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Information Package
Commercial Pilot Licence
Airline Preparation Courses
Basair has seen many flying training
Introduction                                                       organisations come and go and has outlasted
                                                                   them all. The strength and security of training
                                                                   with a proven organisation, and one that has
                                                                   past students now flying with airlines all
Learning to fly is one of life’s most                              around the world, is an important part of
exhilarating experiences. The freedom of                           embarking on an aviation career.
flight is almost without bounds.
                                                                   The motivation behind the formation of Basair
Flying training is a                                                                      was to provide a centre
specialised field that                                                                    of aviation learning that
requires professionalism,                                                                 proves itself by results.
quality and an emphasis                                                                   The philosophy
on safety. You need to                                                                    underpinning the
feel comfortable at your                                                                  organisation was that of
college, and with your                                                                    a focus on clients – and
instructor. You need a                                                                    helping clients achieve
college that has a solid                                                                  what their goals are.
reputation for quality.                                                                   The results that have
Basair is a progressive,                                                                  been achieved since
imaginative and modern                                                                    Basair started have
college that provides all                                                                 shown that the
of the above. We have a                                            philosophy has worked. Basair has many
wide range of quality training courses, a                          past clients now enjoying rewarding careers
diverse fleet of aircraft maintained to the                        in airlines, working as charter pilots, and
highest standards, the best in facilities and                      teaching other people the wonders of flying.
most importantly - a professional team of
instructors.                                                       Training
                                                                   In order to provide the best possible training,
History                                                            we constantly refine and improve our
Basair commenced operating in 1991 at                              courses.
Bankstown Airport in Sydney.                                       Basair has trained pilots who are now flying in
The business was started by Darrin Ward, a                         major airlines as well as those who want a
senior flying instructor, who still owns the                       new, exciting hobby. We offer accredited
company, and works in the business today.                          courses for Certificates in Aviation for Private
Darrin holds an Airline Transport Pilot                            and Commercial Pilot licence level, plus
Licence, a multi engine Command Instrument                         Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and
Rating, a Grade One Flight Instructor Rating,                      Professional Pilot Series courses for career
multi engine training approval, and is                             pilots. These courses are accredited by the
approved by the Civil Aviation Safety                              Vocational Education and Training
Authority to conduct flight tests right through                    Accreditation Board (VETAB) of NSW. This
to the Commercial Pilot Licence and Multi                          accreditation is recognition of the quality of
Engine Command Instrument Rating level.                            our courses, and is your guarantee of a high
                                                                   standard. Additionally, Basair is a member of
                                                                   the Australian Council for Private Education
                                                                   and Training.
                                                                   Basair has obtained course accreditation in its
                                                                   own right - rather than the more common
                                                                   process of licensing a course from another
                                                                   organisation. This means that we teach our
                                                                   own courses the way they were designed to
                                                                   be taught – and we have complete control
                                                                   over the delivery of those courses.
                                                                   Additionally, Basair is a “Registered Training
                                                                   Organisation” which allows us to deliver
                                                                   accredited courses, and is your indicator of

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                          2
minimum levels of quality, facilities and                          being evaluated and retrained to maintain the
standards of course delivery.                                      highest standards.
The licence you gain when studying with                            Flying training is a personal experience
Basair will give you a highly respected                            between you and your instructor. Your
qualification that is a recognised international                   instructor will get to know you, how you fly,
qualification.                                                     what your strengths and weaknesses are.
We have a modern flight simulator. Use of                          Additionally, the Chief Flying Instructor
this equipment is incorporated into all of our                     oversees all training, and will happily discuss
training. We also have an extensive video                          your training with you at any time.
library as well as a complete computer aided                       The team of instructors at Basair comprises a
briefing system.                                                   group of senior Grade One Instructors who
                                                                   have many years of flight instruction behind
                                                                   them. The majority of our instructors have
                                                                   also been trained by Basair - so the
                                                                   standardisation of our training techniques is
                                                                   Basair's fleet of aircraft is diverse, with some
                                                                   aircraft types not available elsewhere in
                                                                   Sydney. With a selection of different types
                                                                   available for you to fly, the Basair fleet is one
                                                                   of the most comprehensive in the region.
Facilities                                                         From our basic trainers, to our advanced
                                                                   multi engine turbocharged aircraft, Basair's
Basair Aviation College has two campuses –                         CPL trainees experience a wide range of
one located at Bankstown Airport south west                        different aircraft types during their training.
of Sydney, and another located at Cessnock
Airport – north of Sydney.                                         Location
Each campus comprises a modern air-                                Basair is located at Bankstown Airport, 25 km
conditioned building complex containing                            south-west of Sydney. Just a thirty minute
classrooms, simulator facilities, pilot lounge,                    drive from the city centre brings you to the
and administration.                                                busiest airport in the southern hemisphere,
Rather than being located in the side of a                         and the fifth busiest airport in the world. We
hangar Basair has dedicated facilities that                        are fortunate at Bankstown that even with
have been custom designed and built as a                           such activity, we have few delays due to a
place of learning. Set back from the aircraft                      complex of four runways. Bankstown also
parking area provides the benefits of a quiet
location for study, while still being close to
the aircraft fleet.
Basair is not just a flying college. We have a
lounge area for your use, a bar-be-que area
with picnic tables, plus a fully equipped flight
planning room with fax and telephone
facilities. The college is open seven days a
week, from 8:00am to 6:00pm, and you are
welcome to call in at any time for assistance
or advice - there is always someone to
answer any questions you have.
                                                                   has a control tower - ensuring our clients are
Instructors                                                        trained in a professional airspace
                                                                   environment from their very first lesson. It
We can only provide quality courses with
                                                                   has long been said that quot;if you can fly at
quality teachers. Our instructors are all
                                                                   Bankstown - you can fly anywhere!quot;. Those
trained professionals, and are continually
                                                                   who learn to fly at Bankstown have the skills

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                            3
and experience to be able to fly into the                          University studies
busiest of airports with ease and confidence.
                                                                   Basair also offers an innovative course in
Naturally, exposure to the procedures of                           conjunction with the University of Newcastle.
Bankstown is a valuable part of the training of                    On this course you can study for your aviation
a Commercial Pilot. You can feel confident                         qualifications, while at the same time studying
knowing you can handle high levels of air                          for a Business Degree with the University.
traffic anywhere in the world.
                                                                   This is an ideal program if you are looking at
Two great options for training                                     giving yourself the best opportunity in the
As well as being located at Bankstown Airport                      aviation industry, while at the same time
in Sydney, Basair has another base at                              keeping a wide range of employment options
Cessnock Airport in the Hunter Valley, just                        open with additional qualifications.
west of Newcastle.                                                 Details of this course are on page 23 in this
                                                                   Into the future...
                                                                   We have always been at the forefront of
                                                                   technology at Basair. Computer aided
                                                                   training, the latest digital flight simulators,
                                                                   extensive audio-visual training aids are just
                                                                   some examples.

There are many benefits that stem from the
synergy between operations at these two
Clients have the choice to fly at either
location - without undergoing check flights
that are normally required.
You are also able to inject some real variety                      The information superhighway is the road to
into your training by occasionally having                          the future, and Basair was the first Australian
lessons at our Cessnock base. This is                              flying college on the Internet, and one of the
accomplished completely transparently – and                        first flying colleges in the world to launch into
provides you with extra insights into your                         CyberSpace. We have electronic mail
training.                                                          facilities to provide rapid communications
                                                                   with our clients locally, and internationally.
Advanced standing for higher
                                                                   The e-mail system is also used to provide
studies.                                                           support for theory tuition. Additionally, we
Basair courses provide you with advanced                           have a full information service on the World
standing in higher studies courses. On                             Wide Web. Our web site provides a wealth of
completion of a Basair course you can enrol                        information about aviation careers, links to
to continue your studies to a Degree level                         airlines, and you can even listen to the control
utilising “Distance Education”. This enables                       tower on the Internet! Study resources for
you to work in the industry and build your                         our clients are also available on our web site.
flying experience while continuing with                            You can find us at
advanced studies.
With sufficient industry experience you will be                    We are pleased to welcome you to Basair,
able to enrol in a Master of Aviation course.                      and we look forward to helping you achieve
This qualification is significantly higher than                    your goals as a career pilot.
that of a Degree, and Basair courses provide a
path to this qualification if you so desire.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                              4
Key points
     !    Basair holds accreditation from the                                 operated by commercial operators in
          Vocational Education and Training                                   the industry.
          Accreditation Board (VETAB) for its                             !   Rather than many of the flying hours
          courses. This means that                                            being in “low end” aircraft like the
          Government accreditation has been                                   Cessna 152, our courses ensure that
          obtained, and ensures high                                          you are conversant with the
          standards of course delivery.                                       operations of all the aircraft types
          Accreditation also means that                                       likely to be used in your first aviation
          candidates studying these courses                                   job. To achieve this we ensure that
          are eligible for AUSTUDY and other                                  you gain exposure to a wide range of
          similar financial assistance.                                       aircraft types during your training,
     !    Basair’s courses are designed in-                                   with sufficient hours on each type to
          house by aviation professionals with                                consolidate your learning.
          many years of experience training                               !   Theory courses are conducted
          Commercial Pilots. The courses are                                  according to a structured syllabus.
          also designed to the latest                                         You do not need to self-study the
          Competency Based Training                                           material. You are trained for your
          standards.                                                          theory exams – not left to try and
     !    We conduct training to Flight                                       train yourself using “self teaching”
          Instructor rating level, and we hold                                methods.
          approval to conduct theory                                      !   The Diploma and Advanced Diploma
          examinations up to Grade One                                        courses start on fixed dates and run
          Instructor Rating level. This gives an                              to a structured program, rather than
          indication of the quality of training                               commencing at random times. This
          provided, and the confidence that the                               allows us to fully integrate your flying
          Civil Aviation Safety Authority has in                              and theory training.
          the quality of previous candidates                              !   All flight tests are conducted as you
          from the college.                                                   progress through to your
     !    Our courses incorporate our                                         Commercial Pilot Licence, and not
          sophisticated multiengine flight                                    just a final Commercial Pilot flight
          simulators for Command Instrument                                   test. You will pass the General Flying
          Rating training. We also have an in-                                Progress Test and then obtain a
          house Authorised Test Officer who                                   Private Pilot Licence on the way to
          can conduct tests in the simulators.                                obtaining your Commercial Pilot
     !    A wide range of high performance                                    Licence. This means that you are
          aircraft are available for trainees to                              able to carry passengers with you
          fly, such as the constant-speed                                     when you are building your
          equipped Tobago single engine                                       experience. (If only the CPL test was
          aircraft compared to the fixed-pitch                                conducted you would never carry
          Piper Cherokee or Cessna 172, and                                   passengers with you - until your very
          the more complex Twin Comanche                                      first flight employed as a Commercial
          compared to a Duchess, Partenavia                                   Pilot!)
          or Seminole multi engine aircraft. It
          is vital to be trained to fly higher
          performance aircraft like those

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                              5
Valuable exposure is then gained to the

Commercial                                                         responsibilities of the carriage of passengers.
                                                                   The Private Licence will generally be achieved

Pilot                                                              with around 50-60 hours of flight time and
                                                                   also involves three written examinations. A
                                                                   flight test is conducted prior to the issue of

Careers                                                            the licence.
                                                                   After gaining a Private Pilot Licence, the
                                                                   trainee needs to build experience while
A career as a Commercial Pilot is one that is                      developing skills to the level required for the
dreamed of by many people. An exciting                             issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence. At this
career, it offers many rewards such as travel,                     stage of the training course Basair trainees
job security and attractive salaries.                              undertake a series of cross country flight to
Decisions that affect the long-term career                         destinations like the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers
prospects of a candidate need to be made                           Rock and many other outback locations.
before any training is commenced, and these                        Extensive experience is gained in remote area
decisions need to be made carefully.                               navigation, and operation from outback
This document will provide you with
information about career pathways and
training required to follow those pathways. It
is our hope that decisions regarding a career
in aviation will be made easier after reading
this document.
The path to a Commercial Pilot
The training for a Commercial Pilot Licence
(CPL) follows a similar path, regardless of
whether the training is conducted full time or
part time.
An important consideration when embarking
on an aviation career is the quality and nature
of the training course undertaken. It is
important to undertake a course of training
that provides the best range of career skills,
while not taking excessive time to achieve
these skills. A course should be completed
within a twelve month period, and then
employment obtained to build flying
Further studies can be undertaken once the
initial course is completed. These studies are
normally done via “Distance Education” to
allow you to continue working in the aviation
industry and building experience.                                  airstrips. Training to raise standards to the
The first stage of a Commercial Pilot Licence                      levels required for a Commercial Pilot Licence
is to obtain a Private Pilot Licence. This                         is also conducted during this time.
licence allows a pilot to carry passengers, but                    The Commercial licence is issued after the
not for hire or reward - they cannot be paid                       candidate has achieved a minimum of 150
for their flying. All Basair Commercial Pilot                      hours flying experience, plus passed a written
Licence candidates are required to pass the                        examination and a flight test. Basair
PPL. This then allows them to carry                                candidates will be required to pass an
passengers while on navigation flights.                            additional seven exams prior to obtaining
                                                                   their Commercial Licence. This ensures that

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                         6
our candidates are at a higher level of                            Medical requirements
knowledge than the typical CPL candidate.
                                                                   The issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence is
At this point the candidate is qualified to be                     dependent on the candidate passing a Class
paid for their flying. There are, however two                      One Aviation Medical. This medical includes
main limitations placed on a quot;standardquot;                            a general physical examination, plus eyesight
Commercial Pilot - they can only fly during                        and hearing tests.
daylight hours, and they must also fly in
                                                                   Because an entire career depends on passing
reasonably fair weather. These limitations are
                                                                   this medical, we always recommend that a
significant for a CPL holder, so additional
                                                                   full Class One medical is completed prior to
training must be undertaken to remove these
                                                                   commencing training.
                                                                   A list of medical examiners is included with
Generally, a CPL trainee will undertake
                                                                   this information.
training for a quot;Command Instrument Ratingquot;
which allows them to fly at night and in bad                       What do the airlines require?
weather. If desired, the night flying                              The following is provided as a guide. Please
component can be covered on its own as a                           note that these requirements are typical of the
Night VFR rating.                                                  major international and domestic airlines
The CPL holder can also undertake training at                      (QANTAS and Virgin Blue) however regional
this stage to become a Flying Instructor -                         and commuter airlines may have quite
probably the best way to obtain that first job                     different requirements:
in the aviation industry. Training to be an                             ! Minimum age 21 years.
Instructor also increases flying skills, as an                          ! Higher School Certificate (or
Instructor must be able to show high levels of                             equivalent) completed.
proficiency in all flying manoeuvres.                                   ! Commercial Pilot Licence.
After completion of this additional training the                        ! Multi Engine endorsement.
new Commercial Pilot is in a much more                                  ! Multi Engine Command Instrument
employable situation, and is able to pursue                                Rating.
jobs in air charter and air freight operations.                         ! 1000 hours flying experience,
Generally, employment will not be possible in                              including at least 500 hours quot;in
the airlines at this stage as the new CPL                                  commandquot;.
holder does not have sufficient flying
experience to meet the minimum entry
                                                                   Important considerations
requirements for the airlines. This is an                          The way you undertake training for a
important point and one that is often                              Commercial Pilot Licence has a significant
overlooked when deciding on training                               bearing on what your career prospects will be
options. The CPL holder will have to obtain                        in the long term. Unfortunately, many people
employment flying aircraft in General Aviation                     make the wrong decisions at the beginning of
to build up experience prior to applying to the                    their training and the result is a lost
airlines. This employment can be in the air                        opportunity for an aviation career.
charter or air freight areas, or maybe as a                        There are some fundamental considerations
Flying Instructor.                                                 that need to be of primary concern when
Basair’s training courses are designed to                          making your decision:
allow you to expedite your path into                               Age - If aiming at a career with the major
employment in the aviation industry, and                           airlines: The major airlines will generally be
therefore strengthen your career prospects                         looking at taking on flight crew at the earliest
with an airline.                                                   possible age, between 21 and 30 years old.
Gaining employment initially as a Flying                           The reason for this is that there are significant
Instructor is the simplest way of increasing                       costs incurred by the airlines in training you,
flying experience, and it also allows the pilot                    so they need the longest return of service that
to work from major population centres.                             you can give them prior to retiring. This
Flying training experience is also regarded                        allows them to recover the training costs they
highly by the airlines as this background gives                    have invested in you.
a good grounding for future check and                              For this reason you should avoid any delays
training captains in the airlines.                                 in getting to a position where you can be

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                           7
applying for a flight crew position. You                           the Degree candidate with significantly
should complete a course of training that runs                     increased experience levels.
for no more than twelve months, and then                           If you would like to obtain a Degree
commence working in the industry. If you                           qualification then you can complete studies
would like to obtain a Degree (or similar)                         for this after completing a Diploma - generally
qualification then do this once you are                            part time by “Distance Education”. This is by
working in the industry and increasing your                        far the preferred option as you receive the
aeronautical experience.                                           benefits of working in the industry and
Age - If looking at other career options                           building up experience as quickly as possible,
(regional and commuter airlines, flying                            while still obtaining a Degree qualification.
instructor, charter pilot etc.): Age is no                         Basair's Diploma and Advanced Diploma
barrier to someone wanting to fly for a living.                    courses provide full credits towards a Degree
The main restrictions on a Commercial Pilot                        course, and will therefore significantly shorten
arise at 60 years of age, so                                                        the time and cost of finishing a
early retirement is not a                                                           Degree once one of our
requirement for being a                                                             courses have been completed.
                                                                                    Additionally, it is worth
Experience: The most                                                                considering completing a
important factor                                                                    higher qualification in other
considered when you                                                                 subject areas such as Business
apply for a job is your                                                             Management or Marketing, as
flying experience. It is the                                                        these courses provide
one qualification that all                                                          excellent background
aviation jobs are centred                                                           knowledge for pilots. The
around, and it is therefore                                                         major airlines are now looking
the most important qualification you need to                       closely at qualifications and experience
obtain.                                                            outside the aviation field as a benefit for their
Most airlines will require a minimum of 500 or                     flight crew to have.
1000 hours before you can apply for a pilot
position with them.                                                Summary
It is crucial that you obtain your Commercial                      From the above, it can be seen that the
Pilot Licence and other qualifications without                     preferred path to follow for a career
much delay, and then start working in the                          Professional Pilot is one that has the following
industry to build up your experience.                              characteristics:
                                                                       ! Diploma qualification if possible, or
Qualifications: The main qualification for
                                                                           professional course of study.
employment as a pilot is the Commercial Pilot
                                                                       ! Study period of no more than 12
Licence. It is of benefit to obtain a further
                                                                           months to be qualified and
qualification such as a Diploma. A Diploma
qualification is obtained after a one year
                                                                       ! Involves a wide range of experiences
course of study, which is the minimum time it
                                                                           for the trainee, including multi engine
will normally take to obtain a Commercial
                                                                           simulator training, and high
Pilot Licence.
                                                                           performance aircraft training.
A Degree, however will require at least three                          ! Provides a clear path into
years of ground study, and produce the same                                employment in General Aviation to
practical qualifications as a Diploma course.                              build up flying experience.
The delay in obtaining a Degree qualification
(an additional 2-21/2 years) could make you                        Types of study.
ineligible for entry to the major airlines. A                      There are two main ways of studying for a
candidate completing a twelve month                                Commercial Pilot Licence:
Diploma course of study will have around                              ! Full time study - Professional Pilot
1500 hours flying experience by the time a                                Courses and Certificate or Diploma
candidate undertaking the Degree course                                   Airline Pilot Course, and
finishes with around 200 hours experience.                            ! Part time study - Professional Pilot
This places the Diploma candidate ahead of                                Courses.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                           8
The avenue followed depends entirely on                            Diploma & Advanced Diploma Airline Pilot
your situation, but the following should be                        Courses
considered:                                                        Designed for the candidate who wishes to
Full time study provides the fastest path to a                     obtain a high qualification level, with the most
Commercial Pilot Licence, however it also                          efficient full time training program. These
(naturally) requires a greater time and                            courses contain training for a Commercial
financial commitment. Full time study will                         Pilot Licence and Multi Engine Command
also be less susceptible to delays due to                          Instrument Rating as a minimum. Additional
weather etc. as the course can be rearranged                       theory on subjects such as marketing, and
to suit the conditions.                                            computing is also covered. Depending on the
                                                                   course chosen, Airline Transport Pilot Licence
Part time study (e.g. flying on weekends)
                                                                   theory or a Grade III Flight Instructor Rating
allows more flexibility in study in terms of
                                                                   are also included in the courses.
time and financial commitment. It does,
however, take longer to qualify when                               The Advanced Diploma of Aviation (Airline
studying part time, plus you are more prone                        Preparation - Flight Instruction) course
to delays with weather since there are limited                     provides the best path for a trainee to obtain
days on which to train.                                            employment in General Aviation immediately
                                                                   on completion of the course.
Basair has designed professional pilot
courses that provide our clients with the best                     Employment Prospects
possible start in the competitive aviation
                                                                   Basair evaluates all trainees for potential
industry. As well as our accredited Certificate
                                                                   employment on the completion of their
and Diploma Courses, Basair has a range of
courses for the trainee wishing to study part-
time, or to gain alternative qualifications to                     Candidates are evaluated on the basis of
those offered.                                                     performance during the course, effort made,
                                                                   skills obtained, general flying proficiency,
Courses                                                            personality and demeanour. Successful
Basair courses assume no previous flying                           candidates will be interviewed on completion
experience or knowledge. Each course                               of their course.
outlined in this material provides training                        Any candidates who are evaluated for
from ab-initio through to full Commercial Pilot                    potential employment may also be
Licence.                                                           recommended to another operator for
Several Professional Pilot courses are                             employment.
available, each one catering to a different                        Basair has an extensive network of contacts in
career stream for the candidate.                                   the aviation industry and our Vocational
     ! Full time study can be undertaken for                       Guidance service allows candidates to be
          any of the Professional Pilot series,                    recommended to an operator who is currently
          plus our accredited Diploma and                          seeking new flight crew
          Advanced Diploma Airline Pilot
     ! Part time study is available for any of
          the Professional Pilot series.
Professional Pilot Series
Available on both a part time and full time
study basis, these courses give the greatest
flexibility in both scheduling and financial
The basic course is for a Commercial Pilot
Licence, with other courses providing training
beyond that level.
Payment for the training can be made as the
course progresses, or in instalments.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                          9
I come from a background which perhaps

What                                                               gives me some authority in simply stating it
                                                                   was above and beyond my expectations. I
                                                                   was particularly impressed with Charles'
                                                                   instructional style and skills.

people say                                                         I am not usually given to responding in such a
                                                                   way but thought in this instance I would. Well

about                                                              Paul Baker.
                                                                   Private Pilot Licence.

                                                                   “I spent 6 years in the Royal Air Force as
Basair                                                             Tactical Communications Specialist and
                                                                   always wondered what it would be like if I had
                                                                   chosen a career as a Pilot. Due to age
“I highly recommend Basair's Advanced
Diploma in Aviation course. From day one the                       restrictions of the Royal Air Force pilot
course has proven challenging, yet highly                          recruiting policy (19-23) I decided to research
rewarding.                                                         a company that would give me professional
                                                                   training to the highest standards that would
The enthusiastic instructors demonstrate their
                                                                   prepare me for the Civil Aviation Industry.
commitment to quality coaching and support
via interactive ground lessons and exciting in-                    After some research, I decided to undertake
flight tuition. As the Diploma class is                            the Advanced Diploma of Aviation course
encouraged to progress as a class it is this                       (Flight Instructor) with Basair due to the
team environment that fosters a strong                             professionalism portrayed in dealing with
support network to ensure all students                             my requests and the supply of information to
achieve their best.                                                me as an international student. The fact that
                                                                   Basair trains their clients in the busiest airport
It is this approach to aviation schooling which
                                                                   in Australia (Bankstown Airport) was also
reinforces Basair's reputation as Sydney's
                                                                   attractive as real life/live environment offers
premier flying institution.”
                                                                   great experience compared to other schools I
Justin Clarke.                                                     had considered. The Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma of Aviation.                                      course comprises of 14 months of solid study
                                                                   which would normally take 3 years
“All Instructors I have had have all been                          at University. This I also found to be very
extremely helpful. They have all been more                         advantageous considering my age with
than willing to help with any aspect of flying,                    advancing within aviation industry.
and have all provided instruction to a very
high standard.                                                     At present I am completing my
                                                                   Commercial exams and can confirm the
The course has been very enjoyable in all                          quality of training is to a high standard. I find
aspects. It has been very rewarding, and                           myself setting high personal goals to improve
contributing to this is the quality of the                         my general flying in anyway that is possible. I
instruction provided.”                                             highly recommend Basair as a high quality
Overall, Basair is a very professional                             training facility that looks to achieve my
organisation, which provides instruction of a                      maximum potential and drive my motivation
very high standard. It promotes                                    beyond the Commercial licence.”
professionalism and a friendly atmosphere.”                        Matt Batchelor.
D. Rositano.                                                       Advanced Diploma of Aviation.
Commercial Pilot Licence.

“Darrin, I wish to take the opportunity of
congratulating you on the standards of Basair
I encountered and in particular the work of
my flight instructor.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                           10
“My Instructor is professional, willing to help,                   “Thank you for the hospitality and all the
friendly. I’ve never had a problem.                                effort provided to assist Kapieni gain his
My course is well run. It tries to get us                          present skills. We believe that this has set the
through without rushing things, which is how                       standard for his future career in aviation and
it should be.”                                                     he will be proud to demonstrate when
                                                                   pursuing to complete his Commercial Pilot
I have never had a problem with any Cessna
152s. The Tobagos are nice aircraft.”
                                                                   Once again our sincere appreciation and kind
Wesley Reid.
Private Pilot Licence.
                                                                   Kapieni's Mum & Dad.
“I am immensely proud of achieving my                              (Commercial Pilot Licence)
Private Pilot Licence. Without Basair’s quality
staff, friendly professional atmosphere and                        “All Instructors are very helpful and friendly. I
continual encouragement, I am not sure I                           find their experience and knowledge a major
would have persevered.                                             contribution to my flying. The fact that I can
                                                                   rely on my Instructor or any other instructor
I congratulate you for your staff selection and
                                                                   in the school for that matter, for help and
customer oriented business. I keep my eyes
                                                                   guidance is very encouraging.
open and can confirm what you probably
already know, that there is no more attractive                     I find my course very interesting and a
flying school at Bankstown – and of course                         challenge. The Twin Comanche has so far
this is no accident.”                                              been the most challenging and delightful
                                                                   aircraft to fly.”
Mack Gridley.
Private Pilot Licence.                                             R. Reddy.
                                                                   Commercial Pilot Licence.
 “The friendliness and professionalism of my
Instructor has been excellent throughout my                         “The course has been great. The instructors
training at Basair. Outside of working hours                       here take you to your limits and test your
and on fly aways he has been a good friend                         abilities to the fullest, while maintaining a safe
and also professional at the same time. My                         and helpful teaching environment. I have
Instructor has paid close attention to my                          enjoyed this and have learned more about my
progress throughout all stages of my training.                     own abilities than I ever thought capable.
It’s a good safety culture – the company and                       The aircraft are well maintained and no
every instructor is looking after not just their                   shortcuts are taken on training. During my
safety but also the student’s safety which is of                   course I have found the aircraft more than
great priority.                                                    capable for the task at hand, as are the
                                                                   instructors who take the necessary time to
Overall the professionalism and the way the
                                                                   make sure you understand all aspects of the
company works (and associates with people)
is excellent.
                                                                   Paul Oliver.
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Basair to
                                                                   Advanced Diploma of Aviation.
anybody if they were interested in flying
socially or for a career.”                                         The Diploma course has been challenging
Scott Plane,                                                       and yet rewarding. The course has tested my
Commercial Pilot Licence.                                          abilities physically and mentally. I have
                                                                   learned skills I thought I wouldn't be capable
                                                                   of for some time.
                                                                   All instructors have a high standard of
                                                                   knowledge and are willing to help at any time.
                                                                   The environment here is friendly and safe
                                                                   with all planes well maintained. Planes here
                                                                   are always clean and tidy and close to our
                                                                   The time I have had here has been fun and I
                                                                   look forward to the rest of the course.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                           11
Matthew Brown.                                                     In my opinion Stuart Venison is a human
Advanced Diploma of Aviation.                                      asset for Basair. I am writing to commend him
                                                                   not because he does his job well, but because
“The Diploma course from day one has been                          time and again he has gone beyond his call of
well balanced between flying and theory. The                       duty through his display of professionalism,
course has been structured to develop the                          subject matter expertise, understanding and
skills and knowledge required to attain the                        commitment towards helping me excel as a
desired level of training, with the instructors                    pilot.
and staff being friendly and easily                                It is my humble request that his efforts be
approachable to answer any questions.                              recognised in a manner you deem fit. It will
The flight training has been to a high                             only encourage him and other people within
standard, with the ground work equally                             Basair to provide a level of service that truly
meeting the high standards that Basair                             represents your company as a leader in the
achieves. The effort required is intense, but                      eyes of your customers.
the knowledge gains in a short period of time                      Abhishek Bhattacharjee
has been immense.                                                  Private Pilot Licence.
All these factors contribute to the highly
rewarding and enjoyable training that the                           “I was a recent student at Basair and I am
Diploma course provides.”                                          writing to thank you and your staff for a most
Lyndon Batchelor.                                                  professional and enjoyable learning
Advanced Diploma of Aviation                                       experience.
                                                                   I studied for my PPL with Basair whilst I was
“Darrin, we have not met but I wished to take                      working in Sydney and I gained 35 hours of
the opportunity of congratulating you on the                       valuable flying time including 5 hours of solo
standards of Basair I encountered today and                        flying.
in particular the work of my flight instructor.                    From the moment I started with Basair there
I come from a background which perhaps                             was a clear emphasis on safety whilst
gives me some authority in simply stating it                       maintaining the enjoyment of flying. I have to
was above and beyond my expectations. I                            admit that I was a little nervous when I first
was particularly impressed with his                                started, but after a couple of lessons with my
instructional style and skills.                                    instructor the fear had disappeared and I
I am not usually given to responding in such a                     realised that in flying I had discovered a new
way but thought in this instance I would. Well                     pleasure that would be with me for life.
done!”                                                             I found my instructor to have all the qualities
Paul Baker.                                                        that in my opinion makes a first rate
Diploma of Aviation.                                               instructor. His attention to safety was always
                                                                   paramount as was his eye for detail. He
“I have been a student with Basair for almost                      communicated information in a clear, concise
a year now and last Saturday (15th April) I                        manner and taught me the value of good
passed my GFPT with flying colors under very                       airmanship and forward-thinking.
windy conditions of 20-22 knots crosswind.                         Once again a big thank you to all at Basair.
I have done majority of my training under the                      The training I received far exceeded my
instruction of Stuart Venison. Purpose of                          expectations and I hope to study with Basair
writing this email is to acknowledge the                           again at some point in the near future.”
incredible job that Stuart has done since he                       Richard Ellis.
took over as my instructor.                                        Private Pilot Licence.
I am a business owner and recognise the
importance of commending people who
continuously perform beyond their call of
duty. These people are true human assets
and in a service based industry, they
represent core reasons for customer
satisfaction and success of an organisation.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                        12
career information
The following information has been reproduced from the QANTAS general recruitment
information and details the pilot career requirements for joining QANTAS. This is a useful
reference in deciding which course of study is the most appropriate, as well as what the general
career path is once employed by QANTAS.

           “A career as a Qantas pilot is an extremely rewarding one in terms of job
           satisfaction and self-esteem. The much-publicised aspect of financial reward is
           commensurate with the time, work and effort required to maintain the position. The
           learning process will continue throughout your flying career.
           Study for a career as a Qantas pilot begins in a school where you should be
           studying English, Mathematics and Science for years Eleven and Twelve. The
           Science subject may be a multi-element subject but ensure you include an element
           of physics, it may be Physics or it may be Engineering Science. Your subject choice
           and marks achieved should allow you to matriculate to a major university to study
           At school you should take any opportunities to develop skills in leadership, team
           work, awareness and co-ordination. Practise leading people; involve yourself in team
           or group activities; read, listen, observe, do and appreciate as much as you are
           able; practise and participate in eye-hand, and eye-hand-foot co-ordination activities
           including sports such as cricket, baseball, softball, hockey, tennis, squash and golf.
           It is recommended you take a full Commercial or Air Transport Pilot Licence medical
           examination, including a check of your hearing and eyesight before you make your
           subject choice for years Eleven and Twelve. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority or
           Flying Training organisation will support you with the details of your most
           convenient Approved Medical Examiner. If a flying career is to be denied to you
           because of medical problems it is best to know before choosing subjects for the final
           two years of school.
           After school the decision to start flying training straight away or continue study is
           yours. You do not require a degree to fly with Qantas as a pilot.
           You should plan to undertake your own flying training. Qantas does not sponsor
           people to learn to fly, we employ people who have:
          ! A Commercial Pilot Licence;
          ! A Command Instrument Rating;
          ! A multi-engine aircraft endorsement on their licence;
          ! Passed the Air Transport Pilot Licence theory examination and have 500 hours
               flying experience in command of an aircraft.
           After gaining your Commercial Pilot Licence you will have to find employment in the
           General Aviation industry. There are many different flying activities including
           instructing, freight, aerial tours, charter, mustering, survey, joyflights, or flying for
           the smaller airlines which present opportunities for pilots to build their experience to
           the minimum level required to join Qantas.
           Qantas advertises pilot vacancies in the major newspapers. These advertisements
           include the application criteria and a request for qualified pilots to apply.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                13
A comprehensive Pilot Selection Process, comprising assessments of abilities,
           personality, aptitude, medical fitness and two interviews is applied to ensure the
           quality of recruits entering Qantas is very high.
           A successful applicant will spend between four and six months training with Qantas
           before commencing flying on regular services. You will learn the aircraft systems,
           flying procedures, flight planning, navigation and emergency procedures on the
           aircraft simulators.
           You will leave the Training Centre as a Second Officer.
           Second Officers are carried on long-range flights so Qantas can conform to the
           Flight and Duty time limitations by allowing the Captain and First Officer to take rest
           periods off the Flight Deck. The time spent observing other crew members during
           takeoff and landing, plus the practice obtained by flying the aircraft in cruise, is a
           continuation of the learning process, begun in school, which will prepare the Second
           Officer for training for Promotion to First Officer. Promotion to First Officer may be
           offered after attaining Second Officer rank and depends on vacancies occurring,
           seniority, proficiency and the successful completion of the promotion course.
           First officers are Co-Captains. They make command decisions and judgements while
           operating ‘In Command Under Supervision’ of the Captain. First Officers are
           approved to fly the aircraft during takeoff and landing, as well as in cruise.
           First Officers could expect to begin Command training between three and ten years
           after promotion to First Officer, depending again on vacancies, seniority, proficiency
           and successful completion of a training course which may take up to six months.
           The Captain has the ultimate responsibility for each flight; for the aircraft, the crew,
           the passengers and the freight.
           Retirement age from Qantas is currently 55 years but pilots may extend their
           employment to 60 years by agreement with the company. Adequate superannuation
           is available together with other benefits which may change slightly from time to
           A Qantas pilot may expect to be away from home for up to six months a year. Most
           expenses incurred away from Sydney are met by Qantas.
           The opportunities to see the world, work with the latest technology which is
           maintained to the highest standards and operate as part of a highly trained,
           motivated and dedicated crew of professional people both in the air and on the
           ground is well worth the time, work and effort which begins in school and continues
           throughout your career as a pilot.
           Qantas is in a service industry which exposes it to the cycles of booms and busts in
           both the domestic and international economies. Cycles of growth and contraction in
           a pilot's employment are a result. The ‘windows of opportunity’ to join Qantas as a
           pilot open infrequently and irregularly and for varying lengths of time. Young people
           who want to fly with Qantas must be qualified and ready to apply when the
           ‘window’ is open. You cannot be sure there will be sufficient time to qualify before
           the ‘window’ closes again. You have to be prepared.
           Good luck with your career endeavours. If you choose aviation we are sure you will
           enjoy it and we hope to see you flying with Qantas.”

           Source: QANTAS web site.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                               14
Career paths
There are many varied and rewarding
career paths available in the aviation
Below is a list of the various career
paths available after completion of a
course of training.
Keep in mind that if a career in an airline
is your goal, then you will need to work
in one of the following fields until such
time as you have gained enough flying
experience to meet the airline’s intake

 Qualification                   Career options immediately after course
 Commercial Pilot                Basic air freight, basic air charter (day, fair weather only), scenic
 Licence                         joyflights, aerial photography. Employment difficult around the
                                 major cities - generally required to move to the “bush” to gain

 Commercial Pilot                Basic air freight, basic air charter (day & night, fair weather only -
 Licence + Night                 night flying is freight only), scenic joyflights (day only), aerial
 VFR Rating                      photography. Employment difficult around the major cities -
                                 generally required to move to the “bush” to gain experience.

 Commercial Pilot                Air freight, air charter (day & night, all weather conditions),
 Licence +                       scenic joyflights (day and night), aerial photography, regional
 Command                         airline operations. Employment difficult around the major
 Instrument Rating               cities - generally required to move to the “bush” to gain
                                 experience. This is due to the large and high performance
                                 aircraft types often used into the major centres - greater
                                 experience required.

 Commercial Pilot                Air freight, air charter (day & night, all weather conditions),
 Licence +                       scenic joyflights (day and night), aerial photography, regional
 Command                         airline operations, flying instructor. Employment prospects
 Instrument Rating               good both in major centres and in the “bush”. Flying schools in
 + Flight Instructor             major centres can employ newly qualified flying instructors with
 Rating                          basic experience. These instructors have limitations placed on
                                 what they can teach until they have gained greater experience.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                  15
Professional Pilot Series
Fully approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, these courses provide an excellent entry
path for the candidate wanting a career in aviation.
The courses provide for a wide range of
career paths, with several different
qualification levels. Additionally, further
qualifications can be added to any course to
tailor the course to suit the requirements of
the candidate.
The main features of the courses include:
! Courses commence as required by the
! Part time and full time training available.
! Variations to the courses are available to
     suit the requirements of the trainee.
! Recognition given for all previous
! Courses utilise advanced training and digital simulators.
! Vocational guidance service available.
! Fees can be paid in lump-sum blocks, or on a pay-as-you-go basis.
! Not included in fee: textbooks (approx. $400), operational documents (approx. $250), medical
     exam fees (approx. $300) and headset ($150 - $500).
! Supplements are available to increase the multi-engine flight time in any of these courses.
! Course fees are not fixed fees – they are a guideline as to what the qualifications will cost.
     Course fees can are subject to change if standard prices change during the course.
! Vocational courses are GST exempt.

Professional Pilot Course Level 1

Qualifications obtained
! Commercial Pilot Licence.
! Single engine aircraft endorsement.
! Constant speed propeller endorsement.

Aeronautical experience
! 160 hours flight training experience, including 150 hours of flight time and 10 hours flight
! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago. Additional types
   available: Piper Warrior, Beechcraft Sierra, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance.

! Duration 38 weeks full time, varies for part time study.

Course fee

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                          16
Professional Pilot Course Level 2

Qualifications obtained
! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence.
! Single engine aircraft endorsement.
! Multi engine aircraft endorsement.
! Constant speed propeller endorsement.
! Retractable undercarriage endorsement.

Aeronautical experience
! 20 hours multi engine flight time.
! 180 hours flight training experience,
   including 150 hours of flight time and 30
   hours flight simulator.
! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper
   Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper
   Lance, Piper Chieftain.

! Duration 40 weeks full time, varies for part time study.

Course fee

Professional Pilot Course Level 3

Qualifications obtained
! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence.
! Single engine aircraft endorsement.
! Multi engine aircraft endorsement.
! Constant speed propeller endorsement.
! Retractable undercarriage endorsement.
! Multi Engine Night VFR rating.

Aeronautical experience
! 40 hours multi engine flight time.
! 190 hours flight training experience, including 150 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight
! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper
   Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper
   Lance, Piper Chieftain.

! Duration 42 weeks full time, varies for part time study.

Course fee

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                          17
Professional Pilot Course Level 4

Qualifications obtained
! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence.
! Single engine aircraft endorsement.
! Multi engine aircraft endorsement.
! Constant speed propeller endorsement.
! Retractable undercarriage endorsement.
! Multi Engine Command Instrument rating (including night flying).

Aeronautical experience
! 40 hours multi engine flight time.
! 240 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight
! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper
   Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper
   Lance, Piper Chieftain.

! Duration 46 weeks full time, varies for part time study.

Course fee

Professional Pilot Course Level 5

Qualifications obtained
! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence.
! Single engine aircraft endorsement.
! Multi engine aircraft endorsement.
! Constant speed propeller endorsement.
! Retractable undercarriage endorsement.
! Multi Engine Command Instrument rating (including night flying).

Aeronautical experience
! 50 hours multi engine flight time.
! 240 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight
! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper
   Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper
   Lance, Piper Chieftain.

! Duration 46 weeks full time, varies for part time study.

Course fee

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                          18
Diploma &                                                           Vocational guidance
                                                                    From the very beginning of the course,
                                                                    Basair's careers counsellor will be evaluating

Advanced                                                            the various skills and personality traits of
                                                                    each candidate on the course. Where
                                                                    appropriate, we will make recommendations

Diploma                                                             as to potential career paths, and we will
                                                                    modify sections of the course to direct the
                                                                    candidate towards the most appropriate

Airline Pilot                                                       qualifications for that career stream.
                                                                    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Series                                                              Recognition given for previous training if
                                                                    either the General Flying progress Test
                                                                    (GFPT) or the Private Pilot licence test has
These courses are Airline preparation                               been passed.
courses designed for the candidate looking
at a career with a domestic or international                        Course inclusions & exclusions
airline. They involve advanced training in                          All course fees include textbooks, theory
both theory and flying, and provide skills and                      tuition, theory exams, operational
qualifications well beyond those obtained                           documentation, headset, navigation
with a basic Commercial Pilot Licence.                              equipment, flight tests and licence issue fees.
Basair has developed a unique syllabus of                           Uniform and medical exam fees are not
training that provides a broad range of flying                      included in course fees.
experiences for trainees utilising some of the
most advanced instruction around, including                         Additional costs will be incurred if theory or
the use of digital flight simulators.                               flight tests require a re-sit, or if additional
                                                                    flying is required to reach the required
Accreditation                                                       standards.
Fully accredited courses to a Certificate or                        For students who complete each stage of the
Diploma qualification level. These courses                          course successfully and require no additional
are accredited by the Vocational Education                          training or examinations there are no
and Training Accreditation Board of NSW                             additional fees to complete these courses.
(VETAB). They are recognised by the
Australian National Training Authority                              Financial assistance
                                                                    Candidates studying Diploma and Advanced
Candidates are eligible for AUSTUDY                                 Diploma courses are eligible for AUSTUDY
assistance if they meet the relevant criteria.                      assistance if they meet the relevant
Commencement dates                                                  requirements. Basair can also provide
Courses commence on three fixed dates                               details of a finance broker who can arrange
throughout the year. Full details of the next                       course finance with flexible repayment
course commencement dates are contained                             schedules. Contact Basair for further details.
on the course schedule included with this
information. As these courses involve
intense ground studies fully integrated with
flight training they are not able to start on an
“as-required” basis.
Closing dates for enrolment
Enrolments close 6 weeks prior to course
commencement. Places are strictly limited
on the courses, and early enrolment is
encouraged (particularly for courses
commencing February and July). An
enrolment form is included with this

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                            19
What makes our courses
Choosing who to trust for the training that will give you your career in aviation can be a difficult
task. There are, however some very important things that you should ensure are provided as part
of the course you do. We are pleased to advise that all
our Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses have the
following advantages for you:
! Our courses are structured and are conducted in a
     classroom environment. You are not required to “self
! There are no hidden costs - we include all that you
     need in your course to start your aviation career.
! All maps and charts are included - you don't have to
     reach into your pocket during your course to buy all those things that you weren't told about.
! All pilot equipment is included in your Pilot Support Pack - including protractor, navigation
     computer, scale rule, fuel drain and knee board.
! We supply (as part of your course fee) professional Jeppesen materials for navigation training.
     These are the same documents that airline pilots all around the world use. Instead of using
     cheap alternatives we use the same materials that professional pilots all around the world use.
! All flight tests are included - both aircraft costs and Approved Test Officer fees. These can be
     an expensive addition to a course.
! Landing fees are included - both at your home base, as well as away.
! Fuel costs are included - even if you buy fuel away from base. Many other courses require you
     to pay extra if you buy aircraft fuel away from base.
! Fees are locked in for the course once it starts - there are no nasty
     surprises during your course.
! No fuel surcharges. With the cost of fuel becoming more significant
     around the world you may be concerned about what effect this will
     have on your course. The answer is simple - no effect at all. We won't
     impose any surcharges or other penalties if fuel prices rise during your
! Overseas student health cover is included - you don't have to worry
     about obtaining health insurance (as is required for your visa) - we
     supply coverage for you.
! A range of aircraft are used. You won't be only flying the most basic
     aircraft - you will gain experience on a range of aircraft types and will
     therefore be a better pilot.
! The flying hours in our course structure are realistic and are based on
     our experience in running these courses for the last 10 years. We don't
     quote unrealistic minimum hours that can't be achieved, and which
     results in additional costs.
! There are two campuses where you can undertake your course –
     Bankstown south west of Sydney and Cessnock/Newcastle to the north of Sydney.
! At both campuses our aircraft are parked closer to the runways than anyone else – meaning
     you don’t waste time taxying on the ground – and you get straight into your lesson.
! Basair was the winner of the 2005 quot;Business Awards - Aviation Businessquot;, the 2006 quot;Business
     Awards - Aviation Businessquot; and the 2006 quot;Business Awards – Business of the Yearquot;.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                          20
Diploma of Aviation -
Commercial Pilot Licence &
Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating
ANTA course code: 69856
CRICOS course code: 059612G
Starts on fixed dates: Yes
Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses

This course is designed for the person
looking at working as a charter pilot
flying freight, passengers on scenic
flights, outback mail services,
newspaper deliveries. Initial
employment is normally obtained in
“outback” areas – away form major

Qualifications obtained
  ! Private Pilot Licence.
  ! Advanced Multi engine
       Commercial Pilot Licence.
  ! RT Radio Telephone Operator
  ! Diploma qualification.
  ! Multi engine Command
       Instrument Rating (including
       night) - integrated simulator and flight training course.

Additional training
  ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics,
      advanced remote area navigation, satellite and RNAV
  ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing,
      marketing, customer service and general aviation

Aeronautical experience
   ! 235 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours
     of flight time and 35 hours flight simulator.
   ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command (PIC),
     40 hours instrument flying, 10 hours night flying, 50 hours
     cross country flying.
   ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172,
     Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin
     Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior,
     Cessna 182, Piper Chieftain.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107   21
Flying hours breakdown (approximate)
     !    22 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152
     !    94 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152
     !    25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68
     !    35 hours simulator – AT11i

   ! Duration 52 weeks (including holidays).

Course outline:
 Term 1                                    Term 2                                 Term 3

 Theory - Level 1 & 2                      Theory - Level 3                       Theory
 Aircraft General Knowledge.               Aircraft General Knowledge.            Command Instrument Rating
 Flight Rules and Air Law.                 Flight Rules and Air Law.              theory (IREX)
 Radio Telephony.                          Radio Telephony.                       Practical
 Aircraft Type Knowledge.                  Aircraft Type Knowledge.               Command Instrument Rating -
                                           Aerodynamics.                          integrated simulator and flight
 Navigation.                               Navigation.
 Aircraft Operation.                       Aircraft Operation.
 Planning & Performance.                   Planning & Performance.
 Meteorology.                              Meteorology.
 Human Performance &                       Human Performance &
 Limitations.                              Limitations.
 Practical                                 General Aviation Operations.
 Ab-initio flight training.                Practical
 Advanced initial flight training.         Commercial Pilot Licence flight
 Navigation flight training.               training.
                                           Advanced navigation flight
                                           Command training consolidation.

Course fee
Bankstown campus:             $49,980.
Cessnock campus:              $48,560.

Included in the above fee:

     !    Flight training:
          !     Dual training
          !     Solo training
          !     Aircraft hire
          !     Simulator training
     !    Insurance
     !    Fuel
     !    Pre flight briefings
     !    Post flight de-briefings
     !    Theory courses
Not included in the above fee:

     !    Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details.
     !    Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above.

This course is GST exempt.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                             22
Advanced Diploma of Aviation -
Airline Transport Pilot.
Commercial Pilot Licence, ATPL theory &
Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating
ANTA course code: 69855
CRICOS course code: 059613F
Starts on fixed dates: Yes
Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses

Provides a “frozen” Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL). Includes all the qualifications of the
Diploma of Aviation course, but also includes Airline Transport Pilot Licence Theory. The ATPL
can be issued when the candidate has a minimum of 1500 hours flying experience. Initial
employment is normally as per the “Diploma of Aviation” course.

Qualifications obtained
  ! Private Pilot Licence.
  ! Advanced Multi Engine
       Commercial Pilot Licence.
  ! RT Radio Telephone Operator
  ! Advanced Diploma
  ! Multi engine Command
       Instrument Rating (including night) - integrated simulator and flight training course.
  ! Airline Transport Pilot Licence theory completed - giving a quot;frozenquot; Airline Transport Pilot
       Licence. This becomes a full Airline Transport Pilot Licence when the candidate obtains
       the required flying experience (1500 hours).
Additional training
  ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics, advanced remote area navigation,
      satellite and RNAV systems.
  ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing, marketing, customer service and
      general aviation operations.
Aeronautical experience
   ! 235 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours
     of flight time and 35 hours flight simulator.
   ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command
     (PIC), 40 hours instrument flying, 10 hours night flying,
     50 hours cross country flying.
   ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172,
     Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin
     Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior,
     Cessna 182, Piper Chieftain.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                              23
Flying hours breakdown (approximate)
     !    22 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152
     !    94 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152
     !    25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68
     !    35 hours simulator – AT11i

   ! Duration 58 weeks (including holidays).

Course outline:
 Term 1                                    Term 2                                 Term 3

 Theory - Level 1 & 2                      Theory - Level 3                       Theory
 Aircraft General Knowledge.               Aircraft General Knowledge.            Command Instrument Rating
 Flight Rules and Air Law.                 Flight Rules and Air Law.              theory (IREX)
 Radio Telephony.                          Radio Telephony.                       Practical
 Aircraft Type Knowledge.                  Aircraft Type Knowledge.               Command Instrument Rating -
 Aerodynamics.                             Aerodynamics.                          integrated simulator and flight
 Navigation.                               Navigation.
                                                                                  Airline Transport Pilot Licence
 Aircraft Operation.                       Aircraft Operation.
 Planning & Performance.                   Planning & Performance.
 Meteorology.                              Meteorology.
 Human Performance &                       Human Performance &
 Limitations.                              Limitations.
 Practical                                 General Aviation Operations.
 Ab-initio flight training.                Practical
 Advanced initial flight training.         Commercial Pilot Licence flight
 Navigation flight training.               training.
                                           Advanced navigation flight
                                           Command training consolidation.

Course fee
Bankstown campus:             $53,280.
Cessnock campus:              $51,860.

Included in the above fee:

     !    Flight training:
          !     Dual training
          !     Solo training
          !     Aircraft hire
          !     Simulator training
     !    Insurance
     !    Fuel
     !    Pre flight briefings
     !    Post flight de-briefings
     !    Theory courses
Not included in the above fee:

     !    Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details.
     !    Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above.

This course is GST exempt.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                             24
Advanced Diploma of Aviation
Airline Preparation - Flight Instruction.
Commercial Pilot Licence,
Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating &
Flight Instructor Rating
ANTA course code: 90822NSW
CRICOS course code: 059614E
Starts on fixed dates: Yes
Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses

Provides all the qualifications for a candidate to start their career as a Commercial Pilot. As well as
allowing employment as a charter pilot (flying freight, passengers, supplies) this course also
allows the candidate to obtain employment as a
flying instructor. Initial employment is normally as a
flying instructor.
Qualifications obtained
     ! Private Pilot Licence.
     ! Advanced Multi Engine Commercial Pilot
     ! RT Radio Telephone Operator Licence.
     ! Advanced Diploma qualification.
     ! Multi engine Command Instrument Rating
         (including night) - integrated simulator and
         flight training course.
     ! Grade III Flight instructor rating.
     ! Course is designed so that Airline Transport Pilot Licence theory can be completed once
         the trainee is employed as an Instructor - minimising delays in obtaining flying experience.

Additional training
  ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics, advanced remote area navigation,
      satellite and RNAV systems.
  ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing, marketing, customer service and
      general aviation operations, principles and methods of instruction.

Aeronautical experience
   ! 285 hr. flight training experience, including 250 hours of flight time and 35 hours flight
   ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command (PIC), 40 hours instrument flying, 10
     hours night flying, 50 hours cross country flying.
   ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra,
     Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Piper

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                             25
Flying hours breakdown (approximate)
     !    52 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152
     !    114 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152
     !    25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10
     !    25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68
     !    35 hours simulator – AT11i

   ! Duration 58 weeks (including holidays).

Course outline:
 Term 1                                    Term 2                                 Term 3

 Theory - Level 1 & 2                      Theory - Level 3                       Theory
 Aircraft General Knowledge.               Aircraft General Knowledge.            Command Instrument Rating
 Flight Rules and Air Law.                 Flight Rules and Air Law.              theory (IREX).
 Radio Telephony.                          Radio Telephony.                       Principles and methods of
 Aircraft Type Knowledge.                  Aircraft Type Knowledge.               instruction.
 Aerodynamics.                             Aerodynamics.                          Flight instruction long theory
 Navigation.                               Navigation.                            briefing demonstrations.
 Aircraft Operation.                       Aircraft Operation.                    Flight instruction long theory
                                                                                  briefing read-backs.
 Planning & Performance.                   Planning & Performance.
                                                                                  Flight instruction pre flight
 Meteorology.                              Meteorology.
                                                                                  briefing demonstrations.
 Human Performance &                       Human Performance &
                                                                                  Flight instruction pre flight
 Limitations.                              Limitations.
                                                                                  briefing read backs.
 Practical                                 General Aviation Operations.
 Ab-initio flight training.                Practical
                                                                                  Command Instrument Rating -
 Advanced initial flight training.         Commercial Pilot Licence flight        integrated simulator and flight
 Navigation flight training.               training.                              training.
                                           Advanced navigation flight             Grade III flight instructor rating.
                                           Command training consolidation.

Course fee
Bankstown campus:             $59,760.
Cessnock campus:              $58,340.

Included in the above fee:

     !    Flight training:
          !     Dual training
          !     Solo training
          !     Aircraft hire
          !     Simulator training
     !    Insurance
     !    Fuel
     !    Pre flight briefings
     !    Post flight de-briefings
     !    Theory courses
Not included in the above fee:

     !    Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details.
     !    Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above.

This course is GST exempt.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                                                 26
Your total investment to start
your career as a pilot
Your investment in becoming a pilot is important, and we want to make sure you are aware of all
the costs you need to allow for.
The costs that you will need to pay are:

     1.        Your course fee, as shown on the previous pages.
     2.        Your Pilot Support Pack (see below).
     3.        Accommodation and living expenses.
     4.        Medical examination expenses.

Pilot Support Pack
All trainees are required to purchase a Pilot Support Pack on commencement of their course. This
pack contains materials, items and fees that are essential to the course.
The pack contains the following items:

     !    Course    equipment:
             o      Navigation computer.
             o      Protractor.
             o      Scale rule.
     !    Course textbooks:
             o PPL series.
             o CPL series.
             o IREX series.
     !    Flight documents
              o ERSA.
              o World Aeronautical Chart.
              o Visual Navigation Chart.
              o Visual Terminal Chart.
              o Jeppesen Professional Pilot Airways Manuals – 2 volumes Australian coverage.
              o Jeppesen Professional Pilot Airways Manual Binders x 2.
     !    Pilot Headset
     !    Civil Aviation Safety Authority fees.
              o Private Pilot Licence issue fee.
              o Commercial Pilot Licence issue fee.
              o All exam fees, including supervision fees of CASA authorised third party providers.
                  PPL and CPL exams. Notes – fees cover first attempt only.
     !    All landing fees.

The cost of the pack is $5940. This fee is payable upon the commencement of your course.

Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107                         27
Cpl Information
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Cpl Information

  • 1. Information Package Commercial Pilot Licence Airline Preparation Courses
  • 2. Basair has seen many flying training Introduction organisations come and go and has outlasted them all. The strength and security of training with a proven organisation, and one that has past students now flying with airlines all Learning to fly is one of life’s most around the world, is an important part of exhilarating experiences. The freedom of embarking on an aviation career. flight is almost without bounds. The motivation behind the formation of Basair Flying training is a was to provide a centre specialised field that of aviation learning that requires professionalism, proves itself by results. quality and an emphasis The philosophy on safety. You need to underpinning the feel comfortable at your organisation was that of college, and with your a focus on clients – and instructor. You need a helping clients achieve college that has a solid what their goals are. reputation for quality. The results that have Basair is a progressive, been achieved since imaginative and modern Basair started have college that provides all shown that the of the above. We have a philosophy has worked. Basair has many wide range of quality training courses, a past clients now enjoying rewarding careers diverse fleet of aircraft maintained to the in airlines, working as charter pilots, and highest standards, the best in facilities and teaching other people the wonders of flying. most importantly - a professional team of instructors. Training In order to provide the best possible training, History we constantly refine and improve our Basair commenced operating in 1991 at courses. Bankstown Airport in Sydney. Basair has trained pilots who are now flying in The business was started by Darrin Ward, a major airlines as well as those who want a senior flying instructor, who still owns the new, exciting hobby. We offer accredited company, and works in the business today. courses for Certificates in Aviation for Private Darrin holds an Airline Transport Pilot and Commercial Pilot licence level, plus Licence, a multi engine Command Instrument Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Rating, a Grade One Flight Instructor Rating, Professional Pilot Series courses for career multi engine training approval, and is pilots. These courses are accredited by the approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Vocational Education and Training Authority to conduct flight tests right through Accreditation Board (VETAB) of NSW. This to the Commercial Pilot Licence and Multi accreditation is recognition of the quality of Engine Command Instrument Rating level. our courses, and is your guarantee of a high standard. Additionally, Basair is a member of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training. Basair has obtained course accreditation in its own right - rather than the more common process of licensing a course from another organisation. This means that we teach our own courses the way they were designed to be taught – and we have complete control over the delivery of those courses. Additionally, Basair is a “Registered Training Organisation” which allows us to deliver accredited courses, and is your indicator of Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 2
  • 3. minimum levels of quality, facilities and being evaluated and retrained to maintain the standards of course delivery. highest standards. The licence you gain when studying with Flying training is a personal experience Basair will give you a highly respected between you and your instructor. Your qualification that is a recognised international instructor will get to know you, how you fly, qualification. what your strengths and weaknesses are. We have a modern flight simulator. Use of Additionally, the Chief Flying Instructor this equipment is incorporated into all of our oversees all training, and will happily discuss training. We also have an extensive video your training with you at any time. library as well as a complete computer aided The team of instructors at Basair comprises a briefing system. group of senior Grade One Instructors who have many years of flight instruction behind them. The majority of our instructors have also been trained by Basair - so the standardisation of our training techniques is unequalled. Aircraft Basair's fleet of aircraft is diverse, with some aircraft types not available elsewhere in Sydney. With a selection of different types available for you to fly, the Basair fleet is one of the most comprehensive in the region. Facilities From our basic trainers, to our advanced multi engine turbocharged aircraft, Basair's Basair Aviation College has two campuses – CPL trainees experience a wide range of one located at Bankstown Airport south west different aircraft types during their training. of Sydney, and another located at Cessnock Airport – north of Sydney. Location Each campus comprises a modern air- Basair is located at Bankstown Airport, 25 km conditioned building complex containing south-west of Sydney. Just a thirty minute classrooms, simulator facilities, pilot lounge, drive from the city centre brings you to the and administration. busiest airport in the southern hemisphere, Rather than being located in the side of a and the fifth busiest airport in the world. We hangar Basair has dedicated facilities that are fortunate at Bankstown that even with have been custom designed and built as a such activity, we have few delays due to a place of learning. Set back from the aircraft complex of four runways. Bankstown also parking area provides the benefits of a quiet location for study, while still being close to the aircraft fleet. Basair is not just a flying college. We have a lounge area for your use, a bar-be-que area with picnic tables, plus a fully equipped flight planning room with fax and telephone facilities. The college is open seven days a week, from 8:00am to 6:00pm, and you are welcome to call in at any time for assistance or advice - there is always someone to answer any questions you have. has a control tower - ensuring our clients are Instructors trained in a professional airspace environment from their very first lesson. It We can only provide quality courses with has long been said that quot;if you can fly at quality teachers. Our instructors are all Bankstown - you can fly anywhere!quot;. Those trained professionals, and are continually who learn to fly at Bankstown have the skills Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 3
  • 4. and experience to be able to fly into the University studies busiest of airports with ease and confidence. Basair also offers an innovative course in Naturally, exposure to the procedures of conjunction with the University of Newcastle. Bankstown is a valuable part of the training of On this course you can study for your aviation a Commercial Pilot. You can feel confident qualifications, while at the same time studying knowing you can handle high levels of air for a Business Degree with the University. traffic anywhere in the world. This is an ideal program if you are looking at Two great options for training giving yourself the best opportunity in the As well as being located at Bankstown Airport aviation industry, while at the same time in Sydney, Basair has another base at keeping a wide range of employment options Cessnock Airport in the Hunter Valley, just open with additional qualifications. west of Newcastle. Details of this course are on page 23 in this information. Into the future... We have always been at the forefront of technology at Basair. Computer aided training, the latest digital flight simulators, extensive audio-visual training aids are just some examples. There are many benefits that stem from the synergy between operations at these two locations. Clients have the choice to fly at either location - without undergoing check flights that are normally required. You are also able to inject some real variety The information superhighway is the road to into your training by occasionally having the future, and Basair was the first Australian lessons at our Cessnock base. This is flying college on the Internet, and one of the accomplished completely transparently – and first flying colleges in the world to launch into provides you with extra insights into your CyberSpace. We have electronic mail training. facilities to provide rapid communications with our clients locally, and internationally. Advanced standing for higher The e-mail system is also used to provide studies. support for theory tuition. Additionally, we Basair courses provide you with advanced have a full information service on the World standing in higher studies courses. On Wide Web. Our web site provides a wealth of completion of a Basair course you can enrol information about aviation careers, links to to continue your studies to a Degree level airlines, and you can even listen to the control utilising “Distance Education”. This enables tower on the Internet! Study resources for you to work in the industry and build your our clients are also available on our web site. flying experience while continuing with You can find us at advanced studies. With sufficient industry experience you will be We are pleased to welcome you to Basair, able to enrol in a Master of Aviation course. and we look forward to helping you achieve This qualification is significantly higher than your goals as a career pilot. that of a Degree, and Basair courses provide a path to this qualification if you so desire. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 4
  • 5. Key points ! Basair holds accreditation from the operated by commercial operators in Vocational Education and Training the industry. Accreditation Board (VETAB) for its ! Rather than many of the flying hours courses. This means that being in “low end” aircraft like the Government accreditation has been Cessna 152, our courses ensure that obtained, and ensures high you are conversant with the standards of course delivery. operations of all the aircraft types Accreditation also means that likely to be used in your first aviation candidates studying these courses job. To achieve this we ensure that are eligible for AUSTUDY and other you gain exposure to a wide range of similar financial assistance. aircraft types during your training, ! Basair’s courses are designed in- with sufficient hours on each type to house by aviation professionals with consolidate your learning. many years of experience training ! Theory courses are conducted Commercial Pilots. The courses are according to a structured syllabus. also designed to the latest You do not need to self-study the Competency Based Training material. You are trained for your standards. theory exams – not left to try and ! We conduct training to Flight train yourself using “self teaching” Instructor rating level, and we hold methods. approval to conduct theory ! The Diploma and Advanced Diploma examinations up to Grade One courses start on fixed dates and run Instructor Rating level. This gives an to a structured program, rather than indication of the quality of training commencing at random times. This provided, and the confidence that the allows us to fully integrate your flying Civil Aviation Safety Authority has in and theory training. the quality of previous candidates ! All flight tests are conducted as you from the college. progress through to your ! Our courses incorporate our Commercial Pilot Licence, and not sophisticated multiengine flight just a final Commercial Pilot flight simulators for Command Instrument test. You will pass the General Flying Rating training. We also have an in- Progress Test and then obtain a house Authorised Test Officer who Private Pilot Licence on the way to can conduct tests in the simulators. obtaining your Commercial Pilot ! A wide range of high performance Licence. This means that you are aircraft are available for trainees to able to carry passengers with you fly, such as the constant-speed when you are building your equipped Tobago single engine experience. (If only the CPL test was aircraft compared to the fixed-pitch conducted you would never carry Piper Cherokee or Cessna 172, and passengers with you - until your very the more complex Twin Comanche first flight employed as a Commercial compared to a Duchess, Partenavia Pilot!) or Seminole multi engine aircraft. It is vital to be trained to fly higher performance aircraft like those Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 5
  • 6. Valuable exposure is then gained to the Commercial responsibilities of the carriage of passengers. The Private Licence will generally be achieved Pilot with around 50-60 hours of flight time and also involves three written examinations. A flight test is conducted prior to the issue of Careers the licence. After gaining a Private Pilot Licence, the trainee needs to build experience while A career as a Commercial Pilot is one that is developing skills to the level required for the dreamed of by many people. An exciting issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence. At this career, it offers many rewards such as travel, stage of the training course Basair trainees job security and attractive salaries. undertake a series of cross country flight to Decisions that affect the long-term career destinations like the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers prospects of a candidate need to be made Rock and many other outback locations. before any training is commenced, and these Extensive experience is gained in remote area decisions need to be made carefully. navigation, and operation from outback This document will provide you with information about career pathways and training required to follow those pathways. It is our hope that decisions regarding a career in aviation will be made easier after reading this document. The path to a Commercial Pilot Licence The training for a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) follows a similar path, regardless of whether the training is conducted full time or part time. An important consideration when embarking on an aviation career is the quality and nature of the training course undertaken. It is important to undertake a course of training that provides the best range of career skills, while not taking excessive time to achieve these skills. A course should be completed within a twelve month period, and then employment obtained to build flying experience. Further studies can be undertaken once the initial course is completed. These studies are normally done via “Distance Education” to allow you to continue working in the aviation industry and building experience. airstrips. Training to raise standards to the The first stage of a Commercial Pilot Licence levels required for a Commercial Pilot Licence is to obtain a Private Pilot Licence. This is also conducted during this time. licence allows a pilot to carry passengers, but The Commercial licence is issued after the not for hire or reward - they cannot be paid candidate has achieved a minimum of 150 for their flying. All Basair Commercial Pilot hours flying experience, plus passed a written Licence candidates are required to pass the examination and a flight test. Basair PPL. This then allows them to carry candidates will be required to pass an passengers while on navigation flights. additional seven exams prior to obtaining their Commercial Licence. This ensures that Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 6
  • 7. our candidates are at a higher level of Medical requirements knowledge than the typical CPL candidate. The issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence is At this point the candidate is qualified to be dependent on the candidate passing a Class paid for their flying. There are, however two One Aviation Medical. This medical includes main limitations placed on a quot;standardquot; a general physical examination, plus eyesight Commercial Pilot - they can only fly during and hearing tests. daylight hours, and they must also fly in Because an entire career depends on passing reasonably fair weather. These limitations are this medical, we always recommend that a significant for a CPL holder, so additional full Class One medical is completed prior to training must be undertaken to remove these commencing training. restrictions. A list of medical examiners is included with Generally, a CPL trainee will undertake this information. training for a quot;Command Instrument Ratingquot; which allows them to fly at night and in bad What do the airlines require? weather. If desired, the night flying The following is provided as a guide. Please component can be covered on its own as a note that these requirements are typical of the Night VFR rating. major international and domestic airlines The CPL holder can also undertake training at (QANTAS and Virgin Blue) however regional this stage to become a Flying Instructor - and commuter airlines may have quite probably the best way to obtain that first job different requirements: in the aviation industry. Training to be an ! Minimum age 21 years. Instructor also increases flying skills, as an ! Higher School Certificate (or Instructor must be able to show high levels of equivalent) completed. proficiency in all flying manoeuvres. ! Commercial Pilot Licence. After completion of this additional training the ! Multi Engine endorsement. new Commercial Pilot is in a much more ! Multi Engine Command Instrument employable situation, and is able to pursue Rating. jobs in air charter and air freight operations. ! 1000 hours flying experience, Generally, employment will not be possible in including at least 500 hours quot;in the airlines at this stage as the new CPL commandquot;. holder does not have sufficient flying experience to meet the minimum entry Important considerations requirements for the airlines. This is an The way you undertake training for a important point and one that is often Commercial Pilot Licence has a significant overlooked when deciding on training bearing on what your career prospects will be options. The CPL holder will have to obtain in the long term. Unfortunately, many people employment flying aircraft in General Aviation make the wrong decisions at the beginning of to build up experience prior to applying to the their training and the result is a lost airlines. This employment can be in the air opportunity for an aviation career. charter or air freight areas, or maybe as a There are some fundamental considerations Flying Instructor. that need to be of primary concern when Basair’s training courses are designed to making your decision: allow you to expedite your path into Age - If aiming at a career with the major employment in the aviation industry, and airlines: The major airlines will generally be therefore strengthen your career prospects looking at taking on flight crew at the earliest with an airline. possible age, between 21 and 30 years old. Gaining employment initially as a Flying The reason for this is that there are significant Instructor is the simplest way of increasing costs incurred by the airlines in training you, flying experience, and it also allows the pilot so they need the longest return of service that to work from major population centres. you can give them prior to retiring. This Flying training experience is also regarded allows them to recover the training costs they highly by the airlines as this background gives have invested in you. a good grounding for future check and For this reason you should avoid any delays training captains in the airlines. in getting to a position where you can be Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 7
  • 8. applying for a flight crew position. You the Degree candidate with significantly should complete a course of training that runs increased experience levels. for no more than twelve months, and then If you would like to obtain a Degree commence working in the industry. If you qualification then you can complete studies would like to obtain a Degree (or similar) for this after completing a Diploma - generally qualification then do this once you are part time by “Distance Education”. This is by working in the industry and increasing your far the preferred option as you receive the aeronautical experience. benefits of working in the industry and Age - If looking at other career options building up experience as quickly as possible, (regional and commuter airlines, flying while still obtaining a Degree qualification. instructor, charter pilot etc.): Age is no Basair's Diploma and Advanced Diploma barrier to someone wanting to fly for a living. courses provide full credits towards a Degree The main restrictions on a Commercial Pilot course, and will therefore significantly shorten arise at 60 years of age, so the time and cost of finishing a early retirement is not a Degree once one of our requirement for being a courses have been completed. pilot! Additionally, it is worth Experience: The most considering completing a important factor higher qualification in other considered when you subject areas such as Business apply for a job is your Management or Marketing, as flying experience. It is the these courses provide one qualification that all excellent background aviation jobs are centred knowledge for pilots. The around, and it is therefore major airlines are now looking the most important qualification you need to closely at qualifications and experience obtain. outside the aviation field as a benefit for their Most airlines will require a minimum of 500 or flight crew to have. 1000 hours before you can apply for a pilot position with them. Summary It is crucial that you obtain your Commercial From the above, it can be seen that the Pilot Licence and other qualifications without preferred path to follow for a career much delay, and then start working in the Professional Pilot is one that has the following industry to build up your experience. characteristics: ! Diploma qualification if possible, or Qualifications: The main qualification for professional course of study. employment as a pilot is the Commercial Pilot ! Study period of no more than 12 Licence. It is of benefit to obtain a further months to be qualified and qualification such as a Diploma. A Diploma employable. qualification is obtained after a one year ! Involves a wide range of experiences course of study, which is the minimum time it for the trainee, including multi engine will normally take to obtain a Commercial simulator training, and high Pilot Licence. performance aircraft training. A Degree, however will require at least three ! Provides a clear path into years of ground study, and produce the same employment in General Aviation to practical qualifications as a Diploma course. build up flying experience. The delay in obtaining a Degree qualification (an additional 2-21/2 years) could make you Types of study. ineligible for entry to the major airlines. A There are two main ways of studying for a candidate completing a twelve month Commercial Pilot Licence: Diploma course of study will have around ! Full time study - Professional Pilot 1500 hours flying experience by the time a Courses and Certificate or Diploma candidate undertaking the Degree course Airline Pilot Course, and finishes with around 200 hours experience. ! Part time study - Professional Pilot This places the Diploma candidate ahead of Courses. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 8
  • 9. The avenue followed depends entirely on Diploma & Advanced Diploma Airline Pilot your situation, but the following should be Courses considered: Designed for the candidate who wishes to Full time study provides the fastest path to a obtain a high qualification level, with the most Commercial Pilot Licence, however it also efficient full time training program. These (naturally) requires a greater time and courses contain training for a Commercial financial commitment. Full time study will Pilot Licence and Multi Engine Command also be less susceptible to delays due to Instrument Rating as a minimum. Additional weather etc. as the course can be rearranged theory on subjects such as marketing, and to suit the conditions. computing is also covered. Depending on the course chosen, Airline Transport Pilot Licence Part time study (e.g. flying on weekends) theory or a Grade III Flight Instructor Rating allows more flexibility in study in terms of are also included in the courses. time and financial commitment. It does, however, take longer to qualify when The Advanced Diploma of Aviation (Airline studying part time, plus you are more prone Preparation - Flight Instruction) course to delays with weather since there are limited provides the best path for a trainee to obtain days on which to train. employment in General Aviation immediately on completion of the course. Basair has designed professional pilot courses that provide our clients with the best Employment Prospects possible start in the competitive aviation Basair evaluates all trainees for potential industry. As well as our accredited Certificate employment on the completion of their and Diploma Courses, Basair has a range of course. courses for the trainee wishing to study part- time, or to gain alternative qualifications to Candidates are evaluated on the basis of those offered. performance during the course, effort made, skills obtained, general flying proficiency, Courses personality and demeanour. Successful Basair courses assume no previous flying candidates will be interviewed on completion experience or knowledge. Each course of their course. outlined in this material provides training Any candidates who are evaluated for from ab-initio through to full Commercial Pilot potential employment may also be Licence. recommended to another operator for Several Professional Pilot courses are employment. available, each one catering to a different Basair has an extensive network of contacts in career stream for the candidate. the aviation industry and our Vocational ! Full time study can be undertaken for Guidance service allows candidates to be any of the Professional Pilot series, recommended to an operator who is currently plus our accredited Diploma and seeking new flight crew Advanced Diploma Airline Pilot courses. ! Part time study is available for any of the Professional Pilot series. Professional Pilot Series Available on both a part time and full time study basis, these courses give the greatest flexibility in both scheduling and financial commitment. The basic course is for a Commercial Pilot Licence, with other courses providing training beyond that level. Payment for the training can be made as the course progresses, or in instalments. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 9
  • 10. I come from a background which perhaps What gives me some authority in simply stating it was above and beyond my expectations. I was particularly impressed with Charles' instructional style and skills. people say I am not usually given to responding in such a way but thought in this instance I would. Well done!” about Paul Baker. Private Pilot Licence. “I spent 6 years in the Royal Air Force as Basair Tactical Communications Specialist and always wondered what it would be like if I had chosen a career as a Pilot. Due to age “I highly recommend Basair's Advanced Diploma in Aviation course. From day one the restrictions of the Royal Air Force pilot course has proven challenging, yet highly recruiting policy (19-23) I decided to research rewarding. a company that would give me professional training to the highest standards that would The enthusiastic instructors demonstrate their prepare me for the Civil Aviation Industry. commitment to quality coaching and support via interactive ground lessons and exciting in- After some research, I decided to undertake flight tuition. As the Diploma class is the Advanced Diploma of Aviation course encouraged to progress as a class it is this (Flight Instructor) with Basair due to the team environment that fosters a strong professionalism portrayed in dealing with support network to ensure all students my requests and the supply of information to achieve their best. me as an international student. The fact that Basair trains their clients in the busiest airport It is this approach to aviation schooling which in Australia (Bankstown Airport) was also reinforces Basair's reputation as Sydney's attractive as real life/live environment offers premier flying institution.” great experience compared to other schools I Justin Clarke. had considered. The Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma of Aviation. course comprises of 14 months of solid study which would normally take 3 years “All Instructors I have had have all been at University. This I also found to be very extremely helpful. They have all been more advantageous considering my age with than willing to help with any aspect of flying, advancing within aviation industry. and have all provided instruction to a very high standard. At present I am completing my Commercial exams and can confirm the The course has been very enjoyable in all quality of training is to a high standard. I find aspects. It has been very rewarding, and myself setting high personal goals to improve contributing to this is the quality of the my general flying in anyway that is possible. I instruction provided.” highly recommend Basair as a high quality Overall, Basair is a very professional training facility that looks to achieve my organisation, which provides instruction of a maximum potential and drive my motivation very high standard. It promotes beyond the Commercial licence.” professionalism and a friendly atmosphere.” Matt Batchelor. D. Rositano. Advanced Diploma of Aviation. Commercial Pilot Licence. “Darrin, I wish to take the opportunity of congratulating you on the standards of Basair I encountered and in particular the work of my flight instructor. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 10
  • 11. “My Instructor is professional, willing to help, “Thank you for the hospitality and all the friendly. I’ve never had a problem. effort provided to assist Kapieni gain his My course is well run. It tries to get us present skills. We believe that this has set the through without rushing things, which is how standard for his future career in aviation and it should be.” he will be proud to demonstrate when pursuing to complete his Commercial Pilot I have never had a problem with any Cessna License. 152s. The Tobagos are nice aircraft.” Once again our sincere appreciation and kind Wesley Reid. regards.” Private Pilot Licence. Kapieni's Mum & Dad. “I am immensely proud of achieving my (Commercial Pilot Licence) Private Pilot Licence. Without Basair’s quality staff, friendly professional atmosphere and “All Instructors are very helpful and friendly. I continual encouragement, I am not sure I find their experience and knowledge a major would have persevered. contribution to my flying. The fact that I can rely on my Instructor or any other instructor I congratulate you for your staff selection and in the school for that matter, for help and customer oriented business. I keep my eyes guidance is very encouraging. open and can confirm what you probably already know, that there is no more attractive I find my course very interesting and a flying school at Bankstown – and of course challenge. The Twin Comanche has so far this is no accident.” been the most challenging and delightful aircraft to fly.” Mack Gridley. Private Pilot Licence. R. Reddy. Commercial Pilot Licence. “The friendliness and professionalism of my Instructor has been excellent throughout my “The course has been great. The instructors training at Basair. Outside of working hours here take you to your limits and test your and on fly aways he has been a good friend abilities to the fullest, while maintaining a safe and also professional at the same time. My and helpful teaching environment. I have Instructor has paid close attention to my enjoyed this and have learned more about my progress throughout all stages of my training. own abilities than I ever thought capable. It’s a good safety culture – the company and The aircraft are well maintained and no every instructor is looking after not just their shortcuts are taken on training. During my safety but also the student’s safety which is of course I have found the aircraft more than great priority. capable for the task at hand, as are the instructors who take the necessary time to Overall the professionalism and the way the make sure you understand all aspects of the company works (and associates with people) course.” is excellent. Paul Oliver. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Basair to Advanced Diploma of Aviation. anybody if they were interested in flying socially or for a career.” The Diploma course has been challenging Scott Plane, and yet rewarding. The course has tested my Commercial Pilot Licence. abilities physically and mentally. I have learned skills I thought I wouldn't be capable of for some time. All instructors have a high standard of knowledge and are willing to help at any time. The environment here is friendly and safe with all planes well maintained. Planes here are always clean and tidy and close to our school. The time I have had here has been fun and I look forward to the rest of the course. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 11
  • 12. Matthew Brown. In my opinion Stuart Venison is a human Advanced Diploma of Aviation. asset for Basair. I am writing to commend him not because he does his job well, but because “The Diploma course from day one has been time and again he has gone beyond his call of well balanced between flying and theory. The duty through his display of professionalism, course has been structured to develop the subject matter expertise, understanding and skills and knowledge required to attain the commitment towards helping me excel as a desired level of training, with the instructors pilot. and staff being friendly and easily It is my humble request that his efforts be approachable to answer any questions. recognised in a manner you deem fit. It will The flight training has been to a high only encourage him and other people within standard, with the ground work equally Basair to provide a level of service that truly meeting the high standards that Basair represents your company as a leader in the achieves. The effort required is intense, but eyes of your customers. the knowledge gains in a short period of time Abhishek Bhattacharjee has been immense. Private Pilot Licence. All these factors contribute to the highly rewarding and enjoyable training that the “I was a recent student at Basair and I am Diploma course provides.” writing to thank you and your staff for a most Lyndon Batchelor. professional and enjoyable learning Advanced Diploma of Aviation experience. I studied for my PPL with Basair whilst I was “Darrin, we have not met but I wished to take working in Sydney and I gained 35 hours of the opportunity of congratulating you on the valuable flying time including 5 hours of solo standards of Basair I encountered today and flying. in particular the work of my flight instructor. From the moment I started with Basair there I come from a background which perhaps was a clear emphasis on safety whilst gives me some authority in simply stating it maintaining the enjoyment of flying. I have to was above and beyond my expectations. I admit that I was a little nervous when I first was particularly impressed with his started, but after a couple of lessons with my instructional style and skills. instructor the fear had disappeared and I I am not usually given to responding in such a realised that in flying I had discovered a new way but thought in this instance I would. Well pleasure that would be with me for life. done!” I found my instructor to have all the qualities Paul Baker. that in my opinion makes a first rate Diploma of Aviation. instructor. His attention to safety was always paramount as was his eye for detail. He “I have been a student with Basair for almost communicated information in a clear, concise a year now and last Saturday (15th April) I manner and taught me the value of good passed my GFPT with flying colors under very airmanship and forward-thinking. windy conditions of 20-22 knots crosswind. Once again a big thank you to all at Basair. I have done majority of my training under the The training I received far exceeded my instruction of Stuart Venison. Purpose of expectations and I hope to study with Basair writing this email is to acknowledge the again at some point in the near future.” incredible job that Stuart has done since he Richard Ellis. took over as my instructor. Private Pilot Licence. I am a business owner and recognise the importance of commending people who continuously perform beyond their call of duty. These people are true human assets and in a service based industry, they represent core reasons for customer satisfaction and success of an organisation. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 12
  • 13. QANTAS Pilot career information The following information has been reproduced from the QANTAS general recruitment information and details the pilot career requirements for joining QANTAS. This is a useful reference in deciding which course of study is the most appropriate, as well as what the general career path is once employed by QANTAS. “A career as a Qantas pilot is an extremely rewarding one in terms of job satisfaction and self-esteem. The much-publicised aspect of financial reward is commensurate with the time, work and effort required to maintain the position. The learning process will continue throughout your flying career. Study for a career as a Qantas pilot begins in a school where you should be studying English, Mathematics and Science for years Eleven and Twelve. The Science subject may be a multi-element subject but ensure you include an element of physics, it may be Physics or it may be Engineering Science. Your subject choice and marks achieved should allow you to matriculate to a major university to study science. At school you should take any opportunities to develop skills in leadership, team work, awareness and co-ordination. Practise leading people; involve yourself in team or group activities; read, listen, observe, do and appreciate as much as you are able; practise and participate in eye-hand, and eye-hand-foot co-ordination activities including sports such as cricket, baseball, softball, hockey, tennis, squash and golf. It is recommended you take a full Commercial or Air Transport Pilot Licence medical examination, including a check of your hearing and eyesight before you make your subject choice for years Eleven and Twelve. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority or Flying Training organisation will support you with the details of your most convenient Approved Medical Examiner. If a flying career is to be denied to you because of medical problems it is best to know before choosing subjects for the final two years of school. After school the decision to start flying training straight away or continue study is yours. You do not require a degree to fly with Qantas as a pilot. You should plan to undertake your own flying training. Qantas does not sponsor people to learn to fly, we employ people who have: ! A Commercial Pilot Licence; ! A Command Instrument Rating; ! A multi-engine aircraft endorsement on their licence; ! Passed the Air Transport Pilot Licence theory examination and have 500 hours flying experience in command of an aircraft. After gaining your Commercial Pilot Licence you will have to find employment in the General Aviation industry. There are many different flying activities including instructing, freight, aerial tours, charter, mustering, survey, joyflights, or flying for the smaller airlines which present opportunities for pilots to build their experience to the minimum level required to join Qantas. Qantas advertises pilot vacancies in the major newspapers. These advertisements include the application criteria and a request for qualified pilots to apply. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 13
  • 14. A comprehensive Pilot Selection Process, comprising assessments of abilities, personality, aptitude, medical fitness and two interviews is applied to ensure the quality of recruits entering Qantas is very high. A successful applicant will spend between four and six months training with Qantas before commencing flying on regular services. You will learn the aircraft systems, flying procedures, flight planning, navigation and emergency procedures on the aircraft simulators. You will leave the Training Centre as a Second Officer. Second Officers are carried on long-range flights so Qantas can conform to the Flight and Duty time limitations by allowing the Captain and First Officer to take rest periods off the Flight Deck. The time spent observing other crew members during takeoff and landing, plus the practice obtained by flying the aircraft in cruise, is a continuation of the learning process, begun in school, which will prepare the Second Officer for training for Promotion to First Officer. Promotion to First Officer may be offered after attaining Second Officer rank and depends on vacancies occurring, seniority, proficiency and the successful completion of the promotion course. First officers are Co-Captains. They make command decisions and judgements while operating ‘In Command Under Supervision’ of the Captain. First Officers are approved to fly the aircraft during takeoff and landing, as well as in cruise. First Officers could expect to begin Command training between three and ten years after promotion to First Officer, depending again on vacancies, seniority, proficiency and successful completion of a training course which may take up to six months. The Captain has the ultimate responsibility for each flight; for the aircraft, the crew, the passengers and the freight. Retirement age from Qantas is currently 55 years but pilots may extend their employment to 60 years by agreement with the company. Adequate superannuation is available together with other benefits which may change slightly from time to time. A Qantas pilot may expect to be away from home for up to six months a year. Most expenses incurred away from Sydney are met by Qantas. The opportunities to see the world, work with the latest technology which is maintained to the highest standards and operate as part of a highly trained, motivated and dedicated crew of professional people both in the air and on the ground is well worth the time, work and effort which begins in school and continues throughout your career as a pilot. Qantas is in a service industry which exposes it to the cycles of booms and busts in both the domestic and international economies. Cycles of growth and contraction in a pilot's employment are a result. The ‘windows of opportunity’ to join Qantas as a pilot open infrequently and irregularly and for varying lengths of time. Young people who want to fly with Qantas must be qualified and ready to apply when the ‘window’ is open. You cannot be sure there will be sufficient time to qualify before the ‘window’ closes again. You have to be prepared. Good luck with your career endeavours. If you choose aviation we are sure you will enjoy it and we hope to see you flying with Qantas.” Source: QANTAS web site. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 14
  • 15. Career paths There are many varied and rewarding career paths available in the aviation industry. Below is a list of the various career paths available after completion of a course of training. Keep in mind that if a career in an airline is your goal, then you will need to work in one of the following fields until such time as you have gained enough flying experience to meet the airline’s intake requirements. Qualification Career options immediately after course Commercial Pilot Basic air freight, basic air charter (day, fair weather only), scenic Licence joyflights, aerial photography. Employment difficult around the major cities - generally required to move to the “bush” to gain experience. Commercial Pilot Basic air freight, basic air charter (day & night, fair weather only - Licence + Night night flying is freight only), scenic joyflights (day only), aerial VFR Rating photography. Employment difficult around the major cities - generally required to move to the “bush” to gain experience. Commercial Pilot Air freight, air charter (day & night, all weather conditions), Licence + scenic joyflights (day and night), aerial photography, regional Command airline operations. Employment difficult around the major Instrument Rating cities - generally required to move to the “bush” to gain experience. This is due to the large and high performance aircraft types often used into the major centres - greater experience required. Commercial Pilot Air freight, air charter (day & night, all weather conditions), Licence + scenic joyflights (day and night), aerial photography, regional Command airline operations, flying instructor. Employment prospects Instrument Rating good both in major centres and in the “bush”. Flying schools in + Flight Instructor major centres can employ newly qualified flying instructors with Rating basic experience. These instructors have limitations placed on what they can teach until they have gained greater experience. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 15
  • 16. Professional Pilot Series Fully approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, these courses provide an excellent entry path for the candidate wanting a career in aviation. The courses provide for a wide range of career paths, with several different qualification levels. Additionally, further qualifications can be added to any course to tailor the course to suit the requirements of the candidate. The main features of the courses include: ! Courses commence as required by the trainee. ! Part time and full time training available. ! Variations to the courses are available to suit the requirements of the trainee. ! Recognition given for all previous training. ! Courses utilise advanced training and digital simulators. ! Vocational guidance service available. ! Fees can be paid in lump-sum blocks, or on a pay-as-you-go basis. ! Not included in fee: textbooks (approx. $400), operational documents (approx. $250), medical exam fees (approx. $300) and headset ($150 - $500). ! Supplements are available to increase the multi-engine flight time in any of these courses. ! Course fees are not fixed fees – they are a guideline as to what the qualifications will cost. Course fees can are subject to change if standard prices change during the course. ! Vocational courses are GST exempt. Professional Pilot Course Level 1 Qualifications obtained ! Commercial Pilot Licence. ! Single engine aircraft endorsement. ! Constant speed propeller endorsement. Aeronautical experience ! 160 hours flight training experience, including 150 hours of flight time and 10 hours flight simulator. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Beechcraft Sierra, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance. Duration ! Duration 38 weeks full time, varies for part time study. Course fee $27,900 Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 16
  • 17. Professional Pilot Course Level 2 Qualifications obtained ! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! Single engine aircraft endorsement. ! Multi engine aircraft endorsement. ! Constant speed propeller endorsement. ! Retractable undercarriage endorsement. Aeronautical experience ! 20 hours multi engine flight time. ! 180 hours flight training experience, including 150 hours of flight time and 30 hours flight simulator. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance, Piper Chieftain. Duration ! Duration 40 weeks full time, varies for part time study. Course fee $30,800 Professional Pilot Course Level 3 Qualifications obtained ! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! Single engine aircraft endorsement. ! Multi engine aircraft endorsement. ! Constant speed propeller endorsement. ! Retractable undercarriage endorsement. ! Multi Engine Night VFR rating. Aeronautical experience ! 40 hours multi engine flight time. ! 190 hours flight training experience, including 150 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight simulator. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance, Piper Chieftain. Duration ! Duration 42 weeks full time, varies for part time study. Course fee $33,600 Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 17
  • 18. Professional Pilot Course Level 4 Qualifications obtained ! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! Single engine aircraft endorsement. ! Multi engine aircraft endorsement. ! Constant speed propeller endorsement. ! Retractable undercarriage endorsement. ! Multi Engine Command Instrument rating (including night flying). Aeronautical experience ! 40 hours multi engine flight time. ! 240 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight simulator. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance, Piper Chieftain. Duration ! Duration 46 weeks full time, varies for part time study. Course fee $46,300 Professional Pilot Course Level 5 Qualifications obtained ! Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! Single engine aircraft endorsement. ! Multi engine aircraft endorsement. ! Constant speed propeller endorsement. ! Retractable undercarriage endorsement. ! Multi Engine Command Instrument rating (including night flying). Aeronautical experience ! 50 hours multi engine flight time. ! 240 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 40 hours flight simulator. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Cessna 210, Piper Lance, Piper Chieftain. Duration ! Duration 46 weeks full time, varies for part time study. Course fee $47,500 Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 18
  • 19. Diploma & Vocational guidance From the very beginning of the course, Basair's careers counsellor will be evaluating Advanced the various skills and personality traits of each candidate on the course. Where appropriate, we will make recommendations Diploma as to potential career paths, and we will modify sections of the course to direct the candidate towards the most appropriate Airline Pilot qualifications for that career stream. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Series Recognition given for previous training if either the General Flying progress Test (GFPT) or the Private Pilot licence test has These courses are Airline preparation been passed. courses designed for the candidate looking at a career with a domestic or international Course inclusions & exclusions airline. They involve advanced training in All course fees include textbooks, theory both theory and flying, and provide skills and tuition, theory exams, operational qualifications well beyond those obtained documentation, headset, navigation with a basic Commercial Pilot Licence. equipment, flight tests and licence issue fees. Basair has developed a unique syllabus of Uniform and medical exam fees are not training that provides a broad range of flying included in course fees. experiences for trainees utilising some of the most advanced instruction around, including Additional costs will be incurred if theory or the use of digital flight simulators. flight tests require a re-sit, or if additional flying is required to reach the required Accreditation standards. Fully accredited courses to a Certificate or For students who complete each stage of the Diploma qualification level. These courses course successfully and require no additional are accredited by the Vocational Education training or examinations there are no and Training Accreditation Board of NSW additional fees to complete these courses. (VETAB). They are recognised by the Australian National Training Authority Financial assistance (ANTA). Candidates studying Diploma and Advanced Candidates are eligible for AUSTUDY Diploma courses are eligible for AUSTUDY assistance if they meet the relevant criteria. assistance if they meet the relevant Commencement dates requirements. Basair can also provide Courses commence on three fixed dates details of a finance broker who can arrange throughout the year. Full details of the next course finance with flexible repayment course commencement dates are contained schedules. Contact Basair for further details. on the course schedule included with this information. As these courses involve intense ground studies fully integrated with flight training they are not able to start on an “as-required” basis. Closing dates for enrolment Enrolments close 6 weeks prior to course commencement. Places are strictly limited on the courses, and early enrolment is encouraged (particularly for courses commencing February and July). An enrolment form is included with this package. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 19
  • 20. What makes our courses better? Choosing who to trust for the training that will give you your career in aviation can be a difficult task. There are, however some very important things that you should ensure are provided as part of the course you do. We are pleased to advise that all our Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses have the following advantages for you: ! Our courses are structured and are conducted in a classroom environment. You are not required to “self study”. ! There are no hidden costs - we include all that you need in your course to start your aviation career. ! All maps and charts are included - you don't have to reach into your pocket during your course to buy all those things that you weren't told about. ! All pilot equipment is included in your Pilot Support Pack - including protractor, navigation computer, scale rule, fuel drain and knee board. ! We supply (as part of your course fee) professional Jeppesen materials for navigation training. These are the same documents that airline pilots all around the world use. Instead of using cheap alternatives we use the same materials that professional pilots all around the world use. ! All flight tests are included - both aircraft costs and Approved Test Officer fees. These can be an expensive addition to a course. ! Landing fees are included - both at your home base, as well as away. ! Fuel costs are included - even if you buy fuel away from base. Many other courses require you to pay extra if you buy aircraft fuel away from base. ! Fees are locked in for the course once it starts - there are no nasty surprises during your course. ! No fuel surcharges. With the cost of fuel becoming more significant around the world you may be concerned about what effect this will have on your course. The answer is simple - no effect at all. We won't impose any surcharges or other penalties if fuel prices rise during your course. ! Overseas student health cover is included - you don't have to worry about obtaining health insurance (as is required for your visa) - we supply coverage for you. ! A range of aircraft are used. You won't be only flying the most basic aircraft - you will gain experience on a range of aircraft types and will therefore be a better pilot. ! The flying hours in our course structure are realistic and are based on our experience in running these courses for the last 10 years. We don't quote unrealistic minimum hours that can't be achieved, and which results in additional costs. ! There are two campuses where you can undertake your course – Bankstown south west of Sydney and Cessnock/Newcastle to the north of Sydney. ! At both campuses our aircraft are parked closer to the runways than anyone else – meaning you don’t waste time taxying on the ground – and you get straight into your lesson. ! Basair was the winner of the 2005 quot;Business Awards - Aviation Businessquot;, the 2006 quot;Business Awards - Aviation Businessquot; and the 2006 quot;Business Awards – Business of the Yearquot;. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 20
  • 21. Diploma of Aviation - Commercial Pilot Licence & Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating ANTA course code: 69856 CRICOS course code: 059612G Starts on fixed dates: Yes Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses Description This course is designed for the person looking at working as a charter pilot flying freight, passengers on scenic flights, outback mail services, newspaper deliveries. Initial employment is normally obtained in “outback” areas – away form major centres. Qualifications obtained ! Private Pilot Licence. ! Advanced Multi engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! RT Radio Telephone Operator Licence. ! Diploma qualification. ! Multi engine Command Instrument Rating (including night) - integrated simulator and flight training course. Additional training ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics, advanced remote area navigation, satellite and RNAV systems. ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing, marketing, customer service and general aviation operations. Aeronautical experience ! 235 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 35 hours flight simulator. ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command (PIC), 40 hours instrument flying, 10 hours night flying, 50 hours cross country flying. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Piper Chieftain. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 21
  • 22. Flying hours breakdown (approximate) ! 22 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152 ! 94 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152 ! 25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68 ! 35 hours simulator – AT11i Duration ! Duration 52 weeks (including holidays). Course outline: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Theory - Level 1 & 2 Theory - Level 3 Theory Aircraft General Knowledge. Aircraft General Knowledge. Command Instrument Rating Flight Rules and Air Law. Flight Rules and Air Law. theory (IREX) Radio Telephony. Radio Telephony. Practical Aircraft Type Knowledge. Aircraft Type Knowledge. Command Instrument Rating - Aerodynamics. integrated simulator and flight Aerodynamics. training Navigation. Navigation. Aircraft Operation. Aircraft Operation. Planning & Performance. Planning & Performance. Meteorology. Meteorology. Human Performance & Human Performance & Limitations. Limitations. Practical General Aviation Operations. Ab-initio flight training. Practical Advanced initial flight training. Commercial Pilot Licence flight Navigation flight training. training. Advanced navigation flight training. Command training consolidation. Course fee Bankstown campus: $49,980. Cessnock campus: $48,560. Included in the above fee: ! Flight training: ! Dual training ! Solo training ! Aircraft hire ! Simulator training ! Insurance ! Fuel ! Pre flight briefings ! Post flight de-briefings ! Theory courses Not included in the above fee: ! Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details. ! Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above. This course is GST exempt. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 22
  • 23. Advanced Diploma of Aviation - Airline Transport Pilot. Commercial Pilot Licence, ATPL theory & Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating ANTA course code: 69855 CRICOS course code: 059613F Starts on fixed dates: Yes Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses Description Provides a “frozen” Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL). Includes all the qualifications of the Diploma of Aviation course, but also includes Airline Transport Pilot Licence Theory. The ATPL can be issued when the candidate has a minimum of 1500 hours flying experience. Initial employment is normally as per the “Diploma of Aviation” course. Qualifications obtained ! Private Pilot Licence. ! Advanced Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! RT Radio Telephone Operator Licence. ! Advanced Diploma qualification. ! Multi engine Command Instrument Rating (including night) - integrated simulator and flight training course. ! Airline Transport Pilot Licence theory completed - giving a quot;frozenquot; Airline Transport Pilot Licence. This becomes a full Airline Transport Pilot Licence when the candidate obtains the required flying experience (1500 hours). Additional training ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics, advanced remote area navigation, satellite and RNAV systems. ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing, marketing, customer service and general aviation operations. Aeronautical experience ! 235 hours flight training experience, including 200 hours of flight time and 35 hours flight simulator. ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command (PIC), 40 hours instrument flying, 10 hours night flying, 50 hours cross country flying. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Piper Chieftain. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 23
  • 24. Flying hours breakdown (approximate) ! 22 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152 ! 94 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152 ! 25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68 ! 35 hours simulator – AT11i Duration ! Duration 58 weeks (including holidays). Course outline: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Theory - Level 1 & 2 Theory - Level 3 Theory Aircraft General Knowledge. Aircraft General Knowledge. Command Instrument Rating Flight Rules and Air Law. Flight Rules and Air Law. theory (IREX) Radio Telephony. Radio Telephony. Practical Aircraft Type Knowledge. Aircraft Type Knowledge. Command Instrument Rating - Aerodynamics. Aerodynamics. integrated simulator and flight training Navigation. Navigation. Airline Transport Pilot Licence Aircraft Operation. Aircraft Operation. Theory Planning & Performance. Planning & Performance. Meteorology. Meteorology. Human Performance & Human Performance & Limitations. Limitations. Practical General Aviation Operations. Ab-initio flight training. Practical Advanced initial flight training. Commercial Pilot Licence flight Navigation flight training. training. Advanced navigation flight training. Command training consolidation. Course fee Bankstown campus: $53,280. Cessnock campus: $51,860. Included in the above fee: ! Flight training: ! Dual training ! Solo training ! Aircraft hire ! Simulator training ! Insurance ! Fuel ! Pre flight briefings ! Post flight de-briefings ! Theory courses Not included in the above fee: ! Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details. ! Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above. This course is GST exempt. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 24
  • 25. Advanced Diploma of Aviation Airline Preparation - Flight Instruction. Commercial Pilot Licence, Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating & Flight Instructor Rating ANTA course code: 90822NSW CRICOS course code: 059614E Starts on fixed dates: Yes Available at: Bankstown & Cessnock campuses Description Provides all the qualifications for a candidate to start their career as a Commercial Pilot. As well as allowing employment as a charter pilot (flying freight, passengers, supplies) this course also allows the candidate to obtain employment as a flying instructor. Initial employment is normally as a flying instructor. Qualifications obtained ! Private Pilot Licence. ! Advanced Multi Engine Commercial Pilot Licence. ! RT Radio Telephone Operator Licence. ! Advanced Diploma qualification. ! Multi engine Command Instrument Rating (including night) - integrated simulator and flight training course. ! Grade III Flight instructor rating. ! Course is designed so that Airline Transport Pilot Licence theory can be completed once the trainee is employed as an Instructor - minimising delays in obtaining flying experience. Additional training ! Advanced flight training - including basic aerobatics, advanced remote area navigation, satellite and RNAV systems. ! Advanced CPL theory training - including computing, marketing, customer service and general aviation operations, principles and methods of instruction. Aeronautical experience ! 285 hr. flight training experience, including 250 hours of flight time and 35 hours flight simulator. ! Approximately 100 hours flown as pilot in command (PIC), 40 hours instrument flying, 10 hours night flying, 50 hours cross country flying. ! Aircraft types flown: Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Aerospatiale Tobago, Beechcraft Sierra, Piper Twin Comanche. Additional types available: Piper Warrior, Cessna 182, Piper Chieftain. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 25
  • 26. Flying hours breakdown (approximate) ! 52 hours dual training – Tecnam / C152 ! 114 hours pilot in command – Tecnam / C152 ! 25 hours dual training – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 36 hours pilot in command – C172 / PA28 / TB10 ! 25 hours dual training - PA30 / BE76 / PN68 ! 35 hours simulator – AT11i Duration ! Duration 58 weeks (including holidays). Course outline: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Theory - Level 1 & 2 Theory - Level 3 Theory Aircraft General Knowledge. Aircraft General Knowledge. Command Instrument Rating Flight Rules and Air Law. Flight Rules and Air Law. theory (IREX). Radio Telephony. Radio Telephony. Principles and methods of Aircraft Type Knowledge. Aircraft Type Knowledge. instruction. Aerodynamics. Aerodynamics. Flight instruction long theory Navigation. Navigation. briefing demonstrations. Aircraft Operation. Aircraft Operation. Flight instruction long theory briefing read-backs. Planning & Performance. Planning & Performance. Flight instruction pre flight Meteorology. Meteorology. briefing demonstrations. Human Performance & Human Performance & Flight instruction pre flight Limitations. Limitations. briefing read backs. Practical General Aviation Operations. Practical Ab-initio flight training. Practical Command Instrument Rating - Advanced initial flight training. Commercial Pilot Licence flight integrated simulator and flight Navigation flight training. training. training. Advanced navigation flight Grade III flight instructor rating. training. Command training consolidation. Course fee Bankstown campus: $59,760. Cessnock campus: $58,340. Included in the above fee: ! Flight training: ! Dual training ! Solo training ! Aircraft hire ! Simulator training ! Insurance ! Fuel ! Pre flight briefings ! Post flight de-briefings ! Theory courses Not included in the above fee: ! Pilot Support Pack – see page 27 for details. ! Medical expenses, uniform, re-test fees and additional flying beyond hours stated above. This course is GST exempt. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 26
  • 27. Your total investment to start your career as a pilot Your investment in becoming a pilot is important, and we want to make sure you are aware of all the costs you need to allow for. The costs that you will need to pay are: 1. Your course fee, as shown on the previous pages. 2. Your Pilot Support Pack (see below). 3. Accommodation and living expenses. 4. Medical examination expenses. Pilot Support Pack All trainees are required to purchase a Pilot Support Pack on commencement of their course. This pack contains materials, items and fees that are essential to the course. The pack contains the following items: ! Course equipment: o Navigation computer. o Protractor. o Scale rule. ! Course textbooks: o PPL series. o CPL series. o IREX series. ! Flight documents o ERSA. o World Aeronautical Chart. o Visual Navigation Chart. o Visual Terminal Chart. o Jeppesen Professional Pilot Airways Manuals – 2 volumes Australian coverage. o Jeppesen Professional Pilot Airways Manual Binders x 2. ! Pilot Headset ! Civil Aviation Safety Authority fees. o Private Pilot Licence issue fee. o Commercial Pilot Licence issue fee. o All exam fees, including supervision fees of CASA authorised third party providers. PPL and CPL exams. Notes – fees cover first attempt only. ! All landing fees. The cost of the pack is $5940. This fee is payable upon the commencement of your course. Basair Aviation College – Commercial Pilot Licence Courses 7310.25.0107 27