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D a t a f r o m t h e 2 0 11 C e n s u s

                                  CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO
                                  Data from the 2011 Census

UNICEF Montenegro
Vladike Danila 28
20 000 Podgorica,

© United Nation Children’s Fund
(UNICEF), August 2012
D a t a f r o m t h e 2 0 11 C e n s u s
CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
D ATA F R O M T H E 2 0 1 1 C E N S U S

Study prepared by:                                                  FOREWORD........................................................................................................4
Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT, Podgorica,
Montenegro; Team members: Dr Bozidar Popovic, Snezana
Remikovic, Biljana Sekulovic, Dragan Dubak, Natasa Saranovic,       METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................6
and Katarina Bigovic (translation).

© United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
August 2012                                                         DEMOGRAPHY..................................................................................................12

Permission to reproduce any part of this publication is required.
Please contact UNICEF Montenegro (Vladike Danila 28, 20 000         EDUCATION......................................................................................................24
Podgorica, Montenegro, Tel: +382 20 224 277; Fax: +382 20 224
278; E-mail: Permission will be freely
granted to educational or non-profit organizations.                 EARLY MARRIAGE AND MOTHERHOOD.......................................................42

The statements in this publication are the views of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the policies or the views of
UNICEF .                                                            CHILD LABOUR................................................................................................52

UNICEF Montenegro/Zoran Jovanovic Maccak                            CITIZENSHIP......................................................................................................60
UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic
UNICEF Montenegro/Dusko Miljanic
                                                                    ETHNIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS...............................................68
Design & prepress:
Milovan Kadovic

Editing and proofreading:                                           ANNEX 1:
Peter Stonelake                                                     STATISTICAL MATRICES.................................................................................76

2                                                                                                                                                                                    3

Dear readers,

The Government of Montenegro, MONSTAT and UNICEF share              These and other data from the publication “Children in Monte-
a commitment to improving knowledge and understanding of            negro” clearly show that childhood experience in our country
the situation of children in Montenegro and ensuring that kno-      is diverse. We are pleased to see that for most children it is a
wledge is used to develop national action to ensure better          period of play, learning, socialising in school and growing up
outcomes for all of our children.                                   in a warm family environment. However, we are concerned
                                                                    that for some, childhood is broken by not going to school or
The “Children in Montenegro” booklet contributes to strength-       facing challenges of the adults’ world prematurely and un-
ening knowledge on children by consolidating key data on the        prepared such as early marriage and taking care of children,
situation of children obtained by 2011 Census of Population,        employment and so on.
Households and Dwellings.
                                                                    Every society is responsible for enabling every child to de-
We are confident that the key decision makers at national and       velop to his or her full potential. Our intention is, through this
local level will find in this book useful information about the     publication, to stimulate public dialogue based on statistically
problems that our children are coping with, which will help         reliable data needed for the development of effective policies.
them identify the most effective solutions.                         Our goal is to contribute to the changes that will enable every
                                                                    child in Montenegro to develop to his or her full potential. As
According to the 2011 Census, in Montenegro, 5% of children         society and as individuals we owe that to our children.
aged from 6 to 17 years, i.e. 5,313 of them do not attend school.
443 children aged from 15 to 17 years are labour active while
187 of them are employed. 310 children aged from 15 to 17           Ms Gordana Radojevic, MSc                        Benjamin Perks,
years are married, and 69% of them are girls.                       Director of the Statistical                             UNICEF
                                                                    Office of Montenegro                              Representative

4                                                                                                                                    5
holds and dwellings, and their                                Censuses of Population

                                                                     characteristics.                                              and Housing, prepared in

METHODOLOGY                                                          The preparation, organisation
                                                                                                                                   cooperation with the UN
                                                                                                                                   Economic Commission
                                                                                                                                   for Europe and Statistical
                                                                     and conducting of the Census
                                                                                                                                   Office of the European
                                                                     are based on principles of rel-                               Communities - EURO-
                                                                     evance, impartiality, transpar-                               STAT;
                                                                     ency, timeliness, professional
                                                                     independence, rationality, con-
                                                                     sistency, publicity, statistical                          	 Regulation (EC) No 763/
                                                                                                                                  2008 of the European
                                                                     confidentiality, and usage of
                                                                                                                                  Parliament, and of the EU
                                                                     personal data exclusively for                                Council on population

T   he Census of Population,       verage of Census units. The       statistical purposes.                                        and housing censuses,
    Households and Dwellin-        Census was conducted in a                                                                      and
gs (hereinafter referred to as     traditional manner using the      The Census was conducted in
the “Census”) was conducted        interview method, on a door-      accordance with the Law on
                                                                                                                               	 Regulation (EC) No 1201/
in Montenegro in the period        to-door principle. Interviews     the Census of the Population,
                                                                                                                                  2009 on implementing
from 1st to 15th April 2011.       with respondents were per-        Households, and Dwellings in                                 Regulation (EC) No 763/
                                   formed by enumerators.            20111, and Methodology for                                   2008 of the European
The Census was conducted                                             the Preparation, Organisation,                               Parliament and of the EU
according to the situation on                                        and Conducting of the Census                                 Council on population
31st March 2011 at 24:00, whi-     A Census, in accordance with      (hereinafter referred to as the                              and housing censuses
ch is considered as the refer-     international recommendati-       “Methodology”). The Meth-                                    regarding the technical
ent moment of the Census.          ons, conducted every ten          odology is fully harmonised                                  specifications of the top-
                                                                     with international standards                                 ics and of their break-
Immediately after the Census       years, is a process of collect-
was finished, a quality control    ing, processing, and publish-     which determine common
of the Census was performed        ing demographic, economic,        rules on collecting population
                                                                                                                               The units of the census are
on a representative sample of      educational, migration, eth-      data, and the most important
                                                                                                                               population, households, and
enumeration areas in order to      no-cultural, and social data      ones are:
evaluate the coverage and          related to the population of      	 The Conference of Euro-
quality of data collected by       the country in a certain peri-       pean Statisticians’ Reco-                              The Census covers citizens of
the Census. The first results      od. Also, the Census provides        mmendations for the 2010
of the control indicate full co-   data on the number of house-
                                                                         Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 41/10, 44/10, 75/10

6                                                                                                                                      CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO       7
Montenegro, citizens of Mon-      arrived in that place later but   received based on the state-        processing and spreadsheet

tenegro and foreign citizens,     with the intention of staying     ment of the person on his/her       applications, an Internet bro-
foreign citizens and persons      there at least for one year.      legal marital status, regard-       wser and e-mail client. A
without citizenship (stateless                                      less of the “de facto” situation.   person able to apply all four
persons) who have residence       The Methodology is prepared       Marital status is presented for     mentioned applications is co-
(permanent or temporary) in       so as to ensure that every per-   the population aged 15 years        nsidered computer literate.
Montenegro, irrespective of       son has only one usual place      or older.                           Those who are able to use
whether they are at the mo-       of residence. In the interna-                                         one, two or three applications
ment of the Census in Mon-        tional context this is impor-     The data on citizenship is col-     but not all four of them are
tenegro or abroad, irrespec-      tant in order to avoid there      lected on the basis of the res-     considered partially computer
tive of whether they possess      being individuals included in     ponses on citizenship. All da-      literate. Those who are not
personal identification docu-     the total population number       ta is received only based on        able to use any of the menti-
ments at the moment of the        in several countries or not       the statement of the person,        oned applications are consi-
Census or not, and irrespec-      included at all. Actually, the    without checking personal           dered computer illiterate. The
tive of whether they live in a    main objective of the Census      documentation.                      answer was collected on the
dwelling, other type of build-    is to determine the exact nu-                                         basis of the respondent’s
ing or in public areas.           mber of people who live and       Knowledge of foreign langu-         statement.
                                  use the infrastructure of a       ages is defined as the ability
The population refers to per-     particular geographic area.       of a person to understand,          The 2011 Census collected
sons whose usual place of                                           speak, read, and write a cer-       data related to the economic
residence is in Montenegro.       Data on age was obtained          tain foreign language. Data is      activity of the person, i.e. acti-
The usual place of residence      from a statement about the        collected for up to three fore-     vities carried out by a person
is the place where a person       respondent’s date of birth.       ign languages. All data is rece-    in the period from 25th to 31st
usually resides regardless of                                       ived exclusively based on a         March 2011, the week preced-
temporary absence for the         The data about age is prese-      respondent’s statement.             ing the census. The response
purposes of recreation, holi-     nted by the years of age alre-                                        was collected from persons
day, visits to friends or rela-   ady reached. This means that,     Computer literacy is defined        aged 15 years and older, and
tives, business, medical treat-   for example, the age interval     as the ability to use basic com-    on the basis of their statement.
ment or religious pilgrimage;     from 5 to 9 years of age inclu-   puter applications for perfor-
as well as the place where a      des people who have reached       ming daily tasks. In reference      In the census any person in
person has been resident          5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years.          to this, the data collected rel-    the week preceding the cen-
continuously, at least from                                         ated to the ability to use pro-     sus (from 25 to 31 March 2011)
1 April 2010, or he/she has       The data on marital status is     gramme applications – word          is considered employed who:

8                                                                                                                CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO          9
	 performed any kind of         Active population refers

   regular or usual work         to any employed or unem-
   for wage/profit (in cash,     ployed person aged 15 years
   goods or services) for at     or over.
   least one hour or any kind
   of unpaid work (in a com-
                                 Fertility is a generally pre-
   pany, professional prac-
   tice or agricultural farm     sented and well known term
   in the possession of any      coming from the Latin word
   member of his/her fami-       “fertilities” and it means
   ly), or                       “fertility, ability to give birth”
	 has not worked (due to        Fertile age is the age in life of
   illness, vacation, state or   a woman when she is biologi-
   religious holiday, educa-     cally able to give birth, and it
   tion, training, maternity     is scientifically defined as the
   leave, reduced production     period from 15-49 years. Cer-
   or other temporary inabi-     tainly, there are women who
   lity to work), but he/she     can give birth and do give
   has a job to which he/she     birth before 15 or after 49.
   will return.
                                 The Census collected data
In the census a person is con-   on the total number of live-
sidered unemployed who:          born children including chil-
                                 dren who were not alive at
	 in the week before the        the moment of the Census.
   census (from 25 to 31 Ma-     This question referred only

                                                                      © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic
   rch 2011) did not work,       to female individuals aged 15
   but he/she was actively       years or more, regardless of
   looking for a job during
                                 their marital status.
   March 2011 (four weeks
   before the census), and
   he/she is ready to start      The Census collected data
   working during the fol-       on school attendance for any
   lowing two weeks.             person regardless of age.

10                                                                                                        CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO   11
acteristics collected by the    up to 18 years of age live in

                                                                  census become more useful       Montenegro. Their share of
DEMOGRAPHY                                                        if they are cross-referenced
                                                                  with gender and age. It is
                                                                                                  the total population is 23.4%.

                                                                  important to note that recom-   The percentages in the chart
                                                                  mended age groups were          below refer to the share of
                                                                  used so that the data can be    children in the total popula-
                                                                  compared spatially and by       tion according the data from
                                                                  time.                           the 2003 and 2011 Censuses.
                                                                                                  Comparing the two census
                                                                  According to the 2011 Popula-   years, the conclusion is that
                                                                  tion Census, 145 126 children   there was a decrease in the

D    emographical data, par-
     ticularly on age and gen-
der, is crucial for understan-
                                 should be afterwards entered
                                 on the basis of other data on
                                 people or households, the
                                                                  Chart 1: Population pyramids of the population in Montenegro
                                                                           according to the 2003 and 2011 Censuses

ding the distribution of edu -   Statistical Office of Montene-         Male          Female            Male          Female
cational, social, employment     gro did not use this imputa-
and health indicators and op-    tion method or method of
portunities across the entire    inserting the data on age.
                                 Children, the young, and eld-
To obtain data on age, the       erly people are recognised as
census collected information     separate population catego-
on date of birth. Data collec-   ries for which different types
tion on the date of birth en-    of census data is requested.
ables tabulation in two ways:    Thus, for example, for chil-
by year of birth and by age      dren’s and young people’s
reached. Although UN and         education, this data is of key
Eurostat recommendations         importance, while for adults,
foresee the case where the       data on economic activity is
data on age is missing and       more relevant. The example
for this eventuality the data    mentioned and all other char-                 2003                            2011

12                                                                                                        CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO   13
Chart 2: Share of children in the total population, by municipality,                                                                                                                                                                                                         negro as a whole. All the          Mojkovac, Danilovgrad,

         2003 and 2011 Censuses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              other municipalities, fifteen of   Podgorica, Berane, Ulcinj,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             them, have a lower share of        Bijelo Polje, Plav and Rozaje.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             children in the total populati-
 30%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         on, than the country average.      The share of population of
 25%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            age under 18 in the total pop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In 2003, the share of children     ulation is decreasing. Accord-
 10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in the total population was        ingly, in 2003, the share of
  5%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         25.3%, and eight municipali-       children in the total population
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ties had a higher-than-aver-       was 25.3%, while this percent-
-10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         age share compared to the          age in 2011 was 23.4%. A de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             whole country, which are:          crease in the number of chil-
                                Bijelo Polje
                                                                                                                                                                         Herceg Novi
           2003                                2011                                 % decrease in the share of children in the total population

share of children in the total                                                                                 the population consists of
population in 2011 compared                                                                                    children aged 18 years or less.
with 2003 in all municipali-                                                                                   Then come Plav with 27%,
ties. The difference, i.e. the                                                                                 Berane with 26%, Bijelo Polje
decrease in the share of chil-                                                                                 and Podgorica with 25% of
dren in the total population is                                                                                children in the total popula-
highest in Danilovgrad (5%),                                                                                   tion. The lowest number of
Cetinje and Plav (4%). The                                                                                     children (18%) is found in the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic
lowest decrease of almost 1%                                                                                   municipalities of Pluzine, Cet-
is in Berane.                                                                                                  inje, Savnik and Zabljak.

According to the 2011 Census                                                                                   In 2011, the share of children
data, the share of children                                                                                    was higher in the following
in the total population by                                                                                     six municipalities: Rozaje, Plav,
municipality indicates that                                                                                    Berane, Bijelo Polje, Podgor-
in Rozaje almost one-third of                                                                                  ica, and Ulcinj, than in Monte-

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO     15
Chart 2: Share of children in the total population, by municipality, in %

       2011 Census                                                                        2003 Census

                                   Pljevlja 19.0                                                                             Pljevlja 21.4

                   Pluzine                                                                                   Pluzine
                     17.9     Zabljak 18.3                                                                    20.7      Zabljak 21.3
                                                      Bijelo Polje 25.5                                                                         Bijelo Polje 27.2
                                             Mojkovac                                                                                  Mojkovac
                              Savnik 18.0                                                                               Savnik 20.2
                                               22.3                                                                                      25.4
                                                            Berane 26.1       Rozaje                                                                 Berane 26.8    Rozaje
              Niksic 22.9                  Kolasin 25.0                        31.7                     Niksic 24.5                  Kolasin 23.7                    34.0

                                                          Andrijevica                                                                               Andrijevica
                                                             22.1                                                                                      23.2
                              Danilovgrad                          Plav                                                 Danilovgrad                          Plav
         Kotor 20.2                21.0                            27.3                            Kotor 22.3                25.7                            31.2
Herceg Novi                              Podgorica                                        Herceg Novi                              Podgorica
    20.2                                   24.6                                               21.7                                   26.1
                      Cetinje 18.0                                                                              Cetinje 22.5
      Tivat 21.6                                                                                Tivat 22.8

                   Budva 22.2                                                                                Budva 24.2
                                                                          17.90 - 19.99
                                Bar 22.6                                                                                  Bar 24.1
                                                                          20.00 - 23.99
                                       Ulcinj 23.7                                                                               Ulcinj 26.8
                                                                          24.00 - 27.99

                                                                          28.00 - 34.00

       16                                                                                                                                      CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO        17
dren, from 156 683 to 145 126,    zaje in this manner, although        firms the vital statistics pro-   there were more children

was recorded both in terms        this municipality indicated          duced by the Statistical Office   aged 15 years and over in
of percentage and absolute        a decrease in the number of          of Montenegro, which show         2003 than in 2011.
number. In other words, there     children from 34% down to            a growth in the birth rate in
were 11 557 less children in      32%, meaning that a third of         the last five years. In both      The 2011 Census indicated fe-
2011 compared with the data       the inhabitants of Rozaje are        census years when observing       wer children of all individual
from the census conducted         aged 18 years or less. In mu-        age structure, children are on    years of age compared with
eight years earlier.              nicipalities of Pljevlja, Zabljak,   average older. More children      the 2003 Census.
                                  Savnik, Pluzine and Cetinje,         under five years of age are
In 2003, the municipalities of    the percentage of children out       recorded in the 2011 Census       Out of the total population,
Rozaje and Plav were recog-       of the total population is less      than in the 2003 Census, but,     older children are more rep-
nized as the municipalities       than 20% according to the
with the highest percentage       2011 Census, while this was
of children out of the total      not the case in 2003.                Chart 5: Age structure of children aged between 0 and 17 years,
population, i.e. 34% and 31%                                                    2003 and 2011 Censuses
respectively. The 2011 Cen-       The data on age structure
sus characterised only Ro-        from the 2011 Census con-

Chart 4: Age structure of Montenegrin population by individual
         years of age and gender

 7,000                                                                  8,000

                                                                                               2003.          2011.
              AGE         Total        Male         Female

18                                                                                                               CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO   19
Chart 6: Structure by age group, 2003 and 2011 Censuses                            years of age) are boys, with       girls.

                                                                                   52%. In 2003, there were 107
                 0                                            0
                                                                                   boys per 100 girls, and in 2011,   The composition of populati-
                5%                                        5%                       108 boys.                          on by gender is defined, amo-
     15 -17                                  15 -17
                         1 -3
                                                                     1 -3                                             ng other things, by the propo-
                         15%                                         16%
                                                                                   The changes noticed between        rtion of boys and girls out of
                                                                                   the two censuses in munici-        the total number of live-born
                                                                                   palities with a small popula-      children. Such high values of
                                4 -5                                        4 -5
                                10%                                         10%
                                                                                   tion may be caused by so-          masculinity rates defined in
                                                                                   called “small numbers”, and        Montenegro in live births are
10 -14                                  10 -14
                                                                                   relative indicators show large     explained by: a decrease in
29%                                      29%                                       variations but in real, absolu-    fertility; the wish of parents
                      6 -9                                        6 -9             te terms, the differences can      to have a son at any cost; and
                      22%                                         22%
                                                                                   be very small.                     by progress in ultrasound me-
              2003.                                   2011.                                                           thods – which has enabled
                                                                                   In the majority of municipali-     sex-selective abortion on the
                                                                                   ties in Montenegro there are       grounds of the sex of unborn
resented. Thus, children of            tion in 2003 was 35.9 years,                more boys than girls. In 2003,     babies (Pison, 2004).
age: 17, 16 or 15 have a share         and in 2011 it was 37.2 years.              the largest difference was in
of more than 6%. There is a            The average age of children                 Kotor, where there were 110        Large differences in the gen-
constant decrease of 5% in             did not change from 2003,                   boys per 100 girls; then in Bu-    der structure of children by
the proportion of children un-         and it was 9 years.                         dva, Danilovgrad and Podgor-       municipality require further
der 1 year of age. The lowest                                                      ica: 109; and in Herceg Novi       review and may be the sub-
share of children is visible           The gender structure indicates              and Rozaje there were 108          ject of a special analysis and
among children in their first          that there are more boys than               boys per 100 girls.                survey with a focus on the
year (4.9%).                           girls in the observed popula-                                                  causes of this phenomenon.
                                       tion. The total number of boys              In 2011, a larger difference       A detailed analysis of this phe-
The size of individual age             is 75 367, and the total num-               was noticed in Bar, Danilov-       nomenon would provide an
groups in the total children           ber of girls is 69 759. While               grad, Herceg Novi and Rozaje       explanation of results discov-
population did not significan-         the majority of the total popu-             with 111 boys per 100 girls; in    ered by the census.
tly fluctuate in period betwe-         lation are women with 51%,                  Danilovgrad and Berane, 110;
en the two censuses.                   the majority in the observed                in Budva, Kotor, Mojkovac and      In the total children populati-
The average age of popula-             population (children under 18               Podgorica, 109 boys per 100        on, as well as in all national,

20                                                                                                                             CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO    21
Table 1: The number of boys per 100 girls by municipality,          Chart 7: The number of children in Montenegro by ethnicity,

         2003 and 2011 Censuses                                              and gender

                                  Number of boys per 100 girls                                         Male               Female
                                  2003                    2011
 Andrijevica                       106                      97      35,000

 Bar                               105                     111      30,000
 Berane                            105                     110
 Bijelo Polje                      105                     106      25,000
 Budva                             109                     109      20,000
 Cetinje                           102                     110
 Danilovgrad                       109                     111      15,000
 Herceg Novi                       108                     111      10,000
 Kolasin                           105                      97
 Kotor                             110                     109       5,000
 Mojkovac                          101                     109          0
 Niksic                            106                     107
                                                                         Montenegrins Serbs Bosniaks Does not Albanians Muslims    Roma   Other   Egyptians   Croats
 Plav                              106                     108                                        want to
 Pljevlja                          103                     102                                        declare
 Pluzine                           101                     100
 Podgorica                         109                     109
 Rozaje                            108                     111
 Savnik                             97                     102
 Tivat                             107                     107
 Ulcinj                            107                     105
                                    99                      92
                                                                    Chart 8: Number of boys per 100 girls, by ethnicity
 Montenegro                        107                    108

i.e. ethnic, groups there are     the Egyptian population, i.e.                   110.4
                                                                                             108.6    108.3     107.7      107.6      107.2
higher percentages of boys        116 boys per 100 girls, then                                                                                    103.5
than girls. Only among chil-      among Serbs - 110 boys per                                                                                                  99.1
dren whose national affiliation   100 girls. The smallest differ-
was not declared, are there       ence in the gender structure
more girls than boys.             of children is among Croats,       Egyptians Serbs      Muslims    Bosniaks Roma Montenegrians Albanians Croats Does not
                                  where there are 103 boys per                                                                                    want to
The highest difference is in      100 girls.

22                                                                                                                                CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO               23

T   he term education refers
    to all deliberate, system-
atic and organized action or
                                     in-service training courses in
                                     factories), is not considered
                                     "school attendance" for cen-
process of teaching someone          sus purposes. Data on school
especially in a school or uni-       attendance refers to the time
versity. Most education takes        of the census, i.e. 31 March
place in schools or universiti-      2011.
es (or their equivalents), but it
can be provided outside these        Although data on school at-
institutions. Data on school         tendance was collected by
attendance was collected by          the 2003 Census, this data
the Census.                          was never published, and that
                                     information was only used in
School attendance is defined         processing and data control
as regular attendance at any         on the “highest achieved level

                                                                      © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic
accredited educational insti-        of education”. However, this
tution or programme, public          publication will present for
or private, for organised lear-      the first time the 2003 Census
ning at any level of education.      data on school attendance in
Instruction in a particular skill,   order to compare it with the
which is not part of the rec-        findings in this area of the
ognised educational structure        2011 Census.
of the country (for example

24                                                                                                        CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO   25
The concept of school atten-           Census, children of pri-     Chart 9: Percentage of children by age group of the total
dance is different from, but           mary education age was                population
complementary to, that of en-          made up of children bet-
rolment as normally covered            ween 7 and 14 years of
by annual school statistics.           age.                                                                           Children under
                                                                                                                       6 years - 7%
Attendance means the day-to-       	 At that time, primary sch-
day presence of participants          ool lasted for eight years
at an institution of learning.        compared with 2011, wh-
Enrolment refers to the formal        en primary school lasted                                                            Children from 6
                                      nine years.                   Adults - 77%                                         to 14 years - 12%
registration of pupils at the
start of the school year.          	 In the period between the
                                      two censuses, primary
Information on school atten-          education system reform                                                           Children from15
dance relates in particular to        took place and gradually                                                          to 17 years - 4 %
                                      the shift was made from
the population of official sch-
                                      an eight-year to nine-year
ool age. For the purpose of           primary school. At the
this publication children were        time of the 2011 Census,
grouped as follows:                   primary education lasted
                                      for nine years and child-     lation. In other words, a tenth   nicipality of Rozaje (15.7%),
	 Children of primary edu-           ren enrolled at primary       of the inhabitants of Monte-      which means that one-sixth of
   cation age – 6-14 years of         school at 6 years of age.     negro are of primary-school       the inhabitants of Rozaje are
   age,                                                             age. As regards secondary         children aged between 6 and
                                   To enable more simple use of     school attendance, data on        14 years. One-eleventh of the
	 Children of secondary           the data on age structure in
   education age – 15-17                                            children from 15 to 17 years      inhabitants of Pluzine, Cetinje,
                                   future surveys, children are     was considered, and accord-       Savnik, and Zabljak are prima-
   years of age.
                                   grouped by school age. In Mo-    ing to the 2011 Census there      ry-school-aged children.
In addition to this, it should     ntenegro there were 46 114       were 26 375 children in that
be also noted that exact equi-     children of pre-primary sch-     age group or 4.3% of the total    Among 72 637 children aged
valence with the 2003 Census       ool age (under 6 years old) or   population.                       from 6 to 14 years, 68 835 chi-
data is not possible for several   7.4% of the total population;                                      ldren or 95% of them attend
reasons:                           72 637 primary-school-aged       The highest share of primary-     school, and 3 802 children or
                                   children (6-14 years) represe-   school-aged children in the       5% of this age do not attend
	 At the time of the 2003         nting 11.7% of the total popu-   total population is in the Mu-    school. There is a similar situ-

26                                                                                                             CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO        27
Chart 10: Structure of children by age group, and by municipality,                                                                                                                                                                       ation with children between 6                                                                                         years attend school. These

in %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and 17 years where out of                                                                                             municipalities have the high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         99 012 children of that age                                                                                           est school attendance rates in
                      Children under 6 years                                                        From 6 to14 years                                   From 15 to 17 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         93 699 (95%) attend school                                                                                            Montenegro. Podgorica and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         while 5 313 (5%) do not go to                                                                                         Berane are the municipalities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         school.                                                                                                               with the lowest school atten-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               dance rate for children betw-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In the municipalities of Zablj-                                                                                       een 6 and 17 years (93%).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ak, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Ko-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tor, Ulcinj, and Mojkovac, 97%                                                                                        In 2011, the percentage of chil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of children between 6 and 17                                                                                          dren 6-17 years old attending



                               Bijelo Polje














                                                                                                                                                                                    Herceg Novi




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chart 12: Children between 6 and 17 years attending school,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   by municipality, in %

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Do not attend school                                            Attend school
Chart 11: Children between 6 and 14 years of age by school                                                                                                                                                                               97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 94% 94% 93% 93%
          attendance, in %

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% 7% 7%










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Herceg Novi






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bijelo Polje






                                                                                                                                                                                    Do not attend
                                                                                                                                                                                     school 5%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         school increased from 94% to                                                                                          as in 2003. An increase in the
 Attend school                                                                                                                                                                                                                           95% compared with the previ-                                                                                          school attendance rate was
      95%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ous census. In four municipali-                                                                                       registered in most municipali-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ties – Zabljak, Tivat, Berane,                                                                                        ties, while a decrease of 1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Pljevlja– school attendan-                                                                                        was registered in Budva, Nik-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ce rates are at the same level                                                                                        sic and Podgorica.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO                                                                  29
Chart 13: Children from 6-17 years who attend school,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Chart 14: Children 6-17 years old who do not attend school,

          2003 and 2011 Censuses, in %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          by municipality, 2003 and 2011 Censuses, in %

                                                                                                    2011                  2003
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2011                     2003

 98%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  16%
 94%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  14%
 88%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10%
 84%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8%
 80%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6%
                                                                                                    Herceg Novi
                                                                                                                                                              Bijelo Polje

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bijelo Polje
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Herceg Novi
When comparing the 2003                                                                                                   resulted in a decrease in sch-
and 2011 Censuses data, it                                                                                                ool attendance rates in com-
should be taken into account                                                                                              parison with 2003 in the muni-
that displaced persons from                                                                                               cipalities of Podgorica, Budva,
Kosovo, according to the cur-                                                                                             and Niksic, where the share of
rent methodology, were not                                                                                                this population is the highest.
calculated in the population
of Montenegro in 2003. A sig-                                                                                             The percentage of children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © UNICEF Montenegro/Zoran Jovanovic-Maccak
nificant number of displaced                                                                                              not attending school in 2003
persons from Kosovo are in-                                                                                               and 2011 remained the same
dividuals from the Roma and                                                                                               in the following municipalities:
Egyptian populations with a                                                                                               Zabljak, Tivat, Berane, and
school attendance rate signi-                                                                                             Pljevlja. Budva, Niksic and Po-
ficantly lower than in other                                                                                              dgorica recorded an increase
groups. Inclusion of this part                                                                                            of 1% in the share of children
of the population in the popu-                                                                                            who do not attend school in
lation of Montenegro, accor-                                                                                              comparison with the previous
ding to the 2011 Census, has                                                                                              census; there is a decrease in

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO                                                                  31
the percentage of children not                 uiring citizenship 16% do not                                              Chart 15: Children aged 6-17 by attending school and citizenship

attending school in other mu-                  attend school, and 15% of                                                            in %
nicipalities.                                  children who are citizens of a
                                               foreign country do not attend                                                                 Do not attend school     Attend school

Observations by citizenship                    school. The lowest percentage
show that 34% of stateless                     of children that do not attend
children do not attend school.                 school is among children with
Of the total number of children                Montenegrin citizenship (4%).
who are in the process of acq-                                                                                                                                                    66%
                                                                                                                                            85%               84%
                                                                                                                               96%                                                              92%

Table 2: Children aged 6-17 by attending school and citizenship,
         Census 2011                                                                                                                                                              34%
                                                                                                                                            15%               16%
                                                                                                                               4%                                                                8%
Citizenship of:           Total    Do not attend   Attend    Do not attend   Attend                                         Montenegro     Foreign    In process of acquiring   Stateless
                                      school       school       school       school                                                                                                         No data about
                                                                                                                                          countries   Montenegrin citizenship                citizenship
Total                     99,012       5,311       93,701         5%          95%
Montenegro                92,290       4,092       88,198         4%          96%

Foreign countries          3,084        478          2,606      15%           85%
In process of aquiring     1,294        212          1,082      16%           84%
Montenegrin citizenship
Stateless                  1,331        450           881       34%           66%

No answer                  1,013         79           934         8%          92%

Children who are 6 years old                   rolled in primary school. Re-
have the lowest school atten-                  garding the time of the cen-

                                                                                      © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic
dance rate, which can perhaps                  sus (31 March 2011) at which
be explained by the provisions                 point the school year was into
of the Law on Primary Educa-                   its second semester and the
tion (2002, and amendments                     calendar year 2011, children
in 2011) according to which                    that needed to enrol at school
children that reach 6 years of                 in autumn 2011 had already
age in a calendar year are en-                 reached 6 years of age.

32                                                                                                                                                                              CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO      33
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
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Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
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Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
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Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
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Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census
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Children in Montenegro - Data from the 2011 Census

  • 1. D a t a f r o m t h e 2 0 11 C e n s u s CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO Data from the 2011 Census Publisher: UNICEF Montenegro Vladike Danila 28 20 000 Podgorica, Montenegro E-mail: © United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF), August 2012
  • 2. D a t a f r o m t h e 2 0 11 C e n s u s 1
  • 3. CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO TABLE OF CONTENTS D ATA F R O M T H E 2 0 1 1 C E N S U S Study prepared by: FOREWORD........................................................................................................4 Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT, Podgorica, Montenegro; Team members: Dr Bozidar Popovic, Snezana Remikovic, Biljana Sekulovic, Dragan Dubak, Natasa Saranovic, METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................6 and Katarina Bigovic (translation). © United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) August 2012 DEMOGRAPHY..................................................................................................12 Permission to reproduce any part of this publication is required. Please contact UNICEF Montenegro (Vladike Danila 28, 20 000 EDUCATION......................................................................................................24 Podgorica, Montenegro, Tel: +382 20 224 277; Fax: +382 20 224 278; E-mail: Permission will be freely granted to educational or non-profit organizations. EARLY MARRIAGE AND MOTHERHOOD.......................................................42 The statements in this publication are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or the views of UNICEF . CHILD LABOUR................................................................................................52 Photography: UNICEF Montenegro/Zoran Jovanovic Maccak CITIZENSHIP......................................................................................................60 UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic UNICEF Montenegro/Dusko Miljanic ETHNIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS...............................................68 Design & prepress: Milovan Kadovic Editing and proofreading: ANNEX 1: Peter Stonelake STATISTICAL MATRICES.................................................................................76 2 3
  • 4. FOREWORD Dear readers, The Government of Montenegro, MONSTAT and UNICEF share These and other data from the publication “Children in Monte- a commitment to improving knowledge and understanding of negro” clearly show that childhood experience in our country the situation of children in Montenegro and ensuring that kno- is diverse. We are pleased to see that for most children it is a wledge is used to develop national action to ensure better period of play, learning, socialising in school and growing up outcomes for all of our children. in a warm family environment. However, we are concerned that for some, childhood is broken by not going to school or The “Children in Montenegro” booklet contributes to strength- facing challenges of the adults’ world prematurely and un- ening knowledge on children by consolidating key data on the prepared such as early marriage and taking care of children, situation of children obtained by 2011 Census of Population, employment and so on. Households and Dwellings. Every society is responsible for enabling every child to de- We are confident that the key decision makers at national and velop to his or her full potential. Our intention is, through this local level will find in this book useful information about the publication, to stimulate public dialogue based on statistically problems that our children are coping with, which will help reliable data needed for the development of effective policies. them identify the most effective solutions. Our goal is to contribute to the changes that will enable every child in Montenegro to develop to his or her full potential. As According to the 2011 Census, in Montenegro, 5% of children society and as individuals we owe that to our children. aged from 6 to 17 years, i.e. 5,313 of them do not attend school. 443 children aged from 15 to 17 years are labour active while 187 of them are employed. 310 children aged from 15 to 17 Ms Gordana Radojevic, MSc Benjamin Perks, years are married, and 69% of them are girls. Director of the Statistical UNICEF Office of Montenegro Representative 4 5
  • 5. holds and dwellings, and their Censuses of Population METHODOLOGY characteristics. and Housing, prepared in METHODOLOGY The preparation, organisation cooperation with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and Statistical and conducting of the Census Office of the European are based on principles of rel- Communities - EURO- evance, impartiality, transpar- STAT; ency, timeliness, professional independence, rationality, con- sistency, publicity, statistical  Regulation (EC) No 763/ 2008 of the European confidentiality, and usage of Parliament, and of the EU personal data exclusively for Council on population T he Census of Population, verage of Census units. The statistical purposes. and housing censuses, Households and Dwellin- Census was conducted in a and gs (hereinafter referred to as traditional manner using the The Census was conducted in the “Census”) was conducted interview method, on a door- accordance with the Law on  Regulation (EC) No 1201/ in Montenegro in the period to-door principle. Interviews the Census of the Population, 2009 on implementing from 1st to 15th April 2011. with respondents were per- Households, and Dwellings in Regulation (EC) No 763/ formed by enumerators. 20111, and Methodology for 2008 of the European The Census was conducted the Preparation, Organisation, Parliament and of the EU according to the situation on and Conducting of the Census Council on population 31st March 2011 at 24:00, whi- A Census, in accordance with (hereinafter referred to as the and housing censuses ch is considered as the refer- international recommendati- “Methodology”). The Meth- regarding the technical ent moment of the Census. ons, conducted every ten odology is fully harmonised specifications of the top- with international standards ics and of their break- Immediately after the Census years, is a process of collect- downs. was finished, a quality control ing, processing, and publish- which determine common of the Census was performed ing demographic, economic, rules on collecting population The units of the census are on a representative sample of educational, migration, eth- data, and the most important population, households, and enumeration areas in order to no-cultural, and social data ones are: dwellings. evaluate the coverage and related to the population of  The Conference of Euro- quality of data collected by the country in a certain peri- pean Statisticians’ Reco- The Census covers citizens of the Census. The first results od. Also, the Census provides mmendations for the 2010 of the control indicate full co- data on the number of house- 1 Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 41/10, 44/10, 75/10 6 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 7
  • 6. Montenegro, citizens of Mon- arrived in that place later but received based on the state- processing and spreadsheet METHODOLOGY tenegro and foreign citizens, with the intention of staying ment of the person on his/her applications, an Internet bro- foreign citizens and persons there at least for one year. legal marital status, regard- wser and e-mail client. A without citizenship (stateless less of the “de facto” situation. person able to apply all four persons) who have residence The Methodology is prepared Marital status is presented for mentioned applications is co- (permanent or temporary) in so as to ensure that every per- the population aged 15 years nsidered computer literate. Montenegro, irrespective of son has only one usual place or older. Those who are able to use whether they are at the mo- of residence. In the interna- one, two or three applications ment of the Census in Mon- tional context this is impor- The data on citizenship is col- but not all four of them are tenegro or abroad, irrespec- tant in order to avoid there lected on the basis of the res- considered partially computer tive of whether they possess being individuals included in ponses on citizenship. All da- literate. Those who are not personal identification docu- the total population number ta is received only based on able to use any of the menti- ments at the moment of the in several countries or not the statement of the person, oned applications are consi- Census or not, and irrespec- included at all. Actually, the without checking personal dered computer illiterate. The tive of whether they live in a main objective of the Census documentation. answer was collected on the dwelling, other type of build- is to determine the exact nu- basis of the respondent’s ing or in public areas. mber of people who live and Knowledge of foreign langu- statement. use the infrastructure of a ages is defined as the ability The population refers to per- particular geographic area. of a person to understand, The 2011 Census collected sons whose usual place of speak, read, and write a cer- data related to the economic residence is in Montenegro. Data on age was obtained tain foreign language. Data is activity of the person, i.e. acti- The usual place of residence from a statement about the collected for up to three fore- vities carried out by a person is the place where a person respondent’s date of birth. ign languages. All data is rece- in the period from 25th to 31st usually resides regardless of ived exclusively based on a March 2011, the week preced- temporary absence for the The data about age is prese- respondent’s statement. ing the census. The response purposes of recreation, holi- nted by the years of age alre- was collected from persons day, visits to friends or rela- ady reached. This means that, Computer literacy is defined aged 15 years and older, and tives, business, medical treat- for example, the age interval as the ability to use basic com- on the basis of their statement. ment or religious pilgrimage; from 5 to 9 years of age inclu- puter applications for perfor- as well as the place where a des people who have reached ming daily tasks. In reference In the census any person in person has been resident 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years. to this, the data collected rel- the week preceding the cen- continuously, at least from ated to the ability to use pro- sus (from 25 to 31 March 2011) 1 April 2010, or he/she has The data on marital status is gramme applications – word is considered employed who: 8 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 9
  • 7.  performed any kind of Active population refers METHODOLOGY regular or usual work to any employed or unem- for wage/profit (in cash, ployed person aged 15 years goods or services) for at or over. least one hour or any kind of unpaid work (in a com- Fertility is a generally pre- pany, professional prac- tice or agricultural farm sented and well known term in the possession of any coming from the Latin word member of his/her fami- “fertilities” and it means ly), or “fertility, ability to give birth” .  has not worked (due to Fertile age is the age in life of illness, vacation, state or a woman when she is biologi- religious holiday, educa- cally able to give birth, and it tion, training, maternity is scientifically defined as the leave, reduced production period from 15-49 years. Cer- or other temporary inabi- tainly, there are women who lity to work), but he/she can give birth and do give has a job to which he/she birth before 15 or after 49. will return. The Census collected data In the census a person is con- on the total number of live- sidered unemployed who: born children including chil- dren who were not alive at  in the week before the the moment of the Census. census (from 25 to 31 Ma- This question referred only © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic rch 2011) did not work, to female individuals aged 15 but he/she was actively years or more, regardless of looking for a job during their marital status. March 2011 (four weeks before the census), and he/she is ready to start The Census collected data working during the fol- on school attendance for any lowing two weeks. person regardless of age. 10 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 11
  • 8. acteristics collected by the up to 18 years of age live in DEMOGRAPHY census become more useful Montenegro. Their share of DEMOGRAPHY if they are cross-referenced with gender and age. It is the total population is 23.4%. important to note that recom- The percentages in the chart mended age groups were below refer to the share of used so that the data can be children in the total popula- compared spatially and by tion according the data from time. the 2003 and 2011 Censuses. Comparing the two census According to the 2011 Popula- years, the conclusion is that tion Census, 145 126 children there was a decrease in the D emographical data, par- ticularly on age and gen- der, is crucial for understan- should be afterwards entered on the basis of other data on people or households, the Chart 1: Population pyramids of the population in Montenegro according to the 2003 and 2011 Censuses ding the distribution of edu - Statistical Office of Montene- Male Female Male Female cational, social, employment gro did not use this imputa- and health indicators and op- tion method or method of portunities across the entire inserting the data on age. population. Children, the young, and eld- To obtain data on age, the erly people are recognised as census collected information separate population catego- on date of birth. Data collec- ries for which different types tion on the date of birth en- of census data is requested. ables tabulation in two ways: Thus, for example, for chil- by year of birth and by age dren’s and young people’s reached. Although UN and education, this data is of key Eurostat recommendations importance, while for adults, foresee the case where the data on economic activity is data on age is missing and more relevant. The example for this eventuality the data mentioned and all other char- 2003 2011 12 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 13
  • 9. Chart 2: Share of children in the total population, by municipality, negro as a whole. All the Mojkovac, Danilovgrad, DEMOGRAPHY 2003 and 2011 Censuses other municipalities, fifteen of Podgorica, Berane, Ulcinj, them, have a lower share of Bijelo Polje, Plav and Rozaje. 40% children in the total populati- 35% 30% on, than the country average. The share of population of 25% age under 18 in the total pop- 20% 15% In 2003, the share of children ulation is decreasing. Accord- 10% in the total population was ingly, in 2003, the share of 5% 25.3%, and eight municipali- children in the total population 0% -5% ties had a higher-than-aver- was 25.3%, while this percent- -10% age share compared to the age in 2011 was 23.4%. A de- whole country, which are: crease in the number of chil- Rozaje Plav Berane Bijelo Polje Podgorica Ulcinj Montenegro Niksic Bar Mojkovac Budva Andrijevica Tivat Danilovgrad Kolasin Kotor Herceg Novi Pljevlja Zabljak Savnik Cetinje Pluzine 2003 2011 % decrease in the share of children in the total population share of children in the total the population consists of population in 2011 compared children aged 18 years or less. with 2003 in all municipali- Then come Plav with 27%, ties. The difference, i.e. the Berane with 26%, Bijelo Polje decrease in the share of chil- and Podgorica with 25% of dren in the total population is children in the total popula- highest in Danilovgrad (5%), tion. The lowest number of Cetinje and Plav (4%). The children (18%) is found in the © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic lowest decrease of almost 1% municipalities of Pluzine, Cet- is in Berane. inje, Savnik and Zabljak. According to the 2011 Census In 2011, the share of children data, the share of children was higher in the following in the total population by six municipalities: Rozaje, Plav, municipality indicates that Berane, Bijelo Polje, Podgor- in Rozaje almost one-third of ica, and Ulcinj, than in Monte- 14 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 15
  • 10. Chart 2: Share of children in the total population, by municipality, in % DEMOGRAPHY 2011 Census 2003 Census Pljevlja 19.0 Pljevlja 21.4 Pluzine Pluzine 17.9 Zabljak 18.3 20.7 Zabljak 21.3 Bijelo Polje 25.5 Bijelo Polje 27.2 Mojkovac Mojkovac Savnik 18.0 Savnik 20.2 22.3 25.4 Berane 26.1 Rozaje Berane 26.8 Rozaje Niksic 22.9 Kolasin 25.0 31.7 Niksic 24.5 Kolasin 23.7 34.0 Andrijevica Andrijevica 22.1 23.2 Danilovgrad Plav Danilovgrad Plav Kotor 20.2 21.0 27.3 Kotor 22.3 25.7 31.2 Herceg Novi Podgorica Herceg Novi Podgorica 20.2 24.6 21.7 26.1 Cetinje 18.0 Cetinje 22.5 Tivat 21.6 Tivat 22.8 Budva 22.2 Budva 24.2 17.90 - 19.99 Bar 22.6 Bar 24.1 20.00 - 23.99 Ulcinj 23.7 Ulcinj 26.8 24.00 - 27.99 28.00 - 34.00 16 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 17
  • 11. dren, from 156 683 to 145 126, zaje in this manner, although firms the vital statistics pro- there were more children DEMOGRAPHY was recorded both in terms this municipality indicated duced by the Statistical Office aged 15 years and over in of percentage and absolute a decrease in the number of of Montenegro, which show 2003 than in 2011. number. In other words, there children from 34% down to a growth in the birth rate in were 11 557 less children in 32%, meaning that a third of the last five years. In both The 2011 Census indicated fe- 2011 compared with the data the inhabitants of Rozaje are census years when observing wer children of all individual from the census conducted aged 18 years or less. In mu- age structure, children are on years of age compared with eight years earlier. nicipalities of Pljevlja, Zabljak, average older. More children the 2003 Census. Savnik, Pluzine and Cetinje, under five years of age are In 2003, the municipalities of the percentage of children out recorded in the 2011 Census Out of the total population, Rozaje and Plav were recog- of the total population is less than in the 2003 Census, but, older children are more rep- nized as the municipalities than 20% according to the with the highest percentage 2011 Census, while this was of children out of the total not the case in 2003. Chart 5: Age structure of children aged between 0 and 17 years, population, i.e. 34% and 31% 2003 and 2011 Censuses respectively. The 2011 Cen- The data on age structure sus characterised only Ro- from the 2011 Census con- 10,000 Chart 4: Age structure of Montenegrin population by individual years of age and gender 9,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 7,000 1,000 0 100 103 106 109 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 1 4 7 2003. 2011. AGE Total Male Female 18 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 19
  • 12. Chart 6: Structure by age group, 2003 and 2011 Censuses years of age) are boys, with girls. DEMOGRAPHY 52%. In 2003, there were 107 0 0 boys per 100 girls, and in 2011, The composition of populati- 5% 5% 108 boys. on by gender is defined, amo- 15 -17 15 -17 19% 1 -3 18% 1 -3 ng other things, by the propo- 15% 16% The changes noticed between rtion of boys and girls out of the two censuses in munici- the total number of live-born palities with a small popula- children. Such high values of 4 -5 4 -5 10% 10% tion may be caused by so- masculinity rates defined in called “small numbers”, and Montenegro in live births are 10 -14 10 -14 relative indicators show large explained by: a decrease in 29% 29% variations but in real, absolu- fertility; the wish of parents 6 -9 6 -9 te terms, the differences can to have a son at any cost; and 22% 22% be very small. by progress in ultrasound me- 2003. 2011. thods – which has enabled In the majority of municipali- sex-selective abortion on the ties in Montenegro there are grounds of the sex of unborn resented. Thus, children of tion in 2003 was 35.9 years, more boys than girls. In 2003, babies (Pison, 2004). age: 17, 16 or 15 have a share and in 2011 it was 37.2 years. the largest difference was in of more than 6%. There is a The average age of children Kotor, where there were 110 Large differences in the gen- constant decrease of 5% in did not change from 2003, boys per 100 girls; then in Bu- der structure of children by the proportion of children un- and it was 9 years. dva, Danilovgrad and Podgor- municipality require further der 1 year of age. The lowest ica: 109; and in Herceg Novi review and may be the sub- share of children is visible The gender structure indicates and Rozaje there were 108 ject of a special analysis and among children in their first that there are more boys than boys per 100 girls. survey with a focus on the year (4.9%). girls in the observed popula- causes of this phenomenon. tion. The total number of boys In 2011, a larger difference A detailed analysis of this phe- The size of individual age is 75 367, and the total num- was noticed in Bar, Danilov- nomenon would provide an groups in the total children ber of girls is 69 759. While grad, Herceg Novi and Rozaje explanation of results discov- population did not significan- the majority of the total popu- with 111 boys per 100 girls; in ered by the census. tly fluctuate in period betwe- lation are women with 51%, Danilovgrad and Berane, 110; en the two censuses. the majority in the observed in Budva, Kotor, Mojkovac and In the total children populati- The average age of popula- population (children under 18 Podgorica, 109 boys per 100 on, as well as in all national, 20 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 21
  • 13. Table 1: The number of boys per 100 girls by municipality, Chart 7: The number of children in Montenegro by ethnicity, DEMOGRAPHY 2003 and 2011 Censuses and gender Number of boys per 100 girls Male Female 2003 2011 Andrijevica 106 97 35,000 Bar 105 111 30,000 Berane 105 110 Bijelo Polje 105 106 25,000 Budva 109 109 20,000 Cetinje 102 110 Danilovgrad 109 111 15,000 Herceg Novi 108 111 10,000 Kolasin 105 97 Kotor 110 109 5,000 Mojkovac 101 109 0 Niksic 106 107 Montenegrins Serbs Bosniaks Does not Albanians Muslims Roma Other Egyptians Croats Plav 106 108 want to Pljevlja 103 102 declare Pluzine 101 100 Podgorica 109 109 Rozaje 108 111 Savnik 97 102 Tivat 107 107 Ulcinj 107 105 99 92 Chart 8: Number of boys per 100 girls, by ethnicity Zabljak Montenegro 107 108 116.0 i.e. ethnic, groups there are the Egyptian population, i.e. 110.4 108.6 108.3 107.7 107.6 107.2 higher percentages of boys 116 boys per 100 girls, then 103.5 than girls. Only among chil- among Serbs - 110 boys per 99.1 dren whose national affiliation 100 girls. The smallest differ- was not declared, are there ence in the gender structure more girls than boys. of children is among Croats, Egyptians Serbs Muslims Bosniaks Roma Montenegrians Albanians Croats Does not where there are 103 boys per want to declare The highest difference is in 100 girls.   22 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 23
  • 14. EDUCATION EDUCATION T he term education refers to all deliberate, system- atic and organized action or in-service training courses in factories), is not considered "school attendance" for cen- process of teaching someone sus purposes. Data on school especially in a school or uni- attendance refers to the time versity. Most education takes of the census, i.e. 31 March place in schools or universiti- 2011. es (or their equivalents), but it can be provided outside these Although data on school at- institutions. Data on school tendance was collected by attendance was collected by the 2003 Census, this data the Census. was never published, and that information was only used in School attendance is defined processing and data control as regular attendance at any on the “highest achieved level © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic accredited educational insti- of education”. However, this tution or programme, public publication will present for or private, for organised lear- the first time the 2003 Census ning at any level of education. data on school attendance in Instruction in a particular skill, order to compare it with the which is not part of the rec- findings in this area of the ognised educational structure 2011 Census. of the country (for example 24 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 25
  • 15. The concept of school atten- Census, children of pri- Chart 9: Percentage of children by age group of the total dance is different from, but mary education age was population complementary to, that of en- made up of children bet- rolment as normally covered ween 7 and 14 years of by annual school statistics. age. Children under 6 years - 7% Attendance means the day-to-  At that time, primary sch- day presence of participants ool lasted for eight years at an institution of learning. compared with 2011, wh- Enrolment refers to the formal en primary school lasted Children from 6 nine years. Adults - 77% to 14 years - 12% registration of pupils at the start of the school year.  In the period between the two censuses, primary Information on school atten- education system reform Children from15 dance relates in particular to took place and gradually to 17 years - 4 % the shift was made from the population of official sch- an eight-year to nine-year ool age. For the purpose of primary school. At the this publication children were time of the 2011 Census, grouped as follows: primary education lasted for nine years and child- lation. In other words, a tenth nicipality of Rozaje (15.7%),  Children of primary edu- ren enrolled at primary of the inhabitants of Monte- which means that one-sixth of cation age – 6-14 years of school at 6 years of age. negro are of primary-school the inhabitants of Rozaje are age, age. As regards secondary children aged between 6 and To enable more simple use of school attendance, data on 14 years. One-eleventh of the  Children of secondary the data on age structure in education age – 15-17 children from 15 to 17 years inhabitants of Pluzine, Cetinje, future surveys, children are was considered, and accord- Savnik, and Zabljak are prima- years of age. grouped by school age. In Mo- ing to the 2011 Census there ry-school-aged children. In addition to this, it should ntenegro there were 46 114 were 26 375 children in that be also noted that exact equi- children of pre-primary sch- age group or 4.3% of the total Among 72 637 children aged valence with the 2003 Census ool age (under 6 years old) or population. from 6 to 14 years, 68 835 chi- data is not possible for several 7.4% of the total population; ldren or 95% of them attend reasons: 72 637 primary-school-aged The highest share of primary- school, and 3 802 children or children (6-14 years) represe- school-aged children in the 5% of this age do not attend  At the time of the 2003 nting 11.7% of the total popu- total population is in the Mu- school. There is a similar situ- 26 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 27
  • 16. Chart 10: Structure of children by age group, and by municipality, ation with children between 6 years attend school. These EDUCATION in % and 17 years where out of municipalities have the high- 99 012 children of that age est school attendance rates in Children under 6 years From 6 to14 years From 15 to 17 years 93 699 (95%) attend school Montenegro. Podgorica and 35% while 5 313 (5%) do not go to Berane are the municipalities 30% school. with the lowest school atten- 25% dance rate for children betw- 20% In the municipalities of Zablj- een 6 and 17 years (93%). 15% 10% ak, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Ko- 5% tor, Ulcinj, and Mojkovac, 97% In 2011, the percentage of chil- 0% of children between 6 and 17 dren 6-17 years old attending Rozaje Plav Berane Bijelo Polje Mojkovac Podgorica Ulcinj Montenegro Andrijevica Niksic Bar Danilovgrad Kolasin Budva Pljevlja Tivat Kotor Herceg Novi Pluzine Savnik Zabljak Cetinje Chart 12: Children between 6 and 17 years attending school, by municipality, in % Do not attend school Attend school Chart 11: Children between 6 and 14 years of age by school 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 94% 94% 93% 93% attendance, in % 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% 7% 7% Zabljak Cetinje Danilovgrad Kotor Ulcinj Mojkovac Pljevlja Kolasin Pluzine Herceg Novi Budva Niksic Bar Tivat Montenegro Bijelo Polje Savnik Andrijevica Plav Rozaje Podgorica Berane Do not attend school 5% school increased from 94% to as in 2003. An increase in the Attend school 95% compared with the previ- school attendance rate was 95% ous census. In four municipali- registered in most municipali- ties – Zabljak, Tivat, Berane, ties, while a decrease of 1% and Pljevlja– school attendan- was registered in Budva, Nik- ce rates are at the same level sic and Podgorica. 28 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 29
  • 17. Chart 13: Children from 6-17 years who attend school, Chart 14: Children 6-17 years old who do not attend school, EDUCATION 2003 and 2011 Censuses, in % by municipality, 2003 and 2011 Censuses, in % 2011 2003 2011 2003 100% 98% 16% 96% 94% 14% 92% 12% 90% 88% 10% 86% 84% 8% 82% 80% 6% 78% 4% Zabljak Cetinje Danilovgrad Kotor Ulcinj Mojkovac Pljevlja Kolasin Pluzine Herceg Novi Budva Niksic Bar Tivat Montenegro Bijelo Polje Savnik Andrijevica Plav Rozaje Podgorica Berane 2% 0% Berane Podgorica Rozaje Plav Andrijevica Savnik Bijelo Polje Montenegro Tivat Bar Niksic Budva Herceg Novi Pluzine Kolasin Pljevlja Mojkovac Ulcinj Kotor Danilovgrad Cetinje Zabljak When comparing the 2003 resulted in a decrease in sch- and 2011 Censuses data, it ool attendance rates in com- should be taken into account parison with 2003 in the muni- that displaced persons from cipalities of Podgorica, Budva, Kosovo, according to the cur- and Niksic, where the share of rent methodology, were not this population is the highest. calculated in the population of Montenegro in 2003. A sig- The percentage of children © UNICEF Montenegro/Zoran Jovanovic-Maccak nificant number of displaced not attending school in 2003 persons from Kosovo are in- and 2011 remained the same dividuals from the Roma and in the following municipalities: Egyptian populations with a Zabljak, Tivat, Berane, and school attendance rate signi- Pljevlja. Budva, Niksic and Po- ficantly lower than in other dgorica recorded an increase groups. Inclusion of this part of 1% in the share of children of the population in the popu- who do not attend school in lation of Montenegro, accor- comparison with the previous ding to the 2011 Census, has census; there is a decrease in 30 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 31
  • 18. the percentage of children not uiring citizenship 16% do not Chart 15: Children aged 6-17 by attending school and citizenship EDUCATION attending school in other mu- attend school, and 15% of in % nicipalities. children who are citizens of a foreign country do not attend Do not attend school Attend school Observations by citizenship school. The lowest percentage show that 34% of stateless of children that do not attend children do not attend school. school is among children with Of the total number of children Montenegrin citizenship (4%). who are in the process of acq- 66% 85% 84% 96% 92% Table 2: Children aged 6-17 by attending school and citizenship, Census 2011 34% 15% 16% 4% 8% Citizenship of: Total Do not attend Attend Do not attend Attend Montenegro Foreign In process of acquiring Stateless school school school school No data about countries Montenegrin citizenship citizenship Total 99,012 5,311 93,701 5% 95% Montenegro 92,290 4,092 88,198 4% 96% Foreign countries 3,084 478 2,606 15% 85% In process of aquiring 1,294 212 1,082 16% 84% Montenegrin citizenship Stateless 1,331 450 881 34% 66% No answer 1,013 79 934 8% 92% Children who are 6 years old rolled in primary school. Re- have the lowest school atten- garding the time of the cen- © UNICEF Montenegro/Risto Bozovic dance rate, which can perhaps sus (31 March 2011) at which be explained by the provisions point the school year was into of the Law on Primary Educa- its second semester and the tion (2002, and amendments calendar year 2011, children in 2011) according to which that needed to enrol at school children that reach 6 years of in autumn 2011 had already age in a calendar year are en- reached 6 years of age. 32 CHILDREN IN MONTENEGRO 33