ Salarishuis is rechtvaardig en financieel haalbaar ñ Betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid ICT is vergroot DESIGNLAB ONE PAGE STRATEGY 2018 Date: 11/12/17 © 2017 / 2018 DL Vision: DesignLab will realize new connections between university and society, by linking academic research and education to societal issues and challenges. We use creativity and interdisciplinarity to co-design answers to societal questions, and to anticipate social implications of technology during the process of innovation. By engaging students in our work, we establish new connections between research and education. By focusing on projects that are both scientifically challenging and societally relevant, we open up new sources of impact, and new sources of funding, combining private and public sources. Mission: DesignLab will be the obvious place to go to for research and advice on complex, interdisciplinary questions involving the interactions between technology and society that require a creative and cross-disciplinary approach. DesignLab will become a well-known and respected, sustainable hub for Design Thinking for societal challenges. It is closely aligned with Dutch, European and UN societal and sustainable challenges and builds up a wide portfolio of projects, and a network of talented and motivated researchers, designers and students. Strategy: Approach: Results: Research Ø Establish DesignLab research programmes Ø Extend Fellowship Programme Ø Establish Living Labs Ø Deepen Collaboration BMS Lab Ø Projects, Consortia, Research Portfolio, Budget Ø Commitment, (contract) research, advocacy & mentorship Ø Playgrounds for research & societal impact Ø Enhance HTHT profile of research Education Ø Host UT-wide Educational Programmes Ø Establish DesignLab Educational Model Ø Develop Educational Modules in S2D4S Ø Showcase Design @ UTwente Ø Attract more students, work on projects, enhance education Ø Unique design thinking profile to attract new students to UT Ø Distribute/disseminate skills and student assignments Ø Unified premium brand for design education and research Platform Ø Organise Cross- & Transdisciplinary Events Ø DesignLab University & Lectures Ø Co-location with Student Teams Ø Demonstrator Lab / Maker Nights Ø Attract people from various faculties & external stakeholders Ø Empowered students and staff with design (research) skills Ø Enhanced results, attraction and innovation buzz Ø More activity in ‘fuzzy front-end’ of innovation Impact Ø Extend Product Portfolio Ø Market Product Portfolio Ø Extend Design Thinking Leadership Ø Extend (Inter)national Affiliations Ø Assignments and research portfolio Ø Visibility, partnerships and assignments Ø Income, research portfolio, legitimacy Ø DesignLab becomes internationally recognized platform Organisation Ø Enhance sustainability Ø Staff for Success Ø Establish new ‘home’ within UT2020 & Governance Ø Implement Agile & Lean work methodology Ø Lowered ecological footprint; thought leadership Ø Enhanced capacity for research and facilitation Ø Wider impact within UT Ø Power to deliver & team alignment
  • 37. Empowering Vision & Mission Vision 
 DesignLab will realize new connections between university and society, by linking academic research and education to societal issues and challenges. We use creativity and interdisciplinarity to co-design answers to societal questions, and to anticipate social implications of technology during the process of innovation. By engaging students in our work, we establish new connections between research and education. By focusing on projects that are both scientifically challenging and societally relevant, we open up new sources of impact, and new sources of funding, combining private and public sources. Mission
 DesignLab will be the obvious place to go to for research and advice on complex, interdisciplinary questions involving the interactions between technology and society that require a creative and cross-disciplinary approach. DesignLab will become a well-known and respected, sustainable hub for Design Thinking for societal challenges. It is closely aligned with Dutch, European and UN societal and sustainable challenges and builds up a wide portfolio of projects, and a network of talented and motivated researchers, designers and students.
  • 38. Team Effort - Daniel Pink -
  • 39. Abraham Maslow - Motivation & Personality (1954)
  • 41. shaped Artist / Scientist / Designer / Professional T
  • 42. Annual Budget 3,5 M euro Local Government Arts Funding Creative Industries & Arts Fund National Research
 & Arts Funding EU Research
 & Arts Funding Training Fees Specific Domain Innovation Funding Consultancy Local Government Innovation Funds Waag Annual Financial Report (Dutch) -
  • 43. Risks • Take your existence for granted • Keep doing what you are good at • Succeed in all your efforts • Forget to build internal leadership capacity • Don’t invest in your network • Get carried away by content • Engage in group thinking • Don’t talk to your audience
  • 45. Build & Maintain Networks Diverse, wide, complementary, dependable
  • 46. Value Quintuple Helix Involving governments, universities, businesses, non-profits, nature
  • 47. Engage in Local Context Into towns, villages, communities, living labs
  • 48. Empower Citizens Make people perform, think, express, doubt & act at their best
  • 49. Tell Stories Make memorable stories - small acts, large image, big impact
  • 50. Engage in Societal Debate Presentations, Articles, Rallies, Television Programmes
  • 51. Learn from Transition Management And find the artistic / cultural niche to make Societal Change happen
  • 53. It’s not the product It's the system
  • 54. It’s not the method
 It's the stance
  • 55. It’s not the present It's the future
  • 58. Cultural Leadership at Waag & DesignLab University of Twente Frank Kresin - - @kresin Managing Director DesignLab - Fellow Waag Society - Supervisory Board TETEM & V2_