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Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
● Mapping is used to determine the position of gene loci on a chromosome
□ Linked genes are genes that are inherited together
- They exist on the ___________________ chromosome (the chromosome is the unit of inheritance)
- Linked genes do not undergo independent assortment
- Complete linkage describes genes that are always inherited together
- F2 ratio from heterozygous cross is 1:2:1; test cross is 1:1
EXAMPLE: Linkage Group
□ Sometimes alleles on the same chromosomes _________________ inherited together
- Crossing over is a physical breaking and rejoining of homologous chromosomes
- Occurs during meiosis
- Produces genetic recombination which leads to a new combination of alleles
- Crossing over explains how genes on the same chromosome may not be inherited together
EXAMPLE: Example of crossing-over
P D r
Linkage Group
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 1
□ Chromosomal mapping is performed by looking at the _______________________ of recombination
- The closer the genes are to each other, the less likely they are to cross over
- The farther the genes are to each other, the more likely they are to cross over
□ The recombination frequency can be used to determine the location of genes relative to each other
P D r
Linkage Group
5 m.u. 8 m.u
13 m.u
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 2
Gamete Genotypes
● Mendel’s law of independent assortment states that the alleles of two genes assort independently
□ If the two genes are on the same chromosome, then they are physically linked and sorted into gametes
Phenotype Yellow Round
What are the genotypes of the gametes?
Phenotype Yellow Round
What are the genotypes of the gametes?
a b
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 3
□ Crossing over is the physical breaking and rejoining of sections of homologous chromosomes
Discovery of Crossing Over
● Many studies have supported the idea of crossing over between homologous chromosomes
□ McClintock and Creighton studied two traits of maize (corn)
- Their corn was heterozygous for color (Cc) and starchy (Wx) / waxy (wx)
- Chromosomes were:
□ One of the plants homologous chromosomes had two added markers
□ They mated their chromosome with a colorless, starchy plant
Phenotype Yellow Round
What are the genotypes of the gametes?
a b
Foreign chromosome
Foreign chromosome
c Wx
c Wx
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 4
□ Many plants looked like the parental types, but some were recombinant
- Recombinant describes a mixing between the two parents (genotypes or phenotypes)
- The chromosomal markers identified the recombinant offspring
c wx c wx
c wx
c Wx
colorless waxy colorless starchy
Foreign chromosome
c Wx
c Wx
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 5
□ The second major study was from Thomas Hunt Morgan and Alfred Sturtevant
- The studies fruit flies with two traits: Eye color, and wing length
- Color is red if p+ or purple if pp
- Wings are long if vg+ but short if vg vg (vestigial)
□ Morgan’s cross went like:
P: p+/p+ vg+/vg+ x p/p vg/vg
Gametes p+ vg+ p vg
F1 p+/p vg+/vg
F1 x tester p+/p vg+/vg x p/p vg/vg
Expected Offspring Ratios:
_______ p+ (red) ___________ Long wings _____ red/long wings
___________ vestigial _____ red/vestigial
________ p (purple) ___________ long wings _______ purple/long
___________vestigial _______purple/vestigial
Observed Offspring Ratios:
- There was 10.7% recombinant ( (151+154)/2839 ) instead of the predicted 50%
Genotype Phenotype Offspring total (2839) Types
p+ vg+ Red, Long wing 1339 Parental
p vg Purple, vestigial 1195 Parental
p+ vg Red, vestigial 151 Recombinant
pr vg+ Purple, long wing 154 Recombinant
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 6
□ Alfred Sturtevant figured out why it wasn’t equal
- It was because the two genes were on the same chromosome
- But what is the significance of the 10.7% recombination?
- It is because the area between the two genes is 10.7% of the length of the chromosome
- So we say these two genes are 10.7 map units apart
Phenotype Red eyes and long wings
What are the genotypes of the gametes?
p+ vg+
p vg
p+p/vg+vg F1
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 7
Crossing Over Terminology
● Crossing over occurs between two ________________________
□ Crossing over occurs between two chromatids
- Sister chromatids are two copies of the same chromosome
- Non-sister chromatids are two copies, one from each homologous pair
□ During Meiosis, homologous pairs line up and undergo crossing over
- Tetrads is the term describing the four paired chromatids
- Dyads is a pair of two chromatids
- Bivalent refers to the pair of homologous chromosomes
- Chiasmata is the structure that forms between dyads during crossing over
- Usually between non-sister chromatids, but can also occur between sister
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 8
□ Linked genes have certain terminology
- Cis conformations means that dominant alleles of two genes are on the same chromosome
- AB/ab or ++/ab
- Trans conformation means that two different alleles of two genes are on the same chromosome
- Ab/aB or +b/+a
□ Linked alleles are written differently
- Alleles on the same homolog have no punctuation between them (Ab instead of A/b)
- The “/” separates to homologs, instead of two genes
- If linkage is unknown you write like A/a  B/b
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 9
● Measuring recombination is traditionally the best way to map gene loci on a chromosome
□ Recombination frequencies is the frequency of recombinant offspring produced in a cross
□ Morgan’s cross went like:
P: p+/p+ vg+/vg+ x p/p vg/vg
Gametes p+ vg+ p vg
F1 p+/p vg+/vg
F1 x tester p+/p vg+/vg x p/p vg/vg
Observed Offspring Ratios:
□ What is the significance of the 10.7% recombination?
- The area between the two genes is 10.7% of the length of the chromosome
- So we say these two genes are 10.7 map units (m.u.) apart
- Therefore, physical distance is directly correlated with recombination frequencies
- The closer two genes are, the less likely they are to cross over and recombine
Map Distance =
Number of recombinant offspring
Total number of off spring
X 100
Genotype Phenotype Offspring total (2839) Types
p+ vg+ Red, Long wing 1339 Parental
p vg Purple, vestigial 1195 Parental
p+ vg Red, vestigial 151 Recombinant
pr vg+ Purple, long wing 154 Recombinant
151+ 154
X 100 10.7%
p+ vg+
10.7 m.u
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 10
□ Recombination frequencies can also determine __________________ a gene is linked
- Linkage is likely occurring if the recombination frequencies are less than 50%
- Linkage is likely not occurring if the recombination frequencies are close or equal to 50%
□ Recombination frequencies are never greater than 50% because:
- Independent assortment equally assorts alleles, but cannot cause more than 50% recombination
Modern Mapping
● There are ____________________ types of gene loci maps
□ Recombination maps use recombination frequencies to determine gene loci
- Can be used to map 2+ gene loci
□ Physical maps use the action genomic sequence to determine gene loci
- Involves sequencing the entire chromosome, or genome of an organism
□ Mapping via certain genomic markers can also be used
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms are single nucleotide changes that can be markers
- Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) are sequences that restriction enzymes cut
- Restriction enzymes are proteins that cut DNA at one specific sequence
- Microsatellites are short repetitive sequences found throughout the genome
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 11
1. The genetic distances between three genes (ab, nm, kf) were determined using a two-point mapping cross.
Determine the sequence of the three genes.
a. Ab – nm – kf
b. Ab – kf – nm
c. Kf – ab – nm
2. True or False: Recombination frequencies are never greater than 50%
a. True
b. False
Gene Distance
ab - nm 45
ab – kf 3
nm – kf 42
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 12
3. Using the following data collected from a test cross, calculate the recombination frequency.
a. 15.9%
b. 10.3%
c. 40.5%
d. 32.7%
Phenotype Offspring
Parental 1400
Parental 1200
Recombinant 150
Recombinant 150
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 13
● A tri-hybrid cross, is a mating to look at the inheritance of _________ traits in the offspring
□ For unlinked genes, this should follow normal Mendelian inheritance
□ For linked genes, recombination frequencies in the offspring can be used to map all three gene loci
In a cross of fruit flies, there are three traits of interest.
1. Eye color: v+ = red, v = vermillion (like orange/purpleish),
2. Wing veins: cv+= presence of wing crossvein, cv = absence of crossvein
3. Wing shape: ct+ = normal wing, ct = cut wing edges
P: v+/v+  cv/cv  ct/ct x v/v  cv+/cv+  ct+/ct+
Parental phenotypes: Red, crovsveinless,cut wings x vermillion, crossvein, normal wing
Gametes: v+  cv  ct v  cv+  ct+
F1 trihybrid v+/v  cv/cv+  ct/ct+
F1 test cross v+/v  cv/cv+  ct/ct+ x v/v  cv/cv  ct/ct
F1 phenotypes: Red, crossvein, normal wing vermillion, crossvienless, cut wings
Parental gametes:
Gametes Phenotypes Offspring # Recomb. v and cv Recomb v and ct Recomb cv and ct
v  cv+  ct+ Parental 580
v+  cv  ct Parental 592
v  cv  ct+ Recombinant 45
v+  cv+  ct Recombinant 40
v  cv  ct Recombinant 89
v+  cv+  ct+ Recombinant 94
v  cv+  ct Recombinant 3
v+  cv  ct+ Recombinant 5
Total 1448 268 191 93
v+ cv ct
v cv+ ct+
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 14
Now, you determine the recombination frequencies:
1. For v and cv: RF = 268/1448 = 18.5
2. For v and ct: RF = 191/1448 = 13.2
3. For cv and ct: RF = 93/1448 = 6.4
What can we determine from these ________________________ frequencies?
1. All three genes are linked, because their RFs are less than 50%
2. The orientation and distances of the gene loci
□ Why does 13.2 + 6.4 = 19.6 and not the 18.5 (RF for v and cv)?
- We should have counted the double cross overs twice, instead of once!
Gametes Phenotypes Offspring # Recomb. v and cv
v  ct+  cv+ Parental 580
v+  ct  cv Parental 592
v  ct+  cv Recombinant 45 R
v+  ct  cv+ Recombinant 40 R
v  ct  cv Recombinant 89 R
v+  ct+  cv+ Recombinant 94 R
v  ct  cv+ Recombinant 3 R x2
v+  ct+  cv Recombinant 5 R x2
Total 1448 284
RF = 284/1448 = 19.6%
v+ cv
v cv+
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 15
1. The following table shows data from a cross (ABC x abc) examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the
recombination frequency for A and B
a. 20%
b. 32%
c. 37%
d. 9.8%
2. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the recombination
frequency for A and C
a. 32%
b. 37%
c. 20%
d. 9.8%
Genotype Offspring A C A B B C
A B C 320
a b c 276
a B C 145
A b c 152
A b C 43
a B c 34
A B c 9
a b C 12
Genotype Offspring A C A B B C
A B C 320
a b c 276
a B C 145
A b c 152
A b C 43
a B c 34
A B c 9
a b C 12
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 16
3. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the recombination
frequency for B and C
a. 20%
b. 32%
c. 37%
d. 9.8%
4. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Determine the order of genes
a. A B C
b. B C A
c. C A B
Genotype Offspring A C A B B C
A B C 320
a b c 276
a B C 145
A b c 152
A b C 43
a B c 34
A B c 9
a b C 12
Genotype Offspring A C A B B C
A B C 320
a b c 276
a B C 145
A b c 152
A b C 43
a B c 34
A B c 9
a b C 12
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 17
● Mapping the loci of 3+ genes can be more difficult, because of multiple cross overs
□ Multiple crossovers occur when more than one crossover causes 2+ changes in the gamete genotype
□ Calculate information on double cross overs by:
1. Double counting the double crossovers when calculating the RF for the genes of farthest distance
- This will help you accurately map the genes (Trihybrid cross)
● Interference is when crossovers in one region of the chromosome affects the chance of crossover in an adjacent region
□ Independent crossovers (meaning, no interference) can be calculated using the double recombination frequency
EXAMPLE: Double cross over calculation with no interference
1. If the frequency of crossing over is 20% for genes A and B, and 30% for genes B and C, what is the frequency
of a double crossover between A and C?
- (0.2 x 0.3) x 100 = 6%
v+ cv
v cv+
ct+ v+ cv
v cv+
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 18
□ If the calculated value does not equal the observed results, then that means interference is impacting the data
- Uses the coefficient of coincidence
EXAMPLE: Calculating the interference
Observed frequency: 4
Expected frequency: 6
1-(4/6) = 0.33 x 100 = 33%
□ Therefore, there were 33% fewer double crossovers occurred than expected
- Crossing over at one location, partially decreased the chance of crossover at an adjacent location
I= 1-
Observed frequency
or # of double recombinants
Expected frequency
or # of double recombinants
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 19
1. A female with the following genotype can produce a number of different gametes. Choose the gamete produced if
no crossovers have occurred. Genotype = a b +
a. a + c + + c
b. + b c
c. a b +
d. + b +
2. A female with the following genotype can produce a number of different gametes. Choose the gamete produced if a
single crossover has occurred. Genotype = a b +
a. + + c + + c
b. + b c
c. a b +
d. a b c
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 20
● A chi-square test can be used to identify the likelihood of gene linkage
□ Chi-square test is used to evaluate if your experimental values are different from the predicted values
I want to know if genes A and B are linked, so I do an experiment where I cross two heterozygous organisms. I get 50
offspring, 31 parental types, and 19 recombinant types. Is it likely that A and B are linked?
1. What are the expected numbers?
- If two genes are not linked then the recombination frequency is 50%. Therefore, there would be 50% parental
types and 50% recombinant types. So out of 50 offspring, 50/2 = 25. There would be 25 parental and 25
2. Calculate the chi-square value
3. Determine the P value.
a. Calculate degrees of freedom. DF=1
b. Find chi-square value on row 1. It is between 2.71 and 3.84
c. The appropriate p value is between 0.10 and 0.05 (10% to 5%)
Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e
Parental 31 25 1.44
Recombinant 19 25 1.44
Total 2.88
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 21
4. Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis?
a. The null hypothesis states that the expected and observed values are not different. (This would mean that
the genes would NOT be linked)
b. Because the p values are greater than 0.05 (5%), so we accept the null hypothesis.
5. Therefore, we can say with 95% confidence the genes are NOT linked.
a. Remember: This does not confirm linkage, it just states the likelihood
Black(B) rabbit coat colors are dominant to white(b) coat colors. Long hair (H) is dominant to short hair (h). A breeder
crosses a rabbit homozygous for white, short hair with a black rabbit with long hair. The F1 is backcrossed to the rabbit with
white, short hair and the following progeny are produced. Use the chi-square test to answer the following questions.
1. What are the expected offspring numbers if the two genes are not linked, and therefore assort independently?
a. 73 parental, 73 recombinant
b. 146 parental, 0 recombinant
c. 60 parental, 86 recombinant
d. 102 parental, 44 recombinant
Phenotype Offspring
Black, Long 40
Black, Short 20
White, Long 24
White, Short 62
Total 146
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 22
2. Calculate the chi-square value for the above problem.
a. 23.00
b. 5.89
c. 0.02
d. 0.467
3. In this example, how many degrees of freedom should be used?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 23
4. Using the appropriate chi-square value and degrees of freedom, do the coat color and hair length genes assort
a. Yes, both genes assort independently
b. No, both genes do not assort independently (meaning they are linked)
Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics
Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
Page 24

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Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes.pdf

  • 1. Available on Pearson+ Channels Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
  • 2. CONCEPT: OVERVIEW OF MAPPING ● Mapping is used to determine the position of gene loci on a chromosome □ Linked genes are genes that are inherited together - They exist on the ___________________ chromosome (the chromosome is the unit of inheritance) - Linked genes do not undergo independent assortment - Complete linkage describes genes that are always inherited together - F2 ratio from heterozygous cross is 1:2:1; test cross is 1:1 EXAMPLE: Linkage Group □ Sometimes alleles on the same chromosomes _________________ inherited together - Crossing over is a physical breaking and rejoining of homologous chromosomes - Occurs during meiosis - Produces genetic recombination which leads to a new combination of alleles - Crossing over explains how genes on the same chromosome may not be inherited together EXAMPLE: Example of crossing-over P D r Linkage Group Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 1
  • 3. □ Chromosomal mapping is performed by looking at the _______________________ of recombination - The closer the genes are to each other, the less likely they are to cross over - The farther the genes are to each other, the more likely they are to cross over □ The recombination frequency can be used to determine the location of genes relative to each other EXAMPLE: P D r Linkage Group 5 m.u. 8 m.u 13 m.u Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 2
  • 4. CONCEPT: CROSSING OVER AND RECOMBINANTS Gamete Genotypes ● Mendel’s law of independent assortment states that the alleles of two genes assort independently EXAMPLE: □ If the two genes are on the same chromosome, then they are physically linked and sorted into gametes EXAMPLE: AaBb Genotype Phenotype Yellow Round What are the genotypes of the gametes? Genotype Phenotype Yellow Round What are the genotypes of the gametes? A B a b AB/ab Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 3
  • 5. □ Crossing over is the physical breaking and rejoining of sections of homologous chromosomes EXAMPLE: Discovery of Crossing Over ● Many studies have supported the idea of crossing over between homologous chromosomes □ McClintock and Creighton studied two traits of maize (corn) - Their corn was heterozygous for color (Cc) and starchy (Wx) / waxy (wx) - Chromosomes were: □ One of the plants homologous chromosomes had two added markers □ They mated their chromosome with a colorless, starchy plant Genotype Phenotype Yellow Round What are the genotypes of the gametes? A B a b AB/ab C c wx Wx C c wx Wx knob Foreign chromosome C c wx wx knob Foreign chromosome X c Wx c Wx Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 4
  • 6. □ Many plants looked like the parental types, but some were recombinant - Recombinant describes a mixing between the two parents (genotypes or phenotypes) - The chromosomal markers identified the recombinant offspring + c wx c wx c wx c Wx colorless waxy colorless starchy C c wx wx knob Foreign chromosome X c Wx c Wx Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 5
  • 7. □ The second major study was from Thomas Hunt Morgan and Alfred Sturtevant - The studies fruit flies with two traits: Eye color, and wing length - Color is red if p+ or purple if pp - Wings are long if vg+ but short if vg vg (vestigial) □ Morgan’s cross went like: P: p+/p+ vg+/vg+ x p/p vg/vg Gametes p+ vg+ p vg F1 p+/p vg+/vg F1 x tester p+/p vg+/vg x p/p vg/vg Expected Offspring Ratios: _______ p+ (red) ___________ Long wings _____ red/long wings ___________ vestigial _____ red/vestigial ________ p (purple) ___________ long wings _______ purple/long ___________vestigial _______purple/vestigial Observed Offspring Ratios: - There was 10.7% recombinant ( (151+154)/2839 ) instead of the predicted 50% Genotype Phenotype Offspring total (2839) Types p+ vg+ Red, Long wing 1339 Parental p vg Purple, vestigial 1195 Parental p+ vg Red, vestigial 151 Recombinant pr vg+ Purple, long wing 154 Recombinant Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 6
  • 8. □ Alfred Sturtevant figured out why it wasn’t equal - It was because the two genes were on the same chromosome - But what is the significance of the 10.7% recombination? - It is because the area between the two genes is 10.7% of the length of the chromosome - So we say these two genes are 10.7 map units apart Genotype Phenotype Red eyes and long wings What are the genotypes of the gametes? p+ vg+ p vg p+p/vg+vg F1 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 7
  • 9. Crossing Over Terminology ● Crossing over occurs between two ________________________ □ Crossing over occurs between two chromatids - Sister chromatids are two copies of the same chromosome - Non-sister chromatids are two copies, one from each homologous pair □ During Meiosis, homologous pairs line up and undergo crossing over - Tetrads is the term describing the four paired chromatids - Dyads is a pair of two chromatids - Bivalent refers to the pair of homologous chromosomes - Chiasmata is the structure that forms between dyads during crossing over - Usually between non-sister chromatids, but can also occur between sister EXAMPLE: Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 8
  • 10. □ Linked genes have certain terminology - Cis conformations means that dominant alleles of two genes are on the same chromosome - AB/ab or ++/ab - Trans conformation means that two different alleles of two genes are on the same chromosome - Ab/aB or +b/+a □ Linked alleles are written differently - Alleles on the same homolog have no punctuation between them (Ab instead of A/b) - The “/” separates to homologs, instead of two genes - If linkage is unknown you write like A/a  B/b Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 9
  • 11. CONCEPT: MAPPING GENES ● Measuring recombination is traditionally the best way to map gene loci on a chromosome □ Recombination frequencies is the frequency of recombinant offspring produced in a cross □ Morgan’s cross went like: P: p+/p+ vg+/vg+ x p/p vg/vg Gametes p+ vg+ p vg F1 p+/p vg+/vg F1 x tester p+/p vg+/vg x p/p vg/vg Observed Offspring Ratios: □ What is the significance of the 10.7% recombination? - The area between the two genes is 10.7% of the length of the chromosome - So we say these two genes are 10.7 map units (m.u.) apart - Therefore, physical distance is directly correlated with recombination frequencies - The closer two genes are, the less likely they are to cross over and recombine Map Distance = Number of recombinant offspring Total number of off spring X 100 Genotype Phenotype Offspring total (2839) Types p+ vg+ Red, Long wing 1339 Parental p vg Purple, vestigial 1195 Parental p+ vg Red, vestigial 151 Recombinant pr vg+ Purple, long wing 154 Recombinant 151+ 154 2839 X 100 10.7% = p+ vg+ 10.7 m.u Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 10
  • 12. □ Recombination frequencies can also determine __________________ a gene is linked - Linkage is likely occurring if the recombination frequencies are less than 50% - Linkage is likely not occurring if the recombination frequencies are close or equal to 50% □ Recombination frequencies are never greater than 50% because: - Independent assortment equally assorts alleles, but cannot cause more than 50% recombination EXAMPLE: Modern Mapping ● There are ____________________ types of gene loci maps □ Recombination maps use recombination frequencies to determine gene loci - Can be used to map 2+ gene loci □ Physical maps use the action genomic sequence to determine gene loci - Involves sequencing the entire chromosome, or genome of an organism □ Mapping via certain genomic markers can also be used - Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms are single nucleotide changes that can be markers - Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) are sequences that restriction enzymes cut - Restriction enzymes are proteins that cut DNA at one specific sequence - Microsatellites are short repetitive sequences found throughout the genome Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 11
  • 13. PRACTICE 1. The genetic distances between three genes (ab, nm, kf) were determined using a two-point mapping cross. Determine the sequence of the three genes. a. Ab – nm – kf b. Ab – kf – nm c. Kf – ab – nm 2. True or False: Recombination frequencies are never greater than 50% a. True b. False Gene Distance ab - nm 45 ab – kf 3 nm – kf 42 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 12
  • 14. 3. Using the following data collected from a test cross, calculate the recombination frequency. a. 15.9% b. 10.3% c. 40.5% d. 32.7% Phenotype Offspring Parental 1400 Parental 1200 Recombinant 150 Recombinant 150 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 13
  • 15. CONCEPT: TRI-HYBRID CROSS FOR MAPPING ● A tri-hybrid cross, is a mating to look at the inheritance of _________ traits in the offspring □ For unlinked genes, this should follow normal Mendelian inheritance □ For linked genes, recombination frequencies in the offspring can be used to map all three gene loci EXAMPLE: In a cross of fruit flies, there are three traits of interest. 1. Eye color: v+ = red, v = vermillion (like orange/purpleish), 2. Wing veins: cv+= presence of wing crossvein, cv = absence of crossvein 3. Wing shape: ct+ = normal wing, ct = cut wing edges P: v+/v+  cv/cv  ct/ct x v/v  cv+/cv+  ct+/ct+ Parental phenotypes: Red, crovsveinless,cut wings x vermillion, crossvein, normal wing Gametes: v+  cv  ct v  cv+  ct+ F1 trihybrid v+/v  cv/cv+  ct/ct+ F1 test cross v+/v  cv/cv+  ct/ct+ x v/v  cv/cv  ct/ct F1 phenotypes: Red, crossvein, normal wing vermillion, crossvienless, cut wings Parental gametes: Gametes Phenotypes Offspring # Recomb. v and cv Recomb v and ct Recomb cv and ct v  cv+  ct+ Parental 580 v+  cv  ct Parental 592 v  cv  ct+ Recombinant 45 v+  cv+  ct Recombinant 40 v  cv  ct Recombinant 89 v+  cv+  ct+ Recombinant 94 v  cv+  ct Recombinant 3 v+  cv  ct+ Recombinant 5 Total 1448 268 191 93 v+ cv ct v cv+ ct+ Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 14
  • 16. Now, you determine the recombination frequencies: 1. For v and cv: RF = 268/1448 = 18.5 2. For v and ct: RF = 191/1448 = 13.2 3. For cv and ct: RF = 93/1448 = 6.4 What can we determine from these ________________________ frequencies? 1. All three genes are linked, because their RFs are less than 50% 2. The orientation and distances of the gene loci □ Why does 13.2 + 6.4 = 19.6 and not the 18.5 (RF for v and cv)? - We should have counted the double cross overs twice, instead of once! Gametes Phenotypes Offspring # Recomb. v and cv v  ct+  cv+ Parental 580 v+  ct  cv Parental 592 v  ct+  cv Recombinant 45 R v+  ct  cv+ Recombinant 40 R v  ct  cv Recombinant 89 R v+  ct+  cv+ Recombinant 94 R v  ct  cv+ Recombinant 3 R x2 v+  ct+  cv Recombinant 5 R x2 Total 1448 284 RF = 284/1448 = 19.6% v+ cv ct v cv+ ct+ Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 15
  • 17. PRACTICE 1. The following table shows data from a cross (ABC x abc) examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the recombination frequency for A and B a. 20% b. 32% c. 37% d. 9.8% 2. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the recombination frequency for A and C a. 32% b. 37% c. 20% d. 9.8% Genotype Offspring A C A B B C A B C 320 a b c 276 a B C 145 A b c 152 A b C 43 a B c 34 A B c 9 a b C 12 Genotype Offspring A C A B B C A B C 320 a b c 276 a B C 145 A b c 152 A b C 43 a B c 34 A B c 9 a b C 12 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 16
  • 18. 3. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Calculate the recombination frequency for B and C a. 20% b. 32% c. 37% d. 9.8% 4. The following table shows data from a cross examining three genes (a, b, and c). Determine the order of genes a. A B C b. B C A c. C A B Genotype Offspring A C A B B C A B C 320 a b c 276 a B C 145 A b c 152 A b C 43 a B c 34 A B c 9 a b C 12 Genotype Offspring A C A B B C A B C 320 a b c 276 a B C 145 A b c 152 A b C 43 a B c 34 A B c 9 a b C 12 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 17
  • 19. CONCEPT: MULTIPLE CROSS OVERS AND INTERFERENCE ● Mapping the loci of 3+ genes can be more difficult, because of multiple cross overs □ Multiple crossovers occur when more than one crossover causes 2+ changes in the gamete genotype EXAMPLE: □ Calculate information on double cross overs by: 1. Double counting the double crossovers when calculating the RF for the genes of farthest distance - This will help you accurately map the genes (Trihybrid cross) ● Interference is when crossovers in one region of the chromosome affects the chance of crossover in an adjacent region □ Independent crossovers (meaning, no interference) can be calculated using the double recombination frequency EXAMPLE: Double cross over calculation with no interference 1. If the frequency of crossing over is 20% for genes A and B, and 30% for genes B and C, what is the frequency of a double crossover between A and C? - (0.2 x 0.3) x 100 = 6% v+ cv ct v cv+ ct+ v+ cv ct v cv+ ct+ Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 18
  • 20. □ If the calculated value does not equal the observed results, then that means interference is impacting the data - Uses the coefficient of coincidence EXAMPLE: Calculating the interference Observed frequency: 4 Expected frequency: 6 1-(4/6) = 0.33 x 100 = 33% □ Therefore, there were 33% fewer double crossovers occurred than expected - Crossing over at one location, partially decreased the chance of crossover at an adjacent location I= 1- Observed frequency or # of double recombinants Expected frequency or # of double recombinants Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 19
  • 21. PRACTICE: 1. A female with the following genotype can produce a number of different gametes. Choose the gamete produced if no crossovers have occurred. Genotype = a b + a. a + c + + c b. + b c c. a b + d. + b + 2. A female with the following genotype can produce a number of different gametes. Choose the gamete produced if a single crossover has occurred. Genotype = a b + a. + + c + + c b. + b c c. a b + d. a b c Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 20
  • 22. CONCEPT: CHI-SQUARE TEST FOR LINKAGE ● A chi-square test can be used to identify the likelihood of gene linkage □ Chi-square test is used to evaluate if your experimental values are different from the predicted values EXAMPLE: I want to know if genes A and B are linked, so I do an experiment where I cross two heterozygous organisms. I get 50 offspring, 31 parental types, and 19 recombinant types. Is it likely that A and B are linked? 1. What are the expected numbers? - If two genes are not linked then the recombination frequency is 50%. Therefore, there would be 50% parental types and 50% recombinant types. So out of 50 offspring, 50/2 = 25. There would be 25 parental and 25 recombinants. 2. Calculate the chi-square value 3. Determine the P value. a. Calculate degrees of freedom. DF=1 b. Find chi-square value on row 1. It is between 2.71 and 3.84 c. The appropriate p value is between 0.10 and 0.05 (10% to 5%) Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e Parental 31 25 1.44 Recombinant 19 25 1.44 Total 2.88 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 21
  • 23. 4. Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis? a. The null hypothesis states that the expected and observed values are not different. (This would mean that the genes would NOT be linked) b. Because the p values are greater than 0.05 (5%), so we accept the null hypothesis. 5. Therefore, we can say with 95% confidence the genes are NOT linked. a. Remember: This does not confirm linkage, it just states the likelihood PRACTICE: Black(B) rabbit coat colors are dominant to white(b) coat colors. Long hair (H) is dominant to short hair (h). A breeder crosses a rabbit homozygous for white, short hair with a black rabbit with long hair. The F1 is backcrossed to the rabbit with white, short hair and the following progeny are produced. Use the chi-square test to answer the following questions. 1. What are the expected offspring numbers if the two genes are not linked, and therefore assort independently? a. 73 parental, 73 recombinant b. 146 parental, 0 recombinant c. 60 parental, 86 recombinant d. 102 parental, 44 recombinant Phenotype Offspring Black, Long 40 Black, Short 20 White, Long 24 White, Short 62 Total 146 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 22
  • 24. 2. Calculate the chi-square value for the above problem. a. 23.00 b. 5.89 c. 0.02 d. 0.467 3. In this example, how many degrees of freedom should be used? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 23
  • 25. 4. Using the appropriate chi-square value and degrees of freedom, do the coat color and hair length genes assort independently? a. Yes, both genes assort independently b. No, both genes do not assort independently (meaning they are linked) Klug - 10th edition - Concepts of Genetics Ch.5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes Page 24