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Chinese Person Different Culture Interview
Chinese Person Different Culture Interview ON Chinese Person Different Culture
InterviewBackground informationFamily to interviewI will like to interview an Asian family
particularly a Chines family. This family lives in New Hope and they have been my neighbor
for about five years. I became close to this family because my husband lived in China for
about eight year so can speak Chinese language. This family became interested in my family
because they were so amazed that my husband could speak their language. We are a
Christian (Presbyterian family) and I will like to know more about other cultures. I which to
gain an inside into this family’s culture and religion and how it could affect their health
choices. Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewSee attachments of sample and
rubricChinese Person Different Culture Interviewattachment_1attachment_2Unformatted
Attachment PreviewASSESSMENT FORM Date of Interview: 6/25/2020 Place of interview:
Family’s Home Initials or Pseudonyms of Family Members Present for Interview (note: at
least 2 family members must be present for interview): MT (mother), XT (father), YM
(daughter, 32 years old), EM (daughter’s husband) ST (sister, 29 years old). All the family
members except for the ST the sister live in the same home. My relation to this family is
through the daughter YM who I met in nursing school 4 years ago. For the purpose of this
family cultural interview I have received permission from the family to discuss their culture
in this assignment and in agreeance to only use initials for the respect of privacy. To aide in
the assessment process, I used the format and guidance of the Giger and Davidhizar’s
Transcultural Nursing Assessment (2016). This family in its entirety is of Chinese descent
and has lived in Minnesota for the last ten years, after following extended family over from
China. The goal of this interview was to broaden my knowledge of the culture and expand
my understanding of the differences in which we live. Additionally, my intention was to
develops nursing interventions that would benefit the whole family with respect to their
preferences, health conditions, and well-being. Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural
Nursing Assessment (De Ruiter et al., 2016, p. 162). Responses for each of the 6 areas (use
bullet points) Communication: • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewThe
communication within Chinese family culture is simple in conversation but complex in
language and dialects used. All the family members speak Chinese, Cantonese, and
Mandarin while YM, EM, ST all speak English. • YM and ST learned English at a young age
through pop culture in China and here in America as well as through grade school and
taking extra classes on English as Second Language. • The parents understand and speak
simple greeting of “Hello”, “Bye”, “Yes”, and “No”. YM explained her parents never had a
strong desire to learn English fully as their work and personal life were center around their
own family as well as others that could translate for them when needed. • The parents
however are careful in reading and observing nonverbal communication attributes of those
around them such as physical stance, facial expressions, and hand gestures. • When
communicating with them myself, I waved to them as a part of my greeting and they
responded with “Hello”. Otherwise throughout the interview, they did not speak much,
although paying much attention. • In their culture they speak in a fast pace in either a quite
or extra loud volume. When asked about eye contact YM explained it took some getting used
to and noted that in China is can be inappropriate towards the elders. When observing the
family, it was challenging at times to read the facial expressions of the parents as they are
minimal whereas the daughters were much more expressive and outgoing. Space: • It is
common to be close in proximity and space as a family, especially when cooking and eating
together. The family is close with one another and comfortable but are also independent in
their activities. • It is common in their culture to have the oldest son be the caretake of the
parents, however, if there is no son in the family, the expected duty is then passed on to the
oldest daughter. • For this family, YM is the oldest daughter and the parents live with her,
her husband EM, and daughter as their one son had an unexpected death at a young age. YM
and her family live in a four-bedroom suburban home here in which the parents have the
lower them to themselves, kitchen, dining, and living room as common space, and the upper
level for YM, EM, and their daughter. This layout YM explained was a reason they bought the
home so there would be some separation and space for each of them. • When I have been
over to their home in the past and the parents were home, they would mostly stay in the
lower level and only come up for food. Social Organization: • The family is originally from
East China in a small village almost three hours from the city Guangzhou. YM’s grandparents
and an uncle still live there today. • Both parents work at one of the family’s restaurants
generally Tuesday through Saturday while on Sunday they practice Dim Sum, which is a
family gathering in the late morning of a buffet of foods consisting of many versions of
dumplings for example. • Most foods are usually bite size, there is large variety, and the
foods are either fried or steamed. Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewXU the father
cooks more at home than the mother, as she helps more with taking care of the grandchild,
gardening, and helping around the house, when not at the restaurant. Food is a center of
many gatherings with family in Chinese culture and it is common for all foods to be shared
and tried amongst one another. This family noted that in their culture they are not as big on
celebrating birthdays or anniversaries as they are with weddings and births. • With regards
to their spirituality, they participate in Buddhist practices, have statues and pictures of the
Buddha in their home. YM reminisced about going to Buddhist temples in China with her
parents and extended family members as a young child but that they have not done that
much since being here. Time: • The family explained that although time is important, in
daily life, they do not follow strict schedules and simply work until the job is done or take as
much time as they need to do a task right. • They value hard work and their jobs in
providing for their family in which time to them often correlate time to money. • YM noted
however that she sees differences in this throughout her family though there are different
values in time between the generations. For example, YM is more punctual than her parents
as with her cousins when it comes to daily tasks and will stop working on something due to
a schedule regardless if the task is complete. Environmental Control: • In America, the
Chinese generally live where their work is or where the adult children have chosen to settle.
• Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewThey like to provide for themselves with
gardening many of their vegetables and herbs, while cooking from fresh food sources. T •
hey values time with family and loyalty, wisdom and respect of authorities, being courtesy
in care taking, as well as showing respect and love through gift and services. The family all
practice the use of teas, herbal medicine, and broths. • In Chinese culture, children are
brought up with high level of discipline and requirement to practice patience at a young age.
YM and EM mentioned how this has caused frustration between each other as they are
raising their first child together and discussing future parenting methods. • The parents use
acupuncture routinely and tend to withhold from western medicine methods. YM and ST
however since they have become more adjusted to American culture, are more following of
western medicine. YM learned the most about American health practices when learning to
become a registered nurse. Biological Variation: • In the Chinese culture, most have dark
hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and many are thin in nature in comparison with their
incorporated American culture, even though they are not as driven to be physically fit. YM
mentioned she has a “flat nose” which is common in her culture but has always been
selfconscious about it since living here. • In their family, there is a history of type 2 diabetes,
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, as well as breast and skin cancer. YM also
explains she has had struggles with depression since her brother had a sudden death at a
young age and she since has felt pressure in taking on his family duties. Nursing Action(s):
must be family & culturally oriented, use bullet points • During the family interview, YM,
EM, and ST spoke the most whereas the parents were quiet in voice but participated in
nonverbal communication. As the nurse with no knowledge of their native language,
focusing on nonverbal cues such as facial expression, physical appearance, and voice
characteristics was helpful to be prepared to observe throughout (Vargas-Urpi, 2013). •
Providing suggestions and guidelines for meal planning to help with ease and health of diet.
Provided information about the DASH diet as well as provided suggestions on alternatives
for ingredients of their typical foods. • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewI further
helped in encouraging the father check his blood pressure regularly at home as well as
demonstrated proper technique as he was diagnoses with high blood pressure this year. I
suggested taking his blood pressure 3 times a week to start and to keep a log of the date,
time, blood pressure and pulse for at least 2 weeks. • We also talked about incorporating
more physical activity in the daily lives of the family. I suggested taking family walks
outside, going to the community park near by more often for picnics and then maybe going
on the trail. YM and ST mentioned they enjoy swimming and do water aerobics in which
they then invited their mother to join them sometime. Physical activity would be beneficial
for the whole family. It would help the mother with her diabetes as well as help with YM’s
depression symptoms. Why Chosen: use bullet points, include 3 or more peer-reviewed
citations to support • An example of this as noted by Vargas-Urpi (2013), when
interviewing, noticing that in Chinese culture they may not be making eye contact, but they
are smiling. I thought of this concept in anticipation of the interview as I was at first
nervous, however the assumption was accurate and having learning about it ahead of time,
made it easier to understand the nonverbal cues and be more comfortable in the setting. •
This intervention was chosen as the mother has a difficult time with managing her diabetes
as she enjoys sweets and feels if she cannot have her favorites foods, then what would she
eat. This is common is patient who have not been provided with the proper diet education
on what food are important to eat and which are to be avoided. • Monitoring one’s blood
pressure at home is a beneficial way to provide their doctor was data to show trends in
their measurements. This suggestion is correlated with Roy’s adaptation model in setting
short goals to then develop positive behavior changes and acceptance of the change (Blais
and Hayes, 2016). • As a part of one’s whole well-being, regular physical activity is
important for mental and physical health. Physical activity can help manage the progression
of diabetes, prevent it from developing as well as help alleviate symptoms of depression
(Yamashita, Yamashita, Sato, & Takase, 2019) Result of Nursing Action(s): (What was the
family’s reaction to nursing action(s) • The family mentioned upon arriving to their home,
they were looking forward to the event. They were willing to share their stories, thoughts
and ways of life. I feel that in conversation it was equal in participation and conversation
without any moments of awkward silences or uncertainty, which helped keep the dialog
smooth. • The family was opening towards the alternative food options and ingredient
alternatives I suggested. For example, trying to steam as much food as possible versus
frying the food. Not adding breading to meats, limiting salt in food preparation, Describe
your thoughts on experience of doing the assessment. • Chinese Person Different Culture
InterviewI enjoyed doing this assignment and the overall experience. YM is someone who I
do not see much at all anymore, so it was nice to have a reason to be in contact and visit. I
felt lucky to have known her as her and her family were so welcoming in my visit and were
willing to engaging in conversation about their culture. I fell I have a better understanding
of what the Chinese culture is like not only in China but also the transition and
incorporation with American cultures. I did not realize how much of YM’s • • using fruit and
other natural sugars in making desserts and choosing sweats. YM noted she is guilty of
facilitating the making desserts as she follows in the attribute after her mother in enjoying
sweets. The father seemed interested in the blood pressure machine following my
demonstration of it and told his daughter he was in agreeance of the plan. He also
mentioned he is getting used to his changes for his new diagnosis, but it still has been
challenging. He was thankful for the assistance and YM also noted she would be helping him
going forward. The family together expressed interest in the ideas of physical activity but
explained that it is something they have never thought about or made an extra effort to do
more of. YM noted she has wanted to become more physically fit recently but has not know
where to start and did not want to try it on her own. YM and ST continue to look forward to
their swimming and hopes their mother will join them. What have you learned about
analyzing & responding to conditions of marginalized populations through this unit? • In
marginalized populations, I have developed a further understanding of what it means as
there are social injustices, disadvantages, and discrimination in healthcare services and
resources available for certain groups of people (Blais and Hayes, 2016). • Nurses need to
be advocates for their patients without regard to their cultural difference but also while
making note of the cultural individualities, practices and societal resources so they can
provide the appropriate care (Blais and Hayes, 2016). preferences were stemmed from her
culture and how different her life was in China compared to here. How will you respond to
conditions of marginalized populations in your nursing practice? • As I have learned more
about marginalized population, I will make forth the effort to further understand the
perspectives of these populations in their daily lives and health conditions. I will
incorporate more the use of empathy in their cultural challenges and provide support in a
culturally competent and individual manner. I hope to continue to learn about these
populations and how to best understand their needs as well as what resources can I best
provide them with. Culturagram Legal Status: Reasons for relocating: Language(s): Time in
community: Asian – American citizens Chinese, Cantonese, and mandarin 10 years Followed
family and desire for better life for the children, YM and ST Heath Beliefs: Having broths,
teas, herbal medicine, acupuncture as well as prepare foods in specific manner will cure or
heal imparities and keep illness way. Family: Values about Family: Mother MT Family,
courtesy, selfsustaining, respect of parents and elders, wisdom, and loyalty Father XT
Daughter YM & Husband EM Values about Education and Work: Hardworking in academia
and with jobs at a young age. Contributing to the family, example, YM and ST working at
their aunt’s restaurants Impact of crisis events: Sister ST Contact with cultural and religious
institutions: Buddhist practices Holidays and Special Events: YM’s depression following the
sudden death of the only son in the family from a blood clot at age 23 American holidays as
well we Dim Sum, Chinese wedding rituals and newborn ceremonies Culturagram Template
by Congress, 2005 References Blais, K. K., & Hayes, J. S. (2016). Professional nursing
practice: Concepts and perspectives (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. De Ruiter, H., Demma, J.
M., Kriegl, M., & Schulze, J. (2016). Chapter 6: Cultural and diversity aspects of health and
illness care needs. In S. Denham, S. Eggenberger, P. Young & N. Krumwiede. Familyfocused
nursing care, (pp. 162). FA Davis. Vargas-Urpi, M. (2013). Coping with Nonverbal
Communication in Public Service Interpreting with Chinese Immigrants. Journal of
Intercultural Communication Research, 42(4), 340-360.
doi:10.1080/17475759.2013.838985 Yamashita, T., Yamashita, K., Sato, M., & Takase, Y.
(2019). Effect of walking on depression prevalence for diabetes using information
communication technology: Prospective study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International,
19(11), 1147-1152. doi:10.1111/ggi.13787 INSTRUCTIONS for THE FAMILY CULTURAL
ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT IMPORTANT: Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewRead
all instructions carefully and study the rubric, you will be graded using the rubric. Be sure
you have included everything the instructions and rubric ask for before you submit your
assignment to avoid unnecessarily losing points. Overview-Important definitions
Marginalized populations Marginalized populations refer to specific groups of peoples or
individuals that are relegated to the outer edges of society or social standing, both in this
country and abroad. Such people are often denied access to resources and privileges
available to mainstream society. This includes access to healthcare and healthcare
disparities. Note: Marginalized populations will be a concept important to your Family
Cultural Interview Assignment Cultural Competence: “The ability to deliver health care with
knowledge of and sensitivity to cultural factors that influence the health behavior” (AHNA &
ANA, 2013, p. 87) Cultural Diversity is a part of AHNA (2013) Core Value 3. Holistic
Communication, Therapeutic Healing Environment and Cultural Diversity. “Culture, beliefs
and values are an inherent component of a holistic approach” (p. 17). AHNA & ANA. (2013).
Holistic Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 2nd Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Preparation ? Complete the WebQuest at the following URL: (this will take approximately 4 hours) ? Read
Chapter 21: Nursing Care in a Culturally Diverse World in your Blais & Hayes Textbook. text
? Read Chapter 6 Cultural and Diversity Aspects of Health and Illness Care Needs and skim
Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham, Eggenberger, Young &
Krumwiede textbook Interview Then complete a cultural assessment of a family (two or
more people) with a culturally or ethnically diverse background different from your own.
Note: This family cannot have a member who is part of this course ? Get my permission: You
MUST get permission from me for the family you wish to interview prior to actually
conducting the interview (submit this in writing to the “Assignments” area of D2L)-explain
in 1-2 paragraphs how you know this family and why you have chosen this family. I will
respond back in the “Assignments” area of D2L with feedback) ? Get the family’s
permission: Ask the family if they would like to be interviewed and that they are under no
obligation to do so, that the interview is completely voluntary. Explain to the family that the
purpose of the assignment is to learn about the culture of a family from a diverse
population. ? Formulate questions and observations: Use the Giger and Davidhizar
Transcultural Assessment Model to for the family you will interview. (note you need to sign
in with the user name and password you created for Think Cultural Health website when
you completed the WebQuest). Be sure to include all 6 assessment areas. An abbreviated
version of the tool can also be found on page 162 of your Denham et al. text. ? Create a
Culturagram during the interview (see this article on how to create): Congress (2005).
Cultural and ethical issues in working with culturally diverse patients and their families,
Social Work in Health Care, 39:3-4, 249-262, DOI: 10.1300/J010v39n03_03 available at o (note that not all parts of
the Culturagram may be applicable and you are free to omit those that do not apply) ?
Choose a “family level” culturally appropriate nursing action you will implement during the
interview to assist a family member, or members, or the entire family, based on your
assessment. Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham Textbook is a
good so …Chinese Person Different Culture Interview

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Chinese Person Different Culture Interview.pdf

  • 1. Chinese Person Different Culture Interview Chinese Person Different Culture Interview ON Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewBackground informationFamily to interviewI will like to interview an Asian family particularly a Chines family. This family lives in New Hope and they have been my neighbor for about five years. I became close to this family because my husband lived in China for about eight year so can speak Chinese language. This family became interested in my family because they were so amazed that my husband could speak their language. We are a Christian (Presbyterian family) and I will like to know more about other cultures. I which to gain an inside into this family’s culture and religion and how it could affect their health choices. Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewSee attachments of sample and rubricChinese Person Different Culture Interviewattachment_1attachment_2Unformatted Attachment PreviewASSESSMENT FORM Date of Interview: 6/25/2020 Place of interview: Family’s Home Initials or Pseudonyms of Family Members Present for Interview (note: at least 2 family members must be present for interview): MT (mother), XT (father), YM (daughter, 32 years old), EM (daughter’s husband) ST (sister, 29 years old). All the family members except for the ST the sister live in the same home. My relation to this family is through the daughter YM who I met in nursing school 4 years ago. For the purpose of this family cultural interview I have received permission from the family to discuss their culture in this assignment and in agreeance to only use initials for the respect of privacy. To aide in the assessment process, I used the format and guidance of the Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Nursing Assessment (2016). This family in its entirety is of Chinese descent and has lived in Minnesota for the last ten years, after following extended family over from China. The goal of this interview was to broaden my knowledge of the culture and expand my understanding of the differences in which we live. Additionally, my intention was to develops nursing interventions that would benefit the whole family with respect to their preferences, health conditions, and well-being. Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Nursing Assessment (De Ruiter et al., 2016, p. 162). Responses for each of the 6 areas (use bullet points) Communication: • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewThe communication within Chinese family culture is simple in conversation but complex in language and dialects used. All the family members speak Chinese, Cantonese, and Mandarin while YM, EM, ST all speak English. • YM and ST learned English at a young age through pop culture in China and here in America as well as through grade school and taking extra classes on English as Second Language. • The parents understand and speak simple greeting of “Hello”, “Bye”, “Yes”, and “No”. YM explained her parents never had a
  • 2. strong desire to learn English fully as their work and personal life were center around their own family as well as others that could translate for them when needed. • The parents however are careful in reading and observing nonverbal communication attributes of those around them such as physical stance, facial expressions, and hand gestures. • When communicating with them myself, I waved to them as a part of my greeting and they responded with “Hello”. Otherwise throughout the interview, they did not speak much, although paying much attention. • In their culture they speak in a fast pace in either a quite or extra loud volume. When asked about eye contact YM explained it took some getting used to and noted that in China is can be inappropriate towards the elders. When observing the family, it was challenging at times to read the facial expressions of the parents as they are minimal whereas the daughters were much more expressive and outgoing. Space: • It is common to be close in proximity and space as a family, especially when cooking and eating together. The family is close with one another and comfortable but are also independent in their activities. • It is common in their culture to have the oldest son be the caretake of the parents, however, if there is no son in the family, the expected duty is then passed on to the oldest daughter. • For this family, YM is the oldest daughter and the parents live with her, her husband EM, and daughter as their one son had an unexpected death at a young age. YM and her family live in a four-bedroom suburban home here in which the parents have the lower them to themselves, kitchen, dining, and living room as common space, and the upper level for YM, EM, and their daughter. This layout YM explained was a reason they bought the home so there would be some separation and space for each of them. • When I have been over to their home in the past and the parents were home, they would mostly stay in the lower level and only come up for food. Social Organization: • The family is originally from East China in a small village almost three hours from the city Guangzhou. YM’s grandparents and an uncle still live there today. • Both parents work at one of the family’s restaurants generally Tuesday through Saturday while on Sunday they practice Dim Sum, which is a family gathering in the late morning of a buffet of foods consisting of many versions of dumplings for example. • Most foods are usually bite size, there is large variety, and the foods are either fried or steamed. Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewXU the father cooks more at home than the mother, as she helps more with taking care of the grandchild, gardening, and helping around the house, when not at the restaurant. Food is a center of many gatherings with family in Chinese culture and it is common for all foods to be shared and tried amongst one another. This family noted that in their culture they are not as big on celebrating birthdays or anniversaries as they are with weddings and births. • With regards to their spirituality, they participate in Buddhist practices, have statues and pictures of the Buddha in their home. YM reminisced about going to Buddhist temples in China with her parents and extended family members as a young child but that they have not done that much since being here. Time: • The family explained that although time is important, in daily life, they do not follow strict schedules and simply work until the job is done or take as much time as they need to do a task right. • They value hard work and their jobs in providing for their family in which time to them often correlate time to money. • YM noted however that she sees differences in this throughout her family though there are different values in time between the generations. For example, YM is more punctual than her parents
  • 3. as with her cousins when it comes to daily tasks and will stop working on something due to a schedule regardless if the task is complete. Environmental Control: • In America, the Chinese generally live where their work is or where the adult children have chosen to settle. • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewThey like to provide for themselves with gardening many of their vegetables and herbs, while cooking from fresh food sources. T • hey values time with family and loyalty, wisdom and respect of authorities, being courtesy in care taking, as well as showing respect and love through gift and services. The family all practice the use of teas, herbal medicine, and broths. • In Chinese culture, children are brought up with high level of discipline and requirement to practice patience at a young age. YM and EM mentioned how this has caused frustration between each other as they are raising their first child together and discussing future parenting methods. • The parents use acupuncture routinely and tend to withhold from western medicine methods. YM and ST however since they have become more adjusted to American culture, are more following of western medicine. YM learned the most about American health practices when learning to become a registered nurse. Biological Variation: • In the Chinese culture, most have dark hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and many are thin in nature in comparison with their incorporated American culture, even though they are not as driven to be physically fit. YM mentioned she has a “flat nose” which is common in her culture but has always been selfconscious about it since living here. • In their family, there is a history of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, as well as breast and skin cancer. YM also explains she has had struggles with depression since her brother had a sudden death at a young age and she since has felt pressure in taking on his family duties. Nursing Action(s): must be family & culturally oriented, use bullet points • During the family interview, YM, EM, and ST spoke the most whereas the parents were quiet in voice but participated in nonverbal communication. As the nurse with no knowledge of their native language, focusing on nonverbal cues such as facial expression, physical appearance, and voice characteristics was helpful to be prepared to observe throughout (Vargas-Urpi, 2013). • Providing suggestions and guidelines for meal planning to help with ease and health of diet. Provided information about the DASH diet as well as provided suggestions on alternatives for ingredients of their typical foods. • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewI further helped in encouraging the father check his blood pressure regularly at home as well as demonstrated proper technique as he was diagnoses with high blood pressure this year. I suggested taking his blood pressure 3 times a week to start and to keep a log of the date, time, blood pressure and pulse for at least 2 weeks. • We also talked about incorporating more physical activity in the daily lives of the family. I suggested taking family walks outside, going to the community park near by more often for picnics and then maybe going on the trail. YM and ST mentioned they enjoy swimming and do water aerobics in which they then invited their mother to join them sometime. Physical activity would be beneficial for the whole family. It would help the mother with her diabetes as well as help with YM’s depression symptoms. Why Chosen: use bullet points, include 3 or more peer-reviewed citations to support • An example of this as noted by Vargas-Urpi (2013), when interviewing, noticing that in Chinese culture they may not be making eye contact, but they are smiling. I thought of this concept in anticipation of the interview as I was at first
  • 4. nervous, however the assumption was accurate and having learning about it ahead of time, made it easier to understand the nonverbal cues and be more comfortable in the setting. • This intervention was chosen as the mother has a difficult time with managing her diabetes as she enjoys sweets and feels if she cannot have her favorites foods, then what would she eat. This is common is patient who have not been provided with the proper diet education on what food are important to eat and which are to be avoided. • Monitoring one’s blood pressure at home is a beneficial way to provide their doctor was data to show trends in their measurements. This suggestion is correlated with Roy’s adaptation model in setting short goals to then develop positive behavior changes and acceptance of the change (Blais and Hayes, 2016). • As a part of one’s whole well-being, regular physical activity is important for mental and physical health. Physical activity can help manage the progression of diabetes, prevent it from developing as well as help alleviate symptoms of depression (Yamashita, Yamashita, Sato, & Takase, 2019) Result of Nursing Action(s): (What was the family’s reaction to nursing action(s) • The family mentioned upon arriving to their home, they were looking forward to the event. They were willing to share their stories, thoughts and ways of life. I feel that in conversation it was equal in participation and conversation without any moments of awkward silences or uncertainty, which helped keep the dialog smooth. • The family was opening towards the alternative food options and ingredient alternatives I suggested. For example, trying to steam as much food as possible versus frying the food. Not adding breading to meats, limiting salt in food preparation, Describe your thoughts on experience of doing the assessment. • Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewI enjoyed doing this assignment and the overall experience. YM is someone who I do not see much at all anymore, so it was nice to have a reason to be in contact and visit. I felt lucky to have known her as her and her family were so welcoming in my visit and were willing to engaging in conversation about their culture. I fell I have a better understanding of what the Chinese culture is like not only in China but also the transition and incorporation with American cultures. I did not realize how much of YM’s • • using fruit and other natural sugars in making desserts and choosing sweats. YM noted she is guilty of facilitating the making desserts as she follows in the attribute after her mother in enjoying sweets. The father seemed interested in the blood pressure machine following my demonstration of it and told his daughter he was in agreeance of the plan. He also mentioned he is getting used to his changes for his new diagnosis, but it still has been challenging. He was thankful for the assistance and YM also noted she would be helping him going forward. The family together expressed interest in the ideas of physical activity but explained that it is something they have never thought about or made an extra effort to do more of. YM noted she has wanted to become more physically fit recently but has not know where to start and did not want to try it on her own. YM and ST continue to look forward to their swimming and hopes their mother will join them. What have you learned about analyzing & responding to conditions of marginalized populations through this unit? • In marginalized populations, I have developed a further understanding of what it means as there are social injustices, disadvantages, and discrimination in healthcare services and resources available for certain groups of people (Blais and Hayes, 2016). • Nurses need to be advocates for their patients without regard to their cultural difference but also while
  • 5. making note of the cultural individualities, practices and societal resources so they can provide the appropriate care (Blais and Hayes, 2016). preferences were stemmed from her culture and how different her life was in China compared to here. How will you respond to conditions of marginalized populations in your nursing practice? • As I have learned more about marginalized population, I will make forth the effort to further understand the perspectives of these populations in their daily lives and health conditions. I will incorporate more the use of empathy in their cultural challenges and provide support in a culturally competent and individual manner. I hope to continue to learn about these populations and how to best understand their needs as well as what resources can I best provide them with. Culturagram Legal Status: Reasons for relocating: Language(s): Time in community: Asian – American citizens Chinese, Cantonese, and mandarin 10 years Followed family and desire for better life for the children, YM and ST Heath Beliefs: Having broths, teas, herbal medicine, acupuncture as well as prepare foods in specific manner will cure or heal imparities and keep illness way. Family: Values about Family: Mother MT Family, courtesy, selfsustaining, respect of parents and elders, wisdom, and loyalty Father XT Daughter YM & Husband EM Values about Education and Work: Hardworking in academia and with jobs at a young age. Contributing to the family, example, YM and ST working at their aunt’s restaurants Impact of crisis events: Sister ST Contact with cultural and religious institutions: Buddhist practices Holidays and Special Events: YM’s depression following the sudden death of the only son in the family from a blood clot at age 23 American holidays as well we Dim Sum, Chinese wedding rituals and newborn ceremonies Culturagram Template by Congress, 2005 References Blais, K. K., & Hayes, J. S. (2016). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. De Ruiter, H., Demma, J. M., Kriegl, M., & Schulze, J. (2016). Chapter 6: Cultural and diversity aspects of health and illness care needs. In S. Denham, S. Eggenberger, P. Young & N. Krumwiede. Familyfocused nursing care, (pp. 162). FA Davis. Vargas-Urpi, M. (2013). Coping with Nonverbal Communication in Public Service Interpreting with Chinese Immigrants. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 42(4), 340-360. doi:10.1080/17475759.2013.838985 Yamashita, T., Yamashita, K., Sato, M., & Takase, Y. (2019). Effect of walking on depression prevalence for diabetes using information communication technology: Prospective study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 19(11), 1147-1152. doi:10.1111/ggi.13787 INSTRUCTIONS for THE FAMILY CULTURAL ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT IMPORTANT: Chinese Person Different Culture InterviewRead all instructions carefully and study the rubric, you will be graded using the rubric. Be sure you have included everything the instructions and rubric ask for before you submit your assignment to avoid unnecessarily losing points. Overview-Important definitions Marginalized populations Marginalized populations refer to specific groups of peoples or individuals that are relegated to the outer edges of society or social standing, both in this country and abroad. Such people are often denied access to resources and privileges available to mainstream society. This includes access to healthcare and healthcare disparities. Note: Marginalized populations will be a concept important to your Family Cultural Interview Assignment Cultural Competence: “The ability to deliver health care with knowledge of and sensitivity to cultural factors that influence the health behavior” (AHNA &
  • 6. ANA, 2013, p. 87) Cultural Diversity is a part of AHNA (2013) Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Healing Environment and Cultural Diversity. “Culture, beliefs and values are an inherent component of a holistic approach” (p. 17). AHNA & ANA. (2013). Holistic Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 2nd Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Preparation ? Complete the WebQuest at the following URL: (this will take approximately 4 hours) ? Read Chapter 21: Nursing Care in a Culturally Diverse World in your Blais & Hayes Textbook. text ? Read Chapter 6 Cultural and Diversity Aspects of Health and Illness Care Needs and skim Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham, Eggenberger, Young & Krumwiede textbook Interview Then complete a cultural assessment of a family (two or more people) with a culturally or ethnically diverse background different from your own. Note: This family cannot have a member who is part of this course ? Get my permission: You MUST get permission from me for the family you wish to interview prior to actually conducting the interview (submit this in writing to the “Assignments” area of D2L)-explain in 1-2 paragraphs how you know this family and why you have chosen this family. I will respond back in the “Assignments” area of D2L with feedback) ? Get the family’s permission: Ask the family if they would like to be interviewed and that they are under no obligation to do so, that the interview is completely voluntary. Explain to the family that the purpose of the assignment is to learn about the culture of a family from a diverse population. ? Formulate questions and observations: Use the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model to for the family you will interview. (note you need to sign in with the user name and password you created for Think Cultural Health website when you completed the WebQuest). Be sure to include all 6 assessment areas. An abbreviated version of the tool can also be found on page 162 of your Denham et al. text. ? Create a Culturagram during the interview (see this article on how to create): Congress (2005). Cultural and ethical issues in working with culturally diverse patients and their families, Social Work in Health Care, 39:3-4, 249-262, DOI: 10.1300/J010v39n03_03 available at o (note that not all parts of the Culturagram may be applicable and you are free to omit those that do not apply) ? Choose a “family level” culturally appropriate nursing action you will implement during the interview to assist a family member, or members, or the entire family, based on your assessment. Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham Textbook is a good so …Chinese Person Different Culture Interview