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How Doctors’ Social Networks
Fight the Pandemic
Len Starnes
Digital Healthcare Consultant
23 March 2020
The covid-19 pandemic requires
unprecedented levels of collaboration
and knowledge sharing globally.
Doctors’ social networks are in a
unique position to do just this
This review of initiatives, started by
doctors’ social networks to help fight
the pandemic, is designed to inform
and inspire other networks which are
perhaps considering how they too can
best help.
Content will be updated regularly as
new initiatives emerge and as other
networks contribute.
Content in this review is based on
direct email responses from
networks, telephone and Skype
interviews, press releases, and
blog posts.
Content was collated during the
period 16 - 23 March 2020.
The Rounds
World’s largest network
Over 4m members
Responses from DXY specifically address 5 questions
DXY: Most of your questions are related to data. Before answering these, I want to
highlight that data is one of three focus areas for DXY: data, content, consultation.
Q1. Has DXY been officially asked to help collate data by the Chinese government?
DXY: No. DXY was not officially asked to help to collate data. DXY choose to do this
On January 21, DXY launched the map to track the virus. Coincidentally, the day before,
Dr Zhong Nanshan announced the first confirmed human-human transmission.
The DXY founders and executive team have extensive professional training and experience
in medicine and public health, so the team’s instinct was that a disease map would be the
optimal way to track the outbreak and trends of the disease. Even without information
about other aspects of the disease, we knew that making this information accessible
would be important.
Q2. How is the data collected?
The data is collected both automatically and manually from many sources, including
local governments. The data is in inconsistent formats, some text, word, pdf and
even image files. There is no common data format or single central source to use to
collate the data.
It is important to DXY to provide accurate data, so we made careful efforts to collect
and clean the data especially while monitoring changes accurately. Different local
governments released updated data at different times in the day so coordinating
within DXY was critical. In some cases, we sacrificed speed of release of updated
data for accuracy of that data.
Q3. How is the data shared with the Johns Hopkins covid-19
interactive map* (manually, automated)?
The data was shared with Johns Hopkins University in both
ways. JHU crawled the DXY data. JHU came to DXY directly to
clarify timing of updates and any changes to the data.
Q4. Are DXY members able to provide insights/recommendations that government
resources are not?
Absolutely. For example, we noticed that in the Hubei province statistics, the city of
XiangYang was not included. After observing this discrepancy, we contacted the
provincial government and they included the XiangYang data going forward.
In addition, as the crisis developed, the city of Wuhan received most of the attention
from concerned citizens and organizations in China and around the world. We
leveraged the DXY platform to highlight that Huangshi, XiangYang, TianMen, and other
cities lacked the medical resources they needed while their case numbers grew. DXY
published requests for face masks and other medical resources and the response was
overwhelming – directly to the local hospitals who needed it.
DXY wanted to help the hospitals to save patient lives and direct resources to the right
Q5. How does DXY see its role in taming the coronavirus pandemic during
the next 3 months?
Work still needs to be done in China.
The mission of DXY is to connect trusted professionals with each other, with patients
and with society to support more health and a better life. DXY does this by providing
data, content, and online consultation.
Over the next three months, I am optimistic the pandemic might disappear and patients
will recover. We see things moving in a positive direction. In China, DXY will focus on
educating the public about healthy lifestyles and delivering science-based messages
about the disease, prevention and treatment.
The public is eager to understand the disease and what they can do to protect
themselves. DXY will accelerate its efforts to be a leader in healthy lifestyles and
protection against COVID-19 across all of its channels, including baby care, sleep care,
skin care, mental health and others. (continued)
DXY will continue working with the healthcare ecosystem, including WHO China and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to promote healthy lifestyles and relieve the concerns
of the public about disease management.
DXY also will work with other private sector companies committed to supporting
healthy lifestyles and products that help the public to do so.
Lastly, as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, DXY plans to maintain a team to track
trends in infectious diseases including COVID-19, MERS, SARS, Zika, dengue and others.
The impact of climate change means that mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and
malaria will spread beyond regions where they have been common in the past.
Stanley Li
Chairman, DXY
Germany’s largest network
Over 190k members
Responses from Coliquio specifically address 3 questions
Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum?
Yes, we have a dedicated forum where we gather all relevant insights.
Besides up-to-date articles about diagnosis and treatment, practice
management and billing, we are offering a wide range of information and
support to our doctors, for example:
- Downloadable patient information for medical practices: STOP sign for
the practice front door; inform patients suspected of being infected with
the covid-19 pathogen before they enter the practice; notice with patient
information for waiting rooms; important rules of conduct for patients.
- Interviews/Testimonials: how other doctors deal with covid-19 in practice.
- Short video tutorials such as ‘Make your own hand sanitizer in 4
- A hotline (via mail) for the most urgent questions from our members. The
most relevant and frequently asked questions are published on our
platform, including the answers, of course.
Naturally we closely follow all questions and comments on the forum in
order to react directly to the needs of the doctors, and to find quick and
competent solutions to their informational needs.
Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national
healthcare/public health authorities?
- We built a separate, open landing page
with the most relevant information for ALL doctors/HCPs in Germany. The
25 most relevant medical societies in Germany have been informed about
this and we invited them to share this information with their members.
- We published an ‘open letter’ to the German Federal Minister of
Health, Jens Spahn and his crisis management team, with the most
urgent demands of Coliquio doctors:
- Central coordination and information by authorities.
- Specification of the exact procedure for the procurement of
protective equipment.
- Assistance with labour law issues.
- Reliable information on the virus and the disease.
- Binding regulations for the compensation of financial losses.
(LS: Coliquio attached a PDF of the letter in their response. It was
headed ‘Open letter on covid-19: doctors feel insufficiently supported’)
Coliquio participated in the largest hackathon
that ever took place in Germany (or even
worldwide?), organized by the German
government and 7 tech start-ups. It drew more
than 43,000 participants, resulting in over
2,000 ideas – all submitted within 48 hours.
Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months?
The development of the last few weeks has proven our role as a reliable and
capable partner for doctors. Not only because of the exponential increase in
traffic, but also because of the volume of positive feedback, and the
appreciation of our rapid content updates. We expect to become even more
relevant as our entire team work tirelessly to provide even better and faster
And we offer even more: With medflex, the latest start-up company founded
by our CEO, Felix Rademacher, we offer a messaging tool (= telemedicine
app) for doctors and patients that is particularly valuable in the current
situation. More and more doctors are now open for this (telemedicine) and
we are working 24/7 to find solutions that are especially helpful in this
pandemic crisis. For example, a patient questionnaire enabling faster
identification of suspected cases of coronavirus.
Pia Kuss,
Senior Marketing Manager, Coliquio
UK’s largest network
Over 236k members
Responses from specifically address 3 questions
Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum?
There is currently quite a lot of activity going on regarding COVID-19.
- NEWS: top medical news stories daily are about COVID-19.
- NEWS: we have been writing weekly news features, each on a separate
aspect of COVID-19 (these have been doing really well).
- LIBRARY: Our microbiology nuts and bolts bloggers have been
contributing blog posts. (continued)
- FORUM: is 90% COVID-19 content
- We launched a dedicated COVID-19 forum last Tuesday (March 10).
In less than a week, more than 350 threads have been posted, and it's
becoming a major hub for doctors seeking support, clarifying confusion,
and just having a good old rant as the crisis progresses.
We have been running COVID-19 related polls in the FORUM (promoted
in the bulletin) and on the platform landing page where appropriate.
We have no systematic setup to deliver data/
recommendations to national bodies other
than ad-hoc features in the press.
Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national
healthcare/public health authorities?
Q3. How do you see the role of your network during
the next 6 months?
I think that it’s become clear that we will have a vital role to
play for both clients and doctors as the situation unfolds.
For both clients and doctors, our ability to bring material from
conferences that have gone from face-to-face to virtual, and
data that was due to be presented at a conference since
cancelled, to a wide and engaged community of doctors in the
UK will be highly valuable. (continued)
For doctors, our ability to connect doctors in the UK via the forum and
our other services at a time of ongoing crisis is arguably unmatched in
the UK, and we have already seen the great support they are receiving
from one another over the past few weeks.
We are augmenting this with our medical news services, news
features, blog content and other clinical resources. We are planning to
extend our resources to include tailored advice on legal issues,
financial changes and considerations, mental health support and other
practical aspects relating to the COVID-19 crisis, so we become a truly
holistic hub for our members at this uncertain time.
Ria Carruthers
Head of Community,
USA’s largest network
Over 1m members
A sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU to those on the COVID-19 front
lines. Below are some of our extra efforts to help you in this time of
Free Dialer access expanded to all U.S. healthcare staff
Dialer in the Doximity app, historically available only to physicians,
NPs (Nurse Practitioners) and PAs (Physician Assistants), has been
scaled up to support everyone in your entire workforce through
2020. Physician-led care teams can now call patients from their cell
phone while displaying the office/hospital number on the patient’s
Caller ID. Your remote and on-the-go productivity is important for
patients, which means it’s important to us. Healthcare professionals
can request access to Dialer at: If
you're looking for Step by Step instructions, please go here.
Physician-curated COVID-19 news and peer commentary
Our editorial team has curated a private COVID-19
newsroom for clinicians to access timely, aggregated
updates and recommendations from across the medical
profession, while privately sharing and discussing new
research, treatment, and best practices. We’ll also continue
to publish and disseminate member perspectives sharing
direct experience and ideas from the front lines.
Free COVID-19 job posts to address surge capacity
To help your facilities manage medical staffing surge needs, we’re
offering free job posts for COVID-19 related staffing. Just fill out
the form here. We’ll then tap our network to distribute your
openings to appropriate clinicians based on location, specialty,
and any other requirements. We’ll direct applicants immediately
to the contact info you provide. You can see the list of open
COVID-19 positions here, updated as soon as we get them.
We’ll keep doing everything we can to help you. These ideas came
from our physician members. What else can we do? Any and all
ideas welcome. Let us know: What can we do to help?
From our families to yours, be well and stay safe.
Germany, Austria,
France, Italy, Spain,
Switzerland, UK
Responses from Esanum specifically address 3 questions
Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? If so, what are you
We do, yes. Posts split into:
- Medical information
- Calls for volunteers / organizational matters
- Ask-the-expert sessions for fact checking the numerous fake-news reports
that patients and doctors are being confronted with (such as the impact of
Ibuprofen). This is similar to the ‘Piyao yu fanghu’ (辟谣与防护), or in
English ‘rumour protection service’, that DXY is providing on its network.
We have noticed that pretty much all other non-corona related information
is not in demand right now.
Many of our (pharma) clients are increasing spending on online media such
as Esanum, but are unable to adapt their content quickly enough. They
have produced their media plans way in advance and are pushing out
information that is not hitting a nerve with the audience at all, and
therefore produces inadequate results. We are advising our clients against
continuing with this strategy and have in some cases even declined to make
valuable space available in our newsletters for these types of messages.
Such ‘news’ will not make it onto the Esanum network at this time because
nobody cares.
The good thing is, most of our clients are happy to adapt and are taking our
advice. They are producing, or are allowing us to produce, better and more
relevant content, or are even pausing their general product information feeds.
Instead, they are opting to post messages such as those from Gillead HIV/HCV,
which focus on the fact that their production chain and supply is secured, and
that it is safe to prescribe their drugs even in these difficult times. THESE are
the kind of messages that HCPs are additionally interested in.
We are working very closely with our staff in Italy, Germany and France.
Esanum Italy was the first to set up a dedicated covid-19 area:
In general, we are not reporting news like everyone else, but are reporting
on stories behind the news.
Like this article:
Or Podcasts and interviews with virologists / immunologists:
Or articles about the impact of home working 5 days a week:
Interview with professor Klaus Cichutek,
president, Paul Ehrlich Institute,
German Federal Institute for Vaccines
and Biomedicines, on the development
covid-19 vaccines
Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national healthcare/public
health authorities? If so, what and how?
We have introduced a dashboard comparing the states of Germany to each
other. A lot of decisions on policies in Germany are made on a regional, city
and state level, not on a national level (such as how and when to lock down a
city, what kind of businesses should close, and how to support hospitals). The
states within Germany are performing very differently.
The same happens on a country level in Europe, so I believe it makes sense to
compare the performance and show it in easy-to-grasp charts.
While the map on the
the lower left just shows
the German states with
their absolute number of
covid-19 infections, we
additionally provide the
numbers per 100k
inhabitants, map lower
right, and per
1000 square metres.
These maps show the
real hot spots.
This chart shows the infection ‘race’
between the German states. I have not
seen this kind of chart anywhere else in
the German media and I think we are
providing a valuable service here.
Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months?
Networks like Esanum are right now practically the only fast and reliable
form of communication. Medical sales reps are grounded, and meetings
and congresses are cancelled.
I see the role of HCPs’ social networks becoming ever more important as
a way to communicate, enabling not only HCPs to communicate with one
another, but additionally, enabling HCPs to communicate with national
health authorities and industry.
Tom Renneberg
CEO, Esanum
Largest global network
Over 1m members
From over 120 countries
Statement from the CEO, G-MED
“The coronavirus pandemic demands
‘organic’ grass-roots level collaboration
and knowledge sharing within the global
medical community.
True global doctors’ social networks that
enable organic crowdsourcing are
designed to do just this.”
Responses from G-MED specifically address 3 questions
Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? If so, what are you
Yes, and it’s booming right now.
G-Med is currently running a very large global group focused on COVID-19, with
active participation of thousands of physicians from all over the world.
Physicians talk about their Real-World Experience with COVID-19 treatment,
prevention, their procedures, and insights. They are bringing up relevant
questions, clarifying issues, and sharing experiences.
Topics currently being discussed include:
• Coronavirus: how is the outbreak affecting your practice?
• Approaches to coronavirus infection
• COVID-19 after recovery
• Antivirus pastille
• Hemodialysis centers
• Tests for private offices
• Nasal washing
• Germany and COVID-19
• Acyclovir and COVID-19
• COVID-19 in Brazil
• COVID-19 with zika or dengue
As always, all content in G-Med is: Global, Organic, Robust.
G-MED COVID-19 discussion forum
Treatment guidelines
Posted by US doctor
After 3 days:
Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national
healthcare/public health authorities?
We work with data companies on COVID-19. We will be happy to
collaborate with national healthcare/public health authorities if they ask
Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months?
For physicians: being the largest global, organic, crowdsourcing platform for
physicians’ Real-World practice experience with COVID 19.
For the industry: being the central information and insight hub, in
additional to providing innovative tactics to engage with physicians.
Ilan Ben Ezri
Japan’s largest network
Over 280k HCPs members
Over 160K pharmacist members
* (continued)
* (continued)
* (continued)
* (continued)
20200312_E_vFF.pdf (continued)
The dedicated covid-19
area on
20200312_E_vFF.pdf (continued)
The Rounds
Canada’s largest network
Over 20k members
Over 13k Canadian pharmacists &
over 15K US pharmacists on, a
pharmacist-only social network
The Rounds ( is the fastest growing physician network
in Canada and has implemented 3 important measures to support its
members, medical associations and industry partners to ensure the
flow of information is maintained and the healthcare system is
properly supported.
1. Launched a COVID-19 Community to host Expert Updates, Current
Resources and Peer Discussions. We’ve removed the borders for this
community as we are working on several partnerships with key US
health systems, hospitals and medical associations. We’ve also opened
this to other key HCPs such as nurses and pharmacists that are critical
during this pandemic. We’re establishing a medical advisory group to
ensure that the community is provided relevant information in a timely
2. Cancellations of physical medical conferences has impacted
every medical association for the next few months. These
events are critical for the dissemination of medical advances,
changes to guidelines, research and sharing of best practices.
We’re connecting with these medical associations to host a
virtual conference at no charge to ensure that the members or
registered participants can access the information virtually
instead of waiting for another year to go by.
3. The pharmaceutical and medical device industries are key
stakeholders in the advancements and updates that their products
provide, and with their employees being restricted to work from home
until at least the end of April, we are working on solutions so physicians
in need of information will have access to that information in a timely
manner. This is in the form of live communications, virtual exhibit halls
for branded content and continuing sponsored medical education
events for therapeutic discussions.
We’re replicating measure #1 from The Rounds to our pharmacy network QID
( to support over 3,000 pharmacists that are part of The Canadian
Society of Hospital Pharmacists so that they can communicate in real-time on
developments happening at their sites and stay ahead of the curve. One of our
key US partners, The California Society of Health-System Pharmacists, is
launching a community to support the California state of emergency for their
4,000 members but also to connect with thousands of community pharmacists
from Walmart, CVS and other key pharmacies to ensure that they work together
to flatten the curve.
Tim Rice
CEO, Boondoc Technologies
A sincere thanks to the following for their
generous help and enthusiastic support
in developing this review
• Ria Carruthers, Head of Community, M3 (EU), UK
• Ilan Ben Ezri, CEO, G-MED, Israel
• Mark Garlinghouse, DXY, UK
• Pia Kuss, Senior Marketing Manager, Coliquio, Germany
• Stanley Li, Chairman DXY, China
• Tom Renneberg, CEO, Esanum, Germany
• Tim Rice, CEO, Boondoc Technologies Inc, Canada
• Kate White, Business Insights Director,
Communications, M3 (EU), UK
• Natalie Wolfram, Public Relations Manager, Doximity, USA
T: + 49 30 781 5513
M: + 49 172 1788253
Skype: lenstarnes
Len Starnes
Len Starnes Digital Healthcare
Research and Consulting

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CORONAVIRUS: How Doctors' Social Networks Fight the Pandemic

  • 1. CORONAVIRUS How Doctors’ Social Networks Fight the Pandemic Len Starnes Digital Healthcare Consultant Status 23 March 2020
  • 2. The covid-19 pandemic requires unprecedented levels of collaboration and knowledge sharing globally. Doctors’ social networks are in a unique position to do just this This review of initiatives, started by doctors’ social networks to help fight the pandemic, is designed to inform and inspire other networks which are perhaps considering how they too can best help. Content will be updated regularly as new initiatives emerge and as other networks contribute.
  • 3. Content in this review is based on direct email responses from networks, telephone and Skype interviews, press releases, and blog posts. Content was collated during the period 16 - 23 March 2020.
  • 6. Responses from DXY specifically address 5 questions DXY: Most of your questions are related to data. Before answering these, I want to highlight that data is one of three focus areas for DXY: data, content, consultation. Q1. Has DXY been officially asked to help collate data by the Chinese government? DXY: No. DXY was not officially asked to help to collate data. DXY choose to do this voluntarily. On January 21, DXY launched the map to track the virus. Coincidentally, the day before, Dr Zhong Nanshan announced the first confirmed human-human transmission. The DXY founders and executive team have extensive professional training and experience in medicine and public health, so the team’s instinct was that a disease map would be the optimal way to track the outbreak and trends of the disease. Even without information about other aspects of the disease, we knew that making this information accessible would be important.
  • 7. Q2. How is the data collected? The data is collected both automatically and manually from many sources, including local governments. The data is in inconsistent formats, some text, word, pdf and even image files. There is no common data format or single central source to use to collate the data. It is important to DXY to provide accurate data, so we made careful efforts to collect and clean the data especially while monitoring changes accurately. Different local governments released updated data at different times in the day so coordinating within DXY was critical. In some cases, we sacrificed speed of release of updated data for accuracy of that data.
  • 8. Q3. How is the data shared with the Johns Hopkins covid-19 interactive map* (manually, automated)? The data was shared with Johns Hopkins University in both ways. JHU crawled the DXY data. JHU came to DXY directly to clarify timing of updates and any changes to the data. * 40fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  • 9. Q4. Are DXY members able to provide insights/recommendations that government resources are not? Absolutely. For example, we noticed that in the Hubei province statistics, the city of XiangYang was not included. After observing this discrepancy, we contacted the provincial government and they included the XiangYang data going forward. In addition, as the crisis developed, the city of Wuhan received most of the attention from concerned citizens and organizations in China and around the world. We leveraged the DXY platform to highlight that Huangshi, XiangYang, TianMen, and other cities lacked the medical resources they needed while their case numbers grew. DXY published requests for face masks and other medical resources and the response was overwhelming – directly to the local hospitals who needed it. DXY wanted to help the hospitals to save patient lives and direct resources to the right places.
  • 10. Q5. How does DXY see its role in taming the coronavirus pandemic during the next 3 months? Work still needs to be done in China. The mission of DXY is to connect trusted professionals with each other, with patients and with society to support more health and a better life. DXY does this by providing data, content, and online consultation. Over the next three months, I am optimistic the pandemic might disappear and patients will recover. We see things moving in a positive direction. In China, DXY will focus on educating the public about healthy lifestyles and delivering science-based messages about the disease, prevention and treatment. The public is eager to understand the disease and what they can do to protect themselves. DXY will accelerate its efforts to be a leader in healthy lifestyles and protection against COVID-19 across all of its channels, including baby care, sleep care, skin care, mental health and others. (continued)
  • 11. DXY will continue working with the healthcare ecosystem, including WHO China and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to promote healthy lifestyles and relieve the concerns of the public about disease management. DXY also will work with other private sector companies committed to supporting healthy lifestyles and products that help the public to do so. Lastly, as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, DXY plans to maintain a team to track trends in infectious diseases including COVID-19, MERS, SARS, Zika, dengue and others. The impact of climate change means that mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria will spread beyond regions where they have been common in the past. Stanley Li Chairman, DXY
  • 13. Responses from Coliquio specifically address 3 questions Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? Yes, we have a dedicated forum where we gather all relevant insights. Besides up-to-date articles about diagnosis and treatment, practice management and billing, we are offering a wide range of information and support to our doctors, for example: - Downloadable patient information for medical practices: STOP sign for the practice front door; inform patients suspected of being infected with the covid-19 pathogen before they enter the practice; notice with patient information for waiting rooms; important rules of conduct for patients. - Interviews/Testimonials: how other doctors deal with covid-19 in practice. (continued)
  • 14. - Short video tutorials such as ‘Make your own hand sanitizer in 4 steps’ - A hotline (via mail) for the most urgent questions from our members. The most relevant and frequently asked questions are published on our platform, including the answers, of course. Naturally we closely follow all questions and comments on the forum in order to react directly to the needs of the doctors, and to find quick and competent solutions to their informational needs.
  • 15. Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national healthcare/public health authorities? - We built a separate, open landing page fuer-aerzte/ with the most relevant information for ALL doctors/HCPs in Germany. The 25 most relevant medical societies in Germany have been informed about this and we invited them to share this information with their members. (continued)
  • 16. - We published an ‘open letter’ to the German Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn and his crisis management team, with the most urgent demands of Coliquio doctors: - Central coordination and information by authorities. - Specification of the exact procedure for the procurement of protective equipment. - Assistance with labour law issues. - Reliable information on the virus and the disease. - Binding regulations for the compensation of financial losses. (LS: Coliquio attached a PDF of the letter in their response. It was headed ‘Open letter on covid-19: doctors feel insufficiently supported’)
  • 17. Coliquio participated in the largest hackathon that ever took place in Germany (or even worldwide?), organized by the German government and 7 tech start-ups. It drew more than 43,000 participants, resulting in over 2,000 ideas – all submitted within 48 hours. (continued)
  • 18.
  • 19. Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months? The development of the last few weeks has proven our role as a reliable and capable partner for doctors. Not only because of the exponential increase in traffic, but also because of the volume of positive feedback, and the appreciation of our rapid content updates. We expect to become even more relevant as our entire team work tirelessly to provide even better and faster services. And we offer even more: With medflex, the latest start-up company founded by our CEO, Felix Rademacher, we offer a messaging tool (= telemedicine app) for doctors and patients that is particularly valuable in the current situation. More and more doctors are now open for this (telemedicine) and we are working 24/7 to find solutions that are especially helpful in this pandemic crisis. For example, a patient questionnaire enabling faster identification of suspected cases of coronavirus. Pia Kuss, Senior Marketing Manager, Coliquio
  • 21. Responses from specifically address 3 questions Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? There is currently quite a lot of activity going on regarding COVID-19. - NEWS: top medical news stories daily are about COVID-19. - NEWS: we have been writing weekly news features, each on a separate aspect of COVID-19 (these have been doing really well). - LIBRARY: Our microbiology nuts and bolts bloggers have been contributing blog posts. (continued)
  • 22. - FORUM: is 90% COVID-19 content - We launched a dedicated COVID-19 forum last Tuesday (March 10). In less than a week, more than 350 threads have been posted, and it's becoming a major hub for doctors seeking support, clarifying confusion, and just having a good old rant as the crisis progresses. We have been running COVID-19 related polls in the FORUM (promoted in the bulletin) and on the platform landing page where appropriate.
  • 23. We have no systematic setup to deliver data/ recommendations to national bodies other than ad-hoc features in the press. Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national healthcare/public health authorities?
  • 24. Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months? I think that it’s become clear that we will have a vital role to play for both clients and doctors as the situation unfolds. For both clients and doctors, our ability to bring material from conferences that have gone from face-to-face to virtual, and data that was due to be presented at a conference since cancelled, to a wide and engaged community of doctors in the UK will be highly valuable. (continued)
  • 25. For doctors, our ability to connect doctors in the UK via the forum and our other services at a time of ongoing crisis is arguably unmatched in the UK, and we have already seen the great support they are receiving from one another over the past few weeks. We are augmenting this with our medical news services, news features, blog content and other clinical resources. We are planning to extend our resources to include tailored advice on legal issues, financial changes and considerations, mental health support and other practical aspects relating to the COVID-19 crisis, so we become a truly holistic hub for our members at this uncertain time. Ria Carruthers Head of Community,
  • 28. A sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU to those on the COVID-19 front lines. Below are some of our extra efforts to help you in this time of crisis. Free Dialer access expanded to all U.S. healthcare staff Dialer in the Doximity app, historically available only to physicians, NPs (Nurse Practitioners) and PAs (Physician Assistants), has been scaled up to support everyone in your entire workforce through 2020. Physician-led care teams can now call patients from their cell phone while displaying the office/hospital number on the patient’s Caller ID. Your remote and on-the-go productivity is important for patients, which means it’s important to us. Healthcare professionals can request access to Dialer at: If you're looking for Step by Step instructions, please go here.
  • 29. Physician-curated COVID-19 news and peer commentary Our editorial team has curated a private COVID-19 newsroom for clinicians to access timely, aggregated updates and recommendations from across the medical profession, while privately sharing and discussing new research, treatment, and best practices. We’ll also continue to publish and disseminate member perspectives sharing direct experience and ideas from the front lines.
  • 30. Free COVID-19 job posts to address surge capacity To help your facilities manage medical staffing surge needs, we’re offering free job posts for COVID-19 related staffing. Just fill out the form here. We’ll then tap our network to distribute your openings to appropriate clinicians based on location, specialty, and any other requirements. We’ll direct applicants immediately to the contact info you provide. You can see the list of open COVID-19 positions here, updated as soon as we get them. We’ll keep doing everything we can to help you. These ideas came from our physician members. What else can we do? Any and all ideas welcome. Let us know: What can we do to help? From our families to yours, be well and stay safe.
  • 31. Esanum Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK
  • 32.
  • 33. Responses from Esanum specifically address 3 questions Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? If so, what are you observing? We do, yes. Posts split into: - Medical information - Calls for volunteers / organizational matters - Ask-the-expert sessions for fact checking the numerous fake-news reports that patients and doctors are being confronted with (such as the impact of Ibuprofen). This is similar to the ‘Piyao yu fanghu’ (辟谣与防护), or in English ‘rumour protection service’, that DXY is providing on its network. (continued)
  • 34. We have noticed that pretty much all other non-corona related information is not in demand right now. Many of our (pharma) clients are increasing spending on online media such as Esanum, but are unable to adapt their content quickly enough. They have produced their media plans way in advance and are pushing out information that is not hitting a nerve with the audience at all, and therefore produces inadequate results. We are advising our clients against continuing with this strategy and have in some cases even declined to make valuable space available in our newsletters for these types of messages. Such ‘news’ will not make it onto the Esanum network at this time because nobody cares. (continued)
  • 35. The good thing is, most of our clients are happy to adapt and are taking our advice. They are producing, or are allowing us to produce, better and more relevant content, or are even pausing their general product information feeds. Instead, they are opting to post messages such as those from Gillead HIV/HCV, which focus on the fact that their production chain and supply is secured, and that it is safe to prescribe their drugs even in these difficult times. THESE are the kind of messages that HCPs are additionally interested in. We are working very closely with our staff in Italy, Germany and France. Esanum Italy was the first to set up a dedicated covid-19 area: (continued)
  • 36. In general, we are not reporting news like everyone else, but are reporting on stories behind the news. Like this article: everyone-you-have-to-choose (continued)
  • 37. Or Podcasts and interviews with virologists / immunologists: Or articles about the impact of home working 5 days a week: gemeinsam-durch-die-corona-krise Podcast: Interview with professor Klaus Cichutek, president, Paul Ehrlich Institute, German Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, on the development covid-19 vaccines (continued)
  • 38. (continued) Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national healthcare/public health authorities? If so, what and how? We have introduced a dashboard comparing the states of Germany to each other. A lot of decisions on policies in Germany are made on a regional, city and state level, not on a national level (such as how and when to lock down a city, what kind of businesses should close, and how to support hospitals). The states within Germany are performing very differently. The same happens on a country level in Europe, so I believe it makes sense to compare the performance and show it in easy-to-grasp charts.
  • 39. (continued) Example: While the map on the the lower left just shows the German states with their absolute number of covid-19 infections, we additionally provide the numbers per 100k inhabitants, map lower right, and per 1000 square metres. These maps show the real hot spots.
  • 40. Example: This chart shows the infection ‘race’ between the German states. I have not seen this kind of chart anywhere else in the German media and I think we are providing a valuable service here.
  • 41. Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months? Networks like Esanum are right now practically the only fast and reliable form of communication. Medical sales reps are grounded, and meetings and congresses are cancelled. I see the role of HCPs’ social networks becoming ever more important as a way to communicate, enabling not only HCPs to communicate with one another, but additionally, enabling HCPs to communicate with national health authorities and industry. Tom Renneberg CEO, Esanum
  • 42. G-MED Largest global network Over 1m members From over 120 countries Global
  • 43. (continued) Statement from the CEO, G-MED “The coronavirus pandemic demands ‘organic’ grass-roots level collaboration and knowledge sharing within the global medical community. True global doctors’ social networks that enable organic crowdsourcing are designed to do just this.”
  • 44. Responses from G-MED specifically address 3 questions Q1. Do you host a dedicated coronavirus forum? If so, what are you observing? Yes, and it’s booming right now. G-Med is currently running a very large global group focused on COVID-19, with active participation of thousands of physicians from all over the world. Physicians talk about their Real-World Experience with COVID-19 treatment, prevention, their procedures, and insights. They are bringing up relevant questions, clarifying issues, and sharing experiences. (continued)
  • 45. Topics currently being discussed include: • Coronavirus: how is the outbreak affecting your practice? • Approaches to coronavirus infection • COVID-19 after recovery • Antivirus pastille • Hemodialysis centers • Tests for private offices • Nasal washing • Germany and COVID-19 • Acyclovir and COVID-19 • COVID-19 in Brazil • COVID-19 with zika or dengue As always, all content in G-Med is: Global, Organic, Robust. (continued)
  • 46. G-MED COVID-19 discussion forum Topic: Treatment guidelines Question: Posted by US doctor After 3 days: 18 comments 15,379 views Germany France Romania
  • 47. Q2. Do you provide data or recommendations to national healthcare/public health authorities? We work with data companies on COVID-19. We will be happy to collaborate with national healthcare/public health authorities if they ask us.
  • 48. Q3. How do you see the role of your network during the next 6 months? For physicians: being the largest global, organic, crowdsourcing platform for physicians’ Real-World practice experience with COVID 19. For the industry: being the central information and insight hub, in additional to providing innovative tactics to engage with physicians. Ilan Ben Ezri CEO, G-MED
  • 49. Japan’s largest network Over 280k HCPs members Over 160K pharmacist members Japan
  • 58.
  • 59. The Rounds Canada’s largest network Over 20k members + Over 13k Canadian pharmacists & over 15K US pharmacists on, a pharmacist-only social network Canada
  • 60. The Rounds ( is the fastest growing physician network in Canada and has implemented 3 important measures to support its members, medical associations and industry partners to ensure the flow of information is maintained and the healthcare system is properly supported. 1. Launched a COVID-19 Community to host Expert Updates, Current Resources and Peer Discussions. We’ve removed the borders for this community as we are working on several partnerships with key US health systems, hospitals and medical associations. We’ve also opened this to other key HCPs such as nurses and pharmacists that are critical during this pandemic. We’re establishing a medical advisory group to ensure that the community is provided relevant information in a timely manner.
  • 61. 2. Cancellations of physical medical conferences has impacted every medical association for the next few months. These events are critical for the dissemination of medical advances, changes to guidelines, research and sharing of best practices. We’re connecting with these medical associations to host a virtual conference at no charge to ensure that the members or registered participants can access the information virtually instead of waiting for another year to go by.
  • 62. 3. The pharmaceutical and medical device industries are key stakeholders in the advancements and updates that their products provide, and with their employees being restricted to work from home until at least the end of April, we are working on solutions so physicians in need of information will have access to that information in a timely manner. This is in the form of live communications, virtual exhibit halls for branded content and continuing sponsored medical education events for therapeutic discussions.
  • 63. We’re replicating measure #1 from The Rounds to our pharmacy network QID ( to support over 3,000 pharmacists that are part of The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists so that they can communicate in real-time on developments happening at their sites and stay ahead of the curve. One of our key US partners, The California Society of Health-System Pharmacists, is launching a community to support the California state of emergency for their 4,000 members but also to connect with thousands of community pharmacists from Walmart, CVS and other key pharmacies to ensure that they work together to flatten the curve. Tim Rice CEO, Boondoc Technologies
  • 64. A sincere thanks to the following for their generous help and enthusiastic support in developing this review • Ria Carruthers, Head of Community, M3 (EU), UK • Ilan Ben Ezri, CEO, G-MED, Israel • Mark Garlinghouse, DXY, UK • Pia Kuss, Senior Marketing Manager, Coliquio, Germany • Stanley Li, Chairman DXY, China • Tom Renneberg, CEO, Esanum, Germany • Tim Rice, CEO, Boondoc Technologies Inc, Canada • Kate White, Business Insights Director, Communications, M3 (EU), UK • Natalie Wolfram, Public Relations Manager, Doximity, USA
  • 65. T: + 49 30 781 5513 M: + 49 172 1788253 Skype: lenstarnes Len Starnes Len Starnes Digital Healthcare Research and Consulting