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This book can change your life……
This book has been shaped by the contributions of many people. I’d like
to wholeheartedly thank everyone who reviewed chapters, shared
stories, or provided advice. All my friends and colleagues from current
and previous organization helped me to build this book.
8/27/2017 Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a successful team | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/5
Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a
successful team
Published on July 22, 2015
Wikipedia says : The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the
notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to
absorb large amounts of data quickly.
Can we write less and still communicate more through picture? e.g. a agile coach should
do blah blah...
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and do ....
Tagged in: coaching, agile methodologies
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8
Homework for an Agile Coach before
starting NE assignment!
Published on July 30, 2015
When we start new assignment, let us look into these aspects and see where team stands
and then help team to increase the maturity against all these areas.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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Motto should be produce a GREAT software by applying agile.
Coach can transform team by the team by changing their way of thinking, doing, and
unlearning old way of operating. How coach can help? Good observation skill,
structured feedback, mentor and support to the team members. Coach has to be optimist
and should have characteristic of a good leader (walk the talk).
Let us have a look how Agile coach should start....
What business or context team is operating? How many team members? at what
experience level? Let us understand the business complexity. It will help us to
proceed considering many factors which influences the business. e.g. are we
working for banking application development, developing any mission critical
software which will be used in healthcare domain, or some gaming application
product etc.
What are the current practices following by the team and what are the ways we can
optimize the working practices. Optimizing the work will help us to know the
value flow and identify the waste in the value stream process flow. All these
exercises will help us to take any initiative valid for the team .Adaptability and
fitment to the team will be highest if we consider all these factors.
When we have understood the flow, analyzed the current operating model we can
simplify the work flow and explain the team members about the benefit with the
new way of working. Couple of iteration team will experiment the new way of
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working and improve wherever require which will become a standard process for
the team for their need.
In this discovery path team will solve this new initiative together which will help
team to increase bonding among themselves and they will become self-organize
over a period of time.
As a part of coaching coach need to identify how this new process bring technical
Excellency as a part of deliverables. There are several software practices can be
initiate which can enable technical excellence in the product development. All
good design practice as an incremental way can enable team to grow and develop a
superb product.
As a part of coaching coach need to see how we can sustain any initiative team has
taken to improve the current People involvement is very high, coach
need to always help team members to grow and build process around the people.
Need to empower team members to decide and see how any initiative if fails also
resultants into learning.
People development is a one ongoing agenda which coach should always in
his/her work list. Deploy best practices available in the industry and improve the
people and their competency. Check with the line organization what can be done to
improve the team members complain if there are any.
Agile coach need to demonstrate to all the stakeholders how we are becoming
better and better. There should be some mechanism to collect the data which shows
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this evidence. It could be demo or deliverables which end user appreciates. There
should not be too much overhead metrics which demotivates the team members.
Agile coach need to support team members they way meeting has been conducted,
workshop has been conducted, communication is happening with the stakeholders.
How can we maximize the output if there are any gap?
Agile coach need to help to create an environment where team members willing to
contribute, share, care with others. Place where everyone would like to be part of.
This will take some time to build such cultural transformation. The goal is to create
a environment where everybody care each other, respect each other, willing to
experiment and fail and learn from the same. No blame whenever any incident
happen. Encourage any positive way of looking at the event.
Avoid any type of command and control symptom. Except team no one decides.
Team decides and we trust the team members. No manger should tell team what to
do and how to do. No manager should micromanage any situation.
Coach should focus on collaboration, how efficiently team members are
collaborating with others. Help them to do this exercise more efficiently. This will
result into an efficient execution process.
Create a culture for collaboration. Encourages team members to be more
extroverted and to communicate proactively in a non-judgmental environment.
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Coach need to ensure frequent deliverables from the team which can be
consumed by the end user. In this process learning will be fast, discovery of the
unknown unknown will be fast. Tools and infrastructure has to enable to achieve
execution speed and faster frequent delivery.
Ensuring that the team keeps their focus on producing a potentially consumable
solution each iteration to the end user. Every certain interval team capture the end
user satisfaction by discussing with them.
Team assess the value delivery process, if there are gaps, team work on to efficient
this delivery process. Let team build culture of asking 5 WHY questions so that
they validate each and every assumption.
Encourage the story telling culture where each team share the best practices.
Coach builds community of best practioner. Involve other related departments like
HR, supply chain, training etc. to be part of the agile story so that they also start
There will be always some resistance from team members regarding new
initiative, coach has to experiment different approach to get the buy in form the
team members. Coach can propose like we have common problem and ask help
from team members. New idea will come and coach can agree with the team and
implement to solve the problem.
Coach has to create a space for himself/herself into the industry by sharing best
practices and contributing to the community by writing blogs/books etc.
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Build a designation less world where every once contributes. No hierarchy and flat
Transformation is a journey for the team, it cannot happen in a month. Coach should
have belief, trust and patience to see the changes happening. Senior management
involvement and encouragement catalyze the transformation process. These some of the
thoughts which can help an agile coach to start the journey.
At the end,Let us look for opportunity to increase execution speed, let us increase
incremental delivery, let us reduce feedback loop, let us adapt fast, let us collaborate,
and let us look for opportunity to involve end user as much as possible, Let us improve
value generation, let us build people.Let us build a superb product which customer
Tagged in: coaching & mentoring, agile methodologies
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
284 articles
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8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/13
Different Coaching models for Agile
coaches to use
Published on August 26, 2015
Coaching is a way of enabling others to act and build on their strengths.
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/13
To coach is to care enough about people to invest time in building personal relationships
with them.
There are number of coaching model Agile coach can refer.We as a agile coach should
know all the available coaching models.We need to know which one to use when.
There are few
a) GROW model : The GROW model was developed by Graham Alexander and John
Whitmore.The name is an acronym with each letter standing for a different phase of the
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model.GROW stand for below picture
model is easy to apply and check for the result.These are not sequential steps.The goal
must be SMART to measure output.GROW model, devised by Sir John Whitmore in the
classic book ‘Coaching for Performance’, which first appeared as long ago as 1990.
b) TGROW model: Eminent coaching guru Myles Downey felt that additional element
would make GROW model more pertinent in the environment of organization.Downey
felt that first element of a coaching model should be "TOPIC", creating the acronym
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Topic – this
covers the wider environment that impacts on the specific issue to be addressed through
coaching. It will reflect the level of importance the issue has within that wider area and
the impact it may have on the coaches’s long-term aspirations.
Goal – a specific measurable endpoint that the coaches wants to attain.
Reality – the current situation the coaches is in now and all the issues he or she is
Obstacles/Options – what is stopping the coaches attaining this goal – obstacles – and
what ‘options’ are available to the coaches to resolve this issue.
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Way forward – the required steps needed to execute the chosen option and attain their
Downey’s reasoning for making ‘Topic’ the first element of his coaching model was the
need to have an appreciation of the environment the organization is in.
c) OSKAR model:
One of The most popular coaching model is OSKAR. Invented by Mark with his co-
author Paul Z Jackson for a project in the years 2000, OSKAR is becoming widely
accepted as an easy-to-use way to harness the positive power of.
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benefits of this kind of coaching in practice are:
• Positive and progress focus leads to good motivation for the coaches
• Positive questions lead to excellent relationship between coach and coaches
• Incisive focus on what works leads to rapid and sustainable results
• Focus on know-how of what works encourages shared wisdom throughout the
d) OUTCOMES model:
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There are some similarities between GROW and OUTCOMES model but OUTCOMES
model is more detail oriented.
OUTCOMES stands for
O for
Objectives , U for understand , T for Take stock about the current situation, C for clarify
, O for option Generation , M for Motivation to action , E for Enthusiasm and
encouragement , S for Support .
e) SPACE model (Edgerton and Palmer, 2005) is used in the cognitive behavioural
approaches to coaching and is the acronym for the following elements:
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Social context, Physiology, Action, Cognition, and Emotion.
SPACE can be used in parallel with GROW and POSITIVE to help coachees
overcome psychological blocks associated with particular problems or issues (including
performance-related issues).
f) ACHIEVE Coaching Model: This is a seven-step model developed
by Dembkowski and Eldridge (2003). It includes the following steps:
(a) Assess current situation,
(b) Creative brainstorming of alternatives to current situation,
(c) Hone goals (i.e., helping the client to formulate goals),
(d) Initiate options (i.e., helping the client to initiate a wide range of behavioural options
to achieve the desired goal),
(e) Evaluate options,
(f) Valid action programme design (i.e., collaboration of the coach and the coachee to
develop an action plan),
(g) Encourage momentum (i.e., ongoing process of providing encouragement and
helping the client to keep on track with the plans).
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g) POSITIVE: POSITIVE model by Libri (2004), is a model developed from the
GROW and ACHIEVE models. It aims at producing an ‘optimum coaching
relationship’ and includes asking key questions around:
(a) The Purpose of the coachee,
(b) Observations (e.g., of efforts up-to-date),
(c) Strategy,
(d) Insight (e.g., on commitment to a goal),
(e) Team (e.g., with whom the coachee will share his/her goal),
(f) Initiate (e.g., when the coachee will start to act towards achieving a goal),
(g) Value (e.g., question how the coachee would celebrate his/her success), and (h)
Encourage (e.g.,asking about the coachee’s progress on the pursuit of his/her goals) (as
cited in Edgerton and Palmer, 2005).
An important role for the coach is to ask pertinent questions and listen. Questioning and
listening can help the other person set realistic learning goals.
Coach Marshall Goldsmith says, “My success rate as a coach has improved dramatically
as I’ve realized that people’s getting better is not a function of me; it’s a function of the
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person and the people around the person.”
whatever model we follow , Improving coaching are as follows:
Communicate clear expectations,
Build relationships,
Give feedback on areas that require specific improvement,
Listen actively,
Help to remove obstacles,
Give emotional support including empathy,
Reflect content or meaning,
Give gentle advice and guidance,
Allow for modeling of desired performance and behavior,
Gain a commitment to change, and
Applaud good results
8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7
Effective Coaching : What to know more?
Published on October 2, 2015
What is Coaching?
Coaching (or life coaching as it is sometimes referred) is a general term for
working with an individual (or company in some cases) to improve and enhance
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7
aspects of an area which, for the client, they may need or want to change (Grant &
Greene, 2004).
Zeus and Skiffington (2000) have identified the coaching relationship to be one that
focuses on change and transformation. The coaching relationship is:
 Essentially a conversation
About learning
More about asking the right questions than providing answers
Another way to look at coaching is that it helps maximize an individual’s performance
(Gallway, as cited in Whitmore,1996).
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The nine principles are:
1. The learning relationship is at the heart of change: this means that learning and
change occur through the relationship with the coach. The coach and the client engage
and relate and if the coaching is efficient they connect. ”In a learning dialogue there is,
on both sides, a willingness to share perspectives, to listen, to understand, to be open to
new ideas and to take joint responsibility for the conversation and the outcomes.”
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2. The context is work: “Short and long term issues are often interrelated” An efficient
coach will understand the complex and whole person of the client, and will know
enough about the client’s work context to be able to facilitate exploration of issues.
3. The client sets the agenda and is resourceful: Because coaching is about the client
he sets the agenda of the process. This, for some clients, may be easy, empowering or
for others rather difficult, and is basically about what the client wants. This represents
one of the first steps of the coaching process and may be rather straightforward and
demanding. The next step, once the agenda is set, is helping the client identify his
internal or external resources needed for the desired change and development.
4. The coach facilitates learning and development: The coach is a facilitator and he
supports the client to learn and develop. “The client learns by acquiring new awareness,
insight, skills, ideas and knowledge. Development involves integrating their learning
into the way they are.” The efficient coach will ask good questions that provoke new
perspectives and change in the client. Also an efficient coaching should be the catalyst
for learning and action between the coaching sessions not a substitute.
5. The outcome is change: The coaching process is about change, and change provokes
resistance that is a normal reaction. “Effective coaches work with client resistance,
rather than try to overcome it.” Resistance is used in helping the client clarify his values
and goals.
6. The framework for the change process provides movement and direction: The
framework provides a map for the coaching process and offers reference points and a
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sense of direction. This should be used only when helping the client or rather set aside
than constraining the client development.
7. The skills develop insight, release potential and deliver results: Connor and
Pokora state that an effective coach knows how to use the skills in an integrated way
within the learning relationship and has a repertoire of tools and techniques to offer
appropriately to the client in order to support their learning and development.
8. The qualities of the coach affirm, enable and sustain the client: The coach models
a way of being which is both human and professional and offers the client the
possibility to learn through them. The client that experiences affirmation and positive
challenge from a coach is likely to value themselves more, and therefore value others
that impacts on his personal and professional life.
9. Ethical practice safeguards and enhances coaching: An effective coach will work
within ethical codes. This fact will give the client a safeguard, feeling secure.
Zeus and Skiffington (2008, p. 36) present the coach profile for success. They mention
that the coach should be able to know himself, to have the capacity to inspire
others, to be able to build relationships, has the ability to be flexible and has the
ability to communicate, future oriented, disciplined, has the ability to respect the
work boundaries, has the ability to diagnose problems and find solutions, and has
an entrepreneurial profile.
8/27/2017 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/5
Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you
are using?
Published on November 25, 2015
Similarities between coaching and mentoring have been identified by Zeus and
Skiffington (2000)
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/5
Both activities base their assumptions on basic values and beliefs: that humans have
the ability to change; that they make the best choices available to them; that
coaching is not a quick fix: ‘it is a journey where the process of learning is as
important as the knowledge and skills gained’
Zeus and Skiffington talk about coaching and mentoring as essentially a conversation
where learning takes place through asking the right questions rather than providing
This leads to personal and professional transformation and reinventing oneself.
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Mentoring is often viewed as ‘off-line help by one person to another in
making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking’ (Megginson
et al. 2006: 4).
The CIPD (Jarvis 2004: 19) has produced a useful summary of some differences
between coaching and mentoring, as shown in Table 1.1.
8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6
Socratic Approach?How to Use as a
Published on December 13, 2015
The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates describes this as the “Allegory of the Cave.”
You find it in Plato's Dialogues. The Dialogues are a series of conversations between
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8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6
Plato and his old teacher, Socrates.
Socrates says a philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and can now
see reality as it truly is.
Socrates lived in ancient Greece. He was a master at asking power questions. Instead
of lecturing, he taught by posing his students a series of thought-provoking questions.
Through these, he engaged his students’ minds in the learning process. He uncovered
their assumptions. He slowly but surely got to the heart of the issue.
Socrates would start a class by asking “What is virtue?” or “What is good?” We use
these words all the time. But do we really know what they mean? Today, many
universities around the world use the “Socratic Method” in their teaching—one of the
most famous of these is Harvard Business School.
Socrates summed up this method very clearly. He said, “The highest form of Human
Excellence is to question oneself and others.”
Socrates was a vocal critic of Athenian society and government. He was eventually
sentenced to death for his perceived attacks on the ruling classes. Without a struggle, he
drank a cup of poison hemlock. It gradually reached his heart and he died, leaving his
enduring reputation as one of the greatest philosophers in history.
Adopt the Socratic mindset and get out of your cave! Question assumptions.
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Question the very definition of words that others take for granted.
Use questions to launch those around you on an invigorating journey of learning
and discovery.
When we adopt the Socrates mindset, we approach almost every conversation
“Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue
elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity.
”—Socrates, 469–399 B.C.
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8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8
Seven-eyed Model for Coach
Published on December 15, 2015
Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet developed this model originally for supervisors
working with individuals, with groups, and with organisations, in the Human Service
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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It takes a personal and social systems perspective.
It supports the coach/mentor to build and develop expertise in several levels of
knowledge that will greatly enhance their effectiveness.
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8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/8
What is supervision ?
' a structured formal process for coaches, with the help of a coaching
supervisor, to attend to improving the quality of their coaching, grow their
coaching capacity and support themselves and their practice' (Hawkins
and Schwenk, 2006)
The seven ‘eyes’ are as follows:
1. The Coach/Mentor/Supervisor system.
The focus is on the situation, the problem the coach/mentor wants help with, and how
issues are presented, and keeps the attention upon the immediate agenda of the
coaching/mentoring work.
2. The Coach/Mento/Supervisor interventions.
The focus is on what kinds of intervention have been made, the rationale for them, and
what else could they have done. This focus may be especially valuable for novices who
are consolidating their basic skills.
3.The relationship between the Coach/Mentor/Supervisor and their client.
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The focus is on the dynamic between them, or on what is going on at both a conscious
and an unconscious level, it can offer a mine of information that can assist in
understanding the deeper, underlying processes which affect the outcome of the work.
By paying attention to this part of the system, the coach/mentor can stay true to the
contract, and learn to tune in accurately to the underlying psychological climate of the
4. The Coach/Mentor/Supervisor’s own experience.
Here there is an opportunity to become more self aware, and so deepen the learning
about how to use their full potential, and about what may be getting in the way of that
5. The Parallel Process.
This is a valuable perspective as the dynamics that are present in the coach/mentor and
client relationship can be played out within the supervisory relationship. When this
happens, the coach/mentor and supervisor learn together what it is like for the client to
be in the relationship. It is as if the client is present. With an energy perspective, we
learn here that their energy is present, and has arrived alongside the coach/mentor. The
data gathered in this way, adds another dimension to the supervisee’s learning, and
6. The Supervisor’s own self-reflections.
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Such reflections give an added dimension to the gathering of data within the supervision
meeting, and may open up new avenues of understanding the coach/mentor’s
relationship with the client.
7. The Wider Context.
The supervision meeting is also a time to reflect on the ethical, organisational,
contractual, social and cultural aspects of the work. There will be different concerns at
different stages in the work. With this ‘eye’, the wider world is held in view, lest the
coach/mentor shuts out the systemic implications of the wider field.
Agile Coaching Supervision - Wiki
Originally developed for use with psychotherapists and counsellors, it is now being
applied to coaching and mentoring.
Tagged in: coaching  mentoring, coaching
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Choosing an Agile Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6
Choosing an Agile Coach?
Published on December 17, 2015
If I have to find an agile coach.....what should I look at initial rounds?
There are so many agile coaches!
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér…
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Let us ask,Have you DONE questions couple of times.
Have you DONE ? Really ? if not please do not waste each others time , if yes , please
come up with real life story which someone should be able to challenge and understand
the context and evaluate.You win-I win , we win.
Let us check through mind maps....
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Let us use both side of the brain..
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Is it enough ? is this the perfect approach for evaluation ? May be/May not be ...
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8/27/2017 ICF Core Coaching Competencies? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/4
ICF Core Coaching Competencies?
Published on December 23, 2015
The following eleven core coaching competencies were developed to support greater
understanding about the skills and approaches used within today’s coaching profession
as defined by the International Coach Federation.
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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They will also support you in calibrating the level of alignment between the coach-
specific training expected and the training you have experienced.
1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement
3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
4. Coaching Presence
5. Active Listening
6. Powerful Questioning
7. Direct Communication
8. Creating Awareness
9. Designing Actions
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10. Planning and Goal Setting
11. Managing Progress and Accountability
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
284 articles
Leave your thoughts here…
Steve Neiderhauser
Senior Agile Coach and Business Transformation Executive
Thanks for writing this article. I had been looking for the competencies and now I
have them.
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8/27/2017 Organizational Barriers to Coaching | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6
Organizational Barriers to Coaching
Published on March 9, 2016
The Charted Institute of Personnel and Development (CPID) , Europe's largest HR
Development professional body , has conducted research into the organizational barriers
to effective coaching.
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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It provides you with insight into why some organizations are reluctant or unable to
implement effective internal coaching.
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we need to assess how extensive these barriers are in your own organization when
deciding if coaching is the right form of learning.
if the organization has the majority of these barriers you may find that attempting to use
coaching will have a detrimental rather than motivational effect.
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Tagged in: coaching  mentoring, coaching
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/13
KATA for an AGILE coach?
Published on April 2, 2016
Kata (形, or more traditionally, 型) (literally: form) is a Japanese word describing
detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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The kata is not intended as a literal depiction of a mock fight, but as a display of
transition and flow from one posture and movement to another, teaching the
student proper form and position, and encouraging them to visualise different
scenarios for the use of each motion and technique.
When we are driving CAR first time and when we are driving formula one race at
highway! imagine in between the transition state of growth.
How many kata session we have completed to reach that state of
execution speed ? 
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How did you built that habit ?
through routine practice
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What is coaching Kata ?
Coaching Kata is to teach and coach the improvement kata by using real world problem
as practice.
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In the coaching kata session one experience coach(mentor coach) who has already
familiar with similar type of experience guide mentee coach.
Mentor coach will not provide the solution.
Mentor to should teach basic of improvement kata.
Mentee should always identify the next step with the guidance of mentor.
The challenge is how to find such mentor?
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We have many such mentor, need to be humble enough to look for those and learn from
Coaching Kata questions for improvement...
How about Coaching Dojo?
A coding dojo is an exercise in programming which helps a programmer hone their
skills through practice and repetition.
The dojo was intended as safe place to practice and learn coaching skills.
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Coaching dojo need three members.
One being a person who proposed a “kata” (essentially a person with an issue to
discuss), one person who coached them through the kata, and another who
observed the coach and provided feedback.
Let us swapped until everyone had a chance of trying out each role.
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Few coaching dojo assignments which we can start for practice.
a) My team members does not need a coach! Team members are not open for coaching.
As a coach how should I proceed?
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b) Team members are not willing to change. They are efficient and productive in current
way of executing the project. Do not want to listen anything about Agile. Agile is
process overhead for them. How should I coach such team?
c) Line Manager/Sr. Manager ,wants coach to solve all the team issue. Team is
demotivated with the work and pressure from the other side of the organization. How
should I coach such team?
d) Product management team members are head strong , high attitude individuals. Not
willing to participate in any coaching session. How do I coach ?
e) How do I do Planning Kata ? what should be the example can be given to continue
with planning kata ?
f) Not willing to change the team structure, current structure is inefficient way of
operating. Old role still exists , not willing to leave those positions, How do I coach ?
g) Old governance model. Metrics driven , too much data driven which is significantly
influencing people behavior a culture. How do I coach such cultural transformation?
h) Most of the team members are doing agile. Mechanical process, they are not being
agile. Team members are expected to be told what to do, how to do it, and when to do
it. They don’t want to problem solve, they don’t want to take risks, and they don’t want
to be accountable. How do I coach such team ?
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I) Team members acting like Project assignment ( Start to Finish !) , Start date , end
date. No long term commitment. How do I coach?
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8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9
As a Coach How can we increase Circle of
Published on April 11, 2016
Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, introduces the concept
of Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9
A Circle of Concern encompasses the wide range of concerns we have, such as our
health, our children, problems at work, the amount of government borrowing, or the
threat of war.
A Circle of Influence encompasses those concerns that we can do something about.
They are concerns that we have some control over.
Stephen Covey defines proactive as “being responsible for our
own lives…..our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our
Proactive people focus on issues within their circle of influence.
They work on things they can do something about.
The nature of their energy in doing this is positive, enlarging and
magnifying. They increase their Circle of Influence.
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Reactive people tend to neglect those issues that are under their control and influence.
Their focus is elsewhere and their Circle of Influence shrinks.
Steven Covey tells us that in life our Circle of Influence is most often smaller than the
Circle of Concern.
We can’t control the economy or a company merger. As we react, we tend to focus on
the Circle of Concern, which depletes our energy, because we have no control over it.
The energy focused on the Circle of Concern is negative.
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If you focus on the Circle of Concern and neglect the Circle of Influence, eventually the
Circle of Influence will get smaller. This will add to feelings of stress and helplessness,
because you cannot change anything in the Circle of Concern.
Where do we spend most of our time and energy?
as a agile coach most of us working as Individual contributor.
Most of the thing in transformation which create turbulence goes beyond our influence
How can we increase circle of influence on daily basis by list down the things which we
can control?
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8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/14
Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems
Published on May 17, 2016
The speed and complexity of the global business environment calls for a new
appreciation of a systems-focused view of the world, one that recognizes the
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/14
interrelationships of people, processes, and decisions — and designs organizational
actions accordingly.
Think about this system , interdependent cards. What will happen when one card lose its
current position?
Referrence :
As a Enterprise Agile coach , he/she always has to think big for organizational
transformation. Systems thinking help to think efficiently.Think about scaling Agile at
organization, coach will start thinking about Whole.End to End value chain.
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How to discover Systems of Systems? and exhibiting leadership skill when we are in
such systems.Systems thinking isn’t just for senior executives or engineers. Everyone
who works within a system — including suppliers and line workers, designers, and
marketers — should learn how the system works, develop their creativity, and apply that
creativity to improve the system.
Systems are not easy to quantify, but we can map them.
Drawing systems maps will help leaders understand their existence depends on being
part of complex interdependent systems.
Systems Thinking?
Systems, like the human body, have parts, and the parts affect the performance of the
whole. All of the parts are interdependent.
The liver interacts with and affects other internal organs—the brain, heart, kidneys, etc.
You can study the parts singly, but because of the interactions, it doesn’t make much
practical sense to stop there.
Understanding of the system cannot depend on analysis alone. The key to understanding
is, therefore, synthesis.
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The concept of systems thinking was popularised by Peter Senge in his book “The Fifth
Discipline” where he describes system thinking as:
“a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing
interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of
change rather than static snapshots.”
The systems approach is to:
• Identify a system. After all, not all things are systems. Some systems are simple and
predictable, while others are complex and dynamic. Most human social systems are the
• Explain the behavior or properties of the whole system. This focus on the whole is the
process of synthesis. Analysis looks into things while synthesis looks out of things.
• Explain the behavior or properties of the thing to be explained in terms of the role(s)
or function(s) of the whole.
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For enterprise transformation , use Systems Thinking, need to visualize end to
end value chain to maximize the value.
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In The Search for Leadership: An Organisational Perspective,WilliamTate, include
the following:-
Concentrate on the whole, and the interconnections between the parts.
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Explain things in terms of the system’s overall purpose.
Focus on the system’s purpose ahead of its processes and procedures.
Look out for things (synthesis) more than look into things (analysis).
Put seeing what is actually happening ahead of what needs to happen.
Check what is going on in the organisation by personal examination.
Don’t let short-term pressures get in the way of understanding the system.
Build and make use of feedback loops.
Understand complex dynamics through patterns and feedback loops rather than
cause-effect links.
Facilitate and value emergence.
Be pulled by what the customer wants; hear the customer voice.
Understand demand and respond to it (avoid provider-supply dominance)
Make continuous improvement the goal.
Encourage self-adaptation.
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Consider all the players and actors, of which the organisation is one.
Be aware of natural oscillations.
Don’t isolate strategy makers/making from the front line.
Stimulate and seek organisational learning.
Embrace the edge of chaos.
Make the most of uncertainty.
Recognize the system as a source of waste.
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Tagged in: systems analysis, leadership
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
284 articles
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8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8
As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-
Published on July 1, 2016
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
11 4 6
8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/8
The psychologist Carl Rogers has promoted person-centred counselling in a way that
can be inspiring for the coach.
The goal of Person-centered therapy is to provide clients with an opportunity to
develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior
are being negatively affected.
The starting point of the Rogerian approach to counseling and psychotherapy is best
stated by Rogers (1986) himself:
'It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-
understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed
behavior - and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of
facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided'.
The self concept is a central component of our total experience and influences both our
perception of the world and perception of oneself. For instance, a woman who
perceives herself as strong may well behave with confidence and come to see her
actions as actions performed by someone who is confident.
The client is responsible for improving his or her life, not the therapist/Coach.
The Rogerian client-centered approach puts emphasis on the person coming to form an
appropriate understanding of their world and themselves.
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8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/8
Client-centered therapy operates according to three basic principles that reflect the
attitude of the Coach to the Coachee:
The Coach is congruent with the Coachee.
The Coach provides the Coachee with unconditional positive regard:Rogers
believed that for people to grow and fulfill their potential it is important that
they are valued as themselves.
The Coach shows empathetic understanding to the Coachee: Follow precisely
what the Coachee is feeling and to communicate to them that the
Coach understands what they are feeling.
Person-centred therapy is built on trust.
The client must feel that he can trust the therapist and the therapist must have trust in
themselves. The therapist needs to create a suitable environment where the person-
centred therapy can be successful.
Rogers believed that counselling needed to move away from the system of the 'expert'
telling the client what was wrong with them and move more towards the following:-
The therapist should be a very good listener.
8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/8
The therapist unreservedly accepts the client as they are at that moment in
The therapist places no label or name on the client's condition.
The therapist does not rely on any of the personality theories.
The therapist listens, does not ask questions, does not interpret what is being
said, does not offer advice, but reflects back what the client says (Rogers
Basically, person-centred therapy states that personality can be fully
actualised when the individual is exposed to unconditional positive regard.
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An individual who has been exposed to conditional positive regard can have low self-
esteem and low feelings of worth.
An individual who is self-actualised will be more open to experience and less
defensive, will learn to live in the moment, will trust own decision-making skills, will
have more life choices and be more creative.
The goals of person-centred therapy are (Seligman, 2006):
1. To facilitate client’s trust and ability to be in the present moment. This allows
the client to be honest in the process without feeling judged by the therapist.
2. To promote client’s self-awareness and self-esteem.
3. To empower the client to change.
4. To encourage congruence in the client’s behavior and feelings.
5. To help people to gain the ability to manage their lives and become self-
I could able to observe similar style of coaching from few of my coach colleagues and
realizing the effect of such powerful coaching style.
8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9
Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I
motivate my team members?
Published on July 19, 2016
Most of the time I get this question from my line managers.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
25 3 50
8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9
I thought let me give it a thought and apply same to my coaches.
This table is a snapshot most of the famous motivational theories.
Chip Conley, founder of the Joie de Vivre hotel chain and Head of Hospitality at
Airbnb, used the Hierarchy of Needs pyramid to transform his business. According to
Chip, many managers struggle with the abstract concept of self actualization and so
focus on lower levels of the pyramid instead.
Conley found one way of helping with higher levels was to help his employees
understand the meaning of their roles during a staff retreat…Conley’s team were able to
realize the importance of their job to the company and to the people they were helping.
By showing them the value of their roles, the team were able to feel respected and
motivated to work harder.
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We all have all these drivers, if we first satisfy lower order needs and focus more with
higher order needs, employees will become self driven.As a leader how can we do
below ?
How can we provide sensory, intellectual and emotional stimulation?
How can we provide team members status to be acknowledged and also belonging
to something?
How can we create a strong, motivating work environment where high
performance is standard?
How can we creates a sense of connectedness and comfort?
How can we create enjoyment of passion about anything, from sports to supporting
international causes?
How can we encourage people to perform better at work by having and
communicating high expectations of them?
How can we encourage Happiness?
How can we stop punishing for failure?
How can we make a major effort to ensure that we offer competitive wages and
other forms of compensation?
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How can we grow team members by providing challenging new tasks which are
reachable and according to their interest?
How can we give team members freedom to find their own unique solution which
is out of the box? through which they achieve personal and professional
How can we create good support system and guidance for the team members so
that they got inspire to do the assignment?
How can to rotate team members job so that they do not do the routine work, let
them discover new interesting work?
How can I set stretch goal for the team members and recognized on achievement
the same in public?
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People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them.
They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell
—Seth Godin
some points from south west airlines
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Wikipedia mentions these three facts:
Southwest Airlines (SWA) is one of the world's most profitable airlines, posting a
profit for the 36th consecutive year in January 2009.
SWA is the largest airline in the United States by number of passengers carried
domestically per year (as of December 31, 2007)
SWA has carried more customers than any other U.S. airline since August 2006 for
combined domestic and international passengers according to the U.S. Department
of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
SWA mission statement – on the SWA web site – it reads:
“To our employees: We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work
environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth.
Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of
Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern,
respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to
share externally with every Southwest Customer.”
 Zig Ziglar said that “people o en say motivation does not last.
Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it on daily
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Can we take care all these aspects ?
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Tagged in: motivational speaking
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
284 articles
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Ambrose Betiku
Certified Scrum Master, OCA,OCP
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8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6
Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What
practices will help him?
Published on July 31, 2016
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6
8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/6
8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/6
Tagged in: agile methodologies
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7
Coach are YOU satisficing while
Published on August 15, 2016
Herbert Simon (1916-2001) is well-known for what is known to economists as the
theory of bounded rationality, a theory about economic decision-making that Simon
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Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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himself preferred to call “satisficing”, a combination of two words: “satisfy” and
The term ‘bounded rationality’ is taken from Simon (1960). In maximizing we are
trying to get the best result, but when we are using bounded rationality we are seeking a
solution that is ‘good enough’.
Simon described decision making as a search process guided by aspiration levels.
Full rationality requires unlimited cognitive capabilities. Human beings are very
different. Their cognitive capabilities are quite limited.
Herbert A. Simon proposed that humans are limited in their rationality due to at least
three factors.
1. Rationality requires complete knowledge and understanding of the consequences of
a given action. Gaining full understanding of future consequences is, of course, a
very difficult task, and therefore this complete knowledge is seldom present at the
time decisions are made.
2. Given that consequences of actions, per definition, will emerge in the future, it is
difficult for decision-makers to fully evaluate the future worth of their decisions.
3. Rationality requires that all alternative actions are known. In actual decision-
making processes, very few alternatives are known, which inhibits humans in
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making optimum decisions.
Have you come across such situation?
While coaching, some time I aspire to do something that look acceptable, although that
may not necessarily be optimal. I look through things in sequence and when I come
across an item that meets my aspiration level I go for it.
This real-world behavior is what Simon called satisficing.
At the analysis stage we do not attempt to consider all possible alternatives. This may
be too costly. We select a few alternatives through the use of loosely defined rules of
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During evaluation we do not rank order all solutions and select the one with the highest
ranking. We select the first solution that meets some base line we have set. If no
solution meets your minimum requirements, we may either lower your aspirations or
look again. We stop our search and analysis as soon as we have a satisfactory answer.
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As a coach either we play inside the bounds of rationality by giving the other person
few selections and limited criteria, or break their existing bounds by showing how these
are ineffective.
Tagged in: decision making, coaching  mentoring
Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/12
Published on August 28, 2016
I was looking for some structural model to start the coaching journey with the clients,
that was the trigger for me to search the below post.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/12
When we are dealing with the client for coaching measuring model some time we are
wondering how we demonstrate the output and how we will measure the success of the
coaching program.
I have used several steps what has been mentioned in the book “The Behavioral
coaching model” - Suzanne Skiffington  Perry Zeus which had worked for me
Let us walk through each aspects.
At the first interview with the client, it is good to use the checklist where we discuss
below points.
The purpose of the evaluation strategy (How the individual and the organization
have changed as a result of coaching. Coach has to use all the available data to
determine the outcome of the program)
The value of the strategy to the business or organization
Methods of evaluation that have demonstrated valuable in the past
At what levels should data be collected?
What methods are most effective? ( client surveys, coachee reports, survey of focus
groups, 360-degree feedback, peer review)
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Is an ROI required or should we try ROE?
Will there be a pilot or initial phase to test the evaluation methods, which can then
be further refined and developed?
What are the time frames and deadlines for evaluation data to be submitted?
What are the responsibilities of the client, the coachee and other stakeholders?
What are the necessary resources?
What factors could affect the evaluation methods? ( e.g. change in business
structure , product and personnel)
It is better to decide the measurement part, should this drive through ROI (Return on
investment) or ROE (Return on expectation) or combination of both?
One of the critical point is check if the coaching contract is short term or long term?
e.g. if we are getting into 3-6 months coaching contract then we should calculate the
ROI at the end of this period.
If the coaching focus is more on soft aspect the real benefit will be realized at the end of
the program or it may take more time.
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If the focus of coaching is intangible it is not appropriate to use ROI, ROE is superior
method in this case.
Some of the intangibles coaches measure include changes in job satisfaction, change in
leadership and management style and changes in team work.
ROE measurement?
An ROE involves setting out the plans of the coaching program, gaining consensus on
the objectives and then tracking the program to insure that the objectives and goals have
been met.
The underlying assumption of the conducting an ROE is that as long as the coaching
program focuses on the organization’s business objectives and results in positive
changes, then it will be valued by the organization.
Coaches have to establish the goals of the organization and those of individual coaches,
the changes that have to be made to meet these goals, the degree of learning that has to
occur to effect these changes and how they will be measured.
At the end we have to see how these learning have to be applied on the job, as well as
the overall business impact, may not be monetary benefit.
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ROE can encompass and measure are productivity, organization strength, customer
service, reduced customer complaints, level of conflict and job satisfaction.
ROI measurement?
An ROI can present, measure and evaluate the financial returns of the coaching
program. It can also quantify reaction to and satisfaction with the project, the amount of
learning, application and implementation.
ROI = Net coaching benefit/ Coaching coast * 100
It can be calculated at 3 months to 6 months periods
Coaching benefit can be include in ROI
Bottom line profitability
Sales figure
Retaining team members who has undergo coaching
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Cost savings
Quality of production case and services
Overall productivity
Some of the soft skill data
Leadership skill
Management skill
Conflict resolution
Workplace optimism
Job satisfaction
Better time management
Team commitment
Client satisfaction
Coaching cost
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Direct cost for coaching ( Research and development cost,fees,travel expenses,
accodmodation,assessement cost)
Time including any follow up contact via telephone, email and video conference
Cost of the team members involvement while in coaching session
Cost of the time to the organization in overseeing and administrating the program
Reporting mechanism to the client:
Coach has to frequently report to the client and the coaching progress and client
expectation as set forth in the contract. May be monthly, may be once in 3 month for a
six month program report has to send.
Report includes:
Background to the coaching program
The overall objective of the program
How the coaching program was implemented, the scope of the program and who
was involved
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The methodology for collecting data, such as surveys, focus
groups,questionnaires,behavioural observations and assessments
A summary of the evaluation process, emphasizing its reliability and validity
The objectives and goals of individual coaches and team and how these have been
What the organization has learned
Any additional learning or benefits of the coaching program
How changes will be maintained
Any changes in the organizational culture
How confidentiality was maintained
Methods of converting data to monetary value
Method of evaluating intangible benefits
Costs of the program
ROI figures
Overall business impact, including intangible benefits
8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 9/12
Follow up plans in place to insure maintenance of learning
Recommendation for future coaching assignment
With this structure it is easy to imagine the coaching model or engagement model with
an client.There will be promising effect before and after.
8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7
Published on October 19, 2016
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
3 2 21
8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7
As an agile coach are you taking care about your garden?
Gardeners are responsible for growing and maintaining all types of plants in a variety of
settings. These could be public parks, gardens, sports grounds and schools.
Agile gardener you need to do the same for team or organization at enterprise level
Pruning shrubs = at enterprise level remove all unwanted parts
8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7
Checking the health of plants by identifying any pests or diseases and controlling
them =  at enterprise level .......?
Raising plants from seeds or cuttings =  at enterprise level ......?
Cleaning and maintaining tools and equipment = at enterprise level ....?
Applying nutrients to plants and maintaining moisture levels = at enterprise level
Using machinery such as lawn mowers, rotovators and hedge trimmers = at
enterprise level ....?
Digging, planting and weeding flower beds and borders = at enterprise level ....?
Do basic landscaping and designs for the beautification of gardens= at enterprise
level ....?
Must have passion in plants =  at organizational transformation what do we need
to be a passionate agile gardener?
8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7
You will feel proud by seeing the output coming from your dedication and effort.
and so on ....
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8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7
Published on October 22, 2016
Coaching by showing how to”, this is what I have learned from my in laws.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
5 0 11
8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7
When my daughter was born, my in laws were with us and my in laws have taken care
all the child care requirements at early stage of my daughter. She has completely
demonstrated us how to take care kid’s end to end necessities for initial 4-5 months. But
it was for very small duration as she owns one school for kids, she has to go back for
her own commitment. After she left we started owning the complete child care
requirement with confident as she has demonstrated hands on to us.
She is a very good cook, every year whenever she visited us, we have few new dishes,
same continues after she left. She demonstrated us how to cook all the new dishes.Later
it is much easy for us to continue to prepare the same dishes
She coaches my wife about all the aspects of parenting and child care. When my son
was born we did not have much trouble with the child care as already we have coached
by my in laws.
Learning by doing, coaching by showing.....that is what the key message I have
8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7
Same concepts I have been applying with the scrum team. During my coaching I play
scrum master role for one sprint, product owner role for one sprint and demonstrate how
to run the sprint. They observe how I am doing and take over from there.
Teams often have a lot of improvement opportunity in how they do their Sprint
Planning, Daily Scrum, Review  Retrospective, and their Backlog Refinement. I
facilitate these workshops to show how they could be done effectively and then tries to
increase team ownership of these events.
In this process there were lot of questions and clarification which I would have missed
which are very specific to that context. It helps team to get inspire to know why we are
doing certain steps.
I am not telling theory to my team and finishing, I live with them with their problem
and show them how to address the challenges as a team.I am a active participator—
8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7
reviewing the dashboards, asking thoughtful and appropriately placed questions, and
surfacing opportunities for acknowledgment and recognition. It is important for a coach,
who is trained to listen deeply and to come from a place of inquiry, to be aware of who,
how and when their questions are offered.
I discover that consultancy service to the team where I provide information does
not work , promote self discovery works for long term.
It is well accepted by the team and game changer moment.
8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/7
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8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7
Published on October 31, 2016
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
62 8 32
8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7
An investigation started after the killing of an agile coach who came into the
organization to transform the team.
*Killing - He lost his job, sacked from his job, criticized badly etc.
Organization was a large legacy enterprise which exist for multiple decades.
Agile coach come across all the below issues and under the load of all these issues he
has to collapsed and killed by all these issues.
8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7
Moral of the story is
8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7
What else do you think of? Please share if your fellow coach get killed?
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8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/10
Published on January 12, 2017
Let us look what Psychologist does , also we as an agile coach does some of the
activities same.
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér…
62 10 73
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/10
Textbooks often use the phrase “the science of behavior” as a definition of psychology.
Psychology is the study of people's
behavior, performance, and mental
What is coaching or some time counseling ?
Coaching, is meant to help
“healthy” clients, but instead of
helping them solve problems,
coaching focuses on helping
persons utilize their abilities
more effectively than they have
Advertising jargon would call this “achieving your full potential.”
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/10
Counseling focuses on helping persons resolve problems or role issues related to
work or school or family matters. In this setting, the counselor is a “problem
solver” who through direct advice or non-directive guidance helps the client make
rational decisions.
Psychologist Collect information through observations, interviews, surveys, and other
methods. Using interviews, questionnaires, and measurement tools, they can chart
an individual's skills, personality features and personality style, emotional status
and emotional style, or problems they may be having in adjusting to life. So does by
an agile coach.
Psychologist seeks to understand and explain thoughts, emotions, feelings, and
behavior. Depending on the topic of study, psychologists use techniques such as
observation, assessment, and experimentation to develop theories about the beliefs
and feelings that influence a person’s actions.As an coach are we doing something
similar with the team members?
Counseling psychologists advise people on how to deal with problems. They help
patients understand problems, including issues at home, at the workplace, or in their
community. Through counseling, they work with patients to identify their strengths or
resources they can use to manage problems. As an coach are we doing something
similar with the team members?
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/10
Social psychologists study how people’s mindsets and behavior are shaped by social
interactions. They examine both individual and group interactions and may investigate
ways to improve negative interactions.As an coach are we doing something similar with
the team members?
Psychologists can help people learn to cope with stressful situations, overcome
addictions, manage their chronic illnesses and break past the barriers that keep them
from reaching their goals.Are you doing the same as an Agile coach for work context?
Psychologist allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work
together. This knowledge can help with decision-making and avoiding stressful
situations. It can help with time management, setting and achieving goals, and living
effectively. Are you not doing ? Mindfulness at work?
Psychologist makes it easier to live with others by understanding them more and
working with their behavior. As an coach are we doing something similar with the team
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/10
Psychologists can work at an individual, group or organisational level and their ability
to positively influence human behavior is called on by businesses.
Psychologist helps people and organisations adapt to change - advising on how to
change attitudes and behaviors to improve customer service.Advising on the best
type of management systems, identifying effective human resources strategies, and
designing jobs to fit peoples' skills.As an coach are we doing something similar with the
team members?
Psychologists are experts in
human behavior. As an coach you
are also becoming the same?
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/10
Organizational Psychologists focus on the productivity of groups and individuals in
the workplace. They work to improve the functioning of organizations, and to
promote the health of individuals within the organization. They also conduct
research on human factors or the interaction between people and machines.As an
coach are we doing something similar with the team members?
8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/10
What do you think ? are you with me in this journey ?
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
284 articles
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8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9
Published on January 18, 2017
I want to start my agile consultancy business, thinking what type of skills I should have
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér…
23 4 132
8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9
8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/9
8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/9
8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/9
8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/9
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8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/9
Based on your experience what do you think if I have missed any crucial points?
Please Share your experience.....
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/10
Snake Oil for an Agile Coach!
Published on November 26, 2016
Beware of me , I am an Snake Oil Agile Coach!
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Chandan Lal Patary
Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
10 5 35
8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/10
Wikipedia says - Snake oil, originally a fraudulent liniment without snake extract, has
come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit.
Snake Oil Agile Coach who is not an coach but pretend to be an Agile Coach!
I keep getting this comment YOU ARE NOT A COACH!!  :-(
What do I do differently to become a capable Agile coach? take Snake Oil?
According to Rachel Davies, authors of the book “Agile Coaching” - something called
seagull consultant - who swoops in to deliver words of wisdom and then makes a
sharp exit.I stay with the team for some time with set bound period , share the Agile
Values and Principles and leave by completing my contract. I have plan driven, time
tagged approach for coaching and transformation! Am I coaching as an Agile coach?
I train the team on Scrum, Kanban and lean, ask them to start following and
demonstrate result through KPI which I can share with upper management as my
achievement ,I believe my job is done ! People say I am not coaching correctly so I am
not a coach! Looking for some solutions,perhaps Snake oil.
Team has many low motivated, low competent, high attitude team members and Coach
is confused how to transform the team! As a Coach I have never experienced such
situation in my career. I have become agile coach because that was the only available
job opportunity I had at that time. Recruiter also need to close the position so hired me
to fill the positions as in the resume there are few words like Scrum, Agile etc. I am
8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/10
looking for a solution to handle such team members as a coach, may be Snake Oil can
help me!
I was always been an introvert, shy, silent person. Most of my career I worked as an
individual contributor. I do not like to mingle with team members. Now I got this
opportunity as an agile coach where I have to spend most of the time with people! I am
looking for a solution may be Snake Oil!
I am supposed to Motivate team members by connecting people with bigger
PURPOSE, by answering BIG WHY question.I need to kindle team members Intrinsic
motivation, I do not know how! need snake oil to become a better coach!
I am naturally fearful person, I can not ask question as I am not an assertive person !
Not good at communication. My conflict style most of the time is to AVOID , my
current role demands to become a different person. I need snake oil to become a better
I am supposed to have high EQ ! but do not know how to improve my current low EQ
status, I avoid get together, hate having fun with whole team as I feel it is waste of time!
I prefer to sit at my desk and send mails to all to complete the work. Can I have snake
oil to become a better coach!
I am supposed coach executives on how to change their organization, I myself never
exposed to such situation , neither shown curiosity to discover and learn more on
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Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
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Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches
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Coaching Sutra - Book for Agile Coaches

  • 1. This book can change your life……
  • 2. Acknowledgements This book has been shaped by the contributions of many people. I’d like to wholeheartedly thank everyone who reviewed chapters, shared stories, or provided advice. All my friends and colleagues from current and previous organization helped me to build this book.
  • 3.
  • 4. 8/27/2017 Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a successful team | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/5 Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a successful team Published on July 22, 2015 Wikipedia says : The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 5 0 0 Back to
  • 5. 8/27/2017 Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a successful team | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/5 characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. Can we write less and still communicate more through picture? e.g. a agile coach should do blah blah...
  • 6. 8/27/2017 Facets of Agile Coaching: Coaching for a successful team | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/5 and do .... Tagged in: coaching, agile methodologies Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles
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  • 8. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! Published on July 30, 2015 When we start new assignment, let us look into these aspects and see where team stands and then help team to increase the maturity against all these areas. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 7 1 2 Back to
  • 9. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/8 Motto should be produce a GREAT software by applying agile. Coach can transform team by the team by changing their way of thinking, doing, and unlearning old way of operating. How coach can help? Good observation skill, structured feedback, mentor and support to the team members. Coach has to be optimist and should have characteristic of a good leader (walk the talk). Let us have a look how Agile coach should start.... What business or context team is operating? How many team members? at what experience level? Let us understand the business complexity. It will help us to proceed considering many factors which influences the business. e.g. are we working for banking application development, developing any mission critical software which will be used in healthcare domain, or some gaming application product etc. What are the current practices following by the team and what are the ways we can optimize the working practices. Optimizing the work will help us to know the value flow and identify the waste in the value stream process flow. All these exercises will help us to take any initiative valid for the team .Adaptability and fitment to the team will be highest if we consider all these factors. When we have understood the flow, analyzed the current operating model we can simplify the work flow and explain the team members about the benefit with the new way of working. Couple of iteration team will experiment the new way of
  • 10. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/8 working and improve wherever require which will become a standard process for the team for their need. In this discovery path team will solve this new initiative together which will help team to increase bonding among themselves and they will become self-organize over a period of time. As a part of coaching coach need to identify how this new process bring technical Excellency as a part of deliverables. There are several software practices can be initiate which can enable technical excellence in the product development. All good design practice as an incremental way can enable team to grow and develop a superb product. As a part of coaching coach need to see how we can sustain any initiative team has taken to improve the current People involvement is very high, coach need to always help team members to grow and build process around the people. Need to empower team members to decide and see how any initiative if fails also resultants into learning. People development is a one ongoing agenda which coach should always in his/her work list. Deploy best practices available in the industry and improve the people and their competency. Check with the line organization what can be done to improve the team members complain if there are any. Agile coach need to demonstrate to all the stakeholders how we are becoming better and better. There should be some mechanism to collect the data which shows
  • 11. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/8 this evidence. It could be demo or deliverables which end user appreciates. There should not be too much overhead metrics which demotivates the team members. Agile coach need to support team members they way meeting has been conducted, workshop has been conducted, communication is happening with the stakeholders. How can we maximize the output if there are any gap? Agile coach need to help to create an environment where team members willing to contribute, share, care with others. Place where everyone would like to be part of. This will take some time to build such cultural transformation. The goal is to create a environment where everybody care each other, respect each other, willing to experiment and fail and learn from the same. No blame whenever any incident happen. Encourage any positive way of looking at the event. Avoid any type of command and control symptom. Except team no one decides. Team decides and we trust the team members. No manger should tell team what to do and how to do. No manager should micromanage any situation. Coach should focus on collaboration, how efficiently team members are collaborating with others. Help them to do this exercise more efficiently. This will result into an efficient execution process. Create a culture for collaboration. Encourages team members to be more extroverted and to communicate proactively in a non-judgmental environment.
  • 12. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/8 Coach need to ensure frequent deliverables from the team which can be consumed by the end user. In this process learning will be fast, discovery of the unknown unknown will be fast. Tools and infrastructure has to enable to achieve execution speed and faster frequent delivery. Ensuring that the team keeps their focus on producing a potentially consumable solution each iteration to the end user. Every certain interval team capture the end user satisfaction by discussing with them. Team assess the value delivery process, if there are gaps, team work on to efficient this delivery process. Let team build culture of asking 5 WHY questions so that they validate each and every assumption. Encourage the story telling culture where each team share the best practices. Coach builds community of best practioner. Involve other related departments like HR, supply chain, training etc. to be part of the agile story so that they also start changing. There will be always some resistance from team members regarding new initiative, coach has to experiment different approach to get the buy in form the team members. Coach can propose like we have common problem and ask help from team members. New idea will come and coach can agree with the team and implement to solve the problem. Coach has to create a space for himself/herself into the industry by sharing best practices and contributing to the community by writing blogs/books etc.
  • 13. 8/27/2017 Homework for an Agile Coach before starting NE assignment! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/8 Build a designation less world where every once contributes. No hierarchy and flat structure. Transformation is a journey for the team, it cannot happen in a month. Coach should have belief, trust and patience to see the changes happening. Senior management involvement and encouragement catalyze the transformation process. These some of the thoughts which can help an agile coach to start the journey. At the end,Let us look for opportunity to increase execution speed, let us increase incremental delivery, let us reduce feedback loop, let us adapt fast, let us collaborate, and let us look for opportunity to involve end user as much as possible, Let us improve value generation, let us build people.Let us build a superb product which customer loves. Tagged in: coaching & mentoring, agile methodologies Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Newest1 comment
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  • 15. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/13 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use Published on August 26, 2015 Coaching is a way of enabling others to act and build on their strengths. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 45 4 46 Back to
  • 16. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/13 To coach is to care enough about people to invest time in building personal relationships with them. There are number of coaching model Agile coach can refer.We as a agile coach should know all the available coaching models.We need to know which one to use when. There are few a) GROW b) TGROW c) OSKAR d) OUTCOMES e) SPACE f) ACHIEVE g) POSITIVE a) GROW model : The GROW model was developed by Graham Alexander and John Whitmore.The name is an acronym with each letter standing for a different phase of the
  • 17. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/13 model.GROW stand for below picture The GROW model is easy to apply and check for the result.These are not sequential steps.The goal must be SMART to measure output.GROW model, devised by Sir John Whitmore in the classic book ‘Coaching for Performance’, which first appeared as long ago as 1990. b) TGROW model: Eminent coaching guru Myles Downey felt that additional element would make GROW model more pertinent in the environment of organization.Downey felt that first element of a coaching model should be "TOPIC", creating the acronym TGROW.
  • 18. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/13 Topic – this covers the wider environment that impacts on the specific issue to be addressed through coaching. It will reflect the level of importance the issue has within that wider area and the impact it may have on the coaches’s long-term aspirations. Goal – a specific measurable endpoint that the coaches wants to attain. Reality – the current situation the coaches is in now and all the issues he or she is facing. Obstacles/Options – what is stopping the coaches attaining this goal – obstacles – and what ‘options’ are available to the coaches to resolve this issue.
  • 19. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/13 Way forward – the required steps needed to execute the chosen option and attain their goal. Downey’s reasoning for making ‘Topic’ the first element of his coaching model was the need to have an appreciation of the environment the organization is in. c) OSKAR model: One of The most popular coaching model is OSKAR. Invented by Mark with his co- author Paul Z Jackson for a project in the years 2000, OSKAR is becoming widely accepted as an easy-to-use way to harness the positive power of.
  • 20. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/13 The benefits of this kind of coaching in practice are: • Positive and progress focus leads to good motivation for the coaches • Positive questions lead to excellent relationship between coach and coaches • Incisive focus on what works leads to rapid and sustainable results • Focus on know-how of what works encourages shared wisdom throughout the organization. d) OUTCOMES model:
  • 21. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/13 There are some similarities between GROW and OUTCOMES model but OUTCOMES model is more detail oriented. OUTCOMES stands for O for Objectives , U for understand , T for Take stock about the current situation, C for clarify , O for option Generation , M for Motivation to action , E for Enthusiasm and encouragement , S for Support . e) SPACE model (Edgerton and Palmer, 2005) is used in the cognitive behavioural approaches to coaching and is the acronym for the following elements:
  • 22. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 8/13 Social context, Physiology, Action, Cognition, and Emotion. SPACE can be used in parallel with GROW and POSITIVE to help coachees overcome psychological blocks associated with particular problems or issues (including performance-related issues). f) ACHIEVE Coaching Model: This is a seven-step model developed by Dembkowski and Eldridge (2003). It includes the following steps: (a) Assess current situation, (b) Creative brainstorming of alternatives to current situation, (c) Hone goals (i.e., helping the client to formulate goals), (d) Initiate options (i.e., helping the client to initiate a wide range of behavioural options to achieve the desired goal), (e) Evaluate options, (f) Valid action programme design (i.e., collaboration of the coach and the coachee to develop an action plan), (g) Encourage momentum (i.e., ongoing process of providing encouragement and helping the client to keep on track with the plans).
  • 23. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 9/13 g) POSITIVE: POSITIVE model by Libri (2004), is a model developed from the GROW and ACHIEVE models. It aims at producing an ‘optimum coaching relationship’ and includes asking key questions around: (a) The Purpose of the coachee, (b) Observations (e.g., of efforts up-to-date), (c) Strategy, (d) Insight (e.g., on commitment to a goal), (e) Team (e.g., with whom the coachee will share his/her goal), (f) Initiate (e.g., when the coachee will start to act towards achieving a goal), (g) Value (e.g., question how the coachee would celebrate his/her success), and (h) Encourage (e.g.,asking about the coachee’s progress on the pursuit of his/her goals) (as cited in Edgerton and Palmer, 2005). An important role for the coach is to ask pertinent questions and listen. Questioning and listening can help the other person set realistic learning goals. Coach Marshall Goldsmith says, “My success rate as a coach has improved dramatically as I’ve realized that people’s getting better is not a function of me; it’s a function of the
  • 24. 8/27/2017 Different Coaching models for Agile coaches to use | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 10/13 person and the people around the person.” whatever model we follow , Improving coaching are as follows: Communicate clear expectations, Build relationships, Give feedback on areas that require specific improvement, Listen actively, Help to remove obstacles, Give emotional support including empathy, Reflect content or meaning, Give gentle advice and guidance, Allow for modeling of desired performance and behavior, Gain a commitment to change, and Applaud good results
  • 25.
  • 26. 8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7 Effective Coaching : What to know more? Published on October 2, 2015 What is Coaching? Coaching (or life coaching as it is sometimes referred) is a general term for working with an individual (or company in some cases) to improve and enhance Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 4 0 0 Back to
  • 27. 8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7 aspects of an area which, for the client, they may need or want to change (Grant & Greene, 2004). Zeus and Skiffington (2000) have identified the coaching relationship to be one that focuses on change and transformation. The coaching relationship is: Essentially a conversation About learning More about asking the right questions than providing answers Another way to look at coaching is that it helps maximize an individual’s performance (Gallway, as cited in Whitmore,1996).
  • 28. 8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7 The nine principles are: 1. The learning relationship is at the heart of change: this means that learning and change occur through the relationship with the coach. The coach and the client engage and relate and if the coaching is efficient they connect. ”In a learning dialogue there is, on both sides, a willingness to share perspectives, to listen, to understand, to be open to new ideas and to take joint responsibility for the conversation and the outcomes.”
  • 29. 8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7 2. The context is work: “Short and long term issues are often interrelated” An efficient coach will understand the complex and whole person of the client, and will know enough about the client’s work context to be able to facilitate exploration of issues. 3. The client sets the agenda and is resourceful: Because coaching is about the client he sets the agenda of the process. This, for some clients, may be easy, empowering or for others rather difficult, and is basically about what the client wants. This represents one of the first steps of the coaching process and may be rather straightforward and demanding. The next step, once the agenda is set, is helping the client identify his internal or external resources needed for the desired change and development. 4. The coach facilitates learning and development: The coach is a facilitator and he supports the client to learn and develop. “The client learns by acquiring new awareness, insight, skills, ideas and knowledge. Development involves integrating their learning into the way they are.” The efficient coach will ask good questions that provoke new perspectives and change in the client. Also an efficient coaching should be the catalyst for learning and action between the coaching sessions not a substitute. 5. The outcome is change: The coaching process is about change, and change provokes resistance that is a normal reaction. “Effective coaches work with client resistance, rather than try to overcome it.” Resistance is used in helping the client clarify his values and goals. 6. The framework for the change process provides movement and direction: The framework provides a map for the coaching process and offers reference points and a
  • 30. 8/27/2017 Effective Coaching : What to know more? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/7 sense of direction. This should be used only when helping the client or rather set aside than constraining the client development. 7. The skills develop insight, release potential and deliver results: Connor and Pokora state that an effective coach knows how to use the skills in an integrated way within the learning relationship and has a repertoire of tools and techniques to offer appropriately to the client in order to support their learning and development. 8. The qualities of the coach affirm, enable and sustain the client: The coach models a way of being which is both human and professional and offers the client the possibility to learn through them. The client that experiences affirmation and positive challenge from a coach is likely to value themselves more, and therefore value others that impacts on his personal and professional life. 9. Ethical practice safeguards and enhances coaching: An effective coach will work within ethical codes. This fact will give the client a safeguard, feeling secure. Zeus and Skiffington (2008, p. 36) present the coach profile for success. They mention that the coach should be able to know himself, to have the capacity to inspire others, to be able to build relationships, has the ability to be flexible and has the ability to communicate, future oriented, disciplined, has the ability to respect the work boundaries, has the ability to diagnose problems and find solutions, and has an entrepreneurial profile.
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  • 32. 8/27/2017 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/5 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? Published on November 25, 2015 Similarities between coaching and mentoring have been identified by Zeus and Skiffington (2000) Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 5 1 2 Back to
  • 33. 8/27/2017 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/5 Both activities base their assumptions on basic values and beliefs: that humans have the ability to change; that they make the best choices available to them; that coaching is not a quick fix: ‘it is a journey where the process of learning is as important as the knowledge and skills gained’ Zeus and Skiffington talk about coaching and mentoring as essentially a conversation where learning takes place through asking the right questions rather than providing answers. This leads to personal and professional transformation and reinventing oneself.
  • 34. 8/27/2017 Coaching and Mentoring ,which one you are using? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/5 Mentoring is often viewed as ‘off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking’ (Megginson et al. 2006: 4). The CIPD (Jarvis 2004: 19) has produced a useful summary of some differences between coaching and mentoring, as shown in Table 1.1.
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  • 36. 8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? Published on December 13, 2015 The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates describes this as the “Allegory of the Cave.” You find it in Plato's Dialogues. The Dialogues are a series of conversations between Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 6 2 4 Back to
  • 37. 8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6 Plato and his old teacher, Socrates. Socrates says a philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and can now see reality as it truly is. Socrates lived in ancient Greece. He was a master at asking power questions. Instead of lecturing, he taught by posing his students a series of thought-provoking questions. Through these, he engaged his students’ minds in the learning process. He uncovered their assumptions. He slowly but surely got to the heart of the issue. Socrates would start a class by asking “What is virtue?” or “What is good?” We use these words all the time. But do we really know what they mean? Today, many universities around the world use the “Socratic Method” in their teaching—one of the most famous of these is Harvard Business School. Socrates summed up this method very clearly. He said, “The highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.” Socrates was a vocal critic of Athenian society and government. He was eventually sentenced to death for his perceived attacks on the ruling classes. Without a struggle, he drank a cup of poison hemlock. It gradually reached his heart and he died, leaving his enduring reputation as one of the greatest philosophers in history. Adopt the Socratic mindset and get out of your cave! Question assumptions.
  • 38. 8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/6 Question the very definition of words that others take for granted. Use questions to launch those around you on an invigorating journey of learning and discovery. When we adopt the Socrates mindset, we approach almost every conversation differently. “Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity. ”—Socrates, 469–399 B.C.
  • 39. 8/27/2017 Socratic Approach?How to Use as a Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/6 _____________________________________________________
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  • 41. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8 Seven-eyed Model for Coach Published on December 15, 2015 Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet developed this model originally for supervisors working with individuals, with groups, and with organisations, in the Human Service professions. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 5 0 1
  • 42. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/8 It takes a personal and social systems perspective. It supports the coach/mentor to build and develop expertise in several levels of knowledge that will greatly enhance their effectiveness.
  • 43. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/8
  • 44. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/8 What is supervision ? ' a structured formal process for coaches, with the help of a coaching supervisor, to attend to improving the quality of their coaching, grow their coaching capacity and support themselves and their practice' (Hawkins and Schwenk, 2006) The seven ‘eyes’ are as follows: 1. The Coach/Mentor/Supervisor system. The focus is on the situation, the problem the coach/mentor wants help with, and how issues are presented, and keeps the attention upon the immediate agenda of the coaching/mentoring work. 2. The Coach/Mento/Supervisor interventions. The focus is on what kinds of intervention have been made, the rationale for them, and what else could they have done. This focus may be especially valuable for novices who are consolidating their basic skills. 3.The relationship between the Coach/Mentor/Supervisor and their client.
  • 45. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/8 The focus is on the dynamic between them, or on what is going on at both a conscious and an unconscious level, it can offer a mine of information that can assist in understanding the deeper, underlying processes which affect the outcome of the work. By paying attention to this part of the system, the coach/mentor can stay true to the contract, and learn to tune in accurately to the underlying psychological climate of the work. 4. The Coach/Mentor/Supervisor’s own experience. Here there is an opportunity to become more self aware, and so deepen the learning about how to use their full potential, and about what may be getting in the way of that happening. 5. The Parallel Process. This is a valuable perspective as the dynamics that are present in the coach/mentor and client relationship can be played out within the supervisory relationship. When this happens, the coach/mentor and supervisor learn together what it is like for the client to be in the relationship. It is as if the client is present. With an energy perspective, we learn here that their energy is present, and has arrived alongside the coach/mentor. The data gathered in this way, adds another dimension to the supervisee’s learning, and effectiveness 6. The Supervisor’s own self-reflections.
  • 46. 8/27/2017 Seven-eyed Model for Coach | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/8 Such reflections give an added dimension to the gathering of data within the supervision meeting, and may open up new avenues of understanding the coach/mentor’s relationship with the client. 7. The Wider Context. The supervision meeting is also a time to reflect on the ethical, organisational, contractual, social and cultural aspects of the work. There will be different concerns at different stages in the work. With this ‘eye’, the wider world is held in view, lest the coach/mentor shuts out the systemic implications of the wider field. Agile Coaching Supervision - Wiki Originally developed for use with psychotherapists and counsellors, it is now being applied to coaching and mentoring. Tagged in: coaching mentoring, coaching Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale Back to
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  • 48. 8/27/2017 Choosing an Agile Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6 Choosing an Agile Coach? Published on December 17, 2015 If I have to find an agile coach.....what should I look at initial rounds? There are so many agile coaches! Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér… 18 13 25
  • 49. 8/27/2017 Choosing an Agile Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6 Let us ask,Have you DONE questions couple of times. Have you DONE ? Really ? if not please do not waste each others time , if yes , please come up with real life story which someone should be able to challenge and understand the context and evaluate.You win-I win , we win. Let us check through mind maps....
  • 50. 8/27/2017 Choosing an Agile Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/6 Let us use both side of the brain..
  • 51. 8/27/2017 Choosing an Agile Coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/6 Is it enough ? is this the perfect approach for evaluation ? May be/May not be ... ********************************************************************** ***** Back to
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  • 53. 8/27/2017 ICF Core Coaching Competencies? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/4 ICF Core Coaching Competencies? Published on December 23, 2015 The following eleven core coaching competencies were developed to support greater understanding about the skills and approaches used within today’s coaching profession as defined by the International Coach Federation. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 4 1 0
  • 54. 8/27/2017 ICF Core Coaching Competencies? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/4 They will also support you in calibrating the level of alignment between the coach- specific training expected and the training you have experienced. A. SETTING THE FOUNDATION 1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards 2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement B. CO-CREATING THE RELATIONSHIP 3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client 4. Coaching Presence C. COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY 5. Active Listening 6. Powerful Questioning 7. Direct Communication D. FACILITATING LEARNING AND RESULTS 8. Creating Awareness 9. Designing Actions
  • 55. 8/27/2017 ICF Core Coaching Competencies? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/4 10. Planning and Goal Setting 11. Managing Progress and Accountability Reference: Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Leave your thoughts here… Steve Neiderhauser Senior Agile Coach and Business Transformation Executive Thanks for writing this article. I had been looking for the competencies and now I have them. 1y Like Reply Newest1 comment Back to
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  • 57. 8/27/2017 Organizational Barriers to Coaching | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6 Organizational Barriers to Coaching Published on March 9, 2016 The Charted Institute of Personnel and Development (CPID) , Europe's largest HR Development professional body , has conducted research into the organizational barriers to effective coaching. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 44 7 79
  • 58. 8/27/2017 Organizational Barriers to Coaching | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6 It provides you with insight into why some organizations are reluctant or unable to implement effective internal coaching.
  • 59. 8/27/2017 Organizational Barriers to Coaching | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/6 we need to assess how extensive these barriers are in your own organization when deciding if coaching is the right form of learning. if the organization has the majority of these barriers you may find that attempting to use coaching will have a detrimental rather than motivational effect. Back to
  • 60. 8/27/2017 Organizational Barriers to Coaching | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/6 Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Tagged in: coaching mentoring, coaching Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Newest7 comments
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  • 62. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/13 KATA for an AGILE coach? Published on April 2, 2016 Kata (形, or more traditionally, 型) (literally: form) is a Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 45 7 40
  • 63. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/13 The kata is not intended as a literal depiction of a mock fight, but as a display of transition and flow from one posture and movement to another, teaching the student proper form and position, and encouraging them to visualise different scenarios for the use of each motion and technique. When we are driving CAR first time and when we are driving formula one race at highway! imagine in between the transition state of growth. How many kata session we have completed to reach that state of execution speed ? 
  • 64. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/13 How did you built that habit ? through routine practice
  • 65. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/13 What is coaching Kata ? Coaching Kata is to teach and coach the improvement kata by using real world problem as practice.
  • 66. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/13 In the coaching kata session one experience coach(mentor coach) who has already familiar with similar type of experience guide mentee coach. Mentor coach will not provide the solution. Mentor to should teach basic of improvement kata. Mentee should always identify the next step with the guidance of mentor. The challenge is how to find such mentor?
  • 67. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/13 We have many such mentor, need to be humble enough to look for those and learn from them. Coaching Kata questions for improvement... How about Coaching Dojo? A coding dojo is an exercise in programming which helps a programmer hone their skills through practice and repetition. The dojo was intended as safe place to practice and learn coaching skills.
  • 68. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/13 Coaching dojo need three members. One being a person who proposed a “kata” (essentially a person with an issue to discuss), one person who coached them through the kata, and another who observed the coach and provided feedback. Let us swapped until everyone had a chance of trying out each role.
  • 69. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 8/13 Few coaching dojo assignments which we can start for practice. a) My team members does not need a coach! Team members are not open for coaching. As a coach how should I proceed?
  • 70. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 9/13 b) Team members are not willing to change. They are efficient and productive in current way of executing the project. Do not want to listen anything about Agile. Agile is process overhead for them. How should I coach such team? c) Line Manager/Sr. Manager ,wants coach to solve all the team issue. Team is demotivated with the work and pressure from the other side of the organization. How should I coach such team? d) Product management team members are head strong , high attitude individuals. Not willing to participate in any coaching session. How do I coach ? e) How do I do Planning Kata ? what should be the example can be given to continue with planning kata ? f) Not willing to change the team structure, current structure is inefficient way of operating. Old role still exists , not willing to leave those positions, How do I coach ? g) Old governance model. Metrics driven , too much data driven which is significantly influencing people behavior a culture. How do I coach such cultural transformation? h) Most of the team members are doing agile. Mechanical process, they are not being agile. Team members are expected to be told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. They don’t want to problem solve, they don’t want to take risks, and they don’t want to be accountable. How do I coach such team ? Back to
  • 71. 8/27/2017 KATA for an AGILE coach? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 10/13 I) Team members acting like Project assignment ( Start to Finish !) , Start date , end date. No long term commitment. How do I coach? Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here.
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  • 73. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? Published on April 11, 2016 Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, introduces the concept of Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 7 3 10
  • 74. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9 A Circle of Concern encompasses the wide range of concerns we have, such as our health, our children, problems at work, the amount of government borrowing, or the threat of war. A Circle of Influence encompasses those concerns that we can do something about. They are concerns that we have some control over. Stephen Covey defines proactive as “being responsible for our own lives…..our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Proactive people focus on issues within their circle of influence. They work on things they can do something about. The nature of their energy in doing this is positive, enlarging and magnifying. They increase their Circle of Influence.
  • 75. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/9 Reactive people tend to neglect those issues that are under their control and influence. Their focus is elsewhere and their Circle of Influence shrinks. Steven Covey tells us that in life our Circle of Influence is most often smaller than the Circle of Concern. We can’t control the economy or a company merger. As we react, we tend to focus on the Circle of Concern, which depletes our energy, because we have no control over it. The energy focused on the Circle of Concern is negative.
  • 76. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/9 If you focus on the Circle of Concern and neglect the Circle of Influence, eventually the Circle of Influence will get smaller. This will add to feelings of stress and helplessness, because you cannot change anything in the Circle of Concern. Where do we spend most of our time and energy? as a agile coach most of us working as Individual contributor. Most of the thing in transformation which create turbulence goes beyond our influence area. How can we increase circle of influence on daily basis by list down the things which we can control?
  • 77. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/9 Back to
  • 78. 8/27/2017 As a Coach How can we increase Circle of Influence? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/9
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  • 80. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/14 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker Published on May 17, 2016 The speed and complexity of the global business environment calls for a new appreciation of a systems-focused view of the world, one that recognizes the Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 56 7 20
  • 81. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/14 interrelationships of people, processes, and decisions — and designs organizational actions accordingly. Think about this system , interdependent cards. What will happen when one card lose its current position? Referrence : cards.jpg As a Enterprise Agile coach , he/she always has to think big for organizational transformation. Systems thinking help to think efficiently.Think about scaling Agile at organization, coach will start thinking about Whole.End to End value chain.
  • 82. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/14 How to discover Systems of Systems? and exhibiting leadership skill when we are in such systems.Systems thinking isn’t just for senior executives or engineers. Everyone who works within a system — including suppliers and line workers, designers, and marketers — should learn how the system works, develop their creativity, and apply that creativity to improve the system. Systems are not easy to quantify, but we can map them. Drawing systems maps will help leaders understand their existence depends on being part of complex interdependent systems. Systems Thinking? Systems, like the human body, have parts, and the parts affect the performance of the whole. All of the parts are interdependent. The liver interacts with and affects other internal organs—the brain, heart, kidneys, etc. You can study the parts singly, but because of the interactions, it doesn’t make much practical sense to stop there. Understanding of the system cannot depend on analysis alone. The key to understanding is, therefore, synthesis.
  • 83. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/14 The concept of systems thinking was popularised by Peter Senge in his book “The Fifth Discipline” where he describes system thinking as: “a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots.” The systems approach is to: • Identify a system. After all, not all things are systems. Some systems are simple and predictable, while others are complex and dynamic. Most human social systems are the latter. • Explain the behavior or properties of the whole system. This focus on the whole is the process of synthesis. Analysis looks into things while synthesis looks out of things. • Explain the behavior or properties of the thing to be explained in terms of the role(s) or function(s) of the whole.
  • 84. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/14 Referrence: For enterprise transformation , use Systems Thinking, need to visualize end to end value chain to maximize the value.
  • 85. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/14
  • 86. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/14
  • 87. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 8/14 Reference: scrum-1227058578155477-9/95/using-rup-as-a-scaling-framework-for-scrum-58- 728.jpg?cb=1227029990 In The Search for Leadership: An Organisational Perspective,WilliamTate, include the following:- Concentrate on the whole, and the interconnections between the parts.
  • 88. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 9/14 Explain things in terms of the system’s overall purpose. Focus on the system’s purpose ahead of its processes and procedures. Look out for things (synthesis) more than look into things (analysis). Put seeing what is actually happening ahead of what needs to happen. Check what is going on in the organisation by personal examination. Don’t let short-term pressures get in the way of understanding the system. Build and make use of feedback loops. Understand complex dynamics through patterns and feedback loops rather than cause-effect links. Facilitate and value emergence. Be pulled by what the customer wants; hear the customer voice. Understand demand and respond to it (avoid provider-supply dominance) Make continuous improvement the goal. Encourage self-adaptation.
  • 89. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 10/14 Consider all the players and actors, of which the organisation is one. Be aware of natural oscillations. Don’t isolate strategy makers/making from the front line. Stimulate and seek organisational learning. Embrace the edge of chaos. Make the most of uncertainty. Recognize the system as a source of waste.
  • 90. 8/27/2017 Enterprise Agile Coaches are Systems Thinker | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 11/14 Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here. Reference: domain-chandan-lal-patary?trk=mp-reader-card Tagged in: systems analysis, leadership Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Newest7 comments Back to
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  • 92. 8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/8 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON- CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? Published on July 1, 2016 Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 11 4 6
  • 93. 8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/8 The psychologist Carl Rogers has promoted person-centred counselling in a way that can be inspiring for the coach. The goal of Person-centered therapy is to provide clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected. The starting point of the Rogerian approach to counseling and psychotherapy is best stated by Rogers (1986) himself: 'It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self- understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behavior - and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided'. The self concept is a central component of our total experience and influences both our perception of the world and perception of oneself. For instance, a woman who perceives herself as strong may well behave with confidence and come to see her actions as actions performed by someone who is confident. The client is responsible for improving his or her life, not the therapist/Coach. The Rogerian client-centered approach puts emphasis on the person coming to form an appropriate understanding of their world and themselves. Back to
  • 94. 8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/8 Client-centered therapy operates according to three basic principles that reflect the attitude of the Coach to the Coachee: The Coach is congruent with the Coachee. The Coach provides the Coachee with unconditional positive regard:Rogers believed that for people to grow and fulfill their potential it is important that they are valued as themselves. The Coach shows empathetic understanding to the Coachee: Follow precisely what the Coachee is feeling and to communicate to them that the Coach understands what they are feeling. Person-centred therapy is built on trust. The client must feel that he can trust the therapist and the therapist must have trust in themselves. The therapist needs to create a suitable environment where the person- centred therapy can be successful. Rogers believed that counselling needed to move away from the system of the 'expert' telling the client what was wrong with them and move more towards the following:- The therapist should be a very good listener.
  • 95. 8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/8 The therapist unreservedly accepts the client as they are at that moment in time. The therapist places no label or name on the client's condition. The therapist does not rely on any of the personality theories. The therapist listens, does not ask questions, does not interpret what is being said, does not offer advice, but reflects back what the client says (Rogers 2004). Basically, person-centred therapy states that personality can be fully actualised when the individual is exposed to unconditional positive regard.
  • 96. 8/27/2017 As a Coach do YOU use PERSON-CENTRED COACHING/Client Centered Therapy? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/8 An individual who has been exposed to conditional positive regard can have low self- esteem and low feelings of worth. An individual who is self-actualised will be more open to experience and less defensive, will learn to live in the moment, will trust own decision-making skills, will have more life choices and be more creative. The goals of person-centred therapy are (Seligman, 2006): 1. To facilitate client’s trust and ability to be in the present moment. This allows the client to be honest in the process without feeling judged by the therapist. 2. To promote client’s self-awareness and self-esteem. 3. To empower the client to change. 4. To encourage congruence in the client’s behavior and feelings. 5. To help people to gain the ability to manage their lives and become self- actualized. I could able to observe similar style of coaching from few of my coach colleagues and realizing the effect of such powerful coaching style.
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  • 98. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? Published on July 19, 2016 Most of the time I get this question from my line managers. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 25 3 50
  • 99. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9 I thought let me give it a thought and apply same to my coaches. This table is a snapshot most of the famous motivational theories. Chip Conley, founder of the Joie de Vivre hotel chain and Head of Hospitality at Airbnb, used the Hierarchy of Needs pyramid to transform his business. According to Chip, many managers struggle with the abstract concept of self actualization and so focus on lower levels of the pyramid instead. Conley found one way of helping with higher levels was to help his employees understand the meaning of their roles during a staff retreat…Conley’s team were able to realize the importance of their job to the company and to the people they were helping. By showing them the value of their roles, the team were able to feel respected and motivated to work harder.
  • 100. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/9 We all have all these drivers, if we first satisfy lower order needs and focus more with higher order needs, employees will become self driven.As a leader how can we do below ? How can we provide sensory, intellectual and emotional stimulation? How can we provide team members status to be acknowledged and also belonging to something? How can we create a strong, motivating work environment where high performance is standard? How can we creates a sense of connectedness and comfort? How can we create enjoyment of passion about anything, from sports to supporting international causes? How can we encourage people to perform better at work by having and communicating high expectations of them? How can we encourage Happiness? How can we stop punishing for failure? How can we make a major effort to ensure that we offer competitive wages and other forms of compensation?
  • 101. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/9 How can we grow team members by providing challenging new tasks which are reachable and according to their interest? How can we give team members freedom to find their own unique solution which is out of the box? through which they achieve personal and professional achievement? How can we create good support system and guidance for the team members so that they got inspire to do the assignment? How can to rotate team members job so that they do not do the routine work, let them discover new interesting work? How can I set stretch goal for the team members and recognized on achievement the same in public?
  • 102. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/9 People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. —Seth Godin some points from south west airlines Back to
  • 103. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/9 Wikipedia mentions these three facts: Southwest Airlines (SWA) is one of the world's most profitable airlines, posting a profit for the 36th consecutive year in January 2009. SWA is the largest airline in the United States by number of passengers carried domestically per year (as of December 31, 2007) SWA has carried more customers than any other U.S. airline since August 2006 for combined domestic and international passengers according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics. SWA mission statement – on the SWA web site – it reads: “To our employees: We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest Customer.”  Zig Ziglar said that “people o en say motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it on daily basis.”
  • 104. 8/27/2017 Hey Coach, Please guide me, How do I motivate my team members? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/9 basis.” Can we take care all these aspects ? Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Tagged in: motivational speaking Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Leave your thoughts here… Ambrose Betiku Certified Scrum Master, OCA,OCP 3w Newest3 comments
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  • 106. 8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/6 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? Published on July 31, 2016 Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 5 0 11
  • 107. 8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/6
  • 108. 8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/6
  • 109. 8/27/2017 Agile Coach in the Jungle of Chaos ! What practices will help him? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/6 Tagged in: agile methodologies Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale Back to
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  • 111. 8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? Published on August 15, 2016 Herbert Simon (1916-2001) is well-known for what is known to economists as the theory of bounded rationality, a theory about economic decision-making that Simon Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 4 1 1
  • 112. 8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7 himself preferred to call “satisficing”, a combination of two words: “satisfy” and “suffice”. The term ‘bounded rationality’ is taken from Simon (1960). In maximizing we are trying to get the best result, but when we are using bounded rationality we are seeking a solution that is ‘good enough’. Simon described decision making as a search process guided by aspiration levels. Full rationality requires unlimited cognitive capabilities. Human beings are very different. Their cognitive capabilities are quite limited. Herbert A. Simon proposed that humans are limited in their rationality due to at least three factors. 1. Rationality requires complete knowledge and understanding of the consequences of a given action. Gaining full understanding of future consequences is, of course, a very difficult task, and therefore this complete knowledge is seldom present at the time decisions are made. 2. Given that consequences of actions, per definition, will emerge in the future, it is difficult for decision-makers to fully evaluate the future worth of their decisions. 3. Rationality requires that all alternative actions are known. In actual decision- making processes, very few alternatives are known, which inhibits humans in
  • 113. 8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7 making optimum decisions. Have you come across such situation? While coaching, some time I aspire to do something that look acceptable, although that may not necessarily be optimal. I look through things in sequence and when I come across an item that meets my aspiration level I go for it. This real-world behavior is what Simon called satisficing. At the analysis stage we do not attempt to consider all possible alternatives. This may be too costly. We select a few alternatives through the use of loosely defined rules of
  • 114. 8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7 approximation. During evaluation we do not rank order all solutions and select the one with the highest ranking. We select the first solution that meets some base line we have set. If no solution meets your minimum requirements, we may either lower your aspirations or look again. We stop our search and analysis as soon as we have a satisfactory answer.
  • 115. 8/27/2017 Coach are YOU satisficing while coaching? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/7 As a coach either we play inside the bounds of rationality by giving the other person few selections and limited criteria, or break their existing bounds by showing how these are ineffective. Tagged in: decision making, coaching mentoring Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Back to
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  • 117. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/12 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? Published on August 28, 2016 I was looking for some structural model to start the coaching journey with the clients, that was the trigger for me to search the below post. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 10 5 12
  • 118. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/12 When we are dealing with the client for coaching measuring model some time we are wondering how we demonstrate the output and how we will measure the success of the coaching program. I have used several steps what has been mentioned in the book “The Behavioral coaching model” - Suzanne Skiffington Perry Zeus which had worked for me nicely. Let us walk through each aspects. At the first interview with the client, it is good to use the checklist where we discuss below points. The purpose of the evaluation strategy (How the individual and the organization have changed as a result of coaching. Coach has to use all the available data to determine the outcome of the program) The value of the strategy to the business or organization Methods of evaluation that have demonstrated valuable in the past At what levels should data be collected? What methods are most effective? ( client surveys, coachee reports, survey of focus groups, 360-degree feedback, peer review)
  • 119. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/12 Is an ROI required or should we try ROE? Will there be a pilot or initial phase to test the evaluation methods, which can then be further refined and developed? What are the time frames and deadlines for evaluation data to be submitted? What are the responsibilities of the client, the coachee and other stakeholders? What are the necessary resources? What factors could affect the evaluation methods? ( e.g. change in business structure , product and personnel) It is better to decide the measurement part, should this drive through ROI (Return on investment) or ROE (Return on expectation) or combination of both? One of the critical point is check if the coaching contract is short term or long term? e.g. if we are getting into 3-6 months coaching contract then we should calculate the ROI at the end of this period. If the coaching focus is more on soft aspect the real benefit will be realized at the end of the program or it may take more time.
  • 120. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/12 If the focus of coaching is intangible it is not appropriate to use ROI, ROE is superior method in this case. Some of the intangibles coaches measure include changes in job satisfaction, change in leadership and management style and changes in team work. ROE measurement? An ROE involves setting out the plans of the coaching program, gaining consensus on the objectives and then tracking the program to insure that the objectives and goals have been met. The underlying assumption of the conducting an ROE is that as long as the coaching program focuses on the organization’s business objectives and results in positive changes, then it will be valued by the organization. Coaches have to establish the goals of the organization and those of individual coaches, the changes that have to be made to meet these goals, the degree of learning that has to occur to effect these changes and how they will be measured. At the end we have to see how these learning have to be applied on the job, as well as the overall business impact, may not be monetary benefit.
  • 121. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/12 ROE can encompass and measure are productivity, organization strength, customer service, reduced customer complaints, level of conflict and job satisfaction. ROI measurement? An ROI can present, measure and evaluate the financial returns of the coaching program. It can also quantify reaction to and satisfaction with the project, the amount of learning, application and implementation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ROI = Net coaching benefit/ Coaching coast * 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It can be calculated at 3 months to 6 months periods Coaching benefit can be include in ROI Bottom line profitability Sales figure Retaining team members who has undergo coaching
  • 122. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/12 Cost savings Quality of production case and services Overall productivity Some of the soft skill data Leadership skill Management skill Conflict resolution Workplace optimism Job satisfaction Better time management Team commitment Client satisfaction Coaching cost
  • 123. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/12 Direct cost for coaching ( Research and development cost,fees,travel expenses, accodmodation,assessement cost) Time including any follow up contact via telephone, email and video conference Cost of the team members involvement while in coaching session Cost of the time to the organization in overseeing and administrating the program Reporting mechanism to the client: Coach has to frequently report to the client and the coaching progress and client expectation as set forth in the contract. May be monthly, may be once in 3 month for a six month program report has to send. Report includes: Background to the coaching program The overall objective of the program How the coaching program was implemented, the scope of the program and who was involved
  • 124. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 8/12 The methodology for collecting data, such as surveys, focus groups,questionnaires,behavioural observations and assessments A summary of the evaluation process, emphasizing its reliability and validity The objectives and goals of individual coaches and team and how these have been achieved What the organization has learned Any additional learning or benefits of the coaching program How changes will be maintained Any changes in the organizational culture How confidentiality was maintained Methods of converting data to monetary value Method of evaluating intangible benefits Costs of the program ROI figures Overall business impact, including intangible benefits
  • 125. 8/27/2017 COACHING AGREEMENT MODEL WITH CLIENT? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 9/12 Follow up plans in place to insure maintenance of learning Recommendation for future coaching assignment With this structure it is easy to imagine the coaching model or engagement model with an client.There will be promising effect before and after.
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  • 127. 8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT Published on October 19, 2016 Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 3 2 21
  • 128. 8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7 As an agile coach are you taking care about your garden? Gardeners are responsible for growing and maintaining all types of plants in a variety of settings. These could be public parks, gardens, sports grounds and schools. Agile gardener you need to do the same for team or organization at enterprise level Pruning shrubs = at enterprise level remove all unwanted parts
  • 129. 8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7 Checking the health of plants by identifying any pests or diseases and controlling them = at enterprise level .......? Raising plants from seeds or cuttings = at enterprise level ......? Cleaning and maintaining tools and equipment = at enterprise level ....? Applying nutrients to plants and maintaining moisture levels = at enterprise level ....? Using machinery such as lawn mowers, rotovators and hedge trimmers = at enterprise level ....? Digging, planting and weeding flower beds and borders = at enterprise level ....? Do basic landscaping and designs for the beautification of gardens= at enterprise level ....? Must have passion in plants = at organizational transformation what do we need to be a passionate agile gardener?
  • 130. 8/27/2017 COACH AS A GARDENER? FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7 You will feel proud by seeing the output coming from your dedication and effort. and so on .... Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Back to
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  • 132. 8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? Published on October 22, 2016 Coaching by showing how to”, this is what I have learned from my in laws. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 5 0 11
  • 133. 8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7 When my daughter was born, my in laws were with us and my in laws have taken care all the child care requirements at early stage of my daughter. She has completely demonstrated us how to take care kid’s end to end necessities for initial 4-5 months. But it was for very small duration as she owns one school for kids, she has to go back for her own commitment. After she left we started owning the complete child care requirement with confident as she has demonstrated hands on to us. She is a very good cook, every year whenever she visited us, we have few new dishes, same continues after she left. She demonstrated us how to cook all the new dishes.Later it is much easy for us to continue to prepare the same dishes She coaches my wife about all the aspects of parenting and child care. When my son was born we did not have much trouble with the child care as already we have coached by my in laws. Learning by doing, coaching by showing.....that is what the key message I have learned
  • 134. 8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/7 Same concepts I have been applying with the scrum team. During my coaching I play scrum master role for one sprint, product owner role for one sprint and demonstrate how to run the sprint. They observe how I am doing and take over from there. Teams often have a lot of improvement opportunity in how they do their Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Review Retrospective, and their Backlog Refinement. I facilitate these workshops to show how they could be done effectively and then tries to increase team ownership of these events. In this process there were lot of questions and clarification which I would have missed which are very specific to that context. It helps team to get inspire to know why we are doing certain steps. I am not telling theory to my team and finishing, I live with them with their problem and show them how to address the challenges as a team.I am a active participator—
  • 135. 8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7 reviewing the dashboards, asking thoughtful and appropriately placed questions, and surfacing opportunities for acknowledgment and recognition. It is important for a coach, who is trained to listen deeply and to come from a place of inquiry, to be aware of who, how and when their questions are offered. I discover that consultancy service to the team where I provide information does not work , promote self discovery works for long term. It is well accepted by the team and game changer moment.
  • 136. 8/27/2017 COACHING BY SHOWING HOW TO DO? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/7 CAN YOU SHOW TO YOUR TEAM HOW AND LET THEM TAKE CARE ON THEIR OWN? Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Back to
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  • 138. 8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/7 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH Published on October 31, 2016 WHO KILLED MY AGILE COACH? Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 62 8 32
  • 139. 8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/7 An investigation started after the killing of an agile coach who came into the organization to transform the team. *Killing - He lost his job, sacked from his job, criticized badly etc. Organization was a large legacy enterprise which exist for multiple decades. Agile coach come across all the below issues and under the load of all these issues he has to collapsed and killed by all these issues.
  • 141. 8/27/2017 THE KILLING OF AN AGILE COACH | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/7 DO WE HAVE DIRECT REPORT TO THE CEO OF THIS BASE CAMP WHERE ALL THE COACHES WILL EXIST? DO WE HAVE SUFFICIENT MONEY TO RUN THE SHOW? DO WE COMPETENT AND CAPABLE COACHES TO RUN THE SHOW? WHO ARE RADICAL CHANGE AGENTS? DOES THIS BASE CAMP EMPOWERED TO TAKE ANY ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE INITIATIVES? What else do you think of? Please share if your fellow coach get killed? Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Back to
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  • 143. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/10 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST Published on January 12, 2017 Let us look what Psychologist does , also we as an agile coach does some of the activities same. Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér… 62 10 73
  • 144. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/10 Textbooks often use the phrase “the science of behavior” as a definition of psychology. Psychology is the study of people's behavior, performance, and mental operations. What is coaching or some time counseling ? Coaching, is meant to help “healthy” clients, but instead of helping them solve problems, coaching focuses on helping persons utilize their abilities more effectively than they have previously. Advertising jargon would call this “achieving your full potential.”
  • 145. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/10 Counseling focuses on helping persons resolve problems or role issues related to work or school or family matters. In this setting, the counselor is a “problem solver” who through direct advice or non-directive guidance helps the client make rational decisions. Psychologist Collect information through observations, interviews, surveys, and other methods. Using interviews, questionnaires, and measurement tools, they can chart an individual's skills, personality features and personality style, emotional status and emotional style, or problems they may be having in adjusting to life. So does by an agile coach. Psychologist seeks to understand and explain thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behavior. Depending on the topic of study, psychologists use techniques such as observation, assessment, and experimentation to develop theories about the beliefs and feelings that influence a person’s actions.As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members? Counseling psychologists advise people on how to deal with problems. They help patients understand problems, including issues at home, at the workplace, or in their community. Through counseling, they work with patients to identify their strengths or resources they can use to manage problems. As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members?
  • 146. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/10 Social psychologists study how people’s mindsets and behavior are shaped by social interactions. They examine both individual and group interactions and may investigate ways to improve negative interactions.As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members? Psychologists can help people learn to cope with stressful situations, overcome addictions, manage their chronic illnesses and break past the barriers that keep them from reaching their goals.Are you doing the same as an Agile coach for work context? Psychologist allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work together. This knowledge can help with decision-making and avoiding stressful situations. It can help with time management, setting and achieving goals, and living effectively. Are you not doing ? Mindfulness at work? Psychologist makes it easier to live with others by understanding them more and working with their behavior. As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members?
  • 147. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/10 Psychologists can work at an individual, group or organisational level and their ability to positively influence human behavior is called on by businesses. Psychologist helps people and organisations adapt to change - advising on how to change attitudes and behaviors to improve customer service.Advising on the best type of management systems, identifying effective human resources strategies, and designing jobs to fit peoples' skills.As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members? Psychologists are experts in human behavior. As an coach you are also becoming the same?
  • 148. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/10 Organizational Psychologists focus on the productivity of groups and individuals in the workplace. They work to improve the functioning of organizations, and to promote the health of individuals within the organization. They also conduct research on human factors or the interaction between people and machines.As an coach are we doing something similar with the team members?
  • 149. 8/27/2017 AGILE COACH AS A PSYCHOLOGIST OR BECOMING A PSYCHOLOGIST | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/10 What do you think ? are you with me in this journey ? Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 284 articles Newest10 comments Back to
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  • 151. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/9 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? Published on January 18, 2017 I want to start my agile consultancy business, thinking what type of skills I should have Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Génér… 23 4 132
  • 152. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/9
  • 153. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/9
  • 154. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 4/9
  • 155. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 5/9
  • 156. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 6/9 Back to
  • 157. 8/27/2017 AGILE CONSULTANT: WHAT SKILLS NEED TO BUILD? | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 7/9 Based on your experience what do you think if I have missed any crucial points? Please Share your experience..... Love the post? Hate the post? Have other ideas? Please leave a comment below! Please find more posts here Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale
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  • 159. 8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 1/10 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! Published on November 26, 2016 Beware of me , I am an Snake Oil Agile Coach! Edit article Chandan Lal Patary Enterprise Agile Coach at Société Générale 10 5 35
  • 160. 8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 2/10 Wikipedia says - Snake oil, originally a fraudulent liniment without snake extract, has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit. Snake Oil Agile Coach who is not an coach but pretend to be an Agile Coach! I keep getting this comment YOU ARE NOT A COACH!! :-( What do I do differently to become a capable Agile coach? take Snake Oil? According to Rachel Davies, authors of the book “Agile Coaching” - something called seagull consultant - who swoops in to deliver words of wisdom and then makes a sharp exit.I stay with the team for some time with set bound period , share the Agile Values and Principles and leave by completing my contract. I have plan driven, time tagged approach for coaching and transformation! Am I coaching as an Agile coach? I train the team on Scrum, Kanban and lean, ask them to start following and demonstrate result through KPI which I can share with upper management as my achievement ,I believe my job is done ! People say I am not coaching correctly so I am not a coach! Looking for some solutions,perhaps Snake oil. Team has many low motivated, low competent, high attitude team members and Coach is confused how to transform the team! As a Coach I have never experienced such situation in my career. I have become agile coach because that was the only available job opportunity I had at that time. Recruiter also need to close the position so hired me to fill the positions as in the resume there are few words like Scrum, Agile etc. I am
  • 161. 8/27/2017 Snake Oil for an Agile Coach! | Chandan Lal Patary | Pulse | LinkedIn 3/10 looking for a solution to handle such team members as a coach, may be Snake Oil can help me! I was always been an introvert, shy, silent person. Most of my career I worked as an individual contributor. I do not like to mingle with team members. Now I got this opportunity as an agile coach where I have to spend most of the time with people! I am looking for a solution may be Snake Oil! I am supposed to Motivate team members by connecting people with bigger PURPOSE, by answering BIG WHY question.I need to kindle team members Intrinsic motivation, I do not know how! need snake oil to become a better coach! I am naturally fearful person, I can not ask question as I am not an assertive person ! Not good at communication. My conflict style most of the time is to AVOID , my current role demands to become a different person. I need snake oil to become a better coach! I am supposed to have high EQ ! but do not know how to improve my current low EQ status, I avoid get together, hate having fun with whole team as I feel it is waste of time! I prefer to sit at my desk and send mails to all to complete the work. Can I have snake oil to become a better coach! I am supposed coach executives on how to change their organization, I myself never exposed to such situation , neither shown curiosity to discover and learn more on