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Email Marketing Master Class:
Good to Great, Guaranteed
Jessica Best
@bestofjess | #ContentJam
Email Marketing Master Class
@crestodina #ContentJam
Images go here!
Email Marketing is…
Content List
Email Marketing Part I: Nailing the Basics
 What should I expect out of Email Marketing?
 Best practices (and common missteps)
 Applying the basics to your own campaigns
 Email Marketing metrics to watch
Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me?
Email can send direct:
 At the time that it’s most relevant to the recipient
 With the products/content that are personalized
 Can track individual recipient engagement
 … and automate your follow up
Email gets read:
 Average email read rate: 25-30%
(compared to < 10% with social)
Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me?
Consumers prefer it.
(Yes, even millennials.)
(And Gen Z)
Source: Bluecore via eMarketer (2016)
Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me?
Email can drive as high as 30-50% of a company’s revenue
Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me?
Email drives the highest return on investment (ROI) of any medium.
For every $1 you invest in email marketing,
on average, you can earn
$28 in return on investment…
IF you’re doing it right.
@bestofjess #ContentJam
- Direct Marketing
The Anatomy of an Email
The Anatomy of an Email
1. Subject Line
2. Pre-header
3. Branded graphic header
4. Main message
5. Call-to-Action
6. Supporting Message
7. Footer
Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great
The Basics:
Best Practices
& Content
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use DATA to be relevant: Personalize.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use DATA to be relevant: Personalize.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use DATA to be relevant: Segment.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use DATA to be relevant: Segment.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use DATA to be relevant: Segment.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Make it accessible with images OFF
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Make it accessible on all devices: desktop, tablet, mobile
Source: Adestra Consumer Adoption & Usage Study
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Make it accessible on all devices: desktop, tablet, mobile
Mobile Design Cheat Sheet (for “Non-Designers”)
 Lots of white space between
headlines, body copy, and
calls to action
 At least 40px tall/wide buttons
 Bump up your font size for
mobile devices
Mobile Design Cheat Sheet (for “Non-Designers”)
 Limit words in images
(that don’t resize well)
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Make it short.
 Skimmable
 Concise
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Don’t start from scratch. Email = blog + social + video ++
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Make it part of your content plan.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Use the subject line + pre-header to get the open.
The dirty, rotten secret of email marketing is:
Just because you sent it,
doesn’t mean it went anywhere.
@bestofjess #ContentJam
- @bestofjess
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
To help your email get to the inbox, avoid spammy mistakes like:
• Sloppy HTML code
• Typos
• All IMAGE, no text
• Spammy words
• Marketing, Pharma, Money
• $ % !!!
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
TEST to see if your content will get you filtered as spam.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Tell stories.
8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices
Tell stories.
What grade would you give these email marketers?
Remember, email marketing should be:
 Personalized, segmented
 Accessible for all readers/devices
 Brief, concise
 Part of a content plan
 Strategic with subject line and
pre-header copy
 Not spammy in content
 Tells stories
HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Wireframe your next email
1. What does it look like on desktop? On mobile?
2. How long is it (words, paragraphs, “inches”)?
3. What's the subject line/pre-header?
4. Who will it go to?
5. What's the hook/WIIFM?
6. What data could make this email more relevant?
Email Marketing Metrics to Watch
 Set goals that align with business goals.
Branding | Awareness | Sales
 Define goals and how you’ll determine success
before you start creating.
Email Marketing Metrics to Watch 1.0
 Opens
 Clicks
 Click-to-Open Ratio
 Bounces
 Unsubscribes
 Complaints
Email Marketing Metrics to Watch 2.0
 Open & click rates on
desktop vs. mobile
 Active/Inactive %
 Conversion rate
(and Revenue)
Your brain can only procure
what your rear can endure.
@bestofjess #ContentJam
Don’t tweet this. This means it’s break time.
- Ruby Newell-Legner
Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great
Grow Your List
to Grow Your
Email Marketing Part II: Grow Your List to Grow $$
 Being ready for list growth
 The WRONG way to “grow”
 Organic growth ideas (inexpensive)
 Paid and promotion-based growth ideas (fast)
 Match-Making: Brainstorm the right partners
 Offline tactics to boost online list growth
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth: Sign-up Form
 Offer value in exchange for an email address
 Set expectations on frequency and privacy
 Keep it short and easy
 Make fields long enough for long addresses
 Use a clear call to action
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth: Sign-up Form
4 P’s of Email Sign-up Forms:
 Prominence
 Promise (value)
 Proof (peers)
 Progressive profiling
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth
What your email platform should do for you:
 Clean out bounces regularly
(and automatically)
 Remove unsubscribes and complaints
(immediately and automatically)
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth
What you should be doing:
 Send regularly (at least 1x/month)
 Deliver relevant, valuable, engaging content
 Welcome and “warm up” new readers
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth
Before you invite more guests,
be sure to clean up your house.
#emailmarketing #listhealth
@bestofjess #ContentJam
- @bestofjess
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth
Up to 33% of your email list turns over
– becomes a bad address – each year.
Source: Marketing Sherpa
Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth
High Medium Low Bad Rejected
The WRONG Way to Grow Your List
 Don’t buy, rent, trade, or borrow lists. Ask permission!
 Don’t harvest addresses. Scraping or constructing addresses does
not equal permission (and is illegal).
The WRONG Way to Grow Your List
Don’t be a “spammer”
Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere
Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere
Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere
Get Growing Organically: Lightbox/Modal/Pop Over
Get Growing Organically: Ask for the Referral
Offline Boosters to Online Acquisition
Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition
 Create a strong offer, i.e. a cookie, BOGO, a free exclusive
report, a hefty ebook, etc.
 Try Google, Facebook, etc.
 Use your current email list to find look-a-like audiences
and/or exclude your current readers or customers
 Target placement with relevant non-competitive sites
Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition
 Choose a relevant partner or vendor
 Place content, don’t just swap lists!
 Offer value that is relevant to the reader
(Swapping offers may not always be a fit)
 Exclusivity matters
Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition
 Try results-driven placement in email
HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Perfect Partner Match Making
1. Partner up with someone next to you.
2. Learn about their product/service & buyer.
3. Brainstorm partners for each other that:
1. Are complements, not competitors
2. Have similar buyers or prospects
3. Have similar need states
HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Perfect Partner Match Making
Who were some of your Perfect Partner ideas?
(Be sure to tell us who you are and who you’re targeting!)
Almost everything will work again
if you unplug it for a few minutes…
including you.
@bestofjess #ContentJam
Don’t tweet this. This means it’s break time again.
- Anne Lamott
Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great
Your ROI
Email Marketing Part III: Turbo-Boosting Your ROI
 2 guaranteed ways to boost ROI (yes, really!)
 A few other proven winners
 Trends to try
 Campaigns that ROCKED their ROI (2000%+)
2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI
Campaign List Size Expenses Revenues ROI
Free Shipping Offer 100,000 $1450 $31,245 $20.55
Free Product With Purchase 100,000 $1450 $24,996 $16.24
New Customer Bounce Back 1,000 $85 $3,513 $40.33
revenue - expenses
ROI = expenses
To Increase ROI:
Increase revenue, or
Decrease expenses
2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI
#1 Guaranteed Way to Improve Email ROI
Only 77% of valid email marketing in the U.S. gets to the inbox.
Sent Opens Open % Clicks Click % Expenses Revenue ROI
Before 100,000 20,000 20% 5,000 5.0% $1,450 $35,000 $23.14
After 100,000 27,400 27% 6,850 6.9% $1,450 $48,000 $32.10
Your results could
show a 37% lift with
100% inbox placement
Improve Deliverability to Improve Email ROI
What your email platform does:
• Throttled sending
• Built-in CAN-SPAM compliant
physical address
• Automated/immediate unsubscribe
• Feedback loop subscription &
automated complaint handling
What YOU should be doing:
• Send good content (that garners strong
• Ask permission to send to subscribers
• Set clear expectations on value and
• Send regularly (at least 1x/month)
#2 Guaranteed Way to Improve Email ROI
40% didn’t
open this
Up to 40% of your email list hasn’t opened, clicked or purchased in over a year.
Re-engage (or Trim) Inactives to Improve Email ROI
Sent Opens Open
Clicks Click
Expenses Revenue ROI
Pre-Cleanse 100,000 20,000 20% 5,000 5.0% $1,450 $35,000 $23.14
Post-Cleanse 60,000 20,000 33% 5,000 8.3% $1,200 $35,000 $29.17
What your results could
be if you trimmed your
inactive contacts
2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI
 Re-engagement Campaigns
2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI
Email 1 Email 2 Email 3
We Miss You!
Come back now
and receive
Confirm now
to stay on the list or
miss out on
Sorry to see you go.
Re-subscribe at any
time, here.
3-Part Re-Engagement Series
Automated emails earn 2x the open rate
of batched sends, and nearly 3x the
click-through rate.
@bestofjess #ContentJam
- @emfluence
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Automation
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Automation
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Re-Targeting
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Re-targeting
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI by Testing
 Content / Copy / Subject Lines
 Design
 Offers
 Segmentation / Personalization
 New potential partners
POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won?
a. Two chances to win
b. Two chances to WIN
c. Start a winning tradition
d. Start a winning tradition!
POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won?
a. I Spy a Winner
b. Be A Hallo-Winner
c. Trick or $5,000 Treat?
POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won?
a. Help us solve hunger.
b. Donating 1 million meals.
c. You can help solve hunger.
Most Opens
Most Clicks
Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI by Testing
How to test effectively?
Get scientific.
If you slept through stat
class in college, try this >>
Email Marketing Trends to Try
 Relevant motion can drive
up engagement 3x+!
 What motion uniquely
represents your brand, product
or benefit?
Email Marketing Trends to Try
 Relevant motion can drive
up engagement 3x+!
 What motion uniquely
represents your brand, product
or benefit?
 HINT: Spastic movement
isn’t relevant motion.
Email Marketing Trends to Try
 “Video” in email can
drive response rates up
3-5x, especially when
mentioned in the subject line.
 For compatibility, better to
“fake” the video.
Email Marketing Trends to Try
Email Marketing Trends to Try
 Live or “real-time”
content updates
Email Marketing Trends to Try
 Earned and “earned” rewards
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 CommunityAmerica Credit Union’s 90-day Onboarding
Next day 2 weeks 6 weeks
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 Referral programs
9-13% conversion
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 Time / day test shows
Cyber Monday’s true colors:
Sunday’s sneak peek drove
19% more action!
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 Coffee Roaster racks up sales with
a new product announcement
and by telling a good story.
Over a $20 ROI
… without a coupon!
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 Be timely, when it’s your turn
 Try for cultural references
without news jacking things you
have no “Editorial Authority” on
 90% lift in open, 85% lift in
average revenue from a promo
email for $360+ ROMI
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 Sometimes wacky works:
There is NO copy in this email,
but it garnered a 140% lift in
average open rate, 80% lift in
click-to-open ratio.
 Plus, it garnered $400:$1
ROMI, which helped win this
email 2 different awards!
Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI
 An eCommerce site uses their best
deal of the year as a re-engagement
campaign for inactives.
ROI was $27.40
Re-engaged nearly 4% of inactives
Go forth and make
great email marketing!
Thank you
Jessica Best
@bestofjess | #ContentJam
What grade would you give these email marketers?
Remember, great email marketing:
 Is permission-based
 Garners a $20+ ROI
 Gains new subscribers
faster than old ones fall off
 Uses automation to nurture, not blast
 Integrates rich media
 Supports and is supported by other
marketing channels

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Content Jam 2017 Email Marketing Master Class JBest

  • 1. Email Marketing Master Class: Good to Great, Guaranteed Jessica Best @bestofjess | #ContentJam Email Marketing Master Class
  • 4. @bestofjess Email Marketing Part I: Nailing the Basics  What should I expect out of Email Marketing?  Best practices (and common missteps)  Applying the basics to your own campaigns  Email Marketing metrics to watch #ContentJam
  • 5. @bestofjess Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me? Email can send direct:  At the time that it’s most relevant to the recipient  With the products/content that are personalized  Can track individual recipient engagement  … and automate your follow up Email gets read:  Average email read rate: 25-30% (compared to < 10% with social) #ContentJam
  • 6. @bestofjess Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me? Consumers prefer it. (Yes, even millennials.) (And Gen Z) #ContentJam Source: Bluecore via eMarketer (2016)
  • 7. @bestofjess Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me? Email can drive as high as 30-50% of a company’s revenue #ContentJam
  • 8. @bestofjess Why Email Marketing? What can it do for me? Email drives the highest return on investment (ROI) of any medium. #ContentJam $27.74 ROI
  • 9. For every $1 you invest in email marketing, on average, you can earn $28 in return on investment… IF you’re doing it right. @bestofjess #ContentJam - Direct Marketing Association
  • 10. @bestofjess The Anatomy of an Email 2010 #ContentJam 2017
  • 11. @bestofjess The Anatomy of an Email #ContentJam 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Subject Line 2. Pre-header 3. Branded graphic header 4. Main message 5. Call-to-Action 6. Supporting Message 7. Footer
  • 12. @bestofjess Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great #ContentJam The Basics: Best Practices & Content
  • 13. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use DATA to be relevant: Personalize. #ContentJam 1
  • 14. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use DATA to be relevant: Personalize. #ContentJam 1
  • 15. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use DATA to be relevant: Segment. #ContentJam 1
  • 16. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use DATA to be relevant: Segment. #ContentJam 1
  • 17. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use DATA to be relevant: Segment. #ContentJam 1
  • 18. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Make it accessible with images OFF #ContentJam 2
  • 19. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Make it accessible on all devices: desktop, tablet, mobile #ContentJam 3 Source: Adestra Consumer Adoption & Usage Study (2016) Business- to- Business Business- to- Consumer 60% mobile 25% mobile
  • 20. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Make it accessible on all devices: desktop, tablet, mobile #ContentJam 3
  • 21. @bestofjess Mobile Design Cheat Sheet (for “Non-Designers”)  Lots of white space between headlines, body copy, and calls to action  At least 40px tall/wide buttons  Bump up your font size for mobile devices #ContentJam
  • 22. @bestofjess Mobile Design Cheat Sheet (for “Non-Designers”)  Limit words in images (that don’t resize well) #ContentJam
  • 23. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Make it short.  Skimmable  Concise  CLEAR #ContentJam 4
  • 24. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Don’t start from scratch. Email = blog + social + video ++ #ContentJam 5
  • 25. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Make it part of your content plan. #ContentJam 5
  • 26. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Use the subject line + pre-header to get the open. #ContentJam 6
  • 27. The dirty, rotten secret of email marketing is: Just because you sent it, doesn’t mean it went anywhere. #deliverability @bestofjess #ContentJam - @bestofjess
  • 28. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices To help your email get to the inbox, avoid spammy mistakes like: • Sloppy HTML code • Typos • All IMAGE, no text • Spammy words #ContentJam 7 • FREE FREE FREE • Marketing, Pharma, Money • $ % !!! • ALL CAPS
  • 29. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices TEST to see if your content will get you filtered as spam. #ContentJam 7
  • 30. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Tell stories. #ContentJam 8
  • 31. @bestofjess 8 Email Marketing Basic Best Practices Tell stories. #ContentJam 8
  • 32. @bestofjess GRADING THE PROS What grade would you give these email marketers? Remember, email marketing should be:  Personalized, segmented  Accessible for all readers/devices  Brief, concise  Part of a content plan #ContentJam  Strategic with subject line and pre-header copy  Not spammy in content  Tells stories
  • 40. @bestofjess HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Wireframe your next email 1. What does it look like on desktop? On mobile? 2. How long is it (words, paragraphs, “inches”)? 3. What's the subject line/pre-header? 4. Who will it go to? 5. What's the hook/WIIFM? 6. What data could make this email more relevant? #ContentJam 3:00
  • 41. @bestofjess Email Marketing Metrics to Watch  Set goals that align with business goals. Branding | Awareness | Sales  Define goals and how you’ll determine success before you start creating. #ContentJam
  • 42. @bestofjess Email Marketing Metrics to Watch 1.0  Opens  Clicks  Click-to-Open Ratio  Bounces  Unsubscribes  Complaints #ContentJam
  • 43. @bestofjess Email Marketing Metrics to Watch 2.0  Open & click rates on desktop vs. mobile  Active/Inactive %  Conversion rate (and Revenue) #ContentJam
  • 44. Your brain can only procure what your rear can endure. @bestofjess #ContentJam Don’t tweet this. This means it’s break time. - Ruby Newell-Legner
  • 45. @bestofjess Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great #ContentJam Grow Your List to Grow Your Revenue
  • 46. @bestofjess Email Marketing Part II: Grow Your List to Grow $$  Being ready for list growth  The WRONG way to “grow”  Organic growth ideas (inexpensive)  Paid and promotion-based growth ideas (fast)  Match-Making: Brainstorm the right partners  Offline tactics to boost online list growth #ContentJam
  • 47. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth: Sign-up Form  Offer value in exchange for an email address  Set expectations on frequency and privacy  Keep it short and easy  Make fields long enough for long addresses  Use a clear call to action #ContentJam
  • 48. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth: Sign-up Form 4 P’s of Email Sign-up Forms:  Prominence  Promise (value)  Proof (peers)  Progressive profiling #ContentJam
  • 49. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth What your email platform should do for you:  Clean out bounces regularly (and automatically)  Remove unsubscribes and complaints (immediately and automatically) #ContentJam
  • 50. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth What you should be doing:  Send regularly (at least 1x/month)  Deliver relevant, valuable, engaging content  Welcome and “warm up” new readers #ContentJam
  • 51. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth #ContentJam
  • 52. Before you invite more guests, be sure to clean up your house. #emailmarketing #listhealth @bestofjess #ContentJam - @bestofjess
  • 53. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth #ContentJam Up to 33% of your email list turns over – becomes a bad address – each year. Source: Marketing Sherpa
  • 54. @bestofjess Be Sure You’re Ready for List Growth #ContentJam 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 High Medium Low Bad Rejected
  • 55. @bestofjess The WRONG Way to Grow Your List  Don’t buy, rent, trade, or borrow lists. Ask permission!  Don’t harvest addresses. Scraping or constructing addresses does not equal permission (and is illegal). #ContentJam
  • 56. @bestofjess The WRONG Way to Grow Your List Don’t be a “spammer” #ContentJam
  • 57. @bestofjess Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere #ContentJam
  • 58. @bestofjess Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere #ContentJam
  • 59. @bestofjess Get Growing Organically: Ask Everywhere #ContentJam
  • 60. @bestofjess Get Growing Organically: Lightbox/Modal/Pop Over #ContentJam
  • 61. @bestofjess Get Growing Organically: Ask for the Referral #ContentJam
  • 62. @bestofjess Offline Boosters to Online Acquisition #ContentJam
  • 63. @bestofjess Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition  Create a strong offer, i.e. a cookie, BOGO, a free exclusive report, a hefty ebook, etc.  Try Google, Facebook, etc.  Use your current email list to find look-a-like audiences and/or exclude your current readers or customers  Target placement with relevant non-competitive sites #ContentJam
  • 64. @bestofjess Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition  Choose a relevant partner or vendor  Place content, don’t just swap lists!  Offer value that is relevant to the reader (Swapping offers may not always be a fit)  Exclusivity matters #ContentJam
  • 65. @bestofjess Turn Up the Speed: Paid Acquisition  Try results-driven placement in email #ContentJam
  • 66. @bestofjess HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Perfect Partner Match Making 1. Partner up with someone next to you. 2. Learn about their product/service & buyer. 3. Brainstorm partners for each other that: 1. Are complements, not competitors 2. Have similar buyers or prospects 3. Have similar need states #ContentJam 3:00
  • 67. @bestofjess HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Perfect Partner Match Making Who were some of your Perfect Partner ideas? (Be sure to tell us who you are and who you’re targeting!) #ContentJam
  • 68. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you. @bestofjess #ContentJam Don’t tweet this. This means it’s break time again. - Anne Lamott
  • 69. @bestofjess Email Marketing Master Class: From Good to Great #ContentJam Optimize: Turbo-Boosting Your ROI
  • 70. @bestofjess Email Marketing Part III: Turbo-Boosting Your ROI  2 guaranteed ways to boost ROI (yes, really!)  A few other proven winners  Trends to try  Campaigns that ROCKED their ROI (2000%+) #ContentJam
  • 71. @bestofjess 2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam Campaign List Size Expenses Revenues ROI Free Shipping Offer 100,000 $1450 $31,245 $20.55 Free Product With Purchase 100,000 $1450 $24,996 $16.24 New Customer Bounce Back 1,000 $85 $3,513 $40.33 revenue - expenses ROI = expenses To Increase ROI: Increase revenue, or Decrease expenses
  • 72. @bestofjess 2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam
  • 73. @bestofjess #1 Guaranteed Way to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam Only 77% of valid email marketing in the U.S. gets to the inbox. Sent Opens Open % Clicks Click % Expenses Revenue ROI Before 100,000 20,000 20% 5,000 5.0% $1,450 $35,000 $23.14 After 100,000 27,400 27% 6,850 6.9% $1,450 $48,000 $32.10 Your results could show a 37% lift with 100% inbox placement
  • 74. @bestofjess Improve Deliverability to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam What your email platform does: • Throttled sending • Built-in CAN-SPAM compliant physical address • Automated/immediate unsubscribe handling • Feedback loop subscription & automated complaint handling What YOU should be doing: • Send good content (that garners strong engagement) • Ask permission to send to subscribers • Set clear expectations on value and frequency • Send regularly (at least 1x/month)
  • 75. @bestofjess #2 Guaranteed Way to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam 40% NEVER open 40% didn’t open this time 20% Opened 20% Open Up to 40% of your email list hasn’t opened, clicked or purchased in over a year.
  • 76. @bestofjess Re-engage (or Trim) Inactives to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam Sent Opens Open % Clicks Click % Expenses Revenue ROI Pre-Cleanse 100,000 20,000 20% 5,000 5.0% $1,450 $35,000 $23.14 Post-Cleanse 60,000 20,000 33% 5,000 8.3% $1,200 $35,000 $29.17 What your results could be if you trimmed your inactive contacts
  • 77. @bestofjess 2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI  Re-engagement Campaigns #ContentJam
  • 78. @bestofjess 2 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email ROI #ContentJam Email 1 Email 2 Email 3 We Miss You! Come back now and receive [ VALUE ] Confirm now to stay on the list or miss out on [ VALUE ] Sorry to see you go. Re-subscribe at any time, here. 3-Part Re-Engagement Series
  • 79. Automated emails earn 2x the open rate of batched sends, and nearly 3x the click-through rate. @bestofjess #ContentJam - @emfluence
  • 80. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Automation #ContentJam
  • 81. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Automation #ContentJam
  • 82. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Re-Targeting #ContentJam
  • 83. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI with Re-targeting #ContentJam
  • 84. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI by Testing  Content / Copy / Subject Lines  Design  Offers  Segmentation / Personalization  New potential partners #ContentJam
  • 85. @bestofjess POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won? a. Two chances to win b. Two chances to WIN c. Start a winning tradition d. Start a winning tradition! #ContentJam
  • 86. @bestofjess POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won? a. I Spy a Winner b. Be A Hallo-Winner c. Trick or $5,000 Treat? #ContentJam
  • 87. @bestofjess POP QUIZ: Which Subject Line Won? a. Help us solve hunger. b. Donating 1 million meals. c. You can help solve hunger. #ContentJam Most Opens Most Clicks
  • 88. @bestofjess Turbo-Boost Your Email ROI by Testing How to test effectively? Get scientific. If you slept through stat class in college, try this >> #ContentJam
  • 89. @bestofjess Email Marketing Trends to Try  Relevant motion can drive up engagement 3x+!  What motion uniquely represents your brand, product or benefit? #ContentJam
  • 90. @bestofjess Email Marketing Trends to Try  Relevant motion can drive up engagement 3x+!  What motion uniquely represents your brand, product or benefit?  HINT: Spastic movement isn’t relevant motion. #ContentJam
  • 91. @bestofjess Email Marketing Trends to Try  “Video” in email can drive response rates up 3-5x, especially when mentioned in the subject line.  For compatibility, better to “fake” the video. #ContentJam
  • 93. @bestofjess Email Marketing Trends to Try  Live or “real-time” content updates #ContentJam
  • 94. @bestofjess Email Marketing Trends to Try  Earned and “earned” rewards #ContentJam
  • 95. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  CommunityAmerica Credit Union’s 90-day Onboarding #ContentJam Next day 2 weeks 6 weeks 10 weeks 12 weeks
  • 96. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  Referral programs #ContentJam 9-13% conversion
  • 97. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  Time / day test shows Cyber Monday’s true colors: Sunday’s sneak peek drove 19% more action! #ContentJam
  • 98. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  Coffee Roaster racks up sales with a new product announcement and by telling a good story. #ContentJam Over a $20 ROI … without a coupon!
  • 99. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  Be timely, when it’s your turn  Try for cultural references without news jacking things you have no “Editorial Authority” on  90% lift in open, 85% lift in average revenue from a promo email for $360+ ROMI #ContentJam
  • 100. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  Sometimes wacky works: There is NO copy in this email, but it garnered a 140% lift in average open rate, 80% lift in click-to-open ratio.  Plus, it garnered $400:$1 ROMI, which helped win this email 2 different awards! #ContentJam
  • 101. @bestofjess Email Marketing Campaigns that Rocked $20+ ROI  An eCommerce site uses their best deal of the year as a re-engagement campaign for inactives. ROI was $27.40 Re-engaged nearly 4% of inactives #ContentJam
  • 102. Go forth and make great email marketing! Thank you Jessica Best @bestofjess | #ContentJam
  • 103. @bestofjess GRADING THE PROS, PART II What grade would you give these email marketers? Remember, great email marketing:  Is permission-based  Garners a $20+ ROI  Gains new subscribers faster than old ones fall off #ContentJam  Uses automation to nurture, not blast  Integrates rich media  Supports and is supported by other marketing channels

Editor's Notes

  1. Refresh the basics Grow your audience Rock it out
  2. And this doesn’t even count OFFLINE sales. (Leap the Line was an online order special – if we assume that each email is really generating $32K (rather than $12K for the same offer but online & offline), we might extrapolate that total sales is actually 3X what online reports!
  3. Short subject lines = 25-45 characters. Pre-headers can be up to 80!
  4. Your content has to pass the “Duck Test” – if it looks like spam or sounds like spam… Use at least 500 CHARACTERS of text (that isn’t spammy) for filters to read
  5. Your content has to pass the “Duck Test” – if it looks like spam or sounds like spam… Use at least 500 CHARACTERS of text (that isn’t spammy) for filters to read
  6. Humane Society wins for me Modcloth did well, too
  7. Lots of white space, very clean, big ass button New trendy “ghost” buttons Customer since 2010 Content that drives engagement/sales
  8. Balance of text:image Consistent blue button color Could have personalized punch card
  9. Skimmable Mobile responsive Bulletproof buttons
  10. Pre-header Good with images off (bullet proof button)
  11. No visuals but easy to skim Highlights their ambassadors <3 Easy to share each article At top, easy to share entire email
  12. All text with highlighter – cool Personalized pre-header (but long subject) Click to call
  13. How do you know your email creative, copy, design, segmentation is working? It’s more than guessing…
  14. How do you know your email creative, copy, design, segmentation is working? It’s more than guessing…
  15. The legal definition of spam vs consumer’s definition. Don’t pre-check an opt-in checkbox or worse, leave off the checkbox and assume permission. It kills your results AND can hurt your sender rep.
  16. These puppies, when done right, can drive 4-8x as many sign-ups from your site.
  17. Noodles referral campaign drove 70K new subs + revenue!! Skimm referral part of onboarding
  18. +Pod cast promo
  19. US is 73-6-22 Canada is 89-4-8 UK is 88-5-7 Global is 79-5-16
  20. There are not 1, but THREE ways your subscribers might not be able to engage or BUY from your email: They’re old/bounced (usually removed = attrition) They’re not engaged/not checking that email address anymore (silent) They just don’t get delivered (mostly silent)
  21. So we’ve now increased our revenue by getting to the inbox, Increased our revenue by re-engaging a few inactives, AND we’ve decreased our expenses for the same revenue
  22. 20.9% lift in Average Account Balance 39.9% lift in savings accounts opened Campaign ROI over 230% (12% red. in closed accts, Less OD fees paid) Research: Bank honeymoon period = 90 days These folks are special: They may open an account and not use for over a year. They can’t look at email while they’re in basic training (8-12 weeks based on branch of service/ship date/graduation date). KNOW your audience. Email #2 is dynamic based on ship date and #3, 4, 5 & 6 are all sparked by the graduation date.
  23. How do you know your email creative, copy, design, segmentation is working? Test it!
  24. One of the biggest KPIs over there is the percentage of “highly engaged customers” at the 90-day mark, which they define as any customer having 3 or more “products.” That number has gone from 12% to 16% in recent years, then jumped to 20% in the past year = a 25% increase in this segment in one year.
  25. When one of the major airlines enacted a controversial policy forbidding female passengers from wearing leggings on their flights, we let women know they could wear them on Spirit.