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Presented as part of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan

Author: Tawana Jacobs, APR

Page 3

2013-2018 Marketing Communication Goals
Brand Narrative
Sample Marketing Communications Strategy
Community Outreach and Engagement Strategy
Online Engagement Strategy

Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 8
Page 10

Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Appendix 4:
Appendix 5:
Appendix 6:
Appendix 7:

Page 13
Page 14
Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21

Updated Onboarding Form
Sample Event Timeline
Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List
Sample Media Advisory
Community Groups Contact List
Local Media List
Burtonsville Demographic Data

This Blueprint for Marketing Communications is intended to serve as a resource for Charis
Worship Center Ministry (CWCM) leaders working to create and manage the different
ministries that support the church’s efforts to reach desired audiences and expand its base of
support. The Blueprint is a part of CWCM’s 2013-2018 strategic planning. Included are church
goals, an updated Charis brand narrative, explanations about each strategy component along
with recommended tasks, and sample documents and lists to guide each ministry leader’s
creative work.

Charis Worship Center Ministries (CWCM) began the process to develop its first-ever marketing
communications program in January 2013. A period of in-depth research and analysis, which
included a marketing communications audit, interviews with CWCM stakeholders and an
assessment of Charis’ “competitive” space among other tasks, was followed with group working
sessions. During these sessions, CWCM leaders collaborated to create components of the
Blueprint. Additional information was also shared, and trainings were conducted to improve
each leader’s marketing communications abilities and increase opportunities for successful
program implementation.

2013-2018 Charis Marketing Communication Goals

Communication. The leadership of Charis Worship Center Ministries (includes Ministers,
Servant Leaders and Ministry Heads) will collectively work to improve the consistency,
efficiency and timeliness of how information about church activities and events is
communicated to the congregation and the broader public.


Outreach. CWCM will intensify efforts to build relationships with local community
groups, churches, nonprofit organizations and other designated publics to “root” Charis
in the community and strengthen its public profile.


Stewardship. Provide biblically based stewardship training for effective deployment of
each individual's time, talent, treasure and truth.

Updated Charis Brand Narrative (Tagline, Welcome, Mission/Vision Statement)

Tagline: God’s Grace Delivers


Welcome (approved for use on the website and in other correspondence):
Charis Worship Center Ministries is an interdenominational church that seeks to educate,
enlighten, and empower all believers for every area of their lives through the word of God.
Charis, (pronounced Ka’ ris), the Greek word for grace, is a healing station, safe haven and
sanctuary for all seekers of God’s mercy.
Founded in 2007, Charis offers regular Sunday services, in-depth prayer and study sessions,
community events and lay ministerial training to those exploring the authentic call to
professional ministry.
We invite you to join us in Burtonsville for our weekly 10 am Sunday service, Wednesday
night Life Study and Thursday evening prayer.
Embracing God’s Kingdom, Together,
Rev. Dr. LaVerne A Wilson
Founder and Senior Pastor


Charis Mission/Vision (approved for use on the website and in other correspondence):
At Charis Worship Center Ministries, we aggressively minister to those who are lost and
disconnected from the God of grace and salvation. We believe we are to execute the “Great
Commission” as it is described in Matthew 28:16-20, which calls on us to attend to the
needs of the broader community.
With responsible leadership, God wants us to be a healing station, a safe haven and a
sanctuary where biblically-based teaching and fellowship are offered. We are to offer:

Rescue where sought

We believe God has called us into existence to provide a consistent environment of
harmony, care, reconciliation and worship. God would have us to set free the oppressed and
to empower them spiritually, economically, educationally and socially.

SAMPLE Marketing Communications Strategy
I. Overview
Insert the purpose statement from your On-Boarding form (See Appendix 1) here. Be sure to answer
these questions:

What is your planned activity or event?
Who is your desired audience?
What’s the point of the activity or event? (Why)
How do you want to make this happen? (Be sure to remove internal information from any
external communication.)

The Overview should be no longer than 250 words (two to three paragraphs maximum). Use this
overview text as appropriate for outreach purposes (e.g. website, invitations, letters, media advisories
and other materials).

II. Charis Goals
Which Charis goal does your activity or event support? (More than one can be included.)


III. Define Success
What do you want to accomplish with this activity or event? How would you define success (should be a
measurable outcome – e.g. attendance)?

IV. Outreach and Engagement Plan
Create the strategy to reach your desired audience. Your strategy should address the following points:


Audience. Who is your desired audience?
Internal Communication. Don’t forget to include fellow church members in the activity/event.
Use every tool available (church bulletin, pulpit announcement, website, Facebook and
email/phone list). You will need their help with the event, and you’ll need other members to
attend or participate.
Budget. What percentage of your budget has been set aside for outreach and engagement
activities (e.g. flyers, postcards, postage and advertising)?
Partnerships. Are you partnering with another church or organization? If so, what funds,
outreach materials and/or manpower is the partner contributing?
Print materials. Are flyers, postcards or a media advisory/PSA needed to publicize the event?
Are invitations needed for VIPs or others? If day-of event programs are also needed, include
them in your plan. See Appendix 2.
Online Engagement. Is the information posted Charis’ website and Facebook page?

Community Engagement. How do you plan on reaching out to the community? See Appendix 5.
Include media outreach only if the activity or event is a community-wide event or includes a
prominent public figure (e.g. a well-known pastor, government official or celebrity). See
Appendix 4.

V. To Do List/Timeline

Create a checklist to help you keep track of tasks, due dates and who is responsible for specific
tasks. See Appendix 3.
Include check-in calls and meetings with Pastor Wilson and the event team.
For large or more formal events, develop and follow an event timeline. See Appendix 2: Event

VI. Evaluation
Be sure to measure your progress towards reaching your desired outcomes midway through the
planning process and post-event. You will be able to correct potential problems if you check in with your
team along the way. You may even discover new, untapped opportunities that could move you closer to
finding success.

Community Outreach and Engagement

What is community outreach and engagement?
Merriam-Webster defines Community as a group of people who live in the same area or
neighborhood and as a group of people who share similar interests (e.g. religion). Outreach
is defined as the activity or process of bringing services to people. Engagement means to get
and keep someone’s attention or interest (e.g. relationship building).
Community Outreach and Engagement can then be defined as engaging Charis’ Burtonsville
neighbors and families in the surrounding area in church activities and events, by
establishing and maintaining personal and organizational relationships.


Why this is essential for Charis



It is in line with Charis’ foundational principles (refer to Pastor Wilson’s “What is My
Why?” Statement).
Research from Lifeway, Barna Labs and other sources suggest that 80-90% of people
will visit a church when invited by a friend. People join a particular church because it
is a friendly place for visitors, its community involvement, and the quality of its
programs and classes for children.
Establishing and sustaining community relationships will assist Charis in
distinguishing itself from the plethora of other churches in the neighborhood/area.

What should Charis do?

Items completed during 2013
 Broader outreach to promote Vacation Bible Camp (VBC).
 Back-to-Church Sunday postcard mailing to Burtonsville families.
Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2014
 Begin the effort to connect with community schools.
 Meet with a principal at cluster elementary school to learn more about
school’s needs and how Charis might help.
 Follow up with the elementary school principal and attend a school PTSA
meeting or two (all are open to the public) to learn more about school
 Create a detailed plan for elementary school engagement and begin
implementation in conjunction with the school’s principal.
 Get Vacation Bible Camp flyers done and copied in time for inclusion in
cluster elementary school folders in April1 and include MCPS disclaimer
 Meet with Impact Silver Spring’s East County Network Organizer to learn more
about community needs.


“Flyer Distribution Dates for 2013-2014.”, last modified August 2013,
“Required Disclaimer.”, last modified August 2013,



 Ask for suggestions about church can do a better job of connecting with
the surrounding community.
 Offer to support an activity or event in the future.
 Exhibit at and/or sponsor Burtonsville Day 2014.
 Attend at least one planning meeting to meet other community churches
and groups.
 Be sure to use the planning and/or sponsorship phase to introduce Charis.
 Based on external conversations, adapt the content of some 2014 Charis
activities and events to align with community interests and needs.
 Continue the current practice of inviting the community to participate by
posting notices at the library, community center, health center and in
community news sources (e.g. Gazette, Patch).
 See Online Engagement Strategy for suggestions about how to start
connecting with the community online.
 Build church database with new contacts.
Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2015
 Assess the elementary school engagement strategy internally and survey the
school for their feedback.
 Based on the school’s feedback, refine the plan and determine church
involvement for the new school year.
 Meet with other cluster elementary school principals to introduce Charis.
 Sponsor or support a chosen fundraising event.
 Continue relationship building efforts with Impact Silver Spring.
 Continue involvement with annual Burtonsville Day event.
 Plan specific activities and events that address community interests and
 Expand the practice of how community is invited to participate to
incorporate social media platforms.
 Continue to build church database.
Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2016
 Evaluate current plan. Make edits and additions as appropriate, consider
church capacity and budget.

Online Engagement Strategy

What is online engagement?
According to Merriam-Webster, Online is described as connected to, served by, or available
through a system and especially a computer (e.g. The Internet) or telecommunications
system. Engage means to get and keep someone’s attention or interest.
Online Engagement can then be defined as using e-mail, websites and social media to
inform and engage an audience to participate in an action or activity. Employing a two-way
method of communication (e.g. soliciting feedback) is required for success.
For the purpose of Charis’ strategic planning, online engagement should be considered a
part of the broader Community Outreach and Engagement Strategy.


Why is this essential for Charis?



All types of businesses and organizations—even churches—use online engagement
strategies to establish and maintain relationships with desired audiences.
The Internet Toolbox for Churches3 says more churches than ever are online, and
they know the importance of using the Internet and social media (Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,…) to reach their communities and new
Most people—especially Charis’ desired audience of families with children—now
have a smart phone, computer and tablet with Internet access using the Internet to
research community organizations.

What should Charis do?

Items completed during 2013
 Brand narrative update
- Refreshed tagline: God’s Grace Delivers
- Refined Welcome and Mission/Mission Statement (Litany)
 First round of the initial website edits (in progress)


Online Engagement Plan for 2014
 Complete initial web edits.
 Schedule first social media training session for ministry leaders (LinkedIn,
- Build Charis’ number of Facebook Likes and its list of Friends by
connecting with church members and friends.
- Add photos, video, event invitations and other church news to Charis’
Facebook page.
- Explain how to maximize the value of LinkedIn connections.


Chris Harrison. “Create a Small Town Community Feeling for Your Church’s Online Ministry,”, Last modified 2012,

 Hire and train digital communications intern.
 Update church database (with e-mail addresses) for all members and friends.
 Create a system that uses event On-Boarding forms to update Charis' website
and Facebook page.

Online Engagement Plan for 2015
 Evaluate and refine Charis’ plan to update its website and Facebook page.
 Schedule another social media training session.
- Create a church online networking and reading list.
- Build Charis’ presence in online communities by joining and participating
in online conversations about topics of interest.
 If funding allows, hire a company to improve the website to include a content
management system and search engine optimization (SEO) or manage the
website entirely.
 Explore the idea of getting an account with Constant Contact, a small business
email marketing system that could streamline the community outreach


Appendix 1: Updated Charis Onboarding Form
Appendix 2: Sample Event Timeline
Appendix 3: Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List
Appendix 4: Sample Media Advisory/Public Service
Appendix 5: Community Groups Contact List
Appendix 6: Local Media List
Appendix 7: Burtonsville Demographic Data


Ministry Event On-Boarding Process
Facilitating success by design


Fill out the form, submit to Pastor
Review form with Pastor (any gaps are identified)
Complete Pastor’s action items
Finalize with Pastor
Submit final form to Trustees and other impacted Ministries, obtain signoff

Ministry Event On-Boarding Form
Point of Contact:


Type of Event:
Guest Speaker(s) - subject to Pastoral approval:



Date/Time (compatibility with Church calendar):



Desired Audience:
Anticipated # Attendees:



Will the event take place in Charis’ space?:
Space set-up desired:
If not at Charis, where?:



Purpose (use this text for outreach announcements):
Which Charis goal does this relate to? (communication, outreach, stewardship):



Required Charis resources (Hospitality, AV/Tech, Charis front office, Music…):
Member engagement:
Outreach ideas:

Additional items to think about



Have you completed a brief workplan?
Have you asked members to help with your event?
Website updates
 Who will do design work?
 NOTE: All web updates need to be sent to the webmaster at least one week prior to
target posting date
Cost of event in relation to overall budget
Are printed materials (flyers, invitations, postcards) needed?
 If yes, who will do the design work?
 Anticipated postage:
Specific Hospitality needs:
 Assistance with serving:
 Type of food needed:


Event Planning Timeline


 Create an event team.
 Determine the purpose, format, and feasibility of the event.
 Determine host for event (if applicable) and meet with them to discuss event details (event

Determine 3-4 preferred dates for event or the preferred month.
Make sure these dates do not conflict with other significant events.
Research possible locations for event.
Discuss potential speakers.
 Write and send invitation letter(s).
Determine # number of projected guests and work with larger group to create a desired VIP
guest list.
Finalize date for event.
Update speakers with final event details.
Prepare projected event budget and submit for approval.
Create fundraising plan in case of budget shortfall.



Finalize location for event.
Finalize speakers for event.
Determine catering needs & place order(s).
Check with photographer/videographer for availability.
Create invitation lists – include VIPs and contact their offices for any other suggested invitees.
Create print and web-based invitations, send to appropriate staff for review and approval.
Choose a printing company.


 Create and draft event script (agenda) with suggested speaker discussion points.
 Reserve equipment.


 A/V equipment
 Tables, chairs, tents, etc.
 Make parking arrangements (if necessary)
Finalize menu selections.
Contact speakers to discuss event – equipment needs, presentation style.
Send draft script (agenda) with speaker discussion points to Pastor for review.
Contact speakers’ offices to work on desired speaking points and request biographies.
Finalize invitation list.
Approve print and digital invitations.
Send invitation list to printer to mail print invitations.
Distribute digital Invitations.
 Send follow up two weeks after initial distribution.
Create event program.
Order any gifts for speakers and/or attendees.
 Keep track of VIP invitation list and follow up as needed.


Use invitation as basis to create any advertising.
Submit mutually agreed upon event script (agenda) to speakers and Pastor.
Check in with speakers to confirm all final details, get final bios.
E-mail or call those invitees who have not responded.
Update budget.
Finalize details with caterer, rental company, and all vendors.
Take delivery of gifts and mementos and confirm receipt of correct amount.
Complete seating chart, if necessary.
Proof and send final event program to printer.


 Share the following documents with Pastor and event team:

o Guest list (noting confirmed/pending/regrets)
o Final table guests (if applicable) with bio information and table seating diagram
Evaluate response list and determine if any follow-up calls/e-mails need to be made.
Update seating chart.
Make catering guarantees.
Designate person to manage and transport gifts to event location.
Finalize agenda and review/load electronic presentations on laptop/thumb drive.
Printer completes event program.
Create final event program addition inserts, if necessary.


 Finalize guest list and update Pastor.
 Send final event script (agenda) to event team, church staff and vendors.
 Create shot list for photographer; create video segment list for videographer.


Finalize seating chart.
Finalize catering order numbers.
Establish # of attendees.
Send reminder email to attendees/call VIP list.
Handle any last minute RSVPs.
Send any updates to team and church staff.
Remind staff of any materials they may need to bring.


 Arrive early!!
 Bring the final script/agenda, catering order, seating charts, table assignments, guest lists and an
emergency event supply box (pens, pencils, markers, tape, stapler) with you.

Check room for set up and equipment check.
Ensure requested special accommodations have been made.
Ensure catering arrives on time.
Run through equipment with speakers or their staff (if possible).
Set up registration. Be sure it is ready no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of your event.
Follow your event script/agenda and program timing.
Takes notes during event about the flow of the activities.
Point photographer/videographer to unexpected visual opportunities.


 Ensure that catering/equipment rental is picked up.
 Clean up room.
 Collect extra materials.

 Schedule wrap-up meeting to discuss follow up items.
 Survey attendees, if appropriate.
 Finalize attendee list.

 Process photos and video.
 Review final budget.

 Hold wrap-up meeting.
 Draft follow up event analysis, share with event team and Pastor.
 Add event analysis to Dropbox for future reference.

APPENDIX 3 Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List




Onboarding form to Pastor Wilson for approval
Internal Communication
Notice added to Charis Bulletin
Request made for a pulpit announcement
In-person engagement/recruitment
Email/phone engagement/recruitment

Budget Approval/Review
Budget discussion with member of Trustee Board
Ideas/strategy to raise additional funds (if necessary)
Allocate costs for each event item (i.e. flyers, postcards,
food, etc.)

Partner Engagement
Draft and send initial correspondence
Phone and in-person follow-up to confirm participation
Determine partnership responsibilities

Outreach Materials
Design print materials
Draft invitations
Design digital blurb for website/Facebook
Mail/distribute invitations
Post digital blurb
Draft media advisory and distribute/post to local media list

Community Engagement
Distribute print materials
Online engagement
Media outreach (get event on community calendars at
newspapers, radio, TV stations)
Media outreach (contact reporters - if VIP involved or
event is community-focused (i.e. health or financial
Distribute print materials - Round 2
Update online information

Ongoing Evaluation (before event)
Check-in with Pastor to update her on progress
Check-in with activity/event team 60 days before event
Check-in with activity/event team 30 days before event
Check-in with activity/event team 7 days before event
Create day-of event plan

Post-event Evaluation
Meet with event team to assess activity/event success
Write up findings, share with Pastor and file for inclusion
in quarterly Ministry Report


For Immediate Release:

**Phone Number (should be number
answered during day)
**Cell Phone Number
**Email address

[HEADLINE] Councilmember Valerie Ervin to Keynote “Women of Distinction” Brunch
Saturday, May 4
Burtonsville, MD—[Use text from onboarding form here.] Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie
Ervin (District 5) will be the keynote speaker at Charis Worship Center Ministries’ “Women of
Distinction” Brunch Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel. The brunch will
honor women from around the county who have shown extraordinary leadership in community service,
education, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, politics and religion.
Where: Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel
10207 Wincopin Circle
Columbia, MD 21044
When: May 4, 2013

Valerie Ervin, Montgomery County Council (District 5), Keynote Speaker
Kim Barry, The People’s Community Baptist Church (Silver Spring, MD), Community Service Honoree
Reverend Sheleta Fomby, Reid Temple North AME Church (Silver Spring, MD), Religion Honoree
Reverend Gladys Freeman, The People’s Community Baptist Church (Silver Spring, MD), Religion Honoree

A portion of the event proceeds will be donated to the Stepping Stones Shelter in Rockville, MD.
Go to for more information.
Please contact XXX at XXX or XXX with questions about the event or to schedule interviews with the
keynote speaker or honorees.

[Include this text on media advisories and press releases.] Charis Worship Center Ministries is an
interdenominational church that seeks to educate, enlighten, and empower all believers for every area of their lives
through the word of God. Charis, (pronounced Ka’ r is), the Greek word for grace, is a healing station, safe haven
and sanctuary for all seekers of God’s mercy.


Community Groups - Contact List



Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque

Missonary in

Benjamin Banneker
JoAnn Burl
Middle School PTA
Briggs Chaney Middle
Patty Belke
Burtonsville Baptist ChurchSue Lee
Burtonsville Elementary
Burtonsville Lions Club



as of Jan. 2014


NAACP Representative

15000 Good Hope Road,
Cloverly, MD 20905

Corresponding Secretary


Admin. Asst.


3400 Spencerville Road
Burtonsville, MD 20866
Bill Schell

Cedar Ridge Community
Sarah Huey
Church of the Resurrection Margaret Pratt


Administration and
Communications Director
Parish Secretary


2410 Spencerville Rd
Spencerville, MD 20868

301-236-5200 ext. 10

Cloverly Elementary School Meredith Holman PTA Corresponding Secretary
Covenant Presbyterian
DC Baptist Convention
Leslie Copeland- Director of
Communications and
Resource Dev.

Fairland Elementary PTA

Greencastle Elementary
Greencastle Elementary

4515 Sandy Spring Road
(Route 198)

Angela Cooper

NAACP Representative

iglesia cristiana Puerta de
Immanuel's Church
COUNCILJ. Praisner
Marilyn #9808



15206 Dino Dr, Burtonsville,
MD 20866

Richard Morin
James Stewart

Library Praisner
Carol Brown
Community Recreation
Montgomery County
Nancy Navarro
Council - District 4
Montgomery County Dept. Abbi Irelan
of Parks and Recreation
Branch Manager


14910 Old Columbia Pike
Burtonsville, MD 20866
14906 Old Columbia Pike,
Burtonsville, MD 20866

Marketing & Public
Affairs Manager


Olive Branch Community

Olive Branch Community
Paint Branch High School Patti Twigg
Paint Branch High School Diane Tregoning Secretary

Renaissance Baptist
Stonegate Elementary PTA


3411 Spencerville Rd
Burtonsville, MD 20866

The Links, Inc.

Jennifer Hudnell

The Lutheran Church of St.
The People's Community
Baptist Church
The People's Community
Baptist Church
The People's Community
Baptist Church
The People's Community
Wellness Ctr.
Valley Brook Community
Washington Kali Temple

Wendy Linstrom
Pat Vinson

Communications and
External Affairs Mgr.

202-842-8686, ext. 204

Family Life Ministry

Church Administrator

Communications Ministry
Veronica Barnes Church Administrator


3300 Briggs Chaney Road,
Silver Spring, MD 20903




Local Media List

First Name

Last Name





Contact Title





Gazette Newspapers-Montgomery Reporter
Maryland Public Radio
Public Information



NewsChannel 8



Silver Spring Patch



Takoma Voice

Managing Editor


The Montgomery County Sentinel



The Montgomery County Sentinel

Montgomery County Calendar

The Montgomery County Sentinel

Prince George's County Calendar

The Washington Afro American

Managing Editor






Rolark-Barnes The Washington Informer

Publisher Managing Editor 202-561-4100



The Washington Post

RootDC Editor




The Washington Post

Listings Editor





Community Affairs Reporter




Washington Post Express

News Director




WHUR-FM/Gospel Spirt


Submit an event/news tip
News Director


Public Service Director












News Planning & Operations
Public Affairs Director


Submit an event/news tip

Community Relations & News
Community Web Producer











Demographic Data for Burtonsville, MD


Population in 2010: 8,323. Population change since 2000: +13.9%
Males: 3,934
Females: 4,389


Median resident age:

37.3 years

Maryland median age: 41.7 years

Estimated median household income in 2011: $95,587 (it was $73,241 in 2000)
Burtonsville: $95,587
Estimated per capita income in 2011: $36,749


Black alone - 3,142 (37.8%)
White alone - 2,468 (29.7%)
Asian alone - 1,688 (20.3%)
Hispanic - 739 (8.9%)
Two or more races - 243 (2.9%)
Other race alone - 28 (0.3%)
American Indian alone - 13 (0.2%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 2 (0.02%)


A sizable portion of Burtonsville’s population is foreign born
3,064 of 8,323 residents (12.7% Africa, 11.1% Asia, 7.8% Latin America)
This place:



Education Levels (for adults over 25 years old)
High school or higher: 91.5%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 48.4%
Graduate or professional degree: 22.8%


Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2011: 7.1%
(3.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 13.7% for Black residents, 4.2% for Hispanic or
Latino residents, 3.0% for other race residents, 1.9% for two or more races residents)


Marital Status
Never married: 33.8%
Now married: 53.4%
Separated: 1.1%
Widowed: 5.5%
Divorced: 6.3%


Percentage of family (at least one parent with children) households:
This place:
Whole state:


Mean travel time to work (commute): 33.7 minutes


Percentage of population affiliated with a religious congregations: 52.66%


Majority of city’s population identifies as Catholic (40%)
Southern Baptist
Source: Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United
States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.


Burtonsville leaned heavily Democratic in the 2012 and 2008 Presidential Elections.
71% of residents voted for President Obama in 2013
72% of residents voted for President Obama in 2008


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Blueprint for Marketing Communications at Charis Worship Center Ministries

  • 1. BLUEPRINT FOR MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Presented as part of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan Author: Tawana Jacobs, APR
  • 2. Contents Overview Page 3 2013-2018 Marketing Communication Goals Brand Narrative Sample Marketing Communications Strategy Community Outreach and Engagement Strategy Online Engagement Strategy Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Appendices Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix 7: Page 13 Page 14 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Updated Onboarding Form Sample Event Timeline Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List Sample Media Advisory Community Groups Contact List Local Media List Burtonsville Demographic Data 2
  • 3. Overview This Blueprint for Marketing Communications is intended to serve as a resource for Charis Worship Center Ministry (CWCM) leaders working to create and manage the different ministries that support the church’s efforts to reach desired audiences and expand its base of support. The Blueprint is a part of CWCM’s 2013-2018 strategic planning. Included are church goals, an updated Charis brand narrative, explanations about each strategy component along with recommended tasks, and sample documents and lists to guide each ministry leader’s creative work. Background Charis Worship Center Ministries (CWCM) began the process to develop its first-ever marketing communications program in January 2013. A period of in-depth research and analysis, which included a marketing communications audit, interviews with CWCM stakeholders and an assessment of Charis’ “competitive” space among other tasks, was followed with group working sessions. During these sessions, CWCM leaders collaborated to create components of the Blueprint. Additional information was also shared, and trainings were conducted to improve each leader’s marketing communications abilities and increase opportunities for successful program implementation. 3
  • 4. 2013-2018 Charis Marketing Communication Goals  Communication. The leadership of Charis Worship Center Ministries (includes Ministers, Servant Leaders and Ministry Heads) will collectively work to improve the consistency, efficiency and timeliness of how information about church activities and events is communicated to the congregation and the broader public.  Outreach. CWCM will intensify efforts to build relationships with local community groups, churches, nonprofit organizations and other designated publics to “root” Charis in the community and strengthen its public profile.  Stewardship. Provide biblically based stewardship training for effective deployment of each individual's time, talent, treasure and truth. 4
  • 5. Updated Charis Brand Narrative (Tagline, Welcome, Mission/Vision Statement) I. Tagline: God’s Grace Delivers II. Welcome (approved for use on the website and in other correspondence): Charis Worship Center Ministries is an interdenominational church that seeks to educate, enlighten, and empower all believers for every area of their lives through the word of God. Charis, (pronounced Ka’ ris), the Greek word for grace, is a healing station, safe haven and sanctuary for all seekers of God’s mercy. Founded in 2007, Charis offers regular Sunday services, in-depth prayer and study sessions, community events and lay ministerial training to those exploring the authentic call to professional ministry. We invite you to join us in Burtonsville for our weekly 10 am Sunday service, Wednesday night Life Study and Thursday evening prayer. Embracing God’s Kingdom, Together, Rev. Dr. LaVerne A Wilson Founder and Senior Pastor III. Charis Mission/Vision (approved for use on the website and in other correspondence): At Charis Worship Center Ministries, we aggressively minister to those who are lost and disconnected from the God of grace and salvation. We believe we are to execute the “Great Commission” as it is described in Matthew 28:16-20, which calls on us to attend to the needs of the broader community. With responsible leadership, God wants us to be a healing station, a safe haven and a sanctuary where biblically-based teaching and fellowship are offered. We are to offer:        Rest Rescue where sought Renewal Repentance Restitution Respect Reward We believe God has called us into existence to provide a consistent environment of harmony, care, reconciliation and worship. God would have us to set free the oppressed and to empower them spiritually, economically, educationally and socially. 5
  • 6. SAMPLE Marketing Communications Strategy I. Overview Insert the purpose statement from your On-Boarding form (See Appendix 1) here. Be sure to answer these questions:       What is your planned activity or event? When? Where? Who is your desired audience? What’s the point of the activity or event? (Why) How do you want to make this happen? (Be sure to remove internal information from any external communication.) The Overview should be no longer than 250 words (two to three paragraphs maximum). Use this overview text as appropriate for outreach purposes (e.g. website, invitations, letters, media advisories and other materials). II. Charis Goals Which Charis goal does your activity or event support? (More than one can be included.)    Communication Outreach Stewardship III. Define Success What do you want to accomplish with this activity or event? How would you define success (should be a measurable outcome – e.g. attendance)? IV. Outreach and Engagement Plan Create the strategy to reach your desired audience. Your strategy should address the following points:       Audience. Who is your desired audience? Internal Communication. Don’t forget to include fellow church members in the activity/event. Use every tool available (church bulletin, pulpit announcement, website, Facebook and email/phone list). You will need their help with the event, and you’ll need other members to attend or participate. Budget. What percentage of your budget has been set aside for outreach and engagement activities (e.g. flyers, postcards, postage and advertising)? Partnerships. Are you partnering with another church or organization? If so, what funds, outreach materials and/or manpower is the partner contributing? Print materials. Are flyers, postcards or a media advisory/PSA needed to publicize the event? Are invitations needed for VIPs or others? If day-of event programs are also needed, include them in your plan. See Appendix 2. Online Engagement. Is the information posted Charis’ website and Facebook page? 6
  • 7.  Community Engagement. How do you plan on reaching out to the community? See Appendix 5. Include media outreach only if the activity or event is a community-wide event or includes a prominent public figure (e.g. a well-known pastor, government official or celebrity). See Appendix 4. V. To Do List/Timeline    Create a checklist to help you keep track of tasks, due dates and who is responsible for specific tasks. See Appendix 3. Include check-in calls and meetings with Pastor Wilson and the event team. For large or more formal events, develop and follow an event timeline. See Appendix 2: Event Timeline. VI. Evaluation Be sure to measure your progress towards reaching your desired outcomes midway through the planning process and post-event. You will be able to correct potential problems if you check in with your team along the way. You may even discover new, untapped opportunities that could move you closer to finding success. 7
  • 8. Community Outreach and Engagement I. What is community outreach and engagement? Merriam-Webster defines Community as a group of people who live in the same area or neighborhood and as a group of people who share similar interests (e.g. religion). Outreach is defined as the activity or process of bringing services to people. Engagement means to get and keep someone’s attention or interest (e.g. relationship building). Community Outreach and Engagement can then be defined as engaging Charis’ Burtonsville neighbors and families in the surrounding area in church activities and events, by establishing and maintaining personal and organizational relationships. II. Why this is essential for Charis    III. It is in line with Charis’ foundational principles (refer to Pastor Wilson’s “What is My Why?” Statement). Research from Lifeway, Barna Labs and other sources suggest that 80-90% of people will visit a church when invited by a friend. People join a particular church because it is a friendly place for visitors, its community involvement, and the quality of its programs and classes for children. Establishing and sustaining community relationships will assist Charis in distinguishing itself from the plethora of other churches in the neighborhood/area. What should Charis do?   Items completed during 2013  Broader outreach to promote Vacation Bible Camp (VBC).  Back-to-Church Sunday postcard mailing to Burtonsville families. Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2014  Begin the effort to connect with community schools.  Meet with a principal at cluster elementary school to learn more about school’s needs and how Charis might help.  Follow up with the elementary school principal and attend a school PTSA meeting or two (all are open to the public) to learn more about school needs.  Create a detailed plan for elementary school engagement and begin implementation in conjunction with the school’s principal.  Get Vacation Bible Camp flyers done and copied in time for inclusion in cluster elementary school folders in April1 and include MCPS disclaimer statement2).  Meet with Impact Silver Spring’s East County Network Organizer to learn more about community needs. 1 “Flyer Distribution Dates for 2013-2014.”, last modified August 2013, 2 “Required Disclaimer.”, last modified August 2013, 8
  • 9.    Ask for suggestions about church can do a better job of connecting with the surrounding community.  Offer to support an activity or event in the future.  Exhibit at and/or sponsor Burtonsville Day 2014.  Attend at least one planning meeting to meet other community churches and groups.  Be sure to use the planning and/or sponsorship phase to introduce Charis.  Based on external conversations, adapt the content of some 2014 Charis activities and events to align with community interests and needs.  Continue the current practice of inviting the community to participate by posting notices at the library, community center, health center and in community news sources (e.g. Gazette, Patch).  See Online Engagement Strategy for suggestions about how to start connecting with the community online.  Build church database with new contacts. Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2015  Assess the elementary school engagement strategy internally and survey the school for their feedback.  Based on the school’s feedback, refine the plan and determine church involvement for the new school year.  Meet with other cluster elementary school principals to introduce Charis.  Sponsor or support a chosen fundraising event.  Continue relationship building efforts with Impact Silver Spring.  Continue involvement with annual Burtonsville Day event.  Plan specific activities and events that address community interests and needs.  Expand the practice of how community is invited to participate to incorporate social media platforms.  Continue to build church database. Community Outreach and Engagement Plan for 2016  Evaluate current plan. Make edits and additions as appropriate, consider church capacity and budget. 9
  • 10. Online Engagement Strategy IV. What is online engagement? According to Merriam-Webster, Online is described as connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer (e.g. The Internet) or telecommunications system. Engage means to get and keep someone’s attention or interest. Online Engagement can then be defined as using e-mail, websites and social media to inform and engage an audience to participate in an action or activity. Employing a two-way method of communication (e.g. soliciting feedback) is required for success. For the purpose of Charis’ strategic planning, online engagement should be considered a part of the broader Community Outreach and Engagement Strategy. V. Why is this essential for Charis?    VI. All types of businesses and organizations—even churches—use online engagement strategies to establish and maintain relationships with desired audiences. The Internet Toolbox for Churches3 says more churches than ever are online, and they know the importance of using the Internet and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,…) to reach their communities and new audiences. Most people—especially Charis’ desired audience of families with children—now have a smart phone, computer and tablet with Internet access using the Internet to research community organizations. What should Charis do?  Items completed during 2013  Brand narrative update - Refreshed tagline: God’s Grace Delivers - Refined Welcome and Mission/Mission Statement (Litany)  First round of the initial website edits (in progress)  Online Engagement Plan for 2014  Complete initial web edits.  Schedule first social media training session for ministry leaders (LinkedIn, Facebook). - Build Charis’ number of Facebook Likes and its list of Friends by connecting with church members and friends. - Add photos, video, event invitations and other church news to Charis’ Facebook page. - Explain how to maximize the value of LinkedIn connections. 3 Chris Harrison. “Create a Small Town Community Feeling for Your Church’s Online Ministry,”, Last modified 2012, 10
  • 11.  Hire and train digital communications intern.  Update church database (with e-mail addresses) for all members and friends.  Create a system that uses event On-Boarding forms to update Charis' website and Facebook page.  Online Engagement Plan for 2015  Evaluate and refine Charis’ plan to update its website and Facebook page.  Schedule another social media training session. - Create a church online networking and reading list. - Build Charis’ presence in online communities by joining and participating in online conversations about topics of interest.  If funding allows, hire a company to improve the website to include a content management system and search engine optimization (SEO) or manage the website entirely.  Explore the idea of getting an account with Constant Contact, a small business email marketing system that could streamline the community outreach process. 11
  • 12. BLUEPRINT FOR MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS APPENDICES Appendix 1: Updated Charis Onboarding Form Appendix 2: Sample Event Timeline Appendix 3: Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List Appendix 4: Sample Media Advisory/Public Service Announcement Appendix 5: Community Groups Contact List Appendix 6: Local Media List Appendix 7: Burtonsville Demographic Data 12
  • 13. APPENDIX 1 Ministry Event On-Boarding Process Facilitating success by design I II III IV V Fill out the form, submit to Pastor Review form with Pastor (any gaps are identified) Complete Pastor’s action items Finalize with Pastor Submit final form to Trustees and other impacted Ministries, obtain signoff Ministry Event On-Boarding Form Point of Contact: What   Type of Event: Guest Speaker(s) - subject to Pastoral approval: When  Date/Time (compatibility with Church calendar): Who   Desired Audience: Anticipated # Attendees: Where    Will the event take place in Charis’ space?: Space set-up desired: If not at Charis, where?: Why   Purpose (use this text for outreach announcements): Which Charis goal does this relate to? (communication, outreach, stewardship): How    Required Charis resources (Hospitality, AV/Tech, Charis front office, Music…): Member engagement: Outreach ideas: Additional items to think about       Have you completed a brief workplan? Have you asked members to help with your event? Website updates  Who will do design work?  NOTE: All web updates need to be sent to the webmaster at least one week prior to target posting date Cost of event in relation to overall budget Are printed materials (flyers, invitations, postcards) needed?  If yes, who will do the design work?  Anticipated postage: Specific Hospitality needs:  Assistance with serving:  Type of food needed: 13
  • 14. APPENDIX 2 Event Planning Timeline 6-9 MONTHS PRIOR  Create an event team.  Determine the purpose, format, and feasibility of the event.  Determine host for event (if applicable) and meet with them to discuss event details (event          name/date). Determine 3-4 preferred dates for event or the preferred month. Make sure these dates do not conflict with other significant events. Research possible locations for event. Discuss potential speakers.  Write and send invitation letter(s). Determine # number of projected guests and work with larger group to create a desired VIP guest list. Finalize date for event. Update speakers with final event details. Prepare projected event budget and submit for approval. Create fundraising plan in case of budget shortfall. 3-6 MONTHS PRIOR        Finalize location for event. Finalize speakers for event. Determine catering needs & place order(s). Check with photographer/videographer for availability. Create invitation lists – include VIPs and contact their offices for any other suggested invitees. Create print and web-based invitations, send to appropriate staff for review and approval. Choose a printing company. 5-10 WEEKS PRIOR  Create and draft event script (agenda) with suggested speaker discussion points.  Reserve equipment.            A/V equipment  Tables, chairs, tents, etc.  Make parking arrangements (if necessary) Finalize menu selections. Contact speakers to discuss event – equipment needs, presentation style. Send draft script (agenda) with speaker discussion points to Pastor for review. Contact speakers’ offices to work on desired speaking points and request biographies. Finalize invitation list. Approve print and digital invitations. Send invitation list to printer to mail print invitations. Distribute digital Invitations.  Send follow up two weeks after initial distribution. Create event program. Order any gifts for speakers and/or attendees. 14
  • 15.  Keep track of VIP invitation list and follow up as needed. 2 – 4 WEEKS PRIOR          Use invitation as basis to create any advertising. Submit mutually agreed upon event script (agenda) to speakers and Pastor. Check in with speakers to confirm all final details, get final bios. E-mail or call those invitees who have not responded. Update budget. Finalize details with caterer, rental company, and all vendors. Take delivery of gifts and mementos and confirm receipt of correct amount. Complete seating chart, if necessary. Proof and send final event program to printer. 1 WEEK PRIOR  Share the following documents with Pastor and event team:        o Guest list (noting confirmed/pending/regrets) o Final table guests (if applicable) with bio information and table seating diagram Evaluate response list and determine if any follow-up calls/e-mails need to be made. Update seating chart. Make catering guarantees. Designate person to manage and transport gifts to event location. Finalize agenda and review/load electronic presentations on laptop/thumb drive. Printer completes event program. Create final event program addition inserts, if necessary. 3 – 5 DAYS PRIOR  Finalize guest list and update Pastor.  Send final event script (agenda) to event team, church staff and vendors.  Create shot list for photographer; create video segment list for videographer. 1 DAY PRIOR        Finalize seating chart. Finalize catering order numbers. Establish # of attendees. Send reminder email to attendees/call VIP list. Handle any last minute RSVPs. Send any updates to team and church staff. Remind staff of any materials they may need to bring. EVENT DAY  Arrive early!!  Bring the final script/agenda, catering order, seating charts, table assignments, guest lists and an emergency event supply box (pens, pencils, markers, tape, stapler) with you. 15
  • 16.         Check room for set up and equipment check. Ensure requested special accommodations have been made. Ensure catering arrives on time. Run through equipment with speakers or their staff (if possible). Set up registration. Be sure it is ready no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of your event. Follow your event script/agenda and program timing. Takes notes during event about the flow of the activities. Point photographer/videographer to unexpected visual opportunities. DAY OF EVENT (AFTER)  Ensure that catering/equipment rental is picked up.  Clean up room.  Collect extra materials. POST EVENT  Schedule wrap-up meeting to discuss follow up items.  Survey attendees, if appropriate.  Finalize attendee list. 2 – 5 DAYS POST EVENT  Process photos and video.  Review final budget. NO LATER THAN 7 DAYS POST EVENT  Hold wrap-up meeting.  Draft follow up event analysis, share with event team and Pastor.  Add event analysis to Dropbox for future reference. 16
  • 17. APPENDIX 3 Sample Event Planning Task To-Do List TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DRAFT DUE FINALIZED DATE COMPLETED Onboarding form to Pastor Wilson for approval Internal Communication Notice added to Charis Bulletin Request made for a pulpit announcement In-person engagement/recruitment Email/phone engagement/recruitment Budget Approval/Review Budget discussion with member of Trustee Board Ideas/strategy to raise additional funds (if necessary) Allocate costs for each event item (i.e. flyers, postcards, food, etc.) Partner Engagement Draft and send initial correspondence Phone and in-person follow-up to confirm participation Determine partnership responsibilities Outreach Materials Design print materials Draft invitations Design digital blurb for website/Facebook Mail/distribute invitations Post digital blurb Draft media advisory and distribute/post to local media list Community Engagement Distribute print materials Online engagement Media outreach (get event on community calendars at newspapers, radio, TV stations) Media outreach (contact reporters - if VIP involved or event is community-focused (i.e. health or financial Distribute print materials - Round 2 Update online information Ongoing Evaluation (before event) Check-in with Pastor to update her on progress Check-in with activity/event team 60 days before event Check-in with activity/event team 30 days before event Check-in with activity/event team 7 days before event Create day-of event plan Post-event Evaluation Meet with event team to assess activity/event success Write up findings, share with Pastor and file for inclusion in quarterly Ministry Report 17
  • 18. APPENDIX 4 [ON CHARIS LETTERHEAD OR W/ EVENT LOGO ONLY for print distribution] MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release: DATE of RELEASE Contact: NAME OF CHARIS CONTACT PERSON **Phone Number (should be number answered during day) **Cell Phone Number **Email address [HEADLINE] Councilmember Valerie Ervin to Keynote “Women of Distinction” Brunch Saturday, May 4 Burtonsville, MD—[Use text from onboarding form here.] Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie Ervin (District 5) will be the keynote speaker at Charis Worship Center Ministries’ “Women of Distinction” Brunch Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel. The brunch will honor women from around the county who have shown extraordinary leadership in community service, education, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, politics and religion. Where: Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel 10207 Wincopin Circle Columbia, MD 21044 When: May 4, 2013 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m. Who: Valerie Ervin, Montgomery County Council (District 5), Keynote Speaker Kim Barry, The People’s Community Baptist Church (Silver Spring, MD), Community Service Honoree Reverend Sheleta Fomby, Reid Temple North AME Church (Silver Spring, MD), Religion Honoree Reverend Gladys Freeman, The People’s Community Baptist Church (Silver Spring, MD), Religion Honoree A portion of the event proceeds will be donated to the Stepping Stones Shelter in Rockville, MD. Go to for more information. Please contact XXX at XXX or XXX with questions about the event or to schedule interviews with the keynote speaker or honorees. ### [Include this text on media advisories and press releases.] Charis Worship Center Ministries is an interdenominational church that seeks to educate, enlighten, and empower all believers for every area of their lives through the word of God. Charis, (pronounced Ka’ r is), the Greek word for grace, is a healing station, safe haven and sanctuary for all seekers of God’s mercy. 18
  • 19. APPENDIX 5 Community Groups - Contact List Organization Name Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque Missonary in Charge Benjamin Banneker JoAnn Burl Middle School PTA Briggs Chaney Middle Patty Belke School Burtonsville Baptist ChurchSue Lee Burtonsville Elementary PTA Burtonsville Lions Club Title Email as of Jan. 2014 Phone NAACP Representative 15000 Good Hope Road, Cloverly, MD 20905 Corresponding Secretary Address Admin. Asst. 301-421-9080 3400 Spencerville Road Burtonsville, MD 20866 Bill Schell Cedar Ridge Community Sarah Huey Church Church of the Resurrection Margaret Pratt Secretary Administration and Communications Director Parish Secretary 301-367-5504 301-421-5949 2410 Spencerville Rd Spencerville, MD 20868 301-236-5200 ext. 10 Cloverly Elementary School Meredith Holman PTA Corresponding Secretary Covenant Presbyterian Church DC Baptist Convention Leslie Copeland- Director of Tune Communications and Resource Dev. Fairland Elementary PTA Greencastle Elementary PTA Greencastle Elementary 4515 Sandy Spring Road (Route 198) Angela Cooper NAACP Representative PTA iglesia cristiana Puerta de paz Immanuel's Church KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCILJ. Praisner Marilyn #9808 301-549-4860 240-374-2155 15206 Dino Dr, Burtonsville, MD 20866 301-989-4673 Richard Morin James Stewart Library Praisner Marilyn Carol Brown Community Recreation Montgomery County Nancy Navarro Council - District 4 Montgomery County Dept. Abbi Irelan of Parks and Recreation Branch Manager 240-773-9460 240-777-4970 14910 Old Columbia Pike Burtonsville, MD 20866 14906 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville, MD 20866 Councilmember Marketing & Public Affairs Manager 240-777-7968 Councilmember.Navarro@montgome 301-495-2532 Olive Branch Community Church Olive Branch Community Church Paint Branch High School Patti Twigg Communication PTSA Paint Branch High School Diane Tregoning Secretary PTSA Renaissance Baptist Church Stonegate Elementary PTA 240-565-6233 3411 Spencerville Rd Burtonsville, MD 20866 The Links, Inc. Jennifer Hudnell The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew The People's Community Baptist Church The People's Community Baptist Church The People's Community Baptist Church The People's Community Wellness Ctr. Valley Brook Community Church Washington Kali Temple Wendy Linstrom Pat Vinson Communications and External Affairs Mgr. 202-842-8686, ext. 204 301-384-4394 Family Life Ministry Church Administrator Communications Ministry 301-847-1172 Veronica Barnes Church Administrator Brahmachari Ashim 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring, MD 20903 Administrator 301-476-9499 19
  • 20. APPENDIX 6 Local Media List First Name Last Name Outlet Aline Barros Paul Kellye Contact Title Email Phone 301-670-2057 Hollis Gazette Newspapers-Montgomery Reporter County Maryland Public Radio Public Information 410-235-1660 Lynn NewsChannel 8 Laura Thornton Silver Spring Patch Bill Brown Takoma Voice Managing Editor 301-891-6744 The Montgomery County Sentinel Editor 301-838-0788 The Montgomery County Sentinel Montgomery County Calendar The Montgomery County Sentinel Prince George's County Calendar The Washington Afro American Managing Editor Anchor/Reporter Dorothy Boulware 410-554-8277 Denise Rolark-Barnes The Washington Informer Publisher Managing Editor 202-561-4100 Chris Jenkins The Washington Post RootDC Editor 202-334-7300 Gerri Marmer The Washington Post Listings Editor 202-334-7535 Patrick Madden WAMU-FM Community Affairs Reporter 202-885-1200 Renee Nash Washington Post Express WHUR-FM Calendar News Director 202-806-3623 Patrick Ellis WHUR-FM/Gospel Spirt WJLA-TV TBD Submit an event/news tip News Director 703-236-9421 Public Service Director 301-918-2347 202-885-4111 Justine Love WMMJ-FM, WKYS-FM, Praise 104.1 WPGC-FM, WNEW-FM Ede Jermin WRC-TV Melvin Chase WTOP-FM News Planning & Operations Manager Public Affairs Director WTTG-TV Submit an event/news tip Community Relations & News Coordinator Community Web Producer 202-895-3000 202-895-5700 Micheline Bowman WTTG-TV Simon Landau WUSA-TV 301-429-2639 20
  • 21. APPENDIX 7 Demographic Data for Burtonsville, MD Source:  Population in 2010: 8,323. Population change since 2000: +13.9% Males: 3,934 Females: 4,389  Median resident age: (47.3%) (52.7%) 37.3 years Maryland median age: 41.7 years  Estimated median household income in 2011: $95,587 (it was $73,241 in 2000) Burtonsville: $95,587 Maryland: $70,004 Estimated per capita income in 2011: $36,749  Ethnicities Black alone - 3,142 (37.8%) White alone - 2,468 (29.7%) Asian alone - 1,688 (20.3%) Hispanic - 739 (8.9%) Two or more races - 243 (2.9%) Other race alone - 28 (0.3%) American Indian alone - 13 (0.2%) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 2 (0.02%)  A sizable portion of Burtonsville’s population is foreign born 3,064 of 8,323 residents (12.7% Africa, 11.1% Asia, 7.8% Latin America) This place: Maryland: 35.5% 12.8%  Education Levels (for adults over 25 years old) High school or higher: 91.5% Bachelor's degree or higher: 48.4% Graduate or professional degree: 22.8%  Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2011: 7.1% (3.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 13.7% for Black residents, 4.2% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 3.0% for other race residents, 1.9% for two or more races residents)  Marital Status Never married: 33.8% Now married: 53.4% Separated: 1.1% Widowed: 5.5% Divorced: 6.3% 21
  • 22.  Percentage of family (at least one parent with children) households: This place: 80.7% Whole state: 67.1%  Mean travel time to work (commute): 33.7 minutes  Percentage of population affiliated with a religious congregations: 52.66% Burtonsville 52.7% USA 50.2%  Majority of city’s population identifies as Catholic (40%) Other 28% Jewish 18% Methodist 7.2% Southern Baptist 6.4% Muslim 4.0% Source: Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.  Burtonsville leaned heavily Democratic in the 2012 and 2008 Presidential Elections. 71% of residents voted for President Obama in 2013 72% of residents voted for President Obama in 2008 22