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The Morgan Legacy IV: Twists and Turns by fireflowersims Generation three is born, and Veronica's love life takes an interesting turn.
I'm so sorry that it's taken this long! Between a vacation, school and the fact that I have to share this computer with six other people, it took forever to get all this played through and written. The good news is that this generation will need at least two albums, if not three, so you'll have plenty to read. ^_^ Remember this guy? Jake Lam, Angelina's husband. Wonder why he's drinking just after the wedding?
You would too if you were being stalked by SimRenee! She spent his whole wedding party following him around, trying to flirt with him, kiss him and give him backrubs, even when his wife was right there with him. It was quite hilarious- especially when he came back from his honeymoon, went over to the bar, mixed four drinks and drank them one after another, then went back for more. Ah, married life. And now that that amusing story is done, on to the real story!
After the three girls graduated college, Angelina and Jake Lam were married. Family and friends cheered enthusiastically for the young couple.
Danielle's youngest daughter, Faye , had of course moved back in with her parents and second generation heiress Veronica. She wasn't going to get married, since she was a Romance sim, and she loved her parents and sister and wanted to stay with them.
And they were certainly going to need the extra pair of hands now that generation three was on its way!
"I'm so happy about V, aren't you?" Faye asked her mother. Danielle smiled. "Of course I am. It'll be wonderful having children around again." Faye set her sandwich down and beamed. "I was going to wait to tell you, but I just can't. I found out that I'm pregnant, too! Isn't it great?"
"That's wonderful, dear," Danielle said after a moment. But her worried look slipped through as soon as Faye's attention had returned to her lunch. Danielle had never imagined that any of her children would choose to stay unmarried and still have kids- let alone that two of them would. Now that it was happening, she wasn't sure how to handle it.
The expectant mothers didn't have any idea that their mother was less than supportive of their choices. They spent more of their time together than ever, discussing toys and names. Veronica and Angelina had always had the strongest bond out of all three girls, but now she and Faye were closer than they ever had been.
Sebastian was thrilled that he was going to be a father and started spending more time at the house, too. He brought by things for Veronica and the unborn baby and spent lots of time talking about what it would be like once the baby arrived.
What he didn't know was that he wasn't the only man in Veronica's life. She spent more time stargazing than she ever had, helplessly wishing that she could somehow find Lucien, the man she'd so briefly dated in college before his disappearance.
Gordon didn't mind having less stargazing time. That meant he could focus more of his attention of Moonshine, the aging family cat. He'd decided that in spite of their ages he was going to teach Moonshine as many tricks as he could.
"Stay... stay..." Gordon laughed at the dark look Moonshine gave him. "Being old is no excuse not to learn. Come on, stay..." Moonshine seemed to sigh but did as ordered. "Great! And again..."
Danielle was the one on hand when Veronica went into labor. She helplessly watched her daughter scream, wishing that there was something she could do to help her, or at the very least that Sebastian was on hand to provide moral support.
After a mercifully quick labor, Veronica found herself holding the first child of generation three. He'd inherited the red hair of both his parents, his father's skintone, and his grandfather's brown eyes.
"He's beautiful!" Danielle said happily. "Congratulations! What are you going to name him?" Veronica gazed down at the baby in her arms, then looked away, feeling strangely disinterested. "Stephen. Would you mind feeding him? I want to go lie down."
"And she just walked away!" Danielle finished, biting her lip worriedly. When she'd had all three girls, she'd immediately felt such strong bonds with each of them. Seeing Veronica practically ignore her own son had been incredibly painful. Gordon sighed. "Motherhood isn't always magic, Danielle. A lot of Romance sims aren't suited to be parents. Maybe Veronica's one of them, after all." "There's more to it than that," Danielle insisted. "There's something wrong."
Danielle became more and more sure of this as time passed. When Veronica wasn't sleeping she was having mood swings and avoiding the rest of the family, especially Stephen. All Danielle could do was take care of her grandson and hope that Veronica would feel better soon.
Gordon also spent a lot of time with Stephen. "Isn't he just perfect, Moonshine?" he said happily as he fed the baby. "He got my eyes, you know." Moonshine meowed as if in response.
As for Faye, she was happy as could be. She was looking forward to her baby's birth, in spite of what was happening with her sister, and seeking all kinds of ways to keep her time occupied. Including going back to trying to get her gold cosmetology badge.
She didn't exactly mind when her clients put the moves on her, either. She loved Phil but she wasn't monogamous, and he didn't expect her to be.
Then the time finally arrived for Faye's baby to be born. Danielle was the first one on hand, but Veronica arrived just in time.
Faye beamed at her daughter. "Hi, Roxanne," she cooed. "You're so beautiful, yes you are." She looked over her shoulder at her family members and grinned. "Look! She has brown eyes, too!"
Later that day, it was time for Stephen's birthday. Once the party guests had arrived, Veronica carried her son over to the cake. She looked down into his brown eyes and found herself smiling. "I'm sorry I haven't been around," she said softly. "I'll do better from now on. I promise."
A toss and a twirl later, she found herself with a redheaded toddler on her hands. She couldn't help smiling. He looked so much like Gordon it was uncanny.
Sebastian had missed out on most of Stephen's infancy, so he did his best to make up for that now. Stephen adored his dad, and they spent the rest of the party playing and snuggling.
Veronica's baby blues had ended. Not only was she spending more time with Stephen, now she was becoming a devoted aunt to Roxy.
Faye even agreed that Veronica could be the one to toss Roxy into toddlerhood. "Roxy makes her so happy, Mom," she'd told Danielle beforehand. "Even happier than Stephen does, I think. I haven't seen her like this since before Lu-" Danielle frowned, remembering. No matter how she'd badgered, Faye had refused to say one more word. Danielle hated knowing that her children had secrets.
Once Roxy had her birthday, she became an adorable toddler with strong resemblances to both of her parents, especially Phil.
Phil himself wasn't exactly sure what to do about the little girl. He loved Faye with all his heart, but he'd never expected to have kids, and as an only child he didn't know how to act around them. He tried to do the best he could, but hated knowing that it probably wasn't enough.
After the party, Veronica spent yet another night stargazing. But this one was different. "A plane?" she mused, focusing on the moving object. "It's a little late for..." She trailed off and gaped. "No way." Then she was gone.
The next thing she knew, she was in an unfamiliar office, sitting on a comfortable black chair. She shut her eyes, trying to think clearly again. This cannot be happening. But it was. She slowly became aware that she wasn't the only person in the room.
"I cannot believe you," the woman in the coat bit out. "You know that you're not supposed to kidnap just anyone. You're here to help with our experiments, not to have a good time with-"
"But I had to do it!" the other protested. "She's-" "I know perfectly well who she is, which is why you shouldn't have-"
"Excuse me?" Veronica attempted. She couldn't help feeling nervous. It was one thing to spend years dreaming about meeting aliens, but actually being kidnapped by them was another thing entirely. Who knew what would happen next. The alien in the coat cast one final glare on the other girl, then went over to Veronica. "I'm so sorry about this," she told her, sighing. "One of the new staff members decided to take some liberties with her job-" "I just wanted to-" the other alien began to protest. "Be quiet," the first snapped, still looking at Veronica. "Like I was saying, you'll be returned home in a few minutes. Until then-"
But she herself was interrupted when a third alien joined them. "Cyra, I need to-" "Keep your voice down," Cyra, the one in the coat, warned him, walking over to join him in the doorway. The other alien took the opportunity to rush over to Veronica. "I had to do it," she said, her words rushing out. "You'll see why. I just wanted to help." "Help with what?" Veronica asked uncertainly. Before the girl could answer, Cyra called, "Lacia, leave our guest alone. Doryn will be taking care of this." Lacia gave Veronica a quick smile. "Sorry," she whispered.
Veronica followed Doryn out of the room and down a long hallway. She looked around, becoming more surprised each minute. She'd been expecting the spaceships to be cold and futuristic, but instead it was elegant and surprisingly human. Doryn didn't say anything to her. He just rushed down the hallway and expected her to match his pace. She did her best despite being distracted by her surroundings.
Doryn finally led her into a huge room which was occupied by only one other alien. "Here she is, sir," he said, going over to him.
The next thing she knew, the alien's arms were around her, holding her tightly. "I can't believe this," a startlingly familiar voice murmured. "You're really here?" She just clung to him. "Lucien?"
He pulled back and smiled at her. Finally she could see the face of the man she'd loved and missed so much. "Yes, it's me," he said happily. "And you're... I can't believe it. Remind me to thank Lacia."
There were so many things she wanted to say, to ask, to know. But she didn't protest when Lucien started kissing her. She was sure that there would be time to talk later.
A few hours later, Lucien took her hand in his. "I know you have questions," he said softly. "I hope you know that I love you."
She gazed at him, not sure how to respond. Of course she loved him. She'd spent her pregnancy wishing that the baby was his and each night she'd gazed up at the stars, thinking of him. But... "Why did you leave?" she asked. "If you love me, you should have stayed." He hung his head. "I wanted to stay, but it's... complicated." "How?" she asked in frustration. "I thought you were just a normal half-alien, and here you are in space, with-" "I'm sorry for letting you think that. I would have told you the truth, but my uncle didn't give me the time. He knew how I felt about you." "Why would he care?" she asked, frowning.
Lucien sighed. "I'm not normal. I'm not half-human. I'm not even normal by alien standards. I'm... I'm the emperor's heir." Her jaw dropped. "You're what ?" Pause. "Wait- aliens have a government? You have to tell me all about this." Lucien laughed a bit. "That's part of why he didn't want me to tell you. We don't want humans to know about us. Not yet, anyway." "But you kidnap people," she protested. "I've read the stories. They don't remember much, but the men come back preg-" He nodded. "By their own choosing. They don't remember it, but we always ask if they'll help us. You see..." He paused. "I know you won't tell anyone this." "I won't," she promised.
"Good." He slipped out of bed and walked over to her. She couldn't help being amused by the fact that he wore an undershirt from college. "Aliens... we have much longer lifespans than you do. If you all knew about this, there would be problems. Therefore, we're trying to figure out how to help you all live longer, too." "By mixing the genes," she said softly. He smiled. "Right. But so far the children all have normal lifespans. That's why their fathers don't get to remember. We don't want humans to know too much about us ."
Veronica sighed. "What did you think of me after I told you about how I wanted to be a cult leader?" Lucien's smile widened, and he touched her cheek. "I thought that was amazing. You'd make the perfect diplomat between cultures, Veronica." "What should I tell them about this?" she asked. "I'm sure Dad's telling everyone about my abduction already." She realized with a jolt that she hadn't thought about her family until now.
"Tell them..." He paused. "Tell them as little as possible. I trust you to keep our secrets, but I shouldn't even be telling them to you, really." "Okay," she said quietly.
"Lacia, we need to get her back home!" Doryn insisted. "You have to let me go in!" Lacia sighed. "Men. Prince Lucien's been reunited with his one true love-" "You'd better hope that his fiance doesn't find out about this," Cyra said dryly. "You two." Lacia shook her head. "Am I really the only one on this ship that appreciates the romance of it?" "Yes," the other two chorused.
Veronica and Lucien had just gotten redressed when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lucien called reluctantly. Lacia strolled into the room, waving quickly to Veronica. "They're saying she has to go," she told Lucien reluctantly. "Do you want me to bring her back another night?"
Lucien sighed. "Of course I do, but you know that we can't. It would be dangerous for her." "Stupid politics." Lacia rolled her eyes. "I'll let you two say your good-byes, then. I"ll be waiting outside."
As she left the room, Lucien walked over to Veronica. "I'm sorry I can't be a normal person," he told her sadly. "I wish that you could come back every night, but it would be dangerous for you. I'm sorry."
Veronica forced a smile. "I'm just glad that I got to see you again and find out the truth. I've missed you so much..." "I've missed you, too." He pulled her close for a kiss. "Good luck with your legacy, Veronica. I'll keep an eye on you and on your family. I promise." "I know. I love you, Lucien." "I love you, too."
As soon as Lacia came to get her, everything was a blur. Before she knew it she had been transported back home in a burst of light. She just stood there for a moment as her family members rushed towards her. How could she even begin to explain this?
After a long talk with her family and a few hours of sleep, Veronica found herself jolting out of bed and running to the toilet. When she straightened up, she couldn't help smiling. Am I really...
She was still smiling the next day as she looked over Angelina's living room. It was time for an emergency cult meeting, and Angelina had volunteered to host it.
Her family all sat close together, providing moral support. They knew as much of the story as Veronica could tell them, and had promised to never reveal it to anyone else. Veronica knew she could count on them for that.
"Last night, as you may know, I was abducted by aliens," she told them all. It was clear from the resulting murmur that they all did in fact know. "I remember very little about my experience, but one thing is clear. I'm pregnant!" Utter silence greeted that. Then everyone started talking at once.
"You can't be pregnant!" Dominic said in confusion. "You're not a man!" "I wonder if women who are pregnant by aliens are bigger than normal," Alon mused. "Bigger than normal?" De inquired. "Are you trying to say I'm big?"
Pong just watched Veronica in confusion. He could remember how he'd had such a crush on her when he was a teenager. It was surreal to think that she already had a kid and was now going to have one by aliens.
"The baby will be born in three days, and I'll keep you posted on its progress." She smiled. "Now, on to the next item of business..."
"I'm worried about Veronica," Faye told De that afternoon. De frowned. "Really? Why's that?"
"Well, I've been worried for awhile," the younger Morgan said. "She was so sad after Lucien left, even though she tried to distract herself with Sebastian. Then when Stephen was born, she didn't seem to care about him at all. Now she does, but... I'm just afraid that this baby will make her forget all about him again." De sighed. "I know. I'm worried about that, too. But Veronica's a great person. She'll figure it out sooner or later- I'm sure of it."
Stephen himself had had a relatively peaceful childhood. His family members had all taken care of him, and he'd had a cat to cuddle and toys to play with. Life was good for the little redhead.
He aged up well during a great birthday party and was more than ready to have just as good a childhood.
Sebastian had shown up for the festivities, of course, and cornered Veronica shortly after they'd all eaten some cake. "So, I heard you were pregnant," he said awkwardly. "Congratulations."
"Thanks!" she replied, beaming. She loved it when people brought up her pregnancy. Knowing that she would at least have part of Lucien helped make up for the fact that she'd never see him again, so she tried to concentrate on that. She could tell that Sebastian had just as many questions as everyone else who knew. After all, she was the first woman they knew of who'd been kidnapped by aliens and returned pregnant. But she knew that Sebastian loved her too much to ask for details, and for that she was grateful. It was getting hard to keep track of all the lies and half-truths she'd told.
Faye, meanwhile, spent the party with her latest fling, Knut. He wasn't the handsomest man in town, nor the brightest, but there was something to be said for a man in uniform.
"I haven't settled on a name yet," Veronica told her parents over breakfast. "There are so many that I like, and it has to be just perfect for the baby. Faye said I can use Roxy's beautiful baby crib, so we'll probably set that up today, and-"
"I know you're excited about the baby, V," Gordon said gently. "But make sure you don't neglect Stephen, all right? He needs his mother." Veronica gave him a quick smile. "Of course I won't. Anyway, like I was saying..." She spoke on about her plans for her second child, and Danielle tried not to sigh too loudly.
The next major event in the family was not a birth, but a death. At the age of 34 days, it was time for Moonshine to leave the family.
It was so hard for Danielle and Gordon to watch. Danielle couldn't help being overwhelmed by memories of Moonshine as an adorable kitten, a handsome adult and an elegant elder. It was so hard to believe that her beloved cat would no longer be prowling around the house, trying to avoid Gordon's training and toddlers' cuddles.
Stephen wasn't nearly as close to the cat as the rest of his family, but it was still hard on him, too. It was the first time he'd even thought about death, and soon he realized that his grandparents were both old, too. The thought of losing the people who were like parents to him hurt deeply.
But life in the Morgan household couldn't stay gloomy for long. It was time for Roxanne to become a child, too.
As a child, her resemblance to her father became more pronounced than ever. Everyone got a good chance to notice that just after eating, since the first thing she did was head straight for him. "Hi," she said briefly. Phil, who'd barely been able to see her during her toddler days and was thus still unused to being a father, just blinked. "Um, hi." "Our cat died this morning. Nana and Granddad are really sad." "That's too bad," Phil said after a moment. She nodded solemnly. "Don't you think we should get another pet? I want a puppy. Don't you think that would be good?"
Phil managed to smile. "Yeah, puppies are great." "Great! I'll tell Mom you said I could get one." She skipped over to Faye, leaving Phil blinking after her.
But Veronica was one step ahead of her niece, as the whole family found out the next morning. "Ms. Morgan?" Veronica shook the policeman's hand. "Yes, that's me." "If you'll follow me, please..."
Veronica followed him out to his squad car, where she was handed an adorable little kitten. "Thank you so much for bringing her by, officer," she told him warmly. He smiled. "Just doing my duty. Have you picked out a name for her yet?" She nodded. "Catherine."
When Roxy got home from school, she made a beeline for the new family member. Even if it wasn't a puppy, she'd much rather have a cat than no pets at all. "Hi kitty," she cooed. "We're gonna be best friends, aren't we?"
Stephen was too busy bonding with Vaughn Fitzhugh to visit the cat. "Mommy's gonna have another baby," he told him. "Nana says I'm gonna be a great big brother. So does Aunt Faye."
"It's not hard," Vaughn assured him. "I've got a little sister, and Mom's gonna have another kid, so I know. All you have to do is be nice to them and play with them and make sure they don't get into trouble. Parents and grandparents do all the hard stuff." Stephen grinned. "Okay, that's good. I don't want to have to change diapers or anything." Vaughn started giggling. "Eww, gross. No way will kids like us have to do anything like that."
A few hours later, Stephen finally found out what it was like to be a big brother. He stood near his beloved grandfather and watched, horrified, as his mother screamed her way through labor.
He and his cousin traded wide-eyed stares. Though they were far from close, this time he knew they agreed that having babies seemed terrible. I'm never getting kidnapped by aliens, he decided firmly. No matter what Granddad says.
Then the baby was there. Stephen stared at his green skin and watched as his mother cuddled and cooed over the baby. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Roxy asked curiously. Veronica beamed at her niece. "A little boy." "What's his name?" Stephen piped up. "Cory." Veronica lightly touched her youngest son's hand, marvelling over how small his fingers were. This time she wasn't depressed after childbirth- she felt like she was on top of the world. "His name's Cory."
Not only are aliens immortal- they can go through doors, too! And with that, chapter IV ends. What did y'all think? I have a few ideas as to where this Lucien thing is going, so we'll see. And Roxy's my current favorite sim. She's so beautiful- you'd be amazed. In fact, I'm going to show her off right now... ---->
Ta-da! Would you have ever thought that she's PHIL'S kid? She even makes that nose look good! Anyway, the next chapter should be up soon. Probably by or during next weekend. I hope this one was worth the wait! ---------->
You didn't really think I'd let you go without a shot of Vaughn, did you? And here's Stephen for good measure! Double the cuteness. ^_^

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Lorenc gordani   winter outlook report 201415 and summer review 2014Lorenc gordani   winter outlook report 201415 and summer review 2014
Lorenc gordani winter outlook report 201415 and summer review 2014

Similar to The Morgan Legacy, Chapter V: Twists and Turns

Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
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Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for NormalThe Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter EighteenA Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
Rose Fyre
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 AA Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
Xenia-Ellen Caltabiano
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.1Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
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Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
Xenia-Ellen Caltabiano
The Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - Vincent
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The Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - Vincent
Hurri Katy
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Aldrich Chapter 4
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The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
Hurri Katy
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Ĉapitro Dekses - Part B
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Ĉapitro Dekses - Part B
Lady Lark
Pregnancy three
Pregnancy threePregnancy three
Pregnancy three
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6

Similar to The Morgan Legacy, Chapter V: Twists and Turns (20)

Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Lynn Legacy 4.1.1
Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for NormalThe Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
The Penguino Legacy Ch 22: Passing for Normal
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter EighteenA Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
A Buffyverse Apocalypse: Chapter Eighteen
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 AA Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.1Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.5
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: StrangetownFilling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
The Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - Vincent
The Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - VincentThe Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - Vincent
The Munster Legacy - Generation 3.8 - Vincent
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Six - Part 5
Aldrich Chapter 4
Aldrich Chapter 4Aldrich Chapter 4
Aldrich Chapter 4
The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
The Munster Legacy: Generation 3.7
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Lynn Legacy 4.1.3
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Vermachtnis Legacy Chapter 17
Ĉapitro Dekses - Part B
Ĉapitro Dekses - Part BĈapitro Dekses - Part B
Ĉapitro Dekses - Part B
Pregnancy three
Pregnancy threePregnancy three
Pregnancy three
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6
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From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6

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The Morgan Legacy, Chapter V: Twists and Turns

  • 1. The Morgan Legacy IV: Twists and Turns by fireflowersims Generation three is born, and Veronica's love life takes an interesting turn.
  • 2. I'm so sorry that it's taken this long! Between a vacation, school and the fact that I have to share this computer with six other people, it took forever to get all this played through and written. The good news is that this generation will need at least two albums, if not three, so you'll have plenty to read. ^_^ Remember this guy? Jake Lam, Angelina's husband. Wonder why he's drinking just after the wedding?
  • 3. You would too if you were being stalked by SimRenee! She spent his whole wedding party following him around, trying to flirt with him, kiss him and give him backrubs, even when his wife was right there with him. It was quite hilarious- especially when he came back from his honeymoon, went over to the bar, mixed four drinks and drank them one after another, then went back for more. Ah, married life. And now that that amusing story is done, on to the real story!
  • 4. After the three girls graduated college, Angelina and Jake Lam were married. Family and friends cheered enthusiastically for the young couple.
  • 5. Danielle's youngest daughter, Faye , had of course moved back in with her parents and second generation heiress Veronica. She wasn't going to get married, since she was a Romance sim, and she loved her parents and sister and wanted to stay with them.
  • 6. And they were certainly going to need the extra pair of hands now that generation three was on its way!
  • 7. "I'm so happy about V, aren't you?" Faye asked her mother. Danielle smiled. "Of course I am. It'll be wonderful having children around again." Faye set her sandwich down and beamed. "I was going to wait to tell you, but I just can't. I found out that I'm pregnant, too! Isn't it great?"
  • 8. "That's wonderful, dear," Danielle said after a moment. But her worried look slipped through as soon as Faye's attention had returned to her lunch. Danielle had never imagined that any of her children would choose to stay unmarried and still have kids- let alone that two of them would. Now that it was happening, she wasn't sure how to handle it.
  • 9. The expectant mothers didn't have any idea that their mother was less than supportive of their choices. They spent more of their time together than ever, discussing toys and names. Veronica and Angelina had always had the strongest bond out of all three girls, but now she and Faye were closer than they ever had been.
  • 10. Sebastian was thrilled that he was going to be a father and started spending more time at the house, too. He brought by things for Veronica and the unborn baby and spent lots of time talking about what it would be like once the baby arrived.
  • 11. What he didn't know was that he wasn't the only man in Veronica's life. She spent more time stargazing than she ever had, helplessly wishing that she could somehow find Lucien, the man she'd so briefly dated in college before his disappearance.
  • 12. Gordon didn't mind having less stargazing time. That meant he could focus more of his attention of Moonshine, the aging family cat. He'd decided that in spite of their ages he was going to teach Moonshine as many tricks as he could.
  • 13. "Stay... stay..." Gordon laughed at the dark look Moonshine gave him. "Being old is no excuse not to learn. Come on, stay..." Moonshine seemed to sigh but did as ordered. "Great! And again..."
  • 14. Danielle was the one on hand when Veronica went into labor. She helplessly watched her daughter scream, wishing that there was something she could do to help her, or at the very least that Sebastian was on hand to provide moral support.
  • 15. After a mercifully quick labor, Veronica found herself holding the first child of generation three. He'd inherited the red hair of both his parents, his father's skintone, and his grandfather's brown eyes.
  • 16. "He's beautiful!" Danielle said happily. "Congratulations! What are you going to name him?" Veronica gazed down at the baby in her arms, then looked away, feeling strangely disinterested. "Stephen. Would you mind feeding him? I want to go lie down."
  • 17. "And she just walked away!" Danielle finished, biting her lip worriedly. When she'd had all three girls, she'd immediately felt such strong bonds with each of them. Seeing Veronica practically ignore her own son had been incredibly painful. Gordon sighed. "Motherhood isn't always magic, Danielle. A lot of Romance sims aren't suited to be parents. Maybe Veronica's one of them, after all." "There's more to it than that," Danielle insisted. "There's something wrong."
  • 18. Danielle became more and more sure of this as time passed. When Veronica wasn't sleeping she was having mood swings and avoiding the rest of the family, especially Stephen. All Danielle could do was take care of her grandson and hope that Veronica would feel better soon.
  • 19. Gordon also spent a lot of time with Stephen. "Isn't he just perfect, Moonshine?" he said happily as he fed the baby. "He got my eyes, you know." Moonshine meowed as if in response.
  • 20. As for Faye, she was happy as could be. She was looking forward to her baby's birth, in spite of what was happening with her sister, and seeking all kinds of ways to keep her time occupied. Including going back to trying to get her gold cosmetology badge.
  • 21. She didn't exactly mind when her clients put the moves on her, either. She loved Phil but she wasn't monogamous, and he didn't expect her to be.
  • 22. Then the time finally arrived for Faye's baby to be born. Danielle was the first one on hand, but Veronica arrived just in time.
  • 23. Faye beamed at her daughter. "Hi, Roxanne," she cooed. "You're so beautiful, yes you are." She looked over her shoulder at her family members and grinned. "Look! She has brown eyes, too!"
  • 24. Later that day, it was time for Stephen's birthday. Once the party guests had arrived, Veronica carried her son over to the cake. She looked down into his brown eyes and found herself smiling. "I'm sorry I haven't been around," she said softly. "I'll do better from now on. I promise."
  • 25. A toss and a twirl later, she found herself with a redheaded toddler on her hands. She couldn't help smiling. He looked so much like Gordon it was uncanny.
  • 26. Sebastian had missed out on most of Stephen's infancy, so he did his best to make up for that now. Stephen adored his dad, and they spent the rest of the party playing and snuggling.
  • 27. Veronica's baby blues had ended. Not only was she spending more time with Stephen, now she was becoming a devoted aunt to Roxy.
  • 28. Faye even agreed that Veronica could be the one to toss Roxy into toddlerhood. "Roxy makes her so happy, Mom," she'd told Danielle beforehand. "Even happier than Stephen does, I think. I haven't seen her like this since before Lu-" Danielle frowned, remembering. No matter how she'd badgered, Faye had refused to say one more word. Danielle hated knowing that her children had secrets.
  • 29. Once Roxy had her birthday, she became an adorable toddler with strong resemblances to both of her parents, especially Phil.
  • 30. Phil himself wasn't exactly sure what to do about the little girl. He loved Faye with all his heart, but he'd never expected to have kids, and as an only child he didn't know how to act around them. He tried to do the best he could, but hated knowing that it probably wasn't enough.
  • 31. After the party, Veronica spent yet another night stargazing. But this one was different. "A plane?" she mused, focusing on the moving object. "It's a little late for..." She trailed off and gaped. "No way." Then she was gone.
  • 32. The next thing she knew, she was in an unfamiliar office, sitting on a comfortable black chair. She shut her eyes, trying to think clearly again. This cannot be happening. But it was. She slowly became aware that she wasn't the only person in the room.
  • 33. "I cannot believe you," the woman in the coat bit out. "You know that you're not supposed to kidnap just anyone. You're here to help with our experiments, not to have a good time with-"
  • 34. "But I had to do it!" the other protested. "She's-" "I know perfectly well who she is, which is why you shouldn't have-"
  • 35. "Excuse me?" Veronica attempted. She couldn't help feeling nervous. It was one thing to spend years dreaming about meeting aliens, but actually being kidnapped by them was another thing entirely. Who knew what would happen next. The alien in the coat cast one final glare on the other girl, then went over to Veronica. "I'm so sorry about this," she told her, sighing. "One of the new staff members decided to take some liberties with her job-" "I just wanted to-" the other alien began to protest. "Be quiet," the first snapped, still looking at Veronica. "Like I was saying, you'll be returned home in a few minutes. Until then-"
  • 36. But she herself was interrupted when a third alien joined them. "Cyra, I need to-" "Keep your voice down," Cyra, the one in the coat, warned him, walking over to join him in the doorway. The other alien took the opportunity to rush over to Veronica. "I had to do it," she said, her words rushing out. "You'll see why. I just wanted to help." "Help with what?" Veronica asked uncertainly. Before the girl could answer, Cyra called, "Lacia, leave our guest alone. Doryn will be taking care of this." Lacia gave Veronica a quick smile. "Sorry," she whispered.
  • 37. Veronica followed Doryn out of the room and down a long hallway. She looked around, becoming more surprised each minute. She'd been expecting the spaceships to be cold and futuristic, but instead it was elegant and surprisingly human. Doryn didn't say anything to her. He just rushed down the hallway and expected her to match his pace. She did her best despite being distracted by her surroundings.
  • 38. Doryn finally led her into a huge room which was occupied by only one other alien. "Here she is, sir," he said, going over to him.
  • 39. The next thing she knew, the alien's arms were around her, holding her tightly. "I can't believe this," a startlingly familiar voice murmured. "You're really here?" She just clung to him. "Lucien?"
  • 40. He pulled back and smiled at her. Finally she could see the face of the man she'd loved and missed so much. "Yes, it's me," he said happily. "And you're... I can't believe it. Remind me to thank Lacia."
  • 41. There were so many things she wanted to say, to ask, to know. But she didn't protest when Lucien started kissing her. She was sure that there would be time to talk later.
  • 42. A few hours later, Lucien took her hand in his. "I know you have questions," he said softly. "I hope you know that I love you."
  • 43. She gazed at him, not sure how to respond. Of course she loved him. She'd spent her pregnancy wishing that the baby was his and each night she'd gazed up at the stars, thinking of him. But... "Why did you leave?" she asked. "If you love me, you should have stayed." He hung his head. "I wanted to stay, but it's... complicated." "How?" she asked in frustration. "I thought you were just a normal half-alien, and here you are in space, with-" "I'm sorry for letting you think that. I would have told you the truth, but my uncle didn't give me the time. He knew how I felt about you." "Why would he care?" she asked, frowning.
  • 44. Lucien sighed. "I'm not normal. I'm not half-human. I'm not even normal by alien standards. I'm... I'm the emperor's heir." Her jaw dropped. "You're what ?" Pause. "Wait- aliens have a government? You have to tell me all about this." Lucien laughed a bit. "That's part of why he didn't want me to tell you. We don't want humans to know about us. Not yet, anyway." "But you kidnap people," she protested. "I've read the stories. They don't remember much, but the men come back preg-" He nodded. "By their own choosing. They don't remember it, but we always ask if they'll help us. You see..." He paused. "I know you won't tell anyone this." "I won't," she promised.
  • 45. "Good." He slipped out of bed and walked over to her. She couldn't help being amused by the fact that he wore an undershirt from college. "Aliens... we have much longer lifespans than you do. If you all knew about this, there would be problems. Therefore, we're trying to figure out how to help you all live longer, too." "By mixing the genes," she said softly. He smiled. "Right. But so far the children all have normal lifespans. That's why their fathers don't get to remember. We don't want humans to know too much about us ."
  • 46. Veronica sighed. "What did you think of me after I told you about how I wanted to be a cult leader?" Lucien's smile widened, and he touched her cheek. "I thought that was amazing. You'd make the perfect diplomat between cultures, Veronica." "What should I tell them about this?" she asked. "I'm sure Dad's telling everyone about my abduction already." She realized with a jolt that she hadn't thought about her family until now.
  • 47. "Tell them..." He paused. "Tell them as little as possible. I trust you to keep our secrets, but I shouldn't even be telling them to you, really." "Okay," she said quietly.
  • 48. "Lacia, we need to get her back home!" Doryn insisted. "You have to let me go in!" Lacia sighed. "Men. Prince Lucien's been reunited with his one true love-" "You'd better hope that his fiance doesn't find out about this," Cyra said dryly. "You two." Lacia shook her head. "Am I really the only one on this ship that appreciates the romance of it?" "Yes," the other two chorused.
  • 49. Veronica and Lucien had just gotten redressed when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lucien called reluctantly. Lacia strolled into the room, waving quickly to Veronica. "They're saying she has to go," she told Lucien reluctantly. "Do you want me to bring her back another night?"
  • 50. Lucien sighed. "Of course I do, but you know that we can't. It would be dangerous for her." "Stupid politics." Lacia rolled her eyes. "I'll let you two say your good-byes, then. I"ll be waiting outside."
  • 51. As she left the room, Lucien walked over to Veronica. "I'm sorry I can't be a normal person," he told her sadly. "I wish that you could come back every night, but it would be dangerous for you. I'm sorry."
  • 52. Veronica forced a smile. "I'm just glad that I got to see you again and find out the truth. I've missed you so much..." "I've missed you, too." He pulled her close for a kiss. "Good luck with your legacy, Veronica. I'll keep an eye on you and on your family. I promise." "I know. I love you, Lucien." "I love you, too."
  • 53. As soon as Lacia came to get her, everything was a blur. Before she knew it she had been transported back home in a burst of light. She just stood there for a moment as her family members rushed towards her. How could she even begin to explain this?
  • 54. After a long talk with her family and a few hours of sleep, Veronica found herself jolting out of bed and running to the toilet. When she straightened up, she couldn't help smiling. Am I really...
  • 55. She was still smiling the next day as she looked over Angelina's living room. It was time for an emergency cult meeting, and Angelina had volunteered to host it.
  • 56. Her family all sat close together, providing moral support. They knew as much of the story as Veronica could tell them, and had promised to never reveal it to anyone else. Veronica knew she could count on them for that.
  • 57. "Last night, as you may know, I was abducted by aliens," she told them all. It was clear from the resulting murmur that they all did in fact know. "I remember very little about my experience, but one thing is clear. I'm pregnant!" Utter silence greeted that. Then everyone started talking at once.
  • 58. "You can't be pregnant!" Dominic said in confusion. "You're not a man!" "I wonder if women who are pregnant by aliens are bigger than normal," Alon mused. "Bigger than normal?" De inquired. "Are you trying to say I'm big?"
  • 59. Pong just watched Veronica in confusion. He could remember how he'd had such a crush on her when he was a teenager. It was surreal to think that she already had a kid and was now going to have one by aliens.
  • 60. "The baby will be born in three days, and I'll keep you posted on its progress." She smiled. "Now, on to the next item of business..."
  • 61. "I'm worried about Veronica," Faye told De that afternoon. De frowned. "Really? Why's that?"
  • 62. "Well, I've been worried for awhile," the younger Morgan said. "She was so sad after Lucien left, even though she tried to distract herself with Sebastian. Then when Stephen was born, she didn't seem to care about him at all. Now she does, but... I'm just afraid that this baby will make her forget all about him again." De sighed. "I know. I'm worried about that, too. But Veronica's a great person. She'll figure it out sooner or later- I'm sure of it."
  • 63. Stephen himself had had a relatively peaceful childhood. His family members had all taken care of him, and he'd had a cat to cuddle and toys to play with. Life was good for the little redhead.
  • 64. He aged up well during a great birthday party and was more than ready to have just as good a childhood.
  • 65. Sebastian had shown up for the festivities, of course, and cornered Veronica shortly after they'd all eaten some cake. "So, I heard you were pregnant," he said awkwardly. "Congratulations."
  • 66. "Thanks!" she replied, beaming. She loved it when people brought up her pregnancy. Knowing that she would at least have part of Lucien helped make up for the fact that she'd never see him again, so she tried to concentrate on that. She could tell that Sebastian had just as many questions as everyone else who knew. After all, she was the first woman they knew of who'd been kidnapped by aliens and returned pregnant. But she knew that Sebastian loved her too much to ask for details, and for that she was grateful. It was getting hard to keep track of all the lies and half-truths she'd told.
  • 67. Faye, meanwhile, spent the party with her latest fling, Knut. He wasn't the handsomest man in town, nor the brightest, but there was something to be said for a man in uniform.
  • 68. "I haven't settled on a name yet," Veronica told her parents over breakfast. "There are so many that I like, and it has to be just perfect for the baby. Faye said I can use Roxy's beautiful baby crib, so we'll probably set that up today, and-"
  • 69. "I know you're excited about the baby, V," Gordon said gently. "But make sure you don't neglect Stephen, all right? He needs his mother." Veronica gave him a quick smile. "Of course I won't. Anyway, like I was saying..." She spoke on about her plans for her second child, and Danielle tried not to sigh too loudly.
  • 70. The next major event in the family was not a birth, but a death. At the age of 34 days, it was time for Moonshine to leave the family.
  • 71. It was so hard for Danielle and Gordon to watch. Danielle couldn't help being overwhelmed by memories of Moonshine as an adorable kitten, a handsome adult and an elegant elder. It was so hard to believe that her beloved cat would no longer be prowling around the house, trying to avoid Gordon's training and toddlers' cuddles.
  • 72. Stephen wasn't nearly as close to the cat as the rest of his family, but it was still hard on him, too. It was the first time he'd even thought about death, and soon he realized that his grandparents were both old, too. The thought of losing the people who were like parents to him hurt deeply.
  • 73. But life in the Morgan household couldn't stay gloomy for long. It was time for Roxanne to become a child, too.
  • 74. As a child, her resemblance to her father became more pronounced than ever. Everyone got a good chance to notice that just after eating, since the first thing she did was head straight for him. "Hi," she said briefly. Phil, who'd barely been able to see her during her toddler days and was thus still unused to being a father, just blinked. "Um, hi." "Our cat died this morning. Nana and Granddad are really sad." "That's too bad," Phil said after a moment. She nodded solemnly. "Don't you think we should get another pet? I want a puppy. Don't you think that would be good?"
  • 75. Phil managed to smile. "Yeah, puppies are great." "Great! I'll tell Mom you said I could get one." She skipped over to Faye, leaving Phil blinking after her.
  • 76. But Veronica was one step ahead of her niece, as the whole family found out the next morning. "Ms. Morgan?" Veronica shook the policeman's hand. "Yes, that's me." "If you'll follow me, please..."
  • 77. Veronica followed him out to his squad car, where she was handed an adorable little kitten. "Thank you so much for bringing her by, officer," she told him warmly. He smiled. "Just doing my duty. Have you picked out a name for her yet?" She nodded. "Catherine."
  • 78. When Roxy got home from school, she made a beeline for the new family member. Even if it wasn't a puppy, she'd much rather have a cat than no pets at all. "Hi kitty," she cooed. "We're gonna be best friends, aren't we?"
  • 79. Stephen was too busy bonding with Vaughn Fitzhugh to visit the cat. "Mommy's gonna have another baby," he told him. "Nana says I'm gonna be a great big brother. So does Aunt Faye."
  • 80. "It's not hard," Vaughn assured him. "I've got a little sister, and Mom's gonna have another kid, so I know. All you have to do is be nice to them and play with them and make sure they don't get into trouble. Parents and grandparents do all the hard stuff." Stephen grinned. "Okay, that's good. I don't want to have to change diapers or anything." Vaughn started giggling. "Eww, gross. No way will kids like us have to do anything like that."
  • 81. A few hours later, Stephen finally found out what it was like to be a big brother. He stood near his beloved grandfather and watched, horrified, as his mother screamed her way through labor.
  • 82. He and his cousin traded wide-eyed stares. Though they were far from close, this time he knew they agreed that having babies seemed terrible. I'm never getting kidnapped by aliens, he decided firmly. No matter what Granddad says.
  • 83. Then the baby was there. Stephen stared at his green skin and watched as his mother cuddled and cooed over the baby. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Roxy asked curiously. Veronica beamed at her niece. "A little boy." "What's his name?" Stephen piped up. "Cory." Veronica lightly touched her youngest son's hand, marvelling over how small his fingers were. This time she wasn't depressed after childbirth- she felt like she was on top of the world. "His name's Cory."
  • 84. Not only are aliens immortal- they can go through doors, too! And with that, chapter IV ends. What did y'all think? I have a few ideas as to where this Lucien thing is going, so we'll see. And Roxy's my current favorite sim. She's so beautiful- you'd be amazed. In fact, I'm going to show her off right now... ---->
  • 85. Ta-da! Would you have ever thought that she's PHIL'S kid? She even makes that nose look good! Anyway, the next chapter should be up soon. Probably by or during next weekend. I hope this one was worth the wait! ---------->
  • 86. You didn't really think I'd let you go without a shot of Vaughn, did you? And here's Stephen for good measure! Double the cuteness. ^_^

Editor's Notes

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