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It’s the act of making
new connections
between old ideas.
What Is Creative Process?
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What Is Holding You Back?
The Creative Process for
The Creative Process for
How do you think?
Are you a perception (process) or a judging
(results) person?
Are you a big picture or detail person?
How do your create?
Your Creative Process
What is your pathological need?
Are you a heart or mind person?
How do you sabotage yourself?
How courageous are you?
Your Creative Process
A detail person needs to ‘see’ the big picture: aka
A big picture person needs to ‘see’ the details: aka
story grid.
Jenny Crusie uses collages because she is good
with details but needs to ‘see’ the big picture.
I use an Excel spreadsheet for every book that I fill
out as I write the book because I am terrible with
Details vs. Big Picture
Focusing too much the on strategic goal & making it
a job
Being a perfectionist
Getting too caught up in business side
Trapping ourselves with a brand we don’t want
Creative Blocks
Breathe. Slow down and breath
Do something physical
Embrace not knowing
Keep track of dreams
Have your catastrophe plan
Try something different
Creative Openings
Apply to yourself and others, including
characters in your book.
So you can understand the differences in
Male linear thinking.
Female circular thinking.
Big picture thinking.
Detail thinking.
Aka pantser vs a planner.
Which leads to profiling yourself.
Archetypes & Creativity.
“Because writing is such a solitary,
inwardly-directed job, a woman
writer really has to carve out a
space for herself to work. Which
means she has to take it seriously.
As John Gardner once said: ‘If you
believe that what you’re doing isn’t
important, you’re right’.”
~Dennis Palumbo
Where Do I Find The
Profile yourself for 24 hours.
Ask yourself if this is the type
of person who will succeed as
a writer?
INTP= Architect
ENTP= Inventor
INTJ= Scientist
ENTJ= Field Marshall
INFP= Questor
ENFP= Journalist
INFJ= Author
ENJF= Pedagogue
ESJF= Seller
ISFJ= Conservator
ESFP= Entertainer
ISFP= Artist
ESTJ= Administrator
ISTJ= Trustee
ESTP= Promoter
ISTP= Artisan
Myers-Briggs Types
Understand what you are, but also focus on
what you aren’t. What is the opposite of
your type?
For example, INFJ is labeled author, and
the least common of the 16 character
If you are an INFJ, what aren’t you?
ESTP= promoter.
This is a big problem for a lot of writers.
The last letter of the Myers-Briggs is
either a J (judging) or a P (perception)
J types like to have matters settled.
P types like to have matters open. In
If you have trouble finishing a book, you
probably are a P.
If you rush through a book, you probably
are a J.
Are you writing a book or writing to finish
Results vs Process
How you organize your daily life-- this is how you will
instinctively organize your book.
If you outline, do you outline just plot, or do you outline
If you’re a pantser, how much rewriting do you do?
Is your rewriting focused on plot or character?
Consider front-loading the part of the book that is your
weakest writing.
A dream with an external visible outcome
that is written down with an end date
becomes a goal.
A goal broken down into steps becomes a
A plan backed by action becomes reality.
Goals-- What
Most writers are desperate to get published
Once published, they’re desperate to sell
the next book. Then the next.
Or they’re under contract to deliver the next
book, then the next, and . . .
Most writers don’t have a strategic goal
Strategic Goals.
“If you don’t
know where
you’re going,
you’re liable
to end up
I want to be a NY Times best-selling author in 5 years.
I want to write my memoir for my grandchildren.
I want to write part-time simply because it is a hobby.
I want to get published within 2 years.
I want to have my book in print within 6 months.
I want to write a book that will help people with -----.
Strategic Goals Can Be
I’ll do anything to achieve
my writing goal, except
don’t ask me to do . . . . .?
The Fuel of Your Story
Basic Story Dynamic
The Protagonist (the character who owns the story)
struggles with . . .
The Antagonist (the character who if removed will cause
the conflict and story to collapse)
because both must achieve their concrete, specific .
. .
Goals (the external thing they are each trying
desperately to get, not necessarily the same thing)
What does your protagonist want most?
(Must be a concrete, external thing)
Do not confuse goal with motivation!
What does your antagonist want most?
(Must be a concrete, external thing)
What is stopping your protagonist from
getting what he/she wants most?
What is stopping your antagonist from
getting what he/she wants most?
The Conflict Box
A way of diagraming your protagonist,
antagonist, goals, and conflict.
You can have conflict because:
Protagonist and antagonist want the same
Protagonist and antagonist want different
things, but achieving one goal causes conflict
with the other’s goal.
Conflict Box
Conflict Box: Same Goals
•Agnes wants
to keep her
house, which
she bought
from Brenda.
•Brenda wants
to steal back
the house she
just sold to
Conflict Box: Conflict
Someone is
trying to
steal the
house from
won’t let her
steal the
house back!
Conflict Box: Same Goal
• To see if your
conflict is
Draw a line from
Agnes’ goal to
Brenda’s Conflict.
If Agnes is
causing Brenda’s
conflict, you’re
halfway there.
• Then draw a line
from Brenda’s
goal to Agnes’
conflict. If Brenda
is causing Agnes’
conflict, you have
a conflict lock.
won’t let her
steal the
house back!
Someone is
trying to
steal the
house from
Conflict Box: Different Goals
KILL whoever is
killing young
KILL the
daughters of the
men who
betrayed him
•Gant wants to
find out who is
kidnapping and
killing young
•The Sniper wants
revenge for being
Conflict Box: Conflict
KILL whoever is
killing young
KILL the
daughters of the
men who
betrayed him
Another Girl is
Someone is
closing in on
him, trying to
stop him.
•Gant wants to
find out who is
kidnapping and
killing young
•The Sniper wants
revenge for being
Conflict Box: Conflict
KILL whoever is
killing young
KILL the
daughters of the
men who
betrayed him
Another Girl is
Someone is
closing in on
him, trying to
stop him.
•Gant wants to
find out who is
kidnapping and
killing young
•The Sniper wants
revenge for being
The Craft Of Writing
You start with an Original Idea.
You figure out your protagonist,
antagonist, and core conflict (conflict
Remember to stay open-minded to
So now you . . .
Research your characters.
Research your setting (place & time).
Research your plot.
Research produces possibilities.
Book Dissection
It’s been done before.
Learn from the experts.
Do a story break down, focusing on
narrative structure.
Everything in a story is done for a
Do a scene break down, focusing on
How are you going to be different?
If you aren’t where you want to be, you must
Change isn’t just thinking differently, but the 1st
step of change is to think differently.
Make is externally imposed.
Become is internally motivated.
The successful become.
What step of change do you
believe you have the most
trouble with?
Moment Of Enlightenment?
Sustained Action?
Most people think sustained action is their
weakest part of change.
Remember, though, you only get to sustained
action if the other two have occurred.
Look back on when you changed in your life.
What was the hardest part?
Emotional Stages of Change
These are also the stages of the editorial process
Johnny Cash Pitching
He tried even though the odds of rejection were high.
He walked in the door, even though he was afraid.
He went even though his wife didn’t think he had it.
He stayed after being rejected.
He asked questions.
Even though he was angry, he was respectful.
He listened.
He used his PLATFORM and tried again.
He used his real self and mined his emotions.
He conquered his FEAR.
What Did Johnny Cash Do?
The Creative Process for
“Life shrinks
or expands
in proportion
to one’s
~Anais Nin
Are you better at character (heart) or plot
You need both for an effective story.
You must address whatever you are weak at.
Merge them. Character becomes plot.
Are You A Heart or Mind
Why are you writing?
What message are you trying to
What is your blind spot as a writer? As a
What Is Your Pathological
Looking at previous questions, you can see
the areas where you are weak.
The number one way we sabotage ourselves
is through our fears.
How Do You Sabotage
Blind Spot
Needs produce blind spots.
Everyone has blind spots.
As an author, make sure you know yours.
Strongest defenses are built around the
blind spot. Therefore . . .
Often the blind spot is the part of character
thought to be the strongest.
Denial defends blinds spot and justifies
Pathological Need
In a moment of crisis, what is the
driving force?
It is a need, not a want.
Every need has a corresponding flaw.
Trait Need Flaw
• Loyal
• Adventurous
• Altruistic
• Tolerant
• Decisive
• Realistic
• Competitive
• Idealistic
• To be trusted
• To have change
• To be loved
• To have no
• To be in charge
• To be balanced
• To achieve goals
• To be the best
• Gullible
• Unreliable
• Submissive
• No conviction
• Impetuous
• Outer control
• Overlook cost
• Naive
The Creative Process for
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear of rejection
Fear of starting
Fear of finishing
Fear of revealing too much about ourselves
Fear of criticism
Fears of Writers
Fear of making the wrong decision
Fear of having hit one’s peak
Fear of making a mistake
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of the business
Fear of having regrets
Fears of Writers
The first step is to rip away the denial. Fear
Look at what you think is your greatest
strength and turn it around.
Most fear is subconscious-- you will likely
need help finding the true root.
Dealing With Fear
We bend our lives around our fears.
Your fear won’t change things-- it has no
power--it won’t keep the plane flying
Fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Dealing With Fear
Many writers and artists have difficulty internalizing
their accomplishments
We look to external things like luck and contacts as
the reason for our successes
We feel like we are ‘fooling’ everyone
The more success someone has, the greater this
The Impostor Syndrome
Many writers/artists feel like a fraud
“I still think People will find out that I’m really not very
talented. I’m not very good. It’s all been a big sham.”
Michelle Pfeiffer
“Sometimes I wake up before going off to a shoot, and
I think, I can’t do this: I’m a fraud. They’re going to fire
me. I’m Fat. I’m ugly...” Kate Winslet.
Everyone has doubts
The Impostor Syndrome
The more you agree with the statements on
the following slides, the greater your imposter
The Impostor Syndrome
I can give the impression I am more
competent than I really am.
I often compare myself to those around
me and consider them more intelligent
than I am.
I get discouraged if I’m not the ‘best’ in an
The Impostor Syndrome
I hate being evaluated by others.
If someone gives me praise for something
I’ve accomplished, it makes me fear that I
won’t live up to his or her expectations in
the future.
I’ve achieved my current position via luck
and/or being in the right place at the right
The Impostor Syndrome
Incidents where I made mistakes or failed
come more readily to mind than times
when I was successful
When I finish a manuscript, I usually feel
like I could have done so much better.
When someone compliments me, I feel
The Impostor Syndrome
I’m afraid others will find out my lack of
When I start a new manuscript, I’m afraid I
won’t be able to finish it, even though I’ve
already finished X number of manuscripts.
The Impostor Syndrome
Women tend to agree more with IS
statements than men.
Women tend to believe that
intelligence is a fixed trait that cannot
be improved over time.
Women who feel like impostors tend
to seek favorable comparisons with
their peers.
The Impostor Syndrome
Men who feel like impostors tend to
avoid comparisons with their peers.
Often, they work harder so other
people won’t think them incapable or
They get angry because they are
Or we start a war.
The Impostor Syndrome
Focus on positive feedback
Weed out your parent’s voice in your head if
Be aware of using self-deprecation as a
social strategy
How To Get Over
The Impostor Syndrome
Don’t knock yourself—others are more than
willing to do it for you
Internalize your accomplishments
Read your own resume
How To Get Over
The Impostor Syndrome
Post your strategic goal
“I love me wall”
How To Get Over
The Impostor Syndrome
People generally only post good news.
You don’t know the real story or situation.
People lie and exaggerate.
You’re not them.
You are unique.
Impostor Syndrome and the
Stop blocking yourself.
Rejection is an opportunity.
Failure is an opportunity.
Impostor Syndrome
Seinfeld and the blowhole episode.
Trust your subconscious.
Access all the floors of your brain.
Do not edit first drafts.
Impostor Syndrome
Acknowledge it is exists.
Define what you really fear, often the blind spot.
Factor it in, both positively and negatively.
Open and honest communication reduces anxiety and
Trust reduces anxiety and fear.
Find your blind spots.
Recognize which of the three steps of change is your
Overcoming Fear
The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one
to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and
The ability to do something that frightens one.
Strength in the face of pain or grief.
What is Courage?
Expand your comfort zone into your courage zone.
Courage is acting in the face of fear.
Your strongest emotional defenses are around your
greatest weaknesses. Often what we think is our
strongest character strength is our weakest.
As writers, most of us must fight being an introvert.
“Have no fear of perfection--
you’ll never reach it.”
Every day try to do something that you dislike
doing, but need to do.
Action is the only way to grow courage.
If you’re introverted, talk to a stranger every day.
If you’re a practical person, do something
intuitive every day.
Do the opposite of your Myers-Briggs character.
Overcoming Fear
You can’t separate your writing from you, the writer
Living with fear is ultimately worse than confronting it
Attack the ambush
Overcoming Fear
Overcoming Fear
Know the rule
Have a good reason for breaking the rule
Take responsibility for breaking the rule
The 3 Rules of
You can’t separate your writing from you, the
Put long-term goals ahead of short-term goals
Write what you know- maybe write what you
are afraid to know.
Lean into fear-- kaizen
Be curious about your fear-- it’s a cave- but
treasure could be inside
Take action.
Overcoming Fear
We are bleeding onto the page.
We’re writing them instead of living them in
some cases— and that’s a good thing!
Reality is often boring.
Suspension of disbelief in ourselves!
We’re Writing Our Dreams
and Fantasies
Is perseverance more important than talent?
Statistically born out by: weight loss, AA, Black
Belts, getting published, Death & Dying, etc..
Many people are wanna-be’s.
Cannot do three steps on own.
Can’t get through five stages on own.
The 5% Rule
Is talent or perseverance more
Science has too long focused
on intelligence & talent as
determiners of success. And
it’s not.
Strategic Goals:
1869 Galton-- Hereditary Genius: ‘ability combined with
zeal & capacity for hard work’ trumps talent.
Duckworth study on Grit: West Point: Grit was
determining factor of Beast Barracks success.
Special Forces Q-Course
Strategic Goals:
“80% of success is showing up.” Again and again.
Jim Carrey and the Hollywood Sign
Strategic Goals:
• The Three Hardest Words
• Willingness to Surrender
• Buridan’s Ass
• When we have too many options, we don’t focus
on the ones we should
• Close doors
A Growth Mindset
MRIs show people with fixed mindsets had
more activity when receiving positive
When they got feedback on what could be
done better, there was little activity.
Growth mindset people were the opposite.
Welcome new ways of thinking.
A Growth Mindset
Setting a specific long-term goal
and doing whatever it takes until
the goal has been achieved.
The Key To Success
“Talent is less important in film-
making than patience. If you
really want your films to say
something that you hope is
unique, then patience and
stamina, thick skin and a kind of
stupidity, a mule-like stupidity, is
what you really need.”
~Terry Gilliam

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Creativity NJRWA

  • 1. It’s the act of making new connections between old ideas. What Is Creative Process?
  • 2. Except for video excerpts, it’s available at You Can Download This
  • 3.
  • 4. What Is Holding You Back? YOU
  • 5. The Creative Process for Writers
  • 6. The Creative Process for Writers
  • 7.
  • 8. How do you think? Are you a perception (process) or a judging (results) person? Are you a big picture or detail person? How do your create? Your Creative Process
  • 9. What is your pathological need? Are you a heart or mind person? How do you sabotage yourself? How courageous are you? Your Creative Process
  • 10. A detail person needs to ‘see’ the big picture: aka collage? A big picture person needs to ‘see’ the details: aka story grid. Jenny Crusie uses collages because she is good with details but needs to ‘see’ the big picture. I use an Excel spreadsheet for every book that I fill out as I write the book because I am terrible with details. Details vs. Big Picture
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Focusing too much the on strategic goal & making it a job Being a perfectionist Getting too caught up in business side Trapping ourselves with a brand we don’t want Creative Blocks
  • 14. Breathe. Slow down and breath Do something physical Embrace not knowing Keep track of dreams Have your catastrophe plan Try something different Creative Openings
  • 15.
  • 16. Apply to yourself and others, including characters in your book. So you can understand the differences in people. Archetypes. Profiling Myers-Briggs. Templates
  • 17. Male linear thinking. Female circular thinking. Big picture thinking. Detail thinking. Aka pantser vs a planner. Which leads to profiling yourself. Archetypes & Creativity.
  • 18. “Because writing is such a solitary, inwardly-directed job, a woman writer really has to carve out a space for herself to work. Which means she has to take it seriously. As John Gardner once said: ‘If you believe that what you’re doing isn’t important, you’re right’.” ~Dennis Palumbo
  • 19. Where Do I Find The Time?
  • 20. Profile yourself for 24 hours. Ask yourself if this is the type of person who will succeed as a writer?
  • 21. INTP= Architect ENTP= Inventor INTJ= Scientist ENTJ= Field Marshall INFP= Questor ENFP= Journalist INFJ= Author ENJF= Pedagogue ESJF= Seller ISFJ= Conservator ESFP= Entertainer ISFP= Artist ESTJ= Administrator ISTJ= Trustee ESTP= Promoter ISTP= Artisan Myers-Briggs Types
  • 22.
  • 23. Understand what you are, but also focus on what you aren’t. What is the opposite of your type? For example, INFJ is labeled author, and the least common of the 16 character types. If you are an INFJ, what aren’t you? ESTP= promoter. This is a big problem for a lot of writers. Myers-Briggs
  • 24. The last letter of the Myers-Briggs is either a J (judging) or a P (perception) J types like to have matters settled. Finished. P types like to have matters open. In progress. If you have trouble finishing a book, you probably are a P. If you rush through a book, you probably are a J. Are you writing a book or writing to finish Results vs Process
  • 25. How you organize your daily life-- this is how you will instinctively organize your book. If you outline, do you outline just plot, or do you outline characters? If you’re a pantser, how much rewriting do you do? Is your rewriting focused on plot or character? Consider front-loading the part of the book that is your weakest writing. Outlining
  • 26. A dream with an external visible outcome that is written down with an end date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality. Goals-- What
  • 27. Most writers are desperate to get published Once published, they’re desperate to sell the next book. Then the next. Or they’re under contract to deliver the next book, then the next, and . . . Most writers don’t have a strategic goal Strategic Goals.
  • 28. “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re liable to end up somewhere else.” ~Casey Stengel
  • 29. I want to be a NY Times best-selling author in 5 years. I want to write my memoir for my grandchildren. I want to write part-time simply because it is a hobby. I want to get published within 2 years. I want to have my book in print within 6 months. I want to write a book that will help people with -----. Strategic Goals Can Be Anything.
  • 30. I’ll do anything to achieve my writing goal, except don’t ask me to do . . . . .?
  • 31. PLOT
  • 32. CONFLICT: The Fuel of Your Story
  • 33. Basic Story Dynamic The Protagonist (the character who owns the story) struggles with . . . The Antagonist (the character who if removed will cause the conflict and story to collapse) because both must achieve their concrete, specific . . . Goals (the external thing they are each trying desperately to get, not necessarily the same thing)
  • 34. CONFLICT: EXERCISE ONE What does your protagonist want most? (Must be a concrete, external thing) Do not confuse goal with motivation!
  • 35. CONFLICT: EXERCISE TWO What does your antagonist want most? (Must be a concrete, external thing)
  • 36. CONFLICT: EXERCISE THREE What is stopping your protagonist from getting what he/she wants most? What is stopping your antagonist from getting what he/she wants most?
  • 37. The Conflict Box A way of diagraming your protagonist, antagonist, goals, and conflict. You can have conflict because: Protagonist and antagonist want the same thing. Protagonist and antagonist want different things, but achieving one goal causes conflict with the other’s goal.
  • 39. Conflict Box: Same Goals •Agnes wants to keep her house, which she bought from Brenda. •Brenda wants to steal back the house she just sold to Agnes Keep HOUSE Get HOUSE Back Protagonist Conflict Antagonist Conflict
  • 40. Conflict Box: Conflict Someone is trying to steal the house from her! Someone won’t let her steal the house back! Keep HOUSE Get HOUSE Back A G N E S B R E N D A GOAL CONFLICT
  • 41. Conflict Box: Same Goal • To see if your conflict is inescapable: Draw a line from Agnes’ goal to Brenda’s Conflict. If Agnes is causing Brenda’s conflict, you’re halfway there. • Then draw a line from Brenda’s goal to Agnes’ conflict. If Brenda is causing Agnes’ conflict, you have a conflict lock. Keep HOUSE Get HOUSE Back Someone won’t let her steal the house back! Someone is trying to steal the house from her! A G N E S B R E N D A GOAL CONFLICT
  • 42. Conflict Box: Different Goals KILL whoever is killing young girls KILL the daughters of the men who betrayed him Protagonist Conflict Antagonist Conflict •Gant wants to find out who is kidnapping and killing young girls. •The Sniper wants revenge for being betrayed.
  • 43. Conflict Box: Conflict KILL whoever is killing young girls KILL the daughters of the men who betrayed him Another Girl is killed, kidnapped. Someone is closing in on him, trying to stop him. •Gant wants to find out who is kidnapping and killing young girls. •The Sniper wants revenge for being betrayed.
  • 44. Conflict Box: Conflict KILL whoever is killing young girls KILL the daughters of the men who betrayed him Another Girl is killed, kidnapped. Someone is closing in on him, trying to stop him. •Gant wants to find out who is kidnapping and killing young girls. •The Sniper wants revenge for being betrayed.
  • 45.
  • 46. The Craft Of Writing You start with an Original Idea. You figure out your protagonist, antagonist, and core conflict (conflict lock.) Remember to stay open-minded to possibilities. So now you . . .
  • 47. Research Research your characters. Research your setting (place & time). Research your plot. Research produces possibilities.
  • 48. Book Dissection It’s been done before. Learn from the experts. Do a story break down, focusing on narrative structure. Everything in a story is done for a purpose. Do a scene break down, focusing on purpose. How are you going to be different?
  • 49. If you aren’t where you want to be, you must change. Change isn’t just thinking differently, but the 1st step of change is to think differently. Make is externally imposed. Become is internally motivated. The successful become. Change
  • 50. What step of change do you believe you have the most trouble with? Moment Of Enlightenment? Decision? Sustained Action?
  • 51. Most people think sustained action is their weakest part of change. Remember, though, you only get to sustained action if the other two have occurred. Look back on when you changed in your life. What was the hardest part? Change
  • 52. Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Emotional Stages of Change These are also the stages of the editorial process
  • 54. He tried even though the odds of rejection were high. He walked in the door, even though he was afraid. He went even though his wife didn’t think he had it. He stayed after being rejected. He asked questions. Even though he was angry, he was respectful. He listened. He used his PLATFORM and tried again. He used his real self and mined his emotions. He conquered his FEAR. He CHANGED. What Did Johnny Cash Do?
  • 55. The Creative Process for Writers
  • 56. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~Anais Nin
  • 57. Are you better at character (heart) or plot (mind)? You need both for an effective story. You must address whatever you are weak at. Merge them. Character becomes plot. Are You A Heart or Mind Person?
  • 58. Why are you writing? What message are you trying to communicate? What is your blind spot as a writer? As a person? What Is Your Pathological Need?
  • 59. Looking at previous questions, you can see the areas where you are weak. The number one way we sabotage ourselves is through our fears. How Do You Sabotage Yourself?
  • 60. Blind Spot Needs produce blind spots. Everyone has blind spots. As an author, make sure you know yours. Strongest defenses are built around the blind spot. Therefore . . . Often the blind spot is the part of character thought to be the strongest. Denial defends blinds spot and justifies needs.
  • 61. Pathological Need In a moment of crisis, what is the driving force? It is a need, not a want. Every need has a corresponding flaw.
  • 62. Trait Need Flaw • Loyal • Adventurous • Altruistic • Tolerant • Decisive • Realistic • Competitive • Idealistic • To be trusted • To have change • To be loved • To have no conflict • To be in charge • To be balanced • To achieve goals • To be the best • Gullible • Unreliable • Submissive • No conviction • Impetuous • Outer control • Overlook cost • Naive
  • 63. The Creative Process for Writers
  • 64. Fear of failure Fear of success Fear of rejection Fear of starting Fear of finishing Fear of revealing too much about ourselves Fear of criticism Fears of Writers
  • 65. Fear of making the wrong decision Fear of having hit one’s peak Fear of making a mistake Fear of not being good enough Fear of the business Fear of having regrets Fears of Writers
  • 66. The first step is to rip away the denial. Fear exists. Look at what you think is your greatest strength and turn it around. Most fear is subconscious-- you will likely need help finding the true root. Dealing With Fear
  • 67. We bend our lives around our fears. Your fear won’t change things-- it has no power--it won’t keep the plane flying Fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Dealing With Fear
  • 68.
  • 69. Many writers and artists have difficulty internalizing their accomplishments We look to external things like luck and contacts as the reason for our successes We feel like we are ‘fooling’ everyone The more success someone has, the greater this feeling The Impostor Syndrome
  • 70. Many writers/artists feel like a fraud “I still think People will find out that I’m really not very talented. I’m not very good. It’s all been a big sham.” Michelle Pfeiffer “Sometimes I wake up before going off to a shoot, and I think, I can’t do this: I’m a fraud. They’re going to fire me. I’m Fat. I’m ugly...” Kate Winslet. Everyone has doubts The Impostor Syndrome
  • 71. The more you agree with the statements on the following slides, the greater your imposter syndrome. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 72. I can give the impression I am more competent than I really am. I often compare myself to those around me and consider them more intelligent than I am. I get discouraged if I’m not the ‘best’ in an endeavor. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 73. I hate being evaluated by others. If someone gives me praise for something I’ve accomplished, it makes me fear that I won’t live up to his or her expectations in the future. I’ve achieved my current position via luck and/or being in the right place at the right time. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 74. Incidents where I made mistakes or failed come more readily to mind than times when I was successful When I finish a manuscript, I usually feel like I could have done so much better. When someone compliments me, I feel uncomfortable. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 75. I’m afraid others will find out my lack of knowledge/expertise. When I start a new manuscript, I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish it, even though I’ve already finished X number of manuscripts. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 76. Women tend to agree more with IS statements than men. Women tend to believe that intelligence is a fixed trait that cannot be improved over time. Women who feel like impostors tend to seek favorable comparisons with their peers. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 77. Men who feel like impostors tend to avoid comparisons with their peers. Often, they work harder so other people won’t think them incapable or dumb. They get angry because they are afraid. Or we start a war. The Impostor Syndrome
  • 78.
  • 79. Focus on positive feedback Weed out your parent’s voice in your head if negative Be aware of using self-deprecation as a social strategy How To Get Over The Impostor Syndrome
  • 80. Don’t knock yourself—others are more than willing to do it for you Internalize your accomplishments Read your own resume How To Get Over The Impostor Syndrome
  • 81. Post your strategic goal “I love me wall” How To Get Over The Impostor Syndrome
  • 82. People generally only post good news. You don’t know the real story or situation. People lie and exaggerate. You’re not them. You are unique. Impostor Syndrome and the Internet
  • 83. Stop blocking yourself. Rejection is an opportunity. Failure is an opportunity. Impostor Syndrome
  • 84. Seinfeld and the blowhole episode. Trust your subconscious. Access all the floors of your brain. Do not edit first drafts. Impostor Syndrome
  • 85. Acknowledge it is exists. Define what you really fear, often the blind spot. Factor it in, both positively and negatively. Open and honest communication reduces anxiety and fear. Trust reduces anxiety and fear. Find your blind spots. Recognize which of the three steps of change is your weakest. Overcoming Fear
  • 86. The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution, The ability to do something that frightens one. Strength in the face of pain or grief. What is Courage?
  • 87. Expand your comfort zone into your courage zone. Courage is acting in the face of fear. Your strongest emotional defenses are around your greatest weaknesses. Often what we think is our strongest character strength is our weakest. As writers, most of us must fight being an introvert. Courage
  • 88. “Have no fear of perfection-- you’ll never reach it.” ~Dali.
  • 89. Every day try to do something that you dislike doing, but need to do. Action is the only way to grow courage. If you’re introverted, talk to a stranger every day. If you’re a practical person, do something intuitive every day. Do the opposite of your Myers-Briggs character. Overcoming Fear
  • 90. You can’t separate your writing from you, the writer Living with fear is ultimately worse than confronting it Attack the ambush Overcoming Fear
  • 92. Know the rule Have a good reason for breaking the rule Take responsibility for breaking the rule The 3 Rules of Rule-Breaking
  • 93.
  • 94. You can’t separate your writing from you, the writer Put long-term goals ahead of short-term goals Write what you know- maybe write what you are afraid to know. Lean into fear-- kaizen Be curious about your fear-- it’s a cave- but treasure could be inside Take action. Overcoming Fear
  • 95. We are bleeding onto the page. We’re writing them instead of living them in some cases— and that’s a good thing! Reality is often boring. Suspension of disbelief in ourselves! We’re Writing Our Dreams and Fantasies
  • 96. Is perseverance more important than talent? Statistically born out by: weight loss, AA, Black Belts, getting published, Death & Dying, etc.. Many people are wanna-be’s. Cannot do three steps on own. Can’t get through five stages on own. The 5% Rule
  • 97. Is talent or perseverance more important? Science has too long focused on intelligence & talent as determiners of success. And it’s not. Strategic Goals: GRIT
  • 98. 1869 Galton-- Hereditary Genius: ‘ability combined with zeal & capacity for hard work’ trumps talent. Duckworth study on Grit: West Point: Grit was determining factor of Beast Barracks success. Special Forces Q-Course Strategic Goals: GRIT
  • 99. “80% of success is showing up.” Again and again. Jim Carrey and the Hollywood Sign Strategic Goals: GRIT
  • 100. • The Three Hardest Words • Willingness to Surrender • Buridan’s Ass • When we have too many options, we don’t focus on the ones we should • Close doors A Growth Mindset
  • 101. MRIs show people with fixed mindsets had more activity when receiving positive feedback. When they got feedback on what could be done better, there was little activity. Growth mindset people were the opposite. Welcome new ways of thinking. A Growth Mindset
  • 102. Setting a specific long-term goal and doing whatever it takes until the goal has been achieved. The Key To Success
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105. “Talent is less important in film- making than patience. If you really want your films to say something that you hope is unique, then patience and stamina, thick skin and a kind of stupidity, a mule-like stupidity, is what you really need.” ~Terry Gilliam

Editor's Notes

  1. Johnny Cash next
  2. p
  3. p
  4. p
  5. We are not the template for everyone.
  6. GO AROUND ROOM-- THIS IS goal setting for workshop
  7. DO YOU? Write down area and block that you feel best describes you.
  8. DO YOU? Write down area and block that you feel best describes you.
  9. What was your favorite book? Reading Lehane all weekend
  10. GRIT
  11. Last two go to personality-- Myers-Briggs-- we’ll discuss it later
  12. GO AROUND ROOM-- THIS IS goal setting for workshop
  13. ?
  14. Some of you have your conflict box ready based on the answers to previous exercises
  16. Example of lack of Area Study--Blood Lesson
  17. GO AROUND ROOM-- THIS IS goal setting for workshop
  18. Thus the SAR Ambushes
  19. Kubler-Ross’s stages of death and dying also the editorial process
  21. 3 Areas 3 Steps in each
  22. Impostor syndrome next-- Fraud
  23. Impostor syndrome next-- Fraud
  24. Overall, people who feel like imposters are constantly judging their success against the achievements of others rather than viewing what they do as an end in itself.
  25. Overall, people who feel like imposters are constantly judging their success against the achievements of others rather than viewing what they do as an end in itself.
  26. Impostor syndrome next-- Fraud
  27. Change leads us to Leadership