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Coronavirus VII
SPAIN & global context
• A little context
• Level of social concern and alarm
• How we report: Media role and audience evolution
• New habits
• Changes in consumption
• After the coronavirus
• The role of brands
• Annex: Sources and methodology
Note: The collection of data from the
Covid-19 HMG-Odec tracking (24-26
April) was prior to the announcement of
"de-escalation" dates/plan by the
Spanish government
Fuente: Estudio HMG & Canal Sondeo
• As the end of confinement gets closer, the key words begin to become unease and expectation for the short- and medium-term future. And now
• In the study conducted weekly by HMG, the diagnosis is that citizens are concerned about the economic impact. Fifty-five percent are quite
or very worried about their jobs, a figure similar to that of the previous week (Trácking HMG-ODEC).
• Health (self-contagion/family) remains the biggest fear, as well as the restriction of activities and travel and not being able to cope with
• However, concerns about the evolution of the economy are much higher at the country level than at the domestic level. This happens in all
countries in general (according to a study conducted by GWI in 17 countries): The least pessimistic with the domestic economy are China,
Germany, UK, France and USA. Spain intermediate level, similar to Italy
• Thus, you could say that the "concern remains stable": There are no relevant increments vs the previous week.
• On the emotion map, "concern" gives way to "uncertainty," which is the predominant now.
• Within the "new normal" in media consumption, audiences remain higher than in pre-isolation, although in this week, the third from opening to
work to more sectors, follows the slow decline in consumption of some media such as TV:
• TV continues to register lows from the first weeks of quarantine: 29/4 had an audience of 8.3 million individuals and 73% coverage.
Average daily consumption is still around 280 minutes.
• The other uses of TV remain high: Video games and VOD platforms and this is probably a habit that will be maintained in the future.
• Open Television continues to be considered the most indispensable medium in this crisis, although there is a wear and tear in the assessment of
the information offer on Covid-19. Saturation?
• Radio is still as a medium whose tone is most appropriate and respectful in its information about the pandemic
• OTTs grow as a better choice for entertainment
• Social Media loses some of their recognition in Spain as the best means to discover new things. The assessment of its role in this crisis
deteriorates in many countries, although its consumption remains very high (and growing).
• As for habits within the home, there are no big changes vs weeks before: Cooking/pastry-related tasks continue to grow and films-series remain as the main form
of entertainment
• The openness to try new brands (1 in 5) and to buy products online that were previously only purchased in physical form continues: 72% have purchased
something online in quarantine (+7pp vs week before) and almost 60% of them have started categories that they did not previously buy. Food/drink,
Clothing/shoes, Technology and Hygiene/cleaning remain the most purchased online categories.
• The idea is consolidated that post-confinement will continue to prioritize near-purchase, looking for more natural, and domestic products where possible.
• The purchase intent to provision large quantities/units continues to decline. 60% will be open to testing brands that they didn't use before, although for this they
have to be known/reliable
• What we'll do after isolation? Will our habits return to normal?
• Citizens had internalized (even before the recent announcement of "de-escalated" phases of the government), that a return to "normality" will be gradual and
long. 50% already thought in the last 2 weeks that the total process will last 5 months or more .
• . According to this week's HMG-ODEC tracking, about changes in post-isolation habits, the future rk remains similar: more savings, more physical exercise and
more buy online. Significantly grows the intention to save more and lowers something to play video games
• Leisure outings, meals out and travel seem to be the most resentful activities. The intention to purchase technology products, clothing/shoes, beauty and home
décor is also lower than before confinement, although this week improves slightly.
• In the values and way of living in society. So we'll see each other in the future :
• We will avoid physical contact and agglomerations, we will control more our spending, we will show greater predisposition of brands and companies that
have collaborated with the crisis and spend more time being with the people who love and less to work (+4pp). 5pp grows, who think telework will be a
part of our lives. We have something less clear that we're going to be really more supportive (-4pp)
What about next summer's holidays?
• At the moment we are quite pessimistic about being able to fulfill our plans to travel this summer: Only 1 in four we believe it. Among them, the main destination
will be Spain (74% vs 59% initial forecast), followed by Europe (13% vs 26% initial)
• Role and valuation of brands/enterprises and communication in the COVID-19 crisis:
• Continues high expectations for companies and brands: Consumers continue to demand that they bring solutions and initiatives in this
crisis, also in the coming months.
• Overall the role played by large corporations is not poorly valued in most countries (according to GWI study 17 countries): In the European
context, they are better valued in Italy, France and Spain, while falling in Germany and the USA. However, there are significant differences
by sector.
• In terms of future actions (post-quarantine), this week we see how demand is consolidated in all initiatives, both direct actions (donations,
deferment of payments), and of contributing to normality through the communication of its messages and products
• What actions are being asked of brands in the coming months?
• In addition to the request for price decline, offers, etc., among the ones that grow the most this week are those related to values: honesty,
solidarity and support for society.
• Demands for support and protection for workers and their jobs are also increasing, as well as sending positive messages and providing
safety to customers
Fuente: Estudio HMG & Canal Sondeo
Spain remains the 2nd country in confirmed cases and 2nd in recoveries
THE USA continues to grow alarmingly and is the country with the most cases
The daily curve of new cases and deceased in Spain evolves positively
Spain: Recoveries are growing significantly in recent days while keeping the
death and new cases down
Fuente: Ministerio de Sanidad. Gráfico RTVE
A little more optimistic: 68% think we're already halfway up (5pp more than
the previous week)
Imagínate que la curva de la pandemia vaya del 0 (fase inicial) al 10 (fin de la pandemia). ¿En qué punto crees que estamos actualmente en España?
From 0-10 At what point do you think we're in Spain by the end of the pandemic?
0-4: 16% 5: 16%
Fuente: Zinklar 31 marzo-27 abril
6-10: 68 (+5pp)
Back to normal: One in two thinks we'll take 5 months or more*
Those who think that in two or three months we will return to normal decrease, and increase very slightly the most optimistic
(normal in a month or less), but also increases somewhat those who, conversely, think that we will take 5 or more.
(-5 pp)
¿Cuándo crees que volveremos a la normalidad total en nuestras vidas (hábitos, compras, trabajo, desplazamientos…). N=500
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
24,2 25,6
Menos de 1
En 1 mes En 2 meses En 3 meses En 4 meses En 5 o más
Sem 7 Sem 6 Sem 5
*Recogida de datos sem 7 previa al anuncio del
gobierno de fechas previstas de “desescalada”
The level of concern remains high, especially thinking about the near future
Considering the situation we are in, on a scale of 0 to 10, how concerned are you about the current situation?
48% very concerned (9+10), 2 pp more than the previous week
Fuente: Zinklar 31 marzo-27 abril
8--10: 71%
6-10: 93
Emotions: Concern gives way to uncertainty, which takes center stage
Si tuvieses que definir cómo te sientes ahora mismo en UNA palabra, ¿cuál sería?
Fuente: Zinklar 27 Abril
Expectation and hope are also emotions that, while still minority, increasingly appear
Wave 4: 21/4
Wave 5: 27/4
Concerns for the near future: Health (own/family contagion) remains the biggest fear,
as well as restriction of activities and travel and not being able to cope with expenses.
¿Cuáles son tus mayores preocupaciones en el corto plazo cuando se termine el aislamiento obligatorio debido al coronavirus? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500
T2B: No me preocupa nada+ Me preocupa poco; B2B: Me preocupa bastante+ Me preocupa mucho.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
Most concerns slightly lower their intensity
Being able to lose the job continues to worry 1 in 2 Spaniards
In Spain, a timid decline in pessimism is being aimed at: to contrast evolution in the coming weeks
Economy: General tonic remains pessimistic, though less domestic than
national and global
¿Debido al coronavirus, ¿Crees que la ECONOMIA MUNDIAL se verá AFECTADA? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU PAIS? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU HOGAR? N=500
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
Fuente comparativapaís: GWI
Brazilians, among those most concerned about their country's situation in relation to Covid-19
In Europe, as we have seen in previous weeks, the Germans, the least alarmed
In the UK and USA concern has grown markedly in just 2 weeks and is already at levels similar to those in Spain, Italy or France
China: concerned about the global situation (87%), but those less concerned about their owns(56%)
Fuente: Global Web Index. Ficha técnica muestra por país en anexo
Level of concern with the situation of the country itself (average 88%)
Duration of the epidemic:
(%6 months + up to one year + more than 1 year)
In terms of duration, Spain and France are among the
least pessimistic: less than 25% bet for more than 6
months or more. In Italy it is 26% and in China only 15%.
Among the most pessimistic are Australia, Japan (heavily
affected by the suspension of the JJOO) and UK, where
about two-thirds anticipate a period of more than 6
months. In Germany, almost half think about it and in
the US 40%
Clearly the countries that have first suffered the impact
(China, Italy, Spain, France), are the most optimistic
regarding the time remaining to see the end of the
Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
Economy: In all countries in general, this big difference remains between the expected
impact on the national economy vs. its own. The least pessimistic with that of the home:
Chinese, Germans, UK, France and USA. Spain intermediate level, similar to Italy
Impact on Personal Finance vs. the country's economy
Fuente: Global Web Index. . 31 marzo-2 abril. Ficha técnica muestra por país en anexo
Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
Approval level of how the country's population has reacted to the situation of Covid-19
Spain (after China), the country in which we are most satisfied with the behavior of the
population(+9pp), while in France they are more critical of themselves. Valuation is
growing in almost all countries, especially in European countries. The exception is in Japan*
and the U.S., where it drops
Fuente: Global Web Index
Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
The media in Covid-19
The already high
percentage of people who
consider the role of the
media important or very
important in this crisis
increases (94%)
Free TV continues to be the most indispensable media. OTT is
growing as the best option for entertainment and Social Media is
losing some of its recognition as the best mediac o discover new
Smart TV, smart speakers, and
handheld consoles are discreetly
Instead, purchases of smartphones
and laptops are falling.
Radio continues to be
the media whose tone
is most appropriate
and respectful in its
information about
the pandemicThis week, the note to the TV news offer,
which was approved by little, decreases.
The largest segment is the one that
considers the TV news offer as excessive:
Are we starting to be saturated?
Movies are the content whose consumption
grows the most.
After the fifth week of confinement, 19%
have signed up for a VOD platform.
With regard to digital
newspapers, the majority remain
faithful to the same newspapers
But also 30% opne up to reading
new newspapers
The average internet
connection time is
growing lower this week.
We connect 32% more
than before confinement
(40% at week 4C)
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
Media: Rating
Open TV
Better to find out
Makes an effort to adapt to audience new
OTT Platforms
More entertaining
It helps more to spend these moments
Social Media
I discover more interesting things I didn't know
More believable/truthful
• Although Open Television remains the most indispensable media, it lowers its perception vs the previous week.
• OTT grows as the best choice for entertainment and Social Media lose some of their recognition as the best media to
discover new things
42,5% 34,7%
37,5% 38,4%
36,8% 34,6%
34,6% 31,6%
33,8% 37,5%
27,5% 27,7%
17,4% 16,6%
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
TV: Overall rating. Information Offer
Total Población <25 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55
Sem 4C 5,8 6,2 5,0 5,7 6,0 6,1
Sem 5C 5,5 5,7 5,1 5,2 5,7 5,7
Q: To what point from 0 to 10, are you satisfied with the current open TV information offer?
The 25-44th stretch is the worst scored information offer
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
Level of approval of the role of Social Networks around Covid-19
Spain the country where the image of Social Media has deteriorated the most in recent
weeks, although there are others where the level of approval is even lower: France,
Germany, UK (here it improves somewhat) or USA
Fuente: Global Web Index
Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
On TV, consumption continues to be higher in all targets and bands vs. the pre-confinement period, but we already observed a certain drop from
Monday 14/4 (in which the incorporation to work was somewhat extended) and more pronounced from Monday 20/4. In this seventh week the
audience continues with a downward trend, registering yesterday 29 a new minimum of 8.3 million individuals and a coverage of73%.
The TV audience: Continues the downing, although gradually
Fuente: Kantar Media – TTV - PYB – Indiv. 4+
In consumption of Video On Demand and Consoles connected via TV, it maintains its curve of weekly seasonality of
consumption, with a drop in audience at the beginning of the week, although it still does not lose the consumption it has
managed to achieve during the confinement. They remain at 1.2 million individuals per day during the week (12% of the total
27/04 a 29/04 vs 09/03 a 11/03
73.3%Cob. diaria (+1,4pp)
284minutos diarios (+61min)
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6
1,0 1,1 1,0
1,2 1,2
1,4 1,4
1,2 1,2 1,1
1,4 1,4
1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
1,6 1,5
1,3 1,3
1,7 1,6 1,6
1,2 1,3 1,2
1,6 1,6
1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
1,5 1,5
1,2 1,2 1,2
AM (mill) por día
2.965 casos
Cierre de
7.753 casos
Estado de
operativos los
Se reactivan
trabajos no
Salidas de los
niños, 1h al
09/03 a 11/03 27/04 a 29/04
AM (´000)
7% 12%
93% 88%
09/03 a 11/03 27/04 a 29/04
The use of Social Media in Covid-19 monitoring is very high in all countries, especially FB
and YTB, which cut across most countries, and to a lesser extent others such as Twiter,
Instagram and Tik Tok.
Spain leads European countries in the use of all Social Media
Análisis en España
As of March 12, the peak of publications related to Coronavirus begins
Users continue to have an interest in COVID content, but publications are already in
maturity, stabilized around 209k daily mentions.
The last fortnight of April sees an
increase in the volume of mentions,
compared to the first of the month,
with a difference of more than 200k.
The themes that stand out, compared
to the first fortnight are:
• Descaled home
• Opinions on parents' attitudes
Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media
Actualización de datos a día 30/04
Datos de marzo 2020
Datos de abril 2020
• During the month of April, Instagram imposes itself as
a network of sharing content being the vast majority
of content related to COVID on this network.
On Instagram, the use of hashtags continues to focus
mainly on staying at home under the up hastaghs
"QuedateEnCasa", "Coronavirus" and
Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media
Top hashtags
Throughout this week, on Instagram, there is a higher
volume of mentions under the following main hashtags:
Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media
Future media habits: the changes that isolation will leave us are the increased use of
payment platforms, access to Social Media and in general the increase in internet use
(entertainment and information). TV and Radio also seem to be reinforced.
Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos en el futuro respecto a uso de los medios de comunicación como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades
con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
New confinement habits
As a result of confinement, what new habits have you adopted? What do you do now (activities you didn't do before or did sporadically)?
Fuente: Zinklar
Home activities to make isolation more bearable are very similar from the first
few weeks of insulation
Wave 1: 31/03
Cooking/pastry-related tasks continue to grow and films-series are maintained as the main form of entertainment
Wave 5: 27/4
Spanish consumers have been acquiring new activities at home, some of them for the first
time. Highlights include video chats and video conferences, online video games (play or
watch how they are played), online training and sports, the use of physical and mental
wellness applications. And of course streaming content viewing and online shopping for
food and home restaurants
Fuente: McKinsey ola 16-19 abril
¿Que hábitos que se han comenzado como como consecuencia del coronavirus cree que permanecerán en el futuro?: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos
frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
New habits acquired in confinement that will continue: videoconferences with friends and
family (grows), taste for cooking, telework (grows) and generally more training. They also
significantly increase those who believe they will continue to do online "stays" and group
video chats. Lowers the intention to do sport at home
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
How post-confinement will affect consumption
FMCG sales remain high vs one normal year, but fall significantly in all countries vs
peak sourcing at the start of quarantine
In Spain after peak sourcing FMCG sales are stabilized: Packaged foods remain high in
most categories, while non-edibles decline markedly in many (cosmetics, personal care..)
In most countries, non-edible shopping drops and grocery remain high
In Spain the only food categories that do not grow are Baby (it was made great supply) and frozen,
while a lot of alcoholic beverages and desserts grow
Sem 6-12 april 2020 vs year ago
Fuente: McKinsey ola 16-19 abril
Quarantine has forced some to change the buying establishment and try new
ones, both in the physical and online versions
Spain, consumers have continued to increase their online purchase in packaged FMCG
beyond the big spike in supply. Although it still represents a very small percentage of the
total, online spending has increased to 84% compared to the same week last year
Material protección, desinfectante
Productos higiene,limpieza
Amazon,Ebay (sin esp)
Productos higiene,limpieza
Juguetes,Juegos de mesa
Material protección,desinfectante
Hogar:decoración, muebles
¿Has realizado alguna compra online durante estas semanas de confinamiento de cualquier producto o servicio? Para cada cosa que hayas comparado, anota por favor si era la primera vez que comprabas ese tipo
de producto o servicio por internet, y si crees que lo seguirás comprando por internet en el futuro, cuando acabe el aislamiento (independientemente de si era o no la primera vez). (respuesta abierta) | Base: 500
72% declare to have made some purchase online during the
confinement. Food/drink, clothing/shoes, technology and
hygiene/cleanliness remain the tops.
Among those who have bought online, 60% have started categories that they did not buy before, especially basic basket products (food and cleaning).
74% say they will continue to buy online.
72% Ha comprado online
Compra realizada online Comprado por primera vez Seguirá comprando
Productos higiene, limpieza
Material protección,desinfectante
Amazon,Ebay (sin esp.)
Juguetes,Juegos de mesa
Material escolar,Oficina
Supermercados (sin esp.)
Comida,juguetes Mascotas
Rk productos por encima del 3%. Base: Han comprado online.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
(+7 pp vs sem 6)
Una vez acabado el confinamiento, ¿Crees que cambiará algo en tu forma de comprar productos básicos para el hogar (alimentación, limpieza, higiene personal), respecto a lo que hacías antes de la cuarentena? Expresa el grado
de acuerdo desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
It consolidates the trend that in the post-confinement will continue to prioritize the purchase
in proximity, looking for more natural products, and national when possible.
The intention to purchase large quantities/units continues to decline
60% will be open to try brands they did not use before, although for that they have to be known/trusted
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
In fact, between 20-25% have already bought new brands during these weeks, either
because of the offer available in their nearby store, or because of curiosity and
availability of more time
Have you started buying PRODUCTS from BRANDS that you usually did NOT buy?
Fuente: Zinclar 31 marzo-27 abril
What am I going to change after the coronavirus?
Will I return to the same thing or are there changes that will remain?
How will this crisis affect my future habits and mindset?
Note: The collection of data from the
Covid-19 HMG-Odec tracking (24-26
April) was prior to the announcement of
"de-escalation" dates/plan by the
Spanish government
On post-isolation habit change, rk remains similar: more savings, physical exercise and
online shopping. The intention to save more grows significantly and the intention to play
video games decreases somewhat
Leisure outings, meals out and travel seem to be what will suffer most. The intention to buy technology products, clothing/shoes, beauty and home decoration
will also be lower than before the confinement, although this week is slightly better.
Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento?
(Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
What about next summer's vacation?
At the moment we are quite pessimistic about being able to fulfil our plans to travel this
summer: only one in four of us believe so. Among them, the main destination will be Spain
(74% vs. 59% of initial forecast), followed by Europe (13% vs. 26% initially)
Antes del confinamiento ¿Tenías
pensado irte de vacaciones en
Base: 1000 entrevistas
Do you think you can finally go on
Base planned to go on
holiday: 800 interviews
Fuente: MORE THAN RESEARCH Estudio expectativas vacaciones 2020. Trabajo de campo 23 y 24 abril 2020. Muestra 1,000 entrevistas representativas España 18-65 años
Where are you going?
Base Think They'll Finally Go On Holiday:
196 Interviews
40% of those who planned to travel had already made a reservation, 70% of them have cancelled it, but the remaining 30% still have it!
Changes in our values and the way we live in society
The behavior behind the coronavirus will change: We will avoid physical contact and crowding, control spending more, show more willingness to
collaborate with brands and companies that have contributed to the crisis, and spend more time with loved ones and less time working (+4pp).
Those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives grow by 5pp. We are a little less clear that we are going to be really more supportive (-
4pp)Translated with (free version)
Como piensa vd que el coronavirus va a afectar a nuestro comportamiento futuro y a nuestra sociedad? Por favor, exprese su grado de acuerdo/desacuerdo con las siguientes frases.
T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
Communication or silence? | They are sued? | How are they responding?
Level of approval of the role of large corporations on Covid-19
In most countries the role of large corporations in this crisis gets a passing grade
(except Japan). In the European context, they are better valued in Italy, France and
Spain. Deterioration in Germany and USA
Fuente: Global Web Index
*Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
En estos días, muchas empresas y marcas han tomado distintas iniciativas respecto al coronavirus. Vamos a hablar ahora sobre lo que te gustaría que hicieran las marcas y empresas una vez que se
acabe el periodo de aislamiento . (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
Future actions (post-quarantine): the high demand for brands in all initiatives is
consolidated, both for direct actions (donations, deferment of payments), and for
contributing to normality through the communication of their messages and products
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
What do you expect from brands in this new post-confinement phase, which you think they can do in the coming months to help improve the quality of
life of people and society at large? Open
Spontaneous demands towards the brands : In addition to the request for price reduction,
offers, etc., others continue to appear such as honesty, solidarity (growing) and in general
support for society. Those related to support for workers and employment are also growing,
as well as sending positive messages and providing security to customers
Bajar los precios
Ser mas honestos y solidarios
Hacer ofertas,Promociones,Descuentos
Asegurar el empleo,Apoyar a los trabajadores
Apoyo económico,Subvenciones,Facilidades de pago
Generar empleo
Ayudar a los mas desfavorecidos
Donaciones de dinero,Comida,Material sanitario
Que sigan ayudando igual
Seguir dando seguridad a los clientes
Apoyar y ayudar a toda la sociedad
Enviar mensajes positivos a la población
Innovación en productos y cobertura necesidades
Sem 7
Sem 6
Menciones por encima del 3%.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
• Datasheets and Sources consulted
• The response of brands to the near future: How to (re)build brands really meaningful
Ficha técnica estudio HMG &
Individuos de España de 16 años o más.
Nacional, segmentado por Áreas Nielsen.
Muestra de 500 entrevistas, con un error muestral de ± 4,38% para p=q=50% con un 95% de intervalo de confianza.
Cuotas: Edad
Mediante entrevista ON line
Ola sem 5: Del 10 al 12 de abril de 2020
Ola sem 6: Del 17 al 19 de abril de 2020
Ola sem 7: Del 24 al 26 de abril de 2020
Otros estudios y fuentes consultadas
• ZINKLAR: Tracking semanal Impacto COVID-19 España
• McKINSEY: Sentimiento del consumidor durante la crisis: ola 16-19 abril
• IRI-BCG: Consmer Spending Tracker 8 countries. (Spain Includes hypermarkets and
supermarkets >100M and modern drug stores)
• MORE THAN RESEARCH: Expectativas sobre vacaciones 2020 en España
• TOLUNA & HARRIS INTERACTIVE: Global Barometer 18 countries
• MEANINGFUL BRANDS (by Havas Group)
• MEDIOS: AIMC Cuaderno de bitácora, KANTAR (Audiencia TV)
• Centro de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad John Hopkins USA
• Organización Mundial de la Salud
• Ministerio de Sanidad y Dptos Sanidad CCAA.
That different cultures tend towards different levels of
acquiescent and extreme response styles on scales is
well known. It is obvious from observing our data that
the Japanese are modest in nature and tend not to
select the most positive response, either when talking
about themselves or regarding others. India, on the
other hand, and China to a slightly lesser degree, tend
towards acquiescence and extreme positive response.
Other countries in the study undoubtably have a
cultural bias, but to a lesser degree from the average.
Thus, interpretation of the data, particularly on these
three countries, needs to be more nuanced than simply
comparing the raw numbers.
Consideraciones sobre
comparabilidad/asertividad a
escalas entre países
Ficha técnica Global Web Index
La respuesta de las marcas en la
situación actual y en complejo
futuro próximo
Construyendo marcas
Distintas fuentes evidencian los beneficios de seguir comunicando en las
situación actual
creen que las marcas tiene un
papel fundamental para
abordar los desafíos que
recuperación más
rápida después de la
recesión de 2008 para
las marcas fuertes
Si bien puede ser peligroso para las marcas ver/utilizar la pandemia como
una oportunidad de incrementar ventas a corto plazo
piensan que las marcas no
deberían explotar la situación
ha convencido a otras
personas para que dejen de
usar marcas que creen no
están actuando
apropiadamente en su
respuesta a la pandemia
dice que la respuesta de las
marcas en esta crisis tiene un
gran impacto en su
predisposición a comprar esa
marca en el futuro
Pero sí existe una clara oportunidad para las marcas de tener un impacto
relevante en las vidas de las personas, en su bienestar físico y sobre todo
A través de contenidos relevantes para ayudar a construir Meaningful
Brands en este contexto Covid-19

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COVID-19 // Spain POV Vol.1 (English)

  • 2. CORONAVIRUS SPAIN • A little context • Level of social concern and alarm • How we report: Media role and audience evolution • New habits • Changes in consumption • After the coronavirus • The role of brands • Annex: Sources and methodology Note: The collection of data from the Covid-19 HMG-Odec tracking (24-26 April) was prior to the announcement of "de-escalation" dates/plan by the Spanish government
  • 4. Conclusions • As the end of confinement gets closer, the key words begin to become unease and expectation for the short- and medium-term future. And now what? • In the study conducted weekly by HMG, the diagnosis is that citizens are concerned about the economic impact. Fifty-five percent are quite or very worried about their jobs, a figure similar to that of the previous week (Trácking HMG-ODEC). • Health (self-contagion/family) remains the biggest fear, as well as the restriction of activities and travel and not being able to cope with expenses. • However, concerns about the evolution of the economy are much higher at the country level than at the domestic level. This happens in all countries in general (according to a study conducted by GWI in 17 countries): The least pessimistic with the domestic economy are China, Germany, UK, France and USA. Spain intermediate level, similar to Italy • Thus, you could say that the "concern remains stable": There are no relevant increments vs the previous week. • On the emotion map, "concern" gives way to "uncertainty," which is the predominant now. • Within the "new normal" in media consumption, audiences remain higher than in pre-isolation, although in this week, the third from opening to work to more sectors, follows the slow decline in consumption of some media such as TV: • TV continues to register lows from the first weeks of quarantine: 29/4 had an audience of 8.3 million individuals and 73% coverage. Average daily consumption is still around 280 minutes. • The other uses of TV remain high: Video games and VOD platforms and this is probably a habit that will be maintained in the future. • Open Television continues to be considered the most indispensable medium in this crisis, although there is a wear and tear in the assessment of the information offer on Covid-19. Saturation? • Radio is still as a medium whose tone is most appropriate and respectful in its information about the pandemic • OTTs grow as a better choice for entertainment • Social Media loses some of their recognition in Spain as the best means to discover new things. The assessment of its role in this crisis deteriorates in many countries, although its consumption remains very high (and growing).
  • 5. Conclusiones • As for habits within the home, there are no big changes vs weeks before: Cooking/pastry-related tasks continue to grow and films-series remain as the main form of entertainment • The openness to try new brands (1 in 5) and to buy products online that were previously only purchased in physical form continues: 72% have purchased something online in quarantine (+7pp vs week before) and almost 60% of them have started categories that they did not previously buy. Food/drink, Clothing/shoes, Technology and Hygiene/cleaning remain the most purchased online categories. • The idea is consolidated that post-confinement will continue to prioritize near-purchase, looking for more natural, and domestic products where possible. • The purchase intent to provision large quantities/units continues to decline. 60% will be open to testing brands that they didn't use before, although for this they have to be known/reliable • What we'll do after isolation? Will our habits return to normal? • Citizens had internalized (even before the recent announcement of "de-escalated" phases of the government), that a return to "normality" will be gradual and long. 50% already thought in the last 2 weeks that the total process will last 5 months or more . • . According to this week's HMG-ODEC tracking, about changes in post-isolation habits, the future rk remains similar: more savings, more physical exercise and more buy online. Significantly grows the intention to save more and lowers something to play video games • Leisure outings, meals out and travel seem to be the most resentful activities. The intention to purchase technology products, clothing/shoes, beauty and home décor is also lower than before confinement, although this week improves slightly. • In the values and way of living in society. So we'll see each other in the future : • We will avoid physical contact and agglomerations, we will control more our spending, we will show greater predisposition of brands and companies that have collaborated with the crisis and spend more time being with the people who love and less to work (+4pp). 5pp grows, who think telework will be a part of our lives. We have something less clear that we're going to be really more supportive (-4pp) What about next summer's holidays? • At the moment we are quite pessimistic about being able to fulfill our plans to travel this summer: Only 1 in four we believe it. Among them, the main destination will be Spain (74% vs 59% initial forecast), followed by Europe (13% vs 26% initial)
  • 6. Conclusions • Role and valuation of brands/enterprises and communication in the COVID-19 crisis: • Continues high expectations for companies and brands: Consumers continue to demand that they bring solutions and initiatives in this crisis, also in the coming months. • Overall the role played by large corporations is not poorly valued in most countries (according to GWI study 17 countries): In the European context, they are better valued in Italy, France and Spain, while falling in Germany and the USA. However, there are significant differences by sector. • In terms of future actions (post-quarantine), this week we see how demand is consolidated in all initiatives, both direct actions (donations, deferment of payments), and of contributing to normality through the communication of its messages and products • What actions are being asked of brands in the coming months? • In addition to the request for price decline, offers, etc., among the ones that grow the most this week are those related to values: honesty, solidarity and support for society. • Demands for support and protection for workers and their jobs are also increasing, as well as sending positive messages and providing safety to customers
  • 8. Spain remains the 2nd country in confirmed cases and 2nd in recoveries THE USA continues to grow alarmingly and is the country with the most cases The daily curve of new cases and deceased in Spain evolves positively
  • 9. Spain: Recoveries are growing significantly in recent days while keeping the death and new cases down Fuente: Ministerio de Sanidad. Gráfico RTVE
  • 11. A little more optimistic: 68% think we're already halfway up (5pp more than the previous week) Imagínate que la curva de la pandemia vaya del 0 (fase inicial) al 10 (fin de la pandemia). ¿En qué punto crees que estamos actualmente en España? From 0-10 At what point do you think we're in Spain by the end of the pandemic? 0-4: 16% 5: 16% Fuente: Zinklar 31 marzo-27 abril 6-10: 68 (+5pp)
  • 12. Back to normal: One in two thinks we'll take 5 months or more* Those who think that in two or three months we will return to normal decrease, and increase very slightly the most optimistic (normal in a month or less), but also increases somewhat those who, conversely, think that we will take 5 or more. 32% (-5 pp) ¿Cuándo crees que volveremos a la normalidad total en nuestras vidas (hábitos, compras, trabajo, desplazamientos…). N=500 Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril 2,4 5,4 13,6 18,6 10,0 50,0 1,4 4,2 17,0 20,0 10,1 47,3 1,2 8,6 24,2 25,6 11,6 28,8 Menos de 1 mes En 1 mes En 2 meses En 3 meses En 4 meses En 5 o más meses Sem 7 Sem 6 Sem 5 *Recogida de datos sem 7 previa al anuncio del gobierno de fechas previstas de “desescalada”
  • 13. The level of concern remains high, especially thinking about the near future Considering the situation we are in, on a scale of 0 to 10, how concerned are you about the current situation? 48% very concerned (9+10), 2 pp more than the previous week Fuente: Zinklar 31 marzo-27 abril 0-4 4% 5 5% 8--10: 71% 6-10: 93
  • 14. Emotions: Concern gives way to uncertainty, which takes center stage Si tuvieses que definir cómo te sientes ahora mismo en UNA palabra, ¿cuál sería? Fuente: Zinklar 27 Abril Expectation and hope are also emotions that, while still minority, increasingly appear Wave 4: 21/4 Wave 5: 27/4
  • 15. Concerns for the near future: Health (own/family contagion) remains the biggest fear, as well as restriction of activities and travel and not being able to cope with expenses. ¿Cuáles son tus mayores preocupaciones en el corto plazo cuando se termine el aislamiento obligatorio debido al coronavirus? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: No me preocupa nada+ Me preocupa poco; B2B: Me preocupa bastante+ Me preocupa mucho. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril Most concerns slightly lower their intensity Being able to lose the job continues to worry 1 in 2 Spaniards
  • 16. In Spain, a timid decline in pessimism is being aimed at: to contrast evolution in the coming weeks Economy: General tonic remains pessimistic, though less domestic than national and global ¿Debido al coronavirus, ¿Crees que la ECONOMIA MUNDIAL se verá AFECTADA? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU PAIS? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU HOGAR? N=500 Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril Fuente comparativapaís: GWI
  • 18. Brazilians, among those most concerned about their country's situation in relation to Covid-19 In Europe, as we have seen in previous weeks, the Germans, the least alarmed In the UK and USA concern has grown markedly in just 2 weeks and is already at levels similar to those in Spain, Italy or France China: concerned about the global situation (87%), but those less concerned about their owns(56%) Fuente: Global Web Index. Ficha técnica muestra por país en anexo Level of concern with the situation of the country itself (average 88%) Duration of the epidemic: (%6 months + up to one year + more than 1 year) In terms of duration, Spain and France are among the least pessimistic: less than 25% bet for more than 6 months or more. In Italy it is 26% and in China only 15%. Among the most pessimistic are Australia, Japan (heavily affected by the suspension of the JJOO) and UK, where about two-thirds anticipate a period of more than 6 months. In Germany, almost half think about it and in the US 40% Clearly the countries that have first suffered the impact (China, Italy, Spain, France), are the most optimistic regarding the time remaining to see the end of the pandemic. Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
  • 19. Economy: In all countries in general, this big difference remains between the expected impact on the national economy vs. its own. The least pessimistic with that of the home: Chinese, Germans, UK, France and USA. Spain intermediate level, similar to Italy Impact on Personal Finance vs. the country's economy Fuente: Global Web Index. . 31 marzo-2 abril. Ficha técnica muestra por país en anexo Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
  • 20. Approval level of how the country's population has reacted to the situation of Covid-19 Spain (after China), the country in which we are most satisfied with the behavior of the population(+9pp), while in France they are more critical of themselves. Valuation is growing in almost all countries, especially in European countries. The exception is in Japan* and the U.S., where it drops Fuente: Global Web Index Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
  • 22. The media in Covid-19 The already high percentage of people who consider the role of the media important or very important in this crisis increases (94%) Free TV continues to be the most indispensable media. OTT is growing as the best option for entertainment and Social Media is losing some of its recognition as the best mediac o discover new things Smart TV, smart speakers, and handheld consoles are discreetly growing. Instead, purchases of smartphones and laptops are falling. Radio continues to be the media whose tone is most appropriate and respectful in its information about the pandemicThis week, the note to the TV news offer, which was approved by little, decreases. The largest segment is the one that considers the TV news offer as excessive: Are we starting to be saturated? Movies are the content whose consumption grows the most. After the fifth week of confinement, 19% have signed up for a VOD platform. With regard to digital newspapers, the majority remain faithful to the same newspapers (58%). But also 30% opne up to reading new newspapers The average internet connection time is growing lower this week. We connect 32% more than before confinement (40% at week 4C) Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
  • 23. Media: Rating Open TV Essential Better to find out Makes an effort to adapt to audience new circumstances OTT Platforms More entertaining It helps more to spend these moments Social Media I discover more interesting things I didn't know More believable/truthful • Although Open Television remains the most indispensable media, it lowers its perception vs the previous week. • OTT grows as the best choice for entertainment and Social Media lose some of their recognition as the best media to discover new things S4C S5C 42,5% 34,7% 37,5% 38,4% 36,8% 34,6% 34,6% 31,6% 33,8% 37,5% 27,5% 27,7% 17,4% 16,6% -18,4% 2,4% -6,0% -8,7% 10,9% 0,7% -4,6% Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
  • 24. TV: Overall rating. Information Offer Total Población <25 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 Sem 4C 5,8 6,2 5,0 5,7 6,0 6,1 Sem 5C 5,5 5,7 5,1 5,2 5,7 5,7 Q: To what point from 0 to 10, are you satisfied with the current open TV information offer? The 25-44th stretch is the worst scored information offer Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. Sem 4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / Sem 5C: 13-19 Abril 2020
  • 25. Level of approval of the role of Social Networks around Covid-19 Spain the country where the image of Social Media has deteriorated the most in recent weeks, although there are others where the level of approval is even lower: France, Germany, UK (here it improves somewhat) or USA Fuente: Global Web Index Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
  • 26. On TV, consumption continues to be higher in all targets and bands vs. the pre-confinement period, but we already observed a certain drop from Monday 14/4 (in which the incorporation to work was somewhat extended) and more pronounced from Monday 20/4. In this seventh week the audience continues with a downward trend, registering yesterday 29 a new minimum of 8.3 million individuals and a coverage of73%. The TV audience: Continues the downing, although gradually Fuente: Kantar Media – TTV - PYB – Indiv. 4+ In consumption of Video On Demand and Consoles connected via TV, it maintains its curve of weekly seasonality of consumption, with a drop in audience at the beginning of the week, although it still does not lose the consumption it has managed to achieve during the confinement. They remain at 1.2 million individuals per day during the week (12% of the total audience) 27/04 a 29/04 vs 09/03 a 11/03 73.3%Cob. diaria (+1,4pp) 284minutos diarios (+61min) 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,0 1,1 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,3 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,2 1,2 1,2 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 08/03 09/03 10/03 11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 15/03 16/03 17/03 18/03 19/03 20/03 21/03 22/03 23/03 24/03 25/03 26/03 27/03 28/03 29/03 30/03 31/03 01/04 02/04 03/04 04/04 05/04 06/04 07/04 08/04 09/04 10/04 11/04 12/04 13/04 14/04 15/04 16/04 17/04 18/04 19/04 20/04 21/04 22/04 23/04 24/04 25/04 26/04 27/04 28/04 29/04 Millares AM (mill) por día 2.965 casos Cierre de colegios 7.753 casos Estado de alarma Sólo operativos los servicios esenciales Se reactivan algunos trabajos no esenciales Salidas de los niños, 1h al día 350 79180 183 86 190 0 400 800 1.200 1.600 09/03 a 11/03 27/04 a 29/04 AM (´000) INTERNET PLAY OTROS CONSUMOS 7% 12% 93% 88% 09/03 a 11/03 27/04 a 29/04 Reparto audiencia NO TTV TTV
  • 27. The use of Social Media in Covid-19 monitoring is very high in all countries, especially FB and YTB, which cut across most countries, and to a lesser extent others such as Twiter, Instagram and Tik Tok. Spain leads European countries in the use of all Social Media
  • 28. Análisis en España As of March 12, the peak of publications related to Coronavirus begins Users continue to have an interest in COVID content, but publications are already in maturity, stabilized around 209k daily mentions. The last fortnight of April sees an increase in the volume of mentions, compared to the first of the month, with a difference of more than 200k. The themes that stand out, compared to the first fortnight are: • Descaled home • Opinions on parents' attitudes Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media Actualización de datos a día 30/04 Datos de marzo 2020 Datos de abril 2020
  • 29. • During the month of April, Instagram imposes itself as a network of sharing content being the vast majority of content related to COVID on this network. On Instagram, the use of hashtags continues to focus mainly on staying at home under the up hastaghs "QuedateEnCasa", "Coronavirus" and "YoMeQuedoEnCasa" Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media
  • 30. Top hashtags Throughout this week, on Instagram, there is a higher volume of mentions under the following main hashtags: Quarantine QuédateEnCasa YoMeQuedoEnCasa Coronavirus Love Impact of coronavirus on the media: Social Media
  • 31. Future media habits: the changes that isolation will leave us are the increased use of payment platforms, access to Social Media and in general the increase in internet use (entertainment and information). TV and Radio also seem to be reinforced. Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos en el futuro respecto a uso de los medios de comunicación como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 33. As a result of confinement, what new habits have you adopted? What do you do now (activities you didn't do before or did sporadically)? Fuente: Zinklar Home activities to make isolation more bearable are very similar from the first few weeks of insulation Wave 1: 31/03 Cooking/pastry-related tasks continue to grow and films-series are maintained as the main form of entertainment Wave 5: 27/4
  • 34. Spanish consumers have been acquiring new activities at home, some of them for the first time. Highlights include video chats and video conferences, online video games (play or watch how they are played), online training and sports, the use of physical and mental wellness applications. And of course streaming content viewing and online shopping for food and home restaurants Fuente: McKinsey ola 16-19 abril
  • 35. ¿Que hábitos que se han comenzado como como consecuencia del coronavirus cree que permanecerán en el futuro?: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. New habits acquired in confinement that will continue: videoconferences with friends and family (grows), taste for cooking, telework (grows) and generally more training. They also significantly increase those who believe they will continue to do online "stays" and group video chats. Lowers the intention to do sport at home Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 36. How post-confinement will affect consumption
  • 37. FMCG sales remain high vs one normal year, but fall significantly in all countries vs peak sourcing at the start of quarantine
  • 38. In Spain after peak sourcing FMCG sales are stabilized: Packaged foods remain high in most categories, while non-edibles decline markedly in many (cosmetics, personal care..)
  • 39. In most countries, non-edible shopping drops and grocery remain high In Spain the only food categories that do not grow are Baby (it was made great supply) and frozen, while a lot of alcoholic beverages and desserts grow Sem 6-12 april 2020 vs year ago
  • 40. Fuente: McKinsey ola 16-19 abril Quarantine has forced some to change the buying establishment and try new ones, both in the physical and online versions
  • 41. Spain, consumers have continued to increase their online purchase in packaged FMCG beyond the big spike in supply. Although it still represents a very small percentage of the total, online spending has increased to 84% compared to the same week last year
  • 42. 18,8 9,7 9,7 8,9 6,1 5 4,4 3,3 3 15,7 7,9 8,2 8,5 3,3 4,2 4,2 2,4 2,4 Comida,Bebida Tecnología Material protección, desinfectante Productos higiene,limpieza Ropa,Calzado Hogar:decoración,muebles Electrodomésticos Cosmética,Perfumería Libros,Comics,Películas,Música 23,5 19,4 11,6 10,2 10 8,3 4,7 4,4 4,2 3 27,2 14,8 10 11,2 10,9 6,6 5,7 5,7 4,5 3,3 Comida,Bebida Ropa,Calzado Tecnología Amazon,Ebay (sin esp) Productos higiene,limpieza Libros,Comics,Películas,Música Juguetes,Juegos de mesa Cosmética,Perfumería Material protección,desinfectante Hogar:decoración, muebles ¿Has realizado alguna compra online durante estas semanas de confinamiento de cualquier producto o servicio? Para cada cosa que hayas comparado, anota por favor si era la primera vez que comprabas ese tipo de producto o servicio por internet, y si crees que lo seguirás comprando por internet en el futuro, cuando acabe el aislamiento (independientemente de si era o no la primera vez). (respuesta abierta) | Base: 500 72% declare to have made some purchase online during the confinement. Food/drink, clothing/shoes, technology and hygiene/cleanliness remain the tops. Among those who have bought online, 60% have started categories that they did not buy before, especially basic basket products (food and cleaning). 74% say they will continue to buy online. 72% Ha comprado online Compra realizada online Comprado por primera vez Seguirá comprando 35,5 24,4 19,9 17,2 11,6 11,6 10,2 7,2 7,2 5,8 5,5 4,2 3,6 3,6 3,3 3,3 36,6 17,8 16 14,5 9,4 13,6 8,2 7,3 6,6 6,6 8,5 1,5 2,4 5,7 5,1 3 Comida,Bebida Ropa,Calzado Tecnología Productos higiene, limpieza Material protección,desinfectante Amazon,Ebay (sin esp.) Libros,Comics,Películas,Música Cosmética,Perfumería Hogar:decoración,muebles Electrodomésticos Juguetes,Juegos de mesa Material escolar,Oficina Farmacia,Parafarmacia Supermercados (sin esp.) Comida,juguetes Mascotas Complementos Rk productos por encima del 3%. Base: Han comprado online. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril (+7 pp vs sem 6)
  • 43. Una vez acabado el confinamiento, ¿Crees que cambiará algo en tu forma de comprar productos básicos para el hogar (alimentación, limpieza, higiene personal), respecto a lo que hacías antes de la cuarentena? Expresa el grado de acuerdo desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. It consolidates the trend that in the post-confinement will continue to prioritize the purchase in proximity, looking for more natural products, and national when possible. The intention to purchase large quantities/units continues to decline 60% will be open to try brands they did not use before, although for that they have to be known/trusted Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 44. In fact, between 20-25% have already bought new brands during these weeks, either because of the offer available in their nearby store, or because of curiosity and availability of more time Have you started buying PRODUCTS from BRANDS that you usually did NOT buy? Fuente: Zinclar 31 marzo-27 abril
  • 45. What am I going to change after the coronavirus? Will I return to the same thing or are there changes that will remain? How will this crisis affect my future habits and mindset? Note: The collection of data from the Covid-19 HMG-Odec tracking (24-26 April) was prior to the announcement of "de-escalation" dates/plan by the Spanish government
  • 46. On post-isolation habit change, rk remains similar: more savings, physical exercise and online shopping. The intention to save more grows significantly and the intention to play video games decreases somewhat Leisure outings, meals out and travel seem to be what will suffer most. The intention to buy technology products, clothing/shoes, beauty and home decoration will also be lower than before the confinement, although this week is slightly better. Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 47. What about next summer's vacation? At the moment we are quite pessimistic about being able to fulfil our plans to travel this summer: only one in four of us believe so. Among them, the main destination will be Spain (74% vs. 59% of initial forecast), followed by Europe (13% vs. 26% initially) Antes del confinamiento ¿Tenías pensado irte de vacaciones en verano? Base: 1000 entrevistas Do you think you can finally go on vacation? Base planned to go on holiday: 800 interviews Fuente: MORE THAN RESEARCH Estudio expectativas vacaciones 2020. Trabajo de campo 23 y 24 abril 2020. Muestra 1,000 entrevistas representativas España 18-65 años Where are you going? Base Think They'll Finally Go On Holiday: 196 Interviews 40% of those who planned to travel had already made a reservation, 70% of them have cancelled it, but the remaining 30% still have it!
  • 48. Changes in our values and the way we live in society The behavior behind the coronavirus will change: We will avoid physical contact and crowding, control spending more, show more willingness to collaborate with brands and companies that have contributed to the crisis, and spend more time with loved ones and less time working (+4pp). Those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives grow by 5pp. We are a little less clear that we are going to be really more supportive (- 4pp)Translated with (free version) Como piensa vd que el coronavirus va a afectar a nuestro comportamiento futuro y a nuestra sociedad? Por favor, exprese su grado de acuerdo/desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 49. THE ROLE OF BRANDS BEFORE COVID-19 Communication or silence? | They are sued? | How are they responding?
  • 50. Level of approval of the role of large corporations on Covid-19 In most countries the role of large corporations in this crisis gets a passing grade (except Japan). In the European context, they are better valued in Italy, France and Spain. Deterioration in Germany and USA Fuente: Global Web Index *Nota metodológica: Necesario tener en cuenta diferencias culturales: India y China suelen ser más asertivos más asertivos/positivos en las puntuaciones/valoraciones al contrario que países como Japón
  • 51. En estos días, muchas empresas y marcas han tomado distintas iniciativas respecto al coronavirus. Vamos a hablar ahora sobre lo que te gustaría que hicieran las marcas y empresas una vez que se acabe el periodo de aislamiento . (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. Future actions (post-quarantine): the high demand for brands in all initiatives is consolidated, both for direct actions (donations, deferment of payments), and for contributing to normality through the communication of their messages and products Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 52. What do you expect from brands in this new post-confinement phase, which you think they can do in the coming months to help improve the quality of life of people and society at large? Open Spontaneous demands towards the brands : In addition to the request for price reduction, offers, etc., others continue to appear such as honesty, solidarity (growing) and in general support for society. Those related to support for workers and employment are also growing, as well as sending positive messages and providing security to customers 18,4 8,6 8,0 4,6 4,4 4,2 4,0 3,8 3,8 3,6 3,4 3,4 3,4 19,6 5,5 6,1 4,2 4,2 3,2 5,9 2,2 4 2,6 5,9 1,8 1,8 Bajar los precios Ser mas honestos y solidarios Hacer ofertas,Promociones,Descuentos Asegurar el empleo,Apoyar a los trabajadores Apoyo económico,Subvenciones,Facilidades de pago Generar empleo Ayudar a los mas desfavorecidos Donaciones de dinero,Comida,Material sanitario Que sigan ayudando igual Seguir dando seguridad a los clientes Apoyar y ayudar a toda la sociedad Enviar mensajes positivos a la población Innovación en productos y cobertura necesidades Sem 7 Sem 6 Menciones por encima del 3%. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
  • 53. ANEXO • Datasheets and Sources consulted • The response of brands to the near future: How to (re)build brands really meaningful
  • 54. Ficha técnica estudio HMG & UNIVERSO OBJETO DE ESTUDIO Individuos de España de 16 años o más. ÁMBITO GEOGRÁFICO Y PUNTOS DE MUESTREO Nacional, segmentado por Áreas Nielsen. TAMAÑO MUESTRAL Y ERROR MUESTRAL Muestra de 500 entrevistas, con un error muestral de ± 4,38% para p=q=50% con un 95% de intervalo de confianza. PLAN MUESTRAL: VARIABLES ESTRATIFICACIÓN Cuotas: Edad Sexo Zona TÉCNICA DE RECOGIDA DE INFORMACIÓN Mediante entrevista ON line FECHAS TRABAJO DE CAMPO Ola sem 5: Del 10 al 12 de abril de 2020 Ola sem 6: Del 17 al 19 de abril de 2020 Ola sem 7: Del 24 al 26 de abril de 2020
  • 55. Otros estudios y fuentes consultadas • ZINKLAR: Tracking semanal Impacto COVID-19 España • McKINSEY: Sentimiento del consumidor durante la crisis: ola 16-19 abril • IRI-BCG: Consmer Spending Tracker 8 countries. (Spain Includes hypermarkets and supermarkets >100M and modern drug stores) • GLOBAL WEB INDEX • MORE THAN RESEARCH: Expectativas sobre vacaciones 2020 en España • TOLUNA & HARRIS INTERACTIVE: Global Barometer 18 countries • MEANINGFUL BRANDS (by Havas Group) • MEDIOS: AIMC Cuaderno de bitácora, KANTAR (Audiencia TV) • Centro de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad John Hopkins USA • Organización Mundial de la Salud • Ministerio de Sanidad y Dptos Sanidad CCAA. UNDERSTANDING SCALE USAGE ACROSS CULTURES That different cultures tend towards different levels of acquiescent and extreme response styles on scales is well known. It is obvious from observing our data that the Japanese are modest in nature and tend not to select the most positive response, either when talking about themselves or regarding others. India, on the other hand, and China to a slightly lesser degree, tend towards acquiescence and extreme positive response. Other countries in the study undoubtably have a cultural bias, but to a lesser degree from the average. Thus, interpretation of the data, particularly on these three countries, needs to be more nuanced than simply comparing the raw numbers. Consideraciones sobre comparabilidad/asertividad a escalas entre países
  • 57. La respuesta de las marcas en la situación actual y en complejo futuro próximo Construyendo marcas RELEVANTES
  • 58. Distintas fuentes evidencian los beneficios de seguir comunicando en las situación actual creen que las marcas tiene un papel fundamental para abordar los desafíos que enfrentamos recuperación más rápida después de la recesión de 2008 para las marcas fuertes
  • 59. Si bien puede ser peligroso para las marcas ver/utilizar la pandemia como una oportunidad de incrementar ventas a corto plazo piensan que las marcas no deberían explotar la situación actual ha convencido a otras personas para que dejen de usar marcas que creen no están actuando apropiadamente en su respuesta a la pandemia dice que la respuesta de las marcas en esta crisis tiene un gran impacto en su predisposición a comprar esa marca en el futuro
  • 60. Pero sí existe una clara oportunidad para las marcas de tener un impacto relevante en las vidas de las personas, en su bienestar físico y sobre todo emocional
  • 61. A través de contenidos relevantes para ayudar a construir Meaningful Brands en este contexto Covid-19