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    MARDHIAH HAYATI RAHIM            14419

                 DR. SOPIAN BUJANG


1. Objective of Study……………………………………………………………...                                   1
2. Background of Study…………………………………………………………...                                   1
3. Procedure of Data Collection…………………………………………………...                             3
Data Preparation………………………………………………………………..                                   4
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………...                                    5
4. The Models……………………………………………………………………..                                         7
Task Model……………………………………………………………………..                                       7
   Explanation of The Task Model………………………………..……………… 8
Cognitive Task Model       ………………………………………………………9
5. Suggestion on How to Use The Cognitive Task Model………………………..                   10
Training on familiarizing the procedures or sequences of the task………..……10
Training on how to operate the book scanning machine………………….........         11
Training on how to operate the book drop machine……………………………                  11
6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………12
7. References………………………………………………………………………                                          13

1. Objective of The Study

This study was conducted to meet numbers of objectives which includes:
          To identify the knowledge and information that a library assistant possesses
           regarding the process of returning books until the books are reshelf.
          To categorized knowledge and information gained from a library assistant.
          To analyze the categories of knowledge and information.
          To develop a cognitive task model of a library assistant.

2. Background of The Study

       Concurrent thinking aloud (CTA) is a method that provides researcher with
information regarding cognitions and emotions of someone being studied (respondent)
while he or she is performing tasks or solving a problem (Lewis, 1982). It is used in
cognitive task analysis activities where many researchers or investigators adopt it to gain
information from their respondents (Someren et al., 1994). This method encourages the
respondent to verbally express his or her thoughts during the process of completing a task
or even during the process of working out a problem (Ericsson & Simon, 1993). There
are several protocols of CTA that need to be followed which are listed as follows:
          respondent will thinks aloud which means he or she will be talking while
           performing task or solving a problem,
          respondent will not analyze his or her thought and just verbalizes them
          the talking by respondent is continuous, and
          researcher talk really less and takes notes, do audio recording of the
           respondent’s utterances or do video recording of the respondent during the
           task or problem completion (Someren et al., 1994).

CTA is proved to be an effective and efficient method to gather cognitive
processes of a respondent as it possess strengths (Birns et al., 1999). Berry and Broadbent
(1984) have pointed several strengths that CTA has which include:
           it is able to reveal the mental model of a respondent,
           it is capable of revealing the cognitive processes of a respondent,
           it is flexible in terms of location, equipment and recording activity, and
           the feedback obtained is “real-time” because of the concurrent nature of the
            procedure, respondents do not have time to rationalize their thoughts.

        However, Someren et al. (1994) stated that CTA also possess several weaknesses
that are listed as follows:
           it might be unnatural method for some respondents because the act of
            verbalizing thoughts while completing a task can potentially impact the
            normal workflow,
           the data obtained from CTA might be difficult to analyze,
           there is a possibility that respondent might rationalize his or her thinking
            which in return will distort data, and
           respondents will perform task faster 9% if they were asked to use CTA and
            this prevents researchers from obtaining accurate performance data for their

        Concurrent think aloud (CTA) method discloses a plenty of information
concerning respondents’ experiences, thoughts, and perceptions as regards of tasks that
they perform or problem that they solve. Regardless of its limitations, concurrent think
aloud is the best methodology many researchers have found for collecting real-time
cognitive data during the study of the mental model as well as the cognitive processes of
selected respondents.

3. Procedure of Data Collection

       As for this study, we have selected a library assistant in UNIMAS to become our
respondent. The respondent will perform a task which is the process of returning books
until the books are reshelf. The respondent was chosen because he possesses 3 years
experiences as library assistant and acquires dazzling knowledge and skills in performing
the stated tasks. Thus, with these he can be considered an expert in this field and the
mental model as well as the cognitive processes of him can become useful data for us to
develop cognitive task model regarding the task declared earlier. Besides that, he was
selected because he possesses great communication skills that will ease the thinking
aloud process to be conducted smoothly.
       In the CTA activity, the respondent is asked to verbalizes whatever he is looking
at, thinking, doing and feeling as he perform the task. Every utterance by the respondent
is recorded by a voice recorder. This is to ensure that every single data is not left out as it
might happen if we use written recording. The followings are the background of our

          Name                : Gregory Simon
          Nick name           : Greg
          Age                 : 23 years old
          Job                 : Library Assistant, UNIMAS
          Experience          : 3 years
          Phone no.           : 014-8939511

Data Preparation

   Data Obtained from Concurrent Thinking Aloud Activity

   Q: aaa…bolehkah abang aaa.. tunjukkan dan ceritekan prosedur kerja abang aaa
   dalam menyusun buku, dari student pulang buku sampai buku tu di susun semula ke

   A: ok aaa..pertama sekali kita terima daripada pelajar iaitu mereka hantar ke kaunter
   pastu selain itu juga kita ambil buku daripada mesin pemulangan buku 24 jam,
   selepas itu kita bawa ke kaunter, kita susun ikut kod nombor, dan juga level, seperti
   level satu dan level dua, level satu untuk yang bukan sains dan level dua untuk yg
   sains lah. jadi selepas kita menyusun semua buku itu mengikut kod nombor dan level,
   kita letak atas troli tu ke level dia. Dan apabila sampai di level-level yang berkenaan
   contohnya level satu, kita akan hantar buku yang telah di susun tu ke rak masing-
   masing, selepas semua buku-buku telah di hantar ke rak masing-masing, aaa…kita
   akan susunlah mengikut kod nombor pada rak tu.

   Q:… boleh tak abang bagitau kod-kod pada setiap level, level satu dan level

   A: ok..kod nombornya, kod no pada aaa level satu, kebanyakkannya buku yang bukan
   aliran sains terdiri dari A sampai F, dan tingkat dua pula Q sampai Z, QA, QB, QC,
   QD, QH, QL, ST, ZU kecuali V la, V tu takde, O kita takde, O dan juga I kita takde,
   kod no yang stat dari I, X kita takde, Z kita ade.

   Q: aaaa..tadi abang ada cakap aaaa…ada 2 cara pemulangan buku kan, satu di
   kaunter, satu di mesin, aaa…apa beza aaa…prosuder pemulangan buku di kedua-dua

A: ok…aaa…kalau student ataupun staff tu dia anta buku ,bezanya dengan di kaunter
   dan menggunakan mesin, ok mesin adalah mesin, di kaunter ada staff yang handle, ok
   di kaunter lebih detail lagi lah sebab kalau buku tu ada denda dan kalu student atau
   staff nak cek denda dia boleh cek terus di kaunter , dan dia boleh bayar dan dia boleh
   tanye berapa jumlah buku dan dia boleh mengemukan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
   kad dialah ataupun akaun dialah, berbeza dengan mesin, mesin hanya menerima
   sahaja, tidak memberitahu samaada student atau staff tu ada denda ataupun ada apa-
   apa yang masalah dengan akaun merekalah, tu beza dengan mesin,hanya menerima
   buku sahaja,manakala di kaunter prosesnya banyaklah, aaa student atau staff dia
   boleh cek akaun dia selain dia hantar buku.

Data Analysis

 Segment                      Protocol                               Knowledge
    1        ok aaa..pertama sekali kita terima daripada    Indicate the point of
             pelajar iaitu mereka hantar ke kaunter         collecting books (counter).
     2       pastu selain itu juga kita ambil buku          Indicate another point to
             daripada mesin pemulangan buku 24 jam          collect books (machine).
     3       ok di kaunter lebih detail lagi lah sebab      Explain the services
             kalau buku tu ada denda dan kalau student      provided in the library
             atau staff nak cek denda dia boleh cek terus   counter.
             di kaunter
     4       dan dia boleh bayar dan dia boleh tanye        Explain the services
             berapa jumlah buku                             provided in the library
     5       dan dia boleh mengemukan masalah yang          Explain the services
             berkaitan dengan kad dialah ataupun akaun      provided in the library
             dialah                                         counter.
     6       berbeza dengan mesin, mesin hanya              Compare the usage of two
             menerima sahaja, tidak memberitahu             points in collecting books
             samaada student atau staff tu ada denda        (counter and book drop
             ataupun ada apa-apa yang masalah dengan        machine).
             akaun merekalah

7         selepas itu kita bawa ke kaunter                Explain where books from
                                                               book drop machine will be
     8         kita susun ikut kod nombor dan juga level,      Explain how books are
               seperti level satu dan level dua                sorted (code number and
     9         ok..kod nombornya , kod no pada aaa level       Explain the code numbers
               satu, kebanyakkannya buku yang bukan            on level one.
               aliran sains terdiri dari A sampai F
     10        dan tingkat dua pula Q sampai Z                 Explain the code numbers
                                                               on level two.
     11        QA, QB, QC, QD, QH, QL, ST, ZU kecuali          List the code numbers that
               V la, V tu takde, O kita takde, O dan juga I    exist on level two.
               kita takde, kod no yang stat dari I, X kita
               takde, Z kita ade
     12        level satu untuk yg bukan sains dan level       Differentiate the categories
               dua untuk yg sains lah.                         of books between level one
                                                               and level two.
     13        jadi selepas kita menyusun semua buku itu       Put the sorted books on
               mengikut kod nombor dan level, kita letak       trolley and ready to be
               atas troli tu ke level dia                      delivered to the respective
     14        Dan apabila sampai di level-level yang          Stroll the trolley to the right
               berkenaaan contohnya level satu, kita akan      shelves for the books to be
               hantar buku yang telah di susun tu ke rak       arranged.
     15        selepas semua buku buku telah di hantar ke      Arrange the books according
               rak masing-masing, aaa kita akan susunlah       to the shelves’ code
           mengikut kod nombor pada rak tu.                    numbers.
4. The Models

         From the thinking aloud activity with the library assistant, it helps us to come out
with two different models which are task model as well as cognitive task model. The
models are shown and explained as follows.

Task Model

      Students and
   staffs return books

        Counter                    Book Drop                          Process ends
   Check account
   Details of books
   borrowed and
   returned                                                           Arrange books
   Check fine                                                          on the right
   Pay fine                                                              shelves

                1- COLLECTING
                                                                    4- ARRANGING

                  Sort books                                         Deliver books to
               according to code                                      the respective
               number and level                                           levels

                  2- SORTING                                         3- DELIVERING

   4.11 Explanation of the Task Model

       As shown in the task model, event that occurs in the early stage of the returning
books process is students and staffs of UNIMAS will return books that they borrow from
CAIS. Since CAIS has provided two mechanisms for the students and staffs to return

books which are using counter or using book drop machine, they can choose either one
which suits their convenience. However, if they choose to return books by using counter,
they could get extra services which includes account checking to keep track the details of
books borrowed and returned, check if there any fine as well as pay the fine if there is
any. When the library assistant receives the books from counter and fetches books from
book drop machine, he is in the collecting phase. He will gather every single book that is
returned by students and staffs from both points in order to enable him to move to another
phase which is called sorting phase.
       During the sorting phase, the library assistant needs to sort every book returned
based on their code numbers as well as its level. This require him to have splendid
memory of the books’ code and the book’s level in order to prevent any misplaces of
books to ensure that he would produce tasks that free of error and completely efficient.
After the sorting phase is finished, the library assistant will move to another phase which
is delivering phase where the books that are sorted previously will be strolled to their
respective floors and shelves by using stroller. Then, when he arrived at the right shelves,
new phase will begins which is called arranging phase. During this phase, the sorted
books will be arranged accordingly and appropriately as to ensure that they will look neat
for students and staffs to find them easily. Thus, the knowledge for arranging books is
really needed by the library assistant to enable him to do his work well. After all books
are completely arranged, the process for returning books until they are reshelf is over.

   4.2 Cognitive Task Model

EXTERNAL                                                                INFORMATION
    1. Basic Characteristics                   2. Events and Situation
    Tools :                                     (i). Students and staffs return books
     (i). Book drop machine                         that they borrow to CAIS.

(ii). Counter                             (ii). Respondent perform the process
    (iii). Books to be returned                     of returning books until they are
    (iv). Stroller                                  reshelf which involves four
    Characteristics of the Task :                   phases; 1) collecting, 2) sorting,
     (i). Collect books                             3) delivering and 4) arranging.
     (ii). Sort books
    (iii). Deliver books
    (iv). Arrange books
    3. Structures Person’s Knowledge           4. Rules and Procedures
    Physical Structures and Equipment :        Person’s Knowledge :
     (i). Know what is used to scan books      (i). Know the sequence in the
     (ii). Know what is used to fetch and           process of returning books until
          deliver books.                            they are reshelf.
    Abstract Structures and Knowledge          (ii). Know how to scan the returned
    Concerning Task :                               books.
     (i). Know where to collect returned       (iii). Know how to collect books from
          books.                                    the book drop machine.
     (ii). Know what are the books’ code       (iv). Know how to sort the books
          numbers for sorting purposes.             according to their code numbers
    (iii). Know where to deliver sorted             and its level.
          books.                               (v). Know how the books should be
    (iv). Know where to arrange sorted              delivered for reshelf.
          books.                               (vi). Know how to arrange the books
                                                    accordingly and appropriately.
INTERNAL                                                INFORMATION
5. Suggestion on How to Use The Cognitive Task Model to Develop Training

       All of the library assistant in CAIS, UNIMAS need to be competent enough in
performing the task of returning books until they are reshelf in order to generate a quality
work that will bring positive image towards the customers which are the students and the
staffs itself. This is also a way to develop personal growth of the library assistants in

terms of their degree of capabilities in completing the tasks and jobs that are assigned to
them. As to meet these requirements, the library assistants need to be given
comprehensive and right trainings regarding the stated tasks from time to time. This is to
ensure that continuous improvements will exist within each of them which in return will
make them become more productive while working in the CAIS. Therefore, we have
several suggestions for the management of the CAIS on what training shall be given to
the library assistant. These suggestions are made based on the cognitive task model that
we developed and shown earlier. This is because, the model is developed based on the
cognitive processes and mental model of an expert. Thus, this model is reliable to be
followed and used for improvement purposes for library assistants who are novices. The
suggestions are as follow:

Training on familiarizing the procedures or sequences of the task

       The library assistant need to be exposed with the sequences of the process of
returning books until they are reshelf in order to make them fully understand and clear
about what they need to do while performing the task. The four phases which are
collecting, sorting, delivering and arranging are needed to be explained apparently. They
must be well informed on the points where they need to collect books by borrowers. They
also have to know the various books’ code numbers in order to enable them to sort the
books accurately. They also need to be encouraged to familiarize and memorize the code
numbers by their supervisors since it is not an easy task to be done. Moreover, they need
to be aware of every sections exist in the CAIS for them to deliver the sorted books
without difficulty. Finally, they also must be taught on how to arrange the books on
shelves appropriately and accordingly to ensure that all books are placed correctly.

Training on how to operate the book scanning machine

       To accept returned books in counter, library assistants need to scan them on book
scanning machine. As to ensure that the machine will be run properly, library assistants
need to be given chances for attending training on how to operate it. If they know how to

operate it well, then problems while using the machine will probably reduced or

Training on how to operate the book drop machine

       The library assistants in CAIS also need to be given training on how to operate
the book drop machine where many students and staffs choose to use for returning the
borrowed books. They need to know which part of the machine that placed all the books
that are dropped by the students and staffs as well as how to obtained the books to be
fetched to the counter for further actions. Thus, comprehensive training on the machine
must be done for them to be fully proficient in running it without any error.

6. Conclusion

       From the experiences that we gained from conducting this study, concurrent
thinking aloud (CTA) method can be said as a good approach to be used when researcher
wants or needs to analyze the cognitive task of his or her respondents. This is because the
CTA capable to help us in obtaining and gathering information that is crucial for us to
complete this assignment successfully. The protocols that need to be followed while
exercising the method are really helpful in gaining information that are really objective,

accurate and valuable regarding the task that we want to study. This information is then
translated into two different models which are the task model and the cognitive task
         The very precious outcome of this study is the development of the cognitive task
model which can be used by the management of the CAIS to create various training
programs that are needed by the library assistants in order to become competent enough
in fulfilling their tasks and jobs productively without any error. Besides that, the
developed cognitive task model can be used by supervisors in CAIS to understand the
cognitive processes of their staffs which in this case are the library assistant. This will
enable the supervisors to find out what are their staffs know, how they organize and
structure information as well as what they seek to understand better in order to produce a
quality job performance.


Berry, D.C. & Broadbent, D.E. (1984). On the relationship between task performance and
         associated   verbalizable   knowledge.   Quarterly   Journal   of   Experimental
         Psychology, 36A, 209-231

Birns J. H., Joffre K. A., Leclerc J. F., & Paulsen C. A. (1999). Getting the Whole
       Picture: Collecting Usability Data Using Two Methods––Concurrent Think
       Aloud and Retrospective Probing. American Institutes for Research.

Ericsson, K.A. & Simon, H. A. (1993). Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data.
       Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

Lewis, C. (1982). Using the "thinking aloud" method in cognitive interface design. New
       York: IBM Research Reports RC 9265 (40713), IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
       Center. 27

Someren W. M., Barnard, F. Y., & Sandberg A. C. J. (1994). The think aloud method. A
       practical guide to modeling cognitive process. London: Harcourt Brace &



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Cognitive task analysis of a library assistant

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Objective of Study……………………………………………………………... 1 2. Background of Study…………………………………………………………... 1 3. Procedure of Data Collection…………………………………………………... 3 Data Preparation……………………………………………………………….. 4 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………... 5 4. The Models…………………………………………………………………….. 7 Task Model…………………………………………………………………….. 7 Explanation of The Task Model………………………………..……………… 8 Cognitive Task Model ………………………………………………………9 5. Suggestion on How to Use The Cognitive Task Model……………………….. 10 Training on familiarizing the procedures or sequences of the task………..……10 Training on how to operate the book scanning machine…………………......... 11 Training on how to operate the book drop machine…………………………… 11 6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………12 7. References……………………………………………………………………… 13 2
  • 3. 1. Objective of The Study This study was conducted to meet numbers of objectives which includes:  To identify the knowledge and information that a library assistant possesses regarding the process of returning books until the books are reshelf.  To categorized knowledge and information gained from a library assistant.  To analyze the categories of knowledge and information.  To develop a cognitive task model of a library assistant. 2. Background of The Study Concurrent thinking aloud (CTA) is a method that provides researcher with information regarding cognitions and emotions of someone being studied (respondent) while he or she is performing tasks or solving a problem (Lewis, 1982). It is used in cognitive task analysis activities where many researchers or investigators adopt it to gain information from their respondents (Someren et al., 1994). This method encourages the respondent to verbally express his or her thoughts during the process of completing a task or even during the process of working out a problem (Ericsson & Simon, 1993). There are several protocols of CTA that need to be followed which are listed as follows:  respondent will thinks aloud which means he or she will be talking while performing task or solving a problem,  respondent will not analyze his or her thought and just verbalizes them instead,  the talking by respondent is continuous, and  researcher talk really less and takes notes, do audio recording of the respondent’s utterances or do video recording of the respondent during the task or problem completion (Someren et al., 1994). 3
  • 4. CTA is proved to be an effective and efficient method to gather cognitive processes of a respondent as it possess strengths (Birns et al., 1999). Berry and Broadbent (1984) have pointed several strengths that CTA has which include:  it is able to reveal the mental model of a respondent,  it is capable of revealing the cognitive processes of a respondent,  it is flexible in terms of location, equipment and recording activity, and  the feedback obtained is “real-time” because of the concurrent nature of the procedure, respondents do not have time to rationalize their thoughts. However, Someren et al. (1994) stated that CTA also possess several weaknesses that are listed as follows:  it might be unnatural method for some respondents because the act of verbalizing thoughts while completing a task can potentially impact the normal workflow,  the data obtained from CTA might be difficult to analyze,  there is a possibility that respondent might rationalize his or her thinking which in return will distort data, and  respondents will perform task faster 9% if they were asked to use CTA and this prevents researchers from obtaining accurate performance data for their study. Concurrent think aloud (CTA) method discloses a plenty of information concerning respondents’ experiences, thoughts, and perceptions as regards of tasks that they perform or problem that they solve. Regardless of its limitations, concurrent think aloud is the best methodology many researchers have found for collecting real-time cognitive data during the study of the mental model as well as the cognitive processes of selected respondents. 4
  • 5. 3. Procedure of Data Collection As for this study, we have selected a library assistant in UNIMAS to become our respondent. The respondent will perform a task which is the process of returning books until the books are reshelf. The respondent was chosen because he possesses 3 years experiences as library assistant and acquires dazzling knowledge and skills in performing the stated tasks. Thus, with these he can be considered an expert in this field and the mental model as well as the cognitive processes of him can become useful data for us to develop cognitive task model regarding the task declared earlier. Besides that, he was selected because he possesses great communication skills that will ease the thinking aloud process to be conducted smoothly. In the CTA activity, the respondent is asked to verbalizes whatever he is looking at, thinking, doing and feeling as he perform the task. Every utterance by the respondent is recorded by a voice recorder. This is to ensure that every single data is not left out as it might happen if we use written recording. The followings are the background of our respondent:  Name : Gregory Simon  Nick name : Greg  Age : 23 years old  Job : Library Assistant, UNIMAS  Experience : 3 years  Phone no. : 014-8939511 5
  • 6. Data Preparation Data Obtained from Concurrent Thinking Aloud Activity Q: aaa…bolehkah abang aaa.. tunjukkan dan ceritekan prosedur kerja abang aaa dalam menyusun buku, dari student pulang buku sampai buku tu di susun semula ke rak. A: ok aaa..pertama sekali kita terima daripada pelajar iaitu mereka hantar ke kaunter pastu selain itu juga kita ambil buku daripada mesin pemulangan buku 24 jam, selepas itu kita bawa ke kaunter, kita susun ikut kod nombor, dan juga level, seperti level satu dan level dua, level satu untuk yang bukan sains dan level dua untuk yg sains lah. jadi selepas kita menyusun semua buku itu mengikut kod nombor dan level, kita letak atas troli tu ke level dia. Dan apabila sampai di level-level yang berkenaan contohnya level satu, kita akan hantar buku yang telah di susun tu ke rak masing- masing, selepas semua buku-buku telah di hantar ke rak masing-masing, aaa…kita akan susunlah mengikut kod nombor pada rak tu. Q:… boleh tak abang bagitau kod-kod pada setiap level, level satu dan level dua. A: ok..kod nombornya, kod no pada aaa level satu, kebanyakkannya buku yang bukan aliran sains terdiri dari A sampai F, dan tingkat dua pula Q sampai Z, QA, QB, QC, QD, QH, QL, ST, ZU kecuali V la, V tu takde, O kita takde, O dan juga I kita takde, kod no yang stat dari I, X kita takde, Z kita ade. Q: aaaa..tadi abang ada cakap aaaa…ada 2 cara pemulangan buku kan, satu di kaunter, satu di mesin, aaa…apa beza aaa…prosuder pemulangan buku di kedua-dua tempat. 6
  • 7. A: ok…aaa…kalau student ataupun staff tu dia anta buku ,bezanya dengan di kaunter dan menggunakan mesin, ok mesin adalah mesin, di kaunter ada staff yang handle, ok di kaunter lebih detail lagi lah sebab kalau buku tu ada denda dan kalu student atau staff nak cek denda dia boleh cek terus di kaunter , dan dia boleh bayar dan dia boleh tanye berapa jumlah buku dan dia boleh mengemukan masalah yang berkaitan dengan kad dialah ataupun akaun dialah, berbeza dengan mesin, mesin hanya menerima sahaja, tidak memberitahu samaada student atau staff tu ada denda ataupun ada apa- apa yang masalah dengan akaun merekalah, tu beza dengan mesin,hanya menerima buku sahaja,manakala di kaunter prosesnya banyaklah, aaa student atau staff dia boleh cek akaun dia selain dia hantar buku. Data Analysis Segment Protocol Knowledge 1 ok aaa..pertama sekali kita terima daripada Indicate the point of pelajar iaitu mereka hantar ke kaunter collecting books (counter). 2 pastu selain itu juga kita ambil buku Indicate another point to daripada mesin pemulangan buku 24 jam collect books (machine). 3 ok di kaunter lebih detail lagi lah sebab Explain the services kalau buku tu ada denda dan kalau student provided in the library atau staff nak cek denda dia boleh cek terus counter. di kaunter 4 dan dia boleh bayar dan dia boleh tanye Explain the services berapa jumlah buku provided in the library counter. 5 dan dia boleh mengemukan masalah yang Explain the services berkaitan dengan kad dialah ataupun akaun provided in the library dialah counter. 6 berbeza dengan mesin, mesin hanya Compare the usage of two menerima sahaja, tidak memberitahu points in collecting books samaada student atau staff tu ada denda (counter and book drop ataupun ada apa-apa yang masalah dengan machine). akaun merekalah 7
  • 8. 7 selepas itu kita bawa ke kaunter Explain where books from book drop machine will be fetched. 8 kita susun ikut kod nombor dan juga level, Explain how books are seperti level satu dan level dua sorted (code number and level). 9 ok..kod nombornya , kod no pada aaa level Explain the code numbers satu, kebanyakkannya buku yang bukan on level one. aliran sains terdiri dari A sampai F 10 dan tingkat dua pula Q sampai Z Explain the code numbers on level two. 11 QA, QB, QC, QD, QH, QL, ST, ZU kecuali List the code numbers that V la, V tu takde, O kita takde, O dan juga I exist on level two. kita takde, kod no yang stat dari I, X kita takde, Z kita ade 12 level satu untuk yg bukan sains dan level Differentiate the categories dua untuk yg sains lah. of books between level one and level two. 13 jadi selepas kita menyusun semua buku itu Put the sorted books on mengikut kod nombor dan level, kita letak trolley and ready to be atas troli tu ke level dia delivered to the respective levels. 14 Dan apabila sampai di level-level yang Stroll the trolley to the right berkenaaan contohnya level satu, kita akan shelves for the books to be hantar buku yang telah di susun tu ke rak arranged. masing-masing 15 selepas semua buku buku telah di hantar ke Arrange the books according rak masing-masing, aaa kita akan susunlah to the shelves’ code mengikut kod nombor pada rak tu. numbers. 4. The Models From the thinking aloud activity with the library assistant, it helps us to come out with two different models which are task model as well as cognitive task model. The models are shown and explained as follows. 8
  • 9. Task Model Students and staffs return books Counter Book Drop Process ends Machine Check account Details of books borrowed and returned Arrange books Check fine on the right Pay fine shelves 1- COLLECTING 4- ARRANGING Sort books Deliver books to according to code the respective number and level levels 2- SORTING 3- DELIVERING 4.11 Explanation of the Task Model As shown in the task model, event that occurs in the early stage of the returning books process is students and staffs of UNIMAS will return books that they borrow from CAIS. Since CAIS has provided two mechanisms for the students and staffs to return 9
  • 10. books which are using counter or using book drop machine, they can choose either one which suits their convenience. However, if they choose to return books by using counter, they could get extra services which includes account checking to keep track the details of books borrowed and returned, check if there any fine as well as pay the fine if there is any. When the library assistant receives the books from counter and fetches books from book drop machine, he is in the collecting phase. He will gather every single book that is returned by students and staffs from both points in order to enable him to move to another phase which is called sorting phase. During the sorting phase, the library assistant needs to sort every book returned based on their code numbers as well as its level. This require him to have splendid memory of the books’ code and the book’s level in order to prevent any misplaces of books to ensure that he would produce tasks that free of error and completely efficient. After the sorting phase is finished, the library assistant will move to another phase which is delivering phase where the books that are sorted previously will be strolled to their respective floors and shelves by using stroller. Then, when he arrived at the right shelves, new phase will begins which is called arranging phase. During this phase, the sorted books will be arranged accordingly and appropriately as to ensure that they will look neat for students and staffs to find them easily. Thus, the knowledge for arranging books is really needed by the library assistant to enable him to do his work well. After all books are completely arranged, the process for returning books until they are reshelf is over. 4.2 Cognitive Task Model EXTERNAL INFORMATION 1. Basic Characteristics 2. Events and Situation Tools : (i). Students and staffs return books (i). Book drop machine that they borrow to CAIS. 10
  • 11. (ii). Counter (ii). Respondent perform the process (iii). Books to be returned of returning books until they are (iv). Stroller reshelf which involves four Characteristics of the Task : phases; 1) collecting, 2) sorting, (i). Collect books 3) delivering and 4) arranging. (ii). Sort books (iii). Deliver books (iv). Arrange books 3. Structures Person’s Knowledge 4. Rules and Procedures Physical Structures and Equipment : Person’s Knowledge : (i). Know what is used to scan books (i). Know the sequence in the (ii). Know what is used to fetch and process of returning books until deliver books. they are reshelf. Abstract Structures and Knowledge (ii). Know how to scan the returned Concerning Task : books. (i). Know where to collect returned (iii). Know how to collect books from books. the book drop machine. (ii). Know what are the books’ code (iv). Know how to sort the books numbers for sorting purposes. according to their code numbers (iii). Know where to deliver sorted and its level. books. (v). Know how the books should be (iv). Know where to arrange sorted delivered for reshelf. books. (vi). Know how to arrange the books accordingly and appropriately. INTERNAL INFORMATION 5. Suggestion on How to Use The Cognitive Task Model to Develop Training Program All of the library assistant in CAIS, UNIMAS need to be competent enough in performing the task of returning books until they are reshelf in order to generate a quality work that will bring positive image towards the customers which are the students and the staffs itself. This is also a way to develop personal growth of the library assistants in 11
  • 12. terms of their degree of capabilities in completing the tasks and jobs that are assigned to them. As to meet these requirements, the library assistants need to be given comprehensive and right trainings regarding the stated tasks from time to time. This is to ensure that continuous improvements will exist within each of them which in return will make them become more productive while working in the CAIS. Therefore, we have several suggestions for the management of the CAIS on what training shall be given to the library assistant. These suggestions are made based on the cognitive task model that we developed and shown earlier. This is because, the model is developed based on the cognitive processes and mental model of an expert. Thus, this model is reliable to be followed and used for improvement purposes for library assistants who are novices. The suggestions are as follow: Training on familiarizing the procedures or sequences of the task The library assistant need to be exposed with the sequences of the process of returning books until they are reshelf in order to make them fully understand and clear about what they need to do while performing the task. The four phases which are collecting, sorting, delivering and arranging are needed to be explained apparently. They must be well informed on the points where they need to collect books by borrowers. They also have to know the various books’ code numbers in order to enable them to sort the books accurately. They also need to be encouraged to familiarize and memorize the code numbers by their supervisors since it is not an easy task to be done. Moreover, they need to be aware of every sections exist in the CAIS for them to deliver the sorted books without difficulty. Finally, they also must be taught on how to arrange the books on shelves appropriately and accordingly to ensure that all books are placed correctly. Training on how to operate the book scanning machine To accept returned books in counter, library assistants need to scan them on book scanning machine. As to ensure that the machine will be run properly, library assistants need to be given chances for attending training on how to operate it. If they know how to 12
  • 13. operate it well, then problems while using the machine will probably reduced or eliminated. Training on how to operate the book drop machine The library assistants in CAIS also need to be given training on how to operate the book drop machine where many students and staffs choose to use for returning the borrowed books. They need to know which part of the machine that placed all the books that are dropped by the students and staffs as well as how to obtained the books to be fetched to the counter for further actions. Thus, comprehensive training on the machine must be done for them to be fully proficient in running it without any error. 6. Conclusion From the experiences that we gained from conducting this study, concurrent thinking aloud (CTA) method can be said as a good approach to be used when researcher wants or needs to analyze the cognitive task of his or her respondents. This is because the CTA capable to help us in obtaining and gathering information that is crucial for us to complete this assignment successfully. The protocols that need to be followed while exercising the method are really helpful in gaining information that are really objective, 13
  • 14. accurate and valuable regarding the task that we want to study. This information is then translated into two different models which are the task model and the cognitive task model. The very precious outcome of this study is the development of the cognitive task model which can be used by the management of the CAIS to create various training programs that are needed by the library assistants in order to become competent enough in fulfilling their tasks and jobs productively without any error. Besides that, the developed cognitive task model can be used by supervisors in CAIS to understand the cognitive processes of their staffs which in this case are the library assistant. This will enable the supervisors to find out what are their staffs know, how they organize and structure information as well as what they seek to understand better in order to produce a quality job performance. References: Berry, D.C. & Broadbent, D.E. (1984). On the relationship between task performance and associated verbalizable knowledge. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 36A, 209-231 14
  • 15. Birns J. H., Joffre K. A., Leclerc J. F., & Paulsen C. A. (1999). Getting the Whole Picture: Collecting Usability Data Using Two Methods––Concurrent Think Aloud and Retrospective Probing. American Institutes for Research. Ericsson, K.A. & Simon, H. A. (1993). Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Lewis, C. (1982). Using the "thinking aloud" method in cognitive interface design. New York: IBM Research Reports RC 9265 (40713), IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. 27 Someren W. M., Barnard, F. Y., & Sandberg A. C. J. (1994). The think aloud method. A practical guide to modeling cognitive process. London: Harcourt Brace & Company. . 15