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Introduction In 2011, as industry, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Congress and other 
stakeholders prepared to renew the medical device user fee program, California Healthcare 
Institute (CHI) and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) initiated the Competitiveness 
and Regulation study, which analyzed trends in FDA product review processes and their impact 
on the medical technology innovation ecosystem.i The study was initiated in response to 
increasingly unpredictable timelines at the Agency and the global financial meltdown, which 
were undermining U.S. medical technology investment, innovation and competitiveness. 
As Competitiveness and Regulation illustrated, 
concerns over increasing review times were 
well-founded. Medical device approval times 
at the FDA had slowed across the board. 
Comparing 2010 with 2003 through 2007, 
the first four years of the medical device 
user fee program, review times for lower-risk 
510(k) devices and for novel, higher 
risk premarket approval (PMA) products 
had lengthened considerably. Indeed, FDA 
device review times were, on average, slower 
than they had been before the medical device 
user fee program. 
If slower FDA approval times had increased 
safety, the debate might have ended there. 
However, Competitiveness and Regulation 
highlighted another important issue: the 
U.S. and the FDA are not the only options 
for medical technology innovators. Faced 
with increased regulatory uncertainty at the 
FDA, as well as investors who were downsiz-ing 
and de-risking their portfolios in the face 
of the Great Recession, U.S. medical device 
companies were looking elsewhere. 
By 2010, complex medical devices reviewed 
through the FDA’s PMA process were be-ing 
approved, on average, nearly four years 
faster in Europe. In addition, there were 
no demonstrable differences in safety or 
efficacy between devices approved in the 
U.S. and those green-lighted in Europe.ii 
Despite often being developed in the U.S., 
proven, life-saving medical technologies were 
unavailable for American patients unless they 
traveled abroad. 
In light of these findings, Congress, the 
FDA, the device industry and other stake-holders 
collaborated to find a solution. In 
negotiations with industry, the FDA agreed 
to implement new policies to improve the 
regulatory system’s clarity, consistency and 
predictability. To fund these refinements, 
industry agreed to pay significantly higher 
user fees. Congress incorporated further 
improvements into the Medical Device User 
Fee Amendments of 2012 (MDUFA III), part 
of the 2012 Food and Drug Administration 
Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA). 
Have things gotten better? Has the FDA’s 
medical device review process improved? Not 
surprisingly, the answer is not a straight-forward 
yes or no. Real improvements are 
evident, yet there are still areas of concern. In 
some cases, it is simply too early to tell. 
One dynamic does seem certain, however. 
The evidence is overwhelming that leaders at 
the Agency and, in particular, its Center for 
Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) 
have worked to get processes, internally and 
with industry, back on track. Their leader-ship 
echoes the conclusion of Competitive-ness 
and Regulation—working together, we 
can restore, support and sustain a rigorous, 
science-based Agency and efficient, trans-parent 
and predictable review processes to 
ensure safe and innovative treatment and 
technologies for patients in need. 
The commitment by Agency leadership 
was demonstrated in the development of 
this report, during which CDRH Direc-tor 
Jeff Shuren, M.D., and his senior team 
spent considerable time with us, providing 
unprecedented access to and answers about 
the data presented in the following pages. 
Our discussions were frank and candid, but 
most important, they were illuminating and 
We know that change does not occur over-night. 
Improvements can vary across any 
agency as large as the FDA. But leadership 
matters. Dr. Shuren and his team deserve 
credit for many of the improvements we’ve 
seen, and it is up to industry, Congress and 
others to help ensure the progress continues. 
Where improvements have been slower or 
yet to be seen, we must continue to work 
together constructively to spur appropriate 
We hope this report facilitates both. 
Trends Indicate Declining Review Times for CDRH 
PMAs, Must Consider Impact of Pending Submissions 
Average time to MDUFA 
decision (days)3 
Figure 1 
463 464 
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111 2012 20131 
68 100% 67 100% 41 100% 43 100% 53 100% 47 100% 39 100% 35 100% 30 100% 32 100% 43 100% 43 98% 24 100% 29 
Fiscal year (filed cohort2) 
For more than a decade, drug and device 
makers have worked with the FDA to 
accelerate product approvals. To resolve 
this issue, industry agreed to pay signifi-cant 
user fees, providing extra resources 
to streamline the review process. In re-turn, 
the Agency consented to a number 
of performance benchmarks. 
These agreements, as codified in 
the 2012 Food and Drug Administration 
Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) and 
other legislation, have helped improve 
Agency performance. Unfortunately, cuts 
to the FDA budget under the sequester 
limited the Agency’s access to user fees. 
Proportion of Approvals is Increasing, May 
Decrease as Pending Submissions are Closed 
Not Approvable 
5 7 7 4 
MDUFA decision (%) 
Figure 2 
12 17 
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111 2012 20131 
While Congress did not intend pri-vate, 
industry-paid dollars to be seques-tered, 
the White House Office of Man-agement 
and Budget (OMB) made the 
determination that they would be. This 
created an untenable situation in which 
industry continued to pay user fees along 
with their product submissions, but the 
FDA was unable to access the money. 
In January 2014, when Congress 
passed a bipartisan spending plan, the 
sequester was rescinded for two years 
(FY2014 and FY2015) and $85 million 
in total FDA user fees set aside during 
FY2013 were restored. 
However, restoring these user fees 
was only the first step. The long-term 
threat posed by sequestration must still 
be resolved, or the continued viability of 
the FDA user fee model itself is at risk as 
the next round of industry-FDA user fee 
talks will begin under the cloud of the 
sequester’s return. CHI, in collaboration 
with numerous industry organizations, 
patient groups, and others is working 
with Congress on legislation (H.R. 2725, 
the FDA Safety Over Sequestration Act 
or FDASOS Act) that will reverse OMB’s 
determination and permanently exempt 
FDA user fees from sequestration. 
Regulatory Review Overview 
CHI created this report to provide objective data about the device 
review process. This information can help industry, policymakers 
and regulators assess where processes have worked well, and help 
them focus on areas that need improvement. 
The report examines a number of issues that directly impact device 
approval, such as decision efficiency, process efficiency and out-comes. 
Specific measures include review times for both PMAs and 
510(k)s; review backlogs; overall approval rates; division and review 
branch performance; and comparisons to EU timelines. 
Notably, as a result of our discussions with the Agency, all data 
presented in this report is based upon submission cohorts1; 
Competitiveness and Regulation used decision cohort-based data. 
The advantage of submission cohorts is that these take as a start-ing 
point, the most recent submissions and assess their fate in a 
forward looking manner—submission cohorts therefore track 
more accurately the most recent progress and are not biased by past 
performance. The disadvantage is that early in the fiscal year, data is 
harder to interpret as many reviews will take a number of months, 
and in some cases data at year-end will also be incomplete if not all 
submissions have been decided on within 12 months. 
PMA Trends 
PMAs represent the most complex, and often times most cutting 
edge of implantable, life-sustaining medical devices, such as heart 
valves, combination pacemakers/defibrillators and neuromodula-tion 
technologies. They are also the most expensive to develop 
and bring to market, usually requiring significant clinical studies 
and data for approval. In a typical year, only about 30 new PMA 
products are approved by the FDA. 
In the lead-up to MDUFA III negotiations, PMA devices had seen 
a marked slow-down in approval times at the FDA over the first 
decade of the 2000s, as illustrated in Figure 1.2 However, in 2010, 
as Dr. Jeffrey Shuren took the helm at the FDA’s device center and 
Congress began a series of oversight hearings on Agency perfor-mance, 
that trend began to stabilize and reverse. Data suggests 
that the PMA classes of 2011 and 2012 will show the best overall 
review-time performance of the device user fee era. 2013 shows 
even further improvement, however, it is premature to determine 
given the number of products still awaiting a decision. 
Signals of the turnaround for PMAs are also evident in the propor-tion 
of approved or approvable submissions (Figure 2), which 
has begun to rebound from the 2009 nadir, as well as the steep 
improvement in the Agency’s backlog of pending decisions, down 
nearly half since 2010 (Figure 3). 
43 42 
30 32 
41 43 
65 66 
Total decisions 
Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis 
Original PMAs 
438 424 
380 382 
252 252 
Submitted (N) 
% Closed 
37 41 44 
51 53 
41 40 37 
52 54 
43 33 
34 23 
21 21 
8 20 10 21 11 
19 21 
12 8 6 9 13 19 
Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis 
Original PMAs 
Fiscal year (filed cohort2) 
When comparing trends at the FDA with those in Europe (Figure 
4), another sobering dimension is added: the 3-5 year lag between 
European and U.S. approval, which has seemingly always existed, 
hasn’t improved during the user fee era.3 Though processes and 
standards in Europe differ considerably from the FDA, and other fac-tors 
are certainly also at work, Europe’s regulatory environment con-tinues 
to attract U.S. medical technology business, and all that goes 
with it—investment, R&D, engineering, subsequent design improve-ments 
and iterations, clinical trial infrastructure and other expertise. 
Only time will tell if recent improvements at the FDA ultimately have 
any impact on this gap. 
Despite Progress, Gap Remains Between 
PMA Approvals in US vs. EU 
Total original PMAs pending decision 
Figure 4 
Pre-MDUFA (39.6 months) 
MDUFA I (53.8 months) 
FY 2010 
FY 2011 
FY 2012 
FY 2013 
Rolling 12 month avg. 
O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 
While these improvements are encouraging, it is also helpful to put 
these figures into context. For example, as shown in Figure 1, the 
number of PMA submissions has been trending down for some 
time. While not all the reasons for the decline are known, it does 
raise some concerns that warrant further consideration. 
510(k) Trends 
While PMA approval times seem to have turned the corner, the 
same cannot be said for clearance of 510(k) products, which rep-resent 
that vast majority of devices (over 3,000 annually) reviewed 
by the FDA. As addressed in Competitiveness and Regulation, after 
holding steady between 2000 and 2006, 510(k) clearance times 
lengthened dramatically—review times in 2010 were 60 per-cent 
longer than in 2000 (Figure 5). Today, 510(k) review times 
continue to remain far higher, and processes are still viewed as less 
predictable, than during the pre-device user fee era. 
There is at least one preliminarily encouraging sign for 510(k)s. 
Initial data suggests that clearance times have dropped slightly since 
2010, and may drop further in 2013, although the cohort is still 
open. In addition, after climbing steadily since 2005 and peaking 
in 2010, the Agency’s 510(k) backlog has begun to improve— 
especially for those pending for more than 90 days (Figure 6). 
However, by nearly any measure, there is still much work to be 
done before the 510(k) process is considered back on track. 
510(k) Clearance Times Remain Longer than 
Historic Averages 
Figure 5 
Average time to final decision3 Total decisions 
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20091 2010 20111 20121 20131 
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 
De Novo Process 
Introduced in the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the de novo 
process seeks to accelerate clearance times by providing companies 
an alternative to the PMA path for low to moderate-risk devices. 
Since 1997, 106 de novo petitions have been granted, a tiny piece 
of the 52,000 510(k) clearances during the same period (Figure 7).iii 
FDASIA included significant changes to the de novo 510(k) process 
to make the program more submitter-friendly and increase its use. 
Originally, de novo was a two-step process. After submitting a 
510(k), if the device was ruled not substantially equivalent (NSE), 
the company could submit a de novo application within 30 days to 
reclassify it. 
Significant Clearing in Backlog of CDRH PMAs 
93 94 
Source: BCG PMA Database 
PMA Backlog FY2010-date 
Figure 3 
99 100 
110 110 112 
164 160 
160 170 
4204 4254 4322 4225 
4101 3880 
Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis 
% Closed 
99.9% 100% 99.9% 99.7% 87.8% 
Fiscal year (receipt cohort2) 
Reduction in 510(k) Backlog, Primarily Those 
Pending Over 90 Days 
510(k)s pending1 at end of year 
Total original 510(k)s pending decision 
Figure 6 
1,821 1,839 
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132 
Total Pending Pending with more than 90 FDA days Source: FDA Report, December 2013 
35 28 83 
101 103 119 147 69 79 
Average US lag for products approved first in the EU1 
US submission (FY) 
MDUFA II (46.3 months) 
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 
Source: BCG PMA Database 
Increase in De Novo Petitions Granted 
in Recent Years, Expected Growth 
Figure 7 
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 
Under FDASIA, the process has been simplified to one step. Rather 
than wait through a rejection, manufacturers can now submit a 
request for de novo classification from the start. This is an implicit 
acknowledgement that their device will require more testing and 
documentation than if they had pursued standard 510(k) clearance. 
The FDA has 120 days to issue a decision. 
The number of de novo petitions granted has been slowly in-creasing 
since 1997 when the pathway was first introduced. For 
submissions in 2010 and 2011, ~10 petitions were granted, but 
in 2013 this number almost doubled to 19. It remains to be seen 
whether the new FDASIA guidance will further increase the use of 
this pathway. 
Does Performance Differ Across Review Divisions? 
While aggregate data is informative, it often pays to take a closer 
look. For FDA device performance, we believe this means examin-ing 
performance trends across review divisions and branches. 
Why? A key anecdotal theme heard from industry and investors 
alike has been that experience with the Agency can vary widely. 
Review of Product X may be characterized by quality communica-tions, 
interaction and a timely decision; Product Y seems to have 
fallen into a black hole. 
Tightening in the Range in Division Percentages 
of PMA MDUFA Decisions Meeting Performance Goal1 
Highest division 
Lowest division 
decision goals 
Figure 8 
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112 2012 20132 
n=55 n=39 n=37 n=43 n=59 n=50 n=34 n=21 
Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis 
Fiscal year (filed cohort) 
The data suggests there is some substance to these views. As shown 
in Figure 8, review divisions varied markedly in meeting their PMA 
MDUFA performance goals. Figure 9 shows similar variances across 
branches for 510(k) decisions. Encouragingly, the most recent 
years’ data shows a trend towards narrowing those gaps. 
A closer look at this and similar data may be helpful to Agency 
leadership, industry and Congress in identifying practices that may 
either be more broadly adopted across the Center, or conversely, 
become a focus for improvement. 
No. of De Novo 
petitions granted 
New draft guidance issued August 14, 2014 
describing streamlined process under FDASIA1 
Draft guidance for new 
De Novo pathway 
De Novo pathway initiated 
Source: FDA Database as of 9/22/14 and BCG Analysis 
US submission (FY) 
3 3 
2 2 
Tightening in the Range in Branch Percentages 
of 510(k) Final Decisions1 Within 90 FDA Days 
Figure 9 
Note: 2013 may 
increase with many 
decisions still open 
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20092 2010 20112 20122 20132 
Fiscal Year (receipt cohort) 
Source: FDA data as of 4/17/14 and BCG Analysis 
The FDA is a critical linchpin in the medical technology innovation ecosystem. At the onset of this decade, however, the Agency and 
its review processes were viewed by industry and investors alike as increasingly unpredictable and inconsistent. Together, with the 
economic downturn resulting from the Great Recession, this period was viewed by many as a low point for the sector. 
Recognizing the severity of the circumstances, industry, Congress and, ultimately, the leadership of the Agency were galvanized into 
action on a number of fronts, culminating in legislation that made a number of reforms and improvements to device regulatory review 
processes and mechanisms—paid for with a hefty increase in industry user fees. The early evidence suggests that this work is begin-ning 
to pay off, with PMA review times showing significant improvements and 510(k) times plateauing, though at a pace still far slower 
than historic standards. 
However, there is still much more work to be done and, as we approach the next round of user fee negotiations, more to learn in 
order to ensure device regulatory review processes and accompanying performance measurements are best directed towards the 
Agency’s twin goals: protecting patient safety and promoting patient health through timely approval of and access to innovative medical 
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Figure Notes 
Figure 1 
1 Cohorts still open as of 3/312014, average times may 
increase; FY2011 cohort 98% closed (42 of 43) and 
FY2013 cohort 41% closed (12 of 29). 
2 Date on which FDA receives an application (or an 
amended application) that FDA accepts for filing. 
3 The total review time includes both FDA and 
Submitter days. FDA days are calendar days when a 
submission is considered to be under review at the 
Agency for submissions that have been accepted. 
Figure 2 
1 Cohorts still open as of 3/312014, average times may 
increase; FY2011 cohort 98% closed (42 of 43) and 
FY2013 cohort 41% closed (12 of 29). 
2 Date on which FDA receives an application (or an 
amended application) that FDA accepts for filing. 
Figure 4 
1 US lag is the difference between the date of CE Mark 
in Europe and FDA approval in the US; only 
calculated for devices approved in the US with a 
reported CE Mark date in Europe; US CDRH data 
collected from monthly listing on FDA website of 
approved original PMAs (PMA numbers in the form of 
PXXXXXX); CE Mark date most commonly found in 
Marketing History section of Summary of FDA Safety 
and Effectiveness Data (other sources include press 
releases and company data); In the case when an 
approximate date is given, the most conservative 
assumption is made (e.g. May 2010 would be recorded 
as 5/31/2010 in the database. 
Figure 5 
1 Cohorts still open as of 3/31/2014, average times may 
increase; FY2009 cohort 99.95% closed (4,101 of 4,103); 
FY 2011 99.97% closed (3,832 of 3,833); FY2012 
99.67% closed (3,980 of 3,993); and FY2013 87.80% 
closed (3,355 of 3,821). 
2 The date of receipt is the later of: (1) the date on which 
FDA receives the required user fee; or (2) the date on 
which FDA receives an acceptable eCopy of the 
3 The total review time includes both FDA and Submitter 
days. FDA days are calendar days when a submission is 
considered to be under review at the Agency for 
submissions that have been accepted. 
Figure 6 
1 Under review or on hold. 
2 Excludes FY 2013 receipts that have not been accepted 
for substantive review. 
Figure 7 
1 FDA Safety and Innovation Act, passed in 2012, 
eliminated the 510(k) equivalent requirement entirely, 
allowing medical device companies to apply for de novo 
status without the burden of proving substantial 
Figure 8 
1 Based on CDRH PMAs and PT Supplements that had a 
MDUFA decision subject to a performance goal; tier 2 
goal was used if more than one MDUFA decision goal 
applied; FY 2005 had no MDUFA decision goal for 
non-expedited PMAs or for any PT supplements and is 
excluded from this comparison. 
2 Cohort not complete—data may change. 
Figure 9 
1 Based on SE and NSE decisions only; excludes Branches 
with fewer than 12 E/NSE decisions in a year (i.e., 1 
per month). 
2 Cohort still open as of 4/17/2014 include 2009, 2011, 
2012 and 2013. 
1 510Ks are reported based on Receipt 
Cohorts, which is the later of: (1) the date 
on which FDA receives the required user 
fee; or (2) the date on which FDA receives 
an acceptable eCopy of the application. 
PMAs are reported based on Filed Cohrts, 
which is the date on which FDA receives 
an application (or an amended applica-tion) 
that FDA accepts for filing. 
2 This figure shows MDUFA decisions. A 
similar analysis was conducted for final 
decisions and the trends look similar 
although the percent of cohorts closed 
for final decisions is lower. 
3 Data assess the lag for products approved 
in Europe first and then approved in the 
US. Not for products approved in the US 
before Europe. 
i Gollaher D, Goodall S. Competitiveness 
and Regulation: The FDA and the Future 
of America’s Biomedical Industry. 
California Healthcare Institute and The 
Boston Consulting Group, February 
ii David S, Gilbertson E and Goodall S. 
EU Medical Device Safety Assessment: A 
Comparative Analysis of Medical Device 
Recalls 2005-2009. The Boston 
Consulting Group, January 2011. 
iii What You Don’t Know About De Novo— 
A Primer For Medical Device 
device-companies, accessed 
February 14, 2014. 
About California Healthcare Institute (CHI) 
CHI represents more than 275 leading biotechnology, medical device, diagnostics and pharmaceutical companies, 
and public and private academic biomedical research organizations. CHI’s mission is to advance biomedical research, 
investment, and innovation through effective advocacy of policies to improve public health and ensure the continued 
vitality of the life sciences sector. CHI’s website is Follow us on Twitter @calhealthcare, Facebook, 
LinkedIn and YouTube. 
About The Boston Consulting Group 
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on 
business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all regions to identify 
their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their enterprises. Our custom-ized 
approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels 
of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable 
organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 81 offices in 45 countries. 
Report Authors 
Todd Gillenwater, 
President and CEO, 
CHI-California Healthcare 
Dirk Calcoen, MD, 
Partner and Managing Director, 
The Boston Consulting Group 
Laura Elias, PhD, 
Principal, The Boston 
Consulting Group 
Project Team: 
Josh Baxt, Dave Meyer, 
Will Zasadny 
5 © 2014 California Healthcare Institute

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  • 1.
  • 2. TAKING THE PULSE OF MEDICAL DEVICE REGULATION & INNOVATION Introduction In 2011, as industry, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Congress and other stakeholders prepared to renew the medical device user fee program, California Healthcare Institute (CHI) and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) initiated the Competitiveness and Regulation study, which analyzed trends in FDA product review processes and their impact on the medical technology innovation ecosystem.i The study was initiated in response to increasingly unpredictable timelines at the Agency and the global financial meltdown, which were undermining U.S. medical technology investment, innovation and competitiveness. As Competitiveness and Regulation illustrated, concerns over increasing review times were well-founded. Medical device approval times at the FDA had slowed across the board. Comparing 2010 with 2003 through 2007, the first four years of the medical device user fee program, review times for lower-risk 510(k) devices and for novel, higher risk premarket approval (PMA) products had lengthened considerably. Indeed, FDA device review times were, on average, slower than they had been before the medical device user fee program. If slower FDA approval times had increased safety, the debate might have ended there. However, Competitiveness and Regulation highlighted another important issue: the U.S. and the FDA are not the only options for medical technology innovators. Faced with increased regulatory uncertainty at the FDA, as well as investors who were downsiz-ing and de-risking their portfolios in the face of the Great Recession, U.S. medical device companies were looking elsewhere. By 2010, complex medical devices reviewed through the FDA’s PMA process were be-ing approved, on average, nearly four years faster in Europe. In addition, there were no demonstrable differences in safety or efficacy between devices approved in the U.S. and those green-lighted in Europe.ii Despite often being developed in the U.S., proven, life-saving medical technologies were unavailable for American patients unless they traveled abroad. In light of these findings, Congress, the FDA, the device industry and other stake-holders collaborated to find a solution. In negotiations with industry, the FDA agreed to implement new policies to improve the regulatory system’s clarity, consistency and predictability. To fund these refinements, industry agreed to pay significantly higher user fees. Congress incorporated further improvements into the Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2012 (MDUFA III), part of the 2012 Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA). Have things gotten better? Has the FDA’s medical device review process improved? Not surprisingly, the answer is not a straight-forward yes or no. Real improvements are evident, yet there are still areas of concern. In some cases, it is simply too early to tell. One dynamic does seem certain, however. The evidence is overwhelming that leaders at the Agency and, in particular, its Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) have worked to get processes, internally and with industry, back on track. Their leader-ship echoes the conclusion of Competitive-ness and Regulation—working together, we can restore, support and sustain a rigorous, science-based Agency and efficient, trans-parent and predictable review processes to ensure safe and innovative treatment and technologies for patients in need. The commitment by Agency leadership was demonstrated in the development of this report, during which CDRH Direc-tor Jeff Shuren, M.D., and his senior team spent considerable time with us, providing unprecedented access to and answers about the data presented in the following pages. Our discussions were frank and candid, but most important, they were illuminating and constructive. We know that change does not occur over-night. Improvements can vary across any agency as large as the FDA. But leadership matters. Dr. Shuren and his team deserve credit for many of the improvements we’ve seen, and it is up to industry, Congress and others to help ensure the progress continues. Where improvements have been slower or yet to be seen, we must continue to work together constructively to spur appropriate action. We hope this report facilitates both. 1
  • 3. Trends Indicate Declining Review Times for CDRH PMAs, Must Consider Impact of Pending Submissions Average time to MDUFA decision (days)3 Figure 1 Pre-MDUFA MDUFA I Submitter 297 324 419 463 464 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111 2012 20131 68 100% 67 100% 41 100% 43 100% 53 100% 47 100% 39 100% 35 100% 30 100% 32 100% 43 100% 43 98% 24 100% 29 41% Fiscal year (filed cohort2) PROTECTING USER FEES For more than a decade, drug and device makers have worked with the FDA to accelerate product approvals. To resolve this issue, industry agreed to pay signifi-cant user fees, providing extra resources to streamline the review process. In re-turn, the Agency consented to a number of performance benchmarks. These agreements, as codified in the 2012 Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) and other legislation, have helped improve Agency performance. Unfortunately, cuts to the FDA budget under the sequester limited the Agency’s access to user fees. 100 80 60 40 20 100 80 60 40 20 Proportion of Approvals is Increasing, May Decrease as Pending Submissions are Closed Pre-MDUFA Not Approvable Approved 5 7 7 4 MDUFA decision (%) Figure 2 12 17 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111 2012 20131 While Congress did not intend pri-vate, industry-paid dollars to be seques-tered, the White House Office of Man-agement and Budget (OMB) made the determination that they would be. This created an untenable situation in which industry continued to pay user fees along with their product submissions, but the FDA was unable to access the money. In January 2014, when Congress passed a bipartisan spending plan, the sequester was rescinded for two years (FY2014 and FY2015) and $85 million in total FDA user fees set aside during FY2013 were restored. However, restoring these user fees was only the first step. The long-term threat posed by sequestration must still be resolved, or the continued viability of the FDA user fee model itself is at risk as the next round of industry-FDA user fee talks will begin under the cloud of the sequester’s return. CHI, in collaboration with numerous industry organizations, patient groups, and others is working with Congress on legislation (H.R. 2725, the FDA Safety Over Sequestration Act or FDASOS Act) that will reverse OMB’s determination and permanently exempt FDA user fees from sequestration. Regulatory Review Overview CHI created this report to provide objective data about the device review process. This information can help industry, policymakers and regulators assess where processes have worked well, and help them focus on areas that need improvement. The report examines a number of issues that directly impact device approval, such as decision efficiency, process efficiency and out-comes. Specific measures include review times for both PMAs and 510(k)s; review backlogs; overall approval rates; division and review branch performance; and comparisons to EU timelines. Notably, as a result of our discussions with the Agency, all data presented in this report is based upon submission cohorts1; Competitiveness and Regulation used decision cohort-based data. The advantage of submission cohorts is that these take as a start-ing point, the most recent submissions and assess their fate in a forward looking manner—submission cohorts therefore track more accurately the most recent progress and are not biased by past performance. The disadvantage is that early in the fiscal year, data is harder to interpret as many reviews will take a number of months, and in some cases data at year-end will also be incomplete if not all submissions have been decided on within 12 months. PMA Trends PMAs represent the most complex, and often times most cutting edge of implantable, life-sustaining medical devices, such as heart valves, combination pacemakers/defibrillators and neuromodula-tion technologies. They are also the most expensive to develop and bring to market, usually requiring significant clinical studies and data for approval. In a typical year, only about 30 new PMA products are approved by the FDA. In the lead-up to MDUFA III negotiations, PMA devices had seen a marked slow-down in approval times at the FDA over the first decade of the 2000s, as illustrated in Figure 1.2 However, in 2010, as Dr. Jeffrey Shuren took the helm at the FDA’s device center and Congress began a series of oversight hearings on Agency perfor-mance, that trend began to stabilize and reverse. Data suggests that the PMA classes of 2011 and 2012 will show the best overall review-time performance of the device user fee era. 2013 shows even further improvement, however, it is premature to determine given the number of products still awaiting a decision. Signals of the turnaround for PMAs are also evident in the propor-tion of approved or approvable submissions (Figure 2), which has begun to rebound from the 2009 nadir, as well as the steep improvement in the Agency’s backlog of pending decisions, down nearly half since 2010 (Figure 3). 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 12 24 43 42 30 32 35 39 47 53 41 43 65 66 Total decisions MDUFA II MDUFA III FDA Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis Original PMAs 399 438 424 364 320 380 382 252 252 Submitted (N) % Closed 0 37 41 44 51 53 30 41 40 37 16 33 52 54 67 43 33 34 23 28 43 36 17 17 34 23 21 21 17 8 20 10 21 11 21 23 34 33 31 37 19 21 6 12 8 6 9 13 19 MDUFA II MDUFA I MDUFA III Withdrawn Approvable Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis Original PMAs Fiscal year (filed cohort2) 2
  • 4. When comparing trends at the FDA with those in Europe (Figure 4), another sobering dimension is added: the 3-5 year lag between European and U.S. approval, which has seemingly always existed, hasn’t improved during the user fee era.3 Though processes and standards in Europe differ considerably from the FDA, and other fac-tors are certainly also at work, Europe’s regulatory environment con-tinues to attract U.S. medical technology business, and all that goes with it—investment, R&D, engineering, subsequent design improve-ments and iterations, clinical trial infrastructure and other expertise. Only time will tell if recent improvements at the FDA ultimately have any impact on this gap. Despite Progress, Gap Remains Between PMA Approvals in US vs. EU Total original PMAs pending decision 60 40 100 80 60 Figure 4 Pre-MDUFA (39.6 months) MDUFA I (53.8 months) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Rolling 12 month avg. O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S While these improvements are encouraging, it is also helpful to put these figures into context. For example, as shown in Figure 1, the number of PMA submissions has been trending down for some time. While not all the reasons for the decline are known, it does raise some concerns that warrant further consideration. 510(k) Trends While PMA approval times seem to have turned the corner, the same cannot be said for clearance of 510(k) products, which rep-resent that vast majority of devices (over 3,000 annually) reviewed by the FDA. As addressed in Competitiveness and Regulation, after holding steady between 2000 and 2006, 510(k) clearance times lengthened dramatically—review times in 2010 were 60 per-cent longer than in 2000 (Figure 5). Today, 510(k) review times continue to remain far higher, and processes are still viewed as less predictable, than during the pre-device user fee era. There is at least one preliminarily encouraging sign for 510(k)s. Initial data suggests that clearance times have dropped slightly since 2010, and may drop further in 2013, although the cohort is still open. In addition, after climbing steadily since 2005 and peaking in 2010, the Agency’s 510(k) backlog has begun to improve— especially for those pending for more than 90 days (Figure 6). However, by nearly any measure, there is still much work to be done before the 510(k) process is considered back on track. 510(k) Clearance Times Remain Longer than Historic Averages Pre-MDUFA Submitter Figure 5 Average time to final decision3 Total decisions 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20091 2010 20111 20121 20131 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% De Novo Process Introduced in the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the de novo process seeks to accelerate clearance times by providing companies an alternative to the PMA path for low to moderate-risk devices. Since 1997, 106 de novo petitions have been granted, a tiny piece of the 52,000 510(k) clearances during the same period (Figure 7).iii FDASIA included significant changes to the de novo 510(k) process to make the program more submitter-friendly and increase its use. Originally, de novo was a two-step process. After submitting a 510(k), if the device was ruled not substantially equivalent (NSE), the company could submit a de novo application within 30 days to reclassify it. Significant Clearing in Backlog of CDRH PMAs 52 57 93 94 40 MDUFA II MDUFA III Source: BCG PMA Database PMA Backlog FY2010-date Figure 3 200 150 100 50 0 0 133 112 99 100 110 110 112 105 123 164 160 160 170 138 3656 3853 3550 4204 4254 4322 4225 3632 3980 4101 3880 3355 3832 3348 MDUFA II MDUFA I MDUFA III FDA Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis % Closed 99.9% 100% 99.9% 99.7% 87.8% Fiscal year (receipt cohort2) 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Reduction in 510(k) Backlog, Primarily Those Pending Over 90 Days 510(k)s pending1 at end of year Total original 510(k)s pending decision Figure 6 1,821 1,839 1,917 1,823 1,370 1,245 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132 Total Pending Pending with more than 90 FDA days Source: FDA Report, December 2013 1,052 35 28 83 101 103 119 147 69 79 1,402 1,549 Average US lag for products approved first in the EU1 US submission (FY) MDUFA II (46.3 months) 80 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: BCG PMA Database 3
  • 5. Increase in De Novo Petitions Granted in Recent Years, Expected Growth Figure 7 Pre-MDUFA MDUFA I MDUFA II MDUFA III 2 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Under FDASIA, the process has been simplified to one step. Rather than wait through a rejection, manufacturers can now submit a request for de novo classification from the start. This is an implicit acknowledgement that their device will require more testing and documentation than if they had pursued standard 510(k) clearance. The FDA has 120 days to issue a decision. The number of de novo petitions granted has been slowly in-creasing since 1997 when the pathway was first introduced. For submissions in 2010 and 2011, ~10 petitions were granted, but in 2013 this number almost doubled to 19. It remains to be seen whether the new FDASIA guidance will further increase the use of this pathway. Does Performance Differ Across Review Divisions? While aggregate data is informative, it often pays to take a closer look. For FDA device performance, we believe this means examin-ing performance trends across review divisions and branches. Why? A key anecdotal theme heard from industry and investors alike has been that experience with the Agency can vary widely. Review of Product X may be characterized by quality communica-tions, interaction and a timely decision; Product Y seems to have fallen into a black hole. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Tightening in the Range in Division Percentages of PMA MDUFA Decisions Meeting Performance Goal1 Highest division Lowest division No PMA MDUFA decision goals Figure 8 MDUFA I MDUFA II MDUFA III 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112 2012 20132 n=55 n=39 n=37 n=43 n=59 n=50 n=34 n=21 Source: FDA data as of 3/31/14 and BCG Analysis Fiscal year (filed cohort) The data suggests there is some substance to these views. As shown in Figure 8, review divisions varied markedly in meeting their PMA MDUFA performance goals. Figure 9 shows similar variances across branches for 510(k) decisions. Encouragingly, the most recent years’ data shows a trend towards narrowing those gaps. A closer look at this and similar data may be helpful to Agency leadership, industry and Congress in identifying practices that may either be more broadly adopted across the Center, or conversely, become a focus for improvement. 20 15 10 5 0 No. of De Novo petitions granted New draft guidance issued August 14, 2014 describing streamlined process under FDASIA1 Draft guidance for new De Novo pathway De Novo pathway initiated Source: FDA Database as of 9/22/14 and BCG Analysis US submission (FY) 6 3 3 8 9 5 9 3 9 5 11 10 19 2 2 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Tightening in the Range in Branch Percentages of 510(k) Final Decisions1 Within 90 FDA Days Figure 9 Note: 2013 may HIGHEST BRANCH increase with many decisions still open LOWEST BRANCH Pre-MDUFA MDUFA II MDUFA I MDUFA III 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20092 2010 20112 20122 20132 Fiscal Year (receipt cohort) Source: FDA data as of 4/17/14 and BCG Analysis CONCLUSION The FDA is a critical linchpin in the medical technology innovation ecosystem. At the onset of this decade, however, the Agency and its review processes were viewed by industry and investors alike as increasingly unpredictable and inconsistent. Together, with the economic downturn resulting from the Great Recession, this period was viewed by many as a low point for the sector. Recognizing the severity of the circumstances, industry, Congress and, ultimately, the leadership of the Agency were galvanized into action on a number of fronts, culminating in legislation that made a number of reforms and improvements to device regulatory review processes and mechanisms—paid for with a hefty increase in industry user fees. The early evidence suggests that this work is begin-ning to pay off, with PMA review times showing significant improvements and 510(k) times plateauing, though at a pace still far slower than historic standards. However, there is still much more work to be done and, as we approach the next round of user fee negotiations, more to learn in order to ensure device regulatory review processes and accompanying performance measurements are best directed towards the Agency’s twin goals: protecting patient safety and promoting patient health through timely approval of and access to innovative medical technologies. 4
  • 6. CHI HEADQUARTERS 888 Prospect Street, Suite 220 La Jolla, California 92037 Tel: 858-551-6677 | Fax: 858-551-6688 CHI SACRAMENTO 1201 K Street, Suite 1840 Sacramento, California 95814 Tel: 916-233-3497 | Fax: 916-233-3498 CHI WASHINGTON, D.C. 1608 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., 2nd Floor Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: 202-974-6313 | Fax: 202-974-6330 Figure Notes Figure 1 1 Cohorts still open as of 3/312014, average times may increase; FY2011 cohort 98% closed (42 of 43) and FY2013 cohort 41% closed (12 of 29). 2 Date on which FDA receives an application (or an amended application) that FDA accepts for filing. 3 The total review time includes both FDA and Submitter days. FDA days are calendar days when a submission is considered to be under review at the Agency for submissions that have been accepted. Figure 2 1 Cohorts still open as of 3/312014, average times may increase; FY2011 cohort 98% closed (42 of 43) and FY2013 cohort 41% closed (12 of 29). 2 Date on which FDA receives an application (or an amended application) that FDA accepts for filing. Figure 4 1 US lag is the difference between the date of CE Mark in Europe and FDA approval in the US; only calculated for devices approved in the US with a reported CE Mark date in Europe; US CDRH data collected from monthly listing on FDA website of approved original PMAs (PMA numbers in the form of PXXXXXX); CE Mark date most commonly found in Marketing History section of Summary of FDA Safety and Effectiveness Data (other sources include press releases and company data); In the case when an approximate date is given, the most conservative assumption is made (e.g. May 2010 would be recorded as 5/31/2010 in the database. Figure 5 1 Cohorts still open as of 3/31/2014, average times may increase; FY2009 cohort 99.95% closed (4,101 of 4,103); FY 2011 99.97% closed (3,832 of 3,833); FY2012 99.67% closed (3,980 of 3,993); and FY2013 87.80% closed (3,355 of 3,821). 2 The date of receipt is the later of: (1) the date on which FDA receives the required user fee; or (2) the date on which FDA receives an acceptable eCopy of the application. 3 The total review time includes both FDA and Submitter days. FDA days are calendar days when a submission is considered to be under review at the Agency for submissions that have been accepted. Figure 6 1 Under review or on hold. 2 Excludes FY 2013 receipts that have not been accepted for substantive review. Figure 7 1 FDA Safety and Innovation Act, passed in 2012, eliminated the 510(k) equivalent requirement entirely, allowing medical device companies to apply for de novo status without the burden of proving substantial equivalence. Figure 8 1 Based on CDRH PMAs and PT Supplements that had a MDUFA decision subject to a performance goal; tier 2 goal was used if more than one MDUFA decision goal applied; FY 2005 had no MDUFA decision goal for non-expedited PMAs or for any PT supplements and is excluded from this comparison. 2 Cohort not complete—data may change. Figure 9 1 Based on SE and NSE decisions only; excludes Branches with fewer than 12 E/NSE decisions in a year (i.e., 1 per month). 2 Cohort still open as of 4/17/2014 include 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Footnotes 1 510Ks are reported based on Receipt Cohorts, which is the later of: (1) the date on which FDA receives the required user fee; or (2) the date on which FDA receives an acceptable eCopy of the application. PMAs are reported based on Filed Cohrts, which is the date on which FDA receives an application (or an amended applica-tion) that FDA accepts for filing. 2 This figure shows MDUFA decisions. A similar analysis was conducted for final decisions and the trends look similar although the percent of cohorts closed for final decisions is lower. 3 Data assess the lag for products approved in Europe first and then approved in the US. Not for products approved in the US before Europe. Sources i Gollaher D, Goodall S. Competitiveness and Regulation: The FDA and the Future of America’s Biomedical Industry. California Healthcare Institute and The Boston Consulting Group, February 2011. ii David S, Gilbertson E and Goodall S. EU Medical Device Safety Assessment: A Comparative Analysis of Medical Device Recalls 2005-2009. The Boston Consulting Group, January 2011. iii What You Don’t Know About De Novo— A Primer For Medical Device Companies. medical-device/2011/03/what-you-dont-know- about-de-novo-a-primer-for-medical- device-companies, accessed February 14, 2014. About California Healthcare Institute (CHI) CHI represents more than 275 leading biotechnology, medical device, diagnostics and pharmaceutical companies, and public and private academic biomedical research organizations. CHI’s mission is to advance biomedical research, investment, and innovation through effective advocacy of policies to improve public health and ensure the continued vitality of the life sciences sector. CHI’s website is Follow us on Twitter @calhealthcare, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. About The Boston Consulting Group The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their enterprises. Our custom-ized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 81 offices in 45 countries. Report Authors Todd Gillenwater, President and CEO, CHI-California Healthcare Institute Dirk Calcoen, MD, Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group Laura Elias, PhD, Principal, The Boston Consulting Group Project Team: Josh Baxt, Dave Meyer, Will Zasadny 5 © 2014 California Healthcare Institute