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©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
Creative Date Ideas To Impress & Have
      Fun Without Breaking The Bank!
                   Presented by Lady Romance

Please feel free to share this report with anyone who is interested in having creative
dates that lead to more love and romance in their life!

Simply forward it to them or provide them with a direct link so they can download it
for their own personal growth and dating success.

“Creative Date Ideas to Impress & Have Fun without Breaking the Bank” was created
by “Lady Romance” from, a relationship expert
whose sole passion is to help people find love, keep love and improve their
relationships. Apart from that, she also loves to give tips on how to have fun and
creative dates.

This report was a product of Lady Romance’s devotion to help those who are losing
hope of finding true love. This report contains valuable tips for on having fun,
creative and romantic dates. It also has tips on what you can do if the conversation
stalls while you’re on a date.

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
Creative Date Ideas To Impress & Have Fun
              Without Breaking The Bank!
Insider secrets to having successful, romantic dates; turn possible relationships into reality
without spending a fortune!


Inside this report, you will learn:

    1. Creative Date Ideas For A First Date. First dates are exciting and awkward at the same
       time. You’re hoping to be swept off your feet and taken to some exotic place, preferably
       flown there by private jet just for dinner. The first date is complicated enough. Give the
       person enough information so they can plan a great night or share the planning with you.
       Either way, let the only surprise be how the spark ignites between the two of you.

    2. Free Romantic and Creative Date Ideas. Jetting off to a foreign land with the one you
       love or eating in a fancy French restaurant while violins serenade you tableside is very
       romantic. Can you afford this? Even if you can you may be missing out on some of the
       most romantic dates that can fill you with memories forever. Snuggle together on a rainy day
       as you fondue chocolate strawberries and marshmallows. Swap out back and foot massages
       with warm massage oil. Warning: This could lead to repeat performances. Some of the best
       things in life are free and that goes for best dates too.

    3. What To Do If The Conversation Stalls. The date started out great. You talked about your
       work and his work. Then you shared some stories about mutual friends. He knows the
       names of your pets and you know about his car. Before that topic bogs down, offer to tell
       him what your dream job is if he’ll tell you what his dream job is. If he talks about his dog
       or his hobby re-building classic cars, then ask him what you would need to know to
       appreciate his interests. Just keep it current and avoid talking about your ex-boyfriend or his

    4. Free Romantic Ideas & Gifts Plus 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download. In any
       relationship, one of the most important aspects that can make it last is about how romantic
       you are to your partner. Now, for most people, being romantic means sending eating at local
       restaurants or going on a romantic vacation; all of which can cost you money. Did you know
       there are so many romantic ideas out there that you can get for free? Also there are some
       inexpensive gifts out there that you can find to be very romantic.

©Lady Romance  | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
Creative Date Ideas For A First Date
First dates are exciting and awkward at the same time. You’re hoping to be swept off your feet and
taken to some exotic place, preferably flown there by private jet just for dinner.

He’s merely trying to find a restaurant that you’ll like since he has no idea about your food
preferences. For all he knows, you’re a vegetarian and you won’t enjoy his favorite steak house.

He wants to impress you without going overboard, yet not be so mundane that you think he’s a
loser. Many guys would rather plan and execute a battle than set up plans for a first date.

But every relationship starts somewhere and it’s usually at the first date. Even if you’ve known him
before from work or as a friend of your friends, the first date takes it to a different level.

Suggest Where You Should Go
So when he says, “What would you like to do?” don’t sabotage him with the standard answer,
“Whatever you want to do is fine.” Seriously give him a break and provide some information.

                                           Otherwise don’t complain if you walk out in a silk dress
                                           and heels for the date he planned for riding go-karts.
                                           Without feeling like you’re directing the date or
                                           squashing his ideas, you can offer a few suggestions.

                                           If both of you are sports fans, you can say that you don’t
                                           have to go to the baseball game (with expensive tickets) -
                                           you enjoy grabbing sub sandwiches and watching the
                                           team on TV just as much.

                                           For active sports participants, mention that you have
                                           your own skates, bike and tennis racket if he would enjoy
                                           any of those activities on your first date. That gives him
                                           several choices and tells him that you have the right
                                           equipment for each activity.

If you’re more the indoors type, you can say that something you like to do with friends is go to the
early movie then go out for dessert and coffee. When you have a special coffee hangout place, you
can challenge him to a game of chess or other board game where the winner buys lattes and the
loser buys the donuts.

Stating Your Significant Preferences
When you have significant preferences, you need to state those up front. If you’re allergic to milk
products, he needs to know not to end the evening with a drive across town to share a banana split.

If you have strong feelings about certain types of violent movies or R rated movies, then tell him
before he buys tickets. Even if you make the suggestion to visit an art gallery after dinner, ask him
if he’s been there before.

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
If any place you suggest has an expected dress code, don’t let him be embarrassed by showing up in
cut off jeans and sandals. Mention that one thing you enjoy about this place is that it’s where people
dress up - women in dresses and guys in business casual or jackets.

The first date is complicated enough. Give the guy enough information so he can plan a great night
or share the planning with you. Either way, let the only surprise be how the spark ignites between
the two of you.

                  Free Romantic And Creative Date Ideas
Jetting off to a foreign land with the one you love or eating in a fancy French restaurant while
violins serenade you tableside is very romantic. Can you afford this? Even if you can you may be
missing out on some of the most romantic dates that can fill you with memories forever.

How many times have you asked yourself what you could do different on your next date? You
know if you fumble around indecisively she may perceive you as less than confident.

Be The Leader! Take Charge Of Your Dates
Being unsure of yourself is not romantic and people do compare their dates with the dates of their
friends. Consistently planning boring dates could lead to the final date. Be a leader, take charge
and plan your dates with romance and thought, not necessarily with cash and credit cards.

   1. An ice cream and magazine date is an inexpensive and fun way to laugh and learn about
      each other. Buy each other’s favorite ice cream and head to a quiet spot in a park or garden.

       Pints, or other small containers of ice cream would be best for this and don’t forget spoons
       and napkins. On your way to the site, pick up a couple of the tabloid magazines with stories
       of celebrities, UFOs or other strange happenings. Laugh at the ridiculous articles and don’t
       forget to share a nibble of each other’s ice cream…or each other.

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
2. Walks along the beach are always filled with romance. Hold hands, go barefoot and get
      your feet wet as you watch the waves crash. Yes, it does happen in real life too, not just the
      movies. And, who can resist a soft kiss as the sun slips slowly below the horizon.

   3. Read poetry to each other. This can be done at home or in some romantic location near the
      water or flower garden. Don’t knock this idea until you’ve tried it. Also, each of you could
      try your hand at writing a poem about each other. Sipping on a little wine might make the
      verses flow a little more freely.

   4. Just be together and talk. What, without the television on? Yes. Talk about each other’s
      goals in life, their dreams and plans for the future. Also talk about what’s going on in your
      current life, both the good and the bad. Share things that you’re grateful for and what you
      look for in a person you enjoy being with. Communicate.

   5. Fill balloons with notes. This would work well in conjunction with the talk date if you plan
      ahead. Get several small balloons and stuff each of them with a note telling what you like
      about the person you’re with. It’s more fun and exciting if you give your friend a pin to
      burst the balloon as the note falls out.

   6. Snuggle together on a rainy day as you fondue chocolate strawberries and marshmallows.

   7. Swap out back and foot massages with warm massage oil. Warning: This could lead to
      repeat performances. Some of the best things in life are free and that goes for best dates too.

                    What to Do If the Conversation Stalls
The date started out great. You talked about your work and his work. Then you shared some stories
about mutual friends. He knows the names of your pets and you know about his car.

Then comes the dreaded stall - that awkward moment when the conversation seems to have
nowhere else to go. The salad is only going to last so long and then both of you have to say
something. But what?

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
Here are a few conversational kickstarts so that you can decide which is most comfortable for your
personality. Whatever you choose, just make it natural and comfortable.

   1. Funny – If you have a quick wit and a real sense of humor, then you can bridge a silence in
      a way that leaves both of you laughing. Maybe you can find something funny in a strange
      Or you make a light of how the chef must be out back chasing down the chicken to take so
      long for your dinner order to appear. The only problem with being funny is to avoid sliding
      into sarcastic.

       Unless you know your date well enough to know if his sense of humor matches yours, then
       go easy on the humor. Making a casual amusing comment is one thing, but don’t start a
       comedic monologue over the entrée. If he can’t get a word in between your jokes, then
       humor isn’t a conversation starter it’s a date ender.

   2. Fascinating – When you have a love of books
      or travel or architecture, you may know a wealth
      of interesting information on that subject. Let’s
      say you are having dinner at a Victorian hotel
      and you know a lot about Victorian era

       You might ask your date if he knows how
       today’s dining out experience is different from
       that in the time that this restaurant was originally
       opened for service. Add a few interesting tidbits
       without sounding like a high school teacher
       lecturing her students.

       Share ideas and pose open-ended questions so
       that he gets to say something. Trivia is like
       seasoning - used sparingly and at the right time,
       it leaves you wanting more but over-used, it
       makes you want to want to leave early.

  3. Free spirited – Maybe you’re slightly eccentric
     or just marching to a different drummer. Even if he seems more conservative, he might find
©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
your free spirited nature refreshing and enjoyable.

       Tell him that your friends are constantly amused at your random questions and fascination
       with even the slightest things. Ask him to try a spur of the moment action with you just for

       Offer to start a word association – you toss out a word, then he does, then you respond and
       so forth. Before long, you are both laughing and have even more to talk about with this word

   4. Friendly – A sure conversation starter is to ask him about something that he relates to in his
      world. You might ask what a typical day in his job is like or what it is that attracted him to
      that job.

       Before that topic bogs down, offer to tell him what your dream job is if he’ll tell you what
       his dream job is. If he talks about his dog or his hobby re-building classic cars, then ask him
       what you would need to know to appreciate his interests. Just keep it current and avoid
       talking about your ex-boyfriend or his ex-girlfriend.

  Free Romantic Ideas & Gifts Plus 101 Romantic Ideas PDF
In any relationship, one of the most important aspects that can make it last is about how romantic
you are to your partner. Now for most people, being romantic means sending eating at local
restaurants or going on a romantic vacation; all of which, can cost you money. Did you know there
are so many romantic ideas out there that you can get for free? Also there are some inexpensive
gifts out there that you can find to be very romantic. These free romantic ideas and romantic gift
ideas are sure to impress your sweetheart without breaking the bank!

Free Romantic Ideas for Women
When trying to be romantic, what you need to do first is to show some initiative. Sometimes just
showing that you are trying to create a romantic setting or mood will go a long way. Nevertheless, if
you happen to be in a pickle, here are some romantic ideas for her that she will surely like.

First, you can turn boring or mundane activities into something fun and romantic. For example, do
the laundry, cook a delectable cuisine or wash the dishes together with her while reciting a love

   1. Sing Her A Song
      Another kind of activity that you can also try is playing a game together. As you’re doing the
      house chores together, play her favorite love songs and encourage her to sing each song with
      you. And when the music is just right (romantic enough), ask her for a dance.

   2. Compliment Her
      One of the most romantic ideas for her is by complimenting her in public. This is one of the
      most effective but free romantic ideas that will really make your girlfriend or wife’s heart

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
melt. As you may already know, women love to receive compliments from their boyfriend or

     Nevertheless, you need to make sure that your
     compliments are honest and that they are given at the
     right time. Otherwise, your compliments may only be
     taken differently.

  3. Scrub Her Feet
     A very intimate yet romantic idea is to give her a
     pedicure. Now, a lot of guys are not keen to the idea
     of giving their wives or girlfriends a pedicure because
     they think that this will negatively affect their
     manhood. But for most women, getting a pedicure
     from their man is very romantic. Nevertheless, if
     you’re not up to it, you can go to a salon and pay for
     her pedicure session. (But that’s not free)

  4. Love Letter
     If you’re good with words, then why don’t you write a
     romantic love letter for her? Or if you dabbled with poetry before, why don’t you try making
     a poem for her? If she has a cell phone or a computer, convert your poem into photo file and
     upload the file into her phone or computer and set it as wallpaper.

  5. Love Video
     Another romantic idea for her is by making a
     video based on a few photos of both of you
     together. For this, you can use Animoto.
     Animoto is easy to use, as well as, provides a
     wide variety of selections that can make your
     video more romantic. Using Animoto is free and
     you can upload the video to YouTube or
     Facebook and send it to her as a romantic
     Click here to see how easy Animoto is to use.

  6. Another First Date
     Lastly, once in a while, pretend you’re on your
     first date. Get dressed up; be sure you’re looking
     as handsome as ever. Buy her flowers and
     chocolates. Then, take her out on a date. Take
     her to the place where the two of you first met
     or set up a nice picnic for her and be her
     personal butler.

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Romantic Ideas for Men

   1. Brining Food In His Office
      One of the best romantic ideas for him is by bringing him food at his office. Suppose your
      man is working late in his office, prepare a nice meal for you and for him. If you’re not good
      at cooking, order a takeout meal for each of you and bring the food to his office.

       Then, in his office, you can eat dinner together. This is actually one of the most effective but
       free romantic date ideas of all time. Aside from being sweet, it also shows your utmost
       concern for your partner.

   2. Relaxing Night
      Included in the best romantic ideas for him is; when your man has had a really long hard day
      at work, instead of just kissing him and preparing dinner for him, prepare a hot bath for him
      as well. Make sure you pour some fragrant bath oil into the bath tub and surround it with a
      few scented candles.

       Then, when he’s finished, give him a towel to dry himself or you can do it for him. Then,
       tuck him to bed with a kiss on the lips and an “I love you very much”. After his bath, giving
       him a relaxing massage will surely put both of you in a romantic mood.

   3. Sweet Love Notes
      Another great idea for him is to write little notes that remind him of the things made you fall
      madly in love with him. Also if you kiss a post-it note with lipstick and leave in a place for
      him to find is a very cute romantic gesture.

   4. Sexy Pose
      You can also invite a relative or your closest friend and have them take sexy photos of you.
      If you can do this on your own, then the better. Have the photos printed and create a mini
      photo album for your sweetheart. Or you write a short erotic story for him; something that’ll
      turn him on.

   5. Dress Him Up
      If the two of you are married or live together, once a week, lay out his working clothes for
      him. Then, in the morning, help him put his clothes on and tell him how handsome he looks.

  6. Give Him Space
     Once a week, give your man some space. Allow him to go out with his friends or colleagues
     or just do things for or by himself. You can even call the bar where you’re boyfriend’s
©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
hanging out with his friends and order beer or food for him and his buddies on your tab.
        Such a simple act will go a very long way.

Free Romantic Gift Ideas for Your Partner
Now if you’re looking for inexpensive and romantic gift ideas for your partner, here are some that
you may consider.

    1. Flowers Are A Classic Romantic Gift
       If you happen to pass by some wild flowers, pick them and give them to your partner. If you
       have a little more time, include a note that says “I love you”.

    2. Support A Hobby
       Secondly, one of the best romantic gift ideas you can give your partner is a gift that
       correlates with your partner’s hobbies and activities. If your partner loves to design cards
       and edit photos, then why don’t you give him or her software that will help your partner
       create more beautiful designs? This way, not only will your partner think you appreciate his
       or her works, but you will also show how much you support him or her.

                      101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download
Now, there are still so many free romantic date ideas that will help you show your partner how
much you love and adore him or her. Nevertheless, thinking about unique romantic ideas can be
Here are a few more romantic ideas for you:

Romantic Idea #1: Almost everyone loves to go on a mystery trip. So, organize a mystery
                vacation for you and your partner. Some travel agents will organize mystery
                packages where the destination of the trip is kept secret until you are actually on
                the plane or arrive at the destination.

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Romantic Idea #2: As a special gift, name a Star after your partner. You can also have a star
                named after both of you and your partner. A number of astronomical agencies
                allow individuals to name stars and you receive formal documentation
                identifying the star that you have named. And on the night of the occasion, go to
                the park and bring a telescope. Show your partner the star you named after him
                or her.

Romantic Idea #3: Fill the trunk of your car with helium balloons. Drive to a romantic spot in the
                country to go for a walk. The ideal spot is somewhere up high with a clear view
                of the surrounding countryside.

                  Get out of the car and act as though you are about to set off for your walk. Make
                  sure your partner is closer to the car than you and then throw her the keys and
                  ask if she can get your jacket from the trunk while you tie your shoelace.

                  When she opens the boot the balloons will be released. You can also place a sign
                  saying, “I Love You” on the inside of the trunk so that it will be revealed when
                  the trunk opens.

So, did you like these ideas? Do you want more free romantic ideas like these?

Well, if you do, then download 101 Romantic Ideas PDF. This 101 romantic ideas PDF
download is filled with romantic ideas that’ll show your partner how much you love and care for
him or her. 101 romantic ideas PDF download can help you make your relationship even stronger
than ever.

With this PDF, you’ll never be at a loss for romantic ideas anymore.

Click here for 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
Wrapping up...

In this report, we've shown you:

       1.   Creative Date Ideas For A First Date
       2.   Free Romantic and Creative Date Ideas
       3.   What To Do if The Conversation Stalls on A Date
       4.   Free Romantic Ideas and Gift Ideas to Keep Your Relationship Strong-Plus 101
            Romantic Ideas PDF Download

However, this is just the beginning. If you'd like to know more about Creative Date Ideas and learn
the Secrets To First Date Success and Impress Your Mate by Spending Less than $20 then you
may find the following article useful:



According to Michael Webb, "The World's Most Romantic Man," and owner of the popular
website, the answer is yes!

"For the last 17 years I've been teaching people how to have fulfilling and successful relationships
that last a lifetime through the power of romance.

In fact, because of some of my dating and romance ideas, media around the world have taken to
calling me "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance,"
"The Martha Stewart of Romance" and other interesting monikers.

I don't necessarily agree with the titles, but I do aim to be the world's most loving husband to my
wife of 22 years, Athena.

Not to mention I have been featured in the media countless times.

Including every major newspaper in the United States, dozens of magazines and over 500 radio and
TV shows such as Oprah, The 700 Club and Men Are From Mars / Women Are From Venus,
sharing my tips and secrets with millions of viewers worldwide.

In addition, I am also a bestselling author of 18 books on love, romance and relationships.

My first book, "The Romantic's Guide" is an international bestseller. It was released in February
2000 and is already in its tenth printing.

All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on love, dating and
relationship matters. So YOU KNOW you're in good hands with my date ideas.” Michael Webb
tells us.

Why most people struggle

According to Michael Webb, there's a reason why so many people struggle with Finding Unique
and Creative Date Ideas despite so much help being offered to them today...
©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
"Did you know that while going out for dinner and a movie is one of the most popular dates, it is
also one of the very worst dates you can go on? -- especially for couples in the early stages of

“Don't get me wrong, dinner can be great but it's just too hard to make a good impression over

And if you're always going on dinner dates with a long-term partner, it's likely that things are
getting a little stale and you're dying to try something new.”

How Michael Webb conquered Finding Unique and Creative Date Ideas with a unique approach

"After realizing that people are starving for new and refreshing ways to spend time together, I
decided to sit down, recall and write down all the fun-filled dates I've had with my wife Athena over
the years. The result is a quality collection of date ideas from friends, family and myself ", Michael
Webb tells us.

Michael Webb focuses on the unique approach of Creative Date Ideas as well as the Do’s and
Don’ts of Dating to have successful dates that leave great impressions, rekindle relationships
and have more fun!

There are many success stories that you can read on his website, that
should, at the very least, inspire you to give it a try too.

To learn more about Michael Webb’s solution to dating disasters, and his story, along with dozens
of other stories from people who have also tried this solution, visit

What others are saying...

"There was a lady that I had been interested in for a while and I had asked her out 3 times before
but she kept saying no (sic)." – Toma, Chicago, IL

Click here to read the full review

"Really keeps things fresh and there are lot of ideas you haven't heard before."
                                                      – Brian, Potomac, Illinois

Click here to read the full review

"Now the stuff we do is actually fun and we have gotten tighter as a couple because of it."
                                                                    – Deb, New Rome, OH

Click here to read the full review

©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!

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Creative Date Ideas To Impress & Have Fun Without Breaking The Bank

  • 1.
  • 2. YOU ARE WELCOME TO SHARE THIS REPORT! You MAY NOT Share the credit here in. © Lady Romance ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of this publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor her affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental. Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 3. Creative Date Ideas To Impress & Have Fun Without Breaking The Bank! Presented by Lady Romance Please feel free to share this report with anyone who is interested in having creative dates that lead to more love and romance in their life! Simply forward it to them or provide them with a direct link so they can download it for their own personal growth and dating success. “Creative Date Ideas to Impress & Have Fun without Breaking the Bank” was created by “Lady Romance” from, a relationship expert whose sole passion is to help people find love, keep love and improve their relationships. Apart from that, she also loves to give tips on how to have fun and creative dates. This report was a product of Lady Romance’s devotion to help those who are losing hope of finding true love. This report contains valuable tips for on having fun, creative and romantic dates. It also has tips on what you can do if the conversation stalls while you’re on a date. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 4. Creative Date Ideas To Impress & Have Fun Without Breaking The Bank! Insider secrets to having successful, romantic dates; turn possible relationships into reality without spending a fortune! Introduction Inside this report, you will learn: 1. Creative Date Ideas For A First Date. First dates are exciting and awkward at the same time. You’re hoping to be swept off your feet and taken to some exotic place, preferably flown there by private jet just for dinner. The first date is complicated enough. Give the person enough information so they can plan a great night or share the planning with you. Either way, let the only surprise be how the spark ignites between the two of you. 2. Free Romantic and Creative Date Ideas. Jetting off to a foreign land with the one you love or eating in a fancy French restaurant while violins serenade you tableside is very romantic. Can you afford this? Even if you can you may be missing out on some of the most romantic dates that can fill you with memories forever. Snuggle together on a rainy day as you fondue chocolate strawberries and marshmallows. Swap out back and foot massages with warm massage oil. Warning: This could lead to repeat performances. Some of the best things in life are free and that goes for best dates too. 3. What To Do If The Conversation Stalls. The date started out great. You talked about your work and his work. Then you shared some stories about mutual friends. He knows the names of your pets and you know about his car. Before that topic bogs down, offer to tell him what your dream job is if he’ll tell you what his dream job is. If he talks about his dog or his hobby re-building classic cars, then ask him what you would need to know to appreciate his interests. Just keep it current and avoid talking about your ex-boyfriend or his ex-girlfriend. 4. Free Romantic Ideas & Gifts Plus 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download. In any relationship, one of the most important aspects that can make it last is about how romantic you are to your partner. Now, for most people, being romantic means sending eating at local restaurants or going on a romantic vacation; all of which can cost you money. Did you know there are so many romantic ideas out there that you can get for free? Also there are some inexpensive gifts out there that you can find to be very romantic. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 5. Creative Date Ideas For A First Date First dates are exciting and awkward at the same time. You’re hoping to be swept off your feet and taken to some exotic place, preferably flown there by private jet just for dinner. He’s merely trying to find a restaurant that you’ll like since he has no idea about your food preferences. For all he knows, you’re a vegetarian and you won’t enjoy his favorite steak house. He wants to impress you without going overboard, yet not be so mundane that you think he’s a loser. Many guys would rather plan and execute a battle than set up plans for a first date. But every relationship starts somewhere and it’s usually at the first date. Even if you’ve known him before from work or as a friend of your friends, the first date takes it to a different level. Suggest Where You Should Go So when he says, “What would you like to do?” don’t sabotage him with the standard answer, “Whatever you want to do is fine.” Seriously give him a break and provide some information. Otherwise don’t complain if you walk out in a silk dress and heels for the date he planned for riding go-karts. Without feeling like you’re directing the date or squashing his ideas, you can offer a few suggestions. If both of you are sports fans, you can say that you don’t have to go to the baseball game (with expensive tickets) - you enjoy grabbing sub sandwiches and watching the team on TV just as much. For active sports participants, mention that you have your own skates, bike and tennis racket if he would enjoy any of those activities on your first date. That gives him several choices and tells him that you have the right equipment for each activity. If you’re more the indoors type, you can say that something you like to do with friends is go to the early movie then go out for dessert and coffee. When you have a special coffee hangout place, you can challenge him to a game of chess or other board game where the winner buys lattes and the loser buys the donuts. Stating Your Significant Preferences When you have significant preferences, you need to state those up front. If you’re allergic to milk products, he needs to know not to end the evening with a drive across town to share a banana split. If you have strong feelings about certain types of violent movies or R rated movies, then tell him before he buys tickets. Even if you make the suggestion to visit an art gallery after dinner, ask him if he’s been there before. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 6. If any place you suggest has an expected dress code, don’t let him be embarrassed by showing up in cut off jeans and sandals. Mention that one thing you enjoy about this place is that it’s where people dress up - women in dresses and guys in business casual or jackets. The first date is complicated enough. Give the guy enough information so he can plan a great night or share the planning with you. Either way, let the only surprise be how the spark ignites between the two of you. Free Romantic And Creative Date Ideas Jetting off to a foreign land with the one you love or eating in a fancy French restaurant while violins serenade you tableside is very romantic. Can you afford this? Even if you can you may be missing out on some of the most romantic dates that can fill you with memories forever. How many times have you asked yourself what you could do different on your next date? You know if you fumble around indecisively she may perceive you as less than confident. Be The Leader! Take Charge Of Your Dates Being unsure of yourself is not romantic and people do compare their dates with the dates of their friends. Consistently planning boring dates could lead to the final date. Be a leader, take charge and plan your dates with romance and thought, not necessarily with cash and credit cards. 1. An ice cream and magazine date is an inexpensive and fun way to laugh and learn about each other. Buy each other’s favorite ice cream and head to a quiet spot in a park or garden. Pints, or other small containers of ice cream would be best for this and don’t forget spoons and napkins. On your way to the site, pick up a couple of the tabloid magazines with stories of celebrities, UFOs or other strange happenings. Laugh at the ridiculous articles and don’t forget to share a nibble of each other’s ice cream…or each other. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 7. 2. Walks along the beach are always filled with romance. Hold hands, go barefoot and get your feet wet as you watch the waves crash. Yes, it does happen in real life too, not just the movies. And, who can resist a soft kiss as the sun slips slowly below the horizon. 3. Read poetry to each other. This can be done at home or in some romantic location near the water or flower garden. Don’t knock this idea until you’ve tried it. Also, each of you could try your hand at writing a poem about each other. Sipping on a little wine might make the verses flow a little more freely. 4. Just be together and talk. What, without the television on? Yes. Talk about each other’s goals in life, their dreams and plans for the future. Also talk about what’s going on in your current life, both the good and the bad. Share things that you’re grateful for and what you look for in a person you enjoy being with. Communicate. 5. Fill balloons with notes. This would work well in conjunction with the talk date if you plan ahead. Get several small balloons and stuff each of them with a note telling what you like about the person you’re with. It’s more fun and exciting if you give your friend a pin to burst the balloon as the note falls out. 6. Snuggle together on a rainy day as you fondue chocolate strawberries and marshmallows. 7. Swap out back and foot massages with warm massage oil. Warning: This could lead to repeat performances. Some of the best things in life are free and that goes for best dates too. What to Do If the Conversation Stalls The date started out great. You talked about your work and his work. Then you shared some stories about mutual friends. He knows the names of your pets and you know about his car. Then comes the dreaded stall - that awkward moment when the conversation seems to have nowhere else to go. The salad is only going to last so long and then both of you have to say something. But what? ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 8. Here are a few conversational kickstarts so that you can decide which is most comfortable for your personality. Whatever you choose, just make it natural and comfortable. 1. Funny – If you have a quick wit and a real sense of humor, then you can bridge a silence in a way that leaves both of you laughing. Maybe you can find something funny in a strange situation. Or you make a light of how the chef must be out back chasing down the chicken to take so long for your dinner order to appear. The only problem with being funny is to avoid sliding into sarcastic. Unless you know your date well enough to know if his sense of humor matches yours, then go easy on the humor. Making a casual amusing comment is one thing, but don’t start a comedic monologue over the entrée. If he can’t get a word in between your jokes, then humor isn’t a conversation starter it’s a date ender. 2. Fascinating – When you have a love of books or travel or architecture, you may know a wealth of interesting information on that subject. Let’s say you are having dinner at a Victorian hotel and you know a lot about Victorian era literature. You might ask your date if he knows how today’s dining out experience is different from that in the time that this restaurant was originally opened for service. Add a few interesting tidbits without sounding like a high school teacher lecturing her students. Share ideas and pose open-ended questions so that he gets to say something. Trivia is like seasoning - used sparingly and at the right time, it leaves you wanting more but over-used, it makes you want to want to leave early. 3. Free spirited – Maybe you’re slightly eccentric or just marching to a different drummer. Even if he seems more conservative, he might find ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 9. your free spirited nature refreshing and enjoyable. Tell him that your friends are constantly amused at your random questions and fascination with even the slightest things. Ask him to try a spur of the moment action with you just for fun. Offer to start a word association – you toss out a word, then he does, then you respond and so forth. Before long, you are both laughing and have even more to talk about with this word game. 4. Friendly – A sure conversation starter is to ask him about something that he relates to in his world. You might ask what a typical day in his job is like or what it is that attracted him to that job. Before that topic bogs down, offer to tell him what your dream job is if he’ll tell you what his dream job is. If he talks about his dog or his hobby re-building classic cars, then ask him what you would need to know to appreciate his interests. Just keep it current and avoid talking about your ex-boyfriend or his ex-girlfriend. Free Romantic Ideas & Gifts Plus 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download In any relationship, one of the most important aspects that can make it last is about how romantic you are to your partner. Now for most people, being romantic means sending eating at local restaurants or going on a romantic vacation; all of which, can cost you money. Did you know there are so many romantic ideas out there that you can get for free? Also there are some inexpensive gifts out there that you can find to be very romantic. These free romantic ideas and romantic gift ideas are sure to impress your sweetheart without breaking the bank! Free Romantic Ideas for Women When trying to be romantic, what you need to do first is to show some initiative. Sometimes just showing that you are trying to create a romantic setting or mood will go a long way. Nevertheless, if you happen to be in a pickle, here are some romantic ideas for her that she will surely like. First, you can turn boring or mundane activities into something fun and romantic. For example, do the laundry, cook a delectable cuisine or wash the dishes together with her while reciting a love poem. 1. Sing Her A Song Another kind of activity that you can also try is playing a game together. As you’re doing the house chores together, play her favorite love songs and encourage her to sing each song with you. And when the music is just right (romantic enough), ask her for a dance. 2. Compliment Her One of the most romantic ideas for her is by complimenting her in public. This is one of the most effective but free romantic ideas that will really make your girlfriend or wife’s heart ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 10. melt. As you may already know, women love to receive compliments from their boyfriend or husband. Nevertheless, you need to make sure that your compliments are honest and that they are given at the right time. Otherwise, your compliments may only be taken differently. 3. Scrub Her Feet A very intimate yet romantic idea is to give her a pedicure. Now, a lot of guys are not keen to the idea of giving their wives or girlfriends a pedicure because they think that this will negatively affect their manhood. But for most women, getting a pedicure from their man is very romantic. Nevertheless, if you’re not up to it, you can go to a salon and pay for her pedicure session. (But that’s not free) 4. Love Letter If you’re good with words, then why don’t you write a romantic love letter for her? Or if you dabbled with poetry before, why don’t you try making a poem for her? If she has a cell phone or a computer, convert your poem into photo file and upload the file into her phone or computer and set it as wallpaper. 5. Love Video Another romantic idea for her is by making a video based on a few photos of both of you together. For this, you can use Animoto. Animoto is easy to use, as well as, provides a wide variety of selections that can make your video more romantic. Using Animoto is free and you can upload the video to YouTube or Facebook and send it to her as a romantic surprise. Click here to see how easy Animoto is to use. 6. Another First Date Lastly, once in a while, pretend you’re on your first date. Get dressed up; be sure you’re looking as handsome as ever. Buy her flowers and chocolates. Then, take her out on a date. Take her to the place where the two of you first met or set up a nice picnic for her and be her personal butler. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 11. Romantic Ideas for Men 1. Brining Food In His Office One of the best romantic ideas for him is by bringing him food at his office. Suppose your man is working late in his office, prepare a nice meal for you and for him. If you’re not good at cooking, order a takeout meal for each of you and bring the food to his office. Then, in his office, you can eat dinner together. This is actually one of the most effective but free romantic date ideas of all time. Aside from being sweet, it also shows your utmost concern for your partner. 2. Relaxing Night Included in the best romantic ideas for him is; when your man has had a really long hard day at work, instead of just kissing him and preparing dinner for him, prepare a hot bath for him as well. Make sure you pour some fragrant bath oil into the bath tub and surround it with a few scented candles. Then, when he’s finished, give him a towel to dry himself or you can do it for him. Then, tuck him to bed with a kiss on the lips and an “I love you very much”. After his bath, giving him a relaxing massage will surely put both of you in a romantic mood. 3. Sweet Love Notes Another great idea for him is to write little notes that remind him of the things made you fall madly in love with him. Also if you kiss a post-it note with lipstick and leave in a place for him to find is a very cute romantic gesture. 4. Sexy Pose You can also invite a relative or your closest friend and have them take sexy photos of you. If you can do this on your own, then the better. Have the photos printed and create a mini photo album for your sweetheart. Or you write a short erotic story for him; something that’ll turn him on. 5. Dress Him Up If the two of you are married or live together, once a week, lay out his working clothes for him. Then, in the morning, help him put his clothes on and tell him how handsome he looks. 6. Give Him Space Once a week, give your man some space. Allow him to go out with his friends or colleagues or just do things for or by himself. You can even call the bar where you’re boyfriend’s ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 12. hanging out with his friends and order beer or food for him and his buddies on your tab. Such a simple act will go a very long way. Free Romantic Gift Ideas for Your Partner Now if you’re looking for inexpensive and romantic gift ideas for your partner, here are some that you may consider. 1. Flowers Are A Classic Romantic Gift If you happen to pass by some wild flowers, pick them and give them to your partner. If you have a little more time, include a note that says “I love you”. 2. Support A Hobby Secondly, one of the best romantic gift ideas you can give your partner is a gift that correlates with your partner’s hobbies and activities. If your partner loves to design cards and edit photos, then why don’t you give him or her software that will help your partner create more beautiful designs? This way, not only will your partner think you appreciate his or her works, but you will also show how much you support him or her. 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download Now, there are still so many free romantic date ideas that will help you show your partner how much you love and adore him or her. Nevertheless, thinking about unique romantic ideas can be difficult. Here are a few more romantic ideas for you: Romantic Idea #1: Almost everyone loves to go on a mystery trip. So, organize a mystery vacation for you and your partner. Some travel agents will organize mystery packages where the destination of the trip is kept secret until you are actually on the plane or arrive at the destination. ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 13. Romantic Idea #2: As a special gift, name a Star after your partner. You can also have a star named after both of you and your partner. A number of astronomical agencies allow individuals to name stars and you receive formal documentation identifying the star that you have named. And on the night of the occasion, go to the park and bring a telescope. Show your partner the star you named after him or her. Romantic Idea #3: Fill the trunk of your car with helium balloons. Drive to a romantic spot in the country to go for a walk. The ideal spot is somewhere up high with a clear view of the surrounding countryside. Get out of the car and act as though you are about to set off for your walk. Make sure your partner is closer to the car than you and then throw her the keys and ask if she can get your jacket from the trunk while you tie your shoelace. When she opens the boot the balloons will be released. You can also place a sign saying, “I Love You” on the inside of the trunk so that it will be revealed when the trunk opens. So, did you like these ideas? Do you want more free romantic ideas like these? Well, if you do, then download 101 Romantic Ideas PDF. This 101 romantic ideas PDF download is filled with romantic ideas that’ll show your partner how much you love and care for him or her. 101 romantic ideas PDF download can help you make your relationship even stronger than ever. With this PDF, you’ll never be at a loss for romantic ideas anymore. Click here for 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 14. Wrapping up... In this report, we've shown you: 1. Creative Date Ideas For A First Date 2. Free Romantic and Creative Date Ideas 3. What To Do if The Conversation Stalls on A Date 4. Free Romantic Ideas and Gift Ideas to Keep Your Relationship Strong-Plus 101 Romantic Ideas PDF Download However, this is just the beginning. If you'd like to know more about Creative Date Ideas and learn the Secrets To First Date Success and Impress Your Mate by Spending Less than $20 then you may find the following article useful: SPECIAL REPORT: Is It Possible To MAKE A BIG IMPRESSION TO SECURE A SECOND DATE, Without SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY OR TIME AND PREPARATION? According to Michael Webb, "The World's Most Romantic Man," and owner of the popular website, the answer is yes! "For the last 17 years I've been teaching people how to have fulfilling and successful relationships that last a lifetime through the power of romance. In fact, because of some of my dating and romance ideas, media around the world have taken to calling me "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance," "The Martha Stewart of Romance" and other interesting monikers. I don't necessarily agree with the titles, but I do aim to be the world's most loving husband to my wife of 22 years, Athena. Not to mention I have been featured in the media countless times. Including every major newspaper in the United States, dozens of magazines and over 500 radio and TV shows such as Oprah, The 700 Club and Men Are From Mars / Women Are From Venus, sharing my tips and secrets with millions of viewers worldwide. In addition, I am also a bestselling author of 18 books on love, romance and relationships. My first book, "The Romantic's Guide" is an international bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its tenth printing. All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on love, dating and relationship matters. So YOU KNOW you're in good hands with my date ideas.” Michael Webb tells us. Why most people struggle According to Michael Webb, there's a reason why so many people struggle with Finding Unique and Creative Date Ideas despite so much help being offered to them today... ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!
  • 15. "Did you know that while going out for dinner and a movie is one of the most popular dates, it is also one of the very worst dates you can go on? -- especially for couples in the early stages of dating!" “Don't get me wrong, dinner can be great but it's just too hard to make a good impression over dinner. And if you're always going on dinner dates with a long-term partner, it's likely that things are getting a little stale and you're dying to try something new.” How Michael Webb conquered Finding Unique and Creative Date Ideas with a unique approach "After realizing that people are starving for new and refreshing ways to spend time together, I decided to sit down, recall and write down all the fun-filled dates I've had with my wife Athena over the years. The result is a quality collection of date ideas from friends, family and myself ", Michael Webb tells us. Michael Webb focuses on the unique approach of Creative Date Ideas as well as the Do’s and Don’ts of Dating to have successful dates that leave great impressions, rekindle relationships and have more fun! There are many success stories that you can read on his website, that should, at the very least, inspire you to give it a try too. To learn more about Michael Webb’s solution to dating disasters, and his story, along with dozens of other stories from people who have also tried this solution, visit What others are saying... "There was a lady that I had been interested in for a while and I had asked her out 3 times before but she kept saying no (sic)." – Toma, Chicago, IL Click here to read the full review "Really keeps things fresh and there are lot of ideas you haven't heard before." – Brian, Potomac, Illinois Click here to read the full review "Now the stuff we do is actually fun and we have gotten tighter as a couple because of it." – Deb, New Rome, OH Click here to read the full review ©Lady Romance | You Are Welcome To Share This Report!