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New York City Research Paper
Have you ever been to New York City? Over the summer I had the greatest opportunity to go and
visit the "Big Apple." I had really enjoyed my time there with my family. When I was there I saw
many great and cool things. I had the chance to tour a majority of the attractions. I was really
amazed by the Skyline of New York Cityand how it presented itself. I was also stunned to see how
great and big the city that never sleeps really is.
The first thing we explored was the famous Empire State Building in New York City. I was
shocked how tall this skyscraper is. It is a lot taller than the surrounding buildings. We had to
wait in a long line for a while because a lot of tourist wanted to go see the city from the top of the
building. When it was finally our turn, we first had to take a small elevator about half way up
and stopped at the little museum inside the building. In the museum, we could read about the
history of the Empire State Building and the process of it being built. It also had pictures of the
difficult construction process and early blueprints of what it was going to look like. Furthermore
it explained the construction of the building and gave us facts about the measurements. After
that, we took an elevator all the way to the top. As soon as I stepped out onto the observation deck
I was speechless. The view was breathtaking. From the top, I could see all of New York City. I
could look on top of other skyscrapers and see their swimming pools and roof gardens. The view
was just stunning. I even saw the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. People looked like little dots and
cars like ants crawling through the streets. It was just fascinating to see this. After taking in the
view for a little while, we sadly had to leave.
The next attraction was the 9/11 Memorial or Ground Zero in the lower part of Manhattan. Once
we got there it was really quite and peaceful. There were two reflecting pools which looked like big
black squares with water running down the walls. The pools are where the twin towers of the New
World Trade Centerstood. Around the sides of the memorial pools are the names of the people
inscribed in the stone that have died in the tragic attack. I saw some people laying flowers down
next to names
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Analysis Of Here Is New York, By E. B. White
In his book, Here is New York, E.B. White says about New York, "The city is like poetry: it
compresses all life, all races and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the accompaniment
of internal engines." This elegant statement is an illustration of White's belief that New York Is one
of the cultural centers of the world. But for what reasons is this true? For what reasons are big cities
such tremendous Centers of culture and creativity?
The first of many reasons why big cities are cultural centers is that people move to big cities from
smaller communities all over the world. This happens for several reasons. Firstly, people moving to
big cities from smaller communities are often seeking opportunities that they would not have
otherwise gotten. These opportunities Could involve education, jobs, or an opportunity to start
anew. Those seeking these opportunities are could be escaping persecution in their Homeland or
simply looking for something new and exciting. Many people move to big cities seeking to create
something, as big cities are more content...
Having so many cultures and so many great minds condensed into such a small area creates a
breeding ground for art and innovation. Big cities have more than proven their capability of
creating wonderful works of Music, literature, new technology, and new discoveries capable not
only of making us proud of our cities but proud of our species. For these reasons, big cities around
the world are centers of culture and creativity, driving the advancement of the human race. There
are many reasons why people choose to move to big cities and many reasons why people choose
to stay there. There are many factors that have led to our big cities becoming as they are today.
Each of these factors has led to the big cities of the world becoming diverse centers of Art and
innovation constantly leading the world forward into the realm of the
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Trip To New York City Essay
Trip to New York City
Getting prepared and ready to explore something new is just minor compared to the actual
adventure for a senior anticipating the departure of their school trip. I was a member along with 30
other classmates of the co–curricular group called Business Professionals of America, a club
organized through our school. Our teachers, club officers, and all of the members had been planning
and fundraising for our trip to New York Cityfor months. The excitement grew more and more as
each day got closer to take off. All of us were anixious to see The Empire State Building, "Ground
Zero," a Broadway play, and the spectacular views of gorgeous ocean sunsets. We had all been told
and were aware of the different surroundings of more content...
Personally, I was seated next to a tall and fairly hefty African American man who was wearing a
Subway uniform on his way to his job who asked me, "Soo.. What do you have planned for the
night?" My friend Maria found an empty seat next near the back and was seated next to a younger
man. As the bus continued on he eventually had the nerve to say, "Hey, I have some really good
pot and I can hook you up if you want." All of us immediately learned that for the next five days we
wouldn't be in the comfort of the surroundings, or culture we were used to back at home.
Once we got to the hotel to unload the things we had packed for the trip, we had a few hours to go
out and explore the sights on our own. As my friends and I hurried along the busy sidewalks we
were so amazed at everything surrounding us. The buildings and high rises filled the sky to a point
where the tops couldn't be seen from the ground level. From a distance the high rises gleamed from
the light reflecting from the gorgeous sunset making it impossible view the beauty in awe. The
billboards and news programs that filled the sides of huge towers were unreal. They were huge
pictures of underwear or name–brand models and television screens broadcasting the nightly news
or popular television programs, the size of a three story house just on average. The sight of huge
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A Beautiful City
In every country, there is a city that attracts people's attentions. It could be a beautiful city or bear
a great history displayed in its fascinating buildings or fabulous museums. Some people could
have memories to share with this city. Others could sense that this city is their place to gather with
their lovers and friends. Manhattan, which is known to be one of the most attractive cities in the
world, astonishes people in many ways. There was a noticeable advancement through the last
decades. Manhattan can be seen in different ways in the eyes of people, which reflects different
impressions on people. These astonishments show contradictions that make up Manhattan as it is
now. In the daily life of Manhattan, the rate of time is as fast as the speed of light. An explorer
walking around the city that never sleeps will discover that this city is constantly moving. People
are running to catch trains, buses, planes, etc. They have no time to sit and have a chat to one
another. "Manhattan from sense of sight", John Berger states that, " Everywhere there is talk......
The talk directly corresponds to what is going on in one's head at the moment.". Clearly, talking is a
formal protection and it protects oneself. Also, it diminishes the space between people. In addition,
communication prevents sliding into oblivion. In the play "The IMAGINARY INVALID" by
Moliere, Argan felt that he was lonely and couldn't find love from his surroundings. He develops a
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Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to
prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing
especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits
in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfectessay, story, letter, and
assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will
improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different
point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting
feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me
Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on
more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I
disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the
way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point.
Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative
with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps
writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this
is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole
essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that
helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was
one of the easiest things about writing the essay.
Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a
teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of
protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the
essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic
errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't
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My Perfect City Essay
My "Perfect" City
I. Utilities
The city I propose as a perfect city, would be as close to an ecocity as possible, although have
some differences. For example, for electrical needs, I would suggest the city have a solar power
plant, but on those desperate times, energy would be bought from other electrical plants from nearby
towns or states.
Water purification and a wastewater treatment plants would be necessary in order to provide the
citizens and visitors with clean healthy water. To prevent flooding, thiscity was built on flood plains.
Solid waste pickup services will exist, preventing litter and more content...
Paddleboats would be popular in the lakes and river. Walking and biking would be the most
influenced form of transportation. Neighborhood stores would be encouraged, promoting bike and
walk transportation. No mass transportation systems will be found running through the city.
III. Density of Homes
Understandably, some people enjoy large lawns. For every 1 home that is built on an acre property,
2 homes have to be built on ВЅ acre property. The homes will be built more northern and away from
the river. Towards the southern part of the river will only be green space and nature preserves. The
city will have a medium density
IV. Businesses/Industry/Commercial
Tourism will be the major money catcher on the lake and riverside areas. Tourists will be attracted
to the city's beauty and fun activities (see aesthetics). Although tourism brings in a lot of money,
small animal and vegetable farms will be maintained, providing the city with some of its food
portion. Gardens will also be kept at most of the homes. Not much food will be transported into the
city. The city will try to be the most independent possible. Building will use the solar heat method
for water and space heating on those rare occasions when necessary.
V. Aesthetics
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Descriptive Essay About Times Square
When you mention New York to anyone, they automatically think about Times Square. This
beautiful place with skyscrapers, Central Park, and a unique transportation system. However, if
you were to ask me what I think about New York; I believe the skyscrapers block the sun, Central
park is just a regular park for dogs, and the subway trains rarely run consistently especially in the
mornings. I have lived in New York for 18 years, and I have yet to understand what everyone likes
about the " Big Red Apple." Growing up as a resident of New York, one is taught that there's an
opportunity in every corner, but that's not exactly what I see. I have gone to all the tourist sights,
and have yet to find it as fascinating as other states such as: California, Florida, Virginia, Boston
or even Washington D.C.. Times Square was beautiful in the beginning, but then you get
harassed by every person with a costume on, or even if you take a picture with Elmo they charge
you five dollars. Everything is also overpriced, no one should be paying a hundred dollars to ride
on a horse, or paying three dollars per minute on a bicycle ride. Many neighborhoods have
changed, if you go down to Brooklyn it is now hipster, and isn't the way it was before which was
considered the "ghetto." Everyone is paying for an experience that can be found in any state and at
any time. Also, the traffic that goes on in the trains and on the streets is insane. Whether you take
the Long Island expressway, the Clearview expressway or any other expressway you are going to
find traffic.
New york is probably known as one of the most rat infested city. There are many programs that try
to end the rat dilemma, but the rat population is so large that it's hard to control. Not only are rats
found on the train, they are also found in neighborhoods such as the Bronx. Many people complain
about the rat situation to the city, but the homeowners take no action when it's time to clean up their
own mess (Bragdon et al., 2007–2009). Many of the rats that are seen all over the city are huge, and
go crawling around for any food that they can find, mainly in trash cans. Whitestone, Queens is the
neighborhood that I grew up in. Whitestone is a small community, predominantly
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The White City Analysis
Racial prejudice often creates a division between the racists and their victims, and thus results in
isolation and alienation of the victimized racial group. During the Harlem Renaissance,
discrimination and oppression against African Americans was still prevalent, despite the 1920s
being a time of expression of African culture. This juxtaposing concept is analyzed through Claude
McKay's poem "The White City", which explores the perception of an African American speaker,
presumably McKay himself, who longs to be a part of the White City, while retaining a deep, inner
hatred of the city. Although McKay initially demonstrates his endearment and attachment toward the
city through visual imagery, he directly juxtaposes it by expressing his hatred with tenacious,
despicable diction. This juxtaposition not only serves to represent the struggle of being an African
American in a white supremacist city but also displays McKay's paradox of appreciating the "White
City" while feeling detached from it.
McKay emphasizes that his deep hatred for the "White City" is due to the oppression he receives
from white–skinned people for being African American; however this hatred is hidden from the
world as he is perceived as an isolated minority in this "White City". The intensity of McKay's
hatred is displayed in the personification of the "dark Passion that fills [his] every mood"(6). The
first letter in the diction "Passion" is capitalized, thus personifying it to be representation of the
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Describe New York City
There are two main reasons I have applied to NYU. The first is because New York City is my
favorite place in the world. The first time I came to New York was with my mom. We had taken a
bus from Vermont to Massachusetts and then into New York. The bus ride was long and
uncomfortable, but I was as bouncy and ecstatic. When I stepped out of the Port Authority Bus
Terminal and on to 8th Avenue, there was only one word that could accurately describe the feeling;
home. Even though I was only able to be in the city for seventeen hours, every minute felt like a
lifetime. My mom and I spent most of the day in the Theatre District, except for a quick trip uptown
to the Hamilton Grange National Memorial. It was uptown that I figured out there was nowhere
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Descriptive Essay About My City
Our town is more home to us than our actual house. We make so much memories around town,
whether it's dining out with the family at a local restaurant or learning how to ride a bike at our
local park to spending our first paycheck at the local mall. Our town is very precious and we often
take for granted, what a privilege it is to live in a place where so much is accessible to us. We
often oversee all the little things our town offers like the stores, the parks, the many street lights
that keep our town well lit, and the well paved roads. Today I will discuss the description of my
town, the people that make up my neighborhood, and the perks of living in Orland Park.
Orland Park is a southwest suburb in Illinois. It is a well known town due to it's many fine dining
restaurants, shopping centers, and great school district. Orland Park is a busy town and to fit the
needs of the people, the busiest street was just remodeled. Lagrange Road was just remodeled and
widened into a three lane road in each direction. According to the Illinois Department of
Transportation website, "The project cost ninety–five million dollars and took three years to
complete." Now there is a brick median in the road that is filled with trees, flowers, and small
bushes. On the southbound side of LaGrange Road there is a walking trail, that is also used as a
biking trail. Most of the shopping centers and buildings all have the same design. The buildings
consist of tan colored bricks and long but narrow
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My Favorite City
New York is by far my favorite city that I have been to. As soon as we arrived I had a rush of
excitement from the busy atmosphere. It was just as I imagined; an array of people walking
briskly down the street, street vendors on the corners, businesses everywhere, and of course
shopping. The first place we went that night was to the top of the Empire State Building.
Overlooking all the city lights showed me that this city really never does sleep. We also
encountered our first experience with diversity. On our ride down over seventy floors, the four of
us had to share an elevator with a Chinese tour group. This does not sound like a big deal, but I
have never felt so out of place. It was one of those awkward situations where you know
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Nothing I experienced in New York was overrated. For example, I have never shopped at a
department store with ten floors, or been to expensive Soho boutiques containing custom shirts
for five hundred and fifty dollars. This showed the financial diversity of the city and the fact that
if you have money, there is always something more expensive for you to buy. Seeing a Broadway
play was also another remarkable experience. We saw "The Lion King" and it was excellent
because the costumes had such intricate detail and the story was told in a way I had never
imagined. Seeing it broadened my artistic side and made me appreciate not only the actors and
the jobs that they carry out, but people in general that work hard and do not usually receive
credit. I encountered another mess of tour groups while watching "The Today Show", live. People
were standing outside, freezing, at eight in the morning, fighting to get on television. At the show,
William Hung, the worst American Idol, performed, and I have never heard anything so bad, yet
funny. People in the office buildings next to us were leaning out the window wondering where the
cacophony was coming from. Experiencing a live talk show taught me about more elements of the
city and seeing people in action. One other place I really enjoyed seeing was New York University.
After we had toured most of the city, we stopped to look at the college. It is a unique campus and
atmosphere because the buildings are scattered from block to
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Descriptive Essay On Dystopia
Dystopian Setting
The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever,
was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning
breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of
despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his
utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew.
Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the
bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy
and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look.
The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this
abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable
between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of
fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content...
As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of
everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the
small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think
black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling,
blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire
roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive
air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel
nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered
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Baltimore Town Essay
The History of Baltimore City Baltimore city, home to a wealth of people from all walks of life and
how it became the city we know today. Founded by the British during the 1700's as a port city,
Baltimore has a significant historically impact from the American Revolution to the civil war.
Originally named for Lord Baltimore of England. The city began its roots on Native American land,
which unfortunately pushed the native Americans westward as the city began to grow. Baltimore
was chosen as a city settlement as is has one of the most naturally protected harbors in the Americas.
The Appalachian mountain range to the west protects the city from eastern moving storm fronts, and
the Delmarva peninsula serves to prevent tropical storms or hurricanes
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Condorcet On Women's Rights
After the French Revolution many protested against the gender–specific definition of citizenship.
Including a pronounced author named Condorcet, who stated in his Essai sur l'admission des
femmes au droit de citГ© (Essay on the admission of women to the rights of citizenship) that the
sacred principles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man need to include the rights of women to
civil and political equality. Such natural includes all human beings, both male and female.
Condorcet argued either no individual of the human race had lawful rights or else all had the same
rights. Because in nature all persons were equal. To deprive some of the human race of the rights to
assist in making the law was a violation of the principle of equality of rights
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Hope In A Tale Of Two Cities
Tail of Two Cites Essay
Charles Dickens portrays the idea that hunger makes people go insane and the gain the true lost
of hope. Hope is what truly defines a human and without it we are just classified as another
animal. Exactly like the poor and ragged people slurping mud for some wine feel of a truck and
spilled on the floor. Like animals they were portrayed for their inhumane like behavior. "The rough,
irregular stones of the street, pointing every way, and deigned, one might have thought, expressly to
lame all living creatures that approached them, had dammed it into little pools (Dickens Pg. 34). An
animal is a word that fits to well with this description. To the rich there just pigs walling and
squalling in the mud. To them they' more content...
Hope that your word will ring truer than any bell high on a snowless mountain. Carton promised
to protect Lucy and all she loves in any way. "I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful,
useful, prosperous and happy in that England which I shall see no more" (Dickens Pg. 469–470).
The promise was fulfilled with Carton's death but he shed no tears. He died for what he believed in
the hope that Lucy will be happy with the man she truly loves, Darney.
Hope is what Doctor Alexandre Manette clung to in the walls of the Bastille. Their he wrote his story
of why he was jailed. He hoped for the Madam Dafage brother's recovery but it never came. He
hoped for Madam Dafage to find a way to rid herself of the terrors of the raping she went through.
Hope never came to Dafage. The lack of hope made her go insane in certain ways. As she weaved
her victims in a list of sinners that wronged her vengeance was always near. Vengeance clung to
Dafage's insanity tell her death.
Hope, Hunger, and insanity can be perfectly balanced all at once. When one is influenced to
heavily the rest will show. Hunger gets rid of hope. Hunger creates insanity. Hunger is the first
domino to fall in a long chain of humanity. Hunger is a feeling we all have and can relate. When
hunger strikes one can be misguided or mislead. Hunger is hunger and death is
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Best Cities In Michigan
The Mitten: The Qualities of the Best Cities in Michigan
Imagine waking up early in the morning, getting in the car, and driving for a couple of hours to
your favorite city to visit. You can not wait for your arrival. It is an immensely great feeling that
occurs once you reach it. The wait and anticipation is over and you can finally enjoy it. We all
have our favorite places to visit. What makes your favorite city so great? Is it the people the culture,
or the views? All of the best cities in Michigan should have certain characteristics to be considered
the best.
Most favorable cities in Michigan all have the quality of a dedicated lighthouse and pier. For
example, in the city of Port Austin, Michigan there is a towering lighthouse at the end of a long
pier that stretches out into Lake Huron. It is a tremendous feeling walking for a couple of minutes
and reaching the end of the pier. The feeling is quite breathtaking to look at the clear blue water
with a snappy breeze blowing. The whole experience of walking for a couple of minutes to make it
to the lighthouse is why Port Austin is such a fantastic destination. Another example of an
outstanding city with a lighthouse is Charlevoix, Michigan. Charlevoix is up north near the top of
the mitten. There is a small lighthouse on a likewise small pier that opens the sizable Lake
Charlevoix into Lake Michigan. One of the best things to do in the summer is jumping off of the
Charlevoix lighthouse pier into the crisp water of lake
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The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing
The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing
Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic
papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they
are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as
individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of
humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her
right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing
plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who
committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them.
Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs
to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars
familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an
acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with
information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an
acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to
the sources that he or she used.
In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this
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Case Study Of CITES
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) is an international
environmental agreements or treaty between 171 nations in 1975 that is aimed at ensuring that
global wildlife trade is managed responsibly and sustainably. This was done because trade in
wildlife was estimated to be worth billions of dollars every year. The purpose of CITES was also to
ensure that international trade does not threaten the survival of different species. This convention
establishes international cooperation of certain species from over exploitation through international
trade, this is to say the main concern of CITES is conservation of species (Fiadjoe, Y. 2014).
CITES member states and the involved no governmental organisations represents attitudes towards
wildlife either political, ethical and cultural differences that more content...
These reports were then taken to CITES and the media on mass and gruesome killing of elephants.
These elephants are also threatened by increased loos of their habitat and loss of range due to rapid
human population growth and agricultural developments. There CITES member states are doing all
they could to reduce the killing of such species so that they may be useful to the future generation. It
is stated clearly that African elephants compete with people in Botswana for protected areas to
ensure survival of elephants, because in many areas of Botswana people and animals depend on the
same resources and space, therefore resulting in conflicts among the
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Big Cities Vs Small Town Research
Do you prefer big city lights or a sky full of stars? Do you like to fall asleep to honking cars or no
noise at all? Do you want to walk outside and smell car exhaust or freshly cut grass? Depending on
what you prefer might determine if you like big cities or small towns. Big cities have some
advantages but I think small towns have even more advantages that would make you want to live
there. Small towns are better to live in compared to big cities. One of the biggest reasons small
towns are better to live in has to do with money. The cost of living in acity compared to a small
town is dramatically higher. Housing prices are very different. In a city, houses and apartments are
expensive, but in a small town they are more affordable. more content...
Lots of big cities have multiple schools and they all have thousands of kids that attend them. Big
schools tend to have larger class sizes so it will be harder to get one on one time with your
teachers. Large schools also have tryouts for sports teams and other extra curricular activities. It
is harder to get involved with your school if you have to tryout for activities. In a small school
you get the advantage of knowing most of the kids that go to your school. The atmosphere of a
small town is more comforting than a city. Cities are noisy while towns are peaceful. Small towns
have less pollution. You can walk down the street in a town and people smile and stop to talk to
you. In a city people usually walk right past you without even giving a smile. People in a small
town are friendly and always willing to help a community member in need. There are so many
reasons why living in a small town is better than living in a city. If you want a lower cost of living, a
safe place for your family to live, a chance to get involved in your community, or a comfortable
place to call home then a small town is the place for you. Small towns are better to live in compared
to big
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  • 1. New York City Research Paper Have you ever been to New York City? Over the summer I had the greatest opportunity to go and visit the "Big Apple." I had really enjoyed my time there with my family. When I was there I saw many great and cool things. I had the chance to tour a majority of the attractions. I was really amazed by the Skyline of New York Cityand how it presented itself. I was also stunned to see how great and big the city that never sleeps really is. The first thing we explored was the famous Empire State Building in New York City. I was shocked how tall this skyscraper is. It is a lot taller than the surrounding buildings. We had to wait in a long line for a while because a lot of tourist wanted to go see the city from the top of the building. When it was finally our turn, we first had to take a small elevator about half way up and stopped at the little museum inside the building. In the museum, we could read about the history of the Empire State Building and the process of it being built. It also had pictures of the difficult construction process and early blueprints of what it was going to look like. Furthermore it explained the construction of the building and gave us facts about the measurements. After that, we took an elevator all the way to the top. As soon as I stepped out onto the observation deck I was speechless. The view was breathtaking. From the top, I could see all of New York City. I could look on top of other skyscrapers and see their swimming pools and roof gardens. The view was just stunning. I even saw the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. People looked like little dots and cars like ants crawling through the streets. It was just fascinating to see this. After taking in the view for a little while, we sadly had to leave. The next attraction was the 9/11 Memorial or Ground Zero in the lower part of Manhattan. Once we got there it was really quite and peaceful. There were two reflecting pools which looked like big black squares with water running down the walls. The pools are where the twin towers of the New World Trade Centerstood. Around the sides of the memorial pools are the names of the people inscribed in the stone that have died in the tragic attack. I saw some people laying flowers down next to names Get more content on
  • 2. Analysis Of Here Is New York, By E. B. White In his book, Here is New York, E.B. White says about New York, "The city is like poetry: it compresses all life, all races and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the accompaniment of internal engines." This elegant statement is an illustration of White's belief that New York Is one of the cultural centers of the world. But for what reasons is this true? For what reasons are big cities such tremendous Centers of culture and creativity? The first of many reasons why big cities are cultural centers is that people move to big cities from smaller communities all over the world. This happens for several reasons. Firstly, people moving to big cities from smaller communities are often seeking opportunities that they would not have otherwise gotten. These opportunities Could involve education, jobs, or an opportunity to start anew. Those seeking these opportunities are could be escaping persecution in their Homeland or simply looking for something new and exciting. Many people move to big cities seeking to create something, as big cities are more content... Having so many cultures and so many great minds condensed into such a small area creates a breeding ground for art and innovation. Big cities have more than proven their capability of creating wonderful works of Music, literature, new technology, and new discoveries capable not only of making us proud of our cities but proud of our species. For these reasons, big cities around the world are centers of culture and creativity, driving the advancement of the human race. There are many reasons why people choose to move to big cities and many reasons why people choose to stay there. There are many factors that have led to our big cities becoming as they are today. Each of these factors has led to the big cities of the world becoming diverse centers of Art and innovation constantly leading the world forward into the realm of the Get more content on
  • 3. Trip To New York City Essay Trip to New York City Getting prepared and ready to explore something new is just minor compared to the actual adventure for a senior anticipating the departure of their school trip. I was a member along with 30 other classmates of the co–curricular group called Business Professionals of America, a club organized through our school. Our teachers, club officers, and all of the members had been planning and fundraising for our trip to New York Cityfor months. The excitement grew more and more as each day got closer to take off. All of us were anixious to see The Empire State Building, "Ground Zero," a Broadway play, and the spectacular views of gorgeous ocean sunsets. We had all been told and were aware of the different surroundings of more content... Personally, I was seated next to a tall and fairly hefty African American man who was wearing a Subway uniform on his way to his job who asked me, "Soo.. What do you have planned for the night?" My friend Maria found an empty seat next near the back and was seated next to a younger man. As the bus continued on he eventually had the nerve to say, "Hey, I have some really good pot and I can hook you up if you want." All of us immediately learned that for the next five days we wouldn't be in the comfort of the surroundings, or culture we were used to back at home. Once we got to the hotel to unload the things we had packed for the trip, we had a few hours to go out and explore the sights on our own. As my friends and I hurried along the busy sidewalks we were so amazed at everything surrounding us. The buildings and high rises filled the sky to a point where the tops couldn't be seen from the ground level. From a distance the high rises gleamed from the light reflecting from the gorgeous sunset making it impossible view the beauty in awe. The billboards and news programs that filled the sides of huge towers were unreal. They were huge pictures of underwear or name–brand models and television screens broadcasting the nightly news or popular television programs, the size of a three story house just on average. The sight of huge Get more content on
  • 4. A Beautiful City In every country, there is a city that attracts people's attentions. It could be a beautiful city or bear a great history displayed in its fascinating buildings or fabulous museums. Some people could have memories to share with this city. Others could sense that this city is their place to gather with their lovers and friends. Manhattan, which is known to be one of the most attractive cities in the world, astonishes people in many ways. There was a noticeable advancement through the last decades. Manhattan can be seen in different ways in the eyes of people, which reflects different impressions on people. These astonishments show contradictions that make up Manhattan as it is now. In the daily life of Manhattan, the rate of time is as fast as the speed of light. An explorer walking around the city that never sleeps will discover that this city is constantly moving. People are running to catch trains, buses, planes, etc. They have no time to sit and have a chat to one another. "Manhattan from sense of sight", John Berger states that, " Everywhere there is talk...... The talk directly corresponds to what is going on in one's head at the moment.". Clearly, talking is a formal protection and it protects oneself. Also, it diminishes the space between people. In addition, communication prevents sliding into oblivion. In the play "The IMAGINARY INVALID" by Moliere, Argan felt that he was lonely and couldn't find love from his surroundings. He develops a Get more content on
  • 5. Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfectessay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me improve. Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay. Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't Get more content on
  • 6. My Perfect City Essay My "Perfect" City I. Utilities The city I propose as a perfect city, would be as close to an ecocity as possible, although have some differences. For example, for electrical needs, I would suggest the city have a solar power plant, but on those desperate times, energy would be bought from other electrical plants from nearby towns or states. Water purification and a wastewater treatment plants would be necessary in order to provide the citizens and visitors with clean healthy water. To prevent flooding, thiscity was built on flood plains. Solid waste pickup services will exist, preventing litter and more content... Paddleboats would be popular in the lakes and river. Walking and biking would be the most influenced form of transportation. Neighborhood stores would be encouraged, promoting bike and walk transportation. No mass transportation systems will be found running through the city. III. Density of Homes Understandably, some people enjoy large lawns. For every 1 home that is built on an acre property, 2 homes have to be built on ВЅ acre property. The homes will be built more northern and away from the river. Towards the southern part of the river will only be green space and nature preserves. The city will have a medium density IV. Businesses/Industry/Commercial Tourism will be the major money catcher on the lake and riverside areas. Tourists will be attracted to the city's beauty and fun activities (see aesthetics). Although tourism brings in a lot of money, small animal and vegetable farms will be maintained, providing the city with some of its food portion. Gardens will also be kept at most of the homes. Not much food will be transported into the city. The city will try to be the most independent possible. Building will use the solar heat method for water and space heating on those rare occasions when necessary. V. Aesthetics Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About Times Square When you mention New York to anyone, they automatically think about Times Square. This beautiful place with skyscrapers, Central Park, and a unique transportation system. However, if you were to ask me what I think about New York; I believe the skyscrapers block the sun, Central park is just a regular park for dogs, and the subway trains rarely run consistently especially in the mornings. I have lived in New York for 18 years, and I have yet to understand what everyone likes about the " Big Red Apple." Growing up as a resident of New York, one is taught that there's an opportunity in every corner, but that's not exactly what I see. I have gone to all the tourist sights, and have yet to find it as fascinating as other states such as: California, Florida, Virginia, Boston or even Washington D.C.. Times Square was beautiful in the beginning, but then you get harassed by every person with a costume on, or even if you take a picture with Elmo they charge you five dollars. Everything is also overpriced, no one should be paying a hundred dollars to ride on a horse, or paying three dollars per minute on a bicycle ride. Many neighborhoods have changed, if you go down to Brooklyn it is now hipster, and isn't the way it was before which was considered the "ghetto." Everyone is paying for an experience that can be found in any state and at any time. Also, the traffic that goes on in the trains and on the streets is insane. Whether you take the Long Island expressway, the Clearview expressway or any other expressway you are going to find traffic. New york is probably known as one of the most rat infested city. There are many programs that try to end the rat dilemma, but the rat population is so large that it's hard to control. Not only are rats found on the train, they are also found in neighborhoods such as the Bronx. Many people complain about the rat situation to the city, but the homeowners take no action when it's time to clean up their own mess (Bragdon et al., 2007–2009). Many of the rats that are seen all over the city are huge, and go crawling around for any food that they can find, mainly in trash cans. Whitestone, Queens is the neighborhood that I grew up in. Whitestone is a small community, predominantly Get more content on
  • 8. The White City Analysis Racial prejudice often creates a division between the racists and their victims, and thus results in isolation and alienation of the victimized racial group. During the Harlem Renaissance, discrimination and oppression against African Americans was still prevalent, despite the 1920s being a time of expression of African culture. This juxtaposing concept is analyzed through Claude McKay's poem "The White City", which explores the perception of an African American speaker, presumably McKay himself, who longs to be a part of the White City, while retaining a deep, inner hatred of the city. Although McKay initially demonstrates his endearment and attachment toward the city through visual imagery, he directly juxtaposes it by expressing his hatred with tenacious, despicable diction. This juxtaposition not only serves to represent the struggle of being an African American in a white supremacist city but also displays McKay's paradox of appreciating the "White City" while feeling detached from it. McKay emphasizes that his deep hatred for the "White City" is due to the oppression he receives from white–skinned people for being African American; however this hatred is hidden from the world as he is perceived as an isolated minority in this "White City". The intensity of McKay's hatred is displayed in the personification of the "dark Passion that fills [his] every mood"(6). The first letter in the diction "Passion" is capitalized, thus personifying it to be representation of the Get more content on
  • 9. Describe New York City There are two main reasons I have applied to NYU. The first is because New York City is my favorite place in the world. The first time I came to New York was with my mom. We had taken a bus from Vermont to Massachusetts and then into New York. The bus ride was long and uncomfortable, but I was as bouncy and ecstatic. When I stepped out of the Port Authority Bus Terminal and on to 8th Avenue, there was only one word that could accurately describe the feeling; home. Even though I was only able to be in the city for seventeen hours, every minute felt like a lifetime. My mom and I spent most of the day in the Theatre District, except for a quick trip uptown to the Hamilton Grange National Memorial. It was uptown that I figured out there was nowhere Get more content on
  • 10. Descriptive Essay About My City Our town is more home to us than our actual house. We make so much memories around town, whether it's dining out with the family at a local restaurant or learning how to ride a bike at our local park to spending our first paycheck at the local mall. Our town is very precious and we often take for granted, what a privilege it is to live in a place where so much is accessible to us. We often oversee all the little things our town offers like the stores, the parks, the many street lights that keep our town well lit, and the well paved roads. Today I will discuss the description of my town, the people that make up my neighborhood, and the perks of living in Orland Park. Orland Park is a southwest suburb in Illinois. It is a well known town due to it's many fine dining restaurants, shopping centers, and great school district. Orland Park is a busy town and to fit the needs of the people, the busiest street was just remodeled. Lagrange Road was just remodeled and widened into a three lane road in each direction. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation website, "The project cost ninety–five million dollars and took three years to complete." Now there is a brick median in the road that is filled with trees, flowers, and small bushes. On the southbound side of LaGrange Road there is a walking trail, that is also used as a biking trail. Most of the shopping centers and buildings all have the same design. The buildings consist of tan colored bricks and long but narrow Get more content on
  • 11. My Favorite City New York is by far my favorite city that I have been to. As soon as we arrived I had a rush of excitement from the busy atmosphere. It was just as I imagined; an array of people walking briskly down the street, street vendors on the corners, businesses everywhere, and of course shopping. The first place we went that night was to the top of the Empire State Building. Overlooking all the city lights showed me that this city really never does sleep. We also encountered our first experience with diversity. On our ride down over seventy floors, the four of us had to share an elevator with a Chinese tour group. This does not sound like a big deal, but I have never felt so out of place. It was one of those awkward situations where you know more content... Nothing I experienced in New York was overrated. For example, I have never shopped at a department store with ten floors, or been to expensive Soho boutiques containing custom shirts for five hundred and fifty dollars. This showed the financial diversity of the city and the fact that if you have money, there is always something more expensive for you to buy. Seeing a Broadway play was also another remarkable experience. We saw "The Lion King" and it was excellent because the costumes had such intricate detail and the story was told in a way I had never imagined. Seeing it broadened my artistic side and made me appreciate not only the actors and the jobs that they carry out, but people in general that work hard and do not usually receive credit. I encountered another mess of tour groups while watching "The Today Show", live. People were standing outside, freezing, at eight in the morning, fighting to get on television. At the show, William Hung, the worst American Idol, performed, and I have never heard anything so bad, yet funny. People in the office buildings next to us were leaning out the window wondering where the cacophony was coming from. Experiencing a live talk show taught me about more elements of the city and seeing people in action. One other place I really enjoyed seeing was New York University. After we had toured most of the city, we stopped to look at the college. It is a unique campus and atmosphere because the buildings are scattered from block to Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On Dystopia Dystopian Setting The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look. The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content... As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling, blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered Get more content on
  • 13. Baltimore Town Essay The History of Baltimore City Baltimore city, home to a wealth of people from all walks of life and how it became the city we know today. Founded by the British during the 1700's as a port city, Baltimore has a significant historically impact from the American Revolution to the civil war. Originally named for Lord Baltimore of England. The city began its roots on Native American land, which unfortunately pushed the native Americans westward as the city began to grow. Baltimore was chosen as a city settlement as is has one of the most naturally protected harbors in the Americas. The Appalachian mountain range to the west protects the city from eastern moving storm fronts, and the Delmarva peninsula serves to prevent tropical storms or hurricanes Get more content on
  • 14. Condorcet On Women's Rights After the French Revolution many protested against the gender–specific definition of citizenship. Including a pronounced author named Condorcet, who stated in his Essai sur l'admission des femmes au droit de citГ© (Essay on the admission of women to the rights of citizenship) that the sacred principles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man need to include the rights of women to civil and political equality. Such natural includes all human beings, both male and female. Condorcet argued either no individual of the human race had lawful rights or else all had the same rights. Because in nature all persons were equal. To deprive some of the human race of the rights to assist in making the law was a violation of the principle of equality of rights Get more content on
  • 15. Hope In A Tale Of Two Cities Tail of Two Cites Essay Charles Dickens portrays the idea that hunger makes people go insane and the gain the true lost of hope. Hope is what truly defines a human and without it we are just classified as another animal. Exactly like the poor and ragged people slurping mud for some wine feel of a truck and spilled on the floor. Like animals they were portrayed for their inhumane like behavior. "The rough, irregular stones of the street, pointing every way, and deigned, one might have thought, expressly to lame all living creatures that approached them, had dammed it into little pools (Dickens Pg. 34). An animal is a word that fits to well with this description. To the rich there just pigs walling and squalling in the mud. To them they' more content... Hope that your word will ring truer than any bell high on a snowless mountain. Carton promised to protect Lucy and all she loves in any way. "I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy in that England which I shall see no more" (Dickens Pg. 469–470). The promise was fulfilled with Carton's death but he shed no tears. He died for what he believed in the hope that Lucy will be happy with the man she truly loves, Darney. Hope is what Doctor Alexandre Manette clung to in the walls of the Bastille. Their he wrote his story of why he was jailed. He hoped for the Madam Dafage brother's recovery but it never came. He hoped for Madam Dafage to find a way to rid herself of the terrors of the raping she went through. Hope never came to Dafage. The lack of hope made her go insane in certain ways. As she weaved her victims in a list of sinners that wronged her vengeance was always near. Vengeance clung to Dafage's insanity tell her death. Hope, Hunger, and insanity can be perfectly balanced all at once. When one is influenced to heavily the rest will show. Hunger gets rid of hope. Hunger creates insanity. Hunger is the first domino to fall in a long chain of humanity. Hunger is a feeling we all have and can relate. When hunger strikes one can be misguided or mislead. Hunger is hunger and death is Get more content on
  • 16. Best Cities In Michigan The Mitten: The Qualities of the Best Cities in Michigan Imagine waking up early in the morning, getting in the car, and driving for a couple of hours to your favorite city to visit. You can not wait for your arrival. It is an immensely great feeling that occurs once you reach it. The wait and anticipation is over and you can finally enjoy it. We all have our favorite places to visit. What makes your favorite city so great? Is it the people the culture, or the views? All of the best cities in Michigan should have certain characteristics to be considered the best. Most favorable cities in Michigan all have the quality of a dedicated lighthouse and pier. For example, in the city of Port Austin, Michigan there is a towering lighthouse at the end of a long pier that stretches out into Lake Huron. It is a tremendous feeling walking for a couple of minutes and reaching the end of the pier. The feeling is quite breathtaking to look at the clear blue water with a snappy breeze blowing. The whole experience of walking for a couple of minutes to make it to the lighthouse is why Port Austin is such a fantastic destination. Another example of an outstanding city with a lighthouse is Charlevoix, Michigan. Charlevoix is up north near the top of the mitten. There is a small lighthouse on a likewise small pier that opens the sizable Lake Charlevoix into Lake Michigan. One of the best things to do in the summer is jumping off of the Charlevoix lighthouse pier into the crisp water of lake Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them. Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she used. In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this Get more content on
  • 18. Case Study Of CITES CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) is an international environmental agreements or treaty between 171 nations in 1975 that is aimed at ensuring that global wildlife trade is managed responsibly and sustainably. This was done because trade in wildlife was estimated to be worth billions of dollars every year. The purpose of CITES was also to ensure that international trade does not threaten the survival of different species. This convention establishes international cooperation of certain species from over exploitation through international trade, this is to say the main concern of CITES is conservation of species (Fiadjoe, Y. 2014). CITES member states and the involved no governmental organisations represents attitudes towards wildlife either political, ethical and cultural differences that more content... These reports were then taken to CITES and the media on mass and gruesome killing of elephants. These elephants are also threatened by increased loos of their habitat and loss of range due to rapid human population growth and agricultural developments. There CITES member states are doing all they could to reduce the killing of such species so that they may be useful to the future generation. It is stated clearly that African elephants compete with people in Botswana for protected areas to ensure survival of elephants, because in many areas of Botswana people and animals depend on the same resources and space, therefore resulting in conflicts among the Get more content on
  • 19. Big Cities Vs Small Town Research Do you prefer big city lights or a sky full of stars? Do you like to fall asleep to honking cars or no noise at all? Do you want to walk outside and smell car exhaust or freshly cut grass? Depending on what you prefer might determine if you like big cities or small towns. Big cities have some advantages but I think small towns have even more advantages that would make you want to live there. Small towns are better to live in compared to big cities. One of the biggest reasons small towns are better to live in has to do with money. The cost of living in acity compared to a small town is dramatically higher. Housing prices are very different. In a city, houses and apartments are expensive, but in a small town they are more affordable. more content... Lots of big cities have multiple schools and they all have thousands of kids that attend them. Big schools tend to have larger class sizes so it will be harder to get one on one time with your teachers. Large schools also have tryouts for sports teams and other extra curricular activities. It is harder to get involved with your school if you have to tryout for activities. In a small school you get the advantage of knowing most of the kids that go to your school. The atmosphere of a small town is more comforting than a city. Cities are noisy while towns are peaceful. Small towns have less pollution. You can walk down the street in a town and people smile and stop to talk to you. In a city people usually walk right past you without even giving a smile. People in a small town are friendly and always willing to help a community member in need. There are so many reasons why living in a small town is better than living in a city. If you want a lower cost of living, a safe place for your family to live, a chance to get involved in your community, or a comfortable place to call home then a small town is the place for you. Small towns are better to live in compared to big Get more content on