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The LHKR Legacy:
Season 2, Episode 4 - Choices

        By: ilovereecee
Welcome back to The LHKR Legacy! This is the season finale
              written by ilovereecee/Katie.

In the last episode you saw Peyton, the generation heiress, and
Jason Menon get married and have three beautiful, red headed
              children: Jackson, Otto and Gemma.

We sadly had to say goodbye to our founder Sony and his wife

 We also welcome a new, furry member: the family dog Chibs.

       Now, without further ado, let's pick up from there.
I hate to open the episode with such a bummer, but Jason has died. He
    went for a jog with Chibs late one evening and returned completely
exhausted and overheating. He kept swooning from heat exhaustion, but
finally I managed to bring his temperature down a little thanks to Peyton
 dousing him with water. At this point he is on the brink of starvation, but
   he kept falling asleep in his food. So I sent him to bed to try to sleep
      enough to stay awake through a meal. Then this... he woke up,
     temperature spiked again and died from either starvation or heat
                         exhaustion. I'm not sure...
Luckily for Jason, his awesome heiress wife Peyton Sitcom was
able to beat the Grim at his own game! She successfully guessed
 which hand he held her husband's life in and therefore won him
                         back from death!
“Jason has never been more attracted to you baby!” Jason
exclaimed, “Jason knows you're turned on too! How many men do
            you know that can defy their own death!?”

                  Oh Jason... *rolling eyes*
It's a good thing Peyton was awake and got to the bedroom in a
timely manner to save her husband. He would have been dearly
missed by his three children, especially by his daughter Gemma.
                   Jason is her only best friend.
“So after she told your Uncle Lucas that she loved him,” Peyton
  gossiped to her daughter, “he suggested they go play video
           games! You can't make this stuff up, Gem!”

  Peyton, who used to have multiple best friends in college, has
 been busy juggling and career and family. She hasn't had much
time for friends, so she has to resort to gossiping with her toddler
Just a few shots to show you how cute Gemma is! She looks a ton
 like her big brother Otto, therefore she looks like Jason. She has
  his nose and eye shape at least. I think all the kids are cute this
 generation, but I wish they had a wider variety of genes. They all
                         look so much alike.
Otto shares the same passion his Grandfather Sony Sitcom had:
fishing! Otto constantly had the want to fish in the pond outback, I
  let him do this one afternoon and he kept rolling wants to catch
   various fish. Although, starting out he isn't very good at it. Like
                Grandfather, like grandson I suppose.
“I'm gonna have a big job like Daddy when I grow up, Otto!”
Gemma announced while bonding with big brother Otto over the
                          rabbit toy.

“That's fine,” Otto agreed, “just don't think you're going to be heir.
That's me. I'm going to be the one using that crystal ball, little sis.”
Peyton has achieved her second lifetime want by becoming a
   Professional Party Guest! Her third lifetime want is to have 20
simultaneous lovers. This will not be happening – Peyton's a family
     dedicate gal! At least it's neat to see her primary romance
 aspiration side come out finally. I was beginning to think she was
                      an undercover family sim!
Happy Birthday Jackson! Jax is now a teenager and rolled a
   primary romance aspiration, like his mother Peyton, but is a
secondary knowledge aspiration. I think out of all three kids, Jax is
  the one that looks most like Peyton. He got her lips and nose
                        shape anyway.
So Jax's room joins with Gemma's nursery, but since she is
growing up tonight as well, I turned the nursery into a gym for Jax.
Now he's got a treadmill, weight bench and bike in his new mirroe
                            lined gym.
Just because he's got the equipment, doesn't mean he's got the
Jax takes a break from his super intense work out to celebrate his
little sister turning into a child. Gemma aged into a cutie and looks
more like Otto now that she is a child. Which makes her look more
            like her father, since that is who Otto resembles.
Jax wants to have a date, so before he calls it a night, the birthday
  boy utilizes the matchmakers skills. He paid the maximum five
thousand for a date and got Amy Jones, the newspaper girl. Jax is
   turned on by red and blonde hair, but turned off by the use of
makeup. I guess since Amy here has brown hair, the matchmaker
  is banking on attraction based on the fact that Amy is makeup-
She was right! The matchmaker
  did a great job setting up these
two. They hit it off right away with
 two chemistry bolts of attraction.
   Their date consisted of lots of
   jokes, admiring, tickling, slow
   dancing and a first kiss at the
 end! It was a dream date for the
    couple - and a milestone for
“Must... be fit!” Jackson panted while working out in his small,
  personal gym. “Must... get muscles... to impress... ladies!”
Peyton was quite the popular girl on campus, she had tons of best
friends in college. It's been a while since she's thrown a party, and
 since she's wanting to become a professional party guest I let her
invite a few old friends over the house while the kids were away at
Peyton's brothers Lucas and Nathan were among the few guests
  at her party. The old college cheerleader and one of the athletes
 Peyton befriended all showed up for drinks, pool and a walk down
memory lane. The party was successful and everyone had a great
time, but all good things must come to an end. Once the bus rolled
up to drop off the kids from school, the guests said their goodbyes.
“Marty, I've never had such a good time with anyone else.” Jackson
 said on his first date with Marty Encore. “I can just feel the spark
                             between us.”

 Jackson brings home Marty after school and has three chemistry
  bolts of attraction for her! I'm starting to think Jax secretly has a
thing for brunettes. His turn ons are red and blonde hair, but this is
   the second brown haired girl Jax has been wildly attracted to.
“Oh yeah!” Jackson admired his new photos, “These are great! I'm
 gonna hang them right above my bed. The ladies won't be able to
resist me when they see my obvious charm shining through these

 Jax wanted to take photobooth pictures, so I let him. Maybe he
            should have been named Narcissus...
Well Otto's thought bubble pretty much sums this picture up... He's
maxed every last one of his skills. And all before his teen birthday
                       too! I love this kid :)
 Now he's free to spend the rest of his time in my hands how he
“Oh, that feels really good, Jason. Thanks for my backrub!”

“Anything for you, babe.” Jason replied, “Jason's here to please
Otto gets to do whatever he wants now that all of his skills are
maxed. He usually rolls wants to catch fish, so he spends a bunch
of time out by the family pond. Too bad he still stinks at fishing! If
   only his Grandpa Sony had lived long enough to teach him.
Chibs is a really good dog! He's friendly with all of the family
         members as well as the neighboring dogs.
“Wow, Michelle!” Jax exclaimed on his first blind date with Michelle
  Kearney, “You are smoking hot! I've never been so attracted to
      anyone before. I can just feel the spark between us.”

          “Oh, don't make me blush!” Michelle swooned.
“Hello, I'm the headmaster at the local private school. I got an
    invitation from a Jason Sitcom earlier today to come over for
dinner.” The headmaster looked around. “Um... excuse me, hello?”

Jackson and Michelle will let their date be interrupted by nothing!
Jason got outside quick
     enough to greet the
 headmaster and invite him
 in for a tour, while Jackson
and Michelle continued their
first blind date together. I'm
also convinced now that Jax
     really has a thing for
  brunettes. This is his third
  date with a brown haired
  girl. He's paid the max of
five thousand simoleons for
 two of the three dates and
    was still set up with a
brunette! His turn ons are a
“I think I might want to be a Space Pirate one day!” Otto exclaimed
over dinner with the headmaster. “Plus I'm going to be the heir. I've got
                    quite a job to do when I'm older.”

“Otto, chances are you aren't going to be the heir. I'm the only girl of
our generation,” Gemma stated, “and I have red hair. I'm the obvious

       “Where are your parents!?” The headmaster wondered.
“And this is our game room, Headmaster, where our kids can use the
chess table to skill and have fun at the same time.” Peyton toured the

  “Michelle, it's truly been a pleasure.” Jax ended his dream date. “I
          really think we have something great between us.”

Gemma might use the game room for skilling, but Jax uses it to perfect
                       his dating game!
“Oh yeah baby! Check out these guns.”

Jax is a tad bit into himself. Reminds me of his dad, to tell you the
I forgot to mention that the headmaster accepted Gemma into
 private school! After his visit, the family gathered to help Otto
 celebrate his teen birthday. He aged into quite the handsome
 young man. He really looks like his father! Otto decided on a
                  knowledge/family aspiration.
“Oh yeah! Who's got skill!?” Jason exclaimed when he caught his
  first fish, “Jason's got skill! What's that now, Otto? One for big
                daddy Jason and zip for little boy Otto!”

            “Just keep gloating Dad.” Otto said flatly.

             “Here son, I'll show you how it's done...”
Or not. Epic fail for Jason!
Otto is really a very sweet teenager, I think his one nice point is a
  lie. He is best friends with all of his family members and even
carves out time to make sure Chibs has enough social interaction
                         throughout the day.
He even spends time studying with his baby sister. Even though
 Otto has maxed all of his skills, his primary knowledge aspiration
tends to spur up wants to study random subjects on the bookcase.
   So while Gemma works on maxing out her last few skills, Otto
    learns about fire safety, physiology and couples counseling!
Gemma is a pretty heavyset child. Her fitness bar is about as low
as it can be, so I try to have her swim during her free time. It builds
  her fun and fitness. Since she and Jackson aren't friends, I sent
 him outside to bond with his sister. But instead of bonding, it looks
like Jackson plans to dive right onto his sister. And she looks up as
                         if to say “Eh, it's cool.”.
That's too close a call for my liking. Maybe it's time I expanded the
  pool. It could help prevent sibling on sibling accidental murder.
Look who finally caught a fish!
Otto can't spend all this spare time fishing, however. Jason had the
want for him to become an over achiever, so he helped him secure
  a mailroom technician position in his office. He came home the
very first day with a promotion to executive assistant, which is the
   highest a teen can achieve! I'm sure that your dad being the
         Business Tycoon has no influence on that at all ;)
“Ooh baby, check out Jason's killer dance moves!” Jason said
happily while busting a move to impress Peyton, “I know that turns
                          you on, baby!”

Also, in the background of Jason's odd flirting, Gemma has maxed
                         all of her skills :)
Just in time too! Gemma ages into a teen the same night she
finished skilling. She aged into a pretty young lady, she certainly
        favors Jason! Her aspirations are family/pleasure.
“You're like so hot!” Gemma exclaimed to her first blind date Juan
  Harris the day after her birthday, “I can see us having tons of
                      babies together one day.”

  Whoa, you might wanna put that crazy back in the can there
       Gem... you don't tell boys that on the first date!
“Um, Jason doesn't like seeing Gemma on a date. And seriously,
   Jason just heard her say 'have lots of babies'! This is not
Jason can put his fears to rest. Juan and Gemma had a pretty
tame date together. The most exciting thing they did was take
     some regular pictures together in the photo booth
It's time for Peyton and
Jason's birthdays! Surrounded
 by their teenage children, the
   couple each blow out the
   candles on their birthday
  cakes and age into elders.

   And I have to say, this is
   probably the oddest outfit
 choice I've ever seen on two
   elders. Jason aged into a
      head to toe bowling
 ensemble, and Peyton felt it
  necessary to put on a very
age inappropriate see through
   cut off top and also has a
 tattoo above her right elbow!
There! That's MUCH better! Jason pretty much looks the same and
  you can really see how much Peyton looks like Sony here. She
  definitely got his strong jaw and chubby cheeks. They're a very
           attractive couple even in their old age, I think :)
Well guys, that will be it from me for now! I've really enjoyed
playing my first season of The LHKR Legacy and I hope that you
         have enjoyed this and all the previous chapters.

Tune back in next season to see who is chosen for the heir and if
 you haven't done so already, you should stop on by our forum
 SiMania ( and say hello!

                         Until next time!


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Chapter 42 - Rip Roarin' Good Time
Chapter 42 - Rip Roarin' Good TimeChapter 42 - Rip Roarin' Good Time
Chapter 42 - Rip Roarin' Good Time
Season 2, episode 1
Season 2, episode 1Season 2, episode 1
Season 2, episode 1
Act three, scene three
Act three, scene threeAct three, scene three
Act three, scene three
Act 3 scene 2
Act 3 scene 2Act 3 scene 2
Act 3 scene 2
Act 3 scene 1
Act 3 scene 1Act 3 scene 1
Act 3 scene 1
Chapter 3 real
Chapter 3 realChapter 3 real
Chapter 3 real
Chapter 2
Chapter 2Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The ventures of boone
The ventures of booneThe ventures of boone
The ventures of boone
The opus legacy chapter 7
The opus legacy   chapter 7The opus legacy   chapter 7
The opus legacy chapter 7
The opus legacy chapter 5
The opus legacy   chapter 5The opus legacy   chapter 5
The opus legacy chapter 5
The opus legacy chapter 4
The opus legacy   chapter 4The opus legacy   chapter 4
The opus legacy chapter 4
The opus legacy chapter 4
The opus legacy   chapter 4The opus legacy   chapter 4
The opus legacy chapter 4
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy chapter two
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy   chapter twoDexter's si mania joint deulacy   chapter two
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy chapter two
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy chapter two
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy   chapter twoDexter's si mania joint deulacy   chapter two
Dexter's si mania joint deulacy chapter two
The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Thirty One - Estrogen Nation
The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Thirty One - Estrogen NationThe Cooke Legacy: Chapter Thirty One - Estrogen Nation
The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Thirty One - Estrogen Nation
The cooke legacy chapter thirty
The cooke legacy chapter thirtyThe cooke legacy chapter thirty
The cooke legacy chapter thirty
The cooke legacy chapter twenty six
The cooke legacy chapter twenty sixThe cooke legacy chapter twenty six
The cooke legacy chapter twenty six
The cooke legacy chapter twenty five
The cooke legacy chapter twenty fiveThe cooke legacy chapter twenty five
The cooke legacy chapter twenty five
The cooke legacy chapter twenty five
The cooke legacy chapter twenty fiveThe cooke legacy chapter twenty five
The cooke legacy chapter twenty five

Season 2, episode 4

  • 1. The LHKR Legacy: Season 2, Episode 4 - Choices By: ilovereecee
  • 2. Welcome back to The LHKR Legacy! This is the season finale written by ilovereecee/Katie. In the last episode you saw Peyton, the generation heiress, and Jason Menon get married and have three beautiful, red headed children: Jackson, Otto and Gemma. We sadly had to say goodbye to our founder Sony and his wife Kaylynn. We also welcome a new, furry member: the family dog Chibs. Now, without further ado, let's pick up from there.
  • 3. I hate to open the episode with such a bummer, but Jason has died. He went for a jog with Chibs late one evening and returned completely exhausted and overheating. He kept swooning from heat exhaustion, but finally I managed to bring his temperature down a little thanks to Peyton dousing him with water. At this point he is on the brink of starvation, but he kept falling asleep in his food. So I sent him to bed to try to sleep enough to stay awake through a meal. Then this... he woke up, temperature spiked again and died from either starvation or heat exhaustion. I'm not sure...
  • 4. Luckily for Jason, his awesome heiress wife Peyton Sitcom was able to beat the Grim at his own game! She successfully guessed which hand he held her husband's life in and therefore won him back from death!
  • 5. “Jason has never been more attracted to you baby!” Jason exclaimed, “Jason knows you're turned on too! How many men do you know that can defy their own death!?” Oh Jason... *rolling eyes*
  • 6. It's a good thing Peyton was awake and got to the bedroom in a timely manner to save her husband. He would have been dearly missed by his three children, especially by his daughter Gemma. Jason is her only best friend.
  • 7. “So after she told your Uncle Lucas that she loved him,” Peyton gossiped to her daughter, “he suggested they go play video games! You can't make this stuff up, Gem!” Peyton, who used to have multiple best friends in college, has been busy juggling and career and family. She hasn't had much time for friends, so she has to resort to gossiping with her toddler daughter.
  • 8. Just a few shots to show you how cute Gemma is! She looks a ton like her big brother Otto, therefore she looks like Jason. She has his nose and eye shape at least. I think all the kids are cute this generation, but I wish they had a wider variety of genes. They all look so much alike.
  • 9. Otto shares the same passion his Grandfather Sony Sitcom had: fishing! Otto constantly had the want to fish in the pond outback, I let him do this one afternoon and he kept rolling wants to catch various fish. Although, starting out he isn't very good at it. Like Grandfather, like grandson I suppose.
  • 10. “I'm gonna have a big job like Daddy when I grow up, Otto!” Gemma announced while bonding with big brother Otto over the rabbit toy. “That's fine,” Otto agreed, “just don't think you're going to be heir. That's me. I'm going to be the one using that crystal ball, little sis.”
  • 11. Peyton has achieved her second lifetime want by becoming a Professional Party Guest! Her third lifetime want is to have 20 simultaneous lovers. This will not be happening – Peyton's a family dedicate gal! At least it's neat to see her primary romance aspiration side come out finally. I was beginning to think she was an undercover family sim!
  • 12. Happy Birthday Jackson! Jax is now a teenager and rolled a primary romance aspiration, like his mother Peyton, but is a secondary knowledge aspiration. I think out of all three kids, Jax is the one that looks most like Peyton. He got her lips and nose shape anyway.
  • 13. So Jax's room joins with Gemma's nursery, but since she is growing up tonight as well, I turned the nursery into a gym for Jax. Now he's got a treadmill, weight bench and bike in his new mirroe lined gym.
  • 14. Just because he's got the equipment, doesn't mean he's got the skills!
  • 15. Jax takes a break from his super intense work out to celebrate his little sister turning into a child. Gemma aged into a cutie and looks more like Otto now that she is a child. Which makes her look more like her father, since that is who Otto resembles.
  • 16. Jax wants to have a date, so before he calls it a night, the birthday boy utilizes the matchmakers skills. He paid the maximum five thousand for a date and got Amy Jones, the newspaper girl. Jax is turned on by red and blonde hair, but turned off by the use of makeup. I guess since Amy here has brown hair, the matchmaker is banking on attraction based on the fact that Amy is makeup- less?
  • 17. She was right! The matchmaker did a great job setting up these two. They hit it off right away with two chemistry bolts of attraction. Their date consisted of lots of jokes, admiring, tickling, slow dancing and a first kiss at the end! It was a dream date for the couple - and a milestone for Jax!
  • 18. “Must... be fit!” Jackson panted while working out in his small, personal gym. “Must... get muscles... to impress... ladies!”
  • 19. Peyton was quite the popular girl on campus, she had tons of best friends in college. It's been a while since she's thrown a party, and since she's wanting to become a professional party guest I let her invite a few old friends over the house while the kids were away at school.
  • 20. Peyton's brothers Lucas and Nathan were among the few guests at her party. The old college cheerleader and one of the athletes Peyton befriended all showed up for drinks, pool and a walk down memory lane. The party was successful and everyone had a great time, but all good things must come to an end. Once the bus rolled up to drop off the kids from school, the guests said their goodbyes.
  • 21. “Marty, I've never had such a good time with anyone else.” Jackson said on his first date with Marty Encore. “I can just feel the spark between us.” Jackson brings home Marty after school and has three chemistry bolts of attraction for her! I'm starting to think Jax secretly has a thing for brunettes. His turn ons are red and blonde hair, but this is the second brown haired girl Jax has been wildly attracted to.
  • 22. “Oh yeah!” Jackson admired his new photos, “These are great! I'm gonna hang them right above my bed. The ladies won't be able to resist me when they see my obvious charm shining through these photos!” Jax wanted to take photobooth pictures, so I let him. Maybe he should have been named Narcissus...
  • 23. Well Otto's thought bubble pretty much sums this picture up... He's maxed every last one of his skills. And all before his teen birthday too! I love this kid :) Now he's free to spend the rest of his time in my hands how he pleases.
  • 24. “Oh, that feels really good, Jason. Thanks for my backrub!” “Anything for you, babe.” Jason replied, “Jason's here to please you!”
  • 25. Otto gets to do whatever he wants now that all of his skills are maxed. He usually rolls wants to catch fish, so he spends a bunch of time out by the family pond. Too bad he still stinks at fishing! If only his Grandpa Sony had lived long enough to teach him.
  • 26. Chibs is a really good dog! He's friendly with all of the family members as well as the neighboring dogs.
  • 27. “Wow, Michelle!” Jax exclaimed on his first blind date with Michelle Kearney, “You are smoking hot! I've never been so attracted to anyone before. I can just feel the spark between us.” “Oh, don't make me blush!” Michelle swooned.
  • 28. “Hello, I'm the headmaster at the local private school. I got an invitation from a Jason Sitcom earlier today to come over for dinner.” The headmaster looked around. “Um... excuse me, hello?” Jackson and Michelle will let their date be interrupted by nothing!
  • 29. Jason got outside quick enough to greet the headmaster and invite him in for a tour, while Jackson and Michelle continued their first blind date together. I'm also convinced now that Jax really has a thing for brunettes. This is his third date with a brown haired girl. He's paid the max of five thousand simoleons for two of the three dates and was still set up with a brunette! His turn ons are a lie!
  • 30. “I think I might want to be a Space Pirate one day!” Otto exclaimed over dinner with the headmaster. “Plus I'm going to be the heir. I've got quite a job to do when I'm older.” “Otto, chances are you aren't going to be the heir. I'm the only girl of our generation,” Gemma stated, “and I have red hair. I'm the obvious choice.” “Where are your parents!?” The headmaster wondered.
  • 31. “And this is our game room, Headmaster, where our kids can use the chess table to skill and have fun at the same time.” Peyton toured the home. “Michelle, it's truly been a pleasure.” Jax ended his dream date. “I really think we have something great between us.” Gemma might use the game room for skilling, but Jax uses it to perfect his dating game!
  • 32. “Oh yeah baby! Check out these guns.” Jax is a tad bit into himself. Reminds me of his dad, to tell you the truth.
  • 33. I forgot to mention that the headmaster accepted Gemma into private school! After his visit, the family gathered to help Otto celebrate his teen birthday. He aged into quite the handsome young man. He really looks like his father! Otto decided on a knowledge/family aspiration.
  • 34. “Oh yeah! Who's got skill!?” Jason exclaimed when he caught his first fish, “Jason's got skill! What's that now, Otto? One for big daddy Jason and zip for little boy Otto!” “Just keep gloating Dad.” Otto said flatly. “Here son, I'll show you how it's done...”
  • 35. Or not. Epic fail for Jason!
  • 36. Otto is really a very sweet teenager, I think his one nice point is a lie. He is best friends with all of his family members and even carves out time to make sure Chibs has enough social interaction throughout the day.
  • 37. He even spends time studying with his baby sister. Even though Otto has maxed all of his skills, his primary knowledge aspiration tends to spur up wants to study random subjects on the bookcase. So while Gemma works on maxing out her last few skills, Otto learns about fire safety, physiology and couples counseling!
  • 38. Gemma is a pretty heavyset child. Her fitness bar is about as low as it can be, so I try to have her swim during her free time. It builds her fun and fitness. Since she and Jackson aren't friends, I sent him outside to bond with his sister. But instead of bonding, it looks like Jackson plans to dive right onto his sister. And she looks up as if to say “Eh, it's cool.”.
  • 39. That's too close a call for my liking. Maybe it's time I expanded the pool. It could help prevent sibling on sibling accidental murder.
  • 40. Look who finally caught a fish!
  • 41. Otto can't spend all this spare time fishing, however. Jason had the want for him to become an over achiever, so he helped him secure a mailroom technician position in his office. He came home the very first day with a promotion to executive assistant, which is the highest a teen can achieve! I'm sure that your dad being the Business Tycoon has no influence on that at all ;)
  • 42. “Ooh baby, check out Jason's killer dance moves!” Jason said happily while busting a move to impress Peyton, “I know that turns you on, baby!” Also, in the background of Jason's odd flirting, Gemma has maxed all of her skills :)
  • 43. Just in time too! Gemma ages into a teen the same night she finished skilling. She aged into a pretty young lady, she certainly favors Jason! Her aspirations are family/pleasure.
  • 44. “You're like so hot!” Gemma exclaimed to her first blind date Juan Harris the day after her birthday, “I can see us having tons of babies together one day.” Whoa, you might wanna put that crazy back in the can there Gem... you don't tell boys that on the first date!
  • 45. “Um, Jason doesn't like seeing Gemma on a date. And seriously, Jason just heard her say 'have lots of babies'! This is not happening!”
  • 46. Jason can put his fears to rest. Juan and Gemma had a pretty tame date together. The most exciting thing they did was take some regular pictures together in the photo booth
  • 47. It's time for Peyton and Jason's birthdays! Surrounded by their teenage children, the couple each blow out the candles on their birthday cakes and age into elders. And I have to say, this is probably the oddest outfit choice I've ever seen on two elders. Jason aged into a head to toe bowling ensemble, and Peyton felt it necessary to put on a very age inappropriate see through cut off top and also has a tattoo above her right elbow!
  • 48. There! That's MUCH better! Jason pretty much looks the same and you can really see how much Peyton looks like Sony here. She definitely got his strong jaw and chubby cheeks. They're a very attractive couple even in their old age, I think :)
  • 49. Well guys, that will be it from me for now! I've really enjoyed playing my first season of The LHKR Legacy and I hope that you have enjoyed this and all the previous chapters. Tune back in next season to see who is chosen for the heir and if you haven't done so already, you should stop on by our forum SiMania ( and say hello! Until next time! Katie/ilovereecee