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Cause And Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation
Shubhanker Gaur
Com 1101(09)
Essay 4
Cause and Effect Essay
Sleep Deprivation
Cause and effect Essay Sleep deprivation
Most people have at least stayed awake for the entire night once during their lifetime. This behavior
is common amongst individuals enrolled in High School or pursuing University degree. One might
wonder how lack of sleep for the night impact him/her. However, it has being proven that being
awake for 24 hours has unpleasant effects on health.So why is sleep so important? How does lack of
sleep impact one's mood so significantly, causing people to be 'grumpy', isn 't sleep just people lying
down in their bed and closing their eyes.sleep is a complex process, it is a natural process where
body relaxes and repairs itself. Sleep takes places in 3 stages, 1–2 stage ,2–3 stage and REM (Rapid
Eye Movement ) stage. Our body is like a battery, sleeping helps replenishes that energy, if one does
not store enough energy for the next day the body will struggle to carry out simple tasks which can
Aultimately lead to exhaustion. Sleep is the time when the human body gets a chance to rest.
Personally suffering from sleep deprivation it has caused a lot of problems in my own life such as
flying safely, concentrating on school work and working efficiently.
Being a pilot means having flights 3 or even 4 times a week, which can make it stressful. Being at
the flightline for 4 or 5 hours isnt as simple as it may sound. For instance planning a flight can take
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The Causes of Sleep Deprivation
In Western cultures, the biggest cause of sleep deprivation is stress mostly as a result of being sick,
overworking and shift working, drugs, or examinations (Pinel, 2014). Sleep loss can lead to
impairment in decision–making. Two studies have been conducted that look at twenty–four hours of
sleep deprivation and focus on the effect it has on making complex decisions. Essentially, what is
the effect of total sleep deprivation in decision–making? In 2009, David Schyner and his colleagues
had the opportunity to subject fifteen participants to a total of twenty–four hours of sleep
deprivation. They set up their experiment by asking participants to make a decision between two
choices and then again between three choices after a day of sleep loss. Researchers found that
participants had a decreased ability to make integrative decisions between two choices, and the three
choice tasks were significantly harder to make more so than the two choice task. MRIs of the
participants showed an overall decrease in five regions of the brain in of task–specific activity
versus a full night's rest. Affected brain areas were the superior parietal lobe, which functions in
spatial orientation; the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus, which function in self–
awareness in coordination with senses and processing higher information, respectively; the orbital
frontal, the cognitive aspect of processing decision–making; and the inferior and medial polar
frontal, which operates in
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Sleep Deprivation And Sleep Deficiency
Kevin Touch
Ms. Acosta–Mata
English 4 AP
6 Oct. 2015
Sleep Deprivation: A Bane to Men, Women and Children alike It was 12:30 am in the morning and
Israel Joubert and his family was driving home after a family reunion. Joubert had hoped to get to
his workplace on time at 8 am in the town of Fort Worth. However in the midst of his driving,
Joubert fell asleep at the wheel resulting in a crash of the family's Chevy Suburban into the rear of a
parked 18–wheeler. Although one of his sons and he had survived, his wife and five kids were
killed. (Fryer) In the article titled "Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Deficiency", Sleep Deprivation is
defined as a "condition that occurs if you don't get enough sleep". The fact of the matter is, sleep
deprivation manipulates millions of people who are ignorant about the adverse effects of sleep
deprivations to do devastating harm to not only themselves but others that they might deeply love.
Due to the adverse physiological effects to humans, sleep deprivation will continue to undermine
human society by taking advantage of sleep–deprived humans. Therefore, it is essential to inform
the public about measures to prevent and treat sleep deprivation. In order to understand the effects of
sleep deprivation, one must first understand how the body makes does one go to sleep. First off, the
human body is built with an internal body clock which controls when one is awake and when one's
body is ready to go for sleep. Known as the circadian rhythm, this
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Sleep Debt and Sleep Deprivation Essay
Who Needs Sleep?
People will die from from sleep deprivation before people die from food deprivation. It takes 2
weeks to starve, but only 10 days without sleep can kill people. Without sleep many of the people
worldwide their daily functions will be taken away, such as remembering, retaining information and
lastly you will be more prone to problem skin like acne. More than 78% of college and high school
students pull all nighters at some point in their life in school. When pullin all nighters or not
sleeping as long as students should people start to have sleep debt. Sleep debt is when people have
exhausted themselves during the week and when the weekend comings you sleep as long as you can
to try to make up for the loss of sleep you ... Show more content on ...
College students are becoming overweight, more stressed , and have a lower GPA. These effect are a
result from lack of sleep. Many college students attend parties that are provided with alcohol for
underage drinkers. " The alcohol that students are consuming can interfere with their sleeping
schedule" (University of Health). Lack of sleep can have many triggers like they food people eat
,the drinks people consume ,and the activities people participate in. People are always in a rush,
when on the go most people will reach for a bag of chips or a box of candy when they are hungry.
These quick snacks are loaded with sugars and fats that can keep you up at night. Many of the
healthy choices people can make will make huge change in their sleep schedules in a positive way.
When students stay up multiples nights in a row they will be more susceptible to diseases. Many
diseases can occur from lack of sleep, the most common disease would be migraines. "85% of the
people that suffer from severe migraines don't get the recommended hours of sleep"(godman).
Students who have migraines won't go to school as often as a student without migraines would.
"Also because of lack of sleep because can have an early onset of various diseases" (Godman). The
diseases that occur the most in people that have a lack of sleep are strokes, heart disease, migraines,
depression, and
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Essay On Sleep Deprivation
What do the effects of sleep deprivation have on people? When a person does not get enough sleep,
he or she is depriving his or her body of something that it needs. A delightful sleep is one of the
most satisfying human experiences with a role to play in supporting a good mood and cognitive
acuity as well as in promoting physiologic balance and resilience (Chittora, Jain and Suhalka).
People think because they get an insufficient number of hours of sleep, they will not have an
emotional impact by it. Sleep is a required need for peoples' day to day life to be able to perform and
stay healthy emotionally and physically. The effects of sleep deprivation are an issue because it
affects mood, performance, and health. There have been reports which have said sleep deprivation
not only increases sleepiness but it also accelerates deterioration of mood (Kaida and Niki). Sleep
and mood are closely connected; poor or inadequate sleep can be the source of irritability and
anxiety, while healthy sleep can enhance well–being (Sleep and Mood). Therefore, sleep is crucial to
have a pleasant mood and outlook on life on a daily basis. The typical adult requires about seven to
eight hours of sleep for each night to have good well–being. University of Pennsylvania researchers
found that subjects who were restricted to only four and a half hours of sleep a night for one week
reported feeling more stressed, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted (Sleep and Mood). Furthermore,
college students who
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The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Empathy
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Empathy
Olivia N. Vannelli California State University Channel Islands
Behavioral Neuroscience
Dr. Rachel Penton October 21, 2016
Abstract Cognitive and emotional empathy are an important aspect in most facets of daily life. The
ability to empathize with others can serve as a beneficial quality when living in today's society. Prior
studies have shown that sleep has an evident impact on one's ability to empathize with others
emotions. Sleep has been proven as a necessity and influences how the brain functions. Rises in
technology have allowed for deeper research into the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain. This
paper discusses the exploration of sleep deprivation and its negative correlation with an individual's
ability to use emotional and cognitive empathy. It is hypothesized that over the span of 48 hours a
participants ability to experience cognitive and emotional empathy will decrease.
Introduction Empathy or the capability to comprehend and share the feelings and emotions of
another is seen as a positive characteristic for an individual to hold (Guadagni, Burles, Ferrara &
Iaria, 2014). Empathy is said to present itself as two types; cognitive and emotional (Blanke, Rauers,
Riediger, 2016). Cognitive empathy refers to a person 's ability to recognize another 's emotions
while emotional empathy refers to an individual's ability to resonate with those emotions (Blanke,
Rauers, Riediger, 2016). Sleep
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Essay On Sleep Deprivation
As one FPMS student tries to go to sleep on one December night he tosses and turns for what seems
like eternity. He is full of trepidation and panic like he is sinking into the depths of his worst fears as
he rapidly thinks of horrendous thoughts. All of a sudden the pop quiz that is tomorrow causes him
to stay up even longer. The clock on his bedside table flickers 1:00 am by the time he is asleep, he
needs to wake up at 6:00 am tomorrow for school too. A teen needs 8 hours of sleep, but this middle
schooler only got 5 hours of sleep.
The next morning in first hour the kid had humongous bags under his eyes. He cannot stay focused
in class and has been taking microsleeps which are small episodes of sleep while you are awake.
Lastly, his friends described him as irritated. According to the National Institute of Health, these are
all symptoms of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation means the situation or condition of suffering
from a lack of sleep. When you are sleep deprived, it is like being a zombie from the Walking Dead,
as shown in he Anecdote above. I call this the "zombie effect." This student tells me "When I am
sleep deprived I am in a very bad mood and it affects how I do in my everyday life."
Have you ever had this happen to you? Have you ever stayed up very late or just could not fall
asleep? If you have, you could be suffering from sleep deprivation too. Don't worry, it is a very
common thing, 100% of students and teachers from a survey that was conducted
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation
We need to sleep as much we need to breath and eat. While sleeping your body is busy repairing and
preparing your physical and mental health, getting you ready for another day, in children hormones
that promotes growth are released during sleep.
It's normal to be sleep deprived, in this modern days due to there are much work and less time,one
needs to adjust in other to balance the available time. Although, we know that sleep is very
important, we need sleep to help regenerate certain parts of the body,especially the brain. Also there
are stages of sleeps that are needed for the regeneration of neurons within the cerebral cortex while
other stage is for forming new memories. Failing ... Show more content on ...
– When you are deprived of sleep, your brain can not function normal, it affects your cognitive
abilities and emotional state. If it's continue it can also lower your body defense putting you in a
very serious situation, which might lead to the development of chronic illness. Also some tends to
stick to the consumption of alcohol as a result to help combat sleep deprivation, in other words
exposing themselves to the risk of involved in an accident. Study shows that sleeping less than
5hours a night increase the risk of death from all cause by about 15%.
– Sleep deprivation leaves your brain exhausted, so it can not perform it's duty properly, lack of
sleep interferes with your ability to concentrate and learn new things. If sleep deprivation continues
long enough, you are at increased risk of hallucination. It cause micro sleep ;that is when you are
asleep for only a few seconds or a few minutes but you don't realize it. Micro sleep can lead to
accident when
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Cause And Effect Of Sleep Deprivation
Price 1
Kyle Price
Prof. Bridget McIntrye
English 101
27 Feb 2016
Cause/Effect Essay Sleep deprivation is becoming an increasing problem many Americans deal with
every day. Getting sleep is one of the basic needs. People are finding it harder and harder to get
more of due to the fact that they are busy. With things like jobs, school, sports, family, and other
commitments; people just don't have time to get the sleep they need without not having a life. These
things can affect the body with driving, their jobs, awareness, and their brain will not be completely
with their body. Sleep is one of the important things that makes your mind work and function
properly. Sleep deprivation is a huge part in maintaining your daily functions because it can affect
your ability to comprehend, fatigue and mood, and memory loss. "Scientists estimate that 80% of
Americans are chronically sleep–deprived" (Munson). Most of America is sleep deprived and it is
not going to help citizens for it to continue. Sleep, as we may know it, is the one thing that a human
needs to survive besides food and water. If we don't get the amount needed, then we will see some
kind of decline of activity throughout the day. One of those things are during your shift at work or
during school/class. When you are sitting in class it is very important to be an attentive listener so
nothing is missed. In high school students don't do that much work and have a bunch of free time.
This leads to more opportunity
Price 2
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The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
For the introduction, I will prove that the loss of sleep can danger the body and decrease the rate of a
person's reaction timing. Everybody wishes they could stay in bed all day, but that is not possible.
We have responsibilities we have to do such as work or school. In that case, getting enough rest is
the number one thing everyone should be worried about. From my own experience, I have lost
several hours of sleep due to studying, working, and personal issues that occur. These occurrences
are quite frequent in the lives of others too, which makes it some of the reasons to why most people
cannot get enough rest during the day. Although it seems like sleeping takes too much time, it
soothes the brain from slowly breaking down. Sleep deprivation is dangerous to the body and it can
increase a person's risk of creating an accident. Through the lack of sleep, a person can reduce the
brain's energy and lose all intelligence in the current situation. Motor skills will be mostly affected
along with memory. The brain is what allows the body to move and use logical thinking skills.
Getting the right amount of sleep is important to the functioning of the brain. The brain needs to be
energized for the rest of the day, so a person can perform their tasks. Without a good night rest,
which is up to seven to eight hours of sleep, a person will suffer from being sleep deprived.
Throughout this argument, I will convince several people that getting sleep is part of a person's
health, thought
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Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects
Sleep is a major component of human life, taking up almost a third of an individual's lifetime and
allowing the brain to process an individual's experiences, thoughts, and memories. Proper sleep is
vital to maintaining good health, as it is associated with maintenance of many of the body's
processes such as metabolism and disease prevention. This has become difficult as this modernizing
world is completely changing the lifestyles of societies, and therefore the patterns of human sleep,
due to school work, shift work, or even to the increasing presence of technology in households
(Worthman, 2013). This potentially leads to sleep deprivation, which is associated with dramatic
changes in health if it occurs for long periods of time. Insomnia ... Show more content on ...
(Najafian, 2013). The focus of this experiment was to understand how changes in sleep duration
could affect glucose metabolism in an animal model, based on similar previous human studies. The
goal of the researchers was to study changes in glucose metabolism in rats that occur due to chronic
sleep deprivation over a long period of time. They developed a hypothesis that allowed them to
predict that chronic sleep deprivation for extended periods of time will significantly decrease insulin
sensitivity and impair glucose metabolism. Analyzing the rat's tolerance for glucose and sensitivity
to insulin allowed the researchers to observe changes in metabolism due to sleep deprivation. The
experiment consisted of two groups of twelve female rats, a control group (CON) and the group
undergoing chronic sleep deprivation (CSD). The rats were five months old and weighed between
286 grams and 324 grams. They were split into 6 different cages and were allowed to get
accustomed to the lab conditions for a week, in which the CSD group was placed in their specific
modified multiple platform method (MMPH) water tank for 30 minutes every day. The MMPH
consisted of a water tank that either had circular platforms, for the CSD group, or a grid, for the
CON group. Both the cages and water tank experienced a 12–hour phase shift between light and
dark and were kept at room
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Sleep Deprivation And The Sleep Cycle
Jamie Kleine
Ms. Clarke
CCC Eng. 1020 hour 2
4 April 2016
Jamie Kleine
Ms. Clarke
CCC Eng. 1020 hour 2
22 March 2016
Sleep Deprivation
It is a normal thing for people to feel tired, waking up early every day is a hard thing to do. But,
feeling constantly exhausted day–in and day–out, is not a fun, nor healthy thing, for someone to deal
with. Sleep deprivation is a common struggle that people all over the world struggle with on a daily
basis. Sleep deprivation can be put to a stop, with simply knowing some background information.
Learning about the basic facts of sleep deprivation, insomnia, the sleep cycle, the seven sleeping
positions, napping, and exactly how much sleep the average person should get, may not make one
feel any less tired, but knowing some information on these topics, will certainly help them take
better care of their body, and their sleeping schedule.
According the the website the Gallup "Medical studies have related a lack of sleep to health
problems and cognitive impairment. Therefore, experts typically recommend seven to nine hours
sleep for adults. Currently, 59% of U.S. adults meet that standard, but in 1942, 84% did. That means
four in 10 Americans get less than the recommended amount of nightly sleep, compared with the
11% who did so 70 years ago." One may feel like sleep deprivation effects just their mood, but it can
also affect their mind and their physical performance.
Sleep is actually much more important than one would
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Sleep Loss Or Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Loss Sleep loss, or sleep deprivation, is very common throughout the world. It is very
important to make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night for you to be ready to get up
and go. It has been said that teenagers need an average of nine hours and fifteen minutes of sleep,
according to my psychology teacher. It is very dangerous to go without sleep, hallucinations can and
sometimes will occur. It is always easy to tell when a person is not getting enough sleep. They have
bags under their eyes, major mood swings, and even how they act and/or dress. However, sleep loss
can cause a number of things inside your body such as: loss of melatonin, long term effects on your
brain, and can also shoot your anxiety outrageously. Melatonin is what keeps you going, what makes
you active. Whenever you do not get enough sleep, melatonin stops being produced. As a result,
your brain works harder to keep you awake and energetic like you are when you get enough sleep.
According to reduced serum levels have been linked to an endless list of illnesses
including, cancers, memory loss, dementia, and many more. Men and Women who are not getting
enough sleep need to understand that this is real, and it is even life–threatening. That does not mean
that if you sleep enough every night you will never get sick, it means not getting enough sleep
increases your chances of getting a disease that I have mentioned before. Sleep loss not only effects
the amount of
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Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation (2012121659)
Total sleep deprivation refers to when individuals are deprived of sleep over successive nights,
bizarre behavioral episodes, illusions or hallucinations are noted. Last minute travel, jet lag,
unfavorable sleeping conditions, and anxiety are amongst the common reasons that lead to sleep
deprivation before competing. Often the anxiety or excitement of competition seems to outweigh the
fatigue and sleepiness, but it's important to understand the real effects of being sleep deprived.
Consequences of sleep deprivation can include; decreased performance and alertness, memory and
cognitive impairment, stress, poor quality of life, occupational injury and auto mobile injury
Sleep deprivation can also be a result of chronic illnesses such as; high blood pressure, heart attack,
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(2010). Ergonomics in sport and physical activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., (2015). Squash Fact Sheet | Sports Medicine Australia. [online] Available at:–advice/sports–fact–sheets/squash/ [Accessed 10 Oct. 2015]., (2015). The Squash Cannon – Premiere Squash Ball Machine. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 9 Oct. 2015].
Tator, C. (2008). Catastrophic injuries in sports and recreation. Toronto [Ont.]: University of Toronto
Press, p.526., (n.d.). Eye Health for Teachers: Pre–Participation Exams for Athletes. [online]
Available at:–health–teachers/pre–participation–exams [Accessed
9 Oct. 2015].
Wilkinson, M., Leedale–Brown, D. and Winter, E. (2009). International Journal of Sports
Physiology and Performance,, pp.29–39, 176–185.
World Squash, (2015). World Squash Singles Rules 2014. 1st ed. [ebook] p.7. Available at:–content/uploads/2013/11/131023_Rules–of–Singles–Squash–
2014.pdf [Accessed 3 Oct. 2015].
You, J. (2015). Your internal clock may determine how good you are at sports.
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Sleep Deprivation And The Sleep
Sleep is a basic necessity of everyday life. According to the National Foundation of sleep, a person
is required to sleep at least seven to nine hours a day. (citation) As mentioned by Matt T. Bianchi in
the book Sleep Deprivation and Disease, " The normal quantity of sleep depends on the individual
and a myriad of other factors such as environment and an individual 's waking needs." (citation)
This means that the quantity of sleep that people achieve depends on their body's needs and
functions. Unfortunately, according to the Nation Foundation of Sleep, twenty percent of individuals
are affected by sleep deprivation each year. This a huge number. Sleep deprivation is a lack of the
required sleep a person needs in a week . It can come in ... Show more content on ...
The percentage decreases after the age of fifty. Both quality and quantity are important when it
comes to sleep. If one fails to acquire the appropriate amount of R.E.M sleep and sleeps less than six
hours everyday for one week, then that person would have a total sleep debt of seven to fourteen
hours. The effects of not sleeping properly can be felt as soon as the next day.
As mentioned before, there are two types of sleep deprivation, partial sleep deprivation and total
sleep deprivation. A person is considered partially sleep deprived if he or she gets less than five
hours of sleep per night. If a person gets less than three hours of sleep per night, then he or she is
considered sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can either be caused by lifestyle or medical issues.
Factors such as drinking coffee at night, obesity, stress, insomnia, and sleep apnea negatively affect
the way one sleeps. As mentioned previously, sleep deprivation can affect one's physically. Some of
these effects include: obesity, type two diabetes and heart disease. Most of these effects are cyclical.
This means that it is a repeating process.
Obesity is a physical illness which results in the extreme production of fat and cholesterol. Obesity
is an increasing problem in the U.S. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Obesity
has more than doubled since the 1980's. In the 2014, six hundred million adults aged eighteen and
up, were suffering from obesity. Obesity
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Sleep deprivation Essay
Sleep deprivation seems to be an increasing problem with people of all different age groups. It is
related to many different health concerns. Nearly fifty percent of adults fail to get enough sleep.
According to the national sleep foundation, teenagers need at least 9 hours of sleep a night, but 80%
get a lot less than that. Due to the lack of sleep at least 28% of high schoolers fall asleep in class,
22% fall asleep while doing their homework and 14% arrive late or miss school entirely because
they oversleep. Based on the article It is obvious that school age children need a lot more sleep than
they are getting. As sleep continues to depreciate students have a harder time concentrating. Feelings
of depression, also starts due to sleep ... Show more content on ...
Results in both groups combined, sleep restriction caused a 20–1 decrease in pontine tCr [F.sub.1–
16]=5.07, p=0.039, Cohen's d=0.54) and an 11.3 increase in prefrontal Cho ([F.sub.1–21]=5.24,
p=0.033, Cohen's d=0.46). Follow up revealed that prefrontal Cho increases were significant only
among depressed participants( 17.9% increase, [E.sub.9]=3.35, p=0.008, Cohen's d=1.06). Mood
improved by 30% for five depressed patients, 6 showed no change in mood after sleep restriction.
Baseline pontine Cho levels, distinguished subsequent responders from non responders to sleep
restriction among depressed participants. (Z=2.61, p=o.008). (1)Conclusion By sleeping more, will
improve your test scores, you will have more alert feelings and more energy. A good nights sleep
proves to improve all motor functions. Sleep restriction alters levels of pontine tCr and prefrontal
Cho in both groups combined, suggesting effects on phospholipids and creatine metabolism.
Baseline levels of pontine and Cho were linked to subsequent mood responses to sleep loss,
suggesting a role for pontine phospholipids metabolism in mood effects of sleep restriction.
(1)Limitations The fact that this was a small study and some of the depressed participants were
undergoing stable pharmacological treatments. Even though no differences were shown between
their neurochemical and mood characteristics. Medication naive participants only would
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The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders
Since technology has become more advanced there has been a trend in people who are not getting a
full night's rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, "at least 40
million Americans suffer from chronic, long–term sleep disorders" (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping
Problems"). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which
include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety.
As a result of modern technology, there are many people who every now and then don't sleep well,
but there are several who experience what is called sleep deprivation: "Sleep deprivation is a
condition that occurs if you don 't get enough sleep" ("What Are Sleep Deprivation and
Deficiency?"). There are several dangers with so many American's being sleep deprived such as
increased chance of falling asleep while driving or even increased work injuries: "Lack of sleep
exacts a toll on perception and judgment. In the workplace, its effects can be seen...accidents.
Sometimes the effects can even be deadly, as in the case of drowsy driving fatalities"
("Consequences of Insufficient Sleep"). For the purpose of public safety, American's should be
aware of the dangers of sleep deprivation starting with how using electronics late at night effect your
There are many factors that can change ones sleep and they don't even know that it. It has become
more popular for people to fall asleep with the
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Sleep Deprivation In Teenagers
In their essay, "Sleep Deprivation in Adolescents and Young Adults," the National Adolescent
Health Information Center (NAHIC) provides causes and solutions for the lack of sleep in
adolescents and young adults. Drawing facts and studies from all over the world pertaining to sleep
deprivation in teenagers, the NAHIC describes why the majority of teenagers suffers from lack of
sleep and gives different solutions to the problem that is so prevalent in America's educational
society. Some solutions to this ever–present problem, include later start times for schools and
informational packets to give to teenagers about sleep hygiene. The NAHIC argues that one of the
biggest problems of sleep deprivation in teenagers is the lack of education that teenagers receive
about sleep hygiene. In their opinion and based off of the studies that the NAHIC provided, once
teenagers and young adults start to get the information about sleep that they need, the majority of
them will start to change the way they approach the topic of sleep, and they end up getting the full
recommended night of sleep. In a study, In Shape – a healthy lifestyle advocate program – gave over
300 college students an intervention about sleep, stress, management, healthy eating, and more
positive changes that a young adult can make in their life. Three months later, the college students
show an increase in the duration of their sleep along with other health resorts (Werch, Moore, and
Bian). In sum, the NAHIC argues that
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive, however in the modern days sleep deprivation in
increasing more and more each day, causing accidents and medical problems for the people and the
community. This essay will look at the meaning of sleep and sleep deprivation and the basic
perspectives on what motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary,
psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. This essay will also evaluate the
best perspective to eliminate sleep deprivation with the cases studies discussing the general
hypothesis of sleep and sleep deprivation.
Basic Perspectives on Motivation: Evaluating Five Accounts for Sleep and Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is one of our ... Show more content on ...
Nature (2005) stated that sleep deprivation, is a serious concern for public safety due to all the
accidents that have been cause due to lack of sleep. This essay will evaluate the basics of motivation
for sleep and sleep deprivation with the following five perspectives: evolutionary, psychodynamic,
behaviourists, cognitive and hierarchy of needs. This paper will also discuss the strengths and
shortcomings, and the advantages and limitations, with the merit and my perspective of each
perspective. Through evaluating these perspectives, it will be argued that the behaviourist and
cognitive perspective will be the best to beat sleep deprivation.
The evolutionary perspective started with Charles Darwin in 1859 by arguing that we, humans,
evolved our behavioural tendencies because it helped us to survive and reproduce offspring (Burton,
Western, & Kowalski, 2009). According to Burton et al. (2009) the psychological processes evolved
via natural selection, which helps our ancestors to survive and reproduce. Sleep has a biological
need and basis, which helped us to survive and reproduce offspring, this evolve millions of years
ago by the conditions of the environment (Burton et al., 2009). In order to study sleep as a motivated
behaviour with an evolutionary perspective, there is a need to look at the variables for the study. The
biological variable is the amount of sleep and the theoretical variable is the neural circuits in the
brain that motivate sleep (Burton et
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The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation
Humans sleep is a biological need just like breathing, eating, and drinking, although people often
assume that sleep deprivation is not as impactful to their bodies. Sleep deprivation is when you do
not get enough daily sleep and it can take a toll on one's body (Pilcher & Allen, 1996). When one's
sleep cycles are out of rhythm, they do not reach the rapid eye movement (REM) stage while they
are sleeping, or when they have a diagnosed sleep condition. Sleep quality is equally important
when discussing sleep deprivation because one can get the daily recommendation of sleep for one's
age group, although by not reaching the REM sleep stage or having a sleep diagnosis can be an
interruption. Simply put, it is sleep quality over quantity (Pilcher & Allen, 1996). A common claim
that people say is that they do not function any differently when they are sleep deprived than when
they are not. Only ten percent of people do not, in fact function differently when they are sleep
deprived (Curcio, Ferrara, & Gennaro, 2010). Furthermore, by people not being able to recognize
signs of sleep deprivation that enables them of being aware of mental stress. Memory, learning
processes as well as cognitive functioning in the brain are impacted heavily by sleep (Curcio,
Ferrara, & Gennaro, 2010), which then can affect teenagers and college students in school. On the
contrary, Curcio, et al. (2010) take into consideration that there are other stresses in teenager's and
college students' lives like
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Sleep Deprivation And Sleep
Sleep is very important in a person's day to day activities. Sleep allows a person to be more aware of
their surrounding and allows one to use their minds to the highest potential. Unfortunately, there are
plenty of people due to their jobs or even by their own choices are sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation
can affect one's behavior and their cognitive functions in different ways. Goel pointed out that
"deteriorate effects have been shown to involve vigilance, executive attention, working memory,
language, divergent thinking, and creativity (Maccari 2014)." Much research has been done on how
sleep deprivation effects brain functions and behavior. Many are not aware to what extent the brain
is effected by sleep deprivation and how one's behavior can drastically change.
In order to fully understand how one's mood is effected by sleep deprivation, one must first
understand how the brain functions during sleep. Rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, is one of the
phases that the brain goes through during sleep. During REM sleep, the eyes move back and forth
and it is believed this is due to the visual images that one is seeing in their dream. Jouvet was the
first to show that the brainstem is integral for the REM sleep stage, and the neural circuits in the
pons have also been studied thoroughly to see how it plays a role in the sleep cycle. The medulla
also contains neurons that are active during REM sleep. However, it is very unclear how big of a
role the medulla plays in the
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The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Children
Driving is an everyday responsibility that many of us have to do it's our responsibility to return to
our loved ones. And when you don't get the chance to there are many factors as to why you might
not make it home most common are people who are under the influence or alcohol or substances and
people suffering from sleep deprivation. Effects of fatigue are thought to play a part in between 16%
and 60% of road accidents and in the United states were estimated to cost in vicinity of $50 billion.
This essay will argue just how dangerous driving under the influence of sleep deprivation really is.
This essays argument will be supported by two major papers the first one is "Impairment of Driving
Performance Caused by Sleep Deprivation or Alcohol: A Comparative Study" which was written by
Stephen H. Fairclough and Robert Graham. The second article is "Moderate sleep deprivation
produces impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally prescribed levels of
alcohol intoxication" written by A M Williamson and Anne–Marie Feyer. For a while people did not
believe that sleep deprivation was a major cause of car accidents. Sleep deprivation boosts the risk
of human mistakes related to accidents. Sleep deprivation poses a risk to safe operation in all modes
of transportation and to performance in other safety–sensitive activities. By studying the impact of
sleep deprivation on cognitive abilities, investigators have revealed plausible neurocognitive
explanations for the
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Sleep Deprivation In America
Many teens in America are waking up tired from a lack of sleep. Most do not get the recommended
8–10 hours of sleep and this affects them greatly. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor performance in
school and diseases such as obesity and anxiety. Teens need more sleep and one thing can lead to
this goal, pushing back school start times. Junior highs and high schools across America are staring
at an extremely early time, keeping many from sleep. Going to school is dreadful enough for most
students, but a lack of sleep added onto that will affect them greatly. Performance in school is shown
to be affected by sleep and other factors. Arriving to school with drowsiness can affect how one
would do on a test, quiz, in class, or anything school related.
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The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest factors in children's behavior. There are a number of reasons
for children to get a good night sleep. It is not only important to adults but it is crucial in kids.
Physical activity and cognitive thinking do well together when a child gets enough sleep (Sleep is
Important to Your Child's Health, 2012). The effects on a child's sleeping habits can be profound in a
negative or positive way. People show sleepiness in different ways and children have an even bigger
spectrum on signs of theirs. It is up to parents, guardians, and teachers to really understand the
importance of sleeping habits and the benefits of a child that is well rested.
When you fall asleep your body releases a hormone called, melatonin, that stimulates your body
preparing it to fall asleep, giving you the sensation of feeling drowsy. (What Makes You Sleep, n.d)
When we get a good night's rest we usually wake up feeling great and rested. Not receiving proper
sleep may make you late to school, forget about important tasks, or even make you feel irritated.
Sleep affects our appearance, attitude, as well as our performance on daily activities. Even with
children it is most times obvious how to tell when a child is sleepy. Children get irritated. They
might begin to stumble, cry over anything, or demand attention from anyone. In older kids, an
appearance and attitude can be good indicators they do not have proper sleeping habits. We can
better detect a teen having sleep deprivation. If a teen has dark circles under their eyes, pale face,
and becomes agitated over something small we can assume they haven't had a good night sleep.
Cognitive thinking is a mental skill that you need to help you process information, to reason,
recollect, read, perceive and workout problems. (Medalia & Revheim, n.d.) Being deprived of sleep
or if bad sleeping habits begin to arise, that can have a huge effect on cognitive thinking skills. Lack
of sleep may cause a child to do poorly in school. Assignments, and obtaining new information they
are learning in school can become harder to learn on them. Promoting naps may increase
interventions targeted at enhancing cognitive abilities. (Kurdziel, Ducios, Spencer, 2013).
Napping is
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Sleep Deprivation In Teenagers
Sleep Deprivation in Teenagers
Lack of sleep is an epidemic. According to the Nationwide Children's Hospital ("Nationwide
Children's Hospital") teens need 9¼ hours of sleep every night, but on average only get between 7
and 7¼ hours of sleep each night. Sleep may not seem like a big issue, and it has often been
overlooked by many teens and adults, but it is a key factor for success in life. Lack of sleep due to
school or sports not only negatively affects these two important activities, but your whole life. Sleep
is necessary for your body in order for proper functioning throughout each day. Lack of sleep makes
you feel completely out of everything you do. Many teens feel exhausted all day; they can not seem
to fall asleep at night due to the pressure of social media and exposure to lit screens. Sleep
deprivation negatively affects academics and sports causing worse performance under pressure,
losing the ability to retain information properly, and even injury.
Lit screens and social media pressure causes teens to get less sleep than the recommended amount.
Stanford Medicine states that exposure to lit screens late at night increases the symptoms of sleep–
phase delay, meaning your internal biological clock shifts backward. The lit screens "send a message
via the retina to the portion of the brain that controls the body's circadian clock. The message: It's
not nighttime yet" (Richter). Teens can feel lured into their phones, TVs, or computers before bed as
a final relaxation or reward from the schoolwork or sports practice they just finished. These lit
screens seem benevolent and relaxing; however, these tired teens do not realize that they are causing
their internal biological clock to be tricked into delaying their sleep schedule. This cycle becomes
repeated because, as they want to fall asleep their body does not feel it is time to, so they go back to
their screens until they are completely exhausted and only get a few hours of sleep. "It's nice to stay
up and talk to your friends or watch a funny YouTube video," said Carolyn Walworth, a 17 year–old
high–school student interviewed by Stanford Medicine. "There are plenty of online distractions."
(Richter) According to a survey of 1000
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Effects Of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation: The Lasting Effects
Sleep is as important to the body as eating healthy and staying hydrated. Sleep has a lot of positive
results on the body like for example it helps with muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and
growth hormone release, all which can only occur during sleep. Other rejuvenating aspects of sleep
are specific to the brain and cognitive functions. Studies have shown that after people sleep they
tend to retain information better which helps with memory tasks. Without sleep or the lack of a
significant amount of sleep the body cannot function to its fullest potential. The body then struggles
with the task of performing everyday activities. So it is important to sleep.
The leading side effect of sleep deprivation is sleepiness, which causes the body to continuously
yawn uncontrollably and leaves the body feeling sluggish or without energy. Sleep deprivation
affects the central nervous system which makes it difficult to concentration. It's also difficult to learn
new things because the body just does not have the energy. Similarly, it changes the bodies' decision
making process and causes a lack of creativity. Their emotions are also affected, resulting in a short
temper and mood swings. The previously stated side effects are just the just the beginning of sleep
deprivation which occur within the central nervous system. Some long term effects that occur within
the central nervous system are hallucinations, impulsive behavior,
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Sleep Deprivation
How Sleep Deprivation Leads to Cardiovascular Disease
Sleep Deprivation is a condition where an individual do not meet the required hours of sleep most of
the time. It is a common problem among teenagers and adults. Although lack of sleep does not lead
to a serious health problem right away, but doing it repetitively can lead to physical and health
problems gradually. Sleeping is one of the basic needs that our body makes in order to regenerate
good health for both mental and physical aspect.
Sleep Deprivation is a common health problem in United States. There is an appropriate sleep
duration for each age group. According to National Sleep Foundation, School–Age Children should
be having 9–11 hours of sleep, Teenagers 8–10 hours, and ... Show more content on
Just one night of lack of sleep can result in increased blood pressure. In one large study conducted
by Institute of Medicine Committee in Sleep Medicine and Research–that lack of sleep and
disordered sleep are also associated with heart attacks and possible stroke. Getting 5 or fewer hours
of sleep per night was associated with a 45 percent increase of heart attack (the researcher controlled
for age, weight, smoking, and snoring)– (Colten HR and Altevog BM 2006)
During sleep, the primary hormone that works is the melatonin. It is a hormone that is released by
the pineal gland that alerts an individual that the body needs to sleep at night this hormone can also
be suppressed by light. When an individual is sleeping the bodies blood pressure drops. This reduces
the workload of the heart, but when an individual has an inadequate sleep there are several
hormones that can interrupt the sleep cycle. The hormones that works or can interrupt the sleep are
Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Thyroid hormones. Adrenaline is a strong hormone that can directly
affects the blood pressure. When the adrenaline level remained high during the night this causes a
big spike in the blood pressure which can cause hypertension. Cortisol also known as "stress
hormone" is highest in the morning. Upon waking up, the cortisol level spikes up to prepare the
body to deal
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
Sleep Deprivation is the condition of not getting enough sleep, this condition affects millions of
people throughout the world. Even though this condition affects many according to _________ it is
more likely that teens and children are more vulnerable to it. Some reasons for not getting enough
sleep could be the addiction of smartphones and media, stress, or simply overworking oneself. Sleep
deprivation can lead to an inability to concentrate , poor grades, anxiety, depression, and even
thoughts of suicide as stated by ________.
One of the major reasons that teens suffer from the lack of sleep are smartphones and media. It is
proven that most teens own or have access to cellphones. Based on a 2011 poll from the National
Sleep Foundation ... Show more content on ...
" Most kids stay up late doing homework. If teachers cut back on homework kids will be able to get
the amount of sleep they need for the following day." she stated. Most teachers in high school can
tend to overwork students with homework. This can cause teens to stay up all night trying to
complete the assignments, ultimately resulting in them not being able to get enough rest. Even
though the National sleep foundation proves that sleep deprivation affects teens and children, it also
affects adults as well. Mr. Soto, a behavioural dean at Eximius College Preparatory Academy,
explains how he also suffers from sleep deprivation. "I don't get enough sleep." he states " It's
because I have a lot of stuff going on in my personal life." He explains how stress also has an affect
on sleep. Stress often leads insomnia, a habitual sleeplessness or lack of sleep. "A person's job or
school should not be so stressful because stress plays apart in not getting enough sleep" he explains.
When asked about the status of children and their addictions of smartphones and media, he believes
that this affects the amount of sleep they get. "Yeah,[it affects]kids and people in general, because
they're always on the computer." he says.
Sleep deprivation is an ongoing issue around the world. But there are some things you could do to
help if you're suffering from it. If you are addicted
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
This experiment tests how the amount of sleep consumed effects the accuracy and reaction time in
college students. The hypothesis states that a participant who received six or less hours of sleep the
previous night will have slower reaction times and less accuracy than a participant who received
more than six hours of sleep. Participants were broken into two groups (six or less hours of sleep
and more than six hours) and asked to identify the color of ink on a flash card. This was a timed test
to calculate accuracy and reaction time. The results of the study did not support the hypothesis. It
was therefore rejected.
According to Marhefka (2001), insufficient sleep reduces cognitive functioning in college student.
Sleep deprivation is ... Show more content on ...
Participants. There were twenty participants involved in this study. Seven were male and thirteen
were female. Range of age of the participants was widely varied. Age was not one of the measured
variables. All participants were college students or faculty at Arapahoe Community College (ACC).
The participants were all selected at random. Participants were found while walking through out
ACC. Each participant was given the details of participating in the study; they then made the
decision to choose to participate or to decline.
Materials. In this study flash cards were used to test reaction time. White 3x5 inch note cards were
used. On each note card was written a color word (e.g. blue, black, purple). The color words were
written in a noncorresponding colored ink (e.g. word blue written in red ink, word purple written in
green ink). A stopwatch on a cell phone was used to keep time of twenty seconds. A flowchart was
created to keep order of how many cards were completed correctly and incorrectly. There were
thirty–seven flash cards made for this experiment which were kept in the same order throughout the
study. On the flowchart, the column furthest to the left contained al the colors of the ink on each
card in order. There were twenty additional columns to the right, one for each participant.
Procedures. To begin the experiment, participants were asked to report the amount of sleep received
the previous night. They
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
Sleep is a biological rhythm that provides consciousness and alertness for people. When people are
deprived of sleep, their bodies' ability to maintain homeostasis is disrupted. Sleep deprivation is a
serious problem among many young people these days. It seems to affect the young people more
than those of other age groups. With a heavy loaded schedule, young people often allow themselves
to stay up all night finishing tasks. Most college students stay up late, trying to cram in the study for
their important exam they have the next day. While students might think that the more they study,
the more material they will memorize, having sleep deprivation proves the opposite. Most
information students thought they memorized was lost, resulting in more information loss than gain.
This may differ from person to person, due to the fact that the total hours of sleep each person needs
is different. Typically, adolescents need around seven to nine hours of sleep each night in a twenty–
four hour period. People can stay up as late as they want to, but eventually, they would need to sleep
and cannot function well without it. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious mental and physical
malfunctioning, such as memory loss, learning problems, emotional symptoms like depression and
irritability, and diabetes.
Sleep is essential for the formation of memories. According to Harvard University, sleep enhances
synaptic connections from neurons to neurons thus increases the plasticity of the
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Chronic Sleep Deprivation
I agree that the chronic sleep deprivation could negatively affect students because mental health is
an important part of their success, and sleep is closely involved with it. In the video, the Science of
Sleep, a study was conducted on a group of college students who were asked to take a test after
being kept from sleeping for over 24 hours. Compared to others, these sleep–deprived students did
about 40% worse. Matthew Walker, director of the Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab at the University of
California, Berkeley and conductor of the experiment, summed up the study by saying that a good
night's sleep can help you remember something better than you had before. In a study of their
emotional responses, after scanning the brains of the study subjects,
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Effects Of Sleep Deprivation. Sleep Deprivation Is,...
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is, irrefutably, a massive health concern among Americans. Innumerable studies
have been performed in hopes of finding out the perfect amount of sleep for a healthy lifestyle. Even
though an average of 8–9 hours of sleep is practically unanimously recommended by health
professionals, there is a huge discrepancy between that and the actual amount of sleep that teenagers
in America are getting on average. The article "Go To Bed!" by Kerry Grens describes the
ramifications of chronic sleep deprivation and the toll it takes on the body and mind in a relatively
reader–friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner.
The title of the article–preceded by an equally meaningful image–is eye–catching, ... Show more
content on ...
One such scenario: "Marie says her sleep problems started almost 20 years ago, on the first day of
her job as a flight attendant. "The phone rang in the middle of the night," she recalls. It was work,
scheduling her for a flight. "Something was triggered in my mind. It was the first time in my life I
experienced a night with no sleep. Something clicked. Then the second night I couldn't sleep. It just
went on. I lost my ability to sleep."" Several such firsthand accounts are given by the author and
sleep study patients, which lends a greater sense of reliability to the article. On top of this, there are
a plethora of cited statements by other professionals relating to the issue of sleep deprivation within
the article, which means that Grens did her research and isn't just taking a shot in the dark.
Grens maintains a sophisticated tone throughout the article, but still manages to go into enough
detail on the more advanced issues discussed that most genuinely interested readers should be able
to comprehend the information that is being presented to them. As the article goes on, Grens goes
into more and more detail about the processes behind sleep and the nitty gritty of the medical
repercussions of sleep deprivation. The terminology used may be too advanced for some readers,
particularly those whose education levels are below that of college in biology. However, the bottom
line is presented in a way that is easy to
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Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects
A normal night of sleep, a person may not feel restored and refreshed and sleepy during the day, but
be totally unaware that the person is sleep deprived. A person might just think it is just the stress of
work, and school or this is just normal the way you normally feel and had no idea that you should
feel differently. Sleep is one of the things we need to survive, getting less hours of sleep and not
sleeping well is not good for your body both physically and mentally. Every day sleep deprivation in
increasing more and more, causing sleep deprivation, what the effects of sleep deprivation are, and
what are the solutions to solve sleep deprivation, one can see that sleep is an important part to
succeed in school and life. Between 2005 and 2007, nearly 30 percent of adults said they slept six
hours or less per day, according to data from the National Health Interview Survey. That 's an hour
less than the minimum amount of sleep recommended for adults. (Bromwich) Sleep deprivation
occurs when you don't get enough sleep, having poor quality sleep, sleeping at the wrong time.
Sleep deprivation may interfere with a person school work, social life, and even driving because a
person might feel tired and sleep during all this event. It is recommend that a person gets 8.5 hours
of uninterrupted sleep in order to function properly. The National Sleep Foundation has suggested
that the appropriate sleep duration for a person is 8 to 10 h. (Kim 1–12) Sleep deprivation is linked
to many
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Sleep Deprivation Paper
The mock study research question I have proposed is "What is effect of sleep deprivation on
academic test performance?" and the hypothesis I have formulated is "Sleep–deprivation will
produce poorer performance on test scores." I have designed a study that will consist of two groups.
Both groups will have five members of different age students ranging from first grade to college
graduate level and come from culturally diverse backgrounds, include members from both sexes,
and all with similar academic standing. The control group will be allowed to sleep, the experimental
group will not. Both groups will be of equal mix and representation, in an effort to remove factors
that could affect the study. The act of sleep will be the independent variable ... Show more content
on ...
The study design created for this research addresses each of these in an ethical manner. Beneficence
and nonmaleficence is upheld by seeking to benefit the participants, and cause them no harm. In the
study, extra precautions are taken to ensure the safety of the subjects, and as stated transportation is
provided to minimize risk to the individuals that may have been caused by the experiment, and the
informed consent provides full details on what the potential risks to the subject may be. The second
principle of fidelity and responsibility requires researchers to safeguard the patients trust and be
responsible. The informed consent and confidentiality procedures, the ability to ask questions, and
the ability of the subject to withdraw create a safe environment for the subject to participate, free
from harm and pressure. The third principle of integrity entails committing no fraud; there is no
deception present in the experiment. Fourth is justice, whereby researchers acknowledge that their
research should be made available to all parties, and further the science; the study fulfills this
requirement. Lastly, respect for people's rights and dignity is conformed to through the use of the
informed consent and the confidentiality procedures in
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Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects
Sleep what is? Seems like it should be an obvious thing to everyone you go to sleep when you're
tired and awake when you're rested though the unfortunate reality, most of us take sleep for granted
and deprive ourselves of a vital our brain needs to function at its fullest. First and foremost the
concept that everyone needs 8hours of sleep is false for most adults there is slight variation some of
us are perfectly capable of functioning with 6 hours others need those few extra winks of 9 hours a
night (p.97). The average amount of sleep for adults in the U.S is 7–8 hours a night (p.97). If you
aren't getting the amount of sleep your brain requires be it 6 hours or 9 hours you're going to suffer
from Sleep Deprivation. The idea that Sleep Deprivation is a torture used by societies past and
present and we do it to ourselves almost willing is a serious matter in the United States, foolishly
our society almost takes pride in it. All too often you hear during your day to day life someone
imprudent says something along the lines "I can function on only 4 hours of sleep!" or "I pull all
nighters all the time!" well if this is you you're going to hurt yourself or someone else. When you
aren't getting enough sleep you start building a sleep–debt and you're body and brain one way or
another is going to want you to pay that back (p.99). After keeping track of how many hours of sleep
for 5 nights I got, to no surprise I had a little bit of a sleep–debt owed. For 5 night's total I should
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
Sleep Deprivation
It's seven thirty in the morning, the time that most American high schools begin class. Instead of
being chipper and ready to learn, most teenagers, at this time of the morning, can barely remain
awake. These puffy eyed pupils are by no means ready to learn. Sixty percent children under 18
reported being sleepy during the day, with another fifteen percent reporting that they had fallen
asleep during the school day within the past year (National Sleep Foundation, Dozing). Though
adolescents require a larger amount of sleep than younger children, they usually receive much less
(Indiana University Center for Adolescent Studies). The amount of sleep a teenager receives affects
him or her both physically and ... Show more content on ...
Another way to combat teenage sleep deprivation is through providing better education on the
matter. The information that most teenagers receive on the affects of sleep deprivation is minimal.
For example, though a North Carolina state study showed that most sleep–related automobile
accidents involve individuals under the age of 25 (National Sleep Foundation, Crashes), sixty
percent of parents with children old enough to drive admitted that they hadn't discussed that danger
of falling asleep at the wheel with their child (National Sleep Foundation, Dozing). Between
seventy–three and eighty–five percent of parents believe that their children should receive just as
much time learning about good sleep habits at school as they do learning about exercise and
nutrition (National Sleep Federation, Dozing).
"Sleep experts feel really strongly that high school timings are out of sync with the natural circadian
rhythms of adolescents," commented Michele Kipke, head of the National Academy of Science's
Board on Children, Youth and Families (Kaufman). One way to correct this inconsistency would be
to start the school day later. "Because of their unique sleep needs, teenagers' brains are not ready to
be alert until long after the typical high school day has begun," said Richard Gelula, Nation Sleep
Foundation Executive
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Symptoms And Treatments Of Sleep Deprivation
The average weight of an adult in the United States is around 176 pounds, but when sleep deprived,
it may feel like 300 pounds. The simple task of walking from one place to another transforms into a
treacherous mountain–climb. Eye–lids become firm bricks. Why can't the human body just go
without sleep for twenty–four hours and feel normal? Unfortunately, that is not how it works, and
the body struggles without rest. Insomnia affects more than most people know, and even if they do
know, not many are sure why the symptoms occur. Sleep is a rather peculiar action. Why does the
brain and the body basically need to lose connection to the world for a few hours? Insomnia, which
is the inability to sleep, can cause many symptoms and they are not delightful whatsoever. Sleep
deprivation is not only rough because of obvious reasons, but the consequences that harm the brain
and body can be devastating. Even if people know what sort of symptoms are, they do not know
why these things happen. Effects of insomnia vary, but they all make life way more of a challenge.
Symptoms can start around sixteen hours without sleep, and they escalate as time goes on (Rao).
This proves how sleep deprivation symptoms can get ugly and come rapidly. Symptoms start off
normal, such as extreme sleepiness, body exhaustion, difficulty to focus, etc., however, the effects
may worsen if not treated. Hallucinations, spasms, depression, and many more horrific effects will
come if not rested. These effects are
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Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation among College Students
One of the most common and high risk disorders among college students is sleep deprivation. Sleep
deprivation is when one does not obtain the full amount of sleep that is required for the body to
function properly. Young adults need about six to eight hours of sleep in order to function properly,
but some college students do not get to sleep the full six to eight hours in one sleep session. There
has been a wide range of concern on whether or not people are performing at their highest potential
in their day to day lives or if that performance is somehow interrupted due to this insufficient sleep.
Buboltz, Brown and Soper (2001) found that trouble waking up in the morning, taking more than
thirty minutes to fall asleep, and daytime sleepiness were more of the common types of sleep
difficulties. Due to inadequate sleep students get during the night, they tend to take naps in the
middle of the day (Ye, Johnson, Keane, Manasia, & Gregas, 2015). Most college students often
surrender their sleep during the week, and make up for it by sleeping longer on the weekends
(Pilcher & Walters, 1997), but they actually do not get more sleep.
Sleep deprivation comes with many risks such as impaired cognitive performance, behavioral
changes, and health issues. This paper will review research on sleep deprivation and inadequate
sleeping patterns such as napping to make up for loss of sleep. This paper will explain the normal
sleeping patterns that one
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
     Sleep deprivation has become a major problem with
Americans. Over 100 million Americans today suffer from lack of sleep. This has been an ongoing
problem throughout the centuries. People owe their bodies sleep and scientist are calling it a "Sleep
debt". An average American owes their body at least thirty hours of sleep. This lack of sleep is as
hazardous as drunk driving.      One man caught sleep deprivation
at it's best. He pushed himself to the limits as much as possible. One day he went thirty hours
without sleep and was on his way to his parents for supper. On his way to his parents house he
stopped on some railroad tracks and stared a train in the face until it hit ... Show more content on ...
Take the Challenger Space shuttle explosion, for instance, It has been recorded that the main
mistakes of that shuttle came from the sleep deprived NASA managers. The huge tanker that had the
catastrophic oil spill, it was said that the sleepy crewman that was in charge of turning the tanker
was the main cause of the accident. Gerald Ford was famous for his announcing that he only needed
five hours of sleep a night, but if you check the history books it is shown that he might have needed
a little more than five hours.      "Driving drowsy is the same as
driving drunk," says Dement. "You're very impaired, your judgment is impaired, your reaction time
is impaired, your memory is impaired, and this huge sleep debt you've accumulated suddenly seizes
you, and that's when people die." Dement tries to enforce over and over that drowsiness can cause
the same disorientation as drunkenness and that most of our society suffers from it.
     Drowsiness is more than a sign of sleep deprivation, it is fact
the pre–sleep state of the body. Weather you want to or not, when you get drowsy you are going to
have to sleep soon after. Dement points out that we need to force ourself to sleep as much as some
people have to force themselves to stop drinking. A sleep debt cannot be taken away in one morning
of sleep. It has to be removed by going to bed an hour early and waking up
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Cause And Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation

  • 1. Cause And Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation Shubhanker Gaur Com 1101(09) 03/17/2016 Essay 4 Cause and Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation Cause and effect Essay Sleep deprivation Most people have at least stayed awake for the entire night once during their lifetime. This behavior is common amongst individuals enrolled in High School or pursuing University degree. One might wonder how lack of sleep for the night impact him/her. However, it has being proven that being awake for 24 hours has unpleasant effects on health.So why is sleep so important? How does lack of sleep impact one's mood so significantly, causing people to be 'grumpy', isn 't sleep just people lying down in their bed and closing their eyes.sleep is a complex process, it is a natural process where body relaxes and repairs itself. Sleep takes places in 3 stages, 1–2 stage ,2–3 stage and REM (Rapid Eye Movement ) stage. Our body is like a battery, sleeping helps replenishes that energy, if one does not store enough energy for the next day the body will struggle to carry out simple tasks which can Aultimately lead to exhaustion. Sleep is the time when the human body gets a chance to rest. Personally suffering from sleep deprivation it has caused a lot of problems in my own life such as flying safely, concentrating on school work and working efficiently. Being a pilot means having flights 3 or even 4 times a week, which can make it stressful. Being at the flightline for 4 or 5 hours isnt as simple as it may sound. For instance planning a flight can take upto ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Causes of Sleep Deprivation In Western cultures, the biggest cause of sleep deprivation is stress mostly as a result of being sick, overworking and shift working, drugs, or examinations (Pinel, 2014). Sleep loss can lead to impairment in decision–making. Two studies have been conducted that look at twenty–four hours of sleep deprivation and focus on the effect it has on making complex decisions. Essentially, what is the effect of total sleep deprivation in decision–making? In 2009, David Schyner and his colleagues had the opportunity to subject fifteen participants to a total of twenty–four hours of sleep deprivation. They set up their experiment by asking participants to make a decision between two choices and then again between three choices after a day of sleep loss. Researchers found that participants had a decreased ability to make integrative decisions between two choices, and the three choice tasks were significantly harder to make more so than the two choice task. MRIs of the participants showed an overall decrease in five regions of the brain in of task–specific activity versus a full night's rest. Affected brain areas were the superior parietal lobe, which functions in spatial orientation; the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus, which function in self– awareness in coordination with senses and processing higher information, respectively; the orbital frontal, the cognitive aspect of processing decision–making; and the inferior and medial polar frontal, which operates in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Sleep Deprivation And Sleep Deficiency Kevin Touch Ms. Acosta–Mata English 4 AP 6 Oct. 2015 Sleep Deprivation: A Bane to Men, Women and Children alike It was 12:30 am in the morning and Israel Joubert and his family was driving home after a family reunion. Joubert had hoped to get to his workplace on time at 8 am in the town of Fort Worth. However in the midst of his driving, Joubert fell asleep at the wheel resulting in a crash of the family's Chevy Suburban into the rear of a parked 18–wheeler. Although one of his sons and he had survived, his wife and five kids were killed. (Fryer) In the article titled "Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Deficiency", Sleep Deprivation is defined as a "condition that occurs if you don't get enough sleep". The fact of the matter is, sleep deprivation manipulates millions of people who are ignorant about the adverse effects of sleep deprivations to do devastating harm to not only themselves but others that they might deeply love. Due to the adverse physiological effects to humans, sleep deprivation will continue to undermine human society by taking advantage of sleep–deprived humans. Therefore, it is essential to inform the public about measures to prevent and treat sleep deprivation. In order to understand the effects of sleep deprivation, one must first understand how the body makes does one go to sleep. First off, the human body is built with an internal body clock which controls when one is awake and when one's body is ready to go for sleep. Known as the circadian rhythm, this ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Sleep Debt and Sleep Deprivation Essay Who Needs Sleep? People will die from from sleep deprivation before people die from food deprivation. It takes 2 weeks to starve, but only 10 days without sleep can kill people. Without sleep many of the people worldwide their daily functions will be taken away, such as remembering, retaining information and lastly you will be more prone to problem skin like acne. More than 78% of college and high school students pull all nighters at some point in their life in school. When pullin all nighters or not sleeping as long as students should people start to have sleep debt. Sleep debt is when people have exhausted themselves during the week and when the weekend comings you sleep as long as you can to try to make up for the loss of sleep you ... Show more content on ... College students are becoming overweight, more stressed , and have a lower GPA. These effect are a result from lack of sleep. Many college students attend parties that are provided with alcohol for underage drinkers. " The alcohol that students are consuming can interfere with their sleeping schedule" (University of Health). Lack of sleep can have many triggers like they food people eat ,the drinks people consume ,and the activities people participate in. People are always in a rush, when on the go most people will reach for a bag of chips or a box of candy when they are hungry. These quick snacks are loaded with sugars and fats that can keep you up at night. Many of the healthy choices people can make will make huge change in their sleep schedules in a positive way. When students stay up multiples nights in a row they will be more susceptible to diseases. Many diseases can occur from lack of sleep, the most common disease would be migraines. "85% of the people that suffer from severe migraines don't get the recommended hours of sleep"(godman). Students who have migraines won't go to school as often as a student without migraines would. "Also because of lack of sleep because can have an early onset of various diseases" (Godman). The diseases that occur the most in people that have a lack of sleep are strokes, heart disease, migraines, depression, and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On Sleep Deprivation What do the effects of sleep deprivation have on people? When a person does not get enough sleep, he or she is depriving his or her body of something that it needs. A delightful sleep is one of the most satisfying human experiences with a role to play in supporting a good mood and cognitive acuity as well as in promoting physiologic balance and resilience (Chittora, Jain and Suhalka). People think because they get an insufficient number of hours of sleep, they will not have an emotional impact by it. Sleep is a required need for peoples' day to day life to be able to perform and stay healthy emotionally and physically. The effects of sleep deprivation are an issue because it affects mood, performance, and health. There have been reports which have said sleep deprivation not only increases sleepiness but it also accelerates deterioration of mood (Kaida and Niki). Sleep and mood are closely connected; poor or inadequate sleep can be the source of irritability and anxiety, while healthy sleep can enhance well–being (Sleep and Mood). Therefore, sleep is crucial to have a pleasant mood and outlook on life on a daily basis. The typical adult requires about seven to eight hours of sleep for each night to have good well–being. University of Pennsylvania researchers found that subjects who were restricted to only four and a half hours of sleep a night for one week reported feeling more stressed, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted (Sleep and Mood). Furthermore, college students who ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Empathy The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Empathy Olivia N. Vannelli California State University Channel Islands Behavioral Neuroscience Dr. Rachel Penton October 21, 2016 Abstract Cognitive and emotional empathy are an important aspect in most facets of daily life. The ability to empathize with others can serve as a beneficial quality when living in today's society. Prior studies have shown that sleep has an evident impact on one's ability to empathize with others emotions. Sleep has been proven as a necessity and influences how the brain functions. Rises in technology have allowed for deeper research into the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain. This paper discusses the exploration of sleep deprivation and its negative correlation with an individual's ability to use emotional and cognitive empathy. It is hypothesized that over the span of 48 hours a participants ability to experience cognitive and emotional empathy will decrease. Introduction Empathy or the capability to comprehend and share the feelings and emotions of another is seen as a positive characteristic for an individual to hold (Guadagni, Burles, Ferrara & Iaria, 2014). Empathy is said to present itself as two types; cognitive and emotional (Blanke, Rauers, Riediger, 2016). Cognitive empathy refers to a person 's ability to recognize another 's emotions while emotional empathy refers to an individual's ability to resonate with those emotions (Blanke, Rauers, Riediger, 2016). Sleep ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay On Sleep Deprivation As one FPMS student tries to go to sleep on one December night he tosses and turns for what seems like eternity. He is full of trepidation and panic like he is sinking into the depths of his worst fears as he rapidly thinks of horrendous thoughts. All of a sudden the pop quiz that is tomorrow causes him to stay up even longer. The clock on his bedside table flickers 1:00 am by the time he is asleep, he needs to wake up at 6:00 am tomorrow for school too. A teen needs 8 hours of sleep, but this middle schooler only got 5 hours of sleep. The next morning in first hour the kid had humongous bags under his eyes. He cannot stay focused in class and has been taking microsleeps which are small episodes of sleep while you are awake. Lastly, his friends described him as irritated. According to the National Institute of Health, these are all symptoms of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation means the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep. When you are sleep deprived, it is like being a zombie from the Walking Dead, as shown in he Anecdote above. I call this the "zombie effect." This student tells me "When I am sleep deprived I am in a very bad mood and it affects how I do in my everyday life." Have you ever had this happen to you? Have you ever stayed up very late or just could not fall asleep? If you have, you could be suffering from sleep deprivation too. Don't worry, it is a very common thing, 100% of students and teachers from a survey that was conducted ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sleep Deprivation Essay The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation We need to sleep as much we need to breath and eat. While sleeping your body is busy repairing and preparing your physical and mental health, getting you ready for another day, in children hormones that promotes growth are released during sleep. It's normal to be sleep deprived, in this modern days due to there are much work and less time,one needs to adjust in other to balance the available time. Although, we know that sleep is very important, we need sleep to help regenerate certain parts of the body,especially the brain. Also there are stages of sleeps that are needed for the regeneration of neurons within the cerebral cortex while other stage is for forming new memories. Failing ... Show more content on ... – When you are deprived of sleep, your brain can not function normal, it affects your cognitive abilities and emotional state. If it's continue it can also lower your body defense putting you in a very serious situation, which might lead to the development of chronic illness. Also some tends to stick to the consumption of alcohol as a result to help combat sleep deprivation, in other words exposing themselves to the risk of involved in an accident. Study shows that sleeping less than 5hours a night increase the risk of death from all cause by about 15%. – Sleep deprivation leaves your brain exhausted, so it can not perform it's duty properly, lack of sleep interferes with your ability to concentrate and learn new things. If sleep deprivation continues long enough, you are at increased risk of hallucination. It cause micro sleep ;that is when you are asleep for only a few seconds or a few minutes but you don't realize it. Micro sleep can lead to accident when ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Cause And Effect Of Sleep Deprivation Price 1 Kyle Price Prof. Bridget McIntrye English 101 27 Feb 2016 Cause/Effect Essay Sleep deprivation is becoming an increasing problem many Americans deal with every day. Getting sleep is one of the basic needs. People are finding it harder and harder to get more of due to the fact that they are busy. With things like jobs, school, sports, family, and other commitments; people just don't have time to get the sleep they need without not having a life. These things can affect the body with driving, their jobs, awareness, and their brain will not be completely with their body. Sleep is one of the important things that makes your mind work and function properly. Sleep deprivation is a huge part in maintaining your daily functions because it can affect your ability to comprehend, fatigue and mood, and memory loss. "Scientists estimate that 80% of Americans are chronically sleep–deprived" (Munson). Most of America is sleep deprived and it is not going to help citizens for it to continue. Sleep, as we may know it, is the one thing that a human needs to survive besides food and water. If we don't get the amount needed, then we will see some kind of decline of activity throughout the day. One of those things are during your shift at work or during school/class. When you are sitting in class it is very important to be an attentive listener so nothing is missed. In high school students don't do that much work and have a bunch of free time. This leads to more opportunity Price 2 ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation For the introduction, I will prove that the loss of sleep can danger the body and decrease the rate of a person's reaction timing. Everybody wishes they could stay in bed all day, but that is not possible. We have responsibilities we have to do such as work or school. In that case, getting enough rest is the number one thing everyone should be worried about. From my own experience, I have lost several hours of sleep due to studying, working, and personal issues that occur. These occurrences are quite frequent in the lives of others too, which makes it some of the reasons to why most people cannot get enough rest during the day. Although it seems like sleeping takes too much time, it soothes the brain from slowly breaking down. Sleep deprivation is dangerous to the body and it can increase a person's risk of creating an accident. Through the lack of sleep, a person can reduce the brain's energy and lose all intelligence in the current situation. Motor skills will be mostly affected along with memory. The brain is what allows the body to move and use logical thinking skills. Getting the right amount of sleep is important to the functioning of the brain. The brain needs to be energized for the rest of the day, so a person can perform their tasks. Without a good night rest, which is up to seven to eight hours of sleep, a person will suffer from being sleep deprived. Throughout this argument, I will convince several people that getting sleep is part of a person's health, thought ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects Sleep is a major component of human life, taking up almost a third of an individual's lifetime and allowing the brain to process an individual's experiences, thoughts, and memories. Proper sleep is vital to maintaining good health, as it is associated with maintenance of many of the body's processes such as metabolism and disease prevention. This has become difficult as this modernizing world is completely changing the lifestyles of societies, and therefore the patterns of human sleep, due to school work, shift work, or even to the increasing presence of technology in households (Worthman, 2013). This potentially leads to sleep deprivation, which is associated with dramatic changes in health if it occurs for long periods of time. Insomnia ... Show more content on ... (Najafian, 2013). The focus of this experiment was to understand how changes in sleep duration could affect glucose metabolism in an animal model, based on similar previous human studies. The goal of the researchers was to study changes in glucose metabolism in rats that occur due to chronic sleep deprivation over a long period of time. They developed a hypothesis that allowed them to predict that chronic sleep deprivation for extended periods of time will significantly decrease insulin sensitivity and impair glucose metabolism. Analyzing the rat's tolerance for glucose and sensitivity to insulin allowed the researchers to observe changes in metabolism due to sleep deprivation. The experiment consisted of two groups of twelve female rats, a control group (CON) and the group undergoing chronic sleep deprivation (CSD). The rats were five months old and weighed between 286 grams and 324 grams. They were split into 6 different cages and were allowed to get accustomed to the lab conditions for a week, in which the CSD group was placed in their specific modified multiple platform method (MMPH) water tank for 30 minutes every day. The MMPH consisted of a water tank that either had circular platforms, for the CSD group, or a grid, for the CON group. Both the cages and water tank experienced a 12–hour phase shift between light and dark and were kept at room ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sleep Deprivation And The Sleep Cycle Jamie Kleine Ms. Clarke CCC Eng. 1020 hour 2 4 April 2016 Jamie Kleine Ms. Clarke CCC Eng. 1020 hour 2 22 March 2016 Sleep Deprivation It is a normal thing for people to feel tired, waking up early every day is a hard thing to do. But, feeling constantly exhausted day–in and day–out, is not a fun, nor healthy thing, for someone to deal with. Sleep deprivation is a common struggle that people all over the world struggle with on a daily basis. Sleep deprivation can be put to a stop, with simply knowing some background information. Learning about the basic facts of sleep deprivation, insomnia, the sleep cycle, the seven sleeping positions, napping, and exactly how much sleep the average person should get, may not make one feel any less tired, but knowing some information on these topics, will certainly help them take better care of their body, and their sleeping schedule. According the the website the Gallup "Medical studies have related a lack of sleep to health problems and cognitive impairment. Therefore, experts typically recommend seven to nine hours sleep for adults. Currently, 59% of U.S. adults meet that standard, but in 1942, 84% did. That means four in 10 Americans get less than the recommended amount of nightly sleep, compared with the 11% who did so 70 years ago." One may feel like sleep deprivation effects just their mood, but it can also affect their mind and their physical performance. Sleep is actually much more important than one would
  • 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Sleep Loss Or Sleep Deprivation Sleep Loss Sleep loss, or sleep deprivation, is very common throughout the world. It is very important to make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night for you to be ready to get up and go. It has been said that teenagers need an average of nine hours and fifteen minutes of sleep, according to my psychology teacher. It is very dangerous to go without sleep, hallucinations can and sometimes will occur. It is always easy to tell when a person is not getting enough sleep. They have bags under their eyes, major mood swings, and even how they act and/or dress. However, sleep loss can cause a number of things inside your body such as: loss of melatonin, long term effects on your brain, and can also shoot your anxiety outrageously. Melatonin is what keeps you going, what makes you active. Whenever you do not get enough sleep, melatonin stops being produced. As a result, your brain works harder to keep you awake and energetic like you are when you get enough sleep. According to reduced serum levels have been linked to an endless list of illnesses including, cancers, memory loss, dementia, and many more. Men and Women who are not getting enough sleep need to understand that this is real, and it is even life–threatening. That does not mean that if you sleep enough every night you will never get sick, it means not getting enough sleep increases your chances of getting a disease that I have mentioned before. Sleep loss not only effects the amount of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep Deprivation (2012121659) Total sleep deprivation refers to when individuals are deprived of sleep over successive nights, bizarre behavioral episodes, illusions or hallucinations are noted. Last minute travel, jet lag, unfavorable sleeping conditions, and anxiety are amongst the common reasons that lead to sleep deprivation before competing. Often the anxiety or excitement of competition seems to outweigh the fatigue and sleepiness, but it's important to understand the real effects of being sleep deprived. Consequences of sleep deprivation can include; decreased performance and alertness, memory and cognitive impairment, stress, poor quality of life, occupational injury and auto mobile injury Sleep deprivation can also be a result of chronic illnesses such as; high blood pressure, heart attack, ... Show more content on ... (2010). Ergonomics in sport and physical activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics., (2015). Squash Fact Sheet | Sports Medicine Australia. [online] Available at:–advice/sports–fact–sheets/squash/ [Accessed 10 Oct. 2015]., (2015). The Squash Cannon – Premiere Squash Ball Machine. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Oct. 2015]. Tator, C. (2008). Catastrophic injuries in sports and recreation. Toronto [Ont.]: University of Toronto Press, p.526., (n.d.). Eye Health for Teachers: Pre–Participation Exams for Athletes. [online] Available at:–health–teachers/pre–participation–exams [Accessed 9 Oct. 2015]. Wilkinson, M., Leedale–Brown, D. and Winter, E. (2009). International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance,, pp.29–39, 176–185. World Squash, (2015). World Squash Singles Rules 2014. 1st ed. [ebook] p.7. Available at:–content/uploads/2013/11/131023_Rules–of–Singles–Squash– 2014.pdf [Accessed 3 Oct. 2015]. You, J. (2015). Your internal clock may determine how good you are at sports. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Sleep Deprivation And The Sleep Sleep is a basic necessity of everyday life. According to the National Foundation of sleep, a person is required to sleep at least seven to nine hours a day. (citation) As mentioned by Matt T. Bianchi in the book Sleep Deprivation and Disease, " The normal quantity of sleep depends on the individual and a myriad of other factors such as environment and an individual 's waking needs." (citation) This means that the quantity of sleep that people achieve depends on their body's needs and functions. Unfortunately, according to the Nation Foundation of Sleep, twenty percent of individuals are affected by sleep deprivation each year. This a huge number. Sleep deprivation is a lack of the required sleep a person needs in a week . It can come in ... Show more content on ... The percentage decreases after the age of fifty. Both quality and quantity are important when it comes to sleep. If one fails to acquire the appropriate amount of R.E.M sleep and sleeps less than six hours everyday for one week, then that person would have a total sleep debt of seven to fourteen hours. The effects of not sleeping properly can be felt as soon as the next day. As mentioned before, there are two types of sleep deprivation, partial sleep deprivation and total sleep deprivation. A person is considered partially sleep deprived if he or she gets less than five hours of sleep per night. If a person gets less than three hours of sleep per night, then he or she is considered sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can either be caused by lifestyle or medical issues. Factors such as drinking coffee at night, obesity, stress, insomnia, and sleep apnea negatively affect the way one sleeps. As mentioned previously, sleep deprivation can affect one's physically. Some of these effects include: obesity, type two diabetes and heart disease. Most of these effects are cyclical. This means that it is a repeating process. Obesity is a physical illness which results in the extreme production of fat and cholesterol. Obesity is an increasing problem in the U.S. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Obesity has more than doubled since the 1980's. In the 2014, six hundred million adults aged eighteen and up, were suffering from obesity. Obesity ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Sleep deprivation Essay Sleep deprivation seems to be an increasing problem with people of all different age groups. It is related to many different health concerns. Nearly fifty percent of adults fail to get enough sleep. According to the national sleep foundation, teenagers need at least 9 hours of sleep a night, but 80% get a lot less than that. Due to the lack of sleep at least 28% of high schoolers fall asleep in class, 22% fall asleep while doing their homework and 14% arrive late or miss school entirely because they oversleep. Based on the article It is obvious that school age children need a lot more sleep than they are getting. As sleep continues to depreciate students have a harder time concentrating. Feelings of depression, also starts due to sleep ... Show more content on ... Results in both groups combined, sleep restriction caused a 20–1 decrease in pontine tCr [F.sub.1– 16]=5.07, p=0.039, Cohen's d=0.54) and an 11.3 increase in prefrontal Cho ([F.sub.1–21]=5.24, p=0.033, Cohen's d=0.46). Follow up revealed that prefrontal Cho increases were significant only among depressed participants( 17.9% increase, [E.sub.9]=3.35, p=0.008, Cohen's d=1.06). Mood improved by 30% for five depressed patients, 6 showed no change in mood after sleep restriction. Baseline pontine Cho levels, distinguished subsequent responders from non responders to sleep restriction among depressed participants. (Z=2.61, p=o.008). (1)Conclusion By sleeping more, will improve your test scores, you will have more alert feelings and more energy. A good nights sleep proves to improve all motor functions. Sleep restriction alters levels of pontine tCr and prefrontal Cho in both groups combined, suggesting effects on phospholipids and creatine metabolism. Baseline levels of pontine and Cho were linked to subsequent mood responses to sleep loss, suggesting a role for pontine phospholipids metabolism in mood effects of sleep restriction. (1)Limitations The fact that this was a small study and some of the depressed participants were undergoing stable pharmacological treatments. Even though no differences were shown between their neurochemical and mood characteristics. Medication naive participants only would ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders Since technology has become more advanced there has been a trend in people who are not getting a full night's rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, "at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long–term sleep disorders" (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems"). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result of modern technology, there are many people who every now and then don't sleep well, but there are several who experience what is called sleep deprivation: "Sleep deprivation is a condition that occurs if you don 't get enough sleep" ("What Are Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency?"). There are several dangers with so many American's being sleep deprived such as increased chance of falling asleep while driving or even increased work injuries: "Lack of sleep exacts a toll on perception and judgment. In the workplace, its effects can be seen...accidents. Sometimes the effects can even be deadly, as in the case of drowsy driving fatalities" ("Consequences of Insufficient Sleep"). For the purpose of public safety, American's should be aware of the dangers of sleep deprivation starting with how using electronics late at night effect your sleep. There are many factors that can change ones sleep and they don't even know that it. It has become more popular for people to fall asleep with the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Sleep Deprivation In Teenagers In their essay, "Sleep Deprivation in Adolescents and Young Adults," the National Adolescent Health Information Center (NAHIC) provides causes and solutions for the lack of sleep in adolescents and young adults. Drawing facts and studies from all over the world pertaining to sleep deprivation in teenagers, the NAHIC describes why the majority of teenagers suffers from lack of sleep and gives different solutions to the problem that is so prevalent in America's educational society. Some solutions to this ever–present problem, include later start times for schools and informational packets to give to teenagers about sleep hygiene. The NAHIC argues that one of the biggest problems of sleep deprivation in teenagers is the lack of education that teenagers receive about sleep hygiene. In their opinion and based off of the studies that the NAHIC provided, once teenagers and young adults start to get the information about sleep that they need, the majority of them will start to change the way they approach the topic of sleep, and they end up getting the full recommended night of sleep. In a study, In Shape – a healthy lifestyle advocate program – gave over 300 college students an intervention about sleep, stress, management, healthy eating, and more positive changes that a young adult can make in their life. Three months later, the college students show an increase in the duration of their sleep along with other health resorts (Werch, Moore, and Bian). In sum, the NAHIC argues that ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Sleep Deprivation Essay Abstract Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive, however in the modern days sleep deprivation in increasing more and more each day, causing accidents and medical problems for the people and the community. This essay will look at the meaning of sleep and sleep deprivation and the basic perspectives on what motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. This essay will also evaluate the best perspective to eliminate sleep deprivation with the cases studies discussing the general hypothesis of sleep and sleep deprivation. Basic Perspectives on Motivation: Evaluating Five Accounts for Sleep and Sleep Deprivation Sleep is one of our ... Show more content on ... Nature (2005) stated that sleep deprivation, is a serious concern for public safety due to all the accidents that have been cause due to lack of sleep. This essay will evaluate the basics of motivation for sleep and sleep deprivation with the following five perspectives: evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourists, cognitive and hierarchy of needs. This paper will also discuss the strengths and shortcomings, and the advantages and limitations, with the merit and my perspective of each perspective. Through evaluating these perspectives, it will be argued that the behaviourist and cognitive perspective will be the best to beat sleep deprivation. The evolutionary perspective started with Charles Darwin in 1859 by arguing that we, humans, evolved our behavioural tendencies because it helped us to survive and reproduce offspring (Burton, Western, & Kowalski, 2009). According to Burton et al. (2009) the psychological processes evolved via natural selection, which helps our ancestors to survive and reproduce. Sleep has a biological need and basis, which helped us to survive and reproduce offspring, this evolve millions of years ago by the conditions of the environment (Burton et al., 2009). In order to study sleep as a motivated behaviour with an evolutionary perspective, there is a need to look at the variables for the study. The biological variable is the amount of sleep and the theoretical variable is the neural circuits in the brain that motivate sleep (Burton et ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation Humans sleep is a biological need just like breathing, eating, and drinking, although people often assume that sleep deprivation is not as impactful to their bodies. Sleep deprivation is when you do not get enough daily sleep and it can take a toll on one's body (Pilcher & Allen, 1996). When one's sleep cycles are out of rhythm, they do not reach the rapid eye movement (REM) stage while they are sleeping, or when they have a diagnosed sleep condition. Sleep quality is equally important when discussing sleep deprivation because one can get the daily recommendation of sleep for one's age group, although by not reaching the REM sleep stage or having a sleep diagnosis can be an interruption. Simply put, it is sleep quality over quantity (Pilcher & Allen, 1996). A common claim that people say is that they do not function any differently when they are sleep deprived than when they are not. Only ten percent of people do not, in fact function differently when they are sleep deprived (Curcio, Ferrara, & Gennaro, 2010). Furthermore, by people not being able to recognize signs of sleep deprivation that enables them of being aware of mental stress. Memory, learning processes as well as cognitive functioning in the brain are impacted heavily by sleep (Curcio, Ferrara, & Gennaro, 2010), which then can affect teenagers and college students in school. On the contrary, Curcio, et al. (2010) take into consideration that there are other stresses in teenager's and college students' lives like ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Sleep Deprivation And Sleep Sleep is very important in a person's day to day activities. Sleep allows a person to be more aware of their surrounding and allows one to use their minds to the highest potential. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people due to their jobs or even by their own choices are sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can affect one's behavior and their cognitive functions in different ways. Goel pointed out that "deteriorate effects have been shown to involve vigilance, executive attention, working memory, language, divergent thinking, and creativity (Maccari 2014)." Much research has been done on how sleep deprivation effects brain functions and behavior. Many are not aware to what extent the brain is effected by sleep deprivation and how one's behavior can drastically change. In order to fully understand how one's mood is effected by sleep deprivation, one must first understand how the brain functions during sleep. Rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, is one of the phases that the brain goes through during sleep. During REM sleep, the eyes move back and forth and it is believed this is due to the visual images that one is seeing in their dream. Jouvet was the first to show that the brainstem is integral for the REM sleep stage, and the neural circuits in the pons have also been studied thoroughly to see how it plays a role in the sleep cycle. The medulla also contains neurons that are active during REM sleep. However, it is very unclear how big of a role the medulla plays in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Children Driving is an everyday responsibility that many of us have to do it's our responsibility to return to our loved ones. And when you don't get the chance to there are many factors as to why you might not make it home most common are people who are under the influence or alcohol or substances and people suffering from sleep deprivation. Effects of fatigue are thought to play a part in between 16% and 60% of road accidents and in the United states were estimated to cost in vicinity of $50 billion. This essay will argue just how dangerous driving under the influence of sleep deprivation really is. This essays argument will be supported by two major papers the first one is "Impairment of Driving Performance Caused by Sleep Deprivation or Alcohol: A Comparative Study" which was written by Stephen H. Fairclough and Robert Graham. The second article is "Moderate sleep deprivation produces impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally prescribed levels of alcohol intoxication" written by A M Williamson and Anne–Marie Feyer. For a while people did not believe that sleep deprivation was a major cause of car accidents. Sleep deprivation boosts the risk of human mistakes related to accidents. Sleep deprivation poses a risk to safe operation in all modes of transportation and to performance in other safety–sensitive activities. By studying the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive abilities, investigators have revealed plausible neurocognitive explanations for the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Sleep Deprivation In America Many teens in America are waking up tired from a lack of sleep. Most do not get the recommended 8–10 hours of sleep and this affects them greatly. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor performance in school and diseases such as obesity and anxiety. Teens need more sleep and one thing can lead to this goal, pushing back school start times. Junior highs and high schools across America are staring at an extremely early time, keeping many from sleep. Going to school is dreadful enough for most students, but a lack of sleep added onto that will affect them greatly. Performance in school is shown to be affected by sleep and other factors. Arriving to school with drowsiness can affect how one would do on a test, quiz, in class, or anything school related. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest factors in children's behavior. There are a number of reasons for children to get a good night sleep. It is not only important to adults but it is crucial in kids. Physical activity and cognitive thinking do well together when a child gets enough sleep (Sleep is Important to Your Child's Health, 2012). The effects on a child's sleeping habits can be profound in a negative or positive way. People show sleepiness in different ways and children have an even bigger spectrum on signs of theirs. It is up to parents, guardians, and teachers to really understand the importance of sleeping habits and the benefits of a child that is well rested. When you fall asleep your body releases a hormone called, melatonin, that stimulates your body preparing it to fall asleep, giving you the sensation of feeling drowsy. (What Makes You Sleep, n.d) When we get a good night's rest we usually wake up feeling great and rested. Not receiving proper sleep may make you late to school, forget about important tasks, or even make you feel irritated. Sleep affects our appearance, attitude, as well as our performance on daily activities. Even with children it is most times obvious how to tell when a child is sleepy. Children get irritated. They might begin to stumble, cry over anything, or demand attention from anyone. In older kids, an appearance and attitude can be good indicators they do not have proper sleeping habits. We can better detect a teen having sleep deprivation. If a teen has dark circles under their eyes, pale face, and becomes agitated over something small we can assume they haven't had a good night sleep. Cognitive thinking is a mental skill that you need to help you process information, to reason, recollect, read, perceive and workout problems. (Medalia & Revheim, n.d.) Being deprived of sleep or if bad sleeping habits begin to arise, that can have a huge effect on cognitive thinking skills. Lack of sleep may cause a child to do poorly in school. Assignments, and obtaining new information they are learning in school can become harder to learn on them. Promoting naps may increase interventions targeted at enhancing cognitive abilities. (Kurdziel, Ducios, Spencer, 2013). Napping is ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Sleep Deprivation In Teenagers Sleep Deprivation in Teenagers Lack of sleep is an epidemic. According to the Nationwide Children's Hospital ("Nationwide Children's Hospital") teens need 9¼ hours of sleep every night, but on average only get between 7 and 7¼ hours of sleep each night. Sleep may not seem like a big issue, and it has often been overlooked by many teens and adults, but it is a key factor for success in life. Lack of sleep due to school or sports not only negatively affects these two important activities, but your whole life. Sleep is necessary for your body in order for proper functioning throughout each day. Lack of sleep makes you feel completely out of everything you do. Many teens feel exhausted all day; they can not seem to fall asleep at night due to the pressure of social media and exposure to lit screens. Sleep deprivation negatively affects academics and sports causing worse performance under pressure, losing the ability to retain information properly, and even injury. Lit screens and social media pressure causes teens to get less sleep than the recommended amount. Stanford Medicine states that exposure to lit screens late at night increases the symptoms of sleep– phase delay, meaning your internal biological clock shifts backward. The lit screens "send a message via the retina to the portion of the brain that controls the body's circadian clock. The message: It's not nighttime yet" (Richter). Teens can feel lured into their phones, TVs, or computers before bed as a final relaxation or reward from the schoolwork or sports practice they just finished. These lit screens seem benevolent and relaxing; however, these tired teens do not realize that they are causing their internal biological clock to be tricked into delaying their sleep schedule. This cycle becomes repeated because, as they want to fall asleep their body does not feel it is time to, so they go back to their screens until they are completely exhausted and only get a few hours of sleep. "It's nice to stay up and talk to your friends or watch a funny YouTube video," said Carolyn Walworth, a 17 year–old high–school student interviewed by Stanford Medicine. "There are plenty of online distractions." (Richter) According to a survey of 1000 ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Effects Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep Deprivation: The Lasting Effects Sleep is as important to the body as eating healthy and staying hydrated. Sleep has a lot of positive results on the body like for example it helps with muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release, all which can only occur during sleep. Other rejuvenating aspects of sleep are specific to the brain and cognitive functions. Studies have shown that after people sleep they tend to retain information better which helps with memory tasks. Without sleep or the lack of a significant amount of sleep the body cannot function to its fullest potential. The body then struggles with the task of performing everyday activities. So it is important to sleep. The leading side effect of sleep deprivation is sleepiness, which causes the body to continuously yawn uncontrollably and leaves the body feeling sluggish or without energy. Sleep deprivation affects the central nervous system which makes it difficult to concentration. It's also difficult to learn new things because the body just does not have the energy. Similarly, it changes the bodies' decision making process and causes a lack of creativity. Their emotions are also affected, resulting in a short temper and mood swings. The previously stated side effects are just the just the beginning of sleep deprivation which occur within the central nervous system. Some long term effects that occur within the central nervous system are hallucinations, impulsive behavior, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Sleep Deprivation How Sleep Deprivation Leads to Cardiovascular Disease Sleep Deprivation is a condition where an individual do not meet the required hours of sleep most of the time. It is a common problem among teenagers and adults. Although lack of sleep does not lead to a serious health problem right away, but doing it repetitively can lead to physical and health problems gradually. Sleeping is one of the basic needs that our body makes in order to regenerate good health for both mental and physical aspect. Sleep Deprivation is a common health problem in United States. There is an appropriate sleep duration for each age group. According to National Sleep Foundation, School–Age Children should be having 9–11 hours of sleep, Teenagers 8–10 hours, and ... Show more content on ... Just one night of lack of sleep can result in increased blood pressure. In one large study conducted by Institute of Medicine Committee in Sleep Medicine and Research–that lack of sleep and disordered sleep are also associated with heart attacks and possible stroke. Getting 5 or fewer hours of sleep per night was associated with a 45 percent increase of heart attack (the researcher controlled for age, weight, smoking, and snoring)– (Colten HR and Altevog BM 2006) During sleep, the primary hormone that works is the melatonin. It is a hormone that is released by the pineal gland that alerts an individual that the body needs to sleep at night this hormone can also be suppressed by light. When an individual is sleeping the bodies blood pressure drops. This reduces the workload of the heart, but when an individual has an inadequate sleep there are several hormones that can interrupt the sleep cycle. The hormones that works or can interrupt the sleep are Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Thyroid hormones. Adrenaline is a strong hormone that can directly affects the blood pressure. When the adrenaline level remained high during the night this causes a big spike in the blood pressure which can cause hypertension. Cortisol also known as "stress hormone" is highest in the morning. Upon waking up, the cortisol level spikes up to prepare the body to deal ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Sleep Deprivation Essay Sleep Deprivation is the condition of not getting enough sleep, this condition affects millions of people throughout the world. Even though this condition affects many according to _________ it is more likely that teens and children are more vulnerable to it. Some reasons for not getting enough sleep could be the addiction of smartphones and media, stress, or simply overworking oneself. Sleep deprivation can lead to an inability to concentrate , poor grades, anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide as stated by ________. One of the major reasons that teens suffer from the lack of sleep are smartphones and media. It is proven that most teens own or have access to cellphones. Based on a 2011 poll from the National Sleep Foundation ... Show more content on ... " Most kids stay up late doing homework. If teachers cut back on homework kids will be able to get the amount of sleep they need for the following day." she stated. Most teachers in high school can tend to overwork students with homework. This can cause teens to stay up all night trying to complete the assignments, ultimately resulting in them not being able to get enough rest. Even though the National sleep foundation proves that sleep deprivation affects teens and children, it also affects adults as well. Mr. Soto, a behavioural dean at Eximius College Preparatory Academy, explains how he also suffers from sleep deprivation. "I don't get enough sleep." he states " It's because I have a lot of stuff going on in my personal life." He explains how stress also has an affect on sleep. Stress often leads insomnia, a habitual sleeplessness or lack of sleep. "A person's job or school should not be so stressful because stress plays apart in not getting enough sleep" he explains. When asked about the status of children and their addictions of smartphones and media, he believes that this affects the amount of sleep they get. "Yeah,[it affects]kids and people in general, because they're always on the computer." he says. Sleep deprivation is an ongoing issue around the world. But there are some things you could do to help if you're suffering from it. If you are addicted ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Sleep Deprivation Essay This experiment tests how the amount of sleep consumed effects the accuracy and reaction time in college students. The hypothesis states that a participant who received six or less hours of sleep the previous night will have slower reaction times and less accuracy than a participant who received more than six hours of sleep. Participants were broken into two groups (six or less hours of sleep and more than six hours) and asked to identify the color of ink on a flash card. This was a timed test to calculate accuracy and reaction time. The results of the study did not support the hypothesis. It was therefore rejected. According to Marhefka (2001), insufficient sleep reduces cognitive functioning in college student. Sleep deprivation is ... Show more content on ... Method Participants. There were twenty participants involved in this study. Seven were male and thirteen were female. Range of age of the participants was widely varied. Age was not one of the measured variables. All participants were college students or faculty at Arapahoe Community College (ACC). The participants were all selected at random. Participants were found while walking through out ACC. Each participant was given the details of participating in the study; they then made the decision to choose to participate or to decline. Materials. In this study flash cards were used to test reaction time. White 3x5 inch note cards were used. On each note card was written a color word (e.g. blue, black, purple). The color words were written in a noncorresponding colored ink (e.g. word blue written in red ink, word purple written in green ink). A stopwatch on a cell phone was used to keep time of twenty seconds. A flowchart was created to keep order of how many cards were completed correctly and incorrectly. There were thirty–seven flash cards made for this experiment which were kept in the same order throughout the study. On the flowchart, the column furthest to the left contained al the colors of the ink on each card in order. There were twenty additional columns to the right, one for each participant. Procedures. To begin the experiment, participants were asked to report the amount of sleep received the previous night. They ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Sleep Deprivation Essay Sleep is a biological rhythm that provides consciousness and alertness for people. When people are deprived of sleep, their bodies' ability to maintain homeostasis is disrupted. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem among many young people these days. It seems to affect the young people more than those of other age groups. With a heavy loaded schedule, young people often allow themselves to stay up all night finishing tasks. Most college students stay up late, trying to cram in the study for their important exam they have the next day. While students might think that the more they study, the more material they will memorize, having sleep deprivation proves the opposite. Most information students thought they memorized was lost, resulting in more information loss than gain. This may differ from person to person, due to the fact that the total hours of sleep each person needs is different. Typically, adolescents need around seven to nine hours of sleep each night in a twenty– four hour period. People can stay up as late as they want to, but eventually, they would need to sleep and cannot function well without it. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious mental and physical malfunctioning, such as memory loss, learning problems, emotional symptoms like depression and irritability, and diabetes. Sleep is essential for the formation of memories. According to Harvard University, sleep enhances synaptic connections from neurons to neurons thus increases the plasticity of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Chronic Sleep Deprivation I agree that the chronic sleep deprivation could negatively affect students because mental health is an important part of their success, and sleep is closely involved with it. In the video, the Science of Sleep, a study was conducted on a group of college students who were asked to take a test after being kept from sleeping for over 24 hours. Compared to others, these sleep–deprived students did about 40% worse. Matthew Walker, director of the Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab at the University of California, Berkeley and conductor of the experiment, summed up the study by saying that a good night's sleep can help you remember something better than you had before. In a study of their emotional responses, after scanning the brains of the study subjects, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Effects Of Sleep Deprivation. Sleep Deprivation Is,... Effects of Sleep Deprivation Sleep deprivation is, irrefutably, a massive health concern among Americans. Innumerable studies have been performed in hopes of finding out the perfect amount of sleep for a healthy lifestyle. Even though an average of 8–9 hours of sleep is practically unanimously recommended by health professionals, there is a huge discrepancy between that and the actual amount of sleep that teenagers in America are getting on average. The article "Go To Bed!" by Kerry Grens describes the ramifications of chronic sleep deprivation and the toll it takes on the body and mind in a relatively reader–friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner. The title of the article–preceded by an equally meaningful image–is eye–catching, ... Show more content on ... One such scenario: "Marie says her sleep problems started almost 20 years ago, on the first day of her job as a flight attendant. "The phone rang in the middle of the night," she recalls. It was work, scheduling her for a flight. "Something was triggered in my mind. It was the first time in my life I experienced a night with no sleep. Something clicked. Then the second night I couldn't sleep. It just went on. I lost my ability to sleep."" Several such firsthand accounts are given by the author and sleep study patients, which lends a greater sense of reliability to the article. On top of this, there are a plethora of cited statements by other professionals relating to the issue of sleep deprivation within the article, which means that Grens did her research and isn't just taking a shot in the dark. Grens maintains a sophisticated tone throughout the article, but still manages to go into enough detail on the more advanced issues discussed that most genuinely interested readers should be able to comprehend the information that is being presented to them. As the article goes on, Grens goes into more and more detail about the processes behind sleep and the nitty gritty of the medical repercussions of sleep deprivation. The terminology used may be too advanced for some readers, particularly those whose education levels are below that of college in biology. However, the bottom line is presented in a way that is easy to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects A normal night of sleep, a person may not feel restored and refreshed and sleepy during the day, but be totally unaware that the person is sleep deprived. A person might just think it is just the stress of work, and school or this is just normal the way you normally feel and had no idea that you should feel differently. Sleep is one of the things we need to survive, getting less hours of sleep and not sleeping well is not good for your body both physically and mentally. Every day sleep deprivation in increasing more and more, causing sleep deprivation, what the effects of sleep deprivation are, and what are the solutions to solve sleep deprivation, one can see that sleep is an important part to succeed in school and life. Between 2005 and 2007, nearly 30 percent of adults said they slept six hours or less per day, according to data from the National Health Interview Survey. That 's an hour less than the minimum amount of sleep recommended for adults. (Bromwich) Sleep deprivation occurs when you don't get enough sleep, having poor quality sleep, sleeping at the wrong time. Sleep deprivation may interfere with a person school work, social life, and even driving because a person might feel tired and sleep during all this event. It is recommend that a person gets 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to function properly. The National Sleep Foundation has suggested that the appropriate sleep duration for a person is 8 to 10 h. (Kim 1–12) Sleep deprivation is linked to many ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Sleep Deprivation Paper The mock study research question I have proposed is "What is effect of sleep deprivation on academic test performance?" and the hypothesis I have formulated is "Sleep–deprivation will produce poorer performance on test scores." I have designed a study that will consist of two groups. Both groups will have five members of different age students ranging from first grade to college graduate level and come from culturally diverse backgrounds, include members from both sexes, and all with similar academic standing. The control group will be allowed to sleep, the experimental group will not. Both groups will be of equal mix and representation, in an effort to remove factors that could affect the study. The act of sleep will be the independent variable ... Show more content on ... The study design created for this research addresses each of these in an ethical manner. Beneficence and nonmaleficence is upheld by seeking to benefit the participants, and cause them no harm. In the study, extra precautions are taken to ensure the safety of the subjects, and as stated transportation is provided to minimize risk to the individuals that may have been caused by the experiment, and the informed consent provides full details on what the potential risks to the subject may be. The second principle of fidelity and responsibility requires researchers to safeguard the patients trust and be responsible. The informed consent and confidentiality procedures, the ability to ask questions, and the ability of the subject to withdraw create a safe environment for the subject to participate, free from harm and pressure. The third principle of integrity entails committing no fraud; there is no deception present in the experiment. Fourth is justice, whereby researchers acknowledge that their research should be made available to all parties, and further the science; the study fulfills this requirement. Lastly, respect for people's rights and dignity is conformed to through the use of the informed consent and the confidentiality procedures in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects Sleep what is? Seems like it should be an obvious thing to everyone you go to sleep when you're tired and awake when you're rested though the unfortunate reality, most of us take sleep for granted and deprive ourselves of a vital our brain needs to function at its fullest. First and foremost the concept that everyone needs 8hours of sleep is false for most adults there is slight variation some of us are perfectly capable of functioning with 6 hours others need those few extra winks of 9 hours a night (p.97). The average amount of sleep for adults in the U.S is 7–8 hours a night (p.97). If you aren't getting the amount of sleep your brain requires be it 6 hours or 9 hours you're going to suffer from Sleep Deprivation. The idea that Sleep Deprivation is a torture used by societies past and present and we do it to ourselves almost willing is a serious matter in the United States, foolishly our society almost takes pride in it. All too often you hear during your day to day life someone imprudent says something along the lines "I can function on only 4 hours of sleep!" or "I pull all nighters all the time!" well if this is you you're going to hurt yourself or someone else. When you aren't getting enough sleep you start building a sleep–debt and you're body and brain one way or another is going to want you to pay that back (p.99). After keeping track of how many hours of sleep for 5 nights I got, to no surprise I had a little bit of a sleep–debt owed. For 5 night's total I should ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Sleep Deprivation Essay Sleep Deprivation It's seven thirty in the morning, the time that most American high schools begin class. Instead of being chipper and ready to learn, most teenagers, at this time of the morning, can barely remain awake. These puffy eyed pupils are by no means ready to learn. Sixty percent children under 18 reported being sleepy during the day, with another fifteen percent reporting that they had fallen asleep during the school day within the past year (National Sleep Foundation, Dozing). Though adolescents require a larger amount of sleep than younger children, they usually receive much less (Indiana University Center for Adolescent Studies). The amount of sleep a teenager receives affects him or her both physically and ... Show more content on ... Another way to combat teenage sleep deprivation is through providing better education on the matter. The information that most teenagers receive on the affects of sleep deprivation is minimal. For example, though a North Carolina state study showed that most sleep–related automobile accidents involve individuals under the age of 25 (National Sleep Foundation, Crashes), sixty percent of parents with children old enough to drive admitted that they hadn't discussed that danger of falling asleep at the wheel with their child (National Sleep Foundation, Dozing). Between seventy–three and eighty–five percent of parents believe that their children should receive just as much time learning about good sleep habits at school as they do learning about exercise and nutrition (National Sleep Federation, Dozing). "Sleep experts feel really strongly that high school timings are out of sync with the natural circadian rhythms of adolescents," commented Michele Kipke, head of the National Academy of Science's Board on Children, Youth and Families (Kaufman). One way to correct this inconsistency would be to start the school day later. "Because of their unique sleep needs, teenagers' brains are not ready to be alert until long after the typical high school day has begun," said Richard Gelula, Nation Sleep Foundation Executive ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Symptoms And Treatments Of Sleep Deprivation The average weight of an adult in the United States is around 176 pounds, but when sleep deprived, it may feel like 300 pounds. The simple task of walking from one place to another transforms into a treacherous mountain–climb. Eye–lids become firm bricks. Why can't the human body just go without sleep for twenty–four hours and feel normal? Unfortunately, that is not how it works, and the body struggles without rest. Insomnia affects more than most people know, and even if they do know, not many are sure why the symptoms occur. Sleep is a rather peculiar action. Why does the brain and the body basically need to lose connection to the world for a few hours? Insomnia, which is the inability to sleep, can cause many symptoms and they are not delightful whatsoever. Sleep deprivation is not only rough because of obvious reasons, but the consequences that harm the brain and body can be devastating. Even if people know what sort of symptoms are, they do not know why these things happen. Effects of insomnia vary, but they all make life way more of a challenge. Symptoms can start around sixteen hours without sleep, and they escalate as time goes on (Rao). This proves how sleep deprivation symptoms can get ugly and come rapidly. Symptoms start off normal, such as extreme sleepiness, body exhaustion, difficulty to focus, etc., however, the effects may worsen if not treated. Hallucinations, spasms, depression, and many more horrific effects will come if not rested. These effects are ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Sleep Deprivation Sleep Deprivation among College Students One of the most common and high risk disorders among college students is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is when one does not obtain the full amount of sleep that is required for the body to function properly. Young adults need about six to eight hours of sleep in order to function properly, but some college students do not get to sleep the full six to eight hours in one sleep session. There has been a wide range of concern on whether or not people are performing at their highest potential in their day to day lives or if that performance is somehow interrupted due to this insufficient sleep. Buboltz, Brown and Soper (2001) found that trouble waking up in the morning, taking more than thirty minutes to fall asleep, and daytime sleepiness were more of the common types of sleep difficulties. Due to inadequate sleep students get during the night, they tend to take naps in the middle of the day (Ye, Johnson, Keane, Manasia, & Gregas, 2015). Most college students often surrender their sleep during the week, and make up for it by sleeping longer on the weekends (Pilcher & Walters, 1997), but they actually do not get more sleep. Sleep deprivation comes with many risks such as impaired cognitive performance, behavioral changes, and health issues. This paper will review research on sleep deprivation and inadequate sleeping patterns such as napping to make up for loss of sleep. This paper will explain the normal sleeping patterns that one ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Sleep Deprivation Essay      Sleep deprivation has become a major problem with Americans. Over 100 million Americans today suffer from lack of sleep. This has been an ongoing problem throughout the centuries. People owe their bodies sleep and scientist are calling it a "Sleep debt". An average American owes their body at least thirty hours of sleep. This lack of sleep is as hazardous as drunk driving.      One man caught sleep deprivation at it's best. He pushed himself to the limits as much as possible. One day he went thirty hours without sleep and was on his way to his parents for supper. On his way to his parents house he stopped on some railroad tracks and stared a train in the face until it hit ... Show more content on ... Take the Challenger Space shuttle explosion, for instance, It has been recorded that the main mistakes of that shuttle came from the sleep deprived NASA managers. The huge tanker that had the catastrophic oil spill, it was said that the sleepy crewman that was in charge of turning the tanker was the main cause of the accident. Gerald Ford was famous for his announcing that he only needed five hours of sleep a night, but if you check the history books it is shown that he might have needed a little more than five hours.      "Driving drowsy is the same as driving drunk," says Dement. "You're very impaired, your judgment is impaired, your reaction time is impaired, your memory is impaired, and this huge sleep debt you've accumulated suddenly seizes you, and that's when people die." Dement tries to enforce over and over that drowsiness can cause the same disorientation as drunkenness and that most of our society suffers from it.      Drowsiness is more than a sign of sleep deprivation, it is fact the pre–sleep state of the body. Weather you want to or not, when you get drowsy you are going to have to sleep soon after. Dement points out that we need to force ourself to sleep as much as some people have to force themselves to stop drinking. A sleep debt cannot be taken away in one morning of sleep. It has to be removed by going to bed an hour early and waking up ... Get more on ...