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Diseases of
& Childhood
Diseases of Infancy
and Childhood
 Congenital Anomalies
 Birth Weight and Gestational Age
 Birth Injuries
 Perinatal Infections
 Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
 Necrotizing Enterocolitis
 Intraventricular Hemorrhage
 Hydrops
 Inborn Metabolic/Genetic Errors
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
 Tumors
 USA 1970: 20
 USA 2000: 7
 INDIA 82
Major Time Spans
 Neonatal period
first four weeks of life
 Infancy
the first year of life
 Age 1 – 4 years (preschool)
 Age 5 – 14 years (school age)
Cause of Death Related
with Age
Rate 2
Under 1 Year: All
1–4 Years: All
5–14 Years: All
15–24 Years: All
1Rates are expressed per 100,000 population
2Excludes congenital heart disease
Congenital Anomalies
• Malformations
– primary errors of morphogenesis, usually multifactorial
– e.g. congenital heart defect
• Disruptions
– secondary disruptions of previously normal organ or body region
– e.g. amniotic bands
• Deformations
– extrinsic disturbance of development by biomechanical forces
– e.g. uterine constraint
• Sequence
– a pattern of cascade anomalies explained by a single localized
initiating event with secondary defects in other organs
– e.g. Oligohydramnios (Or Potter) Sequence
• Syndrome
– a constellation of developmental abnormalities believed to be
pathologically related
– e.g Turner syndrome
Polydactyly &
Cleft Lip Severe Lethal Malformation
Disruption by an amniotic band
Oligohydramnios (Or Potter) Sequence
• Oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic
– Renal agenesis
– Amniotic leak
• Fetal Compression
– flattened facies
– club foot (talipes equinovarus)
• Pulmonary hypoplasia
– fetal respiratory motions important for lung
• Breech Presentation
The Oligohydramnios “Sequence”
Infant with oligohydramnios
Organ Specific Anomalies
• Agenesis: complete absence of an organ
• Atresia: absence of an opening
• Hypoplasia: incomplete development or
under- development of an organ with decreased
numbers of cells
• Hyperplasia: overdevelopment of an organ
associated with increased numbers of cells
• Hypertrophy: increase in size with no change
in number of cells
• Dysplasia: in the context of malformations
(versus neoplasia) describes an abnormal
organization of cells
Implantation and the Survival of
Early Pregnancy
 Only 50-60% of all conceptions advance
beyond 20 weeks
 Implantation occurs at day 6-7
 75% of loses are implantation failures and
are not recognized
 Pregnancy loss after implantation is 25-40%
NEJM 2001; 345:1400-1408
Approximate Frequency of the More Common Congenital “Malformations” in
the United States
Frequency per
10,000 Total
Clubfoot without central nervous system anomalies 25.7
Patent ductus arteriosus 16.9
Ventricular septal defect 10.9
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate 9.1
Spina bifida without anencephalus 5.5
Congenital hydrocephalus without anencephalus 4.8
Anencephalus 3.9
Reduction deformity (musculoskeletal) 3.5
Rectal and intestinal atresia 3.4
Adapted from James LM: Maps of birth defects occurrence in the U.S., birth defects monitoring
program (BDMP)/CPHA, 1970–1987. Teratology 48:551, 1993.
#2 #3
– karyotypic aberrations
– single gene mutations
• Environmental
– infection
– maternal disease
– drugs and chemicals
– irradiation
• Multifactorial
Causes of Congenital Anomalies in Humans
Chromosomal aberrations 10–15
Mendelian inheritance 2–10
Maternal/placental infections 2–3
Maternal disease states 6–8
Drugs and chemicals 1
Irradiations 1
Multifactorial (Multiple Genes ?
Unknown 40–60
Adapted from Stevenson RE, et al (eds): Human Malformations and Related Anomalies.
New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 115.
Embryonic Development
 Embryonic period
 weeks 1- 8 of pregnancy
 organogenesis occurs in this period
 Fetal period
 weeks 9 to 38
 marked by further growth and maturation
Critical Periods Of Development
Genetic Causes
 Karyotypic abnormalities
 80-90% of fetuses with aneuploidy die in utero
 trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) most common
karyotypic abnormality (21,18,13)
 sex chromosome abnormalities next most
common (Turner and Klinefelter)
 autosomal chromosomal deletion usually lethal
 karyotyping frequently done with aborted
fetuses with repeated abortions
 Single gene mutations
 covered in separate chapters
Maternal Viral Infection
• Rubella (German measles) 1st TRIMESTER
– at risk period first 16 weeks gestation
– defects in lens (cataracts), heart, and CNS
(deafness and mental retardation)
– rubella immune status important part of prenatal
• Cytomegalovirus 2nd TRIMESTER
– most common fetal infection
– highest at risk period is second trimester
– central nervous system infection predominates
Drugs and Chemicals
 Drugs
 13 cis-retinoic acid (acne agent)
 warfarin
 angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
 anticonvulsants
 oral diabetic agents
 thalidomide
 Alcohol
 Tobacco
Teratogen Actions
 • Proper cell migration to predetermined locations that
influence the development of other structures
 • Cell proliferation, which determines the size and form of
embryonic organs
 • Cellular interactions among tissues derived from
different structures (e.g., ectoderm, mesoderm), which
affect the differentiation of one or both of these tissues
 • Cell-matrix associations, which affect growth and
 • Programmed cell death (apoptosis), which, as we have
seen, allows orderly organization of tissues and organs
during embryogenesis
 • Hormonal influences and mechanical forces, which
affect morphogenesis at many levels
Diabetes Mellitus
 Fetal Macrosomy (>10 pounds)
 maternal hyperglycemia increases insulin
secretion by fetal pancreas, insulin acts with
growth hormone effects
 Diabetic Embryopathy
 most crucial period is immediately post
 malformations increased 4-10 fold with
uncontrolled diabetes, involving heart and CNS
 Oral agents not approved in pregnancy
 Diabetics attempting to conceive should be
placed on insulin
Birth Weight and Gestational Age
 Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
 between 10 and 90th percentile for gestational
 Small for gestational age (SGA) , <10%
 Large for gestational age (LGA) , >90%
 Preterm
 born before 37 weeks (<2500 grams)
 Post-Term
 delivered after 42 weeks
 Defined as gestational age < 37 weeks
 Second most common cause of neonatal
mortality (after congenital anomalies)
 Risk factors for prematurity
 Preterm Premature Rupture Of fetal
Membranes (PROM)
 Intrauterine infection
 Uterine, cervical, and placental abnormalities
 Multiple gestation
Fetal Growth Restriction
 At least 1/3 of infants born at term are < 2.5kg
 Undergrown rather than immature
 Commonly underlies SGA (small for gestational
 Prenatal diagnosis: ultrasound measurements
 Classification
 Fetal
 Placental
Fetal FGR
 Chromosomal abnormalities
 17% of FGR overall
 up to 66% of fetuses with ultrasound
 Fetal Infection
 Infection: TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Other,
Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes)
 Characterized by symmetric growth
restriction – head and trunk proportionally
Placental FGR
 Vascular
 umbilical cord anomalies (single artery,
constrictions, etc)
 thrombosis and infarction
 multiple gestation
 Confined placental mosaicism
 mutation in trophoblast
 trisomy is common
 Placental FGR tends to cause
asymmetric growth with relative
sparing of the head
Maternal FGR
 Most common cause of FGR by far
 Vascular diseases
 preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy)
 hypertension
 Toxins
 ethanol
 narcotics and cocaine
 heavy smoking
Organ Immaturity
 Lungs
 alveoli differentiate in 7th month
 surfactant deficiency
 Kidneys
 glomerular differentiation is incomplete
 Brain
 impaired homeostasis of temperature
 vasomotor control unstable
 Liver
 inability to conjugate and excrete bilirubin
Evaluation Of The Newborn Infant
Sign 0 1 2
Heart rate Absent Below 100 Over 100
Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion of
Active motion
Response to
catheter in
nostril (tested
oropharynx is
Grimace Cough or
Color Blue, pale Body pink,
extremities blue
Data from Apgar V: A proposal for a new method of evaluation of the
newborn infant. Anesth Analg 32:260, 1953.
APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration)
Apgar Score and 28 Day Mortality
 Score may be evaluated at 1 and
5 minutes
 5 minute scores
 0-1, 50% mortality
 4, 20% mortality
 ≥ 7, nearly 0% mortality
Perinatal Infection
• Transcervical (ascending)
– inhalation of infected amniotic fluid
• pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis
• commonly occurs with PROM
– passage through infected birth canal
• herpes virus– caesarian section for active herpes
• Transplacental (hematogenous)
– mostly viral and parasitic
• HIV—at delivery with maternal to fetal transfusion
• TORCH-Toxo, Other, Rubella, Cmv, Herpes
• parvovirus B19 (Fifth), erythema infectiosum
– bacterial
• Listeria monocytogenes
Fetal Lung Maturation
Neonatal Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (RDS)
• 60,000 cases / year in USA with 5000
• Incidence is inversely proportional to
gestational age
• The cause is lung immaturity with decreased
alveolar surfactant
– surfactant decreases surface tension
– first breath is the hardest since lungs must be
– without surfactant, lungs collapse with each
RDS Risk Factors
1) Prematurity
 by far the greatest risk factor
 affected infants are nearly always premature
 2) Maternal diabetes mellitus
 insulin suppresses surfactant secretion
 3) Cesarean delivery
 normal delivery process stimulates surfactant
RDS Pathology
 solid and airless (no crepitance)
 sink in water
 appearance is similar to liver tissue*
 atelectasis and dilation of alveoli
 hyaline membranes composed of fibrin and
cell debris line alveoli (HMD former name)
 minimal inflammation
RDS Prevention and Treatment
 Delay labor until fetal lung is mature
 amniotic fluid phospholipid levels are useful in
assessing fetal lung maturity
 Induce fetal lung maturation with antenatal
 Postnatal surfactant replacement therapy
with oxygen and ventilator support
Treatment Complications
 Oxygen toxicity
 oxygen derived free radicals damage tissue
 Retrolental fibroplasia
 hypoxia causes ↑ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
(VEGF) and angiogenesis
 Oxygen Rx suppresses VEGF and causes endothelial
 Bronchopulmonary “dysplasia”
 oxygen suppresses lung septation at the saccular stage
 mechanical ventilation
 epithelial hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, and peribronchial
and interstitial fibrosis were seen with old regimens of ventilator
usage and no surfactant use, but are now uncommon
 lung septation is still impaired
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
 Incidence is directly proportional to
prematurity, like RDS
 approaches 10% with severe prematurity
 2000 cases yearly in USA
 Pathogenesis
 not fully understood
 intestinal ischemia
 inflammatory mediators
 breakdown of mucosal barrier
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Hydrops Fetalis
 Chromosomal abnormalities
 Turner syndrome with cystic hygromas
 other
 Cardiovascular with heart failure
 anemia with high output failure
 immune hemolytic anemia
 hereditary hemolytic anemia (α-thalassemia)
 parvovirus B19 infection
 twin to twin in utero transfusion
 congenital heart defects
Hydrops Fetalis
Immune Hydrops
 Fetus inherits red cell antigens from the
father that are foreign to the mother
 Mother forms IgG antibodies which cross
the placenta and destroy fetal RBCs
 Fetus develops severe anemia with CHF
and compensatory ↑ hematopoiesis
(frequently extramedullary)
 Most cases involve Rh D antigen
 mother is Rh Neg and fetus is Rh Pos
 ABO and other antigens involved less often
Pathogenesis of Sensitization
 Fetal RBCs gain access to maternal
circulation largely at delivery or upon
 Since IgM antibodies are involved in
primary response and prior sensitization is
necessary, the first pregnancy is not
usually affected
 Maternal sensitization can be prevented in
most cases with Rh immune globulin
(Rhogam) given at time of delivery or
abortion (spontaneous or induced)
Treatment of Immune Hydrops
 In utero
 identification of at risk infants via blood typing
by amniocentesis, (Chorionic Villi Sampling)
CVS, or fetal blood sampling
 fetal transfusions via umbilical cord
 early delivery
 Live born infant
 monitoring of hemoglobin and bilirubin
 exchange transfusions
Pathogenesis of Immune Hydrops
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
PhenylKetonUria (PKU)
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
• Ethnic distribution
– common in persons of Scandinavian descent
– uncommon in persons of African-American and
Jewish descent
• Autosomal recessive
• Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency leads to
hyperphenylalaninemia, brain damage, and
mental retardation
• Phenylananine metabolites are excreted in the
• Treatment is phenylalanine restriction
• Variant forms exist
• Autosomal recessive
• Lactose → glucose + galactose
• Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT)
– GALT is involved in the first step in the transformation of
galactose to glucose
– absence of GALT activity → galactosemia
• Symptoms appear with milk ingestion
– liver (fatty change and fibrosis), lens of eye (cataracts),
and brain damage involved (mechanism unknown)
• Diagnosis suggested by reducing sugar in urine
and confirmed by GALT assay in tissue
• Treatment is removal of galactose from diet for at
least the two first years of life
Cystic Fibrosis
 Normal Gene
 Mutational Spectra
 Genetic/Environmental Modifiers
 Morphology
 Clinical Course
Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis)
 Autosomal recessive
 Most common lethal genetic disease
affecting Caucasians (1 in 3,200 live births in
the USA)
 2-4% of population are carriers
 Uncommon in Asians and African-Americans
 Widespread disorder in epithelial chloride
transport CFTR affecting fluid secretion in
exocrine glands, (SWEAT)
 epithelial lining of the respiratory,
gastrointestinal, and reproductive tracts
 Abnormally viscid mucus secretions
Cellular Metabolism Of The Cystic Fibrosis
Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR)
Harrison’s Internal Med, 16th Ed
CFTR Gene: Normal
 Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance
Regulator (CFTR)
 CTFR → epithelial chloride channel protein
 agonist induced regulation of the chloride channel
 interacts with epithelial sodium channels (ENaC)
 Sweat gland
 CTFR activation increases luminal Cl− resorption
 ENaC increases Na+ resorption
 sweat is hypotonic
 Respiratory and Intestinal epithelium
 CTFR activation increases active luminal secretion of
 ENaC is inhibited
CFTR Gene: Cystic Fibrosis
 Sweat gland
 CTFR absence decreases luminal Cl− resorption
 ENaC decreases Na+ resorption
 sweat is hypertonic
 Respiratory and Intestinal epithelium
 CTFR absence decreases active luminal secretion of
 lack of inhibition of ENaC is opens sodium channel with
active resorption of luminal sodium
 secretions are decreased but isotonic
Chloride Channel Defect and Effects
CFTR Gene: Mutational Spectra
 More than 800 mutations are known
 These are grouped into six classes
 mild to severe
 Phenotype is correlated with the
combination of these alleles
 correlation is best for pancreatic disease
 genotype-phenotype correlations are less
consistent with pulmonary disease
 Other genes and environment further
modify expression of CFTR
Clinical Manifestations Of Mutations In The Cystic
Fibrosis Gene
Organ Pathology
 Plugging of ducts with viscous mucus and loss of
ciliary function of respiratory mucosa
 Pancreas
 atrophy of exocrine pancreas with fibrosis
 islets are not affected
 Liver
 plugging of bile canaliculi with portal inflamation
 biliary cirrhosis may develop
 Genitalia
 Absence of vas deferens and azoospermia
 Sweat glands
 normal histology
Lung Pathology in CF
• More than 95% of CF patients die of
complications resulting from lung infection
• Viscous bronchial mucus with obstruction
and secondary infection
– S. aureus
– Pseudomonas
– Hemophilus
• Bronchiectasis
– dilatation of bronchial lumina
– scarring of bronchial wall
Cystic Fibrosis
Clinical Manifestations
CF Diagnosis
 Clinical criteria
 sinopulmonary
 gastrointestinal
 pancreatic
 intestinal
 salt loss
 male genital tract
 Sweat chloride analysis
 Nasal transepithelial potential difference
 DNA Analysis
 gene sequencing
Clinical Course and Treatment
 Highly variable – median life expectance is
30 years
 7% of patients in the United States are
diagnosed as adults
 Clearing of pulmonary secretions and
treatment of pulmonary infection
 Transplantation
 lung
 liver-pancreas
Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
 NIH Definition
 sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age
which remains unexplained after a thorough
case investigation, including performance of a
complete autopsy, examination of the death
scene, and review of the clinical history
 “Crib” death
 another name based on the fact that most die
in their sleep
Epidemology of SIDS
 *Leading cause of death in USA of
infants between 1 month and 1 year of
 90% of deaths occur ≤ 6 months age,
mostly between 2 and 4 months
 In USA 2,600 deaths in 1999 (down from
5,000 in 1990)
Risk Factors for SIDS
• Parental
– Young maternal age (age <20 years)
– Maternal smoking during pregnancy
– Drug abuse in either parent, specifically paternal marijuana and
maternal opiate, cocaine use
– Short intergestational intervals
– Late or no prenatal care
– Low socioeconomic group
– African American and American Indian ethnicity (? socioeconomic
• Infant
– Brain stem abnormalities, associated defective arousal, and
cardiorespiratory control
– Prematurity and/or low birth weight
– Male sex
– Product of a multiple birth
– SIDS in a prior sibling
– Antecedent respiratory infections
• Environment
– Prone sleep position
– Sleeping on a soft surface
– Hyperthermia
– Postnatal passive smoking
Morphology of SIDS
 SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion
 Non-specific autopsy findings
 Multiple petechiae
 Pulmonary congestion ± pulmonary edema
 These may simply be agonal changes as they
are found in non-SIDS deaths also
 Subtle changes in brain stem neurons
 Autopsy typically reveals no clear
cause of death
Pathogenesis of SIDS
 Generally accepted to be multifactorial
 Triple risk model
 Vulnerable infant
 Critical development period in homeostatic
 Exogenous stressors
 Brain stem abnormalities, associated
defective arousal, and cardio-respiratory
Prevention of SIDS
 Maternal factors
 attention to risk factors previously mentioned
 redress problems in medical care for underprivileged
 Environmental
 avoid prone sleeping
 back to sleep program: infant should sleep in supine position
 Avoid sleeping on soft surfaces
 no pillows, comforters, quilts, sheepskins, and stuffed toys
 Sleeping clothing (such as a sleep sack) may be used in
place of blankets.
 Avoid hyperthermia
 no excessive blankets
 set thermostat to appropriate temperature
 avoid space heaters
Diagnosis of SIDS
 SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion
 Complete autopsy
 Examination of the death scene
 Review of the clinical history
 Differential diagnosis
 child abuse
 intentional suffocation
Lymphatic Tumors
Fibrous Tumors
Teratomas (also can be
 Benign tumor of blood vessels
 Are the most common tumor of infancy
 Usually on skin, especially face and scalp
 Regress spontaneously in many cases
Congenital Capillary Hemangioma
At birth At 2 years
After spontaneous regression
 Composed of cells derived from more than
one germ layer, usually all three
 Sacrococcygeal teratomas
 most common childhood teratoma
 frequency 1:20,000 to 1:40,000 live births
 4 times more common in boys than girls
 Aproximately 12% are malignant
 often composed of immature tissue
 occur in older children
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Neuroblastic Tumors
Wilms Tumor
Incidence and Types
TABLE 10-9 -- Common Malignant Neoplasms of Infancy and Childhood
0 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 14 Years
Leukemia Leukemia
Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma
Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma
Wilms tumor
Hepatoblastoma Hepatocarcinoma Hepatocarcinoma
Soft tissue sarcoma (especially
Soft tissue sarcoma Soft tissue sarcoma
Central nervous system tumors Central nervous system
Ewing sarcoma
Lymphoma Osteogenic sarcoma
Thyroid carcinoma
Hodgkin disease
Small Round Blue Cell Tumors
 Frequent in pediatric tumors
 Differential diagnosis
 Lymphoma
 Neuroblastoma
 Wilms tumor
 Rhabdomyosarcoma
 Ewings tumor
 Diagnostic procedures
 immunoperoxidase stains
 electron microscopy
 chromosomal analysis and molecular markers
 Second most common malignancy of
childhood (650 cases / year in USA)
 Neural crest origin
 adrenal gland, medulla, like a pheo – 40 %
 sympathetic ganglia – 60%
 In contrast to retinoblastoma, most are
sporadic but familiar forms do occur
 Median age at diagnosis is 22 months
Neuorblastoma Morphology
 Small round blue cell tumor
 neuorpil formation
 rosette formation
 immunochemistry – neuron specific enolase
 EM – secretory granules (catecholamine)
 Usual features of anaplasia
 high mitotic rate is unfavorable
 evidence of Schwann cell or ganglion
differentiation favorable
 Other prognostic predictors are used by
pathologists and oncologists
*Neuropil **Homer-Wright Rosettes
Clinical Course and Prognosis
 Hematogenous and lymphatic metastases to liver,
lungs and bone
 90% produce catecholamines, but hypertension is
 Age and stage are most important prognostically
 < 1 year age: good prognosis regardless of stage
 Amplification of N-myc oncogene
 present in 25-30% of cases and is unfavorable
 up to 300 copies on N-myc has been observed
 Risk Stratification
 low risk: 90% cure rate
 high risk 20% cure rate
Wilms Tumor
 Most common primary renal tumor of
 Incidence 10 per million children < 15 years
 Usually diagnosed between age 2-5
 5 – 10 % are multi-focal, i.e., bilateral
 synchronous
 metachronous
Clinical Features
 Most children present with a large
abdominal mass
 Treatment
 nephrectomy and combination chemotherapy
two year survival up to
90% even with spread
beyond the kidney
Pathogenesis of Wilms Tumor
 10% of Wilms tumors arise in one of three
congenital malformation syndromes with
distinct chromosomal loci
 Familial disposition for Wilms is rare, and most
of these patients have de novo mutations
 Nephrogenic rests of adjacent parenchyma
 present in 40% of unilateral tumors, 100% of
bilateral tumors
 if found in one kidney, these rests predict an
increased risk for tumor in the contralateral
Pathology of Wilms Tumor
 Gross
 well circumscribed fleshy tan tumor
 areas of hemorrhage and necrosis
 Microscopic: triphasic appearance
 Blastema: small blue cells
 Epithelial elements: tubules & glomeruli
 Stromal elements
 Anaplasia
 correlates with p53 mutation and poor
prognosis and resistance to chemotherapy
Wilms Tumor

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  • 2. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood  Congenital Anomalies  Birth Weight and Gestational Age  Birth Injuries  Perinatal Infections  Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)  Necrotizing Enterocolitis  Intraventricular Hemorrhage  Hydrops  Inborn Metabolic/Genetic Errors  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)  Tumors
  • 3. INFANT MORTALITY  USA 1970: 20  USA 2000: 7  USA WHITE: X  USA BLACK: 2X  SWEDEN 3  INDIA 82
  • 4. Major Time Spans  Neonatal period first four weeks of life  Infancy the first year of life  Age 1 – 4 years (preschool)  Age 5 – 14 years (school age)
  • 6. Cause of Death Related with Age Causes1 Rate 2 Under 1 Year: All Causes 727.4 1–4 Years: All Causes 32.6 5–14 Years: All Causes 18.5 15–24 Years: All Causes 80.7 1Rates are expressed per 100,000 population 2Excludes congenital heart disease
  • 8. • Malformations – primary errors of morphogenesis, usually multifactorial – e.g. congenital heart defect • Disruptions – secondary disruptions of previously normal organ or body region – e.g. amniotic bands • Deformations – extrinsic disturbance of development by biomechanical forces – e.g. uterine constraint • Sequence – a pattern of cascade anomalies explained by a single localized initiating event with secondary defects in other organs – e.g. Oligohydramnios (Or Potter) Sequence • Syndrome – a constellation of developmental abnormalities believed to be pathologically related – e.g Turner syndrome
  • 10. Disruption by an amniotic band
  • 11. Oligohydramnios (Or Potter) Sequence • Oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic fluid) – Renal agenesis – Amniotic leak • Fetal Compression – flattened facies – club foot (talipes equinovarus) • Pulmonary hypoplasia – fetal respiratory motions important for lung development • Breech Presentation
  • 14. Organ Specific Anomalies • Agenesis: complete absence of an organ • Atresia: absence of an opening • Hypoplasia: incomplete development or under- development of an organ with decreased numbers of cells • Hyperplasia: overdevelopment of an organ associated with increased numbers of cells • Hypertrophy: increase in size with no change in number of cells • Dysplasia: in the context of malformations (versus neoplasia) describes an abnormal organization of cells
  • 15. Implantation and the Survival of Early Pregnancy  Only 50-60% of all conceptions advance beyond 20 weeks  Implantation occurs at day 6-7  75% of loses are implantation failures and are not recognized  Pregnancy loss after implantation is 25-40% NEJM 2001; 345:1400-1408
  • 16. Approximate Frequency of the More Common Congenital “Malformations” in the United States Malformation Frequency per 10,000 Total Births Clubfoot without central nervous system anomalies 25.7 Patent ductus arteriosus 16.9 Ventricular septal defect 10.9 Cleft lip with or without cleft palate 9.1 Spina bifida without anencephalus 5.5 Congenital hydrocephalus without anencephalus 4.8 Anencephalus 3.9 Reduction deformity (musculoskeletal) 3.5 Rectal and intestinal atresia 3.4 Adapted from James LM: Maps of birth defects occurrence in the U.S., birth defects monitoring program (BDMP)/CPHA, 1970–1987. Teratology 48:551, 1993.
  • 18. CAUSES OF ANOMALIES Genetic – karyotypic aberrations – single gene mutations • Environmental – infection – maternal disease – drugs and chemicals – irradiation • Multifactorial •Unknown
  • 19. Causes of Congenital Anomalies in Humans Cause Frequency (%) Genetic Chromosomal aberrations 10–15 Mendelian inheritance 2–10 Environmental Maternal/placental infections 2–3 Maternal disease states 6–8 Drugs and chemicals 1 Irradiations 1 Multifactorial (Multiple Genes ? Environment) 20–25 Unknown 40–60 Adapted from Stevenson RE, et al (eds): Human Malformations and Related Anomalies. New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 115.
  • 20. Embryonic Development  Embryonic period  weeks 1- 8 of pregnancy  organogenesis occurs in this period  Fetal period  weeks 9 to 38  marked by further growth and maturation
  • 21. Critical Periods Of Development
  • 22. Genetic Causes  Karyotypic abnormalities  80-90% of fetuses with aneuploidy die in utero  trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) most common karyotypic abnormality (21,18,13)  sex chromosome abnormalities next most common (Turner and Klinefelter)  autosomal chromosomal deletion usually lethal  karyotyping frequently done with aborted fetuses with repeated abortions  Single gene mutations  covered in separate chapters
  • 23. Maternal Viral Infection • Rubella (German measles) 1st TRIMESTER – at risk period first 16 weeks gestation – defects in lens (cataracts), heart, and CNS (deafness and mental retardation) – rubella immune status important part of prenatal workup • Cytomegalovirus 2nd TRIMESTER – most common fetal infection – highest at risk period is second trimester – central nervous system infection predominates
  • 24. Drugs and Chemicals  Drugs  13 cis-retinoic acid (acne agent)  warfarin  angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)  anticonvulsants  oral diabetic agents  thalidomide  Alcohol  Tobacco
  • 25. Teratogen Actions  • Proper cell migration to predetermined locations that influence the development of other structures  • Cell proliferation, which determines the size and form of embryonic organs  • Cellular interactions among tissues derived from different structures (e.g., ectoderm, mesoderm), which affect the differentiation of one or both of these tissues  • Cell-matrix associations, which affect growth and differentiation  • Programmed cell death (apoptosis), which, as we have seen, allows orderly organization of tissues and organs during embryogenesis  • Hormonal influences and mechanical forces, which affect morphogenesis at many levels
  • 26. Diabetes Mellitus  Fetal Macrosomy (>10 pounds)  maternal hyperglycemia increases insulin secretion by fetal pancreas, insulin acts with growth hormone effects  Diabetic Embryopathy  most crucial period is immediately post fertilization  malformations increased 4-10 fold with uncontrolled diabetes, involving heart and CNS  Oral agents not approved in pregnancy  Diabetics attempting to conceive should be placed on insulin
  • 27. Birth Weight and Gestational Age  Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)  between 10 and 90th percentile for gestational age  Small for gestational age (SGA) , <10%  Large for gestational age (LGA) , >90%  Preterm  born before 37 weeks (<2500 grams)  Post-Term  delivered after 42 weeks
  • 28. Prematurity  Defined as gestational age < 37 weeks  Second most common cause of neonatal mortality (after congenital anomalies)  Risk factors for prematurity  Preterm Premature Rupture Of fetal Membranes (PROM)  Intrauterine infection  Uterine, cervical, and placental abnormalities  Multiple gestation
  • 29. Fetal Growth Restriction  At least 1/3 of infants born at term are < 2.5kg  Undergrown rather than immature  Commonly underlies SGA (small for gestational age)  Prenatal diagnosis: ultrasound measurements  Classification  Fetal  Placental Maternal
  • 30. Fetal FGR  Chromosomal abnormalities  17% of FGR overall  up to 66% of fetuses with ultrasound malformations  Fetal Infection  Infection: TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes)  Characterized by symmetric growth restriction – head and trunk proportionally involved
  • 31. Placental FGR  Vascular  umbilical cord anomalies (single artery, constrictions, etc)  thrombosis and infarction  multiple gestation  Confined placental mosaicism  mutation in trophoblast  trisomy is common  Placental FGR tends to cause asymmetric growth with relative sparing of the head
  • 32. Maternal FGR  Most common cause of FGR by far  Vascular diseases  preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy)  hypertension  Toxins  ethanol  narcotics and cocaine  heavy smoking
  • 33. Organ Immaturity  Lungs  alveoli differentiate in 7th month  surfactant deficiency  Kidneys  glomerular differentiation is incomplete  Brain  impaired homeostasis of temperature  vasomotor control unstable  Liver  inability to conjugate and excrete bilirubin
  • 34. Evaluation Of The Newborn Infant Sign 0 1 2 Heart rate Absent Below 100 Over 100 Respiratory effort Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying Muscle tone Limp Some flexion of extremities Active motion Response to catheter in nostril (tested after oropharynx is clear) No response Grimace Cough or sneeze Color Blue, pale Body pink, extremities blue Completely pink Data from Apgar V: A proposal for a new method of evaluation of the newborn infant. Anesth Analg 32:260, 1953. APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration)
  • 35. Apgar Score and 28 Day Mortality  Score may be evaluated at 1 and 5 minutes  5 minute scores  0-1, 50% mortality  4, 20% mortality  ≥ 7, nearly 0% mortality
  • 36. Perinatal Infection • Transcervical (ascending) – inhalation of infected amniotic fluid • pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis • commonly occurs with PROM – passage through infected birth canal • herpes virus– caesarian section for active herpes • Transplacental (hematogenous) – mostly viral and parasitic • HIV—at delivery with maternal to fetal transfusion • TORCH-Toxo, Other, Rubella, Cmv, Herpes • parvovirus B19 (Fifth), erythema infectiosum – bacterial • Listeria monocytogenes
  • 38. Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) • 60,000 cases / year in USA with 5000 deaths • Incidence is inversely proportional to gestational age • The cause is lung immaturity with decreased alveolar surfactant – surfactant decreases surface tension – first breath is the hardest since lungs must be expanded – without surfactant, lungs collapse with each breath
  • 39. RDS Risk Factors 1) Prematurity  by far the greatest risk factor  affected infants are nearly always premature  2) Maternal diabetes mellitus  insulin suppresses surfactant secretion  3) Cesarean delivery  normal delivery process stimulates surfactant secretion
  • 40. RDS Pathology Gross  solid and airless (no crepitance)  sink in water  appearance is similar to liver tissue* Microscopic  atelectasis and dilation of alveoli  hyaline membranes composed of fibrin and cell debris line alveoli (HMD former name)  minimal inflammation
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 44. RDS Prevention and Treatment  Delay labor until fetal lung is mature  amniotic fluid phospholipid levels are useful in assessing fetal lung maturity  Induce fetal lung maturation with antenatal corticosteriods  Postnatal surfactant replacement therapy with oxygen and ventilator support
  • 45. Treatment Complications  Oxygen toxicity  oxygen derived free radicals damage tissue  Retrolental fibroplasia  hypoxia causes ↑ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and angiogenesis  Oxygen Rx suppresses VEGF and causes endothelial apoptosis  Bronchopulmonary “dysplasia”  oxygen suppresses lung septation at the saccular stage  mechanical ventilation  epithelial hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, and peribronchial and interstitial fibrosis were seen with old regimens of ventilator usage and no surfactant use, but are now uncommon  lung septation is still impaired
  • 46. Necrotizing Enterocolitis  Incidence is directly proportional to prematurity, like RDS  approaches 10% with severe prematurity  2000 cases yearly in USA  Pathogenesis  not fully understood  intestinal ischemia  inflammatory mediators  breakdown of mucosal barrier
  • 48. Hydrops Fetalis  Chromosomal abnormalities  Turner syndrome with cystic hygromas  other  Cardiovascular with heart failure  anemia with high output failure  immune hemolytic anemia  hereditary hemolytic anemia (α-thalassemia)  parvovirus B19 infection  twin to twin in utero transfusion  congenital heart defects
  • 50. Immune Hydrops  Fetus inherits red cell antigens from the father that are foreign to the mother  Mother forms IgG antibodies which cross the placenta and destroy fetal RBCs  Fetus develops severe anemia with CHF and compensatory ↑ hematopoiesis (frequently extramedullary)  Most cases involve Rh D antigen  mother is Rh Neg and fetus is Rh Pos  ABO and other antigens involved less often
  • 51. Pathogenesis of Sensitization  Fetal RBCs gain access to maternal circulation largely at delivery or upon abortion  Since IgM antibodies are involved in primary response and prior sensitization is necessary, the first pregnancy is not usually affected  Maternal sensitization can be prevented in most cases with Rh immune globulin (Rhogam) given at time of delivery or abortion (spontaneous or induced)
  • 52. Treatment of Immune Hydrops  In utero  identification of at risk infants via blood typing by amniocentesis, (Chorionic Villi Sampling) CVS, or fetal blood sampling  fetal transfusions via umbilical cord  early delivery  Live born infant  monitoring of hemoglobin and bilirubin  exchange transfusions
  • 53.
  • 56. Inborn Errors of Metabolism (Genetic) PhenylKetonUria (PKU) Galactosemia Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (Mucoviscidosis)
  • 57. PHENYLKETONURIA (PKU) • Ethnic distribution – common in persons of Scandinavian descent – uncommon in persons of African-American and Jewish descent • Autosomal recessive • Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency leads to hyperphenylalaninemia, brain damage, and mental retardation • Phenylananine metabolites are excreted in the urine • Treatment is phenylalanine restriction • Variant forms exist
  • 58. GALACTOSEMIA • Autosomal recessive • Lactose → glucose + galactose • Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) – GALT is involved in the first step in the transformation of galactose to glucose – absence of GALT activity → galactosemia • Symptoms appear with milk ingestion – liver (fatty change and fibrosis), lens of eye (cataracts), and brain damage involved (mechanism unknown) • Diagnosis suggested by reducing sugar in urine and confirmed by GALT assay in tissue • Treatment is removal of galactose from diet for at least the two first years of life
  • 59. Cystic Fibrosis  Normal Gene  Mutational Spectra  Genetic/Environmental Modifiers  Morphology  Clinical Course
  • 60. Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis)  Autosomal recessive  Most common lethal genetic disease affecting Caucasians (1 in 3,200 live births in the USA)  2-4% of population are carriers  Uncommon in Asians and African-Americans  Widespread disorder in epithelial chloride transport CFTR affecting fluid secretion in exocrine glands, (SWEAT)  epithelial lining of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and reproductive tracts  Abnormally viscid mucus secretions
  • 61. Cellular Metabolism Of The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) Harrison’s Internal Med, 16th Ed
  • 62. CFTR Gene: Normal  Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR)  CTFR → epithelial chloride channel protein  agonist induced regulation of the chloride channel  interacts with epithelial sodium channels (ENaC)  Sweat gland  CTFR activation increases luminal Cl− resorption  ENaC increases Na+ resorption  sweat is hypotonic  Respiratory and Intestinal epithelium  CTFR activation increases active luminal secretion of chloride  ENaC is inhibited
  • 63. CFTR Gene: Cystic Fibrosis  Sweat gland  CTFR absence decreases luminal Cl− resorption  ENaC decreases Na+ resorption  sweat is hypertonic  Respiratory and Intestinal epithelium  CTFR absence decreases active luminal secretion of chloride  lack of inhibition of ENaC is opens sodium channel with active resorption of luminal sodium  secretions are decreased but isotonic
  • 64. Chloride Channel Defect and Effects
  • 65. CFTR Gene: Mutational Spectra  More than 800 mutations are known  These are grouped into six classes  mild to severe  Phenotype is correlated with the combination of these alleles  correlation is best for pancreatic disease  genotype-phenotype correlations are less consistent with pulmonary disease  Other genes and environment further modify expression of CFTR
  • 66. Clinical Manifestations Of Mutations In The Cystic Fibrosis Gene
  • 67. Organ Pathology  Plugging of ducts with viscous mucus and loss of ciliary function of respiratory mucosa  Pancreas  atrophy of exocrine pancreas with fibrosis  islets are not affected  Liver  plugging of bile canaliculi with portal inflamation  biliary cirrhosis may develop  Genitalia  Absence of vas deferens and azoospermia  Sweat glands  normal histology
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. Lung Pathology in CF • More than 95% of CF patients die of complications resulting from lung infection • Viscous bronchial mucus with obstruction and secondary infection – S. aureus – Pseudomonas – Hemophilus • Bronchiectasis – dilatation of bronchial lumina – scarring of bronchial wall
  • 71.
  • 73. CF Diagnosis  Clinical criteria  sinopulmonary  gastrointestinal  pancreatic  intestinal  salt loss  male genital tract  Sweat chloride analysis  Nasal transepithelial potential difference  DNA Analysis  gene sequencing
  • 74. Clinical Course and Treatment  Highly variable – median life expectance is 30 years  7% of patients in the United States are diagnosed as adults  Clearing of pulmonary secretions and treatment of pulmonary infection  Transplantation  lung  liver-pancreas
  • 75. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Epidemiology Morphology Pathogenesis
  • 76. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome  NIH Definition  sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history  “Crib” death  another name based on the fact that most die in their sleep
  • 77. Epidemology of SIDS  *Leading cause of death in USA of infants between 1 month and 1 year of age  90% of deaths occur ≤ 6 months age, mostly between 2 and 4 months  In USA 2,600 deaths in 1999 (down from 5,000 in 1990)
  • 78. Risk Factors for SIDS • Parental – Young maternal age (age <20 years) – Maternal smoking during pregnancy – Drug abuse in either parent, specifically paternal marijuana and maternal opiate, cocaine use – Short intergestational intervals – Late or no prenatal care – Low socioeconomic group – African American and American Indian ethnicity (? socioeconomic factors) • Infant – Brain stem abnormalities, associated defective arousal, and cardiorespiratory control – Prematurity and/or low birth weight – Male sex – Product of a multiple birth – SIDS in a prior sibling – Antecedent respiratory infections • Environment – Prone sleep position – Sleeping on a soft surface – Hyperthermia – Postnatal passive smoking
  • 79. Morphology of SIDS  SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion  Non-specific autopsy findings  Multiple petechiae  Pulmonary congestion ± pulmonary edema  These may simply be agonal changes as they are found in non-SIDS deaths also  Subtle changes in brain stem neurons  Autopsy typically reveals no clear cause of death
  • 80. Pathogenesis of SIDS  Generally accepted to be multifactorial  Triple risk model  Vulnerable infant  Critical development period in homeostatic control  Exogenous stressors  Brain stem abnormalities, associated defective arousal, and cardio-respiratory control
  • 81. Prevention of SIDS  Maternal factors  attention to risk factors previously mentioned  redress problems in medical care for underprivileged  Environmental  avoid prone sleeping  back to sleep program: infant should sleep in supine position  Avoid sleeping on soft surfaces  no pillows, comforters, quilts, sheepskins, and stuffed toys  Sleeping clothing (such as a sleep sack) may be used in place of blankets.  Avoid hyperthermia  no excessive blankets  set thermostat to appropriate temperature  avoid space heaters
  • 82. Diagnosis of SIDS  SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion  Complete autopsy  Examination of the death scene  Review of the clinical history  Differential diagnosis  child abuse  intentional suffocation
  • 85. Hemangioma  Benign tumor of blood vessels  Are the most common tumor of infancy  Usually on skin, especially face and scalp  Regress spontaneously in many cases
  • 86. Congenital Capillary Hemangioma At birth At 2 years After spontaneous regression
  • 87. Teratomas  Composed of cells derived from more than one germ layer, usually all three  Sacrococcygeal teratomas  most common childhood teratoma  frequency 1:20,000 to 1:40,000 live births  4 times more common in boys than girls  Aproximately 12% are malignant  often composed of immature tissue  occur in older children
  • 90. TABLE 10-9 -- Common Malignant Neoplasms of Infancy and Childhood 0 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 14 Years Leukemia Leukemia Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma Wilms tumor Hepatoblastoma Hepatocarcinoma Hepatocarcinoma Soft tissue sarcoma (especially rhabdomyosarcoma) Soft tissue sarcoma Soft tissue sarcoma Teratomas Central nervous system tumors Central nervous system tumors Ewing sarcoma Lymphoma Osteogenic sarcoma Thyroid carcinoma Hodgkin disease
  • 91. Small Round Blue Cell Tumors  Frequent in pediatric tumors  Differential diagnosis  Lymphoma  Neuroblastoma  Wilms tumor  Rhabdomyosarcoma  Ewings tumor  Diagnostic procedures  immunoperoxidase stains  electron microscopy  chromosomal analysis and molecular markers
  • 92. Neuroblastomas  Second most common malignancy of childhood (650 cases / year in USA)  Neural crest origin  adrenal gland, medulla, like a pheo – 40 %  sympathetic ganglia – 60%  In contrast to retinoblastoma, most are sporadic but familiar forms do occur  Median age at diagnosis is 22 months
  • 93. Neuorblastoma Morphology  Small round blue cell tumor  neuorpil formation  rosette formation  immunochemistry – neuron specific enolase  EM – secretory granules (catecholamine)  Usual features of anaplasia  high mitotic rate is unfavorable  evidence of Schwann cell or ganglion differentiation favorable  Other prognostic predictors are used by pathologists and oncologists
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  • 97. Clinical Course and Prognosis  Hematogenous and lymphatic metastases to liver, lungs and bone  90% produce catecholamines, but hypertension is uncommon  Age and stage are most important prognostically  < 1 year age: good prognosis regardless of stage  Amplification of N-myc oncogene  present in 25-30% of cases and is unfavorable  up to 300 copies on N-myc has been observed  Risk Stratification  low risk: 90% cure rate  high risk 20% cure rate
  • 98. Wilms Tumor  Most common primary renal tumor of childhood  Incidence 10 per million children < 15 years  Usually diagnosed between age 2-5  5 – 10 % are multi-focal, i.e., bilateral  synchronous  metachronous
  • 99. Clinical Features  Most children present with a large abdominal mass  Treatment  nephrectomy and combination chemotherapy two year survival up to 90% even with spread beyond the kidney
  • 100. Pathogenesis of Wilms Tumor  10% of Wilms tumors arise in one of three congenital malformation syndromes with distinct chromosomal loci  Familial disposition for Wilms is rare, and most of these patients have de novo mutations  Nephrogenic rests of adjacent parenchyma  present in 40% of unilateral tumors, 100% of bilateral tumors  if found in one kidney, these rests predict an increased risk for tumor in the contralateral kidney
  • 101. Pathology of Wilms Tumor  Gross  well circumscribed fleshy tan tumor  areas of hemorrhage and necrosis  Microscopic: triphasic appearance  Blastema: small blue cells  Epithelial elements: tubules & glomeruli  Stromal elements  Anaplasia  correlates with p53 mutation and poor prognosis and resistance to chemotherapy