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Faithful People of
A third-grader got it right.
“A saint is someone that
the light shines through.”
She was looking at a stained-
glass window—
the one St. Francis inhabits.
Every morning the light comes
and St. Francis lets it pass through.
Saints are bearers of light
and love
and life.
Just ask any third-grader.
Can you name saints who are   Can you name saints who are

Martyrs                       Young saints.

                              Saints who gave up worldly
Missionaries                  goods.

Founders of Religious         Saints who gave up life of sin.

                              Servants of God waiting for
Doctors of the Church.

Patron Saints                 Saints who are Dominicans

Different Nationalities       Saints who are Jesuits

Different Centuries           Saints who are Franciscans

Saints who converted to
Catholicism                   Saints who are Carmelites

Modern Day Saints
                              Popes and Bishops
The communion of all the faithful of Christ,
those who are
pilgrims on earth,
the dead who are attaining their purification,
and the blessed in heaven,
 all together forming one church.

All members of the church are joined
together, all praying for one another and
helping one another spread God’s Kingdom
here on earth while looking toward the
fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Thomas Aquinas Mother Therese
                                      Thomas Merton     Thea Bowman
         St. Peter  St. Pius XIII
                                                St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
                                       Pierre Toussaint
      St. Isaac Jogues                                     St. Marguerite Bourgeoys
                     St. Paul     Padre Pio
              St. Patrick                                 St. Peter Claver
St. Benedict                  St. Therese Avila
            St. Scholastica                               St. Josephine Bahkita
St. Katherine Drexel               St. Ignatious Loyola
                    St. Bernadette                         Kateri Tekawitha
Maximillian Kolbe
                             St. Dominick Savio              St. Francis Xavier

                                      Pope St. Gregory the Great
  St. Stephen
                                                           St. Maria Goretti
  Oscar Romero               St. Therese Lisiuex
                                                             St. Dominic
  St. Angela Merici Pope John Paul II
                                             Dorothy Day
  St Augustine                                             St. Ambrose
                     St. Francis Assisi
                                                    Pope John XXIII
St. Ambrose
St. Jerome
St. Augustine
St. John Chrystostom
St. Basil the Great
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Pope St. Gregory the Great
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Francis de Sales
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Therese of Avila
St. Catherine of Sienna
St. Therese Lisiuex
St. Stephen
St. Isaac Jogues and North American Martyrs
St. Charles Lwanga and Ugandan Martyrs
St. Paul Miki and Japanese Martyrs
Oscar Romero
St. Thomas More
St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Paul
St. Francis Xavier
St. Patrick
St. Isaac Jogues
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Augustine
Pope St. Gregory the Great
Dorothy Day
Vincent Capodanno
Pope John XXIII
Cardinal Cooke
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Kateri Tekawitha
Oscar Romero
St. Elizabeth Ann

1. First American born saint
2. Converted to Catholicism
3. Founded school in Baltimore for
   poor children forerunner of
   parochial schools today.
4. Founded Sisters of Charity
5. Sisters of Charity in St. Mary’s
   School from 1855 to 1986
St. Thomas Aquinas

1. The Patron Saint of all universities
   and students
2. Joined the Dominicans of Naples in
3. Studied under St. Albert the Great
4. Was declared Doctor of the Church
   by Pope Pius V.
5. Canonized in 1323
Dorothy Day

Converted to Catholicism in 1927
Co-founded a newspaper called
“The Catholic Worker” with Peter
 “The Catholic Worker” printed
articles about Catholic social
In 1924, she bought a beach
cottage in Staten Island.
Went to prison in 1917
Pope John Paul II

His reign as pope lasted for more than 26 years.
He was the first non-Italian pope. He was also Polish.
Pope John Paul II is the youngest pope since Pope Pius IX.
Established a celebration known as World Youth Day to strengthen
young people’s faith
Died in April 2005
Pierre Toussaint

1. Pierre Toussaint was born on June 27th ,
2. He was Taught how to read and write
   by his Grandmother.
3. He came to America in 1787 and became
   an apprentice to one of the city’s
   leading hairdressers.
4. He funded money to build a new
   Roman Catholic church.
5. He died in on June 30th , 1853 , at the age
6. Finally in 1996 Pierre Toussaint was
   declared Venerable by Pop John II, the
   second step toward sainthood
St. Francis Xavier
St. Frances Xavier

 She founded the Missionaries of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Patroness of immigrants
Founded schools, hospitals, and
First American citizen to be canonized
by the Roman Catholic Church
Last name used to honor the Jesuit
saint, Francis Xavier
St. Francis of Assisi

1. St. Francis was the Patron Saint of
   animals and the environment.
2. He traveled to the tomb of Saint
   Peter, where he donated all the
   money in his traveling purse.
3. He was the founder of the Franciscan
   order. The order was a Catholic
   religious order, that had a devoted
   life of simple living, missionary and
   physical labor.
4. He was the founder of a religious
   community called the “Franciscans.”
5. He gave up his wealth to teach
   Religion all over the country. ( Saint
   Francis lived in Assisi, which is
   located in Central Italy.
Oscar Romero

  Archbishop of El Salvador
  Assassinated on March 24, 1980
   while serving mass (martyr)
  Protected those being killed by
   government forces
  A source of strength and hope
   for the poor of his country
  Served as a country priest

"Aspire not to have more but to
            be more.”
St. Ignatius Loyola

A Spanish soldier
Became a Catholic and developed
“spiritual exercises”
Formed the Society of Jesus, of Jesuits
Patron saint of spiritual retreats
Lived a humble life
Pope John XXIII

Convened the Second Vatican Church
261st pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Ordained a priest at age 23
Wrote two greatest encyclicals in the history of Church;
“Mater et Magistra” and “Pacem in Terris”
Lived out the Church’s teaching “Solidarity of the Human
St. Peter Claver

1. Born in Spain 1600’s
2. Ministered to African slaves who were brought into port of
   Cartegna in terrible condition.
3. Boarded ships to bring medicine, food and comfort to
4. Baptized about 300,000
5. Honored by government who previously had condemned
St. Therese Lisieux

Cured by Mary when she was
young and ill
Became a Carmelite
Prayed for missionaries and sent
letters in support of them
St. Stephen

The first martyr (stoned to death)
Falsely accused for speaking blasphemy
First disciple of Jesus
Patron saint of the Stonemasons
 Feast day: December 26
St. Peter

A leader of the early Christian
Killed by crucifixion
An African martyr
Many schools were named after
Real name: Simon Cephas
St. Paul

Made the first missionary journey
An Apostle
Beheaded in Rome during the reign of
13 epistles in the New Testament are
attributed to Paul
Argued that Gentiles didn’t have to
become Jews in order to be Christians at
the Council of Jerusalem
St. Benedict

1. exercised the greatest influence on monasticism
2. built what was to become one of the most famous
   monasteries in the world—Monte Cassino in Naples, Italy
3. Established RULE OF ST. BENEDICT to describe a life of
   devotional prayer, worship, and labor.

4. Encouraged charity to surrounding communities.
St. Angela Merici

Founded the Order of Ursulines
Encouraged education for young
girls (turned her home into school
for girls)
Helped women become good
wives and mothers
Patron saint of the disabled and
Struck with blindness, but cured
when praying in front of a crucifix
St. Teresa of Avila

A strong Church leader
Born to a noble Spanish family
A brilliant spiritual writer
Helped to reform her religious orders, the
Declared a Doctor of the Church
Mother Josephine

     "Be good, love the Lord, pray for those who do
     not know Him. What a great grace it is to know

1. For many years, Josephine Bakhita was a slave but her spirit was
   always free and eventually that spirit prevailed.
2. Born in Darfur region of Sudan
3. Kidnapped and sold in slavery and given the name Bahkita
   which means “fortunate’
4. entered the Institute of St. Magdalene of Canossa in 1893
5. Worked to free girls from oppression and violence and return
   them to their dignity.
St. Augustine

                                 St. Monica

St. Monica mother of St. Augustine.
St. Monica, a Christian forced to       Christian at 33, priest at 36, bishop at 41
marry a pagan prayed for her husbands    Wrote many works about his life and faith
conversion.                              Born in Hippo near Algeria today.
When her son began following            DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
heretical teachings and living an        Augustinian priests and brothers continue
immoral life, she never gave up trying   to make a difference today.
to help him convert                      St. Nicholas of Tolentine Augustinian
St. Ambrose was her spiritual advisor   friar/
as well as Augustine’s
She became a leader of devout
women in Milan.

                   "Here we do not speak evil of anyone."
Pope St. Gregory the

1. Benedictine monk found several monasteries in Sicily
2. Known to have reformed the liturgy.
3. Revision of “Gregorian Chant” is disputed.
4. His book “Pastoral Care” outlined duties of bishops to
   preach and to enforce discipline.
5. One of four key early DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH along
St. Francis Xavier

1. Born in Spain, studied in Paris, met St.
   Ignatius Loyola
2. One of original 7 who joined Society of Jesus
3. One of the first Jesuit missionaries to far east
   where he preached and gave aid to the sick.
4. Patron saint of Japan and missionaries
5. Gave his time freely ministering to the
   poorest people.
St. Thomas More

1. MARTYR refused to approve Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage and
   establishment of the Church of England and was beheaded in Tower of London.
2. Would not support Henry VIII as head of the Church
3. A” man for all seasons”, a literary scholar, eminent lawyer, gentleman, father of
   four children and chancellor of England.
4. supreme diplomat and counselor, he did not compromise his own moral values in
   order to please the king.
Kateri Tekawitha

           1. Pope John Paul II has designated Blessed Kateri as a
              patroness for World Youth Day 2002.
           2. Born in New York, daughter of Mohawk chief and
              Catholic Algonquin mother.
           3. Dedicate her short life to Jesus always ministering to
           4. Loved the rosary and let a life of prayer.
           5. First native American to declared Blessed.

"Kateri was a child of nature. Her sainthood will raise the minds and hearts
of those who love nature and work in ecology."
St. Maximillian Kolbe
1. Born in Poland (now Ukraine Franciscan Friar and
   ordained at 24
2. Prayed to Our Lady for direction and guidance. She
   offered him two crown purity and martyrdom and he
   chose both
3. founded the Militia of the Immaculata, whose aim
   was to fight evil with the witness of the good
   life, prayer, work and suffering.
4. Thought religious indifference was worst evil and
   fought against it.
5. Arrested by Nazis and put in concentration camp.
6. Died when he asked to replace a man who was in the
   “death line” because the man had a family.
Katherine Drexel

1. daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia banker who had left her and
   her siblings an inheritance in the millions,
2. Katharine used her portion to establish Xavier University, the first
   Catholic college for blacks, in New Orleans.
3. Her assistance to Native Americans resulted in 145 Catholic
   missions and 12 schools.
4. Founded Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.
5. Second canonized American born saint after Elizabeth Seton.
Thomas Merton
St. Bernadette

1. born in 1844, child of an extremely poor miller in the
   town of Lourdes in southern France.
2. on February 11,1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary
   appeared to Bernadette in a cave.
3. Lourdes became one of the most popular Marian
   shrines in the world, attracting millions of visitors
   and many miracles were reported.
4. Our Lady revealed herself by saying “I am the
   Immaculate Conception.
5. Though Bernadette didn’t understand everything
   told to her, she accepted and believed.
Maria Goretti

1.) Maria Goretti is the youngest
2.) She was born in Italy.
3.) She was attacked by her
eighteen-year-old neighbor. He
tried to rape her.
4.) She said that if she submitted to
him, she would be sinning. She
would rather die than submit, so
he killed her.
5.) She forgave him, and appeared
to him in a vision after her death.
St. Patrick

1. Patron Saint of Archdiocese of New York.
2. Former slave
3. Converted people of Ireland
4. Legend says he taught with shamrock and
   chased snakes from Ireland.
5. Taught by example.
Mother Teresa
St. Paul Miki

1. Jesuit and a native of Japan, has become the best
   known among the 26 martyrs of Japan
2. After Christ’s example he forgave his persecutors.
   He said” I do not hate them.”
3. .Among the martyrs were priests, brothers and
   laymen, Franciscans, Jesuits and members of the
   Secular Franciscan Order; there were
   catechists, doctors, simple artisans and
   servants, old men and innocent children—all
   united in a common faith and love for Jesus and
   his Church.
St. Isaac Jogues

1. Isaac Jogues and his companions were the first martyrs of the North
   American continent officially recognized by the Church.
2. Gave up a career teaching literature in France to bring “good news”
   to Huron Indians in New World.
3. Jesuit missionary and martyr
4. Captured and tortured by Iroquois.
5. Patron Saint of North America.
St. Jerome

1. Doctor of the Church
2. Translated Bible from Hebrew
3. Studied in Rome, traveled extensively in Palestine.
4. Strong, outspoken, swift to anger, but most severe on
   himself for his shortcomings.
5. Legend says he pulled a thorn from a lion’s paw and the
   lion was forever devoted.
St Dominic Savio

             1. joined St. John Bosco as a student at the Oratory in
                Turin at the age of 12.
             2. Though he was afraid his friends would make fun of
                him, he was very pious and devoted to his faith.
             3. Many thought he was too young, but Pope Pius X
                thought that “no one is too young—or too old or too
                anything else—to achieve the holiness to which we
                are all called.”
             4. Not only did he live his life committed to not
                sinning he felt it was his duty to stop others and
                through his words prevented fights ,etc.

"I can't do big things. But I want all I do, even the smallest thing, to be for the
                              greater glory of God."
St Marguerite

1. Applied to Carmelites and Poor Clares and was unsuccessful.
2. Invited to Canada to start a school adding classes for Indian
   girls later on.
3. Founded the Sisters of Notre Dame.
4. Called “Mother of the Colony”
5. At age 69 walked from Montreal to Quebec to establish a
   school there.

        “God closes a door and then opens a window,”
St Catherine of Siena

1. entered the Dominican Third Order at 18 and spent the next
   three years in seclusion, prayer and austerity.
2. When Great Schism began, she spent last years of her life
   praying and preaching for unity.
3. Doctor of the Church for her spiritual writings.
4. Co Patron of Italy with St. Francis of Assisi.
Servant of God
Vincent Capodanno
St. John Neumann
St. Charles Lwanga

1. One of 22 Ugandan martyrs.
2. protected his fellow pages (aged 13 to 30) from the sexual
   demands of the Bagandan ruler/
3. encouraged and instructed them in the Catholic faith
   during their imprisonment for refusing the ruler’s
4. Burned to death, he made no cries until the end when he
   called out “Katonda” My God!
Pope Leo XIII
Saint John The

          -Patron Saint of baptism, conversion,
          and tailors.

          -Baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.

          -Relative of Jesus Christ.


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Communion of saints 5.17.10

  • 2. A third-grader got it right. “A saint is someone that the light shines through.” She was looking at a stained- glass window— the one St. Francis inhabits. Every morning the light comes and St. Francis lets it pass through. Saints are bearers of light and love and life. Just ask any third-grader.
  • 3. Can you name saints who are Can you name saints who are Martyrs Young saints. Saints who gave up worldly Missionaries goods. Founders of Religious Saints who gave up life of sin. Communities. Servants of God waiting for Doctors of the Church. beatification. Patron Saints Saints who are Dominicans Different Nationalities Saints who are Jesuits Different Centuries Saints who are Franciscans Saints who converted to Catholicism Saints who are Carmelites Modern Day Saints Popes and Bishops
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. The communion of all the faithful of Christ, those who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are attaining their purification, and the blessed in heaven, all together forming one church. All members of the church are joined together, all praying for one another and helping one another spread God’s Kingdom here on earth while looking toward the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven
  • 8. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Thomas Aquinas Mother Therese Thomas Merton Thea Bowman St. Peter St. Pius XIII St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Pierre Toussaint St. Isaac Jogues St. Marguerite Bourgeoys St. Paul Padre Pio St. Patrick St. Peter Claver St. Benedict St. Therese Avila St. Scholastica St. Josephine Bahkita St. Katherine Drexel St. Ignatious Loyola St. Bernadette Kateri Tekawitha Maximillian Kolbe St. Dominick Savio St. Francis Xavier Pope St. Gregory the Great St. Stephen St. Maria Goretti Oscar Romero St. Therese Lisiuex St. Dominic St. Angela Merici Pope John Paul II Dorothy Day St Augustine St. Ambrose St. Francis Assisi Pope John XXIII
  • 9. St. Ambrose St. Jerome St. Augustine St. John Chrystostom St. Basil the Great St. Bernard of Clairvaux Pope St. Gregory the Great St. Anthony of Padua St. Francis de Sales St. Thomas Aquinas St. Therese of Avila St. Catherine of Sienna St. Therese Lisiuex
  • 10. St. Stephen St. Isaac Jogues and North American Martyrs St. Charles Lwanga and Ugandan Martyrs St. Paul Miki and Japanese Martyrs Oscar Romero St. Thomas More St. Maximilian Kolbe
  • 11. St. Paul St. Francis Xavier St. Patrick St. Isaac Jogues
  • 12.
  • 13. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Augustine
  • 14. Pope St. Gregory the Great
  • 15. Dorothy Day Vincent Capodanno Pope John XXIII Cardinal Cooke Archbishop Fulton Sheen Kateri Tekawitha Oscar Romero
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 1. First American born saint 2. Converted to Catholicism 3. Founded school in Baltimore for poor children forerunner of parochial schools today. 4. Founded Sisters of Charity 5. Sisters of Charity in St. Mary’s School from 1855 to 1986
  • 19. St. Thomas Aquinas 1. The Patron Saint of all universities and students 2. Joined the Dominicans of Naples in 1243 3. Studied under St. Albert the Great 4. Was declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V. 5. Canonized in 1323
  • 20. Dorothy Day Converted to Catholicism in 1927 Co-founded a newspaper called “The Catholic Worker” with Peter Maurin.  “The Catholic Worker” printed articles about Catholic social teaching. In 1924, she bought a beach cottage in Staten Island. Went to prison in 1917
  • 21. Pope John Paul II His reign as pope lasted for more than 26 years. He was the first non-Italian pope. He was also Polish. Pope John Paul II is the youngest pope since Pope Pius IX. Established a celebration known as World Youth Day to strengthen young people’s faith Died in April 2005
  • 22. Pierre Toussaint 1. Pierre Toussaint was born on June 27th , 1766 2. He was Taught how to read and write by his Grandmother. 3. He came to America in 1787 and became an apprentice to one of the city’s leading hairdressers. 4. He funded money to build a new Roman Catholic church. 5. He died in on June 30th , 1853 , at the age 87. 6. Finally in 1996 Pierre Toussaint was declared Venerable by Pop John II, the second step toward sainthood
  • 24. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini  She founded the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Patroness of immigrants Founded schools, hospitals, and orphanages First American citizen to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church Last name used to honor the Jesuit saint, Francis Xavier
  • 25. St. Francis of Assisi 1. St. Francis was the Patron Saint of animals and the environment. 2. He traveled to the tomb of Saint Peter, where he donated all the money in his traveling purse. 3. He was the founder of the Franciscan order. The order was a Catholic religious order, that had a devoted life of simple living, missionary and physical labor. 4. He was the founder of a religious community called the “Franciscans.” 5. He gave up his wealth to teach Religion all over the country. ( Saint Francis lived in Assisi, which is located in Central Italy.
  • 26. Oscar Romero  Archbishop of El Salvador  Assassinated on March 24, 1980 while serving mass (martyr)  Protected those being killed by government forces  A source of strength and hope for the poor of his country  Served as a country priest "Aspire not to have more but to be more.”
  • 27. St. Ignatius Loyola A Spanish soldier Became a Catholic and developed “spiritual exercises” Formed the Society of Jesus, of Jesuits Patron saint of spiritual retreats Lived a humble life
  • 28. Pope John XXIII Convened the Second Vatican Church 261st pope of the Roman Catholic Church Ordained a priest at age 23 Wrote two greatest encyclicals in the history of Church; “Mater et Magistra” and “Pacem in Terris” Lived out the Church’s teaching “Solidarity of the Human Family”
  • 29. St. Peter Claver 1. Born in Spain 1600’s 2. Ministered to African slaves who were brought into port of Cartegna in terrible condition. 3. Boarded ships to bring medicine, food and comfort to slaves. 4. Baptized about 300,000 5. Honored by government who previously had condemned him.
  • 30. St. Therese Lisieux Cured by Mary when she was young and ill Became a Carmelite Prayed for missionaries and sent letters in support of them
  • 31. St. Stephen The first martyr (stoned to death) Falsely accused for speaking blasphemy First disciple of Jesus Patron saint of the Stonemasons  Feast day: December 26
  • 32. St. Peter A leader of the early Christian Church Killed by crucifixion An African martyr Many schools were named after him. Real name: Simon Cephas
  • 33. St. Paul Made the first missionary journey An Apostle Beheaded in Rome during the reign of Nero 13 epistles in the New Testament are attributed to Paul Argued that Gentiles didn’t have to become Jews in order to be Christians at the Council of Jerusalem
  • 34. St. Benedict 1. exercised the greatest influence on monasticism 2. built what was to become one of the most famous monasteries in the world—Monte Cassino in Naples, Italy 3. Established RULE OF ST. BENEDICT to describe a life of devotional prayer, worship, and labor. 4. Encouraged charity to surrounding communities.
  • 35. St. Angela Merici Founded the Order of Ursulines Encouraged education for young girls (turned her home into school for girls) Helped women become good wives and mothers Patron saint of the disabled and orphans Struck with blindness, but cured when praying in front of a crucifix
  • 36. St. Teresa of Avila A strong Church leader Born to a noble Spanish family A brilliant spiritual writer Helped to reform her religious orders, the Carmelites Declared a Doctor of the Church
  • 37. Mother Josephine Bakhita "Be good, love the Lord, pray for those who do not know Him. What a great grace it is to know God!" 1. For many years, Josephine Bakhita was a slave but her spirit was always free and eventually that spirit prevailed. 2. Born in Darfur region of Sudan 3. Kidnapped and sold in slavery and given the name Bahkita which means “fortunate’ 4. entered the Institute of St. Magdalene of Canossa in 1893 5. Worked to free girls from oppression and violence and return them to their dignity.
  • 38. St. Augustine St. Monica St. Monica mother of St. Augustine. St. Monica, a Christian forced to Christian at 33, priest at 36, bishop at 41 marry a pagan prayed for her husbands Wrote many works about his life and faith conversion. Born in Hippo near Algeria today. When her son began following DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH heretical teachings and living an Augustinian priests and brothers continue immoral life, she never gave up trying to make a difference today. to help him convert St. Nicholas of Tolentine Augustinian St. Ambrose was her spiritual advisor friar/ as well as Augustine’s She became a leader of devout women in Milan. "Here we do not speak evil of anyone."
  • 39. Pope St. Gregory the Great 1. Benedictine monk found several monasteries in Sicily 2. Known to have reformed the liturgy. 3. Revision of “Gregorian Chant” is disputed. 4. His book “Pastoral Care” outlined duties of bishops to preach and to enforce discipline. 5. One of four key early DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH along with AMBROSE, JEROME, AND AUGUSTINE.
  • 40. St. Francis Xavier 1. Born in Spain, studied in Paris, met St. Ignatius Loyola 2. One of original 7 who joined Society of Jesus 3. One of the first Jesuit missionaries to far east where he preached and gave aid to the sick. 4. Patron saint of Japan and missionaries 5. Gave his time freely ministering to the poorest people.
  • 41. St. Thomas More 1. MARTYR refused to approve Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage and establishment of the Church of England and was beheaded in Tower of London. 2. Would not support Henry VIII as head of the Church 3. A” man for all seasons”, a literary scholar, eminent lawyer, gentleman, father of four children and chancellor of England. 4. supreme diplomat and counselor, he did not compromise his own moral values in order to please the king.
  • 42. Kateri Tekawitha 1. Pope John Paul II has designated Blessed Kateri as a patroness for World Youth Day 2002. 2. Born in New York, daughter of Mohawk chief and Catholic Algonquin mother. 3. Dedicate her short life to Jesus always ministering to others. 4. Loved the rosary and let a life of prayer. 5. First native American to declared Blessed. "Kateri was a child of nature. Her sainthood will raise the minds and hearts of those who love nature and work in ecology."
  • 43. St. Maximillian Kolbe 1. Born in Poland (now Ukraine Franciscan Friar and ordained at 24 2. Prayed to Our Lady for direction and guidance. She offered him two crown purity and martyrdom and he chose both 3. founded the Militia of the Immaculata, whose aim was to fight evil with the witness of the good life, prayer, work and suffering. 4. Thought religious indifference was worst evil and fought against it. 5. Arrested by Nazis and put in concentration camp. 6. Died when he asked to replace a man who was in the “death line” because the man had a family.
  • 44. Katherine Drexel 1. daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia banker who had left her and her siblings an inheritance in the millions, 2. Katharine used her portion to establish Xavier University, the first Catholic college for blacks, in New Orleans. 3. Her assistance to Native Americans resulted in 145 Catholic missions and 12 schools. 4. Founded Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. 5. Second canonized American born saint after Elizabeth Seton.
  • 46. St. Bernadette 1. born in 1844, child of an extremely poor miller in the town of Lourdes in southern France. 2. on February 11,1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette in a cave. 3. Lourdes became one of the most popular Marian shrines in the world, attracting millions of visitors and many miracles were reported. 4. Our Lady revealed herself by saying “I am the Immaculate Conception. 5. Though Bernadette didn’t understand everything told to her, she accepted and believed.
  • 47. Maria Goretti 1.) Maria Goretti is the youngest saint. 2.) She was born in Italy. 3.) She was attacked by her eighteen-year-old neighbor. He tried to rape her. 4.) She said that if she submitted to him, she would be sinning. She would rather die than submit, so he killed her. 5.) She forgave him, and appeared to him in a vision after her death.
  • 48. St. Patrick 1. Patron Saint of Archdiocese of New York. 2. Former slave 3. Converted people of Ireland 4. Legend says he taught with shamrock and chased snakes from Ireland. 5. Taught by example.
  • 50. St. Paul Miki 1. Jesuit and a native of Japan, has become the best known among the 26 martyrs of Japan 2. After Christ’s example he forgave his persecutors. He said” I do not hate them.” 3. .Among the martyrs were priests, brothers and laymen, Franciscans, Jesuits and members of the Secular Franciscan Order; there were catechists, doctors, simple artisans and servants, old men and innocent children—all united in a common faith and love for Jesus and his Church.
  • 51. St. Isaac Jogues 1. Isaac Jogues and his companions were the first martyrs of the North American continent officially recognized by the Church. 2. Gave up a career teaching literature in France to bring “good news” to Huron Indians in New World. 3. Jesuit missionary and martyr 4. Captured and tortured by Iroquois. 5. Patron Saint of North America.
  • 52. St. Jerome 1. Doctor of the Church 2. Translated Bible from Hebrew 3. Studied in Rome, traveled extensively in Palestine. 4. Strong, outspoken, swift to anger, but most severe on himself for his shortcomings. 5. Legend says he pulled a thorn from a lion’s paw and the lion was forever devoted.
  • 53. St Dominic Savio 1. joined St. John Bosco as a student at the Oratory in Turin at the age of 12. 2. Though he was afraid his friends would make fun of him, he was very pious and devoted to his faith. 3. Many thought he was too young, but Pope Pius X thought that “no one is too young—or too old or too anything else—to achieve the holiness to which we are all called.” 4. Not only did he live his life committed to not sinning he felt it was his duty to stop others and through his words prevented fights ,etc. "I can't do big things. But I want all I do, even the smallest thing, to be for the greater glory of God."
  • 54. St Marguerite Bourgeoys 1. Applied to Carmelites and Poor Clares and was unsuccessful. 2. Invited to Canada to start a school adding classes for Indian girls later on. 3. Founded the Sisters of Notre Dame. 4. Called “Mother of the Colony” 5. At age 69 walked from Montreal to Quebec to establish a school there. “God closes a door and then opens a window,”
  • 55. St Catherine of Siena 1. entered the Dominican Third Order at 18 and spent the next three years in seclusion, prayer and austerity. 2. When Great Schism began, she spent last years of her life praying and preaching for unity. 3. Doctor of the Church for her spiritual writings. 4. Co Patron of Italy with St. Francis of Assisi.
  • 58. St. Charles Lwanga 1. One of 22 Ugandan martyrs. 2. protected his fellow pages (aged 13 to 30) from the sexual demands of the Bagandan ruler/ 3. encouraged and instructed them in the Catholic faith during their imprisonment for refusing the ruler’s demands. 4. Burned to death, he made no cries until the end when he called out “Katonda” My God!
  • 60. Saint John The Baptist -Patron Saint of baptism, conversion, and tailors. -Baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. -Relative of Jesus Christ. -Martyr.