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Dr. Aimon Sadaf
2nd Yr PG Scholar
Department of PG Studies Swasthavritta
I. Introduction To Rutu Sandhi
II. Word Derivation And Definition
III. History
IV. Importance And Benefits Of Ritusandhi
V. Shodhana Concepts With Their Probable Mode Of Action
VI. Critical Analysis Of Shodhana
VII.Seasonal Diseases
VIII.Research Works
IX. Discussion
X. Conclusion
• RUTU SANDHI, the seasonal junction
• Ritu= season
• Sandhi= junction, meeting place
• It’s the junction period of two ritus or a small period of meeting of two ritus or
seasons. The final few days of the previous season and the beginning of the few days
of upcoming season together constitute ritusandhi.
• It is the period in which body adopts itself to stressors of the incoming season.
• The regimen prescribed for this period is calculated to help in a smooth change over.
• Ritu-sandhi is a time period of 14days which connects the end of two
different seasons.
• In Rutusandhi one should gradually start rejecting the practices of the
previous rutu including the practices related to dietetic practices,
lifestyle and behavior.
• At the same time, he or she should gradually start practices of the
upcoming season again including diet, lifestyle and behavioral practices
of the season in coming. The practices should be adapted in a step
ladder pattern, so should the let going process.
• The idea of ritusandhi is first seen in VEDIC literature itself.
• In kausitaki brahmana (vi. 10-12) and gopatha brahmana (II 1.19) the
caturmasya sacrifices are indeed of curative significance and hence they
are performed in ritu sandhis and ritusandhi is the transition from one to
another cause illness.
• More than once the vedic texts speak of ritu mukha. In one passage, it is
said that it is not easy to decide the face of the ritu.
• Ritu are double faced or they face two sides
• The exhilarated shouts of peacocks mingled with the notes of swans, the
new blue lotuses with the kadambas still raining, their flowers forms an
example of "varsa-sharad sandhi".
 There is no direct reference of mentioning of Ritusandhi in Charaka and Susruta
 In Sangrahakala: Vagbhata mentions Ritusandhi for the first time in
Ritucarya chapter.
 Sharngadhara concised this concept to limit the period to fifteen days of
Kartika and Margasirsa and named it as "Yamadamstra” .
 Commentators of Charaka - Chakrapani, Gangadhara, and Yogindranathasena
followed Astanga Hrdaya.
 Chikitsa-tilaka of Srinivasa a combinatory work of 17th century followed
Astanga Hrdaya.
• Ritu has its influence from the time of conception until death. To
maintain the proper health and to tolerate Kalaja disorders (vyadhi) it is
essential to follow Ritusatmya.
• Ritusatmya is the regimen told for the specific Ritu for specific duration.
• Ritusandhis is not exception for this purpose .Charaka has explained a
chapter in Swastha Catuska known as Tasyasitiya.
• The Uddesa of the chapter itself reveals the importance. The strength and
luster of human beings who knows the suitable diet and regimen for
every season and practices accordingly are enhanced Regimen and diets
having opposite qualities of the habitat of the individuals and the disease
they are suffering from, But habituated things if to be given up then it is
to be done slowly and gradually otherwise it may lead to Asatmyaja
• Therefore in ritu sandhi the regimen of the preceding season should
be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should
be adopted gradually.
• Particular Krama is to be adopted i.e. So, to avoid the disease during
Ritu it is advised to followed Ritusandhi strictly by following
method of homologation with due regard to concerned Ritu, Desa,
RITUSome examples are:
1. Vata sambadhit vyadhi- Pravrt
2. Pitta sambadhit vyadhi -Sharad
3. Slesma sambadhit vyadhi- Vasanta
4. Vatika Arsas - Hemanta
5. Paittika Arsas - Sharad, Grishma
6. Slaismika Arsas - Shitakala
7. Raktaja Vyadhi - Sharad
8. Udarda - Shita Ritu
9. Visarpa,Chardi - Sharad
10. Pratisyaya - Shita Ritu
There are 6 seasons according to Indian calender. Obviously there
would be 6 ritu sandhi- seasonal junctions. They are as mentioned
1. Ritu sandhi between shishira ritu (late winter) and vasantaritu
(spring season)
This sandhi is formed by last 7 days of shishira and first 7 days of
vasantha ritu.
It’s the transition phase of shishira ritu into vasanta ritu
Dates of this ritu sandhi – March 9th to March 22nd , every year in this
ritu , the practices related to diet, lifestyle, and behavior of vasanta ritu
should be gradually practiced.
• This ritu sandhi occurs between two seasons of Adana kala,
since Shishira and vasantha fall in Adana kala.
• In this ritu sandhi, one can learn to adapt upcoming ritu ie
vasantha, while letting go the practices of the current
season. ie shishira rutu.
2. Rutu sandhi between Vasantha and Greeshma
Dates- May 9th to May 22nd every year
In this practices of vasantha related to diet, lifestyle, and behavior
should be gradually be stopped and the practices of greeshma should be
gradually practiced.
This occurs in between 2 seasons of Adana kala, since vasantha and
greeshma rutu falls in Adana kala
In this ritu sandhi, one learns to adapt to the upcoming greeshma ritu
while letting go the practices of the current season. ie vasantha ritu.
3. Ritu sandhi between Greeshma Ritu and varsha ritu
Formed by- last 7 days of greeshma and first 7 days of varsha
Dates: July 9th – July 22nd every year
• The practices of grishma is gradually stopped and varsha
ritu practices should be adapted.
• This occurs between one season of Adana kala ie. Grishma
and another season of visarga kala ie. Varsha ritu.
• In this ritusandhi , one learns to adapt to the upcoming
varsha ritu while letting go the practices of the current
season ie. Greeshma ritu.
• Knowledge of rutu sandhi helps us in adapting to different ritus. It
teach us the ways of letting go habits of the previous season related to
food, lifestyle and behavior and also practice the habits of the
upcoming season.
• The knowledge of this helps to quickly accommodate and adjust to the
upcoming season.
• Helps to prevent and treat many seasonal disorders
• Helps to adapt preventive measures towards taking precautions with
respect to the impending diseases which might occur in the next
Why should we adapt or let go the practices in
a gradual way in the Ritu-sandhi?
• Practicing anything or letting go anything suddenly is not easy . Both
the processes which need to be done gradually. They need to be done
in bits and parcels, gradually . The body doesn’t tolerate when
regular practice all of a sudden.
• Ex. Giving off the practice of smoking or alcohol consumption
suddenly is difficult. It may be done suddenly but they will have
serious impact on the health, including withdrawal symptoms.
• They need to be given off gradually.
• Similarly, its very difficult to let go of things .
• Ex- it is advised to keep away or avoid katu rasa ahara and
amla rasa ahara in sharad rutu as they would aggrevate
pitta.But if we love consuming spicy and sour foods , it
would aggravate pitta and lead to pitta disorders. Therefore
we should gradually reduce these rasas or tastes from our
diet, not suddenly but in bits and parcels. This should be
done in the rutu sandhi between varsha ritu and sharad ritu.
Rutu Sandhi- seasonal junction, meaning,
rules to follow and precautions:
• Ritucharya – seasonal regimen teaches us how to adapt to various seasons
and seasonal changes in terms of small adjustments we need to make
during various seasons with respect to diet, lifestyle and behavior.
• Following the rules and regulations of Ritucharya is utmost important to
enjoy a comprehensive health through out the year.
• Most of us are programmed to get adjusted to one or the other season. For
some of us summer is compatible and for others winter is compatible.
• Only a few will have a good immunity and tolerance. Many times it
becomes very difficult for us to get adjusted to different seasons as and
when they change.
• Ayurveda the science of life and the only science which guides about
healthy regimens to live healthy , happy and long life. The Bio-
purification or Detoxification therapy which will eliminate the
vitiated toxins present in the body in terms of Vamanadi measures.
• According to different seasons there will be vitiation of Doshas in
the body which may in turn leads to different disease. If one should
take care of this by performing specific Shodhana (Bio-purification)
in respective Seasons may pacify the vitiated dosha and help in
preventing the ailment, these will act as preventive, promotive and
• The aim of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya
vikara prashamana” so to maintain health of an healthy individual to
maintain this Seasonal Bio-purification is very helpful.
• Daily regimens are like Massage, Exercise, Gurgling, Gandusha, Powder
massage, Nasal medication. Seasonal regimens include detoxification
according to the seasons like in Vasant-Vamana, Sharad-Virechana
and Raktamokshana, and in Varsha- Basti (Niruhabasti and
Anuvasana) (C.Si. 6/4)
• Aggravated doshas are pacified by Reduction therapy (Langhana),
Digestion (Pachana) and palliative therapy (Shamana) but there may
be chances of reoccurrence.
• By adopting Biopurification therapy the doshas get eliminated from
its root, if once eliminated from the body it won’t reoccur, that is
called Apunarbhava chikitsa (radical treatment) (Ch.Su.7/38)
• Increases the activity of Enzymes, Rehabilitation, makes the
senses active, keeps the mind calm, increases the
intelligence, improves the strength, complexion, Virility,
promote the health and extend ageing.
• Expels the metabolic waste products, alleviate the disease,
improves the strength, complexion, all these are attained by
• Panchakarma the fivefold treatments gaining more
popularity in the present scenario because of its wide
applicability and highly result oriented treatment measures.
• These are now a days recognized by Detoxification therapy
and Bio-purification therapy where the toxins are eliminated
from the body.
• Panchakarma treatments are mainly indicated in all chronic
disorders. The specialty of these treatments is not only
indicated in diseased person but also in healthy individual as
preventive aspects.
• Acharyas have been explained that in every person’s body
according to Seasons because of different Food, Regimens
and behaviors there will be Accumulation, aggravation and
Spreading of doshas’s which further vitiates them and
causes symptoms of different disease.
• All most all Acharyas discussed about Seasonal Bio
purification, which will help to pacify the vitiated dosha and
prevent the manifestation of forthcoming diseases.
• Acharya Vagbhata has discussed different types of
Panchakarma including adjuant therapies in Rutucharya
adhyaya. These are also named as Swasthya Panchakarma,
means a healthy individual can undergo different Shodhana
as preventive and maintainance of health of an individual.
• Chakrapani on Charaka samhita explained Swastha
chatushka and guided about maintainance of health of a
person and prevent from diseases, to live healthy happy and
long life.
• Acharya Charaka said in Spring season (Vasantha rutu) because of
strong Sun rays it produces accumulation of Pitta, to pacify this in
Autumn season(Sharad rutu) intake of Tikta rasa yukta grta paana,
Purgation therapy(Virechana), and Blood letting therapy
(Raktamokshana) treatments are carried out.
• Acharya Sharangadhara added in Autumn season, Spring season and
Pravrit rutu by analyzing Dosha, Deshadi the intellect physician should
give Emesive therapy(VAMANA), Purgation therapy(VIRECHANA),
and Enema (BASTI) respectively.
• According to dosha in different Season naturally there will be
accumulation of dosha’s and for this bio-purification is explained.
• For accumulated Kapha (chaya)in Early Winter season ,This is
eliminated in Spring season.
• For accumulated Vata(chaya) in Summer season- This is eliminated
in Monsoon season
• For accumulated Pitta(chaya) in Spring- in Sharad rutu Shodhana
is carried out by this it won’t produce Seasonal disease.
Different Panchakarma including Upakrama are said in
different Rutu as follows:
In Varsha: Vyayama, Udvarthana, Abhyanga, Sweda, Dhuma, Anjana
and Atapasnana are indicated.
In Vasanta: Vamana, Dhuma, Gandhusha, Navana Nasya, Vyayama,
Basti should be administered. In Sharad: intake of medicated fats like
Tiktaka Ghrita, Virechana and Raktamokshana. Teekshna Vamana
karma, Nasya, Karpura, Chandana, Agaru, Kunkuma lepa. Udvarthana,
Dhuma, Kavalagraha are beneficial.
• Swasthya Panchakarma helps as preventive, curative and health
Including Upakrama’s help in following way:
• Benefits of Abhyanga: Longevity, pacifies strain, Vatahara,
increases vision power, Nourishes, induce sleep, and gives
compactness to the body.
• Shiroabhyanga: Nourishes Hair, Sense organs Padabhyanga:
increases vision power, Nourishes, induce sleep, burning sensation
over feet, and pacifies strain, Stiffness, Sankocha, Pada snigdhata.
• Udvarthana: This is mainly indicated in Vasantha rutu. By doing
this we can prevent the kapha janya vikaras. Pacifies Kapha, Vata
and Medhahara, Gives compactness to the body, increases skin
• Kavala, Gandhusha: Nourishes and enhances perception of all
sense organs, Lightness in the head, Indriya prasada, Pacifies excess
salivation, emaciation and oral ulcers.
• Dhumapana: Lightness in the head, Prasanendriya, Strength to
hairs, beautiful face and pacifies diseases like Sinusitis, Diseases
related to head, Ear and Nose. Lepa: Varnya, Twachya, Kandu,
Shoola, Dahanashaka (Sharad rutu)
 Vamana: Increases digestive fire, pacify doshas, Drowsiness and
 Virechana: Enhances Vision power, increases strength and intellect,
gives longevity, Pacifies disease.
 Basti: Gives longevity, Strength, colour, Voice, nectar, rejuvenation
and Aphrodisiac effect.
• Increases enzyme activity, clears the channels, makes the sense
organs active, improves the colour and complexion, improves the
virility, delays the ageing process, nourishes the tissues, enhances
strength and help the person to live for 100 years
• They act as Preventive, Curative and Health Promotive. It has now
been scientifically shown that a natural purification treatment can
successfully eliminate environmentally toxic substances such as
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB’s) and pesticides from the body,
without side effects.
• Bio-purification makes the biological system to return to normalcy &
to rejuvenate rapidly.
• Sharadritu is a time for pitta prakopa. The body that is habituated to
cold of varsha ritu, all of a sudden gets exposed to heat of the sun
• The pitta which was accumulated in rainy season gets provoked by
ushna guna of this season. This result in the prakopa of pitta and
shamana of vata dosha and person will land up in pittaja vikara.
• As rakta is having ashraya ashrayee sambhandha with pitta, diseases
related to rakta are also bound to occur.
• Virechana is the purificatory measure administered in sharad ritu for
preventing and controlling pitta prakopa.
• Prevention has been given the prime importance in the classics of
• Swasthavritta, Sadvritta, Rasayana and Vajikarana Tantra are
propagated in the Ayurvedic classics with this lone intention.
• Dinacharya (daily regime) and Ritucharya (seasonal regime) are
inseparable entities of Ayurveda which are highlighted in order to
prevent the disorders, which may arise due to indulging in the
unwholesome food and behaviour without considering the variation
in the
 All the Ritus are broadly classified into Adana and Visargha Kala
depending on the predominance of particular Mahabhuta.
 Dosha gets Chaya, Prakopa and Prashamana naturally in various
 Vata, Pittta and Kapha Dosha gets Chaya, Prakopa, Prashamana in
Greeshmaadi, Varshaadi, and Shishiradi Rutu respectively
This natural phenomenon is termed as Ritu Kriyakala.
• In Prakopa Avastha the Dosha tends to move out of its own site and
thus produce set of symptoms of a particular Dosha. All the classics
have highlighted Ritu Anusara Shodhana in order to tackle the forth
coming diseases as a part of prevention.
• Kopa is spreading of the increased Dosha to different places; it
causes appearance of their own features, feeling of ill-health and
occurrence of premonitory symptoms and manifestation of diseases.
• The very same Dosha, depending upon the nature of the causative
factors, travels to many parts of the body and produces many
diseases, hence treatment should be started soon after determining
the nature of the disease, its site, its cause, etc
• The Dosha are to be pacified in the state of Caya itself before
proceeding in to the state of Prakopa, without prejudice to the
aggravated Dosha. When all the three Doshas become vitiated,
Dosha which is more vitiated is to be pacified first, without
affecting the rest of the Dosha.
• Elimination of the Dosha during Sharad Ritu makes the person get
rid of the diseases aroused due to Pitta by the effect of the seasons.
In Sharad Ritu, all of a sudden the body habituated to cold effect get
exposed to heat of the sun rays. The Pitta which was accumulated in
rainy season gets provoked by Ushna of this season. This result in the
Prakopa of Pitta and Shamana of Vata Dosha and person will land up in
Pittaja Vikara. As Rakta is having Ashraya Ashrayee Sambhandha with
Pitta, Diseases related to Rakta are also bound to occur.
The feature of Pitta Prakopa like burning sensation, temperature,
suppuration, perspiration, moisture, gangrene, sloughing, prostration,
fainting, intoxication, sore or acrid eructation, colour except white and
deep red will be seen.
• Classics have recommended either Virechana Karma or Rakta Mokshana
as a measure of purification in order to tackle the abnormalities of Pitta
and Rakta after consumption of Tiktaka Grita.
• The Sharat Rutu is decided based on the features like the sky is clear of
clouds, the earth is full of slush, Kasha grass, Saptahva, water lily and
paddy saplings with the absence of clouds, the sun rays are spreading wide
and are hot, lakes and ponds having waves raised by the fish moving
underneath the lotus leaves and movement of Swans, the water of the
ponds is clear.
• The qualities of the seasons are to be understood in respect of Swarupa
rather than the Masa and Rashi. Based on the Lakshana of Sharat Rutu
one should adopt vigorous Rutu Charya.
Diet- when hungry the person should take food which is of sweet
(madhur), bitter (tikta) & astringent (kashaya) in taste, and easily
digestible such as shali (rice), mudga (green-gram), sita (sugar), dhatri
(amalaki), patol, madhu (honey), and meat of dessert animals (jangal
mans). Hamsodaka should be advised to drink.
Other changes in lifestyle- evenings should be spent on terraces of
houses which are white, anointing the body with the paste of chandana,
ushira & karpura, wearing garlands of pearls and shining dress and
enjoying the moonlight.
Avoid- exposure to mist, indulgence in alkaline substances (tikshna
kshara), heavy meals, use of curd, oils, vasa (muscle-fat), exposure to
sunlight, strong liquors, sleeping at daytime and the eastern breeze
should be avoided.
Liquefied matter then glides through various unctuous or smooth channels
towards Kostha
Enter 'Amasaya' and then stimulated by 'Udana Vayu“
Having the dominance of 'Prithivi' and 'Jala' elements in the constitution
along with self disposition (Prabhava)
Move in downward direction towards Anus
(due to Sara guna)
Expelled to outside through it
Ingestion of Virechana drug
Irritation of gastric mucosa
Sensory signal goes to defecation centre in Medulla oblongata
Motor response from defecation centre
Through ganglionic plexus Through vagus nerve
Increased peristalsis Secretion of various enzymes from
Gall bladder, pancreas, bruner’s gland
Reduced absorption Fluid accumulation in the gut
Increased hydrostatic pressure
Irritation of sacral & lumber plexus
Virechana drugs irritates gastric mucosa. Then Sensory
signal goes to defecation centre in Medulla oblongata. After
that the Motor response goes to defecation centre. Through
ganglionic plexus it increases peristalsis & through Vagus
nerve it secrets various enzymes from Gall bladder, pancreas,
bruner’s gland. Then Reduced absorption & Fluid
accumulation in the gut takes place. It helps to increase
hydrostatic pressure. Then Irritation of sacral & lumber plexus
takes place. Then the defecation occur.
POSITION – According to Parashara, Guda is the Mula of the body where all
the siras
are located. When basti dravyas administered through the guda, it reaches all
over the
body. Basti should given to the patient lying on left lateral side as as the
Grahani & Guda
are situated on the left side of the body. (Cha.Si- 3/24)
PAKVASAYA – The given Basti when enters into the pakvasaya, by its virya
,draws the morbid dosha lodged in the entire body from foot to head, just as
the sun situated in the
sky sucks up the moisture from the earth. (Cha. Si-7/64)
• Basti dravya reaches first to pakvasaya & the to the Grahani.
Pakvasaya is the site of purishdhara kala & Grahani is the site of
pittadhara kala. Acharya Dalhana says that purishdhara kala & asthi
dhara kala is same and pittadhara kala & majja dhara kala is same.
• So from these we say that basti has direct action on asthi & majja
dhatu. Majja is present in the asthi. Also mastulanga is considered as
mastaka majja is the seat of vata.
• So in this way basti is act in CNS. (Su.Kal-4/40) (Su.Su-32/12)
The mode of action of basti can be understand in the
following way –Drug is administered through anal region
• It gets absorbed in intestinal mucosa & works by 4
mechanism –
1. By absorption mechanism
2. By system biology mechanism
3. By neural stimulation mechanism
4. By excretory mechanism
Hyper osmosis takes place from colon cell
to lumen
Absorption of endotoxins
Irritation of Large intestine (due to irrtant
Drug is administered through anal region
It gets absorbed in intestinal mucosa
Lipid soluble Water soluble
Passive diffusion Active diffusion
By these diffusion mechanism the Basti drugs goes to epithelial cell.
Then it goes to the capillaries.
Then goes to cell after that molecules.
Drug given
ENS is stimulated
Excites Mysentric plexus & sub mucosal plexus
Neurotransmitters carries information to CNS
CNS acts independently to produce the GUT feeling
• The sigmoidal, rectal & anal region of large intestine are
considerably better supplied with parasympathetic nerve fibers than
other part of intestine. They are mainly stimulating in action &
functions especially on defecation reflexes.
(emesis in spring season)
• Vasantika vamana is done in spring season approximately in the month of
march and april for the elimination of vitiated kapha dosha which in turn
helps to prevent the forth coming kapha disorders and associated pitta
disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of kapha like
bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, migraine,
hyperacidity, indigestion, anorexia, obesity, overweight, dyslipidemia,
diabetes mellitus, acne vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria etc.
• Vasantika vamana in ayurvedic texts, vamana procedure is indicated for
the expulsion of kapha dosha. Kapha dosha is aggravated in vasant rutu;
hence, vamana is indicated in spring season approximately in the month of
march and april.
Vasantika Vamana–Contra-Indications/Indications
Almost everybody can undergo Vasantika Vamana except those
suffering from the diseases contraindicated for Vamana like bleeding
from the upper channels like mouth, upper GIT, bronchial tree,
emaciated, very old, pregnant woman, persons with hypertension and
heart diseases, exclusively Vata constitution and Vata disorders.
Especially it is highly beneficial for volnteers of Kapha and Kapha-Pitta
constitution and patients suffering with Kapha disorders and associated
disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of Kapha like
bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD,
productive cough, migraine, hyperacidity, indigestion, anorexia, obesity,
overweight, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases like acne
vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, Lichen Plannus, vitiligo,
urticaria, falling and graying of hairs, inflammatory and swollen joint
disorders of early stage, depression, drowsiness, excessive sleep,
epilepsy, certain auto immune diseases etc.
It can be divided into three steps
1. Purva Karma (preoperative preparation)
2. Pradhana Karma (operative procedure/induction of Vamana)
3. Pashchat Karma (post operative care)
4. Purva Karma ( Pre-operative preparation) Pachana and Deepana (digestives
and appetizers)
Trikatu Churna 2 g, Chitrakadi Vati/Amapachana Vati 2 tab TID with warm water
for three days.
Abhyantara Snehana (internal oleation)
Shuddha Ghrita/Siddha Ghrita or Tail (plain/medicated ghee/oil) was given in
increasing dose for three to seven days as per the requirement till achieving the signs
and symptoms of proper Snehana.
Abhyanga (massage) and Swedana (fomentation)
After proper Snehana on next day, Abhyanga was done with Bala Taila
followed by Sarvanga Swedana two times a day for one day and next
day morning before administering Vamana again. Abhyanga with Bala
Taila followed by Sarvang Swedana was done.
Dietetic guidelines during Purva Karma
Diet during the days of Snehapana
Patients were advised to take moderate quantity of liquid and warm
food, easy to digest mixed with little fat, which is neither sticky nor
complex and to drink lukewarm water.
Diet on previous day of Vamana
Patients were advised to have plenty of milk, curd, sweets like sesame
and Jaggary Laddu, Jalebi, Khicadi made from black gram, sesame,
jaggary and rice or Dahi Wada.
Observation of Shuddhi Lakshana:
After Vamana, different aspects should assess the Shuddhi Lakshanas.
Chakrapani classifies all the signs and symptoms of Samyaka Shuddhi
into four group viz. Antiki, Maniki , Vaigiki and Laingiki.
Paschat Karma: After completion of Vamana Karma, all types of care
taken, until the patient is put to his normal diet and regimen may be
grouped under Pashchat Karma.
SamsarjanaKrama: Vigorous shodhana done by Vamana causes
weakness, loss of weight, freeness of sandhibandh, decrease in the Agni,
and emptiness in respective Asayas due to expulsion of Vata, Kapha,
Pitta and Mala. Due to these, the specific diet prescribed after Vamana
Karma until the patient start taking his normal diet may be taken as
Vimana drugs possessing the properties like Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavayi,
Vikasi Guna and
with their ‘Swavirya’
Move to ‘Hridaya’
From there, through various ‘Dhamanis’ lead to micro and macro channels in
the body
Act over the vitiated complexes in the body
(i) With 'Agneya Property' - liquefy the complexes
(ii) With 'Tiksna property' - Break them down into several particles
Liquefied matter then glides through various unctuous or smooth channels towards Kostha
Enter 'Amasaya' and then stimulated by 'Udana Vayu“
Having the dominance of 'Agni' and 'Vayu' elements in the
constitution along with self
disposition (Prabhava)
Move in upward direction towards oral cavity
Expelled to outside through it
• Vamaka drug has the properties like Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavayi,
Vikasi guna & and with their ‘Swavirya’ moves to hridaya.
• Then it circulates all over the body through various dhamanis and acts over
the vitiated complexes in the body.
• Then it liquefies the complexes & break them into several particles. After
that it moves upward direction due to urdhaga prabhava & expels out
through mouth.
• In case of Virechana it moves downwards due to adhaga prabhava &
expels out through anus.
Upper GIT when full Electrical Stimuli for Psychic Stimuli
of contents stimulation administration of drugs
Over distended & Over excitable stimulation Directly stimulates hypothalamus
Stimulates Vomiting centre
Automatic motor reaction
Motor impulses are transmitted from vomiting centre through
5th,7th,9th,10th,12th Cranial nerves Spinal nerves
Upper GIT Diaphragm & abdominal muscles
Initiates VOMITING
Basti Chikitsa is considered to be a prime treatment modality among the
Panchakarma in Ayurveda. It has not only curative aspects but also preventive and
promotive aspects. Acharya Charaka has considered it as the chief treatment
regimen for various disorders.
The word Basti is derived from the root 'Vas' by adding 'Tich' Pratyaya and it
belongs to masculine gender.
Basti means:-
• Reside, to stay, to dwell, Cover/to coat. Coating of Sneha for the elimination.
• It denotes an organ, which covers the urine.
• It denotes an organ situated below the umbilicus, which hold the urine.
• It denotes an instrument used for the administration of the medicine.
Systemic Action of Basti
The Virya of Basti administered through the Basti into the Pakvashaya
reaches the whole body through the channels (Srotasa), as the active
principles in the water when poured at the root of the tree reaches the
whole plant(Su. Chi. 35/25)
Eliminative or Purificative Action of Basti :
Basti administered into Pakvashaya draws the Dosha/Mala from all over
the body from the foot to the head by the virtue of its Virya, just as the
sun situated in the sky draws the moisture from the earth by its heat.
(Ch. Si. 7/64)
Action of Basti on Vayu :
Vayu is considered to be the main controller of the body. Now if Vayu
alone or in combination with other Dosha get vitiated, then Basti by the
way of evacuation or elimination normalizes the path of Vayu along
with Pitta, Kapha and fecal matter.
Importance of Basti Over Vamana and Virechana :
• Vamana and Virechana are contraindicated in old person, children
and in weak patient. Because they have not gained sufficient strength
of Dhatu or their strength is diminished respectively.
• Inspite of doing proper elimination, Virechana may produce
uneasiness, belching, nausea and abdominal pain due to the use of or
ingestion of pungent, Kshara and Ushna drugs.
These are the rectal injections that are used for various purpose. Depending
upon the dose to be given they are classified as small enema and large
enema. An enema of less than half a liter might be considered as small enema
and of more than half a liter is considered as large enema.
Need For Rectal Administration
When it is desired to spare the stomach and intestine from the action
of drug or to protect the drug from action of digestive ferments.
In the individual who are not willing to take disagreeable tasting
medicaments, rectal administration becomes an important source.
Indication of Enemas :
To evacuate and clean the large bowel before operative procedures.
To stimulate the uterine contraction and to induce labor.
Used as prerequisites before operation on lower G.I.T., anal canal etc.
For soothing the irritant mucosa of colon.
To stimulate the patient – coffee enema in narcotic poisoning.
To relieve distension.
To supply fluid and nutrients.
To check diarrhoea e.g. starch enema. To relieve retention of
urine in chronic constipation.
Basti is not merely Enema
• After discussing both Basti and enema, it can be concluded that Basti
is not merely the enema , rather it is a highly complex, sophisticated
and systemic therapy having wider range of therapeutic actions and
• It has been considered as prime treatment modality for Vata Dosha.
• Innumerable Basti can be formulated using various drugs in different
proportions for various diseases and for different patients.
• Specific rules and regulations are indicated for the administration of
Basti which must be followed to obtain the desirable result. On
contrary to this, enema is simply used for evacuation of colon and in
some instances for rehydration and administration of medicine.
The international team of researchers analyzed blood and tissue samples from
more than 16,000 people living around the world.
Of the 22,000 genes they scrutinized - which is nearly all the genes humans
possess - a quarter showed clear signs of seasonal variation.
That increase in inflammation could now be a risk factor for diseases of modern
• During cold, winter months - December to February for people living north of
the equator and June to August for those in the southern hemisphere - these
genes were more active.
• When they studied people living close to the equator, where the
temperatures are fairly high all year round, they noticed a different
pattern. Immunity and inflammation was linked to the rainy season, when
diseases such as malaria are more.
• In Iceland, where it is cold most of the time, they found fewer seasonal
• Prof John Todd, one of the study authors, who is based at Cambridge
University in the UK, said the findings could explain why people were
prone to certain diseases at particular times of year.
• In summer heat waves can also affect humans, creating exorbitant
feelings of tiredness in places where the heat is excessive.
• In winter the lack of light generates more imbalances as the amount
of melatonin needs to secrete for a longer period of time; this is
nothing new, light makes us feel better at all levels.
• In many cases the change of season affects humans by increasing
anxiety, migraines an rheumatic problems that are accompanied by
the aforementioned depression.
• While these disorders are present more in autumn and winter , the
truth is that every season has its own meteoropathy.
• Some seasons make certain mental diseases worse
• In autumn, we see increase in depression and panic disorders as there
is usually a considerable amount of rain.
• In some changes of seasons we may suffer from emotional distress ,
this is due to reduced daylight hours in the colder seasons.
• Seasons are divided in two parts .Adana kala and visarga kala.
• Adana kala- Adana kala means the period when sun is closer to the
earth and hence absorb body strength during this portion of year.
Body strength decrease due to uttarayana (Sun travels from
southernmost point to the northernmost point) adana kala consists
Shishira,Vasant,Grishma seasons.
• Visarga kala– Visarga kala means the period when sun is away from
the earth and hence body strength increases.this is period of
dakshinayana( Sun travels from northern most point to southernmost
• Visarga kala consists Varsha,Sharad,Hemant seasons
Vasant rutu- In this season kapha gets vitiated .The symptoms of kapha vitiation
are agnisadana ( vitiation are suppressed digestion), praseka(exess salivation),
gaurava(heaviness),Shwaitya(pallor),Shaitya(shivers),Slathangatva(loss of
• Among bruhatrayee Charaka has mentioned
• Sushrutacharya has mentioned kaval,Niruha in addition.Vagbhata has
mentioned nasya,gandusha in addition. These all treatments pacify kapha
vitiation .
• In todays era during this season the outbreak of diseases like
Chickenpox,Measles,Whooping cough, Rubella and Trachoma are
• Kapha is main vitiated dosha in these diseases. Shodhana and
allied treatments of vasant rutucharya prevent and cure symptoms
of seasonal outbreaks.
• Seasonal diseases mentioned during this period are Amoebiasis
which is related to digestive system and
• polio which can be called as vatavyadhi.
• Varsha Rutu- In This Season Vata Is Vitiated And Symptoms Seen Are
Karsha(wt Loss),karshnya(skin Complexion Becomes Dark),ushna
Kamitva (Affinity Of Heat),kampa Tremors),anaha(accumulation Of
Gases),shakrutgrava(constipation) Are Observed.
• Pralap (Exess Talking)a ,Bhrama(vertigo),deenata(feeling Of Energy
• Pitta Dosha Is Accumulates In This Season And Symptoms Are
Pitavbhasata ( Yellowish Stinge To Skin Colour), Mandoshmata
Anganam(feeling Chill)
• Shodhana Treatment In This Season According To Bruhatyayee Is Niruha
Basti,udvartana And Udgharshana Which Is Vataghna.
• Seasonal diseases found are mainly of vata and pitta like Typhoid fever
Malaria Polio Hepa titis-A, Bacterial diarrhoea, Cholera, Hook worms,
Leptospirosis in these diseases we find vata and pitta involvement
according to Ayurveda.
• Sharad rutu- in this season pitta dosha gets vitiated.Symptoms are
pitavinmuttra,netra and tvak, kshudha(exess hunger), daha(burning
• sensation),alpanidrata(insomnia)
• Shodhana chikitsa in this season in bruhatrayee are
• Seasonal outbreaks are Polio, Typhoid fever, Malaria which resemble with
pitta vitiation.
• In modern era seasonal epidemic infections are found.
• Climate changes cause infectious diseases. Pathogenic organisms
survive outside the host body in favorable weather conditions like
temperature, humidity, sunlight.
• Annual variation in climate therefore result rising incidences of
different seasonal diseases. When these pathogens survive outside
the host bodies due to favorable weather conditions, they infect other
individuals. If the immunity of host is suppressed they catch these
seasonal infections.
Shodhana acts as preventive, curative & health promotive aspects –
• Preventive aspect
Shodhana therapy ideally suits for those person who is tend to go through a disease.
Thus the sufficient prevention is maintained for the occurrence of the pathogenesis.
• Curative aspects
When the disease has actually taken place to the vital, to break the pathogenesis, the
vital mode of treatment is Shodhana therapy.
• Health promotive aspect
Not only preventive & curative aspects, it also helps in rebuilding the health.
Shodhana treatments mentioned in bruhatrayee need to come in practice as
preventive and immunity Enhancer according to Ritucharya to overcome seasonal
1. Charaka Samhita
2. Ashtanga Hridaya & Sangraha
3. Sushruta Samhita
4. Sharangdhara Samhita
5. Articles related to Rutu sandhi, Concepts of shodhana, Preventive
aspects of Ritucharya
6. Wikipedia & Internet sources.
Critical analysis on Ritu Sandhi

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Critical analysis on Ritu Sandhi

  • 1. CRITICALANALYSIS OF SHODHANA SCHEDULE FOR RITU- SANDHI IN PROMOTION OF HEALTH Dr. Aimon Sadaf 2nd Yr PG Scholar Department of PG Studies Swasthavritta JSSAMC Mysuru
  • 2. CONTENTS I. Introduction To Rutu Sandhi II. Word Derivation And Definition III. History IV. Importance And Benefits Of Ritusandhi V. Shodhana Concepts With Their Probable Mode Of Action VI. Critical Analysis Of Shodhana VII.Seasonal Diseases VIII.Research Works IX. Discussion X. Conclusion
  • 3. WORD DERIVATION • RUTU SANDHI, the seasonal junction • Ritu= season • Sandhi= junction, meeting place
  • 4. DEFINITION OF RITU-SANDHI • It’s the junction period of two ritus or a small period of meeting of two ritus or seasons. The final few days of the previous season and the beginning of the few days of upcoming season together constitute ritusandhi. • It is the period in which body adopts itself to stressors of the incoming season. • The regimen prescribed for this period is calculated to help in a smooth change over.
  • 5. • Ritu-sandhi is a time period of 14days which connects the end of two different seasons. • In Rutusandhi one should gradually start rejecting the practices of the previous rutu including the practices related to dietetic practices, lifestyle and behavior. • At the same time, he or she should gradually start practices of the upcoming season again including diet, lifestyle and behavioral practices of the season in coming. The practices should be adapted in a step ladder pattern, so should the let going process.
  • 6. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF RITU-SANDHI • The idea of ritusandhi is first seen in VEDIC literature itself. • In kausitaki brahmana (vi. 10-12) and gopatha brahmana (II 1.19) the caturmasya sacrifices are indeed of curative significance and hence they are performed in ritu sandhis and ritusandhi is the transition from one to another cause illness. • More than once the vedic texts speak of ritu mukha. In one passage, it is said that it is not easy to decide the face of the ritu. • Ritu are double faced or they face two sides • The exhilarated shouts of peacocks mingled with the notes of swans, the new blue lotuses with the kadambas still raining, their flowers forms an example of "varsa-sharad sandhi".
  • 7. SAMHITA-KALA  There is no direct reference of mentioning of Ritusandhi in Charaka and Susruta Samhita.  In Sangrahakala: Vagbhata mentions Ritusandhi for the first time in Ritucarya chapter.  Sharngadhara concised this concept to limit the period to fifteen days of Kartika and Margasirsa and named it as "Yamadamstra” .  Commentators of Charaka - Chakrapani, Gangadhara, and Yogindranathasena followed Astanga Hrdaya.  Chikitsa-tilaka of Srinivasa a combinatory work of 17th century followed Astanga Hrdaya.
  • 8. • Ritu has its influence from the time of conception until death. To maintain the proper health and to tolerate Kalaja disorders (vyadhi) it is essential to follow Ritusatmya. • Ritusatmya is the regimen told for the specific Ritu for specific duration. • Ritusandhis is not exception for this purpose .Charaka has explained a chapter in Swastha Catuska known as Tasyasitiya. • The Uddesa of the chapter itself reveals the importance. The strength and luster of human beings who knows the suitable diet and regimen for every season and practices accordingly are enhanced Regimen and diets having opposite qualities of the habitat of the individuals and the disease they are suffering from, But habituated things if to be given up then it is to be done slowly and gradually otherwise it may lead to Asatmyaja roga.
  • 9. • Therefore in ritu sandhi the regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should be adopted gradually. • Particular Krama is to be adopted i.e. So, to avoid the disease during Ritu it is advised to followed Ritusandhi strictly by following method of homologation with due regard to concerned Ritu, Desa, Abhyasasatmya.
  • 10. DISEASE ONSET AND RELATION OF RITUSome examples are: 1. Vata sambadhit vyadhi- Pravrt 2. Pitta sambadhit vyadhi -Sharad 3. Slesma sambadhit vyadhi- Vasanta 4. Vatika Arsas - Hemanta 5. Paittika Arsas - Sharad, Grishma 6. Slaismika Arsas - Shitakala 7. Raktaja Vyadhi - Sharad 8. Udarda - Shita Ritu 9. Visarpa,Chardi - Sharad 10. Pratisyaya - Shita Ritu
  • 11. NUMBER OF RUTUSANDHI’S There are 6 seasons according to Indian calender. Obviously there would be 6 ritu sandhi- seasonal junctions. They are as mentioned below: 1. Ritu sandhi between shishira ritu (late winter) and vasantaritu (spring season) This sandhi is formed by last 7 days of shishira and first 7 days of vasantha ritu. It’s the transition phase of shishira ritu into vasanta ritu Dates of this ritu sandhi – March 9th to March 22nd , every year in this ritu , the practices related to diet, lifestyle, and behavior of vasanta ritu should be gradually practiced.
  • 12. • This ritu sandhi occurs between two seasons of Adana kala, since Shishira and vasantha fall in Adana kala. • In this ritu sandhi, one can learn to adapt upcoming ritu ie vasantha, while letting go the practices of the current season. ie shishira rutu.
  • 13. 2. Rutu sandhi between Vasantha and Greeshma Dates- May 9th to May 22nd every year In this practices of vasantha related to diet, lifestyle, and behavior should be gradually be stopped and the practices of greeshma should be gradually practiced. This occurs in between 2 seasons of Adana kala, since vasantha and greeshma rutu falls in Adana kala In this ritu sandhi, one learns to adapt to the upcoming greeshma ritu while letting go the practices of the current season. ie vasantha ritu.
  • 14. 3. Ritu sandhi between Greeshma Ritu and varsha ritu Formed by- last 7 days of greeshma and first 7 days of varsha ritu. Dates: July 9th – July 22nd every year • The practices of grishma is gradually stopped and varsha ritu practices should be adapted. • This occurs between one season of Adana kala ie. Grishma and another season of visarga kala ie. Varsha ritu. • In this ritusandhi , one learns to adapt to the upcoming varsha ritu while letting go the practices of the current season ie. Greeshma ritu.
  • 15.
  • 17. • Knowledge of rutu sandhi helps us in adapting to different ritus. It teach us the ways of letting go habits of the previous season related to food, lifestyle and behavior and also practice the habits of the upcoming season. • The knowledge of this helps to quickly accommodate and adjust to the upcoming season. • Helps to prevent and treat many seasonal disorders • Helps to adapt preventive measures towards taking precautions with respect to the impending diseases which might occur in the next season. BENEFITS:
  • 18. Why should we adapt or let go the practices in a gradual way in the Ritu-sandhi? • Practicing anything or letting go anything suddenly is not easy . Both the processes which need to be done gradually. They need to be done in bits and parcels, gradually . The body doesn’t tolerate when regular practice all of a sudden. • Ex. Giving off the practice of smoking or alcohol consumption suddenly is difficult. It may be done suddenly but they will have serious impact on the health, including withdrawal symptoms. • They need to be given off gradually.
  • 19. • Similarly, its very difficult to let go of things . • Ex- it is advised to keep away or avoid katu rasa ahara and amla rasa ahara in sharad rutu as they would aggrevate pitta.But if we love consuming spicy and sour foods , it would aggravate pitta and lead to pitta disorders. Therefore we should gradually reduce these rasas or tastes from our diet, not suddenly but in bits and parcels. This should be done in the rutu sandhi between varsha ritu and sharad ritu.
  • 20. Rutu Sandhi- seasonal junction, meaning, rules to follow and precautions: • Ritucharya – seasonal regimen teaches us how to adapt to various seasons and seasonal changes in terms of small adjustments we need to make during various seasons with respect to diet, lifestyle and behavior. • Following the rules and regulations of Ritucharya is utmost important to enjoy a comprehensive health through out the year. • Most of us are programmed to get adjusted to one or the other season. For some of us summer is compatible and for others winter is compatible. • Only a few will have a good immunity and tolerance. Many times it becomes very difficult for us to get adjusted to different seasons as and when they change.
  • 21.
  • 22. • Ayurveda the science of life and the only science which guides about healthy regimens to live healthy , happy and long life. The Bio- purification or Detoxification therapy which will eliminate the vitiated toxins present in the body in terms of Vamanadi measures. • According to different seasons there will be vitiation of Doshas in the body which may in turn leads to different disease. If one should take care of this by performing specific Shodhana (Bio-purification) in respective Seasons may pacify the vitiated dosha and help in preventing the ailment, these will act as preventive, promotive and curative.
  • 23. • The aim of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya vikara prashamana” so to maintain health of an healthy individual to maintain this Seasonal Bio-purification is very helpful. • Daily regimens are like Massage, Exercise, Gurgling, Gandusha, Powder massage, Nasal medication. Seasonal regimens include detoxification according to the seasons like in Vasant-Vamana, Sharad-Virechana and Raktamokshana, and in Varsha- Basti (Niruhabasti and Anuvasana) (C.Si. 6/4)
  • 24. • Aggravated doshas are pacified by Reduction therapy (Langhana), Digestion (Pachana) and palliative therapy (Shamana) but there may be chances of reoccurrence. • By adopting Biopurification therapy the doshas get eliminated from its root, if once eliminated from the body it won’t reoccur, that is called Apunarbhava chikitsa (radical treatment) (Ch.Su.7/38)
  • 25. THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF PANCHAKARMA • Increases the activity of Enzymes, Rehabilitation, makes the senses active, keeps the mind calm, increases the intelligence, improves the strength, complexion, Virility, promote the health and extend ageing. • Expels the metabolic waste products, alleviate the disease, improves the strength, complexion, all these are attained by Shodhana.
  • 26. SWASTHYA PANCHAKARMA • Panchakarma the fivefold treatments gaining more popularity in the present scenario because of its wide applicability and highly result oriented treatment measures. • These are now a days recognized by Detoxification therapy and Bio-purification therapy where the toxins are eliminated from the body. • Panchakarma treatments are mainly indicated in all chronic disorders. The specialty of these treatments is not only indicated in diseased person but also in healthy individual as preventive aspects.
  • 27. • Acharyas have been explained that in every person’s body according to Seasons because of different Food, Regimens and behaviors there will be Accumulation, aggravation and Spreading of doshas’s which further vitiates them and causes symptoms of different disease. • All most all Acharyas discussed about Seasonal Bio purification, which will help to pacify the vitiated dosha and prevent the manifestation of forthcoming diseases.
  • 28. • Acharya Vagbhata has discussed different types of Panchakarma including adjuant therapies in Rutucharya adhyaya. These are also named as Swasthya Panchakarma, means a healthy individual can undergo different Shodhana as preventive and maintainance of health of an individual. • Chakrapani on Charaka samhita explained Swastha chatushka and guided about maintainance of health of a person and prevent from diseases, to live healthy happy and long life.
  • 29. • Acharya Charaka said in Spring season (Vasantha rutu) because of strong Sun rays it produces accumulation of Pitta, to pacify this in Autumn season(Sharad rutu) intake of Tikta rasa yukta grta paana, Purgation therapy(Virechana), and Blood letting therapy (Raktamokshana) treatments are carried out. • Acharya Sharangadhara added in Autumn season, Spring season and Pravrit rutu by analyzing Dosha, Deshadi the intellect physician should give Emesive therapy(VAMANA), Purgation therapy(VIRECHANA), and Enema (BASTI) respectively. STATUS OF DOSHA’S ACCORDING TO SEASON:
  • 30. • According to dosha in different Season naturally there will be accumulation of dosha’s and for this bio-purification is explained. • For accumulated Kapha (chaya)in Early Winter season ,This is eliminated in Spring season. • For accumulated Vata(chaya) in Summer season- This is eliminated in Monsoon season • For accumulated Pitta(chaya) in Spring- in Sharad rutu Shodhana is carried out by this it won’t produce Seasonal disease.
  • 31. Different Panchakarma including Upakrama are said in different Rutu as follows: In Varsha: Vyayama, Udvarthana, Abhyanga, Sweda, Dhuma, Anjana and Atapasnana are indicated. In Vasanta: Vamana, Dhuma, Gandhusha, Navana Nasya, Vyayama, Basti should be administered. In Sharad: intake of medicated fats like Tiktaka Ghrita, Virechana and Raktamokshana. Teekshna Vamana karma, Nasya, Karpura, Chandana, Agaru, Kunkuma lepa. Udvarthana, Dhuma, Kavalagraha are beneficial. • Swasthya Panchakarma helps as preventive, curative and health promotive.
  • 32. DIFFERENT TYPES OF RUTU ANUSARA SHODHANA Including Upakrama’s help in following way: • Benefits of Abhyanga: Longevity, pacifies strain, Vatahara, increases vision power, Nourishes, induce sleep, and gives compactness to the body. • Shiroabhyanga: Nourishes Hair, Sense organs Padabhyanga: increases vision power, Nourishes, induce sleep, burning sensation over feet, and pacifies strain, Stiffness, Sankocha, Pada snigdhata. • Udvarthana: This is mainly indicated in Vasantha rutu. By doing this we can prevent the kapha janya vikaras. Pacifies Kapha, Vata and Medhahara, Gives compactness to the body, increases skin complexion.
  • 33. • Kavala, Gandhusha: Nourishes and enhances perception of all sense organs, Lightness in the head, Indriya prasada, Pacifies excess salivation, emaciation and oral ulcers. • Dhumapana: Lightness in the head, Prasanendriya, Strength to hairs, beautiful face and pacifies diseases like Sinusitis, Diseases related to head, Ear and Nose. Lepa: Varnya, Twachya, Kandu, Shoola, Dahanashaka (Sharad rutu)
  • 34.  Vamana: Increases digestive fire, pacify doshas, Drowsiness and itching.  Virechana: Enhances Vision power, increases strength and intellect, gives longevity, Pacifies disease.  Basti: Gives longevity, Strength, colour, Voice, nectar, rejuvenation and Aphrodisiac effect.
  • 35. BENEFITS • Increases enzyme activity, clears the channels, makes the sense organs active, improves the colour and complexion, improves the virility, delays the ageing process, nourishes the tissues, enhances strength and help the person to live for 100 years • They act as Preventive, Curative and Health Promotive. It has now been scientifically shown that a natural purification treatment can successfully eliminate environmentally toxic substances such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB’s) and pesticides from the body, without side effects. • Bio-purification makes the biological system to return to normalcy & to rejuvenate rapidly.
  • 36. ROLE OF VIRECHANA IN SHARAT RUTU FOR PREVENTION OF PITTA PRAKOPA- JANYA VIKARA • Sharadritu is a time for pitta prakopa. The body that is habituated to cold of varsha ritu, all of a sudden gets exposed to heat of the sun rays. • The pitta which was accumulated in rainy season gets provoked by ushna guna of this season. This result in the prakopa of pitta and shamana of vata dosha and person will land up in pittaja vikara. • As rakta is having ashraya ashrayee sambhandha with pitta, diseases related to rakta are also bound to occur. • Virechana is the purificatory measure administered in sharad ritu for preventing and controlling pitta prakopa.
  • 37. SEASONAL VARIATION AND ITS REGIME • Prevention has been given the prime importance in the classics of Ayurveda. • Swasthavritta, Sadvritta, Rasayana and Vajikarana Tantra are propagated in the Ayurvedic classics with this lone intention. • Dinacharya (daily regime) and Ritucharya (seasonal regime) are inseparable entities of Ayurveda which are highlighted in order to prevent the disorders, which may arise due to indulging in the unwholesome food and behaviour without considering the variation in the
  • 38.  All the Ritus are broadly classified into Adana and Visargha Kala depending on the predominance of particular Mahabhuta.  Dosha gets Chaya, Prakopa and Prashamana naturally in various seasons.  Vata, Pittta and Kapha Dosha gets Chaya, Prakopa, Prashamana in Greeshmaadi, Varshaadi, and Shishiradi Rutu respectively This natural phenomenon is termed as Ritu Kriyakala.
  • 39. • In Prakopa Avastha the Dosha tends to move out of its own site and thus produce set of symptoms of a particular Dosha. All the classics have highlighted Ritu Anusara Shodhana in order to tackle the forth coming diseases as a part of prevention. • Kopa is spreading of the increased Dosha to different places; it causes appearance of their own features, feeling of ill-health and occurrence of premonitory symptoms and manifestation of diseases. • The very same Dosha, depending upon the nature of the causative factors, travels to many parts of the body and produces many diseases, hence treatment should be started soon after determining the nature of the disease, its site, its cause, etc
  • 40. • The Dosha are to be pacified in the state of Caya itself before proceeding in to the state of Prakopa, without prejudice to the aggravated Dosha. When all the three Doshas become vitiated, Dosha which is more vitiated is to be pacified first, without affecting the rest of the Dosha. • Elimination of the Dosha during Sharad Ritu makes the person get rid of the diseases aroused due to Pitta by the effect of the seasons.
  • 41. SHARAT RUTU AND ITS IMPACT OVER BODY In Sharad Ritu, all of a sudden the body habituated to cold effect get exposed to heat of the sun rays. The Pitta which was accumulated in rainy season gets provoked by Ushna of this season. This result in the Prakopa of Pitta and Shamana of Vata Dosha and person will land up in Pittaja Vikara. As Rakta is having Ashraya Ashrayee Sambhandha with Pitta, Diseases related to Rakta are also bound to occur. The feature of Pitta Prakopa like burning sensation, temperature, suppuration, perspiration, moisture, gangrene, sloughing, prostration, fainting, intoxication, sore or acrid eructation, colour except white and deep red will be seen.
  • 42. • Classics have recommended either Virechana Karma or Rakta Mokshana as a measure of purification in order to tackle the abnormalities of Pitta and Rakta after consumption of Tiktaka Grita. • The Sharat Rutu is decided based on the features like the sky is clear of clouds, the earth is full of slush, Kasha grass, Saptahva, water lily and paddy saplings with the absence of clouds, the sun rays are spreading wide and are hot, lakes and ponds having waves raised by the fish moving underneath the lotus leaves and movement of Swans, the water of the ponds is clear. • The qualities of the seasons are to be understood in respect of Swarupa rather than the Masa and Rashi. Based on the Lakshana of Sharat Rutu one should adopt vigorous Rutu Charya.
  • 43. Diet- when hungry the person should take food which is of sweet (madhur), bitter (tikta) & astringent (kashaya) in taste, and easily digestible such as shali (rice), mudga (green-gram), sita (sugar), dhatri (amalaki), patol, madhu (honey), and meat of dessert animals (jangal mans). Hamsodaka should be advised to drink. Other changes in lifestyle- evenings should be spent on terraces of houses which are white, anointing the body with the paste of chandana, ushira & karpura, wearing garlands of pearls and shining dress and enjoying the moonlight. Avoid- exposure to mist, indulgence in alkaline substances (tikshna kshara), heavy meals, use of curd, oils, vasa (muscle-fat), exposure to sunlight, strong liquors, sleeping at daytime and the eastern breeze should be avoided.
  • 44. Liquefied matter then glides through various unctuous or smooth channels towards Kostha Enter 'Amasaya' and then stimulated by 'Udana Vayu“ Having the dominance of 'Prithivi' and 'Jala' elements in the constitution along with self disposition (Prabhava) Move in downward direction towards Anus (due to Sara guna) Expelled to outside through it VIRECHANA
  • 46. Ingestion of Virechana drug Irritation of gastric mucosa Sensory signal goes to defecation centre in Medulla oblongata Motor response from defecation centre Through ganglionic plexus Through vagus nerve Increased peristalsis Secretion of various enzymes from Gall bladder, pancreas, bruner’s gland Reduced absorption Fluid accumulation in the gut Increased hydrostatic pressure Irritation of sacral & lumber plexus VIRECHANA
  • 47. Virechana drugs irritates gastric mucosa. Then Sensory signal goes to defecation centre in Medulla oblongata. After that the Motor response goes to defecation centre. Through ganglionic plexus it increases peristalsis & through Vagus nerve it secrets various enzymes from Gall bladder, pancreas, bruner’s gland. Then Reduced absorption & Fluid accumulation in the gut takes place. It helps to increase hydrostatic pressure. Then Irritation of sacral & lumber plexus takes place. Then the defecation occur.
  • 48. VIRECHANA AYURVEDIC CONCEPT: POSITION – According to Parashara, Guda is the Mula of the body where all the siras are located. When basti dravyas administered through the guda, it reaches all over the body. Basti should given to the patient lying on left lateral side as as the Grahani & Guda are situated on the left side of the body. (Cha.Si- 3/24) PAKVASAYA – The given Basti when enters into the pakvasaya, by its virya ,draws the morbid dosha lodged in the entire body from foot to head, just as the sun situated in the sky sucks up the moisture from the earth. (Cha. Si-7/64)
  • 49. GRAHANI – • Basti dravya reaches first to pakvasaya & the to the Grahani. Pakvasaya is the site of purishdhara kala & Grahani is the site of pittadhara kala. Acharya Dalhana says that purishdhara kala & asthi dhara kala is same and pittadhara kala & majja dhara kala is same. • So from these we say that basti has direct action on asthi & majja dhatu. Majja is present in the asthi. Also mastulanga is considered as mastaka majja is the seat of vata. • So in this way basti is act in CNS. (Su.Kal-4/40) (Su.Su-32/12)
  • 50. PROBABLE MODERN CONCEPT The mode of action of basti can be understand in the following way –Drug is administered through anal region • It gets absorbed in intestinal mucosa & works by 4 mechanism – 1. By absorption mechanism 2. By system biology mechanism 3. By neural stimulation mechanism 4. By excretory mechanism
  • 51. ABSORPTION MECHANISM Hyper osmosis takes place from colon cell to lumen Absorption of endotoxins Irritation of Large intestine (due to irrtant property) Elimination
  • 52. SYSTEM BIOLOGY MECHANISM Drug is administered through anal region It gets absorbed in intestinal mucosa Lipid soluble Water soluble Passive diffusion Active diffusion By these diffusion mechanism the Basti drugs goes to epithelial cell. Then it goes to the capillaries. Then goes to cell after that molecules.
  • 53. NEURAL STIMULATION MECHANISM Drug given ENS is stimulated Excites Mysentric plexus & sub mucosal plexus Neurotransmitters carries information to CNS CNS acts independently to produce the GUT feeling
  • 54. EXCRETORY MECHANISM • The sigmoidal, rectal & anal region of large intestine are considerably better supplied with parasympathetic nerve fibers than other part of intestine. They are mainly stimulating in action & functions especially on defecation reflexes.
  • 55. VASANTA- VAMANA (emesis in spring season) • Vasantika vamana is done in spring season approximately in the month of march and april for the elimination of vitiated kapha dosha which in turn helps to prevent the forth coming kapha disorders and associated pitta disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of kapha like bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, migraine, hyperacidity, indigestion, anorexia, obesity, overweight, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, acne vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria etc. • Vasantika vamana in ayurvedic texts, vamana procedure is indicated for the expulsion of kapha dosha. Kapha dosha is aggravated in vasant rutu; hence, vamana is indicated in spring season approximately in the month of march and april.
  • 56. Vasantika Vamana–Contra-Indications/Indications Almost everybody can undergo Vasantika Vamana except those suffering from the diseases contraindicated for Vamana like bleeding from the upper channels like mouth, upper GIT, bronchial tree, emaciated, very old, pregnant woman, persons with hypertension and heart diseases, exclusively Vata constitution and Vata disorders. Especially it is highly beneficial for volnteers of Kapha and Kapha-Pitta constitution and patients suffering with Kapha disorders and associated Pitta
  • 57. Contd.. disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of Kapha like bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, productive cough, migraine, hyperacidity, indigestion, anorexia, obesity, overweight, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases like acne vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, Lichen Plannus, vitiligo, urticaria, falling and graying of hairs, inflammatory and swollen joint disorders of early stage, depression, drowsiness, excessive sleep, epilepsy, certain auto immune diseases etc.
  • 58. VAMANA PROTOCOL It can be divided into three steps 1. Purva Karma (preoperative preparation) 2. Pradhana Karma (operative procedure/induction of Vamana) 3. Pashchat Karma (post operative care) 4. Purva Karma ( Pre-operative preparation) Pachana and Deepana (digestives and appetizers) Trikatu Churna 2 g, Chitrakadi Vati/Amapachana Vati 2 tab TID with warm water for three days. Abhyantara Snehana (internal oleation) Shuddha Ghrita/Siddha Ghrita or Tail (plain/medicated ghee/oil) was given in increasing dose for three to seven days as per the requirement till achieving the signs and symptoms of proper Snehana.
  • 59. Contd.. Abhyanga (massage) and Swedana (fomentation) After proper Snehana on next day, Abhyanga was done with Bala Taila followed by Sarvanga Swedana two times a day for one day and next day morning before administering Vamana again. Abhyanga with Bala Taila followed by Sarvang Swedana was done.
  • 60. Dietetic guidelines during Purva Karma Diet during the days of Snehapana Patients were advised to take moderate quantity of liquid and warm food, easy to digest mixed with little fat, which is neither sticky nor complex and to drink lukewarm water. Diet on previous day of Vamana Patients were advised to have plenty of milk, curd, sweets like sesame and Jaggary Laddu, Jalebi, Khicadi made from black gram, sesame, jaggary and rice or Dahi Wada.
  • 61. Observation of Shuddhi Lakshana: After Vamana, different aspects should assess the Shuddhi Lakshanas. Chakrapani classifies all the signs and symptoms of Samyaka Shuddhi into four group viz. Antiki, Maniki , Vaigiki and Laingiki. Paschat Karma: After completion of Vamana Karma, all types of care taken, until the patient is put to his normal diet and regimen may be grouped under Pashchat Karma.
  • 62. SamsarjanaKrama: Vigorous shodhana done by Vamana causes weakness, loss of weight, freeness of sandhibandh, decrease in the Agni, and emptiness in respective Asayas due to expulsion of Vata, Kapha, Pitta and Mala. Due to these, the specific diet prescribed after Vamana Karma until the patient start taking his normal diet may be taken as SamsarjanaKrama.
  • 63. VAMANA- AYURVEDIC CONCEPT (C.S – १/५) Vimana drugs possessing the properties like Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavayi, Vikasi Guna and with their ‘Swavirya’ Move to ‘Hridaya’ From there, through various ‘Dhamanis’ lead to micro and macro channels in the body
  • 64. Act over the vitiated complexes in the body (i) With 'Agneya Property' - liquefy the complexes (ii) With 'Tiksna property' - Break them down into several particles Liquefied matter then glides through various unctuous or smooth channels towards Kostha Enter 'Amasaya' and then stimulated by 'Udana Vayu“ Having the dominance of 'Agni' and 'Vayu' elements in the constitution along with self disposition (Prabhava) Move in upward direction towards oral cavity Expelled to outside through it VAMANA
  • 65. • Vamaka drug has the properties like Usna, Tiksna, Suksma, Vyavayi, Vikasi guna & and with their ‘Swavirya’ moves to hridaya. • Then it circulates all over the body through various dhamanis and acts over the vitiated complexes in the body. • Then it liquefies the complexes & break them into several particles. After that it moves upward direction due to urdhaga prabhava & expels out through mouth. • In case of Virechana it moves downwards due to adhaga prabhava & expels out through anus.
  • 66. Upper GIT when full Electrical Stimuli for Psychic Stimuli of contents stimulation administration of drugs Over distended & Over excitable stimulation Directly stimulates hypothalamus Stimulates Vomiting centre Automatic motor reaction Motor impulses are transmitted from vomiting centre through 5th,7th,9th,10th,12th Cranial nerves Spinal nerves Upper GIT Diaphragm & abdominal muscles Initiates VOMITING PROBABLE MODERN CONCEPT
  • 67. BASTI KARMA Basti Chikitsa is considered to be a prime treatment modality among the Panchakarma in Ayurveda. It has not only curative aspects but also preventive and promotive aspects. Acharya Charaka has considered it as the chief treatment regimen for various disorders. Etymology: The word Basti is derived from the root 'Vas' by adding 'Tich' Pratyaya and it belongs to masculine gender. Basti means:- • Reside, to stay, to dwell, Cover/to coat. Coating of Sneha for the elimination. • It denotes an organ, which covers the urine. • It denotes an organ situated below the umbilicus, which hold the urine. • It denotes an instrument used for the administration of the medicine.
  • 68. Systemic Action of Basti The Virya of Basti administered through the Basti into the Pakvashaya reaches the whole body through the channels (Srotasa), as the active principles in the water when poured at the root of the tree reaches the whole plant(Su. Chi. 35/25) Eliminative or Purificative Action of Basti : Basti administered into Pakvashaya draws the Dosha/Mala from all over the body from the foot to the head by the virtue of its Virya, just as the sun situated in the sky draws the moisture from the earth by its heat. (Ch. Si. 7/64)
  • 69. Action of Basti on Vayu : Vayu is considered to be the main controller of the body. Now if Vayu alone or in combination with other Dosha get vitiated, then Basti by the way of evacuation or elimination normalizes the path of Vayu along with Pitta, Kapha and fecal matter. Importance of Basti Over Vamana and Virechana : • Vamana and Virechana are contraindicated in old person, children and in weak patient. Because they have not gained sufficient strength of Dhatu or their strength is diminished respectively. • Inspite of doing proper elimination, Virechana may produce uneasiness, belching, nausea and abdominal pain due to the use of or ingestion of pungent, Kshara and Ushna drugs.
  • 70. ENEMA These are the rectal injections that are used for various purpose. Depending upon the dose to be given they are classified as small enema and large enema. An enema of less than half a liter might be considered as small enema and of more than half a liter is considered as large enema. Need For Rectal Administration When it is desired to spare the stomach and intestine from the action of drug or to protect the drug from action of digestive ferments. In the individual who are not willing to take disagreeable tasting medicaments, rectal administration becomes an important source. Indication of Enemas : To evacuate and clean the large bowel before operative procedures. To stimulate the uterine contraction and to induce labor.
  • 71. Used as prerequisites before operation on lower G.I.T., anal canal etc. For soothing the irritant mucosa of colon. To stimulate the patient – coffee enema in narcotic poisoning. To relieve distension. To supply fluid and nutrients. To check diarrhoea e.g. starch enema. To relieve retention of urine in chronic constipation.
  • 72. Basti is not merely Enema • After discussing both Basti and enema, it can be concluded that Basti is not merely the enema , rather it is a highly complex, sophisticated and systemic therapy having wider range of therapeutic actions and indication. • It has been considered as prime treatment modality for Vata Dosha. • Innumerable Basti can be formulated using various drugs in different proportions for various diseases and for different patients. • Specific rules and regulations are indicated for the administration of Basti which must be followed to obtain the desirable result. On contrary to this, enema is simply used for evacuation of colon and in some instances for rehydration and administration of medicine.
  • 74.
  • 75. SEASONAL SHIFT (RESEARCH WORKS) The international team of researchers analyzed blood and tissue samples from more than 16,000 people living around the world. Of the 22,000 genes they scrutinized - which is nearly all the genes humans possess - a quarter showed clear signs of seasonal variation. That increase in inflammation could now be a risk factor for diseases of modern life • During cold, winter months - December to February for people living north of the equator and June to August for those in the southern hemisphere - these genes were more active.
  • 76. • When they studied people living close to the equator, where the temperatures are fairly high all year round, they noticed a different pattern. Immunity and inflammation was linked to the rainy season, when diseases such as malaria are more. • In Iceland, where it is cold most of the time, they found fewer seasonal changes. • Prof John Todd, one of the study authors, who is based at Cambridge University in the UK, said the findings could explain why people were prone to certain diseases at particular times of year.
  • 77. • In summer heat waves can also affect humans, creating exorbitant feelings of tiredness in places where the heat is excessive. • In winter the lack of light generates more imbalances as the amount of melatonin needs to secrete for a longer period of time; this is nothing new, light makes us feel better at all levels. • In many cases the change of season affects humans by increasing anxiety, migraines an rheumatic problems that are accompanied by the aforementioned depression.
  • 78. • While these disorders are present more in autumn and winter , the truth is that every season has its own meteoropathy. • Some seasons make certain mental diseases worse • In autumn, we see increase in depression and panic disorders as there is usually a considerable amount of rain. • In some changes of seasons we may suffer from emotional distress , this is due to reduced daylight hours in the colder seasons.
  • 79. DISCUSSION • Seasons are divided in two parts .Adana kala and visarga kala. • Adana kala- Adana kala means the period when sun is closer to the earth and hence absorb body strength during this portion of year. Body strength decrease due to uttarayana (Sun travels from southernmost point to the northernmost point) adana kala consists Shishira,Vasant,Grishma seasons. • Visarga kala– Visarga kala means the period when sun is away from the earth and hence body strength increases.this is period of dakshinayana( Sun travels from northern most point to southernmost point). • Visarga kala consists Varsha,Sharad,Hemant seasons
  • 80. Vasant rutu- In this season kapha gets vitiated .The symptoms of kapha vitiation are agnisadana ( vitiation are suppressed digestion), praseka(exess salivation), gaurava(heaviness),Shwaitya(pallor),Shaitya(shivers),Slathangatva(loss of tone),swasa(disnoea),kasa(cough),atinidrata(drowsy). • Among bruhatrayee Charaka has mentioned Vamana,Udvartana,Dhumapana,Kavala,Anjana. • Sushrutacharya has mentioned kaval,Niruha in addition.Vagbhata has mentioned nasya,gandusha in addition. These all treatments pacify kapha vitiation .
  • 81. • In todays era during this season the outbreak of diseases like Chickenpox,Measles,Whooping cough, Rubella and Trachoma are observed. • Kapha is main vitiated dosha in these diseases. Shodhana and allied treatments of vasant rutucharya prevent and cure symptoms of seasonal outbreaks. • Seasonal diseases mentioned during this period are Amoebiasis which is related to digestive system and • polio which can be called as vatavyadhi.
  • 82. • Varsha Rutu- In This Season Vata Is Vitiated And Symptoms Seen Are Karsha(wt Loss),karshnya(skin Complexion Becomes Dark),ushna Kamitva (Affinity Of Heat),kampa Tremors),anaha(accumulation Of Gases),shakrutgrava(constipation) Are Observed. • Pralap (Exess Talking)a ,Bhrama(vertigo),deenata(feeling Of Energy Loss). • Pitta Dosha Is Accumulates In This Season And Symptoms Are Pitavbhasata ( Yellowish Stinge To Skin Colour), Mandoshmata Anganam(feeling Chill) • Shodhana Treatment In This Season According To Bruhatyayee Is Niruha Basti,udvartana And Udgharshana Which Is Vataghna. Contd..
  • 83. Contd.. • Seasonal diseases found are mainly of vata and pitta like Typhoid fever Malaria Polio Hepa titis-A, Bacterial diarrhoea, Cholera, Hook worms, Leptospirosis in these diseases we find vata and pitta involvement according to Ayurveda. • Sharad rutu- in this season pitta dosha gets vitiated.Symptoms are pitavinmuttra,netra and tvak, kshudha(exess hunger), daha(burning • sensation),alpanidrata(insomnia) • Shodhana chikitsa in this season in bruhatrayee are Virechan,Raktamokshana,Snehapana. • Seasonal outbreaks are Polio, Typhoid fever, Malaria which resemble with pitta vitiation.
  • 84. Contd.. • In modern era seasonal epidemic infections are found. • Climate changes cause infectious diseases. Pathogenic organisms survive outside the host body in favorable weather conditions like temperature, humidity, sunlight. • Annual variation in climate therefore result rising incidences of different seasonal diseases. When these pathogens survive outside the host bodies due to favorable weather conditions, they infect other individuals. If the immunity of host is suppressed they catch these seasonal infections.
  • 85. CONCLUSION Shodhana acts as preventive, curative & health promotive aspects – • Preventive aspect Shodhana therapy ideally suits for those person who is tend to go through a disease. Thus the sufficient prevention is maintained for the occurrence of the pathogenesis. • Curative aspects When the disease has actually taken place to the vital, to break the pathogenesis, the vital mode of treatment is Shodhana therapy. • Health promotive aspect Not only preventive & curative aspects, it also helps in rebuilding the health. Shodhana treatments mentioned in bruhatrayee need to come in practice as preventive and immunity Enhancer according to Ritucharya to overcome seasonal diseases.
  • 86. REFERENCES 1. Charaka Samhita 2. Ashtanga Hridaya & Sangraha 3. Sushruta Samhita 4. Sharangdhara Samhita 5. Articles related to Rutu sandhi, Concepts of shodhana, Preventive aspects of Ritucharya 6. Wikipedia & Internet sources.