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Thematic qualitative analysis
The interviewsessionconducted to retain the opinions and answers from the respondents help in the
collection of a decent amount of qualitative data. The qualitative data collected is nothing but the
answers obtained from the respondents regarding 20 different questions in the form of personal
responses.Forincreasedintegrityandclarityof the collecteddata,the sample size wasmaintainedtobe
a short group of 15 respondents all be connected in some or another way with the Mauritian
educational system.Eachof these respondentswasexclusivelyacknowledgedregardingtheirfree willto
answerthe questionsinanywayas theyplease withanyformof external pressurewhichoften tends to
create biased opinions.
For the analysis purpose of the interview responses, the thematic analysis procedure was selected.
Thematic analysis often misunderstood to be a very simple form of data analysis procedure is widely
popular among acknowledgeable reachers and scholars for effective qualitative data analysis. The
process of thematic data analysis translates to the establishment of relations and recognition of
patterns between chunks of data that further enables the researcher to reach certain conclusions or
findings regarding the research topic. One of the biggest advantages of thematic data analysis is its
scalabilityandflexibility to analyze epistemological and theoretic frameworks and data from different
varietiesof researches.The processof thematicanalysis consists of recognizable theme establishment
and furtherestablishingof codessimilartothe theme concept.Thisprocedure isnotboundbyany fixed
formor methodandcan be utilizedinanyformbythe researchertoconclude the data findings. For this
particularresearchtopic,thisprocedure will helpthe researchertorelate the data findings according to
the recent mindset and opinion of students within Mauritian universities, therefore maintaining the
authenticity and freshness of the qualitative data results.
Profile of respondents
As for the sample/ final respondent group that has been selected for the interview, all of them are in
some way connected tothe Mauritian highereducation/universitysystem.To further maintain the data
integrity,studentsandleanersfromthe Mauritianuniversity have beenselected all of who has in some
waybeenfamiliar with the usage of smartphone in and during their academics journey. Among the 15
selectedrespondents,6were female andthe remaining9were male. 3 female and 5 male respondents
were local students or students who were born and brought up in Mauritius and the remaining 7 had
their origins internationally. This further helped the researcher to collect the opinions from the
respondents both from the local and worldwide regions, irrespective of their social/economical and
cultural conditions. All of the respondents were from the age group 22-25, from which 5 were
subsequently22yearsold. Before the conduction of the interview, it was verified whether each of the
studentswasan active userof smartphones. Therefore,the collectedinformationwasconceptualizedto
provide the best possible reliable data without any biases and ambiguity within the data outcome or
respondent opinions.
Data familiarization
In simpler terms, data familiarization translates to the reevaluation of the contents, descriptions, and
information present within the data so that it because easy for the researcher to transcribe, estimate
and gauge the data conceptsand theirpotential findings. Intermsof thematic qualitative data analysis,
the procedure of data familiarization translates to generating succinct codes or labels that help in the
labeling of the concepts and themes within the collected data set. The next phase translates to the
generationof themesorbroaderaspectswithinthe datasothat the data findingscanbe segregatedand
analyzedaccordingto possible situations and scenarios. The preliminary themes need to be reviewed
whichhelpsthe researchertoomitor addup irrelevantor missing themes. Theme review also helps in
assessing the viability of the opinions and responses of the candidates. After the themes and code
generationprocessgetscompletedthe finalphase simply translates to collaborating the relatable data
chunks and information and explanation of the final sets of segregated thematic data.
The common responsesspecifictothe topic of research for this study has been collectively mentioned
A significantportion of the respondentsrevealedthatsmartphonesare one of the prime causesfortheir
procrastinationandabsent-mindednessduringtheiruniversityclasses. It was also surprising to find out
that mostof the respondentswere self-awareregardingthe cause but still are not able to omit this bad
habit, simply because the usage of smartphones for them has now become an addiction.
While there were some mixed opinions regarding the detrimental effect of smartphones on academic
performance, a majority of the respondents mentioned that usage of smartphones provides students
and learnerswithquickandinstantsolutionstotheirproblemswhichgraduallylowersthe internal need
of the students to retain permanent knowledge and information. Other reasons according to the
respondentswere regarding the constant social media connectivity and availability of entertainment,
which tends to distract the students from their learning necessities.
All of the respondents mentioned that daily usage of smartphones has made it difficult for them to
concentrate in their lectures and classes, reasons for them being the notification pings from different
social sites/platforms, availability of games, and the habit of checking the phone in every 5 to 10
As for the negative effects of smartphone usage on academic performance, most of the respondents
mentioneddegradationof eyesight,excessivetime spentuponsocial medialsites,andthe urge to check
out music/videos and sources of entertainment.
Regardingthe answers relatedtothe positiveimpactof smartphone usage uponacademicperformance,
there were three primary effects mentioned. These were keeping in contact with peers for study
purposes, assistance in research helps related to study topic discussion.
All of the respondents positively agreed that smartphones are a source of distraction in class.
University students/learners tend to feel impatient and nervous if they are unable to use their
smartphones.The reasonsaccordingtothe respondentswere varying. The reasons for such cases were
mentionedtobe lowphone battery,forgetting about the phone, or simply not being able to check the
phone constantly.
Increasedusage orin otherwordsaddictiontosmartphonesharmsthe social life of university students.
Examples of such effects according to the respondents were less family time expenditure, less social
interaction among friends/peers, lessened outside activities, and likewise.
Smartphone addiction has also considerably decreased the face-to-face conversations of university
students. The respondents positively replied that the richness and quality of conversations have
decreasedwithtime.Few of the respondents also mentioned that it has also increased the generation
gap between the old and the young people which gradually affects the bond between families.
All of the respondents answered positively regarding the fact of smartphone addiction is the cause of
anxiety. The reasonswere differentfordifferentrespondents.People tendtofeel anxiouswhentheyget
to see social mediainfluencersleadingafitandhealthylife.Instantaccess to disastrous news regarding
the spread of COVID cases, terror attacks and likewise tend to engage the minds of curious students
which leads them to perform poorer in their academics resultantly increasing chances of anxiety and
The respondentpopulation agreed to the aspect of smartphone addiction disturbing the human sleep
pattern. Sleep, for humans, is one of the best ways through which their bodies can recover from daily
mental stressandphysical fatigue.Smartphones tend to have various features and functionalities that
keepstudentsengagedinthem. Constantusage of smartphonestends toaffecteyesight,results in neck
aches and headaches, and disturbs the circadian rhythm of the body. Results translate to a feeling of
grumpinessandlousythroughoutthe dayanda sensation of lack of energy. Long-term effects result in
unexpected weight loss, obesity, unhealthy organs, and likewise.
The dependability of students upon smartphones has increased substantially since the origin of the
gadget which has resulted in individuals relying on a smartphone for any kind of problem they face.
Accordingto the receivedresponses,almostall the problemsthat can potentially be faced by a student
can be assisted or solved by the google search and the millions of available applications on the
Contrary to the conventional ways of escaping boredom, i.e playing interactive games with peers,
reading storybooks, engaging in quality conversations with family members the teens, students, and
populationsnowadaysengage themselvesinmobile games,andsocial mediaapplicationslike Facebook,
Whatsapp, and Instagram. This proves a shift of interest from the real to the virtual world.
Regardlessof the topicfocusingupon the detriments of smartphone addiction and dependency, there
are also many advantages that these gadgets tend to provide. The collective data regarding
smartphoneshelpingtobuildupsocial circlesshowcasedthatsmartphoneshelpin increasing the social
and professional contactsforstudentswhich can potentially help them in their careers and future life.
Connecting with people across the globe through Facebook or increasing professional connections
through LinkedIn can greatly increase the international outlook and career-wise opportunities of
university students.
Smartphonesalsoprovide a creative measure for their users that can be utilized to deal with personal
issues. Accordingtothe collecteddata,suchcreative measurestranslate tolistening to music, watching
motivational videos, learning some skills or craft online, and likewise.
Upon asking the respondents if smartphones have facilitated them in anyways in reduces their stress
and anxiety, all of the respondents replied negatively. Some of the respondents even tried to utilize
smartphone for their benefit but the disadvantages always seemed to overshadow the advantages it
tends to provide.
Prolongedaddictiontosmartphone usage makesitahabitfor universitystudentstokeepcheckingtheir
social mediaprofiles and notifications. All of the students replied that they cannot control the urge to
checktheirphone rightafterwakingupin case theymissout on anysocial news or event that is send to
themfromFacebookor Instagram. Thisis mostlybecause students subconsciously try to maintain their
social status.
One of the majorindications of addictionisthe feeling of frustration if the individual is not able to use
the addictive substance. Inthisscenario,all of the respondentspositivelyagreedthathaltingonlinetime
tends to make them feel, angry, frustrated, and anxious.
Smartphone addictionoftentranslatesto pseudo happenings like phantom vibrations, where the user
feels that some notification has come upon their phone but in reality, there is no such case. The
respondents mentioned that they do not understand the reason behind such a cause but oftentimes
they simply feel that their phone vibrated and this thought urges them to check their phones for
notifications and messages.
Upon confrontation regarding the fact whether the respondents of the interview feel that they are
addicted to smartphones or not, most of them being educated individuals accepted that they are
addicted and hooked to constant smartphone usage. According to their responses, most of them feel
that theycannotspenda day withouttheirsmartphones,whichshowcasesahighdegree of smartphone
Regardlessof the adversariesof smartphone addiction, all of the respondents mentioned that it is not
possible forthemtocompletelygive up on smartphone usage as the advantages provided by it are too
importantto neglect. Smartphoneshelpinconnectingpeople, friends, and families regardless of them
beingfarfrom eachother.It alsofacilitatesthe academics,suchashelpinginassignments,downloading
necessarydata,information,andstudy-relatedcontent,andlastly,providingrecreational features and a
quick source of entertainment during times of extreme boredom.
Figure 1: Data Familiarization according to the formulated interview questions.
Preliminary themes and Initial Coding
Aftersuccessful datafamiliarization,the nextphase translatestosegregationof the dataintoa thematic
and systematicform,i.e.accordingtothemesandrelevantcodes. Conceptually, themes are referred to
as ideasor subjectsthathelpinthe collaborative inclusionof relevantpiecesof content,topic,anddata.
A huge amount of qualitative data can be broken down and segregated into specific thematic criteria.
Codingwithinqualitative data translates to the procedure of data organizing and labeling according to
the specific themes set so that the relation between the coded keywords and attributes with the
respective themescanbe identified. Effective themeformationandcodinghelpthe researcher to relate
huge chunksof data intorecognizable conclusions or findings. The preliminary theming and coding for
the collective qualitative data of this research have been presented below.
Preliminary Themes Initial coding
Smartphone addiction
Prolongedorextensive use of smartphone
Inabilitytostayawayfrom smartphone fora
considerable amountof time
Extreme dependencyuponsmartphone
Inabilitytodo tasksmanuallyorhavingdifficultydoing
it due to smartphone dependency
Negative effectsof smartphone addictionon
Low sociability
Hamperingthe basiclife schedule
Hindrancesonpersonal relationshipswithfriends,
Reducedphysical activity
Dependencyuponvirtual gratificationandvirtual-
Advantagesof smartphonesforuniversity
Increasedscope of connectivity
Increasedvirtual friendcircle
An abundance of recreational features
Accessto quick sourcesof studymaterials,contents,
and information.
Accessto professionalchancesandopportunitieslike
Effectof smartphone addictiononthe mental
healthof universitystudents.
The feelingof constantlousinessandlaziness
Reductioninthe brain'sabilitytofunctioninitsfull
Inabilitytostore comprehensive information
Feelingof loneliness
Requirementof social gratification
Effectof smartphone addictiononthe physical
healthof universitystudents.
Lack of energyandenthusiasm
A feelingof jetlag
Increasedmigraine relatedproblems
Reducedphysical strengthdue tolackof physical
Loss of weight
Effectof smartphone onthe academic
performance of universitystudents
Low academicscores
Low acquisitionof extensivelong-termsubjective
Finalized themes and code establishment
After the completion of the conceptual preliminary themes and codes, the setup was re-evaluated
according to the opinions and responses received from the conducted interview. Specific to the
interview responses, the codes and themes that were not mentioned by the respondents were
disregarded.Afterthat,a finalizedthemeandcode setupwasformulatedwith full compliance with the
interview responses for increased authenticity of the qualitative data collected. Repetitions of codes
were also omitted. The finalized theme and code setup has been provided below-
Finalized Themes Codes
Smartphone addiction
Prolongedorextensive use of smartphone
Inabilityto stayawayfrom smartphone fora
considerable amountof time
Extreme dependencyuponsmartphone
it due to smartphone dependency
Negative effectsof smartphone addictionon
Low sociability
Hindrancesonpersonal relationshipswithfriends,
Headachesand neckaches
Dependencyuponvirtual gratificationandvirtual-
Advantagesof smartphonesforuniversity
Increasedscope of connectivity
Increasedvirtual friendcircle
The abundance of recreational features
Accessto quicksourcesof studymaterials,contents,
and information.
Accessto professionalchancesandopportunitieslike
Effectof smartphone addictiononthe mental
healthof university students.
The feelingof constantlousinessandlaziness
Reductioninthe brain'sabilitytofunctioninitsfull
Inabilitytostore comprehensive information
Requirementof social gratification
Effectof smartphone addictiononthe physical
healthof universitystudents.
Lack of energyandenthusiasm
Increasedmigraine relatedproblems
Reducedphysical strengthdue tolackof physical
Effectof smartphone on the academic
performance of universitystudents
Low academicscores
Theme explanation
The finalizedthemesare evaluatedandexplainedbelow withthe mentioning of direct quotations from
the responses of the interviewees. Such a form of content analysis and explanation will help in
establishing the relationship between the finalized themes and codes.
Theme 1: Smartphone addiction.
According to the collected responses, all of the respondents believed that prolonged and extensive
usage of smartphones can result in the formation of smartphone addiction where the user or student
tendsto be fullydependent upon the gadget for even the smallest tasks and requirements they have.
Whenaskedif the respondentsthinkwhethertheyare addictedtotheirsmartphonesornot,all of them
agreedandacceptedthe statement. Science andrecentresultsfromall overthe world have showcased
that the main identification of smartphone addiction translates to the inability of individuals to stay
away from the gadget for a prolonged period. Such studies were further satisfied by responses like,
“Even though I convince myself not to use my phone during lectures or I try to keep my phone away to
focuson my assignments,Ialwaysfind myself tempted and most of the time I give in and start using my
phoneinstead of following ordoing my assignment.” Anotherrespondentstatedthat “I cannot manage
to do a simple tasksuch as calculation or reasoning asI rely heavily on my phone.We haveso many apps
that have been designed to cater for every whims and caprice of the human desires which ties us in the
circle of interdependency.”Suchresponsesshowcase how integralsmartphone has become in the daily
life of University students.
Theme 2: Negative effects of smartphone addiction on university students.
There were 20 interviewquestions formulated that asked the respondents regarding their views upon
the detrimental effects of extensive smartphone usage that they have experienced. Most of the
respondents mentioned that they experience a feeling of anxiety and frustration, which they
significantly feel during their smartphone usage periods. A 23-year-old respondent stated, “Yes, they
increase anxiety as firstly they cause sleep problems which give rise to anxiety depression, and other
disorders. When I completed another futile stroll on my social media feeds just a few hours back, I
started to notice an empty sensation. I'd squandered a couple of hours with little to show for that too,
and the deadlines for the tasks I was meant to be completed were looming ever nearer. I feel an empty
sensation intensified until I realized what it was: anxiousness. To be more precise, I was going through
something similar”. Anotherrespondentstated,“Ialwayscatch myself using my smartphone as a mean
to procrastinate and then afterward I feel guilty for not investing my time in my studies or doing
assignments and then I sit with my mobile phone, scrolling and browsing anxiously because I have
pending assignments and the deadline is approaching.” Such responses signify the fact of extensive
smartphone usage leading to reasons of anxiety.
Stress is another result of prolonged usage of the smartphone. When asked whether the smartphone
helpsinthe managementof stressandanxiety,arespondentstated, “many timesInoticed that scrolling
on social media makesmy anxietyand stress even worse. Normally you are stressing or anxious over an
issue and social media normally shows only the bright facets of life and the rosy picture tends to make
me more anxious."
Being university students, the sole focus of the respondents should be upon their academics. But
addictionto using smartphones frequently tends to distract them from their classes and lectures. This
was further satisfied by responses like, “Excessive time spent on social media platforms affects my
academic performance. The time spent on those platforms could have been used in my studies.” and
“plethora of videos that are streamed daily on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat are enthralling and I could not resist myself skipping my academic work and commitment to
spend my time scrolling through these social media sites which is the root cause of distraction and I
devotemy attention and energy on these sites. My gradesare suffering very badly because of my lack of
Leaving the academic criteria aside extensive smartphone usage also poses problems to the
social and personal lives of individuals. One of the respondents mentioned that, “I feel that I
have lost the right communication skills as I have difficulty in expressing my thoughts or
opinions as I spend most of my time on my phone. I have difficulty in dealing with real-life
situations as I seek comfort in the utopian world of the internet world. My personal life also is
being deeply affected by my girlfriend as she feels neglected and left out as I prioritize my
phone. Our relationship is crumbling down as I spend so much time on my phone talking to my
online friends.” This statement itself showcases how the social life, public communication skills,
and interactability of an individual can get influenced and affected by their smartphone
Smartphone addiction also disturbs the sleep schedule and negatively affects the total hour of
sleep for the respondents. This was further approved by responses like, “Yes, I have a disturbed
sleep pattern and my circadian rhythm is out of the place and I feel constantly that I am jet lag”
and “I do not have a sleep pattern anymore. 4-5 years back I used to think If I sleep and put my
smartphone away I would miss important events happening on social media. So I started to
sleep late and this altered my sleeping pattern. Now I try to keep my phone far from me and try
to sleep early but in vain. After one hour of staring at my walls and thinking if I've got any
messages on my phone or trying to find an excuse to use my phone I give in and start using it till
late at night".
Considering responses like “I think many couples and families are suffering from the excessive
usage of their phones. Families are breaking apart due to lack of attention being allocated to
their partner, virtual cheating is becoming rampant and the amount of adult content
pornography is increasing due to the pandemic which acts as a catalyst to bring mistrust and
feuds among couples” and “everywhere I go be it in weddings, birthday parties, prayers people
are glued to their phones taking pictures, making live videos, chatting or playing games. The
human ability to communicate effectively by using our sense organs has diminished greatly. The
smartphones have kind of replaced family or intimate time”, the detrimental effect of
smartphones upon the family times of students and individuals are evident.
Lastly, semi-disorders like phantom vibration, or the feeling of pseudo-phone vibrations can
also occur due to massive smartphone usage habits. When asked if they have experienced such
occurrences or not, the responses were “Yes, I thought I was having hallucination to hear my
phone vibrating or ringing even though my phone is near me. Also, I tend to check my phone
every 5-10min when it's near me even though on silent mode” and “Yes, I thought I was losing
my mind by hearing these types of mental sounds in my head”.
Theme 3: Advantages of smartphones for university students
The development of smartphones was one of the biggest examples of technological innovations.
Therefore, the interview questionnaire included questions regarding the potential benefits of
experience by the respondents the help and assistance that they received in their academics through
smartphones. Smartphonesfacilitate efficient connectivity and communication between teachers and
professors. They also tend to provide students with help regarding their projects, assignments, and
studies. A simple Google search can help students to obtain necessary data and pieces of information
whenever necessary. Such statements and proclamations were satisfied by the respondents through
responses like “Yeah, it does. I have a self-control app, an app to track the amount of water I drank
during the day,and a reminder app formy anxiety medication.I usemy Samsung notes a lot as well, as I
rely on making notes to ensure that I have a good day and that I'm not missing out on anything”, “I
would listen to music on YouTube, or motivational videos to keep my stress level down” and “There is
every solution for any kind of problem we face, in one swipe we can get all the information we want
concerning the problem".
Smartphonesalsofacilitatepersonaland professional connectivity which can result in potential career
choices and job opportunities for students. One of the respondents mentioned that "Using apps like
Facebook,you can makenewfriendsor LinkedIn you can grow your professional contacts. The right use
of these social media can be beneficial if you're applying for a job, as the interviewer will most likely
check your activities online”. Two more respondents mentioned the advantage provided by Facebook,
Whatsapp, and LinkedIn, in increasing the social visibility and network of an individual. Therefore,
Theme 4: Effect of smartphone addiction on the mental health of university students.
Upon evaluation of secondary data related to the constructed theme, the findings of the interview
results co-related with the scientific statements and proclamations of smartphones causing anxiety,
stress,andmental disordersstudentsandteens. A respondent mentioned, “My anxiety increases I feel
worthlessand ugly,tend to comparemy life with otherpeople and their achievementsmakeme envious.
I do not feel at easewith my own body”.Sucha response showcasesthe urge forsocial gratification that
tendsto be developedwithin studentsandindividualsultimatelyaffectingtheirmental health. Similarto
the previous proclamation respondent mentioned, “My phone increases my anxiety and complexities.
There are so many competitions on Instagram to be the perfect man to look perfect in every photo, to
have the perfect body shape which I find toxic. I play games endlessly to divert my attention which is
good but I end up neglecting the important works for University. There was a point in my life I hated
myself for not having the perfect six abs, which I thought would get me more girls". The same
respondentstated, “Theamountof fakenewsand misinformation that is circulating during the ongoing
covid-19 is detrimental to my mental health. This increases my panic attacks”.
Most of the respondents mentionedthattheywere hooked to their smartphones despite knowing the
ill-effects that it poses on their psychological well-being. Further research regarding the theme
showcased that smartphone addiction also tends to reduce the concentration, focusing ability of
students which considerably reflects upon their academic performance.
Theme 5: Effect of smartphone addiction on the physical health of university students.
Notonly has the mental well-being,eventhe physical wellbeingof the students and individuals tended
to getaffecteddue toextensive use of smartphones. When asked about the effect of smartphone use
on sleep cycles, a respondent mentioned “I would binge-watch movies or series on my phone which
interrupts my sleep pattern and causing dark circles and eye pain. I do not feel physically fit due to the
lack of sleep and I am always in a bad mood". Another response to the question was, “and I have a
scientific explanation for that as the blue light generated by our smartphone screen suppresses
melatonin secretion,the hormonethatregulates our sleep-wake routine. This renders falling asleep and
waking up the very next day much more problematic. Because blue light has a narrow bandwidth, it
appears to be highly reactive to the circadian cycle. Access to blue light has also been shown to cause
harm into the human retina."
Takingfrom the aforementioned response, over time it can translate to a reduced eye-sight. Scientific
researchesandevidence also showcase that extensive smartphone usage can result in headaches and
neck aches. Reluctance to such causes can again translate to long-term health complications.
Theme 6: Effect of smartphone on the academic performance of university students
Afterevaluationof all the qualitativeinformationretrieved from the interview content, the hindrances
due to smartphone addiction to the academic performance of university students were found to be
shorteningof the attentionspansorincreasedcausesof distractions, lowacademicscores, and reduced
focus and concentration. One of the respondents stated that “I am always distracted by my phone
during lectures especially during online lectures”. Another response supporting the aforementioned
statementwas, “aswe haveshifted ourclassesonline, I am mentally absent for the class and yes I avoid
doing my assignments and follow my lectures. I would prefer chatting with my friends on WhatsApp.”
Regarding the response to the question related to smartphone addiction posing difficulty in
concentratinginclasses, arespondentreflected, “I feel my attention span has been reduced as I use my
phone for almost useless purposes. I find myself multitasking and find it difficult to concentrate on one
topic. My mind feels like a roller coaster ride”.
Most of the responsesregardingthe impactof smartphone addictionuponacademicperformance were
similar to the above response that establishes the negative impact posed by smartphones upon
university education and gradings.

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Covid-19 and Mauritian University Education

  • 1. Thematic qualitative analysis Introduction The interviewsessionconducted to retain the opinions and answers from the respondents help in the collection of a decent amount of qualitative data. The qualitative data collected is nothing but the answers obtained from the respondents regarding 20 different questions in the form of personal responses.Forincreasedintegrityandclarityof the collecteddata,the sample size wasmaintainedtobe a short group of 15 respondents all be connected in some or another way with the Mauritian educational system.Eachof these respondentswasexclusivelyacknowledgedregardingtheirfree willto answerthe questionsinanywayas theyplease withanyformof external pressurewhichoften tends to create biased opinions. For the analysis purpose of the interview responses, the thematic analysis procedure was selected. Thematic analysis often misunderstood to be a very simple form of data analysis procedure is widely popular among acknowledgeable reachers and scholars for effective qualitative data analysis. The process of thematic data analysis translates to the establishment of relations and recognition of patterns between chunks of data that further enables the researcher to reach certain conclusions or findings regarding the research topic. One of the biggest advantages of thematic data analysis is its scalabilityandflexibility to analyze epistemological and theoretic frameworks and data from different varietiesof researches.The processof thematicanalysis consists of recognizable theme establishment and furtherestablishingof codessimilartothe theme concept.Thisprocedure isnotboundbyany fixed formor methodandcan be utilizedinanyformbythe researchertoconclude the data findings. For this particularresearchtopic,thisprocedure will helpthe researchertorelate the data findings according to the recent mindset and opinion of students within Mauritian universities, therefore maintaining the authenticity and freshness of the qualitative data results. Profile of respondents As for the sample/ final respondent group that has been selected for the interview, all of them are in some way connected tothe Mauritian highereducation/universitysystem.To further maintain the data integrity,studentsandleanersfromthe Mauritianuniversity have beenselected all of who has in some waybeenfamiliar with the usage of smartphone in and during their academics journey. Among the 15 selectedrespondents,6were female andthe remaining9were male. 3 female and 5 male respondents were local students or students who were born and brought up in Mauritius and the remaining 7 had their origins internationally. This further helped the researcher to collect the opinions from the respondents both from the local and worldwide regions, irrespective of their social/economical and cultural conditions. All of the respondents were from the age group 22-25, from which 5 were subsequently22yearsold. Before the conduction of the interview, it was verified whether each of the studentswasan active userof smartphones. Therefore,the collectedinformationwasconceptualizedto provide the best possible reliable data without any biases and ambiguity within the data outcome or respondent opinions. Data familiarization
  • 2. In simpler terms, data familiarization translates to the reevaluation of the contents, descriptions, and information present within the data so that it because easy for the researcher to transcribe, estimate and gauge the data conceptsand theirpotential findings. Intermsof thematic qualitative data analysis, the procedure of data familiarization translates to generating succinct codes or labels that help in the labeling of the concepts and themes within the collected data set. The next phase translates to the generationof themesorbroaderaspectswithinthe datasothat the data findingscanbe segregatedand analyzedaccordingto possible situations and scenarios. The preliminary themes need to be reviewed whichhelpsthe researchertoomitor addup irrelevantor missing themes. Theme review also helps in assessing the viability of the opinions and responses of the candidates. After the themes and code generationprocessgetscompletedthe finalphase simply translates to collaborating the relatable data chunks and information and explanation of the final sets of segregated thematic data. The common responsesspecifictothe topic of research for this study has been collectively mentioned below- A significantportion of the respondentsrevealedthatsmartphonesare one of the prime causesfortheir procrastinationandabsent-mindednessduringtheiruniversityclasses. It was also surprising to find out that mostof the respondentswere self-awareregardingthe cause but still are not able to omit this bad habit, simply because the usage of smartphones for them has now become an addiction. While there were some mixed opinions regarding the detrimental effect of smartphones on academic performance, a majority of the respondents mentioned that usage of smartphones provides students and learnerswithquickandinstantsolutionstotheirproblemswhichgraduallylowersthe internal need of the students to retain permanent knowledge and information. Other reasons according to the respondentswere regarding the constant social media connectivity and availability of entertainment, which tends to distract the students from their learning necessities. All of the respondents mentioned that daily usage of smartphones has made it difficult for them to concentrate in their lectures and classes, reasons for them being the notification pings from different social sites/platforms, availability of games, and the habit of checking the phone in every 5 to 10 minutes. As for the negative effects of smartphone usage on academic performance, most of the respondents mentioneddegradationof eyesight,excessivetime spentuponsocial medialsites,andthe urge to check out music/videos and sources of entertainment. Regardingthe answers relatedtothe positiveimpactof smartphone usage uponacademicperformance, there were three primary effects mentioned. These were keeping in contact with peers for study purposes, assistance in research helps related to study topic discussion. All of the respondents positively agreed that smartphones are a source of distraction in class. University students/learners tend to feel impatient and nervous if they are unable to use their smartphones.The reasonsaccordingtothe respondentswere varying. The reasons for such cases were mentionedtobe lowphone battery,forgetting about the phone, or simply not being able to check the phone constantly. Increasedusage orin otherwordsaddictiontosmartphonesharmsthe social life of university students. Examples of such effects according to the respondents were less family time expenditure, less social
  • 3. interaction among friends/peers, lessened outside activities, and likewise. Smartphone addiction has also considerably decreased the face-to-face conversations of university students. The respondents positively replied that the richness and quality of conversations have decreasedwithtime.Few of the respondents also mentioned that it has also increased the generation gap between the old and the young people which gradually affects the bond between families. All of the respondents answered positively regarding the fact of smartphone addiction is the cause of anxiety. The reasonswere differentfordifferentrespondents.People tendtofeel anxiouswhentheyget to see social mediainfluencersleadingafitandhealthylife.Instantaccess to disastrous news regarding the spread of COVID cases, terror attacks and likewise tend to engage the minds of curious students which leads them to perform poorer in their academics resultantly increasing chances of anxiety and depression. The respondentpopulation agreed to the aspect of smartphone addiction disturbing the human sleep pattern. Sleep, for humans, is one of the best ways through which their bodies can recover from daily mental stressandphysical fatigue.Smartphones tend to have various features and functionalities that keepstudentsengagedinthem. Constantusage of smartphonestends toaffecteyesight,results in neck aches and headaches, and disturbs the circadian rhythm of the body. Results translate to a feeling of grumpinessandlousythroughoutthe dayanda sensation of lack of energy. Long-term effects result in unexpected weight loss, obesity, unhealthy organs, and likewise. The dependability of students upon smartphones has increased substantially since the origin of the gadget which has resulted in individuals relying on a smartphone for any kind of problem they face. Accordingto the receivedresponses,almostall the problemsthat can potentially be faced by a student can be assisted or solved by the google search and the millions of available applications on the smartphone. Contrary to the conventional ways of escaping boredom, i.e playing interactive games with peers, reading storybooks, engaging in quality conversations with family members the teens, students, and populationsnowadaysengage themselvesinmobile games,andsocial mediaapplicationslike Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. This proves a shift of interest from the real to the virtual world. Regardlessof the topicfocusingupon the detriments of smartphone addiction and dependency, there are also many advantages that these gadgets tend to provide. The collective data regarding smartphoneshelpingtobuildupsocial circlesshowcasedthatsmartphoneshelpin increasing the social and professional contactsforstudentswhich can potentially help them in their careers and future life. Connecting with people across the globe through Facebook or increasing professional connections through LinkedIn can greatly increase the international outlook and career-wise opportunities of university students. Smartphonesalsoprovide a creative measure for their users that can be utilized to deal with personal issues. Accordingtothe collecteddata,suchcreative measurestranslate tolistening to music, watching motivational videos, learning some skills or craft online, and likewise. Upon asking the respondents if smartphones have facilitated them in anyways in reduces their stress and anxiety, all of the respondents replied negatively. Some of the respondents even tried to utilize smartphone for their benefit but the disadvantages always seemed to overshadow the advantages it tends to provide.
  • 4. Prolongedaddictiontosmartphone usage makesitahabitfor universitystudentstokeepcheckingtheir social mediaprofiles and notifications. All of the students replied that they cannot control the urge to checktheirphone rightafterwakingupin case theymissout on anysocial news or event that is send to themfromFacebookor Instagram. Thisis mostlybecause students subconsciously try to maintain their social status. One of the majorindications of addictionisthe feeling of frustration if the individual is not able to use the addictive substance. Inthisscenario,all of the respondentspositivelyagreedthathaltingonlinetime tends to make them feel, angry, frustrated, and anxious. Smartphone addictionoftentranslatesto pseudo happenings like phantom vibrations, where the user feels that some notification has come upon their phone but in reality, there is no such case. The respondents mentioned that they do not understand the reason behind such a cause but oftentimes they simply feel that their phone vibrated and this thought urges them to check their phones for notifications and messages. Upon confrontation regarding the fact whether the respondents of the interview feel that they are addicted to smartphones or not, most of them being educated individuals accepted that they are addicted and hooked to constant smartphone usage. According to their responses, most of them feel that theycannotspenda day withouttheirsmartphones,whichshowcasesahighdegree of smartphone dependency. Regardlessof the adversariesof smartphone addiction, all of the respondents mentioned that it is not possible forthemtocompletelygive up on smartphone usage as the advantages provided by it are too importantto neglect. Smartphoneshelpinconnectingpeople, friends, and families regardless of them beingfarfrom eachother.It alsofacilitatesthe academics,suchashelpinginassignments,downloading necessarydata,information,andstudy-relatedcontent,andlastly,providingrecreational features and a quick source of entertainment during times of extreme boredom. Figure 1: Data Familiarization according to the formulated interview questions. Preliminary themes and Initial Coding Aftersuccessful datafamiliarization,the nextphase translatestosegregationof the dataintoa thematic and systematicform,i.e.accordingtothemesandrelevantcodes. Conceptually, themes are referred to as ideasor subjectsthathelpinthe collaborative inclusionof relevantpiecesof content,topic,anddata. A huge amount of qualitative data can be broken down and segregated into specific thematic criteria. Codingwithinqualitative data translates to the procedure of data organizing and labeling according to the specific themes set so that the relation between the coded keywords and attributes with the respective themescanbe identified. Effective themeformationandcodinghelpthe researcher to relate huge chunksof data intorecognizable conclusions or findings. The preliminary theming and coding for the collective qualitative data of this research have been presented below. Preliminary Themes Initial coding Smartphone addiction Prolongedorextensive use of smartphone Inabilitytostayawayfrom smartphone fora considerable amountof time
  • 5. Extreme dependencyuponsmartphone Inabilitytodo tasksmanuallyorhavingdifficultydoing it due to smartphone dependency Negative effectsof smartphone addictionon universitystudents Increasedfrustration Increasedanxiety Increasedanger Low sociability Lessself-esteemandself-confidence Reducedsleep Inabilitytofocusonclassesandlectures Hamperingacademicperformance Hamperingthe basiclife schedule Hindrancesonpersonal relationshipswithfriends, peers,andfamily Reducedphysical activity Headachesandneckaches Dependencyuponvirtual gratificationandvirtual- reality Advantagesof smartphonesforuniversity students Increasedscope of connectivity Increasedvirtual friendcircle An abundance of recreational features Helpinacademics Accessto quick sourcesof studymaterials,contents, and information. Professionalnetworkincrease Accessto professionalchancesandopportunitieslike job,placement,internship. Effectof smartphone addictiononthe mental healthof universitystudents. Increasedanxiety,depression The feelingof constantlousinessandlaziness Reductioninthe brain'sabilitytofunctioninitsfull potential Inabilitytostore comprehensive information Forgetfulness Feelingof loneliness Requirementof social gratification Effectof smartphone addictiononthe physical healthof universitystudents. Lack of energyandenthusiasm A feelingof jetlag Eyesightrelatedcomplications Increasedmigraine relatedproblems Reducedphysical strengthdue tolackof physical
  • 6. activity Obesity Loss of weight Effectof smartphone onthe academic performance of universitystudents Low academicscores Shortenedattentionspan Reducedconcentrationandfocus Low acquisitionof extensivelong-termsubjective knowledge Finalized themes and code establishment After the completion of the conceptual preliminary themes and codes, the setup was re-evaluated according to the opinions and responses received from the conducted interview. Specific to the interview responses, the codes and themes that were not mentioned by the respondents were disregarded.Afterthat,a finalizedthemeandcode setupwasformulatedwith full compliance with the interview responses for increased authenticity of the qualitative data collected. Repetitions of codes were also omitted. The finalized theme and code setup has been provided below- Finalized Themes Codes Smartphone addiction Prolongedorextensive use of smartphone Inabilityto stayawayfrom smartphone fora considerable amountof time Extreme dependencyuponsmartphone Inabilitytodotasksmanuallyorhavingdifficultydoing it due to smartphone dependency Negative effectsof smartphone addictionon universitystudents Increasedfrustration Increasedanxiety Increasedanger Low sociability Lessself-esteemandself-confidence Reducedsleep Hamperingacademicperformance Hindrancesonpersonal relationshipswithfriends, peers,andfamily Headachesand neckaches Dependencyuponvirtual gratificationandvirtual- reality Advantagesof smartphonesforuniversity students Increasedscope of connectivity Increasedvirtual friendcircle The abundance of recreational features
  • 7. Helpinacademics Accessto quicksourcesof studymaterials,contents, and information. Professionalnetworkincrease Accessto professionalchancesandopportunitieslike job,placement,internship. Effectof smartphone addictiononthe mental healthof university students. Increasedanxiety,depression The feelingof constantlousinessandlaziness Reductioninthe brain'sabilitytofunctioninitsfull potential Inabilitytostore comprehensive information Requirementof social gratification Effectof smartphone addictiononthe physical healthof universitystudents. Lack of energyandenthusiasm Eyesightrelatedcomplications Increasedmigraine relatedproblems Reducedphysical strengthdue tolackof physical activity Effectof smartphone on the academic performance of universitystudents Low academicscores Shortenedattentionspan Reducedconcentrationandfocus Theme explanation The finalizedthemesare evaluatedandexplainedbelow withthe mentioning of direct quotations from the responses of the interviewees. Such a form of content analysis and explanation will help in establishing the relationship between the finalized themes and codes. Theme 1: Smartphone addiction. According to the collected responses, all of the respondents believed that prolonged and extensive usage of smartphones can result in the formation of smartphone addiction where the user or student tendsto be fullydependent upon the gadget for even the smallest tasks and requirements they have. Whenaskedif the respondentsthinkwhethertheyare addictedtotheirsmartphonesornot,all of them agreedandacceptedthe statement. Science andrecentresultsfromall overthe world have showcased that the main identification of smartphone addiction translates to the inability of individuals to stay away from the gadget for a prolonged period. Such studies were further satisfied by responses like, “Even though I convince myself not to use my phone during lectures or I try to keep my phone away to focuson my assignments,Ialwaysfind myself tempted and most of the time I give in and start using my phoneinstead of following ordoing my assignment.” Anotherrespondentstatedthat “I cannot manage to do a simple tasksuch as calculation or reasoning asI rely heavily on my phone.We haveso many apps that have been designed to cater for every whims and caprice of the human desires which ties us in the
  • 8. circle of interdependency.”Suchresponsesshowcase how integralsmartphone has become in the daily life of University students. Theme 2: Negative effects of smartphone addiction on university students. There were 20 interviewquestions formulated that asked the respondents regarding their views upon the detrimental effects of extensive smartphone usage that they have experienced. Most of the respondents mentioned that they experience a feeling of anxiety and frustration, which they significantly feel during their smartphone usage periods. A 23-year-old respondent stated, “Yes, they increase anxiety as firstly they cause sleep problems which give rise to anxiety depression, and other disorders. When I completed another futile stroll on my social media feeds just a few hours back, I started to notice an empty sensation. I'd squandered a couple of hours with little to show for that too, and the deadlines for the tasks I was meant to be completed were looming ever nearer. I feel an empty sensation intensified until I realized what it was: anxiousness. To be more precise, I was going through something similar”. Anotherrespondentstated,“Ialwayscatch myself using my smartphone as a mean to procrastinate and then afterward I feel guilty for not investing my time in my studies or doing assignments and then I sit with my mobile phone, scrolling and browsing anxiously because I have pending assignments and the deadline is approaching.” Such responses signify the fact of extensive smartphone usage leading to reasons of anxiety. Stress is another result of prolonged usage of the smartphone. When asked whether the smartphone helpsinthe managementof stressandanxiety,arespondentstated, “many timesInoticed that scrolling on social media makesmy anxietyand stress even worse. Normally you are stressing or anxious over an issue and social media normally shows only the bright facets of life and the rosy picture tends to make me more anxious." Being university students, the sole focus of the respondents should be upon their academics. But addictionto using smartphones frequently tends to distract them from their classes and lectures. This was further satisfied by responses like, “Excessive time spent on social media platforms affects my academic performance. The time spent on those platforms could have been used in my studies.” and “plethora of videos that are streamed daily on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat are enthralling and I could not resist myself skipping my academic work and commitment to spend my time scrolling through these social media sites which is the root cause of distraction and I devotemy attention and energy on these sites. My gradesare suffering very badly because of my lack of self–control”. Leaving the academic criteria aside extensive smartphone usage also poses problems to the social and personal lives of individuals. One of the respondents mentioned that, “I feel that I have lost the right communication skills as I have difficulty in expressing my thoughts or opinions as I spend most of my time on my phone. I have difficulty in dealing with real-life situations as I seek comfort in the utopian world of the internet world. My personal life also is being deeply affected by my girlfriend as she feels neglected and left out as I prioritize my phone. Our relationship is crumbling down as I spend so much time on my phone talking to my
  • 9. online friends.” This statement itself showcases how the social life, public communication skills, and interactability of an individual can get influenced and affected by their smartphone addictiveness. Smartphone addiction also disturbs the sleep schedule and negatively affects the total hour of sleep for the respondents. This was further approved by responses like, “Yes, I have a disturbed sleep pattern and my circadian rhythm is out of the place and I feel constantly that I am jet lag” and “I do not have a sleep pattern anymore. 4-5 years back I used to think If I sleep and put my smartphone away I would miss important events happening on social media. So I started to sleep late and this altered my sleeping pattern. Now I try to keep my phone far from me and try to sleep early but in vain. After one hour of staring at my walls and thinking if I've got any messages on my phone or trying to find an excuse to use my phone I give in and start using it till late at night". Considering responses like “I think many couples and families are suffering from the excessive usage of their phones. Families are breaking apart due to lack of attention being allocated to their partner, virtual cheating is becoming rampant and the amount of adult content pornography is increasing due to the pandemic which acts as a catalyst to bring mistrust and feuds among couples” and “everywhere I go be it in weddings, birthday parties, prayers people are glued to their phones taking pictures, making live videos, chatting or playing games. The human ability to communicate effectively by using our sense organs has diminished greatly. The smartphones have kind of replaced family or intimate time”, the detrimental effect of smartphones upon the family times of students and individuals are evident. Lastly, semi-disorders like phantom vibration, or the feeling of pseudo-phone vibrations can also occur due to massive smartphone usage habits. When asked if they have experienced such occurrences or not, the responses were “Yes, I thought I was having hallucination to hear my phone vibrating or ringing even though my phone is near me. Also, I tend to check my phone every 5-10min when it's near me even though on silent mode” and “Yes, I thought I was losing my mind by hearing these types of mental sounds in my head”. Theme 3: Advantages of smartphones for university students The development of smartphones was one of the biggest examples of technological innovations. Therefore, the interview questionnaire included questions regarding the potential benefits of experience by the respondents the help and assistance that they received in their academics through smartphones. Smartphonesfacilitate efficient connectivity and communication between teachers and professors. They also tend to provide students with help regarding their projects, assignments, and studies. A simple Google search can help students to obtain necessary data and pieces of information whenever necessary. Such statements and proclamations were satisfied by the respondents through responses like “Yeah, it does. I have a self-control app, an app to track the amount of water I drank
  • 10. during the day,and a reminder app formy anxiety medication.I usemy Samsung notes a lot as well, as I rely on making notes to ensure that I have a good day and that I'm not missing out on anything”, “I would listen to music on YouTube, or motivational videos to keep my stress level down” and “There is every solution for any kind of problem we face, in one swipe we can get all the information we want concerning the problem". Smartphonesalsofacilitatepersonaland professional connectivity which can result in potential career choices and job opportunities for students. One of the respondents mentioned that "Using apps like Facebook,you can makenewfriendsor LinkedIn you can grow your professional contacts. The right use of these social media can be beneficial if you're applying for a job, as the interviewer will most likely check your activities online”. Two more respondents mentioned the advantage provided by Facebook, Whatsapp, and LinkedIn, in increasing the social visibility and network of an individual. Therefore, Theme 4: Effect of smartphone addiction on the mental health of university students. Upon evaluation of secondary data related to the constructed theme, the findings of the interview results co-related with the scientific statements and proclamations of smartphones causing anxiety, stress,andmental disordersstudentsandteens. A respondent mentioned, “My anxiety increases I feel worthlessand ugly,tend to comparemy life with otherpeople and their achievementsmakeme envious. I do not feel at easewith my own body”.Sucha response showcasesthe urge forsocial gratification that tendsto be developedwithin studentsandindividualsultimatelyaffectingtheirmental health. Similarto the previous proclamation respondent mentioned, “My phone increases my anxiety and complexities. There are so many competitions on Instagram to be the perfect man to look perfect in every photo, to have the perfect body shape which I find toxic. I play games endlessly to divert my attention which is good but I end up neglecting the important works for University. There was a point in my life I hated myself for not having the perfect six abs, which I thought would get me more girls". The same respondentstated, “Theamountof fakenewsand misinformation that is circulating during the ongoing covid-19 is detrimental to my mental health. This increases my panic attacks”. Most of the respondents mentionedthattheywere hooked to their smartphones despite knowing the ill-effects that it poses on their psychological well-being. Further research regarding the theme showcased that smartphone addiction also tends to reduce the concentration, focusing ability of students which considerably reflects upon their academic performance. Theme 5: Effect of smartphone addiction on the physical health of university students. Notonly has the mental well-being,eventhe physical wellbeingof the students and individuals tended to getaffecteddue toextensive use of smartphones. When asked about the effect of smartphone use on sleep cycles, a respondent mentioned “I would binge-watch movies or series on my phone which interrupts my sleep pattern and causing dark circles and eye pain. I do not feel physically fit due to the lack of sleep and I am always in a bad mood". Another response to the question was, “and I have a scientific explanation for that as the blue light generated by our smartphone screen suppresses melatonin secretion,the hormonethatregulates our sleep-wake routine. This renders falling asleep and waking up the very next day much more problematic. Because blue light has a narrow bandwidth, it
  • 11. appears to be highly reactive to the circadian cycle. Access to blue light has also been shown to cause harm into the human retina." Takingfrom the aforementioned response, over time it can translate to a reduced eye-sight. Scientific researchesandevidence also showcase that extensive smartphone usage can result in headaches and neck aches. Reluctance to such causes can again translate to long-term health complications. Theme 6: Effect of smartphone on the academic performance of university students Afterevaluationof all the qualitativeinformationretrieved from the interview content, the hindrances due to smartphone addiction to the academic performance of university students were found to be shorteningof the attentionspansorincreasedcausesof distractions, lowacademicscores, and reduced focus and concentration. One of the respondents stated that “I am always distracted by my phone during lectures especially during online lectures”. Another response supporting the aforementioned statementwas, “aswe haveshifted ourclassesonline, I am mentally absent for the class and yes I avoid doing my assignments and follow my lectures. I would prefer chatting with my friends on WhatsApp.” Regarding the response to the question related to smartphone addiction posing difficulty in concentratinginclasses, arespondentreflected, “I feel my attention span has been reduced as I use my phone for almost useless purposes. I find myself multitasking and find it difficult to concentrate on one topic. My mind feels like a roller coaster ride”. Most of the responsesregardingthe impactof smartphone addictionuponacademicperformance were similar to the above response that establishes the negative impact posed by smartphones upon university education and gradings.