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  Samia Thara
  Sarah Merlen
  Matthieu Boulenger
Benzyl Alcohol & NME

o Every year, in the USA , is published a board summarizing New
  Molecular Entities approved by the FDA.

In 2009
      next to important molecules such as Everolimus (treatment of
advanced renal cell carcinoma)…

…it came to a surprise to find Benzyl Alcohol


FDA website
Benzyl alcohol : a new
• First synthesis : in 1853 by Cannizaro

• Applications :

     Industry :
           solvent for inks, paints, lacquer
          precursor of esters used in the soap, perfume and flavor industries

     Health care :
           bacteriostatic preservative at low concentration in intravenous
           excipient in a variety of topical drugs


                                                                 Wikipedia website
A toxic compound
          In the early 1980‟s, FDA reported 16 neonatal deaths due to a
          gasping syndrome associated with use of Benzyl Alcohol

Pre-term neonates weighing 2500 gms:

• had central intravascular catheters

                 flushed periodically each day with bacteriostatic
normal saline solution 0.9 % + benzyl alcohol

 How to explain these deaths?

        The metabolic pathway of benzyl alcohol may not be well
        developed in premature infant.

        The FDA has recommended that intravascular flush solutions
            containing benzyl alcohol not be used for newborns
   Although benzyl alcohol is present in other products as an excipient, it
    has not previously been approved as a new drug.

   Sciele Pharma decided to make studies proving effectiveness and
    safety of a 5% benzyl alcohol lotion against head lice.

   Moreover, for safety reasons (refering to the tragedy of the catheter
    flushs in the 1980‟s) conducting biopharmaceutics studies was

                             Full-blown NDA
            The applicant submitted one study (SU-01-2007) to
               evaluate the systemic exposure of benzyl
             alcohol in patients 6 months of age and older                     7
                        with head lice infestation

   Major plasma concentrations were below the limit of
   …except for a few subjects with elevated systemic exposure to
    benzyl alcohol.

          … and asked Sciele Pharma for a clarification

   Investigation : catheters used to take samples of blood were flushed
    with NaCl + benzyl alcohol

   Second bioavailability study in which any catheter flush used was
    free of benzyl alcohol

                          Satisfying results                    Ulesfia® summary review
oFDA‟ conclusion: the treatment does not expose subjects to elevated
systemic levels of benzyl alcohol

oDate of approval : April 4th, 2009

oIndication : topical treatment of head lice
  infestation in patients 6 months of age and

               Distinct from the population with a risk of
                           gasping syndrome

   • ULESFIA was granted with a « 5 years Exclusivity » as a New       9
                        Chemical Entity
o So, we can be astonished that Benzyl alcohol was officially
recognised as a new molecule in 2009,
although it was known since the 19th…

but more astonishing…

For a variety of historical reasons,
some drugs,
mostly older products,
continue to be manufactured,marketed, distribued,
prescribed and dispensed…

…in the USA without     required FDA approval !

USA Drug Approval Timeline

                                                     Unapproved Drugs
                          Prescription drugs         Initiative
                E-Ferol tragedy             1984

                             1962      Safety and
          3400 products                Effectiveness
                                    FDA finalized its guidance in a formal document
                                       The original Federal Foodthe market
                                           Drugs which entered and Drugs
                                    entitledAmendment - Policy Guide” (CPG), which
E-Ferol        1938       Safety     DESIfirst 1938 the drug regulationnew The Act
                                      Evaluationwashave Congressfor of moredrugs
                                          Safety of required only amends
                                      Actis to bring unapproved marketed than
                                       before brought effectiveness evaluated
                                     aim                   never been under
                                        federalinto law approvaltheto prove
                                        3,400to the prohibiting retroactive
                                        drugs productsnewnot process. safety
                                               : require was drugsonly forThey
                                        for bothlaw,the and effectiveness. of
                                                 safety approved sale
               Purity                   adulterated or misbrandedbefore being
                                          effectiveness and safety 1962
                                       were declared as 1938 andmarketed
                                                 between illegally drugs.
    1906                                             granted approval

Marketed unapproved drugs : a rare
o 2% of all prescriptions drugs on the market

o = nearly 72 million prescriptions per year

o Medicaid paid at least $200 million from 2004 to 2007 for more than
100 unapproved drugs


2006:nationwide study of 500 pharmacists:

91% of them thought all of the products they dispense are FDA approved.

                   AP IMPACT: “Gov‟t Pays for Risky Unapproved Drugs,” R. Alonzo-Zaldivar, F. Bass (Nov. 23, 2008)
However, this use may place patients at:
•Unnecessary risk from drug-drug interactions
•Lack of standardized dosing guidance
•Potential overdose among special populations requiring dosing
•Drug purity problems associated with lack of FDA-approved
•Too much or too little active ingredient

     FDA : “it
             is a priority of the agency to remove
     from the market unapproved products that
     expose consumers to potentially unsafe,
     ineffective or poor quality drugs”


                     Unapproved drugs in America : an avoidable public health threat, Salvatore Giorgiani, BSc, PharmD
•Since the Compliance Policy Guide was published (2006), FDA has removed
Balanced salt solution
numerous unapproved drug products solutions used during surgical procedures
                                     from the market.
                                       on the eye

•FDA announced its intention to take enforcement action against unapproved
Carbinoxamine                            sedating antihistamine
drug products containing :
Codeine sulfate tablet                   opioid analgesic
Colchicine tablets                     gout
Ergotamine                             migraine headaches
Guaifenesine                           expectorant
Hydrocodone                            analgesic and antitussif semi-synthetic
Narcotics containing morphine          opioid
Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets       relieve chest pain once it starts, and to
                                       prevent an acute attack
Topical drugs containing papain        removal of dead or contaminated tissue in
                                       acute and chronic lesions

Quinine sulfate                        malaria and leg cramps
Trimethobenzamide hydrochloride        treat nausea and vomiting
                                                                           FDA website
Example of the Quinine
•    A lot of products containing quinine are marketed without approved
     applications for malaria and are also used to treat and/or prevent
     nocturnal leg muscle cramps


    •Linked to 93 deaths, according to FDA
    •Serious adverse effects
    •Has been shown to cause long QT syndrome
    •Narrow margin between an effective dose and a toxic dose

                        FDA has ordered all firms to
                        cease manufacturing
                        unapproved products                                                15
                        containing quinine
                                                                FDA press release (Dec. 11, 2006)
Only one Quinine product on the market :
            FDA‟s approved QUALAQUIN® (URL Pharma)

• Approved as an Orphan Drug for the treatment of malaria in August 2005.

             7 years of Market Exclusivity

•URL Pharma is now conducting new Clinical Studies to get a new approval
 for the indication : muscle cramps


                                                                 URL Pharma website

   July 2009: Colcrys® (URL pharma) received approvals from FDA for the
    treatment of FMF and acute gout flares.

   October 2009: approval for the prophylaxis of gout flares.

   FDA orders the other manufacturers to remove any other versions of
    colchicine from the market.

   Then, URL Pharma raised the price by a factor of 50, from $0,09 to $4,85
    per pill.

What happened ?

                     « Bulbus   »        « Ephemeron »
« Hermodactylus »
                                            « Suringam »
  « Spalax »
                                           « Tue chiens »
« Mort-chiens »
                                            « Naked lady »
« Ephemeron »
                                          «Safran des prés »
  « Crocus »
 « Safran bâtard »                      « Iris sauvage »    18

                  « Colchicum autumnale »

•Papyrus 1500 before JC : use of « crocus » to treat articular pains

•Colchicum was described in the 1st century by Dioscorides in the Materia

•Medical use of colchicum for gout pain dates back to the 6th century

•But the use of colchicum in the treatment of gout substantially declined by
the 15thcentury because of its toxicity

•Colchicum was reintroduced as a treatment for acute gout beginning in

•Colchicine was first isolated from colchicum in 1820 (Pelletier and


                                    Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 190 / Friday, October 1, 2010 / Notices

•Colchicine used around the world to allay sicks of gout
•A lot of drugs containing colchicine were sold in the US since the XIXth
« Colchicine has been used by healthcare practitioners for many years to
treat gout but had not been approved by the FDA ».(FDA)
•Examples of manufacturers selling unapproved oral colchicine in the US
before 2009:
Excellium Pharmaceutical Inc.
Vision Pharma LLC
Watson pharmaceuticals Inc
West-Ward Pharmaceutical
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals

   Treatment of acute gout flare:
   1 or 1.3 mg initial dose,
   followed by 0.5 to 0.65 mg every 1 to 2 hours
   until the pain is relieved or nausea and diarrhea appear.

   Prophylaxis of recurrent gout:
   0.5 mg to 0.65 mg once weekly or up to three times daily, depending on the
    frequency of prior acute attack

o Signs of toxicity :
   0 to 0.5 mg/kg : gastro-intestinal symptoms
   0.5 to 0.8 mg/kg : + bone marrow aplesia and alopecia
   > 0.8 mg/kg : + circulatory failure                                    21
Then, it‟s not a « without dangers » drug
• every year : cases of overdoses entraining intoxications and death:
751 reports of adverse events including 169 deaths, through June 2007

  However, the use of colchicine was only based on its old


   Richard Roberts, MD, president, chair, and CEO of URL Pharma:
“We looked at the universe of unapproved
drugs, searching for medications presenting
safety risks or where we had a chance to
improve efficacy.
As a physician, I was shocked that colchicine,
with all of the toxicities taught to every doctor since
medical school,
was not an approved medication.”

        In 2007, URL pharma organized studies testing its own version                   23
        of colchicine
                                                         The rheumatologist, May 2010
URL Pharma has relied almost entirely on the published literature to
support the nonclinical aspects of the application.

But some limitations were noticed:

       Old studies,           Dose levels used :                     Unknown quality of
       pre-dating             effects, not safety                     colchicine used
         the GLP

 Nevertheless, FDA said :

    « The well-understood clinical toxicity of long-term colchicine administration,
  precludes the need to provide modern, GLP-compliant chronic toxicology
              studies in animals for support of the application »


                                         Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review

14 studies were conducted to define classic parameters





What we learnt from these studies:
• Colchicine crosses the placenta and distributes into breast milk
• 2 primary metabolites involving CYP3A4
• biliary and urinary excretion                                                                        25

                                         Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
First target: an orphan


   Orphan disease in the USA (< 200,000 patients)
   Hereditary inflammatory disorder
   Recurrent episodes of diffuse inflammation
   Beginning before 10 years old

        Typical acute crisis:
        fever, increasing rapidly
        inflammation affecting the serosal surfaces: peritoneal

o   Free interval between crisis


Turkish people: 1 / 1000              Arabic people: 1 / 2600

                                     Ashkenazi Jewish people: 1 / 73,000
Armenian persons: 1 / 500                                                                         28
                                     Sephardic Jewish people: 1 / 250-1000

   Colchicine : first intention
      Posology : 0,5 to 2,5mg / day
      Prevent attacks
      Prevent secondary amylodoisis

   Curative treatment of attacks
      AINS, corticoïdes
      Noramidopyrine
      Anti IL1 : Anakinra in patients with colchicine-resistant FMF


The evidence for the efficacy of colchicine in patients with FMF is derived from
the published literature

            Three randomized, placebo-controlled studies were identified

            Proven efficacy of colchicine in the treatment of febrile
                              episodes of FMF
                                         Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-352 Summary review
Second target :


     « the king of diseases and the disease of kings »

Affects 3 to 5 million Americans, most commonly adult men


Faculty: N. Lawrence Edwards, MD; H. Ralph Schumacher, MD; Arthur L. Weaver, MD, MS, FACP, MACR; Marc
D. Cohen, MD; Alvin F. Wells, MD, PhD

Faculty: N. Lawrence Edwards, MD; H. Ralph Schumacher, MD; Arthur L. Weaver, MD,
MS, FACP, MACR; Marc D. Cohen, MD; Alvin F. Wells, MD, PhD

   Anti-inflammatory drugs :
      Colchicine
      Corticosteroids
      NSAIDs: ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethacin

   Control uric acid concentration:
      Xanthine oxidase inhibitors: allopurinol and febuxostat
      Medication that improves uric acid removal: probenecid

 Non   of these medications are harmless, and
    several side effects exist…



  Anti-inflammatory mechanism of colchicine, European Heart Journal (2009) 30, 532–539 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehn608

dose comparison study to evaluate the efficacy, safety
and tolerability of colchicine in subjects with an acute gout

                 Study MCP-004-06-00 :

                      •a multicenter
                      •parallel group
                          •1 week

                             Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
Study design:


                Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
Efficacy measure:
• based on response to treatment in the target joint
               Patient self-assessment of pain with the 11-point Likert scale

          Responder = at least a 50% reduction in pain score at the 24-
          hour post-dose assessment relative to the pre-treatment score

Efficacy results

 a greater proportion of patients receiving low-dose
 colchicine experienced a response compared to                                          40
            standard dose (p = 0.005)
                          Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review

               « The efficacy of high-dose colchicine with fewer
                                     AEs »                                            41
Dosage : 1.2 mg (2 tablets) at the first sign of a gout flare followed by 0.6 mg
(1 tablet) one hour later
             OF GOUT FLARES

                        derived from the published literature

                  Two randomized clinical trials:

In both trials,
         treatment with colchicine decreased the
frequency of gout flares.

Dosage : 0.6 mg once or twice daily in adults and adolescents older
than 16 years of age.
Maximum dose 1.2 mg/day.
                                       Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-353 Summary review
Colcrys ® received 3 approvals :

• July, 29, 2009 : treatment for FMF

                   7 years of Market exclusivity (under the Orphan Drug Act)
• July 30, 2009 : treatment of gout flares

                     3 years of Market exclusivity
• October, 16, 2009 : prophylaxis of gout flares
          New labelling information rather than a real innovation:

• A lower dosage for a same efficacy and fewer AEs

• New drug-drug interactions information

                     The only patents for COLCRYS® are:

               « Methods for concomitant administration of
               colchicine and a second active agent »

• Dialysis was not an appropriate treatment for overdose

• Colcrys purity and uniformity confirmed by the FDA (unlike the
unapproved versions of Colchicine)

           Market exclusivity is an incentive that the
          agency believes could encourage voluntary
          compliance with the drug-approval process
       URL pharma brought a lawsuit to remove any other versions of
       colchicine from the market.

           Enforcement action

• against any currently marketed unapproved single-
ingredient oral colchicine products:

• that are manufactured on or after November 15, 2010,

• or that are shipped on or after December 30, 2010.

                              Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 190 / Friday, October 1, 2010 / Notices
“The FDA was not prepared for the
           unintended consequences” Doctor Stanley
           Cohen, president of the American College of
           Rheumatology ( , 4/20/10)

Colchicine price increased from $0.09 per pill to $4.85 per pill   47

        A financial burden

• The price increase will put the drug out-of-reach of many

   ex : treatment for gout prophylaxis
            from $6 to $300 / month !!!
• Medicaid programs, in 2007 (NEJM)
paid about $1 million for the drug  $50 million now?

oDoctors‟ reaction :
• Criticism about the trials

                   • “with responsible prescribing, non-approved colchicine is safe
                                            and effective”

oFDA „s response:
                • No statutory authority to control the prices for marketed drugs
                in the U.S.
                •The marketing exclusivity does not apply to the large market
                of gout prophylaxis

oURL PHARMA‟s response:
•“In our society, people are rewarded for making advancements”
• unapproved drugs             cost to patients and the healthcare system.

                URL Pharma set up a Patient Assistance Program
Strengths                Weaknesses
• Safety                     • Bad corporate image

• Effectiveness              • Not exclusivity for
• Part of studies based on

• Market exclusivity

           Opportunities              Threats
• Dominate the market        • Developpment of parallel
during the next 3 years      markets

• A well-established         • New manufacturers for the
communication with the       indication of Prophylaxis
FDA useful for the future
• Potential Goldmine

FDA‟ s « Unapproved drugs initiative » was necessary.

        We cannot take the risk to let unsafe or ineffective drugs
        on the market

URL Pharma was the only firm to take the initiative to drive clinical
studies and to submit an approval

       Their exclusivity reward was well-justified

Increasing the price by 50 is unreasonable

As a comparison, for Nitroglycerin pills :
Pfizer makes the only FDA-approved brand Nitrostat®.

FDA has moved against firms manufacturing unapproved versions of the

Pfizer was also beneficiary with higher prices, but more

        The cash price for a pack of 100 tablets:

              $22    Vs $20 for the banned-drugs before.


                          Bnet website : How the FDA‟s Crackdown on Unapproved Drugs Could Create New Monopolies


   The situation is not the same with colchicine

   For example, in France, two branded-drugs on the market:

   Colchicine opocoalcium 1 mg ( colchicine)
   Colchimax ( colchicine+thiemonium+opium)

   Prescribed too for the treatment of acute gout and
    prophylaxie, for FMF and Behcet disease

   AMM are evaluated at least every 5 years

In the EU, we can find traditionnal herbal
products on the market

But are they all safe?
 a significant number of herbal medecinal
products, despite their long tradition do
not fullfil the requirement of a well-



For most people, drugs coming from plants are safe because « natural »
But we must not forget that a lot of compounds in plants are toxic:

Atropine ,Codeine, Strychnine…


                   YES                             NO
        •Active substances             •Regulation less severe

        •Indication, adverse effects   •Not reserved to chemists

        •Used in a determinate dose    •Efficacy based on
   A lot of health public problems have been proved with the use of
    these traditional products:

   Nephropathies and chinese plants:
     90‟s: 100 cases of terminal renal failure in Belgium were observed
    in patients taking two plants to lose weights:
                 Magnolia officinalis and Stephania tetandra.

Substitution of Stephania tetandra for Aristolochia fangchi
(because they have chinese names very close)

                                                 Toxic for kidneys,
             Aristolochic acid                    mutagenic and                     57
                                                                  Afssaps website
April 30,2004: standardizing regulation across Europe

Before April 30 , 2011(transposition in the member states)

    Herbal medicines already on the market must apply for a simplified

• no clinical or pre-clinical trials…

• … but the authority can ask for all safety data

• and quality of the product must be demonstrated

Conditions for the simplified registration :

The product must have been used throughout a period
of at least 30 years (including at least 15 years within                                               58
the EU)
                      DIRECTIVE 2004/24/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 31 March 2004

   Positive   Negative
   effects     effects


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Colchicine, Benzyl Alcohol...

  • 2. Benzyl Alcohol & NME o Every year, in the USA , is published a board summarizing New Molecular Entities approved by the FDA. In 2009 next to important molecules such as Everolimus (treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma)… …it came to a surprise to find Benzyl Alcohol 2
  • 4. Benzyl alcohol : a new molecule? • First synthesis : in 1853 by Cannizaro • Applications :  Industry : solvent for inks, paints, lacquer precursor of esters used in the soap, perfume and flavor industries  Health care : bacteriostatic preservative at low concentration in intravenous medications excipient in a variety of topical drugs 4 Wikipedia website
  • 5. 5
  • 6. A toxic compound In the early 1980‟s, FDA reported 16 neonatal deaths due to a gasping syndrome associated with use of Benzyl Alcohol Pre-term neonates weighing 2500 gms: • had central intravascular catheters flushed periodically each day with bacteriostatic normal saline solution 0.9 % + benzyl alcohol How to explain these deaths? The metabolic pathway of benzyl alcohol may not be well developed in premature infant. The FDA has recommended that intravascular flush solutions 6 containing benzyl alcohol not be used for newborns
  • 7. EXCIPIENT BECOMING API  Although benzyl alcohol is present in other products as an excipient, it has not previously been approved as a new drug.  Sciele Pharma decided to make studies proving effectiveness and safety of a 5% benzyl alcohol lotion against head lice.  Moreover, for safety reasons (refering to the tragedy of the catheter flushs in the 1980‟s) conducting biopharmaceutics studies was essential. Full-blown NDA The applicant submitted one study (SU-01-2007) to evaluate the systemic exposure of benzyl alcohol in patients 6 months of age and older 7 with head lice infestation
  • 8. RESULTS  Major plasma concentrations were below the limit of quantification…  …except for a few subjects with elevated systemic exposure to benzyl alcohol. FDA REFUSED TO GIVE THE APPROVAL … … and asked Sciele Pharma for a clarification  Investigation : catheters used to take samples of blood were flushed with NaCl + benzyl alcohol  Second bioavailability study in which any catheter flush used was free of benzyl alcohol 8 Satisfying results Ulesfia® summary review
  • 9. oFDA‟ conclusion: the treatment does not expose subjects to elevated systemic levels of benzyl alcohol oDate of approval : April 4th, 2009 oIndication : topical treatment of head lice infestation in patients 6 months of age and older. Distinct from the population with a risk of gasping syndrome • ULESFIA was granted with a « 5 years Exclusivity » as a New 9 Chemical Entity
  • 10. o So, we can be astonished that Benzyl alcohol was officially recognised as a new molecule in 2009, although it was known since the 19th… but more astonishing… For a variety of historical reasons, some drugs, mostly older products, continue to be manufactured,marketed, distribued, prescribed and dispensed… …in the USA without required FDA approval ! 10
  • 11. USA Drug Approval Timeline Unapproved Drugs Prescription drugs Initiative Wrap-Up 2006 E-Ferol tragedy 1984 1962 Safety and 3400 products Effectiveness FDA finalized its guidance in a formal document The original Federal Foodthe market Drugs which entered and Drugs entitledAmendment - Policy Guide” (CPG), which “Compliance E-Ferol 1938 Safety DESIfirst 1938 the drug regulationnew The Act Evaluationwashave Congressfor of moredrugs Safety of required only amends Actis to bring unapproved marketed than before brought effectiveness evaluated aim never been under federalinto law approvaltheto prove 3,400to the prohibiting retroactive drugs productsnewnot process. safety : require was drugsonly forThey for bothlaw,the and effectiveness. of safety approved sale Purity adulterated or misbrandedbefore being effectiveness and safety 1962 were declared as 1938 andmarketed between illegally drugs. 1906 granted approval Dosage 11
  • 12. Marketed unapproved drugs : a rare situation? o 2% of all prescriptions drugs on the market o = nearly 72 million prescriptions per year o Medicaid paid at least $200 million from 2004 to 2007 for more than 100 unapproved drugs WHY?  LACK OF AWARENESS 2006:nationwide study of 500 pharmacists: 91% of them thought all of the products they dispense are FDA approved. FAMILARITY WITH THE UNAPPROVED DRUGS 12 PRICE BENEFITS VS FDA APPROVED DRUGS AP IMPACT: “Gov‟t Pays for Risky Unapproved Drugs,” R. Alonzo-Zaldivar, F. Bass (Nov. 23, 2008)
  • 13. However, this use may place patients at: •Unnecessary risk from drug-drug interactions •Lack of standardized dosing guidance •Potential overdose among special populations requiring dosing adjustements •Drug purity problems associated with lack of FDA-approved adjustements •Too much or too little active ingredient FDA : “it is a priority of the agency to remove from the market unapproved products that expose consumers to potentially unsafe, ineffective or poor quality drugs” 13 Unapproved drugs in America : an avoidable public health threat, Salvatore Giorgiani, BSc, PharmD
  • 14. UNAPPROVED DRUGS INDICATIONS •Since the Compliance Policy Guide was published (2006), FDA has removed Balanced salt solution numerous unapproved drug products solutions used during surgical procedures from the market. on the eye •FDA announced its intention to take enforcement action against unapproved Carbinoxamine sedating antihistamine drug products containing : Codeine sulfate tablet opioid analgesic Colchicine tablets gout Ergotamine migraine headaches Guaifenesine expectorant Hydrocodone analgesic and antitussif semi-synthetic opioid Narcotics containing morphine opioid sulfate,hydromorphone,oxycodon Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets relieve chest pain once it starts, and to prevent an acute attack Topical drugs containing papain removal of dead or contaminated tissue in acute and chronic lesions Quinine sulfate malaria and leg cramps 14 Trimethobenzamide hydrochloride treat nausea and vomiting suppositories FDA website
  • 15. Example of the Quinine • A lot of products containing quinine are marketed without approved applications for malaria and are also used to treat and/or prevent nocturnal leg muscle cramps DANGER: •Linked to 93 deaths, according to FDA •Serious adverse effects •Has been shown to cause long QT syndrome •Narrow margin between an effective dose and a toxic dose FDA has ordered all firms to cease manufacturing unapproved products 15 containing quinine FDA press release (Dec. 11, 2006)
  • 16. Only one Quinine product on the market : FDA‟s approved QUALAQUIN® (URL Pharma) • Approved as an Orphan Drug for the treatment of malaria in August 2005. 7 years of Market Exclusivity •URL Pharma is now conducting new Clinical Studies to get a new approval for the indication : muscle cramps 16 URL Pharma website
  • 17. THE CURIOUS STORY OF COLCRYS® (COLCHICINE) APPROVAL  July 2009: Colcrys® (URL pharma) received approvals from FDA for the treatment of FMF and acute gout flares.  October 2009: approval for the prophylaxis of gout flares.  FDA orders the other manufacturers to remove any other versions of colchicine from the market.  Then, URL Pharma raised the price by a factor of 50, from $0,09 to $4,85 per pill. What happened ? 17
  • 18. A LOT OF NAMES FOR A SAME PLANT « Bulbus » « Ephemeron » « Hermodactylus » « Suringam » « Spalax » « Tue chiens » « Mort-chiens » « Naked lady » « Ephemeron » «Safran des prés » « Crocus » « Safran bâtard » « Iris sauvage » 18 « Colchicum autumnale »
  • 19. FROM COLCHICUM TO COLCHICINE •Papyrus 1500 before JC : use of « crocus » to treat articular pains •Colchicum was described in the 1st century by Dioscorides in the Materia Medica. •Medical use of colchicum for gout pain dates back to the 6th century •But the use of colchicum in the treatment of gout substantially declined by the 15thcentury because of its toxicity •Colchicum was reintroduced as a treatment for acute gout beginning in 1763. •Colchicine was first isolated from colchicum in 1820 (Pelletier and Caventou) 19 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 190 / Friday, October 1, 2010 / Notices
  • 20. SINCE THE DISCOVERY OF COLCHICINE… •Colchicine used around the world to allay sicks of gout •A lot of drugs containing colchicine were sold in the US since the XIXth century « Colchicine has been used by healthcare practitioners for many years to treat gout but had not been approved by the FDA ».(FDA) •Examples of manufacturers selling unapproved oral colchicine in the US before 2009: Excellium Pharmaceutical Inc. Vision Pharma LLC Watson pharmaceuticals Inc West-Ward Pharmaceutical 20 Qualitest Pharmaceuticals
  • 21. TRADITIONNAL USE OF COLCHICINE  Treatment of acute gout flare:  1 or 1.3 mg initial dose,  followed by 0.5 to 0.65 mg every 1 to 2 hours  until the pain is relieved or nausea and diarrhea appear.  Prophylaxis of recurrent gout:  0.5 mg to 0.65 mg once weekly or up to three times daily, depending on the frequency of prior acute attack o Signs of toxicity :  0 to 0.5 mg/kg : gastro-intestinal symptoms  0.5 to 0.8 mg/kg : + bone marrow aplesia and alopecia  > 0.8 mg/kg : + circulatory failure 21
  • 22. Then, it‟s not a « without dangers » drug • every year : cases of overdoses entraining intoxications and death: 751 reports of adverse events including 169 deaths, through June 2007 However, the use of colchicine was only based on its old history. 22
  • 23. URL PHARMA WILLS  Richard Roberts, MD, president, chair, and CEO of URL Pharma: “We looked at the universe of unapproved drugs, searching for medications presenting safety risks or where we had a chance to improve efficacy. As a physician, I was shocked that colchicine, with all of the toxicities taught to every doctor since medical school, was not an approved medication.” In 2007, URL pharma organized studies testing its own version 23 of colchicine The rheumatologist, May 2010
  • 24. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY URL Pharma has relied almost entirely on the published literature to support the nonclinical aspects of the application. But some limitations were noticed: Old studies, Dose levels used : Unknown quality of pre-dating effects, not safety colchicine used the GLP Nevertheless, FDA said : « The well-understood clinical toxicity of long-term colchicine administration, precludes the need to provide modern, GLP-compliant chronic toxicology studies in animals for support of the application » 24 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
  • 25. CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETIC STUDIES 14 studies were conducted to define classic parameters Absorption Distribution Metabolism Elimination/Excretion What we learnt from these studies: • Colchicine crosses the placenta and distributes into breast milk • 2 primary metabolites involving CYP3A4 • biliary and urinary excretion 25 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
  • 26. First target: an orphan disease FAMILIAL MEDITERREAN FEVER 26
  • 27. FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER  Orphan disease in the USA (< 200,000 patients)  Hereditary inflammatory disorder  Recurrent episodes of diffuse inflammation  Beginning before 10 years old Typical acute crisis: fever, increasing rapidly inflammation affecting the serosal surfaces: peritoneal o Free interval between crisis 27
  • 28. FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER: EPIDEMIOLOGY Turkish people: 1 / 1000 Arabic people: 1 / 2600 Ashkenazi Jewish people: 1 / 73,000 Armenian persons: 1 / 500 28 Sephardic Jewish people: 1 / 250-1000
  • 29. FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER:TREATMENT  Colchicine : first intention  Posology : 0,5 to 2,5mg / day  Prevent attacks  Prevent secondary amylodoisis  Curative treatment of attacks  AINS, corticoïdes  Noramidopyrine  Anti IL1 : Anakinra in patients with colchicine-resistant FMF 29
  • 30. CLINICAL EFFICACY : FMF The evidence for the efficacy of colchicine in patients with FMF is derived from the published literature Three randomized, placebo-controlled studies were identified 30 Proven efficacy of colchicine in the treatment of febrile episodes of FMF Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-352 Summary review
  • 32. GOUT « the king of diseases and the disease of kings » Affects 3 to 5 million Americans, most commonly adult men 32
  • 33. 33 Faculty: N. Lawrence Edwards, MD; H. Ralph Schumacher, MD; Arthur L. Weaver, MD, MS, FACP, MACR; Marc D. Cohen, MD; Alvin F. Wells, MD, PhD
  • 34. 34 Faculty: N. Lawrence Edwards, MD; H. Ralph Schumacher, MD; Arthur L. Weaver, MD, MS, FACP, MACR; Marc D. Cohen, MD; Alvin F. Wells, MD, PhD
  • 35. TREATMENTS  Anti-inflammatory drugs :  Colchicine  Corticosteroids  NSAIDs: ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethacin  Control uric acid concentration:  Xanthine oxidase inhibitors: allopurinol and febuxostat  Medication that improves uric acid removal: probenecid  Non of these medications are harmless, and several side effects exist… 35
  • 36. MECHANISM OF COLCHICINE 36 Anti-inflammatory mechanism of colchicine, European Heart Journal (2009) 30, 532–539 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehn608
  • 37. CLINICAL EFFICACY: ACUTE GOUT FLARES dose comparison study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of colchicine in subjects with an acute gout flare. Study MCP-004-06-00 : •a multicenter •randomized •double-blind •placebo-controlled •parallel group •1 week 37 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
  • 38. Study design: 38 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
  • 39. Efficacy measure: • based on response to treatment in the target joint Patient self-assessment of pain with the 11-point Likert scale Responder = at least a 50% reduction in pain score at the 24- hour post-dose assessment relative to the pre-treatment score 39
  • 40. Efficacy results  a greater proportion of patients receiving low-dose colchicine experienced a response compared to 40 standard dose (p = 0.005) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-351 Summary review
  • 41. Safety « The efficacy of high-dose colchicine with fewer AEs » 41 Dosage : 1.2 mg (2 tablets) at the first sign of a gout flare followed by 0.6 mg (1 tablet) one hour later
  • 42. CINICAL EFFICACY : PROPHYLAXIS OF GOUT FLARES derived from the published literature Two randomized clinical trials: In both trials, treatment with colchicine decreased the frequency of gout flares. Dosage : 0.6 mg once or twice daily in adults and adolescents older than 16 years of age. 42 Maximum dose 1.2 mg/day. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , NDA 22-353 Summary review
  • 43. Conclusion Colcrys ® received 3 approvals : • July, 29, 2009 : treatment for FMF 7 years of Market exclusivity (under the Orphan Drug Act) • July 30, 2009 : treatment of gout flares 3 years of Market exclusivity 43 • October, 16, 2009 : prophylaxis of gout flares
  • 44. 44
  • 45. BUT COLCRYS® : A REAL INNOVATION? New labelling information rather than a real innovation: • A lower dosage for a same efficacy and fewer AEs • New drug-drug interactions information The only patents for COLCRYS® are: « Methods for concomitant administration of colchicine and a second active agent » • Dialysis was not an appropriate treatment for overdose • Colcrys purity and uniformity confirmed by the FDA (unlike the unapproved versions of Colchicine) Market exclusivity is an incentive that the 45 agency believes could encourage voluntary compliance with the drug-approval process
  • 46. CONSEQUENCES URL pharma brought a lawsuit to remove any other versions of colchicine from the market.  Enforcement action • against any currently marketed unapproved single- ingredient oral colchicine products: • that are manufactured on or after November 15, 2010, • or that are shipped on or after December 30, 2010. 46 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 190 / Friday, October 1, 2010 / Notices
  • 47. “The FDA was not prepared for the unintended consequences” Doctor Stanley Cohen, president of the American College of Rheumatology ( , 4/20/10) Colchicine price increased from $0.09 per pill to $4.85 per pill 47 (NEJM)
  • 48. CONSEQUENCES FOR PATIENTS A financial burden • The price increase will put the drug out-of-reach of many patients: ex : treatment for gout prophylaxis from $6 to $300 / month !!! • Medicaid programs, in 2007 (NEJM) paid about $1 million for the drug  $50 million now? 48
  • 49. oDoctors‟ reaction : • Criticism about the trials • “with responsible prescribing, non-approved colchicine is safe and effective” oFDA „s response: • No statutory authority to control the prices for marketed drugs in the U.S. •The marketing exclusivity does not apply to the large market of gout prophylaxis oURL PHARMA‟s response: •“In our society, people are rewarded for making advancements” • unapproved drugs cost to patients and the healthcare system. 49 URL Pharma set up a Patient Assistance Program
  • 50. Strengths Weaknesses • Safety • Bad corporate image • Effectiveness • Not exclusivity for prophylaxis • Part of studies based on litterature • Market exclusivity Opportunities Threats • Dominate the market • Developpment of parallel during the next 3 years markets • A well-established • New manufacturers for the communication with the indication of Prophylaxis FDA useful for the future 50 • Potential Goldmine
  • 51. OUR OWN OPINION FDA‟ s « Unapproved drugs initiative » was necessary. We cannot take the risk to let unsafe or ineffective drugs on the market URL Pharma was the only firm to take the initiative to drive clinical studies and to submit an approval Their exclusivity reward was well-justified Increasing the price by 50 is unreasonable 51
  • 52. As a comparison, for Nitroglycerin pills : Pfizer makes the only FDA-approved brand Nitrostat®. FDA has moved against firms manufacturing unapproved versions of the drug. Pfizer was also beneficiary with higher prices, but more reasonably. The cash price for a pack of 100 tablets: $22 Vs $20 for the banned-drugs before. 52 Bnet website : How the FDA‟s Crackdown on Unapproved Drugs Could Create New Monopolies
  • 53. AND WHAT ABOUT IN EU? 53 53
  • 54. CASE OF COLCHICINE  The situation is not the same with colchicine  For example, in France, two branded-drugs on the market:  Colchicine opocoalcium 1 mg ( colchicine)  Colchimax ( colchicine+thiemonium+opium)  Prescribed too for the treatment of acute gout and prophylaxie, for FMF and Behcet disease  AMM are evaluated at least every 5 years 54
  • 55. MEDICINAL HERBAL PRODUCTS In the EU, we can find traditionnal herbal products on the market But are they all safe?  a significant number of herbal medecinal products, despite their long tradition do not fullfil the requirement of a well- established: •Efficacy •Safety •Quality 55
  • 56. CONFUSIONS IN PEOPLE„S MIND For most people, drugs coming from plants are safe because « natural » But we must not forget that a lot of compounds in plants are toxic: Atropine ,Codeine, Strychnine… DRUGS OR NOT DRUGS? YES NO •Active substances •Regulation less severe •Indication, adverse effects •Not reserved to chemists •Used in a determinate dose •Efficacy based on experience 56
  • 57. EXAMPLE OF TOXICITY  A lot of health public problems have been proved with the use of these traditional products:  Nephropathies and chinese plants: 90‟s: 100 cases of terminal renal failure in Belgium were observed in patients taking two plants to lose weights: Magnolia officinalis and Stephania tetandra. INVESTIGATION: Substitution of Stephania tetandra for Aristolochia fangchi (because they have chinese names very close) Toxic for kidneys, Aristolochic acid mutagenic and 57 carcinogenic Afssaps website
  • 58. EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE ON TRADITIONNAL HERBAL MEDICINAL PRODUCTS April 30,2004: standardizing regulation across Europe Before April 30 , 2011(transposition in the member states) Herbal medicines already on the market must apply for a simplified registration: • no clinical or pre-clinical trials… • … but the authority can ask for all safety data • and quality of the product must be demonstrated Conditions for the simplified registration : The product must have been used throughout a period of at least 30 years (including at least 15 years within 58 the EU) DIRECTIVE 2004/24/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 31 March 2004
  • 59. EXPECTED CONSEQUENCES Positive Negative effects effects 59