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The SiMania Joint Duelacy
 Sally's Side - Chapter 13

     Written by: ilovereecee
Hello and welcome back to The SiMania Joint
Duelacy. This is the 13 chapter of Sally's side. In
   the last chapter I played our heiress Eowyn
McMania and her spare siblings Mona, Yossarian
  and Milo through college. They all graduated
 successfully and the spares went off to do their
 own thing after graduation. Mona married Chris
  Davidson and they had a cute little girl named
Rowan. Yossarian was quite the Cassanova and
    never settled down, but did adopt to kittens
  Anastasia and Drisella. Milo married Jessica
Leelaporn and they had three children, Jane then
  twins Jude and Lily. Now it's time to see how
Eowyn and her fiancee Ichelle's lives ended up...
Eowyn and Ichelle have settled back in at home with Eowyn's
  parents Katherine and Zethamae, as well as her grandparents
Adrian and Aurora. Ichelle starts to befriend everyone in the house,
             starting with her future mothers-in-law.
Adrian and Aurora are the designated portrait painters for the
engaged couple. Every heir and spouse in the family has their
portrait made and hung in the house. Eowyn and Ichelle will be
               able to admire theirs very soon!
I realize that I never gave Ichelle's stats in the last chapter. So here
  they are: She is a primary knowledge aspiration with a
secondary family aspiration. Her lifetime want is to become chief of
 staff, which she is currently working toward. She went to work this
  morning as an EMT and got promoted her first day to paramedic!
                          Way to go Ichelle!
We're not even five minutes into this and we've already got a death
 in the family. Adrian McMania's time has run up and he's gone to
   join many other McMania family members now. Zethame and
              Eowyn were there to witness his passing.
Poor Aurora! She's very torn up over the loss of her husband.
They've been together a very long time and she walks around
   sniffling and thinking of him all the time. It's really sad.
Belle and Beast, the family pets, are doing well. They've finally taken an
 interest in each other and have started playing together. This is good
  because I need kittens from these two! On a side note, Beast pretty
much always has a stink cloud around him. This is one messy dude! He
 never bathes himself. It's actually really gross and whenever a family
member enters the same room as him, they always pause to hold their
 nose and fan the air in front of their face. He should be named Smelly
               Cat, after Phoebe's song from Friends. Lol!
Geez Louise Batman! There was a thunderstorm during the early
 morning that caught a tree on fire – well usually the rain will put it
 out, you know? Not this time. Then Eowyn freaked out and had to
 go do the fire dance in front of it. Of course, she wouldn't obey me
  canceling this out and telling her to go take a shower. So she got
consumed in the fire. Thankfully the firefighter showed up in time to
                               save her!
A near death experience will sure change your perspective on life!
   After a shower and a quick change of clothes, Eowyn decided it
was time to get hitched! She and Ichelle made beautiful brides and
I really love how the colors of their dresses compliment each other.
Okay, I just have to brag on
  the fact that every guest is
    seated and enjoying the
wedding without any drama!
   For those of you who see
   any weddings in my sims
 lives before, you know how
    excited this makes me!
    Granted, there are only
     three guests, but hey!
    They're all participating
correctly and that makes me
            happy :)
The same day as the
 wedding, Katherine and
    Zethamae had their
  elder birthdays. Again,
    the three guests all
  participated properly in
 the celebration – which
   again made me very
      happy. Although
  normally, my sims act
 right at birthday parties.
But I'm still feeling happy
     over the wedding
participation, so I figured
   I'd keep bragging on
them for a minute longer.
They aged into pretty attractive elders! I'm very happy with this
couple, they are so adorable. Normally I put my elders in gray hair,
 but I really like that they grew into the same color hair and it suits
                           them, so it's staying.
Ichelle is doing very well at work. It seems like she works nonstop,
  since she's flying through promotions. She is now working as a
    nurse and skilling in between shifts for her next promotion.
Eowyn doesn't have a career related lifetime want – she wants to
  marry off six children – so she is free to enjoy her days as she
wants. This usually means she hugs Belle, who is expecting kittens
   now, and walks around talking about grilled cheese with her
                          Grandma Aurora.
But her days are about
   to get just a tad bit
  busier! Eowyn is now
expecting her first child
with Ichelle! Yay ladies :)

 Her pregnancy is a little
rough so far. She throws
 up a lot during the day
 and always has a little
 nausea after she eats.
I'm sad to tell you that Aurora will not live to see her great-
grandchild born to Eowyn and Ichelle. She'd just gotten home from
 work when the grim reaper showed up on the front lawn to collect
          her. At least she'll get to be with Adrian again!
Belle has had her
  kittens! (Notice that
Beast shows up for the
  birth with a massive
   green stink cloud
   following him). In
keeping with the Beauty
 and the Beast theme,
 the kittens are named
  Cogsworth and Mrs.
Eowyn's pregnancy is just a little behind Belle's. She will be having
 her own baby soon and everyone in the house is super excited!
Ichelle is still working like crazy! She's got to finish maxing out her
logic and mechanical skill for her next promotion. She's not that far
   away from achieving her lifetime want to become chief of staff.
Ichelle was doing her nightly yoga routine when
 Eowyn went into labor with their baby! I was glad
    that she was home to witness the birth of their
  daughter. Vivien has black hair and brown eyes
 just like Ichelle! Also, I know I said I didn't have a
theme for this generation, but I just made one up –
   favorite actresses. Vivien is named after Vivien
     Leigh (who is most known for playing Scarlett
O'Hara in my favorite movie, Gone with the Wind).
You'd think that there being a new grandbaby in the house would
be exciting to the new grandmothers Katherine and Zethamae. But
they seem more interested in caressing each other than interacting
  with little Vivien. This is very odd behavior for grandmothers – I
know whenever my sister brings my niece to visit, I have to literally
       take the baby from my mother if I want to hold her lol.
Okay, let's play a little
                             game I like to call “what
                             is wrong with this
                             picture?” Why is Eowyn,
                             the primary family
                             aspiration, rolling wants
                             to read parenting

While Ichelle, the primary
knowledge aspiration, is
the one actually
interacting with Vivien?
My sims are weirdos!
Eowyn is pregnant again! I want her to have all of her children back
   to back, so there is no rebound time after her pregnancy with
   Vivien! Poor girl, but she'll thank me when she's not teaching
  teenagers to drive and changing diapers of her youngest child.
                      Probably not, but oh well!
Poor Eowyn's second pregnancy is even more difficult than her
 first. Ichelle is being quite the supermom and stepping up to take
care of Vivien as much as she possibly can. She also continues to
                         work in the mean time!
Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts have grown into identical adult cats. I
was holding out hope that they might get a bit more markings from
  Belle. I just don't like having plain looking cats and dogs in my
game. I want neon colors, stars, dots, stripes, a mask... anything!
I do feel terrible for Eowyn.
 She is constantly running
  to the bathroom to throw
    up. Her body does not
   handle pregnancy very
   well at all! She was sick
 with Vivien, but never this
     sick. I wonder if this
means she is having a boy
this time? Or maybe twins,
 since she is doubly sick? I
   guess only time will tell.
Eowyn does get a little break
                                    from her constant morning
                                    sickness when Vivien's
                                    birthday rolls around.
                                    Surprisingly, she is the one to
                                    bring her to the cake.
                                    Katherine, Zethamae and
                                    Ichelle all surrounded the baby
                                    to celebrate her first birthday.

Vivien aged into Ichelle's little
clone! I don't think she got
one feature from Eowyn. Her
personality is a pretty good
mix of both moms though: Very extreme!
Neat, shy, active, serious and
mean. With those stats, she
might be a loner in the future,
Eowyn's baby bump is starting to grow! At least now she can
 admire her growing stomach after she pukes up her meals. That
makes the morning sickness almost worth it, right? Also, Zethamae
 seems excited that her daughter is pregnant again, but will more
        than likely ignore the baby once he or she is here.
Ichelle is really advancing in her career! She is now a surgeon –
 good job Ichelle! On a bad note though, she keeps bringing home
   attractive, successful coworkers. This could be bad if hormone
fueled Eowyn sees her, so Ichelle always asks her friends to leave
            before they can even make it to the front door.
Eowyn is enjoying being a stay at home mother. She's finally
  starting to want to interact with Vivien and loves teaching her
daughter new things. While Vivien naps, the heiress gives tons of
                    attention to the family cats.
Surgeon Ichelle isn't letting go of any of her motherly
responsibilities just because she's working longer hours. She also
  loves to play with Vivien and teaches her how to walk and sing
                          nursery rhymes.
Well Geez Louise Batman! No wonder Eowyn was so pukey during
her pregnancy. She was hiding three babies in that big belly! It's a
wonder she had the energy to take care of Vivien through her past
                        two trimesters!
Baby number one is a boy named Carter.
  He is named after one of my favorite
 actresses Helena Bonham Carter. She
 has most recently starred in the Harry
  Potter movies, Tim Burton's Alice in
 Wonderland and Dark Shadows. I think
 she is such an amazing actress who is
quirky, strange and beautiful all at once.
Baby number two is a girl named
Emma. Obviously from the picture
she is named after Emma Stone,
one of my favorite new actresses.
She's lately started in Easy A, The
  Help, Superbad, The House
 Bunny and The Croods (which I
       still need to go see!)
Because I love HBC that much, the
last triplet is named Helena. Have I
    mentioned how beautiful and
  eccentric she is – and I love how
 she embraces who she is instead
     of bending to be like all the
  “normal” Hollywood stars?! Plus
  she's got curly hair, and I've got
       curly hair and seeing her
 completely embrace her wild curls
   makes me love her even more!
With four kids under the age of... well, childhood I guess... we can't have
four cats running around the house too! So Eowyn invites younger sister
 Mona over to meet the triplets and to also take Beast and Belle off her
It's all hands on deck with this bunch of young'ns! If you've ever
seen me play a family with multiples before, you know I suck at it! I
 usually don't take too many pictures from the time they're born to
their childhood, because I consider myself doing exceptionally well
to keep the parents alive and the babies fed and somewhere in all
 the chaos, I forget to take pictures. So forgive me if you don't see
             much of Carter, Emma and Helena as infants.
Well luckily for Vivien it's her
birthday! This means there is a
greater chance that she will be
  able to live now that she can
   get her own food from the
 kitchen and put herself in bed
  when she is tired! She'll also
  more than likely become the
 house cleaner when the maid
 isn't around since I'll be using
   all the adult ladies to feed,
   change and bathe babies.

Vivien is adorable! There's no
   way Ichelle can deny her
firstborn, they're so similar in
   the face! I love Viv's little
upturned nose – I think it's so
I told you that I wouldn't give you too many pictures of the triplets in
   their younger years. I promise I'm going to try to do better when
  they are toddlers. Oh boy... here comes the hard part. Let's hope
            all the McManias survive the next four days...
Carter is the first up in the triple round of birthday pictures. Isn't he
adorable!? He, like Vivien, looks a ton like Ichelle. The kids aren't
 really getting much of their looks from Eowyn. His personality is
Emma is the only child so far that didn't get Ichelle's small eye
shape. Hair color, skintone and eye color yes, but not eye shape!
  At least Eowyn contributed one thing to one of her children.
                Emma's personality is
I was going back and forth on whether or not to make Emma and
 Helena look completely different or very similar. I went with very
 similar obviously. It's not that often I get twins so alike in genetic
 makeup, so I like to dress them alike with the same hair. Helena
will be dressed more like her namesake, dark clothing; Emma like
hers, brighter, girlier things. Helena's personality is – the
                         only slobby, nice child.
Once again it's all hands on deck to make sure the little ones are
taken care of. Zethamae and Eowyn tackle teaching the toddlers
their skills while Katherine picks up the empty smart milk bottles.
Hey! Why is she doing that? I've already designated Vivien to be
                      the bottle-picker-upper...
Little sneak! She slipped right out of all the action (and my
attention) and downstairs to practice her ballet moves. How clever!
 I guess I can't expect a child with ten active points to pass up the
                      chance to practice ballet!
What the butt? How did you two end up in the same bed? All night?
                     Without me noticing!?

 Yep, this is what happens when I have multiples in my game. My
normal micromanaging goes out the window and my sims actually
               get to use their free will that is enabled.
I might regret this by the end of the evening, but right now Eowyn
  is the only one home to care for Carter, Emma and Helena. The
  other adults are at work and Vivien is at school. So far Eowyn is
  doing well. The worst thing that's happened is that Emma had to
 cry in her crib for a little bit while Eowyn finished teaching Helena
how to walk. Not to bad, but it is only ten in the morning. The day is
Carter somehow has gotten onto a different sleeping schedule than
Emma and Helena. I guess it's better that way – so far it's easier to
  split them up and tackle their needs than if they were all three
  waking up needing bottles and potty time all at once. So when
Carter woke up from his nap, I had Vivien be a wonderful big sister
  and entertain her little sisters on the activity table while Eowyn
went to take care of their brother. The day is almost over and so far
                    no catastrophes! Yay me :D
Not only did nobody die or have a major meltdown today, but
Ichelle came home with a promotion to Chief of Staff! Yay Ichelle!
Her new lifetime want is to become a space pirate, but that might
 have to wait until after the kids are older. I'm about to put her on
              toddler duty alongside her lovely wife.
Vivien is a very active little girl! (As one would expect from a child
  with ten active points!) She's always zooming around the house
from activity to activity. She as been maxing her skills and as soon
      as one is done, she wants to move onto the next. I see a
                  knowledge aspiration in the future!
Well it's the end of the first day with three toddlers and I have to
 say I'm pretty proud of myself as a simmer. Eowyn took care of
Carter, Emma and Helena without starving, passing out or peeing
on herself. Ichelle came home with a promotion AND the triplets
  made best friends with each other. I must be getting better at
          raising triplets. It only took a few years, but hey!
Ooh, this has not happened in my game in quite some time! A
toddler has maxed out a skill. Looks like all the time on the activity
   table with his siblings has done Carter some good. He's now
                     maxed his mechanical skill.
I can't take all the credit
                                though. I do use tons of
                                smart milk and I definitely
                                take advantage of the
                                snapdragons strategically
                                placed around the nursery.

The triplets are about to age
into children and I'm
honestly shocked at how
smooth this whole process
has been. It's very unlike my
previous families with
multiples, but I'll take it!
Well it's been a very successful run with these three as toddlers!
Everyone was well fed, showered and got enough sleep at night.
And I'm sure thankful for it! Now it's time for the young'ns to grow
               into children like their big sis Vivien.
From left to right, top to bottom
we have: Carter in black, Emma
  in purple and Helena (who
   refuses to smile) in black.
       Cuties aren't they?
Guess who is knocked up again!? I shouldn't say knocked up, that
 sounds so horrible! Ichelle and Eowyn are going to be mommies
  one last time! Haleigh/meadowthayer has the family next and I
cleared it with her if they could go ahead and have another baby. I
   have one last actress's name that I would like to use for this
           generation and she kindly okayed a fifth child!
Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts are doing well. Despite the fact that
Cogsworth (or is that Mrs. Potts, I can't tell!) is scowling right now,
                  they're actually good friends.
Now that Carter, Emma and
Helena are children, it's time
 to invite Vince Walter back
 to the house for dinner and
       a tour! Eowyn was
   supposed to chat him up
 over the sparkling dish, but
     she'd rather clean the
      kitchen... that's cool.
    So the task is up to the
young McMania girls! Vivien,
  Emma and Helena accept
    the challenge and they
 impress Vince enough with
   their dinner conversation
that the triplets got accepted
to the institution with a score
  of 101/90. That's what I'm
  talking about! Girl power!!
Now that all the children
   are in private school,
they're excited about their
  studies and come right
     home to do their
homework before working
       on their skills!


 Or play ball outside for
 three hours. Whatever.
Eowyn keeps rolling very knowledge related wants. Like today she
 decided she wants to learn all about couples counseling. She's a
family/grilled cheese aspiration and is supposed to want to interact
              with her kids... but no. She wants to read.
Eowyn also really likes the
ballet bar still. It's a very
popular item in the McMania
household. Although, some
of these stretches can't be
good for her pregnant body.
They look rather painful.

                                Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth
                                seem to think Eowyn's
                                current state isn't appropriate
                                for those shorts and activities
                                as well. They stood and
                                watched her the whole time.
Carter, despite only having four nice points, is the hugger of the
group. Whenever Ichelle comes home from work, Carter drops his
homework to go snuggle up to mommy. Maybe there is an ulterior
 motive to this... homework break and looking sweet at the same
                           time. Hmmm.
Carter has a room to himself while Emma and Helena share a
bedroom. So with all the space in Carter's room, I furnished a little
study corner for the kids. They use it every night and are all getting
                   most of their skills knocked out.
Time for the first teenage
 birthday of this chapter!
 Vivien is about to be all
grown up – in her teenage
 mind at least! I love how
excited everyone is in this

Vivien aged into a beautiful
      young lady, who to
    nobody's surprise still
  looks just like Ichelle. Her
     primary aspiration is
pleasure and I decided not
to roll for her secondary. I'll
 let Haleigh/meadowthayer
       choose that one.
The last baby has been
    born! And she is
     named Kristen,
obviously after Kristen
     Stewart. She's
  definitely one of my
 FAVORITE actresses
    ever. She's most
 known for staring as
   Bella Swan in the
Twilight Saga. She's so
  gorgeous and really
brings Bella's character
   to life on screen...
JUST KIDDING!! Kristen Stewart has got to be the worst actress
     alive and I hate that she got the role of Bella Swan. She
   slaughtered the character for me. My dog gives more facial
  expressions than Kristen and the chip I'm eating has a better
personality than her. So the baby is actually named after Jennifer
Lawerence! She is, for real this time, also one of my favorite new
actresses. She's freaking hilarious, a girl that everyone can relate
          to and brutally honest, which I love about her!
Well that's going to be it for this turn! I want to thank you all for
 reading and I hope that you enjoyed the chapter so far. The next
chapter will show Vivien, Carter, Emma, Helena and baby Jennifer
 all growing up. So we'll see you all next time. Don't forget to stop
                     by SiMania and say hello!


                         See you all there :)

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Chapter 13

  • 1. The SiMania Joint Duelacy Sally's Side - Chapter 13 Written by: ilovereecee
  • 2. Hello and welcome back to The SiMania Joint th Duelacy. This is the 13 chapter of Sally's side. In the last chapter I played our heiress Eowyn McMania and her spare siblings Mona, Yossarian and Milo through college. They all graduated successfully and the spares went off to do their own thing after graduation. Mona married Chris Davidson and they had a cute little girl named Rowan. Yossarian was quite the Cassanova and never settled down, but did adopt to kittens Anastasia and Drisella. Milo married Jessica Leelaporn and they had three children, Jane then twins Jude and Lily. Now it's time to see how Eowyn and her fiancee Ichelle's lives ended up...
  • 3. Eowyn and Ichelle have settled back in at home with Eowyn's parents Katherine and Zethamae, as well as her grandparents Adrian and Aurora. Ichelle starts to befriend everyone in the house, starting with her future mothers-in-law.
  • 4. Adrian and Aurora are the designated portrait painters for the engaged couple. Every heir and spouse in the family has their portrait made and hung in the house. Eowyn and Ichelle will be able to admire theirs very soon!
  • 5. I realize that I never gave Ichelle's stats in the last chapter. So here they are: She is a primary knowledge aspiration with a secondary family aspiration. Her lifetime want is to become chief of staff, which she is currently working toward. She went to work this morning as an EMT and got promoted her first day to paramedic! Way to go Ichelle!
  • 6. We're not even five minutes into this and we've already got a death in the family. Adrian McMania's time has run up and he's gone to join many other McMania family members now. Zethame and Eowyn were there to witness his passing.
  • 7. Poor Aurora! She's very torn up over the loss of her husband. They've been together a very long time and she walks around sniffling and thinking of him all the time. It's really sad.
  • 8. Belle and Beast, the family pets, are doing well. They've finally taken an interest in each other and have started playing together. This is good because I need kittens from these two! On a side note, Beast pretty much always has a stink cloud around him. This is one messy dude! He never bathes himself. It's actually really gross and whenever a family member enters the same room as him, they always pause to hold their nose and fan the air in front of their face. He should be named Smelly Cat, after Phoebe's song from Friends. Lol!
  • 9. Geez Louise Batman! There was a thunderstorm during the early morning that caught a tree on fire – well usually the rain will put it out, you know? Not this time. Then Eowyn freaked out and had to go do the fire dance in front of it. Of course, she wouldn't obey me canceling this out and telling her to go take a shower. So she got consumed in the fire. Thankfully the firefighter showed up in time to save her!
  • 10. A near death experience will sure change your perspective on life! After a shower and a quick change of clothes, Eowyn decided it was time to get hitched! She and Ichelle made beautiful brides and I really love how the colors of their dresses compliment each other.
  • 11. Okay, I just have to brag on the fact that every guest is seated and enjoying the wedding without any drama! For those of you who see any weddings in my sims lives before, you know how excited this makes me! Granted, there are only three guests, but hey! They're all participating correctly and that makes me happy :)
  • 12. The same day as the wedding, Katherine and Zethamae had their elder birthdays. Again, the three guests all participated properly in the celebration – which again made me very happy. Although normally, my sims act right at birthday parties. But I'm still feeling happy over the wedding participation, so I figured I'd keep bragging on them for a minute longer.
  • 13. They aged into pretty attractive elders! I'm very happy with this couple, they are so adorable. Normally I put my elders in gray hair, but I really like that they grew into the same color hair and it suits them, so it's staying.
  • 14. Ichelle is doing very well at work. It seems like she works nonstop, since she's flying through promotions. She is now working as a nurse and skilling in between shifts for her next promotion.
  • 15. Eowyn doesn't have a career related lifetime want – she wants to marry off six children – so she is free to enjoy her days as she wants. This usually means she hugs Belle, who is expecting kittens now, and walks around talking about grilled cheese with her Grandma Aurora.
  • 16. But her days are about to get just a tad bit busier! Eowyn is now expecting her first child with Ichelle! Yay ladies :) Her pregnancy is a little rough so far. She throws up a lot during the day and always has a little nausea after she eats.
  • 17. I'm sad to tell you that Aurora will not live to see her great- grandchild born to Eowyn and Ichelle. She'd just gotten home from work when the grim reaper showed up on the front lawn to collect her. At least she'll get to be with Adrian again!
  • 18. Belle has had her kittens! (Notice that Beast shows up for the birth with a massive green stink cloud following him). In keeping with the Beauty and the Beast theme, the kittens are named Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts.
  • 19. Eowyn's pregnancy is just a little behind Belle's. She will be having her own baby soon and everyone in the house is super excited!
  • 20. Ichelle is still working like crazy! She's got to finish maxing out her logic and mechanical skill for her next promotion. She's not that far away from achieving her lifetime want to become chief of staff.
  • 21. Ichelle was doing her nightly yoga routine when Eowyn went into labor with their baby! I was glad that she was home to witness the birth of their daughter. Vivien has black hair and brown eyes just like Ichelle! Also, I know I said I didn't have a theme for this generation, but I just made one up – favorite actresses. Vivien is named after Vivien Leigh (who is most known for playing Scarlett O'Hara in my favorite movie, Gone with the Wind).
  • 22. You'd think that there being a new grandbaby in the house would be exciting to the new grandmothers Katherine and Zethamae. But they seem more interested in caressing each other than interacting with little Vivien. This is very odd behavior for grandmothers – I know whenever my sister brings my niece to visit, I have to literally take the baby from my mother if I want to hold her lol.
  • 23. Okay, let's play a little game I like to call “what is wrong with this picture?” Why is Eowyn, the primary family aspiration, rolling wants to read parenting books... While Ichelle, the primary knowledge aspiration, is the one actually interacting with Vivien? My sims are weirdos!
  • 24. Eowyn is pregnant again! I want her to have all of her children back to back, so there is no rebound time after her pregnancy with Vivien! Poor girl, but she'll thank me when she's not teaching teenagers to drive and changing diapers of her youngest child. Probably not, but oh well!
  • 25. Poor Eowyn's second pregnancy is even more difficult than her first. Ichelle is being quite the supermom and stepping up to take care of Vivien as much as she possibly can. She also continues to work in the mean time!
  • 26. Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts have grown into identical adult cats. I was holding out hope that they might get a bit more markings from Belle. I just don't like having plain looking cats and dogs in my game. I want neon colors, stars, dots, stripes, a mask... anything!
  • 27. I do feel terrible for Eowyn. She is constantly running to the bathroom to throw up. Her body does not handle pregnancy very well at all! She was sick with Vivien, but never this sick. I wonder if this means she is having a boy this time? Or maybe twins, since she is doubly sick? I guess only time will tell.
  • 28. Eowyn does get a little break from her constant morning sickness when Vivien's birthday rolls around. Surprisingly, she is the one to bring her to the cake. Katherine, Zethamae and Ichelle all surrounded the baby to celebrate her first birthday. Vivien aged into Ichelle's little clone! I don't think she got one feature from Eowyn. Her personality is a pretty good mix of both moms though: Very extreme! Neat, shy, active, serious and mean. With those stats, she might be a loner in the future, lol.
  • 29. Eowyn's baby bump is starting to grow! At least now she can admire her growing stomach after she pukes up her meals. That makes the morning sickness almost worth it, right? Also, Zethamae seems excited that her daughter is pregnant again, but will more than likely ignore the baby once he or she is here.
  • 30. Ichelle is really advancing in her career! She is now a surgeon – good job Ichelle! On a bad note though, she keeps bringing home attractive, successful coworkers. This could be bad if hormone fueled Eowyn sees her, so Ichelle always asks her friends to leave before they can even make it to the front door.
  • 31. Eowyn is enjoying being a stay at home mother. She's finally starting to want to interact with Vivien and loves teaching her daughter new things. While Vivien naps, the heiress gives tons of attention to the family cats.
  • 32. Surgeon Ichelle isn't letting go of any of her motherly responsibilities just because she's working longer hours. She also loves to play with Vivien and teaches her how to walk and sing nursery rhymes.
  • 33. Well Geez Louise Batman! No wonder Eowyn was so pukey during her pregnancy. She was hiding three babies in that big belly! It's a wonder she had the energy to take care of Vivien through her past two trimesters!
  • 34. Baby number one is a boy named Carter. He is named after one of my favorite actresses Helena Bonham Carter. She has most recently starred in the Harry Potter movies, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Dark Shadows. I think she is such an amazing actress who is quirky, strange and beautiful all at once.
  • 35. Baby number two is a girl named Emma. Obviously from the picture she is named after Emma Stone, one of my favorite new actresses. She's lately started in Easy A, The Help, Superbad, The House Bunny and The Croods (which I still need to go see!)
  • 36. Because I love HBC that much, the last triplet is named Helena. Have I mentioned how beautiful and eccentric she is – and I love how she embraces who she is instead of bending to be like all the “normal” Hollywood stars?! Plus she's got curly hair, and I've got curly hair and seeing her completely embrace her wild curls makes me love her even more!
  • 37. With four kids under the age of... well, childhood I guess... we can't have four cats running around the house too! So Eowyn invites younger sister Mona over to meet the triplets and to also take Beast and Belle off her hands.
  • 38. It's all hands on deck with this bunch of young'ns! If you've ever seen me play a family with multiples before, you know I suck at it! I usually don't take too many pictures from the time they're born to their childhood, because I consider myself doing exceptionally well to keep the parents alive and the babies fed and somewhere in all the chaos, I forget to take pictures. So forgive me if you don't see much of Carter, Emma and Helena as infants.
  • 39. Well luckily for Vivien it's her birthday! This means there is a greater chance that she will be able to live now that she can get her own food from the kitchen and put herself in bed when she is tired! She'll also more than likely become the house cleaner when the maid isn't around since I'll be using all the adult ladies to feed, change and bathe babies. Vivien is adorable! There's no way Ichelle can deny her firstborn, they're so similar in the face! I love Viv's little upturned nose – I think it's so cute!
  • 40. I told you that I wouldn't give you too many pictures of the triplets in their younger years. I promise I'm going to try to do better when they are toddlers. Oh boy... here comes the hard part. Let's hope all the McManias survive the next four days...
  • 41. Carter is the first up in the triple round of birthday pictures. Isn't he adorable!? He, like Vivien, looks a ton like Ichelle. The kids aren't really getting much of their looks from Eowyn. His personality is
  • 42. Emma is the only child so far that didn't get Ichelle's small eye shape. Hair color, skintone and eye color yes, but not eye shape! At least Eowyn contributed one thing to one of her children. Emma's personality is
  • 43. I was going back and forth on whether or not to make Emma and Helena look completely different or very similar. I went with very similar obviously. It's not that often I get twins so alike in genetic makeup, so I like to dress them alike with the same hair. Helena will be dressed more like her namesake, dark clothing; Emma like hers, brighter, girlier things. Helena's personality is – the only slobby, nice child.
  • 44. Once again it's all hands on deck to make sure the little ones are taken care of. Zethamae and Eowyn tackle teaching the toddlers their skills while Katherine picks up the empty smart milk bottles. Hey! Why is she doing that? I've already designated Vivien to be the bottle-picker-upper...
  • 45. Little sneak! She slipped right out of all the action (and my attention) and downstairs to practice her ballet moves. How clever! I guess I can't expect a child with ten active points to pass up the chance to practice ballet!
  • 46. What the butt? How did you two end up in the same bed? All night? Without me noticing!? Yep, this is what happens when I have multiples in my game. My normal micromanaging goes out the window and my sims actually get to use their free will that is enabled.
  • 47. I might regret this by the end of the evening, but right now Eowyn is the only one home to care for Carter, Emma and Helena. The other adults are at work and Vivien is at school. So far Eowyn is doing well. The worst thing that's happened is that Emma had to cry in her crib for a little bit while Eowyn finished teaching Helena how to walk. Not to bad, but it is only ten in the morning. The day is young.
  • 48. Carter somehow has gotten onto a different sleeping schedule than Emma and Helena. I guess it's better that way – so far it's easier to split them up and tackle their needs than if they were all three waking up needing bottles and potty time all at once. So when Carter woke up from his nap, I had Vivien be a wonderful big sister and entertain her little sisters on the activity table while Eowyn went to take care of their brother. The day is almost over and so far no catastrophes! Yay me :D
  • 49. Not only did nobody die or have a major meltdown today, but Ichelle came home with a promotion to Chief of Staff! Yay Ichelle! Her new lifetime want is to become a space pirate, but that might have to wait until after the kids are older. I'm about to put her on toddler duty alongside her lovely wife.
  • 50. Vivien is a very active little girl! (As one would expect from a child with ten active points!) She's always zooming around the house from activity to activity. She as been maxing her skills and as soon as one is done, she wants to move onto the next. I see a knowledge aspiration in the future!
  • 51. Well it's the end of the first day with three toddlers and I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself as a simmer. Eowyn took care of Carter, Emma and Helena without starving, passing out or peeing on herself. Ichelle came home with a promotion AND the triplets made best friends with each other. I must be getting better at raising triplets. It only took a few years, but hey!
  • 52. Ooh, this has not happened in my game in quite some time! A toddler has maxed out a skill. Looks like all the time on the activity table with his siblings has done Carter some good. He's now maxed his mechanical skill.
  • 53. I can't take all the credit though. I do use tons of smart milk and I definitely take advantage of the snapdragons strategically placed around the nursery. The triplets are about to age into children and I'm honestly shocked at how smooth this whole process has been. It's very unlike my previous families with multiples, but I'll take it!
  • 54. Well it's been a very successful run with these three as toddlers! Everyone was well fed, showered and got enough sleep at night. And I'm sure thankful for it! Now it's time for the young'ns to grow into children like their big sis Vivien.
  • 55. From left to right, top to bottom we have: Carter in black, Emma in purple and Helena (who refuses to smile) in black. Cuties aren't they?
  • 56. Guess who is knocked up again!? I shouldn't say knocked up, that sounds so horrible! Ichelle and Eowyn are going to be mommies one last time! Haleigh/meadowthayer has the family next and I cleared it with her if they could go ahead and have another baby. I have one last actress's name that I would like to use for this generation and she kindly okayed a fifth child!
  • 57. Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts are doing well. Despite the fact that Cogsworth (or is that Mrs. Potts, I can't tell!) is scowling right now, they're actually good friends.
  • 58. Now that Carter, Emma and Helena are children, it's time to invite Vince Walter back to the house for dinner and a tour! Eowyn was supposed to chat him up over the sparkling dish, but she'd rather clean the kitchen... that's cool. So the task is up to the young McMania girls! Vivien, Emma and Helena accept the challenge and they impress Vince enough with their dinner conversation that the triplets got accepted to the institution with a score of 101/90. That's what I'm talking about! Girl power!!
  • 59. Now that all the children are in private school, they're excited about their studies and come right home to do their homework before working on their skills! …........ Or play ball outside for three hours. Whatever.
  • 60. Eowyn keeps rolling very knowledge related wants. Like today she decided she wants to learn all about couples counseling. She's a family/grilled cheese aspiration and is supposed to want to interact with her kids... but no. She wants to read.
  • 61. Eowyn also really likes the ballet bar still. It's a very popular item in the McMania household. Although, some of these stretches can't be good for her pregnant body. They look rather painful. Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth seem to think Eowyn's current state isn't appropriate for those shorts and activities as well. They stood and watched her the whole time.
  • 62. Carter, despite only having four nice points, is the hugger of the group. Whenever Ichelle comes home from work, Carter drops his homework to go snuggle up to mommy. Maybe there is an ulterior motive to this... homework break and looking sweet at the same time. Hmmm.
  • 63. Carter has a room to himself while Emma and Helena share a bedroom. So with all the space in Carter's room, I furnished a little study corner for the kids. They use it every night and are all getting most of their skills knocked out.
  • 64. Time for the first teenage birthday of this chapter! Vivien is about to be all grown up – in her teenage mind at least! I love how excited everyone is in this picture! Vivien aged into a beautiful young lady, who to nobody's surprise still looks just like Ichelle. Her primary aspiration is pleasure and I decided not to roll for her secondary. I'll let Haleigh/meadowthayer choose that one.
  • 65. The last baby has been born! And she is named Kristen, obviously after Kristen Stewart. She's definitely one of my FAVORITE actresses ever. She's most known for staring as Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga. She's so gorgeous and really brings Bella's character to life on screen...
  • 66. JUST KIDDING!! Kristen Stewart has got to be the worst actress alive and I hate that she got the role of Bella Swan. She slaughtered the character for me. My dog gives more facial expressions than Kristen and the chip I'm eating has a better personality than her. So the baby is actually named after Jennifer Lawerence! She is, for real this time, also one of my favorite new actresses. She's freaking hilarious, a girl that everyone can relate to and brutally honest, which I love about her!
  • 67. Well that's going to be it for this turn! I want to thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoyed the chapter so far. The next chapter will show Vivien, Carter, Emma, Helena and baby Jennifer all growing up. So we'll see you all next time. Don't forget to stop by SiMania and say hello! See you all there :) Ilovereecee/Katie