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Case Study On System Requirement Modeling
In this assignment I will be using assignment 2:1 case study to my system requirements. In this case study we learn about a
company called URCovered, which is an auto insurance companies and they were developing a mobile application to
improve their customer services and customer experience in their claims management department. To develop this mobile
applications projects this will required a system requirement model, a requirement model, data process model, a DFD, data
dictionary, object modelling and final a use case diagram System Requirement Modelling In the system requirement
modelling this in be a fact gathering for information or fact finding, questions will be place to our customer such as surveys,
face to face interviews so we can
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Online Auction System
ONLINE AUCTIONING SYSTEM _______________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State University
_______________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Computer Science
_______________ by Shanthi Potla Summer 2011 iii Copyright © 2011 by Shanthi Potla All Rights Reserved iv
DEDICATION To all. v ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS Online Autioning System by Shanthi Potla Master of Science in
Computer Science San Diego State University, 2011 The online auctioning system is a flexible solution for supporting lot–
based online auctions. The thesis explains the construction of an auction website. The system has been designed to be
highly–scalable and capable of supporting large numbers of ... Show more content on ...
ODBC and other API
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Import Java Case Study
import; import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import;
import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import
public class WikiAnalyzer
public static class PageMapper extends Mapper (–– removed HTML ––) { private final static IntWritable LocValue = new
IntWritable(1); StringBuffer OnePage = new StringBuffer(); Text ... Show more content on ...
So, // discard the existing unprocessed page. DiscardPage (); } } else { if (OnePage.length() > 0) {
OnePage.append(OneLine); } } } } public void cleanup (Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { }
public void DiscardPage () { OnePage.setLength(0); } public void WriteResults(Context context) throws IOException,
InterruptedException { int BegIdx = –1; int EndIdx = –1; Text LocKey; // Display page count by Writing key = (–– removed
HTML ––) value 1 context.write(LocKey_PC, LocValue); // Find the Title tag and write it key = (–– removed HTML ––) ...
(–– removed HTML ––) value 1 BegIdx = OnePage.indexOf(" (–– removed HTML ––) "); if (BegIdx > –1) EndIdx =
OnePage.indexOf("/title>", BegIdx + 1); if (BegIdx > –1 && EndIdx > 1) { context.write(LocKey_TC, LocValue); // Title =
OnePage.substring(BegIdx, EndIdx + 8); // LocKey = new Text(Title); // context.write (LocKey, LocValue); don't write the
actual // title they are unique and not
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Python's Dictionary ( Dict ) Data Types
Python's dictionary (dict) data type is a structure composed of "'key:value" pairs where a value is associated with a key used
to look–up that value. In other languages, similar data structures are often known as associative arrays. Dictionary keys must
be unique (among other keys in the dict) and immutable, but values can be mutable or immutable and can be any data type.
Dictionaries themselves are mutable, which means that key:value pairs can be removed or added to dictionaries, or the value
of any pair modified. Dictionaries have generally been considered "unordered" (order has actually been determined by the
hash table, which is based on the specific Python implementation, and thus cannot be relied on). The hash table is actually a
... Show more content on ...
Because Python dictionaries can contain data structures like lists and other dictionaries, the information in the creatureTypes
dictionary could be extensive. Each entry in the dictionary might contain a dictionary specific to that creature. These
dictionaries might have keys like "stats", "moves", etc. Getting the value at creatureTypes["CreatureType"]["stats"] might
return a list of the stats the creature can have for each level it obtains. The list of moves a creature can learn, found at
creatureTypes["CreatureType"]["moves"] might be a list where each index in the list corresponds to a level and the item at
each index is another list of moves available at that level. This game might also have a dictionary of moves, where each
move's name is a key and the value is a dictionary of that move's attributes, such as "type" for whether the move does magic
or physical damage, and "power" for how strong the attack is. I'll note that, for the creatureTypes dictionary, I would choose
to use lists over dictionaries for something that will be looked up by sequential integer values from 0 to n, such as creature
stats for each level. Looking up a value in a dict by key is no faster than looking up a value in a list by index. Infact, lists
look–up by index can be *slightly* faster; a dictionary look–up requires the key to be
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What Is The Purpose Of Express. Js?
Express.js Express.js is a Node.js framework. It's built around configuration and granular simplicity of Connect middleware.
Some people compare Express.js to Ruby Sinatra vs. the bulky and opinionated Ruby on Rails. The purpose of Express.js
with Node.js is that you don't have to repeat the same code over and over again. Node.js is a low–level I/O mechanism
which has an HTTP module. If you just use an HTTP module, a lot of work like parsing the payload, cookies, storing
sessions (in memory or in Redis), selecting the right route pattern based on regular expressions will have to be re–
implemented. With Express.js it there for you to use. Express.js is useful to use with Node.js. An example would be to try to
write a small REST API server ... Show more content on ...
It's quite possible that one can accidently overwrite another variable that was already defined in early script written by you.
Hence, it can easily cause an issue of conflict while working with various heavy applications that can make a debugging
process more difficult to function. It's known as one of the major threat while handling Node.js platform but, fortunately,
introducing a new CommonJS module standard has solved this tricky way of handling NodeJS coding styles. CommonJS is
a project that was established in the year 2009 to standardize the working procedures for thousands of developers in
JavaScript platforms outside the browser by specifying these basic three components at the time of working with modules:
require() method to load the module into the code. exports object enable developers to expose a variety of Node JS code
when loading the module to provide metadata information. CommonJS module implementation process deals with single
JavaScript file utilities that have an isolated scope for working with its variables. It's always recommended working with
Express while dealing with Node JS coding features as it combines Connect module that is an open source procedure with
high flexibility of extending and exploring its functionalities. Express coding features are entirely built on top of the Connect
module and prefer using its middleware architecture system
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Nt1310 Unit 5 Function Essay
Points to remember about Function:
 Function is defined by the standard types T & R where, input type is denoted as T and output type is denoted as R.
 Method apply() is the prime abstract functional method of Function interface. It takes a parameter t of type T as input and
yields an output object of type R.
 There are two default methods in Function. The first default method is compose(), that combines the function on which it
is activated (which is also mentioned as the current function) with another function that is named before, so that if the
combined function is applied, then initially the before function is applied which changes the input type V to type T. Then,
the current function alters the type T object to type R output. Accordingly, the combined function is attained whereas,
compose() utilizes both the functions, in the course of converting type V to R.
 ... Show more content on ...
Accordingly, the combined function is attained by using andThen() default method utilizes both functions within the process
to convert type T to type V.
 Function also consists of a static method identity() which is a plain function, that returns the input as it is. As the name
implies, functional programming is created on functions as a first–class feature. Java 8 perhaps uplifts functions to a first–
class feature with the Lambda Project and functional
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Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented...
Object–oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was introduced, the languages
that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The
language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands... between developing programs. Disadvantage structured
language: for avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid these.
It's more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations.
Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create
DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk ... Show more content on ...
Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow checked exception,
Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract
classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract
class can have both abstract & non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should
be only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn't be inside a abstract class. An
abstract method doesn't have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can't create
abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex:
abstract class Car{ void Color(){ System.out.println("red"); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static
void main(String
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The Impact Of Internet On The Internet
Name: Payal Rajpurohit. Now a days, technology has made all day to day task very easy in everybody's life. It has been a
very important part of every human, as people are surrounded by them from day to night. Computers has contributed a lot to
our society and in each and every field of work. It can be easily said that the progress of every business has been gradually
increased after the time when computers and internet has been introduced to the world. Internet is now a powerful source to
share information, education and also in every field of businesses. Internet has undoubtedly being a very important part of
today's generation life. We can do a lot of different task of our day to day life by just sitting at home such as paying bills,
shopping, ordering food, groceries and a lot of entertainment as well. All these things are being done by just going to a
particular websites, made by web developer. 'Websites' are a bunch of web pages which gives useful information and can
also be an interactive, through which we can communicate with our friends. Looking at those websites and software, it
seems to be a very difficult task to develop them, but it's not difficult and a very interesting job to do it. You will be getting
introduced by a lot of different knowledge and designing as well as developing skills. There are lot of different programming
and designing languages available as an open source, which anyone can use it to build their own websites and software. If
you either
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Application For A Virtual Environment
Divya Burugula
Student ID 1295137
University of Houston–Clear Lake
Trends in virtualization are always changing. As the technology matures and advances are made, there are more options
open to administrators and more cost saving virtualization projects that can be implemented. The websites and articles listed
in the reference section, give you some idea of the capability using the VMware product, which is simply one of several
virtualization options. Virtualization allows for the maximizing of hardware through the sharing of resources. A virtualized
environment is also easier to backup and restore for disaster recovery purposes. The purpose of this review is to look at
virtualization from the ... Show more content on ...
The desktop virtualization provides its users to maintain their desktops on a remote central server and the users connects this
remote central server using a LAN or WAN through the internet. Desktop virtualization is broadly categorized into two
categories depending upon the operating system instance is executed locally or remotely. The two categories of desktop
virtualization are as follows:
Host Based Desktop Virtualization
Client Based Desktop Virtualization
HOST–BASED DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION: In the host based virtual machines each and every user connects to a
virtual machine that is hosted in a particular data center. The user may or may not connect to the same virtual machine every
time and even sometimes the user may be allotted a random virtual machine from a virtual machine pool Sometimes the
users connect to a shared desktop i.e. nothing but the users connect to the individual applications that run on a server. This
kind of connection of the users to a shared desktop is termed as shared hosted desktop virtualization. In the host based
virtual machines the operating systems runs directly on the physical hardware located in the data center.
CLIENT BASED DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION: In the client based desktop virtualization, the processing is done on a
local hardware. The client based desktop virtualization includes
OS Streaming: In the client based desktop virtualization the operating systems run on a local hardware which
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Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming
Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close, so most programmers
are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing
those features, such as operator overloading, multiple inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use
pointers, and provides automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management. Java
is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance primitives, for simplicity, only
supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces support multiple inheritance, and to support the
implementation mechanism between classes and interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java
language, C ++ language and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object–
oriented programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet development and
application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in basic Java application programming
interfaces, it provides a programming library for network applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket,
ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed
applications Java language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception
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Expion II : Kernel-Type Process Of The Opencl Program
SECTION III: EXAMPLE OpenCL PROGRAM Using OpenCL in programming is relatively straightforward. First, write a
kernel–type method in C; this is the code that will be run on a kernel. Next, identify the platform the code is running on, and
the device it will execute on within that platform. Then you must instantiate a context from the device and create an instance
of the kernel (this is the program). Next, send the kernel to the
The following is a very short program written in C++ that uses the OpenCL interface. Its purpose is to print the name and
capabilities of the device running it, and pass a string to the "demo" kernel. The Demo kernel fills the string with "CPE 186"
and passes it back.
__kernel void demo(__global char* ... Show more content on ...
Figure 3: Running the built project on the development environment
When run on the development environment, it was shown that OpenCL was run on a device called "Hawaii" (my
development environment's R9 390 graphics card) which has forty available compute units; and the string result was "CPE
186". Figure 4: Running the built project on a laptop
When run on my laptop, it instead
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My Curriculum Practical Training : The Whole Concepts Of...
I am UDAYGANESH KOMMALAPATI bearing the ID 700621789, working for TekInvaderz which is an Illinois based
company focusing on building win–win relationship with the clients. Where I am reporting to Jaya Prakash Peddineni my
supervisor. Below are his contact details. Name: Jaya Prakash Peddineni Email Office
Address: 2488 E Oakton St, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Phone: +1 816–812–7274 During the period of my curriculum
practical training I have learned the HADOOP technology, initial three weeks I was taught the concepts that I should be
aware of in order to understand the whole concepts of HADOOP technology. In this regard I was taught collection
framework in java at first. Listed below are the concepts that should be learned in order to properly understand HADOOP
technology. Basics Required to Understand Hadoop Technology: Java Collection frame work (Because while writing map
reduce jobs in HADOOP, we mainly use the collection framework in JAVA) What is BIG DATA? (Definition and basic
terminology of BIG DATA, how to handle large sets of
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Purchasing And Correctional System
system is not providing the secure registration and also profile management of all the users properly. This manual system
gives us to very less security for the saving data and some data may be lost due to mismanagement. This system is not
providing intranet based email facility in between users. This system is not providing any online facility to maintain and
process data, hence takes a lot of time to send a request and process it. This system is not maintaining any user hierarchy.
The system is giving only the less memory usage for the users. PROPOSED SYSTEM The development of this new system
contains some following activities, which try to automate the entire all the process keeping in the view of database
integration approach. This system maintains user's personal, address, and contact details. User friendliness is provided in the
application with various controls provided by system rich user interface. This system makes the overall project management
much easier and flexible. Various classes have been used for maintain the details of all the users and catalog. Authentication
is provided for this application only registered users can access. Report generation features is provided using to generate
different kind of reports. This system provides the intranet based email services in between users. The system provides
automatic alert
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Java, Java And Java
Java 8 is one of the most notable changes to the Java programming language in Java history. Although profound, the changes
enable developers to write programs more concisely, diminishing the complexity of verbose code. Our research uses Java 8
and its new functional features such as Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions to enable this Object Oriented
Programming language to perform as a functional language.
There are a number of advantages in legacy code migration such as improved code design, however, the task of migration is
tedious. Existing refactoring tools may reduce the weight of the task but some useful features still require manual
The focus of this research is placed on the new capabilities of Interfaces ... Show more content on ...
This OOD model is based on objects and data rather than actions and logic unlike the historical logical procedure of
programming which simply involved inputting data, processing it and producing output.
Java's evolution (via the addition of new features) from Java 1.1to Java 7 has been well administered, but the release of Java
8 in March 2014 included some more profound changes than any other changes to Java in its history [1].
2. Phase 1: Research Background
The notable changes visited in our research include Lambda Expressions, Functional Interfaces, Default Methods and
Method References – which are Functional Language Features. A Functional Language unlike OOD is based upon is when
functions, not objects or procedures, are used as the fundamental building blocks of a program.
i. Lambda Expressions
Lambda expression (also known as an anonymous method) is a block of code that you can pass around so it can be executed
later, once or multiple times. Since there are no function types in Java, functions are expressed as objects – instances of
classes that implement a particular interface. Lambda expressions give you a convenient syntax for creating such instances.
Lambdas also reduce verbosity caused by anonymous classes – making code more elegant and concise. For example:
Before Lambdas
Button btn = new Button(); final PrintStream pStream = ...; btn.setOnAction(new Event Handler(){
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Sample Resume On Import Java
/** * */ package edu.ilstu.it275.assigment5.Sbansa1;
import java.util.Random;
/** * /** Dueler Class with Attributes The private members are accessible in the * class itself while the public members can
be accessed outside the class * * @author saurabh * */
public class Dueler { private int accuracy; private boolean alive = true; public Random random = new Random(); private int
winsAaron; private int winsBob; private int winsCharles; private String name;
public Dueler() { // Constructor with no Parameters. }
/** * setter for method accuracy * * @param accuracy */ public void setAccuracy(int accuracy) { this.accuracy = accuracy;
// setter for name public void setName(String name) { = name; }
/* * ShootAtTarget Method to generate Random Number if the random number is * zero the target that you shoot at is Hit */
public void shootAttarget(Dueler target) { int randomGen = random.nextInt(accuracy); if (randomGen == 0) {
target.setAlive(false); if (accuracy == (1.0 / 3.0) && randomGen % 3 == 0) { target.setAlive(false); }
else if (accuracy == (1.0 / 2.0) && randomGen % 2 == 0) { target.setAlive(false); }
else if (accuracy == 1) { target.setAlive(false); } } }
// getter for wins by Aaron public int getWinsAaron() { return winsAaron; }
// setter for wins by Aaron public void setWinsAaron(int winsAaron) { this.winsAaron = winsAaron; }
// getter for wins by bob
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Assignment On Object Oriented Programming
PID: 392427
DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016
Doing the research about the object oriented programming on online and also while being enrolled in this class I have
learned so many new things about computer concepts, background and its languages throughout this fall semester. Which I
would like to use and share that information I learned about object–oriented programming languages in this research paper.
Even while looking more depth on online about object oriented languages, I got excited to learn more and more about
different computer languages. In this research, I would share what object–oriented means, and also describe two languages
of Object–oriented programming particularly I would use Java and C++ to compare and contrast while using their
background information about each language of Java and C++ of an object–oriented programming language.
First of all, let me begin with Object oriented programming. Object oriented programming is a type of a computer
programming language in which begin with the basic concept of an object. Where to object is characterized by its states and
behavior. The state is basically information about object known about itself and behavior is an action that object can do or
react. For example, if you meet a new person the state is a name, address, height, weight, and so on and its behavior of a
person can be speaking, read, write, run, walk, swim, jump, and so on. Objects are
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Object Oriented Programming
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (JAVA) IN INTERVIEWS 1)What is OOPs? Ans: Object oriented programming
organizes a program around its data,i.e.,objects and a set of well defined interfaces to that data.An object–oriented program
can be characterized as data controlling access to code. 2)what is the difference between Procedural and OOPs? Ans: a) In
procedural program, programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are executed one after another. In
OOPs program, unit of program is object, which is nothing but combination of data and code. b) In procedural program,data
is exposed to the whole program whereas in OOPs program,it is accessible with in the object and which in turn assures the
security of the code. ... Show more content on ...
Ans: final : final keyword can be used for class, method and variables.A final class cannot be subclassed and it prevents
other programmers from subclassing a secure class to invoke insecure methods.A final method can' t be overriddenA final
variable can't change from its initialized value. finalize( ) : finalize( ) method is used just before an object is destroyed and
can be called just prior to garbage collecollection finally : finally, a key word used in exception handling, creates a block of
code that will be executed after a try/catch block has completed and before the code following the try/catch block. The
finally block will execute whether or not an exception is thrown. For example, if a method opens a file upon exit, then you
will not want the code that closes the file to be bypassed by the exception–handling mechanism. This finally keyword is
designed to address this contingency. 15)What is UNICODE? Ans: Unicode is used for internal representation of characters
and strings and it uses 16 bits to represent each other. 16)What is Garbage Collection and how to call it explicitly? Ans:
When an object is no longer referred to by any variable, java automatically reclaims memory used by that object. This is
known as garbage collection.System.gc() method may be used to call it explicitly. 17)What is finalize() method ? Ans:
finalize () method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to
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A Practical Training Report On Chatting Application
A Practical Training Report On CHATTING APPLICATION Submitted to Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) In
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology Under the guidance of: By :
PRADESH, NOIDA (U.P.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would take this opportunity to thank Amity University for
providing us the opportunity of doing research on a topic in the form of In–House training. We would also like to thank our
Head of departmentfor Ms.NitashaHasteer her encouragement and support throughout for the successful completion of the
project work. We would like to thank our Faculty GuideMs.ChetnaChaudharyfor her valuable guidance and support. She has
been very kind and helpful to us. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to her for her help during the course of
the project right from the selection of the project, her constant encouragement, expert academic and practical guidance. Last
but not the least, we thank our parents whose invaluable support made the whole project possible and without them nothing
would have been possible. KomalPanzade VrindaShandilya CERTIFICATE This is to certify that
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Java Programming And Object Oriented Programming
Java programming is widely used programming language that has a wide verity of application, such as; Mobile application,
Enterprise Application, Desktop applications, etc. Java program was created by Sun Microsystems in early 1990s. It was
created to solve the problem of connecting many household machines together. Java is class based and object oriented
programming language. Java programming is secure, fast and reliable. It's free and created for the general purpose.
Object Oriented is refers to a computer programming that defines the data of data structure and the types of functions that
can be applied to the data structure.
Classes: A class is specifically set of instructions that allow creating different objects, which define the ... Show more
content on ...
The class identifier should start with capital letter. A class should start in the first column of the line followed by the rest of
header information– an identifier in the simplest case. In Java class has two access levels:
In Java class has two access levels:
Public: In class objects are accessible in coding in any package.
Default: In class objects are accessible inside the package. Java keywords: The Java complier recognizes these keywords and
treats them special (Fig–1):
Fig–1 (Online
Object: Object oriented is a software program that describes the data structure, data type but also the types of operations or
functions that can be applied to the data structure. Like that data structure becomes an object, which includes data and
functions. Object specifies the behavior that states each class. This program can create the relationship between one object
and another, such as; object can inherit characteristic from another object. Object can be written and maintained
independently Concepts of Object oriented programming:
Principles: Inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism are the basic principles of Java programming:
Abstraction: It's one of the central principles of object oriented programming. Abstraction is a process of abstracting the
common features of objects and procedures. Abstraction takes away or removes the characteristic from something in order to
reduce the
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Railway Route Optimizer
TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 1. Organization Profile 3. System
Analysis 1. Existing system 2. Problem Definition 3. Proposed System 4. Requirement Analysis 5. Requirement
Specifications 6. Feasibility study 4. System Design 1. Project Modules 2. Data Dictionary 3. Data Flow Diagrams 4. E–R
Diagrams 5. Hardware And Software Requirements 5. System Testing 6. Software Tools Used 7 Technical Notes 1.
Introduction To Real–time programming 2. Introduction to OOPS and Windows ... Show more content on ...
In this train–id unique and this attribute does not allow any duplicate values Route : This module maintains the data about
routes between stations and This module handle the routes tables and fields are route–id, starting–station, destination,
timetakenforordinary, and timetakenforexpress. The module shows the graphical representation of a route between starting–
station and destination. This module is very useful to know routes between any two stations and also know shortest path
among the routes, and also gives graphical representation of the corresponding routes Search : This module maintains the
data about trains, routes tables and this module gives reports on trains and routes, this module In this project has two active
actors they are 1. Administrator 2.Traveller Administrator: The administrator has privileges on Stations, Trains, and Routes
he can Add data into these tables and allow all operations on these tables. Once data is stored into these tables after the
traveler can send a query on that data for generating reports. And he can easily find out which is the shortest path between
two stations Traveler: The traveler has only privileges on search for a train and a route. The traveler sends queries to server
and gets reports on the requested data and he will get graphical
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Pt2520 Unit 5 Paper
considered which are the available memory and CPUs cycles are.  Transitioner is responsible for controlling work units'
states. Once there is an activity of each work unit, Transitioner will change its state. There are various state transitions that
can be occurred. For example, if the volunteered device does not send any results back in the determined time, then the work
unit's state will be changed to 'expired'. More on this, if there are enough returned results, Transitioner will change the state
of work unit to 'ready to validate'.  Validator – since the volunteered clients are unreliable, the delivered results may be
incorrect. To prevent this problem, BOINC server provides a mechanism called 'persistent redundant computing'. This
mechanism performs the same task on two or more clients independently. In this component, there are two subtasks. The
first task is to find out the valid results and the second one is to grant reward points to volunteers. After the validation is
done, Assimilator will then start.  Assimilator is used to handle ... Show more content on ...
Note that project administrator refers to staff who configure and maintain the system. In Fig. 5, the diagram illustrates the
overall process of the platform. Initially, raw data for this experiment scenario are streamed to Data Preprocessing to
construct the XML files. These XML files are then respectively send to the server. After querying the input data, the server
splits one huge job into several small chunks of work units and sends requests to volunteered mobile devices. Once each
volunteer accepts the request. The profile information of each device including the number of CPU's cycles, the size of
storage as well as the free space of memory is sent to the server. After that the server manages, schedules, and assigns the
proper number of work units that need to be processed and distributes them to the
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Cop 3330 Object Oriented Programming. Daniel Gutierrez.
COP 3330 Object Oriented Programming
Daniel Gutierrez
PID: 3923693
April 9, 2017
Object–oriented programming at its core is a practice of strategic thinking. Essentially, in OOP we tend to focus on objects
rather than "actions" and data rather than logic. A key step in OOP is identifying the objects one wants to manipulate and
observing how they relate to each other. The basic idea of OOP involves breaking up the code into objects that can message
each other, which proves to be very beneficial. To better understand and use object–oriented programming as intended, I
decided to investigate two different languages that implement the object–oriented approach to programming. I chose Java
because I am already familiar with the syntax and its ... Show more content on ...
C# is a general–purpose programming language as part of Microsoft's .NET initiative. It was designed for the Common
Language Infrastructure (CLI). C# applications are compiled into bytecode that can run on implementations of the CLI. The
fact that Microsoft own Visual Studio means that the IDE is not easily accessible to anyone, as Java is. That is later
mentioned in the differences between the two.
From an article that suggests that C# is an evolution of Java, I was able to gather evidence on the similarities between them
and understand the ways that C# actually improves upon, when compared to Java. An interesting discovery in my research
was that the keywords in Java language are very similar to the ones in C#; for example, new, bool, this, break, static, class,
throw, virtual, and null. But they are a few different keywords in C# that simply are not the same as in Java. Furthermore, C#
and Java share the same primitive data types, with the exception that C# uses the System namespace regarding those objects.
In C# and Java, there is built–in garbage collection, it helps prevent memory leaks by removing objects that are no longer
being used by the application. Basically, this means that, although memory leaks can occur, memory management is pretty
much taken care for you. From an article that suggests that C# is an evolution of Java, I was able to gather evidence on the
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Example Of Import Java
import java.util.Scanner; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import
java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set;
public class RoutingPerformance { private static ArrayList (–– removed HTML ––) req = new ArrayList (–– removed
HTML ––) (); private static List (–– removed HTML ––) [][] table; private static Hashtable (–– removed HTML ––) routers
= new Hashtable (–– removed HTML ––) (); private static Scanner s,s1,s2; private static int noc = 0,nsc = 0,nor = 0,nop =
0,nhops = 0,packetlosts = 0,delays = 0;//connection number,successfully ... Show more content on ...
[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; delay[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; load[i][j] = 0; finalload[i][j] =
Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; adjacentrouter[i][j] = 0; } } while (s1.hasNextLine()) { String line = s1.nextLine(); String[] temp
= line.split(" "); hops[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = 1; delay[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] =
Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); finalload[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]);
load[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); hops[routers.get(temp[1])]
[routers.get(temp[0])] = 1; delay[routers.get(temp[1])][routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
finalload[routers.get(temp[1])][routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); load[routers.get(temp[1])]
[routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); } while (s2.hasNextLine()) { String line = s2.nextLine(); String[] temp =
line.split(" "); Connection e = new Connection(Double.valueOf(temp[0]),Double.valueOf(temp[3]) +
Double.valueOf(temp[0]),routers.get(temp[1]), routers.get(temp[2])); req.add(e); } Collections.sort(req, c); table = new
List[nor][nor]; if (ROUTING_SCHEME.equals("SHP")) { for (int start = 0; start < nor; start++) { int[][] tempHops = new
int[nor][nor]; for (int i = 0; i < nor; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nor; j++) { tempHops[i][j] = hops[i][j]; } } dja dij = new
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Learning The Java Script Language
Follow me and I will show you how I am going to learn how to program with Javascript. Up to this time, I have only been
aware that such a simple scripting language existed. Having nothing better to do aaai have decided to learn. FIRST STEP: I
checked out and downloaded some information. If I am not mistaken, javascript allows
for more activity within an html file; since I know and understand html learning another language to enhance that should not
be difficult. We shall see. I will share all of my frustrations with you. SECOND STEP: I read my first download. I learn why
I should learn the java script language. I am informed by my friends at W3 that although I know html I am no programmer.
Knowing and learning Javascript will give me an extra edge as it will allow for many little extras that html cannot do. Its
purpose I learn as I read on is that it will allow information not originally put there to be added to an html document. (This
sounds good or bad, depending on who is adding the information! yet my cold feet is not stopping me. I read on.) Java script
creates cookies; (yum) can detect the browser of the one visiting your web site and can act accordingly and do all kinds of
tricks. Along about this time I surmise that javascript is hiding in my computer 's closet. It is probably doing a lot of little
things I, as a computer user take for granted. Some of them probably annoying, some of them extremely useful. SECOND
STEP: I read
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What Is PHP Functions And Methods In Programming
PHP Functions and Methods in Programming Every web developer should keep useful code snippets in a personal library
for future reference. You can see the most useful pieces of coding and functions realizing effects they have through library
functions from a list of several. Use of coding to make various functions performed is necessary when consistency is
required and reachable with good searching on the web. PHP Code Snippets That Can Help You with Your PHP Projects
Sanitize database inputs When inserting data into your database, you have to be careful about SQL injections and other
attempts to insert damaging data into a db. The function below is probably the most complete and efficient way to collect
strings before using them in your ... Show more content on ...
function getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($latitude1, $longitude1, $latitude2, $longitude2) { $theta = $longitude1 –
$longitude2; $miles = (sin(deg2rad($latitude1)) * sin(deg2rad($latitude2))) + (cos(deg2rad($latitude1)) *
cos(deg2rad($latitude2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta))); $miles = acos($miles); $miles = rad2deg($miles); $miles = $miles * 60 *
1.1515; $feet = $miles * 5280; $yards = $feet / 3; $kilometers = $miles * 1.609344; $meters = $kilometers * 1000; return
compact('miles','feet','yards','kilometers','meters'); } Example: $point1 = array('lat' => 40.770623, 'long' => –73.964367);
$point2 = array('lat' => 40.758224, 'long' => –73.917404); $distance = getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($point1['lat'],
$point1['long'], $point2['lat'], $point2['long']); foreach ($distance as $unit => $value) { echo $unit.':
'.number_format($value,4).' (–– removed HTML ––) '; } Useful PHP Code Snippets For developers Get all tweets of a
specific hashtag Here is a quick and easy way to get all kinds of tweets of specific use from the useful cURL library. The
following example retrieves all tweets with the #cat hashtag. function getTweets($hash_tag) { $url =
''.urlencode($hash_tag) ; echo " (–– removed HTML ––) Connecting to (––
removed HTML ––) $url (–– removed HTML ––) ... (–– removed HTML ––) "; $ch =
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Computer Science And Engineering, Amity University, Noida...
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I feel great pleasure in submitting the project work entitled JAVAAND ITS APPLICATIONS to
the department of computer science and engineering, Amity University, Noida. I am very obliged to our mentor MR AJAY
RANA, without whose active cooperation, involvement, support and guidance, this work would not been completed
successfully. He has provided us with the requisite information whenever needed. This has helped us immensely in carrying
out the work well within the given time limits. CONTENTS 1. History of java –origin 2. Introduction to java –what is java –
why to choose java –basic concepts of java 3. Java program –basic syntax of java program –3 basic rules of program –3
aspects of java syntax –3 oops principles – Primitive types – control statements 4. Multithread programming 5. Applets and
its concepts 6. Servlets 7. Library management – define –overview – Data tables – Codes – E–R model – Scope –
Conclusion 8. Bibliography History of java Origin: Approaches to programming have changed dramatically since the
invention of computer. Since 1994 Java has changed our expectations and technical world . . . In Today's world technology
has become a vital part of our day to day lives, we take it for granted that we can be easily connected anywhere. Moreover
we can access applications and content anywhere, anytime very comfortably. Java has increased our expectations as it
enables digital devices to be smarter, more
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Ob Essay
UML to Java Executable Code Generator Sai Priya Anumula, California State University, Fullerton Abstract Automatic
Code generation from UML diagrams gains much interest lately in software design, because it has many benefits as it
reduces the effort to generate code and moreover automated code is less error prone than writing code manually. However,
major challenges in this area include checking consistency of UML models, and ensuring accuracy, maintainability, and
efficiency of the generated code. In this paper we discuss a tool called UJECTOR,which is used for automatic generation of
executable java code from UML diagrams. UML diagrams like class diagram, sequence diagram and activity diagram are
passed as input to the tool UJECTOR ... Show more content on ...
UML activity diagrams are used to provide code completeness and user interactions. Activity diagrams are referenced in
sequence diagrams. 2. RELATED WORK 2.1. Enterprise Architect It converts Class or interface model elements into code.
It generates code in various languages like c, c#, c++, java, Visual Basic, Visual Basic. NET, Python, PHP, and Action Script.
In this Class and interface elements are required to generate code. 2.2. Eclipse UML Generators It bridges the gap between
UML models and source code. Eclipse does this by extracting data from UML models to generate source code or by reverse–
engineering source code to produce UML models. 2.3. Rhapsody This tool generates C++ code from UML object and state
chart diagrams. It also takes message sequence charts (MSC) as an additional input. The tool takes STATEMATE
representation of state chart as an input and generates C++ code. 2.4. dCode This tool generates Java code from UML object,
activity and state chart diagrams. From an analysis of the existing code generation tools for UML diagrams, we conclude
that: The completeness of the generated code is a big issue The generated code lacks object manipulation The generated
code lacks user interaction The existing work lacks understandability All the UML based code generation tools use older
versions of UML in code generation process instead of UML 2.x.Where as UML 2.x introduces new diagrams and features
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Key Features Of Using Java
Create a 3–5 page report covering the role of Java in industry today compared to C# and Objective–C. Your report should
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Java as compared to the other two?
Your report should include a use case describing the career path of a Java developer in the IT industry. What can one expect
to be doing as an entry level Java developer? What can one expect to be doing as a senior level Java developer? What are the
expectations in the journey between those two positions?
Java is an object oriented programming language and is considered as global standard for developing various types of
networked applications. This helps to keep the system flexible, modular and extensible. The key features of using ... Show
more content on ...
Java is a platform independent language that makes it very distinct from other languages. The platform independent quality
of java makes it very beneficial for the enterprise. One of the main features of java development is that it uses stack
allocation system for data storage. Java is a highly secure language and is user and developer friendly. Apart from this, an
enterprise can also reuse the code for developing any other applications on Java platform and these applications are dynamic
in nature.
C# and Java offer common syntax and were developed to reduce the coding bugs that are present in C and C++. C# uses
Visual studio as the programming platform and Java uses eclipse IDE and several others. C# is used in personal digital
assistant and mobile devices utilizing the .net compact framework. This framework supports different programming
languages making it compatible across various platforms. C# and Java are considered almost similar by the industry
professionals and can be used for database programming, web applications programming, desktop application programming
etc. Objective – C is an object oriented programming language that is used for mobile based application i.e. iPhone and iPad,
it may be safe to say that it is Apple product only. C# could be classified as windows platform only. However, Java is a
programming language that is offered across all platforms, thus making it a product for anyone and everyone that wants to
develop something for
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Java Programming
JAVA Programming PAPER Q1. A template argument is preceded by the keyword ________. ► vector ► class ► template
► type* Q2. Which of the following causes run time binding? ► Declaring object of abstract class ► Declaring pointer of
abstract class ► Declaring overridden methods as non–virtual ► None of the given Q3. A function template can not be
overloaded by another function template. ► True ► False Q4. Which of the following is the best approach if it is required
to have more than one functions having exactly same functionality and implemented on different data types? ► Templates
► Overloading ► Data hiding ► Encapsulation ... Show more content on ...
They are used in inheritance ► protected ► public ► private ► global Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) – Please choose one
Which of these are examples of error handling techniques ? ► Abnormal Termination ► Graceful Termination ► Return
the illegal ► all of the given Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) – Please choose one
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jawaban NIIT
40 questions of MMS2Q7_QT_V1.0_WebApp Using Java 01. Java EE Model, Web Component Model, Developing Servlets
and JSP QID Question & choices 1: Q7QT001 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following Java EE services includes life–
cycle, threading and remote object communication? 1, Deployment–based services 2, API–based services 3, Inherent
services 4, Vendor–specific services 2: Q7QT002 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following APIs exposes the internal
operation of the application server and its components for control and monitoring vendor neutral management tools? 1,
JAXP 2, JMX 3, JTA 4, JAAS 3: Q7QT003 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following APIs provides access to object
relational mapping services enabling ... Show more content on ...
2, It provides a means for configuring J2EE components and applications without requiring access to component source
code. 3, It is a .jar file. 4, It is the super archive file. 18: Q7QT008 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is correct in
reference to enterprise archive files? 1, It contains EJB component archive files, web component archive files, resource
adapter archive files, and client archive files. 2, It is an XML file. 3, It provides a means for configuring J2EE components
and applications without requiring access to component source code. 4, It might contain resource adaptors, Java classes, and
a deployment descriptor. 19: Q7QT009 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is incorrect in reference to resource
adapter? 1, It is a software component that has hooks into a container's transaction management, security, and resource
pooling subsystems. 2, It can request extended access to the system, beyond what would be allowed to an enterprise bean. 3,
It can make native calls, create or open network sockets that listen, create and delete threads, and read and write files. 4, It
provides a means for configuring Java EE components and applications without requiring access to component source code.
20: Q7QT010 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is incorrect in reference to Asynchronous component interaction? 1,
It uses request–notification
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Language Analysis
Line 1) In this line, the code begins with the variable. A variable in small basic contains information, and stores it so that it
can be used later on in the programme. The variable is called "FilePath" within this variable, the file with all the keywords is
stored. This will allow the keywords to be accessed and used throughout the rest of the programme. Line 2) This line is
another variable. A variable in small basic contains information, and stores it so that it can be used later on in the
programme. In this particular case, the variable is the query, it contains the sentence. "The Camera on my mobile phone is
not working", The word query is a relevant name, and it makes sense to use this. As you can see, this is my code working so
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Oopp Lab Work
CSE219 OBJECT – ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB Cycle Sheet – I 1. Create a class that registers your details by
taking, name, age and mail id. Create a function that prevents duplicate entries of objects based on (b) 2.
Create a class account that maintains acc_no, name, and balance. Perform deposit, withdrawal and statement print
operations. (statement print must print all the transactions that has taken place so for – use structures inside the class to
maintain the details about transactions)(b)
3. Create a class that holds the details of the mobile phone like brand, imei, no of sim cards, phone numbers etc.,. Allow user
to login ... Show more content on ...
List out the products available to the user and allow the user to select the products and the quantity. Overload * operator for
multiplying quantity with objects and overload + operator to add all the objects to find the total cost. Finally display the total
amount, quantity of each product with their brands, price etc.,. (e) 12. Write a c++ program that maintains the date in
(day/mon/year) format and overload the ++ & –– operator to view previous or next date from today's date. Ensure that the
day won't exceed 30/31 for certain months. (e)
13. Create a class that stores the details about a room in a hotel (private: room no, type, cost). Create subclasses like
Lounge(no.of people it can accommodate, A/C type(centralized/window), food preference, recreational facilities (as a string
array)) and deluxe room(A/C or non A/C, single/double bedded). Create a class that maintains the customer details (name,
age, address, phoneno). Allow booking of the room by the customer after checking the status of its availability. Overload the
booking function such that it can book a either a lounge or deluxe room for a customer.(l) 14. Create a c++ program that
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Computerizimg the Regitration Process at Universities
The University Student Registration System: a Case Study in Building a High–Availability Distributed Application Using
General Purpose Components
M. C. Little, S. M. Wheater, D. B. Ingham, C. R. Snow, H. Whitfield and S. K. Shrivastava
Department of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England.
Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in a single place, where they
would present a form which had previously been filled in by the student and their department. After registration this
information was then transferred to a computerised format. The University decided that the entire registration process was to
be computerised for the Autumn of ... Show more content on ...
The high availability requirement implies that the computerised registration system must be able to tolerate a 'reasonable'
number of machine and network related failures, and the consistency requirement implies that the integrity of stored data
(student records) must be maintained in the presence of concurrent access from users and the types of failures just
mentioned. It was expected that most human errors, such as incorrectly inputting data, would be detected by the system as
they occurred, but some "off–line" data manipulation would be necessary for errors which had not been foreseen. Tolerance
against catastrophic failures (such as complete electrical power failure, or a fire destroying much of the University
infrastructure) although desirable, was not considered within the remit of the registration system. A solution that would
require the University buying and installing specialist fault–tolerant computing systems, such as Tandem [1] or Stratus [2]
was not considered economically feasible. The only option worth exploring was exploiting the University 's existing
computing resources. Like most other universities, Newcastle has hundreds of networked computers (Unix workstations,
PCs, Macs) scattered throughout the campus. A solution that could make use of these resources and achieve availability by
deploying software–implemented fault–tolerance techniques certainly looked attractive.
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Software Development: Cohesion in Object Oriented Systems...
Sofware Develpment in JAVA
Table of Contents
Cohesion 1
Cohesion of methods 2
Cohesion of classes: 3 Cohesion for
readability...........................................................................................................................4 Cohesion for
Coupling 4
Encapsulation 5
Ease of maintenance....................................................................................................................................5 Too much
information ...............................................................................................................................5 Controlling
mutation....................................................................................................................................6 Private
methods.........................................................................................................................................7 Wrapping up with
refactoring...................................................................................................................7 Refactoring for language
Ease of ... Show more content on ...
The term cohesion is used to indicate the degree to which a class has a single, well–focused purpose. Cohesion can be
applied to classes and methods which should display a high degree of cohesion.
1.1 Cohesion of methods
From our assignment I took the Example of a cohesive method in Game class. public void play() { Room r3 =
house.getRandomRoom(); //v1 was getRoom(10) currentPlayer.setRoom(r3); //v1 was start game inside back door
// Enter the main command loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean
finished = false; while (! finished) { Command command = parser.getCommand(); finished = processCommand(command);
} System.out.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); }
/** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { System.out.println();
System.out.println("Welcome to ClueDark " + VERSION + ", the murder mystery!"); System.out.println("(brought to you
by Rob Allen, Swinburne Uni of Tech)"); System.out.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); System.out.println();
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Final Report Towards The Fulfillment Of My Course Cs5020 (...
CPT Final Report
Balaji Pulluri 700623394
Professor: Dr. Xiaodong Yue chair& Professor, Dept of Mats & Comp. Sci.
Subject: Submission of Final Report towards the fulfillment of my course CS5020 (Internship in Computer Science).
Job Duties
I was given the work as what a fulltime employment do but given a flexibility over deadline as I was an intern for first few
weeks. I have worked on developing a new interface for the category search and also working on the SEO tickets and fixing
the bugs. I worked on the tracking ticket, implementing the complete tracking(Click and Impression tracking) for a third
party data provider. I was working on JavaScript over NodeJs framework and the Jade Templating.
Worked on ... Show more content on ...
Now the user has different tabs for each of the above functionality stated. For the better and reliable of access to user, build a
new functionality that has all the three functionalities under one tab. Now on submitting, I have written an Action class to
populate the results on the same page.
Incorporating two new functionalities, one is user has the ability to check the items, which are needed to support the above
functionality. Previously the reorder or replacement function was in support for all the orders made. The other functionality
is the user needs to select the Reasons and based on the reason selected the sub–reasons should be provided to select.
Populating the Sub–reasons based on the reason selected by connecting to the database.
Working on the Full Reorder Tool by building UI and writing code of JavaAction classes and populating the results as per
the requirement. Building java pages for the Full Reorder tool and Internal Reorder Tool. Writing Reasons table in database
which are product specific and getting the results on UI of Full Reorder Tool. Building and Modifying the necessary changes
over Full Reorder working tool. Writing new tables and its properties into the database to store the items from the Full
Reorder tool. Needed to change the code over java files and jsp's for the UI changes. Adding Validations for the
Scripts.Debugging the errors in the Stage environment.
I also worked on Research of removing the delay of 400ms over tracking
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Free Enterprise System
The Free Enterprise System How the American System has changed Togar Johnson The 'American Dream' has recently
transformed into the American nightmare. More and More people are retiring broke and are looking for some type of
financial assistance either from families, government, or continuing to work past retirement. Not every American has the
skill set to run a successful business, but more often than not, most Americans do possess a skill set that can be used to
create individual wealth which each citizen will have complete control over. Therefore, Americans should embrace the
principles that this country was based on, which is free enterprise. In order to insure fiscal independence, Americans must
consider an essential component ... Show more content on ...
Immigrants are educated on exactly what their economy is in their own country as well as what going on in America. The
lack of education, in relation to the economy, displays an unfortunate example of what Americans are being taught in today's
society. Citizens of this country should be informed on exactly how our economy works instead of foreigners migrating here
and operate under those success principles and achieve that so–called 'American Dream.' Migrants come with a clear sense
of exactly how to truly be successful by creating personal wealth. Immigrants are nearly 30 percent more likely to start a
business than nonimmigrant's, and they represent 16.7 percent of all new business owners in the United States. Nearly 30
percent of all new business owners per month in New York, Florida, and Texas, are immigrants. (Fairlie et al., 2008) The
difference is most immigrants who come to this US have a great understanding and appreciation of what this country
represents. They did not come to the country because it was the place to be, but they come for the opportunity to fail and
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Gui Essay
function varargout = Test_GUI(varargin) % TEST_GUI MATLAB code for Test_GUI.fig % TEST_GUI, by itself, creates a
new TEST_GUI or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = TEST_GUI returns the handle to a new TEST_GUI or the
handle to % the existing singleton*. % % TEST_GUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local %
function named CALLBACK in TEST_GUI.M with the given input arguments. % % TEST_GUI('Property','Value',...)
creates a new TEST_GUI or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the
GUI before Test_GUI_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property
application % ... Show more content on ...
function varargout = Test_GUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see
VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB %
handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure
varargout{1} = handles.output; % ––– Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject,
eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version
of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % ––– Executes on button press in
pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) %
eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and
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Java Can Be A Machine Artificial Language Essay
Java could be a machine artificial language that 's coincidental, class–based, object–oriented, and significantly meant to own
as few usage conditions as would be prudent. it 's expected to let application designers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA),
implying that code that runs on one stage doesn 't need to be recompiled to run on AN alternate. Java applications ar
unremarkably incorporated to bytecode (class document) which will run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) . Java is, as of
2014, a standout amongst the foremost distinguished artificial language being employed, particularly for client server
internet applications. Java was ab initio created by James goose at Sun Microsystems (which has since amalgamated into
Oracle Corporation) and discharged in 1995 as a middle phase of Sun Microsystems ' Java stage. The language infers
abundant of its linguistic use from C and C++, nonetheless it 's less low–level offices than each of them. The first and
reference execution Java compilers, virtual machines, and sophistication libraries were made by Sun from 1991 and ab initio
discharged in 1995. As of could 2007, in consistence with the particulars of the Java Community method, Sun relicensed the
overwhelming majority of its Java innovations beneath the antelope General Public License. Others have to boot created
choice executions of those Sun innovations, as an example, the antelope Compiler for Java, antelope Classpath, and Icedtea–
History of Java:
James Gosling
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Vcenter Server Case Study
26. An administrator is able to manage an ESXi 6.x host connected to vCenter Server using the vSphere Web Client but is
unable to connect to the host directly. Which action should the administrator take to correct this behavior?
If ESXi host connected to vSphere Web Client is being accessed and can't be accessed directly, we should check that
Lockdown is not enabled. If it enabled, we should be disabled. Because if Lockdown is enabled, ESXi hosts can only be
accessed via vCenter Server, you cannot directly access any host.
27. An administrator wants to clone a virtual machine using the vSphere Client. Which explains why the Clone option is
To clone a VM can be perform from vCenter Server either you connected via vSphere Web ... Show more content on ...
32. An administrator notices that one virtual machine is in an orphaned state. What are reasons that a virtual machine can
appear as orphaned?
If a VM appears in orphaned state, this could cause a VMware High Availability host failure has occurred. And the virtual
machine was unregistered directly on the ESXi host.
33. What is the minimum Virtual Hardware version required for vFlash Read Cache? vFlash Read Cache was first in
vSphere 5.5, and the minimum Virtual Hardware version for vSphere 5.5 is version 10.
34. When attempting to remove a host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS), an administrator observes the error
The resource '10' is in use what are reasons why this error would be displayed?
Before removing vDS, it is ensured that VMkernel network adapters on the vDS are not in use. If any of resource of vDS is
being used, then above mentioned error message will appear.
35. An administrator tries to capture network traffic for a virtual machine, but cannot see the expected traffic in the packet
capture tool. Which step can resolve the problem?
If administrator needs to capture network traffic for a VM, he should Enable Promiscous Mode on the relevant port group.
36. An administrator is troubleshooting a CPU performance issue for a virtual machine. Which esxtop counters may
demonstrate CPU contention?
To test the performance of an ESXi host in the form of memory, CPU, and network
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  • 3. Import Java Case Study import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; public class WikiAnalyzer { public static class PageMapper extends Mapper (–– removed HTML ––) { private final static IntWritable LocValue = new IntWritable(1); StringBuffer OnePage = new StringBuffer(); Text ... Show more content on ... So, // discard the existing unprocessed page. DiscardPage (); } } else { if (OnePage.length() > 0) { OnePage.append(OneLine); } } } } public void cleanup (Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { } public void DiscardPage () { OnePage.setLength(0); } public void WriteResults(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int BegIdx = –1; int EndIdx = –1; Text LocKey; // Display page count by Writing key = (–– removed HTML ––) value 1 context.write(LocKey_PC, LocValue); // Find the Title tag and write it key = (–– removed HTML ––) ... (–– removed HTML ––) value 1 BegIdx = OnePage.indexOf(" (–– removed HTML ––) "); if (BegIdx > –1) EndIdx = OnePage.indexOf("/title>", BegIdx + 1); if (BegIdx > –1 && EndIdx > 1) { context.write(LocKey_TC, LocValue); // Title = OnePage.substring(BegIdx, EndIdx + 8); // LocKey = new Text(Title); // context.write (LocKey, LocValue); don't write the actual // title they are unique and not ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Python's Dictionary ( Dict ) Data Types Python's dictionary (dict) data type is a structure composed of "'key:value" pairs where a value is associated with a key used to look–up that value. In other languages, similar data structures are often known as associative arrays. Dictionary keys must be unique (among other keys in the dict) and immutable, but values can be mutable or immutable and can be any data type. Dictionaries themselves are mutable, which means that key:value pairs can be removed or added to dictionaries, or the value of any pair modified. Dictionaries have generally been considered "unordered" (order has actually been determined by the hash table, which is based on the specific Python implementation, and thus cannot be relied on). The hash table is actually a ... Show more content on ... Because Python dictionaries can contain data structures like lists and other dictionaries, the information in the creatureTypes dictionary could be extensive. Each entry in the dictionary might contain a dictionary specific to that creature. These dictionaries might have keys like "stats", "moves", etc. Getting the value at creatureTypes["CreatureType"]["stats"] might return a list of the stats the creature can have for each level it obtains. The list of moves a creature can learn, found at creatureTypes["CreatureType"]["moves"] might be a list where each index in the list corresponds to a level and the item at each index is another list of moves available at that level. This game might also have a dictionary of moves, where each move's name is a key and the value is a dictionary of that move's attributes, such as "type" for whether the move does magic or physical damage, and "power" for how strong the attack is. I'll note that, for the creatureTypes dictionary, I would choose to use lists over dictionaries for something that will be looked up by sequential integer values from 0 to n, such as creature stats for each level. Looking up a value in a dict by key is no faster than looking up a value in a list by index. Infact, lists look–up by index can be *slightly* faster; a dictionary look–up requires the key to be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is The Purpose Of Express. Js? Express.js Express.js is a Node.js framework. It's built around configuration and granular simplicity of Connect middleware. Some people compare Express.js to Ruby Sinatra vs. the bulky and opinionated Ruby on Rails. The purpose of Express.js with Node.js is that you don't have to repeat the same code over and over again. Node.js is a low–level I/O mechanism which has an HTTP module. If you just use an HTTP module, a lot of work like parsing the payload, cookies, storing sessions (in memory or in Redis), selecting the right route pattern based on regular expressions will have to be re– implemented. With Express.js it there for you to use. Express.js is useful to use with Node.js. An example would be to try to write a small REST API server ... Show more content on ... It's quite possible that one can accidently overwrite another variable that was already defined in early script written by you. Hence, it can easily cause an issue of conflict while working with various heavy applications that can make a debugging process more difficult to function. It's known as one of the major threat while handling Node.js platform but, fortunately, introducing a new CommonJS module standard has solved this tricky way of handling NodeJS coding styles. CommonJS is a project that was established in the year 2009 to standardize the working procedures for thousands of developers in JavaScript platforms outside the browser by specifying these basic three components at the time of working with modules: require() method to load the module into the code. exports object enable developers to expose a variety of Node JS code when loading the module to provide metadata information. CommonJS module implementation process deals with single JavaScript file utilities that have an isolated scope for working with its variables. It's always recommended working with Express while dealing with Node JS coding features as it combines Connect module that is an open source procedure with high flexibility of extending and exploring its functionalities. Express coding features are entirely built on top of the Connect module and prefer using its middleware architecture system ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Nt1310 Unit 5 Function Essay Points to remember about Function:  Function is defined by the standard types T & R where, input type is denoted as T and output type is denoted as R.  Method apply() is the prime abstract functional method of Function interface. It takes a parameter t of type T as input and yields an output object of type R.  There are two default methods in Function. The first default method is compose(), that combines the function on which it is activated (which is also mentioned as the current function) with another function that is named before, so that if the combined function is applied, then initially the before function is applied which changes the input type V to type T. Then, the current function alters the type T object to type R output. Accordingly, the combined function is attained whereas, compose() utilizes both the functions, in the course of converting type V to R.  ... Show more content on ... Accordingly, the combined function is attained by using andThen() default method utilizes both functions within the process to convert type T to type V.  Function also consists of a static method identity() which is a plain function, that returns the input as it is. As the name implies, functional programming is created on functions as a first–class feature. Java 8 perhaps uplifts functions to a first– class feature with the Lambda Project and functional ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented... Object–oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands... between developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid these. It's more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations. Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk ... Show more content on ... Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract & non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn't be inside a abstract class. An abstract method doesn't have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can't create abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){ System.out.println("red"); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static void main(String ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Impact Of Internet On The Internet Name: Payal Rajpurohit. Now a days, technology has made all day to day task very easy in everybody's life. It has been a very important part of every human, as people are surrounded by them from day to night. Computers has contributed a lot to our society and in each and every field of work. It can be easily said that the progress of every business has been gradually increased after the time when computers and internet has been introduced to the world. Internet is now a powerful source to share information, education and also in every field of businesses. Internet has undoubtedly being a very important part of today's generation life. We can do a lot of different task of our day to day life by just sitting at home such as paying bills, shopping, ordering food, groceries and a lot of entertainment as well. All these things are being done by just going to a particular websites, made by web developer. 'Websites' are a bunch of web pages which gives useful information and can also be an interactive, through which we can communicate with our friends. Looking at those websites and software, it seems to be a very difficult task to develop them, but it's not difficult and a very interesting job to do it. You will be getting introduced by a lot of different knowledge and designing as well as developing skills. There are lot of different programming and designing languages available as an open source, which anyone can use it to build their own websites and software. If you either ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Application For A Virtual Environment Divya Burugula Student ID 1295137 University of Houston–Clear Lake DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION ABSTRACT Trends in virtualization are always changing. As the technology matures and advances are made, there are more options open to administrators and more cost saving virtualization projects that can be implemented. The websites and articles listed in the reference section, give you some idea of the capability using the VMware product, which is simply one of several virtualization options. Virtualization allows for the maximizing of hardware through the sharing of resources. A virtualized environment is also easier to backup and restore for disaster recovery purposes. The purpose of this review is to look at virtualization from the ... Show more content on ... The desktop virtualization provides its users to maintain their desktops on a remote central server and the users connects this remote central server using a LAN or WAN through the internet. Desktop virtualization is broadly categorized into two categories depending upon the operating system instance is executed locally or remotely. The two categories of desktop virtualization are as follows: Host Based Desktop Virtualization Client Based Desktop Virtualization HOST–BASED DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION: In the host based virtual machines each and every user connects to a virtual machine that is hosted in a particular data center. The user may or may not connect to the same virtual machine every time and even sometimes the user may be allotted a random virtual machine from a virtual machine pool Sometimes the users connect to a shared desktop i.e. nothing but the users connect to the individual applications that run on a server. This kind of connection of the users to a shared desktop is termed as shared hosted desktop virtualization. In the host based virtual machines the operating systems runs directly on the physical hardware located in the data center. CLIENT BASED DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION: In the client based desktop virtualization, the processing is done on a local hardware. The client based desktop virtualization includes OS Streaming: In the client based desktop virtualization the operating systems run on a local hardware which ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close, so most programmers are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing those features, such as operator overloading, multiple inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use pointers, and provides automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management. Java is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance primitives, for simplicity, only supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces support multiple inheritance, and to support the implementation mechanism between classes and interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java language, C ++ language and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object– oriented programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet development and application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in basic Java application programming interfaces, it provides a programming library for network applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed applications Java language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Expion II : Kernel-Type Process Of The Opencl Program SECTION III: EXAMPLE OpenCL PROGRAM Using OpenCL in programming is relatively straightforward. First, write a kernel–type method in C; this is the code that will be run on a kernel. Next, identify the platform the code is running on, and the device it will execute on within that platform. Then you must instantiate a context from the device and create an instance of the kernel (this is the program). Next, send the kernel to the The following is a very short program written in C++ that uses the OpenCL interface. Its purpose is to print the name and capabilities of the device running it, and pass a string to the "demo" kernel. The Demo kernel fills the string with "CPE 186" and passes it back. __kernel void demo(__global char* ... Show more content on ... Figure 3: Running the built project on the development environment When run on the development environment, it was shown that OpenCL was run on a device called "Hawaii" (my development environment's R9 390 graphics card) which has forty available compute units; and the string result was "CPE 186". Figure 4: Running the built project on a laptop When run on my laptop, it instead ... Get more on ...
  • 12. My Curriculum Practical Training : The Whole Concepts Of... SUBMITTED BY UDAYGANESH KOMMALAPATI 700621789 ADVISOR: DR. XIAODONG YUE Respected Professor, I am UDAYGANESH KOMMALAPATI bearing the ID 700621789, working for TekInvaderz which is an Illinois based company focusing on building win–win relationship with the clients. Where I am reporting to Jaya Prakash Peddineni my supervisor. Below are his contact details. Name: Jaya Prakash Peddineni Email Office Address: 2488 E Oakton St, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Phone: +1 816–812–7274 During the period of my curriculum practical training I have learned the HADOOP technology, initial three weeks I was taught the concepts that I should be aware of in order to understand the whole concepts of HADOOP technology. In this regard I was taught collection framework in java at first. Listed below are the concepts that should be learned in order to properly understand HADOOP technology. Basics Required to Understand Hadoop Technology: Java Collection frame work (Because while writing map reduce jobs in HADOOP, we mainly use the collection framework in JAVA) What is BIG DATA? (Definition and basic terminology of BIG DATA, how to handle large sets of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Purchasing And Correctional System Chapter 2. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1: EXISTING AND PROPOSED SYSTEM EXISTING SYSTEM This existing system is not providing the secure registration and also profile management of all the users properly. This manual system gives us to very less security for the saving data and some data may be lost due to mismanagement. This system is not providing intranet based email facility in between users. This system is not providing any online facility to maintain and process data, hence takes a lot of time to send a request and process it. This system is not maintaining any user hierarchy. The system is giving only the less memory usage for the users. PROPOSED SYSTEM The development of this new system contains some following activities, which try to automate the entire all the process keeping in the view of database integration approach. This system maintains user's personal, address, and contact details. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system rich user interface. This system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. Various classes have been used for maintain the details of all the users and catalog. Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access. Report generation features is provided using to generate different kind of reports. This system provides the intranet based email services in between users. The system provides automatic alert ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Java, Java And Java Java 8 is one of the most notable changes to the Java programming language in Java history. Although profound, the changes enable developers to write programs more concisely, diminishing the complexity of verbose code. Our research uses Java 8 and its new functional features such as Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions to enable this Object Oriented Programming language to perform as a functional language. There are a number of advantages in legacy code migration such as improved code design, however, the task of migration is tedious. Existing refactoring tools may reduce the weight of the task but some useful features still require manual intervention. The focus of this research is placed on the new capabilities of Interfaces ... Show more content on ... This OOD model is based on objects and data rather than actions and logic unlike the historical logical procedure of programming which simply involved inputting data, processing it and producing output. Java's evolution (via the addition of new features) from Java 1.1to Java 7 has been well administered, but the release of Java 8 in March 2014 included some more profound changes than any other changes to Java in its history [1]. 2. Phase 1: Research Background The notable changes visited in our research include Lambda Expressions, Functional Interfaces, Default Methods and Method References – which are Functional Language Features. A Functional Language unlike OOD is based upon is when functions, not objects or procedures, are used as the fundamental building blocks of a program. i. Lambda Expressions Lambda expression (also known as an anonymous method) is a block of code that you can pass around so it can be executed later, once or multiple times. Since there are no function types in Java, functions are expressed as objects – instances of classes that implement a particular interface. Lambda expressions give you a convenient syntax for creating such instances. Lambdas also reduce verbosity caused by anonymous classes – making code more elegant and concise. For example: Before Lambdas Button btn = new Button(); final PrintStream pStream = ...; btn.setOnAction(new Event Handler(){ ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Sample Resume On Import Java /** * */ package edu.ilstu.it275.assigment5.Sbansa1; import java.util.Random; /** * /** Dueler Class with Attributes The private members are accessible in the * class itself while the public members can be accessed outside the class * * @author saurabh * */ public class Dueler { private int accuracy; private boolean alive = true; public Random random = new Random(); private int winsAaron; private int winsBob; private int winsCharles; private String name; public Dueler() { // Constructor with no Parameters. } /** * setter for method accuracy * * @param accuracy */ public void setAccuracy(int accuracy) { this.accuracy = accuracy; } // setter for name public void setName(String name) { = name; } /* * ShootAtTarget Method to generate Random Number if the random number is * zero the target that you shoot at is Hit */ public void shootAttarget(Dueler target) { int randomGen = random.nextInt(accuracy); if (randomGen == 0) { target.setAlive(false); if (accuracy == (1.0 / 3.0) && randomGen % 3 == 0) { target.setAlive(false); } else if (accuracy == (1.0 / 2.0) && randomGen % 2 == 0) { target.setAlive(false); } else if (accuracy == 1) { target.setAlive(false); } } } // getter for wins by Aaron public int getWinsAaron() { return winsAaron; } // setter for wins by Aaron public void setWinsAaron(int winsAaron) { this.winsAaron = winsAaron; } // getter for wins by bob ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Assignment On Object Oriented Programming TITLE PAGE COP 3330 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING NAME: DEVARSHI PATEL PID: 392427 DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016 Doing the research about the object oriented programming on online and also while being enrolled in this class I have learned so many new things about computer concepts, background and its languages throughout this fall semester. Which I would like to use and share that information I learned about object–oriented programming languages in this research paper. Even while looking more depth on online about object oriented languages, I got excited to learn more and more about different computer languages. In this research, I would share what object–oriented means, and also describe two languages of Object–oriented programming particularly I would use Java and C++ to compare and contrast while using their background information about each language of Java and C++ of an object–oriented programming language. First of all, let me begin with Object oriented programming. Object oriented programming is a type of a computer programming language in which begin with the basic concept of an object. Where to object is characterized by its states and behavior. The state is basically information about object known about itself and behavior is an action that object can do or react. For example, if you meet a new person the state is a name, address, height, weight, and so on and its behavior of a person can be speaking, read, write, run, walk, swim, jump, and so on. Objects are ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Object Oriented Programming FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (JAVA) IN INTERVIEWS 1)What is OOPs? Ans: Object oriented programming organizes a program around its data,i.e.,objects and a set of well defined interfaces to that data.An object–oriented program can be characterized as data controlling access to code. 2)what is the difference between Procedural and OOPs? Ans: a) In procedural program, programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are executed one after another. In OOPs program, unit of program is object, which is nothing but combination of data and code. b) In procedural program,data is exposed to the whole program whereas in OOPs program,it is accessible with in the object and which in turn assures the security of the code. ... Show more content on ... Ans: final : final keyword can be used for class, method and variables.A final class cannot be subclassed and it prevents other programmers from subclassing a secure class to invoke insecure methods.A final method can' t be overriddenA final variable can't change from its initialized value. finalize( ) : finalize( ) method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to garbage collecollection finally : finally, a key word used in exception handling, creates a block of code that will be executed after a try/catch block has completed and before the code following the try/catch block. The finally block will execute whether or not an exception is thrown. For example, if a method opens a file upon exit, then you will not want the code that closes the file to be bypassed by the exception–handling mechanism. This finally keyword is designed to address this contingency. 15)What is UNICODE? Ans: Unicode is used for internal representation of characters and strings and it uses 16 bits to represent each other. 16)What is Garbage Collection and how to call it explicitly? Ans: When an object is no longer referred to by any variable, java automatically reclaims memory used by that object. This is known as garbage collection.System.gc() method may be used to call it explicitly. 17)What is finalize() method ? Ans: finalize () method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Practical Training Report On Chatting Application A Practical Training Report On CHATTING APPLICATION Submitted to Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology Under the guidance of: By : Ms.ChetnaChaudhary KOMAL PANZADE VRINDA SHANDILYA DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY AMITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH, NOIDA (U.P.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would take this opportunity to thank Amity University for providing us the opportunity of doing research on a topic in the form of In–House training. We would also like to thank our Head of departmentfor Ms.NitashaHasteer her encouragement and support throughout for the successful completion of the project work. We would like to thank our Faculty GuideMs.ChetnaChaudharyfor her valuable guidance and support. She has been very kind and helpful to us. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to her for her help during the course of the project right from the selection of the project, her constant encouragement, expert academic and practical guidance. Last but not the least, we thank our parents whose invaluable support made the whole project possible and without them nothing would have been possible. KomalPanzade VrindaShandilya CERTIFICATE This is to certify that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Java Programming And Object Oriented Programming Java programming is widely used programming language that has a wide verity of application, such as; Mobile application, Enterprise Application, Desktop applications, etc. Java program was created by Sun Microsystems in early 1990s. It was created to solve the problem of connecting many household machines together. Java is class based and object oriented programming language. Java programming is secure, fast and reliable. It's free and created for the general purpose. Object Oriented is refers to a computer programming that defines the data of data structure and the types of functions that can be applied to the data structure. Classes: A class is specifically set of instructions that allow creating different objects, which define the ... Show more content on ... The class identifier should start with capital letter. A class should start in the first column of the line followed by the rest of header information– an identifier in the simplest case. In Java class has two access levels: In Java class has two access levels: Public: In class objects are accessible in coding in any package. Default: In class objects are accessible inside the package. Java keywords: The Java complier recognizes these keywords and treats them special (Fig–1): Fig–1 (Online Object: Object oriented is a software program that describes the data structure, data type but also the types of operations or functions that can be applied to the data structure. Like that data structure becomes an object, which includes data and functions. Object specifies the behavior that states each class. This program can create the relationship between one object and another, such as; object can inherit characteristic from another object. Object can be written and maintained independently Concepts of Object oriented programming: Principles: Inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism are the basic principles of Java programming: Abstraction: It's one of the central principles of object oriented programming. Abstraction is a process of abstracting the common features of objects and procedures. Abstraction takes away or removes the characteristic from something in order to reduce the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Railway Route Optimizer TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 1. Organization Profile 3. System Analysis 1. Existing system 2. Problem Definition 3. Proposed System 4. Requirement Analysis 5. Requirement Specifications 6. Feasibility study 4. System Design 1. Project Modules 2. Data Dictionary 3. Data Flow Diagrams 4. E–R Diagrams 5. Hardware And Software Requirements 5. System Testing 6. Software Tools Used 7 Technical Notes 1. Introduction To Real–time programming 2. Introduction to OOPS and Windows ... Show more content on ... In this train–id unique and this attribute does not allow any duplicate values Route : This module maintains the data about routes between stations and This module handle the routes tables and fields are route–id, starting–station, destination, timetakenforordinary, and timetakenforexpress. The module shows the graphical representation of a route between starting– station and destination. This module is very useful to know routes between any two stations and also know shortest path among the routes, and also gives graphical representation of the corresponding routes Search : This module maintains the data about trains, routes tables and this module gives reports on trains and routes, this module In this project has two active actors they are 1. Administrator 2.Traveller Administrator: The administrator has privileges on Stations, Trains, and Routes he can Add data into these tables and allow all operations on these tables. Once data is stored into these tables after the traveler can send a query on that data for generating reports. And he can easily find out which is the shortest path between two stations Traveler: The traveler has only privileges on search for a train and a route. The traveler sends queries to server and gets reports on the requested data and he will get graphical ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pt2520 Unit 5 Paper considered which are the available memory and CPUs cycles are.  Transitioner is responsible for controlling work units' states. Once there is an activity of each work unit, Transitioner will change its state. There are various state transitions that can be occurred. For example, if the volunteered device does not send any results back in the determined time, then the work unit's state will be changed to 'expired'. More on this, if there are enough returned results, Transitioner will change the state of work unit to 'ready to validate'.  Validator – since the volunteered clients are unreliable, the delivered results may be incorrect. To prevent this problem, BOINC server provides a mechanism called 'persistent redundant computing'. This mechanism performs the same task on two or more clients independently. In this component, there are two subtasks. The first task is to find out the valid results and the second one is to grant reward points to volunteers. After the validation is done, Assimilator will then start.  Assimilator is used to handle ... Show more content on ... Note that project administrator refers to staff who configure and maintain the system. In Fig. 5, the diagram illustrates the overall process of the platform. Initially, raw data for this experiment scenario are streamed to Data Preprocessing to construct the XML files. These XML files are then respectively send to the server. After querying the input data, the server splits one huge job into several small chunks of work units and sends requests to volunteered mobile devices. Once each volunteer accepts the request. The profile information of each device including the number of CPU's cycles, the size of storage as well as the free space of memory is sent to the server. After that the server manages, schedules, and assigns the proper number of work units that need to be processed and distributes them to the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Cop 3330 Object Oriented Programming. Daniel Gutierrez. COP 3330 Object Oriented Programming Daniel Gutierrez PID: 3923693 April 9, 2017 Object–oriented programming at its core is a practice of strategic thinking. Essentially, in OOP we tend to focus on objects rather than "actions" and data rather than logic. A key step in OOP is identifying the objects one wants to manipulate and observing how they relate to each other. The basic idea of OOP involves breaking up the code into objects that can message each other, which proves to be very beneficial. To better understand and use object–oriented programming as intended, I decided to investigate two different languages that implement the object–oriented approach to programming. I chose Java because I am already familiar with the syntax and its ... Show more content on ... C# is a general–purpose programming language as part of Microsoft's .NET initiative. It was designed for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). C# applications are compiled into bytecode that can run on implementations of the CLI. The fact that Microsoft own Visual Studio means that the IDE is not easily accessible to anyone, as Java is. That is later mentioned in the differences between the two. From an article that suggests that C# is an evolution of Java, I was able to gather evidence on the similarities between them and understand the ways that C# actually improves upon, when compared to Java. An interesting discovery in my research was that the keywords in Java language are very similar to the ones in C#; for example, new, bool, this, break, static, class, throw, virtual, and null. But they are a few different keywords in C# that simply are not the same as in Java. Furthermore, C# and Java share the same primitive data types, with the exception that C# uses the System namespace regarding those objects. In C# and Java, there is built–in garbage collection, it helps prevent memory leaks by removing objects that are no longer being used by the application. Basically, this means that, although memory leaks can occur, memory management is pretty much taken care for you. From an article that suggests that C# is an evolution of Java, I was able to gather evidence on the differences ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Example Of Import Java import java.util.Scanner; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class RoutingPerformance { private static ArrayList (–– removed HTML ––) req = new ArrayList (–– removed HTML ––) (); private static List (–– removed HTML ––) [][] table; private static Hashtable (–– removed HTML ––) routers = new Hashtable (–– removed HTML ––) (); private static Scanner s,s1,s2; private static int noc = 0,nsc = 0,nor = 0,nop = 0,nhops = 0,packetlosts = 0,delays = 0;//connection number,successfully ... Show more content on ... [i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; delay[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; load[i][j] = 0; finalload[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE/10; adjacentrouter[i][j] = 0; } } while (s1.hasNextLine()) { String line = s1.nextLine(); String[] temp = line.split(" "); hops[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = 1; delay[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); finalload[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); load[routers.get(temp[0])][routers.get(temp[1])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); hops[routers.get(temp[1])] [routers.get(temp[0])] = 1; delay[routers.get(temp[1])][routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); finalload[routers.get(temp[1])][routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); load[routers.get(temp[1])] [routers.get(temp[0])] = Integer.parseInt(temp[3]); } while (s2.hasNextLine()) { String line = s2.nextLine(); String[] temp = line.split(" "); Connection e = new Connection(Double.valueOf(temp[0]),Double.valueOf(temp[3]) + Double.valueOf(temp[0]),routers.get(temp[1]), routers.get(temp[2])); req.add(e); } Collections.sort(req, c); table = new List[nor][nor]; if (ROUTING_SCHEME.equals("SHP")) { for (int start = 0; start < nor; start++) { int[][] tempHops = new int[nor][nor]; for (int i = 0; i < nor; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nor; j++) { tempHops[i][j] = hops[i][j]; } } dja dij = new dja(tempHops, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Learning The Java Script Language Follow me and I will show you how I am going to learn how to program with Javascript. Up to this time, I have only been aware that such a simple scripting language existed. Having nothing better to do aaai have decided to learn. FIRST STEP: I checked out and downloaded some information. If I am not mistaken, javascript allows for more activity within an html file; since I know and understand html learning another language to enhance that should not be difficult. We shall see. I will share all of my frustrations with you. SECOND STEP: I read my first download. I learn why I should learn the java script language. I am informed by my friends at W3 that although I know html I am no programmer. Knowing and learning Javascript will give me an extra edge as it will allow for many little extras that html cannot do. Its purpose I learn as I read on is that it will allow information not originally put there to be added to an html document. (This sounds good or bad, depending on who is adding the information! yet my cold feet is not stopping me. I read on.) Java script creates cookies; (yum) can detect the browser of the one visiting your web site and can act accordingly and do all kinds of tricks. Along about this time I surmise that javascript is hiding in my computer 's closet. It is probably doing a lot of little things I, as a computer user take for granted. Some of them probably annoying, some of them extremely useful. SECOND STEP: I read ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What Is PHP Functions And Methods In Programming PHP Functions and Methods in Programming Every web developer should keep useful code snippets in a personal library for future reference. You can see the most useful pieces of coding and functions realizing effects they have through library functions from a list of several. Use of coding to make various functions performed is necessary when consistency is required and reachable with good searching on the web. PHP Code Snippets That Can Help You with Your PHP Projects Sanitize database inputs When inserting data into your database, you have to be careful about SQL injections and other attempts to insert damaging data into a db. The function below is probably the most complete and efficient way to collect strings before using them in your ... Show more content on ... function getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($latitude1, $longitude1, $latitude2, $longitude2) { $theta = $longitude1 – $longitude2; $miles = (sin(deg2rad($latitude1)) * sin(deg2rad($latitude2))) + (cos(deg2rad($latitude1)) * cos(deg2rad($latitude2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta))); $miles = acos($miles); $miles = rad2deg($miles); $miles = $miles * 60 * 1.1515; $feet = $miles * 5280; $yards = $feet / 3; $kilometers = $miles * 1.609344; $meters = $kilometers * 1000; return compact('miles','feet','yards','kilometers','meters'); } Example: $point1 = array('lat' => 40.770623, 'long' => –73.964367); $point2 = array('lat' => 40.758224, 'long' => –73.917404); $distance = getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($point1['lat'], $point1['long'], $point2['lat'], $point2['long']); foreach ($distance as $unit => $value) { echo $unit.': '.number_format($value,4).' (–– removed HTML ––) '; } Useful PHP Code Snippets For developers Get all tweets of a specific hashtag Here is a quick and easy way to get all kinds of tweets of specific use from the useful cURL library. The following example retrieves all tweets with the #cat hashtag. function getTweets($hash_tag) { $url = ''.urlencode($hash_tag) ; echo " (–– removed HTML ––) Connecting to (–– removed HTML ––) $url (–– removed HTML ––) ... (–– removed HTML ––) "; $ch = ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Computer Science And Engineering, Amity University, Noida... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I feel great pleasure in submitting the project work entitled JAVAAND ITS APPLICATIONS to the department of computer science and engineering, Amity University, Noida. I am very obliged to our mentor MR AJAY RANA, without whose active cooperation, involvement, support and guidance, this work would not been completed successfully. He has provided us with the requisite information whenever needed. This has helped us immensely in carrying out the work well within the given time limits. CONTENTS 1. History of java –origin 2. Introduction to java –what is java – why to choose java –basic concepts of java 3. Java program –basic syntax of java program –3 basic rules of program –3 aspects of java syntax –3 oops principles – Primitive types – control statements 4. Multithread programming 5. Applets and its concepts 6. Servlets 7. Library management – define –overview – Data tables – Codes – E–R model – Scope – Conclusion 8. Bibliography History of java Origin: Approaches to programming have changed dramatically since the invention of computer. Since 1994 Java has changed our expectations and technical world . . . In Today's world technology has become a vital part of our day to day lives, we take it for granted that we can be easily connected anywhere. Moreover we can access applications and content anywhere, anytime very comfortably. Java has increased our expectations as it enables digital devices to be smarter, more ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ob Essay UML to Java Executable Code Generator Sai Priya Anumula, California State University, Fullerton Abstract Automatic Code generation from UML diagrams gains much interest lately in software design, because it has many benefits as it reduces the effort to generate code and moreover automated code is less error prone than writing code manually. However, major challenges in this area include checking consistency of UML models, and ensuring accuracy, maintainability, and efficiency of the generated code. In this paper we discuss a tool called UJECTOR,which is used for automatic generation of executable java code from UML diagrams. UML diagrams like class diagram, sequence diagram and activity diagram are passed as input to the tool UJECTOR ... Show more content on ... UML activity diagrams are used to provide code completeness and user interactions. Activity diagrams are referenced in sequence diagrams. 2. RELATED WORK 2.1. Enterprise Architect It converts Class or interface model elements into code. It generates code in various languages like c, c#, c++, java, Visual Basic, Visual Basic. NET, Python, PHP, and Action Script. In this Class and interface elements are required to generate code. 2.2. Eclipse UML Generators It bridges the gap between UML models and source code. Eclipse does this by extracting data from UML models to generate source code or by reverse– engineering source code to produce UML models. 2.3. Rhapsody This tool generates C++ code from UML object and state chart diagrams. It also takes message sequence charts (MSC) as an additional input. The tool takes STATEMATE representation of state chart as an input and generates C++ code. 2.4. dCode This tool generates Java code from UML object, activity and state chart diagrams. From an analysis of the existing code generation tools for UML diagrams, we conclude that: The completeness of the generated code is a big issue The generated code lacks object manipulation The generated code lacks user interaction The existing work lacks understandability All the UML based code generation tools use older versions of UML in code generation process instead of UML 2.x.Where as UML 2.x introduces new diagrams and features ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Key Features Of Using Java Create a 3–5 page report covering the role of Java in industry today compared to C# and Objective–C. Your report should cover: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Java as compared to the other two? Your report should include a use case describing the career path of a Java developer in the IT industry. What can one expect to be doing as an entry level Java developer? What can one expect to be doing as a senior level Java developer? What are the expectations in the journey between those two positions? Java is an object oriented programming language and is considered as global standard for developing various types of networked applications. This helps to keep the system flexible, modular and extensible. The key features of using ... Show more content on ... Java is a platform independent language that makes it very distinct from other languages. The platform independent quality of java makes it very beneficial for the enterprise. One of the main features of java development is that it uses stack allocation system for data storage. Java is a highly secure language and is user and developer friendly. Apart from this, an enterprise can also reuse the code for developing any other applications on Java platform and these applications are dynamic in nature. C# and Java offer common syntax and were developed to reduce the coding bugs that are present in C and C++. C# uses Visual studio as the programming platform and Java uses eclipse IDE and several others. C# is used in personal digital assistant and mobile devices utilizing the .net compact framework. This framework supports different programming languages making it compatible across various platforms. C# and Java are considered almost similar by the industry professionals and can be used for database programming, web applications programming, desktop application programming etc. Objective – C is an object oriented programming language that is used for mobile based application i.e. iPhone and iPad, it may be safe to say that it is Apple product only. C# could be classified as windows platform only. However, Java is a programming language that is offered across all platforms, thus making it a product for anyone and everyone that wants to develop something for ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Java Programming JAVA Programming PAPER Q1. A template argument is preceded by the keyword ________. ► vector ► class ► template ► type* Q2. Which of the following causes run time binding? ► Declaring object of abstract class ► Declaring pointer of abstract class ► Declaring overridden methods as non–virtual ► None of the given Q3. A function template can not be overloaded by another function template. ► True ► False Q4. Which of the following is the best approach if it is required to have more than one functions having exactly same functionality and implemented on different data types? ► Templates ► Overloading ► Data hiding ► Encapsulation ... Show more content on ... They are used in inheritance ► protected ► public ► private ► global Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) – Please choose one Which of these are examples of error handling techniques ? ► Abnormal Termination ► Graceful Termination ► Return the illegal ► all of the given Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) – Please choose one ... Get more on ...
  • 30. jawaban NIIT 40 questions of MMS2Q7_QT_V1.0_WebApp Using Java 01. Java EE Model, Web Component Model, Developing Servlets and JSP QID Question & choices 1: Q7QT001 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following Java EE services includes life– cycle, threading and remote object communication? 1, Deployment–based services 2, API–based services 3, Inherent services 4, Vendor–specific services 2: Q7QT002 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following APIs exposes the internal operation of the application server and its components for control and monitoring vendor neutral management tools? 1, JAXP 2, JMX 3, JTA 4, JAAS 3: Q7QT003 Mark: 1 Solution: Which of the following APIs provides access to object relational mapping services enabling ... Show more content on ... 2, It provides a means for configuring J2EE components and applications without requiring access to component source code. 3, It is a .jar file. 4, It is the super archive file. 18: Q7QT008 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is correct in reference to enterprise archive files? 1, It contains EJB component archive files, web component archive files, resource adapter archive files, and client archive files. 2, It is an XML file. 3, It provides a means for configuring J2EE components and applications without requiring access to component source code. 4, It might contain resource adaptors, Java classes, and a deployment descriptor. 19: Q7QT009 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is incorrect in reference to resource adapter? 1, It is a software component that has hooks into a container's transaction management, security, and resource pooling subsystems. 2, It can request extended access to the system, beyond what would be allowed to an enterprise bean. 3, It can make native calls, create or open network sockets that listen, create and delete threads, and read and write files. 4, It provides a means for configuring Java EE components and applications without requiring access to component source code. 20: Q7QT010 Mark: 2 Solution: Which of the following is incorrect in reference to Asynchronous component interaction? 1, It uses request–notification ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nt1310 Unit 3 Language Analysis Line 1) In this line, the code begins with the variable. A variable in small basic contains information, and stores it so that it can be used later on in the programme. The variable is called "FilePath" within this variable, the file with all the keywords is stored. This will allow the keywords to be accessed and used throughout the rest of the programme. Line 2) This line is another variable. A variable in small basic contains information, and stores it so that it can be used later on in the programme. In this particular case, the variable is the query, it contains the sentence. "The Camera on my mobile phone is not working", The word query is a relevant name, and it makes sense to use this. As you can see, this is my code working so ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Oopp Lab Work CSE219 OBJECT – ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB Cycle Sheet – I 1. Create a class that registers your details by taking, name, age and mail id. Create a function that prevents duplicate entries of objects based on (b) 2. Create a class account that maintains acc_no, name, and balance. Perform deposit, withdrawal and statement print operations. (statement print must print all the transactions that has taken place so for – use structures inside the class to maintain the details about transactions)(b) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3. Create a class that holds the details of the mobile phone like brand, imei, no of sim cards, phone numbers etc.,. Allow user to login ... Show more content on ... List out the products available to the user and allow the user to select the products and the quantity. Overload * operator for multiplying quantity with objects and overload + operator to add all the objects to find the total cost. Finally display the total amount, quantity of each product with their brands, price etc.,. (e) 12. Write a c++ program that maintains the date in (day/mon/year) format and overload the ++ & –– operator to view previous or next date from today's date. Ensure that the day won't exceed 30/31 for certain months. (e) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 13. Create a class that stores the details about a room in a hotel (private: room no, type, cost). Create subclasses like Lounge(no.of people it can accommodate, A/C type(centralized/window), food preference, recreational facilities (as a string array)) and deluxe room(A/C or non A/C, single/double bedded). Create a class that maintains the customer details (name, age, address, phoneno). Allow booking of the room by the customer after checking the status of its availability. Overload the booking function such that it can book a either a lounge or deluxe room for a customer.(l) 14. Create a c++ program that ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Computerizimg the Regitration Process at Universities The University Student Registration System: a Case Study in Building a High–Availability Distributed Application Using General Purpose Components M. C. Little, S. M. Wheater, D. B. Ingham, C. R. Snow, H. Whitfield and S. K. Shrivastava Department of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England. Abstract Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in a single place, where they would present a form which had previously been filled in by the student and their department. After registration this information was then transferred to a computerised format. The University decided that the entire registration process was to be computerised for the Autumn of ... Show more content on ... The high availability requirement implies that the computerised registration system must be able to tolerate a 'reasonable' number of machine and network related failures, and the consistency requirement implies that the integrity of stored data (student records) must be maintained in the presence of concurrent access from users and the types of failures just mentioned. It was expected that most human errors, such as incorrectly inputting data, would be detected by the system as they occurred, but some "off–line" data manipulation would be necessary for errors which had not been foreseen. Tolerance against catastrophic failures (such as complete electrical power failure, or a fire destroying much of the University infrastructure) although desirable, was not considered within the remit of the registration system. A solution that would require the University buying and installing specialist fault–tolerant computing systems, such as Tandem [1] or Stratus [2] was not considered economically feasible. The only option worth exploring was exploiting the University 's existing computing resources. Like most other universities, Newcastle has hundreds of networked computers (Unix workstations, PCs, Macs) scattered throughout the campus. A solution that could make use of these resources and achieve availability by deploying software–implemented fault–tolerance techniques certainly looked attractive. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Software Development: Cohesion in Object Oriented Systems... Sofware Develpment in JAVA Table of Contents Cohesion 1 Cohesion of methods 2 Cohesion of classes: 3 Cohesion for readability...........................................................................................................................4 Cohesion for reuse....................................................................................................................................4 Coupling 4 Encapsulation 5 Ease of maintenance....................................................................................................................................5 Too much information ...............................................................................................................................5 Controlling mutation....................................................................................................................................6 Private methods.........................................................................................................................................7 Wrapping up with refactoring...................................................................................................................7 Refactoring for language independence..................................................................................................7 Ease of ... Show more content on ... The term cohesion is used to indicate the degree to which a class has a single, well–focused purpose. Cohesion can be applied to classes and methods which should display a high degree of cohesion. 1.1 Cohesion of methods From our assignment I took the Example of a cohesive method in Game class. public void play() { Room r3 = house.getRandomRoom(); //v1 was getRoom(10) currentPlayer.setRoom(r3); //v1 was start game inside back door printWelcome(); // Enter the main command loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean finished = false; while (! finished) { Command command = parser.getCommand(); finished = processCommand(command); } System.out.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Welcome to ClueDark " + VERSION + ", the murder mystery!"); System.out.println("(brought to you by Rob Allen, Swinburne Uni of Tech)"); System.out.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); System.out.println(); System.out.println(currentPlayer); ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Final Report Towards The Fulfillment Of My Course Cs5020 (... CPT Final Report Balaji Pulluri 700623394 Professor: Dr. Xiaodong Yue chair& Professor, Dept of Mats & Comp. Sci. Subject: Submission of Final Report towards the fulfillment of my course CS5020 (Internship in Computer Science). Job Duties I was given the work as what a fulltime employment do but given a flexibility over deadline as I was an intern for first few weeks. I have worked on developing a new interface for the category search and also working on the SEO tickets and fixing the bugs. I worked on the tracking ticket, implementing the complete tracking(Click and Impression tracking) for a third party data provider. I was working on JavaScript over NodeJs framework and the Jade Templating. Worked on ... Show more content on ... Now the user has different tabs for each of the above functionality stated. For the better and reliable of access to user, build a new functionality that has all the three functionalities under one tab. Now on submitting, I have written an Action class to populate the results on the same page. Incorporating two new functionalities, one is user has the ability to check the items, which are needed to support the above functionality. Previously the reorder or replacement function was in support for all the orders made. The other functionality is the user needs to select the Reasons and based on the reason selected the sub–reasons should be provided to select. Populating the Sub–reasons based on the reason selected by connecting to the database. Working on the Full Reorder Tool by building UI and writing code of JavaAction classes and populating the results as per the requirement. Building java pages for the Full Reorder tool and Internal Reorder Tool. Writing Reasons table in database which are product specific and getting the results on UI of Full Reorder Tool. Building and Modifying the necessary changes over Full Reorder working tool. Writing new tables and its properties into the database to store the items from the Full Reorder tool. Needed to change the code over java files and jsp's for the UI changes. Adding Validations for the Scripts.Debugging the errors in the Stage environment. I also worked on Research of removing the delay of 400ms over tracking ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Free Enterprise System The Free Enterprise System How the American System has changed Togar Johnson The 'American Dream' has recently transformed into the American nightmare. More and More people are retiring broke and are looking for some type of financial assistance either from families, government, or continuing to work past retirement. Not every American has the skill set to run a successful business, but more often than not, most Americans do possess a skill set that can be used to create individual wealth which each citizen will have complete control over. Therefore, Americans should embrace the principles that this country was based on, which is free enterprise. In order to insure fiscal independence, Americans must consider an essential component ... Show more content on ... Immigrants are educated on exactly what their economy is in their own country as well as what going on in America. The lack of education, in relation to the economy, displays an unfortunate example of what Americans are being taught in today's society. Citizens of this country should be informed on exactly how our economy works instead of foreigners migrating here and operate under those success principles and achieve that so–called 'American Dream.' Migrants come with a clear sense of exactly how to truly be successful by creating personal wealth. Immigrants are nearly 30 percent more likely to start a business than nonimmigrant's, and they represent 16.7 percent of all new business owners in the United States. Nearly 30 percent of all new business owners per month in New York, Florida, and Texas, are immigrants. (Fairlie et al., 2008) The difference is most immigrants who come to this US have a great understanding and appreciation of what this country represents. They did not come to the country because it was the place to be, but they come for the opportunity to fail and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Gui Essay function varargout = Test_GUI(varargin) % TEST_GUI MATLAB code for Test_GUI.fig % TEST_GUI, by itself, creates a new TEST_GUI or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = TEST_GUI returns the handle to a new TEST_GUI or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % TEST_GUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in TEST_GUI.M with the given input arguments. % % TEST_GUI('Property','Value',...) creates a new TEST_GUI or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before Test_GUI_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % ... Show more content on ... function varargout = Test_GUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % ––– Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % ––– Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Java Can Be A Machine Artificial Language Essay Java could be a machine artificial language that 's coincidental, class–based, object–oriented, and significantly meant to own as few usage conditions as would be prudent. it 's expected to let application designers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), implying that code that runs on one stage doesn 't need to be recompiled to run on AN alternate. Java applications ar unremarkably incorporated to bytecode (class document) which will run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) . Java is, as of 2014, a standout amongst the foremost distinguished artificial language being employed, particularly for client server internet applications. Java was ab initio created by James goose at Sun Microsystems (which has since amalgamated into Oracle Corporation) and discharged in 1995 as a middle phase of Sun Microsystems ' Java stage. The language infers abundant of its linguistic use from C and C++, nonetheless it 's less low–level offices than each of them. The first and reference execution Java compilers, virtual machines, and sophistication libraries were made by Sun from 1991 and ab initio discharged in 1995. As of could 2007, in consistence with the particulars of the Java Community method, Sun relicensed the overwhelming majority of its Java innovations beneath the antelope General Public License. Others have to boot created choice executions of those Sun innovations, as an example, the antelope Compiler for Java, antelope Classpath, and Icedtea– Web. History of Java: James Gosling ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Vcenter Server Case Study 26. An administrator is able to manage an ESXi 6.x host connected to vCenter Server using the vSphere Web Client but is unable to connect to the host directly. Which action should the administrator take to correct this behavior? If ESXi host connected to vSphere Web Client is being accessed and can't be accessed directly, we should check that Lockdown is not enabled. If it enabled, we should be disabled. Because if Lockdown is enabled, ESXi hosts can only be accessed via vCenter Server, you cannot directly access any host. 27. An administrator wants to clone a virtual machine using the vSphere Client. Which explains why the Clone option is missing? To clone a VM can be perform from vCenter Server either you connected via vSphere Web ... Show more content on ... 32. An administrator notices that one virtual machine is in an orphaned state. What are reasons that a virtual machine can appear as orphaned? If a VM appears in orphaned state, this could cause a VMware High Availability host failure has occurred. And the virtual machine was unregistered directly on the ESXi host. 33. What is the minimum Virtual Hardware version required for vFlash Read Cache? vFlash Read Cache was first in vSphere 5.5, and the minimum Virtual Hardware version for vSphere 5.5 is version 10. 34. When attempting to remove a host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS), an administrator observes the error message: The resource '10' is in use what are reasons why this error would be displayed? Before removing vDS, it is ensured that VMkernel network adapters on the vDS are not in use. If any of resource of vDS is being used, then above mentioned error message will appear. 35. An administrator tries to capture network traffic for a virtual machine, but cannot see the expected traffic in the packet capture tool. Which step can resolve the problem? If administrator needs to capture network traffic for a VM, he should Enable Promiscous Mode on the relevant port group. 36. An administrator is troubleshooting a CPU performance issue for a virtual machine. Which esxtop counters may demonstrate CPU contention? To test the performance of an ESXi host in the form of memory, CPU, and network ... Get more on ...