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Christine Marie Arnold, Master of
Architecture, 2010
Directed By: Assistant Professor Michael A. Ambrose,
The success of intergenerational programming is often contingent upon a person or
group to facilitate interaction among participants in an institutionalized setting; these
places currently limit creative exuberance and promote surveillance as a vehicle for
spatial organization. An architecture is assigned a pluralistic role that interrogates
the value and scope of the human mediator, provokes activities between
generations, and conversely recedes, allowing the inhabitants to act as agents in a
space. Passive activities are omitted from an intergenerational program in favor of
active experiences at both the formal and circumstantial level at multiple scales
within the building. The design strategy breaks down preconceived stereotypes and
establishes the architecture of intergenerational programming as a model for
diversification and involvement through interaction and autonomy. The transitory
nature of intergenerational programs is confronted with a formal partnership between
a day care center for infants and toddlers, social adult day care, and a series of
public pools.
Christine Marie Arnold
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the
University of Maryland, College Park, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Architecture
Advisory Committee:
Assitant Professor Michael A. Ambrose, Chair
Professor Robert L. Vann, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Ralph D. Bennett, A.I.A.
© Copyright by
Christine Marie Arnold
Many thanks to the Professors who have inspired, the peers who have
guided, and my family who have supported.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
Introduction 1
Intergenerational Programming in Context 5
Role, Place, and Participant 7
Typological Paradigms 10
Easter Seals Intergenerational Center 12
Intergenerational Learning Center 18
Conceptual Framework
Pattern as Catalyst 20
Temporal Patterns 21
Site 22
Programming 34
Ergonomics and Perception 40
Urban Development 44
Facility Program 46
Conclusions 58
Bibliography 60
List of Figures
4 Fig. 1 Intergenerational Stair Diagram
6 Fig. 2 Cross-Spatial Relationships
12 Fig. 3 Easter Seals Drop-off
12 Fig. 4 Easter Seals Outdoor Space
17 Fig. 5 Diagrams
20 Fig. 6 Temporal Patterns
23 Fig. 7 Site Within Global Context
24 Fig. 8 H Street Corridor Revitalization Plan
25 Fig. 9 Central Retail Axon
25 Fig. 10 Urban Living Axon
26 Fig. 11 Scholastic Amenities Near Site
26 Fig. 12 Slope
27 Fig. 13 Major Axes on Site
27 Fig. 14 Proximity to Metro Station
29 Fig. 15 Site Parameters
32 Fig. 16 Physical Site Model and Base
32 Fig. 17 Manual Explorations
33 Fig. 18 Site Area and Zoning Ordinances
36 Fig. 19 Spatial Iterations and Translation
37 Fig. 20 Media Explorations in Elevation
38 Fig. 21 Program Breakdown and Relative Size
39 Fig. 22 Finalized Program Image
40 Fig. 23 Crib Dimensions
41 Fig. 24 Interior Perspective of Wet Volume
41 Fig. 25 Interior Perspective of Infant Room
43 Fig. 26 Versions of Space Above Lobby
47 Fig. 27 Seam Along 3rd Street
47 Fig. 28 Threshold to Daycare Lobby
48 Fig. 29 Explorations of Back Entrance
49 Fig. 30 Ultimate Constructs for Daycare Drop-Off
50 Fig. 31 Spaces within Wet Volume
50 Fig. 32 Emergent Pool Topology
51 Fig. 33 Interior Stair Perspective Sequence
52 Fig. 34 Quarter-Scale Model Process
53 Fig. 35 Intergenerational Stair Landings
54 Fig. 36 Plans of the Facility
55 Fig. 37 Longitudinal Section N/S
55 Fig. 38 Program Aggregate
56 Fig. 39 Perspective of Wet Volume Interior
57 Fig. 50 Exterior Spaces
According to the US Department of Education, there are currently
more than eighty thousand center-based early education and care
centers nationwide. These spaces where children spend several full
days over the week are institutionalized settings, relying on construct-
ed environments where constant surveillance is paramount. Estab-
lished patterns for designing these centers lead to repetitive formal
and spatial arrangements that neglect the experience of the user and
impede cognitive development in children. Daycare centers currently
are undergoing increased federal and state mandated regulations, in
an attempt to rectify the difference between merely “custodial” and
“developmental” care centers. The latter condition offers no programs
of simulations and perhaps engenders the increased dissatisfaction
with facilities today. A survey of 8,000 employees in Portland, Oregon
confirms the axiomatic situation: half the women surveyed with chil-
dren under twelve reported stress related to daycare in the previous
month (Clarke-Stewart, 4). Moreover, many centers are in disrepair.
According to a study by the National Council of Jewish Women, 30%
of daycare centers visited were deemed “poor,” in small, poorly venti-
lated environments with no regard for the health or safety of the child.
The lack of critical design development also correlates with a high
staff turnover rate in a low-wage industry.
Adult day care centers, also known as adult day services, are an
emergent phenomenon that provides daily programs and activities
for the elderly in community-based settings. The National Adult Day
Services Association (NADSA) predicts that as baby boomers age
past 65, an additional five thousand centers are necessary to meet
Social implications in this thesis are couched in defining the par-
ticipants who attend adult day services, but there are currently no
singular patterns for how to quantify those who attend a center. The
venerable population usually resides somewhere in the second half of
life, which can be statistically calculated down to the month via co-
hort life tables used by insurance companies and pensions funds to
predict life history. More than a numerical age though, feeling “old”
is relative. However, a pattern has developed in western tradition that
a person is described as “old” when referring to someone ten years
older than the speaker. Harry Schenk has a more esoteric method to
qualifying the elderly. He says that “old age begins when employ-
ment end,” and thus begins a tripartite division of old age. The young
old age are somewhere between 55 – 70 years, and generally are
still active, mobile, and capable, placing a high value on social and
cultural engagement. Those considered to be middle old age are 70
– 85 years and while are less physically active, they still value outward
direct engagement with the community. Old old age tend to have
more reservations about remaining a outstanding citizen, as their pri-
orities shift to dealing with everyday life and self-preservation.
Patterning is tested as a formal and aesthetic medium to weave
between two programs. Spatial, temporal, and behavioral patterns
are investigated to propose a hybrid program where activities are not
subservient to but supported by a simultaneously flexible and struc-
tured center. Emergent spaces in the juxtaposition of an intergenera-
tional care center adapt to users, increasing cognitive development in
the young and enriching the quality of life for the aging. An architec-
ture proposes a de-institutionalization of spaces for learning and play.
Fig. 1 Intergenerational Stair Diagram
Intergenerational Programming in Context
According to a study by two economists, happiness does not de-
crease after passing the threshold to the second half of life. Both
statisticians conducted a representative survey of approximately half
a million people from different nations in Europe, eliminating extrane-
ous variables to find a causal relationship between age and happi-
ness. Interestingly, unhappiness peaked at middle age for men and
women and tended to increase in the form of a bell curve toward
either side. It appears the correlation develops later in life because of
the presence of grandchildren in a person’s life.
Schnk categorizes the second half of life as a separate phase, one
that is increasingly getting longer in contemporary society as the
lifespan increases. It now lasts longer than youth. More program-
ming in the built environment is necessary to support this overwhelm-
ing need and how this population will live is becoming a concern for
both architects and economists as nearly a third of our lifetime will be
spent between middle and old age.
Though most prefer to live in his or her existing residence, innova-
tive forms of housing are offering the elderly more possibilities. Many
communal and intergenerational housing proposals have already
been realized abroad.
Interaction between multiple generations is a regular occurrence and
has the potential to occur in any space, of any dimension or pro-
gram. Sociologists and psychologists have thoroughly documented
the relevance intergenerational activities, however, designers of the
built environment have yet to capitalize on the spatial and transfor-
mative effects of programming outside the realm of intergenerational
housing. As a population moves forward and transitions beyond the
second half of life, there is a growing tendency to find the relation-
ship between age and happiness. This thesis will investigate why it is
beneficial for an intergenerational care center specifically, one where
people who have passed the zenith of their lives have daily interac-
tions with the young.
adult / infant / child
adult / infant / child / adult
adult / child / adult
adult / child / adult
con[temporary] care: pattern transactions for intergenerational exchange
Fig. 2 Cross-Spatial Diagrams
Sectional relationships tested early in the process
to investigate proportions, view, and user.
Transformation of Role, Place & Participant
A primary objective of this thesis is to collapse misconceptions about
disparate age groups, spaces for intergenerational programming, and
beneficiaries of this typology in a coherent architectural language. As
the population moves to the outlet limit of an increasingly long life,
the elderly are becoming omnipresent in the media. Unfortunately,
the palette has produced a number of crude distortions that are
contrary to empirical studies about an aging society. One miscon-
ception concerns helplessness: there is an overwhelming association
between old age and incapacitation that is not valid. In Germany,
only 9 percent of those over 95 live in separate homes for the elderly.
Another misconception concerns general well being of those over
middle age, most of which are portrayed as growing increasingly
dissatisfied about life as they age. Recent studies have shown that
people of an advanced age are not generally less happy. Rather,
anxiety about death tends to decrease over time.
Media depiction of the “young old age” is prevalent today. In com-
mercials and advertisements, this population appears as egoistic
hedonists. But the elderly are no more egoistically inclined than
previous generations.
Since most are still mobile and active, they travel a good deal, exhibit
a vested interest in culture, and are more visible in public than the
elderly of earlier times. They do more volunteer work and have made
early retirement a positive experience.
Barrier-free design and the seven principles of universal design are
guidelines established to ensure that designers are sensitive to the
needs of those who have handicaps. According to Nader Teragni,
principle of Office dA Architects, designers today too often treat
these guidelines as a “technocratic punch list.” The wide variety of
barrier-free centers for either cultural or residential use has increased
over the last twenty years, which alludes to the rising demographic of
those over mid-life and the sensitivity of designers. Historically, the
elderly lived a regular pattern, driven by biological needs and self-
preservation. Currently the focus has shifted tremendously and the
patterns are asynchronous. Social, cultural, and educational factors
have led to an emergent plurality of lifestyles; the individual paths of
aging only briefly approach each other with biological factors become
determinant at a very old age.
The National Council on aging defines intergenerational programs as
“activities or programs that increase cooperation, interaction, or ex-
change between any two generations. They involve sharing of skills,
knowledge, and experience between young and old.”
A number of these programs are public initiatives, marketed to a
target age range to benefit both the child and grandchild of a par-
ent. These programs are viable and supported by studies about the
psychological and social influence of intergenerational programming;
however, most are not supported by a physical infrastructure. Rather,
most programs appear to be parasitic insertions upon an institution-
alized existing fabric. State- and nation-wide mandates have led to
regulations in care settings that do offer no promise of a pluralistic
model where both adult and child care centers can coexist to opti-
mize formal and informal interaction.
The College of Education and Agricultural Studies at Penn State have
developed a curriculum for intergenerational programming within the
context of the Penn State Intergenerational Program (PSIP). This
primary source alludes to but does not include specific ideas about
a physical infrastructure to support this concept. Implementation of
these programs is condensed into the following three areas: training
participation for participants, implementation of activities, and clo-
sure/recognition. This care center will propose spatial ramifications
by providing for and testing the limits of each area through patterning
to provoke areas of overlap and autonomy.
Typological Paradigm
According to the National Adult Day Care Services Association (NA-
DSA), there are three models that fall into adult day services: adult
day care, adult day health care, and day services specific to disabili-
ties. Adults are good candidates if they can benefit from the daily as-
sistance and social interaction a facility provides. NADSA also states
that participants may be physically or cognitively impaired, but do not
require 24-hour assistance. It is essential that adults are mobile, but
may use an extension of self (cane, walker, wheelchair, etc.). Users
also must be continent. Adult Day Health Services differ in services
offered. These centers require assessment by a physician prior to
entry in the program and offer physical, occupational, and speech
therapy sessions in addition to those included in a social adult day
center. Typically, both nurses and health professionals staff these
facilities. A final type of adult day services offers care specifically for
those who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. This thesis
acknowledges the range of adult day services, but will investigate the
potential of programming within the social adult day services para-
There are several areas accommodated for those in a social adult day
services center.
Activities occur to increase physical dexterity at both a macro and
micro scale as well as promote cognitive functioning. Arts and crafts,
musical entertainment, games for mental stimulation, kinesthetic
exercises, discussion groups, and local outings are typical situations.
Many adult day centers have become institutionalized settings be-
cause the activities included within a center have not been designed
to optimize the conditions of variability for each activity. Indeed, each
activity could simultaneously occur within the same rectangular vol-
ume. Adults would however benefit from degrees of autonomy and
Adult day services offer a rotational program of activities that changes
according to resources on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. All
of the participants experience a day simultaneously through a shared
perspective. There is often little or no space for plural routines to oc-
cur within the same facility at different rates. A schedule and direct
rate of change is preferred for seamless transitions between activities.
This thesis will investigate mutable conditions and variable patterns
for adults to simultaneously occupy the same space while engaging
in different activities.
Case Studies
Easter Seals Intergenerational Center
Silver Spring, MD
The Easter Seals Intergenerational Center in Silver Spring, MD offers
participants access to both day care and adult day health care ser-
vices. It is a three-story building with approximately 15,600 SF/floor
that accommodates both shared interior and exterior spaces between
such programs in a single envelope, with offices for the Easter Seals
Organization above. The scope of the center reaches the Greater
Washington-Baltimore region, drawing both local employees and
regional participants and volunteers.
Fig. 3 Easter Seals Dropoff
The drop off area is highlighted wihthin the photo to
show the transition between street and building.
Fig. 4 Easter Seals Outdoor Space
Outdoor space is highlighted in the photograph. This
was the only shared outdoor area for both programs.
The center is open daily from 07:00AM – 06:00PM. Most participants
are driven to the center and encounter the same entry sequence
though a shared portico that mediates the shift in grade, allows for
extended vehicular drop-off, and offers a threshold between street
and site. Access from the parking garage under grade is through a
central core of two elevators.
Shared interior and exterior volumes exist to promote intergenera-
tional activities or encounters. A central shared atrium space collects
all visitors or participants upon arrival and serves as a filter, though
simultaneously dividing the separate programs. This double-height
volume has varying levels of security; adult day services and child
care services adjacent to the lobby require key-access for entry, a re-
ceptionist desk frontally presents itself in the space, and an additional
waiting area off axis offers interested families a place to rest. There
are no clear views to either program while inside this shared place,
but the eye is drawn up to a glass galley for the office space.
The two exterior shared spaces are adjacent to each of the two
programs. The “Intergenerational Playground” is located adjacent to
child-care services on the northeast side of the building. Six means
of egress allow entry; five of them are through rooms in child-care
services. There is no access for those who enter the building off the
lobby. The space is approximately 10’ wide x 110’ long and has a
rubberized topcoat. Its’ narrowness offers space for a wheelchair to
pass through on the left and larger toys on the right. An additional
outdoor terrace has three means of egress through adult day ser-
vices. It is 6’ wide x 130’ long and abuts three offices and an activity
It is the first intergenerational center in the region and markets itself
on “connecting the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the
future.” To that end, it succeeds in the sense of bringing thousands
of workers and participants daily to the center to activate the shared
site. The architecture of the center, however, does not support in-
formal intergenerational activity to occur past the arrival sequence in
the lobby, since the programs are physically delineated and operate
as separate spaces. Children take the same daily route to cross the
threshold between programs. Within this transitional route, there are
no opportunities to enhance the experience of the child besides the
change in scale between programs and the views out toward the front
Moreover, the formal activities are biased: participants in the child
care services always move to the great hall in the adult day services
side for daily intergenerational activity. There are no spaces that
could allow for this flow of activity to reverse so that the adults are
leading the movement to gather. Thus, while the mission of the Eas-
ter Seals intergenerational center explicitly designed a model where
the cross-pollination of programs occur, the architecture is implicitly
promoting clear roles of mobility in the children and immobility in the
pass through on the left and larger toys on the right. An additional
outdoor terrace has three means of egress through adult day ser-
vices. It is 6’ wide x 130’ long and abuts three offices and an activity
It is the first intergenerational center in the region and markets itself
on “connecting the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the
future.” To that end, it succeeds in the sense of bringing thousands
of workers and participants daily to the center to activate the shared
site. The architecture of the center, however, does not support in-
formal intergenerational activity to occur past the arrival sequence in
the lobby, since the programs are physically delineated and operate
as separate spaces. Children take the same daily route to cross the
threshold between programs. Within this transitional route, there are
no opportunities to enhance the experience of the child besides the
change in scale between programs and the views out toward the front
Moreover, the formal activities are biased: participants in the child
care services always move to the great hall in the adult day services
side for daily intergenerational activity. There are no spaces that
could allow for this flow of activity to reverse so that the adults are
leading the movement to gather. Thus, while the mission of the Eas-
ter Seals intergenerational center explicitly designed a model where
the cross-pollination of programs occur, the architecture is implicitly
promoting clear roles of mobility in the children and immobility in the
1/32” = 1’0”
access under portico allows for:
- shift in grade
- vehicular drop-off
- protection from elements for extended drop-off/pick-up
multiple thresholds from street edge
shared access for both programs
double-height lobby welcomes all guests
varying degrees of surveillance and security
- key access to both child- and adult- care
- receptionist
- waiting area and small information desk
direct access to administration offices upstairs
no clear views to either program
Intergenerational Playground
- child care has direct access
- adult care has indirect access through back
- controlled access at street
- views into space at street, along entry promenade
front terrace space
- raised off grade
- direct access for adult care program
- shaded
pathways to shared program interior gathering space daily route for children
adult care program child care program
child care
administrative spaces
adult care administrative
spaces shared administrative spaces
shared ancillary child
care spaces
vertical circulation wet walls
adult care programmed
Fig. 5 Diagrams
Many of the discouraging conditions of this cetner are
highlighted in the diagrams.
Intergenerational Learning Center
Chicago, IL
The Intergenerational Learning Center by Office dA Architects uses
barrier-free design as an opportunity to weave together two genera-
tions in downtown Chicago. The proposal incorporates a senior cen-
ter and a head start program, coupled with housing that encourages
[in]formal activity for residents and participants alike. The conceptual
framework of weaving allows for transitional spaces and moments of
overlap to amplify intergenerational activity. Unlike the Easter Seals
Intergenerational Center, there is no planimetric separation of pro-
grams. Rather, the tectonic expression of the project embraces the
ramp and spiral to provide for a sectional investigation of program-
ming two generations.
Weaving occurs at the formal and contextual level of tectonic expres-
sion and site situation. The architects chose to treat the two bound-
aries of the site differently; the public, explicitly intergenerational
functions are located on Michigan Avenue and more private housing
are woven back within the block of 104th. Unlike the Easter Seals
Center, the design privileges private lateral movement across housing
residences and vertical integration of public functions within a spe-
cific boundary condition. Further, the program succeeds at provid-
ing varying spaces of both autonomy and interaction. The shared
circulation along a circuitous route provides spaces adjacent to and
emergent from the assemblage of such programs.
Conceptual Framework
Pattern as Catylst
There is clearly a relationship between pattern and architecture. In
the early 20th century, architects used pattern as an abstract media
to explore and create novel architectural forms at the beginning of the
modern movement. During that time, architecture was very interested
with the generative power of non-representational patterns in two-
dimensional media. These patterns were often adornments to textiles
or household ornamentation. This thesis explores a less fomal appli-
cation of pattern, interrogating both temporal and behavioral patterns
of children and the eldery to create a new network of interactions and
circle / art time
snack time
center play
wake up
pm snack
circle / art time
center play
discussion groups
musical entertainment
arts / crafts
pre-acclimization of child and adult
transitional threshold between public domain and center
inital and [temporary] condition of reluctance
physical design should seek to encourage
acclimization of child
providing a convenient and definite place to watch child
enter, a “natural threshold”
separate play group areas should be defined w/no
more than 15 - 30 children
one large group play environment
60 - 100 children
typical care center day
majority of centers close
necessity for programming other activities or uses
spatial contingency: extensions of self
cane, walker and wheelchair
Fig. 5 Temporal Patterns
This chart explores the differing conditions between
daycare and adult daycare over the course of a day.
Temporal Patterns
Day care centers and adult day care centers are constructed, provi-
sional environments that engage users for a finite amount of time. A
typical center accepts children between the ages of 06 weeks to 05
years. Depending on cognitive and physical functioning, an adult day
care center accepts occupants from 55 onward. This transitory con-
dition will be amplified by the presence of a static, non-locally depen-
dent program that accepts all private and public participants.
A typical daycare center holds hours anywhere from 5:00am –
8:00pm, depending on the type of the center and the location (Fig.
5). Geographic proximity is the primary factor in the regular hours, as
the commute for the parents becomes a critical component to deter-
mine when to pick up and drop off a child. The curriculum model is
the basis for a temporal pattern. Within the Creative Curriculum, “a
developmentally appropriate curriculum where play is at the heart of
learning,” activities are blocked off by the hour, but there is room for
these boundaries to become mutable. While there are periodically
field trips off-site or changes in the schedule, the inclusive model
does allow for different temporal patterns – the curriculum is not lock-
step. There are monthly themes and weekly lesion plans that engen-
der flexibility while keeping a ritualistic pace of activities. Of course,
changes do occur across age groups.
The H Street Corridor, about two miles bridging both the NE and the
NW quadrant of Washington DC will be the focus for investigation of
site. This corridor is one of the three that still feels the collateral ef-
fects of race riots forty years ago in 1968. Unlike 14th street and 7th
street NW, the influence of gentrification is relatively slow because of
the proximity to more-established neighborhoods along the former ar-
eas. In the areas of the H Street Corridor east of 2nd street, the fabric
is a conglomeration of residential, commercial, arts and entertain-
ment. Development plans between 2nd and 7th street have called for
an “urban living” condition, and the Senate Square condominiums are
evidence of this objective. The asking price - $475,000 + – suggests
that the developers are targeting young professionals, but there are
also houses adjacent to H Street with young families eager to capital-
ize on an emergent market.
Criteria to select the lot along the H street corridor involves a number
of factors. In an attempt to give this institution a more civic presence,
street frontage along H Street is paramount. A corner is preferred
over a slot site (unless additional access is obtained through the
block) to mediate between the different levels of security needed for
access to public and private programs.
7th street
12th street
H street
multi-unit residential potential
projected development for 2012 is addition
of 650 units at high end; 50 - 100 at low
sub-market analysis predicts a demand for
rental apartments until the area stablizes and
emerges as a more desireable residential
approximate average daily trip of 24,000
street rail under construction to connect
union station and benning road metro
all 3 sites are within a 10min walk from union
population (global)
expected to grow steadily in washington
through 2012 at rate of approximately
63,000 persons
District of Columbia, Office of Planning
H Street Market Analysis
central retail
h street corridor revitalization plan
axon of central retail
urban living
h street corridor revitalization plan
axon of urban living
2nd street
7th street
H street
multi-unit residential potential
projected development for 2012 is addition
of 650 units at high end; 50 - 100 at low
sub-market analysis predicts a demand for
rental apartments until the area stablizes and
emerges as a more desireable residential
approximate average daily trip of 24,000
street rail under construction to connect
union station and benning road metro
all 3 sites are within a 10min walk from union
population (global)
expected to grow steadily in washington
through 2012 at rate of approximately
63,000 persons
District of Columbia, Office of Planning
H Street Market Analysis
1 2
Fig. 9 Central Retail Axon
Fig. 10 Urban Living Axon
scholastic ammenities for supporting programmatic needs
2 3
1. Galludet University
2. Gonzaga High School
3. Capital Children’s Museum
4. Ludlow-Taylor Elementary
5. J.O. Wilson Elementary
6. Wheatley Education Campus
7. Miner Elementary
8. Stuart-Hobson Middle
physical parameters
Fig. 11 Scholastic Ammenities Near Site
Fig. 12 Slope
physical parameters
physical parameters
pedestrian access from metro to 1
path A - 2,300’
path B - 1,400’
physical parameters
pedestrian access from metro to 2
path A - 1,900’
physical parameters
pedestrian access from metro to 3
path A - 3,000’
2 2 3
Fig. 13 Major Axes on Site
Fig. 14 Proximity to Metro Station
Proximity to the Union Station metro station and subsequent street-
car stations is fundamental to the success of this proposal, since a
limited amount of parking will be available for participants. Along a
conceptual framework, this thesis is predicated on mobilization; pas-
sive driving to the center will be discouraged and not an emergent
condition of programming as most occupants will be those within the
corridor and ancillary residential neighborhoods. The infrastructure
this center is dependent on a population with children and adults to
sustain the facility, and having accessibility to the metro allows for the
building to be used in addition to workday hours.
The primary axis along H Street runs East-West through the city, thus
street frontage will either preference North or South. In an attempt to
integrate more passive strategies in the design proposal, this design
proposal will privilege sites that are south facing.
Three sites were investigated as places for this center to reside. Site
1 is located at the intersection of 2nd and H Street, 2 is located at 3rd
and H Street, and 3 is located at 6th and H Street. Sites 2 and 3 are
south facing, but the viability of site 1 resided in the existing dynamic
Fig. 15 Site Parameters
An interesting surficial condition is emergent at the intersection of
2nd street and the corridor. The clear edge of former, initiated by the
McMillan plan, is increasingly delaminated as it moves toward Florida
Avenue and the railroad tracks pass over the rational grid. There is a
vertical displacement at 2nd and H where the “original” ground-plane
is confronted by both the railways and constructed bridges that main-
tain the historic corridor edge while sloping upward to accommodate
the size of the cars. Thus, there is already a three-dimensional inte-
gration of plural ground planes at the site, which parallels the inten-
tion of the program.
Sound control will be mediated at the site by placing program ac-
cordingly along either noisy- or soft- scapes. At 2nd and H street,
noise control is required at the lower west edge, closest to Union
Station. The existing fabric is a hybrid of office/commercial and
residential edges. The residential edge is composed of small-scale (<
03 stories) walk-ups. The new office building on the other side of the
street is 07 stories and borders the train tracks. It is a dark, austere
structure with no presence or accommodations for the surrounding
After investigated each of the three proposals through diagramming
and modeling, it was determined that the best location for the center
was at the intersection of 3rd and H Street, for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, at a metaphorical level, the site is an abandoned lot and the
hinge point between two urban fabrics: the residential scale and the
urban, more vertical density west of the train tracks and adjacent to
the site. It is a transitional point between two separate scales. As
such, this location for the center metaphorically weaves together
these two densities and proposes a more vertical density at this edge.
Adjacent to the site along 3rd
street stands one of the most recent
additions to the H Street Corridor: Senate Square. It is a residential
facility with lofts and apartments that challenges the scale of the resi-
dential neighborhood it surrounds, mirroring the more vertical den-
sity of the urban condition a few blocks west. The street condition
changes dramatically at this pivotal juncture after the bridge.
Fig. 16 Physical Site Model and Base
Fig. 17 Manual Explorations
Fig. 18 Site Area and Zoning Ordinances
Proposed is an architectural framework that establishes a network
between daycare, adult daycare, and the public realm. A series of
pools serves as the connective tissue to mediate between daycare
and the community. Metaphorically, pools are a neutral environment
capable of supporting all bodies, regardless of age or ability. In this
thesis they function conceptually to link and engender an alternative
perception: in a zero gravity environment, physical [in]ability demate-
rializes. Adults can also benefit largely from exercise in the water, a
place without the additional pressure on muscles or joints.
The accompaniment of a pool also parallels a fundamental idea in the
thesis, that children are currently immobilized at play and the neces-
sity to activate and promote a culture of health and wellness is now
more pressing than ever. These pools will be used regularly by the
public and those within daycare.
The addition of a public pool component will re-activate the partici-
pants in the greater urban context and activities will be programmed
to strengthen the perception of the users within a greater community.
It is critical for this center to mediate between the participants and
the residents along the H street corridor. Current intergenerational
programs need to promote action outside of a centralized locust to
engage the community outside the immediate needs of the facility.
Only then can this structure sustain itself past workday hours. This
hybridized program will test the viability of the architecture to function
simultaneously as both temporary and permanent.
The center has two pools of different dimensions to be used by the
public or daycare participants. These are stacked vetically along 3rd
street, allowing the architecture and the people to act as signage for
hte physical facility. This mobilization volume constitues perhaps one
of the most important spaces in the center. It is visually hierarchical
and conceptually open along the edge of 3rd street, allowing passer-
bys to spatially and visually interact with those inside the deep water
pool. It is on the ground floor, and wide enough to hold small swim
meets of regulation length, teach swimming lessons to the commu-
nity, and wade at the edge. There is an additional pool above the
bottomost one, solely for the use of those in daycare. It is much shal-
lower and not intended for diving or other activities that would require
an appropriate depth. Instead, this pool is meant for independent
classes and rehabilitation for those in daycare. The presense of the
pool is articulated within the volume of space of the deep pool, allow-
ing the underside to reveal itself to those swimming.
Another critical part of the program is the library, a space intended
to bring the public into the center. This is located in the lowermost
floors of the building, allowing a clear spatial procession from the
street to the library while simutaneously activating the vertical vol-
umes that carry daycare participants from the fourth and fifth floors.
Fig. 19 Spatial Iterations and Translation
south elevation
Fig. 20 Media Explorations in Elevation
320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf
2000sf 300sf 1000sf
2000sf 300sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf
140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf
1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf
190sf 190sf 160sf
900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf
1000sf 400sf 550sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf
200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf
215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf
160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf
1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf
1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf
140sf 200sf
tbd; 12% gross sf
tbd; 8%gross
1 space / 300 sf gross area
program aggregate
1/32” = 1’ 0”
320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf
2000sf 300sf 1000sf
2000sf 300sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf
140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf
1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf
190sf 190sf 160sf
900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf
1000sf 400sf 550sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf
200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf
215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf
160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf
1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf
1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf
140sf 200sf
tbd; 8%gross
1 space / 300 sf gross area
program aggregate
320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf
2000sf 300sf 1000sf
2000sf 300sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf
140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf
1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf
190sf 190sf 160sf
900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf
1000sf 400sf 550sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf
200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf
215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf
160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf
1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf
1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf
140sf 200sf
program aggregate
tbd; 8%gross
1 space / 300 sf gross area
320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf
2000sf 300sf 1000sf
2000sf 300sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf
140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf
1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf
190sf 190sf 160sf
900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf
1000sf 400sf 550sf
350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf
200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf
215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf
160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf
1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf
1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf
140sf 200sf
program aggregate
tbd; 8%gross
1 space / 300 sf gross area
31,427 sf accessible gross
60% gross without office bulk
38,850 sf accessible gross
75% gross without office bulk
30,835 sf accessible gross
63% gross without office bulk
tbd; 12% gross sf
tbd; 12% gross sf
tbd; 12% gross sf
1500sf 1500sf 1500sf
1000sf 1000sf 1000sf
2000sf 2000sf 2000sf
Fig. 21 Program Breakdown and Relative Size
Fig. 21 Public and Private Breakdown of
Fig. 22 Finalized Program Image
Ergonomics and Perception
According to the International Ergonomics Association, Ergonomics is
the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interac-
tions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profes-
sion that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in
order to optimize human well being and overall system performance.
Established guidelines, based on human perception and physical
mobility, are used as a vehicle to guide spatial implications in the
Contrast is especially relevant in designing spaces for both children
and adults. To perceive an object clearly, a sixty-year-old eye typi-
cally needs 20 times the amount of light that a young adult needs.
For that reason, spaces cannot be flooded with light, but rather have
salient areas of contrast to aid perception.
Spaces on the inside will also be evaluated based on relative proxim-
ity between eye and object, wall, threshold, etc., for both generations.
Mass-production and standardization of design have neglected this
aspect and connectivity between the participant and surrounding
architecture has suffered. For example, the “reception desk in most
modern buildings is a forbidding monolith, protecting the reception-
ist” for anyone in a wheelchair or a child under counter-top height.
The architecture language of the center will be one that is responsive
Fig. 23 Crib Dimensions
to these design considerations.
Additionally, the perception of space and how it affects children in
daycare is different from a measurable dimension. Researchers tabu-
late space according to the volume of a room, but also the space per
child. When the space is < 25 square feet per child, children become
more physical and aggressive agents in the space and spend less
time interacting socially (Rohe, 86).
Fig. 24 Interior Perspective of Wet Volume
Fig. 25 Interior Perspective of Infant Room
Fig. 26 Versions of Space Above Lobby
Urban Development
The ecology of the daycare center within the urban fabric is essential
to establish both the social agenda of the facility and the overall qual-
ity of the place. Centers can be qualified as franchised or indepen-
dent, cooperative or commercial, and profit or nonprofit. In western
societies, daycare emerged and proliferated as nonprofit institutions
however currently, this trend has decreased as the number of for-
profit facilities replace and phase out the former. At present the pres-
ence of daycare chains, i.e. Kinder-Care Learning Centers, accounts
for over 40% of the centers nationwide and take in over $200 million
annually. The potential that these chains lower student to faculty
ratios and accept less students to keep group sizes to a minimum is
unlikely, as most prioritize profit. Many treat children as “units” and
operate daycare as a business model: if successful, then replicate
and franchise.
On average, if a center is run by a nonprofit, the quality of the care is
better, the staff has a higher degree of training, and more participation
from volunteers is present (Clarke-Stewart, 53). Nonprofit centers
can be grouped into the following: community and church centers,
company centers, cooperative centers, and research centers.
This thesis posits a research center model, with a clear relationship
to one of the major universities in the district. Gallaudet University, to
the North of H Street corridor, is imagined as the affiliation. In most
research daycare centers, both the physical spaces and educational
models are intensely researched and often bring about the most
stimulating environments for children.
60 children +
This is the national average; some facilities have fewer than 15 and
others have more than 300. As this proposal is implemented in an
urban setting, the number leans on the larger side to accommodate
more children and allow more square footage.
This program is split into no more than six groups per cluster. There
will be multiple “clusters” on the site, allowing for a higher degree of
either variability or autonomy between and within each unit.
In child care staffing studies, group sizes varied between 2 – 37.
Group sizes will be kept to no more than 12.
Time within each cluster is spent accordingly, based on a conglom-
eration of curricular models:
	 - 25% free-choice activities
	 - 16% adult-directed activites
	 - 26% physical exercise
	 - 15% instruction
(approx. 6,000SF)
vestibule node for immediate rest
space for single adult sideways
shared seating for adult/child
reception desk
32” high to accomodate wheel-chair bound
Fig. 27 Seam along 3rd Street
Fig. 28 Threshold to Daycare Lobby
Fig. 29 Explorations of Back Entrance
Fig. 30 Ultimate Constructs for Daycare Drop-
Fig. 31 Spaces Within Wet Volume
Fig. 32 Emergent Pool Topology
Fig. 33 Interior Stair Perspective Sequence
Fig. 34 Quarter-Scale Model Process
Fig. 35. Intergenerational Stair Landings
2 restroom
3 library
5 mechanical
6 lobby
7 reception
8 towel pick-up/shop
9 pool area
10 pool lockers
11 pool manager office
12 deep water pool
13 waiting room
1/8” = 1’0”
1/8” = 1’0”
2 restroom
4 lounge
17 pool mezzanine
19 daycare
a. 12 - 18 months
b. 18 - 24 months
c. 2 - 3 years
d. infants
e. staff
f. multi-purpose space
20 raceway
19 e
19 f
19 a
19 b
19 c
19 d
1/8” = 1’0”
4 lounge
17 pool mezzanine
18 snack bar
1/8” = 1’0”
5 mechanical
20 raceway
21 office space
22 tub
23 porch
Fig. 36 Plans of the Facility
section a - a
north - south
13 12
6 7
1 1
1 1 5
Fig. 37 Longitudinal Section N/S
Fig. 38 Program Aggregate
Fig. 59 Perspective of Wet Volume Interior
Fig. 40 Exterior Spaces
This thesis interrogates the conceptualization of day care in a con-
temporary society. At what point can architecture serve as a catalyst
to dissolve stereotypes and make public an institution regarded as
wholly autonomous within the urban fabric? The research has dem-
onstrated that this daycare aggregate (traditional daycare and adult
daycare) can exist both autonomously and as a larger part of the
fabric for this new institution.
Perhaps the most valuable part of thesis initiated with the study of
a vertical volume designed to accommodate both the primary users
and the public. The stair and the conception for the design was a
pivotal moment in the thesis, challenging the necessity of program-
ming at the level of the building scale and the artifact from the the-
sis at all. The architecture and tectonics of the stair actualize most
questions raised about intergenerational relationships and within the
scope of this thesis. The process was greatly affected by simultane-
ously palpable and digitally driven media; the investigation allowed
for a robust, non-linear study of the stair and the seam.
The stair seeks to blur the boundary between architecture, metaphor
and sign. Proposing an un-conditioned vertical volume that serves
most of the program within the institution can leverage a variety of
scales. This allowed the research to move laterally along a number
of trajectories at any given time period. The close study of the users
for this stair drove most of the design decisions. Anthropomorphic
dimensions of the bodies for each user were investigated to design
railings and treads that would best accommodate a young and elderly
population without sacrificing public needs. It became an intergen-
erational stair, one that challenges and accommodates. Leverages
and specializes.
The research brought to fruition a number of sectional conditions pro-
posed in the earliest stages of the thesis. All of the intermediate land-
ings were studied as areas along a seam between the vertical volume
and the pool that could adapt to optimize any number of sectional
configurations that had figural ramifications within the pool volume.
Thus, the seam between the stair and the wet volume ultimately col-
lapses when the users mediate between foreground, middle ground,
and background as they ascend, descend, or rest.
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  • 1. ABSTRACT Title of Document: CONTEMPORARY CARE: PATTERN TRANSLATIONS FOR AN INTERGENERATIONAL EXCHANGE Christine Marie Arnold, Master of Architecture, 2010 Directed By: Assistant Professor Michael A. Ambrose, Chair The success of intergenerational programming is often contingent upon a person or group to facilitate interaction among participants in an institutionalized setting; these places currently limit creative exuberance and promote surveillance as a vehicle for spatial organization. An architecture is assigned a pluralistic role that interrogates the value and scope of the human mediator, provokes activities between generations, and conversely recedes, allowing the inhabitants to act as agents in a space. Passive activities are omitted from an intergenerational program in favor of active experiences at both the formal and circumstantial level at multiple scales within the building. The design strategy breaks down preconceived stereotypes and establishes the architecture of intergenerational programming as a model for diversification and involvement through interaction and autonomy. The transitory nature of intergenerational programs is confronted with a formal partnership between a day care center for infants and toddlers, social adult day care, and a series of public pools.
  • 2. CONTEMPORARY CARE: PATTERN TRANSLATIONS FOR AN INTERGENERATIONAL EXCHANGE By Christine Marie Arnold Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture 2010 Advisory Committee: Assitant Professor Michael A. Ambrose, Chair Professor Robert L. Vann, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Ralph D. Bennett, A.I.A.
  • 3. © Copyright by Christine Marie Arnold 2010
  • 4. ii Acknowledgements Many thanks to the Professors who have inspired, the peers who have guided, and my family who have supported.
  • 5. iii Table of Contents Acknowledgements ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures iv Introduction 1 Background Intergenerational Programming in Context 5 Role, Place, and Participant 7 Typological Paradigms 10 Precedents Easter Seals Intergenerational Center 12 Intergenerational Learning Center 18 Conceptual Framework Pattern as Catalyst 20 Temporal Patterns 21 Site 22 Programming 34 Ergonomics and Perception 40 Urban Development 44 Facility Program 46 Conclusions 58 Bibliography 60
  • 6. iv List of Figures 4 Fig. 1 Intergenerational Stair Diagram 6 Fig. 2 Cross-Spatial Relationships 12 Fig. 3 Easter Seals Drop-off 12 Fig. 4 Easter Seals Outdoor Space 17 Fig. 5 Diagrams 20 Fig. 6 Temporal Patterns 23 Fig. 7 Site Within Global Context 24 Fig. 8 H Street Corridor Revitalization Plan 25 Fig. 9 Central Retail Axon 25 Fig. 10 Urban Living Axon 26 Fig. 11 Scholastic Amenities Near Site 26 Fig. 12 Slope 27 Fig. 13 Major Axes on Site 27 Fig. 14 Proximity to Metro Station 29 Fig. 15 Site Parameters 32 Fig. 16 Physical Site Model and Base 32 Fig. 17 Manual Explorations 33 Fig. 18 Site Area and Zoning Ordinances 36 Fig. 19 Spatial Iterations and Translation 37 Fig. 20 Media Explorations in Elevation 38 Fig. 21 Program Breakdown and Relative Size 39 Fig. 22 Finalized Program Image 40 Fig. 23 Crib Dimensions 41 Fig. 24 Interior Perspective of Wet Volume 41 Fig. 25 Interior Perspective of Infant Room 43 Fig. 26 Versions of Space Above Lobby 47 Fig. 27 Seam Along 3rd Street 47 Fig. 28 Threshold to Daycare Lobby 48 Fig. 29 Explorations of Back Entrance 49 Fig. 30 Ultimate Constructs for Daycare Drop-Off 50 Fig. 31 Spaces within Wet Volume 50 Fig. 32 Emergent Pool Topology 51 Fig. 33 Interior Stair Perspective Sequence 52 Fig. 34 Quarter-Scale Model Process 53 Fig. 35 Intergenerational Stair Landings 54 Fig. 36 Plans of the Facility 55 Fig. 37 Longitudinal Section N/S 55 Fig. 38 Program Aggregate 56 Fig. 39 Perspective of Wet Volume Interior 57 Fig. 50 Exterior Spaces
  • 7. 1 Introduction According to the US Department of Education, there are currently more than eighty thousand center-based early education and care centers nationwide. These spaces where children spend several full days over the week are institutionalized settings, relying on construct- ed environments where constant surveillance is paramount. Estab- lished patterns for designing these centers lead to repetitive formal and spatial arrangements that neglect the experience of the user and impede cognitive development in children. Daycare centers currently are undergoing increased federal and state mandated regulations, in an attempt to rectify the difference between merely “custodial” and “developmental” care centers. The latter condition offers no programs of simulations and perhaps engenders the increased dissatisfaction with facilities today. A survey of 8,000 employees in Portland, Oregon confirms the axiomatic situation: half the women surveyed with chil- dren under twelve reported stress related to daycare in the previous month (Clarke-Stewart, 4). Moreover, many centers are in disrepair. According to a study by the National Council of Jewish Women, 30% of daycare centers visited were deemed “poor,” in small, poorly venti- lated environments with no regard for the health or safety of the child. The lack of critical design development also correlates with a high staff turnover rate in a low-wage industry.
  • 8. 2 Adult day care centers, also known as adult day services, are an emergent phenomenon that provides daily programs and activities for the elderly in community-based settings. The National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA) predicts that as baby boomers age past 65, an additional five thousand centers are necessary to meet demand. Social implications in this thesis are couched in defining the par- ticipants who attend adult day services, but there are currently no singular patterns for how to quantify those who attend a center. The venerable population usually resides somewhere in the second half of life, which can be statistically calculated down to the month via co- hort life tables used by insurance companies and pensions funds to predict life history. More than a numerical age though, feeling “old” is relative. However, a pattern has developed in western tradition that a person is described as “old” when referring to someone ten years older than the speaker. Harry Schenk has a more esoteric method to qualifying the elderly. He says that “old age begins when employ- ment end,” and thus begins a tripartite division of old age. The young old age are somewhere between 55 – 70 years, and generally are still active, mobile, and capable, placing a high value on social and cultural engagement. Those considered to be middle old age are 70 – 85 years and while are less physically active, they still value outward direct engagement with the community. Old old age tend to have
  • 9. 3 more reservations about remaining a outstanding citizen, as their pri- orities shift to dealing with everyday life and self-preservation. Patterning is tested as a formal and aesthetic medium to weave between two programs. Spatial, temporal, and behavioral patterns are investigated to propose a hybrid program where activities are not subservient to but supported by a simultaneously flexible and struc- tured center. Emergent spaces in the juxtaposition of an intergenera- tional care center adapt to users, increasing cognitive development in the young and enriching the quality of life for the aging. An architec- ture proposes a de-institutionalization of spaces for learning and play.
  • 11. 5 Background Intergenerational Programming in Context According to a study by two economists, happiness does not de- crease after passing the threshold to the second half of life. Both statisticians conducted a representative survey of approximately half a million people from different nations in Europe, eliminating extrane- ous variables to find a causal relationship between age and happi- ness. Interestingly, unhappiness peaked at middle age for men and women and tended to increase in the form of a bell curve toward either side. It appears the correlation develops later in life because of the presence of grandchildren in a person’s life. Schnk categorizes the second half of life as a separate phase, one that is increasingly getting longer in contemporary society as the lifespan increases. It now lasts longer than youth. More program- ming in the built environment is necessary to support this overwhelm- ing need and how this population will live is becoming a concern for both architects and economists as nearly a third of our lifetime will be spent between middle and old age.
  • 12. 6 Though most prefer to live in his or her existing residence, innova- tive forms of housing are offering the elderly more possibilities. Many communal and intergenerational housing proposals have already been realized abroad. Interaction between multiple generations is a regular occurrence and has the potential to occur in any space, of any dimension or pro- gram. Sociologists and psychologists have thoroughly documented the relevance intergenerational activities, however, designers of the built environment have yet to capitalize on the spatial and transfor- mative effects of programming outside the realm of intergenerational housing. As a population moves forward and transitions beyond the second half of life, there is a growing tendency to find the relation- ship between age and happiness. This thesis will investigate why it is beneficial for an intergenerational care center specifically, one where people who have passed the zenith of their lives have daily interac- tions with the young. 01 02 03 04 adult / infant / child adult / infant / child / adult adult / child / adult adult / child / adult con[temporary] care: pattern transactions for intergenerational exchange Fig. 2 Cross-Spatial Diagrams Sectional relationships tested early in the process to investigate proportions, view, and user.
  • 13. 7 Background Transformation of Role, Place & Participant A primary objective of this thesis is to collapse misconceptions about disparate age groups, spaces for intergenerational programming, and beneficiaries of this typology in a coherent architectural language. As the population moves to the outlet limit of an increasingly long life, the elderly are becoming omnipresent in the media. Unfortunately, the palette has produced a number of crude distortions that are contrary to empirical studies about an aging society. One miscon- ception concerns helplessness: there is an overwhelming association between old age and incapacitation that is not valid. In Germany, only 9 percent of those over 95 live in separate homes for the elderly. Another misconception concerns general well being of those over middle age, most of which are portrayed as growing increasingly dissatisfied about life as they age. Recent studies have shown that people of an advanced age are not generally less happy. Rather, anxiety about death tends to decrease over time. Media depiction of the “young old age” is prevalent today. In com- mercials and advertisements, this population appears as egoistic hedonists. But the elderly are no more egoistically inclined than previous generations.
  • 14. 8 Since most are still mobile and active, they travel a good deal, exhibit a vested interest in culture, and are more visible in public than the elderly of earlier times. They do more volunteer work and have made early retirement a positive experience. Barrier-free design and the seven principles of universal design are guidelines established to ensure that designers are sensitive to the needs of those who have handicaps. According to Nader Teragni, principle of Office dA Architects, designers today too often treat these guidelines as a “technocratic punch list.” The wide variety of barrier-free centers for either cultural or residential use has increased over the last twenty years, which alludes to the rising demographic of those over mid-life and the sensitivity of designers. Historically, the elderly lived a regular pattern, driven by biological needs and self- preservation. Currently the focus has shifted tremendously and the patterns are asynchronous. Social, cultural, and educational factors have led to an emergent plurality of lifestyles; the individual paths of aging only briefly approach each other with biological factors become determinant at a very old age. The National Council on aging defines intergenerational programs as “activities or programs that increase cooperation, interaction, or ex- change between any two generations. They involve sharing of skills, knowledge, and experience between young and old.”
  • 15. 9 A number of these programs are public initiatives, marketed to a target age range to benefit both the child and grandchild of a par- ent. These programs are viable and supported by studies about the psychological and social influence of intergenerational programming; however, most are not supported by a physical infrastructure. Rather, most programs appear to be parasitic insertions upon an institution- alized existing fabric. State- and nation-wide mandates have led to regulations in care settings that do offer no promise of a pluralistic model where both adult and child care centers can coexist to opti- mize formal and informal interaction. The College of Education and Agricultural Studies at Penn State have developed a curriculum for intergenerational programming within the context of the Penn State Intergenerational Program (PSIP). This primary source alludes to but does not include specific ideas about a physical infrastructure to support this concept. Implementation of these programs is condensed into the following three areas: training participation for participants, implementation of activities, and clo- sure/recognition. This care center will propose spatial ramifications by providing for and testing the limits of each area through patterning to provoke areas of overlap and autonomy.
  • 16. 10 Background Typological Paradigm According to the National Adult Day Care Services Association (NA- DSA), there are three models that fall into adult day services: adult day care, adult day health care, and day services specific to disabili- ties. Adults are good candidates if they can benefit from the daily as- sistance and social interaction a facility provides. NADSA also states that participants may be physically or cognitively impaired, but do not require 24-hour assistance. It is essential that adults are mobile, but may use an extension of self (cane, walker, wheelchair, etc.). Users also must be continent. Adult Day Health Services differ in services offered. These centers require assessment by a physician prior to entry in the program and offer physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions in addition to those included in a social adult day center. Typically, both nurses and health professionals staff these facilities. A final type of adult day services offers care specifically for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. This thesis acknowledges the range of adult day services, but will investigate the potential of programming within the social adult day services para- digm. There are several areas accommodated for those in a social adult day services center.
  • 17. 11 Activities occur to increase physical dexterity at both a macro and micro scale as well as promote cognitive functioning. Arts and crafts, musical entertainment, games for mental stimulation, kinesthetic exercises, discussion groups, and local outings are typical situations. Many adult day centers have become institutionalized settings be- cause the activities included within a center have not been designed to optimize the conditions of variability for each activity. Indeed, each activity could simultaneously occur within the same rectangular vol- ume. Adults would however benefit from degrees of autonomy and interaction. Adult day services offer a rotational program of activities that changes according to resources on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. All of the participants experience a day simultaneously through a shared perspective. There is often little or no space for plural routines to oc- cur within the same facility at different rates. A schedule and direct rate of change is preferred for seamless transitions between activities. This thesis will investigate mutable conditions and variable patterns for adults to simultaneously occupy the same space while engaging in different activities.
  • 18. 12 Case Studies Easter Seals Intergenerational Center Silver Spring, MD The Easter Seals Intergenerational Center in Silver Spring, MD offers participants access to both day care and adult day health care ser- vices. It is a three-story building with approximately 15,600 SF/floor that accommodates both shared interior and exterior spaces between such programs in a single envelope, with offices for the Easter Seals Organization above. The scope of the center reaches the Greater Washington-Baltimore region, drawing both local employees and regional participants and volunteers. Fig. 3 Easter Seals Dropoff The drop off area is highlighted wihthin the photo to show the transition between street and building. Fig. 4 Easter Seals Outdoor Space Outdoor space is highlighted in the photograph. This was the only shared outdoor area for both programs.
  • 19. 13 The center is open daily from 07:00AM – 06:00PM. Most participants are driven to the center and encounter the same entry sequence though a shared portico that mediates the shift in grade, allows for extended vehicular drop-off, and offers a threshold between street and site. Access from the parking garage under grade is through a central core of two elevators. Shared interior and exterior volumes exist to promote intergenera- tional activities or encounters. A central shared atrium space collects all visitors or participants upon arrival and serves as a filter, though simultaneously dividing the separate programs. This double-height volume has varying levels of security; adult day services and child care services adjacent to the lobby require key-access for entry, a re- ceptionist desk frontally presents itself in the space, and an additional waiting area off axis offers interested families a place to rest. There are no clear views to either program while inside this shared place, but the eye is drawn up to a glass galley for the office space. The two exterior shared spaces are adjacent to each of the two programs. The “Intergenerational Playground” is located adjacent to child-care services on the northeast side of the building. Six means of egress allow entry; five of them are through rooms in child-care services. There is no access for those who enter the building off the lobby. The space is approximately 10’ wide x 110’ long and has a rubberized topcoat. Its’ narrowness offers space for a wheelchair to
  • 20. 14 pass through on the left and larger toys on the right. An additional outdoor terrace has three means of egress through adult day ser- vices. It is 6’ wide x 130’ long and abuts three offices and an activity room. It is the first intergenerational center in the region and markets itself on “connecting the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the future.” To that end, it succeeds in the sense of bringing thousands of workers and participants daily to the center to activate the shared site. The architecture of the center, however, does not support in- formal intergenerational activity to occur past the arrival sequence in the lobby, since the programs are physically delineated and operate as separate spaces. Children take the same daily route to cross the threshold between programs. Within this transitional route, there are no opportunities to enhance the experience of the child besides the change in scale between programs and the views out toward the front portico. Moreover, the formal activities are biased: participants in the child care services always move to the great hall in the adult day services side for daily intergenerational activity. There are no spaces that could allow for this flow of activity to reverse so that the adults are leading the movement to gather. Thus, while the mission of the Eas- ter Seals intergenerational center explicitly designed a model where the cross-pollination of programs occur, the architecture is implicitly
  • 21. 15 promoting clear roles of mobility in the children and immobility in the adults. pass through on the left and larger toys on the right. An additional outdoor terrace has three means of egress through adult day ser- vices. It is 6’ wide x 130’ long and abuts three offices and an activity room. It is the first intergenerational center in the region and markets itself on “connecting the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the future.” To that end, it succeeds in the sense of bringing thousands of workers and participants daily to the center to activate the shared site. The architecture of the center, however, does not support in- formal intergenerational activity to occur past the arrival sequence in the lobby, since the programs are physically delineated and operate as separate spaces. Children take the same daily route to cross the threshold between programs. Within this transitional route, there are no opportunities to enhance the experience of the child besides the change in scale between programs and the views out toward the front portico. Moreover, the formal activities are biased: participants in the child care services always move to the great hall in the adult day services side for daily intergenerational activity. There are no spaces that could allow for this flow of activity to reverse so that the adults are leading the movement to gather. Thus, while the mission of the Eas-
  • 22. 16 ter Seals intergenerational center explicitly designed a model where the cross-pollination of programs occur, the architecture is implicitly promoting clear roles of mobility in the children and immobility in the adults.
  • 23. 17 EASTER SEALS INTERGENERATIONAL CENTER SPRING ST 2 N D A V E 1 S T A V E PLANNED PARENTHOOD EASTER SEALS US POST OFFICE BUS STATION 1/32” = 1’0” ENTRY access under portico allows for: - shift in grade - vehicular drop-off - protection from elements for extended drop-off/pick-up multiple thresholds from street edge shared access for both programs SHARED INTERIOR SPACE double-height lobby welcomes all guests varying degrees of surveillance and security - key access to both child- and adult- care - receptionist - waiting area and small information desk direct access to administration offices upstairs no clear views to either program SHARED EXTERIOR SPACE Intergenerational Playground - child care has direct access - adult care has indirect access through back - controlled access at street - views into space at street, along entry promenade front terrace space - raised off grade - direct access for adult care program - shaded pathways to shared program interior gathering space daily route for children adult care program child care program child care administrative spaces adult care administrative spaces shared administrative spaces shared ancillary child care spaces vertical circulation wet walls adult care programmed space Fig. 5 Diagrams Many of the discouraging conditions of this cetner are highlighted in the diagrams.
  • 24. 18 Intergenerational Learning Center Chicago, IL The Intergenerational Learning Center by Office dA Architects uses barrier-free design as an opportunity to weave together two genera- tions in downtown Chicago. The proposal incorporates a senior cen- ter and a head start program, coupled with housing that encourages [in]formal activity for residents and participants alike. The conceptual framework of weaving allows for transitional spaces and moments of overlap to amplify intergenerational activity. Unlike the Easter Seals Intergenerational Center, there is no planimetric separation of pro- grams. Rather, the tectonic expression of the project embraces the ramp and spiral to provide for a sectional investigation of program- ming two generations. Weaving occurs at the formal and contextual level of tectonic expres- sion and site situation. The architects chose to treat the two bound- aries of the site differently; the public, explicitly intergenerational functions are located on Michigan Avenue and more private housing are woven back within the block of 104th. Unlike the Easter Seals Center, the design privileges private lateral movement across housing residences and vertical integration of public functions within a spe- cific boundary condition. Further, the program succeeds at provid- ing varying spaces of both autonomy and interaction. The shared circulation along a circuitous route provides spaces adjacent to and
  • 25. 19 emergent from the assemblage of such programs.
  • 26. 20 Conceptual Framework Pattern as Catylst There is clearly a relationship between pattern and architecture. In the early 20th century, architects used pattern as an abstract media to explore and create novel architectural forms at the beginning of the modern movement. During that time, architecture was very interested with the generative power of non-representational patterns in two- dimensional media. These patterns were often adornments to textiles or household ornamentation. This thesis explores a less fomal appli- cation of pattern, interrogating both temporal and behavioral patterns of children and the eldery to create a new network of interactions and spaces. 05:00AM 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 NOON 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00PM arrival breakfast circle / art time snack time center play lunch nap wake up pm snack circle / art time center play arrival discussion groups lunch games stretching musical entertainment arts / crafts pre-acclimization of child and adult transitional threshold between public domain and center inital and [temporary] condition of reluctance physical design should seek to encourage acclimization of child providing a convenient and definite place to watch child enter, a “natural threshold” separate play group areas should be defined w/no more than 15 - 30 children one large group play environment 60 - 100 children typical care center day majority of centers close necessity for programming other activities or uses spatial contingency: extensions of self cane, walker and wheelchair Fig. 5 Temporal Patterns This chart explores the differing conditions between daycare and adult daycare over the course of a day.
  • 27. 21 Temporal Patterns Day care centers and adult day care centers are constructed, provi- sional environments that engage users for a finite amount of time. A typical center accepts children between the ages of 06 weeks to 05 years. Depending on cognitive and physical functioning, an adult day care center accepts occupants from 55 onward. This transitory con- dition will be amplified by the presence of a static, non-locally depen- dent program that accepts all private and public participants. A typical daycare center holds hours anywhere from 5:00am – 8:00pm, depending on the type of the center and the location (Fig. 5). Geographic proximity is the primary factor in the regular hours, as the commute for the parents becomes a critical component to deter- mine when to pick up and drop off a child. The curriculum model is the basis for a temporal pattern. Within the Creative Curriculum, “a developmentally appropriate curriculum where play is at the heart of learning,” activities are blocked off by the hour, but there is room for these boundaries to become mutable. While there are periodically field trips off-site or changes in the schedule, the inclusive model does allow for different temporal patterns – the curriculum is not lock- step. There are monthly themes and weekly lesion plans that engen- der flexibility while keeping a ritualistic pace of activities. Of course, changes do occur across age groups.
  • 28. 22 Site Overview The H Street Corridor, about two miles bridging both the NE and the NW quadrant of Washington DC will be the focus for investigation of site. This corridor is one of the three that still feels the collateral ef- fects of race riots forty years ago in 1968. Unlike 14th street and 7th street NW, the influence of gentrification is relatively slow because of the proximity to more-established neighborhoods along the former ar- eas. In the areas of the H Street Corridor east of 2nd street, the fabric is a conglomeration of residential, commercial, arts and entertain- ment. Development plans between 2nd and 7th street have called for an “urban living” condition, and the Senate Square condominiums are evidence of this objective. The asking price - $475,000 + – suggests that the developers are targeting young professionals, but there are also houses adjacent to H Street with young families eager to capital- ize on an emergent market. Criteria to select the lot along the H street corridor involves a number of factors. In an attempt to give this institution a more civic presence, street frontage along H Street is paramount. A corner is preferred over a slot site (unless additional access is obtained through the block) to mediate between the different levels of security needed for access to public and private programs.
  • 31. 25 nts 7th street 12th street H street multi-unit residential potential projected development for 2012 is addition of 650 units at high end; 50 - 100 at low sub-market analysis predicts a demand for rental apartments until the area stablizes and emerges as a more desireable residential location transit approximate average daily trip of 24,000 cars street rail under construction to connect union station and benning road metro all 3 sites are within a 10min walk from union station population (global) expected to grow steadily in washington through 2012 at rate of approximately 63,000 persons District of Columbia, Office of Planning H Street Market Analysis 1 1 central retail h street corridor revitalization plan axon of central retail nts urban living h street corridor revitalization plan axon of urban living 2nd street 7th street H street multi-unit residential potential projected development for 2012 is addition of 650 units at high end; 50 - 100 at low sub-market analysis predicts a demand for rental apartments until the area stablizes and emerges as a more desireable residential location transit approximate average daily trip of 24,000 cars street rail under construction to connect union station and benning road metro all 3 sites are within a 10min walk from union station population (global) expected to grow steadily in washington through 2012 at rate of approximately 63,000 persons District of Columbia, Office of Planning H Street Market Analysis 1 1 1 2 3 Fig. 9 Central Retail Axon Fig. 10 Urban Living Axon
  • 32. 26 1:50 scholastic ammenities for supporting programmatic needs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Galludet University 2. Gonzaga High School 3. Capital Children’s Museum 4. Ludlow-Taylor Elementary 5. J.O. Wilson Elementary 6. Wheatley Education Campus 7. Miner Elementary 8. Stuart-Hobson Middle 8 1:50 physical parameters slope Fig. 11 Scholastic Ammenities Near Site Fig. 12 Slope
  • 33. 27 1:50 physical parameters axes 1 A B 1 A physical parameters pedestrian access from metro to 1 path A - 2,300’ path B - 1,400’ physical parameters pedestrian access from metro to 2 path A - 1,900’ 1:50 1 A physical parameters pedestrian access from metro to 3 path A - 3,000’ 2 2 3 Fig. 13 Major Axes on Site Fig. 14 Proximity to Metro Station
  • 34. 28 Proximity to the Union Station metro station and subsequent street- car stations is fundamental to the success of this proposal, since a limited amount of parking will be available for participants. Along a conceptual framework, this thesis is predicated on mobilization; pas- sive driving to the center will be discouraged and not an emergent condition of programming as most occupants will be those within the corridor and ancillary residential neighborhoods. The infrastructure this center is dependent on a population with children and adults to sustain the facility, and having accessibility to the metro allows for the building to be used in addition to workday hours. The primary axis along H Street runs East-West through the city, thus street frontage will either preference North or South. In an attempt to integrate more passive strategies in the design proposal, this design proposal will privilege sites that are south facing. Three sites were investigated as places for this center to reside. Site 1 is located at the intersection of 2nd and H Street, 2 is located at 3rd and H Street, and 3 is located at 6th and H Street. Sites 2 and 3 are south facing, but the viability of site 1 resided in the existing dynamic condition.
  • 35. 29 Fig. 15 Site Parameters
  • 36. 30 An interesting surficial condition is emergent at the intersection of 2nd street and the corridor. The clear edge of former, initiated by the McMillan plan, is increasingly delaminated as it moves toward Florida Avenue and the railroad tracks pass over the rational grid. There is a vertical displacement at 2nd and H where the “original” ground-plane is confronted by both the railways and constructed bridges that main- tain the historic corridor edge while sloping upward to accommodate the size of the cars. Thus, there is already a three-dimensional inte- gration of plural ground planes at the site, which parallels the inten- tion of the program. Sound control will be mediated at the site by placing program ac- cordingly along either noisy- or soft- scapes. At 2nd and H street, noise control is required at the lower west edge, closest to Union Station. The existing fabric is a hybrid of office/commercial and residential edges. The residential edge is composed of small-scale (< 03 stories) walk-ups. The new office building on the other side of the street is 07 stories and borders the train tracks. It is a dark, austere structure with no presence or accommodations for the surrounding community After investigated each of the three proposals through diagramming and modeling, it was determined that the best location for the center was at the intersection of 3rd and H Street, for a variety of reasons. Firstly, at a metaphorical level, the site is an abandoned lot and the
  • 37. 31 hinge point between two urban fabrics: the residential scale and the urban, more vertical density west of the train tracks and adjacent to the site. It is a transitional point between two separate scales. As such, this location for the center metaphorically weaves together these two densities and proposes a more vertical density at this edge. Adjacent to the site along 3rd street stands one of the most recent additions to the H Street Corridor: Senate Square. It is a residential facility with lofts and apartments that challenges the scale of the resi- dential neighborhood it surrounds, mirroring the more vertical den- sity of the urban condition a few blocks west. The street condition changes dramatically at this pivotal juncture after the bridge.
  • 38. 32 Fig. 16 Physical Site Model and Base Fig. 17 Manual Explorations
  • 39. 33 Fig. 18 Site Area and Zoning Ordinances
  • 40. 34 Programming Overview Proposed is an architectural framework that establishes a network between daycare, adult daycare, and the public realm. A series of pools serves as the connective tissue to mediate between daycare and the community. Metaphorically, pools are a neutral environment capable of supporting all bodies, regardless of age or ability. In this thesis they function conceptually to link and engender an alternative perception: in a zero gravity environment, physical [in]ability demate- rializes. Adults can also benefit largely from exercise in the water, a place without the additional pressure on muscles or joints. The accompaniment of a pool also parallels a fundamental idea in the thesis, that children are currently immobilized at play and the neces- sity to activate and promote a culture of health and wellness is now more pressing than ever. These pools will be used regularly by the public and those within daycare. The addition of a public pool component will re-activate the partici- pants in the greater urban context and activities will be programmed to strengthen the perception of the users within a greater community. It is critical for this center to mediate between the participants and the residents along the H street corridor. Current intergenerational programs need to promote action outside of a centralized locust to
  • 41. 35 engage the community outside the immediate needs of the facility. Only then can this structure sustain itself past workday hours. This hybridized program will test the viability of the architecture to function simultaneously as both temporary and permanent. The center has two pools of different dimensions to be used by the public or daycare participants. These are stacked vetically along 3rd street, allowing the architecture and the people to act as signage for hte physical facility. This mobilization volume constitues perhaps one of the most important spaces in the center. It is visually hierarchical and conceptually open along the edge of 3rd street, allowing passer- bys to spatially and visually interact with those inside the deep water pool. It is on the ground floor, and wide enough to hold small swim meets of regulation length, teach swimming lessons to the commu- nity, and wade at the edge. There is an additional pool above the bottomost one, solely for the use of those in daycare. It is much shal- lower and not intended for diving or other activities that would require an appropriate depth. Instead, this pool is meant for independent classes and rehabilitation for those in daycare. The presense of the pool is articulated within the volume of space of the deep pool, allow- ing the underside to reveal itself to those swimming.
  • 42. 36 Another critical part of the program is the library, a space intended to bring the public into the center. This is located in the lowermost floors of the building, allowing a clear spatial procession from the street to the library while simutaneously activating the vertical vol- umes that carry daycare participants from the fourth and fifth floors. Fig. 19 Spatial Iterations and Translation
  • 43. 37 south elevation 01 Fig. 20 Media Explorations in Elevation
  • 44. 38 320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf 2000sf 300sf 1000sf 2000sf 300sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf 140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 190sf 190sf 160sf 900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf 1000sf 400sf 550sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf 200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf 215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf 1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf 1500sf 1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf 140sf 200sf SERVED SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ENTRY ENTRY ADMINISTRATION SERVICE SERVED SERVED ENTRY ADMINISTRATION SERVICE SERVED SERVICE ADMINISTRATION SERVED ENTRY ADMINISTRATION SERVICE DAYCARE 9,930sf SOCIAL SENIOR DAYCARE 11,897sf POOL(S) 14,078sf LEARNING 16,445sf offices tbd circulation tbd; 12% gross sf mechanical tbd; 8%gross parking 1 space / 300 sf gross area program aggregate 1/32” = 1’ 0” 320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf 2000sf 300sf 1000sf 2000sf 300sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf 140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 190sf 190sf 160sf 900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf 1000sf 400sf 550sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf 200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf 215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf 1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf 1500sf 1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf 140sf 200sf DAYCARE 9,930sf SOCIAL SENIOR DAYCARE 11,897sf POOL(S) 14,078sf LEARNING 16,445sf offices tbd mechanical tbd; 8%gross parking 1 space / 300 sf gross area program aggregate 320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf 2000sf 300sf 1000sf 2000sf 300sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf 140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 190sf 190sf 160sf 900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf 1000sf 400sf 550sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf 200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf 215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf 1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf 1500sf 1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf 140sf 200sf program aggregate offices tbd mechanical tbd; 8%gross parking 1 space / 300 sf gross area LEARNING 16,445sf POOL(S) 14,078sf SOCIAL SENIOR DAYCARE 11,897sf DAYCARE 9,930sf 320sf 100sf 576sf 576sf 640sf 640sf 640sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 140sf 200sf 100sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 300sf 258sf 2000sf 300sf 1000sf 2000sf 300sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 258sf 140sf 140sf 200sf 150sf 200sf 200sf 200sf 1600 sf 1000 sf 1000 sf 500sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 375sf 190sf 190sf 160sf 900sf 2250sf 1500sf 350sf 350sf 80sf 1200sf 1000sf 400sf 550sf 350sf 200sf 200sf 258sf 400sf 150sf 150sf 200sf 140sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 100sf 50sf 50sf 215sf 215sf 150sf 150sf 1110sf 160sf 160sf 100sf 50sf 200sf 1200sf 1500sf 375sf 300sf 300sf 530sf 775sf 775sf 6600sf 1500sf 1000sf 350sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 125sf 400sf 140sf 200sf program aggregate offices tbd mechanical tbd; 8%gross parking 1 space / 300 sf gross area LEARNING 16,445sf POOL(S) 14,078sf SOCIAL SENIOR DAYCARE 11,897sf DAYCARE 9,930sf DAYCARE 31,427 sf accessible gross 60% gross without office bulk ADULT DAYCARE 38,850 sf accessible gross 75% gross without office bulk VISITORS 30,835 sf accessible gross 63% gross without office bulk circulation tbd; 12% gross sf circulation tbd; 12% gross sf circulation tbd; 12% gross sf 1500sf 1500sf 1500sf 1000sf 1000sf 1000sf 2000sf 2000sf 2000sf Fig. 21 Program Breakdown and Relative Size Fig. 21 Public and Private Breakdown of Spaces
  • 45. 39 Fig. 22 Finalized Program Image
  • 46. 40 Ergonomics and Perception According to the International Ergonomics Association, Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interac- tions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profes- sion that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well being and overall system performance. Established guidelines, based on human perception and physical mobility, are used as a vehicle to guide spatial implications in the proposal. Contrast is especially relevant in designing spaces for both children and adults. To perceive an object clearly, a sixty-year-old eye typi- cally needs 20 times the amount of light that a young adult needs. For that reason, spaces cannot be flooded with light, but rather have salient areas of contrast to aid perception. Spaces on the inside will also be evaluated based on relative proxim- ity between eye and object, wall, threshold, etc., for both generations. Mass-production and standardization of design have neglected this aspect and connectivity between the participant and surrounding architecture has suffered. For example, the “reception desk in most modern buildings is a forbidding monolith, protecting the reception- ist” for anyone in a wheelchair or a child under counter-top height. The architecture language of the center will be one that is responsive 19.9” 1’9” 5” 1’2” 6” INFANT ANTHROPOMORPHIC VOLUME AVERAGE SIZE W/ADULT REACH 10” Fig. 23 Crib Dimensions
  • 47. 41 to these design considerations. Additionally, the perception of space and how it affects children in daycare is different from a measurable dimension. Researchers tabu- late space according to the volume of a room, but also the space per child. When the space is < 25 square feet per child, children become more physical and aggressive agents in the space and spend less time interacting socially (Rohe, 86). Fig. 24 Interior Perspective of Wet Volume
  • 48. 42 Fig. 25 Interior Perspective of Infant Room
  • 49. 43 Fig. 26 Versions of Space Above Lobby
  • 50. 44 Urban Development The ecology of the daycare center within the urban fabric is essential to establish both the social agenda of the facility and the overall qual- ity of the place. Centers can be qualified as franchised or indepen- dent, cooperative or commercial, and profit or nonprofit. In western societies, daycare emerged and proliferated as nonprofit institutions however currently, this trend has decreased as the number of for- profit facilities replace and phase out the former. At present the pres- ence of daycare chains, i.e. Kinder-Care Learning Centers, accounts for over 40% of the centers nationwide and take in over $200 million annually. The potential that these chains lower student to faculty ratios and accept less students to keep group sizes to a minimum is unlikely, as most prioritize profit. Many treat children as “units” and operate daycare as a business model: if successful, then replicate and franchise. On average, if a center is run by a nonprofit, the quality of the care is better, the staff has a higher degree of training, and more participation from volunteers is present (Clarke-Stewart, 53). Nonprofit centers can be grouped into the following: community and church centers, company centers, cooperative centers, and research centers. This thesis posits a research center model, with a clear relationship to one of the major universities in the district. Gallaudet University, to
  • 51. 45 the North of H Street corridor, is imagined as the affiliation. In most research daycare centers, both the physical spaces and educational models are intensely researched and often bring about the most stimulating environments for children.
  • 52. 46 Program DAYCARE (8,000SF) 60 children + This is the national average; some facilities have fewer than 15 and others have more than 300. As this proposal is implemented in an urban setting, the number leans on the larger side to accommodate more children and allow more square footage. This program is split into no more than six groups per cluster. There will be multiple “clusters” on the site, allowing for a higher degree of either variability or autonomy between and within each unit. In child care staffing studies, group sizes varied between 2 – 37. Group sizes will be kept to no more than 12. Time within each cluster is spent accordingly, based on a conglom- eration of curricular models: - 25% free-choice activities - 16% adult-directed activites - 26% physical exercise - 15% instruction ADULT DAYCARE (approx. 6,000SF) POOL(S) LIBRARY SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION
  • 53. 47 8’ 2’ vestibule node for immediate rest space for single adult sideways shared seating for adult/child reception desk 32” high to accomodate wheel-chair bound Fig. 27 Seam along 3rd Street Fig. 28 Threshold to Daycare Lobby
  • 54. 48 Fig. 29 Explorations of Back Entrance
  • 55. 49 Fig. 30 Ultimate Constructs for Daycare Drop- Off
  • 56. 50 Fig. 31 Spaces Within Wet Volume Fig. 32 Emergent Pool Topology
  • 57. 51 Fig. 33 Interior Stair Perspective Sequence
  • 58. 52 Fig. 34 Quarter-Scale Model Process
  • 60. 54 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 2 restroom 3 library 5 mechanical 6 lobby 7 reception 8 towel pick-up/shop 9 pool area 10 pool lockers 11 pool manager office 12 deep water pool 13 waiting room 2 6 6 8 13 3 7 7 11 5 9 12 4th Street 1/8” = 1’0” 0 10 1/8” = 1’0” -4 2 restroom 4 lounge 17 pool mezzanine 19 daycare a. 12 - 18 months b. 18 - 24 months c. 2 - 3 years d. infants e. staff f. multi-purpose space 20 raceway 2 4 20 19 e 19 f 19 a 19 b 19 c 2 19 d 4 4th Street 1/8” = 1’0” 4 lounge 17 pool mezzanine 18 snack bar 2 5 2 11 12 13 4 17 18 -1.5 1/8” = 1’0” -8,11 5 mechanical 20 raceway 21 office space 22 tub 23 porch 21 5 22 23 20 5 Fig. 36 Plans of the Facility
  • 61. 55 2 6 6 8 13 3 7 7 11 5 9 12 10 section a - a north - south H STREET 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1.5 2.5 3.5 24 22 13 12 6 7 1 1 1 1 5 5 17 4 25 12 5 Fig. 37 Longitudinal Section N/S Fig. 38 Program Aggregate
  • 62. 56 Fig. 59 Perspective of Wet Volume Interior
  • 64. 58 Conclusion Overview This thesis interrogates the conceptualization of day care in a con- temporary society. At what point can architecture serve as a catalyst to dissolve stereotypes and make public an institution regarded as wholly autonomous within the urban fabric? The research has dem- onstrated that this daycare aggregate (traditional daycare and adult daycare) can exist both autonomously and as a larger part of the fabric for this new institution. Perhaps the most valuable part of thesis initiated with the study of a vertical volume designed to accommodate both the primary users and the public. The stair and the conception for the design was a pivotal moment in the thesis, challenging the necessity of program- ming at the level of the building scale and the artifact from the the- sis at all. The architecture and tectonics of the stair actualize most questions raised about intergenerational relationships and within the scope of this thesis. The process was greatly affected by simultane- ously palpable and digitally driven media; the investigation allowed for a robust, non-linear study of the stair and the seam. The stair seeks to blur the boundary between architecture, metaphor and sign. Proposing an un-conditioned vertical volume that serves most of the program within the institution can leverage a variety of scales. This allowed the research to move laterally along a number
  • 65. 59 of trajectories at any given time period. The close study of the users for this stair drove most of the design decisions. Anthropomorphic dimensions of the bodies for each user were investigated to design railings and treads that would best accommodate a young and elderly population without sacrificing public needs. It became an intergen- erational stair, one that challenges and accommodates. Leverages and specializes. The research brought to fruition a number of sectional conditions pro- posed in the earliest stages of the thesis. All of the intermediate land- ings were studied as areas along a seam between the vertical volume and the pool that could adapt to optimize any number of sectional configurations that had figural ramifications within the pool volume. Thus, the seam between the stair and the wet volume ultimately col- lapses when the users mediate between foreground, middle ground, and background as they ascend, descend, or rest.
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