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Mario-Leander Reimer, QAware GmbH
Cloud-native Java EE-volution
Cloud Native Night Munich
München, 06. November 2017
Can we evolve existing enterprise applications into the
cloud with reasonable effort?
12-Factor App Principles
Cloud-native Apps
Monolithic Deployment
Traditional Infrastructure
A <<System / Plattform>>
IO Business Applications (BDR)
A <<Ext. System>>
A <<System>>
A <<System>>
Berechtigter Dritter (PKW),
Berechtigter Dritter (Motorrad)
A <<System>>
A <<Subsystem>>
Tuner APP (BDR)
A <<Subsystem>>
VIN Decoder (BDR)
A <<System>>
OSMC User Security Context
A <<System>>
Integrierte Web-Applikation
B2I Security Context
B2I Security Context
A <<System>>
H <<System>>
H <<System>>
Fahrzeuginterface (PTT)
I <<System>>
A <<System>>
A <<Subsystem>>
B2I Security Context
A <<System>>
A <<Ext. System>>
A <<System>>
Group Directory
A <<System>>
A <<System>>
Integr. Client-Appl.
OSS Tech Security Context
(OSS Client Zertifikat)
A <<System>>
externes System
B2I Security Context
I <<Execution Unit>>
OpenShift CNAP
A <<System>>
Billing Service
A <<System>>
Payment Service
A <<System>>
Process Service
A <<Ext. System>>
A <<Ext. System>>
Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the
driving motivations for the evolution of our systems.
Berechtigte Dritte (BDR)
Stand R1711
Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the
driving motivations for the evolution of our systems.
Stateless Mule ESB
No UI, No Database
A <<System>>
Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the
driving motivations for the evolution of our systems.
A <<System>>
Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the
driving motivations for the evolution of our systems.
Spring MVC, JPA
A <<System>>
Facts. We need to establish a single source of truth for a
reliable forecast of resources, time and effort.
What is the complexity of the application?
Which GF ML version is used?
Which technology stack is used by X?
Software Analysis
Static code analysis with Windup
Architecture analysis with S101
Proof of Concepts
Migration of APRIL
Migration of B2I-UA
QAware Know How
Experience from other migrations
Time Sheets
Veteran Team
The essential Design Principles for Cloud Native
Apps act as guidelines for the required changes.
Design for Distribution: Containers; microservices; API driven development.
Design for Performance: Responsive; concurrent; resource efficient.
Design for Automation: Automated Dev & Ops tasks.
Design for Resiliency: Fault-tolerant and self-healing.
Design for Elasticity: Scales dynamically and reacts to stimuli.
Design for Delivery: Short roundtrips and automated provisioning.
Design for Diagnosability: Cluster-wide logs, metrics and traces.
Favor a gradual transition instead of big bang migration
to reduce and handle technological risks involved.
Loosely coupled microservices.
Scales dynamically based on load.
Level 3: Cloud Native
Fault tolerant and resilient design.
Metrics and monitoring built-in.
Level 2: Cloud Resilient
Adheres to the 12-factor app principles.
Cloud friendly app server runtime.
Level 1: Cloud Friendly
Executed as self-contained image.
Runs on virtualized HW and file system.
Level 0: Cloud Ready
Software Industrialization is a key requirement for
successful DevOps and Continuous Delivery.
High degree of automation for laborious and
repetitive tasks is mandatory
Better software quality through a optimized
and streamlined tool chain
More productivity and satisfaction of the
development teams
Better efficiency and competitiveness
Usage of the Agile Tool Chain (ATC)
Migration of all BDR repositories from SVN to Git
with full history within 1 week
Migration of all existing Jenkins build jobs tothe
new build infrastructure
More improvements to come …
The evolution of the associated build tool chain enables
short roundtrips and efficient feature development.
Drastically reduced build times for a higher
developer productivity and quality
Use common sense. Only migrate if you suffer
from excessive build times.
Our Continuous Integration & Deployment Pipeline.
FROM payara/micro:173
# copy the WAR file into deployments directory
COPY target/april-bdr-runtime-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.war /opt/payara/deployments/
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /april/logs && chown -R payara:payara /april
USER payara
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-server", "",
"-jar", "/opt/payara/payara-micro.jar"]
CMD ["--deploymentDir", "/opt/payara/deployments", "--noCluster"]
Simple Dockerfile for Payara Micro.
version: ‘2’
build: .
image: "april-bdr-runtime:1.5.0"
- ./src/test/glassfish/data:/april/data
- ./target/glassfish/logs:/april/logs
- "8080:8080"
A docker-compose.yml for building and running locally.
Use volumes to mount
local host directories
into the container
FROM payara/server-full:173
COPY *.asadmin /tmp/
RUN $AS_ADMIN start-domain $PAYARA_DOMAIN && 
$AS_ADMIN $AS_ADMIN_LOGIN multimode --file /tmp/jvm_options.asadmin && 
$AS_ADMIN $AS_ADMIN_LOGIN multimode --file /tmp/payara_optimization.asadmin && 
COPY target/april-bdr-runtime-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.war $DEPLOY_DIR
# RUN $AS_ADMIN start-domain --dry-run --postbootcommandfile $DEPLOY_COMMANDS $PAYARA_DOMAIN
More sophisticated Dockerfile for Payara Server.
Industrialized migration of all deployment artifacts for a
quick, easy and unified containerization.
BMW Staging Tool
XML Files
OpenShift Deployment
YAML Files
Dockerfile +
Local Development Cloud DeploymentTraditional Deployment
# CPU is specified in units of cores
# Memory is specified in units of bytes
# required resources for a Pod to be scheduled and started
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "1"
# the Pod will be restarted if limits are exceeded
# so be careful not to set them too low!
memory: "1Gi"
cpu: "2"
Define Resource Constraints carefully.
-Xmx320m -Xss256k -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=160m -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=32m
# Do not use G1GC
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled
# Use for small heaps on 64-bit VMs
-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
# optional
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary
Tune your JVM!
Since jdk8_131
Extra memory settings
GC tuning.
Fancy tuning.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: april-aos-runtime-config
data: |
... |
log4j2.xml: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration monitorInterval="60">
<Appenders> ... </Appenders>
<Loggers> ... </Loggers>
Use ConfigMaps, Secrets and Volumes to provide file
based configuration data to your deployments.
- name: april-aos-runtime
image: 'april-aos-runtime:1.5.0'
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 8080
- mountPath: /april/data
name: april-aos-runtime-config-vol
- name: april-aos-runtime-config-vol
name: april-aos-runtime-config
Use Apache DeltaSpike for some extra configuration
features as well as other CDI extension magic.
DeltaSpike consists of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide useful features for Java
application developers.
Set of ready-to-use modules, including a core module and a number of optional modules for providing
additional enterprise functionality to your applications.
Core module with type-safe project stages and powerful interface based configuration mechanism
Data and JPA module enhanced JPA experience with declarative queries, reducing boilerplate to a
Security module for intercept and security checking on method calls.
Test-Control module for writing CDI-based tests easily
@Configuration(prefix = "some.", cacheFor = 30, cacheUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public interface SomeConfiguration {
@ConfigProperty(name = "url")
String url();
@ConfigProperty(name = "timeout", defaultValue = "30000")
long timeout();
# container will receive requests if probe succeeds
path: /admin/ping
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
# container will be killed if probe fails
path: /admin/healthcheck
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 10
Liveness and Readiness Probes for Metrics endpoints.
Retrofitting metrics, health and admin endpoints using
the Dropwizard Metrics library in 30 minutes.
Usage of Dropwizard Metrics to retrofit metrics,
health and admin endpoints
Easy integration with any JEE7 application
Definition of Custom Health Checks
Used as Liveness und Readiness Probes
Retrofitting resiliency using Netflix Hystrix is easy.
Use Netflix Hystrix for the resilient (synchronous) call of any external system
Circuit Breaker and Bulk Heading implementation
Easy integration with any JEE7 application
Can be used easily with Jersey Client for REST Calls
Can be integrated easily with JSR 236 Concurrency API via HystrixConcurrencyStrategy
Integrates seemlessly with Dropwizard Metrics
Go Microprofile.
Alternatively, just use the MicroProfile 1.2 APIs.
<properties><property name="hazelcast.discovery.enabled">true</property></properties>
<join> <!-- deactivate normal discovery -->
<multicast enabled="false"/>
<tcp-ip enabled="false" />
<!-- activate the Kubernetes plugin -->
<discovery-strategy enabled="true" class="com.hazelcast.kubernetes.HazelcastKubernetesDiscoveryStrategy">
<!-- configure discovery service API lookup -->
<property name="service-name">MY-SERVICE-NAME</property>
<property name="service-label-name">cluster01</property>
<property name="service-label-value">true</property>
<property name="namespace">MY-KUBERNETES-NAMESPACE</property>
Cloud-native Application Development:
Components all along the software lifecycle.
1:1 ?:1
Complexity unit
Data integrity unit
Coherent and cohesive feature unit
Decoupled unit
Planning & Assignment unit
Knowledge unit
Development unit
Integration unit
Release unit
Deployment unit
Runtime unit (crash, slow-down, access)
Scaling unit
Dev Components Ops Components?:1
Current starting point
+ More flexible to scale
+ Runtime isolation (crash, slow-down, …)
+ Independent releases, deployments, teams
+ Higher utilization possible
− Distribution debt: Latency
− Increasing infrastructure complexity
− Increasing troubleshooting complexity
− Increasing integration complexity
Logical view on the package structure of APRIL.
„Decomposing the Monolith“
Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
APRIL Runtime
All the business components with
their REST and SOAP interfaces are
contained in one single humongous
deployment unit.
Cross-cutting components
„Decomposing the Monolith“
Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
APRIL AOS Deployment
… Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
Monitoring Logging
APRIL Commercial
Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
Monitoring Logging
APRIL Vehicle
Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
Monitoring Logging
APRIL Finance
Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7)
OSS Legacy
APRIL Client Deployment
One deployment unit per
system context
Transform: extract a portion of the existing functionality into
a new and modern system.
Coexist: both systems coexist for some time. Calls agains
the old functionality are diverted.
Eliminate: old functionality will be removed from legacy
system once no more clients are using it.
Ideal for Web- and API-Monoliths.
Slightly problematic for Non-RESTful URL structures.
Stepwise evolution of legacy systems and Cloud-native
reconstruction using the Strangler Pattern.
High level overview after the reconstruction.
QAware GmbH München
Aschauer Straße 32
81549 München
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 23 23 15 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 89 23 23 15 – 129

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QAware GmbH
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QAware GmbH
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Cloud-native Java EE-volution

  • 1. Mario-Leander Reimer, QAware GmbH Cloud-native Java EE-volution Cloud Native Night Munich München, 06. November 2017
  • 2. 2 Can we evolve existing enterprise applications into the cloud with reasonable effort? Containerization 12-Factor App Principles Microservices Cloud-native Apps Monolithic Deployment Traditional Infrastructure
  • 3. A <<System / Plattform>> IO Business Applications (BDR) A <<Ext. System>> Saferpay A <<System>> SMTP.MUC A <<System>> SOFAK Berechtigter Dritter (PKW), Berechtigter Dritter (Motorrad) A <<System>> P-CODE (BDR) A <<Subsystem>> Tuner APP (BDR) A <<Subsystem>> VIN Decoder (BDR) A <<System>> ITSM SUITE OSMC User Security Context A <<System>> Integrierte Web-Applikation B2I Security Context B2I Security Context A <<System>> OSMC (BDR) H <<System>> Fahrzeug H <<System>> Fahrzeuginterface (PTT) I <<System>> LAAS A <<System>> AOS (BDR) A <<Subsystem>> AOS-TS (BDR) B2I Security Context A <<System>> B2I-UA (BDR) A <<Ext. System>> BZAFS A <<System>> Group Directory A <<System>> APRIL (BDR) A <<System>> Integr. Client-Appl. OSS Tech Security Context (OSS Client Zertifikat) A <<System>> externes System B2I-UB DB AOS-TS DB OSMC DB AOS DB P-CODE DB B2I Security Context I <<Execution Unit>> OpenShift CNAP A <<System>> Billing Service A <<System>> Payment Service A <<System>> Process Service A <<Ext. System>> ASBC A <<Ext. System>> SAP (EAI/TBB) 3 Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the driving motivations for the evolution of our systems. Systemverbund Berechtigte Dritte (BDR) Stand R1711
  • 4. 4 Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the driving motivations for the evolution of our systems. Stateless Mule ESB No UI, No Database A <<System>> APRIL (BDR)
  • 5. 5 Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the driving motivations for the evolution of our systems. StatefulWebapp JEE6: JSF, EJB3, JPA A <<System>> B2I-UA (BDR)
  • 6. 6 Hyperscale, Antifragility and Continuous Delivery are the driving motivations for the evolution of our systems. StatefulWebapp Spring MVC, JPA A <<System>> OSMC (BDR)
  • 7. Facts. We need to establish a single source of truth for a reliable forecast of resources, time and effort. 7 Questionnaire What is the complexity of the application? Which GF ML version is used? Which technology stack is used by X? …. Software Analysis Static code analysis with Windup Architecture analysis with S101 Proof of Concepts Migration of APRIL Migration of B2I-UA QAware Know How Experience from other migrations Time Sheets Veteran Team
  • 8. The essential Design Principles for Cloud Native Apps act as guidelines for the required changes. 8 Design for Distribution: Containers; microservices; API driven development. Design for Performance: Responsive; concurrent; resource efficient. Design for Automation: Automated Dev & Ops tasks. Design for Resiliency: Fault-tolerant and self-healing. Design for Elasticity: Scales dynamically and reacts to stimuli. Design for Delivery: Short roundtrips and automated provisioning. Design for Diagnosability: Cluster-wide logs, metrics and traces.
  • 9. 9 Favor a gradual transition instead of big bang migration to reduce and handle technological risks involved. Loosely coupled microservices. Scales dynamically based on load. Level 3: Cloud Native Fault tolerant and resilient design. Metrics and monitoring built-in. Level 2: Cloud Resilient Adheres to the 12-factor app principles. Cloud friendly app server runtime. Level 1: Cloud Friendly Executed as self-contained image. Runs on virtualized HW and file system. Level 0: Cloud Ready
  • 11. Software Industrialization is a key requirement for successful DevOps and Continuous Delivery. 11 High degree of automation for laborious and repetitive tasks is mandatory Better software quality through a optimized and streamlined tool chain More productivity and satisfaction of the development teams Better efficiency and competitiveness
  • 12. Usage of the Agile Tool Chain (ATC) Migration of all BDR repositories from SVN to Git with full history within 1 week Migration of all existing Jenkins build jobs tothe new build infrastructure More improvements to come … The evolution of the associated build tool chain enables short roundtrips and efficient feature development. 12 Drastically reduced build times for a higher developer productivity and quality Use common sense. Only migrate if you suffer from excessive build times.
  • 13. Our Continuous Integration & Deployment Pipeline. 13
  • 15. FROM payara/micro:173 # copy the WAR file into deployments directory COPY target/april-bdr-runtime-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.war /opt/payara/deployments/ USER root RUN mkdir -p /april/logs && chown -R payara:payara /april USER payara ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-server", "", "", "", "-jar", "/opt/payara/payara-micro.jar"] CMD ["--deploymentDir", "/opt/payara/deployments", "--noCluster"] Simple Dockerfile for Payara Micro. 15
  • 16. version: ‘2’ services: april-bdr-runtime: build: . image: "april-bdr-runtime:1.5.0" volumes: - ./src/test/glassfish/data:/april/data - ./target/glassfish/logs:/april/logs ports: - "8080:8080" A docker-compose.yml for building and running locally. 16 Use volumes to mount local host directories into the container
  • 17. FROM payara/server-full:173 COPY *.asadmin /tmp/ RUN $AS_ADMIN start-domain $PAYARA_DOMAIN && $AS_ADMIN $AS_ADMIN_LOGIN multimode --file /tmp/jvm_options.asadmin && $AS_ADMIN $AS_ADMIN_LOGIN multimode --file /tmp/payara_optimization.asadmin && $AS_ADMIN stop-domain $PAYARA_DOMAIN COPY target/april-bdr-runtime-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.war $DEPLOY_DIR RUN ${PAYARA_PATH}/ # RUN $AS_ADMIN start-domain --dry-run --postbootcommandfile $DEPLOY_COMMANDS $PAYARA_DOMAIN COPY $PAYARA_PATH/ ENTRYPOINT $PAYARA_PATH/ More sophisticated Dockerfile for Payara Server. 17
  • 18. Industrialized migration of all deployment artifacts for a quick, easy and unified containerization. 18 BMW Staging Tool XML Files kompose OpenShift Deployment YAML Files Dockerfile + docker-compose.yml go2cnap Local Development Cloud DeploymentTraditional Deployment
  • 20. resources: # CPU is specified in units of cores # Memory is specified in units of bytes # required resources for a Pod to be scheduled and started requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "1" # the Pod will be restarted if limits are exceeded # so be careful not to set them too low! limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "2" Define Resource Constraints carefully. 20
  • 21. -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -server -Xmx320m -Xss256k -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=160m -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=32m # Do not use G1GC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled # Use for small heaps on 64-bit VMs -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseStringDeduplication # optional -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary Tune your JVM! 21 Since jdk8_131 Extra memory settings GC tuning. Fancy tuning. Diagnostics.
  • 23. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: april-aos-runtime-config data: | osmc.username=april osmc.url= ... | WRITE_TEXT5_TO_SOFAK_INVOICES=false ... log4j2.xml: | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration monitorInterval="60"> <Appenders> ... </Appenders> <Loggers> ... </Loggers> </Configuration> 23 Use ConfigMaps, Secrets and Volumes to provide file based configuration data to your deployments. spec: containers: - name: april-aos-runtime image: 'april-aos-runtime:1.5.0' imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /april/data name: april-aos-runtime-config-vol volumes: - name: april-aos-runtime-config-vol configMap: name: april-aos-runtime-config
  • 24. Use Apache DeltaSpike for some extra configuration features as well as other CDI extension magic. 24 DeltaSpike consists of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide useful features for Java application developers. Set of ready-to-use modules, including a core module and a number of optional modules for providing additional enterprise functionality to your applications. Core module with type-safe project stages and powerful interface based configuration mechanism Data and JPA module enhanced JPA experience with declarative queries, reducing boilerplate to a minimum Security module for intercept and security checking on method calls. Test-Control module for writing CDI-based tests easily @Configuration(prefix = "some.", cacheFor = 30, cacheUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) public interface SomeConfiguration { @ConfigProperty(name = "url") String url(); @ConfigProperty(name = "timeout", defaultValue = "30000") long timeout(); }
  • 26. # container will receive requests if probe succeeds readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /admin/ping port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 # container will be killed if probe fails livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /admin/healthcheck port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 60 timeoutSeconds: 10 Liveness and Readiness Probes for Metrics endpoints. 26
  • 27. <!-- --> <servlet> <servlet-name>adminServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class> com.codahale.metrics.servlets.AdminServlet </servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>adminServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/admin/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> 27 Retrofitting metrics, health and admin endpoints using the Dropwizard Metrics library in 30 minutes. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.dropwizard.metrics</groupId> <artifactId>metrics-core</artifactId> <version>${metrics.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> Usage of Dropwizard Metrics to retrofit metrics, health and admin endpoints Easy integration with any JEE7 application Definition of Custom Health Checks Used as Liveness und Readiness Probes
  • 29. 29 Retrofitting resiliency using Netflix Hystrix is easy. Use Netflix Hystrix for the resilient (synchronous) call of any external system Circuit Breaker and Bulk Heading implementation Easy integration with any JEE7 application Can be used easily with Jersey Client for REST Calls Can be integrated easily with JSR 236 Concurrency API via HystrixConcurrencyStrategy Integrates seemlessly with Dropwizard Metrics <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>hystrix-core</artifactId> <version>${hystrix.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
  • 31. Alternatively, just use the MicroProfile 1.2 APIs. 31
  • 33. <hazelcast> <properties><property name="hazelcast.discovery.enabled">true</property></properties> <network> <join> <!-- deactivate normal discovery --> <multicast enabled="false"/> <tcp-ip enabled="false" /> <!-- activate the Kubernetes plugin --> <discovery-strategies> <discovery-strategy enabled="true" class="com.hazelcast.kubernetes.HazelcastKubernetesDiscoveryStrategy"> <properties> <!-- configure discovery service API lookup --> <property name="service-name">MY-SERVICE-NAME</property> <property name="service-label-name">cluster01</property> <property name="service-label-value">true</property> <property name="namespace">MY-KUBERNETES-NAMESPACE</property> </properties> </discovery-strategy> </discovery-strategies> </join> </network> </hazelcast> 33
  • 35. 35 Cloud-native Application Development: Components all along the software lifecycle. DESIGN BUILD RUN 1:1 ?:1 Complexity unit Data integrity unit Coherent and cohesive feature unit Decoupled unit Planning & Assignment unit Knowledge unit Development unit Integration unit Release unit Deployment unit Runtime unit (crash, slow-down, access) Scaling unit
  • 36. 36 Dev Components Ops Components?:1 System Subsystems Components Services Current starting point DecompositionTrade-Offs Microservices Nanoservices Macroservices Monolith + More flexible to scale + Runtime isolation (crash, slow-down, …) + Independent releases, deployments, teams + Higher utilization possible − Distribution debt: Latency − Increasing infrastructure complexity − Increasing troubleshooting complexity − Increasing integration complexity
  • 37. Logical view on the package structure of APRIL. 37
  • 38. 38 „Decomposing the Monolith“ Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring Finance Adapter Logging Cert Adapter Vehicle Adapter Commercial Adapter Security APRIL Runtime Tracing … Portal Adapter B2I Adapter Session Adapter Log Adapter Score Adapter Legacy Adapter Togglz FASTA Adapter All the business components with their REST and SOAP interfaces are contained in one single humongous deployment unit. Cross-cutting components
  • 39. 39 „Decomposing the Monolith“ Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring B2I Adapter Logging User Adapter Portal Adapter Integration Adapter Security APRIL AOS Deployment Tracing … Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring Logging Commercial Adapter Security APRIL Commercial Deployment Tracing Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring Logging Vehicle Adapter Security APRIL Vehicle Deployment Tracing Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring Logging Finance Adapter Security APRIL Finance Deployment Tracing Base Runtime (Mule ESB 3.7) Monitoring Score Adapter Logging FASTA Adapter Cert Adapter OSS Legacy Adapter Security APRIL Client Deployment Tracing … One deployment unit per system context
  • 40. Transform: extract a portion of the existing functionality into a new and modern system. Coexist: both systems coexist for some time. Calls agains the old functionality are diverted. Eliminate: old functionality will be removed from legacy system once no more clients are using it. Ideal for Web- and API-Monoliths. Slightly problematic for Non-RESTful URL structures. Stepwise evolution of legacy systems and Cloud-native reconstruction using the Strangler Pattern. 40
  • 41. High level overview after the reconstruction. 41 Process MQseries OTP APRIL Payment OpenShift Billing Payment APRIL UI B&P B2ILAAS EAI/SAP Saferpay OSMC
  • 42.
  • 43. QAware GmbH München Aschauer Straße 32 81549 München Tel.: +49 (0) 89 23 23 15 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 23 23 15 – 129