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                                                                                                         Tri M. Le, DDS, FAGD
Complex Anterior                                                                                         Private Practice
                                                                                                         Southeast Texas Cosmetic

Treatment                                                                                                Port Arthur, Texas
                                                                                                         Phone: 409.982.7827
                                                                                                         Web site:

A Case Report                                                                                             southeasttexascosmetic
                                                                                                          dentistry. com

           umerous innovations in den-       sary radiographs, photographs, and                 After discussing the treatment
           tal materials and techniques      mounted models were taken and care-           phases, costs, and time with the
           have dramatically changed         fully analyzed. In this treatment plan,       patient, he was appointed for the peri-
modern dental practice. In addition, the     the root of tooth No. 9 would be cov-         odontal plastic surgery phase. After
predictability of dental implants and tis-   ered with an acellular grafting materi-       verbal review of the procedure and pre-
sue regeneration has greatly influenced      al, Alloderm (BioHorizons, Inc), to           medication (patient was to start taking
diagnosis and treatment planning.            help correct the severe recession. The        amoxicillin 875 mg b.i.d., 48 hours
Consequently, a clinician can be con-        crown of tooth No. 7 would be length-         before and dexamethasone 4 mg, 24
founded by the many valid treatment          ened, and new crowns would be                 hours before), all consent forms were
options. Oftentimes, the selected treat-     placed on teeth Nos. 6 (to emulate a          given to the patient, reviewed, and
ment is based on financial factors, insur-   lateral incisor), 7 (to mimic a central       signed. The patient was then given two
ance coverage, and time as well as the       incisor), 9, and 10, respectively.            200 mg tablets of ibuprofen and was
clinician’s training, comfort zone, and           Before proceeding with any treat-        instructed to rinse with chlorhexidine
available referral sources. This article     ment, the patient was invited back for        0.12% for 60 seconds. Vital signs,
will illustrate one method of solving a      an in-depth discussion of the expected        including oxygen saturation, were
complex esthetic puzzle using periodon-      outcome. The patient was informed             taken and monitored with an electron-
tal plastic surgery to complement pros-      that it would be impossible to achieve        ic blood pressure monitor. The patient
thetic rehabilitation.                       an ideal result because teeth Nos. 6          was then draped for surgery with hair
                                             and 7 had previously been reposi-             cover and disposable gown. The peri-
Case Presentation                            tioned. Fortunately, the patient’s exist-     oral area was then scrubbed with
     A 50-year-old man of good overall       ing low smile line would help mask            chlorhexidine 0.12%. Following topi-
health presented to the office with a        any final restorative imperfections.          cal anesthesia, 4% Citanest Plain
complaint of the greatly compromised              After careful analysis of the            (Dentsply Pharmaceutical) was given
appearance of his upper anteriors            patient’s gingival and osseous architec-      for comfort and preliminary anesthesia.
(Figure 1). Examination revealed that        ture, including information gathered          Marcaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epi-
tooth No. 8 was missing and tooth            from probing depth records and radio-         nephrine (Abbott Laboratories) was
No. 7 had a composite veneer to make         graphs, a surgical guide was made             then administered for more profound
it appear as a central incisor. In addi-     from the diagnostic model to help             anesthesia.
tion, tooth No. 9 had a severe facial        with the soft-tissue surgical phase of             The procedure was initiated with
periodontal defect (Figure 2). The           the treatment. In cases such as this, a       coronoplasty of the defective crown
patient stated that he was seeking to        diagnostic model not only gives a             on tooth No. 9 to allow full and pas-
improve his appearance with minimal          glimpse of the eventual prosthodontic         sive insertion of the clear surgical stent
cost in time and money, not a                restorations, but also provides crucial       so that an outline of the desired gingi-
“Hollywood smile.”                           information and guidance on the               val margins on teeth Nos. 7 and 9
     To arrive at a proper treatment         desirable soft-tissue appearance at the       could be visualized in situ. This step
plan in such a complex case, all neces-      end of treatment.                             helped finalize how much crown

                                              42 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS   |   SEPTEMBER 2007

 Figure 1—Pretreatment smile view showing         Figure 2—Pretreatment view showing severe         Figure 3—Retracted view, flap elevated.
 compromised appearance.                          facial perioesthetic defect.

  Figure 4—Retracted view, Alloderm in place.     Figure 5—Retracted view, flap re-approxi-         Figure 6—Retracted view, 12 weeks after
                                                  mated and sutured.                                surgery, showing good healing.

lengthening would be needed on                   (Figure 4). The use of an acellular                graft (Figure 5).10-12 Gauze soaked
tooth No. 7 and how much graft vol-              dermal graft helps eliminate the                   with saline then was placed onto the
ume would be needed for tooth No.                requirement for palatal donor tissue               surgical area with light pressure for
9. After this, the gingivectomy was              or other intraoral tissue harvesting.              15 minutes to help achieve initial sta-
carried out with a Bard-Parker blade             This choice of graft material helps                bilization and clotting.
No.15C (BD) on tooth No. 7. Then                 reduce chair time, thus avoiding                        The patient was slowly seated
the flap was reflected to ascertain the          additional discomfort to the patient               upright, and postoperative instruc-
location of the osseous crest of tooth           and is, therefore, a useful method for             tions were reviewed with special
No. 7, in case any osseous resection             root coverage.2-9 The flap was then                emphasis on rinsing with chlorhexi-
was necessary not to violate the bio-            repositioned and evaluated for pas-                dine 0.12% b.i.d. and warm salt
logic width.                                     sivity with no tension when the inci-              water as often as possible. In addi-
     After the flap had been ade-                sion lines were approximated.                      tion, a supply of microbrushes and
quately reflected to allow access to             Additional reflection with scoring of              instructions on their correct usage was
tooth No. 9 (Figure 3), the root was             the periosteum ensured proper and                  given to the patient so that only a
scaled with hand instruments and                 tension-free flap coverage of the sur-             microbrush soaked with chlorhexidine
then treated with citric acid. The               gical area. The flap was then sutured              0.12% would be used in the surgical
acellular dermal graft material was              with 5-0 vicryl (Ethicon, Inc). A sling            area for the next 10 days when the
rehydrated for 10 minutes in a sterile           suture with 6-0 gut also was added                 patient was scheduled for a postopera-
saline bath.1 After proper trimming,             onto the facial marginal gingiva of                tive check-up and suture removal.
the graft was placed in the surgical             tooth No. 9 to further ensure graft                     After a waiting period of 3
site and adapted to the root of tooth            immobilization, which is crucial for               months for proper healing (Figures 6
No. 9 and adjacent crestal bone                  the survival and incorporation of the              and 7), the patient was appointed for

                                                44 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS      |   SEPTEMBER 2007
Figure 7—Occlusal view, 12 weeks after sur-        Figure 8—Occlusal view of the preparations on       Figure 9—Retracted view of provisional
  gery, showing good tissue volume around            teeth Nos. 6 through 10. Note the proper healing    crowns on teeth Nos. 6 through 10.
  tooth No. 9.                                       of the graft and the esthetic complexity of case.

  Figure 10—The final crowns on the model            Figure 11—Palatal view of the crowns on the         Figure 12—Full smile view, immediately after
  showing the technician’s skill in compensating     model.                                              cementation.
  for the size discrepancy between teeth Nos. 7
  and 9.

the prosthetic treatment phase, during              and anterior stick-bite impressions were                  Before the crowns were received
which teeth Nos. 6, 7, 9, and 10 were               obtained. A facebow transfer also was                from the laboratory, the patient
prepared for full crowns with the goal of           acquired. The provisional crowns were                requested to have his teeth bleached.
making tooth No. 6 resemble a lateral               then cemented temporarily with                       Normally, this step is done before the
incisor and No. 7 look like a central inci-         TempBond Clear (Kerr Corporation).                   crown preparation step, but at times,
sor (Figure 8). Retraction cords, Gingi-            After the removal of excess cement and               the clinician must work around the
BRAID 000 and 00 (Dux Dental), were                 the retraction cords, the occlusion was              patient’s sudden desire. The patient was
packed for 10 minutes, the 00 cords were            checked and adjusted with the patient                appointed for in-office bleaching with
removed, and an impression was made                 seated upright.                                      the Zoom! Advanced Power system
with a custom tray and a polyvinyl silox-                The patient was appointed for a                 (Discus Dental). Alginate impressions
ane impression material (Imprint Garant,            refinement visit, during which the pro-              were made to fabricate at-home bleach-
3M ESPE). After a good impression had               visionals were touched up. After the                 ing trays. While the patient’s teeth were
been obtained, the custom tray for the              patient had approved the fit and                     being whitened in-office, the impres-
fabrication of the provisional crowns was           appearance of the provisional crowns,                sions were poured and the bleaching
loaded with Integrity temporary material            photographs were taken and alginate                  trays were made. Opalescence PF 20%
(Dentsply Caulk) and inserted over the              impressions were made (Figure 9) to be               (Ultradent Inc) bleaching gel was dis-
preparations.                                       enclosed with the case for the ceramist.             pensed with proper instruction for
     After the provisionals had been                Measurements of the length of the cen-               home use. The patient was then
properly shaped and polished, they                  trals also were documented, and the                  appointed for a shade-taking visit.
were set aside. At this point, the patient          patient’s consent to have the treatment                   At the crown-delivery appoint-
was seated upright and posterior bite               completed was obtained.                              ment, the vital signs were acquired and

                                                   CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS        |   SEPTEMBER 2007 45

                                            Red (Global Dental Products) before             Acknowledgments
                                            being coated with Gluma De-                         The author would like to thank
                                            sentisizer (Heraeus Kulzer, Inc). The           Ann Le for her ever-present support,
                                            crowns were then blasted with alu-              Tom and Beatrice Dabrowsky, LDT,
                                            minum oxide, rinsed, cleaned with               RDT of B.I.T. Dental Studio, Dillon,
                                            alcohol, dried, and were cemented               Colorado, for the beautiful ceramics,
                                            with RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE).                    and all my teachers over the years.
                                            After all excess cement was cleaned
  Figure 13—Retracted view, final crowns
                                            off, the patient was seated upright             References
  immediately after cementation.            and the occlusion was checked and               1.    Henderson RD, Drisko CH, Greenwell H. Root cov-
                                                                                                  erage using Alloderm acellular dermal graft mate-
                                            adjusted. Proper centric occlusion,                   rial. J Contemp Dent Pract. 1999;1(1):24-30.
                                            cuspid, and protrusive guidance were            2.    Dodge JR, Henderson R, Greenwell H. Root cover-
                                            verified (Figures 12 through 14). The                 age without palatal donor site using an acellular
                                                                                                  dermal graft. Periodontal Insights. 1998;5(4):5-8.
                                            patient was given detailed instruc-             3.    Harris RJ. Root coverage with a connective tissue
                                            tions on proper care and mainte-                      with partial thickness double pedicle graft and an
                                                                                                  acellular dermal matrix graft: a clinical and histo-
                                            nance of the crowns to ensure                         logical evaluation of a case report. J Periodontol.
                                            longevity. He was then appointed for                  1998;69(11):1305-1311.
                                            a postdelivery check-up and final               4.    Tal H. Subgingival acellular dermal matrix allograft
                                                                                                  for the treatment of gingival recession: a case
  Figure 14—Palatal view, final crowns.     photographs. At that appointment,                     report. J Periodontol. 1999;70(9):1118-1124.
                                            the patient expressed his happiness             5.    Harris RJ. A comparative study of root coverage
                                                                                                  obtained with an acellular dermal matrix versus a
                                            with the final result.                                connective tissue graft: results of 107 recession
documented, and the procedure was                                                                 defects in 50 consecutively treated patients. Int J
reviewed again with the patient. Before     Conclusion                                            Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2000;20(1):51-59.
                                                                                            6.    Grisi DC, Molina GO, Souza SL, et al. Comparative
anesthesia administration, the crowns            Complex dental rehabilitation                    6-month clinical study of a subepithelial connective
were shown to the patient to have his       poses many unique challenges to cli-                  tissue graft and acellular dermal matrix graft for
                                                                                                  the treatment of gingival recession. J Periodontol.
preliminary approval of the forms and       nicians. It tests one’s knowledge,                    2001;72(11):1477-1484.
shades (Figures 10 and 11).                 training, integrity, and artistic abili-        7.    Mahn DH. Treatment of gingival recession with a
     After local anesthesia with Cita-      ty. With the variety of treatment                     modified “tunnel” technique and an acellular der-
                                                                                                  mal connective tissue allograft. Pract Proced
nest Plain (Dentsply Pharmaceutical)        options currently available, treat-                   Aesthet Dent. 2001;13(1):69-74.
and Xylocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epi-        ment plans can vary from office to              8.    Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Yukna RA, Evans GH, et al.
                                                                                                  Clinical evaluation of acellular allograft dermis for
nephrine (Dentsply Pharmaceutical),         office. Differences in training, phi-                 the treatment of human gingival recession. J
the temporary crowns were removed           losophy, degree of financial motiva-                  Periodontol. 2001;72(8):998-1005.
and the porcelain crowns were tried in.     tion, and esthetic perception by the            9.    Woodyard JG, Greenwell H, Hill M, et al. The
                                                                                                  clinical effect of acellular dermal matrix on gingi-
The patient was given a hand mirror to      dentist as well as the patient also can               val thickness and root coverage compared to
evaluate the appearance of the crowns       affect treatment plans. Further, the                  coronally positioned flap alone. J Periodontol.
in place.                                   patient’s personality, financial con-           10.   Silverstein LH, Kurtzman GM. A review of dental
     After approval for cementation         cerns, and personal situation also                    suturing for optimal soft-tissue management.
was obtained, the crowns were               come into play. Nonetheless, with                     Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2005;26(3):163-166,
checked for proper fit, interproximal       today’s esthetic demand from the                11.   Silverstein LH. Essential principles of dental sutur-
contact, and marginal seal. Because         public as well as great advancement                   ing for the implant surgeon. Dent Implantol Update.
the crowns were ceramometallic,             in tissue engineering, clinicians               12.   Silverstein LH. Principles of Dental Suturing: The
rubber dam isolation was not neces-         should consider regenerative peri-                    Complete Guide to Surgical Closure. Mahwah, NJ:
sary. The working area was isolated         odontics before extracting teeth and                  Montage Media;1999.
                                                                                            13.   Nevins M. Aesthetic and regenerative oral plastic
with cotton rolls and the prepara-          communicate this option to their                      surgery: clinical applications in tissue engineering.
tions were cleaned with Tubulicid           patients.13 Gc                                        Dent Today. 2006;25(10):142-146.

                                           46 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS   |   SEPTEMBER 2007

Product References                                                                                            Products: Imprint Garant, RelyX Unicem
Product: Alloderm                                     Product: Bard-Parker blade No.15C                       Manufacturer: 3M ESPE
Manufacturer: BioHorizons, Inc                        Manufacturer: BD                                        Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Location: Birmingham, Alabama                         Location: Franklin Lakes, New Jersey                    Phone: 888.364.3577
Phone: 205.967.7880                                   Phone: 201.847.6800                                     Web site:
Web site:                         Web site:
                                                                                                              Product: Integrity
Products: 4% Citanest Plain, Citanest Plain,          Product: 5-0 vicryl suture                              Manufacturer: Dentsply Caulk
Xylocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine               Manufacturer: Ethicon, Inc                              Location: Milford, Delaware
Manufacturer: Dentsply Pharmaceutical                 Location: Somerville, New Jersey                        Phone: 800.532.2855
Location: York, Pennsylvania                          Web site:                               Web site:
Phone: 800.225.2787
Web site:                      Products: Retraction cord, GingiBRAID 000 and 00        Product: TempBond Clear
                                                      Manufacturer: Dux Dental                                Manufacturer: Kerr Corporation
Product: Marcaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine     Location: Oxnard, California                            Location: Orange, California
Manufacturer: Abbott Laboratories                     Phone: 800.833.8267                                     Phone: 800.537.7123
Location: Abbott Park, Illinois                       Web site:                             Web site:
Web site:
                                                                                                              Product: Zoom! Advanced Power system
                                                                                                              Manufacturer: Discus Dental
                                                                                                              Location: Culver City, California
                                                                                                              Phone: 800.422.9448
                                                                                                              Web site:

                                                                                                              Product: Opalescence PF 20%
                                                                                                              Manufacturer: Ultradent, Inc
                                                                                                              Location: South Jordan, Utah
                                                                                                              Phone: 888.230.1420
                                                                                                              Web site:

                                                                                                              Product: Tubulicid Red
                                                                                                              Manufacturer: Global Dental Products
                                                                                                              Location: North Bellmore, New York
                                                                                                              Phone: 516.221.8844
                                                                                                              Web site:
                                                                                                              Product: Gluma Desentisizer
                                                                                                              Manufacturer: Heraeus Kulzer, Inc
                                                                                                              Location: Armonk, New York
                                                                                                              Phone: 800.431.1785
                                                                                                              Web site:

                                                    48 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS            |   SEPTEMBER 2007

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  • 1. CASE STUDY Tri M. Le, DDS, FAGD Complex Anterior Private Practice Southeast Texas Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Port Arthur, Texas Phone: 409.982.7827 Email: Web site: A Case Report southeasttexascosmetic dentistry. com N umerous innovations in den- sary radiographs, photographs, and After discussing the treatment tal materials and techniques mounted models were taken and care- phases, costs, and time with the have dramatically changed fully analyzed. In this treatment plan, patient, he was appointed for the peri- modern dental practice. In addition, the the root of tooth No. 9 would be cov- odontal plastic surgery phase. After predictability of dental implants and tis- ered with an acellular grafting materi- verbal review of the procedure and pre- sue regeneration has greatly influenced al, Alloderm (BioHorizons, Inc), to medication (patient was to start taking diagnosis and treatment planning. help correct the severe recession. The amoxicillin 875 mg b.i.d., 48 hours Consequently, a clinician can be con- crown of tooth No. 7 would be length- before and dexamethasone 4 mg, 24 founded by the many valid treatment ened, and new crowns would be hours before), all consent forms were options. Oftentimes, the selected treat- placed on teeth Nos. 6 (to emulate a given to the patient, reviewed, and ment is based on financial factors, insur- lateral incisor), 7 (to mimic a central signed. The patient was then given two ance coverage, and time as well as the incisor), 9, and 10, respectively. 200 mg tablets of ibuprofen and was clinician’s training, comfort zone, and Before proceeding with any treat- instructed to rinse with chlorhexidine available referral sources. This article ment, the patient was invited back for 0.12% for 60 seconds. Vital signs, will illustrate one method of solving a an in-depth discussion of the expected including oxygen saturation, were complex esthetic puzzle using periodon- outcome. The patient was informed taken and monitored with an electron- tal plastic surgery to complement pros- that it would be impossible to achieve ic blood pressure monitor. The patient thetic rehabilitation. an ideal result because teeth Nos. 6 was then draped for surgery with hair and 7 had previously been reposi- cover and disposable gown. The peri- Case Presentation tioned. Fortunately, the patient’s exist- oral area was then scrubbed with A 50-year-old man of good overall ing low smile line would help mask chlorhexidine 0.12%. Following topi- health presented to the office with a any final restorative imperfections. cal anesthesia, 4% Citanest Plain complaint of the greatly compromised After careful analysis of the (Dentsply Pharmaceutical) was given appearance of his upper anteriors patient’s gingival and osseous architec- for comfort and preliminary anesthesia. (Figure 1). Examination revealed that ture, including information gathered Marcaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epi- tooth No. 8 was missing and tooth from probing depth records and radio- nephrine (Abbott Laboratories) was No. 7 had a composite veneer to make graphs, a surgical guide was made then administered for more profound it appear as a central incisor. In addi- from the diagnostic model to help anesthesia. tion, tooth No. 9 had a severe facial with the soft-tissue surgical phase of The procedure was initiated with periodontal defect (Figure 2). The the treatment. In cases such as this, a coronoplasty of the defective crown patient stated that he was seeking to diagnostic model not only gives a on tooth No. 9 to allow full and pas- improve his appearance with minimal glimpse of the eventual prosthodontic sive insertion of the clear surgical stent cost in time and money, not a restorations, but also provides crucial so that an outline of the desired gingi- “Hollywood smile.” information and guidance on the val margins on teeth Nos. 7 and 9 To arrive at a proper treatment desirable soft-tissue appearance at the could be visualized in situ. This step plan in such a complex case, all neces- end of treatment. helped finalize how much crown 42 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS | SEPTEMBER 2007
  • 2. CASE STUDY Figure 1—Pretreatment smile view showing Figure 2—Pretreatment view showing severe Figure 3—Retracted view, flap elevated. compromised appearance. facial perioesthetic defect. Figure 4—Retracted view, Alloderm in place. Figure 5—Retracted view, flap re-approxi- Figure 6—Retracted view, 12 weeks after mated and sutured. surgery, showing good healing. lengthening would be needed on (Figure 4). The use of an acellular graft (Figure 5).10-12 Gauze soaked tooth No. 7 and how much graft vol- dermal graft helps eliminate the with saline then was placed onto the ume would be needed for tooth No. requirement for palatal donor tissue surgical area with light pressure for 9. After this, the gingivectomy was or other intraoral tissue harvesting. 15 minutes to help achieve initial sta- carried out with a Bard-Parker blade This choice of graft material helps bilization and clotting. No.15C (BD) on tooth No. 7. Then reduce chair time, thus avoiding The patient was slowly seated the flap was reflected to ascertain the additional discomfort to the patient upright, and postoperative instruc- location of the osseous crest of tooth and is, therefore, a useful method for tions were reviewed with special No. 7, in case any osseous resection root coverage.2-9 The flap was then emphasis on rinsing with chlorhexi- was necessary not to violate the bio- repositioned and evaluated for pas- dine 0.12% b.i.d. and warm salt logic width. sivity with no tension when the inci- water as often as possible. In addi- After the flap had been ade- sion lines were approximated. tion, a supply of microbrushes and quately reflected to allow access to Additional reflection with scoring of instructions on their correct usage was tooth No. 9 (Figure 3), the root was the periosteum ensured proper and given to the patient so that only a scaled with hand instruments and tension-free flap coverage of the sur- microbrush soaked with chlorhexidine then treated with citric acid. The gical area. The flap was then sutured 0.12% would be used in the surgical acellular dermal graft material was with 5-0 vicryl (Ethicon, Inc). A sling area for the next 10 days when the rehydrated for 10 minutes in a sterile suture with 6-0 gut also was added patient was scheduled for a postopera- saline bath.1 After proper trimming, onto the facial marginal gingiva of tive check-up and suture removal. the graft was placed in the surgical tooth No. 9 to further ensure graft After a waiting period of 3 site and adapted to the root of tooth immobilization, which is crucial for months for proper healing (Figures 6 No. 9 and adjacent crestal bone the survival and incorporation of the and 7), the patient was appointed for 44 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS | SEPTEMBER 2007
  • 3. Figure 7—Occlusal view, 12 weeks after sur- Figure 8—Occlusal view of the preparations on Figure 9—Retracted view of provisional gery, showing good tissue volume around teeth Nos. 6 through 10. Note the proper healing crowns on teeth Nos. 6 through 10. tooth No. 9. of the graft and the esthetic complexity of case. Figure 10—The final crowns on the model Figure 11—Palatal view of the crowns on the Figure 12—Full smile view, immediately after showing the technician’s skill in compensating model. cementation. for the size discrepancy between teeth Nos. 7 and 9. the prosthetic treatment phase, during and anterior stick-bite impressions were Before the crowns were received which teeth Nos. 6, 7, 9, and 10 were obtained. A facebow transfer also was from the laboratory, the patient prepared for full crowns with the goal of acquired. The provisional crowns were requested to have his teeth bleached. making tooth No. 6 resemble a lateral then cemented temporarily with Normally, this step is done before the incisor and No. 7 look like a central inci- TempBond Clear (Kerr Corporation). crown preparation step, but at times, sor (Figure 8). Retraction cords, Gingi- After the removal of excess cement and the clinician must work around the BRAID 000 and 00 (Dux Dental), were the retraction cords, the occlusion was patient’s sudden desire. The patient was packed for 10 minutes, the 00 cords were checked and adjusted with the patient appointed for in-office bleaching with removed, and an impression was made seated upright. the Zoom! Advanced Power system with a custom tray and a polyvinyl silox- The patient was appointed for a (Discus Dental). Alginate impressions ane impression material (Imprint Garant, refinement visit, during which the pro- were made to fabricate at-home bleach- 3M ESPE). After a good impression had visionals were touched up. After the ing trays. While the patient’s teeth were been obtained, the custom tray for the patient had approved the fit and being whitened in-office, the impres- fabrication of the provisional crowns was appearance of the provisional crowns, sions were poured and the bleaching loaded with Integrity temporary material photographs were taken and alginate trays were made. Opalescence PF 20% (Dentsply Caulk) and inserted over the impressions were made (Figure 9) to be (Ultradent Inc) bleaching gel was dis- preparations. enclosed with the case for the ceramist. pensed with proper instruction for After the provisionals had been Measurements of the length of the cen- home use. The patient was then properly shaped and polished, they trals also were documented, and the appointed for a shade-taking visit. were set aside. At this point, the patient patient’s consent to have the treatment At the crown-delivery appoint- was seated upright and posterior bite completed was obtained. ment, the vital signs were acquired and CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS | SEPTEMBER 2007 45
  • 4. CASE STUDY Red (Global Dental Products) before Acknowledgments being coated with Gluma De- The author would like to thank sentisizer (Heraeus Kulzer, Inc). The Ann Le for her ever-present support, crowns were then blasted with alu- Tom and Beatrice Dabrowsky, LDT, minum oxide, rinsed, cleaned with RDT of B.I.T. Dental Studio, Dillon, alcohol, dried, and were cemented Colorado, for the beautiful ceramics, with RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE). and all my teachers over the years. After all excess cement was cleaned Figure 13—Retracted view, final crowns off, the patient was seated upright References immediately after cementation. and the occlusion was checked and 1. Henderson RD, Drisko CH, Greenwell H. Root cov- erage using Alloderm acellular dermal graft mate- adjusted. Proper centric occlusion, rial. J Contemp Dent Pract. 1999;1(1):24-30. cuspid, and protrusive guidance were 2. Dodge JR, Henderson R, Greenwell H. Root cover- verified (Figures 12 through 14). 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With the variety of treatment modified “tunnel” technique and an acellular der- mal connective tissue allograft. Pract Proced nest Plain (Dentsply Pharmaceutical) options currently available, treat- Aesthet Dent. 2001;13(1):69-74. and Xylocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epi- ment plans can vary from office to 8. Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Yukna RA, Evans GH, et al. Clinical evaluation of acellular allograft dermis for nephrine (Dentsply Pharmaceutical), office. Differences in training, phi- the treatment of human gingival recession. J the temporary crowns were removed losophy, degree of financial motiva- Periodontol. 2001;72(8):998-1005. and the porcelain crowns were tried in. tion, and esthetic perception by the 9. Woodyard JG, Greenwell H, Hill M, et al. The clinical effect of acellular dermal matrix on gingi- The patient was given a hand mirror to dentist as well as the patient also can val thickness and root coverage compared to evaluate the appearance of the crowns affect treatment plans. 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The working area was isolated odontics before extracting teeth and Montage Media;1999. 13. Nevins M. Aesthetic and regenerative oral plastic with cotton rolls and the prepara- communicate this option to their surgery: clinical applications in tissue engineering. tions were cleaned with Tubulicid patients.13 Gc Dent Today. 2006;25(10):142-146. 46 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS | SEPTEMBER 2007
  • 5. CASE STUDY Product References Products: Imprint Garant, RelyX Unicem Product: Alloderm Product: Bard-Parker blade No.15C Manufacturer: 3M ESPE Manufacturer: BioHorizons, Inc Manufacturer: BD Location: St. Paul, Minnesota Location: Birmingham, Alabama Location: Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Phone: 888.364.3577 Phone: 205.967.7880 Phone: 201.847.6800 Web site: Web site: Web site: Product: Integrity Products: 4% Citanest Plain, Citanest Plain, Product: 5-0 vicryl suture Manufacturer: Dentsply Caulk Xylocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine Manufacturer: Ethicon, Inc Location: Milford, Delaware Manufacturer: Dentsply Pharmaceutical Location: Somerville, New Jersey Phone: 800.532.2855 Location: York, Pennsylvania Web site: Web site: Phone: 800.225.2787 Web site: Products: Retraction cord, GingiBRAID 000 and 00 Product: TempBond Clear Manufacturer: Dux Dental Manufacturer: Kerr Corporation Product: Marcaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine Location: Oxnard, California Location: Orange, California Manufacturer: Abbott Laboratories Phone: 800.833.8267 Phone: 800.537.7123 Location: Abbott Park, Illinois Web site: Web site: Web site: Product: Zoom! Advanced Power system Manufacturer: Discus Dental Location: Culver City, California Phone: 800.422.9448 Web site: Product: Opalescence PF 20% Manufacturer: Ultradent, Inc Location: South Jordan, Utah Phone: 888.230.1420 Web site: Product: Tubulicid Red Manufacturer: Global Dental Products Location: North Bellmore, New York Phone: 516.221.8844 Web site: Product: Gluma Desentisizer Manufacturer: Heraeus Kulzer, Inc Location: Armonk, New York Phone: 800.431.1785 Web site: 48 CONTEMPORARY ESTHETICS | SEPTEMBER 2007