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Creating a Facebook Clone - Part XXXIII
We are finally ready to tie this into the UI of the client
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The search UI is in a dedicated form. It works as you type and lets you toggle between people/post search modes by pressing the buttons on the top right corner.
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
Lets dive into the code starting with the fields and general types…

This is set to true when we are in people search mode
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
We use this flag to detect if the search text actually changed
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
This timer waits to make sure the user isn't still typing, so we won't send too many search queries at once
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
The time of the last search helps us decide how long we should wait for the upcoming search query so we don't send too many queries
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
This is the search text field where the user can type
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
Search results add up into the InfiniteContainer for paging/refresh capabilities
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
If search text is less than 2 characters we shouldn't start searching
public class SearchForm extends Form {
private boolean searchPeople;
private String lastSearchValue;
private UITimer pendingTimer;
private long lastSearchTime;
private TextField searchField = new TextField();
private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() {
public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) {
if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) {
return null;
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
This is the standard page calculation logic that we have in other InfiniteContainer classes
int page = index / amount;
if(index % amount > 0) {
List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchPeople) {
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
for(User u : results) {
} else {
List<Post> results = ServerAPI.searchPosts(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
for(Post u : results) {
We build results for people or posts in the same way, there are 2 createEntry methods that cover the logic for both cases
List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
for(User u : results) {
} else {
List<Post> results = ServerAPI.searchPosts(
searchField.getText(), page, amount);
if(results == null) {
return null;
for(Post u : results) {
if(response.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
The resulting components are returned on null in the case of an empty set. This is pretty direct and should be relatively obvious, the two big pieces that are obviously
missing from this code are the createEntry methods so lets get to them…
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private Component createEntry(User u) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName());
mb.addActionListener(e -> new UserForm(u).show());
return mb;
private Component createEntry(Post p) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(p.title.get());
mb.addActionListener(e -> new PostForm(p).show());
return mb;
The version that accepts the User object just creates a MultiButton for that. The same is true for the post entry
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private Component createEntry(User u) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName());
mb.addActionListener(e -> new UserForm(u).show());
return mb;
private Component createEntry(Post p) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(p.title.get());
mb.addActionListener(e -> new PostForm(p).show());
return mb;
I’ll get to the event handling code later, the UserForm & PostForm mentioned here don’t exist yet so I’ll discuss them after finishing the search class.

This is pretty trivial the next step isn't as simple…
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
We use BorderLayout so the InfiniteContainer can fit in the center, there is no other reason
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
The Title UIID makes the search field fit into the title area
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
In iOS the title is centered by default and that doesn't look good while editing so we left align explicitly for this case
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
This is the search operation, with every change to the text field we call the updateSearch method which performs the actual search
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
setTitleComponent places the component in the title area instead of the label that's there by default
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
This closes the search form by going to the previous form
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
These are the two buttons in the title area that let us toggle people & post search modes. We invoke refresh when there is a change which triggers a call to
fetchComponents in the InfiniteContainer for the first page
return UIUtils.toArray(response);
public SearchForm() {
super(new BorderLayout());
searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch());
Toolbar tb = getToolbar();
Form previous = getCurrentForm();
tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e ->
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> {
searchPeople = true;
tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> {
searchPeople = false;
add(CENTER, ic);
When we show the form the search field will instantly launch into editing mode, this is important with a virtual keyboard so it won't just have focus it will actually be in edit
add(CENTER, ic);
private void updateSearch() {
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
This leads us to the updateSearch() method which performs the actual search logic
add(CENTER, ic);
private void updateSearch() {
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
If the text didn't change we don't do anything
add(CENTER, ic);
private void updateSearch() {
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
If we have a search pending we kill that search request, since this all runs on the EDT this is a search that didn't start yet
add(CENTER, ic);
private void updateSearch() {
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
If we already started a search we make sure it wasn't too soon, otherwise we'll postpone this search for later
add(CENTER, ic);
private void updateSearch() {
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
When the timer elapses we update the search time and refresh, notice that since this is a UITimer the elapsing happens on the EDT
String text = searchField.getText();
if(text.length() > 2) {
if(lastSearchValue != null) {
if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
if(pendingTimer != null) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) {
pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime),
false, this, () -> {
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private Component createEntry(User u) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName());
If there is nothing pending we just do the search right now and refresh the InfiniteContainer. With this the search form should work and show search results instantly!
mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_WEB, 5f, new NewsfeedContainer());
FloatingActionButton fab =
Container friends = fab.bindFabToContainer(new FriendsContainer());
fab.addActionListener(e -> uploadContacts());
5f, new NotificationsContainer());
mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_MENU, 5f,
new MoreContainer());
add(CENTER, mainUI);
MATERIAL_CHAT, 4, e -> {});
Button searchButton = new Button("Search", "TitleSearch");
setMaterialIcon(searchButton, MATERIAL_SEARCH);
searchButton.addActionListener(e -> new SearchForm().show());
private void uploadContacts() {
The one last piece of the puzzle is plugging it into the UI which is actually trivial... We add this line to the MainForm constructor. With that you can now click the search
button and it will actually work with the data from the database.

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  • 1. Creating a Facebook Clone - Part XXXIII We are finally ready to tie this into the UI of the client
  • 2. © Codename One 2017 all rights reserved The search UI is in a dedicated form. It works as you type and lets you toggle between people/post search modes by pressing the buttons on the top right corner.
  • 3. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm Lets dive into the code starting with the fields and general types… This is set to true when we are in people search mode
  • 4. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm We use this flag to detect if the search text actually changed
  • 5. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm This timer waits to make sure the user isn't still typing, so we won't send too many search queries at once
  • 6. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm The time of the last search helps us decide how long we should wait for the upcoming search query so we don't send too many queries
  • 7. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm This is the search text field where the user can type
  • 8. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm Search results add up into the InfiniteContainer for paging/refresh capabilities
  • 9. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm If search text is less than 2 characters we shouldn't start searching
  • 10. public class SearchForm extends Form { private boolean searchPeople; private String lastSearchValue; private UITimer pendingTimer; private long lastSearchTime; private TextField searchField = new TextField(); private InfiniteContainer ic = new InfiniteContainer() { @Override public Component[] fetchComponents(int index, int amount) { if(searchField.getText().length() < 2) { return null; } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; SearchForm This is the standard page calculation logic that we have in other InfiniteContainer classes
  • 11. } int page = index / amount; if(index % amount > 0) { page++; } List<Component> response = new ArrayList<>(); if(searchPeople) { List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; } for(User u : results) { response.add(createEntry(u)); } } else { List<Post> results = ServerAPI.searchPosts( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; } for(Post u : results) { response.add(createEntry(u)); } } SearchForm We build results for people or posts in the same way, there are 2 createEntry methods that cover the logic for both cases
  • 12. List<User> results = ServerAPI.searchPeople( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; } for(User u : results) { response.add(createEntry(u)); } } else { List<Post> results = ServerAPI.searchPosts( searchField.getText(), page, amount); if(results == null) { return null; } for(Post u : results) { response.add(createEntry(u)); } } if(response.isEmpty()) { return null; } return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; SearchForm The resulting components are returned on null in the case of an empty set. This is pretty direct and should be relatively obvious, the two big pieces that are obviously missing from this code are the createEntry methods so lets get to them…
  • 13. }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); } } private Component createEntry(User u) { MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName()); mb.setIcon(u.getAvatar(8)); mb.addActionListener(e -> new UserForm(u).show()); return mb; } private Component createEntry(Post p) { MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(p.title.get()); mb.setTextLine2(p.content.get()); mb.setIcon(p.user.get().getAvatar(8)); mb.addActionListener(e -> new PostForm(p).show()); return mb; } } SearchForm The version that accepts the User object just creates a MultiButton for that. The same is true for the post entry
  • 14. }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); } } private Component createEntry(User u) { MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName()); mb.setIcon(u.getAvatar(8)); mb.addActionListener(e -> new UserForm(u).show()); return mb; } private Component createEntry(Post p) { MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(p.title.get()); mb.setTextLine2(p.content.get()); mb.setIcon(p.user.get().getAvatar(8)); mb.addActionListener(e -> new PostForm(p).show()); return mb; } } SearchForm I’ll get to the event handling code later, the UserForm & PostForm mentioned here don’t exist yet so I’ll discuss them after finishing the search class. This is pretty trivial the next step isn't as simple…
  • 15. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm We use BorderLayout so the InfiniteContainer can fit in the center, there is no other reason
  • 16. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm The Title UIID makes the search field fit into the title area
  • 17. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm In iOS the title is centered by default and that doesn't look good while editing so we left align explicitly for this case
  • 18. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm This is the search operation, with every change to the text field we call the updateSearch method which performs the actual search
  • 19. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm setTitleComponent places the component in the title area instead of the label that's there by default
  • 20. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm This closes the search form by going to the previous form
  • 21. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm These are the two buttons in the title area that let us toggle people & post search modes. We invoke refresh when there is a change which triggers a call to fetchComponents in the InfiniteContainer for the first page
  • 22. return UIUtils.toArray(response); } }; public SearchForm() { super(new BorderLayout()); searchField.setUIID("Title"); searchField.getAllStyles().setAlignment(LEFT); searchField.addDataChangedListener((i, ii) -> updateSearch()); Toolbar tb = getToolbar(); tb.setTitleComponent(searchField); Form previous = getCurrentForm(); tb.addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CLOSE, e -> previous.showBack()); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PERSON, e -> { searchPeople = true; ic.refresh(); }); tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_PAGES, e -> { searchPeople = false; ic.refresh(); }); add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } SearchForm When we show the form the search field will instantly launch into editing mode, this is important with a virtual keyboard so it won't just have focus it will actually be in edit mode
  • 23. add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } private void updateSearch() { String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); SearchForm This leads us to the updateSearch() method which performs the actual search logic
  • 24. add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } private void updateSearch() { String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); SearchForm If the text didn't change we don't do anything
  • 25. add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } private void updateSearch() { String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); SearchForm If we have a search pending we kill that search request, since this all runs on the EDT this is a search that didn't start yet
  • 26. add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } private void updateSearch() { String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); SearchForm If we already started a search we make sure it wasn't too soon, otherwise we'll postpone this search for later
  • 27. add(CENTER, ic); setEditOnShow(searchField); } private void updateSearch() { String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); SearchForm When the timer elapses we update the search time and refresh, notice that since this is a UITimer the elapsing happens on the EDT
  • 28. String text = searchField.getText(); if(text.length() > 2) { if(lastSearchValue != null) { if(lastSearchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { return; } if(pendingTimer != null) { pendingTimer.cancel(); } long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(t - lastSearchTime < 800) { pendingTimer = UITimer.timer((int)(t - lastSearchTime), false, this, () -> { lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); }); return; } } lastSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ic.refresh(); } } private Component createEntry(User u) { MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(u.fullName()); SearchForm If there is nothing pending we just do the search right now and refresh the InfiniteContainer. With this the search form should work and show search results instantly!
  • 29. mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_WEB, 5f, new NewsfeedContainer()); FloatingActionButton fab = FloatingActionButton.createFAB(MATERIAL_IMPORT_CONTACTS); Container friends = fab.bindFabToContainer(new FriendsContainer()); fab.addActionListener(e -> uploadContacts()); mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_PEOPLE_OUTLINE, 5f, friends); mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_NOTIFICATIONS_NONE, 5f, new NotificationsContainer()); mainUI.addTab("", MATERIAL_MENU, 5f, new MoreContainer()); add(CENTER, mainUI); getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToLeftBar("", MATERIAL_CAMERA_ALT, 4, e -> {}); getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", MATERIAL_CHAT, 4, e -> {}); Button searchButton = new Button("Search", "TitleSearch"); setMaterialIcon(searchButton, MATERIAL_SEARCH); getToolbar().setTitleComponent(searchButton); searchButton.addActionListener(e -> new SearchForm().show()); } private void uploadContacts() { MainForm The one last piece of the puzzle is plugging it into the UI which is actually trivial... We add this line to the MainForm constructor. With that you can now click the search button and it will actually work with the data from the database.