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Essay on Communism
In the beginning Communism seemed to the people of Russia as a utopian ideal. The promise of the
elimination of classes, of guaranteed employment, "The creation of a comprehensive social
security and welfare system for all citizens that would end the misery of workers once and for
all." Lenin's own interpretation of the Marxian critique was that to achieve Communism there
would first have to be a socialist dictatorship to first suppress any dissent or protest. Through
coercive tactics this new government seized power and in 1917 Lenin came to power. Under his
"rule" Russia underwent radical changes in it's economic doctrines adopting a mixed
which was termed the New Economic Policy, also referred to as NEP. This more content...
Lenin believed that Trotsky was the best suitable to take the Communist party to the next level.
Trotsky was not all that popular among party members though and Stalin was in a position as Gen
Sek, or General Secretary, to place his people in powerful positions throughout the party. Also, Stalin
worked extremely hard at achieving power whereas Trotsky was rather lazy. Because of these
reasons along with Stalin's "zero tolerance" attitude towards everyone, he was able to
seize control.
Once in control, Stalin's first major achievements were the Five Year Plans for industry. Russia had
not yet had their industrial revolution and were far behind the other powers of the world. The first
Five Year Plan worked as far as industrial output was concerned, but it was at much cost to the
people of Russia. Once the Five Year Plans started to roll, Stalin decided to make some agricultural
changes to support the industrialization. In April, 1928, Stalin presented the draft of a new land
law. Although the draft failed to become a law, it showed a couple of Stalin's objectives. One was
the rapid and forcible collectivization of the peasants in order to industrialize the country quickly.
The other was the liquidation of the kulaks as a class. Kulaks were seen as industrious or prosperous
peasants who were not enthusiastic about the policies of the communist party.
Collectivization was the forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into
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Communism Essay
I Introduction
Communism: A theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in
world politics for much of the 20th century. As a political movement, communism sought to
overthrow capitalism through a workers' revolution and establish a system in which property is
owned by the community as a whole rather than by individuals. In theory, communism would create
a classless society of abundance and freedom, in which all people enjoy equal social and economic
status. In practice, communist regimes have taken the form of coercive, authoritarian governments
that cared little for the plight of the working class and sought above all else to preserve their own more content...
Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, turned the Soviet Union into a dictatorship based on total state
control of the economy and the suppression of any form of opposition. As a result of Lenin's and
Stalin's policies, many people came to associate the term communism with undemocratic or
totalitarian governments that claimed allegiance to Marxist–Leninist ideals. The term Marxism
–Leninism refers to Marx's theories as amended and put into practice by Lenin.
After World War II (1939
–1945), regimes calling themselves communist took power in China,
Eastern Europe, and other regions. The spread of communism marked the beginning of the Cold
War, in which the Soviet Union and the United States, and their respective allies, competed for
political and military supremacy. By the early 1980s, almost one–third of the world's population
lived under communist regimes. These regimes shared certain basic features: an embrace of
Marxism–Leninism, a rejection of private property and capitalism, state domination of economic
activity, and absolute control of the government by one party, the communist party. The party's
influence in society was pervasive and often repressive. It controlled and censored the mass media,
restricted religious worship, and silenced political dissent.
Communist societies encountered dramatic change in the late
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Communism in China Essays
Communism is a system of government, a political ideology that rejects private ownership and
promotes a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of all property and the means
of production, where by all work is shared and all proceeds are commonly owned. Communism is
practised in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba. However most of the world's communist
governments have been disbanded since the end of World War II. Soon after the Japanese
surrendered at the end of World War II, Communist forces began a war against theKuomintang in
China. The Communists gradually gained control of the country and on the 1st October, 1949, Mao
Zedong announced the victory of the Communist party and the establishment of the People'
more content...
The arrival of Chiang's armies into many rural areas often indicated theft, rape, and murders to
common villagers, while Mao's armies were more educated and trained to protect the needs of the
peasants in order to win their support. Where the landlords and peasants initially supported the
Guomindang, and students and intellectuals looked to the Nationalists for salvation, both sections of
the community began to embrace and support the communist ideals.
As public services such as health and education suffered under the GMD and living conditions in
rural areas worsened, civilians rapidly joined the Communist party. Many soldiers who fought for the
Nationals changed sides and began fighting for communism. The essential focus of Mao's
revolution revolved solely around the peasants who made up 85% of the population. His new land
reforms meant taking land from rich landlords and dividing it amongst poorer peasants. Mao also
introduced national health care as 95% of individuals in China had never seen a doctor
The PLA rapidly expanded with more peasants joining. In 1947 the Communists captured their new
capital, Yan'an and in 1948 they attacked the GMD army capturing all the major cities– Beijing,
Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The Americans originally supported the GMD as they wanted China (
the GMD and Communists) to form a joint government in order to fight Japan– America's enemy.
They finally cut off all aid to the GMD troops
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Essay on Communism
What is Communism? Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the
proletariat. It also can be defined as a conceptualized system of government in which resources and
production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist
society, labor is shared equally as well, and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need
(Communism.4all 1). No one person shall be ranked higher than another and there is to be one
person in charge of the society in a communism government. There are still to this day many
countries that fall under the rule of communism and the ways they were transformed under
communist rule is quite more content...
This division of labor was less time consuming and the worker could make more and a less amount
of time. The invention of these machines reduced the amount of time that the workers had to spend
on making the items themselves. This in turn lessened the work for because soon there would be no
need for the workers due to the machines. But, at the same time, they also fell in to the hands of big
capitalists, and their workers were deprived of whatever independence remained to them (Marxists
Communism is viewed also by a religious standpoint. To explain the kind of communism that the
early church practiced it is necessary to understand the sense of brotherhood that the members of
the Church had toward each other. It was not, to be sure, an arbitrary communism and bears no
relation to communists of today, but the principal on which it was based was communistic. They
held jobs, bought and sold and made profit of their earnings, much like you would see in an ideal
social democracy (Latter Rain 1).
What the Jerusalem church practiced was a voluntary and democratic social communism. The
representation of communism in the modern world is something entirely different. American society
and capitalism in general has oversimplified the terms of independence and class struggle as being
part of
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Communism vs Capitalism Essay
Capitalism vs. Communism
Throughout history, there have been many systems developed in order to have a better society. Two
of the most analyzed, and debated systems that have tired to change an economy for the best are
communism, and capitalism. Communism, and capitalism have been compared on many levels,
such as why they will or will not work, and which one works better. Throughout this essay I will
concentrate on the differences, and similarities of how each operates, along with the benefits, and
problems that each of them produces.
Both of these economic systems theories came about around the same time, in the late 17th to
mid18th centuries. One of the main contributor more content...
This is the theory of a free market, based on supply and demand to take care of the consumer
welfare. Capitalism gives people the freedom to do as they wish, and allows them the opportunities
to work to gain great wealth, or to just survive in the society. While communism sets direct demands
on the work you do and what you need to produce, so others can benefit as well as you from your
hard work.
There are many different outcomes and problems that can occur as a result of the different
systems. The benefits for communism are set up on a larger scale that takes time and effort, as
for capitalism hard work produces quick gains. Since it is harder for people of communism to see
direct results from their hard work, there can be a tendency of people doing less, but still receiving
the same as everyone else. Thus, there needs to be some type of point system, which makes sure
each person does enough work to show for the goods received. If the work is not done then
something needs to be done, such as not giving them their share, jail time, or kicked out of the
community, resulting in poorer living standards. Capitalism however, gives each individual a choice
of the benefits they will receive from working hard or not. You still have the chance to be poor, but
unlike communism you have the chance to become rich. In communism the hardest workers receive
the same, but in capitalism the hardest workers reap the most rewards.
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Throughout history, countries have developed economic systems according to their political
ideology. The nation's ideology directly influences and becomes entrenched in economic decisions
of the state. Whether a country develops a free market, a mixed, or a command economy, the
foundation of the system lies in how to people choose to use and distribute resources. Free market
and capitalist ideals emerged in reaction to the mercantilist policies of the Colonial era (1700s). The
Colonial era, a period (dominated by government regulation and control over imports) where
European powers set out to extend their influence in the New World (with the intent to extract
riches), was the epicenter for capitalism. These European powers sought out more
As Europe industrialized, revolutionizing the way of life in many countries like UK, there were
adverse consequences. Though the manufacturing and availability of jobs increased prosperity and
lifted spirits, living conditions were abhorrent and inequality (of wealth) was rampant As free market
capitalism began to show its flaws, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote their communist manifesto
in response to the living and working conditions of the working class in England. Communism calls
for the government to make economic decisions and direct production (through quotas and plans), no
individual ownership (all state owned), total equality, and for the working class, the Proletariat, to
unite against the Bourgeoisie (upper class). In a command economy, there are two main sectors in
the class system: the Bourgeoisie, the wealthy, and the Proletariat, the working class, who have a
hostile and antagonistic relationship. In contrast to Smith's free market ideology, Marx is anti–class,
believes in government control of the economy, that the division of labor is degrading and
dehumanizing (one loses individuality), and that competition must be abolished. This complete
reversal in economic ideology, towards the opposite spectrum eventually failed in most communist
regimes like the Soviet Union. Only one nation continues to exist as a communist state, which is
North Korea. Thus, countries with command economies suffer in the global market, incapable of
innovating or incentivizing their people to
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Karl Marx and Communism Essay
Karl Marx and Communism
Were Karl Marx ideas on communism moral? It is quite obvious that some societies do or did
believe that communism was a good way of life. Even though there are many drawbacks to
communism there are still some advantages. Karl Marx is a man of intrigue he only did what he
wanted to and not what others wanted him to do. Upon completion of my research I feel that Marx
was a very bright man. His ideas may not be all together but a man that can introduce communism to
the world and actually get people to follow Marx ideas is powerful to me. In my research paper I
would like to tell you a little about the life and times of Karl Marx, and how is ideas effect the
economy today. Karl Marx was born at 2 am on more content...
Marx on the other hand wanted to go for philosophy. He switched to Berlin University after his
first year so that he could get a better education. Marx disappointed his father by not studying law
and told his father "I did not read works on jurisprudence primarily to become a lawyer, but rather
to find metaphysical answers." (Padover 49). Marx got a doctorate in philosophy from Berlin with
financial help from his mom whom was not well off financially and lived in a lower–middle class
neighborhood. In 1842 Karl Marx started writing for a liberal democratic newspaper called
Rheinische Zietung in Cologne, and at the end of 1842 Marx became the editor for the paper
(Padover 29). In the beginning of 1843 Marx was told by the ministry that at the end of the
quarter the paper must cease publication, causing Karl to resign immediately. The summer of
1843 before heading to Paris to devote his time to studying political economy and the history of
the great French Revolution, he married the daughter of Privey Councillor Von Westphalen in trier
named Jenny Von Westphalen. Marx liked to speak his mind in writings, which caused him to be
expelled from France by Guizot in 1845 (Carver 208) . Upon leaving France he went to Brussels
and stayed there, pursuing the same studies, until the outbreak of the February Revolution. Marx
still could not keep his ideas to himself and was asked to leave Brussels, He was
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Essay about Communism
Communism had one of the greatest political impacts than any other political ideas in the 20th
century around the world. What is important and interesting about communism is its background,
concept, and why many countries apply to this idea. This essay will generally focus on the
background, ideology, and why the countries and political parties applied to this idea.
Communism did not exist until the 18th century. The idea of communism originated from the
industrial revolution in Great Britain and French Revolution in France. These two revolutions had
proven the fact that rich and power could be successfully challenged by the poor the powerless
people. During this time ВЎВ§A more content...
Police will not be needed and people can live in harmony. MarxВЎВ¦s theory won many supports
from many countries and political parties throughout the world in the 20th century. They believed
that MarxВЎВ¦s theory MarxВЎВ¦s idealism of communism will lead to a utopia world, and many
believed that communism will eventually replace capitalism. Although the idea of communism was
accepted, several years later, people were starting the reject the idea, because there is economic
development to be considered. Under communism, people get the same property and income no
matter how much work they have done. As a result, the economy will never be improved because
people will not try their best to work.
Many countries including countries in Europe and Asia accepted the idea of communism. The most
conspicuous ones are China and Russia. In 1917, in Russia, the Bolsherik Party, also known as the
ВЎВ§redsВЎВЁ joined by workers and soldiers, who wants better salary fought the civil war. This is
known as the Russian Revolution. In 1922, Russia was ruled under a communist leader, and this is
when the USSR was created. In China, thousands of students gathered in Peking (currently Beijing)
protesting against the governments. Inspiring by Russia, students and workers, under the leadership
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Communism Essay

  • 1. Essay on Communism In the beginning Communism seemed to the people of Russia as a utopian ideal. The promise of the elimination of classes, of guaranteed employment, "The creation of a comprehensive social security and welfare system for all citizens that would end the misery of workers once and for all." Lenin's own interpretation of the Marxian critique was that to achieve Communism there would first have to be a socialist dictatorship to first suppress any dissent or protest. Through coercive tactics this new government seized power and in 1917 Lenin came to power. Under his "rule" Russia underwent radical changes in it's economic doctrines adopting a mixed which was termed the New Economic Policy, also referred to as NEP. This more content... Lenin believed that Trotsky was the best suitable to take the Communist party to the next level. Trotsky was not all that popular among party members though and Stalin was in a position as Gen Sek, or General Secretary, to place his people in powerful positions throughout the party. Also, Stalin worked extremely hard at achieving power whereas Trotsky was rather lazy. Because of these reasons along with Stalin's "zero tolerance" attitude towards everyone, he was able to seize control. Once in control, Stalin's first major achievements were the Five Year Plans for industry. Russia had not yet had their industrial revolution and were far behind the other powers of the world. The first Five Year Plan worked as far as industrial output was concerned, but it was at much cost to the people of Russia. Once the Five Year Plans started to roll, Stalin decided to make some agricultural changes to support the industrialization. In April, 1928, Stalin presented the draft of a new land law. Although the draft failed to become a law, it showed a couple of Stalin's objectives. One was the rapid and forcible collectivization of the peasants in order to industrialize the country quickly. The other was the liquidation of the kulaks as a class. Kulaks were seen as industrious or prosperous peasants who were not enthusiastic about the policies of the communist party. Collectivization was the forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into Get more content on
  • 2. Communism Essay I Introduction Communism: A theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in world politics for much of the 20th century. As a political movement, communism sought to overthrow capitalism through a workers' revolution and establish a system in which property is owned by the community as a whole rather than by individuals. In theory, communism would create a classless society of abundance and freedom, in which all people enjoy equal social and economic status. In practice, communist regimes have taken the form of coercive, authoritarian governments that cared little for the plight of the working class and sought above all else to preserve their own more content... Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, turned the Soviet Union into a dictatorship based on total state control of the economy and the suppression of any form of opposition. As a result of Lenin's and Stalin's policies, many people came to associate the term communism with undemocratic or totalitarian governments that claimed allegiance to Marxist–Leninist ideals. The term Marxism –Leninism refers to Marx's theories as amended and put into practice by Lenin. After World War II (1939 –1945), regimes calling themselves communist took power in China, Eastern Europe, and other regions. The spread of communism marked the beginning of the Cold War, in which the Soviet Union and the United States, and their respective allies, competed for political and military supremacy. By the early 1980s, almost one–third of the world's population lived under communist regimes. These regimes shared certain basic features: an embrace of Marxism–Leninism, a rejection of private property and capitalism, state domination of economic activity, and absolute control of the government by one party, the communist party. The party's influence in society was pervasive and often repressive. It controlled and censored the mass media, restricted religious worship, and silenced political dissent. Communist societies encountered dramatic change in the late Get more content on
  • 3. Communism in China Essays Communism is a system of government, a political ideology that rejects private ownership and promotes a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of all property and the means of production, where by all work is shared and all proceeds are commonly owned. Communism is practised in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba. However most of the world's communist governments have been disbanded since the end of World War II. Soon after the Japanese surrendered at the end of World War II, Communist forces began a war against theKuomintang in China. The Communists gradually gained control of the country and on the 1st October, 1949, Mao Zedong announced the victory of the Communist party and the establishment of the People' more content... The arrival of Chiang's armies into many rural areas often indicated theft, rape, and murders to common villagers, while Mao's armies were more educated and trained to protect the needs of the peasants in order to win their support. Where the landlords and peasants initially supported the Guomindang, and students and intellectuals looked to the Nationalists for salvation, both sections of the community began to embrace and support the communist ideals. As public services such as health and education suffered under the GMD and living conditions in rural areas worsened, civilians rapidly joined the Communist party. Many soldiers who fought for the Nationals changed sides and began fighting for communism. The essential focus of Mao's revolution revolved solely around the peasants who made up 85% of the population. His new land reforms meant taking land from rich landlords and dividing it amongst poorer peasants. Mao also introduced national health care as 95% of individuals in China had never seen a doctor The PLA rapidly expanded with more peasants joining. In 1947 the Communists captured their new capital, Yan'an and in 1948 they attacked the GMD army capturing all the major cities– Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The Americans originally supported the GMD as they wanted China ( the GMD and Communists) to form a joint government in order to fight Japan– America's enemy. They finally cut off all aid to the GMD troops Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Communism "Communism" What is Communism? Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat. It also can be defined as a conceptualized system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, labor is shared equally as well, and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need (Communism.4all 1). No one person shall be ranked higher than another and there is to be one person in charge of the society in a communism government. There are still to this day many countries that fall under the rule of communism and the ways they were transformed under communist rule is quite more content... This division of labor was less time consuming and the worker could make more and a less amount of time. The invention of these machines reduced the amount of time that the workers had to spend on making the items themselves. This in turn lessened the work for because soon there would be no need for the workers due to the machines. But, at the same time, they also fell in to the hands of big capitalists, and their workers were deprived of whatever independence remained to them (Marxists 3). Communism is viewed also by a religious standpoint. To explain the kind of communism that the early church practiced it is necessary to understand the sense of brotherhood that the members of the Church had toward each other. It was not, to be sure, an arbitrary communism and bears no relation to communists of today, but the principal on which it was based was communistic. They held jobs, bought and sold and made profit of their earnings, much like you would see in an ideal social democracy (Latter Rain 1). What the Jerusalem church practiced was a voluntary and democratic social communism. The representation of communism in the modern world is something entirely different. American society and capitalism in general has oversimplified the terms of independence and class struggle as being part of Get more content on
  • 5. Communism vs Capitalism Essay Capitalism vs. Communism Throughout history, there have been many systems developed in order to have a better society. Two of the most analyzed, and debated systems that have tired to change an economy for the best are communism, and capitalism. Communism, and capitalism have been compared on many levels, such as why they will or will not work, and which one works better. Throughout this essay I will concentrate on the differences, and similarities of how each operates, along with the benefits, and problems that each of them produces. Both of these economic systems theories came about around the same time, in the late 17th to mid18th centuries. One of the main contributor more content... This is the theory of a free market, based on supply and demand to take care of the consumer welfare. Capitalism gives people the freedom to do as they wish, and allows them the opportunities to work to gain great wealth, or to just survive in the society. While communism sets direct demands on the work you do and what you need to produce, so others can benefit as well as you from your hard work. There are many different outcomes and problems that can occur as a result of the different systems. The benefits for communism are set up on a larger scale that takes time and effort, as for capitalism hard work produces quick gains. Since it is harder for people of communism to see direct results from their hard work, there can be a tendency of people doing less, but still receiving the same as everyone else. Thus, there needs to be some type of point system, which makes sure each person does enough work to show for the goods received. If the work is not done then something needs to be done, such as not giving them their share, jail time, or kicked out of the community, resulting in poorer living standards. Capitalism however, gives each individual a choice of the benefits they will receive from working hard or not. You still have the chance to be poor, but unlike communism you have the chance to become rich. In communism the hardest workers receive the same, but in capitalism the hardest workers reap the most rewards. Get more content on
  • 6. Communism Throughout history, countries have developed economic systems according to their political ideology. The nation's ideology directly influences and becomes entrenched in economic decisions of the state. Whether a country develops a free market, a mixed, or a command economy, the foundation of the system lies in how to people choose to use and distribute resources. Free market and capitalist ideals emerged in reaction to the mercantilist policies of the Colonial era (1700s). The Colonial era, a period (dominated by government regulation and control over imports) where European powers set out to extend their influence in the New World (with the intent to extract riches), was the epicenter for capitalism. These European powers sought out more content... As Europe industrialized, revolutionizing the way of life in many countries like UK, there were adverse consequences. Though the manufacturing and availability of jobs increased prosperity and lifted spirits, living conditions were abhorrent and inequality (of wealth) was rampant As free market capitalism began to show its flaws, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote their communist manifesto in response to the living and working conditions of the working class in England. Communism calls for the government to make economic decisions and direct production (through quotas and plans), no individual ownership (all state owned), total equality, and for the working class, the Proletariat, to unite against the Bourgeoisie (upper class). In a command economy, there are two main sectors in the class system: the Bourgeoisie, the wealthy, and the Proletariat, the working class, who have a hostile and antagonistic relationship. In contrast to Smith's free market ideology, Marx is anti–class, believes in government control of the economy, that the division of labor is degrading and dehumanizing (one loses individuality), and that competition must be abolished. This complete reversal in economic ideology, towards the opposite spectrum eventually failed in most communist regimes like the Soviet Union. Only one nation continues to exist as a communist state, which is North Korea. Thus, countries with command economies suffer in the global market, incapable of innovating or incentivizing their people to Get more content on
  • 7. Karl Marx and Communism Essay Karl Marx and Communism Were Karl Marx ideas on communism moral? It is quite obvious that some societies do or did believe that communism was a good way of life. Even though there are many drawbacks to communism there are still some advantages. Karl Marx is a man of intrigue he only did what he wanted to and not what others wanted him to do. Upon completion of my research I feel that Marx was a very bright man. His ideas may not be all together but a man that can introduce communism to the world and actually get people to follow Marx ideas is powerful to me. In my research paper I would like to tell you a little about the life and times of Karl Marx, and how is ideas effect the economy today. Karl Marx was born at 2 am on more content... Marx on the other hand wanted to go for philosophy. He switched to Berlin University after his first year so that he could get a better education. Marx disappointed his father by not studying law and told his father "I did not read works on jurisprudence primarily to become a lawyer, but rather to find metaphysical answers." (Padover 49). Marx got a doctorate in philosophy from Berlin with financial help from his mom whom was not well off financially and lived in a lower–middle class neighborhood. In 1842 Karl Marx started writing for a liberal democratic newspaper called Rheinische Zietung in Cologne, and at the end of 1842 Marx became the editor for the paper (Padover 29). In the beginning of 1843 Marx was told by the ministry that at the end of the quarter the paper must cease publication, causing Karl to resign immediately. The summer of 1843 before heading to Paris to devote his time to studying political economy and the history of the great French Revolution, he married the daughter of Privey Councillor Von Westphalen in trier named Jenny Von Westphalen. Marx liked to speak his mind in writings, which caused him to be expelled from France by Guizot in 1845 (Carver 208) . Upon leaving France he went to Brussels and stayed there, pursuing the same studies, until the outbreak of the February Revolution. Marx still could not keep his ideas to himself and was asked to leave Brussels, He was Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Communism Communism had one of the greatest political impacts than any other political ideas in the 20th century around the world. What is important and interesting about communism is its background, concept, and why many countries apply to this idea. This essay will generally focus on the background, ideology, and why the countries and political parties applied to this idea. Communism did not exist until the 18th century. The idea of communism originated from the industrial revolution in Great Britain and French Revolution in France. These two revolutions had proven the fact that rich and power could be successfully challenged by the poor the powerless people. During this time ВЎВ§A more content... Police will not be needed and people can live in harmony. MarxВЎВ¦s theory won many supports from many countries and political parties throughout the world in the 20th century. They believed that MarxВЎВ¦s theory MarxВЎВ¦s idealism of communism will lead to a utopia world, and many believed that communism will eventually replace capitalism. Although the idea of communism was accepted, several years later, people were starting the reject the idea, because there is economic development to be considered. Under communism, people get the same property and income no matter how much work they have done. As a result, the economy will never be improved because people will not try their best to work. Many countries including countries in Europe and Asia accepted the idea of communism. The most conspicuous ones are China and Russia. In 1917, in Russia, the Bolsherik Party, also known as the ВЎВ§redsВЎВЁ joined by workers and soldiers, who wants better salary fought the civil war. This is known as the Russian Revolution. In 1922, Russia was ruled under a communist leader, and this is when the USSR was created. In China, thousands of students gathered in Peking (currently Beijing) protesting against the governments. Inspiring by Russia, students and workers, under the leadership Get more content on