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Character Sketch Of Nelson Mandela
STAFF IN CHARGE – Dr. Jessy Fenn
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. Rolihlahla
Mandela was born into the Madiba clan in the village of Mvezo, Transkei, on 18 July 1918. Mandela did his B.A and LLB from Cape Town.
Hearing the stories from his elders, he also wanted to contribute his level best to the freedom struggle of his people.
While considering his entry into politics, he was very much involved in politics more content...
They possessed the strong desire to fulfil their self–actualization needs of being free from years of segregation and discrimination. Correspondingly,
they felt empowered to adopt the necessary measures to achieve their common goals, and were willing to move by guidance given by their leader. In
addition to the characteristics of Mandela and his followers, situational characteristics also facilitated Mandela's success as a transformational leader.
Along with domestic support, this system of international backing culminated in his eventual release and inauguration as South Africa's first black
president on May 10, 1994. Mandela also earned high respect by his people. By this way it was easy for him to gain trust and positively influence
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Character Sketch Of Telemachus
Homer's first four books of the epic poem The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fagles, introduces a seemingly weak boy struggling with his identity,
who goes on a journey to find his missing father. During his 20 year absence, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca, Odysseus, is absent in parenting his
son Telemachus. The young prince is deeply affected by his fatherless upbringing, and thus suitors take advantage ofOdysseus's absence, infesting
Odysseus' home, eating away his legacy, all while attempting to steal away his wife, Penelope. Telemachus fails to act upon his authoritative
responsibilities on his father's behalf. Telemachus was never raised with the proper skills to become a leader, leaving him helpless in the face of
danger of his more content...
Homer begins his first book by introducing a young, timid Telemachus which is portrayed through his use of imagery to describe how Telemachus
reacts to the environment surrounding him. At first, Telemachus is not ready to approach his mother's suitors despite his hatred for their intrusion of
his life. He goes as far as sitting among them, regardless of his growing hate for them because he does not yet possess the bravery to tackle the issue at
hand. Homer emphasizes the conflict within Telemachus when he states "...Prince Telemachus, sitting among the suitors, heart obsessed with grief. He
could almost see his magnificent father, here in the mind's eye– if only he might drop from the clouds and drive these suitors all in a rout throughout
the halls... and rule his own domains!(1.132–137)" Telemachus never truly grew up, he still believes his kingdom is his father's domain, forgetting
that Odysseus has been gone for 20 years . In reality Telemachus has the obligation to rule as the man of the house and the heir to the throne, instead he
mopes and does nothing more than wish for his father to come back. Homer uses personification while
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Theodore Boone Character Sketch
By:Sabreen 801
Character Sketch
On one fine morning in Strattenburg, Theodore Boone rode his blood red and jet black bike deeper into the city. He was on his way to the large,
old, and white as a pearl courthouse. On his way there crisp cold air hit his face, and he darted off into the bare alley. Next, he came across minimal
but noisy traffic, and passed a stop sign. Inside, the atmosphere was filled with the supremacy, and righteousness. He shoot up the staircase turned a
sharp corner. Finally, he arrived at his destination at thefamily court then, saw his close friend April Finnemore. She was sitting on one of those ancient
logged benches. She seemed like a combination of the feelings like, vulnerable, abandoned, uneasy, and upset. When
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Character Sketch Of Romeo And Juliet
The monologue of the Prince closes the play of Romeo and Juliet. It also puts an end to the romance between Romeo and Juliet and the feuds between
Capulets and Montagues. Although the speech is very simple, it is significant enough to sum up the whole play with the central theme of love and
hatred In this romantic tragedy, it starts off with a fight between the two households, the Capulet and the Montague. Then it shows us the intimate
relationship between between Mercutio and Romeo by persuading Romeo to the Capulets' party. In the party, Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love at
first sight. While they are enjoying the wild adventure of their love, the two families fight again and Romeo is convicted. Meanwhile, Juliet is destined
to wed Paris, a noble man from France, more content...
In Romeo and Juliet, the character of Prince is upholding this position very well. However, there is one thing very disconcerting about the character
of Prince and that is he always underestimates the conflict between the two households. The rebellious subject that he first introduces in the play. He
does not punish Tybalt and Benvolio right away. He gives them one more chance, allowing their hatred to each other intensifies which boosts Tybalt
confidence in challenging and even threatening to kill Romeo because of his pursuit with Juliet later on. As for the death of Tybalt and Mercutio, he
does not execute Romeo as well. Instead he banishes him as if death of the two characters is not persuasive enough to let him make a more
determinative judgement. What if he executes Romeo, will the family feud ends earlier? Will Juliet be willing to be with Paris when there is no
choice left? There are too many possibilities. It suggests how the death of the two main characters be prevented if the Prince makes a more fatal
decision on the
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Character Sketch Of Draupadi
The above lines clearly elucidates the character of Draupadi as a fiery female, redefines the role of women, issue of subjectivity can be witnessed
and her psychological makeup is evident clearly.It creates an admired feminine portrait which is both modern and timeless. Panchaali wallows in
anger and helplessness when Kunti come to a decision that all her five sons should join in matrimony with Draupadi. She presumes that Arjun would
stand up for her and speak up for her that she is only married to him. But Draupadi is disillusioned by him for he abides by his mother's wish and
doesn't say anything. While Draupadi's father, brother and the Pandavas examine about the practicality of Draupadi espousing five brothers, their focal
point is family honour and customs. Not even a single person gives eminence to Draupadi's desires. The depiction of Draupadi as an angry woman in a
man's world brings out the status of women in a patriarchal society where women's wishes are not considered as important. She justifies this lifetime
sentence by remunerating that probably this was her punishment for treating Karna more content...
She is not delighted at the prospect for she would be a wife to each brother for a year from the oldest to the youngest successively. She feels like a
communal drinking cup being passed from one to the other. To make matters worse she is blessed with a boon that each time she would go to a new
husband she would be a virgin again. This she added seemed like it was specially designed for her husbands' needs but not for her own. She blames
Kunti for landing her in this miserable situation. However, she fulfils the sentence. Therefore, one sees her bound by duty to her elders' wishes and
sacrifices her
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Nora Helmer : Character Sketch
Drama Notebook Section 1: Character Sketches Nora Helmer – Nora is very immature, and independent. She is also loving, caring, wife that lives with
Torvald. Nora is a type of women who cares more about her family than anyone else. She thinks her life is better than anyone else's. Her importance
of the is that she is using money from Torvald that he gives her every week, to pay off of a debt back to Krogstad. Torvald Helmer– He is a well
structured man who takes care of the family money wise. He is the head of the household that tells everyone what needs to be done. He treats Nora
more like a child then a wife. He's always calling her these childish names like "Is that my little lark twittering out there?" He doesn't care about the
real world rather than his own childish life he has going on. His importance is that he cares about himself, how much money he makes, and what goes
on only in his head. Nils Krogstad – Krogstad is playing more as an antagonist of the play. He threatens Nora to tell her husband that he needs the
job. He also writes a letter to Torvald about how Nora is using his money to pay off a debt back to Krogstad. Since he lost the job he has been trying
to manipulate her into things trying to get her to make Torvald except him again, she doesn 't want to do it at all. His importance is that he wants to
get Nora in trouble by Torvald over something Krogstad did to her. Christine Linde– Christine is a friend of Nora. She is a very tough women
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Character Sketch Of Scrooge
Scrooge returns to the home of Jacob Marley, where Marley's ghost tells him that he is going to have three ghosts visit him in the near future. The
ghosts will give Scrooge an opportunity to reform himself. The text explicitly states that Scrooge was a tight fisted hand at the grindstone. Moreover, he
was a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, matured sinner! Accordingly, his self–contained personality made him solitary as
an oyster. In the text, it states, that Scrooge did not want to donate money to the poor since he could better use the money for himself. Scrooge declined
to even to let his clerk have a day off for Christmas! The text explicitly said "it was a day that his clerk was allowed to more content...
He observed to be like a middle age frat boy after a party. He was wearing a half open bathrobe, he had a drunken jolly vibe and he was surrounded by
food and drinks. The first stop they make is in the house of Bob Cratchit's, scrooge's clerk. The cratchits are very poor, but happy with what they
have. There youngest child is very sick, he has to use a crutch, but he is very brave and open about his sickness and says it is a visual reminder about
how Christ healed the lame and made the blind men examen again.
Scrooge wakes up to a ghost, ready to take Scrooge places to try to change his attitude. Scrooge encountered the spirit yet to come. The first stop
they make in the night was in the city to examine some businessman talking about someone dead, but they laugh and wonder if people are actually
going to go to his funeral. There second stop they make is to examine more businessmen, but they care even less. The third stop they make is to the
shady side of town to a rag and bone merchant that will sale Scrooge's belongings. The only people who have feelings about him dying was the
feeling of happiness. The fourth stop they make that night was to Bob cratchit's house. The mother was telling all the matured kids that it was there
time to pull jobs since Scrooge died and their father doesn't have a job since Scrooge died. Tiny Tim deceased so they were mourning. The fifth stop
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Character Sketch Of The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby, during what people called the "jazz age" or "roaring 20's", there was one man with one desire, his name was Jay Gatsby. Nick
Carraway (the narrator) is the complete opposite of Gatsby, Nick is reserved and quiet, he doesn't flaunt what he has, but rather he is the only one
observant enough to truly get to know Gatsby. Nick from the start sees Gatsby's as a guy that has a presence you come across once in your life and
Gatsby's undeniable hope is something he's never seen in anyone, he knew Gatsby for who he really was and not the rumors. Gatsby was the greatest
and the worst thing for Nick Carraway to come across. It all started with an invitation from Gatsby himself inviting Nick to one of his extravagant
parties. Nick ended up attending but felt very out of place as he described in the book ".....I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table–the only
place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone"(pg 42). This shows that he wasn't familiar with anyone
at the party he had seen so far. He had been asking around where Mr. Gatsby was but it seemed that no one had met him or knew much but only what
they have heard about him. It was Nicks mission to met Gatsby and thank him for the invite. Finally Nick ran into a man and started to discuss how he
seemed to be the only person invited to the party, and that he wishes that he could find the host because nobody seemed to know him. A few seconds
later Nick felt the
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The Canterbury Tales Character Sketch
Author Geoffrey Chaucer describes in–depth several characters who intend to embark on a religious pilgrimage in his piece The Canterbury Tales.
One of the prominently featured characters is the Friar. The Friar is certainly one of the most unorthodox characters in the piece who is the antithesis
of the character qualities expected of a friar. Chaucer's description and implications reveal that the Friar is an adulterous, cold–hearted individual with a
disingenuous personality that is rooted in his self–absorbed nature. Chaucer's description of the Friar is quite extensive comparative to that of the other
pilgrims he discusses, allowing the reader to develop a complete picture of him. Throughout the description, Chaucer reveals more content...
He reveals, "He was an easy man for absolution Where he looked forward to a contribution" (67 lines 218–219). The Friar blatantly contradicts his
calling to uphold Scripture by granting absolution in exchange for a bribe. This clearly indicates that the Friar is not concerned with the welfare of
others but rather is interested in profiting from their sins. The Friar's inconsiderate nature is further revealed by Chaucer when he describes how the
Friar would react to an encounter with a direly impoverished woman. Chaucer predicts, "Should a woman have no shoes against the snow, So pleasant
was his 'In principio' He would have her widow's mite before he went" (68 lines 245–247). It is quite uncommon to characterize a friar, whose duty it is
to minister to the poor, as an individual who would express no willingness to aid a woman in desperate poverty. Yet Chaucer describes the Friar as one
who would exhibit such an indifferent, cold–hearted response. In both of these scenarios, Chaucer illustrates the Friar's contrasting interactions with the
public and his lovers, which reveals his disingenuous personality. Not only does the discrepancy between public and private interactions indicate the
Friar's disingenuous personality, but also Chaucer's description of his behavior around those individuals who can offer him something. Chaucer
explains, "To deal with such riffraff; but with the rich, With sellers of
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Twelfth Night Malvolio Essay
For this character sketch essay, I will be talking about Malvolio. Malvolio is a steward of Olivia's household in the book, Twelfth Night. Malvolio is
somewhat a middle–aged man who is tall, skinny and bald. Malvolio secretly has feelings for his lady Olivia but does not show it. Malvolio is a type
of man who follows the rules and will scold whoever breaks it. He is disliked by most characters for his rude and strict behavior, which brings him
trouble in the end.
In the book Twelfth Night, Shakespeare deepens our insight into Malvolio. Malvolio appears in 7 out of the 18 scenes in the play. Shakespeare uses
these scenes are opportunities to show Malvolio's character and behavior. Shakespeare shows us that Malvolio is very loyal to more
These kinds of images help me define the character. Puritans are kinds of people that no one in the play, Twelfth Night, will like. This is evident
in the quote, "Marry, sir, sometimes he is a kind of puritan", said by Maria in act II, scene III. This shows me that Malvolio cannot be friends much
with anyone with an appearance and behavior like a puritan. A steward is a person who is employed on a large estate to oversee the other servants,
manage domestic concerns and keep the accounts. This helps me define that Malvolio has a big responsibility and position in Olivia's household.
Another image that would associate with Malvolio is a fool. This is evident because he falls for the love letter prank and dresses like a fool in an
indecent manner just to win Olivia's heart. He also falls for the trick when Feste disguises as Sir Topas then back to Feste and Malvolio is unaware of
that. The word somber also associates with him because he is mostly grave throughout the play. He rarely smiles until he finds out that Olivia "loves"
This is my character sketch of Malvolio and as you can see, he is very unique and nothing like the other characters and has nothing in common with
them. Although he is considered one of the "bad guys" in the play, I feel like Malvolio is a man between good and bad. He tries to do what's right like
scolding Sir Toby for fooling around but he
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Character Sketch Of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk; in the epic he is described as an arrogant, selfish, powerful king that cannot be compared to anyone as an equal
because of his beauty, size and strength. Though he was handsome, strong and a god among people, he cared little for the well being of his people in
the contrary he felt that he needed to sleep with a man's wife before the husband. Odysseus the hero from the book The Odyssey was the ruler of Ithaca.
He was one of the most conspicuous Greek leaders that fought at the Trojan War. He was known for his bravery and unique way of fighting, he was
feared and respected. His return home turned in to an unforgettable journey as he struggled to return home because he pissed off the Gods. Odysseus
and his men took so long to find their way home because Zeus had become angry with the Greeks and pushed them off course, making it difficult for
them to return back to Ithaca. By the time he returned home to his wife, Odysseus had been away for 20 years, the war had taken ten years and the
journey home had taken another ten.
Gilgamesh was a very arrogant person and at times that arrogance led him to have little to no compassion for the people of Uruk. He was their king
but he did not protect his people, most feared him. He felt like he was superior to others due to the fact that he was two–thirds god, which is the key to
all of his actions. This is also what sets him apart from the hero Odysseus. Gilgamesh changed his ways as a leader throughout his
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Character Sketch Of The Old Man And The Sea
The Old Man and the Sea Character Analysis
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea" tells about an
old man and his battle in the sea to catch the most colossal fish he's ever seen. The themes presented in this novel include the honor in struggle, defeat
and death. The protagonist in "The Old Man and the Sea" is a weak and gaunt, yet optimistic old fisherman named Santiago who hasn't caught any fish
for 84 days. In the novel, Santiago goes further out to the sea than he's ever been and he manages to hook an enormous marlin, facing the biggest trial
of his life; catching the marlin and taking it home without meeting his own death first. This trial reveals the extent of his strength as hinted in the quote
above. Through Santiago's endurance, perseverance and knowledge he proves to the reader that anyone is capable of achieving their ambitions even
when it seems impossible to do so.
Throughout the novel, Hemingway portrays his conception of the world in a way that shows the reader that death, destruction and pain are unavoidable
aspects of life. In this point of view, to survive through the cruelty of the world one can only depend on their endurance, which is shown significantly
within Santiago. While Santiago is out in the sea, he more content...
His endurance represents his boundless patience and his ability to withstand hardships, while his perseverance shows his courage and determination.
Subsequently, his knowledge reveals his potentiality and his experience in fishing. Hemingway presents Santiago as an example of a hero as he
subdues his conflicts and trials with dignity and faith. Hemingway's story about Santiago is a vivid example of how we shouldn't let small or big
restrictions dishearten us on our way to achieving our
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Character Sketch Of Tolstoy
2–Tolstoy's Character. Tolstoy was a multi
–dimensional man. In his long career he had been a teacher and educational theorist, a philosopher and
social critic, a successful farmer and paterfamilias, a soldier, and a prophet. Above all, however, he was a great artist, and it is on his fiction that his
fame at present rests. The literary career of this "great writer of the Russian land" (as his contemporary Turgenev called him) may be divided into
three parts: the early period of literary apprenticeship (1851–63), the period of the great novels (1863–77), and the later period of preoccupation with
the message of his religious teaching (1878–1910). The works of the early period may be regarded as the "school" in which Tolstoy taught himself to
write. He isolated the themes and developed the more content...
His account focuses heavily on both sides' tactical successes and failures – from maneuvers in battle to how they handled occupied territory. Before the
French surrender, Pierre's brush with execution becomes a cutting satire of French bureaucracy, which functions so badly that Pierre is nearly
executed simply because a general was interrupted while he was deciding Pierre's sentence. However, the Russians also become objects of Tolstoy's
critique. He depicts disorganization and a lack of professionalism on both sides. The French failures are not limited to their ineffective bureaucracy.
"Since the battle of Borodino and the looting of Moscow," Tolstoy writes, "the French army had borne within itself, as it were, the chemical conditions
of its decomposition" Napoleon and his generals seem to have good intentions they order their men not to loot and treat the Russians they meet
respectfully. However, the privation and lack of discipline in the French army means that the foot soldiers eagerly and violently loot Moscow at their
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Professor Snape Character Sketch
Character Analysis of Professor Snape
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Award of Degree of
Bachelors of Arts (Hons.) in English
Submitted By: Supervised By:
Ummara KhanShally DabraA0706116003
Amity Institute of English Studies and Research
Character Analysis of Professor Snape
Professor Severus Snape was a Half–Blood wizard,the son of a witch Eileen Snape and muggle Tobias Snape.He was born on 9th January 1960 in
Spinner's End,Cokeworth,Midlands,England.He spent his childhood in Spinner's End within close proximity to the Evans family and met Lily and
Petunia Evans when he was nine.He more content...
When Harry arrived at Hogwarts for his 1st year,Snape took to hating him at once due to his acute resemblance to his father,James,who used to bully
Snape during their time at Hogwarts.This feeling of hatred was mutual as Harry equally disliked Snape due to his unjust treatment towards
him.Also,Harry suspected Snape to be the one who tried to jinx him during his first ever Quidditch match as the seeker of Gryffindor house.Harry
was suspicious of Snape ever since the night of Halloween when someone helped a Troll enter the Castle and after he,Ron and Hermione defeated the
Troll,the saw Snape whose leg had been bleeding.They believed that Snape helped the Troll in to use this as a distraction to face Fluffy,the
Three–Headed Dog which was kept in the Third floor corridor to protect something.But he couldn't get past the dog,who bit him and that is why his
leg was bleeding.That something was revealed accidently by Hagrid to be the Philosopher's Stone,a magical object which can be used to make Elixir
of life,which grants immortality and to produce gold.They later discovered that it was actually Professor Quirell,the Defence against the Dark Arts
teacher who wanted to steal the stone for Voldemort so that he could be resurrected once again.Quirell also told Harry that it was he who tried to kill
him during his Quidditch match and that snape was trying to save him.Then Voldemort,who was possessing Quirell,confronted Harry and threatened
him to hand over the stone.Harry refused and
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Character Sketch Of The Alchemist
Santiago is the protagonist of the Alchemist. He is a sheperd from a small town and ever since he had been a child, he had wanted to know the world,
He is of curious nature. The dream that changed his life is about finding the treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. He travels from Andalusia in southern
Spain to the Egyptian pyramids is search of hidden treasure learning life lessons along the way.
Name of Character: Alchemist
Description: The Alchemist is a mysterious character and an extremely powerful practitioner of alchemy who resides at the Al–Fayoum oasis. He
appears to possess magical powers and he is able to convert all metals into gold and cure all ills. The mythical magic that surrounds his desert existence
enchants even those more content...
Write Plot Summary of the book.
In Alchemist, Paulo Coelho describes the story of a young shepherd named Santiago, who found a treasure beyond his wildest dreams. While on his
way, he learnt many things like listening to his heart and releasing that his dreams are the part of the soul of universe.
Santiago has a few desires, he loves to roam with his sheeps while having a book in his bag. In his meeting with the Melchizedek who consider
himself to be a king of a far off land, decided to search for his treasures. Upon arriving in Africa after selling his sheeps to pursue his dream, he
faced many difficulties in his journey of searching for treasure. He was robbed off the first day and he can't even speak Arabic. He became
dishearted and decided to give up and return back but then he remember the words of the Melchizedek an continued his journey, He got a job in a
crystal store and earned enough money to buy sheeps but rather than buying them, he joined a caravan to Egypt.
During the caravan, he met an Englishmen who has the same personal legend and his thoughts were same as Melchizedek. Santiago wants to learn the
secrets of Alchemy by observing the world while the Englishman was in favor of reading complex books. During their voyage, they heard the rumors
of the tribal
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Character Sketch Of Beowulf
Graham Campbell
Mr. Smith
English III
November 5, 2017
Hey Mr. Smith ;)
Beowulf literally translates to Bear Wolf to show how heroic and great he truly is. Beowulf starts his adventure by detaching a monster's arm from his
body using his bare hands. This event is only the beginning to an epic story full of battles and gallant adventures. The people that created the story of
Beowulf did so to entertain, but this also displays what they value most about a hero. Beowulf is courageous, gives back to his people, and inspires his
Beowulf possesses unnatural strength and is not afraid of anything. He hears of Grendel plaguing Hrothgar's kingdom and people and he volunteers
to travel across the sea to the land of the Danes to find Grendel and stop his reign of terror. He proves his bravery when he declares that he will travel
across the sea to fight Grendel. "In his far–off home Beowulf, Higlac's Follower and the strongest of the Geats–greater and stronger than anyone
anywhere in this world–Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror And quickly commanded a boat be fitted out, Proclaiming that he'd go to that
famous king. Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar." (Lines 99–115) Beowulf says that he will go to a country where he has never been and has no ties
to just to rid them of a monster that was causing them trouble. And none of his people object to this decision because they know that he will erase
Grendel and have no problem doing it. The creators of this story place
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Brush Character Sketch Examples
In my sketch I chose a meaningful moment with Sarah. The moment Brush ate Emily, and he turned malicious on the Newells. Then suddenly Sarah
shot him. In this occasion, Sarah lost her best friend, to dog that she took into her family. Sarah got her parents to like, and fed Brush. After Emily
was deceased, Sarah stepped forward, and got the gun, then she shot Brush (twice). Shooting Brush was a bit of a battle because she assassinated her
other friend. This was a massive moment for Sarah, she lost her best friend and she shot a living breathing animal. We learned that Sarah adored Emily
more than we thought. Sarah probably felt abandoned. She trusted Brush and did not predict him to go after Emily. I guess that she learned the hard
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Character Sketch Of Jane Eyre
"Jane Eyre," a fiction novel by Charlotte BrontГ«, is a first person narrative story about the main character, Jane Eyre. Jane, an orphan, is raised by
her aunt (her deceased uncle's wife) who wants little to do with her. Jane is thus sent to Lowood, a school for girls, where she acquaints herself
with a girl called Helen Burns, ends up dying of consumption. Eventually, Jane gets a job as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There, she falls in
love with the man of the house, Mr. Rochester, and the two resolve to get married. However, when Mr. Rochester's mad wife, Bertha Mason, is
revealed, Jane refuses to get married and leaves. She wanders until she reaches the house of the Rivers family who take her in. The Rivers are
revealed to be her cousins. Jane finally makes her way back to Thornfield, and upon discovering that Thornfield is burned down, she tracks down Mr.
Rochester. The two lovers unite and are married. The main character of this story,Jane Eyre, originally begins as a spirited girl who has been pressed
down by her aunt. Jane likes to strike out at injustice and is rather rebellious and usually angry, especially towards the end of her stay at her aunt's
house. She is also rather strong mentally, which is shown at Lowood when she is given punishment and still stands with her head held high. However,
her spiritedness is changed during her time at Lowood. Jane, upon making friends with Helen Burns, learns the power of patience and calmness, which
she uses
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Character Sketch Of Macbeth
Character of Macbeth
From the play MACBETH – by William Shakespeare
About the author (a short biography) William Shakespeare (1564–1616) son of John Shakespeare a successful local businessman and Mary Arden the
daughter of a landowner, often called `The Bard of Avon', was an english poet and playwright who wrote the famous 154 Sonnets and numerous highly
successful oft quoted dramatic works.
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford–upon–Avon on 23rd April 1564.
His parents were relatively prosperous, it is likely the family paid for Williams education, although there is no evidence he attended university.
In 1582 William, aged only 18, married an older woman named Anne Hathaway. They had three children, Susanna, Hamnet and Juliet. more
It is the story of a murderer and usurper, like Richard III or Claudius (Hamlet) from crime to crime to achieve security.Macbeth is a villain but a more
humanized character compared to Richard.
Macbeth is a play of contradiction and ambition and is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare.and is considered one of
Shakespeare's darkest and most powerful works. Set mainly in Scotland, the play illustrates the damaging physical and psychological effects of
political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake.
The themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate, deception and treachery.
In the whole play Macbeth the theme of the play and also the witches philosophy of life i.e – "fair is foul ,and foul is fair" is visible .
Macbeth is a noble and gifted man. He chooses treachery and crime, knows them for what they are and is totally aware he is doing evil. Evil is
concentrated in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who are influenced by the Weird Sisters. The play examines the possibilities of evil and centers on the
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  • 3. Theodore Boone Character Sketch By:Sabreen 801 Character Sketch On one fine morning in Strattenburg, Theodore Boone rode his blood red and jet black bike deeper into the city. He was on his way to the large, old, and white as a pearl courthouse. On his way there crisp cold air hit his face, and he darted off into the bare alley. Next, he came across minimal but noisy traffic, and passed a stop sign. Inside, the atmosphere was filled with the supremacy, and righteousness. He shoot up the staircase turned a sharp corner. Finally, he arrived at his destination at thefamily court then, saw his close friend April Finnemore. She was sitting on one of those ancient logged benches. She seemed like a combination of the feelings like, vulnerable, abandoned, uneasy, and upset. When Get more content on
  • 4. Character Sketch Of Romeo And Juliet The monologue of the Prince closes the play of Romeo and Juliet. It also puts an end to the romance between Romeo and Juliet and the feuds between Capulets and Montagues. Although the speech is very simple, it is significant enough to sum up the whole play with the central theme of love and hatred In this romantic tragedy, it starts off with a fight between the two households, the Capulet and the Montague. Then it shows us the intimate relationship between between Mercutio and Romeo by persuading Romeo to the Capulets' party. In the party, Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love at first sight. While they are enjoying the wild adventure of their love, the two families fight again and Romeo is convicted. Meanwhile, Juliet is destined to wed Paris, a noble man from France, more content... In Romeo and Juliet, the character of Prince is upholding this position very well. However, there is one thing very disconcerting about the character of Prince and that is he always underestimates the conflict between the two households. The rebellious subject that he first introduces in the play. He does not punish Tybalt and Benvolio right away. He gives them one more chance, allowing their hatred to each other intensifies which boosts Tybalt confidence in challenging and even threatening to kill Romeo because of his pursuit with Juliet later on. As for the death of Tybalt and Mercutio, he does not execute Romeo as well. Instead he banishes him as if death of the two characters is not persuasive enough to let him make a more determinative judgement. What if he executes Romeo, will the family feud ends earlier? Will Juliet be willing to be with Paris when there is no choice left? There are too many possibilities. It suggests how the death of the two main characters be prevented if the Prince makes a more fatal decision on the Get more content on
  • 5. Character Sketch Of Draupadi The above lines clearly elucidates the character of Draupadi as a fiery female, redefines the role of women, issue of subjectivity can be witnessed and her psychological makeup is evident clearly.It creates an admired feminine portrait which is both modern and timeless. Panchaali wallows in anger and helplessness when Kunti come to a decision that all her five sons should join in matrimony with Draupadi. She presumes that Arjun would stand up for her and speak up for her that she is only married to him. But Draupadi is disillusioned by him for he abides by his mother's wish and doesn't say anything. While Draupadi's father, brother and the Pandavas examine about the practicality of Draupadi espousing five brothers, their focal point is family honour and customs. Not even a single person gives eminence to Draupadi's desires. The depiction of Draupadi as an angry woman in a man's world brings out the status of women in a patriarchal society where women's wishes are not considered as important. She justifies this lifetime sentence by remunerating that probably this was her punishment for treating Karna more content... She is not delighted at the prospect for she would be a wife to each brother for a year from the oldest to the youngest successively. She feels like a communal drinking cup being passed from one to the other. To make matters worse she is blessed with a boon that each time she would go to a new husband she would be a virgin again. This she added seemed like it was specially designed for her husbands' needs but not for her own. She blames Kunti for landing her in this miserable situation. However, she fulfils the sentence. Therefore, one sees her bound by duty to her elders' wishes and sacrifices her Get more content on
  • 6. Nora Helmer : Character Sketch Drama Notebook Section 1: Character Sketches Nora Helmer – Nora is very immature, and independent. She is also loving, caring, wife that lives with Torvald. Nora is a type of women who cares more about her family than anyone else. She thinks her life is better than anyone else's. Her importance of the is that she is using money from Torvald that he gives her every week, to pay off of a debt back to Krogstad. Torvald Helmer– He is a well structured man who takes care of the family money wise. He is the head of the household that tells everyone what needs to be done. He treats Nora more like a child then a wife. He's always calling her these childish names like "Is that my little lark twittering out there?" He doesn't care about the real world rather than his own childish life he has going on. His importance is that he cares about himself, how much money he makes, and what goes on only in his head. Nils Krogstad – Krogstad is playing more as an antagonist of the play. He threatens Nora to tell her husband that he needs the job. He also writes a letter to Torvald about how Nora is using his money to pay off a debt back to Krogstad. Since he lost the job he has been trying to manipulate her into things trying to get her to make Torvald except him again, she doesn 't want to do it at all. His importance is that he wants to get Nora in trouble by Torvald over something Krogstad did to her. Christine Linde– Christine is a friend of Nora. She is a very tough women Get more content on
  • 7. Character Sketch Of Scrooge Scrooge Scrooge returns to the home of Jacob Marley, where Marley's ghost tells him that he is going to have three ghosts visit him in the near future. The ghosts will give Scrooge an opportunity to reform himself. The text explicitly states that Scrooge was a tight fisted hand at the grindstone. Moreover, he was a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, matured sinner! Accordingly, his self–contained personality made him solitary as an oyster. In the text, it states, that Scrooge did not want to donate money to the poor since he could better use the money for himself. Scrooge declined to even to let his clerk have a day off for Christmas! The text explicitly said "it was a day that his clerk was allowed to more content... He observed to be like a middle age frat boy after a party. He was wearing a half open bathrobe, he had a drunken jolly vibe and he was surrounded by food and drinks. The first stop they make is in the house of Bob Cratchit's, scrooge's clerk. The cratchits are very poor, but happy with what they have. There youngest child is very sick, he has to use a crutch, but he is very brave and open about his sickness and says it is a visual reminder about how Christ healed the lame and made the blind men examen again. Scrooge wakes up to a ghost, ready to take Scrooge places to try to change his attitude. Scrooge encountered the spirit yet to come. The first stop they make in the night was in the city to examine some businessman talking about someone dead, but they laugh and wonder if people are actually going to go to his funeral. There second stop they make is to examine more businessmen, but they care even less. The third stop they make is to the shady side of town to a rag and bone merchant that will sale Scrooge's belongings. The only people who have feelings about him dying was the feeling of happiness. The fourth stop they make that night was to Bob cratchit's house. The mother was telling all the matured kids that it was there time to pull jobs since Scrooge died and their father doesn't have a job since Scrooge died. Tiny Tim deceased so they were mourning. The fifth stop they Get more content on
  • 8. Character Sketch Of The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, during what people called the "jazz age" or "roaring 20's", there was one man with one desire, his name was Jay Gatsby. Nick Carraway (the narrator) is the complete opposite of Gatsby, Nick is reserved and quiet, he doesn't flaunt what he has, but rather he is the only one observant enough to truly get to know Gatsby. Nick from the start sees Gatsby's as a guy that has a presence you come across once in your life and Gatsby's undeniable hope is something he's never seen in anyone, he knew Gatsby for who he really was and not the rumors. Gatsby was the greatest and the worst thing for Nick Carraway to come across. It all started with an invitation from Gatsby himself inviting Nick to one of his extravagant parties. Nick ended up attending but felt very out of place as he described in the book ".....I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table–the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone"(pg 42). This shows that he wasn't familiar with anyone at the party he had seen so far. He had been asking around where Mr. Gatsby was but it seemed that no one had met him or knew much but only what they have heard about him. It was Nicks mission to met Gatsby and thank him for the invite. Finally Nick ran into a man and started to discuss how he seemed to be the only person invited to the party, and that he wishes that he could find the host because nobody seemed to know him. A few seconds later Nick felt the Get more content on
  • 9. The Canterbury Tales Character Sketch Author Geoffrey Chaucer describes in–depth several characters who intend to embark on a religious pilgrimage in his piece The Canterbury Tales. One of the prominently featured characters is the Friar. The Friar is certainly one of the most unorthodox characters in the piece who is the antithesis of the character qualities expected of a friar. Chaucer's description and implications reveal that the Friar is an adulterous, cold–hearted individual with a disingenuous personality that is rooted in his self–absorbed nature. Chaucer's description of the Friar is quite extensive comparative to that of the other pilgrims he discusses, allowing the reader to develop a complete picture of him. Throughout the description, Chaucer reveals more content... He reveals, "He was an easy man for absolution Where he looked forward to a contribution" (67 lines 218–219). The Friar blatantly contradicts his calling to uphold Scripture by granting absolution in exchange for a bribe. This clearly indicates that the Friar is not concerned with the welfare of others but rather is interested in profiting from their sins. The Friar's inconsiderate nature is further revealed by Chaucer when he describes how the Friar would react to an encounter with a direly impoverished woman. Chaucer predicts, "Should a woman have no shoes against the snow, So pleasant was his 'In principio' He would have her widow's mite before he went" (68 lines 245–247). It is quite uncommon to characterize a friar, whose duty it is to minister to the poor, as an individual who would express no willingness to aid a woman in desperate poverty. Yet Chaucer describes the Friar as one who would exhibit such an indifferent, cold–hearted response. In both of these scenarios, Chaucer illustrates the Friar's contrasting interactions with the public and his lovers, which reveals his disingenuous personality. Not only does the discrepancy between public and private interactions indicate the Friar's disingenuous personality, but also Chaucer's description of his behavior around those individuals who can offer him something. Chaucer explains, "To deal with such riffraff; but with the rich, With sellers of Get more content on
  • 10. Twelfth Night Malvolio Essay For this character sketch essay, I will be talking about Malvolio. Malvolio is a steward of Olivia's household in the book, Twelfth Night. Malvolio is somewhat a middle–aged man who is tall, skinny and bald. Malvolio secretly has feelings for his lady Olivia but does not show it. Malvolio is a type of man who follows the rules and will scold whoever breaks it. He is disliked by most characters for his rude and strict behavior, which brings him trouble in the end. In the book Twelfth Night, Shakespeare deepens our insight into Malvolio. Malvolio appears in 7 out of the 18 scenes in the play. Shakespeare uses these scenes are opportunities to show Malvolio's character and behavior. Shakespeare shows us that Malvolio is very loyal to more content... These kinds of images help me define the character. Puritans are kinds of people that no one in the play, Twelfth Night, will like. This is evident in the quote, "Marry, sir, sometimes he is a kind of puritan", said by Maria in act II, scene III. This shows me that Malvolio cannot be friends much with anyone with an appearance and behavior like a puritan. A steward is a person who is employed on a large estate to oversee the other servants, manage domestic concerns and keep the accounts. This helps me define that Malvolio has a big responsibility and position in Olivia's household. Another image that would associate with Malvolio is a fool. This is evident because he falls for the love letter prank and dresses like a fool in an indecent manner just to win Olivia's heart. He also falls for the trick when Feste disguises as Sir Topas then back to Feste and Malvolio is unaware of that. The word somber also associates with him because he is mostly grave throughout the play. He rarely smiles until he finds out that Olivia "loves" him. This is my character sketch of Malvolio and as you can see, he is very unique and nothing like the other characters and has nothing in common with them. Although he is considered one of the "bad guys" in the play, I feel like Malvolio is a man between good and bad. He tries to do what's right like scolding Sir Toby for fooling around but he Get more content on
  • 11. Character Sketch Of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk; in the epic he is described as an arrogant, selfish, powerful king that cannot be compared to anyone as an equal because of his beauty, size and strength. Though he was handsome, strong and a god among people, he cared little for the well being of his people in the contrary he felt that he needed to sleep with a man's wife before the husband. Odysseus the hero from the book The Odyssey was the ruler of Ithaca. He was one of the most conspicuous Greek leaders that fought at the Trojan War. He was known for his bravery and unique way of fighting, he was feared and respected. His return home turned in to an unforgettable journey as he struggled to return home because he pissed off the Gods. Odysseus and his men took so long to find their way home because Zeus had become angry with the Greeks and pushed them off course, making it difficult for them to return back to Ithaca. By the time he returned home to his wife, Odysseus had been away for 20 years, the war had taken ten years and the journey home had taken another ten. Gilgamesh was a very arrogant person and at times that arrogance led him to have little to no compassion for the people of Uruk. He was their king but he did not protect his people, most feared him. He felt like he was superior to others due to the fact that he was two–thirds god, which is the key to all of his actions. This is also what sets him apart from the hero Odysseus. Gilgamesh changed his ways as a leader throughout his Get more content on
  • 12. Character Sketch Of The Old Man And The Sea The Old Man and the Sea Character Analysis "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea" tells about an old man and his battle in the sea to catch the most colossal fish he's ever seen. The themes presented in this novel include the honor in struggle, defeat and death. The protagonist in "The Old Man and the Sea" is a weak and gaunt, yet optimistic old fisherman named Santiago who hasn't caught any fish for 84 days. In the novel, Santiago goes further out to the sea than he's ever been and he manages to hook an enormous marlin, facing the biggest trial of his life; catching the marlin and taking it home without meeting his own death first. This trial reveals the extent of his strength as hinted in the quote above. Through Santiago's endurance, perseverance and knowledge he proves to the reader that anyone is capable of achieving their ambitions even when it seems impossible to do so. Throughout the novel, Hemingway portrays his conception of the world in a way that shows the reader that death, destruction and pain are unavoidable aspects of life. In this point of view, to survive through the cruelty of the world one can only depend on their endurance, which is shown significantly within Santiago. While Santiago is out in the sea, he more content... His endurance represents his boundless patience and his ability to withstand hardships, while his perseverance shows his courage and determination. Subsequently, his knowledge reveals his potentiality and his experience in fishing. Hemingway presents Santiago as an example of a hero as he subdues his conflicts and trials with dignity and faith. Hemingway's story about Santiago is a vivid example of how we shouldn't let small or big restrictions dishearten us on our way to achieving our Get more content on
  • 13. Character Sketch Of Tolstoy 2–Tolstoy's Character. Tolstoy was a multi –dimensional man. In his long career he had been a teacher and educational theorist, a philosopher and social critic, a successful farmer and paterfamilias, a soldier, and a prophet. Above all, however, he was a great artist, and it is on his fiction that his fame at present rests. The literary career of this "great writer of the Russian land" (as his contemporary Turgenev called him) may be divided into three parts: the early period of literary apprenticeship (1851–63), the period of the great novels (1863–77), and the later period of preoccupation with the message of his religious teaching (1878–1910). The works of the early period may be regarded as the "school" in which Tolstoy taught himself to write. He isolated the themes and developed the more content... His account focuses heavily on both sides' tactical successes and failures – from maneuvers in battle to how they handled occupied territory. Before the French surrender, Pierre's brush with execution becomes a cutting satire of French bureaucracy, which functions so badly that Pierre is nearly executed simply because a general was interrupted while he was deciding Pierre's sentence. However, the Russians also become objects of Tolstoy's critique. He depicts disorganization and a lack of professionalism on both sides. The French failures are not limited to their ineffective bureaucracy. "Since the battle of Borodino and the looting of Moscow," Tolstoy writes, "the French army had borne within itself, as it were, the chemical conditions of its decomposition" Napoleon and his generals seem to have good intentions they order their men not to loot and treat the Russians they meet respectfully. However, the privation and lack of discipline in the French army means that the foot soldiers eagerly and violently loot Moscow at their first Get more content on
  • 14. Professor Snape Character Sketch TERM PAPER On Character Analysis of Professor Snape In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Award of Degree of Bachelors of Arts (Hons.) in English Submitted By: Supervised By: Ummara KhanShally DabraA0706116003 Amity Institute of English Studies and Research AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH Character Analysis of Professor Snape Professor Severus Snape was a Half–Blood wizard,the son of a witch Eileen Snape and muggle Tobias Snape.He was born on 9th January 1960 in Spinner's End,Cokeworth,Midlands,England.He spent his childhood in Spinner's End within close proximity to the Evans family and met Lily and Petunia Evans when he was nine.He more content... When Harry arrived at Hogwarts for his 1st year,Snape took to hating him at once due to his acute resemblance to his father,James,who used to bully Snape during their time at Hogwarts.This feeling of hatred was mutual as Harry equally disliked Snape due to his unjust treatment towards him.Also,Harry suspected Snape to be the one who tried to jinx him during his first ever Quidditch match as the seeker of Gryffindor house.Harry was suspicious of Snape ever since the night of Halloween when someone helped a Troll enter the Castle and after he,Ron and Hermione defeated the Troll,the saw Snape whose leg had been bleeding.They believed that Snape helped the Troll in to use this as a distraction to face Fluffy,the Three–Headed Dog which was kept in the Third floor corridor to protect something.But he couldn't get past the dog,who bit him and that is why his leg was bleeding.That something was revealed accidently by Hagrid to be the Philosopher's Stone,a magical object which can be used to make Elixir of life,which grants immortality and to produce gold.They later discovered that it was actually Professor Quirell,the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher who wanted to steal the stone for Voldemort so that he could be resurrected once again.Quirell also told Harry that it was he who tried to kill
  • 15. him during his Quidditch match and that snape was trying to save him.Then Voldemort,who was possessing Quirell,confronted Harry and threatened him to hand over the stone.Harry refused and Get more content on
  • 16. Character Sketch Of The Alchemist Santiago is the protagonist of the Alchemist. He is a sheperd from a small town and ever since he had been a child, he had wanted to know the world, He is of curious nature. The dream that changed his life is about finding the treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. He travels from Andalusia in southern Spain to the Egyptian pyramids is search of hidden treasure learning life lessons along the way. Name of Character: Alchemist Description: The Alchemist is a mysterious character and an extremely powerful practitioner of alchemy who resides at the Al–Fayoum oasis. He appears to possess magical powers and he is able to convert all metals into gold and cure all ills. The mythical magic that surrounds his desert existence enchants even those more content... Write Plot Summary of the book. In Alchemist, Paulo Coelho describes the story of a young shepherd named Santiago, who found a treasure beyond his wildest dreams. While on his way, he learnt many things like listening to his heart and releasing that his dreams are the part of the soul of universe. Santiago has a few desires, he loves to roam with his sheeps while having a book in his bag. In his meeting with the Melchizedek who consider himself to be a king of a far off land, decided to search for his treasures. Upon arriving in Africa after selling his sheeps to pursue his dream, he faced many difficulties in his journey of searching for treasure. He was robbed off the first day and he can't even speak Arabic. He became dishearted and decided to give up and return back but then he remember the words of the Melchizedek an continued his journey, He got a job in a crystal store and earned enough money to buy sheeps but rather than buying them, he joined a caravan to Egypt. During the caravan, he met an Englishmen who has the same personal legend and his thoughts were same as Melchizedek. Santiago wants to learn the secrets of Alchemy by observing the world while the Englishman was in favor of reading complex books. During their voyage, they heard the rumors of the tribal Get more content on
  • 17. Character Sketch Of Beowulf Graham Campbell Mr. Smith English III November 5, 2017 Hey Mr. Smith ;) Beowulf literally translates to Bear Wolf to show how heroic and great he truly is. Beowulf starts his adventure by detaching a monster's arm from his body using his bare hands. This event is only the beginning to an epic story full of battles and gallant adventures. The people that created the story of Beowulf did so to entertain, but this also displays what they value most about a hero. Beowulf is courageous, gives back to his people, and inspires his people. Beowulf possesses unnatural strength and is not afraid of anything. He hears of Grendel plaguing Hrothgar's kingdom and people and he volunteers to travel across the sea to the land of the Danes to find Grendel and stop his reign of terror. He proves his bravery when he declares that he will travel across the sea to fight Grendel. "In his far–off home Beowulf, Higlac's Follower and the strongest of the Geats–greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world–Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror And quickly commanded a boat be fitted out, Proclaiming that he'd go to that famous king. Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar." (Lines 99–115) Beowulf says that he will go to a country where he has never been and has no ties to just to rid them of a monster that was causing them trouble. And none of his people object to this decision because they know that he will erase Grendel and have no problem doing it. The creators of this story place Get more content on
  • 18. Brush Character Sketch Examples In my sketch I chose a meaningful moment with Sarah. The moment Brush ate Emily, and he turned malicious on the Newells. Then suddenly Sarah shot him. In this occasion, Sarah lost her best friend, to dog that she took into her family. Sarah got her parents to like, and fed Brush. After Emily was deceased, Sarah stepped forward, and got the gun, then she shot Brush (twice). Shooting Brush was a bit of a battle because she assassinated her other friend. This was a massive moment for Sarah, she lost her best friend and she shot a living breathing animal. We learned that Sarah adored Emily more than we thought. Sarah probably felt abandoned. She trusted Brush and did not predict him to go after Emily. I guess that she learned the hard Get more content on
  • 19. Character Sketch Of Jane Eyre "Jane Eyre," a fiction novel by Charlotte BrontГ«, is a first person narrative story about the main character, Jane Eyre. Jane, an orphan, is raised by her aunt (her deceased uncle's wife) who wants little to do with her. Jane is thus sent to Lowood, a school for girls, where she acquaints herself with a girl called Helen Burns, ends up dying of consumption. Eventually, Jane gets a job as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There, she falls in love with the man of the house, Mr. Rochester, and the two resolve to get married. However, when Mr. Rochester's mad wife, Bertha Mason, is revealed, Jane refuses to get married and leaves. She wanders until she reaches the house of the Rivers family who take her in. The Rivers are revealed to be her cousins. Jane finally makes her way back to Thornfield, and upon discovering that Thornfield is burned down, she tracks down Mr. Rochester. The two lovers unite and are married. The main character of this story,Jane Eyre, originally begins as a spirited girl who has been pressed down by her aunt. Jane likes to strike out at injustice and is rather rebellious and usually angry, especially towards the end of her stay at her aunt's house. She is also rather strong mentally, which is shown at Lowood when she is given punishment and still stands with her head held high. However, her spiritedness is changed during her time at Lowood. Jane, upon making friends with Helen Burns, learns the power of patience and calmness, which she uses Get more content on
  • 20. Character Sketch Of Macbeth Character of Macbeth From the play MACBETH – by William Shakespeare About the author (a short biography) William Shakespeare (1564–1616) son of John Shakespeare a successful local businessman and Mary Arden the daughter of a landowner, often called `The Bard of Avon', was an english poet and playwright who wrote the famous 154 Sonnets and numerous highly successful oft quoted dramatic works. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford–upon–Avon on 23rd April 1564. His parents were relatively prosperous, it is likely the family paid for Williams education, although there is no evidence he attended university. In 1582 William, aged only 18, married an older woman named Anne Hathaway. They had three children, Susanna, Hamnet and Juliet. more content... It is the story of a murderer and usurper, like Richard III or Claudius (Hamlet) from crime to crime to achieve security.Macbeth is a villain but a more humanized character compared to Richard. Macbeth is a play of contradiction and ambition and is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare.and is considered one of Shakespeare's darkest and most powerful works. Set mainly in Scotland, the play illustrates the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake. The themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate, deception and treachery. In the whole play Macbeth the theme of the play and also the witches philosophy of life i.e – "fair is foul ,and foul is fair" is visible . Macbeth is a noble and gifted man. He chooses treachery and crime, knows them for what they are and is totally aware he is doing evil. Evil is concentrated in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who are influenced by the Weird Sisters. The play examines the possibilities of evil and centers on the Get more content on