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Threat Intelligence-based
Automated Attack Surface Management Solution
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Criminal IP ASM Application About AI Spera
• What is ASM?
• Hacker’s Attack Process
• Differences
• Necessity
• Features
• Features and Products UI
• Requirement
• Use Cases
• Mission of Global CTI Lead Al Spera
• Executives
• Products
(Attack Surface Management)
ASM (Attack Surface Management)
• What is ASM?
• Hacker’s Attack Process
• Differences
• Necessity
1. ASM What is ASM?
What is Attack Surface Management (ASM)?
Businesses and organizations have numerous network devices, databases, servers, applications, and domains, and all of these IT assets are operated by IP addresses and ports.
Attack Surface Management refers to the proactive detection and management of attack vectors such as open ports, server vulnerabilities, similar domains, phishing, and domains distributin
g malicious code.
External passageway of assets
With the rapid change in corporates' IT environment,
attack surfaces are varying and broadening in a bigger scale.
Corporate digital assets
in the past
Corporate digital assets
of today
Attack Surface
1. ASM
Attack Surface
All assets on the external network can be targets of attacks.
Corporate Data Center
What is ASM?
1. ASM Hacker’s Attack Process
Hackers put a lot of time and effort into
collecting information on the target.
Therefore, it is essential to find the exact
exposure point of the attack surface.
Hacker's Attack Process
SaaS-based service enables
automated operation without
cumbersome work
(Attack Surface Management)
• Need to install equipment or Software
• Integration and customization
• Passive policies
• Ongoing updates and management
• Multiple failure points
• Work suspended upon failure occurrence
Traditional Security Solution
1. ASM
Traditional Security
Attack Surface
Complicated task
Multiple potential
Differences between Traditional Security Method and ASM
Traditional security devices and solutions primarily focus on taking action after an attack.
ASM prevents the attack by identifying and managing the exposure of attacks in advance.
Simple task
No potential
Vulnerability detection process of traditional security solutions
Selection of
Behavior, type,
and interface
Deep-dive a
Selection of p
attack points
assessment &
of attack
sures against
Vulnerability Detection
Vulnerability Analysis
against Vulnerability
Vulnerability detection process of ASM System
Decreased Probability of
Penetrating Attack
Hwang, Seong Oun. (2012). A Methodology for Security Vulnerability Assessment Process on Binary Code. The Journal of The Institute of Internet, B
roadcasting and Communication, 12(5), 237–242.
1. ASM
Effects of Introducing ASM
Increased Work
Improved Attack Surface
“ASM is a new solution that helps organizations iden
tify risks associated with internet-connected assets
and systems that they may be unaware of. More tha
n one-third of the recent successful attacks against
enterprises originate from externally connected asse
ts. That’s the reason why ASM will become an essent
ial task for CIOs and CISOs.”
Importance of Attack Surface Management,
the major talking point of the information security market
1. ASM
「2021 Emerging Technologies:
Critical Insights for External
Attack Surface Management」
“Some ASM tools discovered several hundred percent
more cloud assets than organizations thought they
were using, and on average, attack surface
management tools initially discover 30% more cloud
assets than security teams know they have.”
「2022 ASM Report:
Find and Cover Your Assets with Attack Surface
1. ASM
 Gartner said, “Strengthening digital abilities of digital workplace employees to create an engaging,
intuitive work environment.“
 With the trend of going digital, technology to integrate AI, cloud, and IoT is drawing corporates’
investment and attention
 But with digital workplaces using ICT technology, they have become the new target for hackers’
 Increased user convenience, increased threats of being hacked
 COVID-19 pandemic and working-from-home trend increased corporate attack surfaces
 Corporates are putting more emphasis on cloud-based applications, devices, and human security
 Demand for expanded vulnerabilities management to deal with risks in a decentralized digital work
environment is more vital than ever
 As organizations get used to operating the new business model, they will prefer vulnerabilities
management for new platforms and applications3
Reference : Frost & Sullivan, Global Vulnerability Management Market, Forecast to 2025
As corporates accommodate new assets and workflow more broadly and
deeply, adopting ASM will become a MUST.
Managing attack surface and
vulnerabilities is now a MUST Popularization of working from home
• Covid-19 pandemic and increase in working from home expanded corporate
attack surfaces
• Increased Zero-day vulnerabilities targeting remote SW, including VPN
• 82% of corporates will support working from home after the end of Covid-19
Transition to digital workplace
• With the trend of going digital, the cloud working environment draws corporates'
investment and attention
• Digital workplace with ICT technology has become a new target for hackers'
• Increased user convenience, increased threats of being hacked
Industry 4.0, increase in IoT devices
• Business innovation utilizing IoT devices
• For the past 5 years, approximately 20.5 billion devices were connected
Criminal IP ASM
• Features
• Features and Products UI
• Criminal IP Integration
2. ASM
IP Address Domain TCP
SSL Certificate
DNS Record
Default Password Name Server Cloud Server
Automatic detection of
client assets
Criminal IP ASM conducts an internet-wide scanning for
known and unknown client assets on IP addresses and
open ports.
Scan Port data from all over the world
4.2 billion IP address info
Over 300 million domain address data
2. ASM
Cloud-based web interface
Criminal IP ASM is a SaaS-type ASM product that does
not require installing or deploying hardware or
software on customer servers.
After registering your account, you can use your
network's PC, tablet, or mobile device to launch your
ASM solution rapidly and readily through an easy-to-use
web interface.
Installed On-Premises
- Initial installation of product and building i
nternal server
- System update patch, upgrade
- Internal server and network failure issue m
- Hardware maintenance and upgrade
- Network maintenance and upgrade
- Security maintenance and upgrade
- Database maintenance and upgrade
Maintenance Cost
Cloud SaaS
Maintenance Cost
Annual purchase
User Guide and Training
2. ASM
Asset and vulnerability risk scoring
Our algorithm using AI machine learning provides real-time
detection to visualize the assets with five levels of risk scoring.
Cybersecurity managers can prioritize the risks based on the
visualized scoring to respond quickly and precisely.
IP/Asset Domain/Certificate
have been attacked
or are under attack
Domain/certificates are
falsified or contain
malicious links
Network/assets are exposed
to attack surface, vulnerable
to attacks
The domain is falsified
or a certificate has expired/
leaked, requiring action
maintain a moderate
security level
maintain a moderate
security level
Network/assets are
not exposed externally
and are kept safe
The domain is not falsified
or a certificate is free from
leakage or expiration,
and is kept safe
Asset Search
Domain Search
Image Search
Certificate Search
Exploit Search
Banner Explorer
Element Analysis
Search Intelligence
Major Features of Criminal IP Search Engine
2. ASM
Free integration with
CTI search engine
Criminal IP, a Cyber Threat Intelligence search engine, provides
a detailed search of corporate's asset data detected by ASM.
Vulnerability Analysis and
Threat Response Service
2. ASM
Provide threat analysis report
and real-time threat response guide
Open vulnerable ports
Discover unidentified a
Discover new
Verify customer assets
Identify assets with
Determine the phishing
and asset forgery status
Analyze vulnerability
solutions to
respond to
issues within 24
Determine the and leakage
status hacking
Identify services running o
n ports
Response process
Daily monitoring
A report is automatically generated and sent when a client’s
new asset and its vulnerabilities are detected. If an issue
demands responses, AI Spera's security experts are on standby
to deliver prompt analysis reports and response solutions.
Overview of Criminal IP ASM
Criminal IP ASM automatically monitors and generates a report on assets exposed to
the attack surface.
All IT assets are thoroughly detected globally, with a streamlined introduction
procedure requiring registration of only one primary domain.
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
New Assets IP Assets Domain Certificate
(Google Hacking)
Search Result
Automatically detects assets
that have been
recently added or changed
Scans open ports of
detected IP addresses
Shows the associated domains and
subdomains of
the detected IP address
Displays information about
the certificate applied to
the domain
Monitors information about assets
exposed to Google
Provides an asset search query
Presents asset information on s
tatistics, geographic information,
and vulnerability status
Gets details about the exposure s
tatus and vulnerabilities on the a
ttack surface
Alerts users about exploitable
vulnerabilities of assets such as
IP, domain, certificate, and
A real-time view of the entire threat
landscape and a solid understanding of
your security situation
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Host & Cloud Statistics
Provide the total number of automatically
detected hosts and the status of the
enterprise’s cloud assets
The number of Host matches the total sum
of assets classified into each cloud and IDC
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Provide the geographical distribution
of corporate IT assets based on IP address
data from worldwide
Geographic Statistics
of Assets
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Visualize the ratio of ASN, application,
and open ports in chart formats
for better readability
AS Name, Software,
Port Statistics
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Recent risks
Show the most recently detected risks
Upon clicking data on Assets, you can see
details about the vulnerability.
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
New Assets
Show the most recently added new assets
Upon clicking on each asset, you can see
detailed information.
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
IP Assets (Application)
Provide a carefully curated summary (risk
score, AS Name, geolocation, vulnerabilities,
etc.) of detected IP assets
Immediately connect an intelligence search
engine upon clicking on an IP address to
access more enriched threat intelligence
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Domain / Certificate
Display contextualized threat information about
a domain (score, technology, jQuery, PHP, etc.),
number of vulnerabilities for a domain,
certificate information (SSL, encryption, and
SSL expiration date), and subdomains
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
If threats are detected from registered assets,
they are automatically added to the Risks page
so you can quickly check assets
exposed to threats.
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
Enjoy additional features of Search, Intelligence, and
API integration provided by the Criminal IP CTI search
engine paired with ASM
Stay on top of the latest cybersecurity trends
through our compilation of statistics-packed analysis
reports on global cyber threats
Criminal IP
Threat Intelligence Search Engine
2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
• Requirement
• Use Cases
Automatic extraction of IPs
and domains in possession
Primary Domain Registration
We do not request much information from clients when they start using Criminal IP ASM.
Only one domain address of all operating assets is enough to immediately start Attack Surface Management (ASM) as it automatically identifies
all network-exposed assets.
Automation area
related domains
complex amplification
feature information classification and matching
Automation area
Attack Surface Management
Only one requirement to adopt Criminal IP ASM
3. Application Requirement
Even at this moment, the major assets of many companies and organizations are being exposed unprotected to attack surfaces.
Real Data of attack surfaces detected by ASM
3. Application Use Cases
Shared System with
Marketing Event Page
Dev/Test System
SW Patch Server
A report with visual risk-scoring is generated if any enterprise assets with exploitable vulnerabilities are discovered through threat intelligence analysis. You ca
n check countermeasures against vulnerabilities through Criminal IP.
Case 1 : When new vulnerabilities are discovered
Server A
Server A
Safe Critical
3. Application Use Cases
Regular vulnerability inspection via ASM
Large-scale vulnerability (Log4shell) issue occurrence
Introduction of Criminal IP ASM solution to public institution 'B'
Immediate response
Introduction of ASM
Automatic inspection
No need to check for large-scale vulnerabilities every year
Criminal IP ASM sends automatic reports regularly
A vulnerability report is generated, and immediate
measures are taken by response procedures of
the AI Spera security team
Complete inspection of assets with vulnerabilities
as soon as the vulnerability is found
The public institution, 'B’,
checks vulnerabilities every six months according to NIS policy
Inspected a large-scale vulnerability
Public Institution B
Patched overall system in order over a month
Unable to check new vulnerabilities until the second
half of the year
System Patch
3. Application Use Cases
Case 1 : When new vulnerabilities are discovered
If a port that should not be open is accidentally opened or left open,
Criminal IP ASM scans all IP ports in real-time and provides a threat report.
Case 2 : When dangerous ports are opened
3306 : DB Port
3. Application Use Cases
Case 2 : When dangerous ports are opened
ERP failure
Requested help to DBA (Data Base
Administrator), who was on vacation
Used firewall management solution to set time
limit to using DB Port, but due to system
error, Port 3306 was left open
Port 3306 was left open and unattended
To gain access to DB from outside,
DB Port '3306' had to be opened
Introduced Criminal IP ASM
to Manufacturer P six months later
Manufacturer P
Manufacturer 'P'
using ERP system Internal developer
checked, found DB issue
ERP failure
3306 Port
Port 3306
DB issue
Request for
External Officer
Firewall system
management of
ports and assets in
Real-time scanning of
ports and assets
Introduction of ASM
Discovery of multiple open
ports and assets with
restricted external access
Port detection
Ports closure and immediate
response after verification with
ASM automatic report
Immediate response
3. Application Use Cases
Criminal IP ASM's real-time scanning enables the detection of assets that are left exposed or neglected.
Case 3 : When new assets are added
3. Application Use Cases
Case 3 : When new assets are added
Discovery of unknown
assets scattered on unused
Introduced Criminal IP ASM to
IT Service Corporate A
two years later
Real-time automatic
detection of cyber assets
Introduction of ASM Discovery of unknown assets Immediate response
IT Service Corporate A
IT Service Corporate 'A'
operating multi-cloud Using Google Cloud, AWS,
Azure as major cloud services
Used Alibaba Cloud
as the marketing agency suggested
The security team did not provide an
inspection, as it was the marketing team's
The marketing team created
an event landing page for the
new service
Domain unattended after
Landing page
Alibaba Cloud
Personal information
After the end of the event,
client information and server left
Called personal-information-related API
to send EDM (used as a one-time event
Server removal and immediate
response after verification with
ASM automatic report
Closing unused
event pages and
automating cloud
with ASM
3. Application Use Cases
About AI Spera
• Mission of Global CTI Lead Al Spera
• Executives
• Products
We are committed to ensuring ongoing visibility and management of
assets scattered across the attack surface to guard against attacker
threats immediately. As attackers employ more intricate methods, we
strive harder to uncover and contain breaches in all networks and IT assets. AI S
pera's mission is to protect its customers from ever-evolving cyber
threats by developing the latest data-driven security technologies.
Mission of Global CTI Lead AI Spera
4. About AI Spera
View the attack surface
through the eyes of an attacker
AI Spera
4. About AI Spera
CEO Byungtak Kang
Online game security, malware analysis expert
Co-Founder Huy Kang Kim
The first hacker-turned-professor in Korea
AI Spera was founded in 2017 as a project initiated at Korea University’s Hacking Response Technology Lab (HCRLab - by
Byungtak Kang, who has long served as a corporate security director and an experienced university professor, and Huy Kang Kim, a hacker-turned-
professor. They both concluded that “cyber exposure” would emerge as the most significant future concern in the cyber security industry. The two
founders pondered which solutions would be practically needed for cyber security. They wanted to create a company that provides data-driven
security powered by a robust dataset on cyber threats. These great experts sharing the same mindset, came together to establish the AI Spera of
AI Spera continues to collaborate with the Hacking Response Technology Lab on various algorithm development and common research projects in
the big data field and is also getting great assistance through rational regulatory reform and policy proposals at the academic level.
Tracing back our history to the Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab (HCRLAB)
We provide solutions that apply cyber threat intelligence and AI/machine learning.
AI Spera's solutions are used in various fields from individuals to companies and countries.
4. About AI Spera
Intelligence-based Abnormal User
Detection System
Preventing leaks of private information
Attack SurfaceManagement
Auto-detectCopyright infringement
• Verify IP data of abnormal users
• Monitor abnormal users 24/7
• Restrict/block abnormal users from
accessing services
• Detect malicious URLs
• Detect Open Wi-Fi hacking attempts
• Detect IoT device Info leaks
• Detect exposed IT assets
• Automatic vulnerability detection
• Detect with Google OSINT
• Monitoring dashboard
• Analysis of Asset Threat Intelligence
• Detect illegal game servers
• Detect illegal streaming sites
• Detect sites selling counterfeit goods
• Detect brand-infringing phishing sites
Target Customers
Fraud Detection
FDS Auth & Platform
B2C Mobile Web Services
Infrastructure Security
IT Asset Management
Security Control
Risk Management
Corporate Relations
Criminal IP
Thank you
E - m a i l
We b s i t e

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Criminal IP ASM | Threat Intelligence-based Automated Attack Surface Management Solution

  • 1. Threat Intelligence-based Automated Attack Surface Management Solution
  • 2. Agenda 1 2 3 4 Criminal IP ASM Application About AI Spera • What is ASM? • Hacker’s Attack Process • Differences • Necessity • Features • Features and Products UI • Requirement • Use Cases • Mission of Global CTI Lead Al Spera • Executives • Products ASM (Attack Surface Management)
  • 3. ASM (Attack Surface Management) • What is ASM? • Hacker’s Attack Process • Differences • Necessity
  • 4. AWS GCP AZURE IDC IDC 1. ASM What is ASM? What is Attack Surface Management (ASM)? Businesses and organizations have numerous network devices, databases, servers, applications, and domains, and all of these IT assets are operated by IP addresses and ports. Attack Surface Management refers to the proactive detection and management of attack vectors such as open ports, server vulnerabilities, similar domains, phishing, and domains distributin g malicious code. Centralized External passageway of assets With the rapid change in corporates' IT environment, attack surfaces are varying and broadening in a bigger scale. Corporate digital assets in the past Corporate digital assets of today Diversified & Decentralized
  • 6. 1 2 3 4 1. ASM Hacker’s Attack Process Hackers put a lot of time and effort into collecting information on the target. Therefore, it is essential to find the exact exposure point of the attack surface. Hacker's Attack Process
  • 7. SaaS-based service enables automated operation without cumbersome work ASM (Attack Surface Management) • Need to install equipment or Software • Integration and customization • Passive policies • Ongoing updates and management • Multiple failure points • Work suspended upon failure occurrence Traditional Security Solution 1. ASM ASM Traditional Security Solutions ASM FW IPS DDoS WAF SSL VPN Etc. Attack Surface Management Complicated task Multiple potential failures Differences Differences between Traditional Security Method and ASM Traditional security devices and solutions primarily focus on taking action after an attack. ASM prevents the attack by identifying and managing the exposure of attacks in advance. Simple task No potential failure
  • 8. Vulnerability detection process of traditional security solutions Selection of target software Behavior, type, and interface analysis Type estimation Database search Deep-dive a nalysis Selection of p otential attack points Code analysis/ Error injection Vulnerability assessment & Abnormal behavior detection Post-hoc analysis Establish- ment of attack scenario Countermea- sures against attacks Vulnerability Detection Automated Vulnerability Analysis Countermeasures against Vulnerability Vulnerability detection process of ASM System Decreased Probability of Penetrating Attack Surface Reduced Cost&Resources Hwang, Seong Oun. (2012). A Methodology for Security Vulnerability Assessment Process on Binary Code. The Journal of The Institute of Internet, B roadcasting and Communication, 12(5), 237–242. 1. ASM Effects of Introducing ASM Increased Work Efficiency Improved Attack Surface Security Differences
  • 9. “ASM is a new solution that helps organizations iden tify risks associated with internet-connected assets and systems that they may be unaware of. More tha n one-third of the recent successful attacks against enterprises originate from externally connected asse ts. That’s the reason why ASM will become an essent ial task for CIOs and CISOs.” Importance of Attack Surface Management, the major talking point of the information security market 1. ASM 「2021 Emerging Technologies: Critical Insights for External Attack Surface Management」 Necessity “Some ASM tools discovered several hundred percent more cloud assets than organizations thought they were using, and on average, attack surface management tools initially discover 30% more cloud assets than security teams know they have.” 「2022 ASM Report: Find and Cover Your Assets with Attack Surface Management」
  • 10. 1. ASM  Gartner said, “Strengthening digital abilities of digital workplace employees to create an engaging, intuitive work environment.“  With the trend of going digital, technology to integrate AI, cloud, and IoT is drawing corporates’ investment and attention  But with digital workplaces using ICT technology, they have become the new target for hackers’ attack  Increased user convenience, increased threats of being hacked  COVID-19 pandemic and working-from-home trend increased corporate attack surfaces  Corporates are putting more emphasis on cloud-based applications, devices, and human security elements  Demand for expanded vulnerabilities management to deal with risks in a decentralized digital work environment is more vital than ever  As organizations get used to operating the new business model, they will prefer vulnerabilities management for new platforms and applications3 Reference : Frost & Sullivan, Global Vulnerability Management Market, Forecast to 2025 As corporates accommodate new assets and workflow more broadly and deeply, adopting ASM will become a MUST. Managing attack surface and vulnerabilities is now a MUST Popularization of working from home • Covid-19 pandemic and increase in working from home expanded corporate attack surfaces • Increased Zero-day vulnerabilities targeting remote SW, including VPN • 82% of corporates will support working from home after the end of Covid-19 Transition to digital workplace • With the trend of going digital, the cloud working environment draws corporates' investment and attention • Digital workplace with ICT technology has become a new target for hackers' attack • Increased user convenience, increased threats of being hacked Industry 4.0, increase in IoT devices • Business innovation utilizing IoT devices • For the past 5 years, approximately 20.5 billion devices were connected Necessity
  • 11. Criminal IP ASM • Features • Features and Products UI • Criminal IP Integration
  • 12. 2. ASM IP Address Domain TCP SSL Certificate Application UDP IoT Webcam RDP DNS Record ICS SCADA MySQL NTP NNTPS CCTV Printer Bitcoin VPN QNAP Firewall TFTP Proxy Darkweb Default Password Name Server Cloud Server Automatic detection of client assets Criminal IP ASM conducts an internet-wide scanning for known and unknown client assets on IP addresses and open ports. Scan Port data from all over the world IP Port Domain 4.2 billion IP address info Over 300 million domain address data Features
  • 13. 2. ASM Cloud-based web interface Criminal IP ASM is a SaaS-type ASM product that does not require installing or deploying hardware or software on customer servers. After registering your account, you can use your network's PC, tablet, or mobile device to launch your ASM solution rapidly and readily through an easy-to-use web interface. Installed On-Premises - Initial installation of product and building i nternal server - System update patch, upgrade - Internal server and network failure issue m anagement - Hardware maintenance and upgrade - Network maintenance and upgrade - Security maintenance and upgrade - Database maintenance and upgrade Maintenance Cost Cloud SaaS Maintenance Cost Annual purchase User Guide and Training Customization Features
  • 14. 2. ASM Asset and vulnerability risk scoring Our algorithm using AI machine learning provides real-time detection to visualize the assets with five levels of risk scoring. Cybersecurity managers can prioritize the risks based on the visualized scoring to respond quickly and precisely. IP/Asset Domain/Certificate Critical Network/assets have been attacked or are under attack Domain/certificates are falsified or contain malicious links Dangerous Network/assets are exposed to attack surface, vulnerable to attacks The domain is falsified or a certificate has expired/ leaked, requiring action Moderate Network/assets maintain a moderate security level Domain/certificates maintain a moderate security level Low Network/assets are not exposed externally and are kept safe The domain is not falsified or a certificate is free from leakage or expiration, and is kept safe Safe Features
  • 15. Asset Search Domain Search Image Search Certificate Search Exploit Search Banner Explorer Vulnerability Statistics Element Analysis Map Search Intelligence Major Features of Criminal IP Search Engine 2. ASM Free integration with CTI search engine Criminal IP, a Cyber Threat Intelligence search engine, provides a detailed search of corporate's asset data detected by ASM. Features
  • 16. Vulnerability Analysis and Threat Response Service 2. ASM Provide threat analysis report and real-time threat response guide Open vulnerable ports Discover unidentified a ssets Discover new vulnerabilities Verify customer assets Identify assets with vulnerabilities Determine the phishing and asset forgery status Analyze vulnerability countermeasures Providing solutions to respond to issues within 24 hours Determine the and leakage status hacking Identify services running o n ports Response process Daily monitoring A report is automatically generated and sent when a client’s new asset and its vulnerabilities are detected. If an issue demands responses, AI Spera's security experts are on standby to deliver prompt analysis reports and response solutions. Features
  • 17. Overview of Criminal IP ASM Criminal IP ASM automatically monitors and generates a report on assets exposed to the attack surface. All IT assets are thoroughly detected globally, with a streamlined introduction procedure requiring registration of only one primary domain. 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI New Assets IP Assets Domain Certificate OSINT (Google Hacking) Dashboard Intelligence Search Result Risk Automatically detects assets that have been recently added or changed Scans open ports of detected IP addresses Shows the associated domains and subdomains of the detected IP address Displays information about the certificate applied to the domain Monitors information about assets exposed to Google Provides an asset search query Presents asset information on s tatistics, geographic information, and vulnerability status Gets details about the exposure s tatus and vulnerabilities on the a ttack surface Alerts users about exploitable vulnerabilities of assets such as IP, domain, certificate, and application
  • 18. Dashboard A real-time view of the entire threat landscape and a solid understanding of your security situation 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 19. Host & Cloud Statistics Provide the total number of automatically detected hosts and the status of the enterprise’s cloud assets The number of Host matches the total sum of assets classified into each cloud and IDC assets. 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 20. Provide the geographical distribution of corporate IT assets based on IP address data from worldwide Geographic Statistics of Assets 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 21. Visualize the ratio of ASN, application, and open ports in chart formats for better readability AS Name, Software, Port Statistics 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 22. Recent risks Show the most recently detected risks Upon clicking data on Assets, you can see details about the vulnerability. 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 23. New Assets Show the most recently added new assets Upon clicking on each asset, you can see detailed information. 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 24. IP Assets (Application) Provide a carefully curated summary (risk score, AS Name, geolocation, vulnerabilities, etc.) of detected IP assets Immediately connect an intelligence search engine upon clicking on an IP address to access more enriched threat intelligence 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 25. Domain / Certificate Display contextualized threat information about a domain (score, technology, jQuery, PHP, etc.), number of vulnerabilities for a domain, certificate information (SSL, encryption, and SSL expiration date), and subdomains 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 26. If threats are detected from registered assets, they are automatically added to the Risks page so you can quickly check assets exposed to threats. Risks 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 27. Enjoy additional features of Search, Intelligence, and API integration provided by the Criminal IP CTI search engine paired with ASM Stay on top of the latest cybersecurity trends through our compilation of statistics-packed analysis reports on global cyber threats Criminal IP Threat Intelligence Search Engine 2. ASM Full Feature and Product UI
  • 29. Automatic extraction of IPs and domains in possession Primary Domain Registration We do not request much information from clients when they start using Criminal IP ASM. Only one domain address of all operating assets is enough to immediately start Attack Surface Management (ASM) as it automatically identifies all network-exposed assets. Automation area related domains complex amplification feature information classification and matching Automation area Attack Surface Management Auto-registration Only one requirement to adopt Criminal IP ASM 3. Application Requirement
  • 30. Even at this moment, the major assets of many companies and organizations are being exposed unprotected to attack surfaces. Real Data of attack surfaces detected by ASM 3. Application Use Cases Shared System with Cooperators Marketing Event Page Dev/Test System SW Patch Server
  • 31. A report with visual risk-scoring is generated if any enterprise assets with exploitable vulnerabilities are discovered through threat intelligence analysis. You ca n check countermeasures against vulnerabilities through Criminal IP. Case 1 : When new vulnerabilities are discovered 2021.01.30 (Before) 2021.02.01 (After) Server A Server A Safe Critical New CVE-2021-44228 3. Application Use Cases
  • 32. Regular vulnerability inspection via ASM Large-scale vulnerability (Log4shell) issue occurrence Vulnerabilities occurrence Introduction of Criminal IP ASM solution to public institution 'B' Immediate response Introduction of ASM Automatic inspection No need to check for large-scale vulnerabilities every year Criminal IP ASM sends automatic reports regularly A vulnerability report is generated, and immediate measures are taken by response procedures of the AI Spera security team Complete inspection of assets with vulnerabilities as soon as the vulnerability is found The public institution, 'B’, checks vulnerabilities every six months according to NIS policy January Inspected a large-scale vulnerability Public Institution B February Patched overall system in order over a month March-June Unable to check new vulnerabilities until the second half of the year Vulnerabilities Check System Patch Vulnerabilities Unattended 3. Application Use Cases Case 1 : When new vulnerabilities are discovered
  • 33. If a port that should not be open is accidentally opened or left open, Criminal IP ASM scans all IP ports in real-time and provides a threat report. Case 2 : When dangerous ports are opened 3306 80 443 3306 : DB Port 3. Application Use Cases
  • 34. Case 2 : When dangerous ports are opened ERP failure occurred Requested help to DBA (Data Base Administrator), who was on vacation Used firewall management solution to set time limit to using DB Port, but due to system error, Port 3306 was left open Port 3306 was left open and unattended To gain access to DB from outside, DB Port '3306' had to be opened Introduced Criminal IP ASM to Manufacturer P six months later Manufacturer P Manufacturer 'P' using ERP system Internal developer checked, found DB issue ERP failure occurred 3306 Port opened Port 3306 exposure DB issue detected Request for External Officer Firewall system error Real-time management of ports and assets in operation Real-time scanning of ports and assets Introduction of ASM Discovery of multiple open ports and assets with restricted external access Port detection Ports closure and immediate response after verification with ASM automatic report Immediate response 3. Application Use Cases
  • 35. Criminal IP ASM's real-time scanning enables the detection of assets that are left exposed or neglected. Case 3 : When new assets are added 3. Application Use Cases
  • 36. Case 3 : When new assets are added Discovery of unknown assets scattered on unused clouds Introduced Criminal IP ASM to IT Service Corporate A two years later Real-time automatic detection of cyber assets Introduction of ASM Discovery of unknown assets Immediate response IT Service Corporate A IT Service Corporate 'A' operating multi-cloud Using Google Cloud, AWS, Azure as major cloud services Used Alibaba Cloud as the marketing agency suggested The security team did not provide an inspection, as it was the marketing team's project The marketing team created an event landing page for the new service Multi-cloud operation Event operation Domain unattended after event Landing page creation Alibaba Cloud adoption Personal information utilization NEW After the end of the event, client information and server left unattended Called personal-information-related API to send EDM (used as a one-time event page) Server removal and immediate response after verification with ASM automatic report Closing unused event pages and automating cloud asset management with ASM 3. Application Use Cases
  • 37. About AI Spera • Mission of Global CTI Lead Al Spera • Executives • Products
  • 38. We are committed to ensuring ongoing visibility and management of assets scattered across the attack surface to guard against attacker threats immediately. As attackers employ more intricate methods, we strive harder to uncover and contain breaches in all networks and IT assets. AI S pera's mission is to protect its customers from ever-evolving cyber threats by developing the latest data-driven security technologies. Mission of Global CTI Lead AI Spera 4. About AI Spera View the attack surface through the eyes of an attacker AI Spera
  • 39. Executives 4. About AI Spera CEO Byungtak Kang Online game security, malware analysis expert Co-Founder Huy Kang Kim The first hacker-turned-professor in Korea AI Spera was founded in 2017 as a project initiated at Korea University’s Hacking Response Technology Lab (HCRLab - by Byungtak Kang, who has long served as a corporate security director and an experienced university professor, and Huy Kang Kim, a hacker-turned- professor. They both concluded that “cyber exposure” would emerge as the most significant future concern in the cyber security industry. The two founders pondered which solutions would be practically needed for cyber security. They wanted to create a company that provides data-driven security powered by a robust dataset on cyber threats. These great experts sharing the same mindset, came together to establish the AI Spera of today. AI Spera continues to collaborate with the Hacking Response Technology Lab on various algorithm development and common research projects in the big data field and is also getting great assistance through rational regulatory reform and policy proposals at the academic level. Tracing back our history to the Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab (HCRLAB)
  • 40. We provide solutions that apply cyber threat intelligence and AI/machine learning. AI Spera's solutions are used in various fields from individuals to companies and countries. Products 4. About AI Spera Products FDS Intelligence-based Abnormal User Detection System Privacy Preventing leaks of private information ASM Attack SurfaceManagement Brand Auto-detectCopyright infringement • Verify IP data of abnormal users • Monitor abnormal users 24/7 • Restrict/block abnormal users from accessing services • Detect malicious URLs • Detect Open Wi-Fi hacking attempts • Detect IoT device Info leaks • Detect exposed IT assets • Automatic vulnerability detection • Detect with Google OSINT • Monitoring dashboard • Analysis of Asset Threat Intelligence • Detect illegal game servers • Detect illegal streaming sites • Detect sites selling counterfeit goods • Detect brand-infringing phishing sites Target Customers Fintech Fraud Detection FDS Auth & Platform B2C Mobile Web Services Fintech Financial Infrastructure Security Cybersecurity IT Asset Management Security Control Risk Management Audit Security Corporate Relations Criminal IP
  • 41. Thank you E - m a i l We b s i t e