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COM 295 Entire Course
COM 295 Week 1 Practice Going on a Business Trip to China
COM 295 Week 1 Practice Case Analysis Credibility for an Entry-Level
COM 295 Week 1 Apply Communication Tools Scenario (2 Papers)
COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Identifying Logical
COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Principles of
Persuasion in PR Messages
COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message
COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating a Routine Email
COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Charts for a
COM 295 Week 3 Apply Selecting Sources of Research
COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Establishing Credibility as a
COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating the Needs of an
COM 295 Week 4 Apply Recruitment Presentation
COM 295 Week 5 Communication Tools Comparison
COM 295 Week 1 Apply Communication Tools Scenario (2
COM 295 Week 1 Apply: Communication Tools Scenario
This assignment has two parts.
While working in your office, you get an urgent email from the director
of another department, Max. Max claims that your work activity created
a problem resulting in delays with his subordinates processing an
important project, and that he needs a solution to this problem as soon as
possible. Upon further investigation, you discover that there are some
sub-assembly components needed that are not available for use. You
have a couple of options that may help to mitigate the problem. You can
contact the inventory control manager to locate a similar item for use, or
you could attempt to communicate with the supplier in order to have
something similar sent to the plant.
After gathering a few options, you are be ready to communicate a solid
response to Max, while collaborating with your department’s director.
Part I:
Compare in 175 to 350 words the following communication tools that
could be used to create a response, and explain which method of
communication you prefer and why you chose this particular
communication method:
Face-to-Face interaction
Phone calls
Part II:
Draft a 175- to 350-word email to send to the director (Max).
Include the following:
your summary of his claim
the information that you gathered about the problem
potential resolutions to the problem
your recommended solution to the problem
Use professional language to communicate your response.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
COM 295 Week 1 Practice Case Analysis Credibility for an
Entry-Level Professional
COM 295 Week 1 Practice: Case Analysis: Credibility for an Entry-
Level Professional
Complete the “Case Analysis: Credibility for an Entry-Level
Professional” in Connect.
Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional
Your credibility determines how others perceive and react to your
communications. In this exercise, you’ll test your ability to identify
actions that correspond with the three elements of credibility:
competence, caring, and character.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
Jaxon, Sophia, and Emily were recently hired as audit assistants. This is
the first full-time professional position for each of them. During the first
few months of work, each of them experienced successes and failures.
Jaxon gained a reputation for finding out exactly what clients wanted.
He asked the right questions, he respectfully explained points of
disagreement with them, and he showed them he was genuinely
interested in them. Several of his colleagues commented that clients
trusted him to act appropriately on their behalf. His supervisor was
pleased that Jaxon always followed through on commitments and was
positive he wouldn’t avoid reporting tax violations made by clients.
However, Jaxon’s performance was far from perfect. His supervisor
noticed that Jaxon sometimes made fairly basic mistakes in his audits
and his colleagues would have to redo some of his work.
Sophia has gained a reputation for completing audits more accurately
than all other new audit assistants. Her supervisor is worried, however,
about her long-term success at the firm. Sophia tends to overpromise.
Last week, she told her supervisor she’d finish an important project but
instead worked on other tasks. Last month, she called in sick for a few
days. On one of her sick days, her supervisor saw pictures of her at a
nearby resort that she had posted to Facebook.
Emily is the top performer on audits among the new group of employees
at the firm. She is precise and efficient. She can typically accomplish
many tasks in about half the time of most other audit assistants. Her
supervisor is concerned, however, about her interpersonal skills. She
tends to often criticize her colleagues for their mistakes and rarely offers
appreciation for their help. She also seems to rub clients the wrong way
and comes across as “antisocial” according to one valued client.
Jaxon most apparently lacks which element of credibility?
Multiple Choice
Sophia most apparently lacks which element of credibility?
Multiple Choice
Emily most apparently lacks which element of credibility?
Multiple Choice
What would you most recommend to Jaxon to improve his credibility?
Multiple Choice
Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any
Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often.
Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits.
Take more vacation days.
Take online diversity training.
What would you most recommend to Sophia to improve her credibility?
Multiple Choice
Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits.
Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often.
Take more vacation days.
Make a priority of not staying true to commitments and being deceptive.
Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any
What would you most recommend to Emily to improve her credibility?
Multiple Choice
Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits.
Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often.
Take more vacation days.
Take online diversity training.
Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any
COM 295 Week 1 Practice Going on a Business Trip to
COM 295 Week 1 Practice: Going on a Business Trip to China
Complete the “Going on a Business Trip to China” Case Study in
Going on a Business Trip to China
Business professionals who are high in cultural intelligence possess
skills and attributes to work effectively with members of other cultures.
They respect, recognize, and appreciate cultural differences; possess
curiosity and interest in other cultures; avoid inappropriate stereotypes;
adjust conceptions of time and show patience; manage language
differences to achieve shared meaning; understand cultural dimensions;
establish trust and show empathy across cultures; approach cross-
cultural work relationships with a learner mind-set; and build co-cultures
of cooperation and innovation.
In this exercise, you evaluate the experiences of an operations manager
going to China to examine factories and potentially take bids for some of
your company’s operations. You will notice differences in
communication across cultures and analyze the interactions in terms of
cultural intelligence and the following cultural dimensions:
individualism and collectivism, egalitarianism and hierarchy, future
orientation, assertiveness, and humane orientation.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
Recently, senior managers at Judith Carey’s company concluded that
some of the company’s operations needed to be produced in lower-wage
locations for the company to stay profitable. They placed Judith in
charge of learning about options in China, a country she had never
After several months of making contacts via phone and email, Judith
traveled to China to meet some potential manufacturers. She brought
two of her staff members along with her on the trip. She also asked Mei,
one of the company’s sales representatives in China, to join the group
and act as an interpreter. Mei had joined the company’s sales department
in China two years ago. Because she gained a marketing degree in a
Canadian university, Mei’s English was excellent.
The first stop on the trip would be with representatives of the Shunde
Manufacturing (SDM) Company, a potential manufacturer for the
company’s line of dolls. After a long plane trip and a sleepless night at a
hotel in Shanghai, Judith started the first day of work in China tired and
slightly disoriented. Her team first met the company’s president, Bo
Chen, and seven other men from SDM for lunch. Judith was seated next
to the company’s president for the duration of the two-hour lunch, which
included course after course of foods Judith had never seen or eaten
before. Judith sampled most of the dishes but was clearly uncomfortable.
During the meal, the company president asked Judith, “Ms. Carey, what
are your impressions of China?” Judith replied, “Well, Bo, I don’t really
know too much. I’m not quite used to the air here, with all of the
pollution. Of course, I’ve always known about the one-child policy, but
not much else. Do you think the policy is fair?” Bo stated, “China and
America must solve their problems in their own ways.” Then, he talked
about the final dish for the meal—a fish. He explained that ending the
meal with the fish had special symbolism in China and signaled a
prosperous future for their relationship.
Near the end of lunch, Bo told Judith, “We’ll meet for dinner and a
reception later at 6 p.m. I’ve arranged a tour for you this afternoon.
Several of our staff members will take you for a walk along the river, to
some beautiful Chinese gardens, and to the Shanghai Museum.” Judith
was a bit dismayed. She wasn’t really in the mood for touring. Rather,
she wanted to get down to business, but she obliged for the afternoon
tour. During the tour, Judith asked Mei, her interpreter, “What should I
do this evening to make sure we can talk about business?” Mei replied,
“Tonight, you should make friends with President Chen. Give him a nice
toast in front of his employees. Enjoy the wonderful food. Tomorrow
you can talk about business.”
That evening, Judith and her team were taken to a large private room at a
restaurant. The SDM Company was now represented by more than 20
employees. Judith and Bo spent most of the dinner discussing family and
professional experiences. Judith enjoyed the food, gave a toast
mentioning “future cooperation” and thanking “President Chen for his
hospitality,” and even sang karaoke when invited.
The next day, Judith arrived at the company’s headquarters. She and her
team discussed options for a partnership with SDM representatives for
the duration of the day. At the end of the day, both parties agreed to
continue their conversations in approximately one month.
When Bo Chen referred to Judith Carey as “Ms. Carey,” Judith
responded by referring to him as “Bo.” Which of the following cultural
dimensions can best explain this situation?
Multiple Choice
future orientation
egalitarianism and hierarchy
humane orientation
individualism and collectivism
The first day of the visit is largely spent with lavish banquets and events.
Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this
Multiple Choice
future orientation
individualism and collectivism
egalitarianism and hierarchy
In collectivist cultures, the relationship-building process generally takes
longer. Informal social gatherings are a mechanism to build trust and
When Judith Carey asked Bo Chen about his views of the one-child
policy, he stated, “China and America must solve their problems in their
own ways.” Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain
this situation?
Multiple Choice
humane orientation
egalitarianism and hierarchy
future orientation
Judith’s interpreter, Mei, encouraged her to give a toast to Bo Chen.
Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this
Multiple Choice
egalitarianism and hierarchy
humane orientation
future orientation
Overall, what statement is most true of Judith?
Multiple Choice
She shows no cultural intelligence.
She shows cultural intelligence at all times.
She shows cultural intelligence at some times but not others.
Which of the following elements of cultural intelligence should Judith
work on the most?
Multiple Choice
Possess curiosity and interest in other cultures.
Understand the etiquette of other cultures.
Manage language differences.
Adjust conceptions of time and show patience.
Overall, this case confirms that Chinese business culture is generally
considered what combination of individualism and egalitarianism?
Multiple Choice
high collectivism and low egalitarianism
high individualism and low egalitarianism
high collectivism and high egalitarianism
high individualism and high egalitarianism
COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message
COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message
It is your first week at an organization. While you have lots of
experience in operations management and customer service, the
organizational structure, communication channels, system and
procedures are still new to you.
During the interview process, you became familiar with the problems
facing the organization, and you are eager to apply your new ideas.
After introduction and exposure as a new team member, it is time to start
interacting with individuals using lateral, downward, and upward
communication in order to get information, figure out your team players,
and find people of influence.
Record a 2-to 3-minute audio message to your team members using one
of the methods of influence discussed in your text. Your goal is to
persuade them to form a work group to identify and solve the problems
facing the organization.
Give thought to how you would construct your message in order to
influence individuals to cooperate. You want your coworkers to relax
and accept the fact that you are here to make their jobs easier rather than
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your message.
COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating
Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages
COM 295 Week 2 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating Principles of
Persuasion in PR Messages
Complete the “Case Analysis: Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR
Messages” in Connect.
Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages: reciprocation,
consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity
The following principles of persuasion can be used to plan more
effective PR messages. With public relations messages, you intend to
garner positive attention from stakeholders to your company. By
applying principles of persuasion, you can do so more effectively. In this
exercise, you will evaluate which principles of persuasion are most at
play for various PR messages.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
You are a PR specialist for a major wholesaler of fruits and vegetables,
distributing them to each state in the United States and each province in
Canada. You are planning a variety of PR campaigns and activities over
the next few months, all with a focus on nutrition and health.
In each question, you’ll evaluate which persuasive principles apply to
your various PR messages. You’ll choose from the following:
reciprocation, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity.
You want to write a press release about a free new app you’re offering.
The app allows people to keep track of what they’ve eaten each day and
reports on nutritional value and calories. It also creates customized
recommendations for improving your diet. By emphasizing the cost-free
nature of this useful tool in the press release, you are primarily relying
on which principle of persuasion?
Multiple Choice
social proof
You are developing a series of short videos for your website. In the
videos, you interview local nutritionists and trainers about improving
their health. On which principle of persuasion are you primarily relying?
Multiple Choice
social proof
You want to develop a Facebook fan page. On the fan page, you plan to
provide a forum for customers to share recipes of healthy dishes and
provide links to video clips of celebrities making their favorite dishes
with your signature fruits and vegetables. You are primarily using which
principles of persuasion?
Multiple Choice
social proof and consistency
social proof and authority
scarcity and consistency
consistency and liking
You are sending a tweet with a link to a health trivia contest. Customers
have three days to enter the contest in which they are eligible to win a
year’s supply of fruits and vegetables. When they finish entering their
contest responses, they are directed to a web page with the “Five Veggie
a Day Challenge.” On this web page, they have the option for
developing a personalized plan to eat five vegetable servings per day.
They can track how well they meet their plan on the web page, or they
can simply print out their plan. You are primarily using which principles
of persuasion?
Multiple Choice
social proof and consistency
social proof and authority
scarcity and authority
scarcity and consistency
You want to hold a free bloggers conference for bloggers of health
issues. At the event, you allow bloggers to meet and get to know
members of your company’s executive team. You also hold sessions
about driving traffic to their blogs and sponsor networking events so
bloggers can get to know one another. You are primarily using which
principles of persuasion?
Multiple Choice
reciprocation and liking
reciprocation, liking, and social proof
You want to hold a “Get Fit” event in which you intend to break the
world record for the most people doing aerobics at the same time. Your
goal is to have over 100,000 people at the event. As part of your efforts
to get people to participate, you are encouraging people to join the
“largest exercise event in the history of the world.” What principle of
persuasion is most at play here?
Multiple Choice
social proof
You write a press release about your company’s corporate social
responsibility efforts to fight obesity. In the press release, you explain
how your company’s employees volunteer to conduct healthy lifestyle
presentations at local schools. What principle of persuasion is most at
play here?
Multiple Choice
social proof
COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Identifying Logical
COM 295 Week 2 Practice: Case Analysis: Identifying Logical
Complete the “Case Analysis: Identifying Logical Inconsistencies” in
Identifying Logical Inconsistencies
You should always verify whether your messages contain sound logic.
You can strengthen your logic by avoiding six types of logical
inconsistencies introduced in the book: unsupported generalizations,
faulty cause/effect claims, weak analogies, either/or logic, slanting of
facts, and exaggeration.
Unsupported generalizations involve unfairly stating all people or parts
of a group or category possess a certain characteristic.
Faulty cause/effect claims involve unsupported and unsubstantiated
statements about how one thing causes another.
Weak analogies are comparisons that lack sufficient similarities to
support conclusions. In other words, this is comparing apples and
Either/or logic involves unnecessarily reducing or constricting issues to
two options or viewpoints.
Slanting of facts involves presenting those facts that are favorable to
your position. Some people refer to this as cherry-picking the facts.
Exaggeration involves overstating the value or significance of
In this exercise, you will read a conversation among a team of marketing
professionals and identify the faulty logic in their conversation.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
Ron opened the conversation. “TV advertising is increasingly
ineffective. Every report I’ve seen suggests that TV advertising will
continue to diminish during the next 5 to 10 years, and we’ll even see
spending on digital advertising surpass TV advertising pretty soon. I just
saw a report that showed that TV advertising only comprises 37 percent
of ad spending compared to 33 percent for digital advertising. Soon,
digital advertising will overtake TV advertising. (1) As a result, it’s clear
that digital advertising leads to high returns on investment. (2) We need
to shift all of our TV advertising to digital advertising right away.”
Maria jumped into the conversation. “Come on, Ron. Don’t you think
you’re being a bit dramatic? Last year, we had huge returns from our
Super Bowl ad. Suzie’s analysis showed that we picked up $50 million
in sales from a $4 million dollar investment on that ad. On top of that,
our brand reached an audience of 125 million people in one day. (3)
There’s no doubt that TV advertising is alive and well.”
“Maria, you know better than that,” Ron interjected. (4) “TV advertising
is no different than cassette tapes—it’s on its way to quick extinction.
We should invest all of our creative energies and budget allotments to
the advertising of the future. Right now, I think we all agree that our
focus is on Millennials, so why we’re still focusing on TV is confusing
to me.”
“Ron, I think you’re caught up in the hype of digital. (5) The latest
eMarketer research report about perceiving brand value shows that 70
percent of Millennials say they’re influenced by TV advertising. That’s
higher than any form of digital advertising, including social, online
display, and online video. Bottom line is that TV still is our best bet for
our target demographic.”
“Maria, we’ve looked at that research together. You’re basically citing
the only research study that shows that and it’s entirely based on self-
perceptions. I can show you five other studies that show the opposite
picture and which are based on more reliable research methods.”
Maria countered by saying, “Look, Ron, you can’t simply dismiss that
eMarketer research report so easily. (6) The report undeniably shows
that TV advertising is a completely effective approach that still
influences nearly every Millennial.”
Ron responded, (7) “Maria, I guess I don’t know how to reason with you
here. Virtually every study and data point indicates digital advertising
will be more effective than TV advertising.”
Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement
Multiple Choice
faulty cause/effect claims
weak analogy
either/or logic
Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement
Multiple Choice
either/or logic
weak analogy
faulty cause/effect claims
Which logical inconsistency is Maria most likely displaying in statement
Multiple Choice
unsupported generalization
either/or logic
weak analogy
Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement
Multiple Choice
weak analogy
slanting the facts
either/or logic
Which logical inconsistency is Maria most likely displaying in statement
Multiple Choice
weak analogy
either/or logic
COM 295 Week 3 Apply Selecting Sources of Research
COM 295 Week 3 Apply: Selecting Sources of Research
Refer to the “Evaluating Data Quality” learning activity.
Imagine that you are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over
the past few years, you have been researching how TV viewers use
mobile phones and other devices while watching TV. You want to find
out as much as you can about what other researchers, experts, and
commentators say about trends in this area as you prepare a strategy
brief for your executive team. Specifically, you want to know how TV
viewers use mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile devices while
watching sports events. You have collected a variety of information, and
now you want to evaluate the strength of these sources in terms of
relevance and expertise for your research problem.
Select three sources of research from the provided list that you would
use in preparing a strategy for your team.
White paper about TV
Article about Twitter
Scholarly journal article
A newspaper article
A blog post
A book
Wall Street Journal article
A Wikipedia post
A journal article
White paper
Discuss in 525 to 700 words the pros and cons of each source, as well as
why the three selected sources of research are the best three to use to
develop your strategy.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating a
Routine Email
COM 295 Week 3 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating a Routine Email
Complete the “Case Analysis: Evaluating a Routine Email” in Connect.
Evaluating a Routine Email
Email continues to be the most common type of written communication
in most businesses. You can follow a variety of principles to use it
effectively: (1) use it for the right purposes, (2) ensure ease of reading,
(3) show respect for others’ time, (4) protect the privacy and
confidentiality of others, (5) respond promptly, (6) maintain
professionalism and appropriate formality, (7) manage emotion
effectively, and (8) avoid distractions.
Typically, as you write an email message, you should do the following:
(1) provide a short, descriptive subject line, (2) use greetings and
closings effectively, (3) keep your message brief yet complete, (4)
clearly identify expected actions, (5) provide a descriptive and
professional signature block, and (6) use attachments wisely.
Routine messages should be direct and front-loaded. The primary
message should have ten words or fewer, and you should typically place
it in the subject line of your email to immediately capture attention.
Furthermore, the primary message should appear in the first sentence or
two of the message and again in the closing if your message is several
paragraphs long.
In the body of the routine message, you should provide short paragraphs
with related details. To make sure your message receiver will comply,
include all needed information. As you draft the message, aim for a
helpful, professional, and reader-centered tone. Focus on making the
message easy to read. Readers expect to understand your primary
message in less than 10 to 15 seconds, so use short sentences and
paragraphs. Paragraphs should generally be between 20 and 80 words.
Design your message so that readers can find information in just
moments. Use bullets, numbering, special formatting, and external links
to relevant information to highlight key ideas.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
SUBJECT: Proper Submissions
[Sentence 1] Thank you for traveling to our recent event “Marketing to
Senior Citizens.” [Sentence 2] All of the following expenses will be
reimbursed: air travel (up to $500 for coach-class airfare), meals (for up
to $25 per meal), travel to and from the airport (for up to $75 per taxi
ride), and some incidentals (up to $20 per day).
[Sentence 3] Reimbursement will be sent to you after the following steps
are completed. [Sentence 4]An itemized spreadsheet of expenses must
be received by October 15. [Sentence 5] A date, an explanation, and an
expense amount should be included on the spreadsheet of expenses.
[Sentence 6] Additionally, a single file with copies of all receipts (in .pdf
form is best) must be attached in order for your reimbursement to be
processed.[Sentence 7] The spreadsheet and copy of expenses should be
sent to the following email address: [Sentence
8] The phrase “Reimbursement for Sept 15 Marketing Event” should be
written in the subject line.
Which of the following subject lines would be best for this email?
Multiple Choice
Please Submit Your Expenses before October 15
In Order to be Reimbursed Promptly, Please Remember to Submit Your
Expenses within Four Weeks
Thank You for Attending the “Marketing to Senior Citizens” Event
Which of the following greetings would be best for this email?
Multiple Choice
Hello Katie,
Dear Valued Client,
To whom it may concern:
What statement best describes sentence 1?
Multiple Choice
It is a warm and an appropriate opening to the message.
It is irrelevant to this message.
It sets the wrong tone.
It is too long.
What is true of sentences 3 through 8?
Multiple Choice
Each sentence is a passive sentence.
Each sentence is an active sentence.
Each sentence is not specific.
Each sentence is not helpful.
Assume that you begin the second paragraph (sentences 3 through 8)
with the following sentence: “Please email Teri Stephens
( by October 15 with the following pieces of
information:” Which items should you include in a bulleted list?
Multiple Choice
an itemized spreadsheet and a file with copies of all receipts
an itemized spreadsheet, a file with copies of all receipts, and the subject
an itemized spreadsheet and the subject line
an itemized spreadsheet and bank account information
This email lacks a focus on the future. Which of the following calls to
action would be the best focus on the future?
Multiple Choice
Feel free to contact me any time about developing campaigns to attract
senior citizens.
Hurry and get your receipts in so you can get your reimbursement right
Good luck reaching your marketing goals!
Overall, which statement about the address block is most accurate?
Multiple Choice
It is professional and complete.
It is unprofessional and complete.
It is professional and incomplete.
It is unprofessional and incomplete.
COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Charts for
a Presentation
COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis: Evaluating Charts for a
Complete “Case Analysis: Evaluating Charts for a Presentation” in
Evaluating Charts for a Presentation
You should generally evaluate your charts in terms of the following: title
descriptiveness, focal points, information sufficiency, ease of
processing, and take-away message.
Title descriptiveness. Most readers look first at the chart’s title to grasp
its message. Thus, the title should explain the primary point of the chart.
However, it must be short enough for the reader to process quickly
(generally fewer than ten words).
Focal points. A chart should draw the reader’s attention to the most
critical relationships and ideas. Each of the chart’s focal points should
support one main idea. The focal points can be visually generated in
many interesting ways, including font choices (bold, italics), color, size,
and callout boxes.
Information sufficiency. Charts should contain enough information for
the reader to quickly and reasonably understand the ideas that are being
displayed. Clear labels and legends should demonstrate what is being
measured and in what units. In some cases, readers will expect to know
data values at each point within the chart.
Ease of processing. A basic purpose of a chart is to convey complicated
information as quickly as possible. By selecting only the necessary
information and placing labels and data at appropriate places, you enable
your reader to process the information quickly and efficiently. Ideally,
your reader should grasp the key ideas within 10 to 15 seconds.
Take-away message. An effective chart leaves a lasting impression
about your key point. The take-away is the essence of your chart—how
the information, title, focal points, and other formatting combine to
convey a lasting message.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
You are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few
years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones
and other devices while watching TV. You have found that,
increasingly, viewers expect to engage via mobile devices with TV
shows and their audiences while watching TV.
Recently, you finished a survey that you have conducted annually for the
past three years. Each year, you randomly sampled adults over 18 across
the country. The number of participants in the surveys was 1,543 adults
in 2012, 2,337 in 2013, and 2,342 in 2014. You compiled the following
statistics from the survey:
You and your colleagues will soon give a presentation to executives at
your company. You want to focus on how to engage TV viewers with
their mobile devices. During the presentation, you will present some of
the findings of this survey, and you want to support the view that TV
viewers increasingly expect an interactive, engaging experience that
involves using their mobile phones.
You and your colleagues have created the following charts (each of
which has strengths and weaknesses):
Of these charts, which title most reinforces the theme of your
presentation? (Remember, you want to support the view that TV viewers
increasingly expect an interactive, engaging experience that involves
using their mobile phones.)
Multiple Choice
Line Chart 1
Line Chart 2
Line Chart 3
Of these charts, which one is best as far as focal points?
Multiple Choice
Line Chart 3
Line Chart 1
Line Chart 2
Bar Chart 1
Bar Chart 2
Of these charts, which one is best as far as information sufficiency?
Multiple Choice
Line Chart 2
Line Chart 1
Line Chart 3
Bar Chart 1
Bar Chart 2
Of these charts, which one is best as far as ease of processing?
Multiple Choice
Line Chart 3
Line Chart 1
Line Chart 2
Bar Chart 1
Bar Chart 2
The bar charts could be improved as far as information sufficiency by
including all of the following items except what?
Multiple Choice
an axis with percentages
a note that describes the samples
a note that describes the survey questions
a note indicating the timeframe of the sampling
Which bar chart is easier for readers or audience members to process?
Multiple Choice
Bar Chart 1
Bar Chart 2
Assume that you want to show a new type of viewer behavior that has
grown rapidly during the past few years. Which of the following items
would most dramatically make this point with a chart?
Multiple Choice
Tweeted during shows.
Voted for a reality show contestant.
Checked the accuracy of something said on TV.
Visited a website mentioned on TV.
Entered a contest mentioned on TV.
COM 295 Week 4 Apply Recruitment Presentation
COM 295 Week 4 Apply: Recruitment Presentation
Refer back to the Planning a Presentation Click & Drag learning
Envision that you work for a major, nationwide accounting firm. Your
firm has many openings, and wants to recruit the most qualified
accounting students. You’ve been asked to help recruit talent at several
local universities. You begin the recruiting process with many of these
accounting students via Facebook and LinkedIn. Once you have
identified high-potential recruits, you organize several social events to
get to know them better. You also hold several informative sessions
about what it’s like to work at your firm and about what career paths are
available. Since so many other firms are competing for the top recruits,
the presentation about opportunities at your firm is critical. You want to
make sure that your presentation is organized for maximum impact.
Use the six identified parts of a presentation to record a 2- to 3-minute
video of yourself delivering a recruiting presentation. Remember that
your target audience consists of potential employees right out of college,
so you should tailor your presentation to appeal to topics that will be of
interest to these recruits.
Include the following in your presentation:
Introduce your organization (history, specific business focus,
background, etc.).
Present the various career opportunities available within your
Provide examples of various ways to advance and get promoted within
the organization.
Specify benefits provided by the organization that can attract recruits
fresh out of college (continued education, professional development,
employee training, tuition assistance, etc.).
Demonstrate how the organization has been adopting technology and
training employees.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Establishing
Credibility as a Presenter
COM 295 Week 4 Practice: Case Analysis: Establishing Credibility as a
Evaluating the Needs of an Audience
Understanding the needs of your audience is one of your first tasks as
you develop your presentations. As you do your homework about the
audience, answer the following questions to the degree possible:
How will audience members benefit from the product, service, or ideas I
am proposing? This is the single most important question you can use to
guide you as you design your presentation. In particular, focus on
benefits that fulfill an unmet need.
What communication styles will your audience respond to based on their
motivational values? Identify the motivational value systems (MVSs) of
your audience and how you might appeal to the following MVSs: blue
MVS, red MVS, green MVS, and hubs.
What is the learning style of your audience? Most people fall into one of
three major learning styles: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
Assume that you work in a human resources department. Recently, a
small earthquake struck near the headquarters of your company.
Although there were no injuries and little damage, your company
president thinks that all employees should be more prepared for a major
earthquake. In her words, “You never know when we’ll get the big one.”
She has asked you to promote some earthquake preparedness
workshops. The company president is holding an employee town hall
meeting for approximately 100 employees this week. She has given you
ten minutes to describe and promote the upcoming earthquake
preparedness workshops. The workshops will run for two hours and
involve expert training. Attending the workshops is entirely voluntary.
You have scheduled five workshops to allow as many employees as
possible to fit a workshop into their schedules.
Now, you need to think about how best to use your ten minutes to
promote the workshops.
You’re considering gaining the attention of the employees by
mentioning that nearly two-thirds of homes are at significant danger of
catching fire in the event of a major earthquake. What need are you most
appealing to with this attention-getter?
Multiple Choice
safety of families
safety of colleagues
job security
data security
Which of the following is most likely an obstacle to employees attending
a two-hour workshop on emergency preparedness?
Multiple Choice
fitting a workshop into their busy schedules
skepticism that an earthquake will occur during their lifetimes
security in the fact that their home insurance plans will cover any
earthquake damage
distrust in company leadership
You plan to explain to the employees that the workshop will be
engaging. It will include a variety of activities, including short videos,
simulations, and hands-on activities. You will emphasize that the
workshop will move quickly from activity to activity. This will most
appeal to what type of learner?
Multiple Choice
kinesthetic learners
visual learners
auditory learners
You plan to explain that, immediately after most disasters, there are few
people prepared to lead and direct rescue efforts. As part of the training,
employees will learn how to lead rescue efforts and how to direct and
coordinate resources. Which type of motivational value system does this
message appeal to the most?
Multiple Choice
red MVS
blue MVS
green MVS
hub MVS
You also plan to explain that preparing to help others during an
emergency is an act of love and loyalty right now. This message most
appeals to employees with which MVS?
Multiple Choice
blue MVS
red MVS
green MVS
hub MVS
As part of your ten-minute pitch about the workshops, you plan to show
several diagrams and charts. One diagram depicts the procedures in
place at your workplace. One chart shows the dramatic reduction in risks
to homes that can be achieved with simple preventative measures. This
approach most appeals to what type of learner?
Multiple Choice
visual learners
kinesthetic learners
auditory learners
With the company president’s permission, you’ve thought of a variety of
incentives to get employees to attend the workshops. Which of the
following would not be an effective incentive?
Multiple Choice
a food storage starter kit for only $99
a free meal
a $100 company donation to the Red Cross in the name of each
employee who attends the workshops
a free emergency preparedness guidebook
COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating the Needs
of an Audience
COM 295 Week 4 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating the Needs of an
Establishing Credibility as a Presenter
One of your first presentation strategies should be to establish
credibility. Without appearing self-serving, find ways to increase your
perceived credibility. Use the presentation to show your thorough
understanding of a business issue. Frame your ideas in ways that show
clear benefits to your company, its employees, and its stakeholders. In
every way, display honesty and openness.
During the presentation, you establish your competence by showing that
you know the content well. You show your caring by connecting
emotionally with audience members and adapting to their needs. You
show your character by being open and honest. After your presentation,
following up as appropriate with audience members shows your caring
and character as well. Some audience members may raise issues for you
to look into or ask for additional information. Comply with these
requests promptly and you will establish a reputation for responsiveness.
In this exercise, you will evaluate how your actions and statements build
your credibility in terms of competence, caring, and character.
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
You are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few
years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones
and other devices while watching TV. You have found that viewers
increasingly expect to engage via mobile devices with TV shows and
their audiences while watching TV.
About one month ago, you and your colleagues gave a presentation to
executives at your company regarding some of your survey results. The
executive team members were generally impressed with the information,
but they also seemed skeptical that your company needed to make any
major changes. These executives made various statements referring to
using mobile devices while watching TV as “largely a fad” or simply
“nonmonetizing.” They also expressed concern about making major
changes to cater to the youngest viewers (under 25 years old), who they
feel are not their most important demographic. However, they were
impressed with your presentation enough that they wanted you to dig
deeper into the data and come up with some recommendations.
After a month of deeper analysis of your data, you have found even
stronger evidence that viewers under 40 use their mobile devices
frequently while watching TV. You thought these data helped bolster
your argument that younger TV viewers expect an interactive experience
while watching TV programs—using mobile devices to interact with TV
hosts, actors, and other viewers; to participate in contests and games;
and to interact in other creative ways with the programming.
With more and more TV viewers recording shows and watching
commercial-free later, you thought that adopting an interactive approach
to many programs could counteract this trend and get viewers excited
about watching programs live. In fact, you think there is currently a
great opportunity to develop a new business model that embraces
interactive programming.
Now, you’ve returned to make a presentation to this same group of
senior vice presidents (SVPs): Katie O’Harrah, SVP of marketing; Jake
Ecksberg, SVP of programming; Sam Clawson, SVP of interactive;
Marco Feinstein, SVP of communications; and Peter Orwell, SVP of
business development. You know most of these executives are skeptical
of major changes to the current business model, but you also expect
them to listen objectively to your views. You will recommend that the
company aggressively pursues programming with an interactive
component. In particular, you will suggest pilot-testing interactive
features for three shows that are most popular with your 31- to 40-year-
old demographic.
Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility
through competence?
Multiple Choice
“We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate
intranet so you can access it yourselves.”
“I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.”
“In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in
our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of
dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.”
“We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive
advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we
can focus our efforts in the right direction.”
Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility
through caring?
Multiple Choice
“I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.”
“We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive
advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we
can focus our efforts in the right direction.”
“In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in
our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of
dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.”
“We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate
intranet so you can access it yourselves.”
Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility
through character?
Multiple Choice
“In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in
our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of
dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.”
“I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.”
“We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate
intranet so you can access it yourselves.”
“We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive
advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we
can focus our efforts in the right direction.”
By showing a thorough understanding of your survey results, organizing
your content in a clear manner, and generally showing you are prepared
for this presentation, you are most demonstrating what aspect of
Multiple Choice
Each of the SVPs has many questions for you. You give each time to
pose the questions, and you take time to answer each question carefully.
In each case, you acknowledge the importance of the question. In most
cases, you provide a thorough, compelling response. In a few cases, you
promise to find a good answer for them within a week. What two aspects
of credibility are you most demonstrating?
Multiple Choice
competence and character
competence and caring
caring and character
Before introducing the results of your survey, you explain in detail how
you collected the data and the possible limitations of this survey. You
also tell the SVPs where they can access all of the raw data on the
corporate intranet. What aspect of credibility are you most
Multiple Choice
After the presentation, you discover that you provided some inaccurate
figures. In a few cases, you inadvertently overstated by more than 50
percent the use of mobile devices while watching TV. You immediately
email the SVPs with the correct figures and explain what you think this
implies about your recommendations. What aspect of credibility are you
most demonstrating?
Multiple Choice
COM 295 Week 5 Communication Tools Comparison
Part I:
Compare traditional communication tools with social media
communication tools in no more than 175 words. What are the pros and
cons of each?
Part II:
Review the following scenario:
Your coworker's office is situated next to yours. One day she comes into
your office and informs you of a huge project that is in the process of
being assigned from upper management to your department's manager.
Within forty eight hours, your department manager contacts you through
a text message informing you of your inclusion in this project.
Unfortunately, your manager included very minimal information about
project specifics, so you do not know enough to get a solid start.
Your manager is highly political and does not pay much attention to
detail. Also, he does not like his personnel reaching out to individuals
outside of the department, especially his counterparts.
On the other hand, you do have good relationships with other
departmental managers.
Discuss in 525 to 700 words the following:
Explain how you would go about gathering the information needed to
start your project, while navigating the tough political map.
Select one of the communication tools from Part I to deliver your
message, and explain the rationale behind your selection.
Describe how you would use the selected communication tool in the
given scenario to deliver your message.

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COM 295 RANK Lessons in

  • 1. COM 295 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 1 Practice Going on a Business Trip to China COM 295 Week 1 Practice Case Analysis Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional COM 295 Week 1 Apply Communication Tools Scenario (2 Papers) COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Identifying Logical Inconsistencies COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating a Routine Email COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Charts for a Presentation COM 295 Week 3 Apply Selecting Sources of Research COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Establishing Credibility as a Presenter COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating the Needs of an Audience COM 295 Week 4 Apply Recruitment Presentation
  • 2. COM 295 Week 5 Communication Tools Comparison ============================================== COM 295 Week 1 Apply Communication Tools Scenario (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 1 Apply: Communication Tools Scenario This assignment has two parts. While working in your office, you get an urgent email from the director of another department, Max. Max claims that your work activity created a problem resulting in delays with his subordinates processing an important project, and that he needs a solution to this problem as soon as possible. Upon further investigation, you discover that there are some sub-assembly components needed that are not available for use. You have a couple of options that may help to mitigate the problem. You can contact the inventory control manager to locate a similar item for use, or you could attempt to communicate with the supplier in order to have something similar sent to the plant.
  • 3. After gathering a few options, you are be ready to communicate a solid response to Max, while collaborating with your department’s director. Part I: Compare in 175 to 350 words the following communication tools that could be used to create a response, and explain which method of communication you prefer and why you chose this particular communication method: Face-to-Face interaction Phone calls Emails Text Part II: Draft a 175- to 350-word email to send to the director (Max). Include the following:
  • 4. your summary of his claim the information that you gathered about the problem potential resolutions to the problem your recommended solution to the problem Use professional language to communicate your response. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== COM 295 Week 1 Practice Case Analysis Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 1 Practice: Case Analysis: Credibility for an Entry- Level Professional Complete the “Case Analysis: Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional” in Connect.
  • 5. Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional Your credibility determines how others perceive and react to your communications. In this exercise, you’ll test your ability to identify actions that correspond with the three elements of credibility: competence, caring, and character. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
  • 6. Jaxon, Sophia, and Emily were recently hired as audit assistants. This is the first full-time professional position for each of them. During the first few months of work, each of them experienced successes and failures. Jaxon gained a reputation for finding out exactly what clients wanted. He asked the right questions, he respectfully explained points of disagreement with them, and he showed them he was genuinely interested in them. Several of his colleagues commented that clients trusted him to act appropriately on their behalf. His supervisor was pleased that Jaxon always followed through on commitments and was positive he wouldn’t avoid reporting tax violations made by clients. However, Jaxon’s performance was far from perfect. His supervisor noticed that Jaxon sometimes made fairly basic mistakes in his audits and his colleagues would have to redo some of his work. Sophia has gained a reputation for completing audits more accurately than all other new audit assistants. Her supervisor is worried, however, about her long-term success at the firm. Sophia tends to overpromise. Last week, she told her supervisor she’d finish an important project but instead worked on other tasks. Last month, she called in sick for a few days. On one of her sick days, her supervisor saw pictures of her at a nearby resort that she had posted to Facebook.
  • 7. Emily is the top performer on audits among the new group of employees at the firm. She is precise and efficient. She can typically accomplish many tasks in about half the time of most other audit assistants. Her supervisor is concerned, however, about her interpersonal skills. She tends to often criticize her colleagues for their mistakes and rarely offers appreciation for their help. She also seems to rub clients the wrong way and comes across as “antisocial” according to one valued client. 1 Jaxon most apparently lacks which element of credibility? Multiple Choice Caring Competence Character
  • 8. 2 Sophia most apparently lacks which element of credibility? Multiple Choice Character Caring Competence 3 Emily most apparently lacks which element of credibility? Multiple Choice Competence
  • 9. Caring Character 4 What would you most recommend to Jaxon to improve his credibility? Multiple Choice Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any deception. Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often. Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits. Take more vacation days.
  • 10. Take online diversity training. 5 What would you most recommend to Sophia to improve her credibility? Multiple Choice Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits. Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often. Take more vacation days. Make a priority of not staying true to commitments and being deceptive. Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any deception. 6
  • 11. What would you most recommend to Emily to improve her credibility? Multiple Choice Have a mentor help overcome common mistakes in audits. Find ways to compliment the work of colleagues more often. Take more vacation days. Take online diversity training. Make a priority of staying true to commitments and avoiding any deception. ============================================== COM 295 Week 1 Practice Going on a Business Trip to China
  • 12. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 1 Practice: Going on a Business Trip to China Complete the “Going on a Business Trip to China” Case Study in Connect Going on a Business Trip to China Business professionals who are high in cultural intelligence possess skills and attributes to work effectively with members of other cultures. They respect, recognize, and appreciate cultural differences; possess curiosity and interest in other cultures; avoid inappropriate stereotypes; adjust conceptions of time and show patience; manage language differences to achieve shared meaning; understand cultural dimensions; establish trust and show empathy across cultures; approach cross- cultural work relationships with a learner mind-set; and build co-cultures of cooperation and innovation. In this exercise, you evaluate the experiences of an operations manager going to China to examine factories and potentially take bids for some of your company’s operations. You will notice differences in communication across cultures and analyze the interactions in terms of
  • 13. cultural intelligence and the following cultural dimensions: individualism and collectivism, egalitarianism and hierarchy, future orientation, assertiveness, and humane orientation. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. Recently, senior managers at Judith Carey’s company concluded that some of the company’s operations needed to be produced in lower-wage locations for the company to stay profitable. They placed Judith in charge of learning about options in China, a country she had never visited.
  • 14. After several months of making contacts via phone and email, Judith traveled to China to meet some potential manufacturers. She brought two of her staff members along with her on the trip. She also asked Mei, one of the company’s sales representatives in China, to join the group and act as an interpreter. Mei had joined the company’s sales department in China two years ago. Because she gained a marketing degree in a Canadian university, Mei’s English was excellent. The first stop on the trip would be with representatives of the Shunde Manufacturing (SDM) Company, a potential manufacturer for the company’s line of dolls. After a long plane trip and a sleepless night at a hotel in Shanghai, Judith started the first day of work in China tired and slightly disoriented. Her team first met the company’s president, Bo Chen, and seven other men from SDM for lunch. Judith was seated next to the company’s president for the duration of the two-hour lunch, which included course after course of foods Judith had never seen or eaten before. Judith sampled most of the dishes but was clearly uncomfortable. During the meal, the company president asked Judith, “Ms. Carey, what are your impressions of China?” Judith replied, “Well, Bo, I don’t really know too much. I’m not quite used to the air here, with all of the pollution. Of course, I’ve always known about the one-child policy, but not much else. Do you think the policy is fair?” Bo stated, “China and America must solve their problems in their own ways.” Then, he talked about the final dish for the meal—a fish. He explained that ending the
  • 15. meal with the fish had special symbolism in China and signaled a prosperous future for their relationship. Near the end of lunch, Bo told Judith, “We’ll meet for dinner and a reception later at 6 p.m. I’ve arranged a tour for you this afternoon. Several of our staff members will take you for a walk along the river, to some beautiful Chinese gardens, and to the Shanghai Museum.” Judith was a bit dismayed. She wasn’t really in the mood for touring. Rather, she wanted to get down to business, but she obliged for the afternoon tour. During the tour, Judith asked Mei, her interpreter, “What should I do this evening to make sure we can talk about business?” Mei replied, “Tonight, you should make friends with President Chen. Give him a nice toast in front of his employees. Enjoy the wonderful food. Tomorrow you can talk about business.” That evening, Judith and her team were taken to a large private room at a restaurant. The SDM Company was now represented by more than 20 employees. Judith and Bo spent most of the dinner discussing family and professional experiences. Judith enjoyed the food, gave a toast mentioning “future cooperation” and thanking “President Chen for his hospitality,” and even sang karaoke when invited.
  • 16. The next day, Judith arrived at the company’s headquarters. She and her team discussed options for a partnership with SDM representatives for the duration of the day. At the end of the day, both parties agreed to continue their conversations in approximately one month. 1 When Bo Chen referred to Judith Carey as “Ms. Carey,” Judith responded by referring to him as “Bo.” Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation? Multiple Choice 窗体顶端 future orientation egalitarianism and hierarchy humane orientation individualism and collectivism
  • 17. assertiveness 2 The first day of the visit is largely spent with lavish banquets and events. Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation? Multiple Choice 窗体顶端 future orientation individualism and collectivism assertiveness egalitarianism and hierarchy
  • 18. Explanation In collectivist cultures, the relationship-building process generally takes longer. Informal social gatherings are a mechanism to build trust and appreciation. 3 When Judith Carey asked Bo Chen about his views of the one-child policy, he stated, “China and America must solve their problems in their own ways.” Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation? Multiple Choice 窗体顶端 humane orientation egalitarianism and hierarchy assertiveness
  • 19. future orientation 窗体底端 4 Judith’s interpreter, Mei, encouraged her to give a toast to Bo Chen. Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation? Multiple Choice egalitarianism and hierarchy humane orientation assertiveness future orientation
  • 20. 5 Overall, what statement is most true of Judith? Multiple Choice She shows no cultural intelligence. She shows cultural intelligence at all times. She shows cultural intelligence at some times but not others. 6 Which of the following elements of cultural intelligence should Judith work on the most? Multiple Choice Possess curiosity and interest in other cultures.
  • 21. Understand the etiquette of other cultures. Manage language differences. Adjust conceptions of time and show patience. 7 Overall, this case confirms that Chinese business culture is generally considered what combination of individualism and egalitarianism? Multiple Choice high collectivism and low egalitarianism high individualism and low egalitarianism high collectivism and high egalitarianism high individualism and high egalitarianism
  • 22. ============================================== COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 2 Apply New Hire Persuasive Message It is your first week at an organization. While you have lots of experience in operations management and customer service, the organizational structure, communication channels, system and procedures are still new to you. During the interview process, you became familiar with the problems facing the organization, and you are eager to apply your new ideas. After introduction and exposure as a new team member, it is time to start interacting with individuals using lateral, downward, and upward communication in order to get information, figure out your team players, and find people of influence. Record a 2-to 3-minute audio message to your team members using one of the methods of influence discussed in your text. Your goal is to persuade them to form a work group to identify and solve the problems facing the organization.
  • 23. Give thought to how you would construct your message in order to influence individuals to cooperate. You want your coworkers to relax and accept the fact that you are here to make their jobs easier rather than harder. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your message. ============================================== COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 2 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages Complete the “Case Analysis: Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages” in Connect. Evaluating Principles of Persuasion in PR Messages: reciprocation, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity
  • 24. The following principles of persuasion can be used to plan more effective PR messages. With public relations messages, you intend to garner positive attention from stakeholders to your company. By applying principles of persuasion, you can do so more effectively. In this exercise, you will evaluate which principles of persuasion are most at play for various PR messages. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
  • 25. You are a PR specialist for a major wholesaler of fruits and vegetables, distributing them to each state in the United States and each province in Canada. You are planning a variety of PR campaigns and activities over the next few months, all with a focus on nutrition and health. In each question, you’ll evaluate which persuasive principles apply to your various PR messages. You’ll choose from the following: reciprocation, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. 1 You want to write a press release about a free new app you’re offering. The app allows people to keep track of what they’ve eaten each day and reports on nutritional value and calories. It also creates customized recommendations for improving your diet. By emphasizing the cost-free nature of this useful tool in the press release, you are primarily relying on which principle of persuasion? Multiple Choice reciprocation
  • 26. scarcity social proof authority liking 2 You are developing a series of short videos for your website. In the videos, you interview local nutritionists and trainers about improving their health. On which principle of persuasion are you primarily relying? Multiple Choice scarcity authority social proof
  • 27. consistency liking 3 You want to develop a Facebook fan page. On the fan page, you plan to provide a forum for customers to share recipes of healthy dishes and provide links to video clips of celebrities making their favorite dishes with your signature fruits and vegetables. You are primarily using which principles of persuasion? Multiple Choice social proof and consistency social proof and authority scarcity and consistency consistency and liking
  • 28. 4 You are sending a tweet with a link to a health trivia contest. Customers have three days to enter the contest in which they are eligible to win a year’s supply of fruits and vegetables. When they finish entering their contest responses, they are directed to a web page with the “Five Veggie a Day Challenge.” On this web page, they have the option for developing a personalized plan to eat five vegetable servings per day. They can track how well they meet their plan on the web page, or they can simply print out their plan. You are primarily using which principles of persuasion? Multiple Choice social proof and consistency social proof and authority scarcity and authority scarcity and consistency 5 You want to hold a free bloggers conference for bloggers of health issues. At the event, you allow bloggers to meet and get to know
  • 29. members of your company’s executive team. You also hold sessions about driving traffic to their blogs and sponsor networking events so bloggers can get to know one another. You are primarily using which principles of persuasion? Multiple Choice reciprocation and liking reciprocation, liking, and social proof reciprocation 6 You want to hold a “Get Fit” event in which you intend to break the world record for the most people doing aerobics at the same time. Your goal is to have over 100,000 people at the event. As part of your efforts to get people to participate, you are encouraging people to join the “largest exercise event in the history of the world.” What principle of persuasion is most at play here? Multiple Choice
  • 30. liking consistency social proof authority 7 You write a press release about your company’s corporate social responsibility efforts to fight obesity. In the press release, you explain how your company’s employees volunteer to conduct healthy lifestyle presentations at local schools. What principle of persuasion is most at play here? Multiple Choice authority consistency
  • 31. scarcity social proof ============================================== COM 295 Week 2 Practice Case Analysis Identifying Logical Inconsistencies FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 2 Practice: Case Analysis: Identifying Logical Inconsistencies Complete the “Case Analysis: Identifying Logical Inconsistencies” in Connect Identifying Logical Inconsistencies
  • 32. You should always verify whether your messages contain sound logic. You can strengthen your logic by avoiding six types of logical inconsistencies introduced in the book: unsupported generalizations, faulty cause/effect claims, weak analogies, either/or logic, slanting of facts, and exaggeration. Unsupported generalizations involve unfairly stating all people or parts of a group or category possess a certain characteristic. Faulty cause/effect claims involve unsupported and unsubstantiated statements about how one thing causes another. Weak analogies are comparisons that lack sufficient similarities to support conclusions. In other words, this is comparing apples and oranges. Either/or logic involves unnecessarily reducing or constricting issues to two options or viewpoints. Slanting of facts involves presenting those facts that are favorable to your position. Some people refer to this as cherry-picking the facts.
  • 33. Exaggeration involves overstating the value or significance of something. In this exercise, you will read a conversation among a team of marketing professionals and identify the faulty logic in their conversation. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. Ron opened the conversation. “TV advertising is increasingly ineffective. Every report I’ve seen suggests that TV advertising will continue to diminish during the next 5 to 10 years, and we’ll even see spending on digital advertising surpass TV advertising pretty soon. I just saw a report that showed that TV advertising only comprises 37 percent
  • 34. of ad spending compared to 33 percent for digital advertising. Soon, digital advertising will overtake TV advertising. (1) As a result, it’s clear that digital advertising leads to high returns on investment. (2) We need to shift all of our TV advertising to digital advertising right away.” Maria jumped into the conversation. “Come on, Ron. Don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic? Last year, we had huge returns from our Super Bowl ad. Suzie’s analysis showed that we picked up $50 million in sales from a $4 million dollar investment on that ad. On top of that, our brand reached an audience of 125 million people in one day. (3) There’s no doubt that TV advertising is alive and well.” “Maria, you know better than that,” Ron interjected. (4) “TV advertising is no different than cassette tapes—it’s on its way to quick extinction. We should invest all of our creative energies and budget allotments to the advertising of the future. Right now, I think we all agree that our focus is on Millennials, so why we’re still focusing on TV is confusing to me.”
  • 35. “Ron, I think you’re caught up in the hype of digital. (5) The latest eMarketer research report about perceiving brand value shows that 70 percent of Millennials say they’re influenced by TV advertising. That’s higher than any form of digital advertising, including social, online display, and online video. Bottom line is that TV still is our best bet for our target demographic.” “Maria, we’ve looked at that research together. You’re basically citing the only research study that shows that and it’s entirely based on self- perceptions. I can show you five other studies that show the opposite picture and which are based on more reliable research methods.” Maria countered by saying, “Look, Ron, you can’t simply dismiss that eMarketer research report so easily. (6) The report undeniably shows that TV advertising is a completely effective approach that still influences nearly every Millennial.” Ron responded, (7) “Maria, I guess I don’t know how to reason with you here. Virtually every study and data point indicates digital advertising will be more effective than TV advertising.”
  • 36. 1 Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement 1? Multiple Choice faulty cause/effect claims weak analogy either/or logic 2
  • 37. Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement 2? Multiple Choice either/or logic weak analogy faulty cause/effect claims 3 Which logical inconsistency is Maria most likely displaying in statement 3? Multiple Choice unsupported generalization either/or logic
  • 38. weak analogy 4 Which logical inconsistency is Ron most likely displaying in statement 4? Multiple Choice weak analogy slanting the facts either/or logic 5 Which logical inconsistency is Maria most likely displaying in statement 5?
  • 39. Multiple Choice weak analogy either/or logic ============================================== COM 295 Week 3 Apply Selecting Sources of Research FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 3 Apply: Selecting Sources of Research Refer to the “Evaluating Data Quality” learning activity. Imagine that you are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones and other devices while watching TV. You want to find out as much as you can about what other researchers, experts, and commentators say about trends in this area as you prepare a strategy brief for your executive team. Specifically, you want to know how TV
  • 40. viewers use mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile devices while watching sports events. You have collected a variety of information, and now you want to evaluate the strength of these sources in terms of relevance and expertise for your research problem. Select three sources of research from the provided list that you would use in preparing a strategy for your team. White paper about TV Article about Twitter Scholarly journal article A newspaper article A blog post A book Wall Street Journal article A Wikipedia post A journal article White paper Discuss in 525 to 700 words the pros and cons of each source, as well as why the three selected sources of research are the best three to use to develop your strategy. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
  • 41. ============================================== COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating a Routine Email FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 3 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating a Routine Email Complete the “Case Analysis: Evaluating a Routine Email” in Connect. Evaluating a Routine Email Email continues to be the most common type of written communication in most businesses. You can follow a variety of principles to use it effectively: (1) use it for the right purposes, (2) ensure ease of reading, (3) show respect for others’ time, (4) protect the privacy and confidentiality of others, (5) respond promptly, (6) maintain professionalism and appropriate formality, (7) manage emotion effectively, and (8) avoid distractions.
  • 42. Typically, as you write an email message, you should do the following: (1) provide a short, descriptive subject line, (2) use greetings and closings effectively, (3) keep your message brief yet complete, (4) clearly identify expected actions, (5) provide a descriptive and professional signature block, and (6) use attachments wisely. Routine messages should be direct and front-loaded. The primary message should have ten words or fewer, and you should typically place it in the subject line of your email to immediately capture attention. Furthermore, the primary message should appear in the first sentence or two of the message and again in the closing if your message is several paragraphs long. In the body of the routine message, you should provide short paragraphs with related details. To make sure your message receiver will comply, include all needed information. As you draft the message, aim for a helpful, professional, and reader-centered tone. Focus on making the message easy to read. Readers expect to understand your primary message in less than 10 to 15 seconds, so use short sentences and paragraphs. Paragraphs should generally be between 20 and 80 words. Design your message so that readers can find information in just moments. Use bullets, numbering, special formatting, and external links to relevant information to highlight key ideas.
  • 43. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. SUBJECT: Proper Submissions Hey, [Sentence 1] Thank you for traveling to our recent event “Marketing to Senior Citizens.” [Sentence 2] All of the following expenses will be reimbursed: air travel (up to $500 for coach-class airfare), meals (for up to $25 per meal), travel to and from the airport (for up to $75 per taxi ride), and some incidentals (up to $20 per day).
  • 44. [Sentence 3] Reimbursement will be sent to you after the following steps are completed. [Sentence 4]An itemized spreadsheet of expenses must be received by October 15. [Sentence 5] A date, an explanation, and an expense amount should be included on the spreadsheet of expenses. [Sentence 6] Additionally, a single file with copies of all receipts (in .pdf form is best) must be attached in order for your reimbursement to be processed.[Sentence 7] The spreadsheet and copy of expenses should be sent to the following email address: [Sentence 8] The phrase “Reimbursement for Sept 15 Marketing Event” should be written in the subject line. 1 Which of the following subject lines would be best for this email? Multiple Choice Please Submit Your Expenses before October 15
  • 45. In Order to be Reimbursed Promptly, Please Remember to Submit Your Expenses within Four Weeks Thank You for Attending the “Marketing to Senior Citizens” Event Reimbursement 2 Which of the following greetings would be best for this email? Multiple Choice Hello Katie, Dear Valued Client, Hello! To whom it may concern:
  • 46. 3 What statement best describes sentence 1? Multiple Choice It is a warm and an appropriate opening to the message. It is irrelevant to this message. It sets the wrong tone. It is too long. 4 What is true of sentences 3 through 8? Multiple Choice Each sentence is a passive sentence.
  • 47. Each sentence is an active sentence. Each sentence is not specific. Each sentence is not helpful. 5 Assume that you begin the second paragraph (sentences 3 through 8) with the following sentence: “Please email Teri Stephens ( by October 15 with the following pieces of information:” Which items should you include in a bulleted list? Multiple Choice an itemized spreadsheet and a file with copies of all receipts an itemized spreadsheet, a file with copies of all receipts, and the subject line an itemized spreadsheet and the subject line an itemized spreadsheet and bank account information
  • 48. 6 This email lacks a focus on the future. Which of the following calls to action would be the best focus on the future? Multiple Choice Feel free to contact me any time about developing campaigns to attract senior citizens. Hurry and get your receipts in so you can get your reimbursement right away! Good luck reaching your marketing goals! 7 Overall, which statement about the address block is most accurate? Multiple Choice It is professional and complete.
  • 49. It is unprofessional and complete. It is professional and incomplete. It is unprofessional and incomplete. ============================================== COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating Charts for a Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 3 Practice Case Analysis: Evaluating Charts for a Presentation Complete “Case Analysis: Evaluating Charts for a Presentation” in Connect. Evaluating Charts for a Presentation
  • 50. You should generally evaluate your charts in terms of the following: title descriptiveness, focal points, information sufficiency, ease of processing, and take-away message. Title descriptiveness. Most readers look first at the chart’s title to grasp its message. Thus, the title should explain the primary point of the chart. However, it must be short enough for the reader to process quickly (generally fewer than ten words). Focal points. A chart should draw the reader’s attention to the most critical relationships and ideas. Each of the chart’s focal points should support one main idea. The focal points can be visually generated in many interesting ways, including font choices (bold, italics), color, size, and callout boxes.
  • 51. Information sufficiency. Charts should contain enough information for the reader to quickly and reasonably understand the ideas that are being displayed. Clear labels and legends should demonstrate what is being measured and in what units. In some cases, readers will expect to know data values at each point within the chart. Ease of processing. A basic purpose of a chart is to convey complicated information as quickly as possible. By selecting only the necessary information and placing labels and data at appropriate places, you enable your reader to process the information quickly and efficiently. Ideally, your reader should grasp the key ideas within 10 to 15 seconds. Take-away message. An effective chart leaves a lasting impression about your key point. The take-away is the essence of your chart—how the information, title, focal points, and other formatting combine to convey a lasting message.
  • 52. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. You are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones and other devices while watching TV. You have found that, increasingly, viewers expect to engage via mobile devices with TV shows and their audiences while watching TV. Recently, you finished a survey that you have conducted annually for the past three years. Each year, you randomly sampled adults over 18 across the country. The number of participants in the surveys was 1,543 adults in 2012, 2,337 in 2013, and 2,342 in 2014. You compiled the following statistics from the survey:
  • 53. You and your colleagues will soon give a presentation to executives at your company. You want to focus on how to engage TV viewers with their mobile devices. During the presentation, you will present some of the findings of this survey, and you want to support the view that TV viewers increasingly expect an interactive, engaging experience that involves using their mobile phones. You and your colleagues have created the following charts (each of which has strengths and weaknesses): 1 Of these charts, which title most reinforces the theme of your presentation? (Remember, you want to support the view that TV viewers increasingly expect an interactive, engaging experience that involves using their mobile phones.) Multiple Choice Line Chart 1
  • 54. Line Chart 2 Line Chart 3 2 Of these charts, which one is best as far as focal points? Multiple Choice Line Chart 3 Line Chart 1 Line Chart 2 Bar Chart 1 Bar Chart 2 3
  • 55. Of these charts, which one is best as far as information sufficiency? Multiple Choice Line Chart 2 Line Chart 1 Line Chart 3 Bar Chart 1 Bar Chart 2 4 Of these charts, which one is best as far as ease of processing? Multiple Choice Line Chart 3
  • 56. Line Chart 1 Line Chart 2 Bar Chart 1 Bar Chart 2 5 The bar charts could be improved as far as information sufficiency by including all of the following items except what? Multiple Choice an axis with percentages a note that describes the samples a note that describes the survey questions
  • 57. a note indicating the timeframe of the sampling 6 Which bar chart is easier for readers or audience members to process? Multiple Choice Bar Chart 1 Bar Chart 2 7 Assume that you want to show a new type of viewer behavior that has grown rapidly during the past few years. Which of the following items would most dramatically make this point with a chart? Multiple Choice
  • 58. Tweeted during shows. Voted for a reality show contestant. Checked the accuracy of something said on TV. Visited a website mentioned on TV. Entered a contest mentioned on TV. ============================================== COM 295 Week 4 Apply Recruitment Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 4 Apply: Recruitment Presentation Refer back to the Planning a Presentation Click & Drag learning activity.
  • 59. Envision that you work for a major, nationwide accounting firm. Your firm has many openings, and wants to recruit the most qualified accounting students. You’ve been asked to help recruit talent at several local universities. You begin the recruiting process with many of these accounting students via Facebook and LinkedIn. Once you have identified high-potential recruits, you organize several social events to get to know them better. You also hold several informative sessions about what it’s like to work at your firm and about what career paths are available. Since so many other firms are competing for the top recruits, the presentation about opportunities at your firm is critical. You want to make sure that your presentation is organized for maximum impact. Use the six identified parts of a presentation to record a 2- to 3-minute video of yourself delivering a recruiting presentation. Remember that your target audience consists of potential employees right out of college, so you should tailor your presentation to appeal to topics that will be of interest to these recruits. Include the following in your presentation: Introduce your organization (history, specific business focus, background, etc.). Present the various career opportunities available within your organization. Provide examples of various ways to advance and get promoted within the organization.
  • 60. Specify benefits provided by the organization that can attract recruits fresh out of college (continued education, professional development, employee training, tuition assistance, etc.). Demonstrate how the organization has been adopting technology and training employees. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Establishing Credibility as a Presenter FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 4 Practice: Case Analysis: Establishing Credibility as a Presenter Evaluating the Needs of an Audience
  • 61. Understanding the needs of your audience is one of your first tasks as you develop your presentations. As you do your homework about the audience, answer the following questions to the degree possible: How will audience members benefit from the product, service, or ideas I am proposing? This is the single most important question you can use to guide you as you design your presentation. In particular, focus on benefits that fulfill an unmet need. What communication styles will your audience respond to based on their motivational values? Identify the motivational value systems (MVSs) of your audience and how you might appeal to the following MVSs: blue MVS, red MVS, green MVS, and hubs. What is the learning style of your audience? Most people fall into one of three major learning styles: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
  • 62. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. Assume that you work in a human resources department. Recently, a small earthquake struck near the headquarters of your company. Although there were no injuries and little damage, your company president thinks that all employees should be more prepared for a major earthquake. In her words, “You never know when we’ll get the big one.” She has asked you to promote some earthquake preparedness workshops. The company president is holding an employee town hall meeting for approximately 100 employees this week. She has given you ten minutes to describe and promote the upcoming earthquake preparedness workshops. The workshops will run for two hours and involve expert training. Attending the workshops is entirely voluntary. You have scheduled five workshops to allow as many employees as possible to fit a workshop into their schedules. Now, you need to think about how best to use your ten minutes to promote the workshops. 1
  • 63. You’re considering gaining the attention of the employees by mentioning that nearly two-thirds of homes are at significant danger of catching fire in the event of a major earthquake. What need are you most appealing to with this attention-getter? Multiple Choice safety of families safety of colleagues job security data security 2 Which of the following is most likely an obstacle to employees attending a two-hour workshop on emergency preparedness? Multiple Choice fitting a workshop into their busy schedules
  • 64. skepticism that an earthquake will occur during their lifetimes security in the fact that their home insurance plans will cover any earthquake damage distrust in company leadership 3 You plan to explain to the employees that the workshop will be engaging. It will include a variety of activities, including short videos, simulations, and hands-on activities. You will emphasize that the workshop will move quickly from activity to activity. This will most appeal to what type of learner? Multiple Choice kinesthetic learners visual learners auditory learners
  • 65. 4 You plan to explain that, immediately after most disasters, there are few people prepared to lead and direct rescue efforts. As part of the training, employees will learn how to lead rescue efforts and how to direct and coordinate resources. Which type of motivational value system does this message appeal to the most? Multiple Choice red MVS blue MVS green MVS hub MVS 5 You also plan to explain that preparing to help others during an emergency is an act of love and loyalty right now. This message most appeals to employees with which MVS?
  • 66. Multiple Choice blue MVS red MVS green MVS hub MVS 6 As part of your ten-minute pitch about the workshops, you plan to show several diagrams and charts. One diagram depicts the procedures in place at your workplace. One chart shows the dramatic reduction in risks to homes that can be achieved with simple preventative measures. This approach most appeals to what type of learner? Multiple Choice visual learners kinesthetic learners
  • 67. auditory learners 7 With the company president’s permission, you’ve thought of a variety of incentives to get employees to attend the workshops. Which of the following would not be an effective incentive? Multiple Choice a food storage starter kit for only $99 a free meal a $100 company donation to the Red Cross in the name of each employee who attends the workshops a free emergency preparedness guidebook ==============================================
  • 68. COM 295 Week 4 Practice Case Analysis Evaluating the Needs of an Audience FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COM 295 Week 4 Practice: Case Analysis: Evaluating the Needs of an Audience Establishing Credibility as a Presenter One of your first presentation strategies should be to establish credibility. Without appearing self-serving, find ways to increase your perceived credibility. Use the presentation to show your thorough understanding of a business issue. Frame your ideas in ways that show clear benefits to your company, its employees, and its stakeholders. In every way, display honesty and openness.
  • 69. During the presentation, you establish your competence by showing that you know the content well. You show your caring by connecting emotionally with audience members and adapting to their needs. You show your character by being open and honest. After your presentation, following up as appropriate with audience members shows your caring and character as well. Some audience members may raise issues for you to look into or ask for additional information. Comply with these requests promptly and you will establish a reputation for responsiveness. In this exercise, you will evaluate how your actions and statements build your credibility in terms of competence, caring, and character. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
  • 70. You are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones and other devices while watching TV. You have found that viewers increasingly expect to engage via mobile devices with TV shows and their audiences while watching TV. About one month ago, you and your colleagues gave a presentation to executives at your company regarding some of your survey results. The executive team members were generally impressed with the information, but they also seemed skeptical that your company needed to make any major changes. These executives made various statements referring to using mobile devices while watching TV as “largely a fad” or simply “nonmonetizing.” They also expressed concern about making major changes to cater to the youngest viewers (under 25 years old), who they feel are not their most important demographic. However, they were impressed with your presentation enough that they wanted you to dig deeper into the data and come up with some recommendations. After a month of deeper analysis of your data, you have found even stronger evidence that viewers under 40 use their mobile devices frequently while watching TV. You thought these data helped bolster
  • 71. your argument that younger TV viewers expect an interactive experience while watching TV programs—using mobile devices to interact with TV hosts, actors, and other viewers; to participate in contests and games; and to interact in other creative ways with the programming. With more and more TV viewers recording shows and watching commercial-free later, you thought that adopting an interactive approach to many programs could counteract this trend and get viewers excited about watching programs live. In fact, you think there is currently a great opportunity to develop a new business model that embraces interactive programming. Now, you’ve returned to make a presentation to this same group of senior vice presidents (SVPs): Katie O’Harrah, SVP of marketing; Jake Ecksberg, SVP of programming; Sam Clawson, SVP of interactive; Marco Feinstein, SVP of communications; and Peter Orwell, SVP of business development. You know most of these executives are skeptical of major changes to the current business model, but you also expect them to listen objectively to your views. You will recommend that the company aggressively pursues programming with an interactive component. In particular, you will suggest pilot-testing interactive features for three shows that are most popular with your 31- to 40-year- old demographic.
  • 72. 1 Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility through competence? Multiple Choice “We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate intranet so you can access it yourselves.” “I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.” “In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.” “We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we can focus our efforts in the right direction.” 2
  • 73. Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility through caring? Multiple Choice “I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.” “We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we can focus our efforts in the right direction.” “In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.” “We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate intranet so you can access it yourselves.” 3 Which of the following statements is most likely to raise your credibility through character? Multiple Choice
  • 74. “In addition to these survey results, we’ve found from many sources—in our viewer labs, with focus group research, and with interviews of dozens of industry experts—that viewers expect more interactive TV.” “I do think we should let our creative teams worry about that.” “We’ve provided the original data from the survey on the corporate intranet so you can access it yourselves.” “We’ve done all of this research to help us gain a competitive advantage—to gain insights about where the market is going so that we can focus our efforts in the right direction.” 4 By showing a thorough understanding of your survey results, organizing your content in a clear manner, and generally showing you are prepared for this presentation, you are most demonstrating what aspect of credibility? Multiple Choice caring
  • 75. character competence 5 Each of the SVPs has many questions for you. You give each time to pose the questions, and you take time to answer each question carefully. In each case, you acknowledge the importance of the question. In most cases, you provide a thorough, compelling response. In a few cases, you promise to find a good answer for them within a week. What two aspects of credibility are you most demonstrating? Multiple Choice competence and character competence and caring caring and character 6
  • 76. Before introducing the results of your survey, you explain in detail how you collected the data and the possible limitations of this survey. You also tell the SVPs where they can access all of the raw data on the corporate intranet. What aspect of credibility are you most demonstrating? Multiple Choice character competence caring 7 After the presentation, you discover that you provided some inaccurate figures. In a few cases, you inadvertently overstated by more than 50 percent the use of mobile devices while watching TV. You immediately email the SVPs with the correct figures and explain what you think this
  • 77. implies about your recommendations. What aspect of credibility are you most demonstrating? Multiple Choice character competence caring ============================================== COM 295 Week 5 Communication Tools Comparison FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Part I: Compare traditional communication tools with social media communication tools in no more than 175 words. What are the pros and cons of each?
  • 78. Part II: Review the following scenario: Your coworker's office is situated next to yours. One day she comes into your office and informs you of a huge project that is in the process of being assigned from upper management to your department's manager. Within forty eight hours, your department manager contacts you through a text message informing you of your inclusion in this project. Unfortunately, your manager included very minimal information about project specifics, so you do not know enough to get a solid start. Your manager is highly political and does not pay much attention to detail. Also, he does not like his personnel reaching out to individuals outside of the department, especially his counterparts. On the other hand, you do have good relationships with other departmental managers. Discuss in 525 to 700 words the following: Explain how you would go about gathering the information needed to start your project, while navigating the tough political map. Select one of the communication tools from Part I to deliver your message, and explain the rationale behind your selection.
  • 79. Describe how you would use the selected communication tool in the given scenario to deliver your message. ==============================================