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Self Confidence is the inner fait which provide the greatest mental energy. Person with say
confidence have won a situation much before its practical happening. One must have an inner
faith, internal piece & in-depth self understanding to develop a state of self confidence means a
man with self confidence thinks positively & on other hand man without and self confidence
thinks negatively.
Here are some keys to increase the self confidence: -
1) Internal Analysis knows one’s own strength and weakness.
2) Tue thinking.
3) Taking actions on small things: First and Succeed.
4) Greater involvement and participation by action.
5) Prepare a bit before on things to be done.
6) Accept responsibility.
7) Developing good habits.
8) Associate with high confidence people.
9) Perfect grooming body language and dress code.
10) Learn from your past mistake and failure.
It is the improvement o behavioral traits such as communication and attitude toward life and
restoring our ethics.
Things to enhance your personality: -
1) Don’t compare your life with others.
2) Don’t have negative thoughts or things you can’t control. Instead invest your
energy in the positive present moment.
3) Don’t waste your precious energy a gossip.
4) Dream more while you are awake.
5) Be king and considerate.
Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from them is the best one can do.
Personality development therefore means an improvement in all spheres of the
individual’s life.
It is defined as form of group communication in which the participants share ideas and exchange
info an on common topic.
Prerequisites of a GD: -
 Topic given by panelists.
 Knowledge with self confidence.
 Body language and personal appearance.
 Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and global.
 Listening skills.
 Being calm and cool.
Benefits of GD: -
 Provide chance to expose.
 Leadership skills.
 Team work.
Salient feature of GD: -
 Topic may be given to judge your public speaking talent.
 Discussion revolves around a specify subject.
 The examiner or panel doesn’t interfere once he announced the topic.
 Maintain cordiality and free expression of thought and opinion.
Do’s in GD: -
1) Make sure your first entry is well planned. The first impression goes a long way
in establishing your credentials. Enter a discussion with a strategy, rather than
random input.
2) Establish eye contact with the key participants but don’t ignore the others.
3) Use a strong voice, clear diction and correct grammar.
4) Do take counter arguments gracefully and display good listening skills, projecting
you as a good learners.
5) Do support your view-point with examples and facts.
6) Do try to understand the right exit point.
Don’t in GD: -
1) Don’t speak randomly without a plant and structure.
2) Don’t be arrogant, overaggressive or vain.
3) Don’t show a tack of attention and energy.
4) Don’t severely criticize anyone’s view-point because everyone has a right to his
or her opinion.
5) Don’t indulge in cross discussion when the main discussion is in process.
6) Don’t get into unnecessary arguments with other speakers.
7) Don’t look at the panel while making a point.
8) Don’t fold your arms or cross your legs to slip into an over casual posture.
Suggestions: -
 Never try to bluff.
 Practice GD with friends on different subjects.
 Remember, speech is a powerful weapon.
Interpersonal Skills are the LIFE SKILLS. We use every day to communication and interact with
other people, both individually and groups. People who have worked on developing strong
interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives.
Need of interpersonal skills: -
1) Improving power of expressions.
2) Bing accountable.
3) Improving self management skills.
4) Improving emotional quotient.
Types of interpersonal skills: -
1) Verbal communication.
2) Non verbal communication.
3) Listening skills.
4) Problem solving.
5) Decision making.
Interpersonal skill while working: -
1) Take the relationship viewpoint: -
i) Effective relationship with organization.
ii) Effective relationship with suppliers.
iii) Effective relationship with competitors.
2) Internally: -
i) In teams.
ii) Across teams.
iii) Within and between department and business units.
3) Externally: -
i) With suppliers.
ii) With customers.
Tips to improve Interpersonal skills: -
1) Smile.
2) Be appreciating.
3) Pay attention.
4) Practice active listening.
5) Bring people together.
6) Resolve conflicts.
7) Communicate clearly.
8) Don’t complain.
Advantages of Good Interpersonal Skills: -
Good interpersonal skills create significant advantages when communicating to build successful
relationship. Looking, listening and reacting to the situation before you begin the process is for
more effective than blindly moving forward into communication.
Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the
right activity.
Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per
their importance.
Time management refers to making the best use of time as time is always limited.
Time management plays a very improving role not only in organization but also in our personal
Time management includes: -
I. Effective Planning: - Plan your day well in advance. Prepare to do list or a “task
plan”. Complete pending task one by one. Ensure you finish the task with in
stipulated time frame.
II. Setting Goals and Objectives: - Set targets for yourself and make sure they are
realistic ones and achievable.
III. Setting Deadlines: - Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks
ahead of the deadlines. One person who can best set the deadlines is you yourself.
Use a planner to mark the important dates against the set deadlines.
IV. Delegation of Responsibilities: - The role and responsibilities must be delegated
as per interest and specialization of employees for them to finish tasks within
V. Prioritizing Task: - Prioritizing the tasks as per their importance and urgency.
Tasks which are most important should be done earlier.
VI. Spending the Right Time on Right Activity: - Develop the habit of doing the right
things at the right time.
For effective time management one needs to be:
1. Organized.
2. Don’t misuse time.
3. Be focused.
Develop the habit of using planner, organizers, taple top calendars for better Time Management.
Set reminders on phones or your personal computers.
Making a thorough preparation before the day of the interview not only saves time. But also
helps the candidates in calming the try big day jitters.
Before the day of the interview, you should complete your preparation on these following areas-
 Documents.
 Professional attire.
 Answers to possible questions.
 Route to the venue of interview.
Prepare your answers: -
 Avoid casual talk and stick to facts.
 Use jargons and acronyms.
 Answers the question in a way that showcases your skills.
 Use numbers, time frames and percentages while describing your achievements.
 Carry two copies of your CV, one to be presented to the HR and the second one
for other referential purpose.
 The question you will ask the HR at the end of the interview, should sound
 Documents supporting experience and education as per company specifications
for verification purpose.
Professional Attire: - There’s a saying that good made man, but the tailor man gentleman.
Interviews are opportunities for first time interaction with people; hence candidates are expected
to put their step forward.
Visit Company’s Website: - Experts say that almost 70% of the questions interviews ask are
related to the information mentioned on their company’s website regarding details on the
company’s history and achievements.
1. Name of the CEO.
2. Organization structure and culture.
3. Main competitions.
4. Current business in which they operate.
5. Products and services.
6. The locations and annual reports.
7. Positive available in different areas.
Prepare your route: -
The following steps will help candidates save time in the interview: -
 Confirm the address and visit it once (dry run). This will help you save time in
finding the exact location on the day of the interview.
 Check parking spaces and facilities. This will also save you time and energy, as
you would know the exact to park your vehicle when you come for the interview.
Telephonic interview are often used at an early stage of the graduate recruitment process to filter
applications and decide who to invite to an interview or assessment centre. The questions are
likely to focus more on your general competencies and skill, and it’s a good opportunity to show
your enthusiasm and commitment in a short conversation.
Telephonic interview turn offs: -
 Lots of background noise.
 Munching and slurping.
 Taking other calls or responding to texts.
 Multi tasking.
 Being too laid back.
Practice before the interview: - Any experience you have of using the phone in a professional
context will help you. If you feel you need more experience to build your careers service to hap.
They will able to give you feedback on how you come across by phone.
You could also record yourself so that you can listen back and identify any problems
such as spending too quietly or quickly.
Stay calm: - Answer clearly and at a reasonable pace. If you could not hear or didn’t understand
a question, it’s fine to ask for clarification.
Be professional: - Answer the phone professionally. Address your interviewer as miss, mrs or mr
unless invited to use his or her first name. Be polite. Don’t be over familiar and don’t start
chatting as if you were talking to a friend. Remember to listen carefully and try to be succinct.
Control your environment: -
Only user speaker phone if you are sure there will be no interruptions and you are comfortable
with this way of using a phone.
About English language: - English is a new global language of a business more and more MNC’s
are mandating English language as corporate language. The need to coordinate tasks and work
with customer and partners worldwide has accelerated the use of English language. It has
become official language of business.
Two primary reasons: -
Two primary reasons for driving important to words English as a corporate standard.
 Competitive presence.
 Globalization of task, resources is business and technology.
Importance of English: -
i. It is the most commonly spoken language is the world.
ii. It’s the language of international business with world business headquarters with
predominantly is the financial hubs of the UK and USA, English has language of
trade. Hence English is dominant language.
iii. It helps to understand other language. As English include Rome’s, Vibing and
French, so it a hybrid language comprised of Latin, German and Roman.
iv. It has wide range of vocabulary; one can say a thing is a different ways. It is very
flexible language.
v. Its language of internet 50% the content produced on internet is in English.
vi. It continues to change more than other language; English continues to evolve and
absorbs new words. Every year approx more than 100 new and approved words
are added to the oxford dictionary.
Tips for speaking English fluently: -
1. Largest the fear and start practicing English.
2. Change your daily language from Mather tongue to English.
3. Keep a dictionary handy and improve your vocabulary.
4. Read English books, newspaper and maggine.
5. Watch mare English TV serials.
6. Make a list of frequently used word that you find difficult to pronounce.
7. Record your own voice and listen to your pronunciation mistake by comparing it
with actual pronunciation.
8. Read at least 15 to 20 times daily.
9. Give yourself some realistic target that you can try to reach perhaps some short
term, once for a week, regularly setting target and assuming your progress in short
way to keep your level of motivation high.
Facility Management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure
functionality. Comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrative people,
place, process and technology.
The international organization for standardization defines facility management as the,
“organization place, and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the
quality of lies of people and the productivity of the core business.
Skills required for Facility Management: -
1) Operation and maintains.
2) Risk management.
3) Communication.
4) Leadership and strategy.
5) Project management.
6) Finance and business.
7) Technology management.
How to improve communication in facility management: -
The foundation of facility management built on great communication. It is fundamental to the
development of good business practice.
Improving communication within the facility management industry has direct effect on
improving job efficiency, knowledge and time management. Therefore, key ways to Improving
communication in this sector are: -
1) Awareness: - Awareness and actively open communication in facility leads to
better team management and clear goals. With multiple management levels within
the facility management industry. Communication begin difficult from worker to
staff clearly what expectation are making them aware of the work involve will
make them feel valued and included.
2) Listen: - Listen is integral to every industry. Listening may often he unvalued but
opening up toward others around you are some creates trust in a business
3) Define your methods: - Deciding your methods of communication with is an
important decision. Try to find out what work and then stick towards this does not
mean not being open to change, but simply to keep communication effective and
smart. It is important to find solution that work based for facility management
companies so that everyone involved feels on every board and prepared to work
in the same goals.
4) Embrace new ideas: - Embrace new ideas coming up from other staff members
are open to discussion, suggestion, implementation of ideas given.
5) Plan for future: - Planning for shorts term and long term future ensure great
communication between teams and business. This not only proves that your
company is unique also that your inter communication is creating a great
foundation to words from.
Reach goal
Stick to it
Get to work
Make plan
Seat goals
Turbulent job market in the cast few yours has ensure that the career graph in India will be on a
roller coaster ride. Secure jobs with promotion and regular intervals have become a thing of the
past. With cycle of economy slow down more frequently, the job market is filled with lot of
uncertainly. To compete the job market instability it has become extremely essential for
professional to have an effective career strategy.
An essential factor helps in a smooth career path: -
1) Direction of a career: - Each of you may have a certain set of interest that you would like
to per sued for long term. Understanding why and what you like to do how it benefits you
by choosing it as career are some of the thoughts and areas that you need to explore.
2) Divine a place for action: - After setting a career goal one must strategies a plan of
section effectively. This is vital for every person and must be well thought about without
any gaps. This helps to achieve their career goal.
3) SWOT analysis: - Firstly SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.
This is one of the most powerful tools that can help you analysis what your strength are
and utilize it the maximum, realize where the opportunities live and explore theme, work
on your weakness and strategize to eradicate the threats.
4) Taking up psycho matrix tests: - Psycho matrix test are an excellent method of bringing
peoples hidden threats to the surface, reasoning, motivation can be just personally with
question and to introspection, you could run the risk of being judge mental or biased.
However, psycho matrix test are used to helps give impartial analysis.
5) Networking: - This helps you know others variant interest, share info and so on.
Networking also helps you work efficiently using other experience, improve
interpersonal skills, adapt to changes quickly and so on.
6) Progressing in your career: - Choose a role that factor in the goals a plans that you drawn
from yourself. Become noticeable, through your work and capabilities. Build a solid
network, upgrade your skills, highlight your achievement and accept new and challenging
role. This step will surely help you in progress your career.
7) Managing various career stages: - Different stages in your career whether you are starting
a new going up the job ladder or looking for a job ensure that you are individually
manage them effectively ensure that you have enough info on the current scenario, work
towards a plan of and stay a up to date on info and technology.
8) Be a mentor: - Mentors guide the mentee professionally to grow. By being a mentor you
get an opportunity to enhance your leadership skills, enhance interpersonal and
communication skills and receive job satisfaction by helping another person. Be a mentor
also opens your outlook to new experiences and forms mutually beneficial relationship.
9) Balance your work and life: - It’s important to give complete attention to your progress at
work however there in balance between work and personal life. Just like work your
personal relationships require time and attention. With no balance you run the risk of an
early burn out.
10) Overcoming challenges: - Challenges are opportunity for growth and learning. When
your plans do-not woke out with results you want your ability to come back with new
interest. Track your learning and refrain, from repeating the same mistakes again.
Develop thought to stay and wealthy body and mind.
CV is a Latin world and its purale is curricula vitae. CV’s are called CURRICULAM VITAE.
The purpose of your CV is not to get you the job. Its purpose is to get you and interview, and
after your meeting to remind the person you met with. You are not writing a CV for yourself,
you are writing it for the reader. When you submit a CV to the employer or recruiter, it is likely
to be the first thing they get to see or read of yours. Therefore, you need to present your CV well
and make it user friendly.
Guidelines to makes CV: -
1. Generally the document should not contain more than 2-3 pages.
2. Your CV should be honest and factual.
3. Choose a presentation for mate that allows you to headline key skills, key
achievements or attributes.
4. Achievements should be short, bullet pointed statement and include your role.
5. Leave out information that is irreverent or negative.
6. Include details of recent training or skills development events you have attended
which could be relevant.
7. List all your professional membership and relevant qualification.
8. CV should include personal details, skills, career summary, qualification and
career history.
9. Lay your CV out neatly.
10. Don’t make the margin to deep or to narrow.
11. Be concise.
12. Careful use of bold type, Times now Roman is fairly standard.
13. Check for spelling or typographical error.
14. CV must include an objective.
Types of CV: -
 Skills focused CV’s: - It is useful for career changers or people with gaps in work.
 Work focused CV’s: - It is useful for show casing work experience and for people
progressing to the next stage in the career.
Do’s and Don’ts: -
Do’s: -
1. Make it easy.
2. Tailor your CV to the job.
3. Use a clear layout.
4. Use positive language when describing your work achievement such as managed,
co-coordinated, motivated, supervisor and achieved.
5. Put your name and email address on the CV.
6. Do proof read and spell check again?
Don’ts: -
1. Include salary information.
2. Include information viewed negatively.
3. Use jargons, technical terms unless essentials.
4. Use multicolored text or different font sizes.
5. Makes vague statement.
6. Don’t forget to tailor your resume for each job.
Differences between CV and Resume: -
CV: - Full record of your career history.
Resume: - Brief, targeted list of skills and achievements.
Etiquettes: - Etiquettes is defined as the formal manners and rules that are followed in social or
professional settings. It you practice proper etiquettes you are less likely to offend or annoy
people and you may even charm them. Etiquettes because the language of manners.
Importance’s of Etiquettes: - Some people argue that etiquettes no longer matters that the rules
for good behavior are old fashions and out of date.
1) Differentiate you from others in a competitive job market.
2) Enables you to be confident within a variety of people.
3) Modifies distract behavior and develop admire conduct.
4) Exhibits professionalism and develop polished image.
Important business etiquettes: -
1) Email etiquettes.
2) Dinning etiquettes.
3) Telephone etiquettes.
4) Office etiquettes.
5) Meeting etiquettes.
6) Dress etiquettes.
7) Networking.
Tips on business etiquettes: -
1) Be on time and dress appropriately.
2) Use please, thank you, your welcome and take responsibility for your mistake.
3) Be prepared and focus on the people you are with.
4) Be polite and respect others.
5) Treat people equally and always a returned phones.
Work place manners: -
1. Say please and thank you.
2. Say hello and good bye.
3. Don’t ignore people.
4. Offer to get coffee.
5. Say excuses me.
6. Don’t interrupt.
7. Turn your phone down or off when in the office.
8. Don’t check your phone in meeting.
9. Don’t complain.
10. Don’t make personal remark about someone’s appearance or clothing.
Work place behavior: - Behavior is the range of actions and mannerism made by system in
conjunction with their environment, which include other system or orgunionr as well as the
physical environment.
All employees conduct themselves in a professional manner promotes the safety and will being
well being of both individuals and the entire company. When people exhibit inappropriate
behavior in the workplace, everyone suffers.
Ways to establish appropriate workplace behavior: -
1. Follow workplace behavior and best practices.
2. Outline expectations for workplace functions.
3. Create positive environment.
4. Be mindful of your noise level and language at all times.
5. Practice self control.
Interviewing for a job takes a good amount of self confidence, panache and interpersonal
communication savvy. The way in which you present yourself during are interview gives hiring
mangers a first impression of you as a potential staffers, and sets the tone for how you would
perform in an everyday capacity. Interview skills for setting yourself apart from your
competition include the advance planning and research in induct knowledge of the company and
a comprehensive understanding of the responsibility of the role you are seeking.
Important interview skills: -
1. Research capabilities: - Conduct research into the company, its principle and history
demonstrate your interest in the organization. You should have a good knowledge about
the company’s product and services, name and background of leaders in the company and
company’s history.
2. Knowledge of the role: - This means reading the job description carefully and dissecting
it piece by piece. Example: - If a job description falls for an ability to manage other, your
response should be equally as specific.
3. Articulate response capabilities: - How you respond to questions in an interview in not
how you say it. Your response should be specific to the query posed. Some tips to
consider: -
I. Get to the heart of what the interviewer is asking.
II. Define your problem solving approach.
III. Making conversation.
IV. Turning negative into positive.

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  • 1. SELF CONFIDECE & PRESONALITY DEVELOPMENT Self Confidence is the inner fait which provide the greatest mental energy. Person with say confidence have won a situation much before its practical happening. One must have an inner faith, internal piece & in-depth self understanding to develop a state of self confidence means a man with self confidence thinks positively & on other hand man without and self confidence thinks negatively. Here are some keys to increase the self confidence: - 1) Internal Analysis knows one’s own strength and weakness. 2) Tue thinking. 3) Taking actions on small things: First and Succeed. 4) Greater involvement and participation by action. 5) Prepare a bit before on things to be done. 6) Accept responsibility. 7) Developing good habits. 8) Associate with high confidence people. 9) Perfect grooming body language and dress code. 10) Learn from your past mistake and failure.
  • 2. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT It is the improvement o behavioral traits such as communication and attitude toward life and restoring our ethics. Things to enhance your personality: - 1) Don’t compare your life with others. 2) Don’t have negative thoughts or things you can’t control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 3) Don’t waste your precious energy a gossip. 4) Dream more while you are awake. 5) Be king and considerate. Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from them is the best one can do. Personality development therefore means an improvement in all spheres of the individual’s life. GROUP DISCUSSION SKILLS
  • 3. It is defined as form of group communication in which the participants share ideas and exchange info an on common topic. Prerequisites of a GD: -  Topic given by panelists.  Knowledge with self confidence.  Body language and personal appearance.  Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and global.  Listening skills.  Being calm and cool. Benefits of GD: -  Provide chance to expose.  Leadership skills.  Team work. Salient feature of GD: -  Topic may be given to judge your public speaking talent.  Discussion revolves around a specify subject.  The examiner or panel doesn’t interfere once he announced the topic.  Maintain cordiality and free expression of thought and opinion. Do’s in GD: - 1) Make sure your first entry is well planned. The first impression goes a long way in establishing your credentials. Enter a discussion with a strategy, rather than random input. 2) Establish eye contact with the key participants but don’t ignore the others. 3) Use a strong voice, clear diction and correct grammar. 4) Do take counter arguments gracefully and display good listening skills, projecting you as a good learners. 5) Do support your view-point with examples and facts. 6) Do try to understand the right exit point.
  • 4. Don’t in GD: - 1) Don’t speak randomly without a plant and structure. 2) Don’t be arrogant, overaggressive or vain. 3) Don’t show a tack of attention and energy. 4) Don’t severely criticize anyone’s view-point because everyone has a right to his or her opinion. 5) Don’t indulge in cross discussion when the main discussion is in process. 6) Don’t get into unnecessary arguments with other speakers. 7) Don’t look at the panel while making a point. 8) Don’t fold your arms or cross your legs to slip into an over casual posture. Suggestions: -  Never try to bluff.  Practice GD with friends on different subjects.  Remember, speech is a powerful weapon.
  • 5. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Interpersonal Skills are the LIFE SKILLS. We use every day to communication and interact with other people, both individually and groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. Need of interpersonal skills: - 1) Improving power of expressions. 2) Bing accountable. 3) Improving self management skills. 4) Improving emotional quotient. Types of interpersonal skills: - 1) Verbal communication. 2) Non verbal communication. 3) Listening skills. 4) Problem solving. 5) Decision making. Interpersonal skill while working: - 1) Take the relationship viewpoint: - i) Effective relationship with organization. ii) Effective relationship with suppliers. iii) Effective relationship with competitors. 2) Internally: - i) In teams. ii) Across teams. iii) Within and between department and business units. 3) Externally: - i) With suppliers. ii) With customers.
  • 6. Tips to improve Interpersonal skills: - 1) Smile. 2) Be appreciating. 3) Pay attention. 4) Practice active listening. 5) Bring people together. 6) Resolve conflicts. 7) Communicate clearly. 8) Don’t complain. Advantages of Good Interpersonal Skills: - Good interpersonal skills create significant advantages when communicating to build successful relationship. Looking, listening and reacting to the situation before you begin the process is for more effective than blindly moving forward into communication.
  • 7. TIME MANAGEMENT WHAT IS TIME MANAGEMENT? Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity. Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per their importance. Time management refers to making the best use of time as time is always limited. Time management plays a very improving role not only in organization but also in our personal lives. Time management includes: - I. Effective Planning: - Plan your day well in advance. Prepare to do list or a “task plan”. Complete pending task one by one. Ensure you finish the task with in stipulated time frame. II. Setting Goals and Objectives: - Set targets for yourself and make sure they are realistic ones and achievable. III. Setting Deadlines: - Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks ahead of the deadlines. One person who can best set the deadlines is you yourself. Use a planner to mark the important dates against the set deadlines. IV. Delegation of Responsibilities: - The role and responsibilities must be delegated as per interest and specialization of employees for them to finish tasks within deadlines. V. Prioritizing Task: - Prioritizing the tasks as per their importance and urgency. Tasks which are most important should be done earlier. VI. Spending the Right Time on Right Activity: - Develop the habit of doing the right things at the right time. For effective time management one needs to be: 1. Organized. 2. Don’t misuse time. 3. Be focused. Develop the habit of using planner, organizers, taple top calendars for better Time Management. Set reminders on phones or your personal computers.
  • 8. PRE-INERVIEW PREPARATION Making a thorough preparation before the day of the interview not only saves time. But also helps the candidates in calming the try big day jitters. Before the day of the interview, you should complete your preparation on these following areas-  Documents.  Professional attire.  Answers to possible questions.  Route to the venue of interview. Prepare your answers: -  Avoid casual talk and stick to facts.  Use jargons and acronyms.  Answers the question in a way that showcases your skills.  Use numbers, time frames and percentages while describing your achievements.  Carry two copies of your CV, one to be presented to the HR and the second one for other referential purpose.  The question you will ask the HR at the end of the interview, should sound natural.  Documents supporting experience and education as per company specifications for verification purpose. Professional Attire: - There’s a saying that good made man, but the tailor man gentleman. Interviews are opportunities for first time interaction with people; hence candidates are expected to put their step forward. Visit Company’s Website: - Experts say that almost 70% of the questions interviews ask are related to the information mentioned on their company’s website regarding details on the company’s history and achievements. 1. Name of the CEO. 2. Organization structure and culture. 3. Main competitions. 4. Current business in which they operate. 5. Products and services. 6. The locations and annual reports. 7. Positive available in different areas.
  • 9. Prepare your route: - The following steps will help candidates save time in the interview: -  Confirm the address and visit it once (dry run). This will help you save time in finding the exact location on the day of the interview.  Check parking spaces and facilities. This will also save you time and energy, as you would know the exact to park your vehicle when you come for the interview.
  • 10. HANDLING TELEPHONIC INTERVIEW Telephonic interview are often used at an early stage of the graduate recruitment process to filter applications and decide who to invite to an interview or assessment centre. The questions are likely to focus more on your general competencies and skill, and it’s a good opportunity to show your enthusiasm and commitment in a short conversation. Telephonic interview turn offs: -  Lots of background noise.  Munching and slurping.  Taking other calls or responding to texts.  Multi tasking.  Being too laid back. Practice before the interview: - Any experience you have of using the phone in a professional context will help you. If you feel you need more experience to build your careers service to hap. They will able to give you feedback on how you come across by phone. You could also record yourself so that you can listen back and identify any problems such as spending too quietly or quickly. Stay calm: - Answer clearly and at a reasonable pace. If you could not hear or didn’t understand a question, it’s fine to ask for clarification. Be professional: - Answer the phone professionally. Address your interviewer as miss, mrs or mr unless invited to use his or her first name. Be polite. Don’t be over familiar and don’t start chatting as if you were talking to a friend. Remember to listen carefully and try to be succinct. Control your environment: - Only user speaker phone if you are sure there will be no interruptions and you are comfortable with this way of using a phone.
  • 11. ENLISH LANGUAGE & FACILITY COMMONICATION About English language: - English is a new global language of a business more and more MNC’s are mandating English language as corporate language. The need to coordinate tasks and work with customer and partners worldwide has accelerated the use of English language. It has become official language of business. Two primary reasons: - Two primary reasons for driving important to words English as a corporate standard.  Competitive presence.  Globalization of task, resources is business and technology. Importance of English: - i. It is the most commonly spoken language is the world. ii. It’s the language of international business with world business headquarters with predominantly is the financial hubs of the UK and USA, English has language of trade. Hence English is dominant language. iii. It helps to understand other language. As English include Rome’s, Vibing and French, so it a hybrid language comprised of Latin, German and Roman. iv. It has wide range of vocabulary; one can say a thing is a different ways. It is very flexible language. v. Its language of internet 50% the content produced on internet is in English. vi. It continues to change more than other language; English continues to evolve and absorbs new words. Every year approx more than 100 new and approved words are added to the oxford dictionary.
  • 12. Tips for speaking English fluently: - 1. Largest the fear and start practicing English. 2. Change your daily language from Mather tongue to English. 3. Keep a dictionary handy and improve your vocabulary. 4. Read English books, newspaper and maggine. 5. Watch mare English TV serials. 6. Make a list of frequently used word that you find difficult to pronounce. 7. Record your own voice and listen to your pronunciation mistake by comparing it with actual pronunciation. 8. Read at least 15 to 20 times daily. 9. Give yourself some realistic target that you can try to reach perhaps some short term, once for a week, regularly setting target and assuming your progress in short way to keep your level of motivation high.
  • 13. MEANING OF FACILITY MANAGEMENT Facility Management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality. Comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrative people, place, process and technology. The international organization for standardization defines facility management as the, “organization place, and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of lies of people and the productivity of the core business. Skills required for Facility Management: - 1) Operation and maintains. 2) Risk management. 3) Communication. 4) Leadership and strategy. 5) Project management. 6) Finance and business. 7) Technology management. How to improve communication in facility management: - The foundation of facility management built on great communication. It is fundamental to the development of good business practice. Improving communication within the facility management industry has direct effect on improving job efficiency, knowledge and time management. Therefore, key ways to Improving communication in this sector are: - 1) Awareness: - Awareness and actively open communication in facility leads to better team management and clear goals. With multiple management levels within the facility management industry. Communication begin difficult from worker to staff clearly what expectation are making them aware of the work involve will make them feel valued and included. 2) Listen: - Listen is integral to every industry. Listening may often he unvalued but opening up toward others around you are some creates trust in a business environment. 3) Define your methods: - Deciding your methods of communication with is an important decision. Try to find out what work and then stick towards this does not mean not being open to change, but simply to keep communication effective and smart. It is important to find solution that work based for facility management
  • 14. companies so that everyone involved feels on every board and prepared to work in the same goals. 4) Embrace new ideas: - Embrace new ideas coming up from other staff members are open to discussion, suggestion, implementation of ideas given. 5) Plan for future: - Planning for shorts term and long term future ensure great communication between teams and business. This not only proves that your company is unique also that your inter communication is creating a great foundation to words from.
  • 15. STRAEGIES IN ONE’S OWN CAREER Reach goal Stick to it Get to work Make plan Seat goals Turbulent job market in the cast few yours has ensure that the career graph in India will be on a roller coaster ride. Secure jobs with promotion and regular intervals have become a thing of the past. With cycle of economy slow down more frequently, the job market is filled with lot of uncertainly. To compete the job market instability it has become extremely essential for professional to have an effective career strategy. An essential factor helps in a smooth career path: - 1) Direction of a career: - Each of you may have a certain set of interest that you would like to per sued for long term. Understanding why and what you like to do how it benefits you by choosing it as career are some of the thoughts and areas that you need to explore. 2) Divine a place for action: - After setting a career goal one must strategies a plan of section effectively. This is vital for every person and must be well thought about without any gaps. This helps to achieve their career goal. 3) SWOT analysis: - Firstly SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. This is one of the most powerful tools that can help you analysis what your strength are and utilize it the maximum, realize where the opportunities live and explore theme, work on your weakness and strategize to eradicate the threats. 4) Taking up psycho matrix tests: - Psycho matrix test are an excellent method of bringing peoples hidden threats to the surface, reasoning, motivation can be just personally with question and to introspection, you could run the risk of being judge mental or biased. However, psycho matrix test are used to helps give impartial analysis. 5) Networking: - This helps you know others variant interest, share info and so on. Networking also helps you work efficiently using other experience, improve interpersonal skills, adapt to changes quickly and so on. 6) Progressing in your career: - Choose a role that factor in the goals a plans that you drawn from yourself. Become noticeable, through your work and capabilities. Build a solid network, upgrade your skills, highlight your achievement and accept new and challenging role. This step will surely help you in progress your career.
  • 16. 7) Managing various career stages: - Different stages in your career whether you are starting a new going up the job ladder or looking for a job ensure that you are individually manage them effectively ensure that you have enough info on the current scenario, work towards a plan of and stay a up to date on info and technology. 8) Be a mentor: - Mentors guide the mentee professionally to grow. By being a mentor you get an opportunity to enhance your leadership skills, enhance interpersonal and communication skills and receive job satisfaction by helping another person. Be a mentor also opens your outlook to new experiences and forms mutually beneficial relationship. 9) Balance your work and life: - It’s important to give complete attention to your progress at work however there in balance between work and personal life. Just like work your personal relationships require time and attention. With no balance you run the risk of an early burn out. 10) Overcoming challenges: - Challenges are opportunity for growth and learning. When your plans do-not woke out with results you want your ability to come back with new interest. Track your learning and refrain, from repeating the same mistakes again. Develop thought to stay and wealthy body and mind.
  • 17. CV PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION CV is a Latin world and its purale is curricula vitae. CV’s are called CURRICULAM VITAE. The purpose of your CV is not to get you the job. Its purpose is to get you and interview, and after your meeting to remind the person you met with. You are not writing a CV for yourself, you are writing it for the reader. When you submit a CV to the employer or recruiter, it is likely to be the first thing they get to see or read of yours. Therefore, you need to present your CV well and make it user friendly. Guidelines to makes CV: - 1. Generally the document should not contain more than 2-3 pages. 2. Your CV should be honest and factual. 3. Choose a presentation for mate that allows you to headline key skills, key achievements or attributes. 4. Achievements should be short, bullet pointed statement and include your role. 5. Leave out information that is irreverent or negative. 6. Include details of recent training or skills development events you have attended which could be relevant. 7. List all your professional membership and relevant qualification. 8. CV should include personal details, skills, career summary, qualification and career history. 9. Lay your CV out neatly. 10. Don’t make the margin to deep or to narrow. 11. Be concise. 12. Careful use of bold type, Times now Roman is fairly standard. 13. Check for spelling or typographical error. 14. CV must include an objective. Types of CV: -  Skills focused CV’s: - It is useful for career changers or people with gaps in work.  Work focused CV’s: - It is useful for show casing work experience and for people progressing to the next stage in the career.
  • 18. Do’s and Don’ts: - Do’s: - 1. Make it easy. 2. Tailor your CV to the job. 3. Use a clear layout. 4. Use positive language when describing your work achievement such as managed, co-coordinated, motivated, supervisor and achieved. 5. Put your name and email address on the CV. 6. Do proof read and spell check again? Don’ts: - 1. Include salary information. 2. Include information viewed negatively. 3. Use jargons, technical terms unless essentials. 4. Use multicolored text or different font sizes. 5. Makes vague statement. 6. Don’t forget to tailor your resume for each job. Differences between CV and Resume: - CV: - Full record of your career history. Resume: - Brief, targeted list of skills and achievements.
  • 19. ETIQUERTTES, MANNERS & BEHAVIOURS Etiquettes: - Etiquettes is defined as the formal manners and rules that are followed in social or professional settings. It you practice proper etiquettes you are less likely to offend or annoy people and you may even charm them. Etiquettes because the language of manners. Importance’s of Etiquettes: - Some people argue that etiquettes no longer matters that the rules for good behavior are old fashions and out of date. 1) Differentiate you from others in a competitive job market. 2) Enables you to be confident within a variety of people. 3) Modifies distract behavior and develop admire conduct. 4) Exhibits professionalism and develop polished image. Important business etiquettes: - 1) Email etiquettes. 2) Dinning etiquettes. 3) Telephone etiquettes. 4) Office etiquettes. 5) Meeting etiquettes. 6) Dress etiquettes. 7) Networking. Tips on business etiquettes: - 1) Be on time and dress appropriately. 2) Use please, thank you, your welcome and take responsibility for your mistake. 3) Be prepared and focus on the people you are with. 4) Be polite and respect others. 5) Treat people equally and always a returned phones.
  • 20. Work place manners: - 1. Say please and thank you. 2. Say hello and good bye. 3. Don’t ignore people. 4. Offer to get coffee. 5. Say excuses me. 6. Don’t interrupt. 7. Turn your phone down or off when in the office. 8. Don’t check your phone in meeting. 9. Don’t complain. 10. Don’t make personal remark about someone’s appearance or clothing. Work place behavior: - Behavior is the range of actions and mannerism made by system in conjunction with their environment, which include other system or orgunionr as well as the physical environment. All employees conduct themselves in a professional manner promotes the safety and will being well being of both individuals and the entire company. When people exhibit inappropriate behavior in the workplace, everyone suffers. Ways to establish appropriate workplace behavior: - 1. Follow workplace behavior and best practices. 2. Outline expectations for workplace functions. 3. Create positive environment. 4. Be mindful of your noise level and language at all times. 5. Practice self control.
  • 21. INTERVIEW SKILL Interviewing for a job takes a good amount of self confidence, panache and interpersonal communication savvy. The way in which you present yourself during are interview gives hiring mangers a first impression of you as a potential staffers, and sets the tone for how you would perform in an everyday capacity. Interview skills for setting yourself apart from your competition include the advance planning and research in induct knowledge of the company and a comprehensive understanding of the responsibility of the role you are seeking. Important interview skills: - 1. Research capabilities: - Conduct research into the company, its principle and history demonstrate your interest in the organization. You should have a good knowledge about the company’s product and services, name and background of leaders in the company and company’s history. 2. Knowledge of the role: - This means reading the job description carefully and dissecting it piece by piece. Example: - If a job description falls for an ability to manage other, your response should be equally as specific. 3. Articulate response capabilities: - How you respond to questions in an interview in not how you say it. Your response should be specific to the query posed. Some tips to consider: - I. Get to the heart of what the interviewer is asking. II. Define your problem solving approach. III. Making conversation. IV. Turning negative into positive.